MINUTES - Council - 19890719I MINUTES TOWN OF AURORA COUNCIL MEET! NG NO. 34-89 Boardroom York Region Board of Education Administrative Offices Wednesday, July 19, 1989 8:00 p.m. COUNCIL MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Mayor West in the Chair, Councillors Jones, Mcintyre, McKenzie, Ochalski, Pedersen, Stewart, Timpson, and Weller. STAFF MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE DECLARATION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST Chief Administrative Officer, Clerk, Deputy Clerk, Senior Planner -Plans Admi ni strati on, Director of Lei sure Services, Director of Public Works, Chief Building Official, Fire Chief, and Treasurer. Director of Planning absent on Vacation. Councillor Timpson declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Accounts paid to York Region Board of Education due to employment with same, and did not take part in or vote on any questions in this regard, or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. Councillor McKenzie declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Accounts paid to Herb McKenzie Auto Parts due to monetary interest in same, and did not take part in or vote on any questions in this regard, or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. Councillor Jones declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Accounts paid to the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto due to employment with one of the area Municipalities thereof and did not take part in or vote on any questions in this regard, or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. APPROVAL OF AGENDA #416. Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT the content of the Agenda be approved as outlined herein. CARRIED DELEGATION Mrs. K. Newby, Resident re: Need for playground facilities; Aurora Highlands Community Ms. K. Newby addressed Council on behalf of several residents of the Aurora Highlands Community concerning the provision of public recreational lands which would serve to benefit the social development needs of the young children in the area. It was indicated that the neighbors were of the opinion that Council has responded slowly to the June 1988 petition submitted concerning this issue. It was requested that a contact person be appointed by Council to act as a 1 iason with the residents and to keep them informed of progress; that Council proceed with the necessary land acquisition this year and undertake the improvement works prior to/during Spring 1990; and that the necessary funds to acquire the p 1 ayground faci 1 ities be a 11 ocated from the Town's Park's Reserve Funds. #417. Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Timpson THAT this matter be referred to Unfinished Business for discussion. CARRIED Aurora Council Minutes No. 34-89 Wednesday, July 19, 1989 PASSING OF ACCOUNTS - 2 - #418. Moved by Councillor Mcintyre Seconded by Councillor Weller THAT the following Accounts in the total amount of $6,039,132.25, details of which are on file with the Treasury Office, are approved by Council for payment and the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Cheque #6466 to #6539 Cheque #6540 to #6675 Cheque #6676 to #6739 Cheque #6740 to #6791 Manual Cheques Cheque 133-162 TOTAL $ 259,310.20 2,373,625.62 253,925.36 121,902.91 3,030,368.16 $6,039,132.25 CARRIED Councillor Timpson, having previously declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Accounts paid to York Region Board of Education, did not take part in the vote called for payment of this account. Councillor McKenzie, having previously declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Accounts paid to Herb McKenzie Auto Parts, did not take part in the vote called for payment of this account. Councillor Jones, having previously declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Accounts paid to the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto, did not take part in the vote called for payment of this account. SECTION "A" -CONSENT ITEMS Correspondence and Petitions Association of Municipalities re: 1989 County and Regional Section Conference; Accreditation of Voting Delegates for the 1989 Conference of the County and Regional Section of AMO THAT this item be received, and that any members of Council wishing to attend advise the Clerk. The Navy League of Canada, reguest to hold tag days on September 28, 29, and 30 · THAT the request to hold tag days on September 28, 29, and 30, be approved. Staff Reports PL89-078-205 -Proposed Plan of Subdivision; Part Lots 84 and 85, Concession I, E.Y.S.; Beavertop Investments Limited, 19f-88o6o That the recommendations set out in Report No. PL89-051-167, prepared by the Director of Planning dated June 19, 1989 and adopted by Counci 1 on June 28, 1989 be amended by revising Conditions #1 and #3 to read as follows: 1. Approval shall relate to a draft plan of subdivision prepared by Cosburn, Patterson, Wardman Limited, Consulting Engineers, dated June 1989, date stamped received June 6, 1989 with the following changes outlined in red on the said draft plan: i) Block H (8.0 metre road widening) along south side of St. John's Side road, east of Street 'A' extended east to the Bayview Avenue intersection; ii) Boundary line between Block B (Service Commercial) and Lot 7 adjusted accordingly to accommodate the road widening extension, set out in (i) above; Aurora Council Minutes No. 34-89 Wednesday, July 19, 1989 - 3 - iii) The southwest boundary of the draft plan of subdivision revised to include the Aurora Parkway Trunk Sanitary Sewer; iv) Boundary lines of Lots 9, 10 and 11 realigned to provide for two Prestige Industrial lots (Lot 11 eliminated}; v) Block C (Open Space) deleted from the draft plan and the boundary lines of Lots 12, 13, 14 extended into these lands with an easement over the lands required for the future stormwater management facility; vi) Schedule of Land Use on draft plan revised to reflect above changes. 3. The owner shall convey Block D to the Town of Aurora. PL89-079-206 -Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lots 82 and 83, Concession I, E.Y.S., Bayview Parks Inc., 19T-88100 THAT the recommendations set out in Report Number PL89-052-168, prepared by the Director of Planning dated June 19, 1989, and adopted by Council on June 28, 1989, be amended by revising Condition #1 (ii) to read as follows: 1(ii) Westerly boundary line of Lot 69 adjusted accordingly to accommodate the additional width for the driveway access block, set out in (i) above. PW89-031-207 -By-law for remedial works to improve the Yonge Street North twin pipe arch located on Yonge Street North, North of Batson Drive #419. THAT Council consider By-law Number 3128-89 circulated with the Agenda, required by the Ministry of Transportation for funding it's share of the remedial work to improve the Yonge Street North pipe arch, located on Yonge Street North, north of Batson Drive. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Weller THAT the resolutions respecting the foregoing matters be adopted, and Staff be authorized to take a 11 necessary action required to give effect to same. CARRIED SECTION B -MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS Township of Hope re: Conservation Authority Regulations #420. Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Pedersen THAT the correspondence of the Township of Hope be deferred pending receipt of clarification of the intention of same by staff. CARRIED Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority re: Amalgamation of Lake Simcoe Region and Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authorities; request for endorsement of resolution regarding same #421. Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Timpson THAT the wording of the draft resolution submitted for consideration by the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority be endorsed by the Council of the Town of Aurora; and THAT copies of same be forwarded to those parties and individuals suggested in the correspondence. CARRIED Aurora Council Minutes No. 34-89 Wednesday, July 19, 1989 - 4 - CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS RECEIVED AS INFORMATION a) The Regional Municipality of York re: Report Number 1 of the Regional Lot Levy Committee b) The Regional Municipality of York re: Report Number 1 of the Regional Chairman and Chief Administrative Officer regarding Future Growth in York Region c) The Regional Municieality of York re: Customer Council of Postal Serv1ces for York Reg1on d) The Region a 1 Muni cipa 1 i ty of York re: Clause 12 of Report Number 11 of the Engineering Committee re: Solid Waste Management Study e) The Regional Municipality of York re: Clause 14 of Report Number 11 of the Engineering Committee re: Recycled Materials Processing System f) Ontario Hydro re: Lakeview Thermal Generating Station Coal Ash Management Study; Potential Sites Identified g) Kennel Inn Aurora, re: Quarterly Report; April/May/June of 1989 h) Better Roads Coalition re: Publication entitled "Don't Just Sit Here Call Your M.P.P." i) Aurora Buildin ht j) Aurora Ad.iustment, Notice of Decision; Twinkle Liqht Buildin ication B-15-89 (Granted with Conditions k) Aurora Committee of Ad.iustment, Notice of Decision; Twinkle Liqht Buildin Corporation, APPlication B-16-89 (Granted with Conditions 1) The Regional Municipality of Halton re: request for resolution regarding Provincial Grant Reductions to Municipalities m) Clerk's Statement on Candidates Disclosure Elections Act Part II; Municipal COMMITTEE REPORTS PW89-032-208 -Salt/Sand Storage Facility Ad Hoc Committee report re: Tender Results #422. Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT the Gambrel Structures Limited submission for the supply and erection of a 72' x 80' Hi-Arch Gambrel Salt/Sand Storage Facility be accepted at a cost of $152,561.49 and that all such costs be charged to account 409-903. CARRIED PW89-033-209 -Traffic -Northeast Quadrant Ad Hoc Committee Interim Report #423. Moved·by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Jones 1. THAT the following "No Stopping" zones be approved by Council, the Region having previously recommended same: Yonge St. west side Wellington St. W. -75m South -No Stopping Anytime Yonge St. west side Wellington St. W. -75m North -No Stopping Anytime Yonge St. east side Wellington St. E. -75m North -No Stopping Anytime Yonge St. west side Wellington St. E. -75m South -No Stopping Anytime Aurora Council Minutes No. 34-89 Wednesday, July 19, 1989 - 5 - 2. THAT the Region be asked to approve the fo 11 owing "No Stopping" zones on Wellington Street and that upon third reading, sign Wellington Street accordingly: Wellington St. E. north side Yonge St. -75m East -No Stopping Anytime Wellington St. E. south side Yonge St. -75m East -No Stopping Anytime Wellington St. W. north side Yonge St. -75m West -No Stopping Anytime Wellington St. W. south side Yonge St. -?Om West -No Stopping Anytime CARRIED STAFF REPORTS CL89-020-210 -Prohibited Parking And No Stopping Anytime #424. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Weller 1. That Parking By-1 aw No. 2613-83 be amended to incorporate the following parking prohibitions: (i) Allaura Blvd., south side, east from Yonge St. to #9 Allaura Blvd. Then on the north side, east from Yonge St. to Edward St. (ii) Industrial Parkway, both sides north from Yonge St. to it's northern future terminuses at St. John's Side Road. (iii) Batson Dr. east from Yonge St. south side to Spruce St. (iv) Cousins Dr. east from Yonge St., both sides to Cameron Ave. 2. That Parking By-law No. 2613-83 be amended to incorporate the following No Stopping prohibition: (i) West side of Yonge St., south from Henderson Ave. to the railway overpass. CARRIED CL89-021-211-Development Agreement-Beavertop Investments Limited #425. Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor Pedersen THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute a Deve 1 opment Agreement dated the 19th day of July, 1989, between the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, and Beavertop Investments Limited. CARRIED CL8g-023-212 -Fire Agreement between the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffvi 11 e and the Town of Aurora #426. Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Stewart THAT the Town of Aurora confirm the continuation of the Fire Agreement between the Town of Whi tchurch-Stouffvill e and the Town of Aurora. CARRIED Aurora Council Minutes No. 34-89 Wednesday, July 19, 1989 - 6 - LS89-035-213 -Finalization -Senior's Centre Contract #427. Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Stewart THAT Council approve the allocation of an additional $23,000.00 from the Capital Reserve Account for the addition of the optional bay window to the construction cost of the Victoria Street Seniors' Centre and that this amount be credited to account 750-937. On a recorded vote, the resolution CARRIED. YEAS 6 NAYS 3 VOTING YEA: Councillors Mcintyre, McKenzie, Pedersen, Stewart, Timpson, and Mayor West. VOTING NAY: Councillors Jones, Ochalski, and Weller. PER89-007-214 -Administrative Procedure Number 28 Employment Expenses/Mileage Component #428. Moved by Councillor Ochalski Seconded by Councillor Pedersen THAT mileage rates be reviewed and established by the Personnel Department on a semi-annual basis and further that the rate be based on an average of the rates paid by municipalities within York Region. CARRIED TR89-014-215 -Aurora Fellowship Baptist Church, request for tax refund #429. Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Jones a) THAT Council approve a Town Grant from Account 101-436 in the amount of $456.00 payable to Aurora Fellowship Baptist Church for the year 1989; and b) THAT further grant requests for 1990 and subsequent years be made in accordance with the Town's Grant Policy and Procedures, which require that a formal application with financial statements be submitted before November 30 of the preceding year. CARRIED TR89-015-216 -Taxes being cancelled under Section 496 of the Assessment Act #430. Moved by Councillor Mcintyre Seconded by Councillor Weller THAT the list of 496 taxes appended to Report TR89-015, be approved for Write-off in the amount of $28,815.01. CARRIED RESOLUTIONS Release of Securities; Thomas Mullen, and Gerald Kool #431. Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Stewart THAT upon the recommendation of the Director of Public Works, the Director of Leisure Services, the Chief Building Official, and the Fire Chief of the Town of Aurora, financial securities held in connection with Site Plan Agreements between the Town and Thomas Mullen in the amount of $2,750.00; and the Town and Gerald Kool in the amount of $16,000.00 be released in their entirety. CARRIED Aurora Council Minutes No. 34-89 Wednesday, July 19, 1989 - 7 - Authorization to execute Quit Claim Deeds, Willow Farms Easements #432. Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor Pedersen THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized, upon confirmation from the Public Works Department that same are no longer required, to execute Quit Claim Deeds related to easements on those lands described as Part of Lot 85, Concession 1, W.Y.S., designated as Part 1, Plan 65R-13168 and Part 2, Plan 65R-8734. CARRIED Preservicing Approval; Darkwood Investments Draft Plan of Subdivision 191-86067 #433. Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Dchalski BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that, upon the recommendation of W. Wa 1 ker, Director of Public Works, permission be given to commence the preservicing of Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-86067, subject to the compliance with the normal Town conditions related to securities, financial obligations, insurance indemnification, and approval of all necessary drawings. CARRIED UNFINISHED BUSINESS Newbv re: Need for olavqround facilities; Aurora #434. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre THAT staff provide a status report on this matter. CARRIED BY-LAWS #435. Moved by Councillor Ochalski Seconded by Councillor Pedersen #436. THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the following by-laws for First Reading: 3127-89 Being a By-law to dedicate certain lands for the purposes of a public highway; 3128-89 A By-law to authorize the execution of a proposal and estimate of cost pursuant to an agreement with Her Majesty the Queen, In Right of the Province of Ontario, as represented by the Minister of Transportation and Communications, entered into under The Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 421; AND THAT the same be taken as read a First Time. CARRIED Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the following by-laws for Second Reading: 3127-89 Being a By-law to dedicate certain lands for the purposes of a public highway; /··~·o Aurora Council Minutes No. 34-89 Wednesday, July 19, 1989 - 8 - 3128-89 A By-law to authorize the execution of a proposal and estimate of cost pursuant to an agreement with Her Majesty the Queen, In Right of the Province of Ontario, as represented by the Minister of Transportation and Communications, entered into under The Pub 1 i c Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 421; AND THAT the same be taken as read a Second Time; CARRIED #437. Moved by Councillor Mcintyre Seconded by Councillor Weller #438. THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the following by-laws for Third Reading: 3125-89 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2213-78; (P & S Investments) 3126-89 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2941-87, a By-law to prescribe the height of fences in the Town of Aurora; AND THAT the same be taken as read a Third Time. CARRIED Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Timpson THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the following by-law for Third Reading: 3128-89 A By-law to authorize the execution of a proposal and estimate of cost pursuant to an agreement with Her Majesty the Queen, In Right of the Province of Ontario, as represented by the Minister of Transportation and Communications, entered into under The Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 421; AND THAT the same be taken as read a Third Time. CARRIED QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS Councillor Jones Councillor Weller -inquired as to whether staff and Council were aware of the Provincial "Be a Good Neighbor Program" recently announced which is intended to provide help and assistance to Senior Citizens -requested that any questions or concerns related to the upcoming delegation by York Region Board of Education representatives could be provided to the Clerk -inquired as to whether or not the provision of a sidewalk along the Industrial Parkway North was included in the plans of the Municipality ~~~~·-'"~--·~--~------· ------·-··----~----,--~~ Aurora Council Minutes No. 34-89 Wednesday, July 19, 1989 Councillor McKenzie NEW BUSINESS - 9 - -if a policy could be developed for consideration by Council related to availability of information to members of Council the Chief Administrative Officer advised that this matter would be pursued -inquired re: status of the installation of control related improvements to Street at the CNR crossing proposed gates and Wellington Mayor West memo to Members of Counci 1 re: Metropo 1 itan Stores Limited; Community Comm1tment Program #439. Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT the Metropolitan Stores be advised that the Council of the Town of Aurora would recommend the Aurora Arts and Culture Fund as a suitable recipient of this contribution offer. CARRIED The Paracon Group re: Darkwood Investments Inc., request for temporary Sales Office; Subdivision 19T-86087 The Mayor advised that the request of the Paracon Group for a Sales Trailer was withdrawn from the Agenda at the Applicant's request. ADJOURNMENT #440. Moved by Councillor Weller THAT the meeting be adjourned at 8:47 p.m. CARRIED J-:-wesr;-Ma