MINUTES - Council - 19900725MINUTES TOWN OF AURORA COUNCIL MEETING NO. 34-90 Boardroom York Region Board of Education Administrat· Wednesday, July 25, 1990 8:05 p.m. COUNCIL MEMBERS STAFF MEMBERS IN ATTENDANC PRESENTATION Mayor West Jones, Me Pedersen,, Weller. n Chair; Councillors tyre, McKenzie, Ochalski, Stewart, Timpson and Chief Administrative Officer, Acti g Deputy Clerk, Director of Bui ijing Administration, Director of Pl ning, Director of Personnel, D" ector of Public Works, Fire C ief, Treasurer, Senior Word rocessor Operator. Clerk absent on Mrs. Joyce King of the United~enior Cit ens of Ontario presented "Flu Awareness Month" T -Shirts to the ayor and Me bers of Council as a thank you for proclaiming the month of Se ember as "Fl Prevention Awareness Month". The Mayor thanked Mrs. King on b half of Council for the T-Shirts. Councillor McKenzie declare a possible Conflict o~nterest in Accounts paid to Herb McKenzie Auto arts, due to monetary in rest in same, and did not take part in or vote on any questions in this rega d, or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. Councillor Mcintyre decl red a possible Conflict of~nterest in the correspondence item relat to traffic problems on Machell and Irwin Avenue, due to her residence bei located in the area, and did no take part in or vote on any questions in his regard, or attempt in any way o influence the voting on such question. APPROVAL OF AGENDA #430. THAT the herein. DELEGATIONS Consolidated Agenda be approved a CARRIED Mr. Alan Furbache}, Correct Buildin re: Concerns - rrealt Mr. Glen Byers,~epresenting Mr. Furbacher, spoke requesting the response a letter regard ng Letters of Credit re: Aurora Business Park. The Mayor requested a sta f member to give Mr. Byers a copy of the report PW90-054-235 \ on the agenda. I Aurora Council Minutes No. 34-90 Wednesday, July 25, 1990 - 2 - Valhalla Community Association re: Implementation of Ward System Mr. Alan Majauskas of the Valhalla Community Ass ciation addressed Council in regards to. ouncil implementing a Ward System n the Town of Aurora. Mr. Majauskas exp ained that much time and effort ad been spent looking into the matter. felt the Ward System would ere te more definable areas, make Councillors m e accountable, set priorit' s, and elect good people. Section 302(13) of the Municipal Act allows Council to make application to the Ontario Mun1cipal Board for a Ward ystem, and with the Municipal election schedule~·for the Autumn of 1991, there is sufficient time for the application to be -~de. #431. Moved by CouNcillor Stewart S~conded by Councillor Ochalski THAT Mr. Maj~skas' presentation be referred to the Unfinished Business Sectio ADOPTION OF MINUTES #432. THAT the Minutes of M~etf printed and circulated inutes No. 33-90, Seconded by Councillor Weller Numbers 32-90 and 33-90 be adopted as PASSING OF ACCOUNTS #433. Moved by Councillo.~Timpson THAT the followin , Accounts in t details of which a ' on file with t by Council for pa ent and the seal hereto. Cheques Cheque #117~; TO #11779 Cheque #1178 TO #11834 Cheque #118 5 TO #11911 Cheque #119 2 TO #12005 Manual Che~ues 284/90 TO f05/90 TOTAL CARRIED total amount of $757,299.39, Treasury Office, are approved f the Corporation be attached $ 108,146.64 43,431.80 393,318.49 83,599.47 ,299.39 Councillor McKenzie, .~ving previously declared a possi Interest in Accounts pa'd to Herb McKenzie Auto Parts, did the vote called for pa ent of this account. Conflict of take part in SECTION "A" -CONSENT ITEMS ;~Correspondence and Petitions to run Aurora Council Minutes No. 34-90 Wednesday, July 25, 1990 - 3 - THAT the week of September 12, 1990, beifoclaimed "United Way Week" in the Town of Aurora, and that permi sion be granted to run a banner across Yonge Street at Aurora Hei hts Drive, September 12 through September 26, 1990. conduct a "Ta THAT per ission be granted to ThtN vy League of Canada to conduct a "Tag D y" on Thursday, Septemb 27, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Friday, S tember 28, 7:00 p.m to 9:00 p.m., and Saturday, September 2 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 .m. in the Town of Aurora. Aurora Soccer Club Inc. ~Run-A=Tiion, Facfl ities THAT the correspond Staff for a report. Mr. Dave Lankar, rescent, SaturdaJ, 10 Km Run, Big Sisters of York to hold their otember 23, 1990, 10:00 a.m., that the Police, to conduct Annual 10 10:00 a.m., Hiohland Park to the Aurora Soccer Club to hold their eptember 23, 1990, 10:00 a.m., Highland the Police, are notified. ortion of to same referred to a.m. THAT permission! granted to Mr. Dave ~nkar to close-off Morning Crescent, Saturd y, August 11, 1990, 5.00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. for street party, a d that Mr. Lankar noti ies the Fire, Police and Ambulance Depart ents regarding this event. / Staff Reports I CL90-025-215 -Pal-Bac DeVelooments Limited- BE IT HEREB~Y/ RESOLVED THAT, upon provision~f all financial securities, e Mayor and Clerk be authori ed to execute a subdivision 'greement, dated July 25, 1990, between PAL-BAC D~VELOPMENTS / IMITED and the Corpo:a~ion of the Town of Aurora, w1th respect; o draft plan of subd1v1s1on 19T-87087. I BE IT FURTw~· RESOLVED THAT, upon execution of the agreement, the Engineerin Department of the Regional Municipality of York be advised t t the Town of Aurora hereby grants the necessary servicing 1 location of the 17 Townhouses and 6 Semi-Detached units to be constructed in draft plan of subdivision 19T-87087. LS90-021-216 -Pro Shop Rental -Aurora Community Centre THAT the bid submitted by Hotham's Sports in the amount of $1,750.00 to operate the Pro Shop at the Aurora Community Centre for the period September 15, 1990 -April 15, 1991 be accepted by the Town of Aurora. Aurora Council Minutes No. 34-90 Wednesday, July 25, 1990 - 4 - ERRATUM PL90-090-217 -Existino Site Town of Aurora and Macont, 383 and 389 Yonge Allaura Boulevard SP-=8s::r3 That C uncil authorize a modificatiolf.nthe a.pproved site plan for Macont velopments Inc. to delete the requirement for a 1.8 metre high pre ast concrete fence along he east property line and replace wi h a 1.8 metre high chain 1 nk fence. Town of L imn:e That Council au~rize a mo~i ication to the approved site plan agreement with Ry Real Esta e Ltd. to provide for a phasing of the industrial bui ing addit on, with the first phase to comprise of 1273.4 square etres ( 3,707.2 square feet) for warehouse purposes. PL90-092-219 -Existin Aurora Vehicle Recvclin That Council authorize mp~fications to the approved site plan for Aurora Vehicle Recycling/an~Sales Limited, as follows: locate stormwat~eretent"on pond approximately 12 metres east of its originally approve location widen the approve drivewa width from 6 metres to 7 metres widen an intern 1 turning radius at the north end of the driveway entran e, resultin in a reduction of one parking space modify landsca~ing as original\y approved Town of Aurora and Vari Investments That Co unci 1 au~hori ze the Mayor and Agreement betwee Vincenzo, Antonio and Cascio and the t wn of Aurora. .lerk to sign a Site Plan ceo Severino and Ignazio Plan A reement between the Town of Aurora and 92 Berczy Street, SP-90-~ That Council ,huthorize the Mayor and Clerk Agreement bet~een Midway Machinery Movers Inc Aurora. sign a Site Plan and the Town of PL90-095-222-Amendmept to Site Plan Control By-law That Co unci 11 amend By-1 aw 2855-86, being a by-1 aw to designate a site plan corltrol area as follows: 0 add th Counci 1 East In new commercia 1 and industria 1 zones s adoption of Zoning By-law 3206-90 ustrial Estates Area. created through for the Aurora o add ah Rural General (RU) Zones with the exception of lands used f r agricultural and/or detached residential uses. o amend the provisions of the Special Mixed Density Residential (R5) one to include such zones used for commercial purposes. PL90-096-223 -Proposed Site Plan Agreement between the Town of Aurora and Gateway Plaza Investments Limited, 124-128 Wellington Street West, SP-90-04 That subject to By-law 3201-90 coming into force and the provision of all financial securities, fees and applicable lot levies, Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign a Site Plan Agreement between Gateway Plaza Investments Limited and the Town of Aurora. Aurora Council Minutes No. 34-90 Wednesday, July 25, 1990 - 4 - authorize a modification to the approved site plan for Macont Deve~ments Inc. to delete the requirement for a 1.8 metre high precast concrete fence along the east property line and replace with 1.8 metre high chain link fence. Town of and Lim1ted ary That Council autho ize a modificatio~o the approved site plan agreement with Ryty eal Estate Ltd. provide for a phasing of the industrial buildi g addition, with the first phase to comprise of 1273.4 square me es (13,707.2 square feet) for warehouse purposes. PL90-092-219 -Existin <Jr ~.. .... r ru.rr n r """"m""''"' u~;;~,.yy~;;;-.:;:;;11 ... IIIW rvnrr vr nur vr u urru Aurora Vehicle Recvclin--~.J C"_, __ I~ .!.&.---' , __ ,: __ ... __ n--..1 r""--.&. e-n nn n That Council authorize modi~catfons to the approved site plan for Aurora Vehicle Recycling and ~lis Limited, as follows: 0 locate stormwater retenti of its originally approv pond approximately 12 metres east l'ocati on. 0 0 widen an internal driveway entrance, space. o modify 7 metres. end of the one parking Town of Aurora and Vari Investments That Council auth Agreement between Cascio and the To ize the Mayor and Cler incenzo, Antonio and Rocc of Aurora. to sign a Site Plan Severino and Ignazio ite Plan Aoreement between the nc., 92 Berczy Street, SP-90-13 That Council j!uthorize the Mayor and Clerk to Agreement bejWeen Midway Machinery Movers Inc. Aurora. PL90-095-222-Amend ent to Site Plan Control By-law That Coun il amend By-law 2855-86, being a site pla control area as follows: o at the new commercia 1 and industria 1 zones C neil's adoption of Zoning By-law 3206-90 E st Industrial Estates Area. of Aurora and a Site Plan the Town of o /add all Rural General (RU) Zones with the exception used for agricultural and/or detached residential uses. ' o 1 amend the provisions of the Special Mixed Density Residential (R5) Zone to include such zones used for commercial purposes. I PL90-096-223 -Proposed Site Plan Agreement between the Town of Aurora and Gateway Plaza Investments Limited, 124-128 Wellington Street West, SP-90-04 That subject to By-law 3201-90 coming into force, Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign a Site Plan Agreement between Gateway Plaza Investments Limited and the Town of Aurora. Aurora Council Minutes No. 34-90 Wednesday, July 25, 1990 -5 - By-law Amendment 32 and 36 an 6B, Bnan-Douql as Homes co. That report PL90-q97-224 be received as informati9ft by Council. PL90-099-225 -Comments r : O.P .A. 108, Town of New rket, 19-0P-0028108; Pro osed Plan of Su divis on, Part Lot 87, Conces on 1 E.Y.S. Town of Newmarket, 19T-8907 \ THAT Council indiche no objection to pr,tfposed plan of subdivision 19T -89074 (Virgeyes\ Investments Inc., Mjtrus Management), Part Lot 87, Con. 1, Town of \Newmarket. THAT Council note t~e requirement~ obtain a trail or walkway on our northern border 1n the vicinity of the CNR rail line to provide a Holland River Valle\v pathway link ge to the Town of Newmarket. THAT York Region be advised of ~is recommendation, in fulfillment of their June 8 reque~t. PL90-101-226 -Proposed Offic,al Pla I:li~-PTiiri 461, Part Lot 85, Concession Ontario Ltd., OP-09-90, Z-23-90 That the following ove vie of Applications OP-09-90 and Z-23-90 scheduled for the Pub 1 i 1 anni ng Meeting of August 30, 1990 be received as information. Staff feel that consideration of the basic concepts can be a ressed on the basis of the information submitted by the appl ic s although additional details have been requested to permit full e luation of the requested amendments. PW90-055-227 -Intersection -Y THAT the Mayor and fvmbers ~ Council give leave to the Clerk to request the Ministry, of Tra sportation to design and reconstruct the intersection at Yonge St eet and Industrial Parkway South in 1991. PW90-059-238 -Ontario Hydrlf-Constructnon Agreement I THAT Council aut~rize the Mayo~and Clerk to sign a Construction Agreement with 0 tario Hydro to permit Beavertop Investments Ltd. to complete cons uction of servic s within their development. PW90-060-229 -Consultant/Agreement -Author\zation ' < THAT the Mayo~ and Clerk authorizll. a consultant agreement with Proctor and Re fern Limited to perfllrm a transportation analysis for the Southw t area of Aurora. THAT an up~et fee of Engineering/Rohds Reserve. be approved from the PW90-062-240 Tender Award, P.W.-1990-10, Swabbinq of Various Watermains THAT TenderiP.W.-1990-10 for Foam SwabbirtQ, be awarded to A-1 Hydrant Serv ce at a bid . price of $19,099 .&o. An amount up to $20,000.00 including contingency) be utilized from Operations Account 460 for this work. PW90-063-241 -Award of Tender No. P.W.-1990-11 Purchase of Two (2) Conventional Cab & Chassis -6 Ton Trucks THAT Tender No. P.W.-1990-11 for two {2) 1991 Diesel Cab & Chassis 6 Ton Trucks be awarded to McCleave Truck Sales at a bid price of $90,281.52. THAT Frink Canada be authorized to install the snow removal equipment at a cost of $66,409.60. Aurora Council Minutes No. 34-90 Wednesday, July 25, 1990 - 6 - THAT authorization be provided to install Automatj,C Spreaders on both truc~t a cost not to exceed $6,500.00 total THAT total ost for the two vehicles completel/equipped for snow operations ot exceed $163,191.12 to be hr~vided from the Roads/Enginee ing Reserve Fund. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETI~ONS RECEIVED AS INFORMATION a) Lake Region Conservat"on Authority re: 1989 A~ual Reoort b) The Regional Municipal t.v of York, Office of/(he Commissioner of En en neeri ng re: Househ'o 1 d Hazardous Waste .f Keele Va 11 e.v Landfi 11 Site \ / c) Institute of Environment~] Research re: ~ork Region Contingency Landfi 11 Site Search \ 1 d) Liquor Licence Board of Ontario re: DA'nardo's Dining and Banquets, 400 Industrial Parkway South, Aurora 1 e) Mr. Mac Harb, M.P., Ottawa ~enter r~ Municipal Infrastructure System f) Honourable David Peterson re\ couf.t staff and backlog of impaired driving charges \ / g) Aurora Committee of Adjustment ~: Notice of Decision -Minor Variance -Norman and Margaret Zaiser, ~rt of Lot 71, Concession 1 W.Y.S.; A-22-90 h) Aurora Committee of Adjustment~: Notice of Decision -Minor Variance -Ian and Lynda Tokarsk1, Lo.t 36,\Plan 65M-2229; A-21-90 i) Aurora Committee of Adjustmint re:'\Notice of Decision -Minor Variance -B. May Fox Douglas Fox).l 107 Met\:alfe Street, Lots 20-22, Plan 68; A-20-90 \ j) Aurora Committee of Adju~ment re: No\ice of Decision -Minor Variance -Ken Ta.v, 15 Machell Avknue, Lot 4, P\lan 36; A-19-90 k) Aurora Committee of Ad~stment re: Noti~e of Decision -Minor Variance- Ken Tay, 15 Machell Avenue, Lot 4, Plan ~6; A-18-90 1) Aurora Committee of AJjustment re: Notice~f Decision-Minor Variance -Maple Lane Lands a~d Development Co. Ken~edy Street West, Lot 24, Plan 64M-2789; A-17-'0 \ m) Mr. Arnold H. Mille/, Resident re: Letter o~appreciation and thanks for being awarded 'sCitizen of the Year" \ n) Malone Given Parso}s, Planning Consultants re: ~llanvannin Farms, The McCutcheon Famil.vi Pt. Lots 13, 14, 15, Cone. I~E.Y.S. o) Ministry of the Jnvironment re: Ontario Hydro's ~mand/Supply Plan, EA File No. OH-GE-0~ \ p) The Regional MuJicipality of York, Clerk's Departme~t re: Clause No. 4 of Report No. 1l of Regional Planning Committee re: ~mendment No. 55 to Official Plan df Aurora Planning Area \ q) Liquor LicencE Board of Ontario re: Aurora Bowl Recreation a 1 Faci 1 i t.v, 210 Edward St~eet, Licence No. 070377 r) Mr. Robert A. Flemington, OMMRI re: "Blue Box" Recycling System s) Ministry of latural Resources re: By-laws relating to the use of traps t) The Honourable John A. Fraser P.C., M.P. re: York North election held November 21, 1988 Aurora Council Minutes No. 34-90 Wednesday, July 25, 1990 - 7 - u) cil of Ontario re: The Lieutenant Governor's v) Conservation Authority re: Marsh Mash Results of the w) The Regional W-108-90-84 x) lenae York, Clerk's De y) Association of Munici~alities of Ontario re: 1990 ' z) By-law No. , and Views -June a a) I ...... H'-I VII .... I I lUll I .... I .... I I.. U I I VI I'\' VI I .... o I I ........... ._ ..... 1 ............. 1..... f"Jt: o ................. + M.-. 1 ,...,: +h .... D ,....., ..... .;.,..f.,..,.. bb) Ministry of Community and So~ial ~ervices re: 1990/91 Operating Budget II----·-r>---~---I "'-·-.L-.. { I cc) The Re k, Clerk's De a rtment re: ended ,...,_ ·--"In ,... __ _! _____ ,: __ ,.. ___ .: .... ,_ __ #434. Moved by THAT the reso 1 uti ons and Staff be authori give effect to same. by Councillor Jones foregoing matters be adopted, necessary actions required to CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIOifS Mike Harris, M.P.P. re: U~conditional #435. Moved by Counci 1~ or Timpson Jones THAT the received as information. CARRIED Residents of Machell and Irwin Avenue re: have traffic roblems on Mache11 an Irwin Avenue investiaated #436. Moved by Cou,hci 11 or Timspon Seconded by Counci 11 or Ocha 1 ski THAT the.c<frespondence be received as information. i ( I CARRIED f Councillor Mcintyre, having previously declared a possible Conflict of Interest in the above item regarding Machell and Irwin Avenue, did not take part in the vote called for adopting the recommendation. Aurora Council Minutes No. 34-90 Wednesday, July 25, 1990 #437. - 8 - suooort and in the Moved by Councillor Seconded by Councillor McKenzie THAT Council suppo~ the request for parti pation in the publication of "Our own Aurora -1990", to us the Town logo on the front cover, th t the publication wil be prepared and distributed, at no cos to the Municipality, d, emergency numbers are to be correctly lis ed. CARRIED ,_ #438. Moved by Councillor Timpson\ Seconjled by Councillor Pedersen I THAT Council endorse Alterna~ve #¥of the report, stating: That Council rescind its deci~iofi of July 13, 1989 regarding 9-1-1 communications centre operation That Alternative #1 be adopted/~nd implemented as described in this report. That Alternative #1 be fi anced through Regional levies. Cost increases of $3.84 mill i o one-t 'me and $1.92 million in annual operation are anticipated or the Regional Corporation. However, current direct expendit res for Fire dispatch by the Area Municipalities will be r duced by pproximately $1.26 million in total per annum (1992 dol ars, genera ly to occur in 1992). That the Operating described 9-1-1 Task Committee, herein. be repla~ed immediately by a 9-1-1 membership\ and responsibilities as That Council appoint yhree Regional Counci~lors to act on the 9-1-1 Operating Committee. That since Fire ~rvice is the respon~'bility of the Area Municipalities, a coy of this report be sen to each Municipality requesting the endo sement of the above syste s as related to Fire Services. That the Regional/, Solicitor request the Pro~nce to make the necessary revisio s to the York Act to g1 e the Regional Corporation prope jurisdiction to implement nd operate the services described in this report. That the appropribte Regional Officials be authorize~ and directed to take all necessary actions to give effect to the fo CARRIED The Toronto Academy of v;teri nary Medicine re: Public Awareness of Rabies Clinics #439. Moved by Counci+or Ochalski Seconded by Councillor McKenzie THAT Council a opt the report to ensure public awareness of the Rabies Clinic t be held Saturday, October 20, 1990, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. CARRIED Aurora Council Minutes No. 34-90 Wednesday, July 25, 1990 - 9 - Ted McClenny, Municipal Law Enforcement and Provincial Offences Officer re: Matthew Stoddart Parking Complaint , · #440. #441. Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillo~Mcintyre THAT the recommendation made by the Muni ci pa 1 Provincial Offences Officer not to make any ch Control on A~rora Heights Drive be accepted. CARRIED received as w Enforcement and ges to the Parking Mr. John W. Kubik re: business licence for ooeration of refreshment veh1cle in #442. DEFERRAL: #443. Call een #444. Moved by Councillor THAT the matter be report from Staff as t' requests for refreshme Moved by Seconded ·by Councillor Mcintyre to operate a refreshment vehicle in equirements are met. adoption of the resolution, it was: Seconded by Councillor Timpson erred to the next Council meeting with a controls and regulations necessary to grant vehicles. CARRIED by Councillor Ochalski THAT the report received l'tlformation. I CARRIED f The Cor oration of the Ci£ of Chatham re: U of Nonrefillable Containers I #445. Moved by Counciilor Pedersen Seconded y Councillor McKenzie I THAT the reporJ be received as I I CARRIED York Symphony Orchestrk re: 1990/91 Season -Request for continued support of the Town of Aurora ~s an Advertiser in House Program #446. I Moved by Co~cillor Mcintyre Seconded by Councillor Weller THAT a half page advertisement at a cost of $230.00. be placed in the York S phony Orchestra program, said amount to be charged to account no. 101-301. CARRIED Aurora Council Minutes No. 34-90 Wednesday, July 25, 1990 -10 - Summit Go 1f and Country Club, Limited re: Request for contribution for Charity Pro Am Golf Tournament #447. Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Couniillor McKenzie THAT the correspondence be received as information. CARRIED of for Chanqe: [on #448. Moved by Council\or Timpson Stewart THAT the report received as Ontario Home Builders' As\sociation 20, The Development Charqes ct #449. Moved by THAT the Seconded by Councillor Pedersen as information. The Reqional Municipal it Clerk's Department re: Reqional Fire servlces #450. #451. Moved by THAT Counci 1 initiated and funded ~y Moved by Councilldr Jones Seconded by Councillor Jones Fire Services, to be month of ceremony, by Councillor Timpson THAT the month * September, 1990, ~proclaimed "Arthritis Month" in the Town of urora, and that perm ssion be granted to conduct a flag raising c remony as close to the first of September as possible. CARRIED Blake and Lee William., be installed on west side ~f Wells Street, #452. Moved by Cou1illor Pedersen Seconded by Coun;sllor Mcintyre THAT Staff nvestigate the request of Mr. and s. Williams, and that a repo t be submitted to the next Council mee jng. CARRIED Ministrv of MunidiPal Affairs re: for Renewal, Improvement, Deve 1 opment and EOtlnomicRevHa.Tizafion #453. Moved by Councillor Ochalski Seconded by Councillor Timpson THAT the report be received as information. CARRIED Aurora Council Minutes No. 34-90 Wednesday, July 25, 1990 #454. -11 - Council of Ontario re: Particioation of municioali amation of November 19-25, 1990, as "Recycling Week Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Counci THAT the week of November 19-25, 1990, be Week" in the Town of Aurora. CARR Ito oclaimed "Recycling The Ellis Studios Limited ~e: Alterations to Site #455. Moved by Council~r Timpson THAT the corresp dence be referred tJ'the Director of Planning and the Director of P blic Works for a r~ort. Georqina Advocate re: Dinner"-Advertisement in Program #456. #457. Moved Seconded by Councillor Weller eing available, a quarter (1/4) page e Georgina Advocate. -"Follow in Seconded by Councillor Stewart 1. the staging of a motorcade along Yonge Street from th Auro Shopping Centre to Fleury Park on August 20th, fr m appro jmately 5:00 p.m. to 5:20 p.m. 2. THAT Counci 1 the expenditure of approximately Council Civic Reception, to cover 3. 4. $500.00. to tie charged associated ex6enses. THAT Counci 1/ authorize the flag to Mr. knd Mrs. Fox. THAT Counc/'1 authorize the ap)\ropriate setting up a presentation area i~ Fleury welcome to/Mr. and Mrs. Fox. I I CARRIED of a Town of Aurora staff to assist in Park for the public STAFF REPORTS BA90-007-242 -'''"' '~''''''"" -1990 #458. Moved Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Stewart THAT Counc1l of the Town of Aurora endorse an application to the Ministry o Housing under the 1990 Bui 1 ding Admi ni strati on Fund seeking i sistance in the consolidation of the Building Department s records through creation of a comprehensive property file system as recommended in the Building Administration Study. CARRIED Aurora Council Minutes No. 34-90 Wednesday, July 25, 1990 -12 - PER90-006-230 -ADMIN I JRATIVE PROCEDURE NO. 28 -Em 1 o ment 1 eage omponent · \ #459. Moved by Councillor s\ewart Seconded by Councillor Pedersen \ ' THAT the mileage rate\be established at 30.0¢/kilom~re, effective July 1, 1990. \ THAT the option present~y available to Departme~ Heads to receive a per-month rather than per-kilometre rate for in-Town travel, be increased from $50.00 pe month to $60.00/mont , effective July 1, 1990. PL90-100-231 -General #460. Moved by Councillor McKenzie THAT Council affirm the recom f the Ad Hoc Committee on the General By-law Amendment nd provi e direction in respect of the proposed alternatives for a cessory, structures, to enable staff to prepare the draft amendment for t: rther review at the Pub 1 i c Planning Meeting of August 30, 1 90. hat the notice. of the Public Meeting include an amendment to S hed e 'G' (Willow Farm). REFERRAL: Upon the question of the n of the resolution, it was: #461. Moved by Councillor Weller THAT the report be referred Meeting, to be held August 22, ed by Councillor Timpson next Committee of the Whole PW90-046-232 -Extension to Fence ne Drfve #462. Moved by Councillor Ochalski THAT the Town extend the walk-through fenc'e adjacent to #53 Delayne Drive. THAT a sum not to Roads/Engineering Reserve CARRIED ' ' $1,000.09 be provided from PW90-052-233 -Reouest for Mu Guard, Crawford Rose Drive anif-Kemano Road #463. Moved by Counci 11 or Oc~a 1 ski Seconded by Councfll or Pedersen THAT the request for/ multi-way stop installatioh and/or crossing guard at Crawford Rre Drive and Kemano Road be den.ied due to lack of sufficient warran s. i CARRIED . PW90-053-234 -Tender Award J Tender No. P .W. -1990-09 Pavement Markin (1990 Program , Town of Aurora #464. Moved by Council~lor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Ochalski THAT Tender No. P.W.-1990-09 for Pavement Marking be awarded to K.D.N. Pavement Marking Ltd., at the bid price of $4.40 per litre of pavement marking paint. An amount up to $9,500.00 be utilized from the Operations Budget for this work. CARRIED Aurora Council Minutes No. 34-90 Wednesday, July 25, 1990 -13 - PW90-054-235 -Site Plan SP-88-14, Aurora Business Parks Ltd., Phase I (8 Units), 130 Engelhard Drive #465. #466. Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by CouncAllor Pedersen THAT the attached review of the June 19, 19.M 1 etter from Aurora Business Parks Ltd., be accepted for THAT the Town ad in all future work CARRIED (Moorecrest DrivE{ to Closs Square) Pedersen Seconded ~y Councillor Stewart of extending walkways to the curbline THAT rectification o~~isting walkwhys be budgeted for in 1991 as part of the sidewalk c~n~ruction/maAntenance contract. PW90-057-236 -CN Crossinq -Wellin #467. THAT a sum not to Roads/Engineering Reserve by Councillor Jones o be installed at the Wellington Town expense to accommodate be provided from the PW90-058-237 -Request for Mult Lane and Marsh Harbour #468. \ Moved by Councillor Jonei Seconded by\ou\ci ll or Timpson THAT the request forfi m~lti-way stop in\tal~tion at Cranberry Lane and Marsh Harb r be denied due t~ 1 ck of sufficient warrants, and that a COPY' of the report be \r arded to Mr. and Mrs. Buckley. ' CARRIED PW90-061-239 -Bulk Water Sal~s -.Status ' ' #469. Moved by Councillor/Jones Seconded THAT this as information. DEFERRAL: Upon the quertion 'of the adoption of the #470. Moved by Counci llhr Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Stewa\t THAT the reporJ be deferred to the next Committee of th\ \lho 1 e meeting to be held' August 22, 1990, and a further repo.r~ be submitted by th D i re'ctor of Pub 1 i c Works. ' RESOLUTIONS I I CARRIED Mr. R. Petch -Claim fo Kil~ed Livestock \_ #471. Moved by Coun illor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT Payment/ in the amount of $300.00 as valued by L. Westaway, Live Stock Vftluer, be made to Robert Petch for the loss of a heifer calf, which was killed by wolves; and Aurora Council Minutes No. 34-90 Wednesday, July 25, 1990 -14 - THAT the necessary form be reimbursement of the claim. CARRIED to the Province for Release of Options i 2 Vata Court #472. Moved by C uncillor Pedersen Secon ed by Councillor Stewart THAT the ayor and Clerk be aut rized to execute the documents necessary o release the Town's nterest in the provisions of the Option Ag eement dated Octobe 15, 1980, and registered as Instrument No. 261256 betwee Suburban Lathing and Acoustics Limited, E io Painting Ltd; Edd" Tatone and Dominic Valsi. Release of Securiti~s #473. Seconded by Councillor McKenzie THAT, upon lcommendatio~f the Director of Public Works, Director of Building dministratio , the Fire Chief and the Leisure Services Department, the financi security held in connection with the following Sit Plan Agre ent be released in its entirety. B&S Emblem Hol Limited UNFINISHED BUSINESS Mr. Alan Majauskas, orWard System #474. On a recorded vote the YEAS 9 NAYS 0 Site Plan Agreement No. SP-88-15 CARRIED Security Amount $22,000.00 Association re: Imolementation Seconded by Councillor McKenzie and that VOTING YEA: Mayor We~t; Councillors Jon Pedersen} Stewart, Timpson, McKenzie, Ochalski, VOTING NAY: None BA90-005-138 -Deleoation of Plumbin #475. BY-LAWS Moved by Cou~cillor Timpson Councillor Stewart THAT the co~respondence regarding Delegation of Plumbing Inspection Responsibilities be referred to the next Council in Committee meeting, to be held August 22, 1990. CARRIED #476. Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Ochalski THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the following by-laws for First Reading: • '·· Aurora Council Minutes No. 34-90 Wednesday, July 25, 1990 #477. -15 - 3208-90 Being a By-law to protect and Town of Aurora. the 3209-90 Being a By-law t amend By-law 3097-89, a ry-law to provide for t Water Rate Charges f¢' the Municipal Waterworks Sys em in the Town of Aurora. 3210-90 Being a By-la to amend By-law 2613-83~as amended, a By-law to pr vide for the Regulatitn' of Parking in the Town of Auror . 3211-90 Being a By-llw to amend By-law 26~-83, a By-law to govern and ontrol the parking/ of vehicles within the Town of Auro a. 3212-90 Being a By-llw to amend By-la~2613-83, as amended, a By-law to p ovide for the fegulation of parking within the Town of urora. 3213-90 Being a By-l.w to amend By pro vi de for lthe Regul ati Aurora. law 2613-83, a By-law to of Parking within the Town of 3214-90 Being a By-la~ to amenq(By-law 2613-83, as amended, a By-law to go ern and /control the Parking of Vehicles in the Town of A rora. 3216-90 Being a By-la~tortnd By-law 3013-88 as amended, a By-law to proh"bit or regulate the erection of signs; and the posting of no ces in buildings or vacant lots in the 3217-90 Town of Aurora. Being a By-law designate a sit amend By-law No. 2855-86, a By-law to plan control area. 3218-90 Being a By-lawfto\amend By-law No. 2213-78 (Gad Noik). AND THAT the same a First Time. Moved by Councillor W by Councillor Jones THAT leave be g1lv n the Mov~and Seconder to introduce the following by-laws f Second Rea jng: 3208-90 Being a B -law to protec and conserve Topsoil within the Town of urora. 3209-90 Being aly-law to amend By~aw 3097-89, a By-law to provide for the Water Ra e Charges for the Municipal Waterwo ks System in the Tow of Aurora. 3210-90 Being t By-law to amend By-la~ 2613-83, as By-law to provide for Town o Aurora. amended, a Parking in the 3211-90 Beingia By-law to amend By-law 2~13-83, a By-law to gover and control the parking\ of vehicles within the Town f Aurora. 3212-90 Beinf a By-law to amend By-law 2613\83, as amended, a By-1 w to provide for the regulat\on of parking within the own of Aurora. · 3213-90 'g a By-1 aw to amend By-1 aw 2613-83, a By-1 aw to ide for the Regulation of Parking within the Town of ra. , {""' .... Aurora Council Minutes No. 34-90 Wednesday, July 25, 1990 #478. -16 -3214-90~ Being a By-law to amend By-law 2613-83, t-law to govern and control the Par s amended, a ng of Vehicles in tbe Town of Aurora. 3216-90 Be~g a By-law to amend By-law 30~3 88 as amended, a By-aw to prohibit or regulate th erection of signs; and the osting of notices in buildi gs or vacant lots in the Town of Aurora. 3217-90 Being\a By-law to amend By-lai No. 2855-86, a By-law to design~te a site plan control area. 3218-90 Beinq a\By-law to amend By/law No. 2213-78 (Gad Noik). AND THAT the same 3209-90 Being a By-la provide for Waterworks Sys a Second Time. by Councillor Weller Seconder to introduce the amend By-law 3097-89, a By-law to Water Rate Charges for the Municipal in the Town of Aurora. 3214-90 Being a By-latt~amend By-law 2613-83, as amended, a By-law to gov r and control the Parking of Vehicles in the Town of A ror . a Third Time. QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS Councillor Weller ADJOURNMENT #479. Moved or Timpson THAT the meetind be adjourned CARRIED J. West, Mayor -Requested a copy of tender procedures and proposed changes. r