MINUTES - Council - 19850603~---"'' MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 at 8:03P.M. Present Were: Deputy Mayor John West, Councillors Buck, Jones, Ostick, Paivio, E. Stewart and N. Stewart. Mayor Illingworth attending Federation of Canadian Municipalities Conference on behalf of the Regional Municipality of York. Councillor Barker had a business commitment. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Paivio: Jones: CORRESPONDENCE Resolved that the Minutes of the Council Meetings held on May 15 and May 21, 1985 be adopted as printed and circulated. CARRIED 11-1 Carl S. Zeliger, Barrister and Solicitor re: Notice of Claim by John Hartley, infant, and John and Anna Hartley, parents and Anna Hartley infant against the Corporation of the Town of Aurora (Information, Insurance) 11-2 W.R. Case Realty Limited re: Committee of Adjustment Decision - Application B-3-85 (Stevens) (Ref. Council in Committee) 11-3 L.A.C.A.C. re: Plaque Commemorating Early Settlement of Aurora (Ref. Council in Committee) 11-4 L.A.C.A.C. re: Designated Property Grants (Ref. Council in Committee) 11-5 Assessment Review Court re: Computer Listing (Information, Treasury) 11-6 Leonard Adams, Aurora, Ontario re: Roadway at Entrance to Driveway (Ref. Public Works Committee) 11-7 The Regional Municipality of York -Chairman re: Addressing Council -May 21, 1985 (Information) 11-8 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Proposal for Erosion Control Work -Aurora Civic Centre (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F.J. Horvath} 11-9 City of Kingston re: Great Lakes Water Quality: The Municipal Perspective (Information) 11-10 Great Canadian Participaction Challenge re: Wednesday, May 29, 1985 (Ref. Leisure Services Committee) 11-11 The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario re: Golden Griddle Pancake House Restaurant (Ref. Council in Committee) 11-12 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Productivity in the Transit Industry (Ref. Administration and Finance Committee) 11-13 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barrister and Solicitor re: Aurora sale to Dove, Block B, Plan M-1312 (Information, Clerk to reply, L. Allison) 11-14 The York Region Board of Education re: Zoning By-Law 2727-84 (Information, S. Seibert) _,,, .. -" •"•-'•><·•~w.,, ..... ,,',-''~'""-"""""''"'"'~'-"··~-~,_. "----~--. -. -. --•---..,.,.,_,.~~.~-''--'·''-"'-'"·' -NI:C:<"='·A~).c"''•"~·~;v.•;-r,cG<e''"""''~'-'-"·'·'--"·'''' .... COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 - 2 - CORRESPONDENCE 11-15 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk's re: 420643 Ontario Inc., Part Lot 81, Concession 1 (Information, S. Seibert, C.E. Gowan) 11-16 The Regional Municipality of York -Clerk re: Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-83025 (Information, S. Seibert) 11-17 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk re: Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-82039 (Information, S. Seibert) 11-18 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk re: Amendment Number 31 (Information, S. Seibert) 11-19 The Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: Subdivision, Part Lot 81, Cone. 1, 420643 Ontario (Information) Proposed Plan of Ltd. (19T-85040) 11-20 Macroplan Limited re: Yonge Aurora Phase I -Construction Access (Information, Council -May 21, 1985) 11-21 R.T. Lyons, Toronto, Ontario re: Ridge Road Property (Information, Treasury, K.B. Rodger) 11-22 Valcoustics Canada Ltd. re: Environmental Noise Study (Information, S. Seibert) 11-23 Ministry of Citizenship and Culture re: Province's Public Library Grant (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee) 11-24 R.D. Tomlinson Limited re: Plan of Subdivision of Part of Blocks 1 and 2, Plan M-2037 and Blocks 1 and 2 and Part of Block 3 Plan M-2036 (Information, R.J. Harrington, L. Allison) 11-25 Corbett and Associates, Barristers and Solicitors re: Candac Valley Drive, Town of Aurora -Registered Plan 65M-2122 (Ref. Council in Committee) 11-26 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Ministry Directive (Information, S.K. Jones) 11-27 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Stormwater Management Report -Tamarac Subdivision (Information, S. Seibert) 11-28 Montague Pound Associates Limited re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lots 76 and 77, Concession 1 WYS (Information, Treasury, S. Seibert) 11-29 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: 7th Annual Marsh Mash Marathon Canoe and Kayak Race (Ref. Council in Committee) 11-30 The Regional Municipality of York-Health re: File Z-15-85 (Lakeview Estates (Yonge Aurora) Ltd. (Information, S. Seibert) 11-31 The Regional Municipality of York-Health re: File Z-17-85 (Proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment) (Information, S. Seibert) '-~~-··• <~•' '"-'~< ••~•'•'' "''''''~_._ ________ "~-•" ••' w•.~•"-''"~-~-,, . .,~'-""~''-~•·-•-••~-••.,·•-••-•~ • ' -'""''~·-• • '• '••··---~~••••-·-----·•~• -··-•~••••• • • • • • • ,.,, • •••-·-·~·-··--- COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 - 3 - CORRESPONDENCE 11-32 The Regional Municipality of York-Health re: By-Law 2731-85, N/E Corner of Bathurst Street and Wellington Street West (Information, S. Seibert) 11-33 The Regional Municipality of York-Health re: By-Law 2750-85, Part Lots 81 and 82, Cone. 1W (Information, S. Seibert) 11-34 L.A.C.A.C. re: Recognition Plaques (Ref. Council in Committee) 11-35 Ministry of Natural Resources re: Proposed O.P. Amendment Number 33 (Information, S. Seibert) 11-36 The Regional Municipality of York -Clerk's re: Report entitled Regional Water and Sewage Works (Ref. Council in Committee) 11-37 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk's re: Amendment Number 20- Regional Technical Committee Report (Information, R.J. Harrington) 11-38 The Regional Municipality of York-Planning re: Conditions of Draft Approval on Plans of Subdivision (Ref. Technical Committee, S. Seibert) 11-39 The Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lot 81, Concession 1, MMAH File 19T-85040 (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert) 11-40 S.G. Wilson memo to K.B. Rodger re: John Adema - 6 month Probation (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 11-41 Committee of Adjustment re: Submission A-2-85, Dorothy and Brenda Butterworth -85 Richardson Drive (Information, S. Seibert) 11-42 Committee of Adjustment re: Submission A-1-85 -Magna International -67 Richardson Drive (Information, S. Seibert) 11-43 Macroplan Limited re: Yonge Aurora Phase I, Draft Subdivision Agreement Revisions (Ref. Technical Committee) 11-44 Reid and Associates re: Various Invoices (Information, Wm.G. Walker) 11-45 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk re: Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-81100 (Information, S. Seibert) 11-46 Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville re: Proposed Zoning By-Law Amendments for (a) propane dispensing facilities and (b) bay window encroachments (Information, S. Seibert) 11-47 J.B. Howard and Associates, Insurance Adjusters re: Accident of December 31, 1984 11-48 (Information, Insurance) Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Engineering Fees -Aurora Country Estates -Preservicing Requirements (Information, Wm.G. Walker, Treasury) '·"·-·-' COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 - 4 - CORRESPONDENCE 11-49 Miller, Thomson, Sedgewick, Lewis and Healy, Barristers and Solicitors re: A & P Lease, Yonge Street at Henderson Drive (Information, R.J. Harrington to reply) 11-50 Ministry of the Solicitor General re: Emergency Planning (Information, Clerk to reply) 11-51 Georgian College of Applied Arts and Technology re: Newsletter (Ref. Leisure Services Committee) 11-52 Committee of Adjustment re: Application Number B-4-85 (Piebrock) (Ref. Planning Committee, K. McFarlane, S. Seibert) 11-53 K. Cerswell memo to Administration and Finance Committee re: 1985 Five Year Capital Expenditure Forecast (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee) 11-54 The York Region Board of Education re: Aurora High School -Playing Fields (Ref. Leisure Services Committee) 11-55 Bonnie A. Fleischaker, Aurora, Ontario re: Lakeview Development (Ref. Technical Committee, Council in Committee -May 29, 1985) 11-56 Mayor Illingworth memo to Council re: Proposed Street Name Changes- Hazel burn (Ref. Council in Committee) 11-57 Lakeview Estates Ltd. re: Haulage through Wimpey's Subdivision (Information) 11-58 Bruce M. Ralph, Barrister, Solicitor and Notary re: Old Arena Property (Ref. Council in Committee -May 29, 1985) 11-59 Canadian Association for the Mentally Retarded re: Parking Tickets (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee) 11-60 Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville re: Notice of the Passing of a Zoning By-Law (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert) 11-61 S.K. Jones memo to K.B. Rodger re: Anniversary Plaques (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee) 11-62 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Proposed Amendment Number 20 (19-0P-0025-20) (Ref. Council in Committee) 11-63 Aurora Agricultural Society re: Operation of a Beer Garden -1985 Aurora Home Show (Information, Council -May 29, 1985, Mayor Illingworth) 11-64 Aurora Public Library re: Youth in Action (Ref. Council in Committee) 11-65 Career Dynamics re: Career Counselling and Employment Support (TABLED) Jones: Resolved that this matter be referred to Delegations on this agenda. E. Stewart: CARRIED :..._, ____ , COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 - 5 - CORRESPONDENCE 11-66 Aurora Residents' -Petition re: Property Listed for Sale (A.E. LePage) Adjacent to Town Property between Haida and Town Offices (Ref. Council in Committee) 11-67 Charles Clark, Aurora, Ontario re: Reconstruction of Wells Street from Metcalfe to Connaught (Ref. Public Works Committee, Wm.G. Walker, Clerk to reply} 11-68 Anton Kikas Limited re: Truck Route -Tamarac Subdivision (Ref. Council in Committee) 11-69 Klaus Wehrenberg, Aurora, Ontario re: Walkway in Hilldale/Kenlea Area, Block A & B, Part Lot 81, Concession I (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F.J. Horvath) 11-70 Glenn and Eva Jones re: Traffic Control and Pedestrian Safety on Richardson Drive (Ref. Council in Committee) 11-71 Bassel, Sullivan and Leake, Barristers and Solicitors re: Aurora ats Compass (Information, F.J. Horvath} 11-72 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-85019, Part Lot 82, Concession 1 (Information, S. Seibert) 11-73 OS-LEA Associates Limited re: Letter of Introduction (Information) 11-74 United Way of York Region re: Request to Hang a Banner (TABLED) Buck: Jones: Resolved that this request be granted and that input be obtained from the Fire Department prior to p 1 a cement to ensure there wi 11 not be interference with the Opticom system. CARRIED 11-75 The Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lot 82, Concession 1, WYS, MMAH 19T-79014 (Information, S. Seibert) 11-76 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: 1984 Subsidy Allocation (Information, Treasury, S.K. Jones) 11-77 The Regional Municipality of York-Engineering re: Rezoning Application- C.A. Faulkner (Z-11-85} (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert) 11-78 Anton Kikas Limited re: Truck Route -Henderson Drive, Tamarac Subdivision (TABLED) Jones: Resolved that this letter be received. E. Stewart: CARRIED 11-79 Ernie Harris, Aurora, Ontario re: Permission for Street Dance -June 22, 1985 (TABLED) Jones: Reso 1 ved that the request be approved. Buck: CARRIED -..._.,.,_~-- L. .. -' ""·~-·A COUNCIL MEETING ••. MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 - 6 - CORRESPONDENCE 11-80 City of Etobicoke re: World Environment Week -First Week of June (TABLED, Council) Jones: Resolved that this letter be received. N. Stewart: CARRIED 11-81 The York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: Bus Loading Signs (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 11-82 The Regional Municipality of York-Health re: By-Law 2753-85 -Revlis (Information, S. Seibert) 11-83 Reid and Associates Limited re: Construction of Mary Street Extension- Project Number 1096 (TABLED, RESOLUTION, Treasury) 11-84 The Regional Municipality of York -Health re: By-Law 2752-85 -Part Lot 85, Concession 1, WYS -Dog Breeding Kennel (Information, S. Seibert) 11-85 Provincial Offences Act re: Notice of Appeal under Section 99 of the Act - W.C. Pietz Limited (Information, J.M. Insley) 11-86 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision Number 19T-85040 (Anton Kikas) (Information, S. Seibert) 11-87 C.E. Gowan memo to Administration/Finance Committee re: Salaries - Committee of Adjustment (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee) 11-88 Colin E. Guenther, Aurora, Ontario re: 'Chain Link Fence-Fielding Drive Park (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F.J. Horvath) 11-89 Ambassadors Alumni Association re: Official Introduction to Association (Information) 11-90 William E. Klussmann, Aurora, Ontario re: Planting of Trees on Golf Links Drive (Information, Clerk to reply) 11-91 Reid and Associates Limited re: Connecting Link Maintenance, Yonge Street/Dunning-Wellington -Project Number 1145 (Information, Treasury) 11-92 Reid and Associates Limited re: Notice to Residents -Mary Street Extension (Information) 11-93 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk's re: O.P. Amendment Number 31 (Information, S. Seibert) 11-94 Canada Post re: Postal Employees' Week -June 2 to 8, 1985 (Ref. Council in Committee) 11-95 The Regional Municipality of York-Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lot 84, Concession 1 WYS, MMAH # 19T-85011 (Information, S. Seibert) COUNCIL MEETING •.• MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 - 7 - CORRESPONDENCE 11-96 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk re: Municipal Housing Statement (Information) 11-97 Snal Yermus, Willowdale, Ontario re: Property -Engelhard and Industrial Parkway (Information, Council -May 29, 1985} 11-98 Douglas G. Worling, Aurora, Ontario re: Proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment - 58 Wellington Street East (Information, S. Seibert) 11-99 Douglas G. Worling, Aurora, Ontario re: Proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment - 50 Wellington Street East (Information, S. Seibert) 11-100 The Regional Municipality of York -Clerk re: Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-79014 (Information, S. Seibert) 11-101 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: 1984 Claim for Subsidy (Information, S.K. Jones) 11-102 The Regional Municipality of York-Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Lots 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 and 9, Part of the 40 Acre Reserve, Part of Accommodation Road, Registered Plan 102 (19T-84071) (Ref. Technical Committee) 11-103 Macroplan Limited re: Lot Sodding R.P. 65M-2258 (Ref. Technical Committee) 11-104 Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville re: Notice of the Passing of a Zoning By-Law (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert) 11-105 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Aurora sale to Inducon Construction (TABLED, BY-LAWS} 11-106 Hotel Aurora re: Hydrant (TABLED} E. Stewart: Ostick: Resolved that a meeting with the principals and the Town be arranged to discuss this matter as soon as possible. CARRIED 11-107 Macroplan Limited re: Lot Sodding -R.P. 65M-2258 (Ref. Council in Committee-May 29, 1985} 11-108 The York Region Board of Education re: Zoning By-Law 2731-85 (Information, S. Seibert) 11-109 The York Region Board of Education re: Zoning By-Law 2750-85 (Information, S. Seibert) 11-110 Macrotech Limited re: Lakeview Estates Limited, Aurora Subdivision 65M-2258 -Grading Certification (Information, Wm.G. Walker) 11-111 Macroplan Limited re: Aurora M-2258-Early Occupancy (TABLED, DELEGATIONS} 11-112 Township of King re: Notice of the Passing of a Zoning By-Law (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert) ----"'=''"""'"'"'-'~-·~~~v---'.,'·"-'·"'-"F""'<>~'-'""'"'~-~--,--"-~----~.-.-.-~<--~"=~--'e<<>.-.,0..-.,".>01-0:;~c,,,,"-'•'<"'-'•"-"'••"""""-;">~,--<F . .,O'"'-'=~·"""'"<x-~•·<~>·>·n,·~~• ''·-•·~-••••••~m----··· COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 - 8 - CORRESPONDENCE 11-113 H. Borgdorff memo to K.B. Rodger re: Bathurst Street Watermain -Project Number 1201 (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS -May 29, 1985} 11-114 Glenn Jones, Aurora, Ontario re: Request for Delegation Status -Traffic Concerns on Richardson Drive (TABLED, DELEGATIONS) 11-115 The Regional Municipality of York-Planning re: Invoice# 5269-Lloyd and Purcell Limited (Ontario Land Surveyors) Temperance Street Parking Lot (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) 11-116 The Regional Municipality of York-Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part of Lot 70, Concession 1, WYS, Town of Richmond Hill (MMAH 19T-77005 and 19T-82038 (TABLED) E. Stewart: Resolved that the Planner's Report be accepted. N. Stewart: CARRIED 11-117 Bonnie A. Fleischaker, Aurora, Ontario re: Lakeview Developments (TABLED, DELEGATIONS} 11-118 Henry Stolp Building Group re: Orchard Heights Subdivision -Sodding (TABLED, DELEGATIONS} 11-119 George Wimpey Canada Limited re: Lots 25 and 27, R.P. 65M-2229 Aurora (Information, R.J. Harrington) 11-120 Landmark Green Development Corporation re: Sodding of Lots (TABLED) 11-121 Lakeview Estates re: Proposed Completion of Work (TABLED, Ref. Technical Committee) 11-122 S.G. Wilson memo to K.B. Rodger re: Firefighters' Stipends-December 1, 1984 to May 31, 1985 (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS} 11-123 H. Borgdorff memo to Mayor and Members of Council re: The Bathurst Street Trunk Watermain Tenders Received -Project Number 1201 (TABLED, DELEGATIONS} E. Stewart: Resolved that the Clerk's Report be dealt with as outlined. Jones: CARRIED DELEGATIONS 1. Letter# 11-111 -Macroplan Limited re: Aurora M-2258-Early Occupancy Mr. M. Sherman of Macroplan attended, representing Lakeview. It was his opinion that the revised completion dates as agreed upon were realistic and could be fulfilled by Lakeview. Lakeview will be responsible for grade differentiations arising as a result of the grading of lots prior to the sidewalk placement in the second phase of the development. 2. Letter # 11-114 -Glenn Jones, Aurora, Ontario re: Traffic Concerns on R1chardson Dr1ve Mr. Jones addressed Council indicating various concerns felt by residents of the Regency Acres area regarding traffic safety issues such as sidewalks, school zones, speed limits, traffic routes and crossings. ,.., .... -,,_ COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 - 9 - DELEGATIONS 3. Letter # 11-117 -Bonnie Fleischaker, Aurora, Ontario re: Lakeview Developments Mrs. Fleischaker, on behalf of residents in the Lakeview subdivision, reiterated their concerns regarding the lack of action on Lakeview's part to attempt to comply with the requirements of the subdivision agreement. She expressed general satisfaction with the revised completion schedule as proposed and hoped that same would be carefully monitored by Town staff to ensure compliance. 4. Letter# 11-118 -Henry Stolp Building Group re: Orchard Heights SubdlVlSlon -Sodd1ng Mr. P. Quattrociocchi of the Henry Stolp Building Group explained to Council the reasons behind their delay in complying with the lot grading and sodding requirements of the subdivision agreement. He gave assurances that the required works would be undertaken in the very near future. 5. Letter# 11-65 -Career Dynamics re: Career Counselling and Employment Buck: Ostick: upport Career Dynamics representative Gordon Kyle outlined to Council some of the aims and objectives of his organization. He expressed the hope that his presentation would initiate dialogue with Town officials which would lead to placement opportunities for mentally handicapped individuals within the various Town departments. Resolved that this matter be referred to Unfinished Business on the agenda. CARR I ED 6. Letter # 11-123 -H. Borgdorff memo to Mayor and Members of Council re: lhe Bathurst Street lrunk Waterma1n Tenders Rece1ved -Project Number 1201 Mr. Borgdorff verbalized his report to Council which set out his recommendation arising as a result of the opening of the second submission tenders for the Bathurst Street Watermain which occurred at 2:00 p.m. on June 3rd, 1985. E. Stewart: Resolved that this matter be referred to Unfinished Business on the Agenda and that Mr. Borgdorff be requested to stay in order to discuss same. Jones: CARRIED REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 59-Public Safety Committee ... Special Meeting The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Public Safety Committee was held on Thursday, May 16, 1985 at 7:00 p.m. in Committee Room 1 in the Administrative Building. Present Were: Councillors Tim Jones and Martin Paivio, York Regional Police Department representative Lowell McClenny, Residents John Fox, Brenda Monk, David Neufeld, Wendy Orowski, John Martin, Christine LeRoij, Richard Harrison and Charles France. The Chairman briefly reviewed the history of this situation and why those people who were in attendance were invited. The group agreed to a meeting objective "to arrive at agreeable short and long range recommendations towards addressing the traffic safety concerns expressed recently in Aurora". All those present took an active role in presenting recommendations towards determining a final ,._, '-~~< \. .. --.' COUNCIL MEETING .•. MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 -10 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 59-Public Safety Committee •.. Special Meeting (continued) recommendation for Council's consideration. The Chairman welcomed Inspector McClenny to the meeting and expressed the group's appreciation to the York Regional Police Department for being involved. 1. York Regional Police Department -Inspector L. McClenny Inspector McClenny explained that he was representing Inspector Vance of our (Aurora) division to whom any traffic problems in the future should be directed to (727-3114-extension 246). He presented statistics which showed that in the past 10 months 83 traffic violations had been laid on Orchard Heights with approximately 90% being applied to local residents. This is as a result of a Town received camp 1 ai nt for radar, which was enforced over 37 1/2 hours. (It was further noted 49 charges have been laid since January 1st, 1985). He further explained that the Municipality is responsible through By-Law for setting the traffic regulations, the Police Department role is to enforce those By-laws. Further in the meeting, the Inspector indicated that given the other responsibilities of the Police Department, most radar is as a result of a complaint. This would indicate that the Town should continually request radar at problem locations to ensure enforcement. 2. York Region Engineering The Chairman reported that York Region Engineering was unable to send a representative to the meeting. In conversation with B. Hodgson and J. Ireland of this Department, the Chairman took the liberty to express his interpretation of their remarks. Regional staff reiterated their belief in the warrants process and that stop signs and speed signs do not control speed as it is assumed they will. These type of controls are only effective when they are enforced. (The Chairman added that Aurora has been trying to increase our patrol areas for three (3} years now but to no avail through the York Region Police Board of Commissioners) It was indicated that the attitude prevai 1 s that: people do not want to hear what the engineers say, Councils primarily do what the people want anyway, the Region will abide by what the Municipality desires. It was further indicated that on the one hand with the improvements to Bathurst, Bayview and the 404, traffic going through Aurora and using various Aurora streets as bypasses should ease. On the other hand, growth and development in Aurora, and particularly in the areas in question, will increase. As mentioned previously, the majority of traffic violators were local, thus this indicates that with further development, traffic is likely to increase. It was recommended that a Master Plan on how to accomodate the growing transportation needs in Town be done. This would be best accomplished by a traffic consulting firm and our Planning Department. The Chairman indicated his disappointment with the Region in not being able to provide a representative from the Traffic Section, if only to assist in discussing the various alternatives in each situation for the benefit of the group. Regardless of the Region's preferences, the decision will still remain a political one. ·~ .. ··-' ,--~··-·-" COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 -11 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 59-Public Safety Committee .•. Special Meeting (continued) 3. Recommendations The group examined each of the more recent traffic concern areas working from base maps prepared during the Public Safety Meeting of Tuesday, May 7, 1985. These maps contained the optimum recommendations suggested by residents. The majority of recommendations put forward are done so with the following in mind: (a) The controls recommended will hopefully be assigned in such a manner that they will enforce themselves. Enforcement is the key to all such situations. Inspector McClenny observed that this appeared to be the case. (b) These controls will also help the police to provide enforcement. (c) The three (3) areas in question all have one thing in common, several children needing to cross them to get to local schools. (d) The three (3) areas are prone to bypassing Town busy areas as well as being collectors. (e) Further Town growth and development is occurring in the areas of these streets which will only increase the volume of traffic using them. (f) Given the appearance of a regional attitude that infers "it doesn't matter what we say anyway" and 1 ack of substanci al proof to contradict the recommendations that have been made, the Committee has taken a co-operative position with the requests of the residents and has worked towards meeting their wishes. An evaluation should be done in all three (3) areas after one (1) year to measure the effect that these controls have had and to also compare to the projections that the Ontario Traffic Conference and traffic staff have that stop signs and speed 1 imits do not contro 1 speed. (i) Area One -Orchard Heights Boulevard -See Map A It is recommended that the following controls be put in place to assist in controlling the traffic speed and driver sensitivity to the children in this area, especially in the area of Devins Drive Public School. The members of the meeting also took into account the straight away nature and width of this particular road. (a) Stop Sign Installations: Four-way Stop: Banff Drive and Devins Drive Pineneedle Drive and Orchard Heights Boulevard Crawford Rose Drive/Meadowood Drive and Orchard Heights Boulevard Three-way Stop: Banff Drive and Orchard Heights Boulevard Laurentide Drive/St. Andrews Court (staggered) and Orchard Heights Boulevard Hill Drive and Devins Drive '---~· ·....,._.~,, "~-' COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 -12 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 59-Public Safety Committee •.. Special Meeting (continued) 3. Recommendations (continued) (b) Radar Strictly Enforced: -one sign at Bathurst Street entrance. (c) Children Playing Signs: -·one sign west of Valley Crescent/south side. -one sign east of St. Andrews Court/north side. (d) Senior Citizen Residence Signs: -one sign west of residence/south side. -one sign east of residence/north side. (e) School Crossing: -painted on road at Banff and Orchard Heights. (f) School Crossing Guard: -at Banff crossing during school season. (g) School Crossing Signs: -one sign west of east Hill Drive intersection/north side. -one sign east of west Hill Drive intersection/south side. (h) No Stopping Signage: -in open area of Devins Drive School fronting Devins Drive. (i) No Parking Signage: -for full length of Orchard Heights/south side. (j) Solid Yellow/No Passing Line: -for full length of Orchard Heights. (k} Speed Limit posted at 40k: -for full length of Orchard Heights. (1) Bus Pick-up -Seniors' Residence: It is recommended that the potential for a pick-up at the residence be investigated in order to facilitate seniors access to the bus rather than having to cross the street with no controls. With the knowledge that the Police cannot continually sit on Orchard Heights to enforce the traffic speed, it was felt by everyone in the meeting that these controls would in the most part regulate this situation on their own with periodic enforcement. It is further recommended that this situation be evaluated in one (1} year to determine the effect that these controls have had. ·~--~-- COUNCIL MEETING •.• MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 -13 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 59-Public Safety Committee •.• Special Meeting (continued) 3. Recommendations (continued) {ii) Area Two -Aurora Heights Drive -See Map B Given the curving nature of Aurora Heights Drive, the members of the meeting looked at the various alternatives very carefully. It is recommended that: (a) Stop Sign Installations: Three-way stop: -be located at Kemano and Aurora Heights. -be located at Tecumseh and Aurora Heights. (b) School Crossing: -be located and painted on the road at Tecumseh. (c) School Crossing Signs: -be located east of Laurentide on the north side. -be located west of Tecumseh on the south side. (d) School Crossing Guard: -be 1 ocated during the schoo 1 session at Tecumseh. (e) Children Playing Sign: -be located east of Haida on the south side. (f) Speed Limit: -be set at 40k for the full length of Aurora Heights. (g) Sidewalks: -be constructed over the full length of Aurora Heights from east of Laurentide at the eastern boundary of the homes on the north side all the way to the new subdivision. The group realizes that this may have to be staged over a number of years. - a sidewalk be constructed on the east side of Tecumseh from its current northern boundary across to the northern boundary of the homes on the east side. (h) The Aurora Heights Extension: -be referred to the Master Plan recommendation for future planning and controls. It is further recommended that this situation be evaluated after one (1) year to determine the effect these controls have had. (iii) Area Three -Murray Drive -See Map C With consideration to the controls that have already been installed, it was felt the following recommendations would maintain consistency with the Orchard Heights and Aurora Heights recommendations. ·---.-.,_,~0 ... ,'"''~•'""'"'"·"''"'"'"~"··'"1'<l"•'<>'"'<~=~~'"~·--·~•--•--~-~-----~~. -~. --~-..~~<="-''•'-''""=·~"'="-'''''""-,-,., •-c•sc¥.YS,<"•~-"'· P.<.o•.w. ·o·c·~·-•·•·•·"-~-·. >'• ~:~_"'. COUNCIL MEETING .•• MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 -14 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 59-Public Safety Committee ..• Special Meeting (continued) 3. Recommendations (continued} (iii) Area Three -Murray Drive -See Map C (continued} It is recommended that: (a) Stop Sign Installations: Three-way Stop: -to be installed at Golf Links Drive. -to be i nsta 11 ed at Seaton Drive. It should be noted that in the area of Seaton Drive, the road opens up going north and gives the appearance of permissive acceleration. Conversely, it narrows going south and controls leading into this area will induce the driver to maintain 40k. (b) Radar Strictly Enforced Signs should be posted at the south-west corner of Kennedy and Murray and just west of Wiles Court on the north side. It is further recommended that this situation be evaluated after one (1) year to determine the effects these controls have had. 4. Master Plan It is finally recommended that the Town engage a traffic consulting firm to work with our Planning Department to address both existing safety concerns as well as potential safety concerns as a result of new development. The scope of the study should cover the entire Town, and in addition to new development, it should also include the projected effects of new major road bypasses and existing areas of concern especially stemming from Yonge Street and including communications received by Council (over the past three (3} years -Mark/Spruce, Richardson, Reuben, Temperance, Kennedy, etc.). The study should also examine the creation, based on our own needs and make-up, of an Aurora guideline for speed and traffic control installation criteria. Included in the creation of our own criteria should be the evaluation results based on a comparison of problems encountered today on Orchard Heights, Aurora Heights and Murray Drive, to problems encountered in one (1) year's time on the same streets with the various controls that are approved. This will also hopefully give us a clearer idea on the merits of the York Region warrants to politically imposed traffic controls. Wendy Orowski, also representing C.A.R.E. indicated that this organization would like to be involved and have input to the Master Plan for Traffic Safety. 5. Posting of "Radar Strictly Enforced" Signs at Town Entrances It is recommended that "Radar Strictly Enforced" signs be posted at the four entrances to the Town-Yonge Street/north and south and Wellington Street/east and west. The meeting ended at 9:50 p.m. Jones: Paivio: Resolved that Public Safety Committee Report# 59 dated May 16, 1985 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING •.. MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 -15 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Councillor Ostick in the Chair. Report# 60-Administration and Finance Committee •.• Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: The Committee met at 3:30p.m. on Monday, May 27, 1985 in the Administration Centre. Present Were: Mayor D. Illingworth, Councillors John West and Earl Stewart and Clerk-Administrator K.B. Rodger. A. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter # 10-72 -Ontario Association for the Mentally Retarded re: Financial Support The Ontario Association for the Mentally Retarded requests financial assistance to provide programs and services to persons who are mentally retarded in Ontario. The Committee recommends no action as current policy is to assist local rather than provincial organizations. 2. Letter# 10-92 -Aurora Minor Lacrosse Association re: Subsidy for Town of Aurora Annual Pee Wee Lacrosse lournament On Saturday, June 15, 1985, the Aurora Minor Lacrosse Association will be sponsoring the 6th Annual Town of Aurora Pee Wee Lacrosse Tournament at the Community Centre. For the past tournaments, the Town of Aurora has paid the cost of the floortime used in the Community Centre. The cost is estimated at $292.50 {13 hours at $22.50). The Committee recommends that a grant be made to the Aurora Minor Lacrosse Association in the amount of $292.50 to cover the cost of 13 hours floor time at the Community Centre. 3. Letter # 10-107 -York Region Board of Education re: Summer Group Exchange Program "This summer, ninety-six students from York Region and Dolbeau, Quebec, will be participating in an adventure in bilingualism and biculturalism. The Summer Group Exchange Programme is organized by SEVEC and locally by the York Region Board of Education in Aurora, Ontario. We are a non-profit and educational organization, funded by the federal and provincial governments and student participation fees. "The forty-eight students from York Region and the forty-eight students from Dolbeau, aged 13 to 18 years, will be spending the latter two weeks of July touring throughout our region. Activities are organized for week days while evenings and weekends are spent with the host families doing as they please. The participants enjoy social, cultural and recreational activities, emphasizing communication in the two languages. "We have been most gratified in the past to receive from all the towns and townships of York Region, souvenirs and momentos such as pins, flags, posters, decals, pamphlets, etc. Any donation you may wish to give would help to provide a more varied and memorable programme for the students. While we promote the Region and its components, a contribution from your town would bring further attention to the students and their fami 1 ies of your community. As a result, the families may choose Aurora as a place to spend their free time during the exchange." The Committee recommends that 48 Aurora July First pins be forwarded to the organization for the 48 students from Dolbeau, Quebec. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 -16 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 60-Administration and Finance Committee ... Various Matters A. CORRESPONDENCE 4. Letter # 10-109 -Regional Clerk re: Regional Levy The 1985 Region of York Budget includes a net regional cost of $39,448,100 and a levy on area municipalities of $27,587,811. The Town of Aurora is required to pay 4.477 percent of the regional levy or $1,235,106. Fifty percent of the levy is payable on September 30, 1985 with the balance payable on December 16, 1985. The Committee recommends that this item be received as information. 5. Letter # 11-12 -MTC re: Municipal Transit Training MTC advise that as a continuance of the efforts to date in the field of productivity in the Transit Industry, the Ministry has an expanded funding opportunity for training of transit staff. To encourage participation in the Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA) training program, the ministry is providing a special subsidy of 66 2/3 percent. MTC will consider tuition, living expense and travel costs eligible for subsidy. The following courses are available: (a) For General Managers Only: 2 days -$650 (does not include accommodation and meals). (b) Strategic Decision Making: 3 days -dates to be announced. $1,200 1nclud1ng accommodation and meals. (c) Productivity and Performance Improvement: 5 days -October 6 -11, 1985 in Barrie -$1,500 including accommodation and meals. The Committee recommends that the Clerk-Administrator and the Transit Co-Ordinator investigate the merits of attending {b) or (c) above and report back to the Administration and Finance Committee. 6. Letter# 11-23-Ministry of Citizenship and Culture re: Public Library rant Provincial funding for eligible public library boards this year for the first time will be based on a per household formula. The change to a per household formula will bring the library grants into line with other municipal transfer payments. The grant for public libraries in Southern Ontario changes from $2.25 per capita to $.90 per household. The Committee recommends that this item be received as information. 7. -Town Treasurer re: 1985 Five Year Capital Expenditure The 1985 Five Year Capital Expenditure Forecast is comprised of estimated amounts as well as amounts submitted to and/or approved by the OMB. Approval by Council is required before the Forecast is submitted to the Region. Refer to Schedule A.1 attached. The Committee recommends that an enabling resolution be prepared for Council's consideration. COUNCIL MEETING ..• MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 -17 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 60-Administration and Finance Committee ... Various Matters A. 8. CORRESPONDENCE Letter # 11-59 -Canadian Association for the Mentally Retarded re: Park1ng Violat1ons Three representatives of the Canadian Association for the Mentally Retarded were attending an appeal under the Education Act at the school board office and parked their cars in the Town parking lot, as all places in the school board parking were taken. As a result, the cars were ticketed by York Regional Police. A request has been received to waive the fine and consider the $75.00 a civic contribution to the Association. The Committee recommends that no action be taken. 9. Letter # 10-80 -BIA re: 1985 Budget The BIA advise the budget for 1985 is as follows: Streets cape Administration Promotion Total $10,000 10,000 15,000 $35,000 ========= The BIA had a surplus of $14,352.00 from 1984. Therefore, in accordance with municipal accounting procedures, the net levy for 1985 will be $20,648.00. The Committee recommends as follows: (a)_ Fifty percent of the net levy, or $10,324.00 be payable to the BIA on June 28, 1985. (b) Twenty-five percent of the net levy, or $5,162.00 be payable to the BIA on August 30, 1985. (c) The balance of the net levy, or $5,162.00 be payable to the BIA on October 25, 1985. (d) That the BIA be advised if their 1986 Budget is received in time (a date to be advised) the BIA levy will be included as a separate item on the regular tax bill rather than on a separate tax bill. 10. Letter # 11-61 -Purchasing Co-Ordinator re: Anniversary and Birthday aques Many municipalities honour special dates of their citizens, e.g.: (a) Newmarket: Wedding Anniversaries - A plaque is presented for 50th and 60th anniversaries. The plaque is signed by the Mayor with the Town seal also inscribed. If possible, the Mayor personally presents the plaque to the recipients at their home or reception. Birthdays -Beginning with the citizen's 90th birthday, flowers are sent on an annual basis. A list of senior citizens with their birthdays is kept at the Municipal Offices for reference. (b) Markham: The Town of Markham issues certificates recognizing special occasions. COUNCIL MEETING ..• MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 -18 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 60-Administration and Finance Committee .•. Various Matters A. CORRESPONDENCE 10. Letter # 11-61 -Purchasing Co-Ordinator re: Anniversary and Birthday Plaques (continued) (c) Richmond Hill: Richmond Hill has a supply of plaques which are given out for the various special occasions. Individual engraving is required; each costs approximately $15.00 to $20.00. The Purchasing Co-Ordinator recommends as follows: "A master copy of the different certificates can be produced at an approximate one-time charge of $40.00. Copies can then be produced on our own Xerox photocopier using parchment-like paper, which is available for approximately $7.50 per 500. We can purchase frames for under $8.00 each. Therefore, we would be able to produce each framed certificate for under $10.00, and at a moment's notice." The Committee reviewed the examples of the "photocopy" certificates as used by the Town of Markham. The Committee believes that the certificate should be printed, and the details of the birthday or anniversary added and framed for delivery or presentation. The Committee recommends as follows: (a) The Purchasing Co-Ordinator obtain prices for printing 50, 100 and 200 certificates on parchment like paper with an appropriate edge which can be used for both anniversaries, birthdays and/or other special occasions. Prices to be forwarded to the Administration and Finance Committee. (b) That a framed certificate be prepared for 50th Wedding Anniversaries and 80th Birthdays, and such other special occasions as the Administration and Finance Committee may recommend from time to time. (c) That a bouquet of flowers be delivered with an appropriate message for 60th Wedding Anniversaries and 90th Birthdays. B. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Subsidies Council's current policy is to provide a $5.00 per hour subsidy for ice rental at the Community Centre for the following organizations: (a) Aurora Minor Hockey (b) Aurora Figure Skating (c) Aurora Recreation Hockey Subsidies were made as follows in 1983 and 1984: 1983 1984 (a) Aurora Minor Hockey 1016.5 hrs. -$5,082.50 874 hrs. -$4,370.00 (b) Aurora Figure Skating 444.5 hrs. -2,222.50 383.5 hrs. -1,917.50 COUNCIL MEETING ..• MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 -19 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 60-Administration and Finance Committee .•• Various Matters B. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Subsidies (continued) 1983 1984 (c) Aurora 85 hrs. - $ 455.00 98.25 hrs. - $ 491.25 Recreation Hockey Total $7,760.00 $6,778.75 =====:= In addition, a subsidy of $175.00 was made to cover the cost of the auditorium for Civic Awards Night. The Committee recommends as follows: (a) That a grant, rather than a subsidy, be made to Aurora Minor Hockey, Aurora Figure Skating and Aurora Recreation for the same number of hours of ice time in 1985 as used in 1984. (b) That 50 percent of the grant be forwarded to the organiations on September 15th, 1985. (c) That a comparison as to hours of ice usage be made by the Director of Leisure Services as of December 31, 1985 and forwarded to the Administration and Finance Committee by January 15, 1986. (d) That the remaining 50 percent of the grant, or as revised by the Administration and Finance Committee and approved by Council be forwarded on January 30, 1986. (e) That the grant for the rental of the auditorium for Civic Award Night be forwarded on receipt of appropriate invoice. 2. Grants Requests have been received for grants as follows: (a) Girl Guides of Canada -$35.00 per unit for 16 units for a total of $560.00 to assist in extra activities for the Girl Guides 75th Anniversary in Canada. All members live in Aurora. (b) Aurora Horse Show -$2,500 grant and waiving of all rental fees at the Community Centre. The 63rd Show will be a "Trillium Circuit Event" and a larger emphasis will be placed on community activities and a "fair" atmosphere. The Leisure Services Committee recommend that the grant be increased to $2,500. for this year's show only, provided that no admission be charged. (c) Aim for Change -$1,000. to help cover cost of group sessions and the salary for hiring new personnel. Approximately 31 percent of clients reside in Aurora. (d) Victorian Order of Nurses -$500.00 to assist in the development of new program e.g. Foot Care Clinic for Seniors. Approximately 11.7 percent of clients reside in Aurora. · (e) York Region Association for Children with Learning Disabilities -No fixed amount to continue services in the community. Approximately 150 children have been identified in the Aurora area. (f) Aurora Figure Skating Club -$1,000. to cover club competition expenses. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 -20 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 60-Administration and Finance Committee •.• Various Matters B. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 2. Grants (continued) The Committee recommends grants be awarded as follows: (a) Girl Guides of Canada -$560. as requested as the request meets Council criteria, especially item 4 re: "special projects". (b) Aurora Horse Show -$2,500. as requested as the request meets Council criteria, especially item 4 re: "special projects". However, the Committee does not recommend that the rental of the Community Centre be waived. (c) Aim for Change -Not recommended as the request does not meet Council criteria (e.g. 80 percent must reside in Aurora). (d) Victorian Order of Nurses -Not recommended as the request does not meet Council criteria (e.g. 80 percent must reside in Aurora). (e) York Region Association for Children with Learning Disabilities - Not recommended as the request does not meet Council criteria (e.g not to be used for normal operating expenses). (f) Aurora Figure Skating Club -Not recommended as a grant is provided for 1ce t1me. The Committee further recommends that the following sums be committed for grants at the appropriate time. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) $400. for bus rented during Senior Citizens Week. $800. for Town of Aurora School Scholarship (4 X $100.) $2,165. for Town of Aurora Bantam Hockey Tournament to cover cost of ice time at Community Centre. $150. for Aurora Legion to cover cost of tulip bulb and expenses in connection with Remembrance Day Ceremony. $300. for advertisements in High Schools and St. Andrew's College Year Book. The purchase of flowers for use by the Aurora Horticultural Society be paid from the Beautification Account. 3. AMCT Membership As this is a personnel matter, a separate report will be submitted to an "in camera" session of Counci 1. C. PENDING 1. Animal Control 2. Town Pins 3. Uniform Clothing Policy 4. Revised Garbage By-Law 5. Transit Study 6. Review of Taxi Cab By-Law 7.. Update of Policy Manual Meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Item A.1 -A.8 CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 -21 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 60-Administration and Finance Committee ... Various Matters Item A.9 Jones: Paivio: Item A.9 Item A.10 -B.2(b) Item B.2(c) Buck: Paivio: Item B.2(c) Item B.2(d) -C.7 West: E. Stewart: AMENDMENT Resolved that this matter be referred back to the Administration and Finance Committee. CARRIED AS AMENDED CARRIED AMENDMENT CARRIED Resolved that the Town of Aurora support the request for Aim for Change for a grant from the Region of York. CARRIED CARRIED AS AMENDED CARRIED Resolved that the Administration and Finance Committee Report# 60 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED Councillor West in the Chair. Report# 61-Economic Development Committee .•. Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting was held on Thursday, May 23, 1985 at 7:00p.m. in the Economic Development Office at the Administration Building. Present were: Councillors Earl Stewart, Tim Jones and Richard Barker. 1. Review of April 23rd, 1985 Meeting (a) Property Maintenance Standards By-Law A report was received by the Chairman from By-Laws Officer John Insley which indicated that all of the property owners on the list submitted to him on April 10, 1985 had been contacted in regard to why their properties were violating the by-law. Some had responded while others did not and further action will have to be taken. The Committee would ask Council to determine if the Property Maintenance Standards Committee is still in existence and if not to reinstate it as soon as possible. (b) Gravity Sewer Line to St. John's Sideroad The Clerk-Administrator reported that he has sent letters to all the property owners involved and has received favourable responses from most of them with the exception of Bonphydarian Investments. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 -22 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 61-Economic Development Committee ••• Various Matters 1. Review of April 23rd, 1985 Meeting (b) Gravity Sewer Line to St. John's Sideroad (continued) The Committee would again ask Council to give the necessary direction to staff to resolve this matter so that the gravity sewer 1 ine can be installed this year. (c) Mary Street Extension -Park # 3 Construction of the services is underway and the Engineers report that C.D.C. Construction are doing very satisfactory work and feel confident the road and services will be 90% completed by August 31, 1985. (d) Designation of Future Industrial Lands The Chairman reported that in a telephone conversation with the Regional Engineer Mr. Bob Hodgson, he was advised that an overall study of the industrial sewage allotment for the Region was 90% complete and a final report would hopefully be ready by June 15, 1985 at which time Mr. Hodgson would report on any increase in sewage allotment that might be designated to Aurora. Mr. Frank Dipede of Connie Realty Limited owns a total of 198.31 acres west of Bayview Avenue of which 109 could be usable for industry and would like to receive an industrial zoning on his properties and as such would be a major contributor to the cost of the gravity sewer line to St. John's Sideroad, the Committee would hope that serious consideration would be given by Council to this additional zoning if sufficient sewage allocation becomes available. (e) Lakeview Estates Sales Office Some delay on the moving of this building due to survey information being made available. This information has been given to Lakeview and they advised that the supporting piers will be installed and the building installed very shortly. 2. New Business (a) Informational Brochure (b) A copy of an informational brochure used by City of Burlington which folded up to a pocket size of 4" X 8 1/2" was shown to the Committee. It was agreed that prices for such a brochure be obtained from the Purchasing Co-Ordinator for the next Committee meeting. Burlington distributes these brochures to any person who is travelling outside the city who would agree to become an Ambassador for Burlington and gives them out to anyone who wishes information about their city. So far they have received very favourable comments from this program and several worthwhile contacts have been made. "Site Selection 86" The Committee reviewed a conference exhibition proposal from Canadian Tel-a-views Limited to be held on February 3 and 4, 1986 at the Sheraton Centre of Toronto. •. r[ "~_-, ; .. 1 .. -.of f ~··l lL lr . i .. __ COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 -23 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 61-Economic Development Committee ••• Various Matters 2. New Business (continued) (b) (c) "Site Selection 86" (continued) The cost price of $3,950.00 allowed for a 8' X 20' display area, a 1/8 page advertisement in a special issue of the Financial Times of Canada, one delegate, 2 dinners and 8 exhibitors badges. As the Committee's total budget for advertising for 1985 is only $5,500.00, the Committee decided not to participate in this proposal because of the cost benefits derived from this type of advertising. Portable Modular Display System The Committee discussed the value of having a portable display unit that could be used for Trade Shows and Lobby displays to promote Aurora. The Committee is of the opinion that this type of portable display , would also be useful for other departments in the Town such as the <. (d) Planning Department to display more effectively the various plans and proposals at public meetings. At Council meetings, it could be used by developers who have items to display. The Leisure Services would also find many uses for such a display unit should one be available. For this reason the Committee would ask Council to direct staff to survey the various departments to find out if such a unit would be of interest and whether they ·would contribute to the overall cost and for the type of unit they would recommend. Financial Status of Industrial Parks Enclosed is a statement showing the status of the three (3) industrial Parks owned by the Town. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. E. Stewart: Resolved that Economic Development Committee Report # 61 dated May 23, 1985 be discussed item by item and accepted. Jones: CARRIED Report# 62-Public Works Committee ••• Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: i. \ -<t' ' l I i A meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, May 27th, 1985 at 7 p.m. in Committee Room Number 1. Present Were: Councillor L. Ostick, Councillor Earl Stewart and Direct9r of Wm.G. Walker. ~- 1. Letters# 9-141-McNally's Jewellery and# 3-30-J.B. Howarctins•u;:nce Adjusters re: Problem -Water Softener / . 1 , The Committee considered Mrs. McNally's request for comPPns.~tior/~nd are ·unable to make any recommendation contrary to the insula. nc . ad)usters recommendation. .·· .. 2. Letter # 9-117 -Regency Acres Public School . . ) 1~l The sod will be replaced where required. The By-Law Enforcement Officer should check whether they are in contravention of the Pr -~t· i. . >~; ":'.:: ---....,~ . .·· .·· ... · .. :-, . . -~---·-.. Ch1Irc h 1 o t to see rty/Standards By-Law. / ( \ '\ f ' ) I. r·-\-':{. l:'. . ·.· \ \-' ' \\ '- I ·. '"'\ COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 -24 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 62 -Public Works Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) 3. Letter# 8-27 -Granny's Tarts re: Plant Addition -Sanitary Service 4. The Committee discussed this matter and cannot recommend any compensation as the connection was in the correct location. Paper Collection -Recycling The response to the collection of paper for recycling has been very disappointing. As this is a first step in a recycling program which will hopefully be extended to.other materials and because it is in the Town's interest to reduce the amount of garbage collected, the Committee recommends that a letter be sent to all homes in the Town pointing out the advantages to everybody of making this scheme a success and asking everybody to take part. / "'rtick: · ~tewart: Resolved that Public Works Committee Report# 62 dated May 27, 1985 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED 'rt # 64 -Council in Committee ••• Various Matters -~- The; &mtriittee respectfully submits the following: t .. A ~·e ting. of Council in Committee was held on Wednesday, in. he York Region Board of Education Board Room. Pr~s,~nt Were: Mayor I 11 ingworth and Councillors Barker, May 29, 1985 at 9:50 p.m. Buck, Jones, Ostick, ). , Paivio, E. Stewart, N. Stewart and West. .~ \ Counci.nor Earl Stewart in the Chair. ~· REPORTS 1. Traffic Study The Committee discussed this report and recommend that it be forwarded to the Council meeting scheduled for June 3, 1985. The Committee further recommends that the necessary by-law be prepared. B. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter # 11-2 -W.R. Case Realty Limited re: Stevens, Committee of Adjustment Decision B-3-85 ·2·.· Council in Committee recommends that the Committee of Adjustment be advised that the Town of Aurora is satisfied that the driveway culvert, when necessary will be located to the Town's satisfaction and the Committee will confirm that this will fulfil Condition # 4 set out in Committee of Adjustment decision B-3-85 (Stevens). · i..c.;."' , 11-3 -Aurora Heritage Committee re: Commemora~'"" , '""~~~ It is the recommendation of Council in Committee that this letter be referred to the Lions Club, who own the parkette for their approval. If approval is given, the Town of Aurora Parks Department be authorized to erect this plaque. "·-·· COUNCIL MEETING ..• MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 -25 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 64-Council in Committee •.. Various Matters (continued) B. CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 3. Letter # 11-4 -Aurora Heritage Committee re: Designated Property Grants The Committee recommends this letter be referred to the Administration and Finance Committee for a report. 4. Letter # 11-56 -Mayor's Memo re: Proposed Street Name Changes/Hazelburn The Committee recommends that the street name changes be endorsed and Coach Hill Aurora Ltd. pay all advertising, legal and administrative costs to implement the name change. 5. Letter # 11-55 -Mrs. B. Fleischaker re: Lakeview Development The Committee recommends that a report from staff be requested on the sodding of Lakeview Development lots. This report to be presented for Council's consideration at the next Council meeting. 6. Letter # 11-58 -Mr. Bruce Ralph re: Old Arena Property Council in Committee discussed this matter and recommends that Mr. Ralph be advised that the Town of Aurora will pay for the sanitary sewer installations as previously approved, and further that the seven (7) foot storm sewer be installed as per the Town's Engineers directive and paid for by Mr. Ralph. 7. Letter# 11-62-Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Official Plan Amendment Number 20 The Committee recommends that the Council approve of the following modification to Official Plan Amendment Number 20: 1. Part III is modified by adding the following subsection: 2. The siting, building and structural design of dwellings and subdivision design within areas subject to the impact of railways shall contain noise and vibration attenuation features which shall be developed by the Town in consultation with qualified consultants and the railway sufficient to satisfy the Ministry of the Environment. Conditions requiring the provisions of any necessary noise and vibration attenuation measures wi 11 be incorporated into the subdivision agreement and site plan control agreement for the affected lands. 2. Schedule A -Land Use Plan is modified to redesignate only the lands shown in red from Rural to Estate Residential. 8. Letter# 11-68 -Anton Kikas Limited re: Truck Route-Henderson Drive It is recommended that Henderson Drive east to Yonge Street be designated a truck route for the use of all construction vehicles entering the Tamarac Subdivision. 9. Letter# 11-66 -Citizens' Petition re: Property Adjacent to Town Property The Committee recommends that the Planner be directed to obtain a report from the South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority to clarify this matter. ---·-' COUNCIL MEETING •.. MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 -26 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 64-Council in Committee ... Various Matters (continued) C. LETTERS RECEIVED AS INFORMATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Letter # 11-11 - Letter # 11-29 - Letter # 11-34 - Letter # 11-36 - Letter # 11-64 - L.L.B.O. re: Golden Griddle Pancake House S.L.S.C.A. re: 7th Annual Marsh Mash Marathon Canoe and Kayak Race Aurora Heritage Committee re: Recognition Plaques Regional Clerk's Department re: Regional Water and Sewage Works Aurora Public Library re: Youth in Action Programme The meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. E. Stewart: Resolved that Council in Committee Report # 64 dated May 29, 1985 be discussed item by item and accepted. Jones: CARRIED Report# 65-Commercial Development Advisory Committee ... Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Commercial Development Advisory Committee was held on May 28th, 1985 at 7:30 in Committee Room #1 at the Administration Centre. Present Were: Councillor E. Buck, Councillor J. West (part), Councillor L. Ostick (part), Mr. J. Thompson, Mr. Bruce Spragge (part). Regrets From:, Councillor R. Barker (working), Dr. L. Oliver. Absent: Mr. D. Bagshaw, Mr. G. McKenzie. 1. Temperance Street Parking Lot 2. In accordance with direction from Council the tender document for the Temperance Street Parking Lot was further reviewed by Henry Borgdorff of Reid & Associates. He advised that the tender bid was within reasonable limits and he could suggest no better alternative to achieve the Town's objectives. There is a possibility of a saving of $8,000 from a field change in the specified depth of gravel which could prove not to be essential. If this found possible, the Committee would recommend the change be carried out. Because of the higher than originally estimated cost of the project, the matter will again be on the agenda of the public meeting on June 26th. The Committee would also like to point out to Council that although the cost of the project totals in access of $200,000 at least $40,000 of the works are for replacement and installation of underground services which are essentially municipal works and should not be considered part of the programme for downtown renewal. Browning Property The Committee discussed the Browning Property at considerable length. To make the best possible use of the property which Council has acquired, it is considered essential that before any physical works are undertaken on the site full consideration be given to existing and future use of all properties within the square. The Committee would therefore recommend that adequate funding be provided to prepare a plan and that the planner be directed to prepare Terms of Reference and an estimate of the cost of obtaining professional services to achieve the overall objective of maximizing efficiency of properties in that block. ,,~•~o, .~"''~' COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 -27 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 65-Commercial Development Advisory Committee ... Various Matters continued Buck: Ostick: Resolved that Commercial Development Advisory Committee Report # 65 dated May 28, 1985 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED N. Stewart: Resolved that the hour be extended and the Agenda completed. Ostick: CARRIED Report# 63-Leisure Services Committee ..• Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: Present were: Councillor John West, Councillor L. Ostick, Councillor N. Stewart and Citizen members, B. Hooper, B. Pedersen, D. Bagshaw, K. Wehrenberg, Fred Horvath, Director of Leisure Services Regrets: Doug Dakin, Jim Hayward, Councillor E. Buck A. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter 8-74-Friendship Circle re: Occupancy of fire hall The Committee recommended that Staff prepare terms of reference for the design of the Senior Centre and apply for any grant programs that may be available. 2. Letter 11-54 York Region Board of Education re: cancellation of use at Aurora High School soccer fields. See attached letter. 3. Letter 9-93 -South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: 35 Glass Drive The Committee reviewed the problem and recommends that since the filter fabric was not used behind the baskets at original construction, it is not the responsibility of the Town to repair the gabion basket and urge the Authority to undertake the restoration at their own expense. B. NEW BUSINESS 1. Playing Field Allocations This year's field allocations were handed out noting that Aurora High School and Oak Hart soccer fields will have limited use. As well, the Committee recommended that the Association (Diggers and Men's Softball League) share the use of Town Park on Thursday evenings. 2. Ontario Parks Association Membership 3. The Committee recommended that the 1985 membership be paid as included in the 1985 Budget. Cost of membership is $50.00. Association of Aquatic Personnel of Ontario The AAPO exists to create and support a close communication among aquatic personnel by offering educational workshop and regular newsletters. As the Town has an extensive year round swimming program and with the possibility of the Leisure pool in a few years, the Committee recommended that membership be taken in this Association. Cost of membership is $90.00. ~<~'"l COUNCIL MEETING ••. MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 -28 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 63-Leisure Services Committee •.. Various Matters (continued} B. NEW BUSINESS (continued} 4. Woodlot Management The Committee was advised of a memo sent to the Planning Committee by A. Bridgeman regarding management of Town woodlots. The Committee is interested in finding out more details about the options that are available for the management of Town forests. 5. Ice Season Staff have commented in the past about the ice operating season at the Community Centre. In 1984-1985 season, ice was available from August 20th to May lOth, 1985 (38 weeks). In the 1985-1986 season, it is proposed to operate from September 23rd to April 26th, 1985 (31 weeks}. The Committee recommended the proposed schedule and advised Staff to schedule a meeting as soon as possible with the ice users. The question of a Hockey School in August 1986 was deferred until a timetable can be established for the Leisure Centre. The Committee prefers not to have a Hockey School in the existing Community Centre as it was not constructed with the concept of a prolonged ice season. 6. Leisure Complex 7. The Committee reviewed the preliminary design features of the Complex. The design of the pool, the type of racquet courts, use of elevators were discussed with reference to the preliminary drawing. Municipal Lot Levies The Committee recommended that the Director of Leisure Services Fred Horvath attend this seminar, and that the Town pay expenses as outlined in Town policy. 8. Senior Citizen Week The Committee recommended that the Town sponsor two buses for the seniors to travel to Orillia as part of their activities during the National Senior Citizens Week. 9. Rental Rates The Committee recommended the attached rental rates for the Community Centre commencing September 1, 1985. The meeting adjourned at 9:45p.m. N. Stewart: Resolved that Leisure Services Committee Report # 63 dated May 23, 1985 be discussed item by item and accepted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Buck: CARRIED UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Letter # 11-121 -Summary of Meeting re: Lakeview Grading and Sodding Council discussed the issue of compliance with the requirements of the subdivision agreement, the terms of the revised completion proposals presented and the concern of the Lakeview residents as expressed by Mrs. Fleischaker. COUNCIL MEETING •.. MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 -29 - UNFINISHED BUSINESS (continued) 1. E. Stewart: N. Stewart: re: Lakeview Gradinq and Soddin Resolved that the proposed completion dates as set out hereunder be accepted. Phase One: (a) Curb and sidewalk -June 7th (b) Sod and topsoil -July 1st (c) Street Tree Planting-July 15th (d) Driveway Paving -August 1st (e) Top asphalt -August 15th Phase Two: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Rough grading completed by June 20th Topsoil and sodding -to be commenced immediately upon completion of sodding works in Phase I, to be completed by July 30th. Curb and sidewalk -completed by September 30th Tree Planting -completed by October 31st Driveway paving -completed by November 30th Top course asphalt -completed by December 15th subject to Director of Public Works revision (subdivision agreement) CARRIED 2. Bathurst Street Watermain Council discussed the report of Mr. H. Borgdorff, Town Engineer regarding this matter and those recommendations contained therein. E. Stewart: N. Stewart: RESOLUTIONS Resolved that the recommendation of the Town Engineer be accepted and that a resolution be prepared for consideration this evening. CARRIED 1. Mayor and Clerk Authorization to Sign a Subdivision Agreement (Granada} Buck: Jones: Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a subdivision agreement dated June 3, 1985 between the Corporation of the Town of Aurora and Granada Investments Limited pertaining to the first phase of Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-84013 comprising 66 lots. Be It further resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora does hereby grant the necessary servicing allocation to the 66 dwelling units included on the first phase of the plan. CARRIED 2. 496A and Penalties for 1985 Jones: Resolved that the following 496A and penalties for 1985 be Ostick: cancelled, details of which are on file in the Treasurer's Office, be approved and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Taxes Penaltes Total CARRIED $43,261.56 48.68 $43,310.24 l..-----·· ,..,., _ _,, COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 -30 - RESOLUTIONS (continued) 3. Taxes to be Written Off Jones: Resolved that the following taxes in the amount of $3,528.24 be Ostick: written off, details of which are on file in the Treasurer's Office, be approved and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 4. Payment Certificate Number 1 -Mary Street Extension (1096} Ostick: E. Stewart: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Reid and Associates Limited, Payment Certificate Number 1 for Project Number 1096 - Construction of Mary Street Extension, in the amount of $168,872.04 be paid to C.D.C. Construction Ltd. and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 5. Payment of Invoice -Lloyd and Purcell Ltd. Buck: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of S. Seibert, Planner, Ostick: Invoice Number 5269 from Lloyd and Purcell Ltd., Ontario Land Surveyors -Temperance Street Parking Lot in the total amount of $2,840.00 be paid as previously approved by Council and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 6. Firefighters Stipends Buck: Jones: Buck: E. Stewart: Resolved that the Firefighters Stipends for the six (6} months period of December 1st, 1984 to May 31, 1985 in the total amount of $51,490.00 be paid and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto subject to the review and concurrence of Deputy Mayor West and Councillor E. Stewart. CARRIED Resolved that the late resolutions presented this evening be considered. CARRIED 7. Vehicle Purchase Buck: N. Stewart: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of S.K. Jones, Purchasing Co-Ordinator, a 5 ton vehicle for the Works Department be purchased from Woodbine Truck Centre for the total amount of $39,995.88, And Be It Further Resolved that Council authorize an amount up to $42,000.00 (including Taxes) for the purchase of the 3/4 ton, 1/2 ton and 2 ton vehicles and the Seal of the Corporation be attached . hereto. · CARRIED 8. Bathurst Street Watermain E. Stewart: N. Stewart: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of H. Borgdorff, Town Engineer, the Tender of Advice Pipelines Ltd. for Project Number 1201 -Bathurst Street Trunk Watermain, in the total amount of $841,747.00 with a completion time of fourteen (14} weeks, using concrete pr.essure pipe be accepted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED r~··"''' COUNCIL MEETING ••. MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 BY-LAWS Jones: Ostick: Jones: Ostick: Jones: Ostick: -31 - Be It Hereby Resolved that: Bill Number 2761-85 -Being a By-Law to designate a multiple-stop intersection at various intersections in the Town of Aurora ... be read a First Time. CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved that: Bill Number 2759-85 -Being a By-Law to repeal By-Law Number 2544-82, a By-Law to remove certain lands from part lot control Bill Number 2760-85 -Being a By-Law to Authorize the Chief Librarian to call the first Library Board meeting in each term Bill Number 2762-85 -Being a By-Law to approve the sale of Certain lands to Inducon Construction (Northern) Inc. for the Establishment and carrying on of an industrial operation Bill Number 2763-85 -Being a By-Law to Amend Zoning By-Law Number 2213-78 (Cousins) Bill Number 2764-85-Being a By-Law to Amend Zoning By-Law Number 2213-78 (Huntley) .•• be read a First Time. CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved that: Bill Number 2761-85 -Being a By-Law to designate a multiple-stop intersection at various intersections in the Town of Aurora ..• be read a Second Time. CARRIED l] ~---} ] COUNCIL MEETING ..• MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 BY-LAWS Jones: Ostick: Jones: Ostick: Jones: Ostick: -32 - Be It Hereby Resolved that: Bill Number 2759-85 -Being a By-Law to repeal By-Law Number 2544-82, a By-Law to remove certain lands from part lot control Bill Number 2760-85 -Being a By-Law to Authorize the Chief Librarian to call the first Library Board meeting in each term Bill Number 2762-85 -Being a By-Law to approve the sale of Certain lands to Inducon Construction (Northern) Inc. for the Establishment and carrying on of an industrial operation Bill Number 2763-85 -Being a By-Law to Amend Zoning By-Law Number 2213-78 (Cousins) Bill Number 2764-85 -Being a By-Law to Amend Zoning By-Law Number 2213-78 (Huntley) ••• be read a Second Time. CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved that Section 21 of By-Law Number 2554-83 be suspended and Bill Number 2762-85, now before the Council, be read a Third Time and enacted and the Third Reading be taken as read. CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved that: Bill Number 2758-85 -Being a By-Law to establish a Community Building Reserve Fund .•. be read a Third Time. CARRIED NOTICE OF MOTION 1. Councillor Norm Stewart -Unfinished Business Councillor Norm Stewart gave Notice of Motion concerning a procedural matter regarding the requirement for advanced notice for the consideration of Unfinished Business. NEW BUSINESS 1. Monster Bingo -Barrie Tornado Relief Fund Buck: Ostick: Resolved that the Town's licencing fee be waived for the issuance of the required permit. CARRIED (" i L.-· [ r " i ~ COUNCIL MEETING ••. MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1985 -33 - NEW BUSINESS 2. Sale of Industrial Land Jones: N. Stewart: Resolved that the offer of Unireco Industries Inc. for the purchase of 8.218 acres of industrial land described as Part 2, Plan 65R-3134 dated June 3rd, 1985 in the amount of $366,540.00 be accepted. CARRIED 3. A.M.C.T. Membership E. Stewart: Resolved that the request of Steven Jones, Purchasing Co-Ordinator to join the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario be approved and the membership fee of $130.00 be paid and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. N. Stewart: CARRIED 4. Fund Raising Committee -Aurora. Family Leisure Services Complex Jones: Resolved that Council does hereby endorse the proposed membership Paivio: for the Executive and Fund Raising Committee for the Leisure Services complex as set out hereunder and that Councillor John West act as liaison between the Committees and Council. Executive Committee Brian Leggett, Chairman Pam McPherson Joe Shaw Penny McKee Cliff Sifton Betty Pederson Don Lawrence School Board Member ADJOURNMENT Fund Raising Committee Brian Leggett, Chairman Bi 11 Hart Maurice Malone Shirley Pirto Co 1 in Graham Omar Khami ssa Mrs. Paige Marsh CARRIED E. Stewart: Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 12:22 a.m. CARRIED Clerk jr