MINUTES - Council - 19880518MINUTES TOWN OF AURORA COUNCIL MEETING NO. 29-88 Boardroom, Town of Aurora Administrative Offi~es Wednesday, May 18, 1988 COUNCIL MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE 8:00 p.m. Mayor West in the Chair; tounc i 11 ors Barker, Buck, McKenzie, ~aivio, Pedersen, Timpson and Weller. , STAFF MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Councillor Jones absent oh vacation. Clerk, Deputy Clerk, TreaLrer, Chief Building Official, Fire i Chief, Director of Planning, Director df Public Works, and Director of Personnel STAFF INTRODUCTIONS N. Vose, Director of Personnel memo to Mayor and Member~ of Council re: Introduction of New Employees The Director of Personnel introduced to the ~layor and ~1e~bers of Council three new members of Town staff who have commenced work diu ring May, 1988. In attendance were Mr. L. Grellette, Project Supervise~ in the Public Works/Engineering Department; Ms. D. Lumley, Secretary/Clerk 'in the Public Works/Engineering Department; and Mr. B. Paterson a Firefig"ter. Mayor West welcomed them on behalf of Council. ' DECLARATION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST There were no disclosures of interest under the Munici~al Conflict of Interest Act, 1983. APPROVAL OF AGENDA #375 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Cou(lcill or We 11 er ' THAT the content of the Consolidated Agenda wi h additions and deletions circulated by the Clerk's Department be approved as outlined herein. CARRIED CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS J. Tree, Parks Foreman memo to Mayor and Members of Coun~il re: Request for Tree Removal; 77 Connaught Ave. #376 Moved by Councillor Timpson THAT authorization be given for Connaught Avenue as recommended by CARRIED Seconded by Cou d11 or We 11 er the removal of the the Parks Forema . tree at 77 G. Martin, Hotham's Sports Slo-Pitch Team, Aurora Men's S ftball League re: Permission to serve beer on May 20 and 22, 1988 t the Sl o-Pitch Tournament, Fleury Park #377 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded bv Cou c llor Paivio THAT permission be granted for the sale of beer w~thiin Fleury on May 20 and 21, 1988 during the Men's Slo-Pitch Tournament. CARRIED Park Aurora Council Minutes No. 29-88 Wednesday, May 18, 1988 -2 - re: Aaron L. Allison, Deputy Clerk memo to Mayor and Members of Co~nCi l Yerlllus; Part 1; Plan 65R-2868 #378 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Cou c llor Barker THAT the recommendation of the Deputy Clerk be ~cdepted and Town consider the obligations of Mr. Yermus corhp l ~te under terms of the extension granted to construct a !building on lands. The interest accruing on the deposit held! in trust by Town to be returned to the Owner. ' CARRIED the the his the T. Lea vers, Progril_m Coordinator memo to Mayor and Coun il re: Summer Playgrouna-Program #379 Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Cou cill or Pedersen THAT a $10.00 administrative fee be adopted f~r non-residents wishing to enroll in the summer playground progra\Jl, :with the time period for Town resident registration extended ari additional week ' to June 27th. , CARRIED Child Find Ontario Inc. re: Proclamation of May 25, 1~88 as "National Missing Children's Da~'' #380 Moved by Councillor Paivio Seconded by Cou cillor McKenzie THAT May 25, 1988 be proclaimed as "National M ssing Children's Day" in the Town of Aurora. CARRIED ! T. Graham, Facilities Manager memo to Mayor West and Members of re: Spinal Cord Society Canada and use of Community Centr~ Parking Council Lot for a charity event · --·-- #381 Ministry Business Act; and Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Cou cillor Pedersen THAT if all necessary arrangements are attended to, permission be granted for the Spinal Cord Society Canada to u~e the Community Centre parking lot on July 16th or 23rd for a charity ~vent. CARRIED i re: Amendment of Curren~ Acts Hon days Act and the Emp] oyment Mr. Andrew S. Brandt, M.P .P.; Leader of the Ont rio Progressive Conservative Party re: Sunday Shopping in Ontario #382 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Cou ci'llor Pedersen THAT the matter of the proposed hearings to be hel~ issue be brought to the attention of the Chamber order to give them an opportunity to submit a brief if they so desire; and , ! concerning this of Commerce in on this subject THAT the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly be itdviised that the Council of the Town of Aurora would request tha~ the Legislative Committee studying the Sunday shopping legislatioh hold a hearing . ' 1n Aurora. I CARRIED CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS RECEIVED AS INFORMATION I r a) Ministry of Tourism and Recreation re: 1988 Capiltal Conservation Program Applications for Church Street School CommJnity Centre and Aurora Seniors Community Centre; Refused Aurora Council Minutes No. 29-88 Wednesday, May 18, 1988 - 3 - b) Mr. Tom McMillan, P.C., M.P.; Minister of the !E~vironment re: Proclamation of May 30 to June 5, 1988 as ''Environment W~ek" ! c) Aurora Agricultural Society/Aurora Korse Show re: !Appreciation for Town's support of 1988 Grant Application · d) e) Ministry of Municipal ~.ffairs re: Muni ci pal Tax Collectors of Ontario refund amendments inBi ll 97 T now Bi 11 of tax f) The Regional Municipality of York, Clerk's Departmenlt re: Regional Water Charges and By-law W-84-88-46 1 !, DELEGATIONS Mr. K. Sanossian re: 9 Yonge Street North Development Lo~ 128, Plan 246; Z-13-88 Mr. Karry Mardirossian, the architect representing SanossiJn Holdings Inc., the owners of the lands at 9 Yonge Street North, gave mem~ers of Council a summary of the efforts made by the owner to gain approval of a redevelopment plan for the property. Concern was expressed for the direhipn received to construct a two-storey building and the subsequent relucta~ce by Council to be flexible on the resultant parking requirements. It was [e~uested, as the owner now intends to proceed with a one-storey building !as originally proposed, that Council favourably consider two other e~ceptions to the Zoning by-law necessary, being a reduction in rear yard set! back to zero and a reduced parking aisle width. ' #383 Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Couhci'llor Timpson TKAT this matter be referred to Unfinished Business CARRIED Catherine D. Graham, Aurora re: Residents' Petition regar~ing installation of fence on rear property line ' Ms. C. Graham outlined to Council the concerns of the res~dents of Delayne Drive who signed a petition requesting Council not to ~ro~eed with the installation of a fence along the rear of their property lines abutting the municipally-owned open space. Several alternatives i to the fence installation were provided and other areas within Aurora were cited as examples of instances where the Town has not required fencin~. #384 Moved by Counci 1 i or Barker Seconded by Cou~ci'll or McKenzie THAT this matter be referred to Unfinished Business CARRIED Residents' Petition re: Residents' Petition regarding I irlstallation of fence of rear property line j Mr. Dean McKechnie, a resident of Delayne Drive, voiced hi's concerns to Cooocil ~gocdiog tht ftooiog '""'· A pttitioo "" pee eo;td '""'"''' that if fencing is to be installed that a cedar post and 'rail fence be deemed to be an acceptable alternative to the chain link varf'et( proposed. #385 Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Cou c fll or Barker THAT this matter be referred to Unfinished Businessr I CARRIED 1. Aurora Council Minutes No. 29-88 Hednesday, May 18, 1988 - 4 - COMMITTEE REPORTS 1 Committee of the Whole Minutes No. 27-88, May 11, 1988 I I by coJ1nci 11 or Barker i THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Hhole 1ee~ing No. 27-88 he 1 d May 11, 1988 be received, and the recommefldati ons with the exception of Recommendation Nos. 11 and 22 carried[ by the Committee be adopted. [ CARRIED I NEW BUSINESS ARISING FROM Cm1MITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT l C.E. Gowan, Munici al Clerk memorandum to Ma or and Council re: Munici al Elections Act Referred from Council, May 4/88 Recommendation Nos. 10 and 11) I -i #387 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Cou~c~llor Paivio #388 THAT the Clerk be directed to draft a by-law to dn6w the Town to proceed under Part III of the proposed amendments lto 1 the Municipal Elections Act. . DEFEATED II Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Courdll or Barker THAT proceeding under Part II of the proposed AMENDMENT -Upon the question of the adoption it was: amend~ent be adopted. of thb ~ecommendation i #389 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Coupdll or We 11 er THAT further consideration of this matter be [referred to the Committee of the Whole meeting on May 25th. · REFERRAL CARRIED Mayor West memo to Council re: Rental Rates (Recommendation! No. 22) #390 #391 I Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Couhcill or We 11 er II THAT the proposed increased facility rental outlined in the Mayor's memorandum, with upwards to the highest dollar. rates be approved as the I charges rounded I AMENDMENT -Upon the question of the adoption of th~ recommendation it was: I I Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Cou~ci!llor Barker THAT the proposed private function rates for ~ictoria Hall be amended to $70.00 for "dry" functions and $90JOOi for licenced functions. [ II CARRIED [ The resolution CARRIED AS AMENDED. Aurora Council Minutes No. 29-88 V!ednesday, May 18, 1988 -5 - STAFF REPORTS CLERK'S DEPARTMENT CL88-006-130 -Lakeview Deficiencies; Harman Park; Aurora He~ ghts Drive i #392 Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Cou~ciill or Vie ll er i THAT Council authorize the release of all I th~ 1 andscapi ng securities pertaining to Lakeview Phase I and Lakeyie~ Yonge Aurora Phase I save and except the sum of $3,150.00 as r~commended in the attached memorandum of the Parks Foreman dated Aprir ~2, 1988. CARRIED i CL88-007-131 -Closing of East/V!est Section of Old Yonge Strbet #393 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Cou~cijll or Buck i THAT Council affirm the previous decisions made i~ 1985 to proceed with the formal closing of the east/west secti0n of Old Yonge ' Street. · CARRIED LEISURE SERVICES DEPARTMENT LS88-004-132 -Family Leisure Complex Membership Report #394 Moved by Councillor V!eller Seconded by Cou cill or Barker THAT the report of Mr. Graham be received as inform ti'on. CARRIED PLANNING DEPARTMENT PL88-062-133 -Committee of Adjustment A lication A-06~88'; Pt. Lot 77 being Lot 12 , Cone. 1; Plan 10328; 20 V!enderly Dr.; Larry ISallaugher ! #395 r~oved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Courci'llor ~1cKenzie 1. THAT the Committee of Adjustment be advised [thJt Council has no objection to application A-06-88; and ! 2. THAT a copy of the staff report be of Adjustment. CARRIED forwarded to PL88-063-134 -Committee of Adjustment App 1 i cation A-07-8$; 246--;14~ Edward Street; Unipac Ltd. the Committee Lot 159, R.P. #396 Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Cou~ci!llor Pedersen I 1. THAT the Committee of Adjustment be advised lth~t Council has no objection to Application A-07-88; and I i 2. THAT a copy of the staff report be forwarded I to! the Committee of Adjustment. CARRIED Aurora Council Minutes No. 29-88 Wednesday, May 18, 1988 -6 - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT i PW88-024-135 -Supplementary Funds (Resurfacing Projects) ! I #397 Moved by Counci 11 or Pa i vi o Seconded by Cou(icirll or Pedersen i THAT Council approve the resurfacing of Jones Court, Holman Crescent, Lee Gate, Browning Court and possibly [Hutchinson Drive (funds permitting) at an estimated tender cost 1 o~ $108,000.00, $54,000.00 of which is being provided by the Ministry i CARRIED l PW88-025-136 -Purchase of a Bomag BW90ADL Asphalt Roller I #398 Moved by Counci 11 or McKenzie Seconded by Cou~cii11 or Pedersen THAT the quotations received from Core Rentals L th. i in the amount of $23,260.00, to be charged to the Capital Reserv~ Account, for the supply and delivery of a Bomag BW90ADL diesel driven, dual drum, vibratory riding roller be accepted, and the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. I CARRIED PW88-026-137 Sewer and Watermai n Inventory, Ma i nte~ance Management Systems Study #399 Moved by Counci 11 or Barker Seconded by Coutcill or He 11 er THAT The Corporation of the Town of Aurora wishes[ to proceed with the Sewer and Watermain Inventory Maintenance! and Management Systems Study (having allocated $30,000.00 'bin the 1988 Environmental Services Budget) and hereby make apllication to the Minis try of the Environment for funding of the N~eds Study under the "Lifelines Program''. , CARRIED PW88-027-138 -Revlis Request for Financial Assistance , #400 Moved by Councillor We 11 er Seconded by Cou~cfll or Barker THAT Revlis Securities Ltd. be held financially reJpohsible for the construction of approximately 50 m of road construdtipn external to their Industrial Subdivision, as previously agreed[ to and shown on the approved construction drawings. ' CARRIED RESOLUTIONS I Public Works Review of Financial Securities; Aurora Country Estates Ph. I, H& III #401 Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Coutcilllor Weller BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that, upon the recommendatiory o~ the Director of Public Works, the securities he 1 d for the Iona Corporation be reduced to the Town requirements as shown on th~ table attached hereto: [ · Royal Bank ST2/28576 Royal Bank ST2/28577 Midland Bank Canada 2577 Midland Bank Canada 2580 Midland Bank Canada Midland Bank Canada 2585 Midland Bank Canada 2586 Secur~ ty··· .... Requi led C.L.A. $ 38,8~4~00 Lot Grading 25,obo;oo Servicing 320,obo.oo c.L.A. 48,obo;oo Lot Grading 88,obo~oo Servicing 390,0bbOJOO C.L.A. 58,5 1 0.00 Aurora Council Minutes No. 29-88 Wednesday, May 18, 1988 - 7 - BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the reductions pljrtaining to the Construction Lien Act securities shall be ubject to the satisfaction of the normal requirements including t e 'following: a) b) c) d) Statutory Declaration; Workers' Compensation Certificate Advertisement in a Trade Journal; 46 days lapsing thereof. CARRIED of Clearance and Strathy, Archibald & Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors ~e: Release of options David Paul Holdings and Melher Investments ! #402 Moved by Counci 11 or Timpson Seconded by Cou~ci;ll or Buck [ THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute a Partial Release of an Option to Purchase as set out in paragraph ~d) on page 4 of Instrument No. 261256 affecting the lands describe& on Part 1 Plan 65R-1109l Parcel 28-1 Section 10328 (Melher Investm~nts Inc.) BE IT FURTHER RESOL If ED THAT the Mayor and execute a Released Options to Purchase as 427402 affecting the lands described as 65R-11036, Parcel 58-1 Section 103281 (David CARRIED Clerk be,authorized to out i~l Instrument No. Parts 1 1 and 2 Plan Paul Hl!lldings). ! UNFINISHED BUSINESS R.J. Harrington, Chief Building Official memo to Mayor land Council re: Request for Encroachment Agreement between Town of Aurora a~d Owners of Lots 61, 63 and 65, Centre Street; Multiple Family Building I #403 Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Cou~ci ll or Weller THAT an agreement be entered into permitting thejl encroachment of the building onto a portion of the Centre Street ~oad allowance in the Town's standard format. CARRIED Delegation of Mr. H. Sanossian re: 9 Yonge Street North DeVelopment; Lot 128, Plan 246; Z-13-88 #404 #405 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Cou cillor Pedersen THAT the Council of the Town of Aurora concur wit~ the erection of a one-storey building on the property; ' ! THAT the reduction for the parking aisle widt~ to 5.5 m be accepted; and THAT the Council concur with the elimination of setback to accommodate the proposed building. 1 i AMENDMENT -Upon the question of the adoption of thf was: r I the rear yard resolution it Moved by Councillor Heller Seconded by Couki'llor Pedersen ' THAT there be no further public notice given wit~ respect to this proposal and the changes thereto in accordance wi~h Section 35(16) of the Planning Act, 1983. ' CARRIED The resolution CARRIED AS AMENDED Aurora Council Ninutes No. 29-88 Wednesday, May 18, 1988 - 8 - Delegations of Catherine D. Graham and Mr. A. McKechnie Residents' Petitions Concernina Rear Yard Fences #406 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Coundll or McKenzie THAT monies be co 11 ected from the deve 1 oper in fl i eu of a fence being placed along the eastern edge of the open sp.c~ lands and the monies collected be placed in a trust fund should fu~ure residents desire a fence; and THAT a cedar post and rail fence be erected a1ong the western portion of the b 1 ock between the wa 1 kway and the western property line. · DEFEATED I #407 Moved by Councillor Paivio Seconded by Couhcillor Timpson THAT a cedar post and rail fence be approved as ~n alternative to the chain link fence for installation along the ou!) .. daries of the open space block abutting private rear yards. CARRIED ll L. Allison, Deputy Clerk memo to Mayor and Members of C unGi 1 re: vJ. G. Halker, Director of Public Works memo to Ma or West coficernin Orchard Heights Cleanup Deferred from May 11/88 I #408 Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Coufctllor Weller THAT this correspondence be received as informationl ! BY -LA\~S #409 #410 CARRIED I Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Cojcfllor McKenzie THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder t[ 'i.introduce the following by-laws for First Reading: ~ 2990-88 Being a by-law to authorize the issuance ~f debentures; I 2991-88 Being a by-law of The Corporation of the Towr of Aurora to establish the office and define, limit. and determine the duties and responsibilities [of the Chief Administrative Officer; r i 2992-88 Being a by-law to adopt the estimates of !111 sums required during the year for genera purposes, net regional levy and education requirement.; and to strike the rate of taxation for the year 1988; AND THAT the same be taken as read a First Time. CARRIED Moved by Counc i 11 or Pedersen Seconded by Counc THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder tb following by-laws for Second Reading: 2990-88 Authorize issuance of debentures; 1 or McKenzie ntroduce the 2991-88 Establish office of Chief Administrative 2992-88 Strike rate of taxation for 1988; AND THAT the same be taken as read a Second Time. ['""'; CARRIED Aurora Council Minutes No. 29-88 Hednesday, May 18, 1988 #411 #412 -9 - I Moved by Counci 11 or Pai vi o Seconded by Cou~ci'll or Pedersen THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder tbl introduce the following by-law for Third Reading: i 2989-88 Being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2213-?f (!Salisbury); AND THAT the same be taken as read a Third Time. CARRIED I ~~oved by Counci 11 or McKenzie Seconded by Coutci 1.ll or Pedersen THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder tl introduce the following by-law for Third Reading: 2990-88 Authorize issuance of debentures; I ! 2991-88 Establish office of Chief Administrative llfficer; ' 2992-88 Strike rate of taxation for 1988; AND THAT the same be taken as read a Third Time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS i Councillor Buck -when Phase I of the Pine Ridge Feasibility[Study would be debated by Council. I The Mayor advised further background infor~ation was being assembled and the matter would be consider$d at the first Committee of the Whole meeting in June. I ! NEW BUSINESS I I Cenguar Committee Promotional Material I i #413 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Cou1ci)lor Pedersen THAT the Cenquar Committee be authorized to spend lup.to $1,000.00, to be charged against Account No. 106-301, to adv~ se residents of the events planned for June through the production land• .. distribution of an informational pamphlet. CARRIED ADJOURNMENT #414 Moved by Councillor Buck THAT the meeting be adjourned at 9:55 p.m. CARRIED \ Mayor i i -~-j ·; ~-"'' /(/il ij' ·'il (_)-'[/l, ' JvJ ; < ~/1<-'-+l \UV D-- Cierk = !