MINUTES - Council - 19880120MINUTES TOWN OF AURORA COUNCIL MEETING NO. 04-88 Boardroom, Town of Aurora Administrative Offices Wednesday, January 20, 1988 8:00 p.m. COUNCIL MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE All members of Council were present with Mayor West in the Chair. STAFF MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Deputy Clerk, Administrative Assistant, Treasurer, Chief Building Official, Deputy Fire Chief, Director of Planning, and Director of Public Works. Clerk absent on vacation; Director of Personnel absent on vacation; Fire Chief absent attending Fire College. STAFF INTRODUCTIONS Mayor West introduced Mr. Fred Reid to those present. Mr. Reid assumed the Treasurer's position effective January 18, 1988. DECLARATION OF INTEREST Councillor Timpson declared a possible Conflict of Interest in accounts paid to the York Region Board of Education due to employment with same and did not take part in or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such questions. · Councillor Pedersen declared a possible Conflict of Interest in accounts paid to Canada Law Book due to employment with same and did not take part in or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. Councillor McKenzie declared a possible Conflict of Interest in accounts paid to Herb McKenzie Auto Parts Inc. due to monetary interest with same and did not take part in or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such questions. APPROVAL OF AGENDA #40 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Councillor Buck THAT the content of the Consolidated Agenda with additions and deletions circulated by the Clerk's Department be approved as outlined herein. CARRIED PASSING OF ACCOUNTS #41 Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Barker THAT the following Accounts in the total amount of $4,830,705.64 details of which are on file with the Treasury Office, be approved by Council for payment and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for same, and the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. General Fire Department Works Department Parks Department $303,635.91 19,098.99 79,723.63 4 ,691. 41 Aurora Council Minutes No. 04-88 Wednesday, January 20, 1988 Community Buildings: Family Complex Factory Theatre Parks Building Chamber of Commerce Community Centre: Building Canteen Leisure Services Water Church St. Victoria Ha 11 - 2 - 11,577.48 13.88 419.19 906.51 6,044. 77 1,167.91 342.41 220.72 Accounts Paid Prior to Council CARRIED 12,916.06 7,212.68 3,937.57 563.13 18,112.71 4,380,813.55 Councillor Timpson having earlier declared a Conflict of Interest in accounts paid to the York Region Board of Education due to employment with same did not take part in the vote called regarding payment of this account. Councillor Pedersen having earlier declared a possible Conflict of Interest in accounts paid to Canada Law Book due to employment with same did not take part in the vote called regarding payment of this account. Councillor McKenzie having earlier declared a possible Conflict of Interest in accounts paid to Herb McKenzie Auto Parts Inc. due to monetary interest with same did not take part in the vote called regarding payment of this account. #42 Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Councillor Barker THAT the following Capital Accounts in the total amount of $240,549.85 details of which are on file with the Treasury Office, be approved for payment by Counci 1 and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for same, and the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Capital Levy Reserve Carson Woods Con-Elco Dizard of Canada Dover Elevator Eagle Beaver Sports Eli Lilly Canada Moffatt Kinoshita Peto MacCallum Renaissance Office Supplies Trow Inc. Capital Reserve Fund Colonial Chev-Olds Connolly Enterprises J. Franz Plumbing Par-Tex Engineering Van-Terior Outfitters Family Leisure Complex Roger Seaman 7,638.58 1,978.76 816.44 715.77 1,683.11 5,288.26 2,833.21 1,175.00 13,424.95 390.00 14,017.38 5,403.50 5,820.98 20,345.00 1,481. 99 21.96 -·~---~'"""-~~------'"-w!•,.r>->-'•o•<·'-'-~-···---···----~· ,,,. __ ,.,----,_-·-·--~~-••-,~·-~-~~~.·~~-~~~-.0~~.?==----=>==•~'"~=<"-'•'~~""'~~~·---~-··~--• Aurora Council Minutes No. 04-88 Wednesday, January 20, 1988 Waterworks Reserve Aurora Hydro Electric Mitchell Construction Regional Municipality of North York -3 - CARRIED 27,557.10 128813.58 1,144.28 CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS The Kidney Foundation of Canada re: Proclamation of "March as Kidney Month" #43 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT the month of March, 1988 be proclaimed as "Kidney Month" in the Town of Aurora. CARRIED Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: 1988 Subsidy Allocation -Construction and Maintenance #44 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor McKenzie THAT the Director of Public Works be directed to prepare a report addressing the amount of the 1988 MTC provincial subsidy allocation and the necessity to apply for supplementary subsidy to allow for the 1988 Construction Program to proceed. CARRIED S. Seibert, Director of Planning re: Delegation -Plans of Subdivision - Aurora Southwest Area #45 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT Council accept the recommendation of the Director of Planning and a delegation of the owners within the southwest area be arranged for January 27th to discuss the alterations to the proposed draft plans of subdivision. CARRIED H.E. Parsons, Aurora re: Distribution of Metro North Newspaper #46 reso Act #47 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT the correspondence of Mr. H. E. Parsons be referred to the Metro North News. CARRIED Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor ,Jones THAT the letter from the Municipal Tax Collectors of Ontario be referred to the Treasurer for a report regarding the effects of Bill 97. CARRIED Aurora Council Minutes No. 04-88 Wednesday, January 20, 1988 - 4 - Mayor West memo to Members of Council re: Public Works Facility #48 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Barker THAT the recommendation be accepted and the design of the block and sheet metal wall for the Works facility be prepared by staff within the Building Department and an engineer's stamp to be obtained if same is required. CARRIED CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS RECEIVED AS INFORMATION a) CN Rail, Research Services re: Renewal of Aurora's Station and Railway Lands b) L. Allison, Deputy Clerk re: No Parking -Seaton Drive c) R.J. Harrington, Chief Building Official re: Building Statistics 1980-1987 d) Ministry of Municipal Affairs News Release re: Review of municipal process for selling of land and municipal practices respecting in camera and open council meetings COMMITTEE REPORTS Committee of the Whole Minutes No. 02-88 dated January 13, 1988 #49 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Buck THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting No. 02-88 held January 13, 1988 be received and the recommendations, with the exception of Recommendation Nos. 10 and 13, carried by the Committee be adopted. CARRIED NEW BUSINESS ARISING FROM COM~liTTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT Re ort No. LS88-001-007 -Famil Leisure Com lex Membershi and Fees Proposal Recommendation No. 10 #50 #51 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Mayor West THAT the Membership and Fees Proposal be accepted as outlined within the report; staff be authorized to proceed with the membership promotion; and monthly reports giving membership statistics be submitted to Council members. AMENDMENT -Upon the question of the adoption of the resolution it was: Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Weller THAT the sentence, "A review of membership fees be undertaken in three month's time", be added to the resolution. CARRIED The resolution CARRIED AS AMENDED. -. __ . Aurora Council Minutes No. 04-88 Wednesday, January 20, 1988 - 5 - PL88-005-0ll -Proposed Plan of Subdivision; Pt. Lot 85, Cone. 1 W. Y .S.; The Chatterly Corporation; 19T-87049 (Recommendation No. 13) #52 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Barker THAT subject to the applicant supplying an irrevocable letter of credit in the amount of the levy required, the proposed plan of subdivision 19T -87049 be recommended to the Region of York for draft approva 1 subject to the fo 11 owing conditions being met for final approval: 1. Approval shall relate to a draft plan of subdivision prepared by Holding & Jones Limited Ontario Land Surveyors dated September 16, 1987 as red line revised. 2. The road allowances included within this draft plan of subdivision shall be dedicated as public highways. 3. The road allowances included within this draft plan of subdivision shall be named to the satisfaction of the Town of Aurora and the Regional Planning Department. 4. Such easements as may be required for uti 1 i ty or drain age purposes shall be granted to the appropriate authority. 5. The owner shall enter into a subdivision agreement with the Town of Aurora agreeing to satisfy all conditions, financial and otherwise of the Town. 6. The lands within this draft plan of subdivision shall be appropriately zoned in a zoning by-law which has come into effect in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act. 7. The owner shall agree in the subdivision agreement not to remove trees without the written approval of the Town of Aurora. 8. The owner shall pay an amount equal to the difference between the percentage of the total plan contained in Block 86 and 5% of the total plan, as cash in lieu of parkland. 9. The owner shall convey Blocks 84 and 85 to the Town of Aurora as Open Space. 10. The owner shall convey Block 86 to the Town of Aurora as Parkland. In the event that it should be determined that Block 86 is not required as parkland Block 86 may be used as a residential lot. 11. Prior to final approval the owner shall prepare a landscape and fencing plan for Blocks 84 through 86 inclusive. 12. The owner shall agree in the out the works as detailed condition 11 above. subdivision agreement to carry in the plans required under 13. Prior to final approval the owner shall prepare a street tree planting plan as required in accordance with the Town's Open Space Specifications. 14. The owner shall agree in the subdivision agreement to plant such street trees as deta i 1 ed in the plans required under condition 13 above. 15. The owner shall prepare a stormwater management plan which is acceptable to the Town of Aurora. 16. Prior to undertaking any grading on the site, the owner shall prepare a report to the satisfaction of the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority and the Town which will detail the means whereby erosion and siltation and their effects will be minimized on the site during and after the construction period. Aurora Council Minutes No. 04-88 Wednesday, January 20, 1988 #53 - 6 -, 17. The owner shall agree in the subdivision agreement in wording acceptable to the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority and the Town to carry out or cause to be carried out the recommendations and measures contained within the reports approved under condition 16. 18. The owner shall agree in the subdivision agreement to erect a visually opaque privacy fence or berm/fence combination to be installed for Lots 19 to 28 and 76. 19. The owner shall agree in the subdivision agreement to provide all houses constructed on Lots 19 to 28 inclusive with a forced air heating system with the provision for the future of central air conditioning and Lot 76 provided the house is situated less than 95 metres from the property line along Bathurst Street and 19 metres from St. John's Sideroad. 20. The owner shall agree in the subdivision agreement to include a clause in all offers of purchase and sale for lots 19 to 28 and 76. "Purchasers are advised that the increasing road traffic may be of interfering with some activities of the noise levels due to concern, occasionally dwelling occupants." 21. The owner shall include the following clause in the subdivision agreement: "Purchasers of Lots 19 to 28 and 76 are advised that the noise levels due to increasing road traffic may be of concern, occasionally interfering with some activities of the dwelling occupants." 22. The owner shall provide a detailed landscaping plan for all lots that flank or back onto Bathurst Street to screen the dwellings from vehicular traffic and to provide as much privacy and enclosure as possible. 23. Prior to removal of any trees on the site the owner shall prepare a master site plan detailing the locations of proposed houses, driveways, any stormwater detention areas and tree cover to be retained. 24. The owner shall agree construct the subdivision required in condition 23. in the subdivision agreement to in accordance with the site plan 25. The owner shall agree to the cost sharing and financing of intersection improvements including such illumination, channelization and signalization as may be required at the intersection of proposed Street 'B' and Bathurst Street. 26. The owner shall agree that the eventual standard of construction of St. John's Sideroad will be a rural section 2 lane secondary road with ditches and asphalt surfadng, and that the cost sharing and financing of the reconstruction of St. John's Side road be acceptab 1 e to Town Counci 1 prior to registration. DEFERRAL -Upon the question of the adoption of the resolution it was: Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT this matter be deferred for one week to a 11 ow for further input regarding the Park's issue. CARRIED Aurora Council Minutes No. 04-88 Wednesday, January 20, 1988 - 7 - STAFF REPORTS PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT PER88-002-016 -Background and Current Situation Regarding OMERS Enrollment #54 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Buck THAT the report of the Director of Personnel be received as information. CARRIED PLANNING DEPARTMENT PL88-007-017 -911 Implementation #55 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Jones 1. THAT funds be included in the 1988 Budget for the hiring of students to assign numbers to the rural areas, Yonge Street, and any parts of Wellington Street which must be renumbered or numbered; and 2. THAT a brief notice be sent to all Yonge Street merchants and residents, preferably in the Hydro Billing so that occupants will be reached. CARRIED PL88-008-018 -Amendment to Site Plan Agreement between the Town of Aurora and Armadale Properties Limite& #56 #57 Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Jones PROVIDED Counci 1 determines that the proposed changes to the site plan for the plaza are appropriate, that Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign a new Site Plan Agreement between the Town of Aurora and Armadale Properties Limited. AMENDMENT -Upon the question of the adoption of the resolution it was: Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Paivio THAT the text of the motion be amended to read as follows: THAT the Owner be advised that Council concurs with the deletion of the southerly entrance onto Yonge Street and the deletion of the mechanical penthouse; and FURTHER THAT the ba 1 ance of the proposed changes not be accepted; and THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a revised site plan agreement giving effect to these changes. CARRIED The resolution CARRIED AS AMENDED. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PW88-007-019 -Payment Certificate No. 2 (Interim); Contract No. M.C. 1987-6; Installation of the St. John's Sideroad Structural Plate Corrugated Steel Pipe Arches #58 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Buck THAT Payment Certificate No. 2 (Interim) in the amount of $19,087.61 be approved and that said payment be made to Novacor Construction Ltd. CARRIED ' Aurora Council Minutes No. 04-88 Wednesday, January 20, 1988 - 8 - TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT TR88-003-020 -Tender No. 88-1 -Remova 1 of trees, stumps, and pruning of trees on Town property #59 Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT the bid from Weller Tree Service Ltd. for the removal of trees, stumps and pruning of trees on Town property, in the amount of $4,560.00, be accepted; and that funds be allocated from Account No. 502-312-0000 and the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED TR88-004-021 -Association of Municipalities of Ontario -Natural Gas Consortium (GASAMO) #60 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Barker THAT the report of the Purchasing Coordinator be received as information. CARRIED RESOLUTIONS K.B. Rodger memo to Mayor and Members of Council re: Resignation as Chief Administrative Officer #61 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Councillor Buck BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora accept with regret the res i gna ti on of K. B. Rodger from the position of Chief Administrative Officer effective January 15, 1988. CARRIED UNFINISHED BUSINESS J. Tree, Parks Foreman memo to C.E. Gowan, Clerk re: Naming of Parks and Name Sign Installation at Existing Parks #62 #63 Moved by Councillor Paivio Seconded by Councillor McKenzie THAT the Parks Department be authorized to construct and insta 11 name signs for the existing neighbourhood parks. CARRIED Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT a competition be opened to the general public to suggest names for the new unnamed parks within the Town of Aurora. CARRIED N. Vose, Director of Personnel re: OMERS Voluntary Buyback #64 Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Councillor Timpson THAT the memorandum from the Director of Personnel be deferred until the OMERS representative attends the Committee of the Whole meeting on January 27th. CARRIED Aurora Council Minutes No. 04-88 Wednesday, January 20, 1988 BY-LAWS #65 #66 #67 - 9 - Moved by Counc i 11 or ~Je 11 er Seconded by Councillor Barker THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the following by-laws for First Reading: 2964-88 Being a by-law to amend By-law 2613-83, as amended, a by-law to provide for the regulation of parking in the Town of Aurora; 2965-88 Being a by-law to renumber certain properties on Vata Court in the Town of Aurora; 2966-88 Being a by-law to dedicate lands as Public Highway; 2967-88 Being a by-law to amend By-law 2878-86, a by-law to establish the office and define, limit and determine the duties and responsibilities of the Chief Administrative Officer; 2968-88 Being a by-law to approve the purchase of certain lands from William Walter Wood for the establishment and carrying on of an industrial operation; AND THAT the same be taken as read a First Time. CARRIED Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Councillor Barker THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the following by-laws for Second Reading: 2964-88 Regulation of parking; 2965-88 Renumber certain properties on Vata Court; 2966-88 Dedicate lands as Public Highway; 2967-88 Repealing Section 7 of By-law 2878-86 (Office of Chief Administrative Officer); 2968-88 Purchase of lands from W.W. Wood; AND THAT the same be taken as read a Second Time. CARRIED Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Buck THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the following by-laws for Third Reading: 2961-88 Being a by-law to prescribe maximum rates of speed on George Street in the Town of Aurora; 2962-88 Being a by-law to amend the Zoning By-law No. 2213-78 (Aurora Soccer Club); 2963-88 Being a by-law to amend the Zoning By-law No. 2213-78 (HBBH Realty Corporation); AND THAT the same be taken as read a Third Time. CARRIED Aurora Council Minutes No. 04-88 Wednesday, January 20, 1988 #68 -10 - Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the following by-laws for Third Reading: 2967-88 Being a by-law to amend By-law 2878-86, a by-law to establish the office and define, limit and determine the duties and responsibilities of the Chief Administrative Officer; 2968-88 Being a by-law to approve the purchase of certain lands from William Walter Wood for the establishment and carrying on of an industrial operation; AND THAT the same be taken as read a Third Time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY NOTICE OF MOTION Councillor Paivio gave Notice of Motion respecting the introduction of a resolution to create an Ad Hoc Committee to study housing issues. QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS Councillor Jones -possi bi 1 ity of issuing a free one-day pass to Lei sure Comp 1 ex for those residents entering the park naming competition. Councillor Paivio -Mayor and Regional Engineering to consider improvements to the Wellington Street East and Leslie Street / intersection; Mayor West advised that this matter will be addressed by the Region in 1988. -input from Director of Public Works requested regarding adherence to site plan requirements of both the Town and the Region of York on properties abutting regional roads. Councillor Timpson -requested Director of Public Works to investigate if the traffic loop sensors for Wellington Street are working normally. Councillor Weller -status of completion of Industrial Parkway North to St. John's Sideroad. Mayor Hest advised that information on this matter will be available at the Committee of the Whole meeting on January 27th. NEW BUSINESS L. Allison, Deputy Clerk memo to Mayor and Members of Council re: Request to Establish Monitoring Wells #69 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Timpson THAT permission be granted to Conestoga-Rovers & Associates Limited to install monitoring wells on Block 36, Plan M-2012 subject to the following conditions: i) That the wells be placed in the area shown on the attached plan only. Any alternative locations to receive the approval of the Parks Foreman prior to placement; ii) That a Letter of Credit be provided in an amount to be determined by the Parks Foreman to ensure the lands are adequately restored after completion of the well installation; Aurora Council Minutes No. 04-88 Wednesday, January 20, 1988 -11 - iii) That Waste Management of Canada Inc. provide an insurance policy which will indemnify the Town of Aurora from any and all liability for damages resulting from the presence of Waste Management of Canada Inc. or its servants, agents or employees on the property and the presence of the monitoring we 11 caps on the subject lands; iv) If required by the Town, Waste Management of Canada Inc. shall install such protective fencing as may be necessary to adequately protect the well casing protruding above ground; and v) That no trees will be removed to effect placement of the monitoring wells. CARRIED T. Graham, Manager -Family Leisure Complex re: Advertising Promotional Materials #70 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Pedersen THAT the advertising and promotional materials strategy proceed immediately as outlined in the memorandum of the Facilities Manager. CARRIED J. Tree, Parks Foreman memo to K.B. Rodger, Chief Administrative Officer re: Tree removal; 110 Wellington Street East #71 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT the removal of the tree at 110 Wellington Street East be approved and included within the tree removal and pruning contract. CARRIED ADJOURNMENT #72 Moved by Councillor Buck THAT the meeting be adjourned at 9:08 p.m. CARRIED C:ii_ dJ~~ Mayor Clerk