MINUTES - Council - 19900926MINUTES
NO. 43-90
York Region Board of Education Administrative Offices
Wednesday, September 26, 1990
8:00 p.m.
Mayor West in Chair; Councillors
Jones, Mcintyre, McKenzie, Ochal ski,
Pedersen, Stewart, Timpson and
Chief Administrative Officer,
Municipal Clerk, Administrative
Assistant, Director of Leisure
Services, Director of Planning,
Director of Personne 1, Director of
Public Works and Fire Chief.
Director of Building Administration
absent due to previous commitment.
Treasurer absent due to attendance
at conference.
Councillor Pedersen dec 1 a red a poss i b 1 e Conflict of Interest in Accounts
paid to Canada Law Book (September 13th, 1990 Council Meeting), due to
employment with same.
Councillor McKenzie declared a poss ib 1 e Conflict of Interest in Accounts
paid to Herb McKenzie Auto Parts (September 13th, 1990 Council Meeting) due
to monetary interest in same.
Councillor McKenzie also declared a possible Conflict of Interest in
Accounts paid to Herb McKenzie Auto Parts on this agenda due to monetary
interest in same, and did not take part in or vote on any questions in this
regard, or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such questions.
Councillor Timpson declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Accounts paid
to York Region Board of Education, due to employment with same, and in
Report PL90-122-286 regarding the Site Plan between the Town of Aurora and
Glenowen Properties Limited, due to ownership of a unit in the building, and
did not take part in or vote on any questions in this regard, or attempt in
any way to influence the voting on such questions.
#556. Moved by Councillor Ochalski Seconded by Councillor Weller
THAT the content of the Agenda be approved as outlined herein.
AMENDMENT: Upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, it was:
#557. Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT the correspondence from Ms. Ruth Howard (Wells Street School
Parent Group) be added to the Agenda under the Unfinished Business
Section of the Agenda.
The resolution CARRIED AS AMENDED.
Mr. Joe Lebovic and Mr. David Merkur re: Arts and Culture Fund
Mr. David Merkur of the Aurora Shopping Centre and Mr. Joseph Lebovic
representing Lebovic Enterprises presented cheques to the recipients of the
1990 Aurora Arts and Culture Fund Awards.
Aurora Council Minutes No. 43-90
Wednesday, September 26, 1990
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Those receiving grants this year included York Symphony Orchestra, Aurora
and District Historical Society, Aurora Pathfinders/Rangers Mothers' Group,
Aurora Horticultural Society, Joan Kahane and Martha Randall -Workshop for
Children, and Lester B. Pearson School Supporters' Association.
Each group outlined to those in attendance the proposed use for the funds.
Mayor West, on behalf of Council, thanked Mr. Merkur and Mr. Lebovic for
this continued support of the fund. Mr. Merkur has been involved in this
project for 18 years and Mr. Lebovic is in his second year of involvement.
Mr. David Marsland re: By-law Lot Levy (3156-89)
Mr. Marsland addressed Council to appeal his assessment for a lot levy
charge on his Site Plan for 77 Wellington Street East. Mr. Marsland's
interpretation of the By-law is that there is already a building on this
property to which only cosmetic changes will be made, and therefore,
shouldn't fall into the category of new development. The offices will only
be used five days a week and will not put a greater load on water, sewer and
hydro than previously when the building was used as two apartments, seven
days a week. Aurora Hydro have requested an easement for a transformer
which Mr. Marsland has agreed to provide. Mr. Marsland asked to be allowed
to proceed with his project, even if the Town required more time to study
the question.
#558. Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Timpson
THAT this matter be referred to the Unfinished Business Section of
the Agenda.
Mr. Jim Ward, Aurora Eagles Jr. Hockey Club re: Ice Rental, Auditorium
Facilities and GeneralUpdate
Mr. Ward addressed Council with regard to the Aurora Eagles hockey team.
Mr. Ward explained that five years ago he attempted to bring Junior Hockey
back to Aurora. He explained that all their bills have been paid, and the
team are great ambassadors for the Town. The Aurora name is on all their
equipment. There are ten local boys playing on the team. It is becoming
financially difficult to continue this venture. Mr. Ward requested
elimination of the meeting room rental of $75.00 per night and a 10%
reduction of ice rental from $88.00 per hour to $80.00 per hour. Mr. Ward
stated that most areas charge $63.00 to $65.00 per hour. The auditorium is
a central meeting place since the downstairs hallway has no where to relax.
Season passes are given to all the kids in Minor Hockey, and Seniors only
pay $1.00 admittance to games. Mr. Ward invited all Council members to
attend an Eagles game.
#559. Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Ochalski
THAT this matter be referred to the Unfinished Business Section of
the Agenda.
Council Minutes No. 38-90, Wednesday, August 29, 1990; Speci a 1 Counci 1 -
Public Planning Minutes No. 39-90, Thursday, August 30, 1990; Council
Minutes No. 41-90, Thursday, September 13, 1990
#560. Moved by Councillor Ochalski Seconded by Councillor Weller
THAT the minutes of Meeting Numbers 38-90, 39-90 and 41-90, be
adopted as printed and circulated.
Aurora Council Minutes No. 43-90
Wednesday, September 26, 1990
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Councillor Pedersen, having previously declared a possible Conflict of
Interest in Accounts paid to Canada Law Book (September 13th, 1990 Council
Meeting), did not take part in the vote called for adoption of this
Councillor McKenzie, having previously declared a possible Conflict of
Interest in Accounts paid to Herb McKenzie Auto Parts (September 13th 1990
Council Meeting), did not take part in the vote called for adoption of this
#561. Moved by Councillor Ochalski Seconded by Councillor Weller
THAT the following Accounts in the total amount of $7 ,910,994.84,
details of which are on file with the Treasury Office, are approved
by Council for payment and the seal of the Corporation be attached
Cheque #12829 TO #12980
Cheque #12981 TO #13036
Manual Cheques
368/90 TO 376/90
$ 541,608.97
Councillor McKenzie, having previously declared a possible Conflict of
Interest in Accounts paid to Herb McKenzie Auto Parts, did not take part in
the vote called for payment of this account.
Councillor Timpson, having previously declared a possible Conflict of
Interest in Accounts paid to York Region Board of Education, did not take
part in the vote called for payment of this account.
Correspondence and Petitions
Association of Municipalities of Ontario re: Seminar -Reports on PMSSR and
Long Term Care Reform, Tuesday, October 2, 1990
THAT the correspondence be received, and those Members of Council
wishing to attend be authorized to do so in accordance with the
normal policy.
The Toronto Academy of Veterinary Medicine re: Annual Fall Low Cost Rabies
Clinic -Saturday, October 20, 1990
THAT the correspondence be received as information.
The Regional Municipalitt of York re: Appended Clause No. 8, Report No.
13 -''Contract No. 15-90-1 9"
THAT the correspondence be received as information.
The Regional Municipalit~ of York re: Appended Clause No.7, Report No. 13
-''Contract No. 15-90-108 1
THAT the correspondence be received as information.
Aurora Council Minutes No. 43-90
Wednesday, September 26, 1990
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Colleen Gowan, Municipal Clerk, Memo re: Canadian Mental Health
Association, Re-guestw-serrNevaaaTiCI<ets
THAT the correspondence be received as information.
York Simcoe Bowlers Association re: Request for proclamation of October
28, 1990 to November 4, 1990 as "Bowling Week in Ontario''
THAT the week of October 28, 1990 to November 4, 1990 be proclaimed
"Bowling Week in Ontario" in the Town of Aurora.
Mr. W. John Mel ntyre, resident re: Request for grant for restoring and
rebuilding chimney
THAT the request for a provincial Designated Property Grant, for
restoration of chimney at 54 Yonge Street North -"Horton Place",
in the amount of $1 ,875.00 -50% of the cost, be approved and
forwarded to the Ministry of Citizenship and Culture for their
Staff Reports
CL90-027-283 Darkwood Investments Inc., Amendment to Subdivision
THAT subject to the provision of financial securities, the Council
authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign an Amendment to the
Subdivision Agreement between Darkwood Investments Inc. and the
Town of Aurora dated 26 September 1990 with respect to Plans of
Subdivision 65M-2792 and 65M-2793.
LS90-029-284 -Removal of Two White Spruce Trees 66 Tecumseh Drive
THAT Council authorize the removal of two White Spruce Trees
located on Municpal Lands at 66 Tecumseh Drive, and that these
trees be added to the 1991 tree removal program list.
PL90-121-285 -Proposed Site Plan Agreement between the Town of Aurora and
Bill Connolly, 360 Industrial Parkway South, SP-90-21
THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign a Site Plan
Agreement between Bill Connolly and the Town of Aurora.
PL90-122-286 -Amendment to Site Plan Agreement between the Town of Aurora
and Glenowen Properties Limited, 85 Wellington Street West, SP-89-19
THAT Council authorize modifications to the approved site plan
agreement with Glenowen Properties Limited as follows:
1. Relocation of the entry to the underground parking garage at
the southeast corner of the building in a northerly direction;
2. Revisions to the underground parking layout to reflect the
modification as per item #1 above;
3. Amendment to the manoeuvering aisle dimension at the south end
of the building from 6.0 metres (19.7 feet) to 5.2 metres
(17.1 feet).
Councillor Timpson, having previously declared a possible Conflict of
Interest in Report PL90-122-286, the Site Plan between the Town of Aurora
and Glenowen Properties Limited, did not take part in the vote called for
adoption of the resolution related to Report PL90-122-286.
PL90-123-287 -Proposed Site Plan Agreement between the Town of Aurora and
Rolview Realty Corporation 74 and 76 Yonge Street South, SP-g0-15
THAT subject to the provision of all financial securities and the
appeal against Minor Variance Application A-27-90 being resolved
and the variance coming into effect, Council authorize the Mayor
and Clerk to sign a Site Plan Agreement between Rolview Realty
Corporation and the Town of Aurora.
' -~~-·
Aurora Council Minutes No. 43-90
Wednesday, September 26, 1990
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PL90-124-288 -Proposed Site Plan Agreement between the Town of Aurora and
Coscan Development Corporation Blocks 184 and 187, Registered Plan 65M-2805,
Covent Crescent, SP-90219
THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign a Site Plan
Agreement between Coscan Development Corporation and the Town of
PL90-126-289 -Pr~osed Site Plan Agreement between the Town of Aurora and
David Marsland, C ristine Marsland and Phillip Marsland, 77 Wellington
Street East, SP-90-09
THAT subject to the provision of all financial
applicable fees and levies and Zoning By-law 3222-90
force, Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign
Agreement between David Marsland, Christiane Marsland
Marsland and the Town of Aurora.
coming into
a Site Plan
and Phillip
Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT the reso 1 uti ons respecting the foregoing matters be adopted,
and Staff be authorized to take a 11 necessary actions required to
give effect to same.
The Corporation of the Town of Markham re: Request for endorsation of
PI aces
Moved by Councillor Mcintyre Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT Council endorse the resolution of the Town of Markham
regarding non profit housing for seniors and families.
Urban Institute re: Registration of elected and appointed
for symposium -Planning The Toronto Region: Lessons From Other
Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT the report be received as information.
Aurora Minor Hockey Association re: Request for monetary assistance for
l99l Town of Aurora Bantam Tournament
Referra 1:
Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT approval be given to the Town of Aurora Bantam Tournament to
continue to receive monetary assistance.
Upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, it was:
Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Weller
THAT the report be referred to Staff for an amount to be
established for the Aurora Bantam Tournament.
Aurora Council Minutes No. 43-90
Wednesday, September 26, 1990
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Markham-Vaughan Environmental Action re: Waste Management
#567. Moved by Councillor Ochalski Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT Council endorse the actions taken by Markham and Vaughan
regarding the Reduction of Throwaway Materials and the coordinator
be informed of the action.
The Regional Municipality of York re: Appended Clause No. 33, Report No.
13 -"Organic Yard Waste Composting Facility"
#568. Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT the report be received as information and be referred to the
Director of Public Works for a report.
The Regional Municipality of York re: Appended Clause No. 4, Report No. 14
-"Class Environmental Assessments for Road Projects"
#569. Moved by Councillor Ochalski Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT the report be received as information.
The Regional Municipality of York re: Part Lot 20 Concession 3, Town of
Aurora, formerly Township of Whitchurch, Instrument No. 11926 Whitchurch,
Regional Road No. 15
#570. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Timpson
THAT the report be received as information.
The Regional Municipality of York re: Tree By-law
#571. Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Stewart
THAT the report be received as information.
Association of Municipalities of Ontario re: County and Regional Section
Annual Meeting October 14-17, 1990
#572. Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT the correspondence be received as information, and those
members of Council wishing to attend be authorized to do so in
accordance with the normal policy.
B. Bowes, Director of Public Works, Memo re: Truck Traffic Report on
Regional Roads =-Township-Of-King
#573. Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT the report be received as information.
Aurora Council Minutes No. 43-90
Wednesday, September 26, 1990
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Ministry of Municipal Affairs re: Program for Renewal, Improvement,
Development and Economic Revitalization
#574. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT the report be referred to Councillor McKenzie, Chairman of the
Business Improvement Committee.
The Regional Municipality of York re: Appended Clause No. 2, Report No. 13
-"Run-A-Than, Town of Aurora"
#575. Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Timpson
THAT the report be received as information.
Cansult Engineering Limited re: Regional Municipality of York -Study -
Bayview Avenue from Bloomington Road to Wellington Street East
#576. Moved by Councillor Mcintyre Seconded by Councillor Ochalski
THAT the report be received as information, and that the
organizations "Friends of Nature" and S.T.O.R.M. be referred to the
Regional Municipality of York for involvement in the study.
Committee Minutes No. 42-90, dated Monda , Se tember 17,
#577. Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Timpson
THAT the Minutes of the Planning Advisory Committee Meeting Number
42-90 be received, and that the recommendations carried by the
Committee be adopted.
Councillor Jones, having previously declared a Possible Conflict of Interest
(Meeting No. 42-90) in the delegation of Mr. Howard Friedman, and in Report
PL90-112-272 regarding the Timberlane Tennis Club, did not take part in the
vote called for adoption of this report.
Councillor McKenzie, having previously declared a Possible Conflict of
Interest (Meeting No. 42-90) in the delegation of Ms. Diana Leeming, and in
Report PL90-114-274 (Diana Leeming), did not take part in the vote called
for adoption of this report.
Councillor Mcintyre, having previously declared a possible Conflict of
Interest (Meeting No. 42-90) in the delegation of Boigon and Armstrong
Architects, and in Report PL90-115-275 (Yonge Irwin Centre), did not take
part in the vote called for adoption of this report.
LS90-030-290 -Parking Lot Paving -Leisure Complex
#578. Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Ochalski
THAT the Town of Aurora approve the revised layout of paved parking
areas, as detailed in the attached drawings.
Aurora Council Minutes No. 43-90
Wednesday, September 26, 1990
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LS90-031-291 -Regional Tree By-law
Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT the report of the Director of Leisure Services concerning the
Regional efforts in recommending and effecting amendments to the
Trees Act be adopted.
Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT the Regional Solicitor be requested to proceed with the
preparation of a basic by-law, regulating the destruction of trees
pursuant to the Trees Act; and
THAT the efforts of the Regional Planning Department, in
recommending and effecting amendments to the Trees Act to make the
statute more of an instrument of tree preservation, be endorsed.
PER90-008-292 -Employee Benefits Plan -Renewal
#581. Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT Counci 1 agree to a one-year renewa 1 of the existing employee
benefits plan with Constellation Assurance Company, incorporating
revised monthly rates for Extended Health Care, Dental, Long Term
Disability coverage, and Basic Life Insurance; and no change to the
existing rates for Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance
coverage, as outlined in Appendix "A", effective October 1, 1990.
PL90-125-293 -Proposed Site Plan Agreement between the Town of Aurora and
Aurora Fruit Market Limited, 151, 157 and 159 Yonge Street North, SP-90-05
#582. Moved by Counci 11 or Jones Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT in accordance with Section 34(16) of the Planning Act, Council
has determined that no further notice is to be given in respect of
the proposed by-law as outlined in this report.
THAT subject to Offici a 1 Plan Amendment No. 55 being approved by
the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Zoning By-law 3219-90 coming
into force, Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign a Site
Plan Agreement between Aurora Fruit Market Ltd. and the Town of
PW90-078-294-Request for Street Light (Luminaire) -Wells Street
#583. Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT Council authorize the installation of a luminaire to improve
lighting near Wells Street and Harrison Avenue.
THAT funds be provided from Account No. 308-221.
PW90-079-295 -Water Sales
#584. Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Weller
THAT the current procedures in place for the purchase and usage of
Town water be maintained.
THAT water restrictions be continued but the method of application
be reviewed.
/ ..
Aurora Council Minutes No. 43-90
Wednesday, September 26, 1990
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AMENDMENT: Upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, it was:
Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT water restrictions be lifted from January 1, 1991, until June
30, 1991, and a review of water usage be reviewed in July, 1991.
Upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, it was:
#586. Moved by Councillor Ochalski Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT the matter be referred to Staff for alternatives.
PW90-080-296 -Invitational Tender P.W. 1990-17 -Cleaning of Public Works
#587. Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT Tender P.W. 1990-17 for cleaning of Public Works Facilities be
awarded to the low bidder, T.J. Janitorial Services, at the
tendered price of $480.00 per month, or $11,520.00 for a 24 month
period. The funds for this tender are provided in Account 301-304.
PW90-081-297 -Request to have 40km/hr. 1 imit sign erected on Ridge Road
#588. Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT the speed limit be posted at 40km/hr. based on the physical
properties of Ridge Road West, which are considered to be deficient
in two areas, which may affect the desirable safe operating speed
of traffic.
PW90-082-298 -Town of Aurora -Winter Maintenance Program
#589. Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT Council endorse the proposa 1 as the Town's "Winter Maintenance
PW90-083-299 -Catchbasin Cleaning
#590. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT approval be given to Cannington Excavating 1989 Ltd. to
provide catchbasin cleaning services at $108.00 per 600mm x 600mm
and $210.00 each per 1.2m x 600mm catchbasin, total cost of work
not to exceed $25,000.00. To be charged to Account No. 334-312.
Ministry of Municipal Affairs re: Conference -GTA -"Understanding the
Future", Thursday, November 15, 1990
#591. Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT the correspondence be received, and those Members of Counci 1
wishing to attend be authorized to do so in accordance with the
normal policy.
Aurora Council Minutes No. 43-90
Wednesday, September 26, 1990
-10 -
Tamarac Area Residents' Association re: Ward System
#592. Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT the correspondence be received as information.
Release of Site Plan Securities
Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Ochalski
THAT, upon recommendation of the Director of Public Works, Director
of Building Administration, the Fire Chief and the Leisure Services
Department the financial securities held in connection with the
following Site Plan Agreements be released in their entirety.
Byrne Glass
Site Plan
Agreement No.
(714354 Ontario Ltd) SP-87-16
(180 Industrial Prkwy. N)
Aurora Vehicle Recycling SP-88-08
(Bloomington Sideroad)
Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Timpson
THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the
following by-laws for First Reading:
3227-90 Being a By-law to regulate the planting of shade or
ornamental trees upon the highways under the jurisdiction
of the Town of Aurora.
3228-90 Being a By-law to dedicate certain lands for the purposes
of a public highway.
3229-90 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2613-83, a By-law to
govern and control the parking of vehicles within the
Town of Aurora.
3230-90 Being a By-law to amend By-law No.3169-90, a By-law to
appoint a Director of Building Administration.
3231-90 Being a By-law to amend By-law No. 2879-86, a By-law to
establish the office and define, limit and determine the
duties and responsibilities of the Clerk.
AND THAT the same be taken as read a First Time.
Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT leave be given the Mover and ·Seconder to introduce the
following by-laws for Second Reading:
3227-90 Being a By-law to regulate the planting of shade or
ornamental trees upon the highways under the jurisdiction
of the Town of Aurora.
3228-90 Being a By-law to dedicate certain lands for the purposes
of a public highway.
Aurora Council Minutes No. 43-90
Wednesday, September 26, 1990
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3229-90 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2613-83, a By-law to
govern and control the parking of vehicles within the
Town of Aurora.
3230-90 Being a By-law to amend By-law No.3169-90, a By-law to
appoint a Director of Building Administration.
3231-90 Being a By-law to amend By-law No. 2879-86, a By-law to
establish the office and define, limit and determine the
duties and responsibilities of the Clerk.
AND THAT the same be taken as read a Second Time.
Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the
following by-laws for Third Reading:
3160-89 Being a By-law to amend By-law No. 2213-78 (Twinkle
3208-90 Being a By-law to protect and conserve topsoil within the
Town of Aurora.
3219-90 Being a By-law to amend By-law No. 2213-78 (Aurora Fruit
3222-90 Being a By-law to amend By-law No. 2213-78 (David
AND THAT the same be taken as read a Third Time.
AMENDMENT: Upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, it was:
#597. Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Ochalski
THAT By-law No. 3222-90 be withdrawn and referred to the Unfinished
Business Section of the Agenda.
The resolution CARRIED AS AMENDED.
#598. Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the
following by-laws for Third Reading:
3228-90 Being a By-law to dedicate certain lands for the purposes
of a public highway.
3229-90 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2613-83, a By-law to
govern and control the parking of vehicles within the
Town of Aurora.
AND THAT the same be taken as read a Third Time.
Delegation by Mr. David Marsland, By-law Lot Levy (3156-89) and Third
Reading of By-law 3222-90
#599. Moved by Councillor Mcintyre Seconded by Councillor Stewart
THAT By-law 3222-90, being a By-law to amend By-law No. 2213-78
(David Marsland), receive third reading.
On a recorded vote, the resolution CARRIED.
Aurora Council Minutes No. 43-90
Wednesday, September 26, 1990
-12 -
VOTING YEA: Mayor West; Councillors Jones, Mcintyre, McKenzie, Pedersen,
Stewart and Weller.
VOTING NAY Councillors Ochalski and Timpson.
#600. Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Ochalski
THAT the matter of Commercial Lot Levies in general be referred to
Staff for background information and a review of the overall policy.
Delegation by Mr. Jim Ward, Aurora Eagles Jr. Hockey Club re: Ice Rental,
Auditorium Facilities and General Update
#601. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre
THAT the request for reduction in fees be referred to the 1991
budget discussions.
Correspondence from Ms. Ruth Howard, Wells Street School Parent Group
re: Planting a Tree in Town Park
#602. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT the Director of Leisure Services be authorized to have Staff
work .with Ms. Howard to have a tree planted in the Town Park as a
memorial to Principal B. Paradine who recently passed away.
Councillor Mcintyre
Councillor McKenzie
Councillor Weller
-Site Plan for Coscan Link Houses-
why linked below ground? Seems
pointless and expensive.
-Commented on the improvement to
the railway crossing at
Wellington Street.
-What is going on in Town -Yonge
Street in particular.
-Councillor Pedersen indicated
that the T.V. show being filmed
in Aurora has two members of the
Pedersen family as extras and
their antique car is also being
used. Councillor Pedersen will
inform Council as to when the
film is to be aired.
#603. Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Ochalski
THAT the Committee of the Whole Meeting scheduled for Monday,
October 1, 1990, be cancelled.
#604. Moved by Councillor Jones
THAT the meeting b~ adjourned at 9:31 p.m.
J. West,