MINUTES - Council - 19840402r.,..,.-.,~ -~ ·- MINUTES OF THE 8TH COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1984 AT 8:00 P.M. Present Were: Mayor Richard Illingworth and Councillors Richard Barker, Evelyn Buck, Tim Jones, Len Ostick, Martin Paivio, Earl Stewart, Norm Stewart and John West. Mayor Illingworth brought greetings from the Town of Leksand, Sweden and stated that Collis Leather and Tetra Pak should be thanked for their part in this trip to Leksand to mark Twinning Celebrations. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Councillor Norm Stewart declared a possible conflict of Interest in Council in Committee Report # 24, Item C.2 due to employment with St. Andrew's College and did not take part in the consideration of or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Jones: Paivio: Resolved that the Minutes of the Council meeting of March 19th, 1984 and the Special Council meetings of March 22nd, 1984 and March 28th, 1984 be adopted as printed and circulated. CARRIED CORRESPONDENCE 8-1 The York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: By-Law Number 2647-84 (Corridor/Avery/Boland) (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8-2 Ministry of the Environment re: File # 19T-83036, Town of Aurora, Part Lot 85, Concession 1 (Sabiston/Marko and Rogers) (Information, S. Seibert, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington) 8-3 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Aurora Orchards Subdivision, # 19T-80018 (George Wimpey Canada Limited) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8-4 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Proposed Plan of Condominium, Lot 27, Registrar's Compiled Plan 10328, Town of Aurora-l9CDM506/83 (Vata Court -Industrial Condo) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8-5 Winemaker, Sherman and Todd, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public re: Addington Place-Application for Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-Law Amendment and Application for Approval of Plan of Subdivision) (Information, S. Seibert, R.J. Harrington) 8-6 The Regional Municipality of York-Engineering re: Salpam Investments Limited-Phase I, Town of Aurora 19T-81100 (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert) 8-7 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Proposed Amendment Number 25 to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area -19-0P-0025-025 (Ref. Council in Committee, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8-8 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk re: Condominium 19CDM504/83 (Sheelen Condo Mall) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert) ·------· COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1984 -2 - COR RESPONDENCE 8-9 Bryan Thomas and Associates Inc., Consulting Engineers re: Archerhill Investments Limited (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8-10 Ministry of Natural Resources re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Conditions of Draft Approval, Part of Lots 81 and 82, Cone. I, W.Y.S., Town of Aurora (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert) 8-11 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Subdivision 19T-81032 (Corridor Developments Limited) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8-12 Reid and Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers re: Town of Aurora, Corridor Development Limited Subdivision, Part of Lots 76 and 77 -Project Number 825 (Information, Wm.G. Walker, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8-13 Cliffgate Management Limited re: Aurora Country Estates-Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-83025 (Ref. Planning Committee, Public Works Committee, Wm.G. Walker, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8-14 Ministry of the Environment re: File# 19T-83038, Lot 73 -75, Concession 1 WYS (Addington Place Incorporated) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8-15 Harold Hodley, Ballymore Farm, Aurora, Ontario re: By-Law Number 2645-84 (Information, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert, L. Allison) 8-16 Mitchell, Pound and Braddock Limited, Consulting Engineers and Town Planning re: Three Seasons Subdivision (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, Wm.G. Walker, F.J. Horvath, L. Allison) 8-17 Mitchell, Pound and Braddock Limited, Consulting Engineers and Town Planning re: Three Seasons Subdivision (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F.J. Horvath, L. Allison) 8-18 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Open House -Watershed Plan (Information) 8-19 Mr. James Wood, Aurora, Ontario re: Replacement of Survey Stake (Information, H. Borgdorff, Wm.G. Walker, Clerk to acknowledge) 8-20 Economical Mutual re: Richard Munson -14 Wenderly Drive (Information, Wm.G. Walker, B.D. Gilbert, S.K. Jones) 8-21 John Dale, Aurora, Ontario re: Granada Investments (Information, K.B. Rodger to reply) 8-22 The Regional Municipality of York-Engineering re: Sanitary Sewer Connection to York/Durham Trunk Sewer (Ref. Council in Committee, Wm.G. Walker, H. Harrington) St. Andrew's College, on Highway Number 11 Borgdorff, R. J. 8-23 Central Ontario Travel Association re: COTA 1983-84 Winter Brochure (Information, F. J. Horvath) 8-24 Township of King re: List of Property Owners (Addington Place) (Information, C.E. Gowan, L. Allison, K.B. Rodger) ~-- COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1984 - 3 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 8-25 The Regional Municipality of York-Engineering re: Bloomington Road (Y.R. # 40)/Steeplechase Road Intersection (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 8-26 Goodman and Carr, Barristers and Solicitors re: Granada Investments Limited Draft Plan of Subdivision (9 Lots West Side of Murray Drive) (Information, L. Allison) 8-27 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Waterworks, Engineering) 1984 Transportation Budget (Works, (Information, 1984 Budget, K.B. Rodger) 8-28 The Regional Municipality of York-Chairman re: New Direction for Vlintario Grants Program (Information, F. J. Horvath) 8-29 The Regional Municipality of York-Engineering re: 1984 Water Operating Estimates (Information, 1984 Budget, Wm. Johnson, K.B. Rodger) 8-30 Recycling Support Council re: Recycling Program (Ref. Public Works Committee, Wm.G. Walker) 8-31 Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations re: Uniform Safety Standards -Amusement Ride and Go-Kart Industries (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 8-32 Derek Will is and Associates Limited, Planning Consultants re: Granada Investments Limited -Aurora Highlands Golf Course, By-Law Amendment for Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-82055 8-33 (Information, Wm. Johnson, R.J. Harrington, K.B. Rodger, S. Seibert) EMC Group Limited, Consulting Engineers and Project Managers re: Official Plan Amendment, Lots 82, 83 and 84, Concession I, E.Y.S. Realty Limited/Silvana DiPede In Trust) (Information, Wm. Johnson, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) Proposed (Connie 8-34 The York Region Board of Education re: Zoning By-Law Number 2643-84 (Granada/Murch} (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8-35 Densbury Investments Limited re: Application for Amendment to Official Plan (Information, Wm. Johnson, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8-36 Ministry of the Environment re: File Number 19T-83039, Lot 11, Concession 3 (Piebrock) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, s. Seibert, R.J. Harrington) 8-37 Ministry of the Environment re: File Number 19T-83032, Lot 85, Concession 1 WYS (Marko) (Information, S. Seibert, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington) 8-38 The York Region Board of Education re: By-Law 2644-84 (Private Home Care) (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8-39 Ministry of Natural Resources re: Draft Plan of Subdivision, Part of Lot 83, Cone. I, WYS, Conditions of Draft Approval (Wimpey) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1984 ~ 4 ~ CORRESPONDENCE 8~40 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Proposed By~Law by Miladinov (Z~08~84) (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8~41 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Amend Zoning By~Law 2213~78 (Lots 81 and 82 ~ Salpam) (Information, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert) 8~42 Town of Newmarket re: Notice of Passing of Zoning By~Law Number 2644~84 (Information, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert) 8~43 Ministry of Agriculture and Food re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lot 85, Concession 1 (19T~83036 and 19T~83037) (Sabiston/t~arko/Rogers) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, S. Seibert, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington) 8~44 Ministry of Natural Resources re: Proposed Zoning By~Law Amendment ~ West Half of Lot 11, Cone. III (Piebrock) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8~45 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Rezoning Application by Baggett (Z~12~84) (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8~46 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: By~Law Number 2643~84 ( Granada/Murch) (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8~47 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: By~Law Number 2644~84 (Private Home Daycare) (Information, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert) 8~48 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Transfer of Consent Authority (Ref. Council in Committee, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8~49 George Wimpey Canada Limited re: Aurora Orchards Subdivision~ Phase II (Performance Guarantee) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, S. Seibert, R.J. Harrington, K.B. Rodger, K. McFarlane) 8~50 The Regional Municipality of York~ Treasury re: Financial Statements (Information, Wm. Johnson) 8~51 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Town of Aurora exchange of lands with Tripsed Investments Limited (Information, Clerk to reply) 8~52 Bicentennial Bits re: Update on Celebration Plans (Information, F.J. Horvath) 8~53 Morrison Beatty Limited, Consulting Engineers and Hydrogeologists re: Alliance Building Corporation (Information, Wm.G. Walker, Clerk to reply) 8~54 Aurora Hellenics Athletic and Social Club re: Alliance Park Land (TABLED, Clerk to acknowlege, F.J. Horvath) E. Stewart: Barker: Buck: West: Resolved that this matter be reconsidered at this time. DEFEATED Resolved that this letter be received and the Aurora Hellenics Athletic and Social Club be advised that it was not the intention of Council to exclude any soccer club from using the proposed soccer field, And Further, that as the Lease has been signed, any negotiations would now have to be between the two (2) soccer clubs. CARRIED l-.. ~-· COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1984 -5 - CORRESPONDENCE 8-55 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Aurora purchase from 304260 Ontario Limited, Part 1, Plan 65R-3352 (Ref. Economic Development Committee, Councillor E. Stewart, Clerk to reply) 8-56 Theodore Belman, Toronto, Ontario re: Greater Real Corp Land (Ref. Technical Committee, Clerk to reply, s. Seibert) 8-57 Unitarian Service Committee of Canada (USC) re: Letter of Appreciation (Information) 8-58 Knox Martin Kretch Limited, Consulting Engineers, Planners, Landscape Architects re: Markborough Aurora Subdivision Lot Grading Approvals (Information, Wm.G. Walker, R.J. Harrington) 8-59 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: OBIAA Annual Meeting and Conference-April 24 and 25, 1984 (Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8-60 F.J. Horvath memo to K.B. Rodger re: Casey/Priestly (Information, L. Allison, Wm.G. Walker, F.J. Harrington) 8-61 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk re: Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-81100 (Salpam) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert, L. Allison) 8-62 The Regional Municpality of York-Clerks re: Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-81032 (Corridor) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, K.B. Rodger, S. Seibert, L. Allison) 8-63 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: The South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority Draft Environmentally Significant Area Policies (Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8-64 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: By-Law Number 2646-84 (Parking Provisions -Downtown Core) (Information, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert) 8-65 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Notice that Decision is Final and Binding (Application Number 349.83.A (Petro-Canada Products Inc.) (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8-66 Johnson Sustronk Weinstein and Associates, Consultants re: Resubmission of Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-83025 (Aurora Country Estates) (Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8-67 Persechini's re: Easter Seal Run or Walk-a-Thon for Physically Disabled Children Jones: Buck: (TABLED) Resolved that the week of May 21 to May 27, 1984 be proclaimed Run or Walk for Physically Disabled Children Week. CARRIED 8-68 City of Trenton re: Smoke Detectors (Information, Clerk to reply) 8-69 Bryan Thomas and Associates Inc., Consulting Engineers re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part of Lot 11, Cone. 3 (19T-83039 -Piebrock) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1984 - 6 - CORRESPONDENCE 8-70 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Watershed Development Policies (Information) 8-71 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Executive Committee Minutes - March 9, 1984 (Information) 8-72 City of Stratford re: OSUM -31st Annual Conference (Information, C.E. Gowan) 8-73 Bruce Ralph, Barristers and Solicitors (Information, R.J. Harrington, Walker) re: Change of Address K. McFarlane, s. Seibert, Wm. G. 8-74 Truman and Jennings, Planning and Development Consultants re: 91 Yonge Street North -Application for an Amendment to the Zoning By-Law (Z-22-84) (Information, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert, C.E. Gowan, L. Allison) 8-75 Truman and Jennings, Planning and Development Consultants re: 79 Yonge Street North -Application for an Amendment to the Zoning By-Law (Z-23-84) (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert, C.E. Gowan, L. Allison) 8-76 John Bousfield Associates Limited re: By-Law and Official Plan, Part Lot 11, (Information, R.J. Harrington, Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Zoning Con. 2 (Romano -OP-24-84 -Z-25-84) S. Seibert, C.E. Gowan, L. Allison) 8-77 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Long Easement to the Town of Aurora, 208 Kennedy Street West (Information, Clerk to reply) 8-78 Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission re: Bell Canada -Alternatives to Extended Area Service (Information, C.E. Gowan) 8-79 The Regional Municipality of York-Planning re: Street Names (Information, C.E. Gowan) 8-80 The Regional Municipality of York-Administrative Committee re: Minutes- February 8th, 1984 (Information) 8-81 Sir Sandford Fleming College re: O.I.C.C.: A Quarter Century Maintaining Cartography as a Profession (Information) 8-82 Marie Couperthwaite re: Request for Employment (Information, Clerk to reply) 8-83 Canadian Automotive Recyclers re: Automotive Recycling Yards (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert, R.J. Harrington) 8-84 The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario re: Pizza Delight Restaurant-220 Yonge Street South (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert, S.G. Wilson) 8-85 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Aurora sale to 570484 Ontario Inc., Part of Lot 80, Concession 1, EYS (Information, K. McFarlane to reply, Councillor E. Stewart) 8-86 The Regional Municipality of York-Health re: Rabies Control (Information) 8-87 Ontario Good Roads Association re: 1984 "T.J. Mahony" Road School (Information, Wm.G. Walker) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1984 -7 - CORRESPONDENCE 8-88 Association of Municipalities of Ontario re: Amendments to the Fire Departments Act (Information, Council) 8-89 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-82013 (Revlis) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert, F.J. Horvath) 8-90 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk's re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-80033 (Cousins) (Information, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert, L. Allison) 8-91 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce re: Letter of Credit (Bevark) (Information, Clerk to reply, K. McFarlane) 8-92 Valcoustics Canada Ltd. re: Environmental Noise Analysis, Salpam Investments Limited (19T-81100) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, s. Seibert) 8-93 Ontario Ministry of Labour re: Agreement -Firefighters (Information, Clerk to reply) 8-94 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce re: Letter of Credit (Markborough) (Information, Clerk to reply, K. McFarlane) 8-95 Aurora Figure Skating Club re: Letter of Appreciation (Information) 8-96 Ontario Municipal Personnel Assocition re: Spring Conference and Workshop (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee) 8-97 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce re: Letter of Credit (Nortech) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, R.J. Harrington, K. McFarlane) 8-98 Aurora Chamber of Commerce re: Information ~lema (Information) 8-99 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: 1984 American Water Works Association Membership -Request to Renew Same (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee) 8-100 Aurora Fire Department re: Activity Report -February 1984 (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 8-101 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk's re: Reimbursement of O.M.B. Fee (Information, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert, C.E. Gowan) 8-102 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Line Fences Seminars (Information, C.E. Gowan) 8-103 Ontario Ministry of Labour re: Agreement-C.U.P.E. Local 1359 (Information, Clerk to reply) 8-104 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Road Neesd Study Annual Update -1984 (Ref. Public Works Committee, Wm.G. Walker) ..__._; COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1984 -8 - CORRESPONDENCE 8-105 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Executive Committee Meeting Agenda -March 9, 1984 (Information) 8-106 Bell Canada re: Municipal Consent# 232 (Information, Wm.G. Walker) 8-107 The Regional Municipality of York-Engineering re: Town of Aurora Water Supply System, West Zone Elevated Tank -Project Number 8173 (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, s. Seibert, S.G. Wilson) 8-108 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Replacement -District Municipal Engineer (Information, Wm. Johnson, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, K. McFarlane) 8-109 Georgian College of Applied Arts and Technology re: Tourism Management Program (Information, F.J. Horvath) 8-110 Town of Newmarket re: Transmittal Record-Park purchase from W.E. Miller, Trustee (Information, Wm. Johnson to reply) 8-111 The Regional Municipality of York-Planning re: March Meeting (Information) 8-112 The Regional Municipality of York-Planning re: Proposed Zoning Amendments (Coopers and Lybrand Limited) Free House Ventures (Calgary) Limited, Units 12, 13, and 15 in proposed Condominium on Part Lot 1, R.P. 246 (Z-14-84A and Z-14-84B) (Ref. Planning Committee, s. Seibert, R.J. Harrington) 8-113 The Regional Municipality of York-Planning re: Proposed Amendments to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area and to By-Law 2213-78 by Addington Place Inc. (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert, R.J. Harrington) 8-114 The Regional Municipality of York-Planning re: Proposed Zoning Amendment, S.R. & E.M. Baggett (Pt. east half Lot 21, Cone. 2, Township of Whitchurch now in the Town of Aurora (Z-12-84) (Information, S. Seibert, R.J. Harrington) 8-115 The Regional Municipality of York-Planning re: Proposed Zoning Amendment (Salpam Investments Limited) -Parts West Halves of Lots 81 and 82, Cone. 1, Township of King, now in the Town of Aurora (Z-13-84) (Information, s. Seibert, R.J. Harrington) 8-116 Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology re: Introduction -Field Placement Co-ordinator for Recreation Programs (Information, F. J. Horvath to reply) 8-117 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors Aurora vs 517014 Ontario Limited (By-Law Prosecution re: Street South (Information, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert) re: Town of 35 -37 Yonge 8-118 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Mosley, Metcalfe and Larmont Streets (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff) 8-119 L.A.C.A.C. re: 1984 Budget (Information, Wm. Johnson, Budget) 8-120 A. Craig Lovgren, Scarborough, Ontario re: Request for Employment (Information, Clerk to reply) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1984 -9 - CORRESPONDENCE 8-121 t~inistry of the Environment re: Proposed Amendment Number 15 to the 0. P. for the Aurora Planning Area (19-0P-0025-025) (Information, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert) 8-122 Salpam Investments Limited re: Southold Investments Limited (Information, L. Allison) 8-123 Aurora Public Library re: List of Exhibits (Information, Insurance) 8-124 The Banff Centre School of Management re: Municipal Management Development Seminar (Information) 8-125 The York Region Board of Education re: Zoning By-Law 2646-84 (Parking - Business District) (Information, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert) 8-126 Financial Concept Group Inc. re: Tax Planning Seminar (Information) 8-127 Gardiner, Roberts, Barristers and Solicitors re: Request for Rezoning (Piebrock and Dical Investments) (Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8-128 The Regional Municipality of York -Clerk re: Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-79014 (Gelleny/Case) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8-129 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk re: Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-80018 (Wimpey -Aurora Orchards) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8-130 Mclean Highland Chev/Olds re: Request to Erect Marquis (Information, R.J. Harrington) 8-131 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Proposed Rezoning, Part Lot 85, 1 EYS (OP-16-84 -Kelly) (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8-132 Herbert A. Epp, M.P.P., Waterloo North re: Unconditional Grants to Municipalities and Disclosure of Transportation and Communications (Information) 8-133 Aurora Village Co-Op re: Tax Bill (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee, Wm. Johnson, Clerk to acknowledge) 8-134 Edward Burstein and Associates, Barristers and Solicitors re: Bank of Montreal first mortgage loan to Boss -33 Nisbet Drive (Information, Wm. Johnson to reply, K.B. Rodger) 8-135 Aurora Public Library re: Letter of Appreciation -Snow Removal (Information, N. Weller, F.J. Horvath) 8-136 July First Committee re: Agenda -March 28th, 1984 (Information) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1984 -10 - CORRESPONDENCE 8-137 Reid and Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers re: ·McDonald Drive Trunk Sewer -Contract Number 1050 (Information, Wm.G. Walker) 8-138 Reid and Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers re: Reconstruction of Mosley, Larmont and Metcalfe Streets -Project Number 1039 (Information, Wm.G. Walker) 8-139 Reid and Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers re: Recontruction of Mosley, Larmont and Metcalfe Streets -Project Number 1039 (Information, Wm.G. Walker) 8-140 Ministry of Community and Social Services re: Pine Ridge (Ref. Council in Committee) 8-141 Daniel Drimmie, Scarborough, Ontario re: Request for Employment (Information, Wm.G. Walker to reply) 8-142 Collins, Barrow, Chartered Accountants re: Invoice for Services Rendered (Information, Wm. Johnson) 8-143 H. Borgdorff, Town Engineer re: Summary of Meeting of March 21, 1984 - Concerns Mutual to Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church and Salpam Investments Limited (Information, Technical Committee members, L. Allison) 8-144 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Proposed Rezoning, Block 16, Part Block "A", R.P. M-57 (Z-15-84) (Information, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert) 8-145 City of Toronto re: Ontario Parks Association -Annual Conference (Information, F.J. Horvath, N. Weller) 8-146 Reid and Associates Limited re: Lakeview Estates Limited (Second Submission of Plans-Project Number 1039) (Ref. Public Works Committee, Wm.G. Walker) 8-147 Reid and Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers re: Reconstruction of Metcalfe, Mosley and Larmont Streets-Project Number 1039 (Information) 8-148 Anderson Associates Limited re: Alliance Industrial Phase II, Stage 2 (Information, Wm.G. Walker) 8-149 Bell Canada re: 1984 York Region Telephone Directory (Information, C.E. Gowan, s. Jones) 8-150 Ontario Municipal Board re: File Number S830030 -Board Order (Resthaven) (Ref. Wm.G. Walker, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert) 8-151 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: CEBY Management Limited (Aurora Resthaven Nursing Home-Revised Site Plan) -32 Mill Street (Information) 8-152 Town of Richmond Hill re: Proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment (Piebrock) (Ref. Planning Committee, s. Seibert, R.J. Harrington) 8-153 Association of Municipalities of Ontario re: Ontario Fire Fighters Brief (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee) 8-154 Travelways re: Contract 1984 (Information, S. Jones) COUNCIL MEETING ••• APRIL 2nd, 1984 -11 - CORRESPONDENCE 8-155 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Application for Consent by Bell Telephone (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8-156 S.K. Jones, Purchasing Co-Ordinator re: Microfilming Report and Recommendation (Ref. Administration and Finance Committee) 8-157 St. Andrew's College re: Lakeview Estates Subdivision (Information, Wm.G. Walker, Clerk to reply, L. Allison) 8-158 Deloitte, Haskins and Sells Associates, Management Consultants re: Non-Union Salaries Survey (Information, K. McFarlane) 8-159 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Transfer of Easement Plan M-87 (Information, Wm.G. Walker, R.J. Harrington, L. Allison) 8-160 Marsh and Mclennan Group Associates Limited re: O.M.R.O. Retiree Benefit Information (Information, Wm. Johnson) 8-161 Association of Municipalities of Ontario re: Meeting Cancellation (Information) 8-162 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-83027 (Gelleny/Case) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8-163 Aurora Professional Fire Fighters Association re: Bargaining Negotiations -1984 Contract (Information, S.G. Wilson) ' 8-164 Aurora Professional Fire Fighters Association re: Grievance -October 19th, 1983 -Fire Prevention Officer-Retroactivity (Information, K.B. Rodger) 8-165 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Servicing of Industrial Lots within Town Industrial Parks (Ref. Economic Development Committee, H. Borgdorff) 8-166 Denis Casey, Aurora, Ontario re: Dedication of Lands (Information, Wm.G. Walker, R.J. Harrington, L. Allison) 8-167 Helpmate Information re: Volunteer Week-April 22-28, 1984 (TABLED, RESOLUTION) 8-168 Cumming-Cockburn and Associates Limited re: Revlis Securities Limited (Subdivision 19T-82013) (TABLED, DELEGATIONS, Ref. Planning Committee, Leisure Services Committee, Wm.G. Walker, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert, F.J. Horvath) 8-169 Public Works Department re: Overtime-February 1984 (Ref. Public Works Committee) 8-170 Waterworks Department re: Overtime -February 1984 (Ref. Public Works Committee) 8-171 Karen Beckett, Kitchener, Ontario re: Purchase of Property on Tyler Street (Information, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert to reply) r~'"-'~ ~~ COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1984 -12 - CORRESPONDENCE 8-172 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Notice of Public Hearing {Application Number 50.84.A (Armata)) (Information, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert) 8-173 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Notice of Public Hearing {Application Number 45.84.A (Sisman's)) (Information, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert) 8-174 Bank of Montreal re: Letter of Credit (Picture Homes) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, R.J. Harrington, K. McFarlane) 8-175 Stolp and Company re: Letter of Credit (St. Andrew's Summit Building Corporation Orchard Heights and Crawford Rose Drive) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert, C.E. Gowan, K. McFarlan e) 8-176 Inflation Restraint Board re: Report of Public Accountant (Information, Clerk to reply, Auditors) 8-177 Packard Homes re: Lot 12L and 12R, Draft Plan of Subdivision {Markborough) (Information) 8-178 Markborough Properties Limited re: Letter of Credit (Repayment of Levies) (Information, Clerk to reply) 8-179 Jeffrey Warzek, Mississauga, Ontario re: Request for Employment (Information, Clerk to reply, C.E. Gowan) 8-180 Town of Markham re: York Region Clerk's Committee -March 28, 1984 {Information, C.E. Gowan) 8-181 Reid and Associates Limited re: Reconstruction of Mosley, Metcalfe and Larmont Streets -Project Number 1039 (Information) 8-182 The Regional Municipality of York-Engineering re: Agenda-March 13, 1984 (Information) 8-183 The Regional Municipality of York-Planning re: Agenda-March 14, 1984 (Information) 8-184 Ontario Land Corporation re: Aurora -Springburn West Stage II - Oversizing (Information, Wm.G. Walker, Clerk to reply, H. Borgdorff) 8-185 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Holland River Valley Report (Information, Wm.G. \~alker, H. Borgdorff, s. Seibert, F.J. Horvath) 8-186 Edward R. Steger, Aurora, Ontario re: Damage to Shoulders of Steeplechase Avenue and Woodsend Crescent (Information, Wm.G. Walker, Clerk to acknowledge) 8-187 Derek Willis and Associates Limited re: Change of Address (Information, s. Seibert, R.J. Harrington, K. McFarlane, C.E. Gowan, L. Allison, Wm.G. Walker) 8-188 Aurora Public Library re: B.I.L.D. Funds (Information, Budget) 8-189 Assessment Region Number 14 re: Extra Paper Copy of Assessment Roll (Information, L. Allison) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1984 -13 - CORRESPONDENCE 8-190 Ministry of t~unicipal Affairs and Housing re: Background-March 12, 1984 (Information, Council Room) 8-191 t~inistry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (Information, Council Room) re: Background-March 5, 1984 8-192 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Background-February 27, 1984 (Information, Council Room) 8-193 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: MTC Subsidy (Municipal Transportation Roads Directive A-2 (Contributions to Municipal Road Improvement) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, D. Wardle) 8-194 The Regional Municipality of York-Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lots 74 and 75, Cone. 1, WYS (M.M.A.H.-File 19T-83025) (Aurora Country Estates) (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, \ R.J. Harrington, S.G. Wilson, F.J. Horvath) 8-195 Ontario Municipal Board re: Appeals under The Planning Act, 1983 (Information, C.E. Gowan, K.B. Rodger, S. Seibert, L. Allison) 8-196 The Regional Municipality of York-Treasury re: 1984 Five Year Capital Expenditure Forecast (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee, Wm. Johnson, K.B. Rodger) 8-197 S. Seibert, R.J. Harrington and S.K. Jones memo to K.B. Rodger re: Municipal Housing Statement (Ref. Council in Committee) 8-198 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-80033 (Cousins) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert, F.J. Horvath) 8-199 Goodman and Carr, Barristers and Solicitors re: Granada Investments Limited (35 lots on OLC lands) (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert, K. McFarlane) 8-200 The Royal Bank of Canada re: Letter of Credit (Donkers) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, R.J. Harrington, K. McFarlane) 8-201 Osler, Hoskin and Harcourt, Barristers and Solicitors re: Dr. Carl Wyse sale to Wilson -11 Steeplechase Avenue (Information, Clerk to reply, Wm. Johnson) 8-202 Osler, Hoskin and Harcourt, Barristers and Solicitors re: Cowan purchase from Armstrong -81 St. Andrews Court (Information, R.J. Harrington, Wm.G. Walker to reply) 8-203 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk's re: Engineering Committee Report Number 6-Solid Waste Management, Keele Valley Landfill Site (Ref. Public Works Committee, S.K. Jones) 8-204 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk re: Romano Subdivision Application (Information, s. Seibert, R.J. Harrington) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1984 -14 - COR RESPONDENCE 8-205 Ministry of the Environment re: Proposed Amendment# 20 to O.P. (19T-80028 -Bevark) (Ref. Planning Committee, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J; Harrington, S. Seibert, S.G. Wilson, F.J. Horvath) 8-206 F. Robert Hewett, Aurora, Ontario re: By-Law 2645-84 (Information, Clerk to reply) 8-207 Ontario Ministry of Labour re: Notice of Review of Drawings (Specialty Chemicals Limited) (Information, R.J. Harrington) 8-208 Goodman and Carr, Barristers and Solicitors re: Granada Investments Limited (Six Lots on Brookland Avenue) (Information, Clerk to reply, L. Allison) 8-209 The Fantus Company re: Building a More Effective Organization (Ref. Economic Development Committee) 8-210 Mitchell, Pound and Braddock Limited re: Corridor Enterprises Inc. (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert) 8-211 Ruth Moffat, Aurora, Ontario re: Garbage Collection (TABLED) E. Stewart: Resolved that this letter be received. Jones: CARRIED 8-212 R.J. Harrington memo to Administration/Finance Committee re: Association Memberships (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee) 8-213 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Municipal Transit Subsidy Program 1984 (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee, Wm. Johnson, S.K. Jones) 8-214 A.F.N. Aurora Homes Inc. re: Three Seasons Subdivision (Ref. Council in Committee) 8-215 The Regional Municipality of York-Planning re: Letter# 8-7-Proposed Amendment Number 25 to the O.P. of the Aurora Planning Area (19-0P-0025-025) (Ref. Council in Committee) 8-216 S.G. Wilson memo to Administration/Finance Committee re: Budget Information -Accounts 2000-48 and 2000-49 (Information, Budget) 8-217 Czechoslovak National Association of Canada re: Memorandum respecting "Day of Slovak Independence: (Information) 8-218 Mac's Convenience Stores re: Hours of Operation (TABLED, DELEGATIONS) 8-219a Miller Paving Limited re: Application for Rezoning to "Estate Residential" Part of Lots 11 and 12, Concession II, EYS, Township of Whitchurch, Now Town of Aurora and application for Draft Plan of Subdivision related therto, 19T-80094 (Dical Investments Limited) (TABLED, DELEGATIONS) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1984 -15 - CORRESPONDENCE 8-219b EMC Group Limited, Consulting Engineers and Project Managers Realty Limited, Proposed Industrial Development, Lots 82, 83 Concession I, EYS-Request for Delegation Status (TABLED, DELEGATIONS) re: Connie and 84, 8-220 R.E. Winter and Associates Limited re: Dical Investments Limited, Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-80094 (TABLED, DELEGATIONS) 8-221 Aurora Downtown re: July First Celebrations (TABLED) Buck: Jones: Resolved that the Aurora B.I.A. be granted permission to mount approximately 15 flags on hydro poles from June 1 to the first week in July. CARRIED 8-222 Aurora Downtown re: Street Banners (TABLED) Buck: Jones: Resolved that the Aurora B.I.A. be granted permission to install an additional 10 banners on the hydro poles. CARRIED 8-223 Aurora High School re: Work Experience Program (Information, C.E. Gowan) 8-224 P. Ainsworth, (Mrs.), Aurora, Ontario re: Tree Removal (Ref. Leisure Services Committee) 8-225 Urban Development Institute re: National Conference -May 3 and 4, 1984 (Information, Councillor E. Stewart) 8-226 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Land Management File T-06976, Lot 16, Concession 3 (Information, Wm. Johnson) 8-227 Reid and Associates Limited re: Yonge, Dunning, Golf Links, Yonge, Brookland Intersections Traffic Signals -Project Number 904 (Information) 8-228 The Regional Municipality of York-Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lots 81 and 82, Concession 1 WYS, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing File 19T-81100(R) (Information, C.E. Gowan) 8-229 Allensom Holdings Limited re: Apartment Building-1 Bell Drive (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 8-230 H. Borgdorff memo to K.B. Rodger re: Reconstruction of Mosley, Larmont and Metcalfe Streets-Project Number 1039 (TABLED) Paivio: Resolved that the tree in front of 59 Metcalfe to remain. Barker: CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1984 -16 - COR RESPONDENCE 8-231 The York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: Town of Aurora By-Law Numbers 2645-84 and 2646-84 (Information, S. Seibert, C.E. Gowan) 8-232 Terry Beatty, Ottawa, Ontario re: Lapel Pin (Information, Clerk to reply) 8-233 Amalgamated Transit Union Local 113 re: Go Transit (Ref. Council in Committee) 8-234 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Road Expenditures Report and Grant Calculation (Information, S.K. Jones, Wm. Johnson) 8-235 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Zoning By-Law Amendment -Town of Aurora File OP-16-84, OP-17-84 and Z-15-84 (Information, S. Seibert, C.E. Gowan) 8-236 Town of Kirkland Lake re: Property Standards By-Law (Information, Clerk to reply) 8-237 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Bi11 138 -Municipal Tax Sales Act, 1983 (Ref. Council in Committee) 8-238 Ministry of Correctional Services re: Justice Week (TABLED) West: Buck: Resolved that the week of April 8 to 14 be proclaimed Justice Week in the Town of Aurora. CARRIED 8-239 Ministry of Tourism and Recreation re: Economic Impact Study Presentation (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F.J. Horvath) 8-240 Go Transit re: Aurora/Yorkdale Bus Service (Information) 8-241 University of Toronto re: Summer/Part-time/Temporary and Permanent Employment Services (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee) 8-242 H. Borgdorff memo to K.B. Rodger re: Reconstruction of Mosley, Larmont and Metcalfe Streets -Project Number 1039 Ostick: E. Stewart: (TABLED) Resolved that Scheme 2 in the Engineer's letter dated March 27, 1984 be adopted. CARRIED 8-243 A1 Garbens, Aurora, Ontario re: Proposed By-Law Amendment, Part Lot 78, Con. I, WHS, Granada Investments (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert) 8-244 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Executive Committee Agenda - March 30, 1984 (Information) 8-245 D. Wardle memo to Mayor and Members of Council re: Letter# 5-11 - Financial Collection Agencies (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee) ;___.,v.J COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1984 -17 - CORRESPONDENCE 8-246 Wm. Johnson memo to K.B. Rodger re: 1984 Five Year Capital Expenditure Forecast (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee, K.B. Rodger) 8-247 7-Eleven Food Stores re: All Night Retail Operations (Ref. Council in Committee) 8-248 du Toit Associates Limited re: Sports Complex Feasibility Study (Information, Council) 8-249 Reid and Associates Limited re: Completion of Environmental Assessment Review -Report to Council (TABLED) West: Resolved that this letter be received. Buck: CARRIED 8-250 The Regional Municipality of York-Solicitor re: Delegation Consent (TABLED) Buck: E. Stewart: Resolved that this letter be considered under Item 9 -By-Laws on the Agenda. CARRIED 8-251 J.A. Lennox Brown, Barrister and Solicitor re: Proposed By-Law Change affecting 81 Temperance Street (TABLED) West: Resolved that the Clerk's Report be dealt with as outlined. Buck: CARRIED DELEGATIONS 1. Letter# 8-168-Cumming-Cockburn and Associates Limited re: Revlis Securities Limited Subdivision 19T-82013 Mr. Brian Larkin, representing Revlis Securities, addressed Council and requested Council's approval of the Red Line Revisions on their proposed Subdivision and requested the Zoning By-Law be prepared. This matter will be considered under Item 5 -Reports of Committees, Report # 24 -Planning Committee on the Agenda. 2. Letter# 8-218-Mac's Convenience Stores re: Hours of Operation West: Ostick: Mr. Egerdie, Vice-President of Mac's Milk, addressed Council and requested that stores be allowed to remain open 24 hours. Mr. Egerdie advised that their stores were being upgraded (i.e. -lighting, layout, parking) and this meant a 23% reduction in robberies. Resolved that this matter be deferred until Item 7 -Resolution# 4 on the Agenda. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1984 -18 - DELEGATIONS 3. Limited re: Application for Rezonin Mr. Main, representing Miller Paving, appeared before Council to outline their concern regarding the Dical Subdivision. Mr. Main stated the future home owner/purchasers should be made aware of the noise from their Plant and the heavy traffic on Bloomington Road. This matter to be discussed under Item 5 -Reports of Committees -Planning Report # 24 on the Agenda. 4. Letter# 8-219b -EMC Group Limited, Consulting Engineers and Project Managers re: Connie Realty Limited West: Buck: Mr. P. Capabranco, representing Connie Realty, outlined to Council their proposal for the industrial development of their lands. Resolved that this proposal be referred to the Planning Committee and the Leisure Services Committee for comments prior to the Public Meeting scheduled for May 30, 1984. CARRIED 5. Letter #.8~220-R.E. Winter and Associates Limited re: Dical Investments L1m1ted, Draft Plan of Subd1v1s1on 191-80094 Ms. H. White, representing Dical Investments, appeared before Council to seek Council's consieration in draft approving their proposed subdivision. This matter will be discussed under Item 5 -Reports of Committees, Planning Committee Report # 24 on the Agenda. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 23 -Public Works Committee ••• Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, March 26th, 1984, at 7:00 p.m. in the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Councillor L. Ostick, Councillor E. Stewart, Councillor R. Barker and Director of Public Works, Wm. Walker. A. Referred Matters 1. Parking -Mosley Street (Wells St. to Larmont St.) The Committee studied the plans of the reconstruction of Mosley Street and recommend that parking be allowed on the north side of Mosley Street across the street from the bus bay and parking area located on the south side of Mosley Street. 2. Sidewalk and Sewer-Wellington Street West (McDonald Drive to the Salpam Development) The Committee recommend that the developer be asked to leave a 200mm Tee, as determined by Town staff, in a convenient location along the new sewer. The development of local sewers and laterals to service homes along the south side of Wellington Street will be considered when requested by a majority of the homeowners. This will be done as a local improvement. The Committee further recommend that for engineering design reasons, the sidewalk be located on the south side of Wellington Street. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1984 -19 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 23 -Public Works Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) A. Referred Matters (continued) 3. ~UrRlus.Scrap Materials The Committee recommend that the responsibility for disposing of scrap materials in the Public Works Department be delegated to the Director of Public Works. 4. Utility Works In Town Streets Although the Town Engineer was in contact with all Utility Companies before the construction took place, the information may not have been received by all departments of the larger Utilities. It is recommended that a separate notification be sent by the Director of Public Works or Town Engineer specifically requesting that any proposed utility work on streets in the road programme be done before construction starts. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Item 1 Jones: Ostick: Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Ostick: E. Stewart: Item 3 Item 4 Ostick: E. Stewart: AMENDED Resolved that Item 1 and By-Law Number 2655-84 -3rd Reading be referred to the Public Safety Committee for a Report. CARRIED AS AMENDED CARRIED AMENDED CARRIED Resolved that the words "in conjunction with the Purchasing Co-Ordinator" be added to this paragraph. CARRIED AS AMENDED CARRIED CARRIED Resolved that the Public Works Committee Report# 23 dated f4arch 26th, 1984 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended. CARRIED Report # 24 -Planning Comrilittee ... Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Planning Committee was held on Monday, March 26, 1984 in the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Councillor E. Buck, Chairperson; Councillor J. West; Councillor M. Paivio; Mrs. S. Seibert, Planner; Mr. R. Harrington, Secretary. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1984 -20 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 24-Pianning Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) A. REPORTS: 1. 6i~al in~~jtmenis Limiied, ·Plan of Subdivision 19~80094, Part Lots 11 & 12, Cone. 2, EYS The Committee discussed the reply letter received from the Ministry of the Environment regarding the Town's query of the possible impact on the proposed subdivision in relation to the migration of contaminents from the Sanitary Land Fill site on Bayview Avenue. (a) The Ministry's reply indicated that a groundwater study is now underway, and should be complete by May 1984. They are, however, still prepared to recommend draft approval, subject to the well monitoring conditions specified previously. The Committee continues to be concerned with this situation and recommends that Council not recommend draft approval of the subdivision until after the groundwater study is complete and has been received. (b) The Committee supports the concerns raised by Miller Paving in their letter dated March 20, 1984, from their solicitor Ian J. Lord, and would recommend a "noise attenuation" study be undertaken in the busy summer months for industrial traffic on Bloomington Road. Possibly these study costs could be shared with Mr. Piebrock. Mr. Main from Miller Paving was present, and also Pat Parker, Planner from R. E. Winters & Associates, the consultants for the Dical propos a 1. 2. Archerhill Investments Limited, Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-82039, Block 37, R.Plan 65M-2012, 14-lot Estate Subdivision The Committee read Mrs. Seibert's Report, and would recommend its adoption, with one extra clause to be added: "12. The Developer shall prepare suitable treatment to establish the boundary between the private lots and the public park area, prior to final approval (i.e. fencing, landscaping, hedge, etc.)." B. DISCUSSION: 1. Toronto & North York Hunt Club -Golfcourse and Residential proposal The Committee recommends no action be taken on the proposal until the "Secondary Plan" for the area is discussed by Council in Committee on Wednesday, March 28, 1984. 2. Revlis Securities Limited, Plan of Subdivision 19T-82013, Part Lot 84, Cone. 1, EYS -Concerns raised at Public Meeting on February 23, 1984 The Committee recommends the following: (a) Density of Property -Lots 15-23 incl. and 28-42 incl. be 50-foot lots, w1th a m1n1mum front yard setback of 15 feet, because of the extra lot depth required by C.N.R. There is to be a gradual transition from the adjacent 20-foot front yard setback in the Valhalla Subdivision. (b) Parkland Dedication Area-Lots 24, 25 and 27 be included in Block 26 for Park. (c) Need for School Site -Both School Boards agree no sites necessary in this Subdivision. {'~" ,-----., COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1984 -21 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 24-Planning Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) B. [)iscussi<iN: (continued) 2. Revlis Securities Limited, Plan of Subdivision 19T-82013, Part Lot 84, Cone. 1, EYS-Concerns raised at Public Meeting/on February 23, 1984 (continued) (d) Buffer Zone (who will do maintenance on same) -If the Developer wil I sod and landscape the "buffer zone", the Town Parks Department could cut the grass temporarily, until the lots are developed residentially. (e) Landowners to east and north (road access to their property) - Revl1s has agreed to these requests. (f) C.N. Railway requirements-30-metre rear yards, as required by C.N.R., is agreeable to owner, and as per (a) above, it is recommended the front yard setback be reduced. C. RECEIVED FOR RECOMMENDATION: 1. Letter #8-63 -South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority, Draft Environmentally Significant Area Policies The Committee recommends the Authority be advised that the proposed policy is acceptable to the Town of Aurora, as it is consistent with Council's interim policy regarding the acquifer recharge areas. 2. Letter # 8~59 -Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: OBIAA Annual Meet1ng and Conference April 24 & 25, 1984. The Committee recommends Councillor Martin Paivio attend and the usual expenses shall apply. D. LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE: 1. Letter #5-67 -Application No. 50.84.A, Dr. Steven A. Armata, Pt. Lots 79,80,81,B2, Plan 30, George Street The Committee recommends approval of this severance, and the usual fees will apply. E. RECEIVED AS INFORMATION: 1. #5-131 2. #5-152 - 3. #8-13 4. #8-66 Mr. & Mrs. F. Shaw re: Public Meeting February 23, 1984- Granada Investments proposed apartments. Cosburn, Giverson Consultants Inc. re: Lakeview Estates,-Tree preservation plan. Cliffgate Management Limited re: Aurora Country Estates Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-83025. Johnson, Sustronk, Weinstein & Associates re: Re-submission of Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-83025, Aurora Country Estates. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1984 -~ - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 24 -Planning Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) F. REFERRED ITEMS: 1. Special Council Meeting of February 23, 1984 (a) Miladinov, Rezoning, Temperance Street The Committee recommends the Rezoning By-Law be prepared. (b) Granada Investments, Tennis Courts, Rezoning The Committee recommends the Rezoning By-Law be prepared. (c) Mr. Bruce Ralph, Old Arena Site, Yonge StreetS. The Committee recommends this item be deferred until after the Budget has been set for 1984. 2. Council meeting of March 5, 1984 (a) Heritaye Committee Area Study #1 (Yonge Street Corridor/Centre to Mosley The Committee recommends this item be deferred to the next Planning meeting. (b) Review of Town Sign By-Law Staff will commence reviewing the present Sign By-Law. 3. Mrs. Seibert is presently preparing Community Improvement Policies, Site Plan Policies, Holding Policies, and Bonusing Policies. The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. The next Planning Meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 30, 1984 at 7:30 p.m. Item A.1(a) Jones: E. Stewart: Item A.1(a) Item A.1(b) Item A.2 Item B.1 West: Buck: Item B .1 AMENDED Resolved that the Dical Subdivision Proposal be forwarded to the Region of York for draft approval subject to the following clauses being added: (i) A clause being registered on title re: potential noise from the gravel pit operation and the heavy truck traffic on Bloomington Road, (ii) That the report from the Ministry of the Environment regarding the ground water study is not a negative report as it effects this property and proposed wells. CARRIED AS AMENDED DEFEATED CARRIED AMENDED CARRIED Resolved that this item be deferred to Council in Committee Report # 26 discussions. CARRIED CARRIED AS AMENDED COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1984 ~ 23 ~ REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 24 ~ Planning Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) Item B.2 ~ F.3 CARRIED Buck: West: Jones: Ostick: Resolved that Planning Committee Report# 24 dated March 26th, 1984 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED Resolved that the Hour be extended and the Agenda completed. CARRIED Councillor West in the Chair. Report # 25 ~ Council in Committee ... Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of Council in Committee was held on Wednesday, March 28th, 1984 at 7:30 p.m. in the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Mayor Illingworth and Councillors Barker, Buck, Jones, Ostick, Paivio (7:40p.m.), E. Stewart, N. Stewart and West. A. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Proposed Estate Resident i a 1 Policy After discusssing this matter at length, Council in Committee recommends the following: (a) the urban area, the secondary study area, open space area, existing non~farm and infill area, urban special area, and the special policy area be approved as outlined on the map presented by PlannerS. Seibert dated February 24, 1984, (b) that the terms of reference for the secondary study area be drawn up by Mrs. Seibert and presented to the Council in Committee meeting of May 2nd, 1984, (c) that the portion of the Agriculture Priority area from Bayview Avenue west, north and south of Wellington Street East be designated Special Policy Area, and the rest of the area approved as Agriculture Priority Area as designated on the map dated February 24, 1984. 2. Letter# 8~214 ~ A.F.N. Aurora Homes re: Three Seasons Subdivision Jones: Ostick: Resolved that the Rules of Procedure be waived and Mr. Axler, of A.F.N. Homes Limited be granted Delegation Status. CARRIED Mr. Axler requested the following amendments to the proposed Three Seasons Subdivision: (i) town purchase school site now, (ii) landscape architectural design be resolved after the decision is made by York Region Separate School Board, COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1984 -24 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report # 25 -Council in Committee ••• Various Matters {continued) A. CORRESPONDENCE {continued) 2. Letter # 8-214 -A.F.N. Aurora Homes re: Three Seasons Subdivision (continued) {iii) Phase II be released for processing of a plan of Subdivision, {iv) lots on west side of Dr. Crawford Rose Drive be released for registration, {v) zoning for the west side of Dr. Crawford Rose Drive be passed as an extension of the east side of the street, {vi) 2 1/2 acres for park dedication be recognized as being given for the entire subdivision. The Committee recommends that: {a) the Town of Aurora not acquire the school site at this time, {b) that a full landscaping architectural design on the Park site be carried out as part of the Subdivision Agreement, {c) the remainder of the requests be forwarded to the Technical Committee for study and report. 3. Letter# 8-7 -Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and Letter# 8-215 -TheRe ional Munici alit of York-Plannin re: Pro osed Amendment Number 25 Aurora Country Estates The Committee recommends that O.P. Amendment Number 25 be amended and modified as per Mrs. Seibert's letter dated March 22nd, 1984. 4. Letter# 8-197 -S. Seibert/R.J. Harrington/S.K. Jones memo to K.B. Rodger re: Municipal Housing Statement Council in Committee recommends that the report of staff on the Municipal Housing Statement be accepted and the Star Group be awarded the contract for preparing a Municipal Housing Statement for the Town of Aurora at a cost of $10,000.00. c The Committee further recommends that a Steering Committee be formed, to oversee the consultants progress, consisting of Councillor M. Paivio, Planner s. Seibert, Purchasing Co-Ordinator S.K. Jones and Chief Building Inspector R. J. Harrington. B. RECEIVED AS INFORMATION 1. Letter# 8-22 -Regional Engineering re: St. Andrew's College Sanitary Sewer Connect1on to York Durham Trunk Sewer 2. Letter # 8-48 -York Regional Land Division Committee re: Transfer of Consent Authority 3. Letter# 8-140 -Ministry of Community and Social Services re: Pine Ridge Concerned Parents Association The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1984 ~ 25 ~ REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 25 ~ Council in Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) Item A.l(a) I 11 i ngworth: E. Stewart: Item A.1(a) Item A.l(b) Illingworth: E. Stewart: Item A.1(b) Item A.1(c) AMENDMENT Osti ck: Jones: Item A.1(d) Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item B.1 Item B.2 Item B.3 Illingworth: E. Stewart: AMENDMENT Resolved that the words "with the deletion of the south~east quadrant" be added to the first 1 ine after the word "area", so that the clause shall now read as follows: "the urban area, the secondary study area with the deletion of the south~east quadrant, open space area, existing non~farm and infill area, urban special area, and the special policy area be approved as outlined on the map presented by Planners. Seibert dated February 24, 1984," CARRIED AS AMENDED AMENDMENT CARRIED Resolved that the words "south~west quadrant" be added to the first 1 ine after the word "area" so that the paragraph shall now read as follows: "that the terms of reference for the secondary study area (south~west quadrant) be drawn up by Mrs. Seibert and presented to the Council in Committee meeting of May 2nd, 1984," CARRIED AS AMENDED CARRIED CARRIED Resolved that the following clause be added: "A.1(d) That the area from Bloomington Road North to the Vandorf Sideroad, east of Yonge Street South be reviewed under a report by s. Seibert, Regional Planner. CARRIED AS AMENDED CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED Resolved that Council in Committee Report# 25 dated March 28th, 1984 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED Mayor Illingworth in the Chair. Report# 26 ~ Commercial Development Advisory Committee ••• Various Matters i The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Commercial Development Advisory Committee was held on Tuesday, March 27th, at 7:30 p.m. in Committee Room One. Present were: Councillors Evelyn Buck, Richard Barker and Martin Paivio, B.I.A. representative Jamie Thompson, Merchants representative Gary McKenzie, and Planner Susan Seibert. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1984 ~ 26 ~ REPORTS OF C Q\IM ITTEES Report# 26 ~Commercial Development Advisory Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) 1. Policy Regarding Historic Core of Aurora The Committee reviewed Mrs. Seibert's report entitled "Policy Regarding Historic Core of Aurora" which is based on the Committee's discussions of the Diamond Report. The Committee instructed Mrs. Seibert to prepare an "Implementation" section to be added to the report for the next meeting. 2. Chamber of Commerce Representative The Committee is concerned only attended one meeting. Chamber, it is recommended Commerce. that the Chamber of Commerce representative has Since this is severely limiting the input of the that solutions be discussed with the Chamber of The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for April lOth, at 7:3,0 p.m. After that date, the meetings will be held on the third Tuesday of the month. Buck: Paivio: Resolved that Commercial Development Advisory Committee Report# 26 dated March 27th, 1984 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED Division Committee ••• Application Number 27.84.A Date of Decision: March 20, 1984 Name: Address: The Bell Telephone Company of Canada 393 University Avenue, Floor 18 Toronto, Ontario M5G 1W9 Property: Part Lot 174, Plan 246 and Part Lot 1, Plan 346, Town of Aurora Application for Consent: to convey a parcel of land for parking area purposes, to the owner abutting on the west. The above noted application was heard by the Land Division Committee on March 20, 1984. It is the decision of the Committee that consent be GRANTED, upon fulfilment of the following conditions: 1. Payment of an Administration fee of $100.00, to the Town of Aurora; 2. Submission to the Secretary~Treasurer, of a fully executed deed, in duplicate, conveying the subject land only to the owner of Lot 173, Plan 246, abutting on the west, being, reportedly, Paul Shiner; 3. Submission to the Secretary~Treasurer, of three white prints of a deposited Plan of Reference showing the subject land, which conforms substantially with the application as submitted; 4. Fulfilment of conditions 1, 2 and 3, not later than March 27, 1985. Buck: West: SUBSECTION 49(5) OF THE PLANNING ACT APPLIES TO ANY SUBSEQUENT CONVEYANCE OR TRANSACTION OF OR IN RELATION TO THE LAND THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS CONSENT. Resolved that York Regional Land Division Committee Report# 27 dated March 20, 1984 be received. CARRIED ,--~""' ' I COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1984 -v - RESOLUTIONS 1. Volunteer Week • April 22 -28, 1984 Paivio: Resolved that the Week of April 22 -28, 1984 be proclaimed Jones: "VOLUNTEER WEEK" in the Town of Aurora. CARRIED 2. Tax and Penalty Write Offs West: E. Stewart: Resolved that the following taxes and penalties re: 496A's be written off, details of which are on file in the Treasurer's Office, be approved and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Total $601. 27 CARRIED 3. Release of Financial Securities -Picture Homes Development Inc. Ostick: E. Stewart: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Director of Public Works, the Financial Securities for Lots 25 to 33 inclusive, Registered Plan 2035 for Picture Homes Development Inc. be released. CARRIED 4. Notice of Motion • 24-Hour Store Operation N. Stewart: Resolved that this resolution be withdrawn at this time. West: CARRIED UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Murray Drive-Traffic Problem Ostick: Resolved that the Regional Engineering Department be asked for their Jones: recommendations regarding stop signs, speed limits, crosswalks, etc. on Murray Drive from Yonge Street to Kennedy Street West. 2. West: Buck: CARRIED Sports Complex Feasibility Study Resolved that this Study be referred to the Leisure Services Committee for discussion and then be presented at a Public Meeting. CARRIED 3. Aurora Rotary Club • Beer and Wine Tent Jones: Resolved that the Town of Aurora endorse the request of the Aurora Paivio: Rotary Club regarding the operating of a Beer and Wine Tent on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, June 8, 9 and 10, 1984 at the Aurora Horse Show in Machell Park providing all the requirements of the Liquor Control Board of Ontario are met. CARRIED r I ,,.---,, . _____ , COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1984 BY-LAWS West: E. Stewart: West: E. Stewart: -28 - Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2662-84 -Being a By-Law to Amend Zoning By-Law 2213-78 (Sal pam) Bill Number 2663-84 -Being a By-Law to Amend Zoning By-Law 2213-78 (Baggett) Bill Number 2664-84 -Being a By-Law to Amend Zoning By-Law 2213-78 (Sheelen) Bill Number 2665-84 -Being a By-Law to Amend Zoning By-Law 2213-78 (Miladinov) Bill Number 2666-84-Being a By-Law to Establish a Working Capital Reserve Bill Number 2667-84-Being a By-Law to Establish a Capital Levy Reserve Bill Number 2668-84-Being a By-Law to Establish a Services Capital Reserve Bill Number 2669-84-Being a By-Law to Establish a Hydro Levy Capital Reserve Bill Number 2670-84-Being a By-Law to Establish a Transformer Capital Reserve Fund Bill Number 2671-84-Being a By-Law to Establish an Arts and Culture Capital Reserve Fund Bill Number 2672-84-Being a By-Law to Establish an Administrative Building Capital Reserve Bill Number 2673-84 -Being a By-Law to Dedicate Certain Lands on Industry Street in the Town of Aurora as Public Highway Bill Number 2674-84 -Being a By-Law to Ratify and Confirm Various Land Transactions in the Town of Aurora ••• be read a First Time. CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2662-84 -Being a By-Law to Amend Zoning By-Law 2213-78 (Sal pam) Bill Number 2663-84 -Being a By-Law to Amend Zoning By-Law 2213-78 (Baggett) Bill Number 2664-84 -Being a By-Law to Amend Zoning By-Law 2213-78 (Sheelen) Bill Number 2665-84 -Being a By-Law to Amend Zoning By-Law 2213-78 (Miladinov) Bill Number 2666-84-Being a By-Law to Establish a Working Capital Reserve Bill Number 2667-84-Being a By-Law to Establish a Capital Levy Reserve Bill Number 2668-84-Being a By-Law to Establish a Services Capital Reserve Bill Number 2669-84 -Being a By-Law to Establish a Hydro Levy Capital Reserve Bill Number 2670-84-Being a By-Law to Establish a Transformer Capital Reserve Fund Bill Number 2671-84-Being a By-Law to Establish an Arts and Culture Capital Reserve Fund Bill Number 2672-84-Being a By-Law to Establish an Administrative Building Capital Reserve Bill Number 2673-84 -Being a By-Law to Dedicate Certain Lands on Industry Street in the Town of Aurora as Public Highway Bill Number 2674-84 -Being a By-Law to Ratify and Confirm Various Land Transactions in the Town of Aurora ••• be read a Second Time. CARRIED (-, ~-~ ~- \ ____ . COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1984 -29 - BY-LAWS West: Be It Hereby Resolved That: E. Stewart: Bill Number 2660-84 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law 2602-83, a By-Law to Constitute and Appoint a Committee of Adjustment under the Provisions of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1983 Bill Number 2661-84 -Being a By-Law to Provide for the Renumeration of the Members of the Committee of Adjustment ... be read a Third Time. CARRIED NOTICE OF MOTION 1. Councillor Buck -Mill Rate Councillor Buck gave Notice of Motion re: requesting the Treasurer to report on the pros and cons of a differential mill rate to cover residents in the rural areas. NEW BUSINESS 1. Budget Meeting Mayor Illingworth reminded all Council members of the Budget meeting scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 4th, 1984. ADJOURNMENT West: Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 11:35 p.m. CARRIED ~~ Mayor ~-~ Clerk