MINUTES - Council - 19871118'··-.~'
NO. 53-87
Boardroom, Town of Aurora Administrative Offices
Wednesday, November 18, 1987
8:00 p.m.
COUNCIL MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Mayor West in the Chair; Councillors
Barker, Buck, Jones, McKenzie, Paivio,
Pedersen, Timpson and Weller.
STAFF MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Chief Administrative Officer, Clerk,
Deputy Clerk, Chief Building Official,
Fire Chief, Director of Personnel,
Director of Planning, Director of Public
Works, Treasurer and Manager of the
Leisure Services Facilities.
Councillor McKenzie declared a possible Conflict of Interest in accounts
paid to Herb McKenzie Auto Parts Inc. due to monetary interest with same and
did not take part in or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in
any way to influence the voting on such questions.
Councillor Timpson declared a possible Conflict of Interest in accounts paid
to the York Region Board of Education due to employment with same and did
not take part in or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any
way to influence the voting on such questions.
Councillor Pedersen declared a possible Conflict of Interest in accounts
paid to Canada Law Book due to employment with same and did not take part in
or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence
the voting on such question.
Mayor West declared a possible Conflict of Interest in accounts paid to
Decor Glass due to monetary interest with same and did not take part in or
vote on any question in these regards or attempt in any way to influence the
voting on such question.
Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Councillor Weller
THAT the content of the Agenda be approved as outlined herein.
AMENDMENT -Upon the question of the adoption of the resolution it
Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Barker
THAT the memorandum from the Olympic Torch Relay Celebration
Committee and the resolution regarding parking on McDonald Drive be
added to New Business on the agenda.
The resolution CARRIED AS AMENDED.
#775 Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Barker
THAT the following Capital Accounts in the total amount of
$67,706.94 detai 1 s of which are on fi 1 e with the Treasury Office,
be approved for payment by Council and the Mayor issue orders on
the Treasurer for same, and the seal of the Corporation be attached
Aurora Council Minutes No. 53-87
Wednesday, November 18, 1987
Capital Levy Reserve
Carson Woods
Capital Reserve Fund
- 2 -
Candian Used Computers Ltd.
Centaur Products (Ontario) Ltd
Don MacPherson Contracting
Moffat Kinoshita 4,775.00
Moffat Kinoshita 2,100.52
Newmarket Truck Centre
Stacey Electric
Family Leisure Complex
Aurora Banner
Boyd Transport
Engineering Reserve
Abso Blue Prints
Reid & Associates
Services Reserve
Reid & Associates
Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Councillor Weller
THAT the following Accounts in the total amount of $949,554.93
details of which are on file with the Treasury Office, be approved
by Council for payment and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer
for same, and the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto.
Genera 1
Fire Department
Works Department
Parks Department
Community Buildings:
Family Camp 1 ex
Factory Theatre
Parks Building
Chamber of Commerce
Community Centre:
Leisure Services
Church St.
Victoria Ha 11
McMahon Bldg.
Accounts Paid Prior to Council
$ 8,963.26
Councillor McKenzie having earlier declared a possible Conflict of Interest
in the account of Herb McKenzie Auto Parts Inc. did not take part in the
vote called with respect to payment of this invoice.
Counci 11 or Timpson having earlier declared a pass ib 1 e Conflict of Interest
in the account of York Region Board of Education did not take part in the
vote called with respect to payment of this invoice.
Councillor Pedersen having earlier declared a possible Conflict of Interest
in the account of Canada Law Book did not take part in the vote called with
respect to payment of this invoice.
Mayor West having earlier declared a possible Conflict of Interest in the
account of Decor Glass placed Councillor Timpson in the Chair and did not
take part in the vote called with respect to payment of this invoice.
' ., . ./
Aurora Council Minutes No. 53-87
Wednesday, November 18, 1987
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Mayor West memo to Members of Council re: "Drinking and Driving" messages
#777 Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Barker
THAT Council approve the expenditure of $150.00 to co-sponsor the
"Drinking and Driving" messages to be broadcast on CKAN radio
between December 28th and 31st. The funds to come from Account No.
1000-45 and the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto.
Willms & Shier, Barristers & Solicitors re: Rezoning Application of HBBH -
1 Realty Corporation and Canadian Mental Health Association -York Region
Branch, 89 Yonge St. N., Aurora
#778 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Weller
THAT the letter from Willms & Shier be referred to the Public
meeting being held to consider the rezoning application.
Mr. Mark Kolb, Aurora re: Closure of Old Bloomington Road
#779 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT Mr. Kolb be permitted to proceed with the paving of the
portion of the Bloomington Sideroad road allowance to be closed
provided that an undertaking is provided to the Town which would
clearly state that if the roadway was not closed for whatever
reason, that there would be no restitution for the paving work owed
to Mr. Kolb from the Town; and
FURTHER THAT Mr. Kolb agree to pay all Town legal costs associated
with the closure procedure.
CrownLife Participaction Challenge re: Challenge on May 25, 1988
#780 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT this correspondence be referred to the Leisure Services
Department for action.
Art Meeke, Purchasing Coordinator memo to Mayor and Council re: Signage
for Family Leisure Complex
#781 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Buck
THAT an Ad Hoc Committee comprised of Mayor West, Councillors
Barker and Buck be formed to hear the presentations regarding the
signage at the Family Leisure Complex. All other Councillors to be
invited to attend if they so wish.
Mr. Jeff Davis, Aurora re: By-1 aw 2454-81 -"Coin Games By-1 aw"
#782 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Timpson
THAT the request of Mr. Davis for amendments to the Amusement
Machines By-law be denied and the provisions of the By-law remain
as written.
Aurora Council Minutes No. 53-87
Wednesday, November 18, 1987
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Mayor West memo to Members of Council re: Regional Solicitor's letter
regarding Tack v. St. John's Metropolitan Area Board
#783 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT the Town of Aurora contribute the sum of $250.00 to the City
of Scarborough to aid in the intervention in the Supreme Court of
Canada in the case of Tack vs. St. Johns' Metropolitan Area Board.
The funds to come from Account No. 1400-87 and the sea 1 of the
Corporation be attached hereto.
T. Leavers, Program Coordinator memo to Mayor and Members of Counci 1 re:
Program Registration
#784 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT the report of the Program Coordinator be accepted and it be
acknowledged that our recreational programs should be expanding as
does the Aurora population.
The York Region Board of Education re: Request for By-law declaring a
portion of Tecumseh Drive in front of Aurora Heights Public School and a
portion of George St. in front of George Street Public School as "Bus
Loading Zones"
#785 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT the appropriate by-law be prepared to designate the areas in
front of George Street Pub 1 i c Schoo 1 and Aurora Heights Pub 1 ic
Sideroad as ''School Bus Loading Zones''.
Aurora Public Library re: Request for By-law designating "Disabled
Parking" spaces
#786 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Barker
THAT the appropriate by-law be prepared to designate the area in
front of the Aurora Public Library for handicapped parking;
THAT a letter be forwarded to the Regional Solicitor requesting an
update on the Regional Parking By-law for Disabled Persons; and
THAT a staff report be received addressing parking for the disabled
at all other municipally owned facilities.
Mayor West memo to Members of Council re: Resolutions Towns of Vaughan,
Richmond Hill and Markham
#787 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Councillor Paivio
THAT permission be granted to Mayor West to pursue, with the other
municipalities within the Region of York, the contents of the
resolution of the three southern area municipalities with the
Government of Ontario.
a) Miss Amy Ashton, Dr. G.W. Williams Secondary School re: Appreciation
for Town of Aurora Award
b) Liquor Control Board of Ontario re: Appreciation for Fire Department's
Aurora Council Minutes No. 53-87
Wednesday, November 18, 1987
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c) Ma_yor West memo to Members of Counci 1 re: Park Tour November 21st,
9:00 a.m.
d) Aurora Committee of Adjustment re: Notice of Decision Aeelication
A-20-87; The Iona Cor]Jo_ration; 1~4 Tamarac Trail; Lot 116, Plan
65M-2461; Granted
e) Aurora Committee of Adjustment re: Notice of Decision Aeelication
A-21-87; The Ion a Corporation; 224 Tamarac Trail; Lot 106, Plan
65M-2461; Granted
f) Aurora Committee of Adjustment re: Notice of Decision Aeelication
A-22-87; The Iona __ Corporation; 196 Tamarac Trail; Lot 113. Plan
65M-2461; Granted
g) Aurora Committee of Adjustment re: Notice of Decision Aeelication
A-23-87; The Iona Coreoration; 73 Murray Drive; Lot 128, Plan 514;
h) L. A 11 i son, Deeuty Clerk memo to Mayor and Members of Counc i 1 re:
Abandoned Vehicles
i) The Equity Develoement Graue Inc. re: Heron Homes Subdivision
Living Water Faith Fellowshie re: Request to waive taxes
The representatives of the Living Water Faith Fellowship were not in
attendance at the meeting. The matter of their request to waive the usual
realty property taxes for their 1 eased premises between September 1, 1987
and August 31, 1988 was discussed by Council.
#788 Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Councillor Timpson
THAT the Living Water Faith Fellowship be notified of the
regulations regarding the collection of taxes from properties
leased to and not owned by groups who may normally consider
themselves exempt from such requirements.
. Committee of the Whole Minutes 52-87, November 11, 1987
#789 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Buck
THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Who 1 e Meeting No. 52-87
held November 11, 1987 be received and the recommendations, with
the exception of Recommendation Nos. 5 and 17,carried by the
Committee be adopted.
City of Toronto re: Trades Certification.(Recommendation #5)
#790 Moved by Mayor West Seconded by Councillor Barker
THAT the resolution submitted by the City Clerk's Department of the
City of Toronto concerning Trades Certification be endorsed.
Aurora Council Minutes No. 53-87
Wednesday, November 18, 1987
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J. Tree, Parks Foreman memo to Mayor West and Members of Council re:
Development of Parkland in the Holland River Valley (Recommendation #17)
Moved by Mayor West· Seconded by Councillor Timpson
THAT authorization be granted for the Purchasing Coordinator to
receive quotations for Consultants to undertake the drawings for
the development of the proposed parkland surrounding the Family
Leisure Services Centre as outlined in the report of Mr. Tree.
DEFERRAL -Upon the question of the adoption of the resolution it
Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Councillor Weller
THAT adoption of this resolution be deferred for discussion by an
Ad Hoc Committee to be formed to review the propos a 1 and Town
priorities in this regard. A report on this matter to be submitted
to Council for consideration.
LS87-022-342 -Leisure Services Facilities Organization
Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Jones
1. THAT the Leisure Services Department be partially reorganized
-subject to review when a Leisure Services Director is in
place -in order to maximize the potential operation of the
Leisure Services Complex and the Department as a whole;
2. THAT Job Descriptions and salary ranges approved in earlier
Council actions be revised as appropriate to the required
reorganization; and
3. THAT the extra duties assumed by the Community Centre Foreman
from the opening of the Leisure Services Arena to the
p 1 a cement of the new Operations Supervisor at the Lei sure
Services Complex be recognized by a lump sum payment to be
DEFERRAL -Upon the question of the adoption of the resolution it
Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Councillor Paivio
THAT consideration of this matter be deferred and there be a
Special Meeting be arranged with all of Council in attendance at
7:00 p .. m., Wednesday, November 25th in Committee Room 1 with Mr.
Graham, and Ms. de Lorenzis to review in detail the report's
PL87-156-343 -Town of Aurora comments on proposed Official Plan Amendment
(OP12/87) and Rezonings (Z22/87 and Z23/87) in the Town of Newmarket
#795 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor McKenzie
THAT the Town of Newmarket·be advised that the Council of the Town
of Aurora has no objection to Applications OP12/87, Z22/87 and
Aurora Council Minutes No. 53-87
Wednesday, November 18, 1987
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PL87-157-344 -Site Plan Agreement between the Town of Aurora and Paul
Hallis, Dorothy Hallis, Laura Lynn Hallis and Mark Hallis; SP-87-38
#796 Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT subject to the provision of all financial securities the Mayor
and Clerk be authorized to sign a site plan agreement between the
Town of Aurora and Paul Hallis, Dorothy Hallis, Laura Lynn Hallis
and Mark Hallis.
PL87-158-345 -Site Plan Agreement between the Town of Aurora and Weilinger
Leopold & Ingeborg; SP-87-40
#797 Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT subject to the provision of all financial securities the Mayor
and Clerk be authorized to sign a site plan agreement between the
Town of Aurora and Weilinger Leopold & Ingeborg.
TR87-045-346 -Petition to M.T.C. for Payment of Interim Subsidy for 1987
Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Councillor Weller
THAT the Counc i1 of the Town of Aurora petition the Ministry of
Transportation for interim subsidy on the expenditures for
construction and maintenance up to October 31, 1987.
Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Councillor Weller
THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the
following by-laws for First Reading:
2948-87 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2881-86, a By-law to
establish the office and define, limit and determine the
duties and responsibilities of the Treasurer;
2949-87 Being a By-law to repeal By-law 1959-72, as amended, a
By-law to authorize the appointment of a Recreation
Coordinator and to define the duties and responsibilities
of the position;
2950-87 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2613-83, a By-law to
govern and control the parking of vehicles within the
Town of Aurora;
2951-87 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2855-86, a By-law to
designate a site plan control area;
AND THAT the same be taken as read a First Time.
Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Buck
THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the
following by-laws for Second Reading:
2948-87 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2881-86, a By-law to
establish the office and define, limit and determine the
duties and responsibilities of the Treasurer;
Aurora Council Minutes No. 53-87
Wednesday, November 18, 1987
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2949-87 Being a By-law to repeal By-law 1959-72, as amended, a
By-law to authorize the appointment of a Recreation
Coordinator and to define the duties and responsibilities
of the position;
2950-87 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2613-83, a By-law to
govern and control the parking of vehicles within the
Town of Aurora;
2951-87 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2855-86, a By-law to
designate a site plan control area;
AND THAT the same be taken as read a Second Time.
Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the
following by-law for Third Reading:
2951-87 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2855-86, a By-law to
designate a site plan control area;
AND THAT the same be taken as read a Third Time.
Councillor Pedersen -concerns re: safety and illumination of Henderson
-status of Ad Hoc Committee on cemetery expansion; and
-viewing area at Family Leisure Complex obscured by
support beams for roof.
Councillor Barker -potential for No Smoking By-law in Town of Aurora.
Councillor Paivio -purchasing policies as discussed by Chief
Administrative Officer at Chamber of Commerce luncheon.
Councillor Timpson -heating of hockey spectator viewing area, Family
Leisure Complex.
PL87-159-347 -Site Plan Agreement; Beacon Hall Golf Enterprises Ltd.; Part
Lots 74 & 75 and Lot 73, Concession 1 E.Y.S.; 610645 Ontario Inc.; SP-86-22
#802 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute a Site Plan
Agreement and the related water restriction agreement between
Beacon Hall Golf Enterprises Ltd. and 610645 Ontario Inc. subject
to the provision of all financial securities.
Aurora High School re: Lifting of Ban on Parking
#803 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Buck
RESOLVED that the ban on parking on the west side of McDonald Drive
in front of Aurora High School be lifted for the hours of 4:00 p.m.
to midnight on Friday, November 20, 1987.
Aurora Council Minutes No. 53-87
Wednesday, November 18, 1987
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George D. Timpson, Olympic Torch Relay Celebration Committee re: Bus Fares
and Parking Restrictions
#804 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Timpson
THAT the recommendation to waive the bus fares for three to four
hours on December 22nd and the lifting of the parking restrictions
on Aurora Heights Drive, Laurentide Drive and Tecumseh Drive be
approved; and
THAT a report addressing the increasing of the frequency of the bus
service to accommodate the Olympic Torch Relay Celebration be
received from the Purchasing Coordinator.
#805 Moved by Councillor Weller
THAT the meeting be adjourned at 9:56 p.m.
Mayor ~.
Clerk -