MINUTES - Council - 19880824'~--
NO. 41-88
Boardroom, Town of Aurora Administrative Offices
Wednesday, August 24, 1988
8:00 p.m.
COUNCIL MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE .Mayor West in the Chair; Councillors
Barker, Buck, Jones, McKenzie,
Paivio, Pedersen, Timpson, and Weller
Chief Administrative Officer, Clerk,
:Deputy Clerk, Treasurer, Director of
'Public Works, Director of Leisure
Services, Director of Planning,
Deputy Fire Chief, Chief Building
Official, and Director of Personnel.
Fire Chief absent on vacation.
Councillor Herb McKenzie declared a possible Conflict of Interest in
Accounts paid to Herb McKenzie Auto Parts Inc., due to monetary interest in
same, and did not take part in or vote on any question in tliis regard or
attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question.
Councillor Martin Paivio declared a possible Conflict of Interest in the
Third reading of By-law Number 3015-88, due to a contractual arrangement
whereby he will provide design services to the owners, and did not take part
in or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence
the voting on such question.
Mayor West declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Accounts paid to
Decor Glass, and did not take part in or vote on any question in this regard
or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question.
#596 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Councillor Weller
THAT the content of the Consolidated Agenda with additions be
approved as outlined herein.
Mr. J. Arnald, Resident, re: Aurora Hi hlands (Cranberr Lane, Trillium
Drive, and Marsh Harbour; incomplete subd1visions
Mr. J. A rna 1 d addressed Counci 1 and requested that appropriate steps be
taken to ensure completion of the outstanding work in the Aurora Highlands
subdivision including curbing, top coat of asphalt, boulevards, and
relocation of water boxes. It was indicated that the time prescribed in the
subdivision agreement for completing a 11 the services had e 1 apsed, and a
firm commitment from the developer was not forthcoming.
Council Meeting No. 38, Wednesday, July 27, 1988
#597 Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Barker
THAT the minutes of the Counci 1 Meeting No. 38, dated Wednesday,
July 27, 1988, be adopted as printed and circulated.
Aurora Council Minutes No. 41-88
Wednesday, August 24, 1988
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Special Council -Public Planning Meeting No. 39, Thursday July 28, 1988
#598 Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Councillor Timpson
THAT the minutes of the Special Council -Public Planning Meeting
No. 39, dated Thursday, July 28, 1988, be adopted as printed and
#599 Moved by Counci 11 or Timpson . ·Seconded by Counci 11 or Buck
THAT the following Accounts in the total amount of $1,021,823.33,
details of which are on file with the Treasury Office, are approved
by Council for payment and the seal of the Corporation be attached
Cheque #1988 to 2028 $ 38,879.54
Cheque #2029 to 2126 $ 225,139.29
Cheque #2127 to 2171 $ 154,398.35
Cheque #2172 to 2298 $ 147,907.20
Cheque #2.299 to 2325 LIBRARY
Cheque #162-88 to #167-88 $ 104,204.32
Cheque #932 to 966 $ 321,294.63
-----------TOTAL $1,021,823.33
Councillor McKenzie having previously declared a possible Conflict of
Interest in Accounts paid to Herb McKenzie Auto Parts Inc., did not take
part in the vote called regarding payment of this account.
Mayor West having previously declared a possible Conflict of Interest in
Accounts paid to Decor Glass, placed Deputy Mayor Timpson in the Chair and
did not take part in the vote called with respect to payment of this account.
Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville re: Resolution regarding Selling of
unregistered lots with respect to the Planning Act
#600 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT the resolution circulated by the Town of Whitchurch-
Stouffville, expressing concerns related to the provisions of the
Planning Act, 1983 which permit the sale of lots on an unregistered
plan of subdivision, be endorsed and the Association of
Municipalities of Ontario, the Premier, and the Town of
Whitchurch-Stouffville be advised.
Mr. Peter Boles, Director, Ministry of Municipal Affairs re: PRIDE Program
#601 Moved by Counci 11 or Jones Seconded by Councillor Buck
THAT the expansions to the PRIDE Program be referred to staff for a
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Aurora Council Minutes No. 41-88
Wednesday, August 24, 1988
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Ministry of Natural Resources re: Review of the Conservation Authorities
#602 Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT Staff be directed to prepare an appropriate response to the
request for comments to the recommendations set out in the report.
Mr. John Girdauskas, Resident re: Revised Aurora South West Secondary Plan
#603 Moved by Councillor Timpson. ·Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT a letter be forwarded to Mr. Girdauskas thanking him for his
York Centre District Women's Institute re: Aurora's Sidewalks and safety
#604 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT the correspondence received from the Women's Institute be
provided to the Solicitor General, and the Chief of the York
Regional Police Department for comments.
J. Currier, Chief Administrative Officer, memo to Mayor and Members of
Council re: Micro Computer Acquisition -Office of c.A.o.
#605 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT approval be granted to proceed with the purchase of the Micro
Computer, peripherals, and software for the Chief Administrative
Officer's office as outlined in the memorandum, with the necessary
reallocation of funds to Account 102-210 to cover the cost of same.
W. Walker, Director of Public Works memo to J. Currier re: Mr. Arnold's
letter regarding completion of Public Services -Aurora Highlands
#606 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Timpson
THAT this matter be referred to staff for a follow-up, and a report
be prepared by the Director of Public Works for the next Committee
of the Whole meeting.
a) Ontario Municipal Board re: A~pointment for Hearing on September 19,
1988, re: application of T e Regional Municipality of York for
construction of Administrative Building in Newmarket
b) Mr. Paul Frisk, The Roy a 1 Canadian Legion re: annua 1 open house on
Sunday, September 11, 1988
c) Mr. John Eakins, Minister, Ministr of Munici al Affairs re: fundin of
municipa in rastructure
d) Mr. G. Thompson, President, Toronto Home Builders' Association re:
Course of Action to take in respect to Construction strikes
Aurora Council Minutes No. 41-88
Wednesday, August 24, 1988
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Committee of the Whole Meeting No. 40, Wednesday, August 17, 1988
#607 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT the minutes of the Committee Of The Whole Meeting No. 40,
dated Wednesday, August t7, 1988, be received, and the
recommendations carried by the Committee be adopted.
AFD88-007 -224 Tender Results and Recommendations for purchase of
Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT the Town of~ Aurora enter into a purchase contract with·
Superior Emergency Equipment Limited, Red Deer, A 1 berta, for the
manufacture and completion· of a Pumper-Tanker on a GM chassis,
complete with Hale Pump, water tank, and equipment, as per tender
specifications for the total sum of $209,680.00; and that Council
approve the required expenditure of the $175,000.00 included in the
1988 Capital Budget and an additional expenditure of $34,860.00
required for this purpose all from the Capital Reserve Fund.
Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Councillor Weller
THAT consideration of this matter be deferred to allow the Fire
Chief to be present.
The resolution CARRIED
LS88-008-225 -Tender 88-09 Fleury Park Tennis Court Resurfacing
#610 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
1. THAT the Tender quotation from Yeadon Koter Systems
Incorporated for the amount of $12,900.00 be accepted and
funds budgeted in the 1988 Operating Budget (751-340) be
utilized for this purpose.
2. THAT approva 1 be given to a 11 ow for an application to the
Ministry of Tourism and Recreation Capital Conservation Grant
Program for which this work be eligible.
LS88-009-226 -Wintario Grant Application -Renovations Parks Building for
Friendship Circle Senior Citizens Club
#611 Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Jones
1. THAT an application be made to the Capital Conservation
Wintario Grant Program for 1/3 grant of the capital cost of
the reconstruction of the 52 Victoria Street garage to Seniors
2. THAT the Director of Lei sure Services i nves ti gate the
feasibility of Elderly Persons Centres Act Operation Funding
through the Ministry of Community and Social Services and
report back to Council prior to the establishment of the 1989
Operating Budget.
Aurora Council Minutes No. 41-88
Wednesday, August 24, 1988
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LS88-010-227 -Tender 88-08 Confederation Park Tennis Court Resurfacing
#612 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Councillor Weller
1. THAT the tender quotation from Yeadon Koter Systems
Incorporated for the amount of $6,500.00 be accepted and that
funds be appropriated from the Parkland Reserve Fund.
2. THAT approval be given to allow for an application to the
Ministry of Tourism and Recreation Capita 1 Conservation Grant
program for which this work is eligible.
LS88-011-228 -Permission to Remove Street Tree
#613 Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Barker
THAT permission be granted to remove a mature sugar maple tree at
25 Spruce Street.
PL88-110-229 -Site Plan Afreement between the Town of Aurora and the
Government Services Ministry Pine Ridge site); SP88-10
#614 Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Councillor Weller
THAT subject to the provisions of all financial securities, Council
authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign a Site Plan Agreement between
the Town of Aurora and the Government Services Ministry.
PL88-111-230 -Site Plan Agreement between the Town of Aurora, Stonehouse
Realty Limited, and Cornelius Lucey, 91 Yonge Street North; SP-85-14
#615 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Buck
THAT subject to the provisions of all financial securities, Council
authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign a Site Plan Agreement between
the Town of Aurora, Stonehouse Realty Limited, and Cornelius Lucey.
PL88-112-231 -Committee of Adjustment Application B-13-88 Lots 1 & 2,
Registered Plan 340, Lot 1, Registered Plan 369, Armadale Properties
#616 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Jones
1. THAT the Committee of Adjustment be advised that Council has
no objection to Application B-13-88, the following conditions
of approval should be applied:
i) Payment of an administration fee of $100.00 to the Town
of Aurora.
2. THAT a copy of the staff report be forwarded to the Committee
of Adjustment.
Aurora Council Minutes No. 41-88
Wednesday, August 24, 1988
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PL88-113-232 -Committee of Adjustment Application A-13-88 Lot 84, Plan
475, 44 Tecumseh Drive, Gertrude Mesure
#617 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Paivio
1. · THAT the Committee of Adjustment be advised that Council has
no objection to Application A-13-88.
2. THAT a copy of the staff report be forwarded to the Committee
of Adjustment.
PL88-114-233 -Committee of Adjustment Application A-14-88 Lot 32, Plan
65M-2575, 80 Hammond Drive, 693346 Ontario Limited
#618 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Jones
1. THAT the Committee of Adjustment be Adjustment be advised that
Council has no objection to Application A-14-88.
2. THAT a copy of the staff report be forwarded to the Committee
of Adjustment.
PL88-115-234 -Committee of Adjustment Application A-15-88 Lot 13, Plan
65M-2396, 230 Kemano Road; Raymond and Sylvia Marshall
#619 Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Jones
1. THAT the Committee of Adjustment be advised that Council has
no objection to Application A-15-88.
2. THAT a copy of the staff report be forwarded to the Committee
of Adjustment.
PL88-118-235 -Offici a 1 Plan Amendment No. 36 -Southwest Secondary Plan
Proposed Modifications
#620 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Councillor Weller
THAT Council approve the proposed modifications and deferral areas
as set out in the attached copy of Official Plan Amendment No. 36.
S. Seibert, Director of Planning memo to Mayor and Members of Council re:
additional modifications to Southwest Secondary Plan
#621 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT the additional modifications to the text of the Southwest
Secondary Plan be approved as outlined in the memorandum from the
Director of Planning.
PW88-040-220 -Industrial Park Storm Drainage Problem (Progressive
Packaging/Ellis Studios'
#622 Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Barker
1. THAT alternative number 1, of the Paul Theil report dated July
1988 be accepted at an estimated cost of $57,000.00.
2. THAT five (5) driveways on Englehard Drive be regraded at an
approximate cost of $66,000.00.
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Aurora Council Minutes No. 41-88
Wednesday, August 24, 1988
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3. THAT staff be authorized to talk with affected industries in
order to acquire an easement and entrance modification
4. BEING THAT recommendations 1 and 2 total $123,000.00,
$13,000.00 more than ori gina lly budgeted, an additi ona 1
$13,000.00 is required, said requirement being charged against
the Industrial Park Reserve.
PW88-045-236 -Tender Results Catchbasin Cleaning Contract Contract Number
M.C.I.T. 1988-5
#623 Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Councillor Timpson
Services Limited in the amount of $9,314.50 for the cleaning of
catchbasins be accepted, and that all costs so incurred be charged
against account 334-312.
PW88-046-237-Payment Certificate Number 3 (Final) Installation of the St.
John's Sideroad Structural Place Corrugated Steel Pipe Arches (Contract
Number M.C. 1987-6 1
#624 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Buck
BEING THAT the Public Works Department is in possession of a
Statutory Declaration, Worker's Compensation Board Certificate of
Clearance, being that 46 days have lapsed since a notice of
substantial completion was placed in the Daily Commercial News
(January 13th, 1988), and being that all required works have been
completed to the satisfaction of Pub 1 i c Works, it is herein being
recommended that payment Certificate Number_ 3 (Final) in the amount
of $10,762.00 be made to Novacor Construction Limited, said payment
being charged to account 396-312.
PW88-048-238 -Yonge Street Access to the Macont Development Inc. Site
#625 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Jones
1. THAT Macont Development Inc. be granted a right turn ingress
off Yonge Street in accordance with Schedule 'A'.
2. THAT in order to better accommodate the aforementioned access,
a right turn deceleration lane be constructed at an
approximate cost of $46,000.00 which will coincide with the
future design of the Yonge Street/Henderson Dr./Allaura Blvd.
intersection reconstruction. That the cost of same
(deceleration lane) be shared equally between Macont
Development Inc. and the Town of Aurora.
Newmarket Literacy Council re: World Literacy Day, September 8, 1988
#626 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT the Municipal_ Council of The Town of Aurora hereby declares
that September 8, 1988, be proclaimed "World Literacy Day" in the
Town of Aurora.
Aurora Council Minutes No. 41-88
Wednesday, August 24, 1988
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J. Tree, Parks Foreman, memo re: Boulevard tree planting Valhalla Court,
and release of financial securities for same
#627 Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT upon the recommendation of Jim Tree, Parks Foreman, the
remaining securities held in the sum of $1,200.00 to guarantee the
street tree planting installed in the Markbourough Properties
(Valhalla Court) subdivision, be released in their entirety.
#628 Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the
following by-laws for First Reading:
3016-88 Being a By-law to approve the sale of certain lands to
Lucy Construction Ltd.;
3017-88 Being a By-law to approve the sale of certain lands to
Besk Properties Ltd.;
3018-88 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2856-86, a By-law to
regulate the supply and use of water within the serviced
area of the Town of Aurora;
3019-88 Being a By-law of The Corporation of The Town of Aurora
in The Regional Municipality of York for the submission
to a vote of questions under the provisions of the Liquor
Licence Act, R.S.O. 1980 to the qualified electors in
that part of the municipality annexed in 1971 from the
Township of Whitchurch;
3020-88 Being a By-law to temporarily close Yonge Street, within
the Town of Aurora,for a parade
3021-88 Being an adoption By-law for Official Plan amendment
Number 51 (Macont);
3022-88 Being a By-law to amend By-law number 2213-78 (Saccucci);
3023-88 Being a By-law to amend By-law number 2213-78
AND THAT the same be taken as read a First Time.
Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Councillor Weller
THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the
following by-laws for Second Reading:
3016-88 Being a By-law to approve the sale of certain lands to
Lucy Construction Ltd.;
3017-88 Being a By-law to approve the sale of certain lands to
Besk Properties Ltd.;
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Aurora Council Minutes No. 41-88
Wednesday, August 24, 1988
- 9 -
3018-88 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2856-86, a By-law to
regulate the supply and use of water within the serviced
area of the Town of Aurora;
3019-88 Being a By-law of The Corporation of The Town of Aurora
in The Regional Municipality of York for the submission
to a vote of questions under the provisions of the Liquor
Licence Act, R.S.O. 1980 to the qualified electors in
that part of the municipality annexed in 1971 from the
Township of Whitchurch;
3020-88 Being a By-law to temporarily close Yonge Street, within
the Town of Aurora, for a parade
3021-88 Adoption By-law for Official Plan Amendment Number 51;
3022-88 Amend By-law Number 2213-78 (Saccuci);
3023-88 Amend By-law Number 22.13-78 (Sanossian);
AND THAT the same be taken as read a Second Time.
Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Barker
THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the
following by-laws for Third Reading:
2998-88 Being a By-law to provide for the remuneration of the
members of the Town of Aurora Committee of Adjustment;
2999-88 Being a By-law to Amend By-law number 2345-80 as amended,
a By-law for the licensing, regulating, and governing of
Taxi Cab Brokers, Owners, and drivers of Taxi Cabs and
the establishing of the rates and fares to be charged by
the owners or drivers of cabs for the conveyance of
passengers within the Town of Aurora;
3001-88 Being a By-law to repeal By-law 2793-85, a By-law to
provide for an additional advance poll for the municipal
3002-88 Being a By-law to change the name of Flagstaff Road
within the Town of Aurora;
3003-88 Being a By-law to change the name of part of Vandorf Road
within the Town of Aurora;
3004-88 Being a By-law to change the name of Abbott Avenue within
the Town of Aurora;
AND THAT the same be taken as read a Third Time.
Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Barker
THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the
following by-law for Third Reading:
3015-88 Being an adoption By-law for Official Plan amendment
Number 50;
AND THAT the same be taken as read a Third Time.
Councillor Paivio having previously declared a possible Conflict of Interest
in Bill Number 3015-88, did not take part in the vote called with respect to
the third reading of same.
Aurora Council Minutes No. 41-88
Wednesday, August 24, 1988
-10 -
Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Councillor Weller
THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the
following by-laws for Third Reading:
3016-88 To approve sale of certain lands to Lucy Construction
3017-88 To approve sale of certain lands to Besk Properties Ltd.;
3019-88 Submission to a vote of questions under provisions of
Liquor Licence Act;
AND THAT the same be taken.as read a Third Time.
Counci 11 or Buck -water meter installation at Devenshire Place
-status of the Willis Drive/Petch Crescent
Councillor Weller -date for meeting with Leisure Services Complex staff
Councillor Paivio -resurfacing work on Summit Park tennis court
-results of meeting with residents concerning Wells
Street reconstruction
Participation in GASAMO Program
#633 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Paivio
THAT staff be authorized to make application to participate in the
GASAMO Program if the municipality would be able to realize a
savings on the cost of gas purchased through doing.so.
F .A. Reid, Treasurer, memo to Mayor and Members of Counci 1 re: Aurora
Santa Claus Float
#634 Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT the Treasurer's recommendation be accepted, and the
expenditure of $11,000.00 for the Santa Claus Float be authorized
from the Capital Reserve Fund.
#635 Moved by Councillor Paivio
THAT the meeting be adjourned at 9:26 p.m.
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