Present Were: Mayor Illingworth and Councillors Buck, Jones, Ostick, E. Stewart,
N. Stewart and West.
Councillor Martin Paivio had a business commitment, Councillor Richard Barker on
vacation and Councillor West left the meeting at 8:55 p.m.
Councillor John West declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Accounts paid to
Aurora Home Hardware due to monetary interest and did not take part in or vote on
any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such
Resolved that the minutes of January 30, 1985 and February 4, 1985
be adopted as printed and circulated.
E. Stewart:
E. Stewart:
Resolved that the following accounts in the total amount of
$315,405.08, details of which are on file with the Treasurer's
Office, be approved for payment and the Mayor issue orders on the
Treasurer for same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached
hereto. ·
Fire Department
Works Department
Parks Department
Community Buildings: Parks Building
Community Centre:
Leisure Services:
Community Buildings: Church Street
Victoria Hall
Accounts Paid Prior to Council
2 ,621. 91
Resolved that the following Capital Accounts in the total amount of
$528.45, details of which are on file with the Treasurer's Office,
be approved for payment and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer
for same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto.
Industrial Park
Strathy, Archibald $241.00
Parks Reserve
John A. Stevenson $250.00
Vehicle Replacement
Arkay Radio Limited $37.45
"""' ·'"·~·'·'·"~'""''''''-·'·"~"~'~.-,-•·•·-~--~-,,--'" -"-___.,....,....~"''-'''''-''C"''''-'•"~<•'<>"'-"'-'-"-""'··'0>?.<~'"''-'<"."?"''C''''''~,c>.,;£>'--='·'"'•'-"'·'·""~"<'>'-••·~--<rr.·~•=•-~~~-~~~--·-·--••-·---~-•-••••··••'-~-•-•-•--~._. • • -'•-~-····--~---
- 2 -
4-1 Assessment Region Number 14 re: Meeting Date Change
(Inform at ion)
4-2 Markborough Properties Limited re: Commercial Plaza (Yonge Street/Valhalla
Court, Aurora)
(Information, L. Allison)
4-3 Wm.G. Walker memo to Councillor Jones re: Staff -Committee Communication
(Ref. Public Safety Committee)
4-4 Goodman and Carr, Barristers and Solicitors re: Town of Aurora and Granada
Investments Limited (Plan of Subdivision Number 65M-2259}
(Information, Clerk to reply, L. Allison)
4-5 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Applications to Change the
Level of Flood Protection (Minister of Natural Resources -Letter of
December 20, 1984)
(Ref. Council in Committee, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J.
Harrington, Mayor Illingworth, S. Seibert)
4-6 Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations re: Construction dates of
Buildings -Registry Office
(Information, Clerk to reply)
4-7 Reid and Associates Limited re: Realignment of Edward Street -Project
Number 1184
4-8 Reid and Associates Limited re: Industrial Parkway and Engelhard Drive
Repairs and Final Paving -Project Number 1158
(Information, Wm.G. Walker)
4-9 Reid and Associates Limited re: Cost Sharing Report Parkway Trunk Sewer
and Industrial Parkway Outfall Sewer
(Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, K.B. Rodger, Wm. Johnson)
4-10 Lakeview Estates Ltd. re: Sales Trailer
(Ref. Council in Committee)
4-11 Reid and Associates Limited re: Anton Kikas Limited, Servicing Study
(Aurora South Secondary Plan)
(Ref. Technical Committee, Wm.G. Walker, R.J. Harrington, S.
4-12 The Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority re: 29th Annual
Inaugural Meeting
(Information, Council}
MH Realty Corp. re: Magna/Batson Drive Residents
(Information, Council}
Committee of Adjustment re:
67 Richardson Drive)
Submission A-1-85 (Magna International Inc. -
(Information, Clerk to reply)
Regency Acres Public School re: Barrier-Murray/Glass Drive
(Ref. Council in Committee)
Committee of Adjustment re: Consent Application B-1-85 (Granada
Investments) -Cranberry Lane
(Information, Clerk to reply)
4-17 Committee of Adjustment re: Consent Application B-2-85 (Granada
Investments Limited} -Kennedy Street
(Information, Clerk to reply)
----~·---~"'-"'·•->.v .••• ~ ----~--~---'''"-""'"'''"""'"-'-'"-"' .-."-•. ~ ... ~--~~-------. ~----~·~-~=-~--···'·'-'-'->-' ... "~"' -----~-"----~--------~_.. -----"''-'' ~"·---·· ----..... ·····----·---------
- 3 -
4-18 Aurora Residents' -Petition re: Batson Drive/Magna International
(Ref. Council in Committee)
4-19 Ministry of Agriculture and Food re: The Drainage Act
4-20 The Regional Municipality of York -Clerk's re: Housing Update
4-21 C. Wardlaw, 0. Kelly, D. Taylor, W.A. Hunter, Aurora, Ontario re: O.P.
Amendment Proposal (OP-45-84)
(Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert)
4-22 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk's re: Lodging House Licencing
(Information, S.G. Wilson to reply, R.J. Harrington to reply)
4-23 The Ontario Traffic Conference re: 36th Annual Conference Kitchener,
(Ref. Public Safety Committee)
4-24 Bell and Howell re: Mail Handling Products
(Information, S.K. Jones)
4-25 Paul Theil Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers re: Salpam Investments
Limited-Proposed Subdivision-Phase II, Bathurst and Wellington Streets
(Information, S. Seibert)
4-26 Joseph Younder, Aurora, Ontario re: Aurora Official Plan Review
(Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert)
4-27 The Regional Municipality of York-Planning re: Proposed Plan of
Subdivision, Part Lot 84, Concession 1, EYS (19T-82013)
(Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert)
4-28 Ministry of Energy re: "Low Energy Building Technology"
4-29 Reid and Associates Limited re: Beacon Hall Developments-Project Number
4-30 City of Belleville re: O.S.U.M. -32nd Annual Conference
(Ref. Counc i1 in Committee)
4-31 The Regional Municipality of York-Health re: Z-06-85 (134 Yonge Street
South -Barron and Jenkins)
4-32 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Request to refer an
Application to Amend the Official Plan for Aurora Planning Area by Mr.
Rodney Ikeda (438615 Ontario Limited-19-0P-0025-17(3)c)
(Information, S. Seibert)
4-33 Ontario Industrial Development Council Incorporated re: IDAC/Waterloo
(Information, Councillor E. Stewart)
4-34 F.J. Horvath memo to Administration/Finance Committee re: Town Subsidies
(Ref. Administration/Finance Committee)
4-35 Aurora Fire Department re: January -1985
(Ref. Public Safety Committee)
---"-··-···· ... --·······---~--------·------... ----. ----... --------~-----------------~------------·-------------""""" .. -----~------~--
- 4 -
4-36 Aurora Committee of Adjustment re: Notice of Public Hearing (Application
B-9-84 -Keith W. Foote)
(Information, A. Bridgeman)
4-37 Assessment Region Number 14 re: Grant-in-Lieu Listing
(Information, Wm. Johnson)
4-38 Brian Nadin, Aurora, Ontario re: Delegation Status at Planning Meeting -
February 11th, 1985
(Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington)
4-39 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Transfer of
(Information, Clerk to reply, L. Allison)
4-40 Bell Canada re: Bell Equipment Record
(Information, S.K. Jones)
4-41 Robert W. Sedore, Barrister and Solicitor re: Right-of-Way
(Ref. Council in Committee)
4-42 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Certificate of Completion -Granada
Investments Limited-Phase I
4-43 Ontario Federation of Agriculture re: Wetland Protection
(Ref. Council in Committee)
4-44 Town of Newmarket re: Notice of the Passing of a Zoning By-Law
(Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert)
4-45 H. Robert Barlow, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary re: McEwan purchase from
Lakeview Estates
(Information, R.J. Harrington to reply)
4-46 Goodman and Carr, Barristers and Solicitors re: Toronto and North York
Hunt Club Property-Objection to Beacon Hall Golf and Residential Club
(Ref. Council in Committee, S. Seibert)
4-47 The Regional Municipality of York-Health re: Official Plan Proposal,
Beacon Hall
(Information, S. Seibert)
4-48 Committee of Adjustment re: Remunerations and Procedures
(Ref. Planning Committee)
4-49 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision,
Part Lots 82, Concession 1 WYS (19T-81100)
(Information, S. Seibert)
4-50 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Proposed Amendment to the
Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area (Beacon Hill Golf and Residential
Club -OP-04-85)
(Information, S. Seibert)
4-51 Regency Acres Public School re: Murray Drive Walking Conditions
(Ref. Council in Committee, Wm.G. Walker)
4-52 G. Kent, Kent Homes Inc. re: Plan 65M-2189 -Lanewood Drive
(Ref. Council in Committee)
4-53 Ontario Municipal Board re: By-Law Number 2687-84
(Information, S. Seibert)
- 5 -
4-54 Government of Canada -Regional Industrial Expansion re: Formation of the
Industrial and Regional Development Program
(Ref. Economic Development Committee, Councillor E. Stewart)
Michael K. McCloskey, Richmond Hill, Ontario re: Snow Removal -Ridge Road
(Ref. Council in Committee)
York Regional Housing Authority re: Mrs. Irene Brooks
(Inform at ion)
Ontario Hydro re: Energy Rates
York Regional Board of Commissioners of Police re: Crossing Guards
(Ref. Council in Committee)
David Rubin, Barristers and Solicitors re: Ciolfe purchase from Lakeview
Estates, Lot 140, Plan65M-2258, 2 Tribling Crescent
(Information, R.J. Harrington to reply)
4-60 Reid and Associates Limited re: Yonge, Dunning, Golf Links; Yonge,
Brookland; Intersections -Traffic Control Signals-Project Number 904
(Information, Wm. Johnson)
4-61 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Town of
Aurora purchase from the Estate of Fred Browning -69 Yonge Street South
(Ref. Council in Committee)
4-62 Aurora Hydro re: Murray Drive Substation
(Information, Clerk to reply)
4-63 The York Region Board of Education re: Zoning By-Law 2213-78 amendment
application by Montague Pound and Associates Limited (OP-02-85 and Z-03-85)
(Information, S. Seibert)
4-64 Newmarket Public Library re: Aurora-Newmarket Inter Agency Group
(Information, F.J. Horvath)
4-65 The Regional Municipality of York -Engineering re: Proposed Service
Entrance to York Region Board of Education at 50 Wellington Street West
(Ref. Council in Committee, D. Taylor)
4-66 The Regional Municipality of York -Engineering re: York Durham Sewage
System -Pine Ridge Centre
(Ref. Council in Committee)
4-67 Wm. Johnson memo to C.E. Gowan re: Reserve Fund Community Centre
(Ref. Administration/Finance Committee)
4-68 W. John Mcintyre, Aurora, Ontario re: Designation of Property
(Ref. L.A.C.A.C.)
4-69 Girl Guides of Canada re: Thinking Day Services -February 24, 1985
(Ref. Council in Committee)
4-70 St. Andrew's College re: The Review 1985
(Ref. Administration/Finance Committee)
4-71 CN Rail re: Crossings-at-grade/Wellington Street East
(Ref. Council in Committee)
4-72 C.A.R.E. re: Aurora Official Plan Review
(Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert)
t. ___ •
- 6 -
4-73 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Ontario BIA Association -
4th Annual Conference
(Ref. Council in Committee, Councillor M. Paivio)
4-74 Carleton University re: Smoking By-Laws
(Information, Clerk to reply)
4-75 Journey's End Motels re: Locating Motel in Aurora
(Ref. Council in Committee)
4-76 Universal Insulations Company Limited re: Purchase of Sisman Property
(Ref. Council in Committee)
4-77 Ontario Good Roads Association re: Combination Loader/Backhoe Operating
Upgradinq Program
(Ref. Public Works Committee, Wm.G. Walker)
4-78 Kenneth Sinclair, Willowdale, Ontario re: Application for Amendment to
Zoning By-Law 2213-78
(Information, S. Seibert, R.J. Harrington)
4-79 Aurora Agricultural Society re: 1985 Aurora Horse Show
(Ref. Council in Committee)
4-80 The Equity Development Group Inc. re: Security Requirements -Heron Homes
Project (Wellington and Bathurst)
(Ref. Council in Committee-Delegations)
4-81 The Red House Studio re: "In Praise of Older Buildings"
(Ref. Administration/Finance Committee)
4-82 York Region Association for Children and Adults with Learning Disabilities
re: Learning Disabled Weeks -March 4 and 11, 1985
4-83 S.K. Jones memo to K.B. Rodger re: Proposed Policy for Satellite
(Ref. Administration/Finance Committee)
4-84 Public Works Department re: Overtime-January 1985
(Ref. Public Works Committee)
4-85 Geoffrey L. Moore and Associates Inc. re: St. Andrew's Village
(Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington)
4-86 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: By-Law 2726-84
(Information, S. Seibert)
4-87 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: 1985 Budget Estimates
(Ref. Administration/Finance Committee)
4-88 L.A.C.A.C. re: Aurora Heritage Committee
(Ref. Administration/Finance Committee)
4-89 Granada Investments Limited re: Request for Delegation Status -Council in
Committee -February 13, 1985
(Ref. Council in Committee)
4-90 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Certificates for
Participants in Local Government Week
(Ref. Council in Committee)
4-91 The, York Region Board of Education re: Zoning By-Law 2726-84
(Information, S. Seibert)
- 7 -
4-92 Ministry of Energy re: Wholesale Rate Increase -8.6 %
(Ref. Council in Committee)
4-93 Reid and Associates Limited re: Vandorf Road Paving-Project Number 1149
4-94 Newmarket Stingrays Swim Club re: Swim-a-than -March 3, 1985
4-95 The Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: Proposed Plan of
Subdivision, Part Lots 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 and 9, Concession 1, Ministry of
Municipal Affairs and Housing File 19T-84071 (Andy Investments)
(Information, S. Seibert)
4-96 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Amendment Number 26
(Information, S. Seibert, L. Allison)
4-97 Ministry of Citizenship and Culture re: Bill 93-An Act Respecting Public
(Ref. Council in Committee)
4-98 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Subsidy on Storm Sewer
Construction-Change of Policy
(Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, Wm. Johnson)
4-99 The Guarantee Company of North America re: Municipal Accident Policy
(Information, Councillor Jones, C.E. Gowan)
4-100 Reid and Associates Limited re: Various Invoices
(Information, Wm.G. Walker)
4-101 City of Trenton re: Subsidized Recreational Activities
(Information, Clerk to reply)
4-102 Warren M.H. Grover, Toronto, Ontario re: Proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment
(Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert, Clerk to reply)
4-103 Township of Georgina re: Lake Simcoe Ice Fishing Derby
4-104 The Regional Municipality of York re: Ontario Good Roads Association
Convention-February 24-27, 1985
(Information, Council)
4-105 Aurora Resident's-Petition re: Batson Drive/Magna International
(Ref. Council in Committee)
4-106 S.G. Wilson memo to Councillor E. Stewart re: Easement -Magna Industrial
(Ref. Council in Committee)
4-107 S.K. Jones memo to Mayor Illingworth re: Aurora Transit System
(Ref. Council in Committee-February 13, 1985)
4-108 The Equity Development Group Inc. re: Decorative Street Lights
(Ref. Council in Committee)
4-109 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Professional Engineering Services
Rendered (Invoice Number 10050, 10053, 10056, 10060, 10062, 10066, 10067,
10070, 10072, 10079, 10087 and 10090}
- 8 -
4-110 Barry M. Wiseman, Optometrist re: "Save Your Vision Week" -March 3 -9,
E. Stewart:
Resolved that the week of March 3 -9, 1985 be proclaimed as "Save
Your Vision Week" in the Town of Aurora.
S.K. Jones memo to K.B.
of Garbage for the Town
Rodger re:
of Aurora
Tender for the Collection and Disposal
Resolved that the recommendation of the Purchasing Co-Ordinator be
accepted and the Tender be rejected and negotiations be reopened
with the low bidder --York Sanitation.
4-112 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Letter of Appreciation
West: Resolved that this letter be received.
N. Stewart:
4-113 Zeidler Roberts Partnership/Architects re: Family Leisure Complex
(Ref. Leisure Services Committee-February 6, 1985)
4-114 Joseph Bulwa and Associates re: Bay-Tower Homes Company Ltd.
4-115 MAI Canada re: Office Automation
(Ref. Council in Committee-February 18, 1985)
West: Resolved that the Clerk's Report be dealt with as outlined.
Report# 14-Public Safety Committee •.. Various Matters
The Committee respectfully submits the following:
A meeting of the Public Safety Committee was held on Tuesday, February 5, 1985 at
7:30 p.m. in Committee Room Number 1.
Present Were: Councillors Tim Jones, Martin Paivio, Norm Stewart and Fire Chief
S.G. Wilson.
Regrets From: 0. Khamissa, C. Weisser and T. Bessant.
1. Letter # 2-93 -Metropolitan Toronto Police re: School Safety Patrol
The Committee would highlight that the M.T.P. has co-ordinated a School
Safety Patrol since 1967. Staff from the force are assigned to train
patrollers (93 schools, 2,400 students involved), as well as do traffic
surveys to recommend the removal or approval of adult school guard
supervision. The program is supported by Metropolitan Toronto Board of
Commissioners of Police, the Metropolitan Separate School Board, and the
boards of education of the cities of Toronto, North York, Scarborough,
..-··· "·
- 9 -
Report # 14 -Public Safety Committee .•• Various Matters (continued)
1. Letter # 2-93 -Metropolitan Toronto Police re: School Safety Patrol
Etobicoke and York. School principals or teachers select the students and
the Police meet with them to explain the program. The Committee commends
the leadership displayed by the M.T.P. and would refer their correspondence
to the York Regional Police Force Board of Commissioners, the York Region
School Board, York County Roman Catholic Separate School Board, Regency
Acres Public School, with the recommendation that this program be given
serious consideration. The Committee further recommends that the York
Regional Police Force give serious consideration to implementing a traffic
survey program on request from Municipalities as described above.
1. Comittee Communication re: Memo -Wm.G. Walker dated January 16, 1985
The Committee accepts the offer of the Director of Public Works to attend
the Public Safety Meetings to assist in Committee deliberations as they
overlap with the Works Department. The Chairman will leave an agenda for
the Director of Works and communicate with him prior to each meeting to
ensure if attendance is necessary. The Committee is sensitive to the
Mayor's memo of January 21 re: staff overtime.
2. Fire Department Training Manual
This matter was referred back to the Committee. The Committee reiterates
that the Training Manual which has been awaiting 150 pages since October
1984 for word processing typing, is doing the department no good at the Town
office. The Deputy Clerk advised the Chief that it would not be until April
1985 when this item would be ready. The Committee recommends that, to get
this manual to the Fire Hall so it can be used --the remaining items
untyped be either photocopied so that a draft manual can be made available
at the Fire Hall or typed using an outside typist, again so that the manual
can be put into use. The material in any case would be returned to the
Micom operator for eventual entry into the Micom.
The urgency for having this manual at the Fire Hall should be obvious. Each
Fire Hall is different and has its own type of equipment, procedures and
regulations according the type of area they service. Then each Department's
manual emphasizes different things and in many cases is made up of excerpts
from other manuals or sources of information. When firefighters go on
courses or to the fire college, information for the manual is obtained.
Given the volunteer component of our Department this is an essential tool in
our operations.
3. Budget
The Committee reviewed the 1985 Budget submission and would highlight:
The proposed staff growth plan has not been included in the 1985
budget as Council debate on this issue has not yet occurred.
With the exception of the full time man {hired in 1984}, a
clerk/typist on a part-time basis, uniforms and a filling station
for Scott Paks, the budget is on par with 1984. The Committee would
refer this budget to Council Budget deliberations.
4. Five {5} Year Staff Plan
The Committee reviewed the Five {5) year staff growth plan as presented by
the Chief. The Committee would like to see added an emphasis on acquiring
more daytime available volunteers if such people exist. The Committee would
bring to Council's attention that it is becoming increasingly difficult to
acquire and maintain such staff and as recent calls indicate, daytime
response appears to be lessening. The Committee would refer this proposal
to the Clerk and Council's deliberations of the overall staff growth plan
currently being prepared.
-10 -
Report# 14-Public Safety Committee ... Various Matters (continued)
B. OTHER MATTERS (continued)
5. George Street Parking
The Chairman received a complaint from a resident of George Street who
wished the "No Parking" moved from the east side to the west side. As the
sidewalk is on the east side and the school is on the east side, the
Committee recommends that no change occur at this time.
6. Mutual Aid
The Chief reports that a Mutual Aid Meeting is to be held at the Fire Hall
February 13th, 1985.
7. Identification and Review of Outstanding Matters
( i )
( j)
Fire Regulating By-Laws -Chief to follow-up with Clerk.
Model By-Law for the Physically Disabled -status unknown -request
Clerk to update.
Disaster Plan Review -the Chief reports this is still circulating
among Department Heads.
Ambulance Location -the Committee recommends an update on this
matter from the Clerk -noting that Whitchurch-Stouffville has just
been approved for an ambulance station.
Estimate -Sidewalk for Aurora Heights Drive from Bigwin to
Laurentide-the Chairman to contact the Director of Public Works.
Warrants in the area of Tecumseh and Laurentide -the Chairman to
contact the Director of Public Works.
Driver Training Policy-Clerk was to check with Department Heads so
affected (Works/Fire/Parks). Chief to begin drafting policy.
Plaza Unit Numbering -the Chief reports good co-operation to date
from the plazas.
School Signs -Aurora Heights for posting school zone, at Bigwin and
Laurentide-the Chairman to contact the Director of Public Works.
Policy Manual for Fire Department -Chief has begun. Officers
meeting planned to priorize and organize.
1. Letter# 2-80 -Ministry of Transportation and Communications re:
Pedestrian Crossovers
2. Mayor's Memo -Dated January 25, 1985 re: Crosswalk Signs
3. F.J. Horvath -Memo dated January 19, 1985 re: Appreciation
The Committee meeting ended at 8:50 p.m. Next meeting scheduled for March 5, 1985
at 7:00 p.m.
Item A.l
Item B.4
Item B.4
Item B.5
N. Stewart:
Resolved that the Clerk-Administrator send a memo to all Departments
encouraging Town employees to become Volunteer Firefighters.
Resolved that the Public Safety Committee Report# 14 dated February
5, 1985 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended.
-11 -
Report # 15 -Leisure Services Committee ... Various Matters
The Committee respectfully submits the following:
A meeting of the Leisure Services Advisory Committee was held on Wednesday February
6th, 1985, at 7:30 p.m. in the Administrative Centre.
Present Were: Councillor John West, Councillor Norm Stewart, Director of Leisure
Services Fred Horvath, Citizen Members David Bagshaw, Jim Hayward,
Betty Pedersen, Klaus Wehrenberg.
Regrets From: Councillor Evelyn Buck, Citizen Members Barb Hooper and Doug Dakin.
Mrs. Tamara Leavers, Program Co-ordinator was introduced to the Committee.
1. Aurora Horse Show
President Doug Atkinson and Vice President Kerry Kilmour representing the
Aurora Agricultural Society presented the format of the new horse show and
fair June 7th, 8th, 9th, 1985.
The 63rd show will be a Trillium Circuit Event and will have a larger
emphasis placed on a "fair" atmosphere. The delegation stated that the
Town's support is needed and requested the following:
( i) waiving of all rental fees for Community Centre facilities, and
(ii) Town contribute a $2,500.00 grant.
The Committee recommends that the Machell Park fee be waived for the 1985
show but that normal rental fees at the Community Centre be charged.
It is further recommended that the Administration Committee considers
increasing their annual grant to $2,500.00 for this year's show only,
provided that no admission be charged.
Letter 1-64
Letter 1-108
Letter 2-103
Letter 4-113
Mayor's Memo
Town of Labrador City re: Great Canadian Participaction
Royal Bank of Canada re: cheque for Community Centre
York Region Board of Education re: Andy Investments.
Zeidler Roberts Partnership Consulting Services.
re: Volunteer Awards
1. Fundraising Committee, Design Committee, Family Complex
It was recommended that the Town advertise that the Committee is sti 11
looking for potential members to sit on both of these Committees. The
Committee is hoping to make a recommendation to Council after the March
1. 1985 Ice Season Schedule
Last year the Town of Aurora Council approved the expenditure to replace the
boards and glass at the Community Centre. The financial breakdown for the
project is as follows:
-12 -
Report # 15 -Leisure Services Committee
1. 1985 Ice Season Schedule (continued)
Various Matters
At this time, the 1983 application for CRCA funding is in a holding pattern
due to the lack of funds from the Provincial tax base. We have been waiting
since January 1984, for some type of commitment and in evaluating the
present situation of this program, we might not be able to rely on the
In order to allow proper scheduling for the project the Committee' recommends
the following:
July 29th
September lOth
September 17th
Start of the project
Completion of project
Commencement of ice season
The Committee recommends that tenders be called in April for this work in
order that we can keep to the proposed schedule.
2. Rules and Regulations for Stags and Stagettes
At present there is no policy on male and female parties in the Town of
Aurora. In order to establish a policy, the Committee recommends the
a. payment in full must be made in advance and in person by the person
or group holding the function;
b. no live entertainment featuring male or female performers will be
c. the person or group renting the facility will be responsible for the
conduct of all the people attending the party;
d. the person or group renting the facility must obtain a Special
Occasion Permit from the Liquor Control Board of Ontario and display
this in a prominent place in the bar area;
e. the person or group renting the facility must ensure that all
persons attending the party vacates the building by 1:30 a.m.;
f. .the person or group renting the facility will be held responsible
for any and all damages which may occur to the building or its
contents during the hours of usage on the rental contract.
3. Letter 3-129-Aurora Hellenics Athletic and Social Club re: 1985 Playing
F1elds Allocat1on
It is recommended that this be deferred until all of the 1985 permits
requests are in.
4. Community Centre Canteen
The Committee reviewed the statement of operations from January 1st, 1984,
to December 31st, 1984. The following is the breakdown
Gross Revenue
$ 2,956.19
-13 -
Report # 15 -Leisure Services Committee Various Matters
4. Community Centre Canteen (continued)
Recovery Costs
$ 8,898.19
$ 24.00
$ 406.33
The Committee recommended that the Director of Leisure Services implement
the use of cash registers for a three month trial period in the canteen and
that an alternate staffing method report be prepared for the next Leisure
Services Advisory Committee meeting.
5. Lowry School of Poo 1 Maintenance
The Lowry's School of Pool and Spa maintenance program will be held March
18th -20th, 1985 in Toronto. The school discusses the fundamentals of
circulation and filtration maintenance programs, water balance,
disinfectants etc.
It is recommended that Tamara Leavers attend the course in accordance with
Town policy.
6. Community Award
KDM Electronics have advised our Staff that the installation of the public
address system in the Community Centre was their lOOth. To commemorate this
achievement, the firm was prepared to donate a trophy/plaque to Community
Since there are ample recognition awards in the town, the Committee
recommended that the firm advertise in the local sports group programs for
the upcoming year (ie Bantam and Atom tournament, leisure guide etc.).
7. Removal/Planting of Trees
(a) Removal of Trees
( i) The Committee recommends that during the summer months, an
aborist be hired to check the conditions of trees within the
Town and report to the Committee on suggested action to be
taken. It is further recommended that if trees are to be
removed property owners be informed of the situation several
months before action is taken.
The Committee further recommends that when tendering for the
removal of trees, the cost of removing the wood from town
property will be included.
(ii) If the removal of the wood is not included in the tender then
the trees will be taken to a preselected site and the citizens
of the town will be invited to remove the wood by a lot
(iii) It is also understood that trees removed in the Fall will be
replaced with new trees the following year.
-14 -
Report# 15-Leisure Services Committee ... Various Matters
(b) Planting of Trees
The Committee suggested that the Town Parks Department is capable of
undertaking this project and the Committee recommends that the Parks
Department will have the use of the Works Department backhoe for the
length of time required to complete this project. It is felt that
the Parks Department is fully capable of providing this service and
by using in-house staff the town can purchase 20% more trees than if
an outside service is used.
8. Ministry of Tourism and Recreation Seminars
Two seminars are being offered by the Regional Office of the Ministry. The
first one is March 9, 1985, in Barrie, "Volunteers a Growing Resource" a
conference for Volunteers in sports and recreation. The second one "Aging
Plant/Changing Communities" deals with managing Community Recreation
Facilities for the 80's and 90's. This is held in King City and is aimed at
the Municipal Representatives who assume decision making responsibilities
for facility operations.
If anyone is interested, please contact the Director of Leisure Services.
Meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m.
Item A.1
Item D.4
Resolved that the Leisure Services Committee Report # 15 dated
February 6, 1985 be discussed item by item and accepted and the Seal
of the Corporation be attached hereto.
Councillor West in the Chair.
Report# 16-Administration and Finance Committee ••. Various Matters
The Committee respectfully submits the following:
A meeting of the Administration and Finance Committee was held on Monday, February
11th, 1985 at 3:30p.m. in the Administration Centre.
Present were: Mayor Dick Illingworth, Councillor Earl Stewart and Clerk-
Administrator K.B. Rodger. Councillor John West absent due to
business. Purchasing Co-Ordinator S. Jones was in attendance for
parts of the meeting.
1. Letter 3-62: Director of Public Works re: 1985 Transportation Budget
The Public Works Committee recommend that $10,000 be added to Account
9130-40 in order to install a hydrant at the westerly limits of the Yonge
Street walkway in order to provide improved fire protection to the downtown
The Committee recommends that this item be considered during Budget
-15 -
Report # 16 -Administration and Finance Committee Various Matters (continued)
2. Letter 4-34: Director of Leisure Services re: Town Subsidies
In 1983, Council agreed to provide a subsidy of $5.00 per hour to assist in
the payment of ice time for Minor Hockey, Figure Skating and Recreation
Hockey. In addition, subsidies were provided to assist in paying the rent
at the Church Street School for the Senior Citizens and the Aurora Museum.
In 1984, the following Town subsidies were approved:
Minor Hockey -Ice Rental 874 Hours
Figure Skating -Ice Rental 383-1/2 hours
Recreation Hockey -Ice Rental 98-1/4 hours
Senior Citizens -Church Street School
Aurora Museum -Church Street School
Civic Appreciation Night -Community Centre
$ 4,370.00
In addition a grant of $2,500 was made to Minor Hockey for ice time for the
Town of Aurora Bantam Hockey Tournament and to Minor Lacrosse for the use of
the Community Centre in the amount of $433.12.
· The Committee recommends that these subsidies and grants be reviewed during
Budget discussion.
3. Letter 4-67: Treasurer re: Reserve Fund Community Centre
Memo 3-35 from the Director of Leisure Services recommended that the surplus
in the grant required to make the Community Centre operate on a break-even
basis be set up as a Community Centre Reserve Fund. The Administration and
Finance Committee recommended this action to Council.
On February 4, 1985 Council agreed to refer the recommendation to the
Treasurer for comments.
The Treasurer states that reserves and reserve funds are precious resources
and represent one of the finest fiscal management tools a municipality may
possess. He points out that when residential development reaches an end the
lot levies will cease and the municipality may only have recourse to reserve
The Treasurer suggests that when the 1984 audited surplus is established,
that this amount, which includes the $31,306.29 mentioned in letter 3-35, be
brought into the 1985 Budget as revenue and disbursed as follows:
Transfer to Working Capital Reserve
Transfer to Vehicle Replacement Reserve Fund
Transfer to Community Centre Building Reserve Fund (a Reserve Fund
Bylaw required)
Transfer as Council may determine.
The Committee believes there is merit in setting up a Reserve Fund for all
Community buildings rather than just the Community Centre (e.g. Church
Street School, Factory Theatre, McMahon Park, Victoria Hall, etc.).
Therefore the Committee recommends that the $31,306.29 be brought into the
1985 Budget as revenue as recommended by the Treasurer, and further that a
Community Buildings Reserve Fund be set up and the necessary bylaw prepared.
-16 -
Report# 16-Administration and Finance Committee ••• Various Matters (continued)
4. Letter 4-70: St. Andrew's College re: Ad in 1985 "Review"
St. Andrew's College is seeking sponsorship for the 1984/85 edition of The
Review. A full page ad is $200 and a half page is $100.
The Committee recommends a 1/2 page advertisement in the amonnt of $100 and
this be charged to Account 1000-45.
1. 1985 Capital Budget
This item is deferred pending Council's action on the Office Automation
Report (item C.1).
2. Five Year Staffing Forecast
This item is deferred pending Council's action on the Office Automation
Report (item C.1) and a further report from the Clerk Administrator as
authorized by Council on January 10, 1985.
The Committee notes that the six month contract previously authorized by
Council for Mrs. Alina Bridgeman (planner) will expire in the near future.
Therefore, the Committee recommends that Mrs. Alina Bridgeman be offered a
further 6-month contract pending a possible establishment of a Planning
Department at the same salary rate, but subject to review in accordance with
1985 rates when established.
3. Animal Control Services 1985
Item D.1 of Administration and Finance Committee Report #90 which was
adopted by Council on October 1, 1984 is as follows:
"While the Committee has not received any complaints regarding the service
provided by Kennel Inn, it is recommended that the Purchasing Co-Ordinator
be authorized to obtain competitive quotations for 1985."
The Purchasing Co-Ordinator advises that he has not been able to obtain
competitive quotations from other organizations. A further check is to be
made with the Ontario Humane Society.
Therefore the Committee recommends no action at this time pending a further
report from the Purchasing Co-Ordinator.
4. Pest Control Services 1985
On December 17, 1984, a question was asked during the approval of accounts
about the effectiveness and cost of Pest Control.
Little information is available as to previous agreements with PCO Services
Limited as it appears the contract was renewed on an annual basis without
consideration as to the terms of the agreement. The annual cost to the town
is as follows:
Washrooms, Common Areas of Municipal Bldg.
Rodent Contro 1
Pigeon Control
It has been ascertained that the work carried out for the Municipal Building
was arranged by the School Board and should be more appropriately charged to
that body and negotiations are underway.
-17 -
Report# 16-Administration and Finance Committee •.. Various Matters (continued)
4. Pest Control Services 1985 (continued)
The Committee is concerned about the cost (benefit ratio of the rodent
control and pigeon control programs.
Therefore, the Committee recommends that all contracts with PCO Services
Limited be cancelled effective immediately and reassessed if the need
becomes apparent.
5. Aurora Agricultural Society/Meeting Arrangements
Reference is made to a letter dated November 15, 1984 (22-91) from the
Aurora Agricultural Society requesting the use of the Administration
Building twice a month for their Board of Director's meetings. The letter
was referred to Council in Committee and subsequently referred to the
Administration and Finance Committee for a recommendation when the Committee
meeting schedule was complete.
The Committee is concerned about the security of the building when outside
groups are authorized to use it, and also every time one group is
authorized, other requests are received and it is unequitable to allow some
and not others.
The Committee recommends that Council adopt a policy of only authorizing the
use of the Municipal Building to a Committee of Council, or a Committee
approved or appointed by Council, e.g. July First Committee, Heritage
The Committee further recommends that, if this policy is adopted, the
Chamber of Commerce be so advised and they be provided three months to
locate alternative accommodation for their Board of Director meetings.
6. Policy for Satellite Photocopiers
Reference is made to item C.1 of the Administration and Finance Committee
Report #123 which was adopted by Council on December 17, 1984 authorizing
the purchase of three photocopiers for Works, Leisure Services and Fire
Departments. The item stated in part, 11
••• and that a pol icy to control
use and costs be deve 1 oped 11
The Committee recommends as follows:
(a) The copiers are for department use only.
and meters read, on a monthly basis, with
forwarded to the Purchasing Co-Ordinator.
They are to be maintained,
the meter readings to be
(b) Paper is to be picked up at the Administrative Centre. Departments
will be charged back, based on the number of copies run each month.
(c) Paper trays are to be removed from the machine and locked up during
non-working hours.
(d) If it is necessary for non-department use of the photocopiers (i.e.
contractors, personal use, etc.) there will be a charge of 25 cents
for each 8-1/2 11 x 11 11 copy and each 8-1/2 11 x 14 11 copy and 40 cents
for each 14 11 x 18 11 copy. A record of funds collected is to be
forwarded to the Treasury Department on a regular basis with the
funds. Non-departmental work is not to be encouraged and only
carried out if necessary.
(e) This policy be reviewed after six months of operation (e.g. July 1,
-18 -
Report# 16-Administration and Finance Committee ..• Various Matters (continued)
7. Committee of Adjustment Appointments
The Committee has requested staff to contact citizens who had previously
applied to ascertain their continued interest. To date, the Committee has
not been successful in locating a willing volunteer but is continuing to
contact other applicants.
The Committee recommends that this item be received as a progress report.
Sidewalk Snow Clearing Bylaw
A municipality is not bound by Statute to carry out a pre-determined level
of winter maintenance. However, it is reasonable to conclude that should a
municipality attain a certain level of winter maintenance, they should be
held responsible for accidents occuring as a result of alleged lack of
winter maintenance from the level the public may have become accustomed.
The Municipal Act gives municipalities the authority to pass bylaws
requiring the owners or occupants to clear away and remove snow and ice from
sidewalks (210:53) and to carry out the work and recover the expenses
incurred in so doing (210:55).
In addition, Section 284:10 of the Municipal Act states:
"Except in cases of gross negligence, a corporation is not liable for a
personal injury caused by snow or ice upon a sidewalk."
The Town of Aurora adopted Bylaw 2342-80 on February 4, 1980 and it provides
authority for town staff to carry out the work and charge the costs to the
property owners. This bylaw has not been enforceable as town staff is not
available to carry out the work.
Several 'municipal bylaws have been reviewed, and while many have a penalty
clause, nearly all have the provision that town staff do the work on a
charge back basis.
In order to enforce the bylaw it will be necessary to have a Bylaw
Enforcement Officer during the winter months and the Works staff will have
to be increased. The Committee is concerned about a penalty clause due to
the lack of snow storage on many streets resulting in the snow plow covering
the sidewalk and the number of senior citizens.
The Committee realizes that Bylaw 2342-80 is not enforceable, but does not
have recommendations at this time as to how the bylaw can be improved
without additional staff, or other policy changes, e.g. snow clearing for
seniors and handicapped as in the City of Toronto. However, due to
questions irom the Insurance Company such as:
(a) Is it common knowledge that the Bylaw is in effect?
(b) Is the Bylaw enforced?
(c) How is it enforced?
The Committee recommends that the Solicitor be requested to provide
information as to legal responsibility and insurance requirements.
9. SLSCA/Lake Simcoe Study
The SLSCA recommends that a 12 percent increase over the 1984 general levy
be incorporated in the 1985 budget for a start of the implementation phase
of the Lake Simcoe Environmental Management Strategy Program. This amounts
to approximately $52,000 or about 26 percent of the $200,000 requested from
the Ministry of the Environment to continue the study. This amount is in
addition to the anticipated 5 percent increase for the 1985 budget.
-19 -
Report# 16-Administration and Finance Committee .•. Various Matters (continued)
9. SLSCA/Lake Simcoe Study (continued)
Aurora pays 12.4 percent of the SLSCA apportionment. The town's 1984
general levy was $54,472.55 and a 12 percent increase, based on the 1984
apportionment would be an increase of $6,536.67. In addition, there would
be the normal 5 percent increase or approximately $2,714 for an estimated
1985 levy of $63,723.00.
Following a delegation to Council in Committee by the Chairman of the SLSCA,
the matter was referred to the Administration and Finance Committee.
The Committee is of the opinion that Lake Simcoe is a provincial resource
rather than a regional resource and as a result the province should
contribute funds for the implementation stage. However, it is realized that
over the years, the municipalities surrounding the lake, including Aurora,
have contributed to the pollution of Lake Simcoe and have some
Therefore, the Committee recommends that the SLSCA be advised that Aurora
is willing to contribute 5 percent for this special levy in addition to the
normal levy on the basis that the province will continue to contribute the
major part of the funding.
10. Retrofit/Works Department
As the Works Building is not considered to be an "assembly occupancy"
building, retrofit provisions do not apply. However, the building must meet
the provisions of the Fire Code.
A recent inspection reveals the only outstanding item is the installation of
G.P.W. (wired) glass in the doors between the garage and the office area.
The committee recommends that the Works Committee include this modification
to the building in the 1985 budget.
11. Bi-Weekly Pay
The Clerk Administrator reports that the bi-weekly pay system has been in
effect for three pays and no problems or adverse comments have been
The Committee recommends this item be received as information.
12. Town of Aurora Employees Association
The Clerk-Administrator advises that information is still being compiled as
requested by the Association and a meeting will be convened when all
information is avai 1 able.
The Committee recommends that this item be received as a progress report.
1. Office Automation Report
A complete report on office automation has been forwarded to all Members of
Council. The following is an extract from the report:
"By establishing a LAN (Local Area Network) with all departments within the
Town, we are streamlining our operation, allowing each area to improve work
production and communication with other departments. Although we are asking
for a total, overall expenditure exceeding $100,000.00, we firmly believe
that our consistent goal of "increasing productivity while reducing costs"
will be realized.
-20 -
Report# 16-Administration and Finance Committee •.. Various Matters (continued)
1. Office Automation Report (continued)
"Once the software packages for each department have been chosen and
programmed into the mainframe, we will have a supply of stored information
ready for use at virtually the touch of a button. Most of our day-to-day
work (i.e. filing, research, scheduling, budgeting, talking to other
departments) wi 11 be handled at a much faster rate of time than we can now
"The Works Department can set up programs showing the completion stage of
each project now in production; they can store costs of these projects and
get instant totals of all expenditures, they can program schedules for their
work force and know at any given time where people should be located.
"The Community Centre can have their computer do all of their scheduling of
ice time for them; it too can co-ordinate the work schedules of their
full-time and part-time staff.
"The Fire Department can have their computer show them a 1 ist of all
buildings within the Town that have been inspected; or how many calls were
made 1 ast month by which firefighters at what cost per man.
"For Purchasing, the computer will tell us which suppliers we have listed
sell what products, instantly. It can give us post records on Tenders, it
can give us for example, all the suppliers who sell pencils and are located
within a 25 mile radius of Aurora.
"The Clerk's Department can establish instant viewing of by-law information,
of procedures, of personnel matters.
"All Departments will have instant, daily access to budget information.
They will know exactly how much money they have to spend at any given time."
The Committee reviewed the report in detail and recommends its adoption. It
further recommends that the equipment be phased in during 1985 based on a
prepared schedule with initial charges of approximately $70,000 and a total
cost of $108,227.00 with a monthly service charge, after installation of
CNR Maintenance Fund
An item appeared in a recent association newsletter about CNR having to
return some railway maintenance costs to municipalities. Staff were
requested to investigate. Treasury Department advise that Aurora has
received a refund from the CNR in the amount of $2,345.76 for overpayment
charges and the funds have been credited to Miscellaneous Reserve.
The Committee recommends that this item be accepted as information.
3. 45 Steeplechase Avenue
The resident has been having an on-going debate with the Assessment
Department resulting in a reduction of his assessment due to a "gross
manifest" error. 496 action has been taken as follows:
This amount was applied to taxes outstanding plus a writeoff of a tax
penalty of $31.65. The resident is still concerned that he has been
overassessed and overtaxed for a period of eight years before corrective
action was taken and has requested that tax penalties of $124.00 be written
.•. ,_.,
-21 -
Report# 16-Administration and Finance Committee ... Various Matters (continued)
3. 45 Steeplechase Avenue (continued)
Staff advise that the house was built in 1976 and no appeal against the
assessment was lodged until 1983 when 496A action was taken as outlined
above. It is the opinion of staff that a precedent would be set if tax
penalties were written off during a period when no appeal had been made
against the assessment .
Therefore the Committee recommends that no action be taken.
4. Revenue and Expenditure of Community Buildings
Reference is made to item 4(g) of Audit Committee Report #35 which was
adopted by Council on April 16, 1984 as follows:
"At present, the cash receipts for the Factory Theatre, Victoria Hall and
the Church Street School are received at the main Town offices while the
booking calendars are maintained at the Community Centre offices. This
situation has eliminated the cross-referencing between receipt slips and the
booking calendar. We suggest that complete responsibility for these rentals
be given to the Community Centre office so that effective control can be
established over their usage, subsequent billings and cash receipts."
Recommendation #3
"The Committee recommends that the Director of Lei sure Services and the
Treasurer submit a report with recommendations to the Administration and
Finance Committee regarding this suggestion, with the exception of the
Factory Theatre."
Up until May 31, 1984, revenue and expenditures for Community Buildings were
credited to, or charged to, general accounts. On June 1, 1984, all revenue
for the Community buildings were processed through the Leisure Services
account, but the expenditures were still charged to the general account.
The Committee recommends that in 1985 Budget preparations, for the Community
buildings, that the Department of Leisure Services be responsible for both
revenue and expenditures for the Community buildings within the Leisure
Services Agreement.
5. Consolidated Reserve Fund
Section 165 (3) of the Municipal Act states:
"The Council may by bylaw provide that, instead of a separate account being
kept for each reserve fund, a consolidated account may be kept in which
there may be deposited the moneys raised for all reserve funds established
under this section, but which consolidated account shall be kept that it
will be possible to determine therefrom the true state of each reserve
The Treasurer advises that the Town of Aurora Reserve Funds are currently
held in a special separate account and all transactions involving each
reserve fund are maintained within that separate account. In order that
each reserve fund may earn investment income at the highest rate avail able,
the Treasurer suggests that rather than maintaining 16 separate bank
accounts, a consolidated account be opened.
The Committee recommends that this item be deferred and discussed with the
new Treasurer when appointed.
-22 -
Report# 16-Administration and Finance Committee ... Various Matters (continued)
6. Agreement/Town and Condominium Corporation
The Town has entered into a 5 year lease for the period March 1, 1983 to
March 1, 1988 with the Condominium Corporation for the park and parking lot
east of the Factory Theatre. Rent is set at $1.00 per year, and an amount
of money that approximately equals the portion of taxes covered by the
In 1983, the taxes were $615.90 and in 1984 the taxes were $990.92 plus the
$1.00 rent for each year.
The Committee recommends that a review be carried out with the Assessment
Department to ensure the current assessment is on the leased land.
7. Association Memberships/Building Department
Association membership for 1985 is requested as follows:
Canadian Building Officials Association
Ontario Building Officials Association
Association of Property Standards Officers
Municipal Law Enforcement Officers Association
$ 20.00
For comparison purposes the following figures may be of interest:
1982 1982 1983 1983 1984 1984
Budget Actual Budget Actual Budget Actual
125.00 160.00 200.00 150.00 200.00 150.00
The Committee recommends that a sum of $250.00 be included in the 1985
Building Department. Budget for membership in the above referenced
1. Review of Taxi Cab Policy
2. Revision of Garbage Bylaw
3. Revision and Update of Town Policy Manual
4. Committees of Council/Determination and Number of Members
5. Review of Monthly Statements of Revenue and Expenditures to include
expenditure commitments.
6. Review terms of reference for Technical Committee.
The meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m.
The next meeting of the Administration and Finance Committee to be held on February
25, 1985.
Illingworth: Resolved that the Administration and Finance Committee Report # 16
E. Stewart: dated February 11, 1985 be discussed item by item and accepted and
the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto.
-23 -
Mayor Illingworth in the Chair.
Report# 17-Planning Committee ••• Various Matters
The Committee respectfully submits the following:
A meeting of the Planning Committee was held on Monday, February 11, 1985 in the
Administrative Centre.
Present were: Councillor E. Buck, Chairperson; Councillors J. West and M. Paivio;
Mr. R. Harrington, Chief Building Official; Mrs. S. Seibert,
Planner; and Mrs. A. Bridgeman, Assistant Planner (Acting as
Secretary to the Committee).
1. Letter #4-38 -Mr. B. Nadin, Yonge Street North -Z-49-84 and S. Seibert's
The Committee discussed the concerns of St. Andrew's College, as outlined in
Mrs. Seibert's report, together with Mr. Nadin. The Committee is of the
opinion that a kennel used strictly for breeding dogs is considerably
different from one used for boarding dogs. Since Mr. Nadin's proposal is
for a breeding kennel only, the Committee feels that a temporary use by-law
would give Mr. Nadin, the Town and St. Andrew's College an opportunity to
determine the suitability of a dog kennel in the proposed location.
The Committee therefore recommends that a by-law be prepared with the
following provisions:
( 1)
( 2)
( 3)
that a dog kennel is to be permitted as a temporary use on the
subject lands for a period not exceeding two years;
that a maximum of 20 dogs are to be permitted;
that the kennel is to be used for the breeding of dogs only, with no
boarding of dogs permitted.
A concern was expressed by the Committee regarding the possibility of the
kennel having status as a legal nonconforming use once the term of the
temporary use by-law has elapsed. Section 38(4) of the Planning Act, 1983
does not permit legal non-conforming status to apply to permit the continued
use of lands zoned for temporary use. The Committee was, therefore, assured
that the kennel could not legally continue beyond the permitted time if
Council determined that it was not, after all, a suitable or desirable use
in that location.
1. Comments Respecting Aurora South Secondary Plan
The Committee reviewed Mrs. Seibert's report and expressed some concern
about the comments received from the Region, considering the fact that the
Steering Committee for the study had a Regional representative. It is
recommended by the Committee that discussions be held with staff, Mr. Kelly
and the Region to endeavour to resolve the conflicts and complete work on
the study.
A staff report is attached hereto.
2. Official Plan Amendment No. 32 -Residential Uses Above Commercial Uses in
the Central Business District
The Committee discussed the draft amendment and its provisions concerning
conformity with the Ontario Building Code. There was some concern expressed
over differing standards of the Building Code and Fire Code. It has been
determined that under Part 11 of the Building Code, a degree of flexibility
has been allowed for easier renovation. Part 11 of the Building Code was
developed with the intenti?n of achieving complete co-ordination with the
-24 -
Report# 17-Planning Committee ..• Various Matters
2. Official Plan Amendment No. 32 -Residential Uses Above Commercial Uses in
the Central Business District
Proposed Part 9, Retrofit, of the Fire Code. To ensure compatibility
between the two, requirements of Part 9, Retrofit, will not exceed those of
the Building Code.
The Committee therefore recommends that Official Plan Amendment No. 32 be
referred to Council for first and second reading.
3. Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-82038, Part Lot 70, Cone. 1, WYS, Town of
Rlchmond A1 II
The Committee discussed Mrs. Seibert's report and accepts her recommendation
as follows:
"That the Town of Richmond Hill be advised that the Council of the Town of
Aurora is concerned with the size of the lots being proposed on the south
side of Bloomington Road and would concur with Richmond Hill's previous
recommendation that a road pattern for both sides of Bloomington Road be
developed cooperatively and that staff be instructed to work with Richmond
Hill staff to achieve this."
A staff report is attached hereto.
1. Letter #3-25 -Kenneth Miller, C.A.R.E. re: Public Awareness
The Committee discussed Mr. Miller's letter on behalf of the C.A.R.E. group
and have the following recommendations in response to the group's concerns:
(1) Although the Committee cannot recommend that all Committee meetings
be advertised in the Banner or Topic since the cost of such
advertisements would be prohibitive, the Committee does recommend
that the Council adopted calendar of scheduled committee meetings be
posted on a bulletin board in the Administrative Centre to help
increase public awareness of meetirigs.
(2) Copies of meeting agendas should be made available for public
viewing during office hours at the Administrative Centre on the day
of the meeting. Additional copies of the agenda should be made
available in the meeting room for the benefit of spectators.
(3) If there are any spectators in attendance at a committee meeting,
the chairperson should give a brief (one or two sentence)
description of the property or issue prior to its discussion.
The Committee further suggests that all Committees follow similar procedures
in an effort to increase public awareness.
2. Letters #4-26, 4-27 -Aurora Official Plan Review
Referred to Official Plan Review.
3. Letter #3-32 -A. C. Farrell re: Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church
This matter was discussed by the Committee on August 27, 1984, and their
recommendations were approved by Council on September 5, 1984. At that
time, the Committee read a letter from the neighbours abutting to the east
of the Church property and recommended as follows:
-~ -
Report# 17-Planning Committee ••• Various Matters
3. Letter #3-32 -A. C. Farrell re: Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church
( 3)
( 6)
( 7)
( 8)
The number of lots was previously a red-line revision for 4 lots
(not three as requested).
Land elevation would be approximately as it is now.
Bungalows and two-storey dwellings both be permitted.
The minimum front yard setback of 6 metres (19.7 ft.) would be
No realigning recommended regarding sunlight for houses to the east.
The planned lot configurations would probably set the houses in an
irregular pattern.
Privacy fences are not requested by the Town between residential
The Leisure Services Committee has dealt with the creek bank from
Salpam through the Church property."
The Committee continues to endorse their original recommendations.
4. Letter #3-54 -By-Law No. 1983-78, Town of Newmarket
The Committee noted that the proposed amendment conforms with Official Plan
Amendment No. 28 of the Town of Newmarket and has no objections and the Town
of Newmarket be so advised. Received as information.
5. Letter #3-119-Andy Investments Limited 19T-84071, Wellington Street West
Received as information.
6. Letters #3-123, 3-124, 3-125 and R. Harrington's memo re: Sign By-law
Mr. Harrington's memo regarding revisions to problem areas of the sign
by-law were discussed by the Committee. The question of permitting hanging
signs for businesses in the downtown was considered. The Committee
recommends that other municipalities such as Markham and Niagara-on-the-Lake
which permit hanging signs, be contacted in regard to the types of standards
and provisions they employ. Heritage Canada should also be contacted in
regard to the use of hanging signs.
The Committee further recommends that Mr. Harrington make a point-by-point
summary of recommendations based on the problem areas brought up in his
7. Letter #3-132-Strathy, Archibald & Seagram re: Mary Street/Industrial
Parkway -Jones Building Permit
A discussion regarding procedures was held in the interests of avoiding
future problems relating to encroachments and the issuance of building
permits. The following recommendations were made by the Committee:
( 1)
That no resolutions pertaining to encroachments should be passed by
Council without a staff report;
That all copies of by-laws respecting encroachments be forwarded to
the Building Department.
8. Letter #4-27 -Regional Planning Department re: Revlis Securities Limited,
Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-82013, Part Lot 84, Cone. 1, EYS
The Committee recommends approval of the revised plan with the following
(1) That the Planning Department of the Region of York be advised that
Condition Number 1 pertaining to Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-82013
be revoked and the following substituted therefor:
----·--••~,--~-·· ' '' '"'"~w••"-''" '' '' '--~··-~~··-~----·-•-•••• ~.-,. • .,, .. , ,,,.,.,, '""'"''""'""~ ,.,.,,,_,.,,., ••··-••·••" •----~-
, ________ .
-~ -
Report# 17-Planning Committee ••. Various Matters
8. Letter #4-27 -ReSional Planninl Department re: Revlis Securities Limited,
Proposed Plan of ubdlVlSlOn 19 -82013, Part Lot 84, Cone. 1, EYS
1. Approval shall relate to a plan of subdivision prepared by
Cumming-Cockburn and Associates Limited, Drawing Number
9701-P-6, dated January 23, 1985.
(2) That a further condition be added to the conditions for approval as
A berm and fence to be installed adjacent to the CNR right-of-way is
to be shown on all plans pertaining to the subdivision and is to be
in place before any lots are sold. Signs are to be erected on Block
26 indicating that it will be a park. Signs are to be erected on
Block 222 indicating that it will be a walkway. Signs are to be
erected on Blocks 215 through 221 which will indicate that these
lands may be developed at some future date. These signs will be in
place prior to the sale of any lots.
9. Mayor's Memo re: Outside Storage/Pietz Limited
The Committee discussed the Mayor's memo and recommends that a revision of
Section 26.3 of By-Law 2213-78 be prepared for the Committee's review at the
next Planning Committee meeting.
10. S. Seibert's memo re: Overtime
The Committee discussed Mrs. Seibert's memo and recommends that Mrs. Seibert
prepare a report discussing how her time is utilized, how she was able, in
the past, to take time in lieu of overtime, and why it is no longer possible
for her to do so.
11. S. Seibert's Report re: Planning Budget and Organization
The Committee read and discussed Mrs. Seibert's report which outlined the
proposed duties and responsibilities of a planning department in the Town of
Aurora, the present state of planning versus that which would exist should a
department be established, and the costs and benefits of establishing a
planning department. Since a report was submitted to the Clerk as part of
the Five-year Staffing Projection for the Town, the Committee has deferred
comment pending the Clerk's response to that report.
A staff report is attached hereto.
12. S. Seibert's memo re: Printing of By-Law 2213-78-Office Consolidation
The Committee approves the recommendation that the printing of the By-Law be
given to the lowest priced bidder for the job. A copy of the staff report
outlining estimates received from various printers in the local area has
been forwarded to the Purchasing Department for finalization of terms with
the printer.
The selling price of the by-law consolidation was also discussed and the
Committee recommends that the consolidation be made available for public
purchase for approximately $10.00. This price is to cover the costs of
printing and may vary slightly if the final price is altered.
1. B-1-85 -Granada Investments, Lots 1,2,49,50, Plan 65M-2259, Cranberry Lane
The applicant requests easements for a sprinkler system to irrigate the
Aurora Highlands Golf Course located on the lands adjacent to the subject
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Report# 17-Planning Committee ... Various Matters
1. B-1-85 -Granada Investments, Lots 1, 2, 49, 50 Plan 65M-2259, Cranberry
Lane (continued)
The Committee recommends approval of the staff report containing the
following recommendation:
"Since no change of use is proposed, recommend in favour of approval
providing the following conditions are fulfilled:
1. Payment of $100 Administrative Fee to the Town of Aurora.
2. That said sprinkler system be constructed of materials suitable to
the Town of Aurora.
3. That valves be placed on the line at both north and south street
4. That the applicant be willing to restore, to the Town's
satisfaction, any plant, whether below or above grade, which has
been damaged either directly or indirectly as a result of the
sprinkler system's failure and that said applicant indemnify the
Town of any claims, suits, demands and other legal action.
5. That the applicant make necessary arrangements to drain the
sprinkler system in the autumn of every year.
6. That said easements be registered on title for each lot and a copy
sent to the Town."
A staff report is attached hereto.
2. B-2-85 -Granada Investments, Lot 90, Plan M-2035, Kennedy Street West
The applicant requests a severance to convey part of Lot 90, Registered Plan
M-2035, having 4.5 metres (14.76 feet) frontage, 31.0 metres (101.71 feet)
depth and 139.5 square metres (1501.61 square feet) of area, in order to
add this parcel to the adjacent Lot 91.
The Committee recommends approval of the staff report containing the
following recommendation:
"Since no change of use is proposed and the remaining lands are still in
compliance with zoning provisions, recommend in favour of the application
with the provision that a $100.00 Administration Fee be paid to the Town of
Aurora by the applicant."
A staff report is attached hereto.
1. Letter #2-18 -Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Commercial
Area Improvement Program (CAIP).
2. Letter #2-52 -Corbett & Associates (attended January 21st Council meeting).
3. Letter #2-121 -Beacon Hall Golf & Residential Club Landscape Analysis
The planner will report on this as part of the preparation for· the Official
Plan Amendment.
4. Letter #3-16 -Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Site Plan
Control, Planning Act, 1983
An amendment concerning Site Plan Control provisions for the official plan
is being prepared and will be ready for reading within the month.
5. Letter #3-127 -Regional Planning Department re: Draft Terms of Reference,
Official Plan Review.
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Report # 17 -Planning Committee Various Matters
1. Aurora South Secondary Plan
2. Sign By-law
3. Building Action Program
4. Citizen Members of Planning Committee
5. Official Plan Review
6. Provincial Wetlands Guidelines
7. Ontario Neighbourhood Improvement Program
8. Waterworks Study
The meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m.
The next Planning Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 11, 1985 at 7:30
Item A.1
Item A.1
Item A.2
- c .11
Item C.12
N. Stewart:
Item C.12
Item D.1
Resolved that this matter be referred to the next available Public
Resolved that this item be received as information at this time and
a resolution be presented for Council's consideration.
Resolved that the Planning Committee Report# 17 dated February 11,
1985 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended.
Councillor West left meeting at 8:55 p.m.
Report # 18 -Council in Committee Various Matters
The Committee respectfully submits the following:
A meeting of Council in Committee was held on Wednesday, February 13, 1985 at 7:30
p.m. in the Administrative Centre.
Present Were: Mayor Illingworth and Councillors Buck, Jones, Ostick, Paivio, E.
Stewart, N. Stewart and West.
Councillor Barker on vacation.
1. Letter # 4-80 -The Equity Development Group Inc. -Mr. Don Fleming , re:
Secur1ty Requirements-Heron Homes Project at Well1ngton and Bathurst
Mr. D. Fleming, President, Heron Homes, appeared before Council to request
that the Town considered accepting financial guarantees instead of Letters
of Credit for the Town's security requirements.
-29 -
Report# 18-Council in Committee •.. Various Matters
1. Letter # 4-80 -The Equity Development Group Inc. -Mr. Don Fleming re:
Secur1ty Requ1rements-Heron Homes ProJect at Wel l1ngton and Bathurst
Mr. Fleming stated financial guarantees give the Town exactly the same as a
Letter of Credit.
The Committee recommends that this matter be considered under Unfinished
Business on the Agenda.
2. Letter # 4-89 -Granada Investments re: Sidewalks and Cul-de-sac in Last
Mr. Shaw, President, Granada Investments Limited appeared before Council to
discuss the matter of sidewalks on one crescent and one cul-de-sac in the
last phase of their subdivision.
The Committee recommends that this item be considered under Unfinished
Business on the Agenda.
1. Letter# 3-74-Organization of Small Urban Municipalities re: 32nd Annual
Conference and Letter # 4-30 -City of Belleville re: OSUM
The Committee recommends that any Councillor wishing to attend the O.S.U.M.
Conference -May 1st to 4th, 1985 advise the Deputy Clerk by March 15, 1985
so reservations can be made.
2. Letter # 3-81 -Gunter Herkner, Architect re: Chamber of Commerce
Information Site
Council in Committee discussed the matter at length and would recommend that
it be referred to the Administration and Finance Committee for a report.
3. Letter # 4-52 -Kent Homes Inc. re: Request for Sales Trailer
The Committee recommends that permission be granted to Kent Homes to erect a
Sales Trailer on Lot 1, Plan 65M-2189 for a one (1) year period, upon the
posting of the necessary bond.
4. Letter # 3-120 -Chief Building Official re: Addition to Rear of Heritage
Carpets and Letter # 4-41 -Robert Sedore re: Right-of-Way
Council in Committee recommends that this matter be referred to the
Solicitor for his comments.
5. Letter # 3-121 -H. Borgdorff re: Yonge Street/Vandorf Sideroad
I ntersecb on
Council in Committee recommends that a meeting be arranged with the District
Municipal Engineer (M.T.C.) to discuss the Yonge Street/Vandorf Sideroad
Intersection. The Town Engineer, Wm.G. Walker and any other applicable Town
staff to attend meeting.
6. Letter # 4-15 -Regency Acres Pub 1 ic Schoo 1 re: Schoo 1 Grossing
The Committee recommends that this matter be referred to the Director of
Public Works for comments, e.g. --length of two guard rails, cost, etc.
7. Letter# 4-43-Ontario Federation of Agriculture re: Wetlands Protection
The Committee recommends this letter be referred to the Planning Committee
for a report.
-30 -
Report# 18-Council in Committee .•. Various Matters
8. re: Toronto and North York Hunt Club
Council in Committee would direct that a report from the Technical Committee
be received on this matter.
9. Letter# 4-51 -Regency Acres Public School re: Murray Drive Snow Removal
The Committee recommends this letter be referred to the Public Safety
Committee for a report.
10. Letter # 4-55 -Michael McCloskey re: Snow Removal on Ridge Road West
Council in Committee directs that a letter be sent to Mr. McCloskey
outlining the reasons why this request is denied.
11. Letter # 4-65 -Region of York Engineering re: Proposed Service Entrance
to Y.R.B.E.
The Committee would recommend that a letter be sent to the Commissioner of
Engineering to advise him that the entrance way is not proposed to be used
only as a truck entrance.
12. Letter # 4-66 -Region of York Engineering re: York Durham Sewage System -
Pine Ridge Centre
The Committee recommends that the necessary resolution be prepared for
Council's consideration.
13. Letter # 4-73 -Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Ontario BIA
Association Conference
Council in Committee recommends that any Councillor wishing to attend be
allowed to do so and the necessary funds be allocated.
14. Letter # 4-76 -Universal Insulations re: Sisman Property Purchase
The Committee recommends that this letter be referred to the Technical
Committee for a report.
15. Letter # 4-79 -Aurora Agricultural Society re: Grant
The Committee recommends that this letter be referred to the Leisure
Services Committee.
1. Letter of Credit/Site Plan Agreements
The Committee recommends that this matter be referred to the Technical
Committee for a report on the merits of "phasing in" Letters of Credit.
2. Mayor's Memo re: Bill 93/An Act Respecting Public Libraries
The Committee recommends this item be referred to a future Council in
Committee meeting for discussion.
3. Mayor's Memo re: New Year's Day Levee
The Committee recommends this matter be referred to the next Council for
their consideration.
-~ -
Report# 18-Council in Committee .•• Various Matters
4. S. Seibert Memo re: Proposed Building -Engelhard Drive
Council in Committee recommends that if the silos are to be covered in an
application for a Site Specific By-Law must be made and a Public meeting
must be held.
5. Procedures -Lost Child
Council in Committee recommends that a letter be sent to Chief Crawford
requesting the procedures that should be followed when a child is lost and
further what action is taken by the Police to start a search for the lost
Letter # 3-65 -Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Energy Audit
Letter # 4-5 -South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Applications
to Change Level of Flood Protection
Letter # 4-10
Letter # 4-18
Letter # 4-58
-Lakeview Estates re: Dedication of Sales Trailer
-Batson Residents re: Magna International
-York Regional Board of Commissioners of Police re:
Crossing Guards
Letter # 4-61 -Strathy, Archibald re: Town of Aurora purchase from the
Estate of Fred Browning
Letter # 4-69 -Girl Guides of Canada re: Thinking Day Service
Letter# 4-71 -CN Rail, Track and Roadway re: Multi-Track Crossings-
Letter # 4-75 -Journey's End Motels re: Motel in Aurora
Unf1n1shed Business -Public Works Renovations -previously dealt with.
Unfinished Business -Fencing -Murray Drive -previously dealth with.
Unfinished Business -Recycling Waste Paper -received as information.
New Business -Mayor's Memo re: Limitations of Election Expenditures -No
action taken.
New Business -Mayor's Memo re:
New Business -Mayor's Memo re:
New Business-Mayor's Memo re:
Regional Police -no action.
York/Durham Sewer System -1985 Rate
Regional Road Construction Program 1985 -
S.G. Wilson, Fire Chief Memo re: Easement -Magna Industrial Site
Letter # 4-.105 -Batson Drive Residents
The meeting adjourned ~t 10:10 p.m.
Item A.1
E. Stewart:
Resolved that Council in Committee Report # 18 dated February 13,
1985 be discussed item by item and accepted and the Seal of the
Corporation be attached hereto.
1. Certificate of Completion (Granada Investments Limited -Phase I)
E. Stewart:
Resolved that upon the recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Director of
Public Works, Council hereby approves the issue of Certificate of
Completion effectively commencing said maintenance period on
December 1, 1984 for Granada Investments Limited -Phase I.
·,_ _____ ,
-31 -
Report # 18 -Council in Committee Various Matters
4. Mayor's Memo re: Access to Information Report
The Committee recommends that the Procedure By-Law be amended to incorporate
Council's policy on open and closed meetings and access to information and
further the Association of Municipalities be advised of Council's decision
in this regard.
5. Crossing Guards
The Committee recommends that this matter be deferred until all information
re: school hours is received.
6. Yonge Street Warehouse
The Committee recommends that this matter be discussed in one (1) month's
7. 130 Yonge Street South
Council in Committee recommends that the file on this item be closed.
8. Letter # 4-80 -The Equity Development Group
Council in Committee would recommend that financial guarantees be accepted
from The Equity Development Group instead of a Letter of Credit, and further
that each future request be considered on its own merit.
9. Letter # 4-89 -Granada Investments re: Sidewalks
The Committee recommends that this matter be referred to the Public Safety
and Public Works Committee for a report.
Laneway Reuben Street
Council in Committee recommends that this matter be referred to the Works
Committee for information re:
(i) guard rail west side of laneway,
(ii) light in laneway.
1. Matters to be Referred to Lei sure Services
The Committee recommends that the following matters be referred to the
Leisure Services for a report:
(i) Mayor's Memo re: Volunteer Service Award Pins
(ii) Mayor's Memo re: Tree Nursery
(iii) Mayor's Memo re: Removal of Trees from Public Property
2. Mayor's Memo re: Regional Official Plan
Council in Committee recommends that this matter be referred to the Planning
3. S.K. Jones Memo re: Aurora Transit System
Council in Committee recommends that the sum of $5,000.00 be authorized for
a Transit Study in conjunction with the Town of Newmarket.
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2. Annual Petition for Subsidy (Ministry of Transportation and Communications)
E. Stewart:
Resolved that the Annual Petition for Subsidy on the expenditures
made during the year 1984 in the Town of Aurora in the amount of
$1,081,283.88, be signed and submitted to the Ministry of
Transportation and Communications.
3. Learning Disabled Weeks -March 4 and 11, 1985
E. Stewart:
Whereas Learning Disabilities are found in at least 10% of the total
popu 1 at ion; and
Whereas the existance of a learning disability is so unrecognizable
that it is commonly called an "invisible handicap"; and
Whereas the York Region Association for Children and Adults with
Learning Disabilities is attempting to inform parents, teachers and
other professionals of its existence, symptons and resources
avail able to assist Learning Disabled persons and their families,
Be It Reso 1 ved that the weeks of March 4 and March 11, 1985 be
proclaimed "Learning Disabled Weeks" in the Town of Aurora.
4. Payment Certificate Number 2 (Associates Paving Company Limited)
E. Stewart:
Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Reid and Associates
Limited, Payment Certificate Number 2 for Project Number 1149
(Vandorf Road Paving) in the amount of $3,080.60 be paid to
Associated Paving Company Limited and the Seal of the Corporation be
attached hereto.
5. Connection to York/Durham Sewage System
E. Stewart:
Resolved that the Town of Aurora hereby requests the Regional
Municipality of York to approve of a connection to the trunk sewer
of the York/Durham Sewage System to serve the Pine Ridge Centre and
the Willows Nursing Home only.
6. Payment of Accounts -Reid and Associates Limited
Ostick: Resolved that the following accounts of Reid and Associates Limited:
Project Number Amount Account
Advisory Services
(Retainer -January) 10050 $ 3,069.21 3100-38
Lakeview Estates
Subdivision 10053 313.44 Engineering Reserve
Aurora Country Estates
Subdivision 10056 835.52 Engineering Reserve
Beacon Hill Development 10060 608.96 Engineering Reserve
Valhalla Pedestrian Charge to account
Railway Crossing 10062 3,039.46 identified by Council
Archerhill Investments
Subdivision 10066 553.60 Engineering Reserve
" '"' ~-.-.
I L __
.-.. ·~-·
-M -
6. Payment of Accounts -Reid and Associates Limited
N. Stewart:
Metcalfe Street
(Victoria-Berczy) 10067 514.22 3360-40
Town Industrial Park
(Old Park Holdings) 10070 8,770.62 Industrial Park Acct.
Gravity Sewer (Centre
St. to St. John's) 10072 1,340.17 Services Reserve
Parking Lot Improvements
(Temperance St. and Charge to account
Wellington Street) 10079 773.60 identified by Council
Dunning Avenue
including Edward St.
Intersection 10087 8,227.02 3360-40
Andy Investments
Subdivision 10090 138.40 Engineering Reserve
TOTAL $28,184.22
•.. in the total amount of $28,184.22 be paid and the Seal of the
Corporation attached hereto.
Resolved that leave be given to consider two late resolutions.
7. Family Services Complex
N. Stewart:
Resolved that an additional $250.00 be allocated for planning
services to Mr. J. Stevenson, who is acting as the Town's Consultant
for the Family Services Complex.
8. Tender re: J. and B. Printing
N. Stewart:
Resolved that the quotation for J. and B. Printers, Newmarket be
accepted and that staff be authorized to have By-Law 2213
consolidation printed at a total cost of approximately $1,800.00 and
that when received they be sold for a cost of $10.00 each.
Be It Hereby Resolved That:
Bill Number 2739-85 -Being a By-Law to Adopt O.P. Amendment Number
33 (Andy Investments)
Bill Number 2740-85 -Being a By-Law to Adopt O.P. Amendment Number
32 (Central Business District)
Bill Number 2741-85 -Being a By-Law to Amend Zoning By-Law Number
2213-78 (2nd Floor Residential)
Bill Number 2742-85 -Being a By-Law to Amend Zoning By-Law Number
2213-78 (Stolp -Sideyard)
Bill Number 2743-85 -Being a By-Law to Amend Zoning By-Law Number
2213-78 (Heron Homes)
... be read a First Time.
""""'''''' I
-~ -
N. Stewart:
N. Stewart:
Be It Hereby Resolved That:
Bill Number 2739-85
Bill Number 2740-85
Bill Number 2741-85
Bill Number 2742-85
-Being a By-Law to Adopt O.P. Amendment Number
33 (Andy Investments)
-Being a By-Law to Adopt O.P. Amendment Number
32 (Central Business District)
-Being a By-Law to Amend Zoning By-Law Number
2213-78 (2nd Floor Residential)
-Being a By-Law to Amend Zoning By-Law Number
2213-78 (Stolp -Sideyard}
Bill Number 2743-85 -Being a By-Law to Amend Zoning By-Law Number
2213-78 (Heron Homes)
... be read a Second Time.
Be It Hereby Resolved That:
Bill Number 2734-85 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law 2554-83 as
amended, a By-Law to establish rules and
regulations to govern the proceedings of
Bill Number 2735-85 -Being a By-law for prescribing the time for
setting fires in the Town of Aurora and the
precautions to be observed
Bill Number 2736-85 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law 2096-76, a
By-Law to authorize the Appointment of a Fire
Chief for the Town of Aurora
... be read a Third Time.
1. Town Hall Meeting
Mayor Illingworth reminded Councillors of the Town Hall meeting in the
Library on Tuesday, February 19, 1985 at 7:30 p.m.
Buck: Resolved that this meeting be adjourned at 9:28 p.m.
Mayor ~ -Clerl<