MINUTES - Council - 19881201MINUTES
NO. 57-88
Auditorium, Aurora High School
Thursday, December 1, 1988
8:10 p.m.
The Inaugural meeting of the 1989-1991 Council was called to order through a
processional and the playing of the National anthem.
Chief Administrative Officer, James B. Currier acted as Master of
Ceremonies for the evening.
Municipal Clerk Colleen Gowan was called upon by Mr. Currier to administer
the required Declarations of Office and Oath of Allegiance. The Clerk then
administered the required oaths to Mayor John West, and presented the Chain
Of Office to him. The required oaths were then taken by the Members of
Counci 1 and Hydro Commissioners. Mrs. Gowan ad vi sed the Mayor that the
declarations were complete and the Council was duly constituted.
Father M. Philip Poole, the Rector of Trinity Anglican Church, was called
upon to give the prayer of dedication.
Mayor West then introduced for the benefit of those in attendance the
Members of Council, Hydro Commissioners. Former Mayors Richard Illingworth,
George D. Timpson, and Evelyn M. Buck were also introduced and welcomed.
Mayor West gave his Inaugural address.
Mr. R. Davidson conducting the Aurora High School Senior Concert Band
performed a composition by composer James Swearingen entitled "Seagate
Major Kirk Corkery, the Officer Commanding the "A" Squadran of the
Queens York Rangers was introduced and made the traditional presentation of
the "Freedom Plaque" to Mayor West to hold in trust on beha 1 f of the
inhabitants of the municipality with the understanding that same would be
returned at a later date if the incoming Council so desires.
Mr. Currier gave brief closing remarks inviting those in attendance to
remain for refreshments and to meet their new elected officials.
The Aurora High School Band played "God Save the Queen" and a recessional
allowing those on stage to leave.
The meeting concluded at 9:15 p.m.
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