MINUTES - Council - 19850521~-,~'
Present Were: Mayor Illingworth and Councillors Barker, Buck, Jones, Ostick,
Paivio, E. Stewart, N. Stewart and West.
Mayor Illingworth advised Council members this was National Public Works Week and
on behalf of Council would extend appreciation to our Public Works employees for
their dedication to the Town.
Mayor Illingworth also reminded Council members that Civic Awards night was May 22,
1985 at the Community Centre at 7:30 p.m.
Councillor John West declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Accounts paid to
Aurora Home Hardware due to monetary interest and did not take part in or vote on
any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such
Resolved that the Minutes of the Council Meetings of April 24, April
29 and May 6, 1985 be accepted as printed and circulated.
E. Stewart:
Resolved that the following Capital Accounts in the total amount of
$99,623.85, details of which are on file with the Treasurer's
Office, be approved for payment and the Mayor issue orders on the
Treasurer for same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached
Administration Reserve
I.B.M. Canada Ltd. 567.00
I.B.M. Canada Ltd. 7,960.00
I.B.M. Canada Ltd. 11,136.56 $19,663.56
Computer land 508.25
Capital Levy
Victor and Isobel Phinnemore $18,500.00
Stong, Blackburn, McMahon in trust 1,866.00
Treasurer of Ontario 90.00
Industrial Park
Strathy, Archibald $ 331.29
$ 331.29
Park Reserve
Belair Recreation Products $ 9,584.00
$ 9,584.00
Waterworks Reserve
Region of York $10,651.99
Region of York 13,008.23
Region of York 25,420.53 $49,080.75
- 2 -
E. Stewart:
Resolved that the following accounts in the total amount of
$1,350,305.61, details of which are on file with the Treasurer's
Office, be approved for payment and the Mayor issue orders on the
Treasurer for same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached
Fire Department
Works Department
Parks Department
Community Buildings:
Community Centre:
Leisure Services:
Community Buildings:
Factory Theatre
Parks Building
Church Street
Victoria Hall
Accounts Paid Prior to Council
10-1 Committee of Adjustment re: Submission B-5-85, Estate of Alfred Lorne
Cousins, Part Lot 78, Plan 246, Town of Aurora
(Information, K. B. Rodger)
10-2 Committee of Adjustment re: Submission B-4-85, Mr. Henry Piebrock, Part of
West half of Lot 11, Concession Number 3, Town of Aurora
(Information, K. B. Rodger)
10-3 Memo from Kelly Cerswell, Treasurer to Administration and Finance committee
re: Request to attend CICA Microcomputer Conference
(Ref. Administration and Finance Committee)
10-4 Aiken, Capp, Barristers and Solicitors re: Comments concerninig Draft
Subdivision Agreement, The IONA Corporation "Tamarac"
(Ref. Technical Committee)
10-5 IONA re: Confirmation of points discussed at meeting of April 30, 1985
concerning meeting regarding Subdivision Agreement (Tamarac)
(Ref. Technical Committee)
10-6 Macroplan Limited re: Aurora Estates Part Lot 84, Concession 1 WYS, Letter
of Credit
(Information, K. Cerswell, S. Seibert, R. J .. Harrington)
10-7 Bayridge Corporation Limited re: Knole Farms Limited, Kennedy Street,
(Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert)
10-8 CN Rail re: Passing of Zoning By-law 2727-84
(Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert)
10-9 Memo from Technical Committee to Council re: Sidewalk Locations Policy
(Ref. Council in Committee)
10-10 Mrs. Vera Mitchell re: Comments concerning Local Bus Service
(Information, S. K. Jones)
10-11 Memo from Technical Committee to Council re: Policy-Reduction/Release of
Financial Securities
(Ref. Council in Committee)
- 3 -
10-12 Anton Kikas Limited re: Application for Amendment to Zoning By-law 420643
Ontario Limited
(Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert)
10-13 York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: request to be advised
whether the Separate Schoo 1 Board may make a rep 1 acement appointment to the
Public Library Board to complete the term of Mr. Peter Meehan.
(Ref. Co unci 1 in Committee)
10-14 Committee of Adjustment re: Submission A-6-85, Jane Salhani, 44 Maple
Street, Lot 5, Plan 67, Town of Aurora
(Information, R. J. Harrington)
10-15 Strathy Archibald and Seagram re: Legal Fees concerning Town of Aurora
purchase from Cardiff Investments Ltd; Part 2, Reference Plan No. 65R-3352
(Information, Treasury)
10-16 Regional Municipality of York, Office of the Medical Officer of Health re:
Rabies Control Notification
(Information, K. McFarlane)
10-17 York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: non-objection to
By-laws 2744-85 & 2746-85
(Information, S. Seibert)
10-18 Town of Newmarket re: Public Meeting Information
(Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert)
10-19 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Advance Payment Subsidy
-Road Improvements ·
(Information, Treasury, Wm.G. Walker)
10-20 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: 1984 Public Transit
Subsidy Payment
(Information, S.K. Jones, Treasury)
10-21 Assessment Review Board re: Hearing Number 023Y
(Information, Treasury)
10-22 Assessment Review Board re: Hearing Number 026Y
(Information, Treasury)
10-23 Assessment Review Board re: Hearing Number 022Y
(Information, Treasury)
10-24 Assessment Review Board re: Hearing Number 027Y
(Information, Treasury)
10-25 Goodman and Carr, Barristers and Solicitors re: Granada Investments
Limited -Drainage Easement
(Information, K. McFarlane, Wm.G. Walker)
10-26 J.B. Howard and Associates, Insurance Adjusters re: Miss Lina Holman and
Town of Aurora
(Information, Insurance)
10-27 Ching Bee Deng and Associate re: Virancic purchase from Thomson -11
Jarvis Avenue
(Information, Clerk to reply, Treasury)
10-28 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Zoning By-Law Amendment
-Z-10-85, Z-11-85 and Z-13-85
(Information, S. Seibert)
1.~-.. ---
- 4 -
10-29 Krauss and Associates, Barristers, Solicitors re: Wemyss purchase from
Shea -103 Temperance Street
(Information, Clerk to reply)
10-30 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Proposed Plan of
Subdivision Number 19T-85019
(Information, S. Seibert)
10-31 Sam Laufer, Barrister and Solicitor re: Reitig purchase from 565539
Ontario Limited-32 Devlin Place
(Information, Clerk to reply)
10-32 Andrea Cutler and Denise Summerville, Aurora, Ontario re: Devins Drive
Street Sign
{Information, Clerk to reply, Wm.G. Walker)
10-33 David Lockyear, Aurora, Ontario re: Drains -Jasper Drive
(Ref. Council in Committee)
10-34 Collins Barrow, Chartered Accountants re: Comments concerning their
appointment by the Town of Aurora as auditors for the year ending December
31, 1985 and subsequent years
(Ref. Administration and Finance Committee)
10-35 Regional Municipality of York re: Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-8100
10-36 Regional Municipality of York re: Report on Amendment No. 20 to the
Official Plan of the Town of Aurora
10-37 Paul Skinner Construction re: Information concerning disposition of
contents of stores
(Ref. Council in Committee)
10-38 Old Sweats Hockey Club re: request for permission to hold Slo-Pitch
Baseball Tournament at Fleury Park on July 13, 1985
(Ref. Counci 1 in Committee)
10-39 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Representation of all
municipalities in the Region of York by a minimum of two members
10-40 Court of the Lord Lyon, Edinburgh re: Coat of Arms
(Ref. Administration and Finance Committee)
10-41 Canada Meetings and Incentive Travel Steering Committee re: "Citizen of
the Year" Awards
(Ref. Council in Committee)
10-42 Public Works Department re: Statement of Overtime Hours for April 1985
(Ref. Public Works Committee)
10-43 Regional Municipality of York, Engineering Department re: Heron Homes
(Aurora Ltd.) 19T-84037, Region of York Approval No. A8.85
(Information S. Seibert, Wm. Walker)
10-44 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: statement of non-objection to
Proposed Plan of Subdivision #19T-84013, Aurora Highlands
(Information, S. Seibert)
10-45 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: statement of non-objection to
Rezoning No. Z-12-85, Town of Aurora
(Information, S. Seibert)
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- 5 -
10-46 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: statement of non-objection to
Rezoning No. Z-13-85, Lot 17, Plan 107, Town of Aurora
(Information, S. Seibert)
10-47 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: statement of non-objection to
Rezoning No. Z-10-85 Pt. Lot 78, Concession 1, Town of Aurora
(Information, S. Seibert)
10-48 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: statement of non-objection to
By-law 2746-85, Town of Aurora
(Information, S. Seibert)
10-49 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: statement of non-objection to
Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Z-14-85
(Information, S. Seibert)
10-50 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: statement of non-objection to
By-law No. 2744, Town of Aurora
(Information, S. Seibert)
10-51 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: satement of non-objection to
Zoning By-Law Amendment No. Z-11-85 Lot 19, Plan 1075, Town of Aurora
(Information, S. Seibert)
10-52 Regional Municipality of York re: Lake Simcoe Environmental Management
Strategy Study
(Ref. Council in Committee)
10-53 York Region Board of Education re: Statement of non-objection to proposed
Zoning By-law Amendment under Section 34 of Planning Act (Z-14-85)
(Information, S. Seibert)
10-54 Ministry of the Environment re: Proposed Official Plan Amendment for
Beacon Hall Property, Town of Aurora
(Information, S. Seibert)
10-55 Environment Canada re: Environment Week '85 campaign
(Ref. Council in Committee)
10-56 Michael MacNamara (Batson Residents) re: Magna/Batson tree planting
(Ref. Council in Committee)
10-57 Equity Development Group re: Street names (Heron Homes) Aurora Ltd.
(Ref. Council in Committee)
10-58 Karen Skene, Newmarket Literacy Council re: World Literacy Day
(Ref. Council in Committee)
10-59 Ron VandeBeek, Highland Chev-Olds re: Vehicle leasing
(Information, S. K. Jones)
10-60 Memo from Wm. Walker to K. B. Rodger re: Request to prepare Tenders -
Chamber of Commerce Information Centre
(Ref. Council in Committee)
10-61 Jane Ballantine re: request for information about the Town of Aurora
(Information, K. B. Rodger)
10-62 Ministry of Citizenship and Culture re: Public Libraries Act
(Ref. Council in Committee)
10-63 Ministry of Natural Resources re: Wayside Permit M0.43 Part Lots 11 and 12
Cone. II, Town of Aurora
- 6 -
10-64 The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario re: Application for Dining Room
Licence and Patio Licence for Village Deli Restaurant, St. Andrews Village,
(Ref. Council in Committee)
Anton Kikas Limited re:
1 Town of Aurora (420643
(Information, S.
Subdivision Application
Ontario Ltd.)
Part of Lot 81, Concession
10-66 Goodman and Carr, Barristers and Solicitors re: Granada Investments
Limited Subdivision of Murch Lands, Town of Aurora
(Information, K. B. Rodger, L. Allison)
10-67 Mr. M. Weeks re: Sidewalk -Wellington Street West, Aurora
(Ref. Technical Committee)
10-68 The York Region Board of Education re: Administration Centre Parking Lot
(Ref. Council in Committee)
10-69 Aurora Hydro re: Hydro Easement for Pole Line on Industrial Parkway North
to St. John's Sideroad
(Information, Council -May 6, 1985}
10-70 E.W. Petzold Limited, Consulting Engineer re: Corridor Enterprises Inc. -
Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-81032
(Information, Clerk to reply, L. Allison)
10-71 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Multi-Way Stop/School Crossing Study
-Aurora Heights Drive and Tecumseh Drive
(Ref. Public Safety Committee)
10-72 The Ontario Association for the Mentally Retarded re: Request for Donation
(Ref. Administration/Finance Committee)
10-73 Debbie Walsh, Strathroy, Ontario re: Request for Town Pin
(Information, Clerk to reply)
10-74 IONA re: Temporary Sales Signs -Yonge and Allaura Boulevard
(Ref. Council in Committee)
10-75 The Regional Municipality of York -Health and Social Services Department
re: Purchase of Private Home Day Care from Mrs. Margaret Cameron -48
Davidson Road, Aurora
(Information, R.J. Harrington to reply}
10-76 The Regional Municipality of York-Planning re: Proposed Zoning Amendment
-Residential to Commercial Office -North-west corner of Wellington and
Wells Streets (Z-13-85}
(Information, S. Seibert)
10-77 The Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: Proposed Zoning Amendment
-Residential to Commercial (61.34 feet frontage on the north side of
Wellington Street -Z-11-85}
(Information, S. Seibert)
10-78 Government of Ontario -Provincial Secretary for Social Development re:
Senior Citizens Month
10-79 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Ontario Renews Awards -1985
(Ref. Planning Committee)
10-80 Aurora Downtown re: BIA Budget
(Ref. Council in Committee)
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- 7 -
10-81 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: American Public Works Association-
Motor Vehicle Equipment Management Workshop -St. Andrews by the Sea, New
Brunswick -June 3 and 4, 1985
(Ref. Administration/Finance Committee)
10-82 S.K. Jones memo to K.B. Rodger re: Street Light Maintenance
(Ref. Administration/Finance Committee)
10-83 S.G. Wilson memo to Administration/Finance Committee re: Jaws of Life-
Opticom (Henderson and Yonge) Pump 4 Emitter
(Ref. Administration/Finance Committee)
10-84 L. Allison letter to Cliffgate Management Limited re: IONA Corporation -
Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-83025
(TABLED, DELEGATIONS -Council in Committee -May 15, 1985)
10-85 Aurora Residents -Petition re: Traffic Survey -Orchard Heights Boulevard
(Ref. Public Safety Committee-May 7, 1985)
10-86 Steinberg, Friedman, Barristers and Solicitors re: Teofilo sale to Rotman,
Lot 20, Plan M-42, Spring Maple Chase
(Information, R.J. Harrington to reply)
10-87 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision,
Part Lot 85, Concesion 1 WYS (Ministry File 19T-83036 (Willow Farm)
(Information, S. Seibert)
10-88 Ministry of the Environment re: File Number 19T-83036 and 19T-83037
(Information, S. Seibert)
10-89 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Amendment Number 33,
Residential and Open Space, Lot 80, Concession 1 WYS (19-0P-0025033)
(Information, S. Seibert)
10-90 Reid and Associates Limited re: Bathurst Street Trunk Watermain-Project
Number 1201
10-91 Reid and Associates Limited re: Old Arena Site -Project Number 1025
(Ref. Planning Committee)
10-92 Aurora Minor Lacrosse Association re: 6th Annual Pee Wee Lacrosse
(Ref. Administration/Finance Committee)
10-93 York Regional Police Force re: Volume of Traffic -Orchard Heights
(Ref. Public Safety Committee)
10-94 The Oshawa Group Limited re: Snack Bar-IGA
10-95 House of Commons re: Katimavik
10-96 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk's re: Determination-York
Region School Board
(Information, Clerk to reply)
10-97 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Flood Warning System Manual
(Information, Wm.G. Walker, S.G. Wilson)
\....,,_ ....
- 8 -
10-98 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Draft Plan of Subdivision
19T-84037 (Heron Homes)
(Information, S. Seibert)
10-99 Ministry of Tourism and Recreation re: 1983 Wintario Capital Grant Program
-File Number 83-42-1020
(Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F.J. Horvath)
10-100 Ministry of the Environment re: File 19T-84079 (Hunters Hills Estates)
(Information, S. Seibert)
10-101 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Conservation Report 1984
(Information, Council Room)
10-102 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision
19T-83037 (Marko-Rodgers)
(Information, S. Seibert)
10-103 Committee of Adjustment re: Submission A-8-85, Aurora Steel Services -245
Industrial Parkway
(Information, Clerk to reply)
10-104 The Equity Development Group Inc. re: Pre-Servicing Agreement (Heron
10-105 Aurora Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses re: Permission for Visiting
Minister to Park Trailer -169 Edward Street
E. Stewart:
Resolved that permission be granted to the Aurora Congregation of
Jehovah's Witnesses to park and 1 i ve in a trailer on their property
for a period of one (1) week -June 4 to 10, 1985.
10-106 Reid and Associates Limited re: Reconstruction of Dunning Avenue-Project
Number 1184
(Information, S.K. Jones, C.E. Gowan)
10-107 The York Region Board of Education re: Summer Group Exchange Programme
(Ref. Administration/Finance Committee)
10-108 Victoria Wood Development Corporation Inc. re: Sales Trailer
E. Stewart:
Resolved that permission be granted to Victoria Woods Development
for the placing of a Sales Trailer on Block E -Batson Drive for a
six (6) months period upon the posting of a $1,000.00 bond.
Resolved that Victoria Woods be advised of Council's concern of the
placing of a trailer in this area and therefore, this request is
denied. Victoria Woods be requested to submit another site for
Council's consideration.
10-109 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk's re: By-Law Number L67-85-51 -
Levy against the Area Municipalities the sums of money required during the
year 1985
(Ref. Administration/Finance Committee, Treasury)
10-110 Aurora Fire Department re: Annual Report -1984
(Information, Council)
- 9 -
10-111 The Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: Proposed Plan of
Subdivision, Block 37, R.P. M-2012 (19T-82039)
(Information, S. Seibert)
10-112 MI Realty Corp. re: Plydex {formerly E.P.M.) 200 Industrial Parkway
Resolved that this letter be received and Magna International
advised that Council approves of the planting of trees as outlined
on their Submission dated April 13, 1985.
10-113 Assessment Review Board re: Member's Hearing Notice -Assignment Hearings
-All Agents
{Information, Treasury)
10-114 The Regional Municipality of York re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision
(Information, S. Seibert)
10-115 Anton Kikas Limited re: Subdivision Application, Part of Lot 81,
Concession 1 {420643 Ontario Ltd. -File# 19T-85040)
10-116 Kelly Cerswell memo to Administration and Finance Committee re: 1985
Surplus Allocation
10-117 Gord Jones, Aurora, Ontario re: Murray Drive
{Ref. Public Safety Committee-May 7, 1985)
10-118 Charles J. France, Aurora, Ontario re: Murray Drive
(Ref. Public Safety Committee-May 7, 1985)
10-119 Christy Lee H. LeRoij, Aurora, Ontario re: Aurora Heights Drive
(Ref. Public Safety Committee-May 7, 1985)
10-120 George Wimpey Canada Limited re: Road Closures-Tamarac Subdivision
Resolved that this request be denied and Wimpey be requested to
submit other methods of closing the.road.
10-121 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Status of Road Closure (Nisbet Drive
and Stoddart Drive)
E. Stewart: Resolved that this letter be received.
10-122 Aurora Village Co-Op re: Election -Board of Directors
Jones: Resolved that Councillors West and E. Stewart attend this annual
Ostick: election meeting.
10-123 Canada Safety Council re: Conference -June 22 -25, 1985
(Ref. Public Safety Committee)
West: Resolved that the Clerk's report be dealt with as outlined.
-10 -
1. Regional Chairman -Eldred King
Mayor Illingworth on behalf of Council welcomed Eldred King, Chairman of the
Regional Council to the Council meeting.
Chairman King thanked Council for allowing him to attend this meeting.
Mr. King briefly outlined some of the major decisions made by Regional
Council since he had taken office in September 1984, such as:
approval for the additional hiring of 50 Police Officers,
negotiating the purchase of 12 acres of land for a new
administrative headquarters,
approval of a uniform rate for the treatment of waste water,
new lot levy policy,
the revival of the Regional Official Plan,
expanded day care services.
Mayor Illingworth thanked Chairman King for his attendance and his advising
Council members of some of the work being carried out by the Regional
Co unci 1.
2. Letter # 10-115 -Anton Kikas Limited, Consulting Engineers re:
Subd1vision Application (420643 Ontario Ltd. -F1 le # 191-85040)
Mr. Anton Kikas attended to present to Council a plan for a proposed
subdivision. This subdivision will be on Wellington Street West immediately
east of the Lutheran Church and consists of 35 single dwellings and 36
Resolved that this proposal be scheduled for a Public Meeting in
July, 1985.
3. Ian Bowell, Collins, Barrows re: Presentation of Financial Statements
Mr. I. Bowell, C.A., for the firm of Collins Barrows, Auditors, attended and
presented the Town of Aurora Financial statements.
Mayor Illingworth thanked Mr. Bowell for his presentation.
Report# 54 -Public Safety Committee ... Various Matters
The Committee respectfully submits the following:
A meeting of the Public Safety Committee was held on Tuesday May 7, 1985 at 7:00
p.m. in Committee Room 1 in the Administrative Building.
Present Were: Councillors Tim Jones, Martin Paivio, Norm Stewart (7:40pm) Fire
Chief Stuart Wilson, and Citizen member Carl Weisser
Regrets: Omar Khammisa, Ted Bessant
1. Wendy Oranski, Letter #9-75 William Walker Traffic Study# Letter #9-175 R.
A. R1chardson, Letter #9-33 Res1dent's Pet1t1on, Letter 9-/9 H. Roberts,
Letter #9-96 R. Chant, Letter #9-122 D. Neufeld, Letter #9-175 B. Monk re:
Orchard Aelghts Boulevard
Mrs. Oranski presented the findings of an independant traffic survey (Letter
# 10-85) conducted by residents of Orchard Heights at various times during
-11 -
Report# 54-Public Safety Committee •.. Various Matters (continued)
Wendy Oranski, Letter #9-75 William Walker Traffic Study, Letter #9-175 R.
A. R1chardson, Letter #9-33 Res1dent's Pet1t1on, Letter #9-79 H. Roberts,
Letter #9-96 R. Chant, Letter #9-122 D. Neufeld, Letter #9-175 B. Monk re:
Orchard Heights Boulevard (continued)
the last week of April. The results of this study in general showed a high
volume of cars using Orchard Heights Drive. The survey can be found in
correspondence. Mrs. Oranski reiterated several of the safety concerns
already brought to Council's attention in April and May meetings. Mr. D.
Neufeld was also attending the meeting. Together with Mrs. Oranski and Mr.
Neufeld, the Committee identified the optimum control recommendations as
identified by the various residents who have corresponded with Council to
date. This plan is attached. The controls include:
i. Proposed stop signs at -Pineneedle Drive-west entrance-(4
-Meadowood/Crawford Rose Drive-(4 way)
-Hill Drive-(4 way)
-Banff Drive -(3 way)
-Devins/Hill Drive -(3 way)
-St. Andrews Court east -(3 way)
-Laurentide Avenue -(3 way)
ii. Proposed School Crossing with guard and appropriate signage at Banff
iii. Proposed 40k for the full length of the road between Yonge Street
and Bathurst Street.
It was further determined that this plan would be presented by the Chairman
to the Regional Representatives at the meeting to be arranged for the
purpose of obtaining their feedback.
2. Letter # 10-119 C. LeRoig, Letter #9-75 William Walker Traffic Study re:
Aurora He1ghts Dr1ve
Aurora Heights Drive was also discussed as part of this delegation.
Included in this discussion was letter #10-119 C. LeRoij dated April 19,
1985 -Aurora Heights and the results of the traffic study done at this
location. Mrs. Oranski explained how her child was required to cross both
Orchard Heights Boulevard and Aurora Heights Drive on her way to school.
After discussion, in the same fashion as Orchard Heights, an optimum plan
was devised for presentation to the Regional representatives (plan
attached). The controls were:
i. Proposed Pedestrian Crossing-signed at Tecumseh
ii. Proposed School Crossing at that location with a Guard and Signage
iii. 40k/hr speed limit for the full length of Aurora Heights Drive
iv. As per recent Council policy, a sidewalk for the full length of
Aurora Heights Drive north side. Depending on available funds, this
may have to be phased over 2 or 3 years.
v. Referal to the Technical Committee to ensure planning and continue
the safety emphasis as this road continues on to Bathurst.
The Committee differentiated between Orchard Heights and the Aurora Heights
situation. Increased stop signage on Aurora Heights was of concern because
of the curving nature of this Road. Orchard Heights is for the most part
straighter and drivers have a good distance to see for approaching signs.
-12 -
Report# 54-Public Safety Committee ..• Various Matters (continued)
A. DELEGATIONS (continued)
2. Letter# 10-119 C. LeRoig, Letter #9-75 William Walker Traffic Study re:
Aurora He1ghts Dr1ve (cont1nued)
As well, pedestrians have equal opportunity to see oncoming cars. The
Chairman has discussed this plan with Mrs. LeRoij on two occasions and she
has indicated her support for what has been identified as optimum.
The Director of Public Works put forward the traffic study recently
completed in this area. The findings indicated:
i. That the intersection of Aurora Heights and Tecumseh did not meet
the warrants used for a school crossing and multi-way stop.
However, due to the traffic flow experienced, the Director indicated:
i. the York Regional Police Force be asked to increase radar at this
ii. a sidewalk be constructed on the north side from Bigwin to
iii. If a school crossing is deemed appropriate-it be accompanied by a
school guard.
* the traffic survey can be found in Correspondence
3. Mayor's Memo April 25 re: Traffic and Safety Problem Areas
Also dealt with at the same time as the above was the Mayor's recommendation
for traffic consultants to do a general Town study to include the areas of
Orchard Heights, Aurora Heights, Murray Drive, Edward and Dunning,
Industrial Parkway full length and St. Johns Sideroad, and other areas as
they are perceived as current or potential problem areas. One area would be
Yonge Street by-passing with consideration to the complaints received from
residents on Temperance and Mark and Spruce. As well the 404 effect to
Wellington should be projected and planned for.
With consideration to all of the above, the Committee recommends:
i. The optimum plans for Aurora Heights and Orchard Heights be
discussed with representatives of York Regional Traffic Department
and York Regional Police Traffic Division at the meeting that
Council has directed the Safety Committee to have as soon as
possible. It is hoped that from th.at meeting a recommendation for
action can be resolved. Representatives from the two areas in
question will be asked to attend along with any interested
ii. That a traffic study be carried out by traffic consultants as
proposed in the Mayor's memo to include all the areas identified in
this report to ensure some future planning for our growing Town.
4. Career Dynamics G.Kyle and K. Mclure
The representatives spoke on behalf of the Association for the Mentally
Retarded. They are currently working with a group of 25 mentally
handicapped people in work skill evaluation, job searches, and career
direction. They had approached the Fire Chief to ascertain the feasibility
for a placement at the fire hall.
-13 -
Report# 54-Public Safety Committee ••. Various Matters (continued)
4. Career Dynamics G. Kyle and K. Mclure (continued)
In reviewing with the officers, it was felt that due to the emergency
response requirements and the necessity for expedient action, the placement
may not be suitable. The Committee reviewed the potential for all concerned
not being knowledgeable enough about the needs and expectations of both the
placement and the Fire Department requirements. It was recommended to the
delegation that they approach the Clerk for possible referral to a more
suitable area for placement and for a presentation to Council in Committee.
1. Letter #9-112 York Regional Police Force re: Murray Drive, Letter #9-117
Regency Acres re: Murray Drive, Letter # 10-118 -C.J. France letter to
Mayor re: Murray Dr1ve, Letter #8-78 C. J. France re: Murray Dr1ve,
Letter #8-79 York Regional Police Force re: Murray Drive, Letter # l0-117
G. Jones re: Murray Drive
The Committee reviewed the correspondence received. It was noted that in an
8 hour period 23 Provincial Offence Act notices were served for speeding.
It is hoped that the center line will be painted on the road soon although
it is further noted that this line will not be applied to the portion of
this road that is due to be resurfaced within the next 8 weeks. The
Director of Public Works indicated that the line will be applied to the road
after this final surfacing is complete.
The Committee was somewhat disappointed in the response received by the
police in answer to our request for a police position on further controls
for Murray to control speed. The response asked for the names of the
officers and the dates of their comments to residents instead of an
evaluation of this situation. It is recommended that Murray Drive be
included when the Regional Representatives meet with us to discuss Orchard
Heights and Aurora Heights and further that it be included in an overall
traffic study as proposed by the Mayor.
2. Letter #9-118 Regency Acres Public School re: Relief from Parking
Restn ctl ons
The Committee reviewed the request and felt that given the curved nature of
this road and the potential for many people to be using the street and
possibly coming out between parked cars, the request be denied. It was
further suggested that prior to each event a note be sent home with the
children indicating the many side streets in the area of the school where
people can park and that an attendant be hired to facilitate parking.
3. Letter # 10-123 Canada Safety Council re: Conference
Councillor Norm Stewart has requested to attend the annual conference of the
Canada Safety Council to be held in St. John, Newfoundland between June 22
and June 25, 1985. The Committee would recommend that Councillor Stewart
attend and that the normal expenses be allowed.
4. Letter #9-38 York Regional Police Force re: Yonge and Reuben Intersection
The Committee acknowledge the quick response to our request for attention in
this area. The Committee would refer this area to the overall Traffic
Safety recommendation for consideration.
\::,::. .•. :
-13a -
Report# 54-Public Safety Committee ... Various Matters (continued)
1. York Region Board of Education -Workshops
The Committee acknowledges that participation of Fire Prevention Officer
Fred Bolsby in conducting workshops for the caretakers and maintenance staff
of the York Region Board of Education.
2. March and April Activity Reports
The Committee notes that under the new Burning By-Laws regulations 90
permits have been issued to date. The system seems to be working very well.
3. Ontario Fire College -Chief Wilson
The Chief will be attending the Ontario Fire College for two weeks at the
beginning of June.
4. C.P.R. Instructors Certification
It is noted that 19 firefighters were certified or recertified in C.P.R.
April 20, 1985 at the Fire Hall. Further, two staff members, Brian Patrick
and Chuck Cowie will be pursuing their instructors certification which will
enable them to instruct our firefighters instead of bringing in outside
resources. As well, it is hoped that a program can be developed to also
include interested Town staff in becoming certified to administer C.P.R.
5. Municipal Fire Protection Survey
Mr. G. Senay, the new Fire Marshal's Office representative for our area met
with the Chief and the Chairman recently. It was noted that it has been 6
years since the last Municipal Fire Protection survey was done for the Town
of Aurora. This survey is done at no cost to the Town and includes a review
of the organization, methods, practices, personnel, apparatus, equipment,
communication, and fire stations, fire prevention and water supply as well
as traffic conditions.
In view of the growth experienced by the Town over the last few years, the
Committee highly recommends that a resolution be prepared requesting that
the Fire Marshal conduct a Municipal Fire Protection Survey in 1985.
The Chief noted that approximately 85% of the recommendations made in the
1 ast report have been adopted.
-14 -
Report# 54-Public Safety Committee ••. Various Matters (continued)
1. Occupany Permits
The Fire Prevention Officer advised the Committee of another infraction
involving an establishment on Allaura Blvd. where tenancy has changed
hands. The occupant was residing in the building and was engaged in a
business involving flammable materials. He recommends that a system be
designed as soon as it is legal to do so that would require:
i. an application for occupancy
i i. an interview concerning type of occupancy
iii. a building inspection
iiii. plans and/or occupancy layout
v. a permit to occupy only after compliance
with zoning, building, and f1re regulations
He also indicated that the Treasury Department (for tax and assessment
purposes) and the Works Department (for water meter control) maintain their
interest in such a procedure.
2. Save a Child -Project
The staff of the Aurora Fire Department have reviewed this project and
support its implementation through members of the Royal Canadian Legion
Branch 385. Stickers will be available to schools as well as through the
Town offices and Fire Department. This project is viewed as a necessary
part of an overall fire safety plan which every home should have which
includes a plan of escape and smoke alarm installations.
3. Capital Purchases
The Committee recommends that those items recommended for Capital budget
purchases 1985, namely the Jaws of Life and the Opticom be purchased.
1. Volunteer Captain Position
The Committee was advised that the Fire Chief, a representative of the
Newmarket Fire Department and the Chairman of the Safety Committee
interviewed 4 applicants for the 2 volunteer Captains positions available.
Interviews were assessed along with results of a test written by each
candidate and their past performance assessment. The Committee recommends
that Firefighters Brian Patrick and John Adema be promoted to the rank of
probationary volunteer Captain. Further, that volunteer firefighter, Sandy
Mclean be recognized as an acting volunteer Captain in the absence of a
volunteer Captain when first to the scene.
The Committee also recognizes that all 4 candidates were of good quality and
Due to the absence of Fire Chief Stuart Wilson during the first two weeks in June,
the next regular meeting of the Public Safety Committee well be held on June 18,
·, "'~"~
-15 -
Report# 54-Public Safety Committee ..• Various Matters (continued)
Resolved that items A.1, A.2, A.3 and B.1 be referred to the Council
in Committee meeting of May 29th, 1985 with a report from the
Special Meeting with residents and police personnel. Councillor
Jones requested that the special report be circulated to Council
members and staff as soon as it was typed.
Item A.1
-A.3 AMENDMENT (see above)
Item A.1
Item A.4
Item B.1
Item B.1
AMENDMENT (see above)
Item B.2
N. Stewart:
Resolved that Public Safety Committee Report# 54 dated May 7, 1985
be discussed item by item and accepted as amended.
Councillor E. Stewart in the Chair.
Report# 55-Audit Committee •.• Auditor's Management Letter
The Committee respectfully submits the following:
The Committee met at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, May 13th, 1985 in the Administration
Present Were: Mayor D. Illingworth, Councillors J. West and E. Stewart, Clerk
Administrator K.B. Rodger and Treasurer K. Cerswell.
The Auditor's Management Letter dated March 1st, 1985 included the following
1. Cash Receipts:
The implementation of cash registers in the Treasury Department would
provide more effective custody of cash and would ensure that all cash
receipts are properly accounted for.
"We recommend that consideration be given to the acquisition of cash
registers for the Treasury Department".
The Treasurer and the Deputy Treasurer agree that a cash register is
required, but recommend that it be compatible with the computer equipment.
The Committee recommends that approval in principle be given to the purchase
of a cash register for the Treasury Department and that the Treasurer and
Purchasing Co-Ordinator be authorized to investigate the types and costs of
such compatible equipment and report to the Administration and Finance
-16 -
Report# 55-Audit Committee .•. Auditor's Management Letter (continued)
2. Community Centre:
There is no cross-check of the final typed invoice to the ice log or to the
draft copy of the invoice.
"Final invoices for both ice rentals and hall bookings should be agreed to
the ice log or hall bookings log for accuracy and initialed by an individual
independent of invoice preparation such as the Arena Manager or Leisure
Services Director".
The Director of Leisure Services reports that this method recommended by the
Auditor has been in effect since March, 1984.
The Committee is concerned that the Auditor was not aware that his
recommended policy was already in effect, and recommends as follows:
(a) That the Treasurer discuss this alleged discrepancy with the Auditor
and report to the Administration and Finance Committee.
(b) That the Treasurer be authorized to institute such internal controls
and/or checks deemed necessary for Community Centre accounts.
3. Payroll:
It was found that time cards for the Community Centre
approved in writing by the Leisure Services Director.
result in employees being paid for work not done.
are not always being
This practice could
"We recommend that the Arena Foreman, who schedules the hourly employees,
should be authorized to sign time cards in the absence of the Leisure
Services Director and that the payroll should not be processed without the
proper authorization".
Treasury staff advise that only one week was processed without authorization
and this was when the Director of Leisure Services was on vacation and no
one was authorized, or would take the responsibility, for signing the time
The Committee recommends that the Director of Liesure Services designate a
senior person to sign time cards at the Community Centre in his absence.
4. General:
The Auditor comments as follows:
"As you know, the primary purpose of our examination is to enable us to form
an opinion on the financial statements of the Town and local boards for the
year ended December 31, 1985. To that extent, we reviewed and tested the
Town's financial systems and related accounting controls to evaluate those
systems as required by generally accepted auditing standards. Our study and
evaluation was not designed for the purpose of expressing an opinion on
internal control and therefore may not necessarily disclose all weaknesses
in the systems".
Illingworth: Resolved that the Audit Committee Report # 55 dated May 13, 1985 be
discussed item by item and accepted. West:
-17 -
Councillor West in the Chair.
Report# 56-Administration and Finance Committee .•. Various Matters
The Committee respectfully submits the following:
The Committee met at 3:30 p.m. on Monday, May 13, 1985 in the Administrative
Present Were: Mayor D. Illingworth, Councillors J. West and E. Stewart, Clerk
Administrator K.B. Rodger and Treasurer K. Cerswell.
1. Letter # 3-81 -Gunter Herkner re: Chamber of Commerce Information Site
Reference is made to item A.2 of Council in Committee Report # 18 which was
adopted by Council on February 18, 1985 as follows:
"Council in Committee discussed the matter at length and would recommend
that it be referred to the Administration and Finance Committee for a
Due to a misunderstanding as to time, Mr. Herkner arrived prior to the start
of the meeting and met with Mayor Illingworth. The Mayor reported to the
Committee that there was a difference of opinion as to the authorization for
the preparation of a plan for the information site at Yonge Street and the
Vandorf Sideroad. Mr. Herkner was of the firm opinion that the work had
been authorized. So much so, that he engaged David Tomlinson to advise on
the landscape plan and type of trees etc. and paid Mr. Tomlinson's invoice
out of his own pocket. In addition, several phone calls were made to MTC as
to siting and access.
In view of the circumstances, the Committee recommends that the invoice of
Mr. Herkner in the total amount of $450.00 be paid and the preliminary
design plan become the property of the Town.
B. Correspondence
1. Letter # 9-11 -A.R. Manning, Manager, Aurora Juvenile Hockey Team
The Aurora Juvenile Hockey Team has won All Ontario Championship. The teams·
beaten on the road to the finals included Midland, Orangeville, Bowmanville
and Niagara on the Lake. The Coach and Manager of the team would like to
culminate the fine season by purchasing team jackets as for some of the boys
it will be their last year in Aurora Minor Hockey.
The team has raised $440.76 towards the $1,036.76 cost of purchasing 22
jackets. The shortfall is $595.00.
The Committee recommends that a grant of $500.00 be made to the Aurora
Juvenile Hockey Team to assist in the purchase of jackets on the basis of
the All Ontario Championship.
The Committee notes that the following resolution was adopted by Council on
May 2, 1983:
"Resolved that $500.00 be provided as a contribution
towards the purchase of rings for the Champion Team, the
Aurora Minor Midgets to commemorate their success in the
All Ontario Tournament, and said funds to come from the
Councillor's Conference funds.
-18 -
Report# 56-Administration and Finance Committee ... Various Matters (continued)
1. Letter # 9-11 -A.R. Manning, Manager, Aurora Juvenile Hockey Team
"Resolved that only the Councillors who voted in the
affirmative on this resolution have the money taken from
their Councillor's Conference Budget".
2. Letter # 9-82 -Mary Stasiuk re: Forum for Young Canadians
Miss Stasiuk has been selected by Aurora High School to attend Forum for
Young Canadians. This program was founded to develop a deeper understanding
among high school students of their role and responsibility of the Canadian
citizen and to increase their knowledge of the process of government. The
funds for the trip and accommodation are the responsibility of the student
to raise in the community. Approximately $450.00 is required.
While the Committee agrees that the program is most commendable, it has not
recommended grants for this or similar type programs in the past due to the
number of requests received. The Committee recommends, as it has in the
past that the applicant contact the various service clubs and the Royal
Canadian Legion.
3. Letter # 9-100 -Ontario Youth Opportunities re: Youth Corps Program
Municipalities and non-profit groups may apply for grants under Ontario
Youth Corps to hire disadvantaged young people between the ages of 15 and 24
years, who have left school and been unemployed for at least three months.
The Committee recommends that this information be forwarded to the Director
of Leisure Services for a report.
4. Letter # 9-101 -Terry Fox Canadian Youth Centre re: Sponsorship
The Encounters with Canada program is held at the Terry Fox Canadian Youth
Centre in Ottawa and consists of 7-day ·seminars which take place during the
school year and which explore the governmental, judicial and cultural
institutions of Canada. Every week, the program provides 135 youngsters
from across Canada the opportunity to meet and get to know one another and
to exchange ideas. The Registration fee for the program is $250.00.
The Committee recommends no action be taken on the basis that grants are
made to local organizations rather than national requests.
5. Letter # 9-108 -Ministry of Energy re: Municipal Oil Conversion
On November 30, 1984, the Ministry of Energy announced a three-year
extension of this program commencing April 1, 1985, which will provide up to
$4.5 million in funding assistance.
The Committee recommends that this information be forwarded to the Director
of Leisure Services and the Purchasing Co-Ordinator for review and
recommendation, if applicable.
6. Letter # 9-20 -Kennel Inn re: Quarterly Report
Kennel Inn has submitted the following information for the months of
January, February and March, 1985,:
-19 -
Report# 56-Administration and Finance Committee ..• Various Matters (continued)
6. Letter # 9-20 -Kennel Inn re: Quarterly Report (continued)
Calls Routine Patrols
162 114
Picked Up
The Committee recommends this be received as information.
7. Letter# 9-127-Purchasing Co-Ordinator re: AMCT Membership
The Purchasing Co-Ordinator will be writing the AMCTO challenge examination
in June, having completed the four required courses. In order to work
towards the AMCT designation, it is necessary to be a member of the
While there is no doubt that the AMCTO courses will have a beneficial effect
in the duties of municipal purchasing and the administering of provincial
grants requests, the Committee does not believe that membership in AMCTO is
necessary, as AMCTO(A) status is available. Therefore, the Committee
recommends that no action be taken.
8. Letter # 10-34 -Collins Barrow re: Letter of Understanding
This letter outlines and confirms the duties and responsibilities of the
Auditor. It states, in part, as follows:
"We are taking this opportunity to summarize our understanding of the terms
of our appointment as auditors by virtue of the Town of Aurora By-Law Number
2677-84 for the year ending December 31, 1985 and subsequent years.
"Our audit of the financial statements of your municipality must be carried
out in such a way that we are able to express our professional opinion on
the financial statements with respect to the following:
(1) Whether the annual report of the municipalities be prepared in
accordance with the guidelines laid down by the Ontario Ministry of
Municipal Affairs and Housing;
(2) Whether the accounting principles used by the municipality are in
accordance with the standar.ds and definitions set out in the
Municipal Financial Reporting Handbook of Ontario;
(3) The suitability of the internal controls followed by the
municipality relative to its financial complexity.
"The extent of our audit work will depend on our assessment of the
accounting system and related controls.
"Because our audit examination is conducted primarily to enable us to
express professional opinion, it is not designed and cannot be expected to
disclose all fraud and other irregularities. The reliance for the detection
of such irregularities should be placed principally on the maintenance of an
adequate system of internal control. Of course, the discovery of
irregularities may result from our examination and should any significant
ones be encountered they wi 11 be reported to you".
The Committee recommends that the Mayor and Clerk-Administrator be
authorized to sign the letter of understanding.
-20 -
Report# 56-Administration and Finance Committee ••• Various Matters (continued)
9. Letter # 10-40 -Lord Lyon of Arms re: Aurora Coat of Arms
Reference is made to item A.1 of Administration and Finance Committee Report
# 108 which was adopted by Council on November 19, 1984. The report states,
in part:
"The Committee recommends that a 1 etter and a copy of our Coat of Arms be
forwarded to:
The Lord Lyon,
King of Arms,
Register House,
Edinburgh, Scotland
advising that the Town of Aurora has recently discovered, that to the best
of our knowledge, our Coat of Arms has never been approved by a competent
authority and that comments be requested as to approval with a minimum
amount of change".
The Lord Lyon King of Arms has replied as follows:
"Before we get too involved in just what the design of the Arms might be I
think we should probably establish that the Town wish to proceed with a
Petition. The procedure is that a simple Petition is lodged. I enclose a
style of how such a Petition might run. The Exchequer dues on a Grant of
shield and appropriate coronet would amount to 445 pounds or thereby.
"The Royal crown would not, I am afraid, be allowable and I think Aurora
would have to receive the coronet that has already been assigned to other
towns and townships. I would say generally about the design of the shield
that much could be retained although I think we would have to endeavour to
symbolize the three hills that are placed in front of the rising sun but I
am sure that if you decide to proceed with this I can devise a suitably
symbolic form for this".
The Committee recommends that due to the cost involved that no further
action be taken at this time.
10. Letter # 10-3 -Treasurer re: Attendance at CICA Microcomputer Conference
The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants {CICA) is holding their
third annual Microcomputer Conference June 17 -19, 1985 at the Inn on the
Park, Toronto (Brochure on file). The Seminars and Workshops are of special
interest due to scheduled topics such as Local Area Networks, Lotus File
Transfer and Interfacing, Micro to Mainframe Connection and Managing the
Micros. One added feature of the Conference is the addition of Special
Interest Groups for which I would submit a request for the topic "System
Security-Passwords and their Hierarchy in a network environment".
The Treasurer advises that the cost of the seminar of $595.00 is justified
by the wealth of information offered. It has been suggested that the cost
of the seminar be allocated 50/50 between the Treasury Conference Budget and
the EDP fees budget.
The Committee recommends attendance as requested and the cost divided as
11. -Director of Public Works re: American Public Works
The American Public Works Association will be holding an equipment
management seminar in St. Andrews-by-the-Sea in June, 1985. The Director of
Public Works advised that due to our heavy financial investment in the area
of fleet and equipment purchase and maintenance that this seminar will be
-21 -
Report# 56-Administration and Finance Committee ... Various Matters (continued)
11. Letter# 10-81 -Director of Public Works re: American Public Works
Association (continued)
The Committee recommends attendance as requested and charged to the Works
Conference Budget.
12. Letter# 10-82 -Purchasing Co-Ordinator re: Street Light Maintenance
Reference is made to item 7 of Administration and Finance Committee Report #
29 which was adopted by Council on March 19, 1985. The report, in part, is
as follows:
"The Committee further recommends that the question of street light
maintenance be considered by Council in Committee and prices obtained from
the private sector".
According to information received from the Purchasing Co-Ordinator, there
are currently 1,710 street lights in Aurora. Our records indicate that in
1984 Aurora Hydro was paid $43,368.25 to maintain and service the street
The Town of Richmond Hill uses the private sector for their street light
maintenance. They have opted for the tendering process which has resulted
in substantial savings to the municipality. The contractor employed by
Richmond Hill works under a two year contract. Once a week, a list of
defective street lights is provided to the contractor by Richmond Hill's
Public Works Department, and the required repairs made.
Another alternative has been suggested by the Director of Public Works. The
feeling is that Aurora has grown enough so that we could find ample work for
a full time electrician employed by the Town. This employee would handle
our street light maintenance as well as other electrical requirements in
Town-owned buildings. The cost to the Town would be the electrician's
annual salary plus the capital cost of a truck with an aerial bucket.
The Committee recommends that tender specifications be prepared for a tender
call or invitational bids for a one, two or three year period and such costs
be compared with Aurora Hydro and the alternative suggested by the Director
of Public Works.
13. Letter # 10-83 -Fire Chief re: Purchase of Equipment
The 1985 Capital Budget includes the purchase of Jaws of Life and Opticom
equipment for Pumper 4 and the Henderson and Yonge intersection.
The Committee recommends that the Purchasing Co-Ordinator be authorized to
obtain prices.
14. Letter # 6-44 -Travelways re: Rate Increase for 1985
Reference is made to item 4 of Administration and Finance Committee Report #
6 which was adopted by Council as follows:
"Therefore, the Committee recommends as follows:
(a) Travelways be requested to accept a four percent increase to the
current price.
(b) A meeting be arranged with Travelways to review transit operation in
an effort to reduce the annual deficit."
-~ -
Report# 56-Administration and Finance Committee ... Various Matters (continued)
14. Letter # 6-44 -Travelways re: Rate Increase for 1985 (continued)
Travelways has replied as follows:
"As you are aware, we requested that our rate be increased by five percent
in the coming year. This is the same increase requested of and accepted by
the Town of Newmarket. We currently operate both transit operations from
our Newmarket facilities. Certainly, it would be obvious that the costs of
running both of the Transits would be very comparable if not identical.
Therefore, during the past number of years, we have been able to keep the
rates for both Transits identical.
"We are proud that we can operate at a rate for the Town of Aurora and the
Town of Newmarket which is the lowest of any municipality in the surrounding
area. We, therefore, feel it would be unfair to the To·wn of Newmarket if vie
accepted a lower rate in the Town of Aurora and respectfully request that
our proposed increase be accepted".
As a transit operation review is currently underway, the Committee
recommends a five percent increase for 1985 as requested.
15. Letter # 7-38 -Region Treasury Department re: Finance Statement Balance
Information has been received from the Region as to the year-end balances
for the Town of Aurora.
The Committee recommends that this be received as information.
16. Letter # 7-69 -MTC re: 1985 Subsidy Terms
This letter is outdated due to the resolution adopted by Council on May 6,
1985 requesting $210,000.00 in subsidy funds.
17. Letter# 7-71-Child Find Ontario re: Financial Assistance
On February 7, 1985, the "York County" chapter of "CHILD FIND ONT. INC." was
officially established. This chapter (8th in Ontario) is comprised of
citizens concerned·with the increasing number of missing children in
Canada. The boundaries of our chapter include Aurora (south}, Georgina
Township (north) and extend to Simcoe county (east) and Bradford (west).
The York Chapter is asking businesses, service organizations and concerned
citizens for financial assistance in order to get the Chapter firmly
While the work of the York Chapter is to be commended, the Committee
recommends no. action be taken due to the large contribution made by
taxpayers to the cost of police operations.
18. Letter # 7-84 -Consumers Gas re: Rate Increase
The Consumers' Gas Company has made application to the Ontario Energy Board
for an Order authorizing it to increase its rates to recover additional
revenue of $23.9 million.
The Committee recommends that this be received as information.
. ,,,,'
-23 -
Report# 56-Administration and Finance Committee ••• Various Matters (continued}
19. Letter # 8-3 -Strathy, Archibald and Seagram re: By-Law 2342-80 -
S1dewaik Snow Clear1ng
This letter outlines the Town's statutory responsibility, and liability, to
keep public roads and sidewalks in repair.
As additional information is to be received from Frank Cowan Ltd., the
Committee recommends that this be deferred for a future report.
20. Letter # 8-51 -A. Merkur and Sons re: Aurora Arts and Culture Funds
Mr. Merkur has requested that an advertisement be placed in the local press
seeking application for the Arts and Culture Fund.
The Committee recommends that an appropriate advertisement be placed as soon
as possible and the Mayor, the Clerk-Administrator and Mr. Merkur review the
applications when received.
21. Letter # 8-60 -Aurora Heritage Committee re: 1984 Budget
The Aurora Heritage Committee Annual Report summarizes the work undertaken
by the Committee in 1984 and outlines plans and priorities for 1985.
The Committee recommends that the report be received as information and
individual recommendations will be presented, as required, for future
22. Letter # 8-96 -Development Research Group re: Strategic Planning
This letter describes a new publication "Strategic Planning for
Organization", which will enable most committees and organizations to
develop their own strategic plan. The cost of $25.00.
The Committee recommends that the Purchasing Co-Ordinator order one copy of
the publication.
23. Letter # 8-105 -Deputy Clerk re: Crossing Guards
Reference is made to item A.3 of Administration and Finance Committee Report
# 29 which was adopted by Council on March 18, 1985. The report, in part,
is as follows:
"The Committee is of the opinion that School Crossing Guards should be on
duty at least 15 minutes prior to school opening, both in the morning and at
noon hours and remain for at least five minutes after school commences. The
Committee is also of the opinion that the guard be on duty for at least 15
minutes after school dismisses for the day.
"The Committee therefore recommends that the Deputy Clerk compare the
suggested hours of operation with those currently worked and advise the
additional number of hours and dollar amount required to implement the
The Deputy Clerk advises that the additional cost for the Regency Acres and
Wellington Street East crossing guards will be $8.00 each per week .
The Town has never provided a crossing guard at Haida and Wellington during
the noon hour as the students were not permitted to leave the school area.
Students who are within walking distance may now go home for lunch.
The additional time required in this location to cover the lunch hour plus
other times will be $18.65 per week.
-24 -
Report# 56-Administration and Finance Committee .•• Various Matters (continued)
23. Letter # 8-105 -Deputy Clerk re: Crossing Guards (continued)
The Committee recommends that the school guards be authorized to work the
additional periods as outlined.
24. Letter # 9-25 -Frank Cowan Limited re: Municipal Liability Concerns
This letter includes newspaper articles regarding two recent court awards
which reaffirm the company's concern with the direction that municipal
liability is taking.
The Committee recommends that this letter be received as information and
refers to an additional item under New Business.
25. Letter # 9-70 -Deputy Clerk re: AMCT Conference
The Deputy Clerk has requested authorization to attend the Municipal Clerks
and Treasurers Conference to be held in July in Toronto. Registration fee
is $190.00.
The Committee recommends that the attendance of the Deputy Clerk be
authorized and the normal expense allowance be paid.
26. Letter # 9-71 -Chief Building Official re: Summer Student
Mr. Harrington has requested authority to hire a summer student for the
Building and Zoning Department. Funds were included in the budget for this
The Committee recommends that authority to hire a summer student be granted.
1. Town of Aurora Christmas Party
Reference is made to item A.9 of Administration and Finance Committee Report
# 6 which was adopted by Council on January 21, 1985 as follows:
"The Committee recommends that the Lei sure Services Committee review the
recommendation and report to Council".
The Leisure Services Committee recommend no change from previous years.
The Committee endorses the recommendation of the Leisure Services Committee
and recommends no change.
2. BIA Collection Levy
The Treasury Department advise that there are numerous outstanding accounts
for the BIA levy for 1983 and 1984. A number of business operators are
objecting to paying the special BIA levy as they claim they are not members
of the downtown association. The Town is reluctant to use the bailiff to
collect these outstanding accounts.
On April 22, 1985, Mayor Illingworth and Councillor Earl Stewart met with
Mr. J. Thompson of the BIA Board of Management. He agreed that there had
been a breakdown in communication within the BIA and this is to be a major
project for 1985. He requested a list of the outstanding levies and agreed
to try and collect on our behalf.
The Committee recommends as follows:
-~ -
Report# 56-Administration and Finance Committee ... Various Matters (continued)
2. BIA Collection Levy (continued)
(a) That the list of outstanding accounts be forwarded to Mr. J.
Thompson in an effort to collect. As some businesses are no longer
in operation, and in event the outstanding levies cannot be
collected, that the outstanding amounts be written off and deducted
from the BIA account.
(b) That prior to Council approving the 1985 BIA budget, a general
meeting of all businesses within the BIA area be convened to present
the 1985 budget and program for comment and approval.
3. Granada Payment to Town
The Committee is concerned that payment for sewer work is still outstanding
due to legal action in connection with the sewer construction. The
Clerk-Administrator advises that the final release has not yet been received
from the solicitor.
The Committee recommends that follow-up action be carried out in an effort
to clear up this outstanding matter as soon as possible.
1. Clothing Policy for Town Staff
Complaints have been received in
clothing policy for town staff.
prepare a draft policy.
the past about the lack of a uniform
The Clerk-Administrator was requested to
The Committee recommends that the Clerk-Administrator meet with the
Employees Association to review the draft policy prior to submission to the
2. Statement of Reserve Funds, Transit Funds and Capital Accounts
' The above statements have been modified as at Apri 1 30, 1985 to provide the
most current avail ab 1 e information. Opening ba 1 ances as at December 31,
1984 agree to audited balances and the closing balances as at April 30, 1985
reflect accruals as noted.
The accrua 1 s represent the difference between fund ba 1 ance and cash ba 1 ance
as at the period end and comprise amounts for known, or reasonably
estimated, accounts receivable and accounts payable and loans to and from
accounts as at a specific date, i.e. Apri 1 30, 1985.
The Committee recommends that this be received as information and members of
Council are invited to submit any comments regarding the format changes to
the Treasurer.
1985 Surplus Allocation
The audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the Town of Aurora for the
year ended December 31, 1984 were discussed at the Administration and
Finance Committee on April 22, 1985. The audited surplus for the Town is
$320,720.00 per Note 6, audited Financial Statements.
The Treasurer recommends the proposed allocation for this surplus is as
:.._._ .. ·-'
-26 -
Report# 56-Administration and Finance Committee ... Various Matters (continued)
3. 1985 Surplus Allocation (continued)
Vehicle Replacement Reserve Fund
Community Building Reserve Fund
Insurance Reserve Fund
Working Capital Reserve
The Committee recommends as follows:
(a) That the allocation of the 1984 surplus be distributed as outlined
(b) That a by-law be prepared to authorize the Community Building
Reserve Fund.
4. Municipal Insurance Report
Mr. H. Roy of Frank Cowan Company Limited and B.D. Gilbert of Gilbert
Insurance joined the meeting for this item.
The 1985 Municipal Insurance Report prepared by Frank Cowan Company Limited
included the following comments:
"The development of liability claims over the past five years has made it
evident that corrective measures must be taken if we are to continue to
provide our clients with the stability of Insurers who are prepared to
provide the coverage necessary to defend the Town against liabilities
incurred today, but which may not be settled for several years.
"Two recent court awards confirm the need to recognize the element of time
in finalizing liability claims.
"The County of Perth was held partially liabile for an automobile accident
which occurred in 1975 resulting in serious injuries. They were found to
have failed in providing a standard of maintenance for salting and sanding,
which the judge held contributed to the accident. This settlement took 10
years to conclude.
"The City of Brampton was held liable for a 1977 accident on vacant lands
which resulted in a settlement of $6,500,000.00 to a 14 year old who was
tragically injured suffering paralysis and brain injury. The span of
settlement took 8 years to be concluded.
"Three court awards in the past 60 days including those outlined represent a
total of almost $9,000,000. There are numerous claims which we are
presently defencing with values in excess of $1,000,000.00 each and if the
courts seek to impose unreasonable liability on municipal defendants,
municipal liability insurance if it has to remain available, must increase
its premium base from which to pay these awards and this increase has to be
It is interesting to note that at the present time 6 liability claims are
outstanding of which 4 are in litigation with writs having been served upon
the Town of Aurora. This trend simply confirms our concern dealing with
costs relating to legal defence on your behalf.
"In today's climate, writs are issued in the early stages of potential
claims requiring immediate legal defence. In addition, courts are awarding
-27 -
Report# 56-Administration and Finance Committee ... Various Matters (continued)
4. Municipal Insurance Report (continued)
damages for claims in nuisance where no negligence exists, plus awards
resulting from the provisions of the Family Law Reform Act, Pre-Judgment
Interest, and the imposition of liability under the Negligence Act for the
amount of claim which is unsatisfied by the assets of a joint defendant.
"Based. on the foregoing and the attitude of the courts in seeking defendants
with assets so that a claimant may be placed in funds, we have Insurers
being faced with horrendous losses in Municipal Liability Insurance that a
crisis now exists not only for them in providing a market but also for the
buyer facing the premi urns necessary".
The summary of costs for 1985 insurance coverage is as follows:
Classes of Insurance 1984 Costs 1985 Costs
Property $12,500.00 $13,750.00
Exhibition Floater 138.00 138.00
Engineering 2,712.00 3,065.00
Crime 933.00 933.00
Non-Owned Automobile 386.00 386.00
Automobile Fleet 9,505.00 10,455.00
Municipal Liability 14,697.00 27,294.00
Errors and Omissions Liability 1,327.00 1,442.00
Councillors Accident 248.00 311.00
Firefighters Accident 579.00 579.00 -
Total Annual Costs $43,025.00 $58,353.00 -------- -------------------
In view of the current litigation awards, the company recommends as follows:
"A number of municipalities have purchased an excess layer of liability
insurance to cover the possibility of a catastrophic loss. Such a policy
presupposes that all of your principle liability coverages insure to a limit
of $5,000,000.00 in each case. The Excess Policy would provide a single
limit of $5,000,000.00 over all of these underlying limits with the coverage
following the form of the primary policy. The annual cost to the Town for
an Excess Policy on the Automobile Fleet, Non-Owned Automobile, Municipal
Liability and Errors and Omissions Liability policies would be $5,466.00".
The Committee reviewed all aspects of our current coverage and the potential
for ever increasing liability claims and recommend as follows:
(a) The 1985 insurance cost in the amount of $58,353.00 be approved,
plus the additional cost of $5,466.00 for an increase in municipal
liability limits for a total of $65,819.00.
(b) As only $53,000.00 was included in the 1985 budget, the balance of
$10,819.00 be paid from the Insurance Reserve.
The meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m.
Item A.1
Item B.?
-28 -
Report# 56-Administration and Finance Committee •.. Various Matters (continued)
E. Stewart:
Item B.?
Item B.8
Item B.9
Resolved that Item B.? be referred back to the Administration and
Finance Committee for a further report.
Illingworth: Resolved that this item be deferred and Mr. MacPherson be requested
Buck: to present a draft proposal of a new crest for Council's
Item B.9
Item B.lO
Item C .2
Paivio: Resolved that paragraph # 2(b) be deleted.
Item C.3
Illingworth: Resolved that the Administration and Finance Committee Report# 56
Buck: dated May 13, 1985 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended
and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto.
Report# 57 -Planning Committee ... Various Matters
The Committee respectfully submits the following:
A meeting of the Planning Committee was held on Monday, May 13, 1985 at 7:30 p.m.
in the Administrative Centre.
Present Were: Councillor E. Buck, Chairperson, Councillor J. West, Mrs. S.
Seibert, Planner and R.J. Harrington, Secretary.
Councillor M. Paivio was absent. Councillor J. West and R.J. Harrington left the
meeting at 9:00 p.m.
1. Mr. Jack Matthews re: Part Lot 11, Cone. 2, EYS, Owner -J. Romano
Mr. Jack Matthews, Planning Consultant, appeared before the Committee
regarding a proposal for the subject lands, being a one-storey storage
building, consisting of individual storage units. A two-storey office area
would also be part of the building.
', ____ ;
-29 -
Report# 57-Planning Committee ... Various Matters
1. Mr. Jack Matthews re: Part Lot 11, Cone. 2, EYS, Owner -J. Romano
This area is designated Rural in the Aurora Official Plan, and zoned Rural
in the Restricted Area By-Law. The lands are approximately 20 acres in
area, would be landscaped, and a Site Plan Agreement would be entered into.
The Committee could see merit in this proposal.
Waterworks Study
Information available from the South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority was
discussed, and the Committee recommends the proposal be altered to reflect
these comments. Copies of the Study were previously circulated to Council.
2. Sign By-Law Amendment -Draft
The Committee recommends the by-law be prepared. Staff are to check with
the Town Solicitor and the Town insurance company regarding the placing of
"A" signs on Town property by the merchants. If our solicitor and insurance
agent agree the Town is legally protected from any liability, the Committee
recommends these signs be permitted with a maximum area and maximum
A copy of the draft by-law amendment is attached hereto.
Proposed Offici a 1 Plan Amendment -OP-45-84 -Hunter /Kelly/Taylor /Wardlaw,
Part Lot 85, Cone. 1, EYS
The Committee read Mrs. Seibert's report and recommended it for Council's
consideration. The Committee also recommends a copy of said report be
forwarded to all the land owners affected.
A copy of the report is attached hereto.
4. Draft Official Plan Amendment Number 34 -Site Plan Control
The Committee recommends the report be adopted in principle, subject to
discussion with the Region of York Engineer and the Town Engineer.
The report is to be brought back when all details have been worked out. A
copy of Mrs. Seibert's report is attached hereto.
5. Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-84071 -Andy Investments Limited, Lots 2, 3,
5, 6, 8 and 9, Plan 102, Cone. 1, WYS
The Committee discussed Mrs. Seibert's report, and recommend its adoption:
"That subject to the applicant providing a letter of credit in the amount of
the levies due, that the Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-84071 be recommended
to the Regional Municipality of York for Draft Approval provided that the
following conditions are met prior to the approval of the final plan for
A copy of Mrs. Seibert's report is attached hereto.
-~ -
Report# 57-Planning Committee ... Various Matters
Management of Town Woodlots
The Committee recommends Alina Bridgeman, Town Planner, pursue further the
entering into of agreements, either with the South Lake Simcoe Conservation
Authority or the Ministry of Natural Resources in the form of a "Woodlands
Improvement Agreement (W.I.A.)''.
A copy of Mrs. Bridgeman's report is attached hereto.
1. Letter # 10-7 -Bayridge Corporation re: Knole Farms, Kennedy Street West
Received with recommendation that the owner meet with Reid and Associates.
2. Letter # 9-89 -A. Merkur and Sons Limited re: Parking
The Committee recommends that Mr. Merkur's letter be acknowledged and he be
advised of Council's action, and he be thanked for his input.
3. Letter # 9-49 -McChesney and Rogers re: Shields Contracting, Part Lot
Control By-Law, Plan 65M-2298
The Committee recommends the Town pass the necessary by-law.
4. Letter-Hughes, Archer re: Block 16, Plan 65M-2207, Yonge Street North at
Valhalla Court
The Committee discussed the letter and recommends the following answers:
(1l Yes -banks and financial establishments are permitted.
(2) Yes -retail stores are permitted, not in excess of 9,000 square
feet -not to exceed 50% of leasable floor area.
(3) Yes -retail convenience stores are permitted, area not to exceed
6,000 square feet -not to exceed 50% of leasable floor area.
(4) A licenced restaurant would be permitted.
(5) Yes -donut shops are permitted.
(6) The Committee was divided in their opinions regarding a bakery as
mentioned in #6 of the letter.
A copy of the subject letter is attached hereto.
5. Architectural Control Committee
The Committee discussed the Architectural Control Committee which Council
previously agreed to establish on a trial basis for the Lakeview (Three
Seasons Plan). The Committee recommends that the Architectural Control
Committee should comprise the following representatives: a staff member of
the Building Department, one person appointed by Lakeview, one person
appointed by the former two who shall be an Architect and a member of the
Ontario Association of Architects.
The Architectural Control Committee would have the following
To approve the architectural aspects of each building to be erected within
the Plan of Subdivision by:
(a) Examination of proposed model type and distribution of models on
lots within the criteria established by the Subdivision Agreement.
-31 -
Report# 57-Planning Committee ... Various Matters
5. Architectural Control Committee (continued)
(b) Review of proposed model elevation in relation to both adjacent and
neighbouring dwellings.
(c) Determination of brick colour and roof style and colour for each
dwe 11 ing.
(d) Determination of amount of brick permitted to be shown on the
elevation of the dwelling visible from the street (i.e. combination
of brick, aluminum, and other permitted materials).
(e) Approval of all exterior trim colours.
(f) Review of proposed front facing window type and style to result in a
varied appearance.
(g) Examination of building setbacks to ensure a "tunnel like" street is
not created.
The entire cost incurred by the Committee is to be borne by the owner.
6. Reprinting of Official Plan
Mrs. Seibert reported that the Official Plan is out of print. Both the
Building and Clerk's Departments continue to have requests for copies of the
document. Since a review is currently underway, with the expectation of a
new Official Plan being approved in approximately one year's time and since
normally about one hundred copies of the Official Plan are sold each year,
the Committee recommends that 100 copies be printed and the Purchasing
Co-Ordinator be authorized to obtain prices for same.
1. Application B-5-85 -Estate of A.L. Cousins, Part Lot 78, Cone. 1; EYS, Part
of Part 1, Plan 65R-2961
The applicant requests consent to sever the rear of the subject property to
add it to an existing proposed industrial plan of subdivision. The parcel
to be conveyed has an area of .367 hectares (.907 acres). When added to the
adjacent parcel, it will have frontage on Industrial Parkway. The lands
being retained will continue to have access to Industrial Parkway by means
of a private right-of-way. The Committee recommends no objection to the
application. Should the Committee of Adjustment approve the consent, the
following conditions should be applied:
( 3)
Full service industrial levy in the amount of $2,930.00 to be paid
to the Town of Aurora,
Hydro levy of $550.00,
Gash-in-lieu of parkland equal to the value of 2% of the value of
the subject land, be paid to the Town of Aurora,
The lands being appropriately rezoned by a by-law which has come
into force in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act.
A copy of the staff report is on file with the Clerk's Department.
Application A-6-85-Jean Salhani, Lot 5, Plan 67; 44 Maple Street
The applicants request a minor variance for the exterior side yard of their
property at the north-east corner of the intersection of Maple and Spruce
Streets, to allow a swimming pool to be constructed 2.44 metres (8 feet)
-~ -
Report# 57-Planning Committee ..• Various Matters
2. Application A-6-85-Jean Salhani, Lot 5, Plan 67; 44 Maple Street
( contl nued)
from the exterior lot line. The existing house on the property is located
1.2 metres (4 feet) from the lot line. While the pool can physically be
located further back from the lot line and thus meet the zoning requirement,
the applicants would have to cut a mature tree on the site and a shed would
have to be moved.
The Committee recommends that no objection be made to this application.
A copy of the staff report is on file with the Clerk's Department.
Letter # 10-8
Letter # 10-12 and
Letter # 10-65
Letter # 9-178
Letter # 9-129
Letter # 9-125
Letter # 9-94
Letter # 9-81
Letter # 9-77
Letter # 9-69
Letter # 9-20
Letter # 9-7
Letter # 8-117
Letter # 8-97 and
Letter # 10-18
CN Rail re: Aurora Country Estates
Anton Kikas Limited re: Rezoning and Subdivision
Applications, Part Lot 81, Cone. 1, Wellington
Macroplan Limited re: Rezoning Application -
Lakeview Estates
Goodman and Carr re: O.P.A. Beacon Hall
Marshall, Macklin, Monaghan re: O.P.A. Beacon
Regional Planning re: Estate of D. Rogers, Plan
of Subdivision
Bruce M. Ralph re: Rezoning and Site Plan
Agreement -Old Arena Site
Rezoning Application -A.B. Cairns, Sideyard
Encroachment of Window Bays
Regional Planning re: Estate of Wm. Marko, Plan
of Subdivision
Chusid and Friedman re: O.P.A. Beacon Hall
Ministry of the Environment re: Lakeview Estates,
Phase 2, 19T-85011
Rezoning Application, Dr. Richard Center, 58
Wellington Street East
Town of Newmarket re: Zoning By-Law Amendments
Heritage Canada Foundation re: Main Street Canada
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
The next Planning meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 10, 1985 at 7:30p.m.
Item A.1
Item B.3
Item B.3
Item B.4
Resolved that the words "and that a period of 2 months be allowed
for replies" be added.
-33 -
Report # 57 -Planning Committee .•. Various Matters
Item C.4
Item C.4
Item C.5
Item D.1
Item D.1
Item D.2
Resolved that Item 4 (5) --no donut shop be permitted.
Resolved that a bakery (Item 4 (6)) be permitted.
Resolved that this item be referred back to the Owner for
clarification to the Committee of Adjustment.
Resolved that Planning Committee Report# 57 dated May 13, 1985 be
discussed item by item and accepted as amended.
Report # 58 -Council in Committee Various Matters
The Committee respectfully submits the following:
A meeting of Council in Committee was held on Wednesday, May 15, 1985 at 7:36 p.m.
in the Administrative Centre.
Present Were: Mayor Illingworth and Councillors Jones, Ostick, E. Stewart, N.
Stewart and West.
Councillor Buck was ill, Councillor Barker was working and Councillor Paivio had
another commitment.
Councillor Earl Stewart in the Chair.
1. Letter # 10-84 -IONA Corporation re: Draft Plan of Subdivision -Mr. A.
n erson
Mr. A. Anderson of the IONA Corporation appeared before Council requesting
Council's consideration of the following matters:
(a) The request to provide a letter of credit for $50,000.00 prior to
the issuance of building permits, rather than providing a letter of
credit for $1,000.00 for each of the 137 lots prior the issuance of
the individual permit.
(b) The request to delay sidewalk installation and sodding for a 12 week
period after occupancy instead of the normal 4 week requirement.
-34 -
Report# 58-Council in Committee •.. Various Matters (continued)
1. Letter # 10-84 -IONA Corporation re: Draft Plan of Subdivision -Mr. A.
Anderson (continued}
(c) The delayed payment and grouping of lot levies, tied to building
permits. The normal requirement is the prepayment of all levies
(d) The issue of providing security to cover parklands which may be
provided at some future date, outside of the plan being registered.
(e) The timing and manner of the proposed reconstruction of Henderson
The Committee recommends that this matter be referred to Unfinished Business
on the Agenda.
1. Letter# 9-91-City of Hamilton re: Resolution Endorsement
The Committee recommends that the Council of the Town of Aurora endorse this
2. Letter# 9-112-York Regional Police Force re: Stop Signs on Murray Drive
The Committee recommends that staff obtain the name of the Officer involved
and same be forwarded onto Chief Crawford. Councillor Jones advised Council
members that the meeting with the area residents and representatives from
the York Regional Police and the York Regional Engineering has been
scheduled for Thursday, May 16, 1985 at 7:00 p.m.
3. Letter# 9-147-Mr. and Mrs. L. Mitchell re: Land Acquisition
Council in Committee recommend that this matter be referred to the Technical
Committee for a report and Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell so advised.
4. Letter# 9-149 -Brown, Liu and Associates re: 66 -72 Yonge Street South
and Letter # 10-37 -Paul A. Sk1nner re: D1spos1t1on of Contents
The Committee recommends that a consulting engineer be hired to inspect this
property and report to Council on same.
5. Letter# 9-176 -Batson Residents' Committee re: Lots 25 and 26 Batson
Council in Committee discussed this matter and recommends that these lots
remain in Town ownership for 2 to 3 years and after the family complex is
completed a meeting with the residents be held to discuss same. The
residents be so notified of Council's decision.
6. Letter# 10-9 -Technical Committee re: Policy-Sidewalk Locations
The Committee recommends the adoption of the Sidewalk Policy as submitted by
the Technical Committee dated May 2, 1985.
7. Letter# 10-11-Technical Committee re: Policy-Reduction/Release of
F1nanc1al Secur1t1es
Council in Committee discussed and would recommend the adoption of the
policy regarding Reduction/Release of Financial Securities as submitted by
the Technical Committee dated April 26, 1985.
;_ _ __.,
-35 -
Report# 58-Council in Committee .•. Various Matters (continued}
8. Letter# 10-13-York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re:
L1brary Board Appo1ntment
The Committee recommends that the York Region Roman Catholic Separate School
Board be requested to nominate a person to the Aurora Public Library Board
to complete the term of Mr. Meehan.
9. Letter # 10-33 -D. Lockyear re: Property Problem - 8 Jasper Drive
It is recommended that this letter be referred to the Director of Public
Works for a written report.
10. Letter # 10-38 -Old Sweats Hockey Club re: 4th Annual Slo-Pitch Baseball
The Committee recommends that permission be granted to the Old Sweats Hockey
Club to hold a Slo-Pitch Baseball Tournament in Fleury Park -July 13,
1985. As part of this tournament, the Old Sweats Hockey Club will be
operating a beer garden and food concession.
11. Letter # 10-41 -Meetings and Incentive Travel Steering Committee re:
Citizen of the Year
The Committee recommends that the names of the winners of the "Citizen of
the Year" Award be further honoured by having streets in the Town of Aurora
named after them.
12. Letter# 10-56 -Batson Residents (Magna) re: Magna/Batson Tree Planting
The Committee recommends that Council approve of the planting of the trees
as suggested by Magna and the citizens be so advised.
13. Letter # 10-57 -The Equity Development Group re: Street Names -Heron
The Committee recommends that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to meet with
The Equity Development Group regarding street names.
14. Letter # 10-58 -Newmarket Literacy Council re: Wor 1 d Literacy Day
It is recommended that September 7, 1985 be proclaimed as "World Literacy
Day" in the Town of Aurora.
15. Letter # 10-60 -Director of Public Works re: Request to Prepare Tenders -
Chamber of Commerce Information Centre
Council in Committee recommends that the Director of Public Works be
authorized under control of the Clerk-Administrator, to direct work which
cannot be accommodated "in house" to our Consulting Engineers.
The Director of Public Works is requested to advise if trailer is removed to
site, could his staff handle the grading, water connections and hold tank.
The Director of Leisure Services be requested to have staff handle
landscaping of the area.
16. Letter# 10-68 -York Regional Board of Education re: Administration
Centre Parking Lot Extens1on
Council in Committee recommends that
granted permission to cut down three
the extension of their parking lot.
three (3} trees being cut down.
the York Region Board of Education be
(3} trees as outlined on their plan for
The Board be requested to replace the
-~ -
Report# 58 -Council in Committee ••. Various Matters (continued}
17. Letter# 10-74-IONA Corporation re: Temporary Sales Sign
The Committee recommends that approval be given to IONA Corporation to leave
the sign at Yonge and Allaura Boulevard for a period of 30 months.
18. Letter # 10-80 -Aurora Downtown re: 1985 BIA Budget
The Committee recommends this letter be referred to the Administration and
Finance Committee report on the Agenda.
19. Letter # 10-85 -Purchasing Co-Ordinator re: Truck Tender
It is recommended that the report of the Purchasing Co-Ordinator be
accepted. It is further recommended that all tender specifications coming
into the Clerk's office for distribution by the Purchasing Co-Ordinator be
dated and initialed by the receptionist.
1. IONA Corporation
The Committee recommends as follows:
(a) Letters of Credit
The Committee recommends that all Letters of Credit be provided
prior to the issuance of any building permits.
(b) Sidewalks/Sodding
Installation - 8 weeks after occupancy, must be continuous
install at ions.
(c) Lot Levies
Prepayment of all levies.
(d) Parkland
This item be referred to the Solicitor for comments.
(e) Reconstruction of Henderson Drive
Vertical Staging of Henderson Drive is to take place.
2. Hydrant -Hotel Aurora
The Committee recommends that Hotel Aurora be advised that the Town of
Aurora will pay 50% of moving the hydrant and the Hotel Aurora will be
required to pay 50%.
Tender -Temperance Street Parking Lot
The low bidder to be notified to pick up tender deposit if he so desires and
he be requested to advise Council how long his price will hold.
Walkway -Bigwin
A report is to be requested on this matter. The Works Department be
directed to cut weeds now.
-37 -
Report# 58-Council in Committee •.• Various Matters (continued)
5. Road Closing -Ross Street/Connaught Avenue
A report is to be received for the Council meeting on May 21, 1985.
6. Three Seasons Homes
Permission to be given to Three Seasons Homes for construction trucks to use
Haida Drive and then west on Aurora Heights Drive to construction site.
The Works Department to undertake having photos taken of roadway and any
damage done to roads will be charged to Three Seasons Homes.
1. Letter # 9-173 -St. Andrew's Summit concerned citizens re: Two-storey
Dwellings and Unfinished Business# 5 -Stolp Homes
2. Letter# 9-142 -Separate School Board re: School Safety Patrol
3. Letter# 10-52 -Regional Clerk's Department re: Lake Simcoe
Environmental Management Strategy Study
4. Letter # 10-55 -Environment Canada re: Environment Week
5. Letter# 10-64 -The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario re: Village Deli
The meeting adjourned at 9:33p.m.
Item A.1
Item C.6
Item C.6
Item D.1
E. Stewart:
Resolved that subject to the Clerk-Administrator receiving Wimpey's
approval, Lakeview be permitted to use the Bathurst Street/Orchard
Heights Drive roads.
Resolved that Council in Committee Report # 58 dated May 15, 1985 be
discussed item by item and accepted as amended.
1. 1985 Surplus Allocation
West: Resolved that the 1984 Surplus Allocation be as follows:
Vehicle Replacement Reserve Fund
Community Building Reserve Fund
Insurance Reserve Fund
Working Capital Reserve
And Further the water supply system surplus per audited Financial
Statements for the year ended December 31, 1984 of $404,705.00 shall
be transferred to Waterworks Reserve Fund.
.. __ ...,_,
-38 -
RESOLUTIONS (continued)
2. Pre-Servicing Agreement -The Equity Development Group Inc.
Resolved that pre-servicing of Heron Homes (Aurora) Ltd. be approved
subject to the following conditions being satisfied prior to
1. Civil Engineering drawings must be approved,
2. Payment of the Town's Engineering fee,
3. Security placed with the Town in the amount of $25,000.00,
4. Security for 125% of the cost of any external work undertaken,
5. Signs posted in the sales office advising purchasers that the
plan of subdivision is not yet registered,
6. A copy of insurance policy is placed with the Town,
7. The installation of any erosion control measures required by
the Conservation Authority.
Be It Hereby Resolved that:
Bill Number 2758-85-Being a By-Law to Establish a Community
Building Reserve Fund
..• be read a First Time.
Be It Hereby Resolved that:
Bill Number 2758-85 -Being a By-Law to Establish a Community
Building Reserve Fund
••• be read a Second Time.
Be It Hereby Resolved that:
Bill Number 2749-85 -Being a By-Law to designate a multiple-stop
intersection at Orchard Heights Boulevard and
Hill Drive in the Town of Aurora
Bill Number 2751-85 -Being a By-Law to Amend Zoning By-Law Number
2213-78 (Town)
Bill Number 2752-85 -Being a By-Law to Amend Zoning By-Law Number
2213-78 (Nadin)
Bill Number 2753-85 -Being a By-Law to Amend Zoning By-Law 2213-78
•.. be read a Third Time.
E. Stewart:
-39 -
Resolved that Council go into an In Camera discussion to discuss
Personnel matters.
Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 10:55 p.m.
Mayor U__.