MINUTES - Council - 19860505r" L"'.,._ MINUTES OF THE TENTH COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MONDAY, MAY 5, 1986 AT 8:00P.M. Present Were: Mayor West; Councillors Buck, Jones, McKenzie, Paivio, Pedersen, Timpson and Weller. Absent Was: Councillor Barker in hospital. Pedersen: Resolved that the following items be added to the Agenda: Timpson: 1. Resolution -Payment Certificate -Kalabria; 2. Resolution -Loan to Family Complex Committee; and 3. Council in Committee shown under Unfinished Business be discussed under Reports of Committees on the Agenda. CARRIED. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Paivio: McKenzie: Resolved that the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on April 21, 1986 be adopted as printed and circulated. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE 10-1 Gord Jones, Aurora, Ont. re: application to rezone Murray Drive at Seaton Drive to Commercial -opposition -Z-12-86 10-2 (Information, S. Seibert) C.W. Hastings, Aurora, Ont. re: petition from residents opposing application Z-12-86 to amend zoning by-law 2213-78 to permit the erection of a convenience store at the intersection of Murray Drive and Seaton Drive (Information, S. Seibert) 10-3 Gord Jones, Aurora, Ont. re: objection to proposed rezoning of land at Murray Drive and Seaton Drive for the construction of a convenience store -Z-12-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 10-4 Wm. G. Walker, Director of Public Works memo to K.B. Rodger, Clerk- Administrator re: financial security requirements -Lakeview Estates Phase II -recalculation (Information, L. Allison) 10-5 Ron and Mary Gibson, Aurora, Ont. re: Gibson easement -35 Glass Drive · (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F. Horvath) 10-6 Berg & Lebow, Barristers & Solicitors re: Vanguard Trust mortgage loan to St. John Investments Limited, Blueberry Farm, Pt. Lot 26, Cone. 3 (Information) 10-7 Randy H. Lebow, Barrister & Solicitor re: Vanguard Trust mortgage loan to St. John Investments Limited, Blueberry Farm, Pt. Lot 26, Cone. 3 (Information, Clerk to reply) 10-8 Randy H. Lebow, Barrister & Solicitor re: Vanguard Trust mortgage loan to St. John Investments Limited, Blueberry Farm, Pt. Lot 26, Cone. 3 (Information, Clerk to reply) :.·:-·~. ("\ ' .. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MAY 5, 1986 - 2 - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd •.. 10-9 Randy H. Lebow, Barrister & Solicitor re: Vanguard Trust mortgage loan to St. John Investments Limited, Blueberry Farm, Pt. Lot 26, Cone. 3 (Information, Wm. Walker to reply) 10-10 Randy H. Lebow, Barrister & Solicitor re: Vanguard Trust mortgage loan to St. John Investments Limited, Blueberry Farm, Pt. Lot 26, Cone. 3 (Information, Clerk to reply) 10-11 Jack and Doris Sidley, Aurora, Ont. re: opposition to rezoning of 1 ot at Murray Drive and Seaton Drive to a 11 ow the building of a convenience store -Z-12-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 10-12 Mr. & Mrs. J.K. Osborne, Aurora, Ont. re: opposition to rezoning of lot at Murray Drive and Seaton Drive to allow the building of a convenience store -Z-12-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 10-13 Macaulay, Chusid, Lipson & Friedman, Barristers and Solicitors re: Andy Investments Limited registration of plan of subdivision of The 40 Acre Reserve, Registered Plan 102 (Information, L. Allison) 10-14 Lois I. Casselman, Aurora, Ont. re: disapproval of the proposed 10-15 10-16 10-17 10-18 10-19 convenience store near Regency Acres Public School -Z-12-86 (Information, S. Seibert) Consumers' Gas re: E.B.R.O. 414-Notice of Rate Application and Hearing (Ref. Council in Committee) F.J. Horvath, Director of Leisure Services memo to Administration & Finance Committee re: outstanding accounts recei vab 1 e referred to solicitor for action (Ref. Administration & Finance Committee) Kenneth D. Murray, Aurora, Ont. re: application for amendment to the Zoning By-law for Lot 8, Plan 107 (94 Wellington St. E.) - residential to law office (Information, S. Seibert, C.E. Gowan, K. Cerswell) Government of Ontario, Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: 1985 Final Road Grant Payment Summary (Information, Wm. Walker, K. Cerswell) Heritage Committee Annual Report 1985 to Mayor and Council (Information, Mayor, Council) 10-20 Public Works Department report re: Overtime -Waterworks Dept. - March, 1986 (Ref. Public Works Committee) 10-21 Public Works Department report re: Overtime-Public Works Dept. -March, 1986 (Ref. Public Works Committee) 10-22 The Regional Municipality of York, Clerk's Department re: certified copy of by-law No. S-40-86-35 to establish charges for sewage services to certain area municipalities (Information, K. Cerswell) 10-23 The Regional Municipality of York, Clerk's Dept. letter to Salpam Investments Limited re: Subdivision No. 19T-81100 -extension of draft approval (Information, S. Seibert) COUNCIL MEETING ..• MONDAY, MAY 5, 1986 - 3 - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd ••• 10-24 The Regional Municipality of York, Planning Dept. re: Proposed Zoning Amendment -Institutional to Local Commercial -Detached Dwelling Second Density and Major Open Space -Pt. Lot 77, Cone. 1, Township of King now in Town of Aurora -File Z-12-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 10-25 Aurora Figure Skating Club re: gratitude to Town for support towards ice fees for its Ice Festival "Calendar Days" (Ref. Administration & Finance Committee) 10-26 The York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: plan of subdivision No. 19T-86015, Pt. Lot 82, Cone. 1 -no objections (Information, S. Seibert) 10-27 Salvatore D'Angelo, Richmond Hill, Ont. re: application for employment (law enforcement) (Information, Clerk to reply) 10-28 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Tourism and Recreation re: 1986-87 New Facility Capital Program and Capital Conservation Program -presentation April 25, 1986 -Simcoe County Museum (Information, F. Horvath) 10-29 Jim Blair, Oshawa, Ont. re: Methods of Communication with the Existing Business Community -questionnaire (Information, Clerk to reply) 10-30 The Regional Municipality of York, Planning Dept. re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision No. 19T-83039, Pt. Lot 11, Cone. 3 -revised plans (Information, S. Seibert) 10-31 King City Dukes Hockey Club re: ice contract (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F. Horvath) 10-32 United Nations Association in Canada, Toronto Branch re: request to proclaim the week of June 1 -7, 1986 as "World Environment Week'' (Ref. Council in Committee) 10-33 Klaus Wehrenberg, Aurora, Ont. re: public access to information policy (Ref. Council in Committee) 10-34 Anton Kikas Limited, Consulting Engineers re: draft plan of subdivision No. 19T-85040, Pt. Lot 81, Cone. 1 -revised plan (Information, S. Seibert) 10-35 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: plan of subdivision No. 19T-84071, Pt. Lot 80, Cone. 1 (Andy Investments Ltd.) (Information. S. Seibert) 10-36 Government of Ontario, Assessment Review Board re: Member's Hearing Notice -G.C. Hewson -June 12, 1986 (Ref. K. Cerswell) 10-37 Newmarket Citizens' Band re: executive officers information (Information, F. Horvath) 10-38 Government of Ontario, Assessment Review Board re: withdrawals - IPCF Properties Inc. -300 Yonge St. (Information, K. Cerswell) 10-39 York Taxi, Aurora, Ont. re: request for an increase in meter rate (Ref. Administration & Finance Committee) 10-40 The Regional Municipality of York, Planning Dept. re: Plan of Subdivision No. 19T-86020, Pt. Lot 79, Cone. 1 W.Y.S. -noise attenuation report (Information, S. Seibert) ··-·~· COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MAY 5, 1986 - 4 - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd •.. 10-41 The Regional Municipality of York, Planning Dept. re: applications to amend the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area and By-law 2213-78 (Rady-Pentek and Associates on behalf of Lucy Construction Limited) (Information, S. Seibert) 10-42 Marilyn Sutton, Aurora, Ont. re: Almord Company -cleaning of streets in the Trillium Drive area (Information, Wm. Walker) 10-43 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Government Services re: KWIC Index to Services of your Ontario Government 10-44 (Information) The Regional Municipality of York, Planning Dept. re: proposed plan of subdivision No. 19T-86015, Pt. Lot 82, Cone. 1 (Information) 10-45 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: subsidy terms -transit system 1986 (Information, S. Jones) 10-46 Jeffrey A. Delzly, Toronto, Ont. re: questions pertaining to Closs Square (Information, Clerk to reply) 10-47 C.W. Hastings, Aurora, Ont. re: petition expressing opposition to 10-48 a convenience store at the intersection of Murray Drive and Seaton Drive -Z-12-86 (Information, S. Seibert) The Regional Municipality of York, Engineering Dept. re: Intersection of Yonge St./Wellington St. (Y.R. 15) -Pedestrian Scramble Phase (Ref. Council in Committee, Mayor) 10-49 Direnfeld & Nurgitz, Barristers and Solicitors re: Burns purchase from Yorkwood Investments, Lot 5, Plan 65M-2247, 49 Mcleod Drive (Information, Clerk to reply) 10-50 Helen Siomis, Markham, Ont. re: request for industrial and commercial and retail firms in the Aurora area (Information, Clerk to reply) 10-51 Kennel Inn, Animal Control Centre, Aurora, Ont. re: quarterly report for animal control services-Jan./Feb./Mar., 1986 (Ref. Administration & Finance Committee) 10-52 Sergio Bernardi's Antiques, Aurora, Ont. re: fencing and paving requirements (Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington, Mayor) 10-53 Don Cuffe, Aurora, Ont. re: installation of a privacy fence (Ref. Planning Committee) 10-54 Betty and Ian Chappell, Aurora, Ont. re: proposed convenience store at corner of Murray and Seaton Drives -Z-12-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 10-55 Ralph and Susan Sgro, Aurora, Ont. re: proposed convenience store at corner of Murray Drive next to Regency Acres Pub 1 i c Schoo 1 - Z-12-86 (Information, S. Seibert) ' j COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MAY 5, 1986 - 5 - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd •.. 10-56 Mr. & Mrs. P. Williams, Aurora, Ont. re: zoning change at the corner of Murray Drive and Seaton Drive -Z-12-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 10-57 Wendy Ellison, Aurora, Ont. re: objection to convenience store next to Regency Acres Public School -Z-12-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 10-58 Chris and Debra Bell, Aurora, Ont. re: construction of a convenience store at the corner of Murray and Seaton Drives - Z-12-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 10-59 Larry J. Thiessen, Aurora, Ont. re: opposition to a convenience store at the corner of Murray and Seaton Drives -Z-12-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 10-60 J. Bradley, Aurora, Ont. re: objection to a convenience store at the corner of Murray Drive and Seaton Drive -Z-12-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 10-61 J. Bradley, Aurora, Ont. re: objection to a convenience store at the corner of Murray Drive and Seaton Drive -Z-12-86 (Information, S. Seibert, R.J. Harrington) 10-62 Petition from residents re: objection to the construction of a convenience store at the corner of Murray Drive and Seaton Drive - Z-12-86 10-63 10-64 (Information, S. Seibert) John Bousfield Associates Limited, Consulting Town Planners re: Avery Boland -Z-10-86 (Information, C.E. Gowan) Reid and Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers re: Upper Pressure Zone -Water Distribution System (Information, K.B. Rodger, Wm. Walker) 10-65 The Regional Municipality of York, Legal Dept. re: Agreement between Town of Aurora and the Region of York; Use of 1 and for recreational purposes at Orchard Heights Reservoir (Information, Clerk to reply) 10-66 Peterborough SVA Committee, Peterborough, Ont. re: Site Value Assessment (Information, K. Cerswell) 10-67 District Court of Ontario re: Statement of Claim -Sylvia Child (Information; B. Gilbert; Strathy, Archibald & Seagram) 10-68 Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology re: continuing education brochure (Information) 10-69 Bryan Thomas & Associates Inc., Consulting Engineers re: Archerhill Investments Ltd., Block 37, Plan M-2012 (Information, C.E. Gowan) 10-70 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Scanlon Court from Industry Street North to end (Information, Wm. Walker, Reid and Associates) 10-71 Reid and Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers re: reconstruction of Dunning Ave. -Project No. 1184 (Information, K. Cerswell) -.... --/ COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MAY 5, 1986 - 6 - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd ••. 10-72 Government of Ontario, Ministry of the Environment re: Alpen Haus Ltd. -horse breeding operation -Pt. Lots 17, 18 and Lot 19; Cone. 2 (Information, S. Seibert) 10-73 F. Horvath, Director of Leisure Services memo to K.B. Rodger, Clerk-Administrator re: routing of sewer through ravine lot (Information) 10-74 Government of Ontario, The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario re: Tymes Pub Restaurant (Information, S. Seibert, R.J. Harrington) 10-75 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: streambank erosion problems around culverts (Ref. Public Works Committee, Wm. Walker) 10-76 Government of Ontario, Ontario Municipal Board re: zoning by-law 2750-85 (Information) 10-77 The Regional Municipality of York, Planning Dept. re: proposed subdivision No. 19T-86020, Pt. Lot 79, Cone. 1 W.Y.S. (Information, S. Seibert) 10-78 Cam-Kent Developments Ltd. re: request to place a mobile 10-79 construction trailer between Lot 30 & Lot 31 on Pineneedle Court (Ref. Council in Committee) Goodman and Carr, Barristers and Solicitors re: Granada Investments Limited, Sale to Picture Homes Development Inc., Lot 29, 40, Plan 66M-2259 (Information, L. Allison, K. Cerswell) 10-80 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Ministry Policy on the Capital Subsidy Allowed for the Purchase of Transit Passenger Shelters (Information, S. Jones) 10-81 Macaulay, Chusid, Lipson & Friedman, Barristers and Solicitors re: Heron Homes (Aurora) Ltd. registration of plan of subdivision of 1 ots 11 and 12, Pt. Lots 10, 13, 14 and 15 and part of Accommodation Road, Registered Plan 102 and Pt. Lot 79, Cone. 1 (Information, L. Allison) 10-82 The York Region Board of Education re: Proposed plan of subdivision 19T-85019, Pt. Lot 82, Cone. 1 (Information, S. Seibert) 10-83 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Subdivision No. 19T-81100, Phase II, Pt. Lots 81 & 82, Cone. 1 W.Y.S. -Salpam Investments (Information, S. Seibert) 10-84 The Regional Municipality of York, Planning Dept. re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision No. 19T-81032, Pt. Lots 76 & 77, Cone. 1 W.Y.S. (Information, S. Seibert) 10-85 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: amendment to zoning by-law; Lots 79, 80, 81, 82, Cone. 1; File Z-11-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 10-86 Chris N. Buhr re: Lot 1, M-2019 on Bayview Avenue (Information, Clerk to reply) 10-87 Colleen E. Gowan, Deputy Clerk memo to Public Safety Committee re: Hooded Signs -Orchard Heights Boulevard -Seniors Building Parking Concerns (Ref. Public Safety Committee, Mayor West) c COUNCIL MEETING ..• MONDAY, MAY 5, 1986 - 7 - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd •.• 10-88 10-89 Wendy A. Kemp, Aurora, Ont. re: opposition to store being built on Murray Drive -Z-12-86 (Information, S. Seibert) Wendy A. Kemp, Aurora, Ont. re: opposition to store being built on Murray Drive -Z-12-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 10-90 Gregory Mcintosh and Dale Mcintosh, Aurora, Ont. re: proposed zoning by-law amendment -corner of Seaton Dr. & Murray Dr. - Z-12-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 10-91 Wm. G. Walker, Director of Public Works memo to K.B. Rodger, Clerk- Administrator re: recommended issuance of the Certificate of Acceptance; recommended release of Financial Securities -Hazelburn Farms (Deloitte, Haskins & Sells Limited) (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) lG-~ A.C. Farrell, Aurora, Ont. re: application No. Z-15-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 10-93 Brown and Storey Architects re: File Nos. OP-13-86 & Z-14-86 (Elderberry Trail) (Information, S. Seibert) 10-94 The Regional Municipality of York, Planning Dept. re: File No. 19T-85076; Pt. Lot 85, Cone. 1 E.Y.S. 10-95 (Information, L. Allison) Government of Ontario, Ministry of Natural Resources re: clearance of conditions -draft plan of subdivision 19T-81100 -Southold - Phase II -Pt. Lots 81 & 82, Cone. 1 W.Y.S. (Information, S. Seibert) 10-96 The Regional Municipality of York, Planning Dept. re: Proposed plan of subdivision No. 19T-85040, Pt. Lot 81, Cone. 1 W.Y.S, (Information) 10-97 The Regional Municipality of York, Planning Dept. re: Proposed plan of subdivision No. 19T-81087; Pt. Blk. A, R.P. 550 (Information, S. Seibert) 10-98 Queen's University, Kingston, Ont. re: official report of the outcome of the November, 1985 municipal elections (Information, Clerk to reply) 10-99 Reid and Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers re: Tamarac Subdivision -Stage III -2nd Submission Comments -Project No. 840 (Information, Wm. Walker) 10-100 Government of Ontario, Assessment Review Board re: Notice of Hearing No. 147Y (Information, K. Cerswell) 10-101 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: subsidy terms applicable for conventional transit system for 1986 (Ref. Council in Committee) 10-102 Government of Canada, Fitness and Amateur Sport re: requests to proclaim: 1) May 23, 1986 as "Sneaker Day"; and 2) May 24 to June 1, 1986 as "National Physical Activity Week" (Ref. Council in Committee, F. Horvath) 10-103 W. John Trusler, Aurora, Ont. re: proposal by Park Lane Developers to build a 40,000 square foot plaza at the S.E. corner of Yonge St. and Allaura Blvd. (Information, Mayor West) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MAY 5, 1986 - 8 - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd •.. 10-104 Universal Insulations Company Limited re: application for tax relief (Information, C.E. Gowan to reply) 10-105 Richard Harison, Aurora, Ont. re: convenience store next to school on Murray Drive -Z-12-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 10-106 Richard P. Center, M.D., Aurora, Ont. re: 3rd reading of zoning by-law 2769-85-April 30, 1986 (TABLED -COUNCIL APRIL 30, 1986) 10-107 The Regional Municipality of York, Planning Dept. re: proposed street names (Ref. Council in Committee) 10-108 Corporation of the Town of Bradford re: challenge in the CrownLife PARTICIPaction Challenge on Wednesday, May 28, 1986 (Ref. Leisure Services Committee) 10-109 Margaret E. Shaw, Aurora, Ont. re: proposed convenience store near Regency Acres Public School and St. Joseph's Separate School - Z-12-86 10-llO 10-1ll (Information, S. Seibert) Douglas H. Scratch, Aurora, Ont. re: Murray and Seaton Drives -proposed Z-12-86 (Information, S. Seibert) Government of Canada, Canada Day re: Grant Application (Ref. July 1st Committee) zoning by-law amendment change from I to R2 and C2 - July 1st -Canada Day -1986 10-112 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: proposed plan of subdivision No. 19T-86015; Pt. Lot 82, Cone. 1 W.Y.S. (Information, S. Seibert, L. Allison) 10-113 Goodman and Carr, Barristers and Solicitors re: Granada Investments Limited-Final Phase, 27 Lot Subdivision (Information, L. Allison) 10-114 The Aurora Horticultural Society re: involvement in the beautification of the Town (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F. Horvath) 10-115 Lillias M. Hills, Aurora, Ont. re: proposed convenience store- Murray and Seaton Drives -Z-12-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 10-116 The York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: amendment affecting property adjacent to St. Joseph School -Z-12-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 10-117 Mrs. Janis Langan, Aurora, Ont. re: Aurora residents' petition opposing the erection of a convenience store at the corner of Murray Drive and Seaton Drive -Z-12-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 10-118 Harry and Karen Lumsden, Aurora, Ont. re: opposition to rezoning of single property to multiple dwelling -83 George Street -Z-11-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 10-119 G.H. Black, Aurora, Ont. on behalf of George St. School parents re: opposition to rezoning of Armata property to permit a condominium - Z-11-86 (Information, S. Seibert) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MAY 5, 1986 - 9 - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd ••• 10-120 P.B. Carabine, Aurora, Ont. re: opposition to the rezoning of 83 George Street to permit a condominium -Z-11-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 10-121 Wm. G. Walker, Director of Public Works memo to K.B. Rodger, Clerk- Administrator re: professional engineering services rendered (Invoice Nos. 10924, 10963, 10964, 10966, 10971, 10975, 10976, 10977, 10982, 10987, 10988, 10991, 10995 and 11018) (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) 10-122 Mr. & Mrs. J. Crane, Aurora, Ont. re: opposition to a convenience store at the corner of Murray Drive and Seaton Drive -Z-12-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 10-123 Paul G. Williams, Chairman of Regency Acres Public School Parent's Association, Aurora, Ont. re: opposition to a convenience store near Regency Acres Public School -Z-12-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 10-124 The York Region Board of Education re: application for amendment to the Official Plan of Aurora for Lot 80, Cone. 1 -OP-17-86 and Z-18-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 10-125 Mr. and Mrs. D.G. Higgins, Aurora, Ont. re: OP-13-86 and Z-14-86 -Elderberry Hills, Lot 72, Cone. 1 -opposition to subdivision (Information, S. Seibert) 10-126 Canadian National Railways re: proposed plan of subdivision No. 19T-86029 -Mile 31.20 -Newmarket subdivision (Information, S. Seibert, L. Allison) 10-127 Kelly Cerswell, Treasurer memo to Mayor West and Members of Council re: 1986 Five-Year Capital Expenditure Forecast (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) 10-128 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: applications for consents circulated to the South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority (Information, L. Allison) 10-129 Tenex Data Corporation re: Special Announcement -name changed from Business Products Division of Control Data Canada, Ltd. (Information, S. Jones) 10-130 Cliffgate Management Limited re: IONA Phase III -request for second sidewalk (Ref. Council in Committee) 10-131 Mr. & Mrs. D.G. Higgins, Aurora, Ont. re: opposition to proposed Elderberry Hills subdivision -Lot 72, Cone. 1 -OP-13-86 and Z-14-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 10-132 David A.G. Mills, Architect re: site specific zoning application 14, 16, 18 Wellington Street East (Home Hardware property) (TABLED, DELEGATIONS) 10-133 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Subsidies Branch re: involvement in municipal administration -application for program participation approved (Information, C.E. Gowan, K. Cerswell) 10-134 The York Region Board of Education, Regency Acres Public School re: proposed zoning amendment -Z-12-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 10-135 Kathryn and Scott Elphinstone, Aurora, Ont. re: opposition to a convenience store at Murray Drive and Seaton Drive -Z-12-86 (Information, S. Seibert) ·~ COUNCIL MEETING .•• MONDAY, MAY 5, 1986 -10 - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd •.• 10-136 A.C. Farrell, Aurora, Ont. re: zoning by-law amendment Z-15-86 -easement and services (Information, S. Seibert) 10-137 J. Tree, Parks Supervisor memo to F.J. Horvath, Director of Leisure Services re: tree removal -135 Gurnett Street (Ref. Council in Committee) 10-138 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Agriculture and Food re: agricultural organizations -interest groups and municipalities - comments on proposed Foodland Preservation Policy Statement (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert) 10-139 The Regional Municipality of York, Clerk's Department re: home mail delivery (Ref. Counc i 1 in Committee) 10-140 K.B. Rodger, Clerk-Administrator memo to Mayor and Members of Council re: authorization to purchase items necessary for the Administrative Building modifications to accommodate the Planning Department (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) 10-141 Yorkwood Investments Limited re: subdivision agreement provisions -sidewalks, sodding and early occupancy provisions · (Information, L. Allison) 10-142 T. Giesche, Aurora, Ont. re: opposition to construction of a sidewalk on the north side of Marsh Harbour Crescent (Ref. Council in Committee) 10-143 Aurora residents' petition re: proposed residential subdivision - Wellington Street West-420643 Ontario Ltd. -easement and services (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert) 10-144 The Regional Municipality of York, Office of the Medical Officer of Health re: amendment to zoning by-law 2213-78 -Gambin Associates on behalf of Muirlands Holdings Inc. (Information, S. Seibert) 10-145 Al Farrell, Aurora, Ont. re: zoning application Z-15-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 10-146 Peggy Novak, Aurora, Ont. re: rezoning amendment for Dr. Armata's property on George Street -Z-11-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 10-147 Zaroukian Holdings Ltd. re: 125 Yonge Street North -Permit #1156 -Charlie's Cafe (Ref. Planning Committee, Mayor West) 10-148 Corporation of the Town of Bradford re: Crownlife PARTICIPaction Challenge -Wednesday, May 28, 1986 (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F. Horvath) 10-149 Corbett & Associates, Barristers and Solicitors re: Willow Farm Plan of Subdivision-Pt. Lot 85, Cone. 1 W.Y.S. (Information) 10-150 John Romano re: Bloomington Road -Lot 11, Cone. 2 (Information, S. Seibert) 10-151 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Temporary closing of section of Hwy. 11 on July 1, 1986 between hours of 10:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. (Information) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MAY 5, 1986 -11 - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd •.• 10-152 K.B. Rodger, Clerk-Administrator memo to Mayor and Members of Council re: Community Centre personnel matters (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) 10-153 Midas Canada Inc. re: Junior A Hockey Club -request for delegation status (TABLED, DELEGATIONS) 10-154 Technical Committee memo to Mayor and Members of Council re: Buck: Weller: Lakeview Estates Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-85011 (TABLED -COUNCIL MAY 5, 1986) Resolved that the Report of the Technical Committee dated May 1, 1986 -Lakeview Estates -Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-85011 be approved. CARRIED. 10-155 Sergio Bernardi's Antiques re: request for an extension of their asphalting date of June 30th (TABLED) Timpson: Resolved that this letter be received. Paivio: CARRIED. 10-156 A.W. Boland, King City, Ont. re: request for delegation status to discuss a proposed subdivision (TABLED, DELEGATIONS) 10-157 Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Board re: Group No. 030000 and Group No. 030066-Aurora Public Library (Ref. Administration & Finance Committee) 10-158 Armbro Construction re: M.T.C. Contract 85-56 -Hwy. 404 (TABLED) Weller: Timpson: 10-159 Jones: Paivio: Resolved that permission be granted to Armbro Construction to earth borrow material from the east part of Lot 26, Concession 3, said land owned by G. Sikura. CARRIED. Mayor West memo to All Members of Council re: Aurora Leisure Complex Fund Raising -draw for red Corvette (TABLED) 0~ Resolved that the sum of~~ p~~O is guaranteed to the Family Leisure Complextf8r tfie purchase of a Corvette to be used for a draw in conjunction with a Monte Carlo night. CARRIED. 10-160 Reid and Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers re: Project No. 1184 -Reconstruction of Dunning Avenue -Payment Certificate No. 4 -Kalabria General Contractors Ltd. (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) Weller: Resolved that the Clerk's Report be dealt with as outlined. Pedersen: CARRIED. ·.j COUNCIL MEETING •.• MONDAY, MAY 5, 1986 -12 - DELEGATIONS 1. Letter 10-132 -David A.G. Mills, Architect re: Home Hardware Property Mr. D, Mills, Arc hi teet, representing MacDonell , MacDonell Investments Ltd., appeared before Council to present its proposed development for the Home Hardware site. The development would include 12-unit apartment buildings on Centre Street. Buck: Jones: Resolved that this matter be referred to the Public Planning meeting. CARRIED. 2. Letter 10-153 -Jim Ward re: Junior "A" Franchise Mr. Jim Ward, spokesman for the new Junior "A" Hockey Club, addressed Council on the purchase of the Junior "A" Franchise. The Club will be known as the "Aurora Eagles". Mr. Ward introduced other owners of the Club. Buck: Weller: Resolved that this matter be referred to the Administration and Finance Committee and that the Committee be authorized to meet with the Club. The meeting will be he 1 d on Monday, May 12, 1986. CARRIED. 3. Letter 10-156 -Mr. A. Derkowski re: Boland Subdivision Mr. Derkowski, representing the Avery/Boland proposed subdivision, requested Council to reconsider its decision in having the cul-de-sac on the property joined with the cul-de-sac from the Corridor property. Weller: Resolved that this matter be reconsidered. McKenzie: DEFEATED. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Council rose to assembly into Council in Committee of the Whole. 1. Letters 10-15, 10-48 and 10-101 Jones: Resolved that these letters be received. Weller: CARRIED. 2. Letter 10-33 -Klaus Wehrenberg, Aurora, Ont. re: public access to information policy Weller: Buck: Pedersen: Paivio: Paivio: McKenzie: Resolved that this letter be received as information. DEFEATED. Resolved that this letter be referred to the Planning Committee and in conjunction with staff the policy on "Access to Information" be updated and a report forwarded to Council for its consideration. DEFEATED. Resolved that this letter be tabled. CARRIED. ( COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MAY 5, 1986 -13 - COUNCIL IN COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE cont'd ••• 3. Letter 10-32 -United Nations Association in Canada, Toronto Branch re: request to proclaim the week of June 1 -7, 1986 as "World Environment Week" Pedersen: Paivio: Resolved that the week of June 1 to 7, 1986 be proclaimed "World Environment Week" in the Town of Aurora. CARRIED. 4. Letter 10-78 -Cam-Kent Developments Ltd. re: reguest to place a mobile construction trailer between Lot 30 and Lot 31 on Pineneedle Court -- Weller: Paivio: 5. to June Timpson: Paivio: Resolved that upon the posting of a $500.00 bond permission be granted to Cam-Kent Development to place a trailer between Lots 30 and 31, Plan 65M-2229 provided that there is no other trailer on lands owned by Cam-Kent in this area. CARRIED. Resolved that May 23, 1986 be proclaimed "Sneaker Day" and the week of May 24 to June 1, 1986 as "National Physical Activity Week" in the Town of Aurora. CARRIED. 6. Letter 10-107-The Regional Municipality of York, Planning Dept. re: proposed street names Timpson: Resolved that the street names as outlined be approved. Jones: CARRIED. Committee rose as Committee of the Whole and reports to Council. Timpson: Resolved that the Council in Committee report be accepted. Jones: CARRIED. Council resumed. Report #63-Aurora Heritage Committee ••• Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Aurora Heritage Committee/LACAC was held on Thursday, March 27, 1986 at the Aurora Museum at 7:30p.m. Present Were: A. Minutes Gerry Copley, Leslie Oliver, Councillor McKenzie and Researcher Kathryn Anderson. Mayor West and Museum Curator Jacqueline Stuart also attended. The minutes of the meeting of February 27, 1986 were approved. (' COUNCIL MEETING •.. MONDAY, MAY 5, 1986 -14 - REPORT #63-AURORA HERITAGE COMMITTEE ••• VARIOUS MATTERS cont'd ••• B. Matters Arising Out Of The Minutes 1. L. Oliver reported that the C.D.A.C. has reviewed the Heritage Committee's proposal for Wellington Street East and agrees in principle with its conclusions, as reflected in the draft Official Plan. S. Seibert will meet with the Committee to identify planning issues for its consideration. 2. L. 01 iver reported that A. Tull had contacted P. Styrmo at the Toronto Historical Board re: the placement of a Sherman tank in Aurora by the Queen's York Rangers. The Committee will continue to monitor this situation. C. Correspondence K. Anderson reported that a letter and resume were received from a Ryerson student seeking employment. The Committee requested that a letter be sent thanking him for his interest in the Heritage Committee and informing him that no vacancies exist. STATUS REPORTS D. Budget E. G. Copley reported that the Committee's budget proposal has been sent to Council. Designation K. Anderson reported that she and the Chairman have arranged to meet with the owners of the property at 50 Wellington Street East on March 29th to discuss the Reasons for Designation. They will arrange to visit Mr. Harry Fry as soon as possible to discuss the designation of the Keeper's House at the Aurora Cemetery. The documentation for three designations will be forwarded to Council by the end of April. Reasons for Designation are being drafted for 58 Wellington Street East, and two tentative requests for designation are being monitored. K. Anderson reported that information on the BRIG program has been prepared for the Clerk's office. The Committee requested that she draft a letter to the BRIG coordinator, Ministry of Citizenship and Culture, for the consideration of the Clerk. F. Review of Committee's Files K. Anderson explained the organization of the Committee's research and administrative files, currently housed at the Aurora Museum, for Committee members. Museum Curator J. Stuart described the contents of the Historical Society's files and photograph collection, both of which contribute background information for the Heritage Committee's research activities. The need to collaborate in the collection, reproduction and storage of historic pictures was noted. Steps will be taken to establish systems for these purposes. DECISION ITEMS G. Draft Official Plan The Committee agreed that L. Oliver and K. Wehrenberg will prepare a draft of the Heritage Committee's response to the heritage issues contained in the draft Official Plan for the April meeting. Planner S. Seibert, who has been invited to attend the meeting, will be available to respond to questions. Members should forward comments to either L. Oliver or K. Wehrenberg for inclusion in the draft report. -----·-~-••--··'-~~~--~.-~;>.:...:~~~r~~o"••--"'"·'----·--~~~'·-'---+•-'-'---'-'-~-'->-~'-"-'~•·•"""'""=-'"·==-~---====··T-<,>----~~~~-·~~ ••••••·------+•·--·--~-------- _.,. __ ---~ ... COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MAY 5, 1986 -15 - REPORT #63 -AURORA HERITAGE COMMITTEE ••• VARIOUS MATTERS cont' d ••• H. CNR/VIA Station The Committee discussed a letter from the Clerk's office indicating that the Mayor will follow up the future of the station with M.P. Sinclair Stevens. The Committee emphasized the importance of involving CNR/VIA, GO Transit, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Ministry of Citizenship and Culture, and elected officials in the negotiations to retain and maintain the structure as not only an historic site but as a fully functional communications centre. A draft response will be prepared for the Mayor's consideration. NEW BUSINESS I. Development Proposals 1. Highland Motors, Yonge Street North The Committee will prepare guidelines for the area by the April meeting. 2. 70-72 Yonge Street South 3. 4. Mayor West indicated that a proposal will likely be forthli!>ming for the development of the site. The Committee expressed interest that the proposal adhere to guidelines outlined by the C.D.A .. C. and .the character of the area as set out in the various reports prepared by the Committee. The Committee looks forward to reviewin9 the plans. 5-7 Yonge Street South The Committee will prepare a letter to Pizza Pizza expressing..., its concern re: the importance of promoting compatible signage in the historic downtown core. 14 Wellington Street East (Home Hardware) The sale of the property was noted by the Committee. A letter and Heritage Property Report will be sent to the new owners outlining the historical importance of the building and the significant contribution it makes to the historic core of Aurora. J. Community Heritage Issues Deferred. K. Heritage Information and Resources K. Anderson distributed a bibliography listing books and organizations related to architecture, heritage preservation, restoration, and renovation for the information of Committee members. The Committee instructed K. Anderson to compile a list of the most useful material, with prices, for inclusion in the resource library in 1986. L. OTHER BUSINESS The Committee asked K. Anderson to confirm with the Clerk's office that the cross-appointment between the Heritage Committee and the Aurora and District Historical Society has been approved by Council. The Committee requested that letters of notification be sent to both organizations prior to the next Historical Society Executive meeting on April 9th. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. McKenzie: Paivio: Resolved that the Aurora Heritage Committee/LACAC Report # 63 dated March 27, 1986 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED. ( ''-----' COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MAY 5, 1986 -16 - Report #64-Planning Committee ••• Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Planning Committee was held on April 28, 1986 in the Administrative Centre at 7:30 p.m. Present Were: Councillor G. Timpson, Chairman; Councillor E. (7:45 p.m.); Planner S. Seibert; R.J. Secretary. A. REFERRED FROM COUNCIL 1. Proposed Residential Subdivision -Wellington Street West File Z-18-85-420643 Ontario Limited Buck Harrington, Mr. Brian Corbett, Solicitor and Mr. Anton Kikas, Ontario Land Surveyor and Professional Engineer, were present at the meeting representing the owner and discussed with the Committee and the affected homeowners present the revised plan of subdivision. It is to consist of 29 lots with minimum frontages of 50 feet and 7 lots with minimum frontages of 70 feet totalling 36 serviced lots. The affected homeowners present expressed some concerns: i) the builder must control dust and keep the access streets clean during construction; ii) coniferous trees are to form a buffer between this subdivision and lots 3 and 4 on Hillside Drive; and iii) an easement be granted between lots 12 and 13 for future services, water and sanitary sewers. Mr. Corbett replied that his client would be willing to accommodate the three requests. He also stated that in the Town's Subdivision Agreement, it is usual practice for the Town to insert a clause to the effect that if the builder does not keep the streets clear, the Town may do so and charge the costs to the builder or developer. The citizens were satisfied with the plan, and the guarantees expressed by the agents for the owner. Proposed Residential Subdivision -Wellington Street West File Z-18-85-420643 Ontario Limited cont'd .•. The Committee recommends: i) the homeowners' concerns be recorded; ii) the revised plan be referred to the Town Technical Committee; iii) the Town prepare conditions. of draft approval; and iv) the Town prepare the required zoning amendment. A copy of the revised plan is on display in the Council Room. 2. Citizen Members To Discuss Commercial Development In Iona The Committee recommends that, at the next Planning meeting of May 12, 1986, this item be discussed and the citizen members on the list may address the Committee. One hour wi 11 be set aside for such discussion. The names on the 1 ist will be notified immediately by Town staff. ·~-·----·--••••-----~""~"''"~'•-~--•~c''"""-""'~~~--~--~--.. <--·--~·o;...,__."~-~~~-==~<•=====~«=>"v"'~~-~''"~'"-~-~~~·~~~<-~·-·-•·--~--·-~-•-----•' -•----------• , ... ,_ .. _,, ______ ~~,.~----•-----~- (_ .· COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MAY 5, 1986 -17 - REPORT #64-PLANNING COMMITTEE ••• VARIOUS MATTERS cont'd •.. B. RECEIVED FOR RECOMMENDATION 1. Letter 9-49-Application for Zoning By-law Amendment 14, 16 and 18 Wellington St. E. -MacDonnel, MacDonnel Investments Ltd. Received and referred to a future Public Planning Meeting with the recommendation that the owner be requested to submit an "overall plan" for the entire property to be developed. 2. Letter 9-124 -Vic Priestly re: Official Plan Amendment - Southwest Corner of Bayview Avenue and Wellington Street East Received and referred to the Public Planning Meeting of May 28, 1986. 3. Letter 10-52 -Sergio Bernardi Antiques re: privacy fence, asphalting and exterior alterations The Committee discussed Mr. Bernardi's letter and also the possibility of joining his property with Dr. Diamond's abutting to the north and recommends a combined Site Plan encompassing one ingress on one property and one egress on the other property from Yonge Street. The Committee recommends the asphalting may be delayed until August 31, 1986, however, the tree screening must be completed by April 30, 1986 as previously agreed. It is further recommended that the two parties consult each other immediately regarding the combined Site Plan. C. RECEIVED AS INFORMATION 1. Memo from Colleen Gowan, Deputy Clerk re: letter 9-16 referred to Public Planning Meeting This letter was received as information by the Committee as it had been referred to a Public Planning Meeting. 2. Letter 10-53 -Don Cuffe, 47 Tribbl ing Crescent re: privacy fence on top of retaining wall Received as information as it was previously dealt with at the last Planning Committee Meeting. D. MATTERS PENDING 1. Public Meeting Procedure ,_;. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. The next scheduled Planning Committee meeting is May 12, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. Items A1-B2 CARRIED. Item B3 AMENDMENT. Pedersen: Resolved that staff be directed to write to Dr. Diamond Paivio: requesting a response by May 14, 1986 as to when his site plan will be submitted for the property at 114 -116 Yonge Street South. Item B3 Items B4-D Timpson: Buck: CARRIED AS AMENDED. CARRIED. CARRIED. Resolved that the Planning Committee Report # 64 dated April 28, 1986 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended. CARRIED. ------~~·--~-~·~·--'·"~-·-·-~;.."'~··~-.. ---··-·-· ~.:..:·-'---'-"'-.......W...>J.-..~S,-. ~-"""'"''=~--~_,,,=,·"-··~"""~"""~"'~>•'>""-~~, .. <,~~~~----'·---·-----~----~------------·--------------- -~ COUNCIL MEETING .•• MONDAY, MAY 5, 1986 -18 - Report #65-Council in Committee ••• 1986 Budget The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of Council in Committee was held on Wednesday, April 23, 1986 at 7:00 p.m. in the Administration Centre. Present Were: Mayor West; Councillors Evelyn Buck, Richard Barker, Herb McKenzie, Martin Paivio, Betty Pedersen, George Timpson and Norm Weller; Clerk-Administrator Bud Rodger; and Treasurer Kelly Cerswell. Department Heads were in attendance for portions of the meeting. Absent Was: Councillor Jones due to vacation. A. PROPOSED 1986 BUDGET -OPERATIONS 1. Revenue (a) Municipal Taxation Municipal Purposes Share of Tel. and Tel. Supplementary Tax (b) Payments In Lieu Canada Ontario Tax Assistance Ontario Hospital Ontario Hydro Ontario OHC Ontario LCBO Other Municipal Ent. 1984 Budget $2,786,037 56,844 100,000 $2,942,881 $17,000 16,000 3,530 3,000 11 '143 4,500 16,000 11,000 $82,173 (c) Ontario Unconditional Grants General Support Revenue Guarantee Household Density (d) Ontario Specific Grants Roadways Transit Recreation Connecting Link Special (e) Other Revenue Licences Animal Tags Building Permits Other Revenue Prior Year Surplus Mugs, Glassware Sale Sale of Land $196,994 127,241 31,276 $355,511 $500,000 38,300 15,000 $553,300 $4,000 6,000 100,000 20,000 105,515 500 40,000 $276,015 1985 Budget $3,132,138 63,321 100,000 $3,295,459 $20,000 16,000 3,500 11,891 4,600 16,000 11,000 $82,991 $210,008 119,685 32,928 $362,621 $500,000 40,000 9,000 $549,000 $6,000 5,000 300,000 20,000 309' 188 500 $640,688 1986 Budget $3,743,903 67,765 125,000 $3,936,668 $20,000 80,000 3,500 12,410 5,000 5,000 12,000 $137,910 $241,563 98,195 32,928 $372,686 $799,000 40,000 9,000 29,000 $877,000 $20,000 6,000 350,000 20,000 351,000 443 $747,443 ~ COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MAY 5, 1986 -19 - REPORT #65-COUNCIL IN COMMITTEE ••• 1986 BUDGET cont'd ••. A. PROPOSED 1986 BUDGET -OPERATIONS 1. Revenue cont'd ..• (f) Renta 1 s Victoria Hall South Community Chamber of Commerce McMahon Park Church Street School Board of Education (g) Fees and Service Charges Fines Interest, Penalties Planning and Zoning Committee of Adjustment Office Fees Sewage Charges Trans it Fees Fire Retainers and Calls Tax Certificates (h) Other 1984 Budget $6,000 2 1,230 18,991 1,000 $27,223 $9,500 130,000 20,000 1,000 1,000 16,000 32,500 15,000 6,000 $231,000 Income from Investments $100,000 TOTAL MUNICIPAL REVENUE $4,568,103 $ 1985 Budget 2 1,000 $1,002 $10,000 135,000 20,000 4,500 1,000 16,000 32,500 20,000 6,000 $245,000 $100,000 $5,276,761 $ 1986 Budget 2 2 1,000 $1,004 $10,000 135,000 25,000 6,000 2,500 16,000 32,500 25,000 10,000 $262,000 $150,000 $6,484,711 COUNCIL MEETING •.• MONDAY, MAY 5, 1986 -20 - REPORT #65-COUNCIL IN COMMITTEE ••• 1986 BUDGET cont'd ••• A. PROPOSED 1986 BUDGET -OPERATIONS 1984 1985 1986 Budget Budget Budget 2. Expenditures (a) General Account Council $102,890 $111,325 $144,850 Clerk's Department 271,250 325,740 442' 725 Treasury Department 208,175 228,902 263,750 Municipal Building 29,550 36,250 43,900 $611,865 $702,217 $895,225 (b) Financial LTD Premium $ --$10,000 $ Workmen's Compensation 36,605 42,440 61,500 Leg a 1 Fees 20,000 20,000 30,000 Audit Fees 16,000 16,000 19,000 Consulting Fees ----40,500 Insurance and Reserve 53,000 53,000 105,000 Election --30,000 Debenture Charges 48,495 47,980 48,180 Interest Charges 10,000 15,000 5,000 Taxes Written Off 20,000 20,000 25,000 Transfer to Reserve 110,000 309,188 351,000 Transfer to Working Capital 50,000 Transfer Grant 18,795 20,000 20,000 Museum Grant 18,000 10,000 20,900 Community Centre Debt 56,675 56,815 56,760 Community Centre Deficit 56,278 Community Centre Grant 73,350 85,284 86,921 Leisure Services Grant 101,776 102,870 99,147 Library Debt Charge 23,793 22,943 Library Grant 311,485 333,000 368,015 Library Deficit ----7,930 $967,974 $1,194,520 $1,344,853 (c) Protection to Personal Property Fire Department $368,950 $395,623 $476,730 Building Department 134,668 155,000 178,515 Animal and Pest Control 46,000 52,942 51,255 $549,618 $603,565 $706,500 (d) Transportation Services Non-Subsidy $315,885 $329,886 $361,029 Engineering 47,500 57,500 62,600 Vehicles and Equipment 131,775 138,100 161,550 Bridges and Culverts 13,700 14,000 14,500 Roadside/Storm Sewer 97,590 100,000 100,000 Hardtop Maintenance 82,500 87,500 87,500 Loosetop Maintenance 36,200 103,000 96,000 Winter Control 81,900 107,500 128,500 Safety Services 37,200 43,400 48,300 Roads and Streets 464,375 460,000 957,100 Connecting Link 32,750 35,550 36,300 Connecting Link/Spec. 30,500 34,500 87,480 Sidewalks 39,500 53,500 44,500 Transit 139,975 147,225 179,250 Fencing/Walkways 27,100 9,850 10,900 School Guards 17,206 18' 100 29,720 Parking Lots 16,250 15,500 21,500 Street Lighting 107,091 145,816 146,150 Street Signs 1,000 1,000 1,500 Rail Crossing --100 $1,719,907 $1,902,027 $2,574,379 -·-~-~·•• '"'"''""'~••~~-~•'•~r~\-.~4<iM"·~oi""~'"-• o~--•--~0 . ..: .•• -o-"'-•• •----~·~·~'~•--""~'"'-'"'"'''"''"'"·'' "'-='"""·'"·=-.,-.-...=~•.«.==<oT.-=·==·~=•·•<T-<->~•~~--~·~--,.~r<-'"'"''-·~••··-•·~-----·-•• ---·•----••••••-··----~----·---• •• -· .,,,_ " ---·•-• COUNCIL MEETING ••. MONDAY, MAY 5, 1986 -21 - REPORT #65-COUNCIL IN COMMITTEE ••• 1986 BUDGET cont'd ••• A. PROPOSED 1986 BUDGET -OPERATIONS 1984 1985 1986 Budget Budget Budget 2. Expenditures cont'd ••. (e) Environmental Services Sanitary Sewers $ 30,500 $ 60,000 $ 69,700 Garbage Collection 248,792 377,463 376,100 $279,292 $437,463 $445,800 (f) Recreation, Parks Parks Development $170,662 $195,801 $212,137 Street Tree Maintenance 21,000 28,800 27,800 Area Beautification 23' 117 SCAG 23 '117 25,452 23,968 - $217,639 $250,053 $263,905 (g) Community Buildings Old Waterworks $500 $ --$ Factory Theatre 5,000 3,400 3,800 McMahon Park 2,750 Victoria Ha 11 5,175 Church Street School 22,250 Bank Shell 1,025 825 840 Parks Building 7,375 6,400 6,100 .•· r Carpenter 7,869 10,876 14,016 "-../ Chamber of Commerce ----10,700 $51,944 $21,501 $35,456 (h) Planning and Zoning Planning $15,500 $41,000 $150,673 LACAC 7,469 5,900 10,900 Committee of Adjustment 5,940 8,500 8,000 By-law and Weed Control 19,012 20,050 21,275 Economic Development 8,865 8,965 9,420 Area Planning 56,100 63,500 C.D.A.C. 9,200 9,500 8,000 $122,086 $157,415 $208,268 ( i) Other -- Unclassified $7,500 $8,000 $10,325 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $4,568,103 $5,276,761 $6,484,711 I (~) COUNCIL MEETING .•. MONDAY, MAY 5, 1986 -22 - REPORT #65-COUNCIL IN COMMITTEE ••• 1986 BUDGET cont'd ••• A. PROPOSED 1986 BUDGET -OPERATIONS 3. 1986 Mill Rates For Taxation Purposes (a) Taxable Assessment for 1986 General Purposes Residential and Farm Commercial and Industrial Business Total $155,551,258 (b) Mill Rate $33,972,783 $15,565,330 $205,089,373 Residential Commercial 1986 17.508 20.612 1985 16.879 20.598 1984 16.175 19.030 1983 15.157 17.832 1982 14.921 17.554 (c) General Munici al Tax Lev Based on a Residential Assessment of 20,000 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 4. ALLOCATION OF PRIOR YEAR'S SURPLUS Revenue Fund Surplus 350.16 337.58 323.50 303.14 298.42 351,000 All ocate To Allocation Incorporated In Fund Balance As At 31/12/85 Reserve for Working Capital $ 50,000 Reserve for Sick Leave Benefits (Union) 10,000 (Contingent liability of $43,000 $ 301,701 as at 31.12 .85) Vehicle Replace Reserve 241,000 Community Building 50,000 Waterworks Surplus All ocate To Waterworks Reserve 5. Business Improvement Area 1986 Budget Promotion Streetscape I.G.A. -Doane Hall Flowers Maintenance Improvements Miscellaneous Administration C.A.I.P. Loan $351,000 $310,235 $310,235 $ 12,000 15,000 6,000 3,000 3,000 1,000 7,000 7,000 B.I.A. Levy remains at $35,000. The budget shortfall of $19,000 is to be covered by 1985 Surplus. 22,342 241,000 125,752 $1,947,451 $54,000 ,c· COUNCIL MEETING .•. MONDAY, MAY 5, 1986 -23 - REPORT #65-COUNCIL IN COMMITTEE ••• 1986 BUDGET cont'd ••• B. PROPOSED 1986 BUDGET -CAPITAL See Schedule "A". Weller: Paivio: Resolved that the hiring of the Personnel Officer be delayed six months. DEFEATED. Recorded Vote -The Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora -Council in Committee Report No. 65 Yea Nay Mayor West Councillor Barker Councillor Buck Councillor Jones Councillor McKenzie Councillor Paivio Councillor Pedersen Councillor Timpson Councillor Weller X X X X X X X X Timpson Paivio: RESOLUTIONS 7 CARRIED 7 - 1 1 Resolved that the Council in Committee Report # 65 dated April 23, 1986 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED. 1. Hazelburn Farms (Deloitte, Haskins & Sells Limited) Buck: Weller: Whereas the receiver has resolved all deficiencies identified during the necessary two-year maintenance period (October 1, 1983-October 1, 1985); And Whereas the Town currently holds financial securities in the amount of $171,480.20, and being that the development in question (Hazelburn Farms) preceded the relatively recent requirement for Construction Lien Act securities; Be It Therefore Reso 1 ved, upon the recommendation of Wm. G. Walker, Director of Public Works, that: 1. Council approve the issuance of the attached Certificate of Acceptance, and that the original certificate be sent to the receiver Deloitte, Haskins & Sells Limited and a photostatic copy of same be sent to its engineering consultant, Rand Engineering Corporation, Mississauga, Ontario; and 2. financial securities in the amount of $171,480.20 be released in their entirety. CARRIED. 2. 1986 Five-Year Capital Expenditure Forecast Timpson: Paivio: Resolved that the 1986 Five-Year Capital Expenditure Forecast as per Schedules A-1 and A-2 (copies attached) be approved by the Mayor and Council and the Seal of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora be attached hereto. CARRIED. ("\ '-.J \,_~,. COUNCIL MEETING ..• MONDAY, MAY 5, 1986 -24 - RESOLUTIONS cont'd ••• 3. Payment of Various Invoices -Reid and Associates Buck: Weller: Resolved that the following invoices of Reid and Associates Limited: Invoice Project Number Amount Account Reconstruction of Dunning Ave. 10924 $ 179.29 3360-40 Advisory Services (March) 10963 3,762.97 3100-38 Lakeview Estates Subdivision 10964 2,489.78 Eng. Res. Aurora Country Estates Subd. 10966 796.20 Eng. Res. Reconstruction-Indust.Pkwy.N. 10971 3,513.57 3360-40 Town Industrial Park (Old Park Holdings) 10975 820.23 Ind.Park Town Industrial Park (Old Park Holdings-Pump. Sta.) 10976 462.67 Ind.Park Granada Investments Apartments 10977 166.10 Eng. Res. Parking Lot Improvement Temperance & Wellington) 10982 288. 98 C. I. A. P. Bathurst St. Trunk Watermain 10987 1,633.31 Waterworks Vandorf/Bayview Water Supply 10988 3,388.19 9140-38 Avery Subdivision 10991 188.30 Eng. Res. Kennedy St. Design (McDonald-Bathurst) 10995 1,493.63 3100-34 Metric Servicing Plan 11018 $ 2,061.52 Serv.Res. TOTAL $21,244.74 in the total amount of $21,244.74 be paid and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED. 4. Letter 10-140 -K.B. Rodger, Clerk-Administrator memo re: authorization to purchase necessary items for the Administrative Centre modifications to accommodate the Planning Department Pedersen: Jones: Resolved that the Clerk-Administrator be authorized to purchase within budgeted amounts the necessary furniture and equipment for the Administrative Building modifications to accommodate the Planning Department and the subsequent alterations which will be required to accommodate same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED. 5. Letter 10-152 -K.B. Rodger, Clerk-Administrator re: Community Centre Personnel Matters Pedersen: Jones: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of K.B. Rodger, Clerk-Administrator, that the following part time employees of the Community Centre: Kirk Crowe Lloyd Degeer Shawn McClenny Andrew Leslie Rick Bell Kevin Snow Mike Wilson receive alterations and increases, which are within the inflationary settlement approved by the Town with the exception of two employees Kirk Crowe and Lloyd Degeer who are being reclassified, effective January 1, 1986. CARRIED. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MAY 5, 1986 -25 - RESOLUTIONS cont'd .•. 6. Payment Certificate No. 6 -Kalabria General Contractors Ltd. -Project Number 1184 Buck: Weller: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Reid and Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers, Payment Certificate No. 6 for Project Number 1184 (Reconstruction of Dunning Avenue) in the total amount of $12,877.38 be paid to Kalabria General Contractors Ltd. and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED. 7. Approved List of Qualified Bidders-Family Leisure Complex Pedersen: Jones: Resolved that the name "The Jackson-Lewis Company Limited" be deleted from approved list of qualified bidders on the Family Leisure Complex adopted on April 21, 1986 and replaced with the name "Mitchell Construction Limited". CARRIED. NOTICE OF MOTION 1. Councillor Buck re: Aurora Tigers Hockey Club Councillor Buck -that the Town Solicitor be requested to advise on what steps might be taken to obtain the $10,000.00 owing to the Town by the Aurora Tigers Hockey Club. QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS OF COUNCIL 1. Councillor Paivio re: Bernardi's Site Plan Councillor Paivio requested clarification of shrubs and a fence in the site plan pertaining to Bernardi's property. 2. Councillor Timpson re: Vehicles Parked On Fire Station Property Councillor Timpson referred to Derelict vehicles parked on Fire Station property -screened or new location found for same. 3. Councillor Buck re: Mr. Derkowski's Comments Councillor Buck requested information from staff regarding Mr. Derkowski's comments. Mayor West reminded Council of the following. 1. Meeting B.I.A. -Library on May 6, 1986 at 7:30p.m. 2. Art Show -May 9 -10, 1986 3. Mayor West talked to owners -commercial plaza -Yonge Street North -grading on lot -problem will be rectified; -screening of duct work to be carried out; -wood or concrete fence being checked into; -air conditioning to be started in 2 weeks and noise level checked. ADJOURNMENT Timpson: Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 9:50 p.m. CARRIED. Mayor