MINUTES - Council - 19850617. _ ... ,. '< MINUTES OF THE 12th COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1985 AT 8:00 p.m. Present Were: Mayor Illingworth, Councillors Barker, Buck, Jones, Ostick, Paivio, E. Stewart, N. Stewart and West. DECLARATION BY MEMBERS Councillor John West declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Accounts paid to Aurora Home Hardware due to monetary interest and did not take part in or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. Councillor Tim Jones declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Accounts paid to the Bank of Montreal due to spouse's employment with same and did not take part in or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Barker: N. Stewart: Resolved that the Minutes of the Council Meetings held on May 29 and June 3, 1985 be adopted as printed and circulated • PASSING OF ACCOUNTS E. Stewart: Jones: West: Jones: Resolved that the following accounts in the total amount of $ 703,542.88, details of which are on file with the Treasurer's Office, be approved for payment and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. GENERAL Fire Department Works Department Parks Department Community Buildings: Community Centre: LEISURE SERVICES Community Buildings: WATER Parks Building Building Canteen Church Street McMahon Park Victoria Ha 11 Accounts Paid Prior to Council CARRIED 2,694.47 45.00 200.46 329.89 58.36 3,212.87 54,538.57 2,996.49 2,739.47 588.71 592,308.28 Resolved that the following Capital Accounts in the total amount of $ 73,738.58 details of which are on file with the Treasurer's Office, be approved for payment and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. ADMINISTRATION RESERVE I.B.M. of Canada Limited $ 180.83 PARKS RESERVE Otto Pick and Sons Seeds Limited $ 93.63 WATERWORKS RESERVE Regional Municipality of York $73,464.12 CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1985 - 2 - CORRESPONDENCE 12-1 S. G. Wilson memo to Administration and Finance Committee re: Additional funds for the purchase of Jaws (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee) 12-2 Goodman and Carr re: Granada Investments Limited further subdivision (172) Lots) of Part of Blocks on Plan M-2036 and M-2037, Town of Aurora; Draft Plan of Subdivision No. 19T-84013 (Information, Lawrence Allison, Wm. Walker) 12-3 Goodman and Carr re: Granada Investments Limited further subdivision (172 Lots) of Part of Blocks on Plan M-2036 and M-2037, Town of Aurora; Draft Plan of Subdivision No. 19T-84013 (Information, Wm. Walker) 12-4 Goodman and Carr re: Granada Investments Limited -Plan of Subdivision - Murch Lands (Information, Lawrence Allison, Wm. Walker) 12-5 Robert W. Sedore, B.Comm.,L.L.B re: Right-of-way behind 11 Yonge Street South, Aurora (Information, K. B. Rodger) 12-6 Ministry of Agriculture and Food re: Booklet-1985 list of Agricultural Fairs and Exhibitions (Information) 12-7 The York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: Amendment No. 33 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora Planning Area 190P0025-033 (Information) 12-8 The Regional Municipality of York re: Proposed Zoning Amendments, Public meeting June 26, 1985 File No. Z-16-85 (Information, S. Seibert) 12-9 Goodman and Carr re: Granada Investments Limited -Plan of Subdivision - Murch Lands, duplicate originals of Transfer of Easements (Information, Wm. Walker, K. McFarlane) 12-10 Brewers Retail re: "Executive Summary" of Report entitled "Alcohol-Specific Controls: Implications for Road Safety" (Ref. Council in Committee) 12-11 Reid and Associates Limited re: Town of Aurora Bathurst Street Trunk Watermain -Project No. 1201 (Information, S. K. Jones) 12-12 McPherson and Shugart re: Clara Crawford -Lot 22, Cone. 3, Town of Aurora, Application for Amendment to the Official Plan (Ref. Planning Committee, R. Harrington, S. Seibert) 12-13 Reid and Associates re: Centre Street Sewage Pumping Station (Ref. to Council in Committee) 12-14 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: publication of "1984 Summary of Legislation Affecting Municipalities" (Information) 12-15 Regional Municipality of York re: By-law 2751-85 Town of Aurora statement of non-objection 12-16 (Information) The York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Roard By-laws 2731-85, 2750-85, 2751-85, 2752-85, 2753-85, non-objection (Information) re: Town of Aurora statement of COUNCIL MEETING •.• MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1985 - 3 - CORRESPONDENCE 12-17 McDonald's Restaurant of Canada Limited re: requesting release of Letter of Credit (Information, Wm. Walker) 12-18 City of Sudbury re: Performance Appraisal Forms and Methodology (Information, K. B. Rodger) 12-19 Reid and Associates Limited re: Town of Aurora r.onstruction of the Bathurst St. Trunk Watermain Project No. 1201 List of Tenderers and '···' Recommendations (Information) 12-20 Regional Municipality of York re: Statement of non-objection to By-Law 2727-84, Part Lot 75, Cone. 1 WYS (Information) 12-21 Residents of Oak Court re: Revised Plot Plan for Odin Crescent (Information, R. Harrington) 12-22 Regional Municipality of Vork re: certified copy of By-law W-72-85-71 to establish charges for the supply of water to certain area municipalities (Information, K. Cerswell) 12-23 OME Insurance Brokers Limited re: Group Life and Disability and Health Insurance (Information) 12-24 Henry Borgdorff Memo to S. Seibert Planner, Regional Municipality of York re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-84071 (Revised) Part Lot 79, Concession 1, Town of Aurora (Information) 12-25 Regional Municipality of York re: appended Economic Report No.9 - Building Permits 1984 (Inform~t;on) 12-26 Frederick J. Horvath Memo to K. B. Rodger re: Safety Committee Meeting (Information, K. B. Rodger) 12-27 Kelsey, Melnick and Hendler re: 554048 Ontario Limited purchase from George Wimpey Canada Limited Lots 12-22 inclusive, Plan 65M-2229, Town of Aurora (Information K. B. Rodger) 12-28 The Municipal Savings and Loan Corporation re: L. William Straub Karmark Construction Limited Demand Loan-$7,400.00 Interest Arrears-$971.46 (Information, K. B. Rodger) 12-29 Frederick J. Horvath Memo to K. B. Rodger re: Town Safety (Information, Wm. Walker, K. B. Rodger) 12-30 Ministry of Education re: Copy of advisory committee membership list and committee's terms of reference for Continuing Education Review Project (Ref. Council in Committee) 12-31 Macroplan Limited re: Yonge Aurora Phase 1 Construction Access (Information) 12-32 Strathy Archibald and Seagram re: Invoice for Services concerning Town of Aurora purchase from Cardiff Investments Ltd. Part No. 2 Ref. Pl. No. 65R-3352 (Information, Treasury) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1985 - 4 - CORRESPONDENCE 12-33 Montague Pound re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision No. 19T-84071 Andy Investments Limited, Town of Aurora (Information, S. Seibert) 12-34 Railway Transport Committee re: Report concerning " The Transport of Dangerous Commodities by Rail in the Toronto Census Metropolitan Area: A Preliminary Assessment of Risk" (Information, S. G. Wilson) 12-35 Macrotech Limited re: Lakeview Aurora Plan 65M-2258 Chadburn walkway (Ref. Technical Committee, Wm. Walker) 12-36 Macroplan Limited re: Yonge Aurora Phase 1, Draft Subdivision Agreement Completion of Sodding and Sidewalk (Ref. Technical Committee) 12-37 Plaxton and Mann, Barristers and Solicitors re: Yellow Brick House (Ref. Council in Committee) 12-38 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: refusal of request for supplementary subsidy (Ref. Council in Committee) 12-39 Landmark Green Development Corproration re: notification of placing of top soil and grading (Information) 12-40 Anton Kikas Limited re: Stormwater Management Report Tamarac 'ubdivsion Stage 1 File 19T 83025, Town of Aurora (Information) 12-41 Ministry of Tourism and Recreation re: Community Recreation Centres Act, File Number 82-42-3016 (formerly File Bar-82-581132}, confirming of eligibility for a maximum grant of $12,809.00 (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F. Horvath) 12-42 Aurora Fire Department re: Activity Report for May 1985 (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 12-43 Dabarco Holdings Limited re: Lakeview Estates Limited R.P. #65M-2258 Lot 54 (R. Illingworth, Council June 3rd) 12-44 Reid and Associates re: Oversizing Charges for Subdivisions, Revlis Securities, Project No. 743, Lakeview Phase I, Project No. 827, Equity Developments, Project No. 972 (Information) 12-45 Regional Municipality of York re: Proposed Plan of Subdivsion Part Lots 76 & 77, Cone. 1, W.Y.S. notification of circulation (Information) 12-46 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Zoning By-law Amendment, Lot 82, Concession 1, Town of Aurora (Information, S. Seibert) 12-47 Corporation of the Town of Whitchurch Stouffville re: Notice of the passing of a Zoning By-law (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert) COUNCIL MEETING .•• MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1985 - 5 - CORRESPONDENCE 12-48 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Salpam Investments Ltd. Stormwater Management Report Subdivision No. 19T-8100 (Information, S. Seibert) 12-49 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: By-law 2751-85 Town of Aurora notification of non-objection (Information, S. Seibert) 12-50 York Region Board of Education re: Zoning By-laws 2751-85, 2752-85 and 2753-85 Town of Aurora statement of non-objection (Information) 12-51 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: By-law 2753-85, Town of Aurora statement of non-objection (Information, S. Seibert) 12-52 Regional Municipality of York re: Rezoning Application R. P. Center 58 Wellington Street East Z-13-85, Town of Aurora (Information, S. Seibert) 12-53 Regional Municipality of York re: File No. 07.03.19T-85048 Corridor Enterprises Inc. Part Lots 76 and 77, Concession 1 W.Y.S. Town of Aurora (Information, S. Seibert) 12-54 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Highway 404 replacing Highway 11 as a provincial highway facility (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 12-55 Guelph Traffic Safety Education Committee re: Bicycle Safety Issues (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 12-56 Mr. Keith Wardle re: Cement curb at intersection of Wells and Wellington Street East, Aurora (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 12-57 Dorothy Wardle Memo to Administration and Finance Committee re: llnited Auto Body rent and tax arrears (Ref. Administration and Finance Committee) 12-58 Terry Kelly -Land Use Planner re: Aurora South Secondary Plan, Final Draft, May 1985 (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert) 12-59 Terry Kelly -Land Use Planner re: Aurora South Secondary Plan statement of account (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert, K. Cerswell) 12-60 The Huntley Group re: request for two year extension period to construct building (Ref. Co unci 1 in Committee) 12-61 P. Douglas Marsh re: Objection to passing of By-law #2750-85 (Information, S. Seibert, R. Harrington) 12-62 Ministry of Tourism and Recreation re: Community Recreation Centres Act confirmation of eligibility for 9rant (File No. 83-42-3018) (Information, F. Horvath) 12-63 Ministry of Tourism and Recreation re: Community Recreation Centres Act confirmation of eligibility for grant (File No. 83-42-3026) !Information, F. Horvath) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1985 - 6 - CORRESPONDENCE 12-64 Ministry of Tourism and Recreation re: Community Recreation Centres Act confirmation of eligibility for grant (File No. 83-42-3016} (Information, F. Horvath) 12-65 Ministry of Tourism and Recreation re: Community Recreation Centres Act confirmation of eligibility for grant (File No. 83-42-3027) (Information, F. Horvath) 12-66 Mrs. Dorothy Burnett re: concern for creek between Sandusky and Wiles Court (Information, F. Horvath, J. Insley) 12-67 Mr. Gerry Slykhuis re: Parking problems on Reuben Street (Ref. Council in Committee) 12-68 CrownLife (Participaction) re: Copy of challenge results for "The Great Canadian Participaction Challenge" held May 29, 1985 (TABLED} West: Resolved that this letter be received. N. Stewart· CARRIED 12-69 C. E. Jackson re: Concerns about Traffic in Orchard Heights Drive vicinity (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 12-70 Armco Westeel Inc. re: "Super Span Bridges" (Information, Wm. Walker) 12-71 Regional Municipality of York Health and Social Services Department re: Single Parent Employment Chance Program (Information) 12-72 House of Commons re: notification of change of address (I nf ormation) 12-73 Minister of Regional Industrial Expansion re: concerns about Extended Area Service (Information) 12-74 Leggett, Peddle re: Maddocks Sale to McMullan, 61 Mark Street, Aurora, Ontario, Plan M-1457 (Information, K. B. Rodger) 12-75 Bell Canada re: Extended Area Service (Ref. Council in Committee) 12-76 Liberal re: Notification of Addresses for constituency offices of Greg Sorbara, M.P.P. for York Region (Information, K. McFarlane) 12-77 Blake Cassels and Graydon re: Estate of Donald Elias Rogers, Part Lot 85, Concession 1 W.Y.S. Rezoning Application (Information, S. Seibert, C. Gowan) 12-78 York Region Separate School Board re: Lakeview Estates (Yonge Aurora) School Site (Ref. Planning Committee) 12-79 Aurora Public Library re: Librarr Automation Project (Ref. Council in Committee) 12-80 The Equity Development Group re: Hydro Easement -Heron Homes (Aurora) Ltd. (Information, Wm. Walker) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1985 - 7 - CORRESPONDENCE 12-81 Regional Municipality of York Engineering Department re: Bathurst Street Trunk Watermain, Regional Approval No. A.9/85 (Information) 12-82 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment Z-16-85 Lot 66, Plan M64, Lots 330 to 336 inclusive, Plan 475, Town of Aurora (Information, S. Seibert) --" 12-83 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Zoning By-Law 2731 -85, Town ,_, __ , of Aurora (Information, S. Seibert) 12-84 Aurora Hydro re: Granada Investments Limited Subdivision Agreement (Information) 12-85 The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario re: Golden Griddle Pancake House Restaurant, notice of Public Meeting to consider application for liquor licence (Ref. Council in Committee) 12-86 The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario re: Village Deli-Restaurant, notice of Public Meeting to consider application for liquor licence (Ref. Council in Committee) 12-87 Aurora Public Library re: list of values of exhibits which will be on display at the Library (Information, K. McFarlane) 12-88 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment No. 2213-78 on Behalf of Lakeview Estates, Lot 82 Cone. 1, Town of Aurora (Information, S. Seibert) 12-89 Klaus Wehrenberg re: Valhalla Railroad Underpass to Industrial Parkway North (Information, K. B. Rodger) 12-90 Klaus Wehrenberg re: Request for delegation status concerning Recreation (TABLED DELEGATION) 12-91 A. J. Arcand and Various Residents of Hillside Drive and Kenlea Court re: objection to proposed walkway (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F. Horvath) 12-92 Warren G. Campbell re: Objection to By-law #2750-85 (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert, R. Harrington) 12-93 Ontario Traffic Conference re: Questionnaire re membership (Information K. B. Rodger) 12-94 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Official Plan Amendment 35 submission (Information) 12-95 Goodman and Carr re: Granda Investments Limited-Plan of Subdivision- Murch Lands (Information, K. McFarlane) 12-96 Reid and Associates re: Town of Aurora Bathurst Trunk Watermain, Project No. 1201 (Information) COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1985 - 8 - CORRESPONDENCE 12-97 Reid and Associates Limited re: Town of Aurora Temperance Street Parking Lot Project Number 1151 (Information) 12-98 Ministry of Agriculture and Food re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision Part Lot 81, Concession 1, Town of Aurora statement of non-objection to development proposal (Information, S. Seibert) 12-99 York Region Board of Education re: Administration Building Insurance Invoice (Information, Treasury) 12-100 Ministry of Tourism and Recreation re: Community Recreation Centres Act File Number 83-42-3018 (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F. Horvath) 12-101 Ministry of Tourism and Recreation re: Community Recreation Centres Act File Number 83-42-3027 (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F. Horvath} 12-102 Ministry of Tourism and Recreation re: Community Recreation Centres Act File Number 83-42-3026 (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F. Horvath} 12-103 Town of Richmond Hill re: Staff Reports concerning Z-12-85, and Z-14-85 (Information, S. Seibert) 12-104 Ontario Assessment Review Board re: Assignment Hearings (Information, Treasury) 12-105 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram re: Aurora sale to Kool Part 1, Reference Plan Number 65R-8036, Aurora (Information, K. McFarlane, Councillor E. Stewart) 12-106 Morden and Helwig Limited re: (Mediacom Inc.) Fire at 66-72 Yonge Street South, Aurora, Removal of Sign (Ref. Council in Committee) 12-107 Kim S. Bernhardt re: Town of Aurora's Response to Child Find (Ref. Council in Committee) · 12-108 Charles Cowie re: Request for Delegation Status (TABLED, DELEGATIONS} 12-109 Greg P. Kent re: Transfer of Letters of Credit for Lanewood Drive (TABLED} Buck: West: Resolved that Kent Homes be granted permission to move the trailer from Lot 1 to Lot 25 (Letter of Credit to be transferred). CARRIED 12-110 Macroplan re: Aurora Estates Request to construct a model home on Lot 1 (Ref. Council in Committee) 12-111 York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision Part Lot 81, Concession 1, statement of non-objection (Information, S. Seibert) 12-112 York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision Part Lot 82, Concession 1 statement of non-objection (Information, S. Seibert) COUNCIL MEETING ..• MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1985 - 9 - CORRESPONDENCE 12-113 Town of Valley East re: Request Council's endorsement of resolution #85-148 (Ref. Council in Committee) 12-114 A. J. Arcand and Residents of Hilldale, Hillside and Kenlea area re: objection to proposed public walkway (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F. Horvath} 12-115 Aurora Public Library re: information concerning Library Automation ,___ Project (I nf ormation) 12-116 Central Ontario Travel Association re: 1985 -86 Winter Maps (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F. Horvath} 12-117 Ministry of the Solicitor General re: booklet outlining the Training and Education Program concerning emergency preparedness (Ref. Council in Committee) 12-118 Mrs. Carol Pearce re: Traffic and Pedestrian Concerns in Aurora (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 12-119 Colleen E. Gowan Memo to All Department Heads re: Portable Modular Display System (Ref. Economic Development Committee) 12-120 Mr. John Romano re: Application for Amendment to the Official Plan and/or Zoning By-law (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert, R. Harrington, L. Allison) 12-121 Mr. and Mrs. Stubbings re: Fencing matter (Information, Wm. Benzie) 12-122 John Insley Memo to Mayor Illingworth re: Maintenance of 69 Yonge Street South "Browning House" West: Jones: (TABLED) Reso 1 ved that the "SCAG Program" take care of the maintenance for 69 Yonge Street South. CARRIED 12-123 William Walker Memo to K. B. Rodger re: Professional Engineering Services Rendered (Invoices) (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS} 12-124 Inducon Consultants of Canada Limited re: Site Plan Agreement for the Proposed Sinclair Radio Building, Aurora, Ontario (TABLED, Technical Committee, Wm. Walker) Jones: Resolved that this letter be received. Buck: CARRIED 12-125 Mr. G. M. Hogarth re: Easement -C.N.R. (TABLED RESOLUTION} 12-126 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram re: Town Sign By-law, Overhanging and Sidewalk Signs (Information, R. Harrington) 12-127 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram re: Laneway in the Rear of 13 Yonge Street South (Information, S. Seibert, R. Harrington) COUNCIL MEETING ••. MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1985 -10 - CORRESPONDENCE 12-128 Julius and Margaret Degan re: Appealing the passing of By-law 2750-85 (Information, S. Seibert, R. Harrington) 12-129 Bob Kain re: Appealing the passing of By-law 2750-85 (Information, S. Seibert, R. Harrington) 12-130 York Region Board of Education re: Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Part of Lot 82, Concession 1 -Z-15-85 (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert) 12-131 Downtown Aurora BIA re: request for delegation status (TABLED, DELEGATIONS) 12-132 Klaus Wehrenberg re: Aurora Trails Network Plan (bicycle and foot paths) (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, C. Gowan) 12-133 Wm. Walker Memo to K. B. Rodger re: Parking Lot Pavement Design Requirements Commercial-Industrial Site Plan Development (TABLED -Refer to letter 12-124) Jones: Resolved that this letter be received. Buck: CARRIED West: Resolved that the Clerk's Report be dealt with as outlined. Barker: CARRIED DELEGATIONS Barker: West: Resolved that a letter from Bruce Ralph, Barrister requesting delegation status be listed under "DELEGATIONS" on this evening's Agenda. CARRIED 1. Letter # 12-90 -Klaus Wehrenberg re: Trail Network Barker: Mr. Klaus Wehrenberg appeared before Council to present a proposal for the planning and implementation of a network of trails for foot and bicycle traffic, as well as recreational purposes. Mr. Wehrenberg, outlined the proposal and requested Council's consideration of same. E. Stewart: Resolved that this matter be referred to Unfinished Business on the Agenda. CARRIED 2. Letter# 12-108-Charles Cowie re: Insurance Claim West: Barker: Mr. C. Cowie addressed Council and requested their help in settling an outstanding insurance claim. Mr. Cowie outlined his problem and stated he could get nowhere with the Insurance Company. Resolved that this item be referred to Unfinished Business on the Agenda. CARRIED ,, ••. ~.-~ .. mo~·-w•MV,,""''~'.>-"'K~<;<~-,;.u;f<'>'""''~-~·'-'""v'""'-"~-••---~---•-. -""=·~'•'-"'~"'"""'-,-, >'-"""'~--~"~ •·•··-~" ""~'-• •-··c COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1985 -11 - CORRESPONDENCE 3. Bruce Ralph re: Site Plan Agreement Buck: West: Mr. Ralph requested appearance before council to seek clarification of his application for a Site Plan Agreement. Resolved that Mr. Ralph be advised he can proceed with his Site Plan Agreement. CARRIED 4. Letter# 12-131-Downtown Aurora BIA re: Request.for Delegation Status. This item was deferred to the Council meeting of July 15, 1985. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 66-Aurora Heritage Committee ~ •. Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Aurora Heritage Committee was held on May 28, 1985 at the Administrative Centre at 7:30 p.m. Present Were: Leslie Oliver, Len Ostick, Steve Galaxidas, Fred Shipman and Janet Mcintyre 1. Minutes The minutes of the meeting of April 23, 1985 were approved. 2. Matters Arising from the Minutes With reference to Item 8.a., J. Mcintyre reported that complimentarY advance copies of the booklet "A Place In Time" are now being distributed to local officials and schools. Confirmation had been received from the Ministry of Revenue that the booklet was exempt from sales tax, and copies of the booklet were now on display and for sale to the general public at the Committee's office at the Chruch Stre.et Schoo 1, and at the Town Office. The Committee agreed that further measures to encourage distribution of the booklet, particularly to local schools, would be considered in the fall. 3. Correspondence J. Mcintyre reported that an announcement had been received concerning a York L.A.C.A.C. seminar on the Humber River area, to be held on September 28-29, 1985. It was agreed that further details about the seminar should be requested from the organizers. 4. Budget J. Mcintyre submitted the Committee's current budget printout, and various elements of the Committee's summer and fall expenditures were reviewed. 5. Meeting with Mayor Illingworth -May 8, 1985 a. J. Mcintyre submitted the text of a letter to Council outlining the Committee's plans for the installation of the settlement plaque in the Lions Parkette, and the accompanying ceremony. F. Shipman reported that he would shortly be meeting with S. McCasey to select a site for the plaque. F. Shipman will attend the July 1st Committee meeting on May 29 to coordinate the unveiling of the plaque with the Committee's roster of weekend activities. .~'"•"'" l, _____ d COUNCIL MEETING •.. MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1985 -12 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 66-Aurora Heritage Committee ... Various Matters (continued) 5. Meeting with Mayor Illingworth -May 8, 1985 (continued) b. J. Mcintyre submitted a letter of information to Council, and a copy of a letter issued by the Mayor's office, confirming arrangements to install and publicly introduce the new group of individual property plaques during the early part of September. The date of September 22 for the public ceremony was annroved by the Committee. c. J. Mcintyre submitted the text of a letter of information to Council, outlining the merits of the BRIC Program's Designated Property Grants system, and soliciting Council's support for the program. d. J. Mcintyre reported that research on the Hazelburn Farm property was proceeding, and would be continued by Kathryn Anderson during her summer research work for the Committee. A further report on the status of research on the property would be prepared by K. Anderson for the June meeting. 6. Summer Work Program J. Mcintyre reported that the Committee's application to the federal/provincial SEED Program had not been approved, due to the large number of applicants and a widespread shortage of grant funds. The Committee agreed that L. Oliver and S. McCasey should prepare a submission to Council concerning supplemental financing for the Committee's 1985 student research projects. Details of Kathryn Anderson's shortened summer work schedule were reviewed, and the feasibility of extending the Committee's contract research work into the fall was discussed. It was agreed that K. Anderson should be invited to attend the June meeting of the Committee to report on her progress with Heritage Property Report research, and to explore opportunities for further work in the fall. S. Galaxidas spoke of his own recent acquaintance with the Ontario Career Action Program (OCAP) and agreed to check on some of the details of eligibility and hiring procedures under the program. 7. Designation a. The draft guidelines of "The Designation Program" were examined, and final correction and approval of the draft was deferred to the September meeting. b. Draft Reasons for Designation for 50 Wellington Street East, the Keeper's House at the Aurora Cemetery, and 54 Yonge Street North were tabled and will be referred to the Chairman for his examination. Approval of the drafts was deferred to the June meeting. 8. Review of the Sign By-law L. Ostick and S. Galaxidas reported that the Sign By-law Review Committee would like further suggestions from the Heritage Committee and CDAC on sign guidelines for the Central Business District. Further data on the proposed guidelines will be collected and analyzed for the June meeting. 9. Review of the Official Plan S. Galaxidas reported that consultation is continuing, and will continue, on the preparation of suggested guidelines for the Official Plan Review. A further report on potential submissions to the Review will be brought to the June meeting. COUNCIL MEETING ..• MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1985 -13 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 66-Aurora Heritage Committee ... Various Matters (continued) 10. List of Priority Rated Heritage Properties Validation of the List of Priority Rated Heritage Properties was deferred to the September meeting. 11&12. Public Information: Homeowners and Merchants Support Programs J. Mcintyre reported that K. Anderson is continuing to work on the individual Heritage Property Reports remaining to be completed in the Wellington Street East and Yonge Street South areas. It was agreed that the assembling of background information about support programs for homeowners and merchants would continue during the summer, in anticipation of a mailing campaign to be initiated in the fall. 13. Work Plan for Study of Wellington Street East Consideration of the Work Plan for Study of Wellington Street East was deferred to the June meeting. 14. Development Proposals No new business concerning development proposals was introduced. 15. Other Business F. Shipman reported that two local residents had approached him about the requirements for membership on the Heritage Committee, and the Committee agreed to consider the matter of new membership and membership renewal at the September meeting. It was agreed that it would be proper to invite those who had made the inquiries to observe the June meeting, since the Committee's meetings were always open to the public, and such observation might be a useful introduction to the Committee's methods and concerns. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. Ostick: Buck: Resolved that Aurora Heritage Committee Report #66 dated May 28, 1985 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED Report# 67-Planning Committee ... Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Planning Committee was held on Monday, June 10, 1985 in the Admininstrative Centre at 7:30 p.m. Present Were: Councillor E. Buck, Chairperson; Councillor J. West, Councillor M. Paivio, Mrs S. Seibert, Planner; Mr. R. Harrington, Secretary. A. REPORT 1. -Adjacent to Municipal The Committee read Mrs. Seibert's Report and would recommned that since the Town has maintained the land for the last 20 years, the land be aquired free of all encumbrances at no cost to the Town. Also, our solicitor's opinion be solicited, with the request that an answer be forthcoming within one month. A copy of Mrs. Seibert's report is attached hereto. COUNCIL MEETING .•. MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1985 -14 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 67-Planning Committee •.. Various Matters (continued) B. RECEIVED FOR RECOMMENDATION 1. Proposed Offical Plan Amendment -Aurora South West Secondary Plan Mrs. Seibert's memorandum was discussed by the Committee and it was recommended additional policies be added to control growth. Mrs. Seibert will have a report containing Staging Policies. for the next Planning Committee meeting. 2. Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-85019 -Lakeview Phase II, Part Lot 82, Cone. , WYS Mrs. Seibert met with Bob Seta, Manager of Planning and Approvals for the Board of Education, and Mr. Seta advised that the original staff recommendation of April 10, 1985 was that a school site was not required in the subdivision. However, the local school trustee requested that the recommendation be referred back to staff, and that a school site be "Red-Lined" on the plan, and the board members concurred. The York Region Board of Education request, now, a school site in the proposed plan of subdivision, Phase II. The Committee recommends Mrs. Seibert meet with the School Board staff and report to Council. A copy of Mrs. Seibert's memorandum is attached hereto. C. COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT 1. B-6-85 -Robert and Susan Leonard, 78 Wells Street The Committee recommends approval of this application. A copy of the staff is attached. D. RECEIVED AS INFORMATION 1. 10-79 -Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Ontario Renews Awards 2. 10-91 -Reid and Associates re: Old Arena Site -previously dealt with by Council 3. Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-85040, Part WYS, 420643 ontar1o L1m1ted-Publ1c Meet1ng scheduled for 4. 11-52 -Committee of Adjustment re: H. Piebrock -Hearing held June 4, 1985 5. 11-60 -Town of Whitchurch Stouffville re: Amendment to Zoning By-law 6. 11-77 -Regional Engineering re: Z-11-85, 50 Wellington Street East - Public Meeting held May 29, 1985 7. 11-104-Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville re: Amendment to Zoning By-law 8. 11-112 -Township of King re: Amendment to Zoning By-law 9. 12-12 -Application for Rezoning, C. Crawford, Part Lot 22, Cone. 3 EYS - Public Meeting scheduled for July 31, 1985 COUNCIL MEETING .•. MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1985 -15 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 67 -Planning Committee Meeting adjourned at 9:00p.m. Various Matters (continued) It is recommended that the next Planning Meeting be held July 29, 1985 and that the July 8th and August 12th meetings be cancelled. Item A.l -B.l Item B.2 West: Item B.2 Item C .1 -D.9 Buck: Paivio: RESOLUTIONS CARRIED AMENDMENT Resolved that Planner S. Seibert be authorized to meet with the Developer and Planning staff of the York Region Board of Education to discuss this problem. CARRIED CARRIED AS AMENDED CARRIED Resolved that the Planning Committee Report #67 dated June 10, 1985 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended. CARRIED 1. Offer to Purchase from Hollister Limited E. Stewart: Jones: Resolved that the Offer to Purchase from Hollister Limited of Parts 11 & 12 R.P. 8101 -3.106 acres Industrial Land, at a cost of $60,000.00 per acre be accepted and the Mayor and Council be authorized to sign same. CARRIED 2. Offer to Purchase from Spectrum Supplies Limited E. Stewart: Jones: Resolved that the Offer to Purchase from Spectrum Supplies Ltd. for the north half of Pt. Lot 1 Plan 65R-7505-3.439 acres, Industrial Land at a cost of $60,000.00 per acre be accepted and the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign same. CARRIED 3. Summer Meetings Schedule Paivio: Resolved that Council meetings for the months of July and August, Jones: 1985 be held on the 3rd Monday of each of the respective months. CARRIED 4. Signalization-Bathurst Street Ostick: E. Stewart: Be It Resolved that the Regional Municipality of York be advised that the Town of Aurora agrees to pay the actual cost at the time of construction of providing signalization, channelization and illumination at the proposed intersection of the proposed subdivision access road on draft plan of subdivision 19T-84013 and Bathurst Street (Y.R. 38}. CARRIED l..-----' COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1985 -16 - RESOLUTIONS (continued) 5. Property Standards Committee Appointments West: Be it hereby resolved that the Council of the Town of Aurora hereby Jones: confirms the appointments set out hereunder to the Property Standards Committee as established by Town of Aurora By-law No. 2732-85. APPOINTEE Vic Priestly Dennis Reid Brian Whitehead CARRIED EXPIRY DATE November 30, 1986 November 30, 1985 November 30, 1985 6. Six Month Probation -J. Adema Jones: N. Stewart: Be It Resolved that upon the recommendation of Fire Chief S. G. Wilson, Firefighter J. Adema be promoted from a Probationary Firefighter to a 4th Class Firefighter effective June 3, 1985. CARRIED 7. Part Time Typist-Fire Department Jones: N. Stewart: Resolved that the Aurora Fire Department be authorized to part time typist. This position was allocated for in the Department Budget. CARRIED hire a 1985 Fire 8. "Jaws of Life" Jones: N. Stewart: Resolved that the Fire Department be allocated an additional $4,000.00 to the $15,000.00 in the Vehicle Reserve for the "Jaws of Life". CARRIED 9. Payment of Accounts -Reid and Associates Ostick: E. Stewart: Resolved that the following accounts of Reid and Associates: Project Invoice No. Amount Account Advisory Services (Retainer-April) Aurora Country Estates Subdiv. Equity Subdivision Metcalfe St. Reconstruction (Victoria -Berczy) Town Industrial Park (Old Park Holdings) Gravity Sewer (Centre St.-St. John's Sdrd.) Parking Lot Improvements (Temperance St. & Wellington) Dunning Avenue Reconstruction Bathurst St. Trunk Watermain Vandorf & Bayview Water Supply Avery Subdivision Total 10208 10214 10220 10225 10226 10228 10235 10243 10250 10251 10261 $ 1,511.91 3100-38 811.01 Eng. Reserve 110.72 Eng. Reserve 1,178.62 3360-40 3,457.05 Ind. Park Acct. 7,391.17 Services Reserve Account to be 1,165.46 Identified by Council 5,242.39 3360-40 7,560.97 Waterworks 2,471.01 9140-38 166.08 Eng. Reserve $31,066.39 ••. in the total amount of $31,066.39 be paid and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING •.• MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1985 -17 - RESOLUTIONS (continued) 10. Foundation Permit -Inducon Construction Northern Limited E. Stewart: Jones: Resolved that Council authorize the issuing of a foundation permit to Inducon Construction Northern Ltd. for Parts 13 & 14 Plan 65R8101 Mary Street Aurora subject to staff approval of the signed site plan agreement and the placing of a suitable letter of credit. CARRIED 11. 1985 Five Year Capital Expenditure Forecast West: Resolved that the 1985 Five Year Capital Expenditure Forecast as per Jones: schedule A-1 (copy attached) of the Administration and Finance Committee Report #60, May 27, 1985 be approved by Mayor and Council and the Seal of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora be attached hereto. CARRIED 12. Councillor Norm Stewart -Notice of Motion N. Stewart: Paivio: Resolved that under Unfinished Business on the Agenda, Council members be permitted to ask questions without prior notice. If an answer is not forthcoming at that time, same be obtained for the next scheduled meeting. CARRIED 13. C.N.R. Easement -Universal Insulation E. Stewart: Jones: Resolved that authorization be granted to Universal Insulation Co. Ltd. for an easement 66 ft. x 40 ft. on the eastern extremity of the unopened road allowance south of the Universal Property, east of Edward Street for a C.N.R. railway siding. CARRIED 14. Huntley Group -Extension of Time E. Stewart: Jones: Resolved that the Huntley Group be granted an extension of one (1) year to June 15th, 1986, to substantially complete the construction of an industrial building on Part 2, Reference Plan 65R-2963. CARRIED 15. "Questions by Members of Council" West: Resolved that the Procedural By-Law be amended to include "Questions Barker: by Members of Council" to follow "Notice of Motion" on the Agenda. CARRIED 16. Preliminary Design -Family Leisure Complex West: E. Stewart: Resolved that a special meeting be held on Tuesday, July 2nd, 1985 at 8:00 p.m. to receive the Preliminary Design for the Family Leisure Complex. · CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1985 -18 - UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Trail Network Jones: Resolved that this concept be approved in principle and Mr. Barker: Wehrenberg's report be forwarded to the Planning, Leisure Services, Public Safety and Heritage Committees for their comments. CARRIED 2. Cowie Insurance Claim Buck: Resolved that the Clerk-Administrator prepare a list of all claims West: and status of same pertaining to this matter and further the Clerk-Administrator be directed to see if a meeting with the Insurance Companies and persons concerned can be arranged. CARRIED 3. Southold Commercial Site West: Buck: Resolved that all letters of objection to By-Law Number 2750-85 be brought forward at the Council in Committee meeting of July 10, 1985 for Council's consideration. CARRIED 4. Career Dynamics West: Resolved that this matter be approved in principle and the Paivio: Clerk-Administrator be authorized to arrange a meeting with the management of Career Dynamics and Department Heads to discuss the prospect of hiring handicapped people. A report to be made back to Council as soon as possible. CARRIED 5. Overall Traffic Study West: E. Stewart: Resolved that this matter be referred to the Public Safety Committee to discuss with the Regional Engineering personnel and report back to Council. CARRIED 6. Water Meter Installation E. Stewart: Resolved that leave be granted to introduce a resolution pertaining to Water Meters. DEFEATED NOTICE OF MOTION 1. Councillor E. Stewart (a) Water Meter Program: Councillor E. Stewart gave Notice of Motion regarding the implementation of a Water Meter Program. (b) Organizational Review of Town: Councillor E. Stewart gave Notice of Motion regarding the choosing of a Consultant for organizational review of all Town Departments. COUNCIL MEETING ••. MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1985 BY-LAWS West: N. Stewart: West: N. Stewart: West: N. Stewart: -19 - Be It Hereby Resolved that: Bill Number 2765-85 -Being a By-law to prescribe maximum rates of speed on Orchard Heights Boulevard and Aurora Heights Drive in the Town of Aurora. Bill Number 2766-85 -Being a By-law to amend By-law 2613-83, as amended, a By-law to provide for the Regulation of Parking in the Town of Aurora. Bill Number 2768-85 -Being a Zoning By-law to amend By-law number 2213-78. Bill Number 2769-85 -Being a Zoning By-law to amend By-law number 2213-78. Bill Number 2767-85 -Being a By-law to exempt certain lands in the Town of Aurora from the Part Lot Control provisions of the Planning Act . . . . Be Read a 1st time. CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved that: Bill Number 2765-85-Being a By-law to prescribe maximum rates of speed on Orchard Heights Boulevard and Aurora Heights Drive in the Town of Aurora. Bill Number 2766-85 -Being a By-law to amend By-law 2613-83, as amended, a By-law to provide for the Regulation of Parking in the Town of Aurora. Bill Number 2768-85 -Being a Zoning By-law to amend By-law number 2213-78. Bill Number 2769-85 -Being a Zoning By-law to amend By-law number 2213-78. Bill Number 2767-85 -Being a By-law to exempt certain lands in the Town of Aurora from the Part Lot Control provisions of the Planning Act . • . . Be Read a 2nd time. CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved that Section 21 of By-law Number 2554-83 be suspended and Bill Number 2767-85, now before the Council, be read a Third Time and enacted and the Third Reading be taken as read. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ..• MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1985 BY-LAWS West: N. Stewart: West: N. Stewart: Paivio: West: -20 - Be It Hereby Resolved that: Bill Number 2759-85 -Being a By-law to repeal By-law No. 2544-82, a By-law to remove certain lands from part lot control. Bill Number 2760-85 -Being a By-Law to authorize the Chief Librarian to call the first Library Board meeting in each term. Bill Number 2763-85 -Being a Zoning By-law to amend By-law number 2213-78. Bill Number 2764-85-Being a Zoning By-law to amend By-law number 2213-78 . ... Be Read a Third Time. CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved that: Bill Number 2761-85 -Being a By-law to designate a multiple-stop intersection at various intersections in the Town of Aurora • • • • Be Read a Third Time. AMENDED Resolved that Item # 6 be deleted from this By-Law. CARRIED AS AMENDED Third Reading of this By-Law approved as amended. ADJOURNMENT West: Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 10:23 p.m. CARRIED e~~ Mayor ~