MINUTES - Council - 19880504MINUTES TOWN OF AURORA COUNCIL MEETING NO. 26-88 Boardroom, Town of Aurora Administrative Wednesday, May 4, 1988 8:00 p.m. COUNCIL MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Mayor West in the Chair; Barker, Buck, McKenzie, and Heller. ounci ll ors ed'~rsen, Timpson Councillor Jones absent ~ue. i··. to a previous commitment. Councillor aivio absent due to an employment obligation.·, STAFF MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Clerk, Deputy Clerk, Trea1ur~r, Chief Building Official, Fire C ieif, Director of Planning, Director of P.bl)c Horks, and Director of Personnel. DECLARATION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST Councillor Pedersen declared a possible Conflict of Intere~t in accounts paid to Canada Law Book due to employment with same and did ndt take part in or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any waY to influence the voting on such question. · Councillor McKenzie declared a possible Conflict of Inte~e$t in accounts paid to Herb McKenzie Auto Parts due to monetary interest •iti~. same and did not take part in or vote on any question in this regard r attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. APPROVAL OF AGENDA #336 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Counbl!lor Weller THAT the content of the Consolidated Agenda circulated by the Clerk's Department be approved a with an In Camera property matter to be discussed of the meeting. CARRIED wi.ith additions qutlined herein t !the conclusion ADOPTION OF MINUTES Council Meeting No. 20, Wednesday, April 6, 1988 #337 Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Countil!l or Heller THAT the minutes of the Council meeting No. 20 dated! April 6, 1988 be adopted as printed and circulated. CARRIED Special Council Meeting No. 22, \<lednesday, April 13, 1988 #338 Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Counblil or Buck THAT the minutes of the Special Council meeting N~. ~2 dated April 13, 1988 be adopted as printed and circulated. CARRIED Council Meeting No. 23, Wednesday, April 20, 1988 #339 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Counblil or Buck THAT the minutes of the Council meeting No. 23 dat~d ~pril 20, 1988 be adopted as printed and circulated. CARRIED Aurora Council Minutes No. 26-88 Wednesday, May 4, 1988 - 2 - Special Council -Public Planning Meeting No. 25, Thursday, fP~il 28, 1988 #340 r~oved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Coun~i1lor McKenzie THAT the minutes of the Special Council -Public I Pl!anning meeting No. 25 dated April 28, 1988 be adopted as printed af1d !Circulated. CARRIED PASSING OF ACCOUNTS #341 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Coun~i 111 or Buck THAT the following Accounts in the total amount of. !•$1,062,170.54, details of which are on file with the Treasury Off"cE1, are approved by Council for payment and the seal of the Corpor tiion be attached hereto. Cheque #903 to #979 Cheque #980 to #1033 MANUAL CHEQUES Cheque #35-88 to #45-88 RESERVE FUNDS Cheque #850 to #857 TOTAL CARRIED $ 228,420.47 $ 793,125.34 $ 14,517.73 $ 26,107.00 $1,062,170.54 Councillor Pedersen having previously declared a Conflid gf Interest in accounts paid to Canada Law Book did not take part in I the vote called regarding payment of this account. Councillor McKenzie having previously declared a Confli) ·Jf Interest in accounts paid to Herb ~kKenzie Auto Parts did not take barit in the vote called regarding payment of this account. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS The York Region Board of Education re: Revised Funding Form~l~; and The York Regi oll_B_oard of Education re: 1988 Operating Grantp #342 #343 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Counl:ilil or Barker THAT these letters be received as information. DEFEATED Moved by Counci l1 or Buck Seconded by Counf:i 1! 1 or Timpson THAT the Town of Aurora go on record in correipo!ndence to the Premier of Ontario, Minister of Education and Mini tel•r of Municipal Affairs as being in support of the position take bjy the Chairman of the York Region Board of Education in his le ter addressed to The Honourable Chris Ward dated April 20, 1988. CARRIED The Regional Municipality of York, Clerk's Dept. Ire: Town of \4hitchurch-Stouffvi ll e Servicing Capacity #344 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Cou~cillor Buck THAT the Regional Commissioner of Engineering be actyised that the Town of Aurora supports the recommendations contai eq in the report on the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Servicing Capacity and the allocation of the necessary capacity to service a i population of 20,000 persons in the Town of Whitchurch/Stou fv~lle from the overall allocation in the York/Durham system vanlable to The Regional Municipality of Durham. CARRIED . Aurora Council Minutes No. 26-88 Wednesday, May 4, 1988 - 3 - . Mayor West memo to Members of Council re: and Low Rise Rehabi 1 i .ation Proqram; Ms. Gail Mcintyre, Aurora re: Ontario Ministry of f ou$inq Low Rise Rehabilitation Program #345 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Coun ci lor Barker . THAT the appropriate staff make application to p Low Rise Rental Rehabilitation Program. frt cipate in the CARRIED • Aurora Hydro re: Residential Lot Levies; Aurora Hvdro It-o cover Caoi tal Ex~enditures and Substations #346 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Coun il'lor McKenzie THAT an interim increase in the Hydro lot levy to $3!50. 00 per unit for all types of residential units, pending an c ve~a 11 review of the Town's levy structure, be approved. ' . CARRIED , C.E. Gowan, Municipal . Clerk memorandum to Mayor and Counc1 l re: Municipal Elections Act • #347 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Coun nil or Pedersen THAT the memorandum of the Clerk be referred to a f~ture Committee of the Whole meeting for discussion. . C.I\RRIED . r~a yor West memo to Members of Council re: . PJoqram Summer Playqround #348 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Coun i Tl or Buck THAT if there is not full local registration in 1 ny! of the summer programs, permission be given for nonresidents to" ttend. Staff to present a recommendation for a token fee to be •. ncbrporated into the nonresident registration. ; On a recorded vote, the resolution CARRIED. YEAS 5 NAYS 2 VOTING YEA: Councillors Barker, Buck, Pedersen, Ti p ,on, and Mayor Vies t. ; VOTING NAY: Councillors McKenzie and Weller. • Mayor West memo to Members of Council re: Ontario Tru< kinCJ Association Bi 11 88 • #349 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Coun ilil or Barker THAT consideration of this matter be deferred to; a 11 ow members of Council time to acquaint themselves with the provis ·ons of Bill 88. CARRIED • • ; CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS RECEIVED AS INFORMATION • . a) Ministry of Transportation and Communications re:' . 1988 Reqular Supplementary and Ontario Transportation lnvestm ni; lniti ati ves Supplementary Subsidy Allocation; ~87 ,000 for Vandorf Sitleroad (Leslie St. to Hw~. 404) and resurfacing of various streets • b) York Req ion a l Police Force re: • Introduction of InsoE ct0r Georqe Kvdd as Officer in Charqe of No. 1 District resoonsible for boliicinq the Town of Aurora • . . Aurora Council Minutes No. 26-88 Wednesday, May 4, 1988 c) Provincial-Municipal Social the progress of the Review -4 - Services Review Committee I r, d) T. Leavers, Pro ram Coordinator re: Partici action Challe e Update on e) Ministr of Tourism and Recreation re: Holland River lication for a Capital Grant; 134,877 DELEGATIONS Mr. Ian Bowell, C.A. re: Auditors presentation ofl 1!987 Financial Statements Mr. Ian Bowell, a representative of the Collins, B r~ow, Chartered Accountants firm, presented the highlights of the audit [and financial statements for 1987. The apparent ability of the Town to e~t its existing and future obligations through the state of the re er~e funds was indicated. The details of the Consoli dated Statement of 0 e~a ti ons and the Consolidated Balance Sheet were reviewed. The Treasurer. nd staff of the Town of Aurora were thanked for their assistance and coopefa~ion during the audit. #350 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Counril! lor Pedersen THAT the Audit Report be approved as submitted bylcoillins, Barrow, Chartered Accountants. CARRIED Ms. Wendy Mcinnis, President, Aurora Early Learning Centr$ Co-op Inc. re: Need for space Ms. Wendy Mcinnis, President of the Aurora Early Learning Ctn~re Co-op Inc., attended the meeting to request Council's favourable cons·)· de .• r.ation for the interim use of the "Jack Woods" dwelling to house the co-p~ Ms. Mcinnis advised that space leased from the York Region Board of Ed c~tion would not be available in the coming year and accommodation for· th~ 65 children enrolled was essential. #351 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Coun~i lor Timpson THAT this matter be referred to Unfinished Business,. CARRIED Mr. Andrew Breuer, Aurora re: Concern of Plannin and D ve]o ment of the Town of Aurora Mr. Andrew Breuer presented to Council several of his co. cerns related to the approach the Town has taken respecting recent major plq n~ng initiatives including the Aurora East Industrial Estates Secondary Stu y,j the Southwest Quadrant Secondary Study, and the Pine Ridge Feasibility S~udy. It was Mr. Breuer's opinion that Council fails to undertake the re U~red scientific research and fails to obtain enough public input prior to i R~ementing major changes to the Town's Official Plan which thereby res. lt$ in dramatic impacts on properties in surrounding areas. Mr. Breuer ad i~~d that it was his opinion that the research into the location for the n w !Administrative Complex was too narrow in nature and will result in the•spdt zoning of a large parcel of land in the midst of a rural area. Counc l. [was encouraged to create a vision for the Aurora of the future and work t ~airds seeing the vision brought into reality in an orderly fashion. •! Mr. Breuer elaborated on several points raised in his pre~enltation through answering queries of members of Council. Aurora Council Minutes No. 26-88 Wednesday, May 4, 1988 -5 - Guided Investments Limited re: i Aoreement dated Marr:h 11, 119!87 between DMG and The TC>wnOTAurora; Pts. 1 & 2, Plan 65R-:3426 Mr. Stanley Stein, a solicitor with the law firm of 0 Tdr, Hoskin and Harcourt, addressed Council on behalf of the owners of G i,d~d Investments Limited concerning the enforcement of an agreement between hd principles of that firm and the Town concerning industrial land located n [the Industrial Parkway South. Mr. Stein advised Council that it was his o!plinion that the provisions of the Municipal Act do n?t empower municipalit .• ·.je· .• sl to enter i~to agreements of the nature of the subJect document, nor doe the Act prov1 de that the Town can legally collect the penalties the text of[ the agreement calls for his clients to pay as a result of their failu e !to live up to their obligations. The economic benefit that the Town will receive through the oJcupancy of the building as of the 1st of June, 1988, was provided in a r pprt prepared by Caldwell, Banker. It was stressed that as the company h d I built well in excess of the minimum square footage required in the ag ee~ent, the Town would realize more through the resultant increase in prop rt]! and business tax assessment than they would have if the minimal requi re~ents and time period were adhered to. , Mr. Stein and Mr. Dixon, a signatory of the agreement n principle of Guided Investments, answered questions of members of Council. #352 t1oved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Cou lor Weller THAT this matter be referred to Unfinished Busines CARRIED COMMITTEE REPORTS Committee of the Whole Minutes No. 24-88, April 27, 1988 #353 Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Coun~tlllor Pedersen THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting No. 24-88 held April 27, 1988 be received, and the recommend~tj!ons carried by the Committee be adopted. ' CARRIED STAFF REPORTS PLANNING DEPARTMENT PL88-061-124 -Site Plan Aoreement between the Town of Au ira and Precision Small Parts Limited; SP-88-04 #354 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Counb ll or VIe ll er THAT subject to the provision of all financial se···tu.rjities, Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign a site plan: g~eement between the Town of Aurora and Precision Small Parts Limite . CARRIED PW88-020-125 Intersection Improvements; Haida Drive/W l noton St. W. #355 Invitational Tender No. M.C. 1987-4; Pavment ~ritificate No. 3 Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Counhlll or VIe ll er THAT payment in the amount of $2,300.00 be malde to Street Construction Limited representing the release ([all remaining holdback monies (to be charged against Accoun 389-312-0000E), being that the contractor has completed all . 0orks to the satisfaction of Public Works as set out in the txt! of Report No. PWSS-020; and the seal of the Corporation be attach d [hereto. ! CARRIED Aurora Council Minutes No. 26-88 Wednesday, May 4, 1988 -6 - i tibn yde of Concrete Sidewalk; Removal and Rep l acemen_t_ of Concrete Sidewalk and PW88-021-126 -Payment Certificate No. 3 (Final); Constru C" Curb and Gutter; ContracCNo. M. c:1937::3 #356 Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Cou!)lc 1 or Barker THAT payment in the amount of $6,552.07 be m~de to Street Construction Limited representing the release f iall remaining holdback monies (to be charged against Accoun ~04-312-0000E), being that the contractor has completed an 'j<lorks to the satisfaction of Public Works as set out in the t xti of Report No. PW88-021. . CARRIED Pvl88-022-127 -Sanitary Trunk Sewer (Cousins Dr. -Kenne~v St. E.) Tender Results; Contract No. M.C. 1988-2 #357 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Counf:i lor Buck THAT the tender. received from Marlborough Constr .• t•. ct .. ~·on Limited in the amount of $92,004.00 be accepted for the cons ru~tion of a 375 mm (15 inch) diameter sanitary sewer from Cousins Dr!ive to Kennedy Street East; and THAT a 11 resulting costs (contractual and be charged to the Service Reserve Account. CARRIED TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT "in-hawse • engineering) TR88-023-128-Grant Application; Aurora Figure Skating Club #358 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Coun~i~lor McKenzie THAT the grant application from the .1\urora Figurel shting Club in the amount of $1,440.00 be approved. CARRIED TR88-024-129 -Five-year Capital Expenditure Forecast 1988-9~ #359 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Coun~~l!lor Buck THAT the attached Five-year Capital approved by Council and forwarded to inclusion in the Region's forecast. CARRIED ExpenditJre Forecast be the Reg~on of York for RESOLUTIONS N. Vase, Director of Personnel memo to t·1ayor and f0,ember CUPE 1359, Collective Agreement #360 Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Coun THAT Council approve the negotiated changes Co 11 ecti ve Agreement, as outlined in the attach Settlement; and i df Council re: illl or Pedersen [ tb'l the current d . Memorandum of THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to !Ligln the updated Collective Agreement to be in effect through 1988 ,~~ 11989. CARRIED Aurora Council Minutes No. 26-88 Wednesday, May 4, 1988 -7 - W.G. Walker, Director of Public Works memo to C.E. ow~n, Clerk re: Release of Letter of Credit; Caruso/Bevacgua #361 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Counlci 1 or Weller RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Di··tr~ .. dtor of Public Works that the financial securities held by the T wn! of !l.urora for Caruso/Bevacqua in the amount of $3,000.00 be release~. CARRIED UNFINISHED BUSINESS I Deleqation of Ms. Wendv Mcinnis, President, Aurora Early L l . earm n Centre Co-op Inc. re: Need for space #362 Moved by Councillor l,le 1l er Seconded by Counh 1!1 or Timpson ! THAT staff be dir~cted to meet wit~ the repres.~n .. ~.atives of t~e Aurora Early Learn1ng Centre and bnng back a r~port to Counc1l concerning accommodation alternatives. · CARRIED Deleoation of Donwav/Guided Investments Limited re: March 11, 1987 between DMG ind The Town of Aurora; Pts. 1 & #363 BY-LAHS #364 #365 Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Counbi~lor McKenzie THAT Council not reconsider the decision to enfor ei ~he provisions of the agreement entered into with Donway Ho d~ngs, Metrogon Holdings and Guided Investments Limited dated March 1~, 1987; and ! THAT the matters raised in the delegation this e e~jng be brought to the attention of the Town Solicitor. CARRIED Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Cou THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder following by-law for First Reading: 2989-88 Being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law No (Salisbury); AND THAT the same be taken as read a First Time. CARRIED Moved by Councillor Heller Seconded by Cou THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the following by-law for Second Reading: 2989-88 Amend Zoning By-law (Salisbury); AND THAT the same be taken as read a Second Time. CARRIED llor Weller o introduce 13-78 I 111 or Barker i the Aurora Council ~1i nutes No. 26-88 Wednesday, May 4, 1988 - 8 - #366 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Buck THI\.T 1 eave be given the Mover and Seconder ~o i introduce the following by-law for Third Reading: 2988-88 Being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2979- authorizing the sale of Town publicatilo (pp.84-85) AND THAT the same be taken as read a Third Time. CARRIED QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS Councillor Timpson -the tree cutting within the Willow Farm proceeding beyond the road allowance an building envelope areas of the lots. a by-1 aw and reports; The Mayor advised that staff will follot up and a report on this matter would be obtained. Councillor Weller -the registration form and summer tot pr g am registration was requested. NEW BUSINESS C.E. Gowan, Clerk memo to Mayor and Members of Council Connaught Ave.; Request for tree removal Stevenson, #367 r~oved by Counci 11 or Timpson or Barker THAT the request be referred to the Parks Foreman f report. CMRIED ADclOURNMENT #368 r~oved by Councillor ~kKenzie THAT the meeting be adjourned at 10:22 p.m. CARRIED _r-, ,.._ ii ;I;.,>( ...... ..-/ ~ (~-,{~ =_/---_. Mayor