MINUTES - Council - 19861020MINUTES OF THE 19TH COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1986 AT 7:30P.M. Present Were: Mayor West; Councillors Barker, Buck, Jones, Paivio, Pedersen, Timpson and Weller. Absent Was: Councillor McKenzie. Also Present Were: K.B. Rodger, Clerk Administrator; C.E. Gowan, Deputy Clerk; K. Cerswell, Treasurer; F. Horvath, Director of Leisure Services; S. Seibert, Director of Planning; Wm. Wa 1 ker, Director of Pub 1 i c Works; and S. Wilson, Fire Chief. Pedersen: Paivio: Resolved that Correspondence No. 19-101 and the Resolution pertaining to Payment Certificate No. 5 (Temperance Street Parking Lot) be added to the Agenda. CARRIED CONFLICT OF INTEREST Councillor Timpson declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Accounts paid to York Region Board of Education due to employment with same and did not take part in or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. Councillor Pedersen dec 1 a red a possi b 1 e Conflict of Interest in Accounts paid to Canada Law Book due to employment with same and did not take part in or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. Councillor Paivio declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Report No. 131, Item 4 due to monetary interest and did not take part in or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Barker: Weller: Resolved that the minutes of the Council Meeting dated October 6, 1986 be adopted as printed and circulated. CARRIED PASSING OF ACCOUNTS Jones: Buck: Resolved that the following Accounts in the total amount of $2,922,127.98, details of which are on file with the Treasury Office, be approved by Council for payment and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for same, and the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. General Fire Department Works Department Parks Department Community Buildings: Factory Theatre Band Shell Parks Building Community Centre: Building Canteen Leisure Services Church St. McMahon Pk. Victoria Hall Water Accounts Paid Prior to Council CARRIED 96.43 6.60 45.83 $3,611.44 3,129.59 $ 92.00 827.66 33.46 $ 16,336.50 9,566.02 74,195.87 1,346.02 148.86 6,741.03 1,305.37 953.12 5,457.08 $2,806,078.11 COUNCIL MEETING •.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1986 - 2 - ACCOUNTS cont'd .•• Timpson: Pedersen: Resolved that the following Capital Accounts in the total amount of $19,393.71, details of which are on file with the Treasury Office, be approved for payment by Counci 1 and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for same, and the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Administration & Equipment Reserve Custom Developed Computer Systems Van Hal Services Van Hal Services Waterworks Reserve Region of York Family Leisure Complex D.A. Concessions CARRIED $ 2,607.75 1,880.00 1,840.00 14,279.71 1,394.00 CORRESPONDENCE 19-1 Ms. Wendy James, Aurora, Ont. re: request for delegation status to respond to Mr. Lavis' comments made at September 15, 1986 Council meeting (Information -Council Room) 19-2 Aurora Residents' Petition re: Safety of Children -Valhalla Heights area (Information-Ref. from Public Safety Committee) 19-3 Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority re: recent flooding and sediment problems (Ref. Council in Committee) 19-4 Travelways re: new bus schedules (Information) 19-5 Wendy Mcinnis re: request for delegation status at Leisure Services Committee Meeting (Information, F. Horvath) 19-6 678192 Ontario Limited re: application for amendment to the official plan and/or zoning bylaw concerning lot part 71 and 72 Cone. 1 (Information, S. Seibert, C. Gowan, Treasury) 19-7 Aurora Fire Department re: Regional Fire School (Ref. Council in Committee) 19-8 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Natural Resources, Maple re: amendment to Zoning By-law No. 2213-78 by 604704 Ontario Limited (Information, S. Seibert) 19-9 Regional Municipality of York -Clerk's Department re: Ontario Home Renewal Program -Town of Aurora (Information, S. Seibert) 19-10 Regional Municipality of York -Clerk's Department re: Amendment ' 19-11 19-12 No. 37 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area (Information, S. Seibert) Landscape Planning Limited re: Draft Plan of Subdivision of Part of Lot 81-Cone. 1 420643 Ontario Limited (Information, S. Seibert) McCarthy and McCarthy, Barristers and Solicitors re: 5 Yonge Street South (Information, S. Seibert, R. Harrington, J. Insley) COUNCIL MEETING .•• MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1986 - 3 - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd .•• 19-13 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Housing re: the "Building Tomorrow" Conference (Ref. Planning Committee) 19-14 Weir and Foulds, Barristers and Solicitors re: Larsen Purchase from Vanderloo, 160 & 161 Wellington St. E., Aurora (Information, Clerk to reply) 19-15 Regional Municipality of York -Clerk's Department re: Engineering Committee Report on Regional Road Widenings 19-16 (Information, Wm. Walker) Government of Communications re: (Information, Ontario, Ministry municipal road grants Wm. Walker, Treasury) of Transportation and 19-17 Ganus Container Corporation re: installation and distribution of semi and fully automated refuse collection systems 19-18 19-19 (Information, Clerk to reply) The York Region Catholic Separate School Board re: playground equipment (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F. Horvath) safety of IPCF Properties Inc. re: termination of business (Information, Treasury) National Grocers' Cash and Carry 19-20 Regional Municipality of York -Planning Department re: Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-81032 (Information, S. Seibert) 19-21 Cosburn Patterson Wardman Limited, Consulting Engineers re: Proposed Estate Residential Subdivision -Dical Investments Ltd. (Information, S. Seibert) 19-22 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Proposed App 1 i cation for 0. P. Amendment and Rezoning of Land in the Northeast Corner of Highway 11 and St. Johns Side Road (Information, S. Seibert) 19-23 John W. S. Preston, Aurora re: paving of Bayview Avenue (Ref. Works Committee, Wm. Walker) 19-24 Aurora High Schoo 1 re: thirteenth Annua 1 Commencement -Friday, November 21, 1986 (Ref. Administration and Finance Committee) 19-25 Regional Municipality of York-Office of the Medical Officer of Health re: low cost rabies immunization clinic (Ref. Council in Committee) 19-26 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Zoning By-law Amendment Z-35-86, Pt. Lot 83, Con. 1 W. Y .S. 19-27 (Information, S. Seibert) York Region Board of Education re: Markborough Properties Limited (Information) 19-28 Frank Magauer, Aurora re: sidewalk repairs (Ref. Works Committee, Wm. Walker) Proposed School Site - 19-29 Town of East Gwillimbury re: department head reimbursement for extra evening meetings (Information, Clerk to reply) COUNCIL MEETING .•. MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1986 - 4 - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd ..• 19-30 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Natural Resources re: Proposed Zonin~ By-law Amendment Lot 80, Concession I, E.Y.S. {Information, S. Seibert) 19-31 Government of Ontario, Liquor Licence Board re: Homestyle, 1 Henderson Drive Unit #3 (Ref. Council in Committee) Farmer's 19-32 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Natural Resources, Maple re: zonin~ by-law amendments (Avery & Boland) {Information, S. Seibert) 19-33 Government of Ontario, Ministry of the So 1 i ci tor Genera 1 re: 1986 Fire Prevention Week -October 5 -11, 1986 (Ref. Council in Committee) 19-34 Parry Sound Area Industrial Park Board re: Industrial Park Sites or Commercial Development Areas within Aurora (Information, Clerk to reply) 19-35 Cliff gate Management Limited re: Easement, Tamarac Subdivision - Phase 3 (Information, S. Seibert) 19-36 Aurora United Church re: Access to Sidewalk from Tyler Street (Information, Wm. Walker to reply) 19-37 Town of Whitchurch Stouffville re: Notice of Public Meeting for Proposed General Zoning By-law (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert) 19-38 Government of Ontario, Assessment Review Board re: Withdrawals 19-39 (Information, Treasury) Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: Subdivision, Part Lot 79, Concession 1 W.Y.S. (Information, S. Seibert) Proposed Plan of 19-40 Corbett, Bryan and Conrad re: Senator Homes 19T -85040, Part Lot 81, Concession 1 (TABLED, DELEGATIONS) 19-41 Praise Audio Visual re: Advertising -Service Rates (Ref. Economic Development Committee) 19-42 Regional Municipality of York -Medical Officer of Health re: Proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment of the Town of Aurora -Priestly Holding Corporation, Part Lot 86, Cone. 1 (Information, S. Seibert) 19-43 Regional Municipality of York -Medical Officer of Health re: Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Revision (Avery & Boland and Corridor Enterprises) Z-39-85 and Z-10-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 19-44 Government of Ontario, Ontario Municipal Board re: O.M.B. File A 8600444 cancellation of hearing on October 3, 1986 (Information, Treasury) 19-45 Ontario Good Roads Association re: 1987 Conference Request for Accommodation (Ref. Works Committee) 19-46 The Regional Municipality of York -Office of the Medical Officer of Health re: By-Law Amendment Z-35-86, Pt. Lot 83, 180 Yonge Street North, Aurora (Information, S. Seibert) 19-47 The Regional Municipality of York -Office of the Medical Officer of Health re: By-law Z-36-86, Lot 8, Cone. 1 E.Y.S. (Information, S. Seibert) COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1986 - 5 - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd .•• 19-48 19-49 J.B. Howard and Associates re: Aurora, accident of 8 August 1986 (Information, C. Gowan) Reid and Associates Limited re: Cost Sharing Project No. 1233 (Ref. Technical Committee) hole in road on Edward Street in (Mr. Charles Clark) construction of Kennedy Street 19-50 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Transportation ·· and Communications re: Zoning By-Law Amendment Z-36-86 Pt. Lot 68, Con. 1 E. Y .S. (Information, S. Seibert) 19-51 Macroplan Limited re: Subdivision Application, The Chatterly Corporation Part Lot 85, Cone. 1 W.Y.S. (Information, S. Seibert) 19-52 Newmarket and District Association for Community Living re: Transit Training Cards (Information) 19-53 Remax re: Dobson Pond Condominiums (Information) 19-54 Snowball Enterprises of Aurora re: 117 Wellington Street East (Information, R. Harrington, S. Seibert to reply) 19-55 Ann Balaban Report to Administration and Finance Committee re: 19-56 Main Street Project Office Secretary Position (Ref. Administration and Finance Committee) Aurora Beavers, Cubs, Scouts re: Apple Day in Aurora October 18, 1986 (Ref. Council in Committee) 19-57 Fred Horvath, Director of Leisure Services memo to Administration and Finance Committee re: Probationary Period -Jim Tree (Ref. Administration and Finance Committee) 19-58 K. B. Rodger, C. E. Gowan memo to Administration and Finance Committee re: Recommendation to Permanent Staff -Karen Lynch (Ref. Administration and Finance Committee) 19-59 Andy Hadjicostis re: Pylon Sign -Charlie's Cafe, 125 Yonge Street North, Aurora (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert) 19-60 Business and Finance in Ontario re: special report and directory scheduled for a special issue of Business and Finance in Ontario (Ref. Administration and Finance) 19-61 Residents of Pineneedle Drive Petition: elimination of sidewalks on Pineneedle Drive (Ref. Council in Committee -Delegation) 19-62 The Regional Municipality of York -Engineering Department re: Pedestrian Crossing -Wellington Street West and Haida Drive (Ref. Works Committee, Wm. Walker) 19-63 Davis, Webb, Barristers and So 1 i ci tors re: Markborough Properties Limited, Valhalla Heights Subdivision Lots 25 and 26 (TABLED, DELEGATION, K. McFarlane) 19-64 Kent F. Pollard, Barrister and Solicitor re: Paul and Lynn Shiner -64 Temperance Street, Aurora (Information, S. Seibert) 19-65 Aurora and District Historical Society re: bus parking in lot adjacent to Aurora Library and Church Street School (Ref. Public Safety Committee) COUNCIL MEETING .•• MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1986 - 6 - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd •.. 19-66 Government of Ontario re: ama 1 gamati on of Barrie and Ori 11 i a Tourism Field Offices (Information, F. Horvath) 19-67 York Region Catha 1 i c Separate Schoo 1 Board re: Aurora's Santa Claus Parade 19-68 19-69 19-70 (Information, Councillor Herb McKenzie) Government of Ontario, Ministry of the Environment re: Booklet "Direct Grant Program for Municipal Water and Sewage Systems" (Information, K. Cerswell, Treasurer) Lakeview re: Barclay Homes, Lots 19, 20, 21 and 22, Plan 65M-2229 (Information, Wm. Walker to reply) Reid and Associates Limited re: Reconstruction of Dunning Avenue - Project No. 1184 (Information, Wm. Walker for comments) 19-71 Paul Graham, Administration Committee, United Church re: Stairs and Railing on Tyler Street (Ref. Works Committee) 19-72 Parks and Recreation Federation of Ontario re: Bill 38 -Ontario Lottery Corporation Act (Ref. Council in Committee) 19-73 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Housing re: Building Action Building Administration Fund 19-74 19-75 19-76 19-77 19-78 (Information) Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority re: Zoning By-law Amendment No. 2213-78 Part Lot 83, Plan 246 -604704 Ontario Limited) (Information, S. Seibert, L. Allison) Urban Development Institute/Ontario re: Workshop Series 1986-87 (Information, Councillor Tim Jones) Green Books re: K. Pooroohasb wish to support the B.I.A. (Information, Council Information) Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority re: Flooding and Sedimentation Problems (Ref. Council in Committee) M. Elias, Aurora re: house deficiencies Lot No. 58, 62 McClenny Drive (Information, R. J. Harrington) 19-79 Aurora Cemetery Company re: acquisition of land (Ref. Council in Committee) 19-80 Mr. David Sleigh -Ellanvannin Farms re: Live Stock Claim (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) 19-81 Wm. Walker, Director of Public Works memo to L. Allison Administrative Clerk re: Archerhill Investments Limited Financial Security and Engineering Fee Requirements (Information, L. Allison) 19-82 Anton Ki kas Limited re: Letter of Credit Reduction -The Iona Corporation Tamarac Phase I (Information, Wm. Walker, K. B. Rodger, L. Allison) .~--~-~·~-~~"W~>">-"<<~~~-'=H~dA..o>~,_o,~->'Y-~>-'·--•---~·"--'--'-•~---·--'~'""'-'"---'---'--'~~-~r-~-'=".,"-=<"='">"'-<">..,-,--"""'""""'=•=;..;."='~··~•'-~~7,~="~'~'~~~.~-~>''"'~"-"-'----~---'--·---------------"-""'--'" c r ' -·-· COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1986 - 7 - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd .•• 19-83 Bryan Thomas and Associates Inc. re: Archerhill Investments Ltd. 19T-82039 Weller: Jones: (TABLED, L. Allison) Resolved that Archerhill Investments Ltd. be granted permission to preservice its subdivision No. 19T-82039, subject to satisfying the normal Town conditions. CARRIED 19-84 Royal Bank of Canada (Branches of Aurora and Newmarket) re: 19-85 Independent Business Reception at Hotel Aurora, October 28, 1986 (Information) Aurora Committee of Adjustment re: (B-7-86) Notice that Decision is Final (Information, R. J. Harrington) Granada Investments Limited, and Binding 19-86 York Regional Police Department re: parking infractions in the areas of the public schools 19-87 Jones: Pedersen: (Ref. Public Safety Committee) Corporation of the Town of Onaping Falls re: Provincial Cutbacks for Municipal Recreation (TABLED) Aurora versus Resolved that this letter be received and the Town of Onaping Falls be advised that the Town of Aurora has already taken action in this regard. CARRIED 19-88 Government of Ontario, Ministry of the Attorney Genera 1 re: 19-89 19-90 invitation to "Countermeasures '86" -December 8 and 9, Royal York (Information) Don Greenham re: Application for Amendment to the Official Plan and/or Zoning By-law Lot 1 & 2 Cone 1 Aurora (Information, S. Seibert, L. Allison) Cochrane Dunlop re: street cleaning and flushing (Information, Wm. Walker) 19-91 Government of Ontario, Assessment Review Board re: 33 Yonge Street South, Unit 14 (Information, Treasury) 19-92 The Regional Municipality of York, Office of the Medical Officer of Health re: Rabies Control Notification (Mark Galligan) (Information, K. McFarlane) 19-93 The Regional Municipality of York, Office of the Medical Officer of Health re: Rabies Control Notification (Ann Card) (Information, K. McFarlane) 19-94 Association for Children and Adults with Learning Disabilities re: introduction of new chapter (Information) 19-95 Association for Children and Adults with Learning Disabilities re: contribution (Information) 19-96 Mr. David Hirsh re: Andy Investments Limited -Phase II Timpson: Barker: (TABLED) Resolved that Andy Investments Limited be granted permission to build the 13 model homes in Phase II upon the posting of a $65,000.00 bond. CARRIED /" COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1986 - 8 - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd ••• 19-97 Kelsey, Melnik and Hendler re: 554048 Ontario Limited Plan Number 65M-2431, Aurora (Information, Wm. Walker, L. Allison to reply) 19-98 C.E. Gowan, Deputy Clerk memo to Mayor and Council re: Tenders for Fuel Oil (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) 19-99 The Friedman Group re: Town's Option Agreements, Part 1 and Part 2, Plan 65R-3426 (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) 19-100 Reid and Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers re: Project No. 1151 (Temperance Street Parking Lot Improvements), Payment Certificate No. 5, Vic Priestly (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) Timpson: Resolved that the Clerk's Report be dealt with as outlined. Pedersen: CARRIED 19-101 Government of Canada, Canada Post Corporation, Urban Services, Rideau Division re: community mail boxes Weller: Paivio: DELEGATIONS Resolved that this letter be received and that the Director of Planning and the Director of Public Works meet with representatives of Canada Post regarding site locations of the community mail boxes. CARRIED 1. Letter 19-40 -Corbett, Bryan & Conrad, Barristers & Solicitors re: preservicing of Subdivision No. 19T-85040, Senator Homes, Pt. Lot 81, Cone. 1 Mr. Brian Corbett, Solicitor for Senator Homes addressed Council and requested that Senator Homes be allowed to preservice its subdivision No. 19T-85040. Weller: Jones: Resolved that this matter be referred to Unfinished Business on the Agenda. CARRIED 2. Letter 19-63 -Davis, Webb, Barristers and Solicitors re: Markborough Properties Limited, Valhalla Heights Subdivision, Lots 25 and 26 Mr. A. Bishop, representing Markborough Properties Limited, introduced Mrs. C. Schultz, Solicitor who addressed Council and gave her opinion on why Lots 25 and 26, Plan M-57 should be returned to Markborough Properties Limited. Weller: Jones: Resolved that this matter be referred to Unfinished Business on the Agenda. CARRIED REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report No. 128-Public Safety Committee ... Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Public Safety Committee was held on Tuesday, October 7, 1986 at 6:30 p.m. in Committee Room One of the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Councillors Norm Weller, Tim Jones and Betty Pedersen; Citizen Members Warren Campbell, Charlie Clark, Hildegard Knowles and Gordon Jones. Also Present Was: Fred Bolsby, Deputy Fire Chief/Fire Prevention Officer. .. •·' COUNCIL MEETING •.• MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1986 - 9 - Public Safety Committee Report No. 128 cont'd ..• A. DELEGATIONS 1. Letter 19-2 -Mrs. Shirley Naray re: residents' petition of Valhalla Heights area -"The Safety of Our Children" Mr. Richard Barker appeared before the Committee and presented a letter directed to the Public Safety Committee which included a petitioning letter and signatures of Valhalla Heights Residents together with letters of support from Dan Willison, Principal, Our Lady of Grace School; J.L. Dobson, Principal, Wells Street Public School; Dennis Casey, Casey Bus Lines; and Elizabeth Cavan, resident of Valhalla Heights. Mr. Barker explained the concerns of the Valhalla Heights residents. The Committee, after review and discussion of the merits of the requests, makes the following four recommendations: i) that municipal parking By-law No. 1867 be amended to provide for a four ( 4) way stop at Mark Street and Spruce Street and the required stop signs be posted; ii) that municipal parking By-law No. 1867 be amended to provide for a three (3) way stop sign at the intersection of Spruce Street and Odin Crescent and the required stop signs be posted; iii) that the York Regional Police Department be requested to provide increased traffic enforcement in the areas of concern; and iv) that a copy of Letter 19-2 be included for reference and information in the Traffic Safety Study presently pending. B. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter 17-17 -Aurora Fire Department Activity Report for the Month of August, 1986 The August Fire Report was received by the Committee. 2. Letter 18-115 -Christine Ledsham re: speeding -Wellington Street West The Committee, after review and discussion of the merits of this 'request, recommends that The Region a 1 Muni ci pa 1 i ty of York, Engineering Department be requested to lower the speed limit from 70 km/h to 50 km/h or normal urban speed on Wellington Street West from Yonge Street to Bathurst Street. 3. Letter 18-124 -Doug Farrell re: parking -McDonald Drive and Haida Drive The Committee, after review and discussion of the merits of this request, recommends that a 1 etter be sent to the househo 1 ders at 2 McDonald Drive and 26 Haida Drive requesting their comments regarding the implementation of No Parking and the erection of signs as mentioned, and request a reply prior to the next Public Safety Committee meeting to be held on November 4, 1986 • 4. Letter 18-147 -Aurora Fire Department Activity Report for the Month of September, 1986 The September Fire Report was received by the Committee. The large number of First Aid and Rescue related occurrences are due to the increased growth of the community and increased traffic. The Deputy Chief noted that there are increased public demands on the Fire Department due to the Fire Code, Building Code, and general growth of the community. • ---"-c COUNCIL MEETING ••. MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1986 -10 - Public Safety Committee Report No. 128 cont'd ... C. ITEMS REFERRED BY COUNCIL 1. Speeding on Wellington Street West The Committee's recommendation is noted in Article B.2 of this report. 2. Safety -Intersection of Harrison and Edward Streets The Committee, after review of Letter 17-143 and discussion of the merits of this request, recommends that the Public Works Department staff prepare a report on the feasibility of a one way street system in the area bounded by Dunning Avenue, Yonge Street and Edward Street, and further traffic control measures which may be suitable with regard to the Edward Street and Harrison Avenue, Edward Street and Metcalfe Street, and Metcalfe Street and Larmont Street areas. This report to be completed as soon as is possible and forwarded to the Public Safety Committee for its perusal prior to submitting it to Council. D. FIRE DEPARTMENT MATTERS 1. Mayor West's memo dated September 5, 1986 re: Opticom for Ambulance Services The Committee agrees and recommends that the Province of Ontario, Ministry of Health (Mr. Fred Rusk, Emergency Health Services, Ambulance Services Branch, 109 Bradford Street, Barrie, Ontario, L4N 3A9, Telephone: 1-705-726-3541) be approached with regard to the installation of the Opticom emitter on the ambulance serving the Aurora area. 2. Slower Speed Limits on Wellington Street West (School Area to Bathurst Street) The Committee's recommendation is contained in Article B.2 of this report. 3. Update The cab and chassis has been received at the factory and payment made on same. Received as information. 4. Update The hiring procedure is continuing and it is hoped that a new fire fighter will be starting the first or second week of December. Received as information. 5. Update A resolution has been received from Mr. Craig, Ambulance Services, regarding the placement of the ambulance at the station. A meeting wi 11 be he 1 d on Thursday, October 2, 1986 with Mr. Craig, K. B. Rodger, J. West, S.G. Wilson and Blair Crocker. A memo regarding the outcome of this meeting will follow. Received as information. 6. Fire Chief wi 11 be on ho 1 i days for the weeks of October 6 and 13, 1986. Received as information. .,./ COUNCIL MEETING .•. MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1986 -11 - Public Safety Committee Report No. 128 cont'd ... E. ITEMS PENDING 1. Municipal Numbering By-law 2. Traffic Safety Review 3. Regional responses re: various issues 4. Fencing in Wellington Heights subdivision 5-acre parkland water management area 5. New Crosswalk Lighting F. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. The next meeting of the Public Safety Committee is scheduled for Tuesday, November 4, 1986 at 6:30 p.m. Weller: Pedersen: Resolved that Public Safety Committee Report No. 128 dated October 7, 1986 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED Report No. 129-Administration & Finance Committee .•. Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Administration and Finance Committee was held on Tuesday, October 14, 1986 at 4:00 p.m. at the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Mayor West, Councillor Timpson and Councillor Pedersen. Also Present Were: Councillor Buck (4:30 p.m.) and K.B. Rodger, Clerk-Administrator. A. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter 18-109 -Dr. G.W. Williams Secondary School and Letter 19-24 -Aurora High School re: Town of Aurora Commencement Awards The Committee recommends that Council authorize the presentation of eight awards of $150.00 each to the eight qualifying students at each high school. It is noted that the increase of $50.00 from $100.00 to $150.00 is the first since 1976. These amounts to charged to Account No. 1400-87. 2. Letter 18-13 -Mr. K.B. Rodger, Clerk-Administrator re: Recommendation for Staff Member to enroll in A.M.C.T. Program The Committee recommends approval for normal repayment to Mrs. Carol Lackey of costs in the amount of $110.00 from Account No. 1100-49 in accordance with the Town's educational policy. 3. Letter 19-55 -A. Balaban, Main Street Project Coordinator re: Office Secretary The Committee recommends that this budgeted position be filled as outlined in the letter. 4. Letter 19-57 -Director of Lei sure Services re: Recommendation for Full-time Appointment of Parks Foreman The Committee recommends that Mr. Jim Tree be appointed to a full-time position as Parks Foreman effective October 20, 1986. 5. Letter 19-58 -Deputy Clerk re: Recommendation for Full-time Appointment The Committee recommends that upon the successful completion of her six-month probationary employment on November 12, 1986 that the resolution be prepared authorizing Miss Karen Lynch's appointment to the permanent staff. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1986 -12 - Administration and Finance Committee Report No. 129 cont'd ••• B. RECEIVED AS INFORMATION 1. Letter 17-138 -Mr. Kenneth Miller and Letter 17-112 -Mr. Robert Daley re: suggested alteration to new bus routes 2. Letter 19-60 -Business & Finance in Ontario re: advertising in Special November, 1986 issue. C. MATTERS PENDING None. The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. Timpson: Pedersen: Resolved that Administration & Finance Committee Report No. 129 dated October 14, 1986 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED Report No. 130-Aurora Heritage Committee ••. Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Aurora Heritage Committee was he 1 d on Tuesday, September 30, 1986 at the Administrative Centre at 7:30 p.m. Present Were: Absent Were: Leslie Oliver, Art Tull, Klaus Wehrenberg, and researcher Kathryn Anderson. Councillor McKenzie, Gerry Copley and Bill Dewan. A. LIBRARY SQUARE, PHASE I The Committee submitted a report to Councillor Tim Jones, with copies to the Planner and Main Street Coordinator, with its comments re: the design for the site presented to a joint meeting of the Heritage Committee and the Commercial Development Advisory Committee on September 10, 1986. While no indication has been given of the receipt of the report by Councillor Jones or the others, the Committee is hopeful that action will be taken. B. MATTERS PENDING 1. Archaeological concerns in Aurora and Region of York in light of results of a symposium of the Ontario Archaeological Society on October 25-26, 1986. 2. Preliminary budget projections for 1987. 3. Report on CNR/VIA Station and historic railway lands. 4. Notices of Intention to Designate 54 Yonge Street North, and the Keeper's House, Aurora Cemetery. 5. Report on Holland River Valley Lands. 6. Survey of L.A.C.A.C. 's in other communities re: processes for approval of applications, building and demolition permits. 7. Expectations of Main Street program. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Paivio: Jones: Resolved that Aurora Heritage Committee Report No. 130 dated September 30, 1986 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ..• MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1986 -13 - Report No. 131-Planning Committee ... Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Planning Committee was held on October 14, 1986 in the Administrative Centre at 7:00 p.m. Present were: Councillor G. Timpson, Chairman; Councillor M. Paivio; Councillor E. Buck, 7:40 p.m.; Councillor R. Barker; Councillor T. Jones; Councillor N. Weller, 7:30 p.m.; Mayor J. West; Mr. K. B. Rodger, Clerk-Administrator; Mr. R. Harrington, Chief Building Official; Mrs. S. Seibert, Director of Planning; Mr. P. Lee, Planner, 7:20 p.m. A. OFFICIAL PLAN REVIEW 1. The Committee and Members of Council present discussed the Industrial land use designation as proposed in the draft Official Plan. There was a consensus that designating one block of land which could be developed over the next 5-6 years was the most appropriate way to proceed. Because of the shortage of vacant available industrial land the Committee is of the opinion that the issue should be dealt with as an Official Plan Amendment to the present plan so that a more expeditious approval could be obtai ned. It is recognized however that such an amendment will require a comprehensive study to justify the use of the area which is good agricultural land and to ensure that development occurs in a planned manner. The Committee would therefore recommend that the Planning Department or if necessary, outside consultants be authorized to prepare a Secondary Plan for the area north of Wellington Street bounded by the St. John's Sideroad, Holland River Valley and Bayview Street in consultation with the landowners to be presented as an Official Plan Amendment to the present Official Plan. The Plan is to address treatment of boundary areas, buffer areas, servicing, and land uses. Schedule 'A' to the draft Official Plan is to be altered by the removal of the industrial designation south of Wellington Street. 2. The Committee also discussed the actual wording for the text of the land use category. The Committee recommends that references under "Permitted Uses" to automotive uses be moved to the second paragraph to make it clear that these are subject to rezoning and locational policies and that offices be permitted. 3. The Committee discussed the need for semi-commercial types of uses which require large acreages and would recommend that a clause be added to the section which would permit this type of use under very specific conditions. B. DELEGATIONS 1. Letter 17 -139 -Mr. K. C. Mahajan -Farmer's Donuts Letter 18-83 -Mr. D.W. Alton -Lads & Lasses Letter 18-84 -Mr. J. Omand -Hi ~hl and's Opti ca 1 re: Permission for Pylon Sign, 1 Henderson Drive, urora, Ontario The delegates each spoke about the need for a third pylon sign on the shopping plaza at 1 Henderson Drive. The Committee debated the request and agreed that this was a somewhat unique situation. The Committee recommends that the Chief Building Official prepare a report regarding the possibility of amending the sign by-1 aw such that the number of pylon signs permitted be determined by either the frontage or lot area of the property. COUNCIL MEETING ..• MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1986 -14 - Planning Committee Report No. 131 cont'd •.. C. RECEIVED FOR RECOMMENDATION 1. Memo from S. Seibert, Director of Planning re: Cemetery Location -E. Taylor Property, PartE l/2 Lot 73, Concession 1 W.Y.S. The Director of Planning explained that a person was buried somewhere near the rear of the property at the end of the 19th century and that development would not likely occur on that section of the property. The Committee recommends that there be no objection to the By-law being read for a third time by Council. 2. Memo from R. J. Harrington, Chief Building Official re: "New Building Code #419/86 1' -One Day Seminars -''Highlighting of Significant Changes'' The Chief Building Official explained his request to attend the seminar. The Committee recommends that the Chief Building Official and his staff be permitted to attend the seminar. 3. Memo from S. Seibert, Director of Planning re: Ontario Planners' Conference The Director of Planning explained her request to attend the conference. The Committee recommends -that the Director of Planning and her staff be permitted to attend the conference. 4. Letter 17-137 -Mike Riggs re: Request for Refund -Official Plan Amendment Mr. Riggs had applied for both an Offici a 1 Plan and Zoning By-1 aw amendment to permit a taxi fleet yard. Planning staff subsequently recommended to Council and Council agreed that only a Zoning By-law amendment be required. The Committee recommends that Mr. Riggs be refunded his Official Plan Amendment application fee. 5. Letter 18-2 -Vincent G. Kerrio, Minister -Natural Resources, Bernard Grandmaitre, Minister -Municipal Affairs re: Draft Policy Statement on Flood Plain Planning under The Planning Act, 1983 The Committee recommends that Planning staff prepare a precis summarizing the Policy Statement. 6. Letter 18-61 -Michael Goldberg, Plans Analyst, The Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-83039 -Henry T. Piebrock The M.T.R.C.A. has requested the Town to comment on the location of a sedimentation pond on the rear of two residential lots in the plan. They also would like to know if the Town would wish to take easements over the lots in question for the purposes of maintenance. The final request relates to the possibility of the Town acquiring Open Space Block 19 since it is considered an Environmentally Significant Area. The Director of Planning noted that it is generally not Council's policy to acquire open space blocks in rural areas. The Committee agreed that it would be prudent to acquire easements to ensure continuation of the sedimentation ponds over the residential lots for the purposes of maintenance. COUNCIL MEETING •.• MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1986 -15 - Planning Committee Report No. 131 cont'd ••• 7. Letter 18-91 -D. Hearse, Deputy Clerk -The Regional Municipality of York re: Definition for Mobile Dwellings The Region definition charges. has requested commertts from the Town regarding a of mobile homes for the purposes of development The Committee is of the opinion that this would have no effect on the Town and recommends that the Town offer no comments. 8. Letter 18-127 -Alvin Curling, Minister -Ministry of Housing re: The 'Building Tomorrow' Conference The Director of Planning noted that the Conference would be of interest to both the Planning and Building Department. The Committee recommends that the Planning and Building Department be permitted to attend the Conference, possibly by sharing a registration. 9. Letter 19-59 -Andy Hadjicostis -Charlie's Cafe, 125 Yonge Street North re: Pylon Sign The applicant requests an amendment to the Sign By-law to permit a pylon sign which is larger than permitted. The Committee anticipates that the requested sign will conform to the Sign By-law which is presently being finalized by the Solicitor. D. RECEIVED FOR INFORMATION The following letters were received for information: 1. Letter 18-38 -The Corporation of the Town of Richmond Hi 11 re: Notice of a passing of an amendment to a By-law 2. Letter 18-41 -Bob Montgomery, Associate Broker -Re/Max York Group Realty Inc. re: Dobson Pond Condominiums 3. Letter 18-90 University re: D. Paul Emond, Associate Professor -York Press Release and Brochure -Environmental ProTecTfonTaw 4. Letter 18-105 -Sue Corke, Manager, Housing Conservation Unit - Ministry of Housing re: Low-Rise Rehabilitation Program - Municipal Eligibility 5. Letter 19-37 -Patricia G. Muir, Clerk -Town of Whi tcnurcfi~:itollffv-Hre--re:---Noli ce of Publ fc Meeting-Tor-the Proposed General Zoning By-law 6. David Hodgson, Director -Ministry of Housing re: The Ontario Building Code, Part 9, A Training Course on Technical Requirements E. MATTERS PENDING 1. Public Meeting Procedure The meeting adjourned at 9:37 p.m. The next scheduled Planning Committee meeting is October 27, 1986. Item A.1 Jones: Weller: Item A.1 AMENDMENT Resolved that the lands designated under OP-4-86 (Magna) and OP-17-86 (Old Park Holdings and the Priestly property) be included in the Secondary Plan Study. CARRIED CARRIED AS AMENDED '"--~--··' COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, OCTOBER 2D, 1986 -16 - Planning Committee Report No. 131 cont'd .•. Items A.2-C.3 CARRIED Item C.4 CARRIED Items C.5-E CARRIED Timpson: Resolved that Planning Committee Report No. 131 dated Buck: October 14, 1986 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended. CARRIED Report No. 132-Council in Committee ..• Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Council in Committee was held on Wednesday, October 15, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. in the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Absent Was: A. DELEGATIONS Mayor West; Councillors Barker, Buck (7:40p.m.), Jones, McKenzie, Pedersen, Timpson and Weller. Councillor Paivio due to a business commitment. 1. Letter 19-61 -Residents of Pineneedle Drive re: sidewalks on Pineneedle Drive Residents of Pi neneedl e Drive appeared before Council requesting that the sidewalk planned for Pineneedle Drive be eliminated. Council in Committee recommends that the matter of sidewalks on Pineneedle Drive be deferred unti 1 Counci 1 has an opportunity to look at a policy for sidewalks on large lots i.e., suburban residential. B. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter 18-42 -Technical Committee re: watermain installation - Wellington Street East Council in Committee recommends that this matter be referred back to the Technical Committee to be finalized in conjunction with the Official Plan and Industrial Secondary Plan. 2. Letter 18-55 -Mr. Wm. Walker, Director of Public Works re: cart crossing signs It is recommended that Granada Investments be advised that they are to place signs on their property advising "Golfers Using Golf Carts To Watch For Traffic When Crossing Town Roads". 3. Letter 18-78 Insurance Township of Oxford-on-Rideau re: Liability The Committee recommends that the Township of Oxford-on-Rideau be advised that the Town of Aurora endorses its resolution pertaining to Liability Insurance. 4. Letter 18-118 -Ms. Penelope McKee re: Letter of Resignation It is recommended that the letter be received as information. 5. Letter 19-3 -Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority re: recent flooding and sediment problems Council in Committee recommends that the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority be requested to make a complete report on the recent flooding and sediment problems and what can be done to improve this situation. ' ---~/ COUNCIL MEETING •.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1986 -17 - Council in Committee Report No. 132 cont'd .•. 6. Letter 19-56 -Beavers, Scouts, Cubs and Venturers of Aurora re: Boy Scout Apple Day It is recommended that Saturday, October 18, 1986 be proclaimed "Boy Scout Apple Day" in the Town of Aurora. 7. Letter 19-79-Aurora Cemetery Company The Committee recommends that the Aurora Cemetery Board be advised that the Town of Aurora will acquire the 10-acre parcel of land, that it will be graded and the flooding prob 1 em e 1 imi nated, and that the matter of fencing will be taken care. Council would ask the Cemetery Board if it will continue to use this 10-acre parcel of land. C. REFERRED MATTERS 1. Public Works Waterservice Vehicle It is recommended that the Director of Public Works prepare the specifications for an economy waterservice vehicle and forward same to the Clerk's Office for the calling of the Tender. 2. Federal Electoral Boundaries Council in Committee recommends that the previous resolution be presented again for Council's consideration. D. LETTERS REFERRED AS INFORMATION Letter 18-36 -York Region, Clerk's Department re: O.H.R.P. Letter 18-43 -The Hon. Sinclair Stevens re: Community Mail Boxes Letter 18-53 -United Transportation Union re: removal of cabooses Letter 18-63 -Ministry of Agriculture and Food re: World Food Day Letter 18-77-Liquor Licence Board of Ontario re: Farmer's Homestyle Licence Application Letter 18-102-York Region, Legal Department re: Water Supply Letter 19-7 -Fire Chief Stuart Wilson re: Regional Fire School Letter 19-25 -Regional Medical Officer of Health re: Rabies Clinic Letter 19-31 -Liquor Licence Board of Ontario re: Farmer's Homestyle Licence Application Letter 19-33 -Ministry of the Solicitor General re: Fire Prevention Week Letter 19-77 -Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: flooding and sedimentation problems E. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Item A-1 Item A-1 Buck: Barker: Item A-1 Items B.1-E Jones: Timpson: DEFEATED AMENDMENT Resolved that the Town's Sidewalk Policy be adhered to. CARRIED AS AMENDED CARRIED CARRIED Resolved that Council in Committee Report No. 132 dated October 15, 1986 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended. CARRIED , . .--- COUNCIL MEETING ..• MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1986 -18 - RESOLUTIONS 1. Livestock Claim-Mr. D. Sleigh Timpson: Jones: Resolved that Mr. D. Sleigh·be compensated in the amount of $900.00 from Account No. 7300-94 for livestock killed by wolves; And Be It Further Resolved that the Clerk-Administrator be directed to make application to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food for reimbursement to the Town of Aurora for this claim. CARRIED 2. Payment Certificate No. 9 (Kalabria General Contractors) Buck: Weller: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Reid and Associates Limited, Payment Certificate No. 9 for Project No. 1184 (Reconstruction of Dunning Avenue) in the total amount of $23,889.16 be paid to Kalabria General Contractors Ltd. and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 3. Auditorium Rental Agreement -Aurora Eagles Nest Pedersen: Jones: Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign an Auditorium Rental Agreement between Aurora Eagles Nest and The Corporation of the Town of Aurora. CARRIED 4. Aurora Eagles Hockey Club Inc. Agreement for Ice Time Pedersen: Jones: Resolved that the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to sign an Agreement, for the use of the Aurora Community Centre Arena, between Aurora Eagles Hockey Club Inc. and The Corporation of the Town of Aurora. CARRIED 5. Authorization for Mayor and Clerk to Sign Site Plan Agreement (Highland Green Investments Limited' Timpson: Pedersen: Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a Site Plan Agreement between Highland Green Investments Limited and The Corporation of the Town of Aurora subject to the concerns of the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority being met. CARRIED 6. Award of Tender For Fuel Oil Buck: Weller: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of C.E. Gowan, Deputy Clerk, that the tender of Texaco Canada Ltd. be accepted for the supply of No. 2 Domestic Fuel Oil and Heating Equipment Service to the following Town of Aurora Municipal Buildings: Parks Building (Victoria Street); McMahon Park Building -McMahon Park; and Church Street School at the quoted prices of: Fue 1 Oil Service Calls Net Price Per Litre Rate Per Hour CARRIED $ 0.2374 $39.00 COUNCIL MEETING .•. MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1986 -19 - 7. Town's Option To Purchase -Lots 39 and 40, Plan 65R-10328 (Parts 1 and 2, R.P. 65R-3426) Timpson: Jones: Whereas the Town has exercised its option to repurchase Lots 39 and 40, Plan 65R-10328 or known as Parts 1 and 2 of R.P. 65R-3426; And Whereas the Owners have indicated their strong desire to retain ownership and to commence and complete a building before October 31, 1987 of minimum size and to guarantee such financial conditions as negotiated by the Clerk-Administrator; Now Therefore Be It Resolved that: 1. Council. would agree to not exercise the option to repurchase the above mentioned lots, if the terms as outlined in the attached letter dated October 14, 1986 are adhered to in a further agreement and satisfactory financial securities are posted with the Town; 2. the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the municipality, an agreement setting out the building term requirements and financial security which shall be forfeited if the building does not proceed in accordance with the terms of the agreement; and 3. the detailed wording of the agreement and its terms shall be subject to the approval of the Town's Solicitor. CARRIED 8. Federal Electoral Boundaries Pedersen: Jones: Whereas the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission is proposing that the New Riding Boundaries of the proposed York North be made up of Aurora, Richmond Hill, Vaughan and the southerly portions of King Township; And Whereas the Council of the Town of Aurora believes that ridings should be a community of interest and that the boundaries of the ridings should be the same as the Provincial riding which are Aurora, Newmarket and King; Be It Hereby Resolved that the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission be advised that the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora is opposed to the new Riding Boundaries. CARRIED 9. Payment Certificate No. 5-Vic Priestly Contracting Limited Buck: Weller: Resolved, that upon the recommendation of Reid & Associates Payment Certificate No. 5, in the amount of $49,929.41, for Temperance Street Parking Lot, be paid, and the sea 1 of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 10. Adopt In Principle D.B.M. Salary Administration Plan Format and Procedures as Outlined and Attached Jones: Timpson: Resolved that this Council adopt in principle the D.B.M. Salary Administration Format and Procedures as outlined and attached. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1986 -20 - UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Letter 19-40 -Corbett, Bryan & Conrad, Barristers & Solicitors re: preservicing of subdivision No. 19T-85040, Senator Homes, Pt. Lot 81, Cone. 1 Buck: Barker: Resolved that Senator Homes be granted permission to preservice its subdivision No. 19T-85040 subject to satisfying the normal Town conditions. CARRIED 2. Letter 19-63 -Davis, Webb, Barristers and Solicitors re: Markborough Properties Limited, Valhalla Heights Subdivision, Lots 25 and 26 Jones: Barker: Resolved that this matter be deferred for two weeks and the opinion of the Town Solicitor regarding this matter be obtained. CARRIED QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS OF COUNCIL 1. Councillor Weller -cab for the tractor for Parks Department. 2. Councillor Weller -Cochrane Dunlop building -elevation. 3. Councillor Buck -Information requested on the Co-op Housing - Wellington Street West. BY-LAWS Timpson: Pedersen: Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2842-86 -Being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 2213-78 (Granada Apart.) Bill Number 2868-86 -Being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 2213-78 (Taylor) Bill Number 2871-86 -Being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 2213-78 (St. Andrews Phase I) Bill Number 2874-86 -Being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 2213-78 (Mills) ..• be read a Third Time. NEW BUSINESS Mayor West advised Council that a fundraising event for York Region United Way was taking place on October 22, 1986. Counci 11 or Timpson reminded Counc i 11 ors of the date and time of the next Planning Meetings -October 27, 1986 -7:00 p.m. -D.P. Review-Commercial amendments will be discussed. ADJOURNMENT Timpson: Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 10:07 p.m. vn\51' a~9-u-// Mayor Clerk ~-~-l \;