MINUTES - Council - 19851007• ,<'/
Present Were: Mayor Illingworth, Councillors Barker, Buck, Jones, Ostick, Paivio,
E. Stewart, N. Stewart and West.
1. A.M.C.T.(A) Certificates-Lawrence Allison and Steven K. Jones
Mayor Illingworth presented Certificates to Larry Allison and Steven Jones
who successfully completed their Association of Municipal Clerks and
Treasurers Course.
2. David Merkur -Arts and Culture Awards
Mr. David Merkur attended and presented cheques to the Library Board, Aurora
Historical Society, the Aurora Horticultural Society and the York Symphony
Orchestra from the Arts and Culture Fund. Mr. Merkur and family donate
$10,000.00 each year to this fund.
Mayor Illingworth presented Mr. Merkur with a Limited Edition Plate, put out
by the Aurora Horse Show.
Mayor Illingworth reminded Council of the following meetings:
1. Orientation Meeting -Prospective Council Members -Wednesday, October 9,
1985 at 7:30 p.m.
2. Heritage Program-Aurora Public Library-Wednesday, October 9, 1985.
3. Meeting re: Region Water Supply -Regional Council Chambers -Wednesday,
October 9, 1985 at 2:00 p.m.
Barker: Resolved that the Minutes of the Council meeting held on September
Jones: 16, 1985 be adopted as printed and circulated.
17-1 F.J. Horvath memo to Administration and Finance Committee re: 1984
Bicentennial Programs
(Ref. Administration/Finance Committee)
17-2 Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville re: Public Meeting Concerning a Proposed
Zoning By-Law Amendment
(Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert)
17-3 Reid and Associates Limited re: Revised Draft Plan, Part Lot 82, Cone. 1,
593624 Ontario Limited, 19T-85019-Project Number 825
(Information, S. Seibert)
17-4 Reid and Associates Limited re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lot 79,
Concession IW, 19T-85066 -Project Number 1278
(Information, S. Seibert)
17-5 Ontario Municipal Board re: OMB File C850110 (Gullo Enterprises Limited -
Application #B-8-84}
(Information, S. Seibert, S. Arbour, K. McFarlane)
17-6 Reid and Associates Limited re: Various Invoices
(Information, Wm.G. Walker)
- 2 -
17-7 The York Region Board of Education re: Application for amendment to Zoning
By-Law 2213-78 (Z-29-85)
(Information, S. Seibert)
17-8 The York Region Board of Education re: Zoning By-Law 2772-85
(Information, S. Seibert)
17-9 Sinclair Radio Laboratories Limited re: Position of Poles -85 Mary Street
(Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert to reply)
17-10 The York Region Board of Education re: Zoning By-Law Amendment (Z-15-85 -
19T -85019)
(Information, S. Seibert)
17-11 Leif Samuelsson, Werner Fagerberg re: Newspaper Pick-up
(Ref. Council in Committee)
17-12 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Community Planning Grant #2
(Information, S. Seibert, K.B. Rodger)
17-13 Ministry of the Environment re: Go Transit Class Environmental Assessment
for the Construction of new Commuter Rail Stations or Bus Terminals or Major
Expansion of Existing Commuter Rail Stations, Bus Terminals, Storage and
Maintenance Facilities or Yards
(Information, S.K. Jones)
17-14 Markborough Properties Limited re: Oversizing Payment from Revlis
(Information, Clerk to reply)
17-15 City of Hamilton re: Infrastructure Program
(Ref. Counci 1 in Committee)
17-16 R. Harold Foote, Aurora, Ontario re: Construction on Dunning Avenue
17-17 H. Borgdorff memo to C.E. Gowan re: Industrial Park Number 3, Sanitary
Sewage Pumping
(Ref. Council in Committee)
17-18 Kenneth Miller, C.A.R.E. re: Goals and Objectives, Official Plan Review
(Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert)
17-19 Old Sweats Hockey Club re: Annual Slo-Pitch Tournament
(Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F.J. Horvath)
17-20 Assessment Review Board re: Notice of Hearing
(Information, Treasury)
17-21 James C. Crawford, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public re: Farmer purchase
from St. Andrews Summit
(Information, R.J. Harrington to reply)
17-22 Ministry of Natural Resources re: Application for Zoning Amendment (D.S.
(Information, S. Seibert)
17-23 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk re: Draft Plan of Subdivision
(Information, S. Seibert, L. Allison)
17-24 The Regional Municipality of York-Health re: Rabies Control
(Ref. Council in Committee)
-3 -
17-25 The Regional Municipality of York-Legal re: Handicapped Parking By-Law
(Ref. Public Safety Committee, Mayor Illingworth)
17-26 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Ontario Urban Transit
Fact Book
(Information, S.K. Jones)
17-27 The Regional Municipality of York-Health re: Rabies Control Notification
(Information, K. McFarlane)
17-28 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Zoning By-Law Amendment
Number Z-26-85
(Information, S. Seibert)
17-29 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Zoning By-Law Amendment
Number Z-29-85
(Information, S. Seibert)
17-30 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Zoning By-Law Amendment
Number Z-30-85
(Information, S. Seibert)
17-31 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: By-Law Number 2772-85, Lots
37, 330-335, Plan 475, Lot 66, Plan M-64
(Information, S. Seibert)
17-32 Gordon and Wendy Rossini, Aurora, Ontario re: Damage done to Driveway at
46 Kemano Road
(Ref. Public Works Committee, Wm.G. Walker, Insurance)
17-33 John and Gail Sehn, Aurora, Ontario re: Cedar Hedge -Markborough
Properties Limited
(Information, K.B. Rodger)
17-34 S.G. Wilson memo to Mayor Illingworth re: C.P.R. Training
(Ref. Public Safety Committee)
17-35 Deputy Chief F.J. Bolsby memo to Mayor Illingworth re: Retrofit/Factory
(Ref. Administration/Finance Committee)
17-36 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: By-Law
Numbers 1521, 1694-66 and 1815-68, Lots 208 to 218 inclusive, Plan 517
(Information, Council -September 16, 1985)
17-37 Ministry of Housing re: Building Action Program
(Ref. Planning Committee)
17-38 The York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: Roman Catholic
Secondary Schools -Funding
(Ref. Counci 1 in Committee)
17-39 Crown Enterprises, Aurora, Ontario re: First International Police Insignia
Collectors Trade Show
17-40 Lucille McDonald, Aurora, Ontario re: Fencing-McMahon Park
(Ref. Council in Committee)
17-41 Boy Scouts of Canada (South Lake Simcoe District Council) re: Relocation
of Office
(Ref. Leisure Services Committee)
17-42 Aurora Volunteer Fire Brigade re: Muscular Dystrophy Association Hockey
(Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F.J. Horvath)
-4 -
17-43 John Jennings, King City re: Street Name Suggestions
(Ref. Council in Committee, C.E. Gowan)
17-44 Ministry of the Environment re: Lake Simcoe-Couchiching Strategy (Fourth
Review meeting -October 10, 1985}
(Ref. Council in Committee)
17-45 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: By-Law Number 2785-85 -
Temporary Closing
(Information, F.J. Bolsby)
17-46 Ministry of the Solicitor General re: 1985 Fire Prevention Week -October
6 -12
Resolved that the week of October 6 to 12, 1985 be declared "Fire
Prevention Week" in the Town of Aurora.
17-47 Ministry of Natural Resources re: Rehabilitation of Wayside Pits
(Ref. Counci 1 in Committee)
17-48 The Regional Municipality of York-Engineering re: Rezoning Application,
T. McPherson on behalf of C. Crawford (Z-19-85}
(Information, S. Seibert)
17-49 The Regional Municipality of York-Legal re: Parking By-Law for the
Physically Handicapped
(Ref. Public Safety Committee)
17-50 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Professional Engineering Services
Rendered (Invoice Numbers 10453, 10456, 10458, 10459, 10460, 10462, 10470,
10471, 10472, 10474, 10475, 10483, 10493, 10496, 10497, 10507, 10515 and
17-51 Public Works Department re: Overtime-August 1985
(Ref. Public Works Committee)
17-52 General Conveyor Co. Ltd. re: Drainage Pattern between their Property and
Hallmark Cards
(TABLED-Council -October 2, 1985, IN CAMERA)
17-53 H. Borgdorff memo to S. Seibert re: Draft Official Plan Amendment Number
34 -Site Plan Control
(Ref. Technical Committee)
17-54 Aiken, Capp, Barristers and Solicitors re: The IONA Corporation (Tamarac
(Information, Wm.G. Walker, L. Allison)
17-55 Mr. and Mrs. B.S. Ernst, Aurora, Ontario re: Fence Installation
(Information, C.E. Gowan to reply)
17-56 Aiken, Capp, Barristers and Solicitors re: The IONA Corporation (Tamarac)
(Information, L. Allison)
17-57 Committee of Adjustment re: Frank and Donald Irefino and Guissepe and
Azunta Irefino, Part of Lots B & C, Registered Plan 36
(Information, Clerk to reply}
17-58 Aurora Residents' -Petition re: Construction on Henderson Drive
(Ref. Public Works Committee, Wm.G. Walker)
- 5 -
17-59 Arnold Van Ees, Aurora, Ontario re: Sidewalk -Henderson Drive
(Ref. Public Works Committee, Wm.G. Walker)
17-60 Wm.G. Walker memo to F.J. Horvath re: Disposal of Trees within Public Road
Allowance Industrial Parkway-North Boulevard East of Chapman Property
(Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F.J. Horvath}
17-61 Ministry of the Environment re: Conservation Authorities Class -
Environmental Assessment for Water Management Structures
17-62 R.V. Anderson Associates Limited re: Alliance Industrial Development,
Phase II, Stage 2
(Information, Wm.G. Walker)
17-63 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Professional Engineering Services
Rendered (Invoice Number 10327}
17-64 Bell Canada re: Bell Exchange:Aurora
17-65 Aurora Residents' -Petition re: Fencing-Devlin Place
(Ref. Council in Committee)
17-66 CUPE Local 1359 re: Office of President and Vice-President
(Information, Wm.G. Walker, F.J. Horvath, C.E. Gowan, K. McFarlane)
17-67 Mr. and Mrs. T. Faucette, Aurora, Ontario re: Fence -Lanewood Drive
(Ref. Council in Committee)
17-68 Aurora High School re: Parking By-Law -West Side of McDonald Drive
(Ref. Council in Committee, J. Insley)
17-69 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram re: Invoice -Services Rendered -Universal
Insulation Company Limited
(Information, Treasury)
17-70 J.B. Howard and Associates, Insurance Adjusters Inc. re: O.F.C. Liability
(Information, C.E. Gowan)
17-71 Reid and Associates Limited re: Alternations to Centre Street Sewage
Pumping Station -File Number 12
17-72 The Regional Municipality of York-Planning re: Commercial Uses in
Industrial Zones
(Ref. Council in Committee)
17-73 Councillor Tim Jones memo to Administration and Finance Committee re:
Replacement for Radio Base Station
(Ref. Administration and Finance Committee)
17-74 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Educational Programs
(Ref. Public Works Committee, Wm.G. Walker)
17-75 Township of Onondaga re: Request for Endorsement of Resolution
West: Reso 1 ved that this 1 etter be received.
- 6 -
17-76 Aurora (79) Taxi re: Request for More Taxi Licences
(Ref. Council in Committee)
17-77 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Lake Simcoe Environmental
Management Strategy Study
(Ref. Council in Committee)
17-78 Hanne Christensen, Aurora, Ontario re: Sidewalk -Aurora Heights Drive
(Ref. Council in Committee)
17-79 Montague Pound Associates Limited re: Corridor Enterprises Ltd., Proposed
Plan of Subdivision 19T-85048
(Ref. Technical Committee, S. Seibert, Treasury, R.J. Harrington,
17-80 Technical Committee memo to Mayor and Members of Council re: Hunter's
Hills Estates, Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-84079
(TABLED, RESOLUTIONS-Council -October 2, 1985)
17-81 Kelly Cerswell memo to Administration and Finance Committee re: Collection
of Business Improvement Area Levy
(Ref. Administration and Finance Committee)
17-82 David and Cindy Robinson, Aurora, Ontario re: Objection to Proposed Zoning
By-Law Amendment -48 Moffat Crescent
(Information, S. Seibert, R.J. Harrington)
17-83 D. Wardle memo to Administration and Finance Committee re: Kennedy Street
West, Part Lot 79, Concession 1
(Ref. Administration/Finance Committee)
17-84 Gail Scott, Aurora, Ontario re: Apple Day in Aurora
Resolved that October 19, 1985 be proclaimed "Boy Scout Apple Day"
in the Town of Aurora.
17-85 Les and Vera Mitchell, Aurora, Ontario re: Purchase of Land adjacent to 52
Murray Drive
(Information, L. Allison, Clerk to reply)
17-86 S.K. Jones memo to K.B. Rodger re: Street Light Maintenance
(Ref. Administration/Finance Committee)
17-87 Ministry of the Environment re: File# 19T-85040 (420643 Ontario Limited -
(Information, S. Seibert, R.J. Harrington, H. Borgdorff, Wm.G.
17-88 Reid and Associates Limited re: Alternative to the Centre Street Sewage
Pumping Station-File Number 12
17-89 R.V. Anderson Associates Limited re: Alliance Industrial Phase II, Stage 2
(Information, Wm.G. Walker)
17-90 The Regional Municipality of York-Engineering re: Henderson Drive
Watermain, Bathurst Street to McClenny Drive
(Information, Wm.G. Walker)
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- 7 -
K.B. Rodger memo. to F.J. Horvath re: Encroachment Open Space
(Information, Clerk to reply, F.J. Horvath)
Aurora Professional Fire Fighters Association re: Appointment of New
(Information, Clerk to reply, S.G. Wilson, Treasury)
17-93 Salpam Investments Limited re: Southold Investments Limited (Aurora Lands
-Phase II)
(Information, L. Allison to reply}
17-94 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Town of
Aurora sale to Dove, Block B, Plan Number M-1312
(Information, Treasury, K. McFarlane)
17-95 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Easement
from Mitchell Kelner, Part Number 3, Reference Plan Number 65R-6939
(Information, K. McFarlane, Wm.G. Walker, L. Allison, Treasury)
17-96 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Town of
Aurora purchase from Benimadhu -202 Edward Street
(Information, K. McFarlane, K.B. Rodger)
17-97 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Granada
Investments Limited, Plan of Subdivision Number 65M-2259
(Information, K. McFarlane, L. Allison, Treasury)
17-98 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Town of
Aurora purchase from Browning Estate -69 Yonge Street South
(Information, K. McFarlane, Treasury)
17-99 Cliffgate Management Limited re: IONA-Pre-servicing
(Ref. Council in Committee, Technical Committee, Wm.G. Walker)
17-100 Reid and Associates Limited re: Bathurst Street Trunk Watermain -File
Number 1201
(Information, Wm.G. Walker)
17-101 The Dr. G.W. Williams Secondary School re: Commencement Exercises
(Ref. Administration/Finance Committee)
17-102 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Town of
Aurora and J.N.S. Developments -Yonge and Henderson Shopping Centre
(Information, Clerk to reply, Wm.G. Walker)
17-103 Reid and Associates Limited re: Right Hand Turn Lane-Yonge Street to
Vandorf Road -Project Number 1108
(Ref. Council in Committee, Wm.G. Walker)
17-104 Reid and Associates Limited re: Minutes of Third Site Meeting -Henderson
(Information, Wm.G. Walker)
17-105 Gardiner, Roberts, Barristers and Solicitors re: Notice of Sale under a
Mortgage -Eric Brittle
(Information, Treasury, R.J. Harrington, J. Insley)
17-106 CN Rail -Engineering re: Replacement of Culvert under CN Rail Near Aurora
(Information, Clerk to acknowledge, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff)
17-107 CN Rail -Engineering re: Railway Crossing Warning Devices-St. John's
(Information, Clerk to acknowledge, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff)
- 8 -
17-108 The Regional Municipality of York -Clerk's re: Economic Report Number 10
-Building Permits -First Quarters 1984 and 1985
(Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert)
17-109 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk's re: Streetscape Design
(Ref. Planning Committee, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, S. Seibert,
R.J. Harrington, S.G. Wilson)
17-110 Reid and Associates Limited re: Vandorf Road Paving-Project Number 1149
(Information, Wm.G. Walker)
17-111 F.J. Horvath letter to Granada Investments re: Various Outstanding Matters
(Information, L. Allison, Wm.G. Walker)
17-112 Reid and Associates Limited re: Mary Street Extension-Project Number
(Information, Wm. G. Walker)
17-113 Bruce M. Ralph, Barrister, Solicitor and Notary re: Lot 9 -11, 163 -165,
Plan 246, Town of Aurora
(Information, R.J. Harrington, Wm.G. Walker)
17-114 The Regional Municipality of York-Planning re: Proposed Plan of
Subdivision, Blocks 1, 2, 3 and 5, Part of Block 4, Plan M-2036, Blocks 1 to
9, inclusive, Plan M-2037 (19T-84013}
(Information, L. Allison)
17-115 Ministry of the Environment re: Vandorf Road, Bayview Avenue Watermain
(Information, Wm.G. Walker, K.B. Rodger)
17-116 Reid and Associates Limited re: Installation of Valve Chambers-Project
Number 1280
(Information, Wm.G. Walker)
17-117 Real Time Datapro Ltd. re: In-House Cost Justifiable Computer Systems
17-118 Reid and Associates Limited re: Intersection Improvements Yonge Street,
Murray Drive, Edward Street -Project Number 912
17-119 Karen Lynch, Aurora, Ontario re: Letter of Appreciation
17-120 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Temporary Closing of
Highway# 11
(Information, C.E. Gowan, Wm.G. Walker)
17-121 J.M. Insley memo to C.E. Gowan re: Property Maintenance and Occupancy
Standards By-Law Number 2732-85
(Ref. Economic Development Committee)
17-122 Aurora Residents' -Petition re: Traffic Situation -Golf Links Drive
(TABLED, DELEGATIONS -October 2, 1985}
17-123 R.J. Harrington memo to Mayor and Members of Council re: Site Plan
Agreement -Exposed Masonry on Industrial and Commercial Buildings
(Information, Council)
17-124 Ontario Humane Society re: Animal Control Services
(Ref. Administration/Finance Committee, S.K. Jones)
17-125 The Regional Municipality of York-Engineering re: Davis Road Water Tower
- 9 -
17-126 Goodman and Carr, Barristers and Solicitors re: Granada Investments
(Ref. Technical Committee, L. Allison)
17-127 George Wimpey Canada Limited re: 9464 Aurora S/D
(Information, Wm.G. Walker)
17-128 York County Hospital Foundation re: Luncheon -October 9, 1985
(Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F.J. Horvath)
17-129 The Regional Municipality of York -Plannin9
Part Lot 79, Concession 1 (Z-26-85 -Graham)
(Information, S. Seibert)
re: Proposed Zoning Amendment
17-130 The Regional Municipality of York-Planning re: Application by Granada
Investments Limited for Amendment to O.P. and to By-Law 2213-78, Part of
Lots 58 and 59, Plan M-2034 (OP-37-85 and Z-38-85)
(Information, S. Seibert)
17-131 Reid and Associates Limited re: Rezoning Application-Denis Bowman on
Behalf of Dr. S. Armata -83 George Street
(Information, S. Seibert)
17-132 Reid and Associates Limited re: Oversizing Charges Collected from Several
Developers payable to Granada Investments -Project Number 839, 1003, 825,
1070, 1030
(Information, Treasury, K.B. Rodger)
17-133 R.H. Rough, Aurora, Ontario re: Proposed By-Law Change (Armata)
(Information, S. Seibert)
17-134 The Regional Municipality of York-Engineering re: Revised Easement-
Aurora Highlands Subdivision -File 19T-78078
(Information, Wm.G. Walker, Clerk to reply)
17-135 The York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: Proposed Plan of
Subdivision, Part Lots 76 and 77, Concession 1, WYS, File 19T-85048
(Information, S. Seibert)
17-136 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk re: By-Law Number 2794-85
17-137 The Regional Municipality of York-Planning re: Application by Herbert
Frieberg for Amendments to the Official Plan and to Zoning By-Law 2213-78
(OP-32-85 and Z-34-85)
(Information, S. Seibert)
17-138 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: By-Law Number 2781-85, RU to
(Information, S. Seibert)
17-139 Ministry of Natural Resources re: Proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment (Dr.
S. Armata)
(Information, S. Seibert)
17-140 Kelsey, Melnik and Hendler, Barristers and Solicitors re: Lakeview Estates
(Yonge Aurora) Ltd. -Registration of Plan of Subdivision
(Information, L. Allison, Clerk to reply)
17-141 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Plan of Subdivision 19T-82013
(Revlis Securities Ltd. Residential Development)
(Ref. Technical Committee)
17-142 Technical Committee report to Mayor and Members of Council re: IONA
Corporation -Proposed Draft M-Plan -Phase II
(Ref. Council in Committee)
-10 -
17-143 C.E. Gowan memo to Mayor Illingworth re: Pick-up of "A" signs
(Ref. Counci 1 in Committee)
17-144 Technical Committee memo to Council in Committee re: Closing of the
East/West Segment of Old Yonge Street
(Ref. Council in Committee)
17-145 S.G. Wilson memo to C.E. Gowan re: 911 Emergency Meeting
(I nf arm at ion)
17-146 Planning Committee letter to C.E. Gowan re: Commercial Plaza -South Side
of Wellington Street East
(Ref. Council in Committee)
17-147 York Regional Police Force re: Golf Links Drive-Speeding
(Ref. Council in Committee)
17-148 Committee of Adjustment re: Submission A-16-85, Patrick and Julie
McDonagh, 55 Foreht Crescent
(Information, Clerk to reply}
17-149 Weir and Foulds, Barristers and Solicitors re: Anderton purchase from
Picture Homes Development Inc./Granada Investments Limited - 6 Pinehurst
( I nf arm at ion)
17-150 Gardiner, Roberts, Barristers and Solicitors re: Corridor Enterprises
Inc. -Plan Subdivision
(TABLED, DELEGATIONS -Council in Committee)
17-151 The Royal Canadian Legion re: Grass and Weeds -Surrounding Area
(Information, J.M. Insley)
17-152 Ontario Rhythm Cloggers re: Request for Delegation Status
17-153 Wm.G. Walker memo to F.J. Horvath re: Sanitary Sewer-Confederation Park
(TABLED, Council -October 2, 1985}
17-154 Ministry of Tourism and Recreation re: 1987 Ontario Games for the
Physically Disabled
(Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F.J. Horvath}
17-155 Barbara Armstrong, Aurora, Ontario re: Support of Official Plan and Zoning
By-Law Amendment (Z-37-85, OP-38-85}
(Information, S. Seibert)
17-156 Royal Canadian Legion re: Annual Remembrance Day Services
Resolved that the Town of Aurora proclaim the week of November 4 to
9, 1985 "Poppy Week" in the Town of Aurora.
17-157 Royal Canadian Legion re: Annual Remembrance Day Parade -November 10,
Resolved that the Aurora Legion be authorized to hold a parade on
November 10, 1985 in the Town of Aurora.
-11 -
17-158 The Regional Municipality of York-Engineering re: Sewage Capacities
17-159 Assessment Region Number 14 re: 1985 Post Enumeration Reports
(Information, C.E. Gowan)
17-160 The Corinthian Publishing Co. Ltd. re: Power Problem -Aurora Hydro
(Information, Mayor Illingworth)
17-161 S.K. Jones memo to K.B. Rodger re: Public Works Purchase of a Front End
Ostick: Resolved that this letter be referred to resolutions on the Agenda.
17-162 Aurora Heritage Committee re: Demolition of 69 Yonge Street South, The
Browning House
17-163 Moira A. Rossi, Aurora, Ontario re: Sidewalk-Aurora Heights Drive
(Ref. Public Safety Committee-October 1, 1985)
17-164 Aurora Residents' -Petition re: Property on Henderson Drive between Lee
Gate and Seaton Drive
(Ref. Public Safety Committee-October 1, 1985)
17-165 Aurora Heights Public School re: Bus Loading Area
(Ref. Public Safety Committee-October 1, 1985)
17-166 Aurora Residents' -Petition re: Mary Street -No Heavy Trucks
(Ref. Public Safety Committee-October 1, 1985)
17-167 D. Stephen Mills, Richmond Hill, Ontario re: Application for Rezoning of
71 Yonge Street North to Residential Exception
(Information, S. Seibert)
17-168 S.K. Jones memo to K.B. Rodger re: Public Works Purchase of a Front End
Ostick: Resolved that this letter be referred to resolutions on the Agenda.
17-169 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Road Closing
Accommodation Road, Plan Number 102
17-170 Mrs. M.A. Haber, Aurora, Ontario re: Sidewalk -North Side of Aurora
(Ref. Public Safety Committee, Mayor Illingworth)
17-171 The Ontario Lupus Association re: Lupus Awareness Week -October 20 -27,
Resolved that the week of October 20 to 27, 1985 be proclaimed
"Lupus Awareness Week" in the Town of Aurora.
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-12 -
17-172 CN Rail re: Proposed Pedestria Grade Separation north of Wellington Street
(Information, Clerk to reply)
17-173 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Construction Proposal
Connecting Link, Appendix Number 15, Highway 11, Yonge Street Intersection
Improvements at Murray/Edward
(Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, K. McFarlane)
17-174 William K. McNamara, Aurora, Ontario re: Golf Course
(Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington, Clerk to reply)
17-175 Supreme Court of Ontario re: David Caldwell, Kimberly Lund
(Information, Insurance)
17-176 Thompson's Furniture and Interiors re: Request for Delegations Status -
Sign Application
17-177 Aurora Residents' -Petition re: Opposition to File # Z-30-85
17-178 Steven A. Armata, D.C. re: Withdrawal of Application
(Information, S. Seibert)
17-179 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Letter of Credit (Ceby
Management/Aurora Resthaven
17-180 The Regional Municipality of York-Treasury re: Debenture Debt Charges
(Information, Treasury)
17-181 Reid and Associates Limited re: Servicing of Industrial Lot, Industrial
.... ~· Parkway and Engelhard Drive -Project Number 1254
17-182 Reid and Associates Limited re: Reconstruction of Dunning Avenue -Project
Number 1184
17-183 Salpam Investments Limited re: Southold Investments Limited
17-184 R.J. Harrington memo to Mayor and Council re: Thompson's Furniture
Proposed Sign
17-185 The Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Aurora re: Festival of Unity
E. Stewart: Resolved that the week of October 18 to 25, 1985 be proclaimed
"Unity Week" in the Town of Aurora.
17-186 The Association for Early Childhood Education re: Week of the Child
E. Stewart:
Resolved that the week of October 19 to 26, 1985 be proclaimed "Week
of the Child" in the Town of Aurora.
',, ___ ,'
-13 -
17-187 S.K. Jones memo to K.B. Rodger re: Factory Theatre
17-188 S.K. Jones memo to K.B. Rodger re: Renovation of Old Fire Hall
17-189 S.K. Jones memo to K.B. Rodger re: Cash Register for Community Centre
17-190 Technical Committee memo to Mayor and Members of Council re: Henderson
West: Resolved that the Clerk's Report be accepted as outlined.
E. Stewart:
1. Letter # 17-152 -Ontario Rhythm Cloggers re: Request for Delegation
Mr. Hunka addressed Council on behalf of the Ontario Rhythm Cloggers and
outlined what the aims of the Association is. Mr. Hunka thanked Council for
their generous offer to subsidize the rental of the Community Centre
facility to a maximum of $500.00 for the appearance August 15 and 16, 1986.
Mr. Hunka requested Council's enthusiasm and support for their venture in
2. Letter # 17-162 -Aurora Heritage Committee re: Demolition of 69 Yonge
Street South -The Brown1ng House
West: Resolved that Council's policy be waived and the delegation from the
Buck: Historical Society be heard.
Mr. Copely, Aurora Heritage Committee, appeared before Council to bring
forward the heritage concerns regarding the demolition of the Browning
House. The Heritage Committee is concerned about the grade difference there
will be in the lands and also the run off from this property.
West: Resolved that this matter be referred to Unfinished Business.
3. Letter# 17-176-Thompson's Furniture and Interiors re: Sign Application
and Letter # 17-184 -R.J. Harrington re: Thompson's Furniture Proposed
Mr. Thompson appeared before Council to request an exception to the Sign
By-Law as it pertains to their property.
Buck: Resolved that this matter be referred to Unfinished Business on the
West: Agenda.
-14 -
Report# 104-Leisure Services Committee .•• Various Matters
The Committee respectfully submits the following:
Present Were: Councillor John West, Councillor Evelyn Buck, Councillor Norm
Stewart, Director of Leisure Services Fred Horvath, Citizen Members
David Bagshaw, Klaus Wehrenberg, Jim Hayward.
Regrets From: Barb Hooper, Doug Dakin, Betty Pedersen.
1. Catering -Auditorium Kitchen
The Committee reviewed the report of the Director which outlined the
1. fire extinguishing unit for stove
2. repair and replacement of duct work and fan
3. purchase of domestic stove, hood and ductwork
4. possible sale of existing stove
The Committee recommended that the existing stove be sold and that the Town
purchase a domestic stove complete with ductwork and hood and to do this as
soon as possible to meet the fire retrofit regulation. The Committee also
approved the sale of the existing dishes, silverware through the Purchasing
2. Sewage Plant Facilities
The Committee recommended that the Town approve the installation of a
sanitary sewer line at a cost of $2,800.00 and that Council approve a
working budget up to $18,000.00 to prepare structural analyses of the
existing foundation and to prepare conceptual drawings that would be
suitable to the site.
3. Letter # 13-156 -Deputy Treasurer re: Elderberry Trail
The Committee reviewed the situation regarding Block C, Plan M-51. The
Committee recommended that the Town investigate possible uses for this
parcel but does not recommend at this time that this Block be used for park
4. Gibson Easement -35 Glass Drive
The Committee feels that the Town has a responsibility for the creek bed
erosion causing problems to the Gibson's driveway. As a result the
Committee recommends that a letter be sent to the South Lake Simcoe
Conservation Authority requesting a technical report with costs etc., of
enclosing the culvert from Glass Drive to the back of the Gibson garage. At
the same time, the Committee recommended that the Town apply to the
Authority for provincial funds and staff to perform the job.
5. Leisure Complex Design
The Committee was presented with the final concept of the pool that Council
approved on September 3, 1985.
-15 -
Report# 104-Leisure Services Committee ... Various Matters (continued)
1. Toronto Musicians Association Local 149 re: Extra Fee for
The Committee recommended that the Town pay the extra administrative fee of
$169.00. It was noted that the Town are not required to pay federal tariffs
for these concerts anymore.
2. Aurora Nature Trails
Klaus Wehrenberg asked about the procedure for the creation standards and
types of surfaces for wa 1 kways in the proposed greenbelt areas in the Town.
The Committee recommended that staff meet with Mr. Wehrenberg to discuss
standards for the proposed pedestrian linkages.
Mr. Wehrenberg discussed the logo of the Club and the trails and is still
investigating the implementation of such.
3. Aurora Minor Hockey Association re: Fundraising for New Complex
The Aurora Minor Hockey Association have requested that the Town waiver the
rental fee for the fundraising dance for the Leisure Complex.
The Committee recommended that Council consider that during the Town's
fundraising drive for the Complex, Council contribute any rental fee towards
the complex if and only 100% of the proceeds are being directed to the
4. Letter # 17-42 -Aurora Volunteer Fire Department re: Request for Grant
and Food Concession
The Committee recommended that the Fire Department not be allowed to operate
a food concession at the Community Centre and that their financial request
be referred to Administration and Finance Committee.
5. Civic Awards
The Committee recommended that the following be accepted as the procedure
for the 1986 Investiture.
1. The Sports and Cultural Groups become more aware of the process and
encourage to recommend potential recipients.
2. The Director of Leisure Services inform the recipients in writing three
weeks prior to the night.
3. The Award's Night to be scheduled for the middle of May.
6. 1985 Summer Pool Report
This year 441 persons were registered in the Water Safety Lesson Programs,
an increase of 12 from last year. Public swimming attendance increased from
6,040 to 7,577 this year.
7. 1985 Playground Report
The playground program was very successful this year. Over 4,000 children
participated in our program with 2 new programs and 2 new leaders.
8. Canada's Wonderland Report
This year 243 residents participated in our discound day at the park. The
program netted the Department a $223.75 profit.
-16 -
Report# 104-Leisure Services Committee .•. Various Matters (continued}
1. Letter # 15-16 re: 1985 Municipal Recreation Grant
2. Ministry of Tourism and Recreation re: New Lottery Funded Program
3. Letter# 16-3 re: Aurora Generals Hockey Club 1985-1986 re: Ice Time
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Item A.1
Item A.4
E. Stewart:
Item A.4
Item A.5
N. Stewart:
Resolved that the Works Department clear out the debris from the
easement immediately,
And Be It Further Resolved that the Works Department be responsible
for emergency maintenance on the driveway until permanent work is
Resolved that Leisure Services Committee Report # 104 dated
September 18, 1985 be discussed item by item and accepted as
Report# 105-Committee of Adjustment ••• Submission A-10-85 (Mark West)
In respect of application (Form 1, Application for Minor Variance or for
Permission, Submission A-10-85} by Mark West Development, 26 Devlin Place, Aurora,
Ontario, requesting relief from Town of Aurora By-Law Number 2213-78 (as amended}
re: Lot 25, Plan M-2215, 38 Devlin Place, Aurora, Ontario, as described in the
subject application, the Committee of Adjustment, Town of Aurora, has this day
issued the following decision.
Reasons for
That approval is GRANTED to this application subject to Condition of
Consent as follows:
That the approved minor variance be Registered On Title and proof of
same submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer within thirty days.
the Decision: There were no objections verbally or in writing.
Signed on this 17th day of September, 1985.
Date of Submission to the applicant: 20th day of September, 1985.
Date of Notice of Last Date of Appeal of Decision: 20th day of September, 1985.
Last Date of Appeal of Decision: 17th day of October, 1985.
Resolved that Committee of Adjustment Report # 105 dated September
20, 1985 be discussed item by item and accepted.
-17 -
Report# 106-Committee of Adjustment ... Submission A-12-85 (Wemyss)
In respect of application (Form 1, Application for Minor Variance or for
Permission, Submission A-12-85) by Michael John Wemyss and Jennifer Marie Wemyss,
103 Temperance Street, Aurora, Ontario, requesting relief from the Town of Aurora
By-law Number 2213-78 (as amended) re: Lot 50, Plan 246, Town of Aurora, as
described in the subject application, the Committee of Adjustment, Town of Aurora,
has this day issued the following Decision.
Decision: That approval is GRANTED to this application, subject to Condition
of Consent as fo 11 ows."
of Consent: That the minor variance be Registered On Title, with a copy of same
submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer within thirty days.
Reasons for
the Decision: There were no objections either in writing or verbally.
Signed on this 19th day of September, 1985.
Date of Submission to the Applicant: 20th day of September, 1985.
Date of Notice of Last Date of Appeal of Decision: 20th day of September, 1985.
Last Date of Appeal of Decision: 19th day of October, 1985.
Resolved that Committee of Adjustment Report # 106 dated September
20, 1985 be discussed item by item and accepted.
Councillor West in the Chair.
Report# 107-Administration and Finance Committee ••• Various Matters
The Committee respectfully submits the following:
A meeting of the Administration and Finance Committee was held on Monday, September
30, 1985 at 3:30 p.m.
Present Were: Mayor Dick Illingworth, Councillors Earl Stewart and John West and
Treasurer Kelly Cerswell. Purchasing Co-Ordinator Steve Jones was
in attendance for part of the meeting. Clerk-Administrator K.B.
Rodger was attending another meeting.
1. Letter # 17-1 -Director of Leisure Services re: 1984 Bicentennial
Last year, the Department of Leisure Services co-ordinated the Provincial
Bicentennial Grant program as well as the Provincial Premiere of the
Bicentennial Showcase. As part of the financial conditions for both
programs, all funds were to be directed to projects whose clients are under
the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Citizenship and Culture.
The Bicentennial Showcase made a profit of $423.00 and Council recommended
an expenditure up to $423.00 to the Aurora Public Library for the purchase
of a French Immersion Program Cassette, young adult and baby library
There was a profit of $1,000 in the Bicentennial Account and Council
approved a recommendation that lighting and display features be purchased
for the Church Street School. The estimated cost for such a gallery as
recommended on August 21, 1985 was $997.65.
-18 -
Report# 107-Administration and Finance Committee •.. Various Matters (continued)
1. Letter # 17-1 -Director of Leisure Services re: 1984 Bicentennial
Programs (cont1nued}
As the proceeds for both projects were included in the 1984 surplus, the
Director of Lei sure Services requests that Council consider allocating funds
from the 1985 budget to complete these two projects.
The Committee is concerned that no action was taken in 1984 when the funds
were available, and they were not submitted for consideration in preparing
the 1985 budget. As a result, the Committee recommends that favourable
consideration be given when preparing the 1986 budget.
2. Letter # 17-35 -Deputy Fire Chief re: Retrofit/Factory Theatre
Form some time now the Administration and Finance Committee has been
endeavouring to complete the Retrofit provisions of the Fire Code for Town
owned buildings. The Deputy Fire Chief was requested to advise as to the
status of the Factory Theatre. He advises that a fire inspection was
conducted on September 12, 1985.
In addition to normal maintenance items, it was pointed out that a Fire
Safety Plan has not been completed in accordance with subsection{1)
of the Fire Code.
The Committee recommends that the Director of Leisure Services meet with
representatives of Theatre Aurora to complete the Fire Safety Plan as soon
as possible.
3. Letter# 17-73 -Fire Chief re: Replacement of Radio Base Station
The Fire Department base radio was recently tested by the Department of
Communications and found to be off-frequency. The technician called in to
make the necessary repairs advised that the unit should be replaced as soon
as possible. The base radio is approximately 17 years old and the
components are wearing out, making transmission and reception difficult.
Similarly, the radio in Car 1 is of the same vintage and transmission
problems have been indicated.
The Fire Chief advises that there is not sufficient funds in the budget to
cover these costs but as communications is of the utmost importance, he
recommends the purchase of two radios as soon as possible. He further
recommends the Motorola MCX-100 model which is of the scanning type and up
to 9 channels may be programmed. This would be a decided asset in disaster
situations when several agencies may be involved.
The total cost of the required equipment is $5,031.00 plus provincial sales
tax. If ordered prior to December 31, 1985 there is a 10 percent discount.
Delivery is approximately 8 weeks.
Account 2000-14 "Other Equipment" has a balance of $6,028.03 as of August
30, 1985. Commitments of approximately $2,000 for Scot Pak equipment are
outstanding against this account leaving a balance of approximately $3,500.
The Committee recommends that the communication equipment as listed be
ordered with the knowledge that Account 2000-14 will be in a deficit
position of approximately $1,500.
-19 -
Report# 107-Administration and Finance Committee ... Various Matters (continued)
4. Letter# 17-81 -Treasurer re: Collection of BIA Levy
The first instalment for the Business Improvement Area Levy in the amount of
$11,365 was due Au~ust 23, 1985. As of September 19 1985 1 59 of the 121
BIA business locat1ons (49 percent) have paid their first 1nstalment.
It is interesting to note that 19 of the 121 business locations have paid
their total 1985 levy.
The Committee recommends that this item be received as information.
5. Letter # 17-83 -Deputy Treasurer re: Part Lot 79, Kennedy Street West
It has come to the attention of the Treasury Department that this piece of
property has been assessed and taxed both as an acreage and as an individual
lot. This piece of property is now plan M-2035 Pinehurst Court and has been
assessed as such si nee 1982.
A 496A to cancel 1985 taxes as a gross manifest error is being processed.
The Treasury Department recommends that Council cancel the 1982, 1983 and
1984 taxes in the total amount of $4,898.66. Such cancellation will be
charged back to the School Boards and Region at the end of the year. The
Committee recommends that Council cancel the taxes as recommended and refund
the amount or apply to any outstanding taxes.
6. Letter # 17-86 -Purchasing Co-Ordinator re: Street Light Maintenance
On July 15, 1985, Council authorized the calling of tenders for Street Light
Maintenance. Tenders were opened on August 19, 1985. Two bids were
(1) Stacey Electric Co. Ltd., Toronto
(2) Pin Electric Ltd., Stouffville
The costs associated with the maintenance of street lights have been
compared with:
( 1) Aurora Hydro
(2) Private Contractor
(3) Aurora Public Works Department
The hourly rate for a bucket truck and (apprentice) electrician are higher
in the Pin Electric Tender ($47.50 vs. $39.50). However, other prices such
as the materials to be used, additional electrician, journeyman electrician,
and safety man, are less costly if Pin Electric is considered. Pin Electric
was the only company to list all of the equipment to be used during the
contract term. They are currently under contract to the Town of Richmond
Hill; a representative of that municipality has indicated their satisfaction
with the work completed to date.
In 1984, our street light maintenance (from Aurora Hydro) costs the town
$24,029.61 in materials and $29,638.71 in labour, for a total of $53,668.32.
The Purchasing Co-Ordinator has attempted to compare the cost with the
hourly rates for labour, equipment and supplies as provided by Pin
Electric. It is estimated a yearly cost by private contract to be
approximately $27,000.00, or 51% of our current costs. This compares
favourably with the situation in Richmond Hill, who saved 50% by using a
private contractor.
The Purchasing Co-Ordinator recommends that the tender be awarded to Pin
-20 -
Report# 107-Administration and Finance Committee ... Various Matters (continued)
.6. Letter# 17-86-Purchasing Co-Ordinator re: Street Light Maintenance
, ---""'.! ~ ..... J \
The Committee concurs and recommends as follows:
(a) That the tender be awarded to Pin Electric effective January 1,
(b) That Aurora Hydro be advised accordingly.
(c) That the Director of Pub 1 ic Works assume the responsibility for
supervision of street light maintenance effective January 1, 1985.
7. Letter# 17-101-Dr. G.W. Williams Secondary School re: Town Awards
The following students qualify as winners of the Town of Aurora Awards for
Grade 12
Chris Mann
Nancy Butler
Grade 13
Mark Tutkaluk
Christine Duncan
Other Awards
Ontario Scho 1 ar
Ontario Scholar
The Committee recommends that cheques be prepared in the amount of $100.00
each for presentation on October 18, 1985. Funds were included in the 1985
budget for this purpose.
8. Letter # 17-124 -Ontario Humane Society re: Animal Control Services
Mr. T.I. Hughes wrote to request status of the Ontario Humane Society
submission for animal control services. The Purchasing Co-Ordinator advises
the report on Canine Control will be ready for the next Committee meeting.
The Committee recommends that this item be received as a proper report.
1. Travel Allowance/Staff/Members of Council
On August 19th, 1985, Council directed the Administration and Finance
Committee to develop a vehicle policy for all Town vehicles and to review
mileage costs and car allowances.
Staff has obtained travel allowance information from several municipalities
within the Region of York. However, prior to making a recommendation to
Council the Committee has requested the Treasurer to provide information as
to the average monthly mileage claimed by staff required to use their
vehicles in the performance of their duty. This information will be
available for the next meeting of the Committee.
The Committee recommends that this item be received as a progress report.
2. Petition Against BIA
On July 15, 1985, Council adopted the following resolution:
"Resolved that this petition be received and the signees be advised as
-21 -
Report# 107-Administration and Finance Committee •.. Various Matters (continued)
2. Petition Against BIA (continued}
1. Clerk-Adminstrator to have petition checked to see if signees represent
at least one third of persons representing at least one third of the
assessed value of the lands in the area that is sued as the basis for
computing business assessment.
2. BIA cannot be legally dissolved until December 31, 1985."
The Treasurer advises that this information will be available for the next
meeting of the Committee.
The Committee recommends that this item be received as a progress report.
3. Repairs to East Wall/Factory Theatre
The Committee is concerned that no action has been taken in regard to the
refinishing of the east wall of the Factory Theatre as previously approved
by Council. Therefore, the Committee recommends that the Purchasing
Co-Ordinator and the Director of Leisure Services obtain prices for this
work immediately.
4. Anniversary and Birthday Plaques
On June 3, 1985, Council authorized the Purchasing Co-Ordinator to obtain
prices for printing 50, 100 and 200 certificates on parchment like paper
with an appropriate edge which can be used for both anniversaries, birthdays
and/or other special occasions.
Canadian Business Forms in Markham have given a price $2.50 each for 100
certificates. Prices for 500 or 1,000 certificates would be $1.00 each.
Prices for frames is $6.95 a frame.
The Purchasing Co-Ordinator suggests that one (1) master certificates would
be $1.00 each. Prices for frames is $6.95 a frame.
The Purchasing Co-Ordinator suggests that one (1) master certificate be made
which wou 1 d read "on the occasion of" fo 11 owed by a b 1 an k space which wou 1 d
be filled in depending upon the occasion. Copies of the master certificate
would be made as required and framed.
The Committee recommends that the Purchasing Co-Ordinator have a sample
prepared for a future meeting of the Committee.
1. Insurance Reserve
The Treasurer submits the following report:
"At the time of the 1984 surplus transfers to various Reserve Funds it was
believed that the Municipal Budget for insurance was deficient $10,81g, It
is now evident that this amount had been correctly budgeted for in the
Community Centre budget. Therefore, it is recommended that the $10,819
which came from the Insurance Reserve Fund to the Municipal account be
reinstated into the Insurance Reserve Fund."
The Committee recommends that the transfer of funds be carried out as
-~ -
Report# 107-Administration and Finance Committee ... Various Matters (continued)
2. Policy re: Department Stationery
Requests have been received from Department Heads to have Department
stationery as a means of better identifying incoming mail. It is understood
that this item is currently under review by the Department heads.
The Committee is of the opinion that department stationery is not required
but recommend that the Purchasing Co-Ordinator obtain prices before
submitting a recommendation to Council.
3. Staff Christmas Party
The Director of Leisure Services has requested direction as to a Staff
Christmas Party. He advises that the 1984 party was held on December 8th
and was possibly the best turn out in years. The cost was $2,388.60.
The Committee recommends that the Director of Leisure Services be authorized
to form a social committee with a representative from each department with a
budget of up to $2,500.00.
4. Personnel Matters
Due to the absence of the Clerk-Administrator two personnel matters could
not be discussed and are referred to the next, or a special, meeting of the
The meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m.
Item A.1 CARRIED _ C.4
Illingworth: Resolved that Administration and Finance Committee Report # 107
E. Stewart: dated September 30, 1985 be discussed item by item and accepted.
Mayor Illingworth in the Chair.
Report# 108-Public Safety Committee ... Various Matters
The Committee respectfully submits the following:
A meeting of the Public Safety Committee was held on Tuesday, October 1, 1985 in
Committee Room One at 7:00 p.m.
Present Were: Councillors Tim Jones, Martin Paivio, Richard Barker, Fire Chief Stu
Wilson, Citizen Members Omar Khamissa, Carl Weisser.
Absent: Citizen Member Ted Bessant.
Also in attendance was Mrs. Wendy Orawski, Dennis Hutt and Paul Kippen.
1. Letters# 17-25 and 17-49-Regional Municipality of York re: Parking
By-Law for the Physically Handicapped
It is recommended that the Fire Chief and the Technical Committee review the
contents of the draft by-law and report back to the Public Safety Committee
with their comments.
-23 -
Report# 108-Public Safety Committee ... Various Matters (continued)
2. Chief Wilson memo to Mayor Illingworth dated September 6,
The Committee concurs with the Chief's plans. It is hoped that after two
(2} of our staff have completed their instructor's certification course that
a program can be arranged for Town staff for CPR training.
3. Letter # 17-78 -H. Christensen and Letter # 17-163 -M. Rossi re:
Sidewalk on Aurora Heights
The Committee reviewed the concerns raised by these two residents on whose
property the proposed sidewalk has been recommended for children's access to
the Tecumseh crossing from Bigwin and Laurentide.
The Committee is still of the opinion that this sidewalk is necessary for
existing as well as future residents' use. As well, it is Town policy that
on roadways such as Aurora Heights, sidewalks will be constructed on both
sides, especially in light of increasing traffic, thus in the future it is
hoped that this sidewalk will extend for the full length of Aurora Heights.
The Committee recommends the sidewalk be constructed as per Council's
previous decision.
Letter # 17-147 -York re: Golf Links Drive (referred from
September 16, 1985
The Committee, based on feedback from numerous residents who indicate they
have complained to Police by phone and one to one on the street, feel that
there have been no complaints noted simply because no one had asked the
Police to do so. The Committee, given the narrowness of this street, remain
of the opinion that Golf Links Drive should be signed for 40 kph. The
Committee recommends this action be taken and further that a No Parking
restriction be placed on the full length of Golf Links south side.
5. Letter # 17-164 -J. Casselman re: Petition -Henderson Sidewalk
The Chairman reported that he had discussed this matter with the Director of
Works and walked the site with Mr. Casselman. The Committee discussed the
symetric reasoning for placing the sidewalk on the north side and the
reality that this sidewalk would appear to mostly serve the new
development. It is recommended that the sidewalk be located on the south
side of Henderson and that it be continued to meet the existing sidewalk on
the south side of Henderson near the Co-Op.
6. Letter # 17-165 -L. Payne, Aurora Heights Public School re: Safety
Mr. Payne, Principal of Aurora Heights Public School was represented by
Mrs. W. Orawski. Mrs. Orawski explained that in inclement weather the
school is experiencing problems with cars in the bus zones and with children
making their way to the cars and buses. As per Mr. Payne's letter, Mrs.
Orawski requests that white lines from the school steps to Kitimat be
provided to indicate a common walkway for children, that a sidewalk be
considered next year to allow children to walk south on Tecumseh and until a
sidewalk is possible that the asphalt be extended across the ditch as was
done in the bus loading area for a distance of 2/5 of km. (see letter). A
white line or curbstone could be used to separate the road from the
Further, that the No Parking be replaced by No Stopping signs in the area of
the bus loading zone and a sign previously removed by the hydrant at that
location be replaced.
-24 -
Report# 108-Public Safety Committee •.. Various Matters (continued)
6. Letter# 17-165-L. Payne, Aurora Heights Public School re: Safety
Concerns (cont1nued)
A final suggestion of making Tecumseh a one way was recommended to be
referred to the Safety Review of Town. The Committee concurs with the
requests made by Mr. Payne and recommends that staff prepare a report on
costs and implementation for the next Council meeting.
7. Letter# 17-166-Mary Street Petition re: No Truck Route
Mr. D. Hutt and Mr. P. Kippen presented a petition to the Committee
requesting that Mary Street, between Industrial Parkway and Industry Street
be signed at both ends as a "No Trucking Route". Further that the same sign
indicate the Truck direction to remain on Industry Street and Industrial
Parkway. With the opening of Mary Street East of this residential area,
trucks are short cutting through the older part of Mary Street. The
Committee recommends that the appropriate signage be erected.
1. Delegation -Mrs. W. Drawski -C.A.R.E. re: Various Matters
Mrs. Orawski brought the following matters to the Committee's attention.
(a) Orchard Heights -St. Andrew's Court, Murray Drive and Seaton,
Murray Dr1ve and Golf L1nks
Now that the Stop signs have been installed, it would facilitate
pedestrian crossing if white lines could be painted on the roadway
to indicate where the pedestrian should cross. This appears to be
common practice at most stop locations. The Committee would concur
and request these lines be painted while the warm weather is still
with us.
(b) Orchard Heights-Senior's Building
Part of the original recommendation to improve the Orchard Heights
traffic and safety situation was to investigate the possibility of
creating a drop off area beside the Senior's apartment building for
cars and the Town bus. Council is currently aware of this problem
as it has ordered no parking signs in this area hooded. It is
recommended that staff approach the management of this building to
investigate and report back to Council on the feasibility and cost
of such a dropoff.
(c) Aurora Heights Public School
Previously addressed.
(d) Traffic Study
Mrs. Orawski asked about the status of the Traffic Safety Study.
The Chairman reported that at a previous Council meeting the terms
of reference were asked to be brought forward for tender by October
15, 1985.
(e) Traffic Controls at Orchard Heights, Aurora Heights and Murray Drive
Mrs. Orawski reported that she had spoken to many residents on their
observations of the several actions taken by Council on these
streets by way of stop signs, school signs, guards, etc. She
indicated an overwhelming appreciation and noticeable improvement
from these people.
-25 -
Report# 108-Public Safety Committee ... Various Matters (continued)
2. Councillor Norm Stewart re: Stop Sign at Industry/Wellington
The Committee recommends that staff report on the possibility of moving the
southbound Industrial Parkway Stop sign at Wellington more towards the
intersection. The current situation sees cars having to stop at the sign
then move out several feet before being able to see traffic on Wellington.
3. Mrs. D. Pearson re: Laurentide "No Parking"
The Chairman received a call from this Laurentide resident who inquired as
to why only part of Laurentide at Illingworth Court had no parking. She
requested, as per the Safety Committee's unwritten policy, that the full
side of Laurentide be designated "No Parking". The Committee would
recommend this action be taken.
4. Mayor's Memo dated September 24, 1985 re: Mark/Spruce
The Committee advises that this situation has
as an area for the Town Traffic Safety Study.
addressed as soon as the Study has occurred.
been specifically identified
It is hoped that it will be
5. Mr. M. Wilson re: Brookland Avenue Safety Concerns
Mr. Wilson spoke to the Chairman indicating his approval of action taken by
Council in posting "Sharp Curves" signs at the curve location. He suggests
further action should be considered in regard to:
"No Parking" --the inside curve running west (north side} and north
(east side) should be designated no parking as it is difficult to
see oncoming traffic with cars parked around this corner. The
Committee recommends no parking from Banbury to Fairway Drive along
the north and east sides.
The Separate School bus picks up a child right in the middle of this
curve. The Public School bus has changed its pick up to Fairway.
The Committee sees a danger with a bus stopped at this location and
recommends that staff call the bus company (Casey) to request
changing its pick up to either Fairway or Banbury, away from the
The Chief further requested that a stop sign be installed as soon as
possible on Fairway for traffic eastbound to Brookland as the Yield sign is
not effective. The Committee concurs with this request and recommends this
be done.
6. Capital Budget
The Committee recommends, as per the Five (5} year Fire Department Capital
equipment growth plan that the Chief be directed to prepare specifications
for a new Pumper. Our existing trucks include a 1951 pumper, 1966 pumper
and 1976 pumper. This new truck would replace the 34 year old 1951 pumper.
-26 -
Report# 108-Public Safety Committee ..• Various Matters (continued)
7. Cameron Street Parking
The Committee would recommend that the York Regional Police be asked to
monitor parking on Cameron, especially at intersection. With Dunning
reconstruction, several students are parking on Cameron, some very close to
the intersection causing visibility problems. There was a bad accident
recently at Royal and Cameron.
8. Radio Base Station
The Committee concurs with the Chief's request to update this machinery.
This matter is before the Administration and Finance Committee.
9. Fire Prevention Week
The Committee notes that this week is Fire Prevention Week. Remember on
Wednesday, October 9, 1985 at 6:00 p.m. -Plan your home fire escape route.
10. 911
The Chief gave an update on "911" for York Region. There are many
complications. This is being pursued by staff in the Region.
11. Sidewalks in Industrial Areas
Members of the Committee expressed concerns about the lack of sidewalks in
the industrial areas. One particular location is along Edward Street from
Dunning to Yonge, with consideration to the Roller Rink and Restaurant as
well as employees from Vata Court going to Yonge and needing to walk on the
road. It is recommended that this specific concern be addressed in the
Traffic Safety Review and included in the Terms of Reference.
12. Traffic Study -Terms of Reference
It is strongly hoped that the Terms of Reference will be ready by October
15, to proceed for tendering. Specific situations have been adding up and
referred to this study. Should this study be delayed in proceeding much
longer, the Committee will have no other choice then to address each
situation with its own solution and without the advice of professional
traffic personnel. Some of those specific situations include:
Lee Gate/Henderson
Kennedy Road
Edward Street
Orchard Heights
Murray Drive
Aurora Heights
Pedestrian Trail System
Industrial Park Sidewalks
Stop sign criteria for Aurora
The meeting ended at 8:33 p.m. The next meeting of the Public Safety Committee
will be at the call of the Chairperson.
Item A.1
Item A.5
Resolved that this item be referred to Unfinished Business on the
-v -
Report# 108-Public Safety Committee .•. Various Matters (continued)
Item A.5
Item A.6
Resolved that the Engineering Staff be directed to advise how the
intersection of Industrial Parkway and Industry Street could be
Item A.7
Item B.1(a)
Item B.1(b)
Resolved that Public Safety Committee Report# 108 dated October 2,
1985 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended.
Report# 109-Commercial Development Advisory Committee ..• Various Matters
The Committee respectfully submits the following:
A meeting of the Commercial Development Advisory Committee was held on Tuesday,
September 17th, 1985 at 7:30 p.m.
Present Were: Councillor E. Buck, Chairman, Heritage Committee representative Dr.
L. Oliver, Chamber of Commerce representative Mr. Bruce Spragg and
Planner S. Seibert, Councillor R. Barker working.
Absent Were: Dr. R. Centre, Mr. G. McKenzie and Mr. D. Bagshaw.
1. The Browning Property
The Committee discussed the Browning property and would recommend that the
tenders for demolition of the building not be let until after the Library
Square Study has been completed and its recommendations dealt with by
Council. The Committee's concerns with the demolition are as follows:
i. How will the site be made acceptable i.e. -seeded or sodded after
November 1st?
i i. The costs and practicality of restoring the site when a study is
underway to determine how the site should be developed.
iii. The garage walls at the rear of the property form a retaining wall.
How will this be handled after the buildings are demolished?
iv. If the property is left without ground cover, and work is not
actually proceeding, it may be in contravention of the Town's
Property Maintenance and Standards By-Law.
2. Townpride
The Committee discussed the proposal received from "Townpride", a consulting
group specializing in downtown projects, to carry out the Library Square
Study. Three firms were invited to submit proposals, however, the only
proposal received was from this group. The Townpride group is made up of
architects, engineers, landscape architects, planners, leisure services
-28 -
Advisory Committee ... Various Matters
2. Townpride (continued)
Item 1
Item 1
Item 2
Item 2
specialists and economic and management specialists. The proposal made by
the group in the Committee's opinion, covers the Terms of Reference as
approved by Council. The proposed cost of the study is $13,500 plus
disbursements. The Committee would recommend that Townpride be authorized
to carry out the study. A copy of the proposal in on file with the Clerk.
Resolved that this matter be deferred until Unfinished Business on
the Agenda.
Resolved that this matter be referred to the next Council in
Committee meeting and staff be directed to prepare an out 1 i ne of
work carried out previously by "Townpride" and also advise why only
one Tender was received.
Resolved that Commercial Development Advisory Committee Report # 109
dated September 17, 1985 be discussed item by item and accepted as
Report# 110-Public Works Committee .•• Various Matters
The Committee respectfully submits the following:
A meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, September 30th, 1985 at
7:30 p.m. in Committee Room Number 2 at the Administrative Centre.
Present Were: Councillor L. Ostick, Councillor E. Stewart and Director of Public
Works Wm.G. Walker.
1. Letters # 17-58 and # 17-59 (Sidewalk -Henderson Drive)
The decision to put the sidewalk on the north side was made to coincide with
the sidewalks either constructed or planned on the other sections of
Henderson Drive. It should be noted that in the section west of Lee Gate
the houses on both sides of the street are backing on to Henderson. As
Council is reviewing its sidewalk policy and will be putting additional
sidewalks on some streets, it is recommended that as it is likely that
Henderson Drive will be one of these streets, that the sidewalk be located
on the north side of Henderson Drive at this time.
2. Letter# 17-122 (Traffic-Golf Links Drive)
No Heavy Truck signs could be erected but as the construction traffic
pattern should change shortly as a result of the additional exits onto
Bathurst Street being opened in the near future, it is recommended that this
issue be reviewed again at the October meeting.
-29 -
Report# 110-Public Works Committee •.. Various Matters (continued)
3. Front End Loader
The Committee were briefed on the demonstrations attended by a Public Works
Department team to study 3 models of front end loaders. The Committee
support the recommendation made to the Administrative and Finance Committee
that a Caterpillar loader be purchased.
4. Verbal Request by Mr. Bootsma -34 Connaught Avenue
Mr. Bootsma has made several requests for the Town to undertake work on the
street end of his driveway. This is a new house and the driveway has never
been completed to the Town's satisfaction. It is recommended that Mr.
Bootsma be informed by letter to this effect.
· The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
E. Stewart:
Resolved that Public Works Committee Report# 110 dated September
30, 1985 be discussed item by item and accepted.
Councillor West in the Chair.
Report# 111-Council in Committee ••. Various Matters
The Committee respectfully submits the following:
A meeting of Council in Committee was held on Wednesday, October 2, 1985 at 9:20
p.m. in the Board Room.
Present Were: Mayor Illingworth, Councillor Jones, Ostick, E. Stewart and West.
Councillor Barker working, Councillor Buck was ill, Councillor Paivio had a family
matter to attend to and Councillor Norm Stewart on vacation.
1. Letters # 16-81 -By-Law Enforcement Officer re: "A" Signs and Letter #
17-143 -Deputy Clerk re: "A" S1gns
The Committee recommends that this matter be deferred for two weeks to see
what action the builders have taken.
2. Letter # 17-11 -Upper Canada Recycling re: Service Discontinuation
Council in Committee recommends that the withdrawal of the service of paper
pick-up be accepted with regret.
3. Letter # 17-40 -Mrs. L. McDonald re: McMahon Park -Fencing
The Committee recommends that this matter be referred to the Purchasing
Co-Ordinator to obtain prices for fencing. Fence to be erected with Town of
Aurora and owners of property sharing cost of same.
4. Letter # 17-43 -John Jennings re: Street Names
This letter to be referred to the Region of York for approval of name --
Rev-Lea and if so approved to be added to street name 1 i st.
-30 -
Report# 111-Council in Committee .•. Various Matters (continued}
5. Letter # 17-47 -Ministry of the Environment re: Wayside Pits
Council in Committee recommends that this letter be referred to the Leisure
Services Committee for a report.
6. Letter# 17-68 -Aurora High School re: Parking By-Law
Council in Committee recommends that the representative of the Aurora High
School to lift the parking restrictions, on the west side of McDonald Drive
in front of the Aurora High School on November 20, 1985 to 1:00 p.m. be
granted and the York Regional Police be so notified.
7. Letter# 17-76-Aurora (79} Taxi re: Additional Licences
This letter to be referred to the Administration and Finance Committee for a
8. Letter # 17-78 -Hanne Christensen re: Sidewalk on Aurora Heights Drive
Council in Committee recommends this matter be referred to the Public Safety
Committee Report # 108.
9. Letter# 17-99 -Cliffgate Management Ltd. re: IONA-Flooding Concern
Staff to report on this matter at the Council meeting scheduled for October
7' 1985.
10. Letter # 17-142 -Technical Committee re: IONA Corporation -Phase II
Council in Committee recommends that a resolution be prepared for Council's
11. Letter # 17-144 -Technical Committee re: Closing of East/West Segment of
Old Yonge Street
The Committee recommends that this matter be referred to the Solicitor and
the necessary steps be taken to acquire ownership of the land and further
the Solicitor proceed through the closing procedure in the most expenditious
manner available.
12. Advertisement -Fire Safety Week
Council in Committee discussed this matter and recommends that no action be
taken in this regard.
13. Letter # 17-65 -Devlin Place Residents re: Fences
The Committee recommends that this matter be referred to the Leisure
Services Committee.
1. Region of York re: Access to Wellington Street East
The Committee recommends that the Clerk-Administrator advise the Region of
York Engineering Department that the land east of Industrial Parkway South
is not and may not be av ai 1 able for street access and therefore Council
would request that the word "temporary" be removed from their letter of
September 20, 1985.
-31 -
Report# 111-Council in Committee ..• Various Matters (continued)
2. Corridor Investments
Council in Committee discussed this matter and recommends that the decision
outlined by the Clerk be ratified and confirmed and the necessary resolution
be prepared.
3. OMB Hearing re: Rogers Estate -Parkland Dedication
The Committee recommends that the decision as outlined by the
Clerk-Administrator be accepted and recommends that the necessary resolution
be prepared for Council's consideration.
Letter # 16-70
Letter # 17-15
Letter # 17-17
Letter # 17-24
Letter # 17-38
Letter # 17-44
Letter # 17-47
Letter # 17-67
Letter # 17-72
Letter # 17-77
Letter # 17-103
Letter # 17-146
Letter # 17-147
-Director of Public Works re: Boulevard Maintenance
-Mayor of Hamilton re: Infrastructure Program
-H. Borgdorff re: Industrial Park # 3 -Sanitary
Sewage Pumping
-Regional Medical Officer of Health re: Rabies Control
-Y.R.R.C.S.S.B. re: Separate School Funding Referendum
-Ministry of the Environment re: Lake
Simcoe-Couchiching Strategy
-Ministry of the Environment re: Wayside Pits
-Mr. and Mrs. Faucette re: Fences
-Mrs. S. Seibert re: Commercial Uses in Industrial
-S.L.S.C.A. re: Lake Simcoe Environmental Management
~rdew ~u~
-Reid and Associates re: Right Hand Turn Lane Yonge to
-Secretary, Planning Committee re: Commercial Plaza,
SIS Wellington East
-York Regional Police re: Speeding on Golf Links Drive
The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
Item A.1
E. Stewart: Resolved that this letter be received as information.
Item A.6
Illingworth: Resolved that Council in Committee Report # 111 dated October 2,
E. Stewart: 1985 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended.
Report# 112-Organization Review Steering Committee •.. Selection of Consultant
The Committee respectfully submits the following:
A meeting of the Steering Committee was held on Monday, September 23, 1985 at 4:00
-32 -
Organization Review Steering Committee .•. Selection of Consultant
Present Were: Mayor Dick Illingworth, Councillors Earl Stewart and John West.
The Committee received the following three proposals submitted by consultants
previously selected.
1. F.J. Mclean and Associates
This Assessment of Operating Effectiveness is organized into three stages:
Phase I:
Phase II:
Phase III:
Assessment Design and Data Gathering
Database Development, Data Analysis and Reporting
I estimate, based on such work with other clients that Phases I and II will
cost in the neighbourhood of $40,000 to $50,000 over a period of
approximately three to four months. The cost of Phase III depends on the
outcomes of previous stages and may cost in the neighbourhood of $5,000 to
$10,000. Costs include professional fees, ranging from $75 to $100 per hour
for myself and selected technical consultants as required, plus staff,
computer analysis and expenses.
2. Woods Gordon
Based on the approach to the review described in Section II of this
proposal, we estimate that the entire project will require approximately 12
weeks of elapsed time to complete. We have considered in this estimate the
constraints on the time of councillors and staff, and we have assumed the
detailed review of three departments or key issues in Phase 3.
Because we cannot be sure of the extend of the detailed review, we cannot
predict with precision the actual completion time. However, we will be
prepared to start the review within one week of being awarded the project
and we can be sure to complete Phase 1 and 2 within the following five week
period. Finally, we believe an additional seven weeks of calendar time to
be a reasonable target for the completion of the balance of the project.
Again, it is difficult to quote an exact fee for the entire study. We can
be precise on Phases 1 and 2 and for this part of the assignment we will
quote an upset fee. Similarly, we can be reasonably precise in estimating
the fee cost of Phase 4. The only portion of the project cost that is
variable at this stage is Phase 3 and this is due to the fact that we do not
know how extensive the required detail will be. Nevertheless, in our fee
statement below we have provided what we believe to be a reasonable estimate
of the cost of Phase 3 based on our previous experience in other
Our consulting fees are expected to be as follows:
Phase 1 and 2 $15,000.00 (upset limit)
Phase 4 $ 7,000.00 (upset limit)
Phase 3 (based on a detailed
review of 3 issues or
departments) $12,000.00 (estimate)
We are prepared to establish a fixed fee quotation for Phase 1, 2 and 4. We
will provide the Steering Committee with a fixed fee quotation for Phase 3
at the conclusion of Phase 2. When we present our findings from the initial
survey and recommend certain issues or departments be studied in detail, we
will provide precise fee quotations and work plans for each element of the
detailed studies.
-33 -
Report# 112-Organization Review Steering Committee .•• Selection of Consultant
3. Thorne Stevenson and Kellogg
We do not believe that the Town's interest would be served by a consulting
study that reviews each operation in depth. Such an approach will be costly
and involve in-depth investigation of issues which may be relatively
unimportant. We propose that the consultant study, at this stage, should
place emphasis on identification of problems, issues and priorities. It
should provide you with an orderly plan. Such a plan must be practical.
You cannot do everything at once. Some activities must take precedence.
For example, there may be little purpose in undertaking an in-depth
operational review of a particular function or department if there are
underlying organizational problems. The appropriate organization must be in
place. When it is, it may be possible to solve operational problems with
minimal consulting assistance.
In our experience programs to improve operational effectiveness tend to fail
if an appropriate organization structure is not in place. Therefore, the
study must give emphasis to the development of suitable structures and
related administrative practices. Organizational planning must be forward
looking ••• but must recognize that organizational changes can only be
completed gradually. The study should determine how the organization
structure should change over time, in a series of phases. It must deal with
several issues, including:
The relationship between Council and the Administration.
The overall co-ordination of municipal activities.
The extent of management required for the Public Works, Parks, Leisure
Services and Planning functions.
The relationships between Public Works, Parks and Leisure Services, and
the best structure for effective and efficient service delivery.
The organization of Public Works as related to its specific functions for
above ground and underground infrastructures.
The advantages and disadvantages of centralizing such administrative
functions as purchasing.
Level of service problems experienced or anticipated (e.g. by-law
You need objective and independent viewpoints. These must be based on
experience in a variety of municipal situations. But the consultants must
also consider the level of service expectations of the community.
Furthermore, recommendations will be implemented by the administration.
Therefore, municipal staff should have a sense that they are participating
in the study. Therefore, it will be important to consider the viewpoints
-Members of Council (representing the community)
-Municipal staff
and to relate these to approaches which are practical, realistic and
economical. Furthermore, the selection of viable alternative should be
clearly understood. As appropriate, the alternatives considered should,
therefore, be presented to you.
We estimate the total costs for this study of between $27,500 and $30,000
including consulting fees, report preparation and travel expenses.
-34 -
Report# 112-Organization Review Steering Committee ... Selection of Consultant
3. Thorne Stevenson and Kellogg (continued}
We estimate that the study will be completed within 9 weeks from start.
This is based on our proposed work schedule which assumes that interviews
and meetings can be scheduled relatively quickly.
The Committee reviewed all submissions in detail. It was agreed that while
F.J. Mclean and Associates had considerable experience in consulting in the
private sector, there appeared to be a lack of experience in municipal
government. As the estimated cost of the survey was much higher than the
other two submissions, and based on a perceived lack of municipal experience
it was agree to take no further action on this submission.
The submission from Woods Gordon and Thorne Stevenson and Kellogg showed
strong experience in municipal structure and good knowledge of municipal
government. Both submissions had an excellent perception of the aims and
objectives of the study.
Based on the factors of experience, perception and cost, the Committee
recommends as follows:
1. The tender for the Review of Operation and Organization of the Town of
Aurora be awarded to Thorne Stevenson and Kellogg at an estimated cost of
between $27,500 and $30,000.
2. It is further recommended that Phase I (initial review of all departments)
be carried out as soon as possible and a preliminary report submitted to the
Steering Committee and Council.
3. It is further recommended that the decision as to Phase II (detailed review
of specific departments) be left to the incoming Steering Committee and
Co unci 1.
4. It is further recommended that the Five Year Projection for staff as
prepared by staff be forwarded to Thorne Stevenson and Kellogg as part of
their review.
The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
Resolved that this report be referred to the next Council in
Committee meeting and Council be requested to review the proposals.
1. Authorization for Mayor and Clerk to Sign a Site Plan Agreement (Prestige
Buck: Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to Sign a Site Plan
West: Agreement between Prestige Printing and the Town of Aurora.
-35 -
2. Aurora Chamber of Commerce Trailer
E. Stewart:
Resolved that the outstanding account of $687.23 re: Aurora Chamber
of Commerce Trailer, as per attached, be paid from the Capital
Community Building Reserve Fund and the Seal of the Corporation be
attached hereto.
3. Payment of Invoice Number 3595 (Wemco Canada)
E. Stewart:
Reso 1 ved that, upon the recommend at ion of Reid and Associates
Limited, Invoice Number 3595 from Wemco Canada for File Number 12
(Alternative to the Centre Street Sewage Pumping Station) in the
total amount of $12,688.06 be paid and the Seal of the Corporation
be attached hereto.
Funds to be taken from Services Reserve.
4. Appointment to Permanent Staff (J. Lopizzo and C. Canning)
E. Stewart:
Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Director of
Public Works and satisfactory completion of their six month
probationary period, Mr. J. Lopizzo, effective March 10, 1985, and
Mr. C. Canning, effective August 18, 1985 be appointed to the
permanent staff of the Town of Aurora.
5. Payment of Invoice Number 10327 (Reid and Associates Limited)
E. Stewart:
Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Director of
Public Works, Invoice Number 10327 (Town Industrial Park -Old Park
Holdings) in the amount of $4,934.44 be paid to Reid and Associates
Limited and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto.
6. Cancellation of 496's and Penalties
West: Resolved that the following 496's and penalties be canceled, details
Jones: of which are on file in the Treasurer's Office, be approved and the
Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the
Corporation be attached hereto."
Taxes $4,861.13
Penalties 40.95
Total $4,902.08
7. Committee of Adjustment Decision (B-4-84-Rogers Estate)
Buck: Resolved that the sum of $5,000.00 be accepted from Donald Elias
West: (Rogers Estate) to satisfy Committee of Adjustment Decision
(B-4-84), Condition# 3, Cash in Lieu of Parkland, which was under
appeal by the applicant to the Ontario Municipal Board.
', .•. 1
-~ -
8. Payment of Accounts -Reid and Associates
E. Stewart:
Resolved that the following accounts of Reid and Associates Limited:
Project Number Amount Account
Advisory Services
(Retainer-August) 10453 $ 720.72 3100-38
Corridor Developments
Subdivision 10456 55.36 Engineering Res.
Revlis Investments
Subdivision 10458 175.43 Engineering Res.
Three Seasons Subd. 10459
Aurora Country Estates
83.04 Engineering Res.
Subdivision 10460 114.04 Engineering Res.
Yonge/Murray Inter. 10462 847.53 3405-40
Town Industrial Park
(Old Park Holdings) 10470 7,545.41 Ind. Park Account
Town Industrial Park
(Old Park) Pumping Sta. 10471 2,237.03 Ind. Park Account
Town Industrial Park
(Old Park) Removal of
Sewage 10472 602.12 Ind. Park Account
Yonge/Vandorf Inter. 10474 5,732.60 Ind. Park Account
Avery Subdivision 10475 83.04 Engineering Res.
Park Lot Improvements Account to be
(Temperance/Wellington) 10483 910.64 ident. by Council
Dunning Reconstruction 10493 6,139.18 3360-40
Bathurst Trunk Watermain 10496 6,995.53 Waterworks Res.
Vandorf/Bayview Water
Supply 10497 967.59 9140-38
Kennedy St. (MeDon a 1 d
westerly) 10507 479.71 3100-34
Servicing Industrial Lot 10515 264.82 Ind. Park Account
Beacon Hall Subdivision 10531 86.64 Engineering Res.
Total $34,040.43
••. in the total amount of $34,040.43 be paid and the Seal of the
Corp oration be attached hereto.
9. IONA Corporation-Draft M-Plan Phase II
Buck: Be It Hereby Resolved that the Planning Department of the Region of
West: York be advised that the Town of Aurora concurs with the changes
made to the proposed draft M-Plan for registration for the second
phase of draft plan of subdivision 19T-83025 as enumerated below:
1. The realignment of lots 4 and 5 inclusive, lots 65, 66 and 67
inclusive and lots 119 and 120 inclusive.
2. The addition of a 2.83 m. road widening on the south side of
Henderson Drive and the addition of a 0.3 m. reserve on the
south side of Hendersen Drive.
3. The addition of one (1) lot on the east side of McClellan
-~ -
10. Corridor Enterprises Inc. -Servicing Allocation
Buck: Be It Hereby Resolved that, upon Corridor Enterprises Inc.
West: satisfactorily complying with the terms of a Subdivision Agreement
dated December 3rd, 1984 and a supplementary agreement dated
December 3rd, 1984, the Regional Municipality of York be advised
that the Town of Aurora does hereby grant the necessary servicing
allocation to the remaining 34 lots on Plan of Subdivision 65M-2281.
11. Corridor Enterprises Inc.
Be It Resolved That:
1. The road pattern within which the watermain is to be located
as shown on the draft Plan of Subdivision submitted and filed
on the 16th day of May 1985 and in particular without limiting
the foregoing the road pattern as shown on the lands to the
west of McLenny Drive and north of Henderson Drive and east of
Bathurst Street is hereby approved.
2. The location of the watermain as shown on the draft reference
p 1 an as prepared by
Ontario Land Surveyor dated September , 1985 under the
proposed road pattern is hereby approved.
3. Any request in the planning process by the owners of the lands
to the north to a 1 ter the 1 ocat ion of the road pattern as
shown on the draft Plan of Subdivision hereinbefore referred
to must have the concurrance and consent of the owner of the
lands, and all costs of moving or altering the road pattern
and the watermain located and installed within the road
pattern shall be borne entirely at the expense of the owners
of the 1 ands to the north.
4. Building permits shall be issued for Lots 69 -102 Plan
65M-2281 as soon as requested by the owner provided that
occupancy permits shall not be granted until the York Durham
Watermain running south on Bathurst is connected and supplying
water to the aforesaid lots, subject to all other provisions
of Subdivision Agrement and Supplementary Agreement being
complied with.
5. Page 3 of the Supplemental Agreement made the 3rd day of
December, 1984 between the Corporation of the Town of Aurora,
Corridor Enterprises Inc., Harrie Wertheim and Robert W. Henry
and Morguard Bank of Canada be amended by deleting the
following at the end of subparagraph 4 (c) (ii):
"The contribution or allowance described in
this subparagraph shall be paid or credited
by the Town to the owner at the time when a
further Subdivision Agreement is signed
covering 1 ands to the west of the P 1 an of
and rep 1 aced with:
-~ -
11. Corridor Enterprises Inc. (continued)
"The contribution or allowance described in
this subparagraph shall be paid by the Town
to the owner at the time when the owner
complets the construction of the watermain
as required in subparagraph 4 (c) (ii) in
this Supplemental Agreement and has granted
the Town the easement as set out in
subparagraph 4 (3) herein and provides
payment or security for watermain share
which is owing by Corridor to others under
the obligations of Subdivision Agreement."
12. Transfer of Lands ( Southo 1 d Investments)
Buck: Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a transfer
West: of 1 and from the Corp or at ion of the Town of Aurora to Southo 1 d
Investments Limited comprising Part of Block 157, Plan 65M-2247
pertaining to the commercial block in the second phase of draft plan
of subdivision 19T-81100.
13. Letter of Credit (Aurora Resthaven)
E. Stewart:
Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Director of
Public Works, the Letter of Credit for Ceby Management/Aurora
Resthaven in the amount of $3,000.00 be released.
14. Payment Certificate Number 1 (Ray-More Construction)
E. Stewart:
Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Reid and Associates
Limited, Payment Certificate Number 1 for Project Number 1254
(Industrial Parkway and Engelhard Drive) in the total amount of
$7,071.00 be paid to Ray-More Construction Ltd. and the Seal of the
Corporation be attached hereto.
15. Payment Certificate Number 2 (Kalabria General Contractors)
E. Stewart:
Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Reid and Associates
Limited, Payment Certificate Number 2 for Project Number 1184
(Reconstruction of Dunning Avenue) in the total amount of
$142,632.90 be paid to Kalabria General Contractors Ltd. and the
Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto.
16. Front End Loader
E. Stewart:
Resolved that, upon the recommendations of Steven K. Jones,
Purchasing Co-Ordinator and Wm.G. Walker, Director of Public Works,
the tendering for a Front End Loader be waived and the quotation of
Crothers Limited for a Caterpi 11 ar 926 Loader in the total amount of
$79,403.63 be accepted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached
-E -
17. Notice of Motion -Councillor West re: Masonry Buildings
N. Stewart:
Resolved that the Town of Aurora adopted a Policy that all
Tndustrial/Commercial buildings erected on Yonge Street North and
South and Wellington Street East and West be of masonry
And Be It Further Resolved that Builders be encouraged to use
masonry fronts for all Industrial/Commercial buildings erected else
where in the Town of Aurora.
18. By-Law re: Election Expenses and Contributions
N. Stewart:
Resolved that the Clerk-Administrator be directed to prepare the
necessary by-law to regulate election contributions and requiring
the reporting of expenses and contributions by all Candidates in the
forthcoming Municipal Election.
Recorded Vote -Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora -Election Expenses and
Contributions -dated October 7, 1985
Yea Nay
Mayor Illingworth X
Councillor Barker X
Councillor Buck X
Councillor Jones X
Councillor Ostick X
Councillor Paivio X
Councillor E. Stewart X
Councillor N. Stewart X
Councillor West X --
3 6
19. Payment of Invoice (Burnham and Associates)
E. Stewart:
Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Reid and Associates
Limited, Invoice Number 1015 for Alterations to the Centre Street
Sewage Pumping Station in the total amount of $3,624.63 be paid to
Burnham and Associates Limited and the Seal of the Corporation be
attached hereto.
Funds to be taken from Services Reserve.
20. Renovations of the Old Fire Hall
West: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of S. K. Jones, Purchasing
Buck: Co-ordinator, the price of $2,650.00 submitted by Keith Dove of
Aurora for the four parts covered for the Renovations of the Old
Fire Hall be accepted, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached
-40 -
21. Cash Register -Community Centre
West: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of S. K. Jones, Purchasing
Buck: Co-ordinator, the price of $1,492.65 submitted by SBS Products
Limited for a cash register for the Community Centre be accepted and
the Sea 1 of the Corporation be attached hereto.
22. IONA Corporation -Phase II Preservicing
Resolved that upon proper posting of financial security and
finalization of the Engineering Drawings and approval by the
Director of Public Works of Phase II, IONA Corporation be authorized
to preservice Phase II of their subdivision pending finalization of
their subdivision agreement, subject to the usual conditions set out
by the Director of Public Works.
23. IONA Corporation -Confederation Park
Ostick: Resolved that construction by IONA through Confederation Park be
Jones: authorized, to be completed expeditiously, and all damage and
sodding repaired to the satisfaction of the Director of Leisure
Jones: Resolved that the hour be extended and the Agenda completed.
N. Stewart:
1. Thompson's Sign
E. Stewart:
and fees
Store to
that upon application for a Building Permit being received
being paid, permission be granted to Thompson's Furniture
erect sign.
And Be It Further Resolved that the Sign By-Law be clarified.
2. Demolition of Browning House
West: Resolved that the demolition of the Browning House be delayed until
Buck: the Planning Study of this area is completed.
3. Henderson Drive Sidewalk
E. Stewart:
Resolved that the Town's sidewalk policy be adhered to and sidewalks
be constructed on both sides of Henderson Drive.
4. Parking Lot -Temperance Street
Buck: Resolved that the alterations to the Plan as outlined by the
Barker: Clerk-Administrator be accepted and the reconstruction of the lot be
carried out.
-41 -
5. Town of Aurora By-Laws Number 2768-85 (Faulkner) and 2769-85 (Centre)
West: Resolved that the Town of Aurora Council reaffirms their position
Paivio: taken on the two {2) by-laws Number 2768-85 (Faulkner) and Number
2769-85 {Centre).
Be It Hereby Resolved That:
Bill Number 2797-85 -Being a By-Law to Provide for the erection of
a stop sign on Fairway Drive at the
intersection of Brookland Avenue in the Town
of Aurora
Bill Number 2798-85 -Being a By-Law to Adopt Official Plan
Amendment Number 38 (Romano)
Bill Number 2799-85 -Being a By-Law to Amend Zoning By-Law 2213-78
Bill Number 2800-85 -Being a By-Law to Close and Stop up that part
of Accommodation Road as Laid out on Plan
Number 102, Aurora
•.. be read a First Time.
Be It Hereby Resolved That:
Bill Number 2797-85 -Being a By-Law to Provide for the erection of
a stop sign on Fairway Drive at the
intersection of Brookland Avenue in the Town
of Aurora
Bill Number 2798-85 -Being a By-Law to Adopt Official Plan
Amendment Number 38 (Romano)
Bill Number 2799-85 -Being a By-Law to Amend Zoning By-Law 2213-78
Bill Number 2800-85 -Being a By-Law to Close and Stop up that part
of Accommodation Road as Laid out on Plan
Number 102, Aurora
.•• be read a Second Time.
' ~-,-.
-42 -
Be It Hereby Resolved that Section 21 of By-Law Number 2554-83 be
suspended and Bill Number 2800-85, now before the Council, be read a
Third Time and enacted and the Third Reading be taken as read.
Be It Hereby Resolved That:
Bill Number 2780-85 -Being a By-Law to Amend Zoning By-Law Number
2213-78 (Rogers)
Bill Number 2792-85 -Being a By-Law to Authorize the appointment of
a Deputy Fire Chief for the Town of Aurora .
• . . be read a Third Time.
Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 11:58 p.m.
Q~h. ~-'a~~ Mayor crerl<