MINUTES - Council - 19860317~' MINUTES OF THE SEVENTH COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1986 AT 8:02P.M. Present Were: Mayor West; Councillors Barker, Buck, Jones, McKenzie, Paivio, Pedersen, Timpson and Weller. Mayor West, on behalf of Council, welcomed the Leaders and members of the 3rd Aurora "C" Cubs to the meeting. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Councillor G. Timpson declared a possible Conflict of Interest with respect to accounts pertaining to York Region Board of Education due to employment with same and did not take part in or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. Councillor Betty Pedersen declared a poss i b 1 e Conflict of Interest with respect to accounts pertaining to Canada Law Book due to employment with same and did not take part in or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Paivio McKenzie: Resolved that the Minutes of the Council meetings held on February 26, March 3 and 6, 1986 be adopted as printed and circulated. CARRIED. PASSING OF ACCOUNTS Weller: Barker: Buck: Weller: Resolved that the following accounts in the total amount of $1,769,837.06, details of which are on file with the Treasury Office, be approved by Council for payment and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer, for same, and the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Genera 1 Fire Department Works Department Parks Department Community Buildings: Parks Bldg. Community Centre: Building Canteen Leisure Services Church St. Victoria Hall Water Accounts Paid Prior to Council CARRIED. $1,078.32 2,145.66 3,347.16 840.32 67.37 $ 18,918.83 2,057.22 33,366.98 2,196.86 1,078.32 5,492.82 1, 941.95 907.69 3,407.20 $1,700,469.18 Resolved that the following Capital Accounts in the total amount of $12,968.75, details of which are on file with the Treasury Office, be approved for payment by Council and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for same, and the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Administration & Equipment Reserve Merv Faulkner & Assoc. Capital Levy Reserve Moffat Kinoshita Associates Barry Sandler & Associates Industrial Park Reserve Lloyd & Purcell Ltd. CARRIED. $770.00 673.75 247.50 $ 1,691.25 10,095.00 500.00 682.50 ·--••••----------~~.-.= ..... «L'~~~~~--.....,.,=•~--<-,•<o•n~_.-·-•----•• --~---,---• ---·-··-~---• COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1986 - 2 - CORRESPONDENCE 7-1 Robert W. Sedore, Barrister & Solicitor re: Stoneman purchase from Hess, Lot 11, Part, Plan 9, 55 Temperance St. -revised agreement (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS, L. Allison to reply) 7-2 Industrial Developers Association of Canada re: deadline for IDAC scholarship program -extended to March 22, 1986 (Refer. Economic Development Committee) 7-3 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Municipal Affairs re: Community Area Improvement Program, Project Review Committee -Tom Moy, representative (Information, S. Seibert) 7-4 Government of Canada, Employment and Immigration Canada re: Summer student program (Information, F. Horvath) 7-5 General Conveyor Co. Ltd. re: industrial building at 155 Engelhard Dr. -installation of guard rail 7-6 (Ref. Public Works Committee) Government of Ontario, Ministry of the Environment re: proposed plan of subdivision 19T-85110 (north of Henderson Dr. and east of Bathurst St.) -extension of municipal services (Information, S. Seibert) 7-7 Celta Construction Limited re: reduction of letter of credit - industrial building on Vata Court (Information, Wm. Walker) 7-8 Tatone & Valsi re: reduction of letter of credit -industrial building on Vata Court (Information, Wm. Walker) 7-9 Aurora Public Library re: maintenance of meeting agendas, minutes and documents (Ref. Council in Committee) 7-10 Background-Publication of Government of Ontario, Ministry of Municipal Affairs re: new legislation/legislation update (Information) 7-11 Government of Ontario, Ministry of the Attorney General re: Community Justice Week -April 13 to 19, 1986 (Ref. Council in Committee) 7-12 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Natural Resources re: proposed zoning by-1 aw amendment -Cl iffgate Management Ltd. -McCl e 11 and Way/Henderson Dr. (Information, S. Seibert) 7-13 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Natural Resources re: proposed official plan and zoning amendment -Knole Farms Limited, Lot 79, Cone. 1 (Information, S. Seibert) 7-14 The Canadian Red Cross Society, Ontario Division re: annual meeting of The Canadian Red Cross Society, Newmarket and District Branch-March 5, 1986 at the Old Town Hall, Newmarket (Information) 7-15 Big Sisters of York re: April -Big Sister Month (Ref. Council in Committee) 7-16 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Highway 11 1986/87 Connecting Link Program - intersection improvements -Yonge St. at Murray Dr. -carryover $20,000.00 (Information, Reid & Associates, Wm. Walker, K. Cerswell) COUNCIL MEETING .•. MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1986 - 3 - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd ••• 7-17 Bell Canada, Law Department (Claims) re: claim No. 512-5-3829 - Advice Contracting Limited (Information, Reid & Associates) 7-18 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Agriculture and Food re: appointment of municipal weed inspectors, 1986 (Information, Clerk to reply) 7-19 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: 1986 General Levy - $347,945.00-Town's portion (Ref. Administration & Finance Committee) 7-20 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: zoning amendment No. Z-06-86, Part Lot 1, Cone. 1 -no objection (Information, S. Seibert) 7-21 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Minutes of 35th Inaugural meeting -Feb. 20, 1986 (Information, Council Room) 7-22 Cliffgate Management Limited re: reduction in letter of credit for Iona (Information, L. Allison to reply) 7-23 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority, Conservation and Community Relations Advisory Board re: Agenda-March 7, 1986 (Information, Council Room) 7-24 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: financial statements and auditor's report, Dec. 31, 1985 (Ref. Administration & Finance Committee) 7-25 Mayor West memo to All Members of Council re: The Regional Muni ci pa 1 ity of York, Engineering Committee Report on York/Durham Sewage System, Region of York Servicing Capacity (Ref. Council in Committee) 7-26 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Zoning Amendment No. Z-10-86, Lots 76 & 77, Cone. 1-no objections (Information, S. Seibert) 7-27 Aurora Hydro re: clarification to Ontario Hydro -method of financing the 1986 capital expenditures budget (Information, Clerk to reply, K. Cerswell) 7-28 Aiken, Capp, Barristers and Solicitors re: The Iona Corporation Tamarac Subdivision, Stage II -Tamarac Trail, Ardill Crescent, McClellan Way and Haskell Crescent (Information, L. Allison to reply) 7-29 D. Wardle, Deputy Treasurer memo to Administration Committee re: Tax Collectors Seminar -Windsor -April 24 & 25 -M. Dawson to attend re: Bill 102 (Ref. Administration & Finance Committee) 7-30 Wm. G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Professional Engineering Services Rendered (Invoice Nos. 10834, 10838, 10840, 10842, 10844, 10850, 10857, 10862, 10865, 10866, 10887, 10899 & 10900) (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) 7-31 K. B. Rodger, Clerk Administration report re: Corridor Subdivision and Zoning Z-39-85 Pedersen: Timpson: (TABLED) Resolved that this matter be referred to Unfinished Business to be discussed in conjunction with Letter 7-89. CARRIED. COUNCIL MEETING •.. MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1986 - 4 - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd ... 7-32 Macaulay, Chusid, Lipson & Friedman, Barristers and Solicitors re: Heron Homes (Aurora) Ltd. registration of plan of subdivision of Lots 11 & 12, Pt. Lots 10, 13, 14 & 15 and part of Accommodation Road (Information) 7-33 The Regional Municipality of York, Clerk's Department re: Amendment No. 34 (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert) 7-34 Bell Canada re: Review of Revenue Requirements, 1985-1986-1987 (Information) 7-35 Government of Ontario, Ministry of the Environment re: Design and Development Guidelines along the Lake Simcoe-Couchiching Shoreline (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert) 7-36 The York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: site plan agreement -Our Lady of Grace School -waiving of fees (Ref. Council in Committee) 7-37 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: review of privatization practices in municipal transportation -completion of questionnaire (Information, S. Jones to reply) 7-38 Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville re: Lot 16, Cone. 2 formerly Township of Whitchurch -letter from Laimon, Landy, Taveroff (Information, Wm. Walker to reply) 7-39 Aurora Hydro re: Devins Drive School water consumption (Information, Wm. Walker, K. Cerswell) 7-40 Toronto Humane Society re: survey -animal control (Information, Clerk to reply) 7-41 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Housing re: Ontario Plumbing Code -seminars (Information) 7-42 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Municipal Affairs re: commercial area improvement program -annual progress report (Information, S. Seibert to reply) 7-43 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Municipal Affairs re: 5th Annua 1 Ontario Business Improvement Area Conference ~ April 7-9, 1986 (Information) 7-44 Canadian Diabetes Association, York Regional Branch re: 15th Annual Sweepstake -July 12, 1986 (Information, Clerk to reply) 7-45 Urban Development Institute/Ontario re: Annual Forum -May 1 - "Urban Development - A Municipal Perspective" (Information) 7-46 Town of Richmond Hill re: Notice of the passing of an interim control by-law by the Corporation of the Town of Richmond Hill under Section 37 of the Planning Act, 1983 -By-law No. 33-86 (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert) 7-47 Goldlist Construction Ltd. re: application for amendment to the zoning by-law for Pt. Lot 81, Cone. 1 (G. Rotondo) (Information, S. Seibert, R.J. Harrington, K. Cerswell) 7-48 The Heart of York Crusade for Christ re: Week of April 27 - May 4, 1986 (Ref. Council in Committee) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1986 - 5 - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd •.. 7-49 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: King's Highway Connecting Link, Maintenance Funds, 1986-87 Fiscal Year-$49,000.00 (Town's allocation) (Information, Wm. Walker, K. Cerswell) 7-50 Organization of Small Urban Municipalities re: next meeting March 15, 1986 (Ref. Council in Committee) 7-51 K.B. Rodger, Clerk Administrator report re: overtime -Public Works Department -February 1986 (Ref. Public Works Committee) 7-52 The York Region Board of Education re: Application for amendment to zoning by-law 2213-78; Pt. Lot 76 & 77, Cone. 1; Our File Z-10-86 -no objections (Information, S. Seibert) 7-53 The York Region Board of Education re: Application for amendment of Town of Aurora Official Plan -Pt. Lots 72 & 73, Cone. 1 W.Y.S. -Our File OP-05-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 7-54 The York Region Board of Education re: Application for amendment of Town of Aurora Official Plan -Pt. Lot 11, Cone. 2, R.P. 65R-549 -Our File OP-09-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 7-55 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Municipal -Affairs re: Advisory Committee on Municipal Insurance -terms of reference (Ref. Council in Committee) 7-56 York County Hospital re: Central ambulance communications (Ref. Council in Committee, S. Wilson) 7-57 The Regional Municipality of York, Planning Department re: Proposed plan of subdivision No. 19T-85013; Pt. Lot 81, Cone. 1 (Information, L. Allison) 7-58 The Regional Municipality of York, Planning Department re: Proposed plan of subdivision No. 19T-85110; Lots 76 & 77, Cone. 1 (Information, L. Allison) 7-59 Aurora Minor Hockey Association re: Bantam Tournament in January (Ref. Council in Committee) 7-60 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Municipal Affairs re: toll- free number (1-800-461-0279) 7-61 Jones: Paivio: (Information, K. Cerswell, K. McFarlane) Urban Development Institute/Toronto re: Annual Forum -May 1st (TABLED) Resolved that this matter be received. CARRIED. 7-62 S. Seibert report to Council re: Official Plan Review -First Draft Comments from Public Workshops/Open House/Written Submissions (Ref. Council in Committee) 7-63 Government of Ontario, Ministry of the Environment re: proposed plan of subdivision No. 19T-85066 -no objections (Information, S. Seibert) 7-64 Lynell Engineering Limited re: Old Park Holdings Limited; Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning; S.W. corner Bayview and Wellington (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert, C. Gowan, K. Cerswell) COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1986 - 6 - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd ... 7-65 The York Region Board of Education re: minutes of regular public meeting (Information, Council Room) 7-66 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Executive Committee Meeting Minutes -February 26, 1986 (Information, Council Room) 7-67 Technical Committee memo to Council in Committee re: Letter 5-25 Quaker's Lundy-water meters (Ref. Council in Committee) 7-68 S. Jones, Purchasing Coordinator memo to K.B. Rodger, Clerk-Administrator re: AMCTO Professional Development Seminar (Ref. Council in Committee) 7-69 B. Benzies, Property Standards Officer & Building Inspector memo to Mayor and Members of Council re: Esso Temporary Trailer Sign (Ref. Technical Committee, R. Harrington) 7-70 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Corridor Control Section re: Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment 1. Pt. Lot 1, Cone. 1 -OP-07-86 & Z-08-86 2. Pt. Lot 11, Cone. 2 -OP-09-86 3. Pt. Lots 76 & 77, Cone. 1 -Z-10-86 (Information, S. Seibert) 7-71 Government of Ontario, The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario re: Tymes Pub Restaurant, 141 Yonge Street (Ref. Council in Committee) 7-72 Government of Canada, Public Works, Ontario Region re: Adjustment to Grant in lieu of taxes (Information, K. Cerswell) 7-73 Town of Newmarket re: Public Meeting for zoning by-law amendment (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert) 7-74 The Regional Municipality of York, Planning Department re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision No. 19T-86015, Pt. Lot 82, Cone. 1 (Information, S. Seibert, L. Allison) 7-75 The Regional Municipality of York, Engineering Department re: Amendment to Zoning By-law No. 2213-78, Alpen-Haus Limited, Pt. Lots 17, 18 and 19, Cone. 2, File Z-41-85 (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert) 7-76 The Regional Municipality of York, Planning Department re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision No. 19T-86015, Pt. Lot 82, Cone. 1 (Ref. Technical Committee, S. Seibert) 7-77 F. Simpson, Aurora, Ont. re: No Parking Signs on George Street (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 7-78 The Regional Municipality of York, Office of the Medical Officer of Health re: OP-07-86, St. Andrews Village (Information, S. Seibert) 7-79 The Regional Municipality of York, Office of the Medical Officer of Health re: Zoning by-law 2213-78 (Information, S. Seibert) 7-80 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Official Plan Amendment No. OP-09-86, Lot 11, Cone. 2 (Victor Priestly) (Information, S. Seibert) COUNCIL MEETING •.. MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1986 - 7 - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd ••• 7-81 Terry Blaine letter to N. Weller re: resignation from Public Safety Committee (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 7-82 Government of Ontario, Ministry of the Environment re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision No. 19T-85103 (Information, S. Seibert) 7-83 Performing Arts York Region re: financial assistance (Ref. Administration & Finance Committee) 7-84 Kidney Foundation of Canada, Toronto & District Chapter re: Annual March Campaign -86 (Ref. Administration & Finance Committee) 7-85 C.E. Gowan, Deputy Clerk memo to Council re: Queens York Rangers - training session-April 26 and 27, 1986 Timpson: Jones: (TABLED) Resolved that the request of Queens York Rangers to hold a training session April 26 and 27, 1986 on our roads be approved. CARRIED. 7-86 John D. Taylor, Aurora, Ont. re: refund of plumber's invoice (Ref. Works Committee, Wm. Walker) 7-87 Big Sisters of York re: "Light Up A Match" fundraising campaign - April 3, 1986 (Information, Councillors) 7-88 July 1st Committee letter to Mayor and Council re: July 1st celebrations -''Hot Dog Barbecue" Buck: Pedersen: (TABLED) Resolved that the invitation of the July 1st Committee to have Council participate in a Hot Dog Barbecue be accepted. CARRIED. 7-89 Technical Committee memo to Mayor and Members of Council re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-85048 -Corridor Enterprises Incorporated and Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-85110 Avery/Boland (TABLED, UNFINISHED BUSINESS) 7-90 Bonnie Fleischaker, Aurora, Ont. re: Group mail box locations (TABLED) Jones: Pedersen: Resolved that this matter be referred to the meeting to be arranged with Canada Post officials, Council and representatives of the residents. CARRIED. 7-91 Colleen E. Gowan, Deputy Clerk memo to Mayor and Members of Council re: subdivision agreement for Andy Investments (TABLED) Jones: Weller: Resolved that permission be granted to consider the resolution this evening. CARRIED. 7-92 Reid and Associates Limited re: Construction of Mary Street Extension -Project No. 1096 (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1986 - 8 - CORRESPONDENCE cont'd .•. 7-93 The Regional Municipality of York re: resolution approving the the issuance of debentures for $2,000,000.00 for the Family Sports and Leisure Complex (Information) 7-94 Government of Ontario, Ministry of the Solicitor General re: Municipal Fire Protection Survey of the Town of Aurora (Information) 7-95 0. Khamissa, E. Wilkinson, B. Stoecklin, B. Montgomery and N. Stewart -Committee's report to Mayor and Members of Council re: Council remuneration · (TABLED) Timpson: Resolved that this matter be referred to Unfinished Business. Barker: CARRIED. Jones: Resolved that the Clerk's Report be accepted as outlined. Timpson: CARRIED. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report No. 42-Public Safety Committee •.. Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Public Safety Committee was held on Tuesday, March 4, 1986 at 6:30 p.m. in Committee Room 1 of the Administrative Centre. Present were: Councillors Norm Weller, Tim Jones and Betty Pedersen; Fire Chief Stuart Wilson; Deputy Fire Chief Fred Bolsby; Citizen Members Terry Blaine, Warren Campbell, Charlie Clarke, Gordon Jones and Hildegard Knowles. Also present was: Mrs. Bonnie Fleischaker. A. DELEGATIONS 1. Mrs. Bonnie Fleischaker Mrs. Fleischaker addressed the Committee bringing those present up to date on her efforts regarding the proposed placement of group mail boxes to service the new subdivision in Aurora. It was her understanding through discussions with officials in Ottawa that Canada Post has different programs available for the implementation of this type of mail service and that there was some flexibility with regard to the placement of group mail boxes. The Committee recommends that the proposed locations set out in Mrs. Fleischaker's presentation to Council on March 3rd should be addressed at the meeting to be convened with Sinclair Stevens and the Canada Post Offici a 1 s. The Committee further recommends that Mrs. Fleischaker be invited to participate in any meetings to be / arranged respecting this subject. B. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter No. 5-26 -January Fire Report The Committee reviewed the January Fire Report and noted the increasing number of calls related to microwave ovens. '---·' COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1986 - 9 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report No. 42-Public Safety Committee .•. Various Matters-cont'd .•• 2. 3. Letter No. 6-28 -Request for No Parking -McDonald Drive The Committee reviewed the present restrictions and the difficulties set out in the letter from the resident. It was recommended that instead of amending the By-law to provide for additional No Parking in this area, that the appropriate "No Parking Here To Corner" sign be erected on the north side of McDonald Drive, west of the Haida intersection. Letter No. 6-71 -Request for Stop Sign -Metcalfe and Larmont Streets The Committee discussed this matter and would recommend that the request be denied and the resident so advised. 4. Letter No. 6-120 -Request for Stop Signs -Walton Drive at Cedar/Birch Court The Committee discussed this matter and would recommend that the request be denied and the resident so advised. 5. Letter No. 6-121 -Request for Advance Green Signals on Yonge Street The Committee recommends that this letter be forwarded to the Regional Engineering Department for comments and policy information prior to further consideration. 6. Letter No. 6-139 -Ontario Traffic Conference The Committee would recommend that the names of N. Weller, T. Jones, S. Wilson, F. Bolsby, K.B. Rodger and J. West be forwarded to the Conference to receive the subscri~tion as per the membership entitlement. C. ITEMS REFERRED BY COUNCIL 1. Letter No. 4-73 -F. J. Bo l sby re: Proposed Muni ci pal Numbering By-law After further discussion of this subject, the Committee would recommend that staff prepare a report for the next Committee meeting detailing the process by which the proposed numbering of residential, commercial and industrial buildings could be achieved both for the urban areas and for the rural areas of Aurora. D. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Letter No. 17-165 -Proposed No Parking -Tecumseh Drive This matter was viewed by members of the Committee and given the presence of the School, the curved configuration of the road and the hill on the approach to Aurora Heights Drive, it is recommended that the Parking By-law be amended to provide for an additional no parking area in Tecumseh Drive from Aurora Heights Drive south to the Kitimat intersection on the west side. The Committee would further recommend that residents affected by this proposed by-law amendment be notified in order to obtain their input prior to the enactment of the by-law by Council. COUNCIL MEETING •.. MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1986 -10 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report No. 42-Public Safety Committee ... Various Matters-cont'd ... 2. Physically Disabled Parking By-law The Committee discussed the memorandum of the Technical Committee detailing its findings upon its review of the Disabled Parking By-law as prepared by Regional staff. It is the recommendation of the Committee that the Mayor be requested to discuss this matter further with the Mayors of the other area municipalities within the Region in order to try to derive a draft by-law that will be uniform throughout the Region, as was the original intention of the Committee. E. LETTER RECEIVED AS INFORMATION 1. Letter No. 6-44 To be dealt with by the Administration & Finance Committee. F. ITEMS PENDING 1. Crosswalk Illumination. 2. Numbering By-law. 3. Traffic Safety Review. The meeting adjourned at 8:06 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Committee is scheduled for Tuesday, April 1, 1986 at 6:30 p.m. Items A.1-B.4 CARRIED. Item B. 5 Buck: Paivio: Item B.5 AMENDMENT. Resolved that The Regional Municipality of York, Engineering Department be made aware of Council's concerns respecting the timing of the signals at the Yonge Street/Wellington Street intersection, especially as the timing relates to pedestrian traffic. CARRIED. CARRIED AS AMENDED. Items B.6-F.3 CARRIED. Weller: Barker: Resolved that Public Safety Committee Report No. 42 dated March 4, 1986 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended. CARRIED. Report No. 43-Public Works Committee •.• Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Wednesday, March 5, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. in Committee Room 2 at the Administration Centre. Present Were: Councillors E. Buck, N. Weller and Director of Public Works Wm. Walker Councillor R. Barker was in attendance for portions of the meeting due to another meeting ongoing at the same time. COUNCIL MEETING •.. MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1986 -11 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report No. 43-Public Works Committee .•• Various Matters-cont'd .•• 1. Letter #6-131 -Ministry of Transportation and Communications (Future Jurisdictional Status of Yonge Street) The Committee has requested that the Director prepare a report on this matter for the next regular meeting of the Committee, said report addressing the area of level-of-service, financial and operational concerns. 2. Contract Administration (Inspection) of the 1986 Capital Works Program The Committee discussed this issue at length and would recommend that the Director's recommendation of January 29, 1986, a copy of said recommendation being attached hereto, be approved. 3. Letters Received As Information Letter #1-200 -Aurora Hydro (Dodie Street luminaire) Letter #6-73 -Aurora Hydro (Invoicing) The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Buck: Weller: Resolved that Public Works Committee Report No. 43 dated March 5, 1986 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED. Report No. 44-Council in Committee ... Various Matters The Committee .respectfully submits the following: A meeting of Council in Committee was held on Wednesday, March 12, 1986 in Committee Room 1 of the Administrative Centre at 7:30 p.m. Present Were: Absent Was: Mayor West; Councillors Barker, Buck (7:38p.m.), Jones, McKenzie, Paivio, Pedersen and Weller. Councillor Timpson. Councillor Martin Paivio in the Chair. A. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter 6-126 -James Manthan, James Catering, Willow Beach, Ont. re: mobile catering licence The Committee recommends that staff be authorized to issue the required mobile catering licence in accordance with normal procedures. 2, Letter 6-133 -Organization of Small Urban Municipalities re: 33rd Annua 1 OSUM Conference -Apri 1 30, May 1, 2, 3, 1986 -Brockvi ll e - "Development Strategies for Small Urban Ontario" Council in Committee recommends that this letter be received as information and any Councillor interested in attending the Conference follow the established policy. 3. Letter 7-9 -Aurora Public Library re: rna i ntenance of meeting agendas, minutes and documents The Committee recommends that the Library be advised that copies of the Council agenda will be made available for pick up by Library staff upon preparation if desired, and that the minutes of Council meetings will continue to be made available as has been past practice. COUNCIL MEETING ••. MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1986 -12 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report No. 44-Council in Committee •.• Various Matters-cont'd ... 4. Letter 7-11 -Government of Ontario, Ministry of the Attorney General re: Community Justice Week -April 13 to 19, 1986 Council in Committee recommends that April 13 -19, 1986 be proclaimed "Community Justice Week" in the Town of Aurora. 5. Letter 7-15 -Big Sisters of York re: April -Big Sister Month It is the recommendation of Council in Committee that April, 1986 be proclaimed as ''Big Sister Month'' in the Town of Aurora. {i. Letter 7-25 -Mayor West memo to All Members of Council re: The Regional Municipality of York, Engineering Committee Report on the York/Durham Sewage System, Region of York Servicing Capacity After discussion, it is the recommendation of Council in Committee that a decision respecting this matter be deferred until Monday, March 17, 1986 and that a submission from the Clerk Administrator addressing this matter and the issue of the validity of trying to maintain a constant ratio of residential/industrial assessment be obtained. 7. Letter 7-56 communications York County Hospital re: Central ambulance 8. Council in Committee would recommend that this letter be received and further that a letter be sent to Mr. Munro expressing the Town's appreciation for the opportunity to have an ambulance stationed within the municipality. Letter 7-62 -S. Seibert report to Council re: Official Plan Review - First Draft Comments --from Public Workshops/Open House/Written Submissions The Committee recommends that copies of this report together with the typed transcription of the original notes recorded at the public sessions be provided for public viewing in the Town Office and Library. This matter is to be referred to the Planning Committee to review the public comments and to report on how to address the issues raised. The Committee would further recommend that staff be congratulated on the preparation of the Draft Official Plan and on the method and manner of presentation of the document to the public which was done quite effectively. 9. Letter 7-67 -Technical Committee memo to Council in Committee re: Letter 5-25 -Quaker's Lundy -water meters It is the recommendation of Council in Committee that staff review the present watering restriction by-law and endeavor to determine if there are more effective ways of implementing the necessary restrictions and that recommendations be made for increased enforcement of the provisions of the water by-law prior to the 1986 watering season. 10. Letter 7-68 -S. Jones, Purchasing Coordinator memo to K.B. Rodger, Clerk-Administrator re: AMCTO Professional Development Seminar The Committee recommends that consideration of this matter be deferred until Monday, March 17, 1986 to allow for input from the Clerk Administrator to be received. COUNCIL MEETING .•. MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1986 -13 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report No. 44-Council in Committee ..• Various Matters -cont'd .•. B. NEW BUSINESS 1. Town of Aurora/Chamber of Commerce Brochure The Committee would recommend that staff obtain further information concerning the approximate cost for an 8 page brochure similar to the previous 4 page one, the number to be printed, and if the Chamber of Commerce is interested in co-sponsoring the cost of same, for the next Council in Committee meeting. e.· !::ETTERS RECEIVED AS INFORMATION 1. Letter 6-129 -Ontario New Home Warranty Program letter to The Iona Corporation re: complaints 2. Letter 7-36 -The York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: site plan agreement -Our Lady of Grace School -waiving of fees 3. Letter 7-48 -The Heart of York Crusade for Christ re: Week of April 27, May 4, 1986 4. Letter 7-50 -Organization of Small Urban Municipalities re: . next meeting -March 15, 1986 5. Letter 7-55 -Government of Ontario, Ministry of Municipal Affairs re: Advisory Committee on Municipal Insurance -terms of reference 6. Letter 7-59 -Aurora Minor Hockey Association re: Bantam Tournament in January The meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m. Items A.1-A.5 CARRIED. Item A.6 Buck: Pedersen: Item A.6 AMENDMENT. Resolved that consideration of this matter be deferred until the completion of the Official Plan Review. CARRIED. CARRIED AS AMENDED. Items A.7-A.9 CARRIED. Item A.10 AMENDMENT. Weller: Resolved that the staff members, as determined by the Paivio: Clerk Administrator, be authorized to attend these seminars. CARRIED. Item A.10 CARRIED AS AMENDED. Items B.1-C.6 CARRIED. Paivio: Barker: Resolved that Council in Committee Report #44 dated March 12, 1986 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended. CARRIED. / ... COUNCIL MEETING •.. MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1986 -14 - RESOLUTIONS 1. Letter 7-1, Robert W. Sedore re: Stoneman purchase from Hess, 55 Temperance Street -revised agreement Timpson: Weller: Be It Hereby Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign an Encroachment Agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Aurora and Ellen Joanne Stoneman pertaining to part of Lot 11, Plan Number 9, being 55 Temperance Street. CARRIED. 2. Preservicing -Lakeview Estates Phase II -19T-85011 Timpson: Jones: Whereas, by resolution dated February 17, 1986, Council approved the preservicing of Lakeview Estates, Phase II, draft plan of subdivision 19T-85011 subject to certain conditions being strictly adhered to; And Whereas, Condition (e) in the said. resolution required the posting of security for Construction Lien Act purposes in the amount of 115% of the servicing estimate; And Whereas, the requirement in condition (e) would have referred to Construction Lien Act security in the amount of 15% of the servicing estimate; Now Be It Therefore Resolved that Condition (e) of the resolution dated February 17, 1986 be amended so that the amount of the required bonding pursuant to that section shall be 15% of the servicing estimate. CARRIED. 3. Authorization for Mayor and Clerk to Sign Subdivision Agreement Andy Investments Limited Timpson: Paivio: Resolved that, subject to the Owner providing satisfactory securities, the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign a subdivision agreement dated March 17, 1986 between Andy Investments Limited and the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, comprising the first phase of draft p 1 an of subdivision No. 19T-84071. Be it further resolved that upon execution of the subdivision agreement, The Regional Municipality of York be advised that the Town of Aurora does hereby allocate the necessary servicing allocation to the 37 dwelling units included within the first phase of draft plan of subdivision No. 19T-84071. Be it further resolved that upon execution of the subdivision agreement, The Region a 1 Muni ci pa 1 i ty of York be ad vi sed that the Town of Aurora does hereby agree to pay the actual cost at the time of construction of providing channelization and illuminati on of the proposed intersection of Street "A" (Timpson Drive) with Wellington Street West (Y.R. 15). CARRIED. 4. Annual Petition for Subsidy Payment Under the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act on Expenditures made for Public Transportation - $112,527.94 Timpson: Jones: We hereby request payment of subsidy funds on the expenditures of $112,527.94, in accordance with the subsidy allocation made to the Corporation of the Town of Aurora pursuant to Pax X111-A of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act. CARRIED. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1986 -15 - RESOLUTIONS cont'd,,. 5. Request No. 1 -The Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act- Request for Allocation of Subsidy Funds for the Year 1986 -$40,000.00 Timpson: Pedersen: We hereby request that allocation of subsidy funds in the amount of $40,000.00 be authorized for the expenditures for the Public Transit in the Town of Aurora for 1986. CARRIED. 6. Request for Supplementary Allocation of Subsidy Monies for the Year 1986 for Work on Roads and Bridges -$250,000.00 Timpson: Buck: Resolved that, Council request the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for a supplementary expenditure allocation for 1986 in the amount of $250,000.00 for Capital Road Construction for a total estimated expenditure of $1,071,500.00, details of which are attached hereto. CARRIED. 7. July First Festivities Pedersen: Jones: Resolved that the Town of Aurora hereby authorizes the holding of the July First festivities at the Community Centre and surrounding parks in the Town of Aurora. CARRIED. 8. Letter 7-30-Wm. G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Payment of Account-Reid and Associates Limited Buck: Weller: Resolved that the following accounts of Reid and Associates Limited: Project Inv. No. Amount Account Advisory Services 10834 $ 6,303.59 3100-38 (Retainer-Jan.) Southold Residen-10838 142.79 Eng. Res. tial Subd. Aurora Country 10840 675.24 Eng. Res. Estates Yo~ge St./Murray Dr.10842 619.77 3405-40 Intersection Beacon Hall 10844 199.32 Eng. Res. Development Town Industrial Park10850 1,478.12 Ind. Park (Old Park Holdings) Acct. Parking Lot Improve-10857 438.46 Serv. Res. ments (Temperance St. & Wellington St.) Dunning Ave. Recon-10862 1,789.16 3360-40 struction Bathurst St. Trunk 10865 263.28 Waterworks Watermain Reserve Vandorf & Bayview 10866 5,561.39 9140-38 Water Supply Ind. Park Drainage 10887 372.82 Ind. Park Account Erikam Investments 10899 132.88 Eng. Res. Orsi Development 10900 132.88 Eng. Res. Total $18,109.70 in the total amount of $18,109.70 be paid and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED. '·-~·· COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1986 -16 - RESOLUTIONS cont'd .•. 9. 496 Court of Revision for the Year 1985 Buck: Weller: Resolved that the following 496 Court of Revision for the year 1985 in the amount of $2,271.74 and penalties of $50.99 for a total of $2,322.73, details of which are on file in the Treasurer's Office, be written off, be approved, and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED. 10. Payment of Reid and Associates Limited Payment Certificate No. 4 Buck: Weller: Resolved that on the receipt of Reid and Associates Limited Payment Certificate No.4 for C.D.C. Construction Ltd., in the amount of $139,056.39 for Mary Street extension, be paid and the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED. 11. Aurora Tigers -1986-1987 Hockey Season Timpson: Weller: Whereas the outstanding amount of rent from the 1984-1985 Tigers has still not been received; And Whereas the Solicitor has now been instructed to seek a judgement for this amount; And Whereas, the Town has retained the possession of equipment and contents for outstanding rent; And Whereas, the Council has agreed in principle to having the Aurora Community Tigers Ltd. participate and enter a hockey team probably at a Junior "B" level for the 1986-1987 season, details and financial agreements still to be considered by Council; Now Therefore, Be It Resolved: (1) That the Solicitor seek and obtain a judgement against the former owner and have same registered and to confer with the Clerk about collection of same; (2) That the Solicitor be authorized in conjunction with the Clerk-Administrator to withdraw the action -if there is mutual consent -against the Aurora Community Tigers Ltd. provided they likewise withdraw their counter claim; (3) That the equipment seized would be released upon of $1,800.00 or a value to be determined independent valuator or appraiser; and payment by an (4) That negotiations continue to obtain a firm commitment for the 1986-1987 Hockey Season for Council's consideration. ,, COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1986 -17 - RESOLUTIONS cont'd ..• 11. Aurora Tigers-1986-1987 Hockey Season-cont'd .•. Recorded Vote -The Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora -Resolution No. 11 -Aurora Tigers -1986-1987 Hockey Season Yea Nay Mayor West Councillor Barker Councillor Buck Councillor Jones Councillor McKenzie Councillor Paivio Councillor Pedersen Councillor Timpson Councillor Weller X X X X X X X X X 8 1 CARRIED 8 - 1 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Letter #7-89 -Technical Committee memo to Mayor and Members of Council re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-85048 -Corridor Enterprises Incorporated and Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-85110 -Avery/Boland; and Letter #7-31 -K.B. Rodger, Clerk Administrator report re: Corridor Subdivision and Zoning Z-39-85 Buck: Paivio: Resolved that the recommendations contained in the Technical Committee Report dated March 13, 1986 be accepted and the concerned parties be so advised. CARRIED. 2. Letter 7-95 -0. Khamissa, E. Wilkinson, B. Stoecklin, B. Montgomery and N. Stewart -Committee's Report to Mayor and Members of Council re: Council Remuneration Buck: Barker: BY-LAWS Timpson: Pedersen: Resolved that this report be referred to the Council in Committee meeting scheduled for Wednesday, April 16, 1986 for further discussion. CARRIED. Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2837-86 -Being a By-law to temporarily close up and stop traffic on a portion of Yonge Street (Highway No. 11) in the Town of Aurora on July 1, 1986 for the purpose of a parade; and Bill Number 2838-36 -Being a By-law to authorize the construction of a Family Leisure Complex and facilities on Industrial Parkway, Part Lots 87 and 88, and Part Lot 103 of Plan 246, as will be known as 125 Industrial Parkway North, in the total estimated amount of $6,712,500.00 ..• be read a First Time. CARRIED. L U COUNCIL MEETING .•. MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1986 -18 - BY-LAWS cont'd ... Timpson: Buck: Timpson: Jones: Timpson: Jones: Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2837-86 -Being a By-law to temporarily close up and stop traffic on a portion of Yonge Street (Highway No. 11) in the Town of Aurora on July 1, 1986 for the purpose of a parade; and Bill Number 2838-36 -Being a By-law to authorize the construction of a Family Leisure Complex and facilities on Industrial Parkway, Part Lots 87 and 88, and Part Lot 103 of Plan 246, as wi 11 be known as 125 Industrial Parkway North, in the total estimated amount of $6,712,500.00 .•. be read a Second Time. CARRIED. Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2832-86 -Being a By-law to Adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 41 (Highlands Chev-Olds); and Bill Number 2835-86 -Being a By-law to approve the acquisition of certain lands from Laurel Jonette Vanderburgh for the extension of Kennedy Street, Aurora, Ontario ... be read a Third Time. CARRIED. Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2834-86 -Being a By-law to Amend By-law .•. be read a Third Time. Number 2554-83 as amended, a By-1 aw to establish rules and regulations to govern the proceedings of Council Recorded Vote -The Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora -Third Reading By-law No. 2834-86 Mayor West Councillor Barker Councillor Buck Councillor Jones Councillor McKenzie Councillor Paivio Councillor Pedersen Councillor Timpson Councillor Weller CARRIED 5 - 4 Yea X X X X X 5 Nay X X X X 4 ., COUNCIL MEETING ••. MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1986 -19 - NEW BUSINESS 1. Rezoning By-law -Iona Commercial Block Buck: Timpson: Resolved that a letter be written to the petitioners requesting that they elect up to five spokespersons to meet with the Planning Committee to discuss this matter. Be It Further Resolved that the Planner be requested to delay preparation of the proposed By-law for two (2) weeks in order to allow for possible input from the discussions to be held with those concerned. CARRIED. QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS OF COUNCIL 1. Meeting Cancellation Notification Councillor Weller inquired as to whether or not there was an established procedure to notify members of Council of the cancellation of Committee meetings. ADJOURNMENT Buck: Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 10:02 p.m. CARRIED. Mayor Clerk