MINUTES - Council - 19901128MINUTES
NO. 53-90
York Region Board of Education Administrative Offices
Wednesday, November 28, 1990
8:00 p.m.
COUNCIL MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Mayor West in Chair; Councillors
Jones, Mcintyre, McKenzie, Ochalski,
Pedersen, Stewart, Timpson and
STAFF MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Chief Administrative Officer, Clerk,
Deputy Clerk, Director of Building
Administration, Director of Planning,
Director of Leisure Services,
Director of Personnel, Director of
Public Works, Fire Chief, Treasurer.
Councillor McKenzie declared a possible Conflict of Interest in
Recommendations No. 3 and 13 of Report No. 52-90 of the Planning Advisory
Committee relating to Report PL90-148-371, due to ownership of property in
the immediate area, and did not take part in or vote on any questions in
this regard, or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such questions.
Councillor McKenzie also declared a possible Conflict of Interest in
Accounts paid to Herb McKenzie Auto Parts, due to monetary interest in same,
and did not take part in or vote on any questions in this regard, or attempt
in any way to influence the voting on such questions.
Mayor West declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Accounts paid to Oak
Ridges Home Hardware, and did not take part in or vote on any questions in
this regard, or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such questions.
Councillor Timpson declared a possible Conflict of Interest in
Recommendation No. 7, the portion of Report No. 52-90 of the Planning
Advisory Committee, relating to Site Plan Application No. SP-90-28 by the
York Region Board of Education, due to employment with same, and did not
take part in or vote on any questions in this regard, or attempt in any way
to influence the voting on such questions.
#709. Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT the content of the Agenda be amended by the addition thereto
of the letter of November 28, 1990 from Beacon Hall, and the letter
of November 27, 1990 from Dr. John Cole, M.P., enclosing
correspondence of November 22, 1990 from Canada Post.
Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre
THAT the content of the Agenda be approved as amended.
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Wednesday, November 28, 1990
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Mayor West to Mr •. Jack Trott, 1990 Campaign Chairman, United Way of York
Mayor West made a presentation of $1,617.00. to Mr. Jack Trott, 1990
Campaign Chairman for the United Way of York Region. The funds were raised
by Council and Staff of the Town of Aurora through activities such as the
barbecue and the silent auction.
Mr. Trott expressed his appreciation and noted that the presentation
represented an increase by 50% over last year's presentation. He also noted
that donations from the Public Service and Education Sectors generally had
exceeded expectations. However, Mr. Trott stated that the United Way was
$200,000.00. short of its goal for this year and had decided to extend the
Campaign by two weeks, until December 14, 1990. He then asked the Town to
do everything in its power to promote the Campaign up to the new final date.
Council Minutes No. 48-90, Wednesday, October 24, 1990; Special Council -
Public Planning Minutes No. 49-90, Thursday, October. 25, 1990; Council
Minutes No. 51-90, Wednesday, November 14, 1990
#711. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Stewart
THAT the minutes of meeting numbers 48-90, 49-90, and 51-90, be
adopted as printed and circulated.
#712. Moved by Councillor Mcintyre Seconded by Councillor Weller
THAT the following Accounts in the total amount of $1,138,237.33,
details of which are on file with the Treasury Office, are approved
by Council for payment and the seal of the Corporation be attached
Cheque #14013 TO #10481
Cheque #14082 TO #14162
Cheque #14163 TO #14266
Manual Cheques
397/90 TO 401/90
$ 550,995.23
$ 10,125;00
$ 557,088.32
$ 20,028.78
Councillor McKenzie, having previously declared a possible Conflict of
Interest in Accounts paid to Herb McKenzie Auto Parts, did not take part in
the vote called for payment of this account.
Mayor West, having previously declared a possible Conflict of Interest in
Accounts paid to Oak Ridges Home Hardware, placed Deputy Mayor Timpson in
the Chair and did not take part in the vote ca 11 ed for payment of this
Correspondence and Petitions
Markham-Vaughan Environmental Action re: Letter of Thanks for Support
THAT the correspondence be received as information.
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Wednesday, November 28, 1990
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Toronto and Region a 1 Crime Stoppers re: Request for Proclamation of the
month of January, 1991, as "Crime Stoppers Month"
THAT the month of January, 1991, be proclaimed "Crime Stoppers
Month" in the Town of Aurora.
Committee of Adjustment re: Notice of Decisions, W.C. Pietz Limited,
A-39-90 and A-40-90
THAT the correspondence be received as information.
Committee of Adjustment re: Notice of Decision, St. Andrew's Valley Golf
and Country Club, B-25-90
THAT the correspondence be received as information.
Committee of Adjustment re: Notice of Decision, Bill Keir, A-42-90
THAT the correspondence be received as information.
Committee of Adjustment re: Notice of Decision, Torcan Chemical Ltd.,
THAT the correspondence be received as information.
Residents of Maple, Mark and Spruce Streets re: Request for Installation
of Crossing Guard
THAT the request be received and referred to the Director of Public
Works for a Report.
Staff Reports
LS90-045-382 -Lease Renewal -Theatre Aurora
THAT Counci 1 approve the renewa 1 of the 1 ease for use of the
Factory Theatre for a five-year term commencing January 1, 1991,
with expiration December 31, 1995 in the amount of $2.00 per annum
with Theatre Aurora.
PL90-154-383 -Proposed Site Plan Agreement Between The Town of Aurora and
738057 Ontario Limited, 2-8 Allaura Boulevard, D11-27-90
THAT subject to the provision of all financial securities,
applicable fees and levies, Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk
to sign a Site Plan Agreement between the Town of Aurora and 738057
Ontario Limited.
PW90-108-384 -Removal of Old Light Posts and Restoration of Sidewalk on
Yonge Street
THAT Council approve an expenditure of $4,000.00 to remove nine old
lamp posts from Yonge Street and restore sidewalks, to be allocated
in the 1991 Budget.
PW90-109-385 -Water Swabbing -Contract P.W.-1990-10
THAT payment for the swabbing of watermains within the Town of
Aurora in the amount of $20,671.42 be approved for payment, from
Operations Account 460-312 as per Contract P.W.-1990-10.
PW90-110-386 -Completion Certificate, Tender No. P.W.-1990-08, Bulk Water
Dispensing Station
THAT the Comp 1 eti on Certificate for Contract No. P. W. -1990-08 for
the "Bulk Water Dispensing Station" payable to Marlborough
Construction Ltd., in the amount of $42,640.00 be approved.
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Wednesday, November 28, 1990
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Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Weller
THAT the reso 1 uti ons respecting the foregoing matters be. adopted,
and Staff be authorized to take all necessary actions required to
give effect to same.
Municipality of Village of Millbrook re: Resolution -Collection of Taxes
on Behalf of School Boards
#714. Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT Council decline to endorse the resolution of the Municipality
of the Village of Mill brook, because the proposa 1 might 1 ead to
unnecessary duplication of collection activities, and because it
would deprive the Town of interest generated from amounts collected.
Mrs. Coralie Leslie, Resident re: Barriers to Vehicular Traffic -Centre
#715. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Ochalski
THAT the correspondence be referred to the Northeast Traffic
Quadrant Committee, and;
THAT Mrs. Les 1 i e be informed that she will have an opportunity to
address the Committee, but that the Committee will not meet prior
to early in 1991.
Town of Newmarket re: Endorsement of Resolution -Copper Pipes -Natural
Gas Distribution
#716. Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT the resolution be referred to the Director of Building
Administration for clarification as to its basis and intent.
Township of North Himsworth re: Endorsement of Reso 1 uti on -Methods for
Decreasing Garbage
#717. Moved by Councillor Ochalski Seconded by Councillor Timpson
THAT Council of the Town of Aurora endorse the resolution of the
Township of North Himsworth, and that a letter to this effect be
sent to the Ministry of Environment.
Planning Advisory Committee Minutes No. 52-90, Monday, November 19, 1990
#718. Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT the Minutes of the Planning Advisory Committee Meeting Number
52-90 be received, and that the recommendations carried by the
Committee be adopted with the exception of Recommendation No. 14,
with regard to Report LS90-047-377 -(Town of Aurora Bandshell -
• Aurora Council Minutes No. 53-90
Wednesday, November 28, 1990
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Councillor Timpson, having previously declared a possible Conflict of
Interest in Application SP-90-28 by the York Region Board of Education, did
not take part in the vote called for adoption of this portion of the
Councillor McKenzie, having previously declared a possible Conflict of
Interest in the delegation of Ms. Leeming, and in Report PL90-148-371 (5
Industrial Parkway South), did not take part in the vote called for adoption
of this portion of the resolution.
LS90-047-377 -Town of Aurora Bandshell -Renovations
#719. Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT Council authorize an expenditure of up to $20,000.00. to
correct structural deficiencies at the bandshell, and that a budget
reallocation of $20,000,00. from Capital Account 750-962 be
established for this project.
On a recorded vote the resolution CARRIED.
VOTING YEA: Mayor West; Councillors Jones, Mcintyre, McKenzie, Ochalski,
Pedersen, Stewart and Timpson.
VOTING NAY: Councillor Weller
ADM90-013-388 -Development of New Cemetery Lands and Beacon Hall Letter
#720. Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Weller
THAT this matter be deferred to permit further discussion between
Beacon Hall and the Ad Hoc Cemetery Committee in order to determine
whether the area may be fenced in a matter that is satisfactory to
both parties.
CL90-035-389 -Temporary Student for F.O.I.
#721. Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT the employment by the Town of a student from the Seneca
College Co-operative Education/Placement Centre for the January -
April 1991 Work Term to assist with organization of Town records in
order to respond to the Municipal Freedom of Information and
Privacy Act, 1989, be approved.
CL90-036-390 -9-1-1 Emergency Response Municipal Numbering Implementation
#722. Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT Council approve the advising of affected residents within the
Municipality of the final implementation of the rural
numbering/renumbering program to give effect to the 9-1-1 Emergency
Response System.
THAT July 1st, 1991, be selected as the effective date for
changeover to the new numbering scheme.
THAT the methodology by which the numbers will be provided,
installed and any potential cost recoveries associated therewith be
considered and approved by Council pr:ior to the adoption of the
1991 Budget.
,,, Aurora Counci 1 Minutes No. 53-90
Wednesday, November 28, 1990
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CL90-037-391 -The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of
Privacy Act
#723. Moved by Councillor Ochalski Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT Council enact the comprehensive Records Retention By-law, No.
3215-90 circulated with the Agenda.
THAT, pursuant to Section 3 of the Municipal Freedom of Information
and Protection of Privacy Act, Council enact By-law No. 3246-90 to
designate the Mayor, and in his/her absence, the Deputy Mayor as
the "Head" for the purposes of the Act.
THAT the "Head", once so designated, delegate all duties associated
with the administration and decisions required under the Act to the
Staff Steering Committee save and except:
i ) Determination of exemptions related to
information expected to seriously threaten
safety of an individual, and;
the health
ii) Determination as to whether an exemption pursuant to the Act
does not apply if a compelling public interest in the
disclosure of the record clearly outweighs the purpose of the
LS90-046-392 -Lease Renewal -York North Condominium Corporation No. 2
#724. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT Council approve the renewal of the lease for use of lands
described as Part 1, Plan 65R-5621 and Part 1, Plan 65R-5746 as
parkland and parking lot, for a five-year term commencing March 1,
1988, with expiration March 1, 1993, in the amount of $2.00 per
annum with York North Condominium Corporation No. 2.
LS90-048-393 -Municipal Tree Removals
#725. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Timpson
THAT Council authorize the removal of 44 Municipal trees in various
1 ocati ons throughout the Town, as outlined in the report from the
Director of Leisure Services, at an estimated cost of $15,000 from
the 1991 Current Budget.
LS90-049-394 -Church Street School -Building Assessment and Restoration
#726. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT the Director of Leisure Services be authorized to proceed with
requesting consultant proposals related to professional fees
associated with a major architectural, structural, and engineering
assessment for a coordinated restoration plan of the Church Street
School Building.
THAT Council endorse application to the Ministry of Culture and
Communications -Studies Program to offset 50% of the cost to
conduct the assessment.
Aurora Council Minutes No. 53-90
Wednesday, November 28, 1990
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LS90-050-395 -George Street -Outdoor Pool
#727. Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT subject to the approval of the current operating budget for
the George Street Outdoor Pool during budget deliberations, the
outdoor pool program operate for 1991 under the condition that no
further major capital expenditures are incurred.
THAT, should a major capital expenditure be required for the
outdoor pool to remain functional, that Council be so advised by
the Director of Leisure Services, at which time a complete review
and assessment of the program and alternatives will be presented.
PER90-011-396 -Acting Pay Policy Review
#728. Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Stewart
THAT the revised Administration Procedure No. 42 respecting Acting
Pay, attached as Appendix A, be adopted.
PL90-153-397 -Proposed Site Plan Agreement Between the Town of Aurora and
The York Region Roman Catholic School Board, Cardinal Carter High School,
. Bloomington Road; D11-12-90
#729. Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT subject to the provision of all financial securities and
app 1 i cab 1 e fees, Counci 1 authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign a
site plan agreement between the.York Region Roman Catholic Separate
School Board and the Town of Aurora.
PL90-155-398 -Proposed Site Plan Agreement Between the Town of Aurora and
Eagle Rock Industries Corp., 38 Wellington Street East; D11-30-90
#730. Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT in accordance with Section 34(16) of the Planning Act, Council
determine that no further notice is to be given in respect of the
proposed By-law as outlined in this report.
THAT subject to the Zoning By-law No. 3237-90 coming into force,
and provision of all financial securities, fees and levies, Council
authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign a Site Plan Agreement between
the Town of Aurora and Eagle Rock Industries Corporation.
TR90-021-399 -Development Charge Policy Study
#731. Moved by Councillor Ochalski Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT the firm of C.N. Watson and Associates Ltd. be engaged to
complete a Development Charge Policy Study. This study will be the
basis for the implementation of a Development Charges Policy and
By-law in compliance with the Development Charges Act, 1989.
THAT an amount of $18,000 be included in the 1991 Budget for the
completion of this study.
Aurora Council Minutes No. 53-90
Wednesday, November 28, 1990
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Devins Restrictions -
Devins Drive Public School Area
#732. Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT permission be granted to Devins Drive Public School to lift
the stopping restrictions adjacent to the school on the following
Thursday, Dec. 6, 1990,
Tuesday, Dec. 18, 1990,
Thursday, Feb. 14, 1991,
Wednesday, April 24, 1991
Monday, June 24, 1991
6:00 -10:00 p.m.
6:00 -10:00 p.m.
6:00 -10:00 p.m.
6:00 -10:00 p.m.
6:00 -10:00 p.m.
Ministry of Natural Resources re: Modified Detention Pond Design, Cardinal
Carter Secondary School
#733. Moved by Councillor Mcintyre Seconded by Councillor Ochalski
THAT the correspondence be received as information.
CL90-034-381 -Road Dedication -Skyview Lane
#734. Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT Council enact a By-law to dedicate the lands comprising the
extension of Skyview Lane as a Public Highway.
PW90-111-387 -Assumption of Services of Christ Evangelical Church
'Muirland Holdings'
#735. Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT Council assume the services within the subject development,
Registered Plan 65M-2583.
Release of Securities
#736. Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre
THAT, upon recommendation of the Director of Public Works, the
Director of Building Administration, the Fire Chief and the Leisure
Services Department, the financial security held in connection with
the following Site Plan Agreement may be released in its entirety.
Aurora U-Move
& U-Store
Site Plan
Agreement No.
$ 42,500.00
Aurora Council Minutes No. 53-90
Wednesday, November 28, 1990
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#737. Moved by Councillor Mcintyre Seconded by Councillor Weller
THAT, upon recommendation of the Director Lei sure Services, the
security in the amount of $23,000.00 held in regard to the fencing
in connection with Subdivision Plan 19T87087 be released in its
TR90-019-400 -Drop-Off Box for Tax and Water Bills
#738. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Stewart
THAT the Treasurer be authorized to proceed with arrangements to
provide a temporary drop-box for payment of taxes and water bills.
The proposed drop-box would be 1 ocated at the downtown branch of
the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce.
THAT the current arrangement for banking services with the Royal
Bank of Canada be extended for a further one year term to October
31, 1991.
THAT the Treasurer be authorized to prepare a Request for Proposals
for banking services in 1991, for new banking arrangements to take
effect November 1, 1991.
TR90-020-401 -Water and Sewer Rates -Additional Information
#739. Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT Council impose a minimum water bill of $6.00. per month,
commencing in 1991, consistent with the implementation of the water
meter billing system to be phased in after January 1st, 1991.
On a recorded vote, the resolution CARRIED.
VOTING YEA: Councillors Jones, Mcintyre, Ochalski, Pedersen and Timpson.
VOTING NAY: Mayor West; Councillors McKenzie, Stewart and Weller.
#740. Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the
following by-laws for First Reading:
3215-90-Being a By-law to establish schedules of retention
periods for documents, records, and other papers of the
3243-90 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2613-83, a By-law to
govern and control the parking of vehicles within the
Town of Aurora.
3244-90 Being a By-law to dedicate certain lands for the purposes
of a public highway.
3245-90 Being a By-law to dedicate certain lands as a public
highway and authorize the widening of the road forming
part of St. John's Sideroad.
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Wednesday, November 28, 1990
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3246-90 Being a By-law to designate a Head of the Municipal
Corporation for the purposes of the Municipal Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 1989.
AND THAT the same be taken as read a First Time.
Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the
following by-laws for Second Reading:
3215-90 -Being a By-law to establish schedules of retention
periods for documents, 'records, and other papers of the
3243-90 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2613-83, a By-law to
govern and control the parking of vehicles within the
Town of Aurora.
3244-90 Being a By-law to dedicate certain lands for the purposes
of a public highway.
3245-90 Being a By-law to dedicate certain lands as a public
highway and authorize the widening of the road forming
part of St. John's Sideroad.
3246-90 Being a By-law to designate a Head of
the Municipal Corporation for the
purposes of the Municipal Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy
Act, 1989.
AND THAT the same be taken as read a Second Time.
#742. Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Ochalski
THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the
following by-law for Third Reading:
3238-90 Being a By-law to dedicate certain lands now held as a
public highway.
AND THAT the same be taken as read a Third Time.
Councillor Ochalski
Councillor Weller
-Requested a report on the
comparative costs to the Town of
the recycling program and the
tippage fees for waste disposal.
-The Director of Public
indicated that such a
would be prepared.
-Requested Public Works to report
on the landscaping required
around the sand/salt dome
recently constructed at the
Public Works facility.
Aurora Council Minutes No. 53-90
Wednesday, November 28, 1990
Christmas Card -Mark McGowan
-11 -
-The Director of Pub 1 i c
indicated that such a
would be prepared.
-Councillor Weller commended Staff
on the exce 11 ent work being done
in picking up leaves in the Town
this year.
Counci 11 or Stewart ad vi sed Counci 1 that he has received exce 11 ent response
from the Town in preparing a Christmas card for Mark McGowan, who is
currently serving in the Canadian Armed Forces in the Persion Gulf.
Letter re: Canada Post Closure -Newmarket/Aurora Facilities
Mayor West indicated that Dr. John Cole, M.P. has responded to the Mayor's
letter by contacting Canada Post and confirming that Canada Post has no
plans at present to close either the Aurora or Newmarket facilities.
Newspaper Reports -Ward System -Meeting with Proponents
The Mayor advised that recent newspaper publications, with regard to a
meeting held in connection with a proposal to introduce a Ward System to the
Town, contain certain inaccuracies, which will be addressed in the upcoming
Ad Hoc Committee report.
#743. Moved by Councillor Ochalski
THAT the meeting be adjourned at 9:21 p.m.
J. ~West, Mayor L. Al