MINUTES - Council - 19880406MINUTES
NO. 20-88
Boardroom, Town of Aurora Administrative Offices
viednesday Apri 1 6, 1988
8:00 p.m.
Mayor West in the Chair; CpJncillors
Buck, Barker, Jones, McK,enzie, Paivio,
Pedersen, Timpson and Welle~.
Clerk, Deputy Clerk, Treasu~er, Director
of Planning, Director of!Public Works,
Chief Building Official, F~re Chief, and
Director of Personnel.
Councillor Barker declared a possible Conflict of Interesij in the third
reading of By-law No. 2977-88 pertaining to the adoption of Amendment No. 48
to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area and did not !take part in or
vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way 't6 influence the
voting on such question.
Councillor Timpson declared a possible Conflict of Interest ih accounts paid . ' to the York Region Board of Education due to employment wit!h same and did
not take part in or vote on any question in this regard or! attempt in any
way to influence the voting on such question. ·
Councillor ~lcKenzie declared a possible Conflict of Intere~t in accounts
paid to Herb McKenzie Auto Parts due to monetary interest with same and did
not take part in or vote on any question in this ragard or !attempt in any
way to influence the voting on such question. ·
Mayor West declared a possible conflict of interest in ac!bounts paid to
Decor Glass and did not take part in or vote on any questi qn! in this regard
or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such questioni.
#244 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Counci lor Weller
THAT the content of the Consolidated Agenda wit additions be
approved as outlined herein.
Presentation to Bruce Lewis
Mayor West on behalf of members of Council and the citizens of the Town of
Aurora presented Mr. Lewis with a painting in recognitio:n of his recent
retirment after fifteen years service with the Town of Aurora.
Aurora Tri-School Olympic Competition -Award of Trophies
Mayor West and Counci 11 or Timpson presented to representat!ives of Aurora
High School, Dr. G.W. Vlilliams Secondary School and St. 'A~drews College,
trophies to the winners of the six classes of competition w)thin the first
Aurora Tri -School Olympic Competition. Appreciation was e!xtended to the
Rotary Club and Petro Canada for the donation of the trophies
Aurora Council Minutes No. 20-88
Wednesday April 6, 1988
-2 -
Council Meeting No. 13-88, Wednesday, March 2, 1988
#245 Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Counci!ll or Barker
THAT the minutes of the Council meeting dated Ma~ch 2, 1988 be
adopted as printed and circulated.
Council Meeting No. 15-88, Thursday, March 17, 1988
#246 Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Counci!ll or We 11 er
THAT the minutes of the Council meeting dated Marbh 17, 1988 be
adopted as printed and circulated.
Special Council Meeting No. 16-88, Thursday, March 17, 1988
#247 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Cound,ll or Weller
THAT the minutes of the Special Council meeting d!ated ~larch 17,
1988 be adopted as printed and circulated. ·
Special Council -Public Planning Meeting No. 18-88, Thurslday, March 24,
#248 ~1oved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Counci~lor Jones
THAT the minutes of the Special Council -Public Phnning meeting
dated ~larch 24, 1988 be adopted as printed and ci rculjated.
Special Council -Public Planning Meeting No. 19-88, Hedn day, March 30,
#249 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Counci lor Pedersen
THAT the minutes of the Special Council -Public P\anning
dated March 30, 1988 be adopted as printed and circul~ted.
#250 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councirlor Pedersen
' THAT the following Accounts in the total amount of! $1,971,332.55
details of which are on file with the Treasury Offjc~, are approved
by Council for payment and the seal of the Corporation be attached
Cheque #469 to #552 $ 118,659.80
Cheque #553 to #555 LIBRARY $ 0
Cheque #556 to #615 $1,335,160.31
Cheque #617 to #710 $ 369,743.27
Cheque #19-88 to #29-88 $ 2,563.57
Cheque #806 to #820 $ 145,205.60
TOTAL $1,971,332.55
Aurora Council Minutes No. 20-88
Wednesday April 6, 1988
- 3 -
Councillor Timpson having previously declared a possi 1~ Conflict of
Interest in accounts paid to York Region Board of Educat ~n did not take
part in the vote called regarding payment of this account.
Councillor McKenzie having previously declared a possi ~e
Interest in accounts paid to Herb McKenzie Auto Parts did nbt
the vote called regarding payment of this account.
Conflict of
take part in
! Mayor West having previously declared a possible Conflict iof Interest in
accounts paid to Decor Glass placed Deputy Mayor Timpson i~ the Chair and
did not take part in the vote called regarding payment of thi~ account.
A. Meeke, Transit Coordinator memo to Mayor and Council! re: Transit
Contract Increase
#251 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Coundll or Jones
THAT this matter be referred to Budget discussions.
Helpmate Community Information & Volunteer Bureau re: Proclamation of week
of April 17-23, 1988 as ''Volunteer Week''
#252 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Counciillor McKenzie
THAT the week of April 17th -23rd 1988 be proclaimed as
Volunteer Week in the Town of Aurora.
T. Graham, Facilities Manager memo to Mayor and Members' bf Council re:
Staff Professional Development
#253 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Counci!ll or McKenzie
THAT the request of the Facilities Manager for M~. ~kClenny and
Mr. Patrick to participate in staff profession~l development
programs be approved with the appropriate funds to i be included in
the 1988 Budget. '
D.G. Keele, Secretary, Administration Committee, Aurora United Church re:
Request for posting of signs -"No Exit to Yonge Street"
#254 Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Cou n ill or He 11 er
THAT the request of the Aurora United Church be Jeferred to the
Public Works Department for a report.
A. Merkur & Sons Ltd. re: Fundraising contribution to thd Aurora Family
Leisure Complex
#255 Moved by Councillor Timpson
THAT the letter from A. Merkur
$10,000.00 contribution towards
received with appreciation.
Seconded by Counci!l i or Jones
and Sons Ltd. cpmmitting to a
the Family Lei$~re Complex be
Aurora Council Minutes No. 20-88
Wednesday April 6, 1988
-4 -
A. Merkur & Sons Ltd. re: Aurora Arts and Culture Fund: and
John G. West, Mayor memo to Members of Council re: Arts and' Culture Fund
#256 Moved by Councillor Timpson i
Seconded by Counci;ll or Jones
THAT the letter from A. Merkur & Sons Ltd. ~dvising of an
increased contribution towards the Aurora Arts and Culture Fund be
accepted with gratitude.
L. A 11 i son, Deputy Clerk memo to Mayor and Members of Couni:i!l re: Amendment
to Taxi Cab By-law
#257 Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Coun llor Timpson
THAT the Chief Building Official meet with Aurora T*i and submit a
report concerning the By-law and the location of! their dispatch
office in Newmarket for the next Committee of the Whdle meeting.
Aurora Soccer Club Inc. 1981 re: Aurora Soccer Club~ Annual 10 km
#258 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Counci!ll or Jones
THAT permission be granted to the Aurora Soccer dub to hold its
annual 10 km Run-A-Thon on Sunday June 12th, 1988.
L. A 11 i son, Deputy Clerk memo to Mayor and Members of Coundil re: Aurora
Agricultural Society and Sale of Break Open Tickets
#259 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Buck
THAT the request of the Aurora Agricultural Socie~~ to permit the
sale of break open tickets during the Aurora Hor~e~Show be denied
in that Council does not have authority to amend! the provincial
regulations covering their issuance.
Fred Schaeffer &. Associates Ltd. re: \<!ellington Estates Subdivision No.
19T-85103; Request for preservicing: and !
Wm. Walker, Director of Public Works memo to L. Allison J: Re uest for
Preservicing Approval, Wellington Estates Rotondo Subdivis dn
#260 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Coun¢illor Buck
THAT permission be granted to preservice D~aft Plan of
Subdivision 19T-85103 subject to the conditions o~tlined in the
memorandum of the Director of Public Works dated ApHl 4th, 1988.
John G. West, Mayor memo to Members of Council re: Reporii -Ministry of
Tourism and Recreation
#261 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Counc llor Jones
THAT Council meet as a Committee with Mr. Bakec Ito discuss his
report submitted relating to the recreation planninb session; with
the Town recreation consultant requested to participate also.
Aurora Council Minutes No. 20-88
Wednesday April 6, 1988
- 5 -
York Region Tourism Marketing Agency re: Report on past year !of work
City of Orillia re: CrownL ife Participaction Challenge; May ~5, 1988
Aurora Minor Hockey Association re: Invitation to 7th Annuhl Aurora Minor
Hockey "Atom Tournament' ; and
Aurora Minor Hockey Association re: Appreciation for finan ial assistance
for "Bantam Tournament"
Affordable Housing Committee re: Bus tour of non-profit projects; April
7, 1988 .
The Regional Municipality of Durham re: Town of Markham i Official Plan;
Revised 1987; York/Durham Sewage Agreement
C.E. Gowan, Municipal Clerk memo to Mayor and Council re: ! Regulating the
Parking of Heavy Vehicles
John G. \.Jest, Mayor memo to Members of Counc i 1 re: Waste r~anJgement
Mr. John Fox, Aurora Community Tennis Club
Mr. Fox attended the meeting to outline to members of Council! the details of
the proposal of the Aurora Community Tennis Club to provide! tennis lessons
during the summer of 1988. The history of the Club's involyement with the
Leisure Services Department; the perceived problems wit~ the proposal
submitted by Mr. Redvers; the funding for the retain!"~ paid to the
professional instructor engaged by the Club; the net cost ~o the Town in
previous years; the agreement to modify past financial ~rrangements to
correspond with Mr. Redvers proposa 1 and the Club's agreem~nt to use the
varied court locations proposed by Mr. Redvers if desired ,by the Town were
all explained. The queries of the Councillors related to pa~t practices and
the current proposal were answered.
#262 Moved by Councillor ~Jeller Seconded by Councilllor Jones
That this matter be referred to Unfinished Business ~or discussion.
Terry Redvers, Leisure Services Tennis Proposal
Mr. Redvers briefly addressed Council to e 1 a borate upon h·i 5 previous ora 1
and written submissions. It was indicated that he was unable to address
many of the concerns raised in the Aurora Community Tennis tl!ub presentation
due to its length and complexity. Concern was expressed regarding certain
points raised by the Club including the ability of the iinstructors he
proposed to utilize, the scheduling of lessons and diver$ity of courts
proposed. It was Mr. Redvers submission that his proposal! should receive
favorable consideration in that it was complete, well. !documented and
provided in accordance with the Town's time requirements. !h~ commitment to
engage the tennis professional used by the Aurora Community ~ennis Club for
as many hours as he desired was reiterated.
#263 Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Buck
THAT this matter be referred to Unfinished Business.
Aurora Council Minutes No. 20-88
Hednesday April 6, 1988
- 6 -
July 1st Committee Report No. 2 re: July 1st Festivities
#264 Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Counc~ll or Pedersen
THAT the 1988 July 1st Celebrations be held at the ~urora Community
Centre and the Aurora Family Leisure Complex, F~eury Park and
Machell Park on Thursday, June 30th and Friday, July ilst.
Committee of the Whole Minutes No. 17-88, March 23, 1988
#265 Moved by Counci 11 or Barker Seconded by Counci!ll or We 11 er
THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Hhole Me~ting No. 17-88
held March 23, 1988 be received, and the recommendat!ions carried by
the Committee be adopted.
CL88-005-100 -Street Names; Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-85~03
#266 Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by CounHn or Barker
THAT Council approve the names of Marksbury Court aDd Bayfair Road
for use within draft plan of subdivision 19T-85103.
AFD88-003-101 -Annual Convention Fees -1988 Ontario i Fire Fighters
Association -July 30 to August 1, 1988; Alliston, Ontario
#267 Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Counci!ll or He 11 er
THAT Council consider and approve a request frlom the Aurora
Volunteer Fire Brigade requesting its annual convertion allowance
in the amount of $600.00; this amount to be cha~ged to Account
Number 201-308; and the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto.
PL88-045-102 -Committee of Adjustment Application A-03-88 'Pt. Lots 20, 21,
22; 111 Metcalfe Street; Hank Kuvt ,
#268 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councijll or Barker
1. THAT the Committee of Adjustment be advised t at Council has
no objection to Application A-03-88; and
THAT a copy of the staff report be forwarded
of Adjustment.
tl the Committee
Aurora Council Minutes No. 20-88
Wednesday April 6, 1988
-7 -
PL88-046-103 -Committee of Adjustment Application A-04-!88; Lot 8, R.P.
M-39; Westview Golf Holdings
#269 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Counc tll or Jones
1. THAT Council express a concern to the Committeb of Adjustment
as to whether a reduction in the proposed rear yard from 22
metres is minor; and '
2. THAT a copy of the staff report be forwarded tp the Committee
of Adjustment.
PL88-047-104 -Committee of Adjustment Application B-05-8~; Pt. Lot 16,
Cone. III E.Y.S.; Vandorf Sideroad; P. & L. Bender
#270 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
1. THAT the Committee of Adjustment be advised t~at Council has
no objection to Application B-05-88 provided th~t any concerns
of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food can be! fully explored
and resolved to the Committee's satisfaction!. Shaul d the
Committee choose to approve P.pp 1 i cation B-05-88j, the following
conditions of approval should be applied: '
( . )
( i i)
( i i i )
( i v)
( v)
Payment of an administration fee of $100~00 to the Town
of Aurora; ,
Payment of a 1 ot 1 evy in the amount of ~~l ,695.00 to the
Town of Aurora; ·
Payment of a hydro levy of $350.00 to th~ Town of
Aurora; . •
Rezoning of the severed parcel to "Rural Residential
(R) Zone" and the retained parcel to a i "Rural General
(RU) Exception Zone''; :
Provision of an entrance and related !drainage works
located and sized to the satisfaction of Public Works;
The dwelling to be serviced by way of pHvate well and
septic system; ,
Road Widening of 5.2 metres to be conveye;d to the Town
of Aurora free of cost and all encumbrahdes;
Cash in lieu of parkland dedication an a~endment not to
exceed 5% of the appraised va 1 ue of the subject 1 ands
payab 1 e to the Town of Aurora; and '
2. THAT a copy of the staff report be forwarded tp the Committee
of Adjustment.
PL88-048-105 -Committee of Adjustment Application B-06-88 Lot 19, Plan
65M-2395; Aurora Heights Drive; Southold Investments Ltd.
#271 Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councij]l or Jones
1. THAT the Committee of Adjustment be advised t~at Council has
no objection to Application B-06-88. Should! the Committee
choose to approve Application B-06-88, the follpwing condition
of approval should be applied: ,
(i) payment of an administration fee of $1dOlOO for B-06-88
to the Town of Aurora; and
2. THAT a copy of the staff report be forwarded tb the Committee
of Adjustment.
Aurora Council Minutes No. 20-88
Wednesday April 6, 1988
-8 -
PL88-049-106 -Site Plan Agreement between the Town of Aurora and The
Ontario Housing Corporation; SP-88-07
#272 Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Coundll or Jones
THAT subject to the provision of all financial seculrities, Council
authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign a site p 1 an agreement between
the Town of Aurora and The Ontario Housing Corporatidn.
PW88-021-108 -Payment Certificate No. 3 (Interim); Constrdction of Inlet
Protection; Yonge Street North; Contract No. M.C. 1987-1
#273 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Counc;ln or Heller
THAT Payment Certificate No. 3 (Interim) in the amou~t of $9,091.88
(holdback) be approved and that said payment be: rrjade to Novacor
Construction Limited being that Public \~orks staf~ are satisfied
with work completed to date, being that we are ,in receipt of a
Statutory Declaration, Clearance Certificate . !from Harker's
Compensation, Substantial Completion advertisement! placed in the
Daily Commercial News and being that 46 days have :e~apsed thereof;
and that said payment be charged to Account 392-312~oOOOE.
P\.J88-022A-098 -Various Recommendations
Installation, Reading, Billinq and Hater Rates
relatino to Hatermeter
Councilll or #274 Moved by Councillor Heller Seconded by Barker
1. THAT staff take such steps as are requireq in order to
implement a complete watermeter reading,, i billing and
collection program for all industrial, ciommercial and
institutional consumers as outlined in Report TR~8-007-079;
2. THAT staff be instructed to monitor the e~fects of full
industrial, commercial and institutional ll)etering over a
period of six months in order to more accurately determine the
per capita consumption and that on having doh~ so that staff
report back to Council on their findings;
3. THAT prior to the commencement of the meterind function, the
Treasurer and Director of Public Harks be instr~cted to review
and revise, when necessary the water rates;
4. THAT the billing program be designed with sufficient
flexibility and capacity for a future tie,r~d and totally
metered system. In addition, said program must be
sufficiently sophisticated to select the largeir of the costs
based on minimum flat rate or actual consumption, accommodate
watermeter and sprinkler charges, convert Imper~al readings to
metric (cubic meter) as well as being able to ipentify high or
low consumption based on pre-established perimet~rs; and
5. THAT all future Subdivision Agreements refH~~t the need to
have approved meters i nsta 11 ed in new homes at ~he deve 1 oper' s
cost and that such meters be inspected and apptoved by Public
Harks staff as an extension of our curr~nt waterworks
i nvo 1 vement and that such inspections be unde~taken prior to
Aurora Council Minutes No. 20-88
Wednesday April 6, 1988
-9 -
PW88-022B-099 -1) Review of Ongoing Capital Waterworks • Ekpenditures; 2)
Authorization for the Region to proceed ~lith Future Groundwater Evaluations
#275 ~1oved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Co unci 11 or ~!ell er
1. THAT Council provide the Region with a resoluJion authorizing
the Region to proceed with detailed groundwate~ evaluations at
the Bayview Avenue South (new well site) •a~d Well No. 2
facilities at an estimated cost of $80,00D.Wi _and $60,000.00
respectively; and · ,
2. THAT the cost of same be borne by the Town ~n~ that all such
costs be charged for the time being agains:t! the Waterworks
Reserve Fund which in turn will be reimbursed! through future
TR88-020-109 -Grant Request; Salvation Army
#276 Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT the report submitted by the Grants Coordinator• be received.
Delegation of Mr. John Fox, Aurora Community Tennis Club: and
Delegation of Terrv Redvers re: Tennis Proposal;
Coordinator memo to Mavor and Council re: --!ennis
Couiii:TrMarch 17, 1988
Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Coundllor Barker
THAT the agreement with Aurora Community lenni s Cltlbi. be renewed for
the 1988 tennis lessons program; ·
THAT the Aurora Community Tennis Club be required tp meet the same
programming and financial requirements as set dut within the
proposal submitted by Mr. Redvers; and
THAT Mr. Redvers be granted permission to operate! a tennis camp
in 1988 if he desires to do so.
Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Counci!ll or We 11 er
THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to i introduce the
following by-laws for First Reading: ·
i Being a by-law to prohibit the parking of ~eavy vehicles
upon the streets under the jurisdiction bf the Town of
Aurora; ,
Being a by-law to establish a plan for the !coordination
of municipal and voluntary services in! the event of
explosion, flood toxic or inflammab~d gas escape,
aircraft or rail crash, hurricane!, earthquake,
uncontrollablefire, bridge or building! collapse or
anyother type of emergency or the threat! of any of the
foregoing; · ·
2985-88 Being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2345-a amended, a
by-law for the licencing and governi of taxi cab
brokers, owners and drivers of taxi cabs;
Aurora Council Minutes No. 20-88
Wednesday April 6, 1988
-10 -
2986-88 Being a by-law to temporarily close up an.d stop traffic
on a portion of Yonge Street (Highway No, 11) in the Town
of Aurora on June 11, 1988 for the purpose of a parade;
AND THAT the same be taken as read a First Time.
Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Co unci 11 or Jones
THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the
following by-laws for Second Reading:
2978-88 Prohibit parking of heavy vehicles;
2984-88 Coordination of Municipal Emergency Services;
2985-88 Taxi regulation;
2986-88 Closing of Yonge Street for Antique Fire A paratus Muster
AND THAT the same be taken as read a Second Time.
Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Couni:;i!llor Buck
THAT Bill No. 2978-88 be referred to the Deputy lerk and Chief
Building Official to provide further information concerning the
proposed fine structure.
Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Coun(:;i!llor McKenzie
THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the
following by-laws for Third Reading:
2977-88 Being a by-1 aw to adopt Official Plan Plan !Amendment No.
48 (Priestly);
Councillor Barker having previously declared a possi,ble Conf1ilct of Interest
in this matter did not take any part in the vote called! regarding the
adoption of this By-law. ·
#282 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Coundll or McKenzie
THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder tb i introduce the
following by-laws for Third Reading:
2979-88 Being a by-law to authorize a fee schedule !for the sale
of Town publications;
2980-88 Being a by-law to amend By-law 2885-86, a ~y-law for
governing the proceedings of Council, the i conduct of its
members and the calling of meetings;
2981-88 Being a by-law to temporarily close up an istop traffic
on a portion of Yonge Street (Highway No ~1) in the Town
of Aurora on July 1, 1988 for the purpose qf a parade;
AND THAT the same be taken as read a Third Time.
Aurora Council ~1i nutes No. 20-88
Wednesday April 6, 1988
-11 -
Counci 11 or We 11 er -requested a report concerning the fee sit~ucture
and the extent of services provided by t~e recreational
Counci 11 or Buck
consultant to the Town of Aurora · '
-expressed concern regarding the parking 6f school buses
on the St. Josephs Separate School grou:n~s and upon
the road allowance in front of the schob1 over the
Easter Holiday '
The Chairman indicated these concerns w6u d be expressed
to the York Region Roman Catholic Separa e School Board
in a letter.
Mavor Ylest memo to Members of Council re: Train Gate
#283 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Cound11 or Jones
THAT the correspondence from the Mayor be received information.
#284 Moved by Councillor Jones
THAT the meeting be adjourned at 10:12 p.m.
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