MINUTES - Council - 19900110MINUTES
NO. 01-90
York Region Board of Education Administrative Offices
\~ednesday, January 10, 1990
8:00 p.m.
COUNCIL MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Mayor West in Chair, Councillors
Jones, Mcintyre, McKenzie, Ochalski
Pedersen, Stewart and Timpson.
Councillor Weller absent on vacation.
STAFF MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Administrative Officer, Clerk,
Deputy Clerk, Deputy Treasurer,
Director of Planning, Director of
Leisure Services, Director of
Personnel, Fire Chief, Operations
Manager, Manager of Engineering
Services and Acting Chief Building
Councillor McKenzie declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Accounts
paid to Herb McKenzie Auto Parts, due to monetary interest in same, and did
not take part in or vote on any questions in this regard, or attempt in any
way to influence the voting on such question.
Councillor Timpson declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Accounts paid
to York Region Board of Education due to employment with same, and did not
take part in or vote on any questions in this regard, or attempt in anyway
to influence the voting on such question.
#1. Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT the content of the Consolidated Agenda with additions and
deletions, be approved as outlined herein.
#2. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT the minutes of Meeting Number 60-89 be be adopted as printed
and circulated.
#3. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre
THAT the following Accounts in the total amount of $5,482,614.36
details of which are on file with the Treasury Office, are approved
by Council for payment and the seal of the Corporation be attached
Cheque #9110 to #9220
Cheque #9221 to #9274
Cheque #9275 to #9356
Cheque #9357 to #9430
Cheque #9431 to #9548
Manual Cheques
Cheque 234/89 to 258/89
Reserve Cheques .
Cheque 00226
$3,202 '731. 79
$ 507,217.26
$ 227,936.79
$ 388,394.62
$ 58,870.00
Aurora Council Minutes No. 01-90
Wednesday, January 10, 1990
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Councillor McKenzie having previously declared a possible Conflict of
Interest in Accounts paid to Herb McKenzie Auto Parts did not take part in
the vote called for payment of this account.
Councillor Timpson having previously declared a possible Conflict of
Interest in Accounts paid to The York Region Board of Education did not take
part in the vote called for payment of this account.
Correspondence and Petitions
Victorian Order of Nurses for Canada re: request for proclamation of
January 21 through January 27, 1990
That the week of January 21 through January 27, 1990 be proclaimed
"VON Week" in the Town of Aurora.
Ontario Good Roads Association re: Annual Conference February 25 -28,
1990, Royal York Hotel
That the correspondence be received as information and those wishing to
attend be permitted in accordance with the Town's policy.
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario re: request that the month of
February, 1990 be proclaimed "Heart and Stroke Month" in the Town of Aurora;
and that their flag be flown during February
That the month of February, 1990 be proclaimed "Heart and Stroke Month"
in the Town of Aurora; and that staff make the necessary arrangements to
fly the Heart and Stroke Foundation Flag during February.
The Regi ona 1 Muni ci pa 1 i ty of York Clerk's Department re: Clause No. 14 of
Report No. 16 of the Regional Engineering Committee being "Sewer Discharge
That the correspondence be received as information; and be referred to
the Public Works Department for a report.
Staff Reports
AFD90-001-002 -Fire Communication Services -Dispatch
That the Town of Aurora continue the dispatching service with the Town
of Newmarket as outlined within the attached agreement.
PW90-005-003 -Springburn West Subdivision -Phase II Acceptance of Pipe
Arch Installation
That Council accept the twin pipe culvert installation under Seaton
TR90-001-010 -Uncollectible Taxes
That the uncollectible taxes in the amount of $24,726.67 for the years
1986-1989, as appended to this Report, be written off.
Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT the resolutions respecting the foregoing matters be adopted,
and Staff be authorized to take a 11 necessary actions required to
give effect to same.
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Wednesday, January 10, 1990
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Town of Vaughan re: Proposed Postal Rate Increase
#5. Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre
THAT the Town of Vaughan be advised that the Council of the Town
of Aurora does not support their resolution suggesting that Canada
Post consider the elimination of Community Mail Boxes to be replaced
with door-to-door service.
The Corporation of the Town of Milton re: Proposed Ontario Motorist
Protection Plan
#6. Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT the position of the Canadian Bar Association with respect to
the Ontario Motorist Protection Plan be endorsed by the Council of
the Town of Aurora; and
THAT the Association, The Town of Milton and Mr. Charles Beer,
M.P.P. be so advised.
a) Aurora Committee of Adjustment re: Notice of Decision re: Glenellen
Homes Limited, 27 Hodgkinson Crescent, Aurora; Application A-34-89;
b) Aurora Committee of Adjustment re: Notice of lleci si on re: Cher-L vnn
Homes, 112 Willow Farm Lane, Aurora; Application
c) Aurora Committee of Adjustment re: Notice ot uec1 sion re: Cher-Lvnn
Homes, 108 Willow Farm Lane, Aurora;
d) Aurora Committee of Adjustment re: Notice of Decision re: Wayne and
Teresa Carroll, __ Ridg_e_Road, Aurora, Application A-]l_-89; (Granted)
e) Aurora Committee of Adjustment re: Notice of Decision re: 683638
Ontario l1m1ted, 145 Murra Drive, Aurora; A lication A-38-89;
f) Aurora Committee of Adjustment re: Notice of Decision re:
Froio, 14 Alm Court, Aurora; Application A-39-89; (Granted)
g) Aurora Committee of Adjustment re: Notice of Decisions re:
Jonoenee 1 /Besk Properties Limited, Hunters _Glen Road,
pprications B-28=89-and B-29-89 (Granted
h) Association of Municipalities of Ontario re: Membership Services
i) Mr. David Raitt, student re:
appreciation for the Town of Aurora
k) Regional Municipality of York Clerk's Department re: Committee being
"Home Care Services in York Region"
1) Ministry of Housing re: Building Action Program and Building
Administration Fund grant payment
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Wednesday, January 10, 1990
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n) Bathurst Township Council re: Recycling
o) Canadian Parents for French Ontario) re: condoninq of ''French
Language Services ct
Business Improvement Committee Minutes of the meeting held on November 1,
Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Stewart
THAT the minutes of the Business Improvement Committee meeting held
on November 1, 1989 be received as information.
Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT Council allocate the necessary funds to undertake engineering
investigation to improve the Victoria Street parking area with
Funds to be taken from Cash in Lieu of Parking.
ADM90-001-011 -Bill 194 -An Act to Restrict Smoking in the Workplace
#9. Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Counci 11 or Jones
i) THAT, in accordance with its responsibilities as an "employer"
under the Smoking in the Workplace Act, 1989, Council designate
as smoking areas those areas listed on the Municipal Workplace
Inventory appended hereto as Schedule "A";
ii) THAT, respecting municipal vehicles and equipment, smoking be
permitted in vehicles/equipment which can, in the opinion of the
Department Head, be safely operated while the driver is smoking,
and with the consent of any non-smokers who may be present; and
iii) Pending the enacting of a By-law to regulate smoking in public
areas, that smoking be prohibited in all areas, lobbies, corridors
of municipally-owned buildings to which the public has access, save
and except those areas leased, rented or utilized by private
individuals, service clubs or other organizations for functions or
uses to which the public is not generally admitted and those areas
specifically included on Schedule ''A''.
CL90-001-001 -Street Names -Aurora East Industrial Estates
#10. Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Counci 11 or Jones
THAT Council determine the name to be assigned to the street in the
Aurora East Industrial Estates running north from Wellington
Street, in front of the new Civic Administration Complex; and
THAT the names Petermann Drive
Eckler Road
Ostick Street
McAvoy Road
Cockeri 11 Street
be approved for use in draft plan of subdivision 19T -88060, the
Beavertop Investment's Draft Plan of Subdivision.
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Wednesday, January 10, 1990
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REFERRAL -Upon the question of the adoption of the recommendation, it was:
#11. Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT the subject of the street names for the draft plan of
subdivision 19T-88060 be referred to the next Planning Advisory
Committee meeting.
PER90-001-004 -Volunteer Fire Fighters -Compensation
#12. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT Council approve the following rates for Aurora Volunteer
Firefighters, effective January 1, 1990:
Initial Call (first 2 hours)
Overtime (each additional hour)
Standby (summer weekends only)
*Rates quoted for Initial Call reflect Level 1 (First Class
Firefighter) classification wage. Rates for other levels are a
percentage of a Level 1 Firefighter's rate and will increase
PER90-002-005 -Administrative Procedure No. 28 Employment
Expenses/Mileage Component
THAT the mileage rate be established at 29.5¢/kilometre,
effective January 1, 1990.
PW90-002-006 -Assumption of Services for Lakeview Estates Subdivision
Phase I
THAT Council assume the services within the subject development, as
contained within registered plan 65M-2258
PW90-003-007 -Security Reduction for Progressive Packaging
#15. Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT reductions beyond those presently permitted under the site
plan agreement be allowed; and
THAT a request by Progressive Packaging for a further reduction of
its letter of credit from $18,900.00 to $1,000.00 be approved.
PW90-004-008 Assumption of Services for Granada Investments Aurora
Highlands Subdivision, Phases I, IV, and VI
#16. Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT Council assume the services within Phases I, IV and VI of
the Granada Investments, Aurora Highlands Subdivision, as contained
within registered Plans M-2034, M-2035, 65M-2243 and 65M-2304.
Aurora Council Minutes No. 01-90
Wednesday, .January 10, 1990
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PW90-006-009 -Assumption of Services for Southold Investments Phase I
#17. Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT Council assume the services within the subject development as
contained within registered plan 65M-2247.
Release of Landscaping Securities for Southold Phase II and Sherrvwine
Developments L1mited
18. Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT upon the recommendation of the Director of Leisure Services
for the Town of Aurora, the fi nanci a 1 security in the amount of
$10,000.00 held for Landscaping obligations for Southold Phase II
(Plan 65M-23g5 & 65M-2396) in connection with an agreement between
Southold Investments Limited and The Corporation of the Town of
Aurora; and the security for Landscaping obligations in the amount
of $10,000.00 for Sherrywine Developments (65M-2618) in
connection with an Agreement between Sherrywine Developments
Limited and The Corporation of the Town of Aurora be released in
their entirety.
Release of Site Plan Securities -Vic Priestly
#19. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT upon the recommendation of the Public Works Department,
Director of Lei sure Services, the Acting Chief Bui 1 ding Offici a 1
and Fire Chief for the Town of Aurora, the financial security in
the amount of $2,000.00 held in connection with a Site Plan
Agreement (SP-89-16) between Vic Priestly and the Town of
Aurora be released in its entirety.
Release of Landscaping Securities for Lakeview Phase I (65M-2?.58)
#20. Moved by Councillor Mcintyre Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT upon the recommendation of the Director of Leisure Services
for the Town of Aurora the security held in the amount of
$34,800.00 in connection with Landscaping obligations for the
Lakeview Phase I (65M-2258) Subdivision be released in its entirety.
Reguest for Designated Property Grant Payment for 74 Wellington Street East
#21. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor
THAT the Designated Property Grant application request for payment
in the amount of $3,000.00 be approved for 74 Wellington Street
East, Aurora.
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Wednesday, January 10, 1990
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Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the
following by-laws for First Reading:
3163-89 Being a by-law to repeal By-law Number 3157-89; a By-law
to exempt certain lots on Plan 65M-2767, Aurora, from the
Part Lot Control provisions as provided in subsection
49(5) of the Planning Act, 1983, S.O. 1983.(Village
3164-90 Being a by-law to provide for an interim tax levy in the
year 1990 and in each succeeding year.
AND THAT the same be taken as read a First Time.
Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Counci 11 or ,Jones
THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the
following by-laws for Second Reading:
3163-89 Being a by-law to repeal Ry-law Number 3157-89; a By-law
to exempt certain lots on Plan 65M-2767, Aurora, from the
Part Lot Control provisions as provided in subsection
49(5) of the Planning Act, 1983, S.O. 1983.
3164-90 Being a by-law to provide for an interim tax levy in the
year 1990 and in each succeeding year.
AND THAT the same be taken as read a Second Time.
Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT leave be given the Mover and seconder to introduce the
following by-laws for Third Reading:
3158-89 Being a By-law to exempt certain lots on Plan 65M-2655,
Aurora, from the Part Lot Control provisions as provided
in subsection 49(5) of the Planning Act, 1983, S.O. 1983.
3161-89 Being a By-law to amend By-law No. 2213-78; (Taylor)
AND THAT the same be taken as read a Third Time.
Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Stewart
THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the
following by-laws for Third Reading:
3163-89 Being a by-law to repeal By-law Number 3157-89; a By-law
to exempt certain lots on Plan 65M-2767, Aurora, from the
Part Lot Control provisions as provided in subsection
49(5) of the Planning Act,1983, S.O. 1983.
3164-90 Being a by-law to provide for an interim tax levy in the
year 1990 and in each succeeding year.
AND THAT the same be taken as read a Third Time.
Aurora Council Minutes No. 01-90
Wednesday, January 10, 1990
Councillor McKenzie
Councillor Pedersen
Councillor Mcintyre
- 8 -
the purpose of Councillor
Mcintyre's request for
information related to land
sa 1 es by the Town of Aurora on
Mary Street.
Councillor Mcintyre indicated
she was seeking information
related to Old Park Holdings,
the original owner of the
whether creation of guidelines
respecting research requests of
staff ·could be added to a
future agenda.
Department was
responses to false
if the Fire
criteria for
the status of the report
related to parking surrounding
the Town Park.
if staff could look at a
program to dispose of Christmas
trees in 1990.
Memo from Councillor George Timpson re: Planning Advisory Committee
Meeting Date
#26. Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Timpson
That the date of the Planning Advisory Committee meeting Scheduled
for January 15th be altered to January 17th.
The Reqional Municipality of York Engineering Department re: Clause 21,
Report No. 2D -Establishment of Transit Workinq Committee
#27. Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT Mr. Art Meeke be appointed as the Town's representative on
the Working Committee established to deal with the Region of York
Transit Study.
#28. Moved by Councillor McKenzie
THAT the meeting be adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
J. West , Mayor Gowan, \Clerk