MINUTES - Council - 19880420MINUTES TOt~N OF AURORA COUNCIL MEET! NG NO. 23-88 Boardroom, Town of Aurora Administrative Offi' Wednesday, April 20, 1988 8:00 p.m. COUNCIL MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Mayor West in the Chair; ouncill ors Buck (8:25 p.m.), Barker, o!nies, McKenzie, Paivio, Pedersen, Timpson and! Heller. STAFF MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Clerk, Deputy C1 erk, Trea~1 ur .. ~. r, Director of Planning, Chief Building Official and Fire Chief. · · Director of Public Wtr~~ absent on vacation and Director of P~rsonnel absent attending a conference. DECLARATION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST Councillor Timpson declared a possible Conflict of Interest~~ .•. ~ •• accounts paid to the York Region Board of Education due to employment ith same and did not take part in or vote on any question in this regard · r! attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. Councillor McKenzie declared a possible Conflict of Inte~···rJ· .•. ~ .... t in accounts paid to Herb McKenzie Auto Parts due to monetary interest· ith same and did not take part in or vote on any question in this regard r• attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. Mayor West declared a possible conflict of interest in ~ ounts paid to Decor Glass due to monetary interest and did not take part · or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influen the voting on such question. Councillor ~arker declared a possible Conflict of Interestli~ accounts paid to Doug Farrow Carpet Cleaning due to an employment relaJi9 ship with the proprietor and did not take part in or vote on any questidnj, n this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such questi~n APPROVAL OF AGENDA #289 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Counb!lil or Timpson THAT an In Camera legal and property matter be ictj1cussed at the conclusion of the Agenda. CARRIED #290 Moved by Counci 11 or Barker Seconded by Coun~ ll or \>!e 11 er THAT the content of the Consolidated Agenda wi deletions circulated by the Clerk's Department outlined herein and amended. CA.RRIED ' hi j additions and be approved as PASSING OF ACCOUNTS #291 Moved by Counci 11 or He 11 er Seconded by Coun~~lilor Barker THAT the following Accounts in the total amount tfi $350,248.29, details ?f which are on file with the Treasury Off·S~· are approved by Counc1l for payment and the seal of the Corpor t1!on be attached hereto. Cheque #711 to #772 $ 99,010.29 Cheque #773 to #806 LIBRARY $ 0 Cheque #807 to #901 $ 114,652.83 CHEQUE #902 LIBRARY $ 0 Aurora Council Minutes No. 23-88 Wednesday, April 20, 1988 liANUAL CHEQUES Cheque #30-88 to #34-88 RESERVE FUNDS Cheque #821 to #849 TOTAL - 2 - CARRIED $ 81,810.75 $ 54,774.42 $ 350,248.29 Councillor Timpson having previously declared a possilb ~. Conflict of Interest in accounts paid to York Region Board of Educati rt did not take part in the vote called regarding payment of this account. Councillor McKenzie having previously declared a possible Conflict of Interest in accounts paid to Herb McKenzie Auto Parts did n~~ take part in the vote called regarding payment of this account. · · Councillor Barker having previously declared a possible Con j~ct of Interest in accounts paid to Doug Farrow Carpet Cleaning did not ta~e part in the vote called regarding payment of this account. Mayor West having previously declared a possible ConflicJ, f Interest in accounts paid to Decor Glass placed D.eputy Mayor Timpson • in the Chair and did not take part in the vote called regarding payment oft is account. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS Federation of Canadian Municipalities re: 1988 Annual Co~ft:+ence -Votin Accreditation · · ' #292 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Counlcill or McKenzie THAT the correspondence be received and the I C uncil members planning to attend make the appropriate arrangemen~~ with the Clerk for the completion of the voting delegates form. CARRIED Claire Grogan, Aurora re: Relocation of Municipal Offices #293 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Counlci 1 or Jones THAT the letter be received and the Mayor be reque~t~d to provide a written response. CARRIED The Navy League of Canada re: Tag Day #294 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Counlci1lor Paivio THAT permission be granted to The Navy League of ~~.~.ada to conduct tag days in the Town of Aurora on May 5, 6 and 7, 11988. C.~RRIED Organization of Small Urban Municipalities re: 35th Annual F~~ference #295 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Cou THAT the letter be received with those members o to attend authorized to do so in accordance with tHe CARRIED 1 or clones il wishing Aurora Council Minutes No. 23-88 Wednesday, April 20, 1988 -3 - Persechini 's 10 km Run/Walkathon for Timmy & Tammy re: Cllos0re of St. John Sideroad from Leslie Street to Second Street -May 29th ' #296 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Cout\ci nor Barker THAT permission be granted to conduct the Perse Run/Hal kathon on Sunday, May 29th and that arrangements be made to c 1 ose St. John's Si dero Street and Bayview P.venue from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 CARRIED h!ini Easter Sea 1 the appropriate d! !between Leslie .~~ on that date. Peter T. Miller, Aurora re: Repair of fence abutting Confe~e~~tion Park #297 #298 Moved by Counci 11 or He 11 er Seconded by Cou~ci)lor Barker THAT the Town share in the cost of replacing th~ portion of the fence abutting Confederation Park in accordance wi~h Town policy. CARRIED Moved by Councillor Timpson Permission to 5; and to Seconded by Cou~cj]lor Jones THAT permission be granted to the Aurora Horse Sh~~ .. ~ .. and the 1\.urora Agricultural Society to operate a refreshment m rquis during the Horse Show, June 3 -5, 1988 and a beer ma 1 qurs during the Agricultural Fair, June 11 and 12, 1988. CARRIED S. Seibert, Director of Planninq memo to Mayor and Councijl! re: Committee of the Whole Recommendation for Hydro Levies #299 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Cou~ci1lor Barker THAT the Committee of the Whole Minutes No. 21-88,. :Recommendation No. 21, concerning the proposed increase in Hydtoi 'Lot Levies be deferred as outlined in the memorandum of the Dir~c!tbr of Planning and Deputy Clerk. ! · DEFERRAL CARRIED I Aurora Hydro re: Request for loan of $500,000.00 #300 Moved by Counci 11 or Barker Seconded by Counlci, J.1 or He 11 er ! THAT the request of the Aurora Hydro Commissio~ jfor a loan of $500,000 for ongoing capital expenditures be approve;d, to be repaid as per other loan agreements. I ' CARRIED I Mayor West memo to Members of Council re: Cheryl Cadrin, Trbe !Removal #301 Moved by Counci 11 or He 11 er Seconded by CounH ~~ 1 or Pedersen THAT the tree located partially on Town property ih !~ront of No. 81 Kennedy Street East be removed as outlined I in! the Mayor's memorandum and requested by Ms. Cadrin. CARRIED N. Vose, Director of Personne 1 memo to Mayor and Membej of Council re: Carpenter Position #302 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Counlci 11 or Pedersen THAT the memorandum of the Director of Personnefl concerning the refilling of the carpenter position be accepted. 1 CARRIED Aurora Council Minutes No. 23-88 Wednesday, April 20, 1988 - 4 - CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS RECEIVED AS INFORMATION a) Provincial-Municipal Social Services Review re: Di scud i b) R.J. Harrington, Chief Building Official re: (Commercial) Demoli}idn of Buildinas i c) S.G. Wilson, Fire Chief re: 1987 Annual Report 1 d) Kennel Inn re: Quarterly Report; January/February/Marcti, 1988 e) Ministry of Transportation re: 1988-89 Kina's Gonnectino Link Program Subsidy Allocation for 25,555 for 'St. /Murray Dr. intersection improvements COMMITTEE REPORTS I CNR/VIA Station Ad Hoc Committee Report No. 2 re: Renewal qf CNR/VIA #303 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Cou~c 1 or We 1l er I THAT the terms of reference for the railway lands be pproved; and THAT Steven McCasey be invited to undertake the wo[-as outlined in Council's resolution of February 2.4, 1988. r CARRIED i Aurora Heritage Committee Report No. 2 re: 1) Commi{tee Members; 2) Designated Property ! #304 r~oved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Counlci 11 or Barker 1. THAT the two positions now currently vbcp 1 )1t be filled immediately by citizen members which have in~fdated interest; and , 2. THAT the request for a designated property House, 72 Yonge Street North be approved. CARRIED Jr nt for Hillary I ii The Mayor indicated the Committee would provide Council I ~ith a list of interested persons together with the Committee's recommen<lla~~i on concerning the vacancies. I I Cent-guar Ad Hoc Committee Report No. 3 re: Minutes of Meet~n #305 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Coun~111or Jones THAT the minutes of the Cent-quar Ad Hoc Comm ttee meeting be received as information to keep Council members apprised of the Committee's progress. CARRIED Committee of the Vihole Report No. 21-88, April 13, 1988 #306 Moved by Councillor ,1ones Seconded by Counp~Tl or Pedersen i THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Whole ryeHing No. 21-88 held April 13, 1988 be received and the recommendatrpns carried by the Committee be adopted, as amended by Resolution ~0$. 299 and 302. 'r CARRIED I Aurora Council Minutes No. 23-88 Wednesday, April 20, 1988 - 5 - STAFF REPORTS PLANNING DEPARTMENT PL88-05~-113 -Committee of Adjustment Apo 1 i cation A-05-188; M2035; 12 lrillium Drive; Arthur & Lillian Menzies Lot 57, R.P. #307 Moved by Councillor Paivio Seconded by Cou~ci) 1 or ~lcKenzi e 1. THI\.T the Committee of Adjustment be advised that Council has no objection to Application B-08-88; and 2. i THAT a copy of the staff report be forwarded! to the Committee of Adjustment. CARRIED PL88-053-114 -Committee of Adjustment 1\.pplication B-07~88; Pt. Lot 81, Plan 65R-1533; Bathurst Street; R. & A. Barfitt #308 Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Cou d 11 or Jones 1. 2. THAT the Committee of Adjustment be ad vi sed i, -i:h'at Counci 1 has no objection to 1\.pplication B-07-88. Shou[ld' the Committee choose to approve Application B-07-88 the folnowing conditions of approval should be applied. 1 (i) Payment of a lot levy in the amount of I $:3,256.00 to the Town of Aurora. ! (ii) Cash in lieu of parkland dedication, ~n amount not to exceed 5% of the appraised value of tMe: subject lands, payable to the Town of Aurora. i (iii)Payment of a hydro levy of $350.00 to th~ Town of Aurora. (iv) Payment of an administration fee of $1QO;OO to the Town of Aurora. . i (v) Rezoning of the severed and retain.d parcels from "Holding (H) Zone" to "Detached Dwellilng First Density Residential (Rl) Zone". · (vi) Easement be granted over the newly cre*ed lot in order to provide for future sanitary (and stor~water) servicing of the remaining lot. i (vii)The owner make the necessary financial arir~ngements with Southold Investments Ltd. respecting th¢i'r: proportionate contribution towards the construction of Wellington Heights Court. i . (viii)The owner pay the costs of the necessaryj ~yrvey to allow for the release of a 0.3 metre (1.0 foot): ,reserve of the subject property along Wellingto~ Height~ 'court along the proposed frontage. · ! THAT a copy of the staff report be forwarded ito the Committee of Adjustment. CARRIED I PL88-054-115 -Committee of Adjustment App 1 i cation B-08-i8 ; Pt. Lot 15, Plan 69; 94 Metcalfe Street; Stephen & Christine Murphy #309 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded bv Coun llor Weller 1. THAT the Committee of Adjustment be ad vi sed I, that Counci 1 has no objection to Application B-08-88. Shou)d 'the Committee choose to approve Application B-08-88 the foTil!owing condition of approval should be applied: i ~ L. (i) Payment of an administration fee of $10~Joo to the Town of Aurora; and THAT a copy of the staff report be of Adjustment. CARRIED forwarded to the Commit tee Aurora Council Minutes No. 23-88 Wednesday, April 20, 1988 - 6 - PL88-055-116 -Site Plan Agreement between the Town of! Aurora and Kevin Dwver, Daniel Dwver and Robert Downes; SP-88-06 #310 Moved by Councillor He 11 er Seconded by Cou dill or Barker THAT Council concurs with the change to the mJn1111um front yard setback in Bill 2973-88 from 6.5 metres to 6.0 m~tres and that no further public notice is required; and THAT Council authorizes the Mayor and Clerk to !s gn a site plan agreement between the Town of Aurora and Kevin Dwy r, Daniel Dwyer and Robert Downes. , CARRIED I , PL88-056-117 -Site Plan Agreement between the Town of Au~dra and Paul and Lynn Shiner #311 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Cou~c~)lor Weller THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to agreement between the Town of ll,urora and Paul and 'i ~ign a site 4Ynn Shiner. CARRIED , plan PL88-057 -118 -Site Plan Agreement between the Town of Lirora and Donway Ho 1 dings Limited, Metrogon Holdings Limited and Guided Inviestments Limited; Lots 39 and 40, R.P. 10328; SP-87-02 ' #312 ~loved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Cou c llor Barker THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to s1gr a site plan agreement between the Town of Aurora and Donway ~~Tdings Limited, Metrogon Holdings Limited, and Guided Investments Uimited. ' CARRIED RESOLUTIONS Subdivision Agreement between Oical Investments Limited land the Town of Aurora; No. 19T-80094 (South Aurora Estates) #313 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Counlc ll or Jones RESOLVED that subject to the Owner providin~ the necessary financial securities, the Mayor and Clerk be authfo~ized to sign a subdivision agreement dated April 20, 1988f , between Dical Investments Limited and The Corporation of thei ~own of Aurora pertaining to draft plan of subdivision No. 19T-80bQ4 (South Aurora Estates). ' CARRIED Councillor Buck entered the Council Chambers. 1988 Operating Budget #314 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by CounFP 1 or Pedersen THAT the 1988 Operating Budget with a net ~~eral levy of $5,095,650.00, details of which are attached, be adopted and the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto; and THAT the Treasurer be authorized to prepare a by-law for the levying of rates for Town purposes, Region and S¢hoo l purposes, once the formal requisitions are received from ~he Region and School Board. CARRIED Aurora Council Minutes No. 23-88 Wednesday, April 20, 1933 - 7 - 1983 Capital Budget #315 Moved by Councillor Paivio Seconded by Cou~~i,llor McKenzie THAT the 1938 Capital Budget in the total amoun!t Of $12,842,175, including the related sources of financing det~i s of which are attached, be adopted. CARRIED DELEGATIONS Presentation of Stage I Findings -Pine Ridge Feasibility Study The consultants commissioned by the Town of Aurora to unctk0take a study as to the feasibility of affordable housing on the Pin4 'Ridge property presented the findings of the first phase of the Study .. The presentation included a summary and overview of the consultants' vio~k. to date, an analysis of the existing and future trends in the housjng. market within Aurora industry population demographics, trends, hous~, price ranges, absorption and demand. The site was reviewed in its plapn;i!ng context and from an engineering perspective. The conclusions derive~ i from the first phase which indicated that residential development of the! P1ine Ridge lands is feasible were outlined. Questions of the Council membEin were addressed by the study team and by a representative of the Mini st!rY of Government Services responsible for the coordination of the staff fr9n1 the Province's perspective who was also in attendance. Mayor West thanked the team for their presentation on behal~ f Council. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Proposed Walkway to Family Leisure Complex from Valh~lla Subdivision; Question by Councillor Paivio April 13, 1988 #316 BY-LA!.JS i Moved by Councillor Paivio Seconded by Coun'd 11 or Buck THAT Council authorize the commencement of a study[ to determine the best way to provide access from the Town-own~d'. lands in the Markborough subdivision across the railway land's', to the Family Leisure Complex. , DEFEATED Councillor Barker declared a potential Conflict of Inter~s~ in the Third Reading of By-law No. 2934-87 due to property in which h~' has a monetary interest lying within 400 feet of the subject lands and didi not take part in the vote called with respect to the approval of same. ' #317 Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Coun¢illor Jones THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder tio introduce the following by-laws for First Reading: 2937-88 Being a by-law to authorize the applicatipn to The Regional Municipality of York for apprd,val to debenture $5,000,000 for an Administration Complex;, 2988-88 Being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2983-8~i a by-law authorizing the sale of publications and re arts; AND THAT the same be taken as read a First Time. CARRIED Aurora Council Minutes No. 23-88 Wednesday, April 20, 1988 #318 #319 #320 - 8 - Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder following by-1 aws for Second Reading: 2987-88 Administration Complex debenture; 2988-88 Amend By-law 2979-88; Sale AND THAT the same be taken as read a Second Time. CARRIED Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder following by-law for Third Reading: llor \•Jeller introduce the 11 or Barker introduce the 2934-87 Being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law NoJ 2213-78 (Three Seasons); AND THAT the same be taken as read a Third Time. AMENDMENT -Upon the question of the adoption of the resolution it was: t1oved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Couri,cjll or ,Jones THAT the last sentence in Section of Bj-aw No. 2934-88 be deleted. CARRIED The resolution CARRIED AS AMENDED. Councillor Barker having previously declared a potent~ l Conflict of Interest in By-law 2934-88 did not take part in the vote cail ed with respect to the adoption of same. #321 Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Coun~illor Barker THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the following by-laws for Third Reading: 2895-87 Being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 2213-78 (Shiner); 2973-88 Being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 2213-78 (Dwyer; Z-04-88); 2978-88 Being a by-law to prohibit the parking o~ ~eavy vehicles upon the streets under the jurisdi~tion of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora; 2984-88 Being a by-law to establish a plan for the 'coordination of municipal and voluntary emergency is~rvices in the event of explosion, flood, toxic or , ~nflammable gas escape, aircraft or rail crash, hurricar~. earthquake, uncontrollable fire, bridge or building ~ollapse or any other type of emergency or the threat jof any of the foregoing; 2985-88 Being a by-1 aw to amend By-1 aw No. 2345-8p ~ .as amended, a by-law for the licencing, regulating and governing of taxi cab brokers, owners and drivers of t~~i cabs; 2986-88 Being a by-law to temporarily close up an stop traffic on a portion of Yonge Street (Highway No 11) in the Town of Aurora on June 11, 1988 for the purpos df a parade; AND THAT the same be taken as read a Third Time. CARRIED Aurora Council Minutes No. 23-88 Wednesday, April 20, 1988 #322 Moved by Councillor Timpson - 9 - Seconded by THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder following by-law for Third Reading: introduce the 2987-88 Debenturing by-law for Administration rnmHlov AND THAT the same be taken as read a Third Time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ADJOURNMENT #323 Moved by Councillor Jones THAT the meeting be adjourned at 9:44 p.m. CARRIED Mayor