MINUTES - Council - 19841001·--·--~· MINUTES OF THE 18TH COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1984 at 8:00P.M. Present Were: Mayor Illingworth and Councillors Barker, Jones, Ostick, Paivio, E. Stewart, N. Stewart and West. Councillor Buck absent due to business commitment. Mayor Illingworth congratulated the Aurora Hockey Team on finishing in the top four in the overall tournament. The Town Team competed in the "B" Championship and lost to the Dundas Hockey Team in a shoot-out. CONFLICT OF 1NTEREST Councillor John West declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Accounts paid to Aurora Home Hardware on September 17th, 1984 due to monetary interest and did not take part in or vote on any question in this regard or atempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. Councillor Tim Jones declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Administration and Finance Committee Report # 90 -Item A.11 -Bank Proposals, due to spouse's employment with same and did not take part in or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. Councillor Martin Paivio declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Resolution regarding J.G. Cordone, due to contractual obligations and did not take part in or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Paivio: Jones: Resolved that the Minutes of the Council Meeting of September 17th, 1984 be adopted as printed and circulated. CARRIED I NTROOUCTION 1. Sweet .. Ade 1 i lles . of. Aurora The York Highland Sweet Adelines appeared before Council to express their appreciation for Council's co-operation in finding practise facilities for their group. The group will be using the facilities at St. Andrews College for their practises. The Sweet Adelines sang three songs in thanking Council for their assistance. N. Stewart: Whereas, mankind has relied upon music as one of the most dramatic vehicles for expressing its thoughts, joys and dreams and, West: Whereas, the many devotees of the art of music have willingly and generously contributed their time and talent for worthy causes in this community, and, Whereas, the organization of SWEET ADELINES, INC. is celebrating thirty-nine years of Harmony, and, Whereas, •sHARE A SONG WEEK 1984" is about to be celebrated by over 32,000 women in over 700 chapters of this international, four-part barbershop harmony organization of SWEET ADELINES, INC., Now Therefore, the Council of the Town of Aurora does hereby proclaim this week of October 1st to 6th, 1984 as: "SHARE A SONG WEEK 1984" in recognition of the many singing groups in our community who give performance for the sake of community service; and we urge all citizens to join in public recognition of the good "SWEET ADELINES, INC. has done in our community. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1984 - 2 - CORRESPONDENCE {continued) 18-1 Aiken, Capp, Barristers and Solicitors re: Town of Aurora -By-Law 2687-84 (Information, s. Seibert, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 18-2 Canada Safety Council re: Fire Prevention Week (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 18-3 The Regional Municipality of York -Engineering re: Land Plan for north-east corner of Wellington Street East and Industry Street (Information, J. Insley) 18-4 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Educational Programs (Ref. Public Works Committee, Wm.G. Walker) 18-5 Township of Georgina re: Water Metering {Information, K.B. Rodger) 18-6 A. Merkur and Sons Limited re: Aurora Shopping Centre (Ref. Council in Committee, Wm.G. Walker) 18-7 The Regional Municipality of York -Health re: By-Law Number 2709-84 (Z-43-84} {Information, S. Seibert, L. Allison) 18-8 The York Region Board of Education re: Entrance from Wellington Street West to the Administration Receiving Area West: E. Stewart: (TABL£0) Resolved that a letter be forwarded to the York Region Board of Education to find out what the Board's intention is in paying for this entrance. CARRIED 18-9 The Dr. G.W. Williams Secondary School re: Town of Aurora Awards (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee) 18-10 The Regional Municipality of York-Health re: By-Law Number 2707-84 (Information, S. Seibert, L. Allison) 18-11 Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations re: Registry Act -Municipal Easements (Ref. Council in Committee) 18-12 The Bank of Nova Scotia re: Aurora Town Band {Information, Clerk to reply) 18-13 Aurora Residents' -Petition re: Sewage Tax (Information) 18-14 The Regional Municipality of York -Treasury re: 3rd Installment -Water Charges {Information) 18-15 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Plan of Subdivision 19T-82044 (Casey and Priestly) (Information) 18-16 CARE re: Proposed Sports and Cultural Complex (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F. Horvath) 18-17 Alina Bridgeman, Toronto, Ontario re: Offer of Employment (Information, Payroll, C.E. Gowan) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1984 - 3 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 18-18 DSM Systems Limited re: Municipal Information System (Information, S.K. Jones, Wm. Johnson) 18-19 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Plan of Subdivision 19T-82055 (Granada -Phase VI) (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 18-20 The Regional Municipality of York-Administrative Officer re: Report Update -September 13, 1984 (Information) 18-21 S.R. and E.M. Baggett, Gormley, Ontario re: Part Lot 21, Concession 2, Town of Aurora (Information, Clerk to reply) 18-22 Frank R. Mott-Trille, Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Public re: Miller purchase from Beach -80 Tyler Street (Information, Clerk to reply) 18-23 J.M. Insley memo to Administration/Finance Committee re: Noxious Weeds (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee) 18-24 Myrna L. Usher, Aurora, Ontario re: Rezoning Application Z-07-84 (Information, Clerk to reply) 18-25 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Rural Planting Program (Ref. Public Works Committee, Wm.G. Walker) 18-26 The Regional Municipality of York -Clerk re: Amendment Number 26 (Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 18-27 Committee of Adjustment re: Submission A-14-84 (Mr. and Mrs. Anton Sassur - 2 Oak Court) (Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 18-28 Eddie Boyle, Aurora, Ontario re: Grading of Lot 101 (Information, Wm.G. Walker to reply) 18-29 Stingray's Swim Club re: Proposed Sports and Cultural Complex (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F. Horvath) 18-30 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Proposed Amendment Number 26 to O.P. for Aurora Planning Area (19-0P-0025-026 -Archerhill) (Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 18-31 Aurora Agricultural Society re: Proposed Sports Facilities (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F. Horvath) 18-32 S.K. Jones memo to K.B. Rodger re: Banking Proposals (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee) 18-33 Aurora Public Library re: Request for Delegation Status (TABLED;-DELEGATtON$) 18-34 Cheryl Dickie, Aurora, Ontario re: Town of Aurora Award (Ref. Council in Committee) 18-35 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Request Return of Early Occupancy Deposits (Markborough -Packard Homes) (Information) !'~>'.'"-' COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1984 - 4 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 18-36 Ministry of Government Services re: Lakeview Trailer Site (Information) 18-37 Reid and Associates Limited re: Heron Homes (Aurora) Limited-Proposed Subdivision -Project Number 972 (Information) 18-38 Sweet Adelines, Inc~ re: Share-A-Song Week and Appreciation Song (TABltO; ·otlEGATION$ -see Introduction, RtSOLUTION) 18-39 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: By-Law Number 2709-84 (Information, S. Seibert, L. Allison) 18-40 Susan Plamondon, Barrister and Solicitor re: Boyle sale to Tirelli -170 Spruce Street (Information, Clerk to reply) 18-41 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Work Order -Traffic Control Signals: Orchard Heights/Batson Drive Intersection (Information, H. Borgdorff, Wm.G. Walker) 18-42 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Work Order -Spot Improvements to Asphalt and Curb and Gutter -Dunning Avenue to Reuben Street (Information, H. Borgdorff, Wm.G. Walker) 18-43 G.W. Stoner, Aurora, Ontario re: Recreation Complex Meeting (Ref. Leisure Services Committee) 18-44 Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission re: Alternatives to Extended Area Service (Information, Mayor Illingworth) 18-45 Ministry of Natural Resources re: Wayside Permits for Properties on (a) Lot 11, Cone. III and (b) West Part of Lot 21, Cone. III (Ref. Council in Committee) 18-46 The Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: No Objection to Street Name -"Tribbling" (Information, C.E. Gowan) 18-47 Sean Gibbons, Aurora, Ontario re: Local Bus Service (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee) 18-48 Ministry of the Solicitor General re: 1984 Fire Prevention Week (October 7 -13) Jones: West: (TABlED) Resolved that the week of October 7th -13th, 1984 be p rocl aimed "Fire Prevention Week" in the Town of Aurora. CARRIED 18-49 Town of Milton re: Disposal of "Divide and Conquer" Program Bins and Receptacles (Ref. Public Works Committee, Wm.G. Walker) 18-50 Central Ontario Travel Association re: COTA to Produce Motor Coach Tour Planner's Manual (Information) 18-51 Committee of Adjustment re: Submission A-9-84 (Robert and Judith Stewart - 7 Banff Drive) (Information, R.J. Harrington, K. McFarlane) I"""' ~- I'" '-·-" COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1984 - 5 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 18-52 W. Bottenheim, Aurora, Ontario re: Crossing -Murray Drive to Regency Acres Public School (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 18-53 Mr. and Mrs. H. Mashinter re: Letter of Appreciation (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F.J. Horvath) 18-54 Brian Nadin, Aurora, Ontario re: Application for Amendment to the Official Plan and/or Zoning By-Law (Ref. Planning Committee, C.E. Gowan, S. Seibert, Wm. Johnson) 18-55 Aurora Public Library re: Recreational Paperback Collection (TABLED) Jones: E. Stewart: Resolved that permission be granted to the Aurora Public Library to establish a small recreational paperback collection in the Municipal Building. CARRIED 18-56 Ministry of Government Services re: Proposed OPA Number 20 -Pine Ridge/Willows Nursing Home (Information) 18-57 Hugh H. Galbraith, Barrister, Solicitor and Notary re: Property at 12 Teasdale Court (Information, Clerk to reply, Wm. Johnson) 18-58 The York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: Town of Aurora By-Laws 2706-84, 2695-84, 2709-84, 2707-84 and 2700-84 (Information, L. Allison, s. Seibert) 18-59 The Regional Municipality of York -Health re: Application for Zoning Amendment (Z-42-84 -Southold Investments Limited) (Information, s. Seibert, L. Allison) 18-60 The Regional Municipality of York -Health re: File Z-47-84 (Aurora Orchards) (Information, s. Seibert, L. Allison) 18-61 The Regional Municipality of York -Health re: By-Law 2696-84 (Information, S. Seibert, L. Allison) 18-62 The Regional Municipality of York -Health re: Proposed Amendment Number 30 (Information, s. Seibert) 18-63 Reid and Associates Limited re: Reconstruction of Mosley, Metcalfe and Larmont Streets -Project Number 1039 (TABLED, RE$0LOT10N$, Wm. Johnson) 18-64 Harrison and Area Residents re: Reconstruction of Wells, Harrison, Connaught, Kennedy and Cousins 18-65 (Ref. Public Works Committee, Wm.G. Walker) Bryan Thomas and Associates Inc. re: Proposed Amendment Number 26 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora (Archerhill) (TABLED) E. Stewart: Resolved that this letter be received and that the application be proceeded with. West: CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1984 - 6 - CORRESPONDENCE {continued) 18-66 Mr. and Mrs. John Ecclestone, Aurora, Ontario re: Buck Crescent (TABLED) E. Stewart: Resolved that this letter be referred to Unfinished Business on the Agenda. Jones: CARRIED 18-67 Lakeview Estates Limited re: Trailer on Site (TABLED) West: Paivio: Resolved that permission be granted to place a trailer on the Lakeview Subdivision land for a period of one (1) year subject to the posting of a $1,000.00 bond. CARRIED 18-68 S.G. Wilson memo to Administration and Finance Committee re: Invoice from C.E. Hickey' and Sons -Aerial 1 (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) 18-69 Aurora SoccerClubinc.1981. re:. Sunday Night Bingo (TABLED, UNFINISHED BUSINESS) E. Stewart: Resolved that the Clerk's Reort be dealt with as outlined. West: CARRIED DELEGATIONS 1. Letter# 18-33 -Aurora Public Library· re: York Co-Operative Automation Project Mr. Philip Gebhardt, Chairman of the Board for the Aurora Public Library appeared before Council to request Council's consideration in the York Co-Operative Automation Project. The maximum capital cost for Aurora will be $36,000.00. It was recommended that this matter be discussed under Unfinished Business on the Agenda. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report #.87 -Commercial Development Advisory Committee ••• Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Commercial Development Advisory Committee was held on Tuesday, September 18, 1984 at 7:30 p.m. in the Administrative Centre. Present were: Councillors Buck and Barker; Citizen Member David Bagshaw; BIA representative Michael Evans; L.A.C.A.C. representative Leslie Oliver; Chamber of Commerce representative Bruce Spragg; Planner Susan Seibert. Absent were: Merchants Representative Gary McKenzie. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1984 - 7 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES {continued) Report# 87-commercial Oevelopment'Advisory Committee ~ •• Various Matters (continued) 1. Waterworks'Work Area Study Terry Kelly and Eldon Rostum presented their draft report on the waterworks area. After considerable discussion it was determined that the consultants would meet with Dr. Oliver, Councillor Barker and Mrs. Seibert within the next two weeks to review the final draft which will then be presented to Council. 2. west Side Parking Lot The Committee reviewed the plans prepared by Reid & Associates Consulting Engineering and would recommend that layout #2 which provides a greater number of parking spaces be implemented. The Committee recommends that trees be added to the proposal as was suggested on the Gunter Herkner plan and that some lower rise lighting in the same style as that to be placed on Yonge Street be provided for. The Committee will review lighting standards at its next meeting. The Committee recommends that the solicitor be requested to prepare leases between the Town and the owners of land in the parking lot area for a period of 20 years. The lease arrangement is to be for a nominal sum. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. The next meeting will be held on October 16th, at 7:30 p.m. Barker: Jones: Resolved that Commercial Development Advisory Committee Report # 87 dated September 18th, 1984 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED Report# 88 ~ Economic'Oevelopment'committee' ~.~Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Economic Development Committee was held on Thursday, September 20th, 1984 at 7:00 p.m. in the Economic Development Office in the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Councillors E. Stewart, T. Jones and R. Barker. 1. Review of'J~1j'l9t~;'1984'Meeting (a) o~nning'Avenue7Edward Street'Intersection Upon request of the owners of the Body Shop property a letter has been sent to the owners advising them of the Town's interest in purchasing the property. The Committee noted that this matter has been under consideration since February 1982, and would like to have this matter resolved so that construction could commence in 1985. (b) Propertj'Maintenance Standards'Bj-Law As stated in the Economic Development report of July 19th, 1984, the draft of the new Property Maintenance Standards By-Law is in the hands of our solicitor for review. As this matter has been a subject of concern since April of 1981, the Committee would like to have it resolved as soon as possible. (c) universal/Scanlon'Co~rt'Lana Transfers Mr. Rodney Pryde of Strathy, Archibald and Seagram expects to close these land transfers on or about September 28th, 1984. The Committee noted that the original offer by the purchasers was agreed to by both parties by a letter dated November 11, 1982. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1984 - 8 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 88 ~ Ec6r1omi c Deve 1 opment Coriuid ttee ; • ; Various Matters (continued) 1. Review of July-19th; 1984 Meeting (continued) (d) Bonphyda ri an Investments The Chairman advised the Economic Development Committee that he had contacted Mr. Henry Stone in regard to Council's decision not to pay his bill. Mr. Stone in turn advised that until said bill was paid there would be no further negotiations on the purchase of the lands for the Parkway extension or on the easement for the sanitary sewer main through his firm's property. As both of these acquisitions are vital to the future Economic Development of the Town, the Committee request Council to determine what action will be taken to resolve this matter. (e) Gravity sewer Line to st. John's Sideroad In the Committee's last report a meeting was scheduled for August 13th, 1984 with the landowners involved and the Clerk- Administrator. That meeting evidently did not take place. The Committee would ask Council to request the Clerk-Administrator to arrange another meeting with the landowners so that a solution on this matter can be reached. (f) Parking Requirement Review There has been no report from staff on this matter and the Committee would like to receive a report as soon as possible. (g) Building Permit Fees for Industrial Buildings It was requested in the Economic Development Committee's report dated July 19th, 1984 that Council direct staff to review the fee schedule and clear up the confusion as to what should constitute an addition and suggested that additions in excess of 1,000 square feet be charged the same building permit fee as a new industrial building rather than the fee for Alterations, Additions and Repairs which requires a permit fee of 1% of the total value. As several industries presently located in Aurora are planning large expansions to their plants, and as these industries are an important segment in the economY and commerce of Aurora, not only providing · jobs for our people but pay a major portion of the taxes in our Town, the Committee feels very strongly that they should be encouraged and appreciated for increasing our industrial base and not penalized by being charged what they consider to be unfair and excessive building permit fees. The Committee again asks Council to direct staff to deal with this matter as soon as possible and have a report back to Council for the October 15th, 1984 meeting. f"N-'<< i i -~- COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1984 - 9 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 88 --Economic Deve1opment Committee-; •• Various Matters (continued) 2. New-Business (a) Lal<evi ew sa 1 es OHi ce The Chairman has contacted the Ministry of Government Services to obtain tenative approval to place the Lakeview Sales Office, should it be given to the Town, on the property at the intersection of Yonge Street South and the Vandorf Road, as was authorized by Council on May 7, 1984. The Committee questioned the zoning of this property for the use as a Chamber of Commerce information office. If it is required that the zoning be changed, the Committee request that Council direct staff to arrange for the proper amendment to the By-Law be prepared to allow for such a use on that portion of the intersection that will be required. {b) Registering of a11 New Businesses and Industry The following is an excerpt from the Economic Development Committee Report # 7 dated January 12, 1981: "RegiSteri 119 of a 11 New Commerd a 1 llus i lless and Industrial Firms As some cdncern has been evident that transient firms or individuals have been setting up businesses for short periods or in some cases firms that do not conform with local zoning by-laws have established operations in Aurora and that these firms or individuals through the nature of their operations could create hazards from a fire or safety standpoint, and whereas the Town has no way of knowing of the existence of these establishments or businesses until after they have become established and/or created a problem, the Committee would recommend that Council consider the feasibility of making it mandatory for all new businesses or firms to register with the Town of Aurora before they occupy any premises within the Town to operate any type of business or industry. The Committee would further recommend to Council that staff be consulted as to the administration costs of this registration and if a fee were to be charged as to whether any of the said fee should be refundable to the said registrant to ensure that they return and notify the Town when they are leaving Aurora. It was also suggested that the Hydro could be consulted to see if they could co-operate by not supplying hydro until the individual or firm shows proof of this registration." The Committee discussed this matter and because of the ongoing concerns expressed by Fire Safety Officer Fred Bolsby and because of the evident loss of tax dollars to the community, the Committee would once again ask Council to consider the drafting of a by-law that would require all new businesses to register with the Town prior to occupying any industrial or commercial building and also notify the Town when giving up occupancy of any industrial or commercial building within the corporate limits of Aurora. The matter of a registration fee should also be considered. ,.,._-,·~·., r'·' ~·., COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1984 -10 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 88-Economic~ Development Committee .~. Various Matters (continued) The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Item l(a) -;t(c) CARRIED AMENDMENT Item l(d) West: N. Stewart: Resolved that a letter be sent to the owners of Bonphydarian Investments, with a copy to Mr. Stone, inquiring if they are interested in selling the land for a roadway, and if so, the cost of such land. CARRIED Item l(d) Item l(e) -2(a) CARRIED AS AMENDED CARRIED DEFEATED Item 2(b) E. Stewart: Resolved that Economic Development Committee Report # 88 dated September 20th, 1984 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended. Barker: CARRIED Report# 89~~~Public Works~Committee ; •• Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held at the Administrative Centre on Monday, September 24th, 1984 at 7:00 p.m. Present Were: Councillor L. Ostick, Councillor E. Stewart, Councillor R. Barker and Director of Public Works Wm.G. Walker. A. VARIOUS MATTERS 1. Driveway Restoration Repairs 2. The present policy is that where a driveway is disturbed by work of the Department, the area is cut to a straight line and repaired. The whole width of the driveway is not replaced if the part remaining is of reasonable width. If the owner wishes to do more work at his own expense, it is recommended that the Works Department does not get involved in doing the extra work. It is further recommended in these areas that the Town reimburse the owner to the extent of the Town's costs as calculated by the Director of Works. Stream Area ~~Davis Road/Jones~Court At the request of Councillor West, the Director of Public Works produced an estimate of $80,000.00 to install a culvert pipe and level the area. The Committee recommends that the fences be replaced and if one further effort to secure the agreement of the adjoining owners fails, the matter be put in the hands of the fence viewers to decide if the Council's proposal is fair and reasonable. '~"-"" COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1984 -11 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 89 -"Public Works Committee ••• "Various Matters (continued) A. VARIOUS"MATTER$ (continued) 3. Paper Recycling The Committee discussed this matter and will meet with Upper Canada Recycling before making a recommendation. 4. Sidewalk winter Maintenance The Director of Public Works requests direction from Council on the level of service and purchase of equipment. The Committee recommends that the existing program be continued with the addition of moving snow from areas where the lack of storage makes it impossible for the property owner to maintain a clear sidewalk. Consideration should be given to purchasing a piece of equipment to facilitate this loading operation. 5. Rural Road Standards Reference is made to the attached memo which lists the cost of alternatives for treating rural roads. Replies from other municipalities show that they are not doing anything different to the Town of Aurora but some are spending more money. The standard of the rural roads will not improve until Council budget more money and has a program to upgrade them on a regular basis. The Calcium Chloride mix is weaker than it used to be to avoid reducing frequency of application because the budget has not kept up with increased costs. 6. Surface Treatme~t ( C6llins"Crescent) Improvements to this street cannot be justified under the Roads Needs Study unless policy is changed, more money made available and several miles of road upgraded. 7. 1985"Capita1 works"Pr6gram Reference is made to the memo dated 24th September from the Town Engineer and Director of Public Works. The Committee recommends that the reconstruction of the Industrial Parkway from Centre Street to the Legion be the main contract for the 1985 construction program. The second memo from the Engineer and the Director would then apply. This is not a new suggestion but was discussed in Public Works Report # 98 dated October 1983. B. LETTERS RECEIVED AS INFORMATION Letter # 15-190 and Letter # 16-11 -C.S. Child, 80 Harrison Letter # 16-7 -McCoy Foundry -Street Castings Letter# 18-4 -M.T.C. Courses Letter# 18-25 -Rural Planting Item A.l" -A.3 Item A .4 A.5, A.6 CARRIED AMENDMENT COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1984 -12 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 89 ~ Pub1ic Works Committee ••• Various.Matters (continued) West: N. Stewart: Resolved that these items be referred to the next Council in Committee meeting for discussion. ItemA.4, A.5, A.6 ItemA.7 Item B CARRIED AS AMENDED DEFEATED CARRIED CARRIED Ostick: E. Stewart: Resolved that Public Works Committee Report # 89 dated September 24th, 1984 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended. CARRIED Councillor West in the Chair. Report # 90 ~Administration/Finance Committee Various· Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Administration and Finance Committee was held on Monday, September 24, 1984 at 3:30 p.m. in the Administrative Centre. Present were: Mayor Dick Illingworth, Councillors John West and Earl Stewart and Clerk-Administrator K.B. Rodger. Director of Leisure Services Fred Horvath and Purchasing Co-Ordinator Steve Jones were in attendance for parts of the meeting. A. DELEGATtONS 1. Community Centre Operation Director of Leisure Services Fred Horvath provided the following information comparing the revenue and expenditures of the Community Centre for the nine-month period, January 1, 1984 to September 30, 1984. Total Revenue Total Expenditures Canteen Profit Canteen Inventory Operating Cost Outstanding Receivables as of August 31, 1984 Deficit 1984 $188,177.50 241;874;44 $53,696.94 $ 4,154.23 2,375:35 49,542.71 10' 551.13 ($38,991.58) 1983 1982 $165,948.49 $177,714.30 253,846; 72 270,741.74 $87,898.23 $93,027.44 $ 2,839.24 *$ 9,087.10 .. 4;864;36 ---~_,162. 70 83,833.23 89,864.74 N/A N/A ($83,833.23) ($89,864.74) * Note: Provincial Sales Tax imposed on all food products in 1983. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1984 -13 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 90 -Administration/Finance Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) A. DElEGATION$ (continued) 1. Community Centre Operation (continued) The Committee questioned the outstanding receivables and it was pointed out that a considerable portion of this was for catering services, in which the Town pays the caterer and bills the user. Reference is made to item F.4 of Leisure Services Committee Report #34 which was discussed at Council on April 16, 1984. The report is as follows: "After reviewing the pros and cons of the catering operation at the Community Centre, it is recommended that the Town charge $1.00 per person for dinner function in the auditorium. The staff will not be responsible for catering arrangements after August 1, 1984. The Committee further recommends that staff investigate the selling of the stove and dishes." The report was amended as follows: "Resolved that this item be deferred and more information be requested from the Director of Leisure Services. The Committee recommends as follows: (a) That every effort be made to reduce the amount of outstanding receivables. (b) That the Leisure Services Committee submit a further report on catering arrangements. (c) That the remainder of the report be received as information and Leisure Services staff be commended for the results to date. 2. Youth Works Program Reference is made to item A.3 of Administration and Finance Committee Report #79 which was adopted by Council on September 5, 1984 as follows: "The Committee recommends that the Director of Leisure Services be requested to suggest possible municipal projects so that a submission can be made prior to September 30, 1984." The Director of Leisure Services reported that due to the limitations of the program and the short deadline, it was not possible to prepare a list of possible municipal projects. In addition, he pointed out that the Katimavik volunteers located in Aurora want to carry out community projects, as do the young people from the Bahai. The Committee recommends as follows: (a) That no action be taken regarding the Youth Works Program. (b) That the Director of Leisure Services maintain liaison with the Katimavik volunteers and the young Bahai, plus any other interested youth groups in carrying out community projects. 3. Banking Proposals Reference is made to item A.2 of Administration and Finance Committee Report #84 which was adopted by Council on September 17, 1984 as follows: "The Committee recommends that meetings be arranged with representatives of the Bank of Montreal and the Royal Bank as outlined, and the other banks be advised accordingly." ........ ~-· COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1984 -14 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 90 ~ Admiriistration/rinance Committee ••• \/ariousMatters (continued) A. DELEGATION$ (continued) 3. Banking Proposals (continued) Following meetings with representatives of the two banks, staff recommend that the Town enter into a two-year (2) agreement with the Royal Bank of Canada. The Bank of Montreal will charge a flat rate of $160.00 per month in the first year; $320.00 per month in the second year for these services, a total of $5,760.00. The Royal Bank will charge a flat rate of $100.00 per month for the two-year period, for a total of $2,400.00 • In addition, they will provide a safety deposit box plus five 24-hour depository wallets. The difference in the activity charges between the. two banks is $3,360.00 over the two-year period. The Royal Bank has offered up to $3,000 as reimbursement for unused cheques in the town's possession. The Committee recommends as follows: (a) That the Town of Aurora enter into a two-year agreement with the Royal Bank of Canada as outlined. (b) That the effective date be November 1, 1984, or as soon as possible thereafter, and every effort made to complete the transfer by December 31, 1984. (c) That the Purchasing Co-Ordinator liaise with the Royal Bank regarding the printing of cheques and that the Town Crest replace the July First Swirl. (d) That the Bank of Montreal be thanked for their services to the Town of Aurora over the many years. B. CORRt$PONOENCt 1. Letter.17~78. ~ Maritier.Mariagemerit.Lta: ·re Notice of Tax.Arrears A request has been received to cancel the overdue penalty due to late payment. · The Committee noted that the payment was mailed two days after the due date, and recommends that no action be taken. 2. Letter 17~84 : Cariaiksavings Bonds re: Payroll savings The CSB Payroll Saving Plan has become a popular employee benefit with over 10,000 firms and one million employees participating in 1983. The Commitee recommends that the Town make Canada Savings Bonds available through the Payroll Savings Plan as in previous years, but notes that different arrangements may have to be made due to the change in banks. 3. Letter 18~9 : Dr. G.W. Wililams Secondary$cliool re: Town of Aurora Award. The following students qualify as winners of the Town of Aurora Award for 1984: Grade· 12 Mark Tutkaluk 141 Walton Drive Aurora L4G 3R9 Average 90% Other Awards G. Wyett Baldwin Estate Award COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1984 -15 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 90~ -~Administration/Finance Committee~ ••• Various~Matters (continued) B. CORRESPONDtNCt (continued) 3. Letter 18~9 -Dr:~G.W. williams~ Secondary School ~re: Town~of Aurora Award 'continued' Grade 12 Christine Duncan 56 Child Drive Aurora L4G 1Y7 Grade 13 Thomas Mann R .R. #2 Aurora L4G 3G8 Cheryl Dickie 28 Henderson Drive Aurora L4G 3L2 Average 91% 90% 90.5% otlier Awards G. Wyett Baldwin Estate Award YRBE Award -Grade 12 Ontario Scholar Ontario Scholar The Committee recommends that cheques in the approved amount of $100 each be prepared for presentation on October 19, 1984. 4. Letter 18~23 . -B.)ll aw tnfori:ement Officer re: Noxious Weeds Reference is made to item C.5 of Administration and Finance Committee Report #66 which was adopted by Council on July 16, 1984 as follows: "It is understood that the Weed Inspector adds 15 percent for admi ni strati ve costs when arranging for weeds to be cut, but that this no longer covers the cost of administration. Therefore the Committee recommends that the administration costs be incr,eased for 1985 (i.e. 25 percent) but that the Weed Inspector submit a recommendation to the Committee by September 15, 1984." The Weed Inspector advises that the 15 percent "overhead surcharge" as implemented in 1982 by his recommendation to Council, and adopted May 17, 1982, was not, nor intended at that time to cover the "cost of administration". The Weed Inspector states; "I cannot support a recommendation to increase the 15 percent overhead surcharge to (i.e. 25 percent) for 1985, as the present charge in effect appears adequate and sufficient for the charges implemented in administering the weed Act, and an increase would be considered excessive." ' The Committee reviewed the examples provided by the Weed Inspector and agree that the 15 percent covers "direct" costs such as advertising, registered letters, etc., but the Committee does not believe it covers the indirect costs, e.g. office space, typing, telephone, etc. It is noted that in subdivision agreements, the Town charges 35 percent administrative costs if the Town has to carry out the work. The Committee recommends that the Administration costs for the cutting of noxious weeds by the Town be increased from 15 percent to 25 percent effective January 1, 1985. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1984 -16 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 90 -Administration/Finance Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Christmas Lights 1984 As quotations have not yet been received from all suppliers, the Committee recommends that this item be deferred until October 9, 1984. However, the Committee notes that no information has been received from the BIA as to joint participation. 2. Service Contract on Computer Room Air Conditioner In 1983, there was insufficient time to obtain quotations for a service contract on the computer room air conditioner, and a contract with the previous supplier was accepted in the amount of $965.00. The Committee recommends that the Purchasing Co-Ordinator obtain prices, or alternative suggestions, for servicing the computer room air conditioner. 3. Bi-Weekly Pay Since 1980 or before, the Town Auditor and the Town Treasurer have been recommending that the pay period for Town employees be changed from weekly to bi-weekly to save clerical and computer time, plus other costs, e.g. cheques. The production of the weekly payroll comprises the following approximate time and cost factors: (a) Payroll Clerk's Time -18 hours per week (b) Computer Operating Time -4 hours per week (c) Cheque supply averages 125 cheques per week at an annual cost of $692.00. (d) Paper supply averages 4,000 sheets per year at a cost of $225.00. The Committee recommends that bi-weekly pay commencing January 1, 1985 be adopted in principle and the Purchasing Co-Ordinator and Treasury staff prepare a report as to implementation. 4. Payment of New Aerial Fire Truck The terms of payment for the aerial fire truck as outlined in the tender document calls for a 30 percent payment ($76,743.00) within four months of placing the order, with a final payment-of 70 percent on delivery ($179,067 .DO). The Committee recommends that the final payment be paid as follows: $50,000 from the Vehicle Replacement Reserve (balance as of August 31, 1984 is $173,465.45). balance from the Capital Levy Reserve Fund (balance as of August 31, 1984 is $3,329,300.42). The Committee further recommends that the final payment be reduced by $7,000 as the trade-in value of the old aerial truck as per the agreement. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1984 -17 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report"# 90 ~Administration/Finance Committee ; •• "Various Matters (continued) D. t'lEW BUSINESS 1. Animal control"Services ~"1985 The Town of Aurora contract with Kennel Inn is on an annual basis. While the Committee has not received any complaints regarding the service provided by Kennel Inn, it is recommended that the Purchasing Co-Ordinator be authorized to obtain competitive quotations for 1985. 2. Garbage"Collection 1985 The Town of Aurora contract with York Sanitation is on an annual basis. While the Committee has not received any complaints regarding the service provided by York Sanitation, although it has received complaints about the frequency of service, the Committee recommends that the Purchasing Co-Ordinator be authorized to obtain competitive quotations for 1985 on the following basis: (a) once a week collection -12 months (b) twice a week collection -12 months (c) once a week collection, with the exception of the month of June, July and August when collection to be twice a week. 3. Pest Control The Town of Aurora has a contract with PCO for pest control on an annual basis. The Committee recommends that the Purchasing Co-Ordinator be authorized to ascertain the effectiveness of our current methods of pest control and to obtain competitive quotations for 1985. 4. Sunday Bingo It was brought to the attention of the Committee that the Canadiana Roller Rink plans to hold Bingos which will be sponsored by various Aurora groups. The Aurora Soccer Club Building Committee has arranged for Sunday Night Bingo commencing Sunday, October 21, 1984. Some advertising has already been prepared. This was done after an alleged check with Town staff who advised there is "nothing against it", providing it doesn't conflict with the Lord's Day Act. It is understood that York Regional Police have no objection. However, our legal advice is that we cannot issue a licence for Sunday Bingo without authority and it would appear an enabling bylaw is required under the Lord's Day (Ontario) Act. Section 1 of the Act states that the bylaw will permit engagement in, or attendance at, "any public game or sport" that is specified in the bylaw. The Committee recommend that staff obtain as much information as possible, and a staff report be available for Council on October 1, 1984. The meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m. Item A.l -A.2 CARRIED Item A .3 CARRIED Item B.l -D.4 CARRIED !''' .. ,, COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1984 -18 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report"# 90 ~"Administration/Finance Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) I 11 i ngworth: Resolved that Administration and Finance Committee Report # 90 dated September 24th, 1984 be discussed item by item and accepted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. E. Stewart: CARRIED Mayor Illingworth in the Chair. Report# 91 ~"Planning-Committee .~. Various"Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Planning Committee was held on Monday, September 24, 1984 in the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Councillor E. Buck, Chairperson; Councillor J, West; Councillor M. Paivio; Mrs. S. Seibert, Planner; Mr. R. J, Harrington, Secretary. A. DELEGATIONS: 1. Aurora Cemetery Board The Cemetery Board, consisting of Alice Bell, Stu Burnett, Dr. Boland, Tom Rank and Harry Fry acting as spokesperson, met with the Planning Committee. Mr. Fry explained to the Committee that there are approximately 185 single plots remaining in the cemetery; with burials occuring at a rate of approximately 110 per year. The existing cemetery occupies approximately 17 acres, with about l/2 acre remaining. The Board suggested that an extra 20 acres should be purchased for the cemetery expansion, preferably abutting, and the Beacon Hall proposed golf course subdivision would be their first choice. For reasons of economics and for control of vandalism, lands abutting would be preferable. Mr. Fry stated that the Board could live with a minimum of 15 acres; i.e. 2,000 feet deep by 326 wide, abutting which could include a roadway. The Board and the Developer's consultants who were also at the meeting, agreed to meet, and report back to the Committee with a possible amicable solution. 2. Draft Plan-of Subdivision, Phase_ I and-II;"Three Seasons 3. Mr. Max Sherman, Planning Consultant, appeared before the Committee to discuss the "Red Line Revision" to phase I and a draft plan submission for phase II. The Committee were concerned mainly with the proposed 30-foot lots. Mr. Sherman suggested that he and the architect would conduct a tour in another municipality, either Vaughan or Brampton, and view homes on 30-foot lots. A convenient date will be arranged, and any Councillor may also attend with the Planning Committee. Willow Farm,"Official Plan Amendment Mr. Brian Corbett, solicitor for the owner, appeared before the Committee to discuss the "Special Residential" designation for the subject lands. The Committee recommends Mrs. Seibert prepare a "Special Residential" Official Plan policy. -~--., COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1984 -19 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report #.91 -·Planning.Committee .:. Various.Matters (continued) B. REPORTS: 1. Proposed.Officia1 Plan Amendment No. 20, Hunter's Hi1ls.Estates Planning consultants to the owners of the above noted application appeared before Council at its meeting of August 13th to request that modification to Official Plan Amendment #20 be enacted by Council to resolve the concerns of the Regional Planning Department respecting Official Plan Amendment #20. The issue was referred by Council to the Planning Committee. The Committee agrees with Mrs. Seibert's recommendations. A copy of her Report is attached hereto. 2. Proposed Official Pian Review The Committee perused Mrs. Seibert's Report, and agree with the Recommendation. "It is recommended that a review of the offici a 1 p 1 an be undertaken in-house and that Terms of Reference be prepared for the review taking into account issues discussed above. It is also recommended that the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing be approached to determine if funding can be provided for this project." A copy of the Report is attached hereto. C. RECEIVED FOR RECOMMtNDATION: 1. Letter #16~86 ~ Torcan Chemical ltcC re: Building Permit fees The Committee would recommend that staff obtain permit fees from other municipalities, especially in relation to large additions, as opposed to the fee for an original new building (i.e. 2 or 3 times larger). 2. Letter #17 ~1 -MiniStry of the Erivi ronment re: . Di cal , Plan of Subdi vision The Committee read the letter and wish to state that they cannot perceive this area being serviced by municipal water. 3. letter #17-35 :. Mr: & Mrs: J. D. Harrison re! lakeview Estates, Lot 74 This problem has been rectified, as a new M-Plan has been prepared and the lot now complies with the Zoning By-Law. 4. letter #17~82 ~ Truman & Jennings re: 79 & 91 Yonge Street North This letter was received as information, pending receipt of written confirmation from Mr. Gow and Mr. Chambers that they agree with the expansion of permitted uses. 5. Letter #18~30 ~MiniStry of MuniCipal Affairs & Housing re: Proposed Official Plan Amendment No. 26 -Archerhill Investments Received with the recommendation the applicant supply the documentation as requested by the Ministry. D. COMMITTEE.OF ADJUSTMENT: 1. letter #18-27 -·s~bmission·A:.14-84, Mr.·& Mrs. Anton sass~r.·2·oak Court, Lot 36, R.Plan M~1457 The Committee reviewed the application and wish to draw to the Committee of Adjustment's attention the following concerns: r--~"''"' COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1984 -~ - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 91 -Planning Committee ••• Various Matters (continued} D. COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT: (continued) 1. Letter #18-27 -Submission A-14-84, Mr. & Mrs. Anton Sassur, 2 Oak Court, Lot 36, R.Plan M-1457 (cont1nued) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Possibly the owners abutting to the east on Mark Street might encounter a problem backing out of their driveway if a car is parked in the new driveway as proposed, close to the street. The proposal would permit a vehicle parking on the town road allowance. Are the requested variances "minor": front yard setback 6 metres vs 3 metres interior side yard setback 1.2 metres vs 0.5 metres. A copy of the Works Department comments is attached hereto. As per the Ontario Building Code, no window or door openings permitted on the easterly lot line side and construction must be a minimum of 3/4-hour fire resistance rating. E. RECEIVED AS INFORMATION: 1. Letter #17-17 -S.L.S.C.A. re: Miladinov, Lot 6, Plan 9, Temperance Street. 2. Letter #17-95 -Regional Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-77005, Lot 70, Cone. 1, Town of Richmond Hill Previously dealt with at August Planning Meeting. 3. Letter #18-26-Regional Clerk's Department re: Official Plan Amendment No. 26 -Archerhill Investments. Meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. The next Planning Meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 22, 1984 at 7:30 p.m. Item A.1 West: E. Stewart: Item A.1 Item A .2 - E .3 West: Paivio: AMENDMENT Resolved that this item be referred back to the Planning Committee for a further report. CARRIED CARRIED AS AMENDED CARRIED Resolved that Planning Committee Report # 91 dated September 24th, 1984 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended. CARRIED Report # 92 -Leisure Services Committee ••• Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Leisure Services Committee was held on Thursday, September 27th, 1984 at 7:30p.m. in the Administrative Centre. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1984 -n - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 92 -Leisure Services Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) Present Were: Councillor John West, Councillor Evelyn Buck and Director of Leisure Services Fred Horvath. Citizen Members Klaus Wehrenberg, Barb Hooper, Betty Pedersen, Jim Hayward and Doug Dakin. (~""""-A. I OUTSTANDING BUSINESS l__. 1. Family Leisure Centre '-·-·-' After reviewing the feasibility study of the Sports Complex, the Arena Feasibility Study, the Holland River Valley Park Study and the public response through the various forums, the Committee recommends that we construct the family oriented centre consisting of an arena, leisure pool, raquet courts, fitness room and community hall in one complete phase and that Council accept the financial outline as presented at the public meeting. The Committee further recommends that Council proceed with the next step in the development process establishing a fund raising and facility design committees. 2. Aurora Heights Public School Creative Playground The School Supporters' Association are not able to pay an outstanding balance of $500.00 on their playground project due to the delay in the announcement of the Community Recreation Centre Act grant. The Committee recommends that the Town loan the Association the outstanding balance until the grant is awarded. B. CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED AS INFORMATION 1. Letter# 15-154 -Aurora Hellenics re: Tree Planting at Dr. Williams 2. Letter# 15-155 -Old Sweats Hockey Club re: 1985 Ball Tourney 3, Letter# 16-66 -Aurora Agricultural Society re: Horse Show -Thanking Staff 4. Letter# 18-82 -Mrs. Gloria Rameri -Complimenting Staff at Town Pool 5, Letter # 17-74 -Arthritis Society -Thank you for Fitni c Donation 6, Letter# 18-16 -C.A.R.E. re: Sports Complex 7. Letter# 18-29 -Mr. Bill Hart re: Sports Complex 8. Letter# 18-31 -Aurora Agricultural Society re: Sports Complex Site The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 17th, 1984. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1984 -~ - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 92 ~ Leisure Services Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) Item A.l RECORDED VOTE Recorded Vote -Municipal Counci1 of the Town of Aurora -Report # 92 -Leisure Services Committee -Item A.l dated October 1st, 1984 Mayor Illingworth Councillor Barker Councillor Buck (absent) Councillor Jones Councillor Ostick Councillor Paivio Councillor E. Stewart Councillor N. Stewart Councillor West Item A.l Item A.2 -B.8 CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED 7 - 1 Yea X X X X X X X 7 Nay X 1 West: N. Stewart: Resolved that Leisure Services Committee Report# 92 dated September 27th, 1984 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED RESOLUTIONS 1. Reduction of Letter.of Credit.-Wellington Enterprises Ostick: E. Stewart: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Letter of Credit #T-232 for Wellington Enterprises Limited be reduced to a lesser value of $67,000.00. CARRIED 2. Authorization.to Sign Site Plan Agreement· (Brafam Investments.Ltd.) West: Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a Site Plan Pai vi o: Agreement between Brafam Investments Ltd. (Granny's Country-Oven Bakery Co. Ltd) and the Town of Aurora. CARRIED 3. Authorizationto Sign Site Plan Agreement (J.G. Cordone Inv. Ltd.) West: Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a Site Plan Ostick: Agreement between J.G. Cordone Investments Limited and the Town of Aurora. CARRIED 4. Authorization to Sign Site Plan Agreement· (Jackson/Sadler) West: Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a Site Plan Ostick: Agreement between Warren Jackson and Harry Sadler and the Town of Aurora. CARRIED ·-~~.-~~ COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1984 -23 - RESOLUTIONS (continued) 5. Section.496A's-Write Offs E. Stewart: West: Resolved that the following 496A's for 1983 and 1984 plus penalty be written off in the amount of $9,754.45, details of which are on file in the Treasurer's Office, be approved and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 6. Payment Certificate Number 4-Kalabria General.Contractors Limited Osti ck: E. Stewart: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Reid and Associates Limited, Payment Certificate Number 4 for Project Number 1039 (Reconstruction of Mosley, Metcalfe and Larmont Streets) in the amount of $176,387.13 be paid to Kalabria General Contractors Limited and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 7. Payment of Invoice from·C.E. Hickey and Sons ·re: Aerial One Jones: Paivio: Resolved that the final account of C.E. Hickey and Sons for Aerial # 1, in the amount of $176,967.00 plus $1,690.00 for fire helmets, making a total of $178,657.00 be paid from the following accounts: Vehicle Replacement Reserve Capital Levy Reserve Fund $ 50,000.00 128,657.00 $178,657.00 and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 8. Santa Claus Parade Banner Paivio: Jones: Resolved that the Santa Claus Parade Committee be authorized to have a banner placed across Yonge Street announcing the Santa Claus Parade. Be It Further Resolved that the Aurora Hydro be requested to erect this banner. CARRIED UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. York.Co-Operative Automation.Project West: Whereas the municipalities of Markham, Vaughan, Richmond Hill, Jones: Newmarket and Aurora have agreed to a study known as the York Co-Operative Automation Project, And Whereas, the Province of Ontario has announced The Library Co-Operative Automation Program under BILD with a minimum of 50 percent funding. Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Town of Aurora agree to participate in the York Co-Operative Automation Project, providing that the Municipalities of Markham, Vaughan, Richmond Hill and Newmarket agree to do likewise; and further, that the Province of Ontario will fund the payment under the BILD program with a minimum of 50 percent funding. CARRIED '~····+·~ COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1984 -24 - UNFINISHED BUSINESS (continued) 2. 114 ~·116.Yonge Street south ~Parking West: Resolved that the Town of Aurora Council support the rezoning Barker: application for this site and that the Planning CoTllllittee be requested to report on same. CARRIED 3. A. Merkur and Sons Limited Jones: I 11 i ngworth: Resolved that the Letter of Credit in the amount of $8,250.00 be returned to A. Merkur and Sons and the Site Plan amended accordingly. CARRIED 4. Letter # 18~66 ~Mr. ana Mrs. Joh~ Ec~lesto~e re:. Bu~k Cresce~t West: Jones: Resolved that the street name "Buck" be changed to "Wi 11 iamson Crescent". CARRIED 5. Murray Drive -Crossing Guard Jones: E. Stewart: Resolved that the crossing guard be stationed at the intersection of Murray Drive and Glass Drive. CARRIED 6. Letter # 18-69 -Aurora Soccer Club Inc. 1981 re: Sunday Night Bingos E. Stewart: Jones: Resolved that the necessary By-Law be prepared to allow Sunday Bingo in Aurora along with an appropriate fee schedule for Council's consideration. Recorded Vote ~Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora -Sunday Bingos dated October 1st, 1984 Mayor Illingworth Councillor Barker Councillor Buck (absent) Councillor Jones Councillor Ostick Councillor Paivio Councillor E. Stewart Councillor N. Stewart Councillor West 7. Pharmaceutical Industry in Canada CARRIED 6 - 2 Yea X X X X X X 6 Nay X X 2 West: Ostick: Whereas the Government of Canada has established a Commission of Inquiry to review the pharmaceutical industry in Canada and in particular the issue of patent protection and licensing under the direction of Dr. Harry Eastman, And Whereas the Town of Aurora is home to Sterling Drug and associated companies employing more than 500 people and is interested in the continued growth and development of that industry, 1-~-~"" COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1984 -25 - UNFINISHED BUSINESS (continued) 7. Pharmaceutical tndustr.Y iri canada (continued) Therefore Be It Resolved that the Town of Aurora supports the view that there should be adequate compensation and reward for investment in the research and development of new medicines as long as there is a fair pricing policy in the industry which would ensure continued reasonable cost to the individual consumer, hospitals, and provincially administered drug benefit programs. And further that copies of this resolution be circulated to: The Eastman Commission Province of Ontario Provincial Ministry of Health Provincial Ministry of Industry and Trade Federal Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs Federal Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce Federal Minister of Health Honourable Sinclair Stevens, M.P. William Hodgson, M.P.P. Sterling Drug Limited CARRIED 8. Mayor's Memo dated September 10; 1984 re: Ontario Neighbourhood Improvement Program I 11 i ngworth: E. Stewart: Resolved that this memo be referred to the Planning Committee for a report. CARRIED 9. Highlarid.Court/Piriehurst·court watermain Jones: Resolved that the ·recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Director of Public West: Works be accepted and the Town of Aurora and the Developer share the cost of interconnecting the watemain on a 50 -50 basis --total cost $15,295.50, Town share $7,647.75. CARRIED 10. Letter # 17-60 ~Aurora Hydro re: Primary Hydro Feeder Lines Industrial Parkway North E. Stewart: Barker: Resolved that this letter be deferred until information is received from the owners of the Bonphydarian lands. CARRIED The following letters were received as information: Letter # 17-23 Letter # 17-34 - Letter # 17-61 Letter # 17-63 Letter # 17-65 Letter # 17-66 - Letter # 18-11 Letter # 18-34 - Letter # 18-45 - Canadian Union of Postal Workers Ontario Youth Opportunities re: and Works Program re: Mail Delays Ontario Youth Corps Program Ministry of Government Services re: Relocation of Drivers and Vehicles Examination Centre Uechi Karate Academy re: Letter of Thanks Bell Canada re: Request for Interim Increases in Rates Ontario Good Roads Association re: Micro Computer Course Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations re: Registry Act: Municipal Easements Cheryl Dickie re: Town of Aurora Award Ministry of Natural Resources re: Wayside Permits COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1984 -~ - BY-LAWS West: Barker: West: Barker: West: Jones: Be It Hereby Resolved that: Bill Number 2712-84-Being a By-Law to Designate the Town of Aurora Commercial Area Improvement Area Number 1 as a Community Improvement Project Area Bill Number 2713-84 -Being a By-Law to Adopt a Community Improvement Plan for the "Commercial Area Improvement Program Area Number 1", Community Improvement Project Area Bill Number 2714-84 -Being a By-Law to dedicate certain lands on the Industrial Parkway North in the Town of Aurora as a Public Highway Bill Number 2715-84 -Being a By-Law to Ratify and Confirm Various Land Transactions in the Town of Aurora Bill Number 2716-84 -Being a By-Law to Temporarily close Yonge Street, within the Town of Aurora, for a parade ••• be read a First Time. CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved that: Bill Number 2711-84 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law 2554-83, a By-Law to establish Rules and Regulations to govern the proceedings of Council Bill Number 2712-84-Being a By-Law to Designate the Town of Aurora Commercial Area Improvement Area Number 1 as a Community Improvement Project Area Bill Number 2713-84 -Being a By-Law to Adopt a Community Improvement Plan for the "Commercial Area Improvement Program Area Number 1", Community Improvement Project Area Bill Number 2714-84 -Being a By-Law to dedicate certain lands on the Industrial Parkway North in the Town of Aurora as a Public Highway Bill Number 2715-84-Being a By-Law to Ratify and Confirm Various Land Transactions in the Town of Aurora Bill Number 2716-84 -Being a By-Law to Temporarily close Yonge Street, within the Town of Aurora, for a parade ... be read a Second Time. CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved that Section 21 of By-Law Number 2554-83 be suspended and Bill Numbers 2714-84, 2715-84 and 2716-84, now before the Council, be read a Third Time and Enacted and the Third Reading be taken as read. CARRIED I'~ ' . ,,,._....J ,.___, ' .~_._, i : COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1984 -26 - BY-LAWS West: Jones: ADJ OORNMENT West: Mayor Be It Hereby Resolved that: Bill Number 2664-84 -Being a By-Law to Amend Zoning By-Law Number 2213-78 {Sheelen) Bill Number 2711-84-Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law 2554-83, a By-Law to establish Rules and Regulations to govern the proceedings of Council ••• be read a Third Time. CARRIED Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 10:12 p.m. CARRIED Clerk COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1984 -v - BY-LAWS West: Jones: ADJOURNMENT West: Be It Hereby Resolved that: Bill Number 2664-84 -Being a By-Law to Amend Zoning By-Law Number 2213-78 (Sheelen) Bill Number 2711-84 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law 2554-83, a By-Law to establish Rules and Regulations to govern the proceedings of Council ••• be read a Third Time. CARRIED Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 10:12 p.m. CARRIED n\ I A . 1 .. A1 K ~ /\) ' ctvVi--:::k! N Mayor--· \j Clerk