MINUTES - Council - 19860303MINUTES OF THE SIXTH COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MONDAY, MARCH 3,·1986 AT 8:00P.M. Present Were: Mayor West; Councillors Barker, Buck, Jones, McKenzie, Paivio, Pedersen, Timpson, and Weller. DECLARATION BY MEMBERS Councillor G. Timpson declared a possible Conflict of Interest in regards to items pertaining to the York Region Board of Education due to employment with same and did not take part in or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. Councillor M. Paivio declared a possible Conflict of Interest in regards to By-law No. 2782-85 and did not take part in or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES McKenzie: Barker: Resolved that the Minutes of the Council meeting held on February 17, 1986 be adopted as printed and circulated. CORRESPONDENCE 6-1 The Crownlife Participaction Challenge re: National Physical Activity Week (Ref. Leisure Services) 6-2 Jim Tree, Parks Supervisor memo to Fred Horvath, Director of Leisure Services re: Trees at 155 Edward Street (Ref. Council in Committee) 6-3 Kidney Foundation of Canada re: Proclaiming March "Kidney Month" 6-4 (Ref. Council in Committee) Barry M. Wiseman, Optometrist, Aurora, Ont. re: Vision'' week -March 2 -8, 1986 (Ref. Council in Committee) "Save Your 6-5 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Municipal Affairs re: publication entitled "Financial Impact Analysis: A Handbook for Municipal Planners" (Information) 6-6 Peto MacCallum Ltd., Consulting Engineer re: Earthworks Compaction Testing -Andy Investments Phase I -Aurora (Information, L. Allison) 6-7 Gambin Associates, Barristers & Solicitors re: Muirlands Holdings Inc. and the Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church -Part of Lot 81, Concession 1, Town of Aurora -Assessment Roll No. 0007 014000000000 (Information, L. Allison) 6-8 Gardiner, Roberts, Barristers & Solicitors re: Miller Paving re: Aurora-Their File No. 47-37, 303 (Information, S. Seibert) 6-9 Government of Ontario, Ministry of the Environment re: Condition 6-10 of Draft Approval -Town of Aurora -File No. 19T-82013 (Information, S. Seibert, L. Allison) McPherson and Shugart, Barristers & Solicitors from Lakeview/554048 Ontario Limited Subdivision of Part Lot 84, Concession 1, Town (Information, Clerk to reply, L. Allison) re: McKay purchase Proposed Plan of of Aurora 6-11 Government of Ontario, Assessment Review Board re: Notice of Assessment-Bob Wood & Sons Ltd. -136 Wellington St. E., Pt. 2- Roll No. 19 46 000 021 444 00 0028 (Information, K. Cerswell) COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 - 2 - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd •.. 6-12 Aurora Hydro re: Heron Homes (Aurora) Ltd. registration of plan of subdivision of Lots 11 & 12, Part Lots 10, 13, 14 & 15 and part of accommodation road, R.P. 102 and Part Lot 79, Cone. 1, Town of Aurora (Information, S. Seibert, L. Allison) 6-13 The Regional Municipality of York, Medical Officer of Health re: OP-01-86 & Z-02-86, Pt. Lot 79, Cone. 1, Town of Aurora (Information, S. Seibert) 6-14 Moffat Kinoshita Associates Incorporated re: Aurora Family Leisure Complex, Aurora (Information. F. Horvath) -6-15 City of Barrie re: municipality's policy in connection with hospital funding (Information, Clerk to reply) 6-16 Stanley P. Fienberg, Barrister & Solicitor re: Stocks sale to Center, Lot 17, Plan 107, being 58 Wellington St. E., Aurora (Ref. Council in Committee) 6-17 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Municipal Affairs re: Survey of Business Improvement Areas in Ontario (Information, M. Paivio) 6-18 Alfio Tommasini, Application re: Application for amendment to the Zoning By-law -Pt. Lot 77, Cone. 1, Corner of Murray Dr. & Seaton Dr. (Information, S. Seibert, C.E. Gowan) 6-19 Strathy, Archibald & Seagram, Barristers & Solicitors re: Town of Aurora purchase from Vanderburgh, Part No. 2, Plan No. 65R-8553, Aurora being the extension of Kennedy Rd., Aurora (Information, K. Cerswell, Clerk to reply) 6-20 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Plan of Subdivision No. 19T-84013, Aurora Highlands, Phase VII, Part 2, Draft Plan Lots 23-49, Grading Plan, Drawing No. 5, Lots 1 -17 (Information, S. Seibert, L. Allison) 6-21 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: 1986 Subsidy Allocation -Supplementaries (Information, Wm. G. Walker) 6-22 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: 1986 Subsidy Allocation -Construction and Maintenance allocations (Information, Wm. G. Walker) 6-23 John Bousfield Associates Limited, Consulting Town Planners re: Cameron Wardlaw Property, Official Plan Amendment 37 (Ref. Planning Committee) 6-24 Ministry of.Colleges and Universities re: lowering of speed limits on Yonge St. N., Aurora (Ref. Council in Committee) 6-25 Government of Ontario, Assessment Region No. 14 re: G.W. Yeoman (Information) 6-26 L. Allison, Secretary Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment memo to Clerk re: 1986 Budget (Ref. Administration & Finance Committee) COUNCIL MEETING .•• MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 - 3 - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd ... 6-27 Reid and Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers re: Invoice No. 10857-Parking Lot Improvements, Wellington & Yonge (Information, Wm. G. Walker) 6-28 D. Farrow, Aurora, Ont. re: parking on Haida Drive (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 6-29 Aurora Committee of Adjustment re: Notice of Decision -Lakeview Estates (Yonge, Aurora) Ltd. -43 April Gardens, Aurora (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 6-30 The Regional Municipality of York, Office of the Medical Officer of Health re: Amendment to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area, by Magna International (Canada) Inc., File OP-04-86, Aurora (Information, S. Seibert) 6-31 Government of Canada, Canadian Emergency Coordinator re: Forum Africa National Conference (Information) 6-32 Peppiatt and Boyd, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries re: Lot 127, Plan 514, Town of Aurora, 71 Murray Drive -Estate of Lorna Jaques Sale to Laird Jaques, Leonard Jaques and Lance Jaques (Information, R.J. Harrington to reply) 6-33 The Equity Development Group Inc. re: Financial Contributions, Heron Homes (Aurora) Ltd. (Information) 6-34 The Equity Development Group Inc. re: Securities, Heron Homes (Aurora) Ltd. (Information) 6-35 Goodman and Carr, Barristers and Solicitors re: Granada Investments Limited, Plan of Subdivision No. 65M-2358, Town of Aurora, Phase II -73 lots (Information) 6-36 Government of Canada, House of Commons re: Aurora railway station (Ref. Council in Committee, L.A.C.A.C./Heritage Committee) 6-37 City of Brantford re: Convention (Ref. Leisure Services Committee) 6-38 1986 July 1st Committee re: Proposed budget Pedersen: Barker: 6-39 6-40 (TABLED) Resolved that this letter be referred to Unfinished Business on the Agenda. CARRIED. Strathy, Archibald & Seagram, Barristers & Solicitors re: Town of Aurora sale to Progressive Packaging Limited of Part 2, Plan 65R-8036, Aurora (Information, Clerk to reply, H. Borgdorff) Macaulay, Chusid, Lipson & Friedman, Barristers and Solicitors re: Heron Homes (Aurora) Ltd. registration of Plan of Subdivision of Lots 11 & 12, Pt. Lots 10, 13, 14 & 15 and Part of Accommodation Road, Registered Plan 102 and Pt. Lot 79, Cone. 1, Town of Aurora (Information) COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 - 4 - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd ... 6-41 Supreme Court of Ontario re: Statement of Claim -Smith et al and The Corporation of the Town of Aurora et al (Information) 6-42 District Court of Ontario re: Statement of Claim -John C.F. Hartley, a minor, by his litigation guardian et al and George Wimpey Canada Limited et al (Information) 6-43 Margaret and Alex Ansell, Aurora, Ont. re: Lot 14, The Hills of St. Andrews -workmanship of Wimpey Homes (Information, R.J. Harrington) 6-44 Aurora Fire Department memo to K.B. Rodger re: Brian Patrick -Advancement from Third Class to Second Class (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 6-45 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Municipal Affairs re: Open Invitation to all Municipal Clerks (Information, BIA Representative, S. Seibert, CEDAC) 6-46 Cochrane-Dunlop Limited re: Purchase of lands from the Corporation of the Town of Aurora (Information, Clerk to reply) 6-47 Woods Gordon re: DBM Client Workshop (Information) 6-48 Federation of Canadian Municipalities re: The Crisis in Liability Insurance (Information, Clerk to reply) 6-49 Canadian Marketing Group re: update on Opportunities Canada conference -March 12, 13, 14, 1986. (Ref. to Economic Development/CEDAC) 6-50 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Municipal Affairs re: amendments to the Municipal Act dealing with the municipal role in economic development (Ref. Council in Committee) 6-51 The Regional Municipality of York, Clerk's Department re: York/Durham Sewage System -Region of York Servicing Capacity (Information) 6-52 Gambin Associates, Barristers & Solicitors re: Muirlands Holds Inc. and the Christ Evange 1 i ca 1 Lutheran Church -Pt. Lot 81, Cone. 1, Town of Aurora -Draft Plan of Subdivision No. 19T-82060 (Information, S. Seibert, C.E. Gowan) 6-53 The Regional Municipality of York, Clerk's Department re: reimbursement for the cost of filing applications on zoning by-laws with the Ontario Municipal Board (Information) 6-54 Pound Welch Associates Limited, Planning Consultants re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision No. 19T-85066 and Proposed Official Plan Amendment -Graham Property, Kennedy Street, Town of Aurora (Ref. Technical Committee, H. Borgdorff) 6-55 The York Region Board of Education re: Lakeview Subdivision - Proposed School Site . (Information, Clerk to reply) 6-56 Len Ostick, Aurora, Ont. re: signs prohibiting motorized vehicles (Information, Clerk to reply) ' COUNCIL MEETING •.. MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 - 5 - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd ... 6-57 A. Wideman, Aurora, Ont. re: by-law amendment for parcel of land at the southeast corner of Henderson Drive and McClelland Way (Information, S. Seibert) 6-58 Aurora Hydro re: Granada Investments Limited, Subdivision Agreement (27 lots), Blocks 1,2,3,4, R.P. M-2037 (Information, S. Seibert, L. Allison) 6-59 Montgomery, Cowie, Henry, Barristers and Solicitors re: letters of credit with respect to Hazelburn Farm Inc. estate residential subdivision (Information, Clerk to reply) 6-60 The Regional Municipality of York, Clerk's Department re: Technical Report No. 576 (OP) on Amendment No. 34 to the Town of Aurora Official Plan (Ref. Planning Committee) 6-61 Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario re: A.M.C.T.O. Questionnaire -1985 Municipal Elections (Information, Clerk to reply) 6-62 The Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers re: Beer and Wine Sales in Grocery Stores (Ref. Council in Committee) 6-63 Government of Ontario, Ministry of the Solicitor General, Emergency Planning re: Training and Education Program for Canadian Emergency Preparedness (Information, S. Wilson, Wm. Walker) 6-64 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture and Food re: Proposed po 1 icy statement on foodl and preservation under the Planning Act (Ref. Planning Committee) 6-65 Lucy Construction Ltd. re: Application for Amendment to the Zoning By-law-Elderberry Trail -Block c, Cone. 1, R.P. M-42 (Information, C.E. Gowan, S. Seibert, K. Cerswell) 6-66 The York Region Board of Education re: Proposed Sidewalk Construction -Aurora High School -Town of Aurora (Ref. Council in Committee) 6-67 JGIF Film Productions Ltd. re: video describing advantages of living in the area (Ref. Economic Development Committee) 6-68 Aiken, Capp, Barristers & Solicitors re: Property Number: 745729000000 -Plan 65M-2340, Blk. 138 (Information, K. Cerswell, L. Allison) 6-69 York County Hospital re: Emergency Services review future new street names (Information, F. Bolsby) 6-70 Greg P. Kent, Ken Homes Inc. re: sales trailer on corner of Orchard Heights Dr. and Pineneedle Drive Weller: Barker: (TABLED) Resolved that permission be granted to Kent Homes Ltd. to locate a sales trailer on Lot 70, Plan 65M-2229, for a period of up to six months upon the posting of a $500.00 bond. CARRIED. ' COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 - 6 - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd ... 6-71 Ruth A. Robinson, Aurora, Ont. re: northeast corner of Metcalfe Street (Ref. Public Safety Committee) proposed Stop sign at (at Larmont Street). 6-72 The Regional Municipality of York, Planning Department re: Proposed Amendments to the Offici a 1 Plan of the Aurora Planning Area and to By-law No. 2213-78, Pt. Lot 79, Cone. 1 W. Y .s., (Knole Farms Ltd., G. Steele, Pres.) (Information, S. Seibert) 6-73 Aurora Hydro re: water billing system (Ref. Works Committee, Wm. Walker) 6-74 Pilot Insurance Company re: Claim No. 505342-Phyllis & Edward Davies -Accident location, 25 St. Andrews Court, Aurora -Date of loss, July 14, 1985 (Information) 6-75 Fenco Engineers Inc. re: expression of interest for Traffic Operations Study (Information, Wm. Walker, S. Jones) 6-76 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Pt. Lots 76 & 77, Con. 1, File No. 19T-85110 (Information, S. Seibert) 6-77 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Zoning By-law Amendment No. Z-03-86, Lot 75, Cone. 1 W.Y.S. (Information, S. Seibert) 6-78 Reid and Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers re: Town of Aurora, Southold Investments Ltd. Salpam Subdivision, Phase II, Project No. 814 (Information, L. Allison) 6-79 Moffat Kinoshita Associates Incorporated re: topographical survey, Aurora Family Leisure Complex 6-80 6-81 (Information, F. Horvath) Town of Newmarket Fire Department letter to K.B. review of the cost of dispatching service (Ref. Administration & Finance Committee) Lloyd & Purcell Ltd., Ontario Land Surveyors re: survey -revised to Jan. 16, 1986 -Aurora Family (Information, F. Horvath) Rodger re: topographical Leisure Complex 6-82 F.J. Bolsby, Aurora Fire Chief memo to Mayor J. West re: Aurora Chamber of Commerce, 455 Yonge Street -Fire Inspection Report (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 6-83 Strathy, Archibald & Seagram, Barristers & Solicitors re: Southold Investments Limited, Plan 65M-2247, Aurora (Information, K. Cerswell, L. Allison) 6-84 Kelsey, Melnik and Hendler, Barristers and Solicitors re: Lakeview Estates (Yonge Aurora) Ltd., By-law No. 2804-85 (Information, L. Allison) 6-85 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Municipal Affairs re: Commercial Area Improvement Program -Expenditure Shortfall of $36,981.63 as of Jan. 31, 1986 -Allocation Year 1983/84 (Information, S. Seibert) COUNCIL MEETING .•. MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 - 7 - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd ... 6-86 Government of Ontario, The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario re: Graystones Tavern expansion (Ref. Council in Committee) 6-87 The Regional Municipality of York, Engineering Department re: Access for Proposed Home Hardware Site, Pt. Lot 2, R.P. 65R-8398, Wellington St. E., Region File No. 35.21.05 (Ref. Council in Committee) 6-88 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Tourism and Recreation re: "·'--'6-89 Ontario Bicentennial Time Capsule (Information, Clerk to reply) Government of Ontario, Ministry of Municipal Affairs re: conversion of rental housing (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert) 6-90 G. Kryshka, Aurora, Ont. re: zoning by-law amendment No. Z-03-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 6-91 Councillor N. Weller mileage claim re: reimbursement (Ref. Administration & Finance Committee) 6-92 K. Cerswell, Treasurer & S. Jones, Purchasing Coordinator memo to K.B. Rodger re: Computer Study (Ref. Administration & Finance Committee) 6-93 K. Cerswell, Treasurer memo to K.B. Rodger re: tax certificate production (Ref. Administration & Finance Committee) 6-94 Strathy, Archibald & Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Block 16, Plan 65M-2207, Yonge St. N. -Donut World (Information) 6-95 Strathy, Archibald & Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Parkway Trunk Sewer Easements, William John Mallard (Information, H. Borgdorff, Clerk to reply) 6-96 Strathy, Archibald & Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Parkway Trunk Sewer Easements, Raymond N. Melbourne (Information, H. Borgdorff, Clerk to reply) 6-97 Strathy, Archibald & Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Town of Aurora v. 449455 Ontario Limited c.o.b. as Barrel Pizza Parlour & Spaghetti House (Information, R.J. Harrington) 6-98 Government of Ontario, Ontario Land Corporation re: Aurora - Springburn West, Stage II -Oversizing (Ref. Technical Committee, Wm. Walker, H. Borgdorff) 6-99 Strathy, Archibald & Seagram re: by-law No. 2813-85-registered 6-100 6-101 6-102 (Information, K. Cerswell, L. Allison) William R. Maxwell, Barrister & Solicitor re: Gullo Enterprises Limited v. wmi -Waste Management of Canada, Inc. (Information, H. Borgdorff, Clerk to reply) George Wimpey Canada Limited re: flooding-July 15, 1985 (Ref. Technical Committee, Wm. Walker, H. Borgdorff) Strathy, Archibald & Seagram re: Tamarac Subdivision (Information, L. Allison) COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 - 8 - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd ••• 6-103 6-104 6-105 6-106 6-107 6-108 6-109 6-110 Strathy, Archibald & Seagram re: Parkway Trunk Sewer Easement, Raymond N. Melbourne, Pt. No. 54, Plan 65R-7940 & Parts 49 & 57, Plan 65R-7940 -temporary easements (Information, Clerk to reply, H. Borgdorff) Leggett, Peddle, Barristers & Solicitors re: DePass Purchase from A.B. Cairns, Lot 2, Plan 65M-2259, 44 Cranberry Lane -occupancy permit (Information, R.J. Harrington to reply) The Iona Corporation re: Tamarac Phase II -Subdivision No. 19T-83025 (Information, Wm. Walker, R.J. Harrington, L. Allison) McPherson and Shugart, Barristers & Solicitors re: Barth's ·Cleaners and Shirt Service Limited -rezoning application (Information, Clerk to reply) Strathy, Archibald & Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Town of Aurora Easement to Universal, Insulations Company Limited, Part No. 1, Plan No. 65R-8417 (Information, Clerk to reply) Strathy, Archibald & Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Town of Aurora exchange of lands with Armstrong, Pt. Blk. B on Plan No. 488, Aurora being Part 4 on Reference Plan 65R-7942 (Information, Clerk to reply) Strathy, Archibald & Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Transfer to Aurora Cemetery Board, Blk. No. 51, Plan 65M-2122 (Information) Strathy, Archibald & Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Hazel burn Farm Inc., Plan of Subdivision No. 65M-2122, Aurora - easement (Information, Clerk to reply) 6-111 Strathy, Archibald & Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: 6-112 6-113 6-114 Lakeview Estates (Yonge Aurora) Ltd., Plan No. 65M-2338, Part Lot Control Exempting By-law (Information, K. Cerswell) Strathy, Archibald & Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Corridor Enterprises Inc., Plan No. 65M-2281, Aurora-easements (Information, Wm. Walker, K. Cerswell, L. Allison) Strathy, Archibald & Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Road Closing -Part of Accommodation Road, Plan No. 102, Aurora (Information, K. Cerswell, L. Allison) S.K. Jones, Purchasing Coordinator memo to K.B. Rodger re: Aurora Transit -new bus routing (Ref. Council in Committee) 6-115 Bonnie Fleischaker, Aurora, Ont. re: Group Mail Box Locations, Council of February 17, 1986 6-116 (Ref. Council in Committee) Canada Post, Aurora Postal Station re: implementation of delivery of the group boxes to the site locations (Ref. Council in Committee) 6-117 Klaus Wehrenberg, Aurora, Ont. re: Delegation Status, Council Meeting on Monday, March 3, 1986 -attendance by the public at any of Council's Workshop meetings respecting the Official Plan review (TABLED, DELEGATIONS) i --~~-·----~~---'""-'""'''o;~;,,.~~--~-""·»·""-·-•--·-~__...;-;....,'-'-'-----'-'"'---''j--'""-"'~=•·"""=""'-'""=~-"'-~·='''·~~•o<='"'-='•·=•··-·"~"'"'·=-o=-c-~~ --~~-~·-·-----~-~~~-----···· ~---··--·-----·-----·----·· ---·----------~~~- ·-----. COUNCIL MEETING .•• MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 - 9 - CORR~bNDENCE cont' d ... 6-118 6-119 6-120 6-121 6-122 Buck: Jones: 6-123 6-124 Timpson: Barker: 6-125 6-126 Bonnie Fleischaker, Aurora, Ont. re: Delegation before Council on March 3, 1986 -Home Mail Delivery and Location of Group Mail Boxes (TABLED, DELEGATIONS) Goodman and Carr, Barristers and Solicitors re: Granada Investments Limited sale to A.B. Cairns Limited, Plan 65M-2358, Aurora -0.3 m reserve (Information, Wm. Walker, Clerk to reply) Douglas C. Hanson, Aurora, Ont. re: request for stop sign on Walton Drive at intersection of Cedar Crescent and Birch Court (Ref. Public Safety Committee, L. Allison) C. Clark, Safety Committee memo to Councillor N. Weller re: Advance green traffic signals for Yonge Street in both directions (Ref. Public Safety Committee, L. Allison) Our Lady of Grace Church, Ladies Auxiliary re: invitation -The World Day of Prayer Service (TABLED) Resolved that this letter be received. CARRIED. Reid and Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers re: Project No. 912, Intersection Improvements, Yonge St./Murray Dr./Edward St. - Dagmar Construction (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) A. Bridgeman report to Council re: Committee of Adjustment Application A-2-86, Southold Investments Limited, Lot 3, 65M-2247, Mcleod Drive (TABLED) Resolved that Council concur with staff's recommendation and that we do not oppose the application. CARRIED. Anton Kikas Limited, Consulting Engineers re: Registration -The Iona Corporation -Tamarac (Information) James Manthan, James Catering, Willow Beach, catering licence (Ref. Council in Committee) Plan for Subdivision Stage II Ont. re: mobile 6-127 Lakeview Estates Ltd. re: Aurora Estates -finalization of subdivision agreement 6-128 6-129 6-130 (Ref. Leisure Services Committee) Lakeview Estates Ltd. re: Aurora Estates -sodding, sidewalk and fence construction (Ref. Technical Committee) Ontario New Home Warranty Program letter to The Iona Corporation re: complaints (Ref. Council in Committee) Urban Development Institute re: Toward Common Goals" workshop - (Ref. Economic Development ''The Regions & UDI February 26, 1986 Committee) -Working COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 -10 - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd ••• 6-131 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Transportation and Communications letter to The Regional Municipality of York, Chairman's Office re: completion of Highway 404 to Davis Drive, Newmarket 6-132 6-133 6-134 6-135 6-136 6-137 6-138 6-139 6-140 6-141 6-142 6-143 6-144 (Ref. Works Committee) Ontario Rhythm Cloggers re: 2nd Canadian Clogging Convention - August 15 -16, 1986 -Aurora Community Centre (Information, F. Horvath) Organization of Small Urban Municipalities re: 33rd Annual OSUM Conference -April 30, May 1, 2, 3, 1986 -Brockville - "Development Strategies for Small Urban Ontario" lone Elizabeth Helen Grover and Warren Grover, King City, Ont. re: Application for Amendment to zoning by-law 2213-78-Pt. Lot 82, Cone. 1, Bathurst Street (Information, S. Seibert, C.E. Gowan, R.J. Harrington) The Regional Municipality of York, Planning Dept. re: Proposed Zoning Amendment; Residential to Residential/Commercial Apartments 19A-23A (incl.) and 29A-St. Andrews Village-Pt. Lot 1, R. P. 246 (Information, S. Seibert) Ontario Hydro re: Draft Official Plan Amendment, Pt. Lots 78 & 79, Cone. 1 E.Y.S., Aurora, Our File OP-04-86 (Information, S. Seibert) Kelsey, Melnik and Hendler, Barristers and Solicitors re: Lakeview Estates (Yonge Aurora) Ltd., Town of Aurora By-law No. 2804-85 (Information, L. Allison to reply) The Regional Municipality of York, Legal Department re: Dedication of lands on Bayview Avenue (Y.R. 34), Pt. Lot 86, Cone. 1 E.Y.S., Town of Aurora formerly Whitchurch, Part 5, Plan 65R-6419 (Information) The Ontario Traffic Conference re: completion of questionnaire for 1986 Ontario Traffic Conference membership (Ref. Public Safety Committee) The Regional Municipality of York, Planning Department re: Proposed Amendment to the Offici a 1 Plan of the Aurora Planning Area, Part Lot 11, Cone. 2, Town of Aurora (Victor Priestly) (Information, S. Seibert) The Regional Municipality of York, Planning Department re: Proposed Zoning Amendment -Holding to Detached Dwelling First and Second Density Residential and Major Open Space; Pt. Lots 76 & 77, Cone. 1, Township of King now in Town of Aurora -Our file Z-10-86 (Information, S. Seibert) The Regional Municipality of York, Office of the Medical Officer of Health re: Rabies Investigation -Isolation Period for Dogs and Cats (Information) Ontario Good Roads Association re: 1986 T.J. Mahony Road School course-May 4-7, 1986 (Information, Wm. Walker) Ontario Good Roads Association re: 1986 C.S. Anderson Road School course-May 4-7, 1986 (Information, Wm. Walker) COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 -11 - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd •.. 6-145 6-146 6-147 6-148 6-149 6-150 6-151 6-152 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Municipal Affairs re: 40 of the Planning Act (Site Plan Control) (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert) Section Government of Ontario, Ministry of Tourism and Recreation re: Corps d'Elite Ontario -program for recreation volunteers (Ref. Leisure Services, F. Horvath) S.G. Wilson, Fire Chief memo to K.B. Rodger re: Frederick J. Bolsby, Deputy Fire Chief -Completion of Probationary Period (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) Petition from Aurora residents re: zoning by-law amendment from "H" to "C"1 -Local Commercial under Section 34 -S.E. corner of Henderson and McClelland Way (Information) Wm. G. Walker, Director of Public Works memo to K.B. Rodger re: Wellington Street West Sidewalk -Request for Approval (Ref. Technical committee, Wm. Walker) Strathy, Archibald & Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: The Iona Corporation, Tamarac Subdivision, Phase II, Aurora (Information, L. Allison) Notice of a Public Meeting Concerning a Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment re: St. Andrews Village (Information, Planning Dept.) Notice of a Public Meeting Concerning a Proposed Official Amendment and Zoning By-1 aw Amendment re: row residential and shopping centre commercial (Information, Planning Dept.) Plan dwelling 6-153 Andy Investments Limited re: Tannery Creek Phase I-19T-84071 (TABLED) Timpson: Resolved that permission be granted to Andy Investments Ltd. Weller: to construct four (4) model homes on Lots 3, 20, 21 and 23, first phase, draft plan of subdivision No. 19T-84071 upon the posting of a $5,000.00 bond for each proposed dwelling. 6-154 6-155 6-156 Pedersen: Jones: CARRIED. Marshall, Macklin, Monaghan Limited, Consulting Engineers re: Beacon Hall Golf and Residential Club-OPA 35 -water supply (TABLED) Sally E. Browning, Aurora, Ont., re: postal service (TABLED) K.B. Rodger, Clerk Administrator memo to Mayor and Members of Council re: allocations to date (TABLED) Resolved that the Clerk's Report be accepted as outlined. CARRIED. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 -12 - DELEGATIONS 1. Letter No. 6-118 -Bonnie Fleischaker, Aurora, Ont. re: Home Mail Delivery and Location of Group Mail Boxes Mrs. B. Fl ei schaker addressed Council on the matter of 1 ack of mai 1 delivery service and the proposed location of mail boxes. Mrs. Fl ei schaker requested Council to 1 obby Canada Post on beha 1 f of the residents for more flexibility in its guidelines for the location of group mail boxes. Baker: Pedersen: Resolved that the matter be referred to Unfinished Business on the Agenda. CARRIED. 2. Letter No. 6-117 -Klaus Wehrenberg re: Attendance by Pub 1 i c at any of Council's Workshop Meetings respecting the Official Plan Review Mr. Wehrenberg appeared before Council and requested that citizens be allowed to attend all meetings where the Official Plan Review was under consideration and that he be advised of any such meeting. Mayor West advised Mr. Wehrenberg that the Official Plan Review would be discussed at Planning meetings and Council meetings and that these meetings are always open to the public. The agenda for all meetings is placed on the bulletin board in the entrance to the Administrative Building. 3. Letter No. 6-154 -Marshall, Macklin, Monaghan Limited, Consulting Engineers re: Beacon Hall Go 1 f and Res i denti a 1 Club -OPA 35 -water supply Mr. J.B. Budden requested Council to consider supply town water the O.P.A. No. 35, Beacon Hall Golf and Residential Club. Mr. Budden stated that the Region of York has objected to the use of well drawn ground water irrigation. The Region has stated that the Town should prove potable water from the existing main on Vandorf Road. Timpson: Pedersen: Resolved that this matter be referred to Unfinished Business on the Agenda. CARRIED. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report No. 34-Aurora Heritage Committee ... Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Aurora Heritage Committee was held on Tuesday, January 28, 1986 at the Administrative Centre at 7:30 p.m. Present Were: Gerry Copely, Leslie Oliver, Herb McKenzie, Martin Paivio, Klaus Wehrenberg, Art Tull, Bill Dewan and researcher, Kathryn Anderson 1. Minutes The minutes of the meeting of December 10, 1985 were approved. 2. Matters Arising Out of the Minutes New Committee members were briefed on the past work and ongoing concerns of the Heritage Committee: COUNCIL MEETING ••. MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 -13 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report No. 34-Aurora Heritage Committee ... Various Matters-cont'd ... a) The Heritage Committee has requested that the staffing needs of the Committee be considered in the staffing study presently being conducted by Woods and Gordon. A survey is presently being conducted by the Committee of the staffing practices of leading LACACs in Ontario. A job description and supporting documentation were prepared and have been forwarded to the consultants. b) The Committee's proposal re: ·the development of Wellington Street East and related recommendations for action has been sent to Council. The document outlines the Committee's concerns re: pressures brought by Highway 404 and related commercial deve 1 opment. With respect to the railway 1 ands, the Committee is involved in promoting the redevelopment of these lands, as part of its initiatives concerning Wellington Street East. Information packages have been sent to officials at Heritage Canada and the Ontario Heritage Foundation. 3. Correspondence None. 4. Welcome To New Members Newly appointed citizen members Bill Dewan, Art Tull and Klaus Wehrenberg joined the Heritage Committee. Status Reports 5. Budget a) Status 1985 Budget Year K. Anderson reported that the final budget printout for 1985 indicated that $492.41 remained. $400.00 of this amount represented recovery costs from the Settlement Study i ni ti a ted in 1984. b) Budget Proposal 1986 The Committee ratified the proposed budget prepared following the recommendations of the December meeting. · 6. Designation Program Prior to the February meeting, G. Copely and K. Anderson will arrange to meet with the property owners who have requested designation to discuss the Reasons for Designation. Following this, draft forms of the by-laws and newspaper advertisements will be prepared. 7. Public Information Program Packages containing Heritage Property Reports and information on heritage designation and the BRIG program are ready to be mailed to the owners of heritage properties in the historic core. A draft letter has been prepared for the Mayor's signature, copies of which will be included in the packages. COUNCIL MEETING .•. MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 -14 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report No. 34-Aurora Heritage Committee ... Various Matters-cont'd .•. 8. Official Plan Review L. 01 iver briefed new Committee members on the contribution of the Heritage Committee to the planning process vi a its response to the Official Plan Review. Following approval of the new Official Plan, it would be timely for the Heritage Committee to review its mandate with special reference to newly established sections on heritage and to make such recommendations to Council as might be appropriate. The Committee was committed to a review of its terms of reference as part of its 1985 work plan. New Business 9. Annual Report 1985 It was agreed that the Annual Report would contain a review of the work of the past year, proposals for the present year, ongoing concerns, and an update of the Cumulative Inventory of Documents. a) Priorities For 1986 Committee members suggested the following as priority i terns for 1986: i) a formal document reviewing the full impact of Highway 404 on Wellington Street East, emphasizing planned development and protection of"existing vistas; ii) creation of a natural history inventory, to compliment the existing inventory on the built environment and to provide an information bank in response to development proposals; iii) continuing contribution to the Official Plan Review process, emphasizing the need for special planning areas, Wellington Street East in particular; iv) investigation of the form and uses of a Municipal Heritage Fund; v) additional Site Studies, particularly on Wellington Street East; and vi) completion of the Catalogue of Heritage Properties, begun in 1985, reducing the list to approximately 200 properties and distributing the document to realtors and the public. Members will inform the Committee of other initiatives they wish to see included in the Annual Report. 10. Heritage Rivers System Program Deferred. 11. Heritage Information And Resources Deferred. 12. Development Proposals a) Beverly Farm (Hunt Club, Yonge Street South) Future owners of the site have requested heritage information and the Committee will prepare a draft report. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 -15 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report No. 34-Aurora Heritage Committee ••. Various Matters-cont'd •.• b) Willow Farm (Rogers Farm, Yonge Street North) The Committee discussed the proposed deve 1 opment of the front and rear portions of the property. The owners of the front section, including buildings, have received a copy of the Heritage Property Report. The Committee will inform the Planning Committee of its concerns with respect to the rear section. c) Hazelburn (Yonge Street South) Copies of the Heritage Property Report will be sent to the owner and realtor for their interest. d) Highland Motors (Yonge Street North) The redeve 1 opment of the property by Highland Motors was discussed. The Committee will review its position on this area and forward it to the Planning Committee. The Committee also expressed interest in the redevelopment of the existing Highland Motors site on Yonge Street South and will review its position on this property. e) Yonge and Irwin The Committee regards this as an important site which serves to buffer the heritage area between Catherine Avenue and Maple Street from the commercial core. The Committee will review it position and forward material to the Planning Committee. 13. Other Business a) L. Oliver reported that consultants have been engaged to study the Library Square block, and that the terms of reference are available for examination. The consultants will be meeting with L. Oliver and other interested members of the Committee to consider the opinion of the Heritage Committee. Further comments by members should be forwarded to L. Oliver. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. Paivio: McKenzie: Resolved that Aurora Heritage Committee Report No. 34 dated January 28, 1986 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED. Report No. 35 -Leisure Services Committee -Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Leisure Services Committee was held on Wednesday, February 19, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. in Committee Room No. 2 at the Administrative Centre. Present were: Absent were: Councillors Betty Pedersen, Herb McKenzie, Martin Paivio; Director of Leisure Services Fred Horvath; and Citizen Members Alf Merrill, Dave Bagshaw, Diane Buchanan, Lois Thompson. Roger Seaman, Frank Shaw. COUNCit MEETING •.. MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 . -16 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report No. 35-Leisure Services Committee-Various Matters-cont'd •.• AGENDA 1. Letter 2-74 -Aurora Chamber of Commerce Mr. Carl Clutchey, President, spoke to the Committee regarding the information trailer at the south end of Town. As the Chamber is to be responsible for the interior costs of the building, it is quite concerned about several items that were not dealt with at the time of occupancy. The Chamber is requesting that the Town upgrade the facility in order to protect the municipal investment as well as to improve the efficiency of the structure. The Committee recommended that Staff prepare a budget for the heating and· insulation and security items as outlined by Mr. Clutchey. The Committee recommends that the Town not enter into any agreement with the Chamber for the erection of a community sign and recommends that the Chamber be responsible for its own organization's sign. 2. Aurora Horse Show Mr. Doug Atkinson, President, outlined the format for the 1986 Show. The Show is planned for two weekends in June and includes an "A" Show and an "Amateur Show". The Committee recommended that the Town waive the park fees for this year, on the understanding that admission charges to the public will also be waived, and the Show be responsible for the Community Centre renta 1 fees. The Committee a 1 so recommended that the 1985 Grant of $2,500.00 be included in the 1986 Council Grant Budget. 3. The Committee reviewed the Community Building rates for the 1986 -1987 Season and recommends the following: 1985 ACTUAL 1986 PROPOSED A. COMMUNITY CENTRE Morning Ice 6:00 a.m.-12:00 noon $ Afternoon Ice 12:00 noon -4:00 p.m. Prime Time Midnight to 2:00 a.m. Out-of-Town Surcharge Tournament Ice 32.00 42.00 65.00 60.00 12.50/hr. 65.00 Note: 1. All ice rentals will be based on metric hour 2. Rates effective May 1, 1986 AUDITORIUM -Licensed $ 175.00 -Licensed-kitchen 225.00 -Meetings 50 or le~s 50.00 -Program Hour 20.00 -Corkage -48 oz. -24 oz. -Beer -Wine -Glasses 8.00/bottle 5.00/bottle 3.00/case 1.00/bottl e 0.03 each Note: Corkage includes ice, bar mix, orange drink. $ 32.00 42.00 68.00 62.00 12.50/hr. 75.00 $175.00 225.00 50.00 20.00 8.00/bottle 5.00/bottle 3.00/case 1.00/bottle 0.03 each COUNCil MEETING ••. MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 ' -17 - REPORTS TO COMMITTEES Report No. 35-Leisure Services Committee ... Various Matters-cont'd ••• FLOOR RENTAL -Summer Youth Adult Main Floor Rental -non profit Main Floor Rental -profit Set up tables and chairs Clean up Chair rental · Table rental Delivery 1985 ACTUAL $ 22.50/hr. 25.00/hr. 350.00 350.00 125.00 100.00 2.00/chair 4.00/table 34.00/hr. 1986 PROPOSED $ 22.50/hr. 27.00/hr. 350.00 600.00 150.00 125.00 No Renta 1 s Permitted BOARD ROOM $ 20.00/3 hrs.$ 20.00/3 hrs. B. VICTORIA HALL Meetings, clinics Private function -dry $ 12.50/hr. $ 50.00 12.50/hr. 60.00 75.00 11.00/hr. -licensed Long term program rate C. McMAHON PARK-yearly rate Aurora Community Tennis Club Aurora Lawn Bowling D. CHURCH STREET SCHOOL Yearly Rate -Boy Scouts of Canada -Big Brothers of York -Big Sisters of York -Pine Tree Potters -Aurora Museum -Friendship Circle Meetings, clinic Private function Program Day E. PARKS 60.00 10.50/hr. $ 900.00 360.00 $ 837.50 2,040.74 1,467.00 560.00 10,150.00 3,726.00 12.50/hr. 50.00 25.00 $ 930.00 370.00 $ 530.00 3,240.00 1,515.00 580.00 10,450.00 3,830.00 12.50/hr. 50.00 25.00 Lighted softball field Soccer fee Permit fee Tournament fee $ 7.25/game $ 4.75/game 6.00 25.00/day 7.50/game 5.00/game 7.00 35.00/day 4. Park Reserve Projects The Committee reviewed park projects for 1986 and recommends the following: 1. Valhalla Park trees, light, fountain $15,000,00 2. Confederation Park fountain, tennis courts upgrading, backstop, infield 27,000,00 3. Craddock Park soccer, softball fields 6,000.00 4. Cenotaph two large floral beds 4,000.00 5. Mac he 11 Park extend present parking lot 4,500.00 6. Master Plan update, new mappings 3,500.00 7. Playground slides, nets, swings, etc. Equipment 7,000.00 COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 -18 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report No. 35-Leisure Services Committee ... Various Matters-cont'd •.. 5. Park Name Contest Last term, the Committee recommended that we invite residents and schools to submit names for the various new parks in Town. The parks to be named are: 1. Tot Lot -Lanewood 2. Active Park -Orchard Heights Blvd. 3. Park -Aurora Heights Drive 4. Park -Henderson Drive 5. Revlis Tot Lot -Moorcrest Drive 6. Andy Investments -Park The Committee recommends the following guidelines: 1. Nominations will be accepted nomination must have a letter they have a park preference; up to June 1, 1986 and each outlining their selection and if 2. A citizen may nominate more than one name; 3. The Lei sure submission and 16, 1986; and Services Advisory Committee will review each make appropriate recommendations to Council by June 4. The official naming of any park will be staged at a time when the neighboring area can attend an official opening of park. 6. Auditorium Catering Policy As a result of Council's approval of the recommendation last year, to sell the dishes at the Community Centre, it is necessary to review the catering procedure at the Hall. As the Centre does not want to make arrangements on behalf of the Lessee, the Committee recommended that the Lessee be allowed to use the kitchen by a catering firm (approved by the Department) at an extra charge of $50.00 per event. ($175.00 + $50.00 = $225.00) The catering firm will have to provide its own dishes, cutlery and pots. 7. Letter 5-45 -Aurora and District Historical Society re: Improvements to Church Street School's Entrance The Committee recommended that Staff review costs of the proposed project and include in the 1986 Operating Budget. 8. Corps d'Elite Ontario The Ministry of Tourism and Recreation has announced a program which has been designed to acknowledge those Ontario residents whose voluntary efforts have had a significant impact on the development of recreation in the province. Nominations should be post marked by March 31, 1986 and members are asked to consider nominating worthy individuals. 9. Ontario Parks Association -Education Seminar This year's Annual Education Seminar emphasizes "Parks, Protecting our Investment". A two day workshop is planned for March 6 -7, 1986 at Humber College at a cost of $70.00 for both days. The Committee recommends that two employees of the Parks Division attend with appropriate expenses being covered as approved in current Town policy. COUNCIL MEETING ..• MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 -19 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report No. 35-Leisure Services Committee-Various Matters-cont'd ... 10. Pending 1. Devlin Place-fencing and sanitary sewer line locations 2. York North Condominium -review of lease 3. Hilldale/Kenlea walkway 4. Old Fire Hall Study 5. Report On Sewage Plan Conversion to Park's site The meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. Item 1 Item 2 Buck: Timpson: Item 2 Items 3 - 5 Item 6 Timpson: Pedersen: CARRIED. AMENDMENT. Resolved that this item be referred to the Administration and Finance Committee for a report on Grant Criteria. This report to be received at the next Council meeting. CARRIED AS AMENDED. CARRIED. AMENDMENT. CARRIED. Resolved that the words "approved by the Department" be deleted from 1 ine 6 and the following words inserted "with the consent of the Department". CARRIED. Item 6 CARRIED AS AMENDED. Items 7 -10 CARRIED. Pedersen: McKenzie: Resolved that Leisure Services Committee Report No. 35 dated February 19, 1986 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended. CARRIED. Councillor Timpson in the Chair. Report No. 36-Administration & Finance Committee •.. Various Committees The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Administration & Finance Committee was held on Monday, February 24, 1986 at 4:00 p.m. in the Administration Centre. Present Were: Mayor John West; Councillors George Timpson, Betty Pedersen, Norm Weller, Evelyn Buck, Richard Barker; staff members Treasurer K. Cerswell and Purchasing Coordinator S. Jones. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 -20 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report No. 36 -Administration & Finance Committee ..• Various Matters cont 1 d ... A. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Letter No. 6-92 -Treasurer and Purchasing Coordinator report on IBM System 36 requirements. The Committee recommends: i) The formation of a Computer Steering Committee comprised of: Kelly Cerswell, Treasurer; Steven Jones, Purchasing Coordinator; Carol Preston, Supervisor, Counter Operations; Computer Consultant, as recommended in Point 2; and Department Heads, as required. ii) Hiring M.G. Faulkner & Associates at a cost of $3,980.00 to work with the Steering Committee to conduct an eight-day study which will analyze the capacity and capabilities and related costing for potential improvements to the IBM Computer System 36. 2. Letter No. 6-93 -Tax Certificates Program Software At present it requires 15 minutes to prepare each tax certificate, whereas an automated system will produce 10 per minute. Current charges are $10.00 per certificate with 200 being sent per month. The Committee recommends that a program to automate the tax certificate production be implemented at a cost of $2,700.00. B. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter No. 4-40 -Aurora Public Library re: forgiveness of $5,000.00 debt. The Committee recommends this letter be deferred to the Council meeting of March 3, 1986 when additional information will be made available to clarify the origin of the debt. 2. Letter No. 4-64 -Aurora Figure Skating Club request for relief from ice fees for March 22, 1986 ice carnival. The Committee recommends that a one-time grant of $1,335.00 be allocated. 3. Letter No. 5-13 -York Region Association for Children with Learning Disabilities request for $900.00 grant. The Committee recommends that this request be declined. The Committee notes that the municipality does not provide grants for services which come under the jurisdiction of other levels of government and/or other agencies. The Committee also recommends that a response be forwarded indicating the above Council policy. 4. Letter No. 5-44 -Travelways School Transit Ltd. re: 1986 transit rates indicating no increases are being requested in our contract arrangements. COUNCit MEETING ... MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 -21 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report No. 36 -Administration & Finance Committee • . . Various Matters cont'd ... 5. Letter No. 6-91 -Councillor Norm Weller's submission for payment of in-town travel allowance. The Committee reviewed the travel allowance policy as set out in Admi ni strati on & Finance Committee Report No. 118 dated October 15, 1985, adopted by Council on October 21, 1985. i) The Committee has determined that this expense is not allowable under the policy. ii) The Committee recommends that Clause (f) be added to exclude councillors' expenses for in-town driving. 6. Letter No. 5-24 -Aurora (79) Taxi request for one additional taxi licence. The Committee recommends that the current 1 i cens i ng po 1 icy be reaffirmed and maintained. However, since the expected population will exceed 22,000 by the end of 1986, the Committee recommends, in accordance with Council policy, that one additional taxi license be granted to each of the existing taxi firms. C. LETTERS RECEIVED AS INFORMATION 1. Letter No. 4-63 -Kennel Inn quarterly report for animal control services for October, November, December, 1985. 2. Letter No. 4-75 -C.N.I.B. Share Our Insight request for $900.00 grant to cover costs of providing library service to the blind and visually impaired. 3. Letter No. 4-99 -The Regional Municipality of York, Engineering Committee Report No. 1 re: Uniform Sewage Service Rate of 133 cents per 1,000 gallons of sewage. 4. Letter No. 5-27 -Federation of Canadian Municipalities re: liability insurance. 5. Letter No. 6-80 -Town of Newmarket re: review of dispatching service costs. D. SEMINAR -Assertiveness Training for Professionals, Toronto March 17, 1986 The Committee recommends that Deputy Clerk Colleen Gowan be granted authority to attend this seminar at a cost of $95.00. E. BUDGET DELIBERATIONS -Saturday, March 15, 1986 -9:00 a.m. Committees and Department Heads will be invited to participate at scheduled times in the Administration & Finance Committee's budget review. The meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. Items A1-A2 I tern B1 Pedersen: West: CARRIED. AMENDMENT. Resolved that the request of the Library Board re: forgiveness of $5,000.00 be approved. CARRIED. --·----•--·---'-·-----~~•·•-•--=--h'-<•~'--~•··~··--.,-----• ~. '·-•---~-~·-•'·•-'""~-~-~~•=•=-""'->='="-"'"""""=·'=~=•Z="'""'·~=~·.,,•-~~~v,"'''~"~~. ~.~.n~~-"--·---~•----••••--•---·--~-~~~-----·--•••-••---·--~~~- COUNCIL MEETING .•• MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 -22 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report No. 36 -Administration & Finance Committee ... Various Matters - cont'd ... Item B1 CARRIED AS AMENDED. CARRIED. Item B2 Items B3-E CARRIED. West: Resolved that Administration & Finance Committee Report Pedersen: No. 36 dated February 24, 1986 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended. CARRIED. Mayor West in the Chair. Report No. 37-Public Works Committee ••. Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A special meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Friday, February 21, 1986 at 2:00 p.m. in Committee Room No. 1 at the Administrative Centre. Present were: Councillors E. Buck, R. Barker, N. Weller, B. Pedersen; Director of Public Works Wm. Walker; and Waterworks Foreman Robert Cribbett who attended the meeting during the discussion of Item 1. 1. Waterworks Serviceman The committee discussed this matter at length and would now recommend that Council direct staff to negotiate the presence of such a position within the present collective union agreement and that upon successfully doing so, that staff take expeditious steps to fill said position. 2. 1986 Transportation and Waterworks Budgets The Committee, having had occasion to review the Director's budgetary submission, would respectfully recommend that Council approve same subject to the following changes having been made: (a) Account 3340-23 was increased from $47,000.00 to $55,000.00 for the following reasons: ( i) the future use of salt in 1 ieu of a salt-sand mix on Yonge Street (+ $6,000.00); and ( i i) revision based on 1985 usage (had to order sand and salt a second time), street mileage and low unit price in 1985 tender(+ $2,000.00). (b) Account 3410-40 has been increased from $10,000.00 to $24,000.00 in order to accommodate the Murray Drive sidewalk from the walkway north to Fairway Drive and cover holdbacks from 1985. (c) Account 3520-23 has been increased from $20,000.00 to $30,000.00 as a result of there being a significant backlog in the street 1 i ght rep 1 a cement program in 1985 and as a result of the 1985 expenditure. COUNCIL MEETING ..• MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 -23 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report No. 37-Public Works Committee ..• Various Matters-cont'd ... (d) Account 3200-20 has been increased from $94,400.00 to $103,400.00 in order to reflect the increase in operational costs resulting from an expanded sidewalk plowing program in addition to the implementation of a spot sanding sidewalk program. The extended sidewalk plowing program results in an additional $5,000,00 in operational costs, said costs being attributed to the use of a third unit in addition to the costs resulting from the extended working hours incurred by the other two units. The sidewalk sanding program results in additional operational costs for the flatbed vehicle and to all three plow units through extended working hours in the amount of $4,000.00. It should be noted that this additional $9,000.00 represents operational costs only. The capital equipment budget, originally calling for the replacement of a 1970 Bombardier, should now include an additional plow vehicle and three sander hoppers, whether tow behind or direct mount in nature. The 1986 Transportation and Waterworks Budgets reflect unionized staff levels consistent with the five-year staffing forecast as revised on January 28, 1985. It does not, however, include the proposed technical and supervisory staff positions contained within the five-year forecast being that Council is awaiting the results of the Woods Gordon report. The completion of the Temperance Street parking lot has not been included in the parking lot budget (3510), however, it is my understanding that same has been budgeted for elsewhere. The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Item 1 Item 2 Pedersen: Timpson: Item 2 Buck: Weller: CARRIED. AMENDMENT. Resolved that the word "approve" in line 2, paragraph 1 be changed to "review" and item 2 be referred to Budget discussions. CARRIED. CARRIED AS AMENDED. Resolved that Public Works Committee Report No. 37 dated February 21, 1986 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended. CARRIED. Report No. 38 -Economic Development Committee Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Economic Development Committee was held on Tuesday, February 18, 1986 at 10:00 p.m. Present were: Councillors Tim Jones and George Timpson Absent was: Councillor Richard Barker on vacation 1. Highway Signs -Industrial Parkway At the request of the Fire Chief, who indicated that trucks stop in at the Fire Hall frequently asking the location of Industrial Parkway, the Committee discussed improved Parkway indication methods. COUNCIL MEETING •.. MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 -24 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report No. 38 -Economic Development Committee -Various Matters cont'd ... The Committee recommends that staff pursue the locating of green highway street designation signs at the intersection of Wellington Street and Industrial Parkway to identify Industrial Parkway for Wellington Street traffic. It is hoped that this wi 11 keep truck traffic out of the rna in part of Aurora who are searching for the industrial area. When the Parkway is finished to St. John Sideroad appropriate signs should be located on Yonge Street and St. John Sideroad. 2. Truck Route Designation Signs -Industrial Parkway To complement the highway signs and to keep trucks on course, it is recommended that approved truck route signs be located on Industrial Parkway at the intersections of Vandorf Sideroad and Industrial Parkway, Ross Street and Industrial Parkway, and Industry Street and Mary Street to indicate truck route to the north. Even with the no truck signs in the residential portion, many residents have indicated that trucks are using the residential portion as a short cut to Industrial Parkway, perhaps unsure of the proper route. 3. Budget It is recommended that the budget be forwarded to the Treasurer and the Administration & Finance Committee. 4. Official Plan Review The Chairman received a call from Dr. Strawbridge of Bayview who expressed concerns about the industrial designation on the lands south of Wellington Street. The Committee defers any recommendation until after the public meetings and Council's review of the Official Plan. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Items 1 - 4 Jones: Timpson: CARRIED. Resolved that Economic Development Committee Report No. 38 dated February 18, 1986 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED. Report No. 39 -Planning Committee Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Planning Committee was held on Monday, February 24, 1986 in the Administrative Centre at 7:30 p.m. Present were: A. REPORTS Councillor G. Timpson, Chairman; Councillors M. Paivio, E. Buck; S. Seibert, Planner; and R.J. Harrington, Secretary 1. Draft Official Plan Amendment Highland Chev Olds Pt. Lot 84, Cone. 1 E.Y.S. The Committee recommends a revised Offici a 1 Plan Amendment No. 41 be presented to Council for 2 readings on Monday, March 3, 1986. COUNCIL MEETING .•. MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 -25 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report No. 39-Planning Committee ... Various Matters-cont'd ..• 2. Linear Open Space Systems/Trails Network The Committee read the Assistant Planner's report and recommends that it be received as information. A copy of the report is attached. 3. Bed and Breakfast Establishments in the Town of Aurora The Committee perused the Assistant Planner's report and recommends that it be received as information. A copy of the report is attached. 4. Public Meeting Procedures The Committee studied the report and recommended that the Planner be instructed to prepare a new set of guidelines for Public Meeting Procedures for the March 24, 1986 Planning Committee meeting. B. COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT 1. Submission A-1-86 S. and D. Morin, Lot 34, Plan 475, 23 Huron Court "The applicants request relief from side yard provisions applying to the garage on Lot 34, Plan 475. The garage is 0.57 metres (1.87 feet) from the lot line on the south end and 1.08 metres (3.53 feet) from the lot line on the north end. The by-law requires a 1.2 metre (3.94 foot) side yard. The variance requested is, therefore, 0.63 metres (2.07 feet)." The Committee agrees with the staff recommendation that the Town make no objection to the application. C. RECEIVED AS INFORMATION 1. Letter No. 4-47 -Gerry Copl e.v, Aurora Heri taqe Committee re: Planning for the Orderly Development of Wellington Street East The Committee read the report and received it as information. A copy of this report is attached. 2. Letter No. 5-12 -John Finnerty, The Iona Corporation re: Complaint to HUDAC As per Mr. Finnerty's letter, we forward all letters of complaint to his office. However, in the Building Department's professional opinion the "workmanship" is still very inferior, by some of the trades. I phoned HUDAC (The Ontario New Home Warranty Program) and explained our problem. They immediately came up, inspected houses at random, and verbally assured me that they fully agreed that some of the trades work was careless and left much to be desired. They have not yet sent us a copy of their report, but I understand they informed Iona that they were not happy with the finished product. All the builders, of course, are licensed under the Warranty Program. This letter was received as information. 3. Letter #5-38 -Township of King, Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Public Meeting-Monday, March 3, 1986 at 1:30 p.m. Received as information. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 -26 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report No. 39-Planning Committee .•. Various Matters -cont'd ... 4. Letter No. 6-23 -Lindsay Dale-Harris, John Bousfield Associates Limited re: Cameron Wardlaw Property -Offici a 1 Plan Amendment No. 37 Martin Paivio declared a possible conflict of interest in this letter due to a personal interest in the project, and did not take part in, or vote on any question in this regard, or attempt in any way to influence the voting on this item. This letter was received as information. 5. Letter No. 6-64 -Ministry of Agriculture and Food re: Proposed Policy Statement on Foodland Preservation under the Planning Act Received as information. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. The next Planning Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 24, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. Timpson: Paivio: Resolved that Planning Committee Report No. 39 dated February 24, 1986 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED. Report No. 40 -Commercial Development Advisory Committee ..• Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: The Commercial Development Advisory Committee met on February 18, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. in the Administration Building. Present were: Absent were: Councillor Tim Jones; Chairman; Councillors George Timpson, Norm Weller (part); Heritage Committee representative, Leslie Oliver; B.I.A. representatives, Mike Evans, Jamie Thompson, Rick Centre; Merchants' representative, Gary McKenzie; Librarian, Penny McKee (part); Planner, Susan Seibert Citizens' representative, David Bagshaw Councillor Richard Barker 1. The Committee reviewed the minutes of the January 22, 1986 meeting as approved by Council. 2. Library Square Study. Karl Walsh of Town Pride was present to give a status report on the Library Square Study. Mapping of vegetation, views, landmarks, relationships to surrounding area has been carried out to gain an understanding of the site. Meetings with various groups have taken place and questionnaires distributed. The final background report, concept and alternatives will be presented to the Committee at the March 18th meeting. Councillor Weller expressed his concern for parking in the area and suggested that traffic flow would be improved if the Town acquired the lane from Church Street which 1 eads to the property. Les 1 i e 01 i ver concurred that parking is a big problem in the area but felt that the Browning property itself should not be used for parking. --,··-•·--···-·--···-·~>-> ,....,M_-<,_,<-••-~--~-~~·-------'-'···...__:_:_._",~-'~---'-''"-"~~···~~~=·==---=·'"";---'-7·~---=====·=r•"•'-''"'''"~"""''~··-._~o~---. -··-~·-·-·• • •---· • •••• ••-••-·-·---•---------- COUNCit MEETING •.• MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 -27 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report No. 40 -Commercial Development Advisory Committee ••• Various Matters-cont'd ... 3. Main Street Canada Program Councillor Tim Jones gave the Committee an update of the Main Street Canada Program presentation given to Council by Stephen Lauer. He emphasized the need for merchant support of the program. The issue will be further discussed at the joint B.I.A./C.D.A.C. meeting scheduled for March 5th. 4. Official Plan Review The Committee discussed the draft Official Plan as it relates to commercial issues. Concern has been expressed at the public meeting with Section which limits building heights to a minimum of two storeys and a maximum of three storeys. The Committee recommends that the section which presently reads: " ( i) All bui 1 dings fronting on Yonge Street within the Centra 1 Business District between Irwin and Church Streets and on Wellington Street between Temperance and Victoria Streets will have a minimum height of two storeys and a maximum height of three storeys at street level." be changed to read: "All buildings fronting on Yonge Street between Irwin and Mosley Streets and on Wellington Street between Temperance and Yonge Streets shall have a minimum height of two storeys and a maximum height of metres (height of "Sedore" building} at street level. In the remainder of the Central Business District building heights shall be compatible with surrounding buildings." 5. Letter 4-57 -Heritage Committee re: Planning for the Orderly Development of Wellington Street East The Committee discussed the Heritage Committee's submission and pointed out that many of the issues dealt with by the Heritage Committee have been addressed in the draft Official Plan. Mrs. Seibert indicated that she would be willing to discuss the details of the various sections of the draft with the Heritage Committee so that further input on the draft could be made available to Council in its deliberations on the document. 6. Commercial Development Advisory Committee B.I.A. Meeting-Agenda Issues The Committee discussed this upcoming meeting and has proposed an agenda (a copy of which is attached). 7. Budget The Committee discussed the proposed budget and recommended that it be forwarded to the Administration & Finance Committee. 8. Commercial Area Improvement Program The Committee discussed the progress to date on this program. A new Schedule "B" to the agreement with the Province which outlines the funding breakdown for the project has been prepared. The new schedule reflects the changed emphasis in the Temperance Street Parking Lot project diverting more of the funds to underground services, an item for which grants are available. The new schedule would increase the grant portion from $21,500.00 to $40,500.00. The Committee recommends that this be approved and forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. ' COUNCIL MEETING •.. MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 -28 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report No. 40 -Commercial Development Advisory Committee ... Various Matters -cont'd ... Items 1 - 3 CARRIED. Item 4 AMENDMENT. Jones: Resolved that this item be referred to the Official Plan Timpson: Review Process. Item 4 Items 5 - 8 Jones: Timpson: CARRIED AS AMENDED. CARRIED. CARRIED. Resolved that Commercial Development Advisory Committee Report No. 40 dated February 18, 1986 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended. CARRIED. Report No. 41-Council in Committee •.. Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of Council in Committee was held on Wednesday, February 26, 1986 at 9:40 p.m. in the Administrative Centre. Present were: Absent was: Mayor West; Councillors Barker, Buck, McKenzie, Paivio, Pedersen, Timpson, and Weller. Councillor Jones due to illness. Councillor Weller in the Chair. DECLARATION BY MEMBERS Councillor Timpson declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Item 9 of the Agenda, Letter 6-66 -York Region Board of Education re: proposed sidewalk construction, due to employment with same and did not take part in or vote on any question in this regard or attempt to influence the voting on such question. West: Timpson: Resolved that Item 1 under Unfinished Business be discussed at this time. CARRIED. CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENTS/AVERY BOLAND PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT -REPORT NO. 32 Planner S. Seibert outlined to Council the Technical Committee's report which had been presented to Council on February 17, 1986. After discussing the matter at length the Committee recommends that the three lots at the end of cul-de-sac "C'' not be registered at this time. The Committee further recommends that: i) this matter be referred to the next Technical Committee meeting; ii) Mr. Testa of Corridor Developments be invited to attend this meeting; and iii) a Report be presented to Council on March 17, 1986 for its consideration. Concerned citizens to be invited to the March 17, 1986 Council meeting. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 ' -29 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report No. 41-Council in Committee ... Various Matters-cont'd •.. ADJOURNMENT West: Weller: Timpson: RESOLUTIONS Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 11:00 p.m. CARRIED. Resolved that Council in Committee Report No. 41 dated February 26, 1986 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED. 1. Payment Certificate No. 3-Dagmar Construction Limited Buck: Barker: Resolved that upon the recommendation of Reid and Associates Limited, payment certificate No. 3 (Release of Holdback) for Project No. 912 (Yonge St./Murray Dr./Edward St.) in the amount of $13,657.54 be paid to Dagmar Construction Limited and the seal of the Corporation attached hereto. CARRIED. 2. Site Plan Agreement -Eric Joseph Sheppey Timpson: Jones: Resolved that the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to sign a site plan agreement between Eric Joseph Sheppey and The Corporation of the Town of Aurora. CARRIED. 3. Site Plan Agreement -Maximilian Wiedemann Timpson: Jones: Resolved that the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to sign a site plan agreement between Maximilian Wiedemann and The Corporation of the Town of Aurora. CARRIED. 4. Appointment to Permanent Staff-Frederick J. Bolsby, Deputy Fire Chief Weller: Jones: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of S.G. Wilson, Fire Chief and the satisfactory completion of his six (6) month probationary period, Mr. Frederick J. Bolsby is hereby appointed to the permanent staff of the Town of Aurora, as Deputy Fire Chief. CARRIED. 5. Granada Investments -Subdivision Agreement Timpson: Pedersen: Resolved that subject to the Owner providing the necessary securities, the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a Subdivision Agreement dated January 6, 1986 between Granada Investments Limited and the Town of Aurora pertaining to the northwestern portion of Draft Plan of Subdivision No. 19T-84013 comprising 27 lots. Be It Further Resolved that, upon execution of the Agreement, the Counci 1 of the Town of Aurora does hereby grant the necessary servicing allocation to the 27 dwelling units on this final portion of the draft plan of subdivision. CARRIED. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 -30 - RESOLUTIONS cont'd ... 6. Letter No. 6-2 -F. Horvath, Director of Leisure Services -Tree Removal Jones: Weller: Resolved that the three (3) spruce trees at 155 Edward Street be removed. CARRIED. 7. Letter No. 6-3-Kidney Foundation-Proclamation Jones: West: Resolved that the month of March be proclaimed "Kidney Month" in the Town of Aurora and the Kidney Foundation Flag fly at the Administration Centre. CARRIED. 8. Letter No. 6-4 -B. Wiseman, Optometrist McKenzie: Pedersen: Resolved that the Week of March 2 -8, 1986 be proclaimed "Save Your Vision" week in the Town of Aurora. CARRIED. 9. Letter No. 6-16 -58 Wellington Street East Barker: West: Resolved that the owner of 58 Wellington Street East-be allowed to maintain his home in its present location; namely encroaching eight (8) inches on Town of Aurora property. CARRIED. 10. Letter No. 6-24 -Ministry of Colleges & Universities -G. Sorbara - Speed Limit-Yonge Street North Pedersen: West: Resolved that this letter be referred to the Clerk Administrator to set up a meeting with Ministry of Transportation and Communications Region Staff and M.P.P. G. Sorbara. CARRIED. 11. Letter No. 6-36 -House of Commons -Preserve Aurora Railway Station Barker: Timpson: Resolved that Mayor West follow up this matter with M.P. S. Stevens and a copy of this letter be forwarded to the Heritage Committee. CARRIED. 12. Letter No. 6-50 -Ministry of Municipal Affairs -Economic Development Barker: Resolved that this letter be received. Jones: CARRIED. 13. Letter No. 6-62 -Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers West: Resolved that this letter be received. Barker: CARRIED. ' COUNCIL MEETING ..• MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 -31 - RESOLUTIONS cont'd ••. 14. Letter No. 6-66 -York County Board of Education -Proposed Sidewalk Construction Pedersen: Weller: Resolved that the Town solicitor be directed to prepare the necessary agreement covering the following matters: 1. That the York Region Board of Education grant an easement to the Corporation of the Town of Aurora for s i dewa 1 k construction purposes a 1 ong part of Lot 40, Registered Plan 102 (Aurora High School site) for the sum of $2.00 subject to acceptance by the Town of the following terms and conditions: a) The Town of Aurora shall pay all costs of constructing and maintaining the sidewalk (including snow removal), plus all costs incurred by the Board for surveys and legal work; b) Prior to construction, the Town shall have submitted all plans and specifications to the Board's Plant Department for approval; and c) The terms of the easement agreement shall be determined by the Board's solicitor in conjunction with staff, and same be forwarded to Mr .. R. Seto, Manager of Planning Approvals, York County Board of Education for approval. CARRIED. 15. Letter No. 6-86-Liquor Licence Board-Graystone Tavern Pedersen: Resolved that this letter be received as information. Jones: CARRIED. 16. Letter No. 6-87 -The Regional Municipality of York -Access -Home Hardware Site Timpson: Resolved that this letter be received as information. McKenzie: CARRIED. 17. Letter No. 6-114-Transit Study West: Resolved that this matter be referred to Budget discussions. Jones: CARRIED. 18. Letter No. 6-115 -B. Fleischaker-Group Mail Box Locations; Letter No. 6-116 -Canada Post-Group Mail Box Locations; and Letter No. 6-155 -Sally E. Browning, Aurora, Ont. -postal service West: Barker: Resolved that these letters be referred to the Council meeting of March 3, 1986 under Unfinished Business. CARRIED. ' ' COUNCIL MEETING .•. MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 -32 - UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Letters 6-115, 6-116, 6-118 and 6-155 -B. Fleischaker & S. Browning Buck: Paivio: Resolved that in cooperation with the residents, a meeting be arranged through the office of Sinclair Stevens with the request that appropriate Canada Post Officials meet with Council and residents and dialogue take place regarding mail delivery service in Aurora. CARRIED. 2. Letter 6-154-Marshall, Macklin, Monaghan Ltd. -Beacon Hall Golf and Residential Club -O.P.A. 35 Buck: Paivio: Resolved that this matter be referred to the Director of Public Works, Reid and Associates Limited, and the Fire Chief requesting their input. Recorded Vote -The Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora -Unfinished Business -Item 2-Letter 6-156-Marshall, Macklin, Monaghan Ltd. -Beacon Hall Golf and Residential Club -O.P.A. 35 Yea Nay Mayor West X Councillor Barker X Councillor Buck X Councillor Jones X Councillor McKenzie X Councillor Paivio X Councillor Pedersen X Councillor Timpson X Councillor Weller X -- 2 7 DEFEATED 2 - 7 Timpson: Jones: Resolved that permission be granted to Beacon Hall Golf and Residential Club to connect to the watermain line on Vandorf Sideroad to the boundary of its property. All costs to be borne by Beacon Hall Golf and Residential Club. Lateral to be limited in size to provide a 25 gpm to project for domestic water only. Recorded Vote -The Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora -Unfinished Business -Item 2 -Beacon Hall Golf and Residential Club -Connection to Watermain Mayor West Councillor Barker Councillor Buck Councillor Jones Councillor Paivio Councillor Pedersen Councillor Timpson Councillor Weller CARRIED 7 - 2 Yea X X X X X X 7 Nay X X 2 ' COUNCIL MEETING .•• MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 -33 - UNFINISHED BUSINESS cont'd ••. 3. Letter 6-38 -July 1st Budget Jones: Pedersen: Resolved that the 1986 July 1st Committee be granted the sum of $5,325.00 for its 1986 Budget. CARRIED. 4. Letter No. 6-156 -K.B. Rodger, Clerk Administrator memo to Mayor and Members of Council re: Family Leisure Complex Barker: Pedersen: Timpson: Jones: Jones: Pedersen: BY-LAWS Timpson: Pedersen: Timpson: Pedersen: Resolved that the report as presented be accepted. AMENDMENT. Resolved that the sum of Debenture Approval be changed to read $2,000,000.00. CARRIED. Resolved that the hour be extended to 11:15 p.m. CARRIED. Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2832-86 -Being a By-law to Adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 41 (Highlands Chev-Olds) Bill Number 2833-86 -Being a By-law to Amend Zoning By-law No. 2213-78 (Highlands Chev-Olds) Bill Number 2834-86 -Being a By-law to establish rules and regulations to govern the proceedings of Council Bill Number 2835-86 -Being a By-law to approve the acquisition of lands from Laurel Jonette Vanderburgh for the extension of Kennedy Street, Aurora Bill Number 2836-86 -Being a By-law to Amend Zoning By-law No. 2213-78 (Alpenhaus) ... be read a First Time. CARRIED. Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2832-86 -Being a By-law to Adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 41 (Highlands Chev-Olds) Bill Number 2833-86 -Being a By-law to Amend Zoning By-law No. 2213-78 (Highlands Chev-Olds) Bill Number 2835-86 -Being a By-law to approve the acquisition of lands from Laurel Jonette Vanderburgh for the extension of Kennedy Street, Aurora Bill Number 2836-86 -Being a By-law to Amend Zoning By-law No. 2213-78 (Alpenhaus) ••. be read a Second Time. CARRIED. • COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 -34 - BY-LAWS cont'd •.. Bill Number 2834-86 -Being a By-law to establish rules and regulations to govern the proceedings of Council Recorded Vote -The Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora -Second Reading By-law 2834-86 Mayor West Councillor Barker Councillor Buck Councillor McKenzie Councillor Paivio Councillor Pedersen Councillor Timpson Councillor Weller CARRIED 7 - 2 Timpson: Be It Hereby Resolved That: Pedersen: Yea X X X X X X 7 Nay X X 2 Bill Number 2782-85 -Being a By-law to Adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 37 (Kelly) Bill Number 2830-86 -Being a By-law to dedicate certain lands on Cranberry Lane, Timberline Trail, Pinehurst Court, and Valhalla Court as Public Highways Bill Number 2831-86 -Being a By-law to establish a Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee (L.A.C.A.C.) .•• be read a Third Time. CARRIED. NOTICE OF MOTION Councillor Pedersen gave notice that she would request Council to reconsider the proposed by-law for lana Corporation-Z-03-86. NEW BUSINESS 1. Grant Challenge -1986 Buck: Timpson: Resolved that staff be authorized to apply for Federal Grant -Grant Challenge 1986. CARRIED. QUESTIONS BY COUNCILLORS Councillor Pedersen inquired if any information pertaining to the unpleasant odor on Edward Street had been received. ·----.---·•~--.~A•o.;oO.:..:,!.....:,,;,_c--_, _______ ,_,..:~--'-'-~·-'-"''''~-'-~·"•'"'~~"~"'~""•=<'-000'"=<=•=-->.<o..>=·=---'•'''''=.X>U""'->~~~""~'~-~v~"o"--~·-•~•~-~·~~----~---~·--·-·----·•-• •-•••--•' . . COUNCIL MEETING •.. MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1986 -35 - ADJOURNMENT Buck: Mayor Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 11:10 p.m. CARRIED. Clerk