MINUTES - Council - 19860902MINUTES OF THE 16TH COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1986 AT 8:00P.M. Present Were: Mayor John West, Councillors R. Barker, E. Buck T. Jones, H. McKenzie, M. Paivio, B. Pedersen, G. Timpson and N. Weller Also Present Were: Mr. K. B. Rodger, Clerk Administrator, Mrs. K. Cerswell, Treasurer, Mr. Wm. G. Wa 1 ker, Director of Pub 1 i c Works, Mrs. S. Seibert, Director of Planning, Mr. F. Bolsby, Deputy Fire Chief, Mr. F. Horvath, Director of Leisure Services (9:10 p.m.), Mr. R. Harrington, Chief Building Official and Mr. L. Allison, Administrative Clerk CONFLICT OF INTEREST Councillor George Timpson declared a possible conflict of interest in the resolution authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to sign a subdivision agreement between Andy Investments Limited and the Corporation of the Town of Aurora due to his being an abutting neighbour, and did not take part in or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES McKenzie: Barker: Resolved that the minutes of the Council Meetings dated August 18, and 27, 1986 be adopted as printed and circulated. CARRIED ADDITIONS TO AGENDA Timpson: Jones: Resolved that Report No. 116 of the Public Works Committee be added to the Agenda under Reports and that Letter No. 16-46 from the Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Aurora be added to the Correspondence. CARRIED CORRESPONDENCE 16-1 Town of Vaughan re: Winter Maintenance Contracts (Ref. Works Committee, Mayor West, K. B. Rodger) 16-2 Robert Hume, Aurora re: Lot 28-Elderberry Trail, drainage problem (Ref. Technical Committee, Wm. Walker) 16-3 Orlando Ieraci, Aurora re: Lot 114, 2 Chadburn Crescent drainage problem (Information, Wm. Walker, R. Harrington) 16-4 D. Margaret Marland, M.P.P., Mississauga South, Legislative Assembly re: funding for cultural and recreational programs (Information, Mayor West, F. Horvath, K. B. Rodger) 16-5 Alan and Sherry Hoffman, Aurora re: Holding Block McClellan Way and Henderson Drive -Tamarac Development (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert) 16-6 Dominion Soil Investigation Inc. re: Pavement Inspection, Lakeview Yonge Aurora Subdivision to determine possible causes of cracks in road pavement (Information, Wm. Walker, R. Harrington) 16-7 Reid and Associates Limited re: Town of Aurora Water Supply System Western Upper Zone and Bathurst Watermain (Information, Wm. Walker, R. Harrington, H. Borgdorff) 16-8 PetoMacCallum Ltd. re: Engineered Fill -Lots #30, 31 and 32 Andy Investments Phase I and II, Aurora, Ontario (Information, Wm. Walker, R. Harrington) COUNCIL MEETING •.. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1986 CORRESPONDENCE cont'd ... - 2 - 16-9 Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority re: Stormwater Management Report, Tamarac Subdivision-Phase II and III, File No. 19T-83025 Town of Aurora (Information, Wm. Walker, L. Allison, S. Seibert, H. Borgdorff) 16-10 William Benzies, Building Inspector, memo to R. H. Harrington, Chief Building Official re: Mirkopoulos Property (Council in Committee) 16-11 Central Ontario Travel Association re: Winter Map Publication Special Events Listing (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F. Horvath) 16-12 Anton Kikas Limited re: Proposed Subdivision -19T-83025, Tamarac III -Iona Corporation, Part of Lots 74 & 75, Concession 1 - Revision to southerly limit of Park Block (Information, L. Allison) 16-13 Anton Kikas Limited re: Proposed Subdivision-19T-83025, Tamarac III -Iona Corporation, Part of Lots 74 & 75, Concession 1 - Various Revisions to M-Plan (Information, L. Allison) 16-14 Goodman and Carr, Barristers and Solicitors re: B & S Holdings Limited purchase from Machine-0-Matic Limited (Information, L, Allison to reply) 16-15 Kelly Cerswell, Treasurer memo to Mayor John West re: Ministry of Housing Grant for Computerized Building Administration (Ref. Administration and Finance Committee) 16-16 Kelly Cerswell, Treasurer memo to Mayor John West re: Municipal Finance Conference (Ref. Administration and Finance Committee) 16-17 Davis, Webb, Barristers and Solicitors re: Corridor Enterprises Inc., Proposed Plan of Subdivision Phase 2 19T-85048 (TABLED, DELEGATIONS August 18, 1986) 16-18 Stikeman, Graham, Keeley and Morrow, Barristers and Solicitors re: Arthill Enterprises mortgage to Town of Aurora, 4.314 Acres, Parcel 80-4, Section W-1, Aurora (Information, Treasurer, Solicitor) 16-19 York Professional Day Care re: Private Home Day Care -Mrs. Pat Fantauzzi, 139 Spruce Street, Aurora (Information, R. Harrington, S. G. Wilson) 16-20 S. G. Wilson, Fire Chief memo to K. B. Rodger, Clerk Administrator re: Tender Results and Recommendations on Fire Department Tender #F-86 -Pump (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS August 27, 1986) 16-21 Aurora Hydro re: Henderson Drive-street lighting (Ref. Council in Committee) 16-22 Transport Canada, Toronto Area Dangerous Goods Rail Task Force re: progress report (Ref. Council in Committee) 16-23 Trow Ltd. re: Invoice for professional services in connection with Visual Inspection of Inverted Roof Membrane Assembly Area - Aurora Public Library (Information, K. B. Rodger, Treasurer) 16-24 Calvin Towns for Aurora Arrows re: Sixth Annual Terry Fox Run (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS August 27, 1986) 16-25 S. G. Wilson, Fire Chief memo to K. B. Rodger, Clerk Administrator re: Locating an ambulance in Aurora (Ref. Council in Committee) COUNCIL MEETING ..• TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1986 - 3 ,_ CORRESPONDENCE cont'd ... 16-26 K. B. Rodger, Clerk Administrator memo to Mayor and Members of Council re: Mirkopoulos request for refund (Ref. Council in Committee) 16-27 Aurora Eagles (Hans Hermes, Advertising Director) re: 16-28 advertising space in Aurora Eagles Junior Hockey Community Participation Programme (Ref. Council in Committee) S. G. Wilson, Fire Chief memo to K. B. Rodger, Clerk Administrator re: Further reductions to Superior Emergency Equipment tender price (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS August 27, 1986) 16-29 Mayor John West memo to All Members of Council re: Street Dance Fielding Drive, August 30, 1986 (TABLED August 27, 1986) 16-30 Ruth Robinson, Aurora re: Stop sign -corner of Metcalfe and Larmont Street (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 16-31 Margaret T. Fleming, Aurora re: Park in Victoria Woods Development (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F. Horvath) 16-32 Gordon Traub and Rotenberg re: Midland Bank Canada debenture Loan to 554048 Ontario Limited and Lakeview Estates (Aurora II) Ltd., Lots 12-22 inclusive, Plan 65M-2229, and Parcel 84-1, Section K-1, Aurora, Ontario (Information, L. Allison to reply) 16-33 Wm. Walker, Director of Public Works memo to K. B. Rodger, Clerk Administrator re: Professional Engineering Services Rendered, Invoice Nos. 11276, 11281, 11283, 11289, 11291, 11293, 11300, 11301, 11306, 11309, 11312, 11316, 11338, 11364 & 11369 (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) 16-34 Mary Harris, Aurora re: Street Closing for purpose of Street Dance on Saturday September 20, 1986 Weller: Buck: (TABLED) Resolved that the request of Mary Harris to close Sandusky Crescent for a street dance on Saturday September 20, 1986 be approved. The residents to be advised to contact the concerned public authorities. CARRIED 16-35 Newmarket Block Parent Program re: First York Regional Block Parent Conference (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 16-36 SD Communications (Sylvia Dickens) re: Doherty Report concerning mental health services available in York Region (Ref. Administration and Finance Committee) 16-37 Ontario Rhythm Cloggers re: 2nd Canadian Clogging Convention, Aurora, Ontario -letter of thanks (TABLED) Pedersen: Resolved that this letter be received as information. Jones: CARRIED 16-38 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: The Transportation Tomorrow Survey (TABLED) Jones: Resolved that this letter be received as information. Timpson: CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ..• TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1986 -4, - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd ... 16-39 Frank S. Johnston, Aurora re: application for rezoning/zoning by-law amendment-73 Wellington Street East, Aurora 16-40 ( Information, S. Seibert, L. Allison) S. G. Wilson, Fire Chief memo Quotation Submissions for Chemical Suits (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) to K. B. Rodger, Clerk Administrator Val'i ous Fi refighting Equipment and 16-41 Wm. Walker, Director of Public Works memo to K. B. Rodger, Clerk Administrator re: Recommended Release of Financial Securities for Bernardi's Antiques-Yonge Street South (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) 16-42 Bonnie Fleischaker, Aurora Citizens Group re: Communal Mail Boxes (TABLED) Buck: Resolved that this letter be received as information. Pedersen: CARRIED 16-43 Regional Municipality of York-Clerk's Department re: appended Paivio: Buck: Clause contained in Report No. 5 of the Chief Administrative Officer which was adopted by Regional Council on August 14, 1986 (TABLED) Resolved that Mayor John West be appointed to sit on the Inter-Municipal Committee being formed to facilitate the Residence Location System for Emergency Services. CARRIED 16-44 John Insley, Municipal Law Enforcement Officer memo to Public Safety Committee re: Vehicular Sight Obstructions (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 16-45 Wm. G. Walker, Director of Public Works memo to K. B. Rodger, Clerk Administrator re: Removal of Existing Vegetation -Henderson Drive (TABLED, UNFINISHED BUSINESS) 16-46 The Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Aurora re: request to proclaim week of September 14 to 20, 1986 as "A Week of Peace" in the Town of Aurora Paivio: Barker: Weller: Pedersen: (TABLED) Resolved that week of September 14th to 20th, 1986 be proclaimed as "A Week of Peace" and the requested advertisement be placed in the Aurora Banner with the cost of same to be borne by the Baha'is. CARRIED Resolved that the Clerk's report be dealt with as outlined. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ..• TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1986 -5. - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report No. 112-Leisure Services Committee •.. Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Leisure Services Advisory Committee was held on Wednesday August 20, 1986, at the Administrative Centre at 7:00 p.m. Present were: Absent were: Councillors Betty Pedersen, Herb McKenzie and Martin Paivio, Director of Leisure Services, Fred Horvath and Citizen Members Lois Thompson, David Bagshaw and Frank Shaw Diane Buchanan, Roger Seaman, Alfred Merrill A. OUTSTANDING MATTERS 1. Park Names The Committee recommends that the Lanewood Drive Tot Lot be named Tom's Park, in memory of Tom Swindle and the Active Park on Orchard Heights Drive be named Summit Park. Staff will coordinate a suitable ceremony involving the neighborhood at each park to officially name the park. 2. Meeting -Theatre Aurora This meeting was scheduled for August 20, 1986 at 9:00 p.m. with several Town Departments to meet with this group. Unfortunately this meeting was cancelled due to the absence of the Fire Department. 3. York North Condominium Corporation This meeting has been scheduled for Monday September 8, 1986 to discuss the five year lease of the Factory Theatre parking lot. 4. Old Fire Hall Report The Committee received the estimate of the architect for the costs of the renovations to the 01 d Fire Ha 11. The Committee recommends that a decision on the proposed centre be deferred unti 1 Council determines the status of the former sewage plant site and the transfer of the Parks Department to larger quarters. B. NEW BUSINESS 1. Structural Adequacy Test -Community Centre The report has been received by a qualified engineer in accordance with the provincial legislation. This report will be forwarded to the area Ministry Office for their approval. 2. Bill 38 -Provincial Budget May 1986 The Committee was advised of the proposed legislation that would remove the designation of lottery funds for only recreational and cultura 1 acti viti es. The Committee is quite concerned about the effect on programming for sma 11 er community groups and the impact on larger municipal projects. The Committee recommends that Council send off letters to the Premier, Treasurer and Minister of Tourism and Recreation opposing any changes in the Lottery Act. 3. Tennis Lights -McMahon Park The Committee was advised of the concern of the overflow of 1 i ghti ng to the east of the courts. Staff ad vi sed that the 1 i ght standards on the west side need to be aimed again and hopefully this would reduce the overflow. Staff reviewed shading and recommends that this not be considered. Staff are to meet with the Tennis Club to review lighting procedures. COUNCIL MEETING ... TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1986 - 6 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES cont'd ... Report No. 112-Leisure Services Committee ..• Various Matters 4. Removal of Trees -Administrative Centre The Committee recommends that this be included in the report of the Arborist along with street trees. C. CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED AS INFORMATION 1. Letter 15-32 Flanagan Tree Service re: service 2. Letter 15-68 Honourable Greg Sorbara re: New Facilities Program 3. Letter 15-40 U. A. W. re: appreciation for parks 4. Letter 15-83 Ian and Nancy McTeer re: naming of park D. MATTERS PENDING 1. No Smoking Policy 2. Enclosing Canopy at Aurora Community Centre 3. Iona Property -Triangular Piece 4. Hilldale Kenlea Walkway E. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9.:00 p.m. Item A.1 Timpson: Pedersen: Item A.1 AMENDMENT Resolved that quotations be inserted prior to the word Tom's and after the word Swindle so that the Lanewood Drive Tot Lot will be named "Tom's Park, in memory of Tom Swindle". CARRIED CARRIED AS AMENDED Items A.2-A.3 CARRIED Item A.4 Pedersen: Timpson: AMENDMENT Resolved that this matter be referred back to the Leisure Services Committee in order that more details and a full cost estimate can be provided in a future Committee report to Council. CARRIED Item A.4 CARRIED AS AMENDED Items B.1-E CARRIED Pedersen: Resolved that Leisure Services Report No. 112 dated August McKenzie: 20, 1986 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended. CARRIED Report No. 113 -Committee of Adjustment (A-15-86) (Burns) Date of Decision: August 25, 1986 Name: Burns, Bernard and Helen Address: 74 Tribbling Crescent, Aurora, Ontario Property: Lot 175, Plan 65M-2258 COUNCIL MEETING ... TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1986 -7 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES cont 1 d ... Report No. 113 -Committee of Adjustment (A-15-86) (Burns) It is the decision of the Committee that the request is GRANTED, upon fulfilment of the following condition: 1. that the construction of the proposed addition commence within one (1) year of the date of the decision. The last day for appealing the decision to the Ontario Municipal Board is September 24, 1986. Jones: Timpson: Resolved that Committee of Adjustment Report No. 113 (Application No. A-15-86 -Burns) dated August 25, 1986 be received. CARRIED Report No. 114 -Committee of Adjustment (B-6-86) (Taylor) Date of Decision: Name: Address: Property: August 25, 1986 Eric and Dorothy Taylor Ridge Road West, R. R. #2 Aurora Lots D, E, F, and G, Plan 132, Town of Aurora The above noted application was heard by the Committee of Adjustment on August 25, 1986. It is the decision of the Committee that consent be GRANTED, upon fulfilment of the following conditions: 1. Payment of a lot levy, the amount of $1,695.00 to the Town of Aurora 2. Cash in lieu of parkland dedication an amount not to exceed 5% of the appraised value of the subject lands. 3. Payment of a hydro levy of $350.00 to the Town of Aurora. 4. Payment of an administration fee of $100.00 to the Town of Aurora 5. The applicants shall apply and receive approval for the general rezoning of the subject 1 ands from "RU -Rura 1 Genera 1" to "R -Rura 1 Residential". 6. The location of a private entrance must be subject to approval by the Department of Public Works. 7. An entrance culvert of approved diameter and length must be installed at the applicant 1 s expense and to the Town 1 s satisfaction for both the existing and proposed driveway. This will require a road excavation permit which may be obtained at the Town of Aurora Public Works Facility. 8. Payment to the Regi ana 1 Treasurer of a Regi ana 1 Deve 1 opment charge in the amount of $1,153.00. 9. That the Secretary-Treasurer be provided with a copy of the deposited reference plan. 10. That a fully executed deed in triplicate be submitted to the Secretary- Treasurer. 11. That all of the above conditions be fulfilled on or before the 25th day of August, 1987. The last day for appealing the decision is September 24, 1986. COUNCIL MEETING •.• TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1986 - 8 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES cont'd ••. Report No. 114 -Committee of Adjustment (B-6-86) (Taylor) Paivio: Jones: Resolved that Committee of Adjustment Report No. 114 {Application No. B-6-86 -Taylor) dated August 25, 1986 be received. CARRIED Report No. 115-Council in Committee .•. Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of Council in Committee was held on Wednesday, August 27, 1986 at 8:02 p.m. in the Board Room of the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Mayor West, Councillors Barker, Buck, Jones, McKenzie Paivio and Weller Absent Were: Councillor Pedersen on vacation and Councillor Timpson on vacation Mayor West in the Chair. A. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter 15-149, Regional Clerk's Department re: Adequate and Affordable Housing In as much as the Town had authorized the preparation of the Town of Aurora Municipal Housing Statement in 1985, it is recommended that this item be received as information. 2. Letter 16-15, Treasurer, re: Ministry of Housing Grant for Computerized Building Administration The Committee recommends the application for a grant made to the Ministry of Housing for computerization of the Building Department be endorsed. 3. Letter 16-16, Treasurer, re: Municipal Finance Conference Council in Committee would recommend that the Treasurer be authorized to attend the 1986 Municipal Finance Conference and the necessary expenses be allowed as established by Council Policy. 4. Letter 16-21, Aurora Hydro re: Street Lighting -Henderson Drive It is recommended that consideration of this matter be deferred until Tuesday, September 2, 1986 at which time the Director of Public Works will be able to provide further information. 5. Letter 16-25, Fire Chief Wilson re: Locating an Ambulance for Aurora The Committee would recommend that staff be permitted to pursue the possibility of locating the ambulance facility at the Aurora Fire Station and a further report on the progress of this matter be submitted to Council. 6. Letter 16-26, Mr. K. B. Rodger re: Mirkopoulos Request for Refund Council in Committee recommends Administrator be adopted and Mirkopoulos be refunded. that the report of the Clerk the $5,000.00 deposit of Mr. 7. Letter 16-27, Aurora Eagles re: Request for Ad in Programme It is recommended that a half page ad in the Aurora Eagles 1986-87 programme schedule be purchased. The funds in the amount of $275.00 to come from account No. 1000-45. COUNCIL MEETING .•. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1986 - 9 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES cont'd •.. Report No. 115-Council in Committee .•• Various Matters B. RECEIVED AS INFORMATION 1. Letter 15-143, Aurora Public Library re: Library Budget -1986 and 1987 2. Letter 16-22, Transport Canada re: Toronto Area Dangerous Goods Rail Task Force -Progress Report C. MATTERS PENDING 1. "A" Frames -Techni ca 1 Committee 2. By-Law Water Enforcement 3. Transportation Study 4. Election Expenses and Signs D. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:09 p.m. Items A.1-A.3 CARRIED Item A.4 Buck: McKenzie: Item A.4 Item A.5-D Timpson: Jones: AMENDMENT Resolved that the Director of Public Works be authorized to contact Mr. Ron Gayorski to obtain cost estimates for the illumination of Henderson Drive between Lee Gate and Bathurst Street. The proposed illumination to take dwelling configuration and sidewalk placement into consideration. CARRIED AS AMENDED CARRIED CARRIED Resolved that Council in Committee Report No. 115 dated August 27, 1986 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended. CARRIED Report No. 116-Public Works Committee ••• Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Wednesday, August 20th, 1986, at 7:30 p.m. at the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Councillor E. Buck, Councillor R. Barker, Councillor N. Weller and Director of Public Works, Wm. Walker 1. Five Year Capital Works Program (1987-1991) The Committee would recommend that Council approve of the subject program attached hereto. The major projects so identified effectively represent the bulk of the streets having combined sewers. The Committee would furthermore recommend that the list of minor projects be designed by staff this winter complete with cost estimates. Said list would than supply minor projects needed to make up the balance of each capital program in order to enable the Town to fully utilize all available subsidy allocation. Selection of minor projects would take place following the tender opening of the major project each year. COUNCIL MEETING •.• TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1986 -10 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES cont'd ... Report No. 116-Public Works Committee ..• Various Matters 2. Letters #14-236 and #15-74 Delegation (Mr. David Bain -Condition of Tyler Street) The Committee met with Mr. Bain and explained the various considerations taken into account prior to a project's inclusion into our capital works program, considerations such as the presence of combined sewers, structural inadequacy, degree of useage etc. The Director has offered to meet with Mr. Ba in on site in order to determine whether any remedial work of an interim nature could be undertaken. Mr. Bain subsequently agreed to contact the Director for such a meeting. 3. Letter #15-145, Zoning By-law #2213-78 (Z-30-86) Beacon Hall The Committee would recommend that this letter be referred to the Technical Committee for comment. 4. Winter Maintenance -Tender Option The Committee recognized that with the approval of the 1986 Transportation Budget, the Director effectively received that necessary authorization to proceed with the equipment renta 1 tendering option. This being the case, the Committee supports the Director's effort in preparing an equipment rental tender for one plow/sanding unit which replaces the truck taken out of service this spring. 5. Water Service Problem -Vera Heaney, 111 Metcalfe Street The Committee recommends that Bob's Plumbing Service invoice No. 4573 in the amount of $850.00 be paid in full and that the cost of same be charged to the Metcalfe Street reconstruction project account, 3360-40. 6. Siltation Damage (Seaton Drive) The Director has made the Committee aware of damage sustained by some Seaton Drive and Teasda 1 e Court homeowners as a result of a recent major storm. Said storm destroyed a section of the Wimpey sanitary sewer within the Aurora Country Estates Phase II I development resulting in approximately 700,000 gallons of heavily silted water gaining access to the Town's sanitary sewer. Wimpey has been asked to expeditiously arrange for an insurance adjuster while the Town is preparing to inspect our sewers with television cameras in order to determine the degree of silt presently in the system. All costs so incurred, in addition to the cost of treating approximately 700,000 gallons of water, wi 11 be passed on to Wimpey. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Items 1-4 Item 5 Item 5 Timpson: Jones: Item 6 Buck: Weller: CARRIED DEFEATED Resolved that the Council endorse their previous resolution whereby it was agreed to pay for one half of the $850.00 cost of the installation of the water service at 111 Metcalfe Street, with the funds to come from account 3360-40, with the understanding that this decision is not intended to change established Council Policy. CARRIED CARRIED Resolved that Public Works Committee Report No. 116 dated August 20, 1986 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1986 -11 - RESOLUTIONS 1. Woods Gordon Implementation Timpson: Weller: Be It Resolved that the Clerk Administrator be directed to implement the recommendations of the Woods Gordon Report to the town dated February, 1986 on the organization and operations of the administration of the Town. Be It Further Resolved: i) that implementation of the report is to begin immediately with such consultation with Woods Gordon as is required, and, ii) that formal reports to Council in six months and one year from Woods Gordon on the progress achieved in implementation and on any problems associated therewith, following which the progress made in implementing the Report will be evaluated by Council including whether or not the performance of staff has been satisfactory in that context. CARRIED 2. Bernardi Antiques -Letter of Credit Buck: Weller: Resolved that upon the recommendation of William Walker, Director of Public Works, the Letter of Credit for Bernardi Antiques in the amount of $10,000.00 be released in its entirety. CARRIED 3. Authorization to Sign Site Plan Agreement -Priestly Holdings Corp. - 73 Industrial Parkway N. Timpson: Jones: Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a site plan agreement between Priestly Holdings Corp. and the Town of Aurora. CARRIED 4. Payment of Various Invoices -Reid and Associates Buck: Weller: Resolved that the following invoices of Reid and Associates Limited: Invoice Project Number Amount Account Advisory Services (July) 11276 1,919.26 3100-38 Aurora Country Estates 11281 372.00 Eng.Res Yonge St./Murray Dr. Intersec.11283 1,708.30 3405-40 Reconst. Industrial. Pkwy./ Scanlon Court 11289 153.66 3360-40 Metcalfe St. Reconstruction 11291 276.49 3360-40 Town Ind. Park (Old Park Hold)11293 654.23 Ind. Park Parking Lot Improvement (Temperance St/Wellington St.)11300 1,066.04 C.A.I.P. Town Industrial Park (Alliance/Cousins) 11301 1,911.88 Ind. Park Reconst. Dunning Avenue 11306 2,344.97 3360-40 Andy Investments 11309 706.80 Eng. Res. Vandorf/Bayview Water Supply 11312 Kennedy St. Design (McDonald/ 2,861.57 9140-38 Bathurst) 11316 1,094.42 3100-34 Upper Pressure Zone Computer Modeling 11338 483.60 Waterworks . . . cont 'd COUNCIL MEETING ... TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1986 -12 - RESOLUTIONS cont'd ... 4. Payment of Various Invoices -Reid and Associates Bathurst St. Trunk Watermain 11364 Metric Servicing Plan 11369 TOTAL 694.55 Waterworks 1,525.96 Serv. Res. 17,773.73 in the total amount of $17,773.73 be paid and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 5. Mayor and Clerk Conditional Authorization to Sign Subdivision Agreement -Iona Tamarac Phase III Timpson: Jones: Be It Hereby Resolved that, subject to the Owner providing the necessary securities and the concerns of the Technical Committee members and those of the Director of Leisure Services being satisfactorily resolved, the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a subdivision agreement between the Iona Corporation and the Corporation of the Town of Aurora pertaining to the third phase of Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-83025 (Tamarac Phase III). Be it further resolved that, upon execution of the said subdivision agreement, the Corporation of the Town of Aurora does hereby allocate the necessary servicing capacity to the 128 dwelling units included on the Plan. CARRIED 6. Mayor and Clerk Conditional Authorization to Sign Subdivision Agreement -Andy Investments Tannery Creek Phase II Pedersen: McKenzie: Be It Hereby Resolved that, subject to the Owner providing the necessary securities and the concerns of the Technical Committee members and those of the Director of Leisure Services being satisfactorily resolved, the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a subdivision agreement between Andy Investments Limited and the Corporation of the Town of Aurora pertaining to the Second Phase of Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T -84071 (Tannery Creek Phase I I). Be it further resolved that, upon execution of the said subdivision agreement, the Corporation of the Town of Aurora does hereby allocate the necessary servicing capacity to the 128 dwelling units included on the Plan. CARRIED 7. Authorization to Sign Site Plan Agreement - S & R Hardware Ltd. -289 Wellington Street East Timpson: Jones: Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a site plan agreement between S & R Hardware Ltd. and the Town of Aurora. CARRIED 8. Purchase of Various Pieces of Fi refighting Equipment -Safety Supply Canada Weller: Jones: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Stuart G. Wilson, Fire Chief, the quotation received from Safety Supply Canada Ltd. in the total amount of $3,693.43 for the purchase of various pieces of fire fighting equipment be accepted. The funds for this expenditure to come from Account No. 2000-14 and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING .•. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1986 -13 -RESOLUTIONS cont'd .•• 9. Purchase of Chemical Suits -Stone Fire Equipment Inc. Weller: Jones: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Stuart G. Wilson, Fire Chief, the quotation received from Stone Fire Equipment Inc. for the purchase of two {2) Trellchem Chemical Suits in the amount of $3,300.00 per suit plus $210.00 for the test kit be accepted. The funds for this expenditure to come from account 2000-14 and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Letter# 16-45 Wm. G. Walker, Director of Public Works memo to K. B. Rodger, Clerk Administrator re: Removal of Existing Vegetation -Henderson Drive Weller: Timpson: Resolved that the recommendations of the Director of Public Works regarding the removal of vegetation on the north side of Henderson Drive to facilitate the sidewalk installation be adopted. CARRIED 2. Memorandum of K. B. Rodger, Clerk Administrator re: Aurora Cemetery Board Jones: McKenzie: BY-LAWS Barker: McKenzie: Barker: McKenzie: Resolved that the recommendation of the Clerk Administrator requesting a meeting with representatives of the Aurora Cemetery Board be adopted. CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2864-86 - Bill Number 2865-86 - ... be read a First Time Being a by-law to amend By-law 2554-83 as amended, a By-1 aw to establish rules and regulations to govern the proceedings of Council; and Being a by-law to amend By-law 2213-78,a Zoning By-law (Labour Council Development Foundation) CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2864-86 - Bill Number 2865-86 - .•. be read a Second Time Being a by-law to amend By-law 2554-83 as amended, a By-1 aw to establish rules and regulations to govern the proceedings of Council; and Being a by-law to amend By-law 2213-78, a Zoning By-law (Labour Council Development Foundation) NOTICE OF MOTION 1. Councillor Tim Jones gave notice of motion regarding Bill 38 amending Section 9 of the Ontario Lottery Corporation Act. COUNCIL MEETING ... TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1986 -14 - NEW BUSINESS 1. Special Meeting of Council to discuss Industrial Land Timpson: Jones: Resolved that the Council does hereby recind its earlier motion calling a Special Council Meeting on September 9, 1986 to discuss Industrial Land. Be It Further Resolved that the Planning Committee be directed to prepare a Schedule of Meetings at which the Committee will discuss the segments of the draft Official Plan. CARRIED QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS OF COUNCIL 1. Councillor Timpson -questioned the precautions of the subdividers in Aurora in their measures to prevent silt 2. Councillor Weller - 3. Councillor Barker - 4. Councillor Paivio - 5. Councillor Buck ADJOURNMENT in stormwater runoff from the various developments currently under construction questioned when the Woods Gordon Report pertaining to staff will be available questioned the accessability to senior staff members on Council meeting days questioned the sewer pipe breakage on Mosley Street and Larmont Street questioned the status of the parking arrangements for the Medical Centre at 110 Yonge Street South questioned the parking on Seaton Drive in the vicinity of Confederation Park and the under utilization of the parking facilities provided off of Glass Drive Jones: Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 9:41 p.m. CARRIED MAYOR CLERK