MINUTES - Council - 19870916MINUTES
NO. 41-87
Boardroom, Town of Aurora Administrative Offices
Wednesday, September 16, 1987
8:17 p.m.
COUNCIL MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Deputy Mayor Timpson in the Chair;
Councillors Buck, Barker, Jones,
McKenzie, Paivio, Pedersen and Weller.
Mayor West absent representing The
Regional Municipality of York at an
International Conference in Sweden.
STAFF MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Chief Administrative Officer, Clerk,
Deputy Clerk, Fire Chief, Director of
Planning, Director of Public Works, Chief
Building Official, Treasurer and Director
of Personnel.
Deputy Mayor Timpson declared a possible Conflict of Interest in accounts
paid to the York Region Board of Education due to employment with same and
did not take part in or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in
any way to influence the voting on such question.
Councillor Barker declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Planning
Report No. PL87-125-282 due to his monetary involvement with the principal
of the subject company in other matters and did not take part in or vote on
any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on
such question.
Councillor McKenzie declared a possible Conflict of Interest in accounts
paid to Herb McKenzie Auto Parts Inc. due to monetary interest and did not
take part in or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to
influence the voting on such question.
Councillor Paivio declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Planning
Report No. PL87-132-289 and in the Third Reading of By-law No. 2904-87 due
to contractual involvement with the Owner and did not take part in or vote
on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting
on such question.
Councillor Pedersen declared a possible Conflict of Interest in accounts
paid to Canada Law Book due to employment with same and did not take part in
or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence
the voting on such question.
Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Councillor Weller
THAT the content of the Agenda be approved as outlined herein.
AMENDMENT -Upon the question of the adoption of the resolution
it was:
Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Barker
THAT the matter of the appointment of two councillors to the
Olympic Torch Relay Committee be added to Unfinished Business; the
issue of the amendments to the Granada Investments Site Plan
Agreement be added to Unfinished Business; the two late reports of
the Public Works Department, Nos. PW87-043-293 and 044-294 be
discussed under Staff Reports; and the Aurora Heritage Committee
Report No. 9 be discussed under New Business.
The resolution CARRIED AS AMENDED.
Town of Aurora Council Minutes No. 41
Wednesday, September 16, 1987
- 2 -
Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Barker
THAT the following Capital Accounts in the total amount of
$51,506.13 deta i 1 s of which are on fi 1 e with the Treasury Office,
be approved for payment by Council and the Mayor issue orders on
the Treasurer for same, and the seal of the Corporation be attached
Ca~ital Levx Reserve
Carson Woods 60.32
Moffat Kinoshita 2,075.71
Moffat Kinoshita 4, 775.00 6 ,850. 71
Ca~ital Reserve Fund
Exclusive Alarms System 650.00
MicroAge Computers 1,553.86
Van Hal Services 1,638.00
Familx Leisure Com~lex
Beaver Creek Printing 427.23
Instant Custom Signs 256.80
Industrial Park
John Hickson 300.00
Mrs. Helen Kovacs 23,398.25
Services Reserve
Ned co 344.63
Ned co 3. 771.22 4,115.85
Western Tarpaulin 128.47
Waterworks Reserve
Region of York 12,126.64
Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Councillor Weller
THAT the following Accounts in the total amount of $542,946.25
details of which are on file with the Treasury Office, be approved
by Council for payment and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer
for same, and the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto.
General $ 10,877.82
Fire Department 513.06
Works Department 56,938.64
Parks Department 7,218.47
Community Buildings:
Family Complex 1,217.00
Parks Building 238.04
Chamber of Commerce 477.24
Community Centre:
Building 2,885.66
Canteen 438.89
Leisure Services 3,217.54
Church St. 60.01
Victoria Hall 692.62
McMahon Bldg. 30.69
Water 5,672.53
Accounts Paid Prior to Council 452,468.04
Town of Aurora Council Minutes No. 41
Wednesday, September 16, 1987
- 3 -
Councillor Pedersen having earlier declared a possible Conflict of Interest
in the account of Canada Law Book did not take part in the vote called with
respect to the payment of this invoice.
Councillor McKenzie having earlier declared a possible Conflict of Interest
in the account of Herb McKenzie Auto Parts Inc. did not take part in the
vote called with respect to the payment of this invoice.
Deputy Mayor Timpson having earlier declared a possible Conflict of Interest
in the account of York Region Board of Education placed Councillor Pedersen
in the Chair and did not take part in the vote ca 11 ed with respect to
payment of this invoice.
Aurora (79) Taxi, Newmarket re: Request for additional taxi licence
#615 Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT this request be forwarded to the By-law Enforcement Offi.cer
for a report to be submitted.
Mr. Jack Riddell, Minister of Agriculture and Food re: Proclamation of
October 16, 1987 as "World.Food Day"
#616 Moved by Councillor Paivio Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT October 16, 1987 be proclaimed "World Food Day" in the Town of
Aurora and that the principals of the local schools be so advised ..
L. A 11 i son, Deputy Clerk re: Option a 1 meeting of Co unci 1 on September 30th
#617 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Weller
THAT Council meet on September 30th in a Committee of the Whole
Gerry Copley, Chairman, Aurora Heritage Committee re: Designated Property
#618 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT the Town of Aurora participate in the Designated Property
Grants program for properties designated under the Ontario Heritage
Royal Canadian Legion re: Permission to hold the annual Remembrance Day
Parade; November 8th; an Invitation to Mayor and Council to attend the
parade; and request for Council's support by purchasing a wreath and
#619 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT the Co 1. Fred Til stan Branch of the Roya 1 Canadian Legion be
granted permission to hold a parade on Sunday, November 8th at
12:00 p.m. on Yonge Street between the Aurora Shopping Centre and
the Cenotaph;
l '
Town of Aurora Council Minutes No. 41
Wednesday, September 16, 1987
- 4 -
THAT November 1 -11, 1987 be proclaimed as "Poppy Week" in the
Town of Aurora, the normal policy of not advertising same be
adhered to; and
THAT the Town purchase a Remembrance Day wreath and programs at a
tota 1 cost of $42.00 and the sea 1 of the Corporation be attached
Mayor West memo to Members of Council re: Aurora Minor Hockey Annua 1
Bantam Tournament
Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Barker
THAT the grant request be deferred to the next Council meeting and
the intent of the Aurora Minor Hockey Association be clarified.
Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Councillor Barker
THAT the Treasurer be directed to process the grant application in
accordance with the Town's policy.
a) County of Lanark re: Resolution pertaining to Bill 8; French Language
Services Act ·
b) Aurora Committee of Adjustment re: Application A-16-87; Beacon Hall
Golf Enterprises and 610645 Ontario Limited; Granted
c) Aurora Committee of Adjustment re: Application A-17-87; Beacon Hall
Enterprises and 610645 Ontario Limited; Granted
d) The York Region Board of Education re: Appreciation for support
received for Cat Scan Pancake Breakfast
Goodman & Goodman, Barristers & Solicitors for Peter Avery, Jean Avery,
A.W. Boland and Jean Boland re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision No. 19T-85110;
Pt. Lots 76 & 77, Cohc. 1 W.Y.S.; OMB File S870016
Mr.s. Julia Ryan, a solicitor with the law firm of Goodman & Goodman, was in
attendance and advised Counci 1 on behalf of her clients that they did not
wish to make any submissions regarding their proposed subdivision plan at
this time.
Committee of the Whole Minutes No. 40-87, September 9, 1987
#622 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Paivio
THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting No. 40-87
dated September 9, 1987, with the exception of Recommendation Nos.
15 and 16, be received, and the recommendations carried by the
Committee be adopted.
Town of Aurora Council Minutes No. 41
Wednesday, September 16, 1987
- 5 -
Report PL87-122-279 -Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Pt. Lots 76 & 77, Cone.
1 W.Y.S., .Corridor Enterprises Inc. 19T-85048, O.M.B. File No. S870003
'Recommendation No. 15 1
#623 Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Barker
THAT subject to resolution of the road pattern proposed plan
subdivision 19T -85048 be recommended for draft approval subject to
the following conditions:
1. The applicant be required to lodge with the Town of Aurora
prior to draft approval an irrevocable letter of credit in the
amount of the lot levies due, to secure servicing allocation
for the draft plan.
2. Approval shall relate to a draft plan of subdivision by Pound
Welch Associates Limited dated May 5, 1985, revised October 6,
1986 as red line revised as follows:
i) the notation shown on Blocks A and B is amended from
Future Residential to Open Space.
ii) a 3 metre walkway is provided between lots 64 and 65 and
between lots 49 and 50 on Street "C", and between Lots 79
and 80 on Street "D".
iii) no lot on Street "C" has a frontage less than 18 metres.
iv) the width of Street "A" is reduced from 26 metres to 22
3. The owner( s) shall
agreements with the
conditions, financial
enter into one or more subdivision
Town of Aurora agreeing to satisfy all
and otherwise of the Town of Aurora.
4. Prior to final approval the lands within this draft plan of
subdivision shall be appropriately zoned in a zoning by-law
which has come into effect in accordance with the provisions
of the Planning Act.
5. All road allowances, road widenings, 0.3 metre reserves, and
daylighting triangles included in this draft plan of
subdivision shall be deeded to the Town of Aurora, where
required at no cost and free of all encumbrances.
6. All road allowances included within this draft plan of
subdivision shall be named to the satisfaction of the Town of
Aurora and the Regional Planning Department.
7. All dead ends and open sides of road allowances created by
this draft plan of subdivision shall be terminated in 0.3
metre reserves, to be conveyed to the Town of Aurora free of
cost and encumbrances, to be held by the Town of Aurora until
required for future road allowances or the development of
adjacent lands.
8. The owner(s) shall agree that services to be installed by the
owner(s) including adequate pavement width for local roads,
curbs, gutters, sidewalks, watermains, sanitary sewers, storm
sewers, street 1 i ghts, regula tory signs, and other services
where required shall be in accordance with the Town of
Aurora's standards and specifications.
9. Such easements as may be required for uti 1 i ty or drain age
purposes sha 11 be granted to the Town of Aurora or other
appropriate authority both within and outside of the plan of
subdivision at no cost and free of all encumbrances prior to
registration, and be described and included in the subdivision
agreement and shown on the engineering drawings.
10. Hydro-electric, natural gas, telephone services and T.V.
services where required, shall be constructed underground
within the road allowance or other appropriate easement.
Town of Aurora Council Minutes No. 41
Wednesday, September 16, 1987
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11. The owner(s) shall agree to provide engineering drawings as
required and construct plan ned sanitary sewage works,
watermains and storm water management works both upon the
lands and external to the lands to the satisfaction of the
Town, including the approved connections to the existing
12. The owner(s) shall agree in the subdivision agreement not to
remove trees without the written approval of the Town of
13. The owner(s) agree to plant such trees on
as required in accordance with the
the road allowances
Town's Open Space
14. The owner(s) shall convey Blocks A and B as Open Space to the
Town of Aurora free of all encumbrances.
15. The owner(s) shall agree in the subdivision agreement to
provide such fencing as may be required and in accordance with
the Town's Open Space Specifications including a landscape
plan which details existing and final grades and facilities,
if necessary.
16. The owner(s) shall agree to provide a financial guarantee
satisfactory to the Town to prepare detailed fencing plans for
the Town's approva 1 where appropriate; furthermore, the
owner(s) shall agree in the subdivision agreement to carry out
said plans.
17. Prior to final approval the owner(s) shall engage a qualified
consultant to prepare landscaping plans which may include,
planting, berms, fences or a suitable combination which is
satisfactory to the Town of Aurora for the Bathurst Street and
Henderson Drive frontages of the property.
18. Prior to final approval, the owner(s) shall engage the
services of a consultant to complete a noise study
recommending noise control features satisfactory to the
Ministry of the Environment and the Town of Aurora.
19. Prior to final approval the Ministry of the Environment shall
be notified by a copy of the fully executed subdivision
agreement between the developer and the municipality that a
noise control features recommended by the acoustical report
and approved by the Ministry of the Environment and the Town
of Aurora shall be implemented as approved, by the
requirements of the subdivision agreement.
20. In the event that a slight noise level excess will remain
despite the implementation of the noise control features, the
following warning clause shall be included in a registered
portion of the subdivision agreement:
"Purchasers are advised that despite the inclusion of noise
control features within the development area and within the
individual building units, noise levels may continue to be of
concern occasionally interfering with some activities of the
dwelling occupants."
21. Prior to final approval and any grading on the site the
owner(s) shall prepare a storm water management report
including methods of erosion contra 1 during and after
construction which is satisfactory to the Town of Aurora and
the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority.
22. The owner(s) shall agree in the subdivision agreement to carry
out such works as may be required by the studies required
under Condition 12 above.
Town of Aurora Council Minutes No. 41
Wednesday, September 16, 1987
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23. The owner(s) shall convey Block E to the Town of Aurora free
of charge and all encumbrances.
24. The owner(s) shall agree in the subdivision agreement to pay a
proportionate share of the cost of the traffic lights at the
Henderson Drive intersection with Bathurst Street, as billed
to the Town of Aurora by the Regional Municipality of York.
25. The owner(s) shall agree in the subdivision agreement in
accordance with the "Suppl ementa 1 Agreement" dated December 3,
1984 part 5 to construct a sidewalk along the north side of
Henderson Drive between Seaton and McClenny.
26. The owner(s) shall agree in the subdivision agreement to
acquire a 5.1 metre widening of Henderson Drive a 1 ong the
frontage of part 4 of 65R-5578.
27. The owner(s) shall agree in the subdivision agreement to
complete Henderson Drive reconstruction Phase II and Phase III
as set out in the subdivision agreement dated December 3, 1984
and the Supplemental Agreement of the same date.
28. The owner(s) shall agree in the subdivision agreement to grant
an easement to the Town of Aurora over the area where the
watermain connection with Bathurst Street was installed in any
area where the watermain does not follow a road allowance.
AMENDMENT -Upon the question of the adoption of the resolution
it was:
Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Weller
i) THAT the introductory paragraph of the resolution be amended
by the de 1 eti on of the words "subject to the reso 1 uti on of the
road pattern" so that same shall now read:
"That proposed plan of subdivision 19T -85048
for draft plan of approva 1 subject to
be recommended
the following
ii) THAT reference to Condition 12 in draft approval Condition No.
22 be amended to refer to Condition No. 21.
The resolution CARRIED AS AMENDED.
Report PL87-123-280 -Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lots 76 & 77,
Cone. 1 W.Y.S., Peter Aver , Jean Aver , A.W. Boland & Jean Boland,
19T-85110; O.M.B. File No. S870016 Recommendation No. 16
#625 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Barker
THAT subject to reso 1 uti on of the road pattern proposed plan of
subdivision 19T -85110 be recommended for draft approva 1 subject to
the following conditions:
1. The applicant be required to lodge with the Town of Aurora
prior to draft approval an irrevocable letter of credit in the
amount of the lot levies due, to secure servicing allocation
for the draft plan.
2. Approval shall relate to a draft plan of subdivision by
Derkowski Payne Ltd. dated November 30, 1984, revised August
18, 1987.
3. The owner(s) shall
agreements with the
conditions, financial
enter into one or more subdivision
Town of Aurora agreeing to satisfy all
and otherwise of the Town of Aurora.
Town of Aurora Council Minutes No. 41
Wednesday, September 16, 1987
- 8 -
4. Prior to final approval the lands within this draft plan of
subdivision shall be appropriately zoned in a zoning by-law
which has come into effect in accordance with the provisions
of the Planning Act.
5. All road allowances, road widenings, 0.3 metre reserves, and
daylighting triangles included in this draft plan of
subdivision shall be deeded to the Town of Aurora, where
required at no cost and free of all encumbrances.
6. All road allowances included within this draft plan of
subdivision shall be named to the satisfaction of the Town of
Aurora and the Regional Planning Department.
7. All dead ends and open sides of road allowances created by
this draft plan of subdivision shall be terminated in 0.3
metre reserves, to be conveyed to the Town of Aurora free of
cost and encumbrances, to be held by the Town of Aurora until
required for future road allowances or the development of
adjacent lands.
8. The owner(s) shall agree that services to be installed by the
owner(s) including adequate pavement width for local roads,
curbs, gutters, sidewalks, watermains, sanitary sewers, storm
sewers, street 1 i ghts, regula tory signs, and other services
where required shall be in accordance with the Town of
Aurora's standards and specifications.
9. Such easements as may be required for utility or drainage
purposes sha 11 be granted to the Town of Aurora or other
appropriate authority both within and outside of the plan of
subdivision at no cost and free of all encumbrances prior to
registration, and be described and included in the subdivision
agreement and shown on the engineering drawings.
10. Hydro-electric, natural gas, telephone services and T.V.
services where required, shall be constructed underground
within the road allowance or other appropriate easement.
11. The owner( s) sha 11 agree to provide engineering drawings as
required and construct planned sanitary sewage works,
watermains and storm water management works both upon the
lands and external to the lands to the satisfaction of the
Town, including the approved connections to the existing
12. The owner(s) shall agree in the subdivision agreement not to
remove trees without the written approval of the Town of
13. The owner(s) agree to plant such trees on
as required in accordance with the
the road allowances
Town's Open Space
14. The owner(s) shall convey Block "A" as Open Space to the Town
of Aurora free of all encumbrances.
15. The owner(s) shall agree in the subdivision agreement to
provide such fencing as may be required and in accordance with
the Town's Open Space Specifications including a landscape
plan which details existing and final grades and facilities,
if necessary.
16. The owner(s) shall agree to provide a financial guarantee
satisfactory to the Town to prepare detailed fencing plans for
the Town's approval where appropriate; furthermore, the
owner(s) shall agree in the subdivision agreement to carry out
said plans.
Town of Aurora Council Minutes No. 41
Wednesday, September 16, 1987
- 9 -
17. Prior to final approval the owner(s) shall engage a qualified
consultant to prepare landscaping plans which may include,
planting, berms, fences or a suitable combination which is
satisfactory to the Town of Aurora for the Bathurst Street
frontage of the property.
18. Prior to final approval, the owner(s) shall engage the
services of a consultant to complete a noise study
recommending noise control features satisfactory to the
Ministry of the Environment and the Town of Aurora.
19. Prior to final approval the Ministry of the Environment shall
be notified by a copy of the fully executed subdivision
agreement between the developer and the muni ci pa 1 ity that a
noise contra 1 features recommended by the acousti ca 1 report
and approved by the Ministry of the Environment and the Town
of Aurora shall be implemented as approved, by the
requirements of the subdivision agreement.
20. In the event that a slight noise level excess will remain
despite the implementation of the noise contra 1 features, the
following warning clause shall be included in a registered
portion of the subdivision agreement:
"Purchasers are advised that despite the inclusion of noise
contra 1 features within the development area and within the
individual building units, noise levels may continue to be of
concern occasionally interfering with some activities of the
dwelling occupants."
21. Prior to final approval and any grading on the site the
owner(s) shall prepare a storm water management report
including methods of erosion control during and after
construction which is satisfactory to the Town of Aurora and
the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority.
22. The owner(s) shall agree in the subdivision agreement to carry
out such works as may be required by the studies required
under Condition 12 above.
23. The owner(s) shall agree in the subdivision agreement to pay a
proportionate share of the cost of the traffic 1 ights at the
Henderson Drive intersection with Bathurst Street, as billed
to the Town of Aurora by the Regional Municipality of York.
24. The owner(s) shall agree in the subdivision agreement that
Block "B" will only be developed in conjunction with Block 108
of Plan 65M-2281.
25. The owner(s) shall agree in the subdivision agreement that the
subject lands shall only be developed in conjunction with the
lands to the south. If the owner(s) is unable to acquire a
right of way through these lands the Town will assist them in
obtaining such access.
AMENDMENT -Upon the question of the adoption of the resolution
it was:
Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Weller
i) THAT the introductory paragraph of the resolution be amended
by the de 1 eti on of the words "subject to the reso 1 uti on of the
road pattern" so that same shall now read:
"That proposed
recommended for
plan of subdivision No.
draft approval subject to
19T -85110 be
the following
Town of Aurora Council Minutes No. 41
Wednesday, September 16, 1987
-10 -
ii) THAT a Clause No. 26 be added to the report, such clause to
read as follows:
"The Owner shall pay 5% cash in 1 ieu of parkland."
iii) THAT reference to Condition 12 in draft approval Condition No.
22 be amended to refer correctly to Condition No. 21.
The resolution CARRIED AS AMENDED.
Report PL87-124-281 -Site Plan Agreement between the Town of Aurora and
Edsco Construction Limited; Norcath Construction Ltd.
#627 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Paivio
THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a site plan
agreement between the Town of Aurora and Edsco Construction
Limited, Norcath Construction Ltd.
Report PL87-125-282 -Site Plan Agreement between the Town of Aurora and
The Priestly Holding Corp.
#628 Moved by Councillor Paivio Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a site plan
agreement between the Town of Aurora and The Priestly Holding Corp.
Councillor Barker having earlier declared a possible Conflict of Interest
regarding Report PL87-125-282 did not take part in the vote called with
respect to the adoption of the recommendation in this report.
Report PL87-126-283 -Committee o_f Adjustment Application B-24-87; Pt. Lot
174, R.P. 246; 145 Yonge St. S.; Estate of Douglas Nisbet
#629 Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Paivio
1. THAT the Committee of Adjustment be advised that Council has
no objection to Application B-24-87. Should the Committee
choose to approve Application B-24-87, the following
conditions of approval should be applied:
(i) payment of an administration fee of $100.00 to the Town
of Aurora.
2. THAT a copy of the staff report be forwarded to the Committee
of Adjustment.
Report PL87-127-284 -Committee of Adjustment Application B-25-87; Pt. Lot
16, Cone. III E.Y.S.; Vandorf Sideroad; Irene and Victor Salisbury
#630 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Councillor Weller
1. THAT the Committee of Adjustment be advised that Council has
no objection to Application B-25-87. Should the Committee
choose to approve Application B-25-87, the following
conditions of approval should be applied:
Town of Aurora Council Minutes No. 41
Wednesday, September 16, 1987
-11 -
(i) Payment of an administration fee of $100.00 to the Town
of Aurora.
(ii) Payment of a lot levy in the amount of $1,695.00 to the
Town of Aurora.
(iii)Payment of a hydro levy of $350.00 to the Town of Aurora.
(iv) Rezoning of both the severed and retained parcels to a
"Rural Residential (R) Zone".
(v) Provision of an entrance located and sized to the
satisfaction of Public Works.
(vi) The dwelling to be serviced by way of private well and
septic system.
(vii)Road widening of 5.2 metres to be conveyed to the Town of
Aurora free of cost and all encumbrances.
2. THAT a copy of the staff report be forwarded to the Committee
of Adjustment.
-Report PL87-128-285 -Committee of Adjustment Application B-26-87; Pt. Lot
82, Cone. 1; R.P. 65M-2395; Southold Investments Ltd.
#631 Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Co~ncillor Barker
1. THAT the Committee of Adjustment be advised that Council has
no objection to Application B-26-87. Should the Committee
choose to approve Application B-26-87, the following
conditions of approval should be applied:
( i) Payment of an administration fee of $100. DO to the Town
of Aurora.
2. THAT a copy of the staff report be forwarded to the Committee
of Adjustment.
Report PL87-129-286 -Committee of Adjustment Application B-27-87; Lots 11
& 12, Cone. II E.Y.S.; Plan 65R-2782; Leslie Street; Dical Investments Ltd.
#632 Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Councillor Weller
1. THAT the Committee of Adjustment be ad-vised that Council has
no objection to Application B-27-87. Should the Committee
choose to approve Application B-27-87, the following
conditions of approval should be applied:
(i) Payment of an administration fee of $100.00 to the Town
of Aurora.
(ii) That the lands being conveyed be placed within the same
title as the lands to the south which together comprise a
draft approved plan of subdivision.
2. THAT a copy of the staff report be forwarded to the Committee
of Adjustment.
Report PL87-130-287 -Site Plan Agreement between the Town. of Aurora and
645502 Ontario Limited; Murray Drive Retirement Lodge
#633 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
1. THAT Counci 1 direct that the screening a 1 ong the westerly
boundary of the subject property be -----------
2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a site plan
agreement between the Town of Aurora and 645502 Ontario
Limited subject to the provision of all financial securities.
Town of Aurora Council Minutes No. 41
Wednesday, September 16, 1987
-12 -
AMENDMENT -Upon the question of the adoption of the resolution
it was:
Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT the words "a planting strip" be inserted at the end of the
first portion of the resolution.
The resolution CARRIED AS AMENDED.
Report PL87-131-288 -Ob~ections to By-law 2866-86; 'MacDonell, .MacDonell
Investments Ltd.; 14-18 We lington St. E.
#635 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT the Ontario Municipal Board be advised that the Council of the
Town of Aurora continues to maintain its position in support of the
provisions of By-law 2866-86.
Report PL87-132-289 -Site Plan Agreement between the Town of Aurora and
Kevin Dwyer, Daniel Dwyer, and Robert Downes
#636 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to sign a site plan
agreement between the Town of Aurora and Kevin Dwyer, Daniel Dwyer
and Robert Downes.
Councillor Paivio having earlier declared a possible Conflict of Interest
regarding Report PL87-132-289 did not take part in the vote called with
respect to the adoption of the recommendation in this report.
Report PL87-133-290 -Site Plan Agreement between the Town of Aurora and
Aurora U-Store and U-Move Inc.
#637 Moved by Councillor Paivio Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a site plan
agreement between the Town of Aurora and Aurora U-Store and U-Move
Reoort PW87-041-291 -Request Lot
1 Odin Crescent
#638 Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Paivio
1. THAT the Town cooperate with Mrs. Scarr and approve an
amendment to the site plan originally approved by staff upon
receipt of a satisfactorily red-lined revision of the site
plan; and
2. THAT the Town furthermore re 1 i nqui sh its requirement for the
12 ft. x 20 ft. storm easement currently registered on title
provided the homeowner agrees to absorb all associated legal
Town of Aurora Council Minutes No. 41
Wednesday, September 16, 1987
-13 -
Report PW87-042-292 -Ownership Status (Bloomington Service Road
Steeplechase East)
#639 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT the Bloomington Service Road public road allowance from
Steeplechase Avenue to Bayview Avenue be officially closed and that
said road allowance be disposed of in the usual manner and that
existing utilities be accommodated within adequately sized
easements in favour of the respective utilities, the legal cost of
same being borne in the usual manner, subject to there being no
legal problems enabling the new homeowner, Mr. Kolb, from acquiring
frontage on Steeplechase Avenue, the result of said closure.
Report PW87-043-293 -Siltation of Streams and Ponds Adjacent to New
#640 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT no further financial security reductions take place until such
time as developers fully resolve problems relating to the siltation
of adjacent streams and ponds by means of physically removing same.
Re~ort PW87-044-294 -Lot Grading/Landscaping -Andy Investments Ltd. Phase
#641 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
1. THAT all lot grading and servicing financial securities be
retained until all lots are certified from the standpoint of
grade, drainage and presence of topsoil to the Town's
satisfaction; and
2. THAT lot grading securities for all delinquent lots, as of
October 31, 1987, our next sodding deadline, be seized as was
the Public Works recommendation to seize securities this past
summer as a result of previous violations. In addition, that
all lot grading securities involving lots for which there are
occupancy violations, other than lot grading, be seized after
the Town having given the developer legal notice and upon the
failure of the developer to take appropriate action.
Mayor West re: Current state of the Tannery Creek subdivision and the
completion of the obligations of the developer
#642 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT should, upon review by staff, the Andy Investments Tannery
Creek Phase II subdivision agreement provisions be in default, the
Counci 1 does hereby direct that the bui 1 ding permits for further
dwellings in the subdivision be withheld until the required
rectification works are satisfactorily completed.
Town of Aurora Council Minutes No. 41
Wednesday, September 16, 1987
-14 -
S.G. Wilson, Fire Chief memo to K.B. Rodger, Chief Administrative Officer
re: Part Time Stipends; Weekend Summer Standby
#643 Moved by Councillor Buck · Seconded by Councillor Weller
RESOLVED that the Firefighters' stipends for Part-time Stipends and
Weekend Summer Standby for June 6 to September 7, 1987 for a total
of $4,112.40 be paid and the seal of the Corporation be attached
Deve 1 co Management Services Inc. re: Request to preservi ce Draft Plan of
Subdivision No. 19T-86015
#644 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Paivio
RESOLVED that subject to the Owner providing the necessary
financial securities and satisfying all other normal conditions,
permission be given to preservice draft plan of subdivision No.
19T-86015. .
Oak Ridqes Excavatinq Limited Subdivision Aqreement No. 19T-86062
Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
RESOLVED that subject to the Owner providing the necessary
financial securities, the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a
subdivision agreement dated September 16, 1987 between Oak Ridges
Excavating Limited and The Corporation of the Town of Aurora
pertaining to draft plan of subdivision No. 19T-86062 (Bentley
Estates); and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, upon execution of the agreement, staff
be authorized to advise the Engineering Department of The Regional
Municipality of York that the Town has granted the necessary
servicing allocation to the six lots and two residential blocks set
out on the said draft plan of subdivision, 19T-86062.
Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Buck
THAT, upon provision of an additional security of $5,000.00 per lot
and all other documentation being in place, the Owner be permitted
to proceed with the construction of foundations in draft plan of
subdivision No. 19T-86062.
Olympic Torch. Relay Committee
Councillor Buck and Deputy Mayor Timpson indicated that they would volunteer
to serve as Council's representatives on the Committee being formed to
oversee the Olympic Torch Relay and related Awards Ceremony.
Town of Aurora Council Minutes No. 41
Wednesday, September 16, 1987
-15 -
Granada Investments, Highland Green Condominium Apartment Complex, Yonge
Street South
Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT the Council of the Town of Aurora request the builder not to
do any further work on the garage wa 11 on the north side of the
property until further information related to the approved site
plan amendment is obtained; and
THAT this matter be included on the Committee of the Whole agenda
on September 23rd for discussion.
Moved by Councillor Paivio Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the
following by-laws for First Reading:
2935-87 Being a by-law to amend By-law 2613-83, as amended, a
by-law to provide for the regulation of parking in the
Town of Aurora (Seaton Drive);
2936-87 Being a by-law to regulate the keeping of dogs;
2937-87 Being a by-law to amend By-law 2213-78 (604704 Ontario);
AND THAT the same be taken as read a First Time.
Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Paivio
THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the
following by-laws for Second Reading:
2935-87 Amend parking by-law 2613-83 (Seaton Dr.);
2936-87 Regulate keeping of dogs;
2937-87 Amend Zoning By-law 2213-78 (604704 Ontario);
AND THAT the same be taken as read a Second Time.
Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the
following by-law for Third Reading:
2904-87 Being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law 2213-78 (Dwyer);
AND THAT the same be taken as read a Third Time.
Councillor Paivio having earlier declared a possible Conflict of Interest
regarding By-law 2904-87 did not take part in the vote called with respect
to enacting this by-law.
Town of Aurora Council Minutes No. 41
Wednesday, September 16, 1987
-16 -
Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the
following by-law for Third Reading:
2937-87 Amend Zoning By-law 2213-78 (604704 Ontario);
AND THAT the same be taken as read a Third Time.
Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT the hour of adjournment be extended and the agenda completed.
Councillor Weller -completion of Industrial Parkway North and St. John's
Sideroad construction and paving.
potential problem with employees' OMERS pension
participation and contributions.
Councillor Pedersen-resignation from the Aurora Public Library Board
Councillor Paivio -Town's policies regarding residents' priority for
Leisure Services programs.
Councillor Buck -state of repair and debris removal from open space
block on the south side of Henderson Drive.
Aurora Heritage Committee Report No. 9 -Rehabilitation of CNR/VIA Station
and Railway Lands
It was indicated that, due to the volume of the report, a copy of same would
be placed in the Councillors' Room for review and that the LACAC would be
invited to attend the Committee of the Whole meeting scheduled for
October 14th to present an overview and synopsis of the report's contents.
Aurora Administrative Complex Building Tour and Architects' Interviews
Deputy Mayor Timpson reminded the Councillors of the scheduled building tour
to take place on Saturday, September 26th and Monday, September 28th and
also, the architects' interviews scheduled for Saturday, October 3rd.
#653 Moved by Councillor Pedersen
THAT the meeting be adjourned at 11:15 p.m.
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