MINUTES - Council - 19840116.,_, i "''"- L. ... --· , MINUTES OF THE 2ND COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MONDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1984 AT 8:00P.M. Present Were: Mayor Illingworth, and Councillors Richard Barker, Tim Jones, Martin Paivio (8:10p.m.), Earl Stewart, Norm Stewart and John West. Councillor Len Ostick on vacation and Councillor Evelyn Buck absent due to employment obligations. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Councillor West declared a possible conflict of interest in Accounts paid to Home Hardware due to monetary interest and did not take part in the consideration of or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES West: Jones: Resolved that the Minutes of the Council Meeting of January 9th, 1984 be adopted as printed and circulated. CARRIED PASSING OF ACCOUNTS West: E. Stewart: E. Stewart: West: Resolved that the following Capital Accounts in the total amount of $1,856.66, details of which are on file with the Treasurer's Office, be approved for payment and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Industrial Park Strathy, Archibald and Seagram $182.50 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram 598.27 $780.77 Parks Reserve Strathy, Archibald and Seagram $1,075.89 $1,075.89 CARRIED Resolved that the following accounts in the total amount of $2,290,204.43, details of which are on file with the Treasurer's Office, be approved for payment and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. General Fire Department Works Department Parks Department Community Buildings: Factory Theatre Victoria Hall Church Street Parks Building Community Centre: Building Canteen Leisure Services Water Accounts Paid Prior to Council CARRIED 101. 33 51.42 1,767.38 378.24 10,395.73 2,094.36 189,177.91 1,227.26 36,766.74 8,863.99 2,298.37 12,490.09 5,594.56 2,529.82 2,031,255.69 ,._,_ ···"'"-~'""'-'•'·~-~'"'~"'"~'"-'>"~>~···-<-~«•~~~·~-,~~-·~-·-----.. ---~---......,_':"_.,,,.._,.,""""'-="'''"Y"-T'<Yd"""-\i'''"'8'''''=:,;;G:..\T<f~\:11-<.~'Z\&'.>'i£i'>!>~'O<>'>•"-"'~'-"''-"~~ve~•·~·-·-.. -·---~~----·:---·~----~···-···-~.-:-:"."--~~-~~------- COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1984 - 2 - CORRESPONDENCE 2-1 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: St. Andrews Square (Theme Mall) - Outstanding Obligations (Ref. Technical Committee, R.J. Harrington) 2-2 S.R. and E.M. Baggett, Aurora, Ontario re: Application for Amendment to By-Law Number 2213-78 (Z-12-84) (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert, C.E. Gowan, L. Allison) 2-3 Waterworks Department re: Overtime -December 1983 (Ref. Public Works Committee) 2-4 Public Works Department re: Overtime-December 1983 (Ref. Public Works Committee) 2-5 Federation of Canadian Municipalities re: FCM Membership 2-6 (Information) The Regional Municipality of York -Planning Subdivision, Part Lot 11, Concession 3, Ministry Housing File 19T-83039 (Piebrock) , (Ref. Technical Committee) re: Proposed Plan of of Municipal Affairs and 2-7 Secretariat for Social Development re: Family Unity Month -Bicentennial Celebrations (Information, F.J. Horvath) 2-8 The Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: Proposed Amendment to Zoning By-Law Number 2213-78 (Granada Investments Limited -Z-03-84) (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert, C.E. Gowan) 2-9 The Regional f1unicipality of York-Planning re: Proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-Law Amendment-File# OP-02-84 -Z-01-84 (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert, C.E. Gowan) 2-10 McPherson and Shugart, Barristers and Solicitors re: J. Carcone Realty Limited-15-17 Yonge Street North (Information, R.J. Harrington) 2-11 Holly A. Dyson, Newmarket, Ontario re: Request for Employment (Information, Clerk to reply) 2-12 Ontario Municipal Board re: Appointment for Hearing -Richmond Hill By-Law 189-78 (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert, R.J. Harrington) 2-13 Karl Butler, Aurora, Ontario re: Letter of Appreciation -Academic Award (Information) 2-14 Aurora Chamber of Commerce re: 1984 July First (Information, C.E. Gowan, Wm. Johnson) 2-15 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Professional Engineering Services Rendered (Invoice Number 9375, 9376, 9377, 9378, 9379, 9380, 9381, 9382, 9394 and 9385) (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) 2-16 Ontario Municipal Board re: Hearing Accommodation and Retiring Room 2-17 (Macropolis -By-Law ,Number 2582-83) (Information, Solicitor, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) Harries, Houser, Barristers and Solicitors re: Limited sale to Lorna Carpentry Company Limited, Part (Information, Clerk to reply) Corridor Developments Lots 76 and 77, Con. lW 2-18 G.A. Chellew, Aurora, Ontario re: Damage to Driveway -57 Steeplechase Avenue (Information, Clerk to acknowledge, Wm.G. Walker) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1984 -3 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 2-19 The Regional Municipality of York-Engineering re: Snow Removal on Wellington Street (Y.R. 15) (Information, Wm.G. Walker) 2-20 The Regional Municipality of York-Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lot 84, Concession 1, W.Y.S., Ministry File Number 19T-80060 (Lakeview) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 2-21 The York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: Town of Aurora- By-Law Number 2619-83 (Moreland) (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert, C.E. Gowan) 2-22 The Regional Municipality of York-Treasury re: York Durham Sewage Agreement (Information, Wm. Johnson) 2-23 Petro-Canada Products Inc, re: Increase in Number 2 Furnace Oil Price (Information, Wm. Johnson, Wm.G. Walker) 2-24 Ontario Municipal Board re: Board's Order dated November 4, 1983 (Roll Number 19 46 000 031 325 00 0000) (Information, Wm. Johnson) 2-25 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Petro-Canada Products Inc., Part Lot 3, Plan 246, Block D, Plan 475, Town of Aurora (Information, Clerk to reply) 2-26 William Hodgson, M.P.P., York North re: Pine Ridge (Ref. Council in Committee) 2-27 Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission re: Notice - Alternatives to Extended Area Service (Ref, Council in Committee) 2-28 William Hodgson, M.P.P., York North re: Pine Ridge (Ref. Council in Committee) 2-29 Township of King re: Resolution -''Raise a New Canadian Flag Day" (Ref, Council in Committee) 2-30 Petro-Canada Products Inc. re: Posted Price Increases (Information, Wm.G. Walker, Wm. Johnson) Petroleum Products 2-31 Ministry of Community and Social Services re: Public Sector Wage and Price Restraint (Information) 2-32 R.J. Harrington memo to Mayor and Members of Council re: Notice of Motion -Councillor Tim Jones -Letter# 1-161 re: Fire Chiefs' Association Resolution (TABLED, UNFINISHED BUSINESS) West: Resolved that the Clerk's Report be dealt with as outlined, Jones: CARRIED REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Councillor West in the Chair. ,., .•• ,,,o;,;~'-'•'-"<~v.,>.o, >,·,-·.·,,_:,·~"<'•'''""'~"-'M•~'--'··,,,~,~-•-•·•~~~·•··;-~·~-."'7"'-,..•~··~·>•'-''-''-'-"'-'"C."""""-"""'"'-'~~~~(c"i£0Zi':~0<WJ>~~!•JiX,B:.-9";'7~f~h0>..';.'0V,~'-"'"'~~o.,_,:~'"'"'~'~.~ .. ~ .. -.-._----.-.-.. -.~-----•~·-·------·-·~~""?:'"~~=-"·~~~--~-"'~~-•-~•-~~--- '-·-··-' · .. ___ _;. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1984 - 4 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report # 2 -Council in Committee ••• Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of Council in Committee was held on Wednesday, January 11th, 1984 at 7:30 p.m. in the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Councillors Barker, Jones, Paivio, E. Stewart and West. Mayor Illingworth was attending an Ontario Municipal Electric Association meeting, Councillor Ostick was on vacation and Councillor N. Stewart was absent due to ill ness. Councillor Earl Stewart in the Chair. A. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter # 23-100 -Macroplan Limited re: Street Names -Lakeview The Committee discussed this matter and recommends that Macroplan Limited be advised that Council are not in favour of their suggested street names and that the Town of Aurora have a list of street names now before the Regional Planning Department for approval. When Regional approval is received, Macroplan Limited will be advised accordingly. 2. Letter # 1-43 -Smith and Thompson Associates re: Encroachment of Town Property -83 Ross Street and 5 Mary Street 3. Council in Committee recommend that Smith and Thompson Associates be advised that the Town of Aurora have no objection to the encroachment of Parts 1 and 2 on Registered Plan 80 until such time as the Town of Aurora requires the land for road improvements. Letter# 1-72 -Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Street Banners -BIA Request to Erect Same The Committee recommends that the Downtown Business Improvement Committee be advised that they may erect banners on the hydro poles as requested. The Committee further recommends that the D.A.B.I.A. be advised that the erection of these banners may conflict with the installation of Christmas Light decorations. Council in Committee also advised that the hydro pole on the east side of Yonge Street by Carlo's Furniture Store will have to be checked before any banner is erected on same. The D.A.B. I.A. is to contact D. Taylor of the Works Department before the banners are erected. 4. Letter# 1-82 -S. Bootsma, 36 Connaught Avenue, Aurora re: Tree Removal The Committee recommends that this matter be referred to the Director of Leisure Services for a report. 5. Letter# 1-86 -Ministry of the Attorney General re: Drinking and Driving Council in Committee discussed this matter and recommends that the Ministry of the Attorney General be advised that the Council of the Town of Aurora supports the concept of the establishment of a Drinking/Driving Committee and would request further information on same (e.g. -how to implement). B. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Review of New Year's Day Levee-Proposal for January 1, 1985 The Committee would recommend that a New Year's Day Levee be held on January 1, 1985. ~~~----.~~~·-"·-·~·----~---·· ·--~---··-···'-·····-·•·"-•··-········-·····-···-·-· . ···-~ COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1984 -5 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 2 -Council in Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) B. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (continued) 2. Volunteer Status of Full Time Firefighters-Referred from Public Safety Committee Report # 124 Council in Committee recommends that this item be deferred until Councillor N. Stewart is in attendance. C. NEW BUSINESS 1. Official Plan Amendment Hearings Council in Committee discussed this matter and recommend that a Committee of Council, consisting of three (3) members, one (1) to be a member of the Planning Committee, be set up to attend hearings on a rotating basis and a report to then be presented to a Council meeting for consideration and a pprova 1. Hearing date to be the fourth Thursday of each month. 2. Handrail -Yonge Street The Committee recommends that the Director of Public Works report on the following: (a) 1 ength of rail to come down, (b) accessibility onto wa 11 by children, and (c) 1 iabil ity if someone hurt. D. RECEIVED AS INFORMATION Letter# 1-81 -Mr. S.J. McCasey, Chairman, LACAC re: Plaquing Program Letter# 1-85 -The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario re: La Classica Restaurant, 222 Edward Street, Aurora The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. E. Stewart: Resolved that Council in Committee Report # 2 dated January 11th, 1984 be discussed item by item and accepted. West: CARRIED Report# 3-Public Works Committee ••• Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Tuesday, January lOth, 1984 at 7:00 p.m. in Committee Room No.2 at the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Councillor E. Stewart, Councillor R. Barker and Director of Public Works, Wm. Walker. 1. Winter Maintenance The Committee reaffirm the level of service currently being provided in the area of winter street maintenance recognizing that a driveway clearing programme is beyond the financial means of the Town. The Committee furthermore has requested that the Director of Public Works prepare a report on the winter maintenance of sidewalks, said report being required for the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Committee. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1984 - 6 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 3-Public Works Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) 2. Sewer Rodding Policy Our current sewer rodding pol icy states that the homeowner must bear all rodding related costs whenever a lateral is obstructed by an object which has originated from private property regardless of where it is encountered in said lateral. In the case of a shared lateral, the common portion of same generally extending from the streetline to the sewer main, the individual requesting assistance signs our sewer agreement and is subsequently invoiced for costs whenever the prob 1 em is considered a homeowner prob 1 em. This policy has worked quite effectively over the years but occasionally meets with some resistance as do most forms of "user-pay" invoicing. Even though it is recognized that it is conceivable that the obstruction may have originated from the other residence sharing the common lateral and not the residence at first experiencing the effects of the blockage, the concern in having sewer agreements signed by both parties prior to rodding as well as the disputes as to which of the two homeowners is responsible would, in the opinion of the Committee, greatly complicate a system which is presently working quite well, while the same time failing to introduce any further degree of equality. As a result of the Committee's position on there being a user-pay charge for this service and the present policy's success, the Committee reaffirms existing policy in this area, a copy of which has been attached hereto. 3. Letters Received As Information Letter No.21-88 Letter No.22-78 Letter No.22-80 Letter No.23-19 Letters No.23-21 & 23-72 Letter No.23-68 Letter No.l-115 Letter No. 1-116 Letter No.l-156 Corrial Builders Inc. (Scanlon Court Property) Public Works (Works & Waterworks Overtime-October 1983) Reid & Associates Ltd. (1984 Capital Works Programme) Sewer Lateral Concern (77 Connaught St.) Ontario Good Roads Association Annual Convention Public Works (Works & Waterworks Overtime -November 1983) Snow Complaint-90 Devins Drive Snow Complaint - 8 Kemano Road Reid and Associates (1984 Capital Works Programme) The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Item 1 E. Stewart: Jones: Item 1 Item 2 Illingworth: N. Stewart: Item 2 Item 3 E. Stewart: Barker: AMENDMENT Resolved that this matter be referred to the next Council in Committee meeting (February 1st, 1984) for discussion and the Director of Public Works, Wm.G. Walker attend the meeting. CARRIED AS AMENDED AMENDMENT CARRIED Resolved that this matter be referred to the next Council in Committee meeting (February 1st, 1984) for discussion and the Director of Public Works, Wm.G. Walker attend the meeting. CARRIED AS At4ENDED CARRIED CARRIED Resolved that Public Works Committee Report# 3 dated January lOth, 1984 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended. CARRIED -,,,A"~"'-'"'''-'•<•~CW-Mi¥•',;<>"•'-'-''·'"'"·"~·" •. -.~.-~···--..,..,-.•-;-,.........-·~~.-,-,""":-'-''·''"'""'•"'"'""'"''""'i<ii;(~'(."\i:-i:o.%'!);J;>"SQ%V27'U.i\i@(:,;:e;~;:;_~;;o<);>::c.('-'i;.~<X'"'-"'"~~""~h'".~-.. -, -- ·:·----;---~-~-·-··~-~~-~-·~--~-~~"")'~""'~•e•••M"-""'"'~~=~~-----·· . -,~ ~'-"""' COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1984 - 7 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Mayor Illingworth in the Chair. Report# 4-Leisure Services Committee ••• Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Leisure Services Advisory Committee was held on Tuesday, January lOth, 1984, at 7:30 p.m. at the Administrative Centre. Present were: Councillor John West, Councillor Norm Stewart, Director of Leisure Services, Fred Horvath, Citizen Members, Klaus Wehrenberg, David Bagshaw, Doug Dakin, Barb Hooper, Jim Hayward. Regrets: Betty Pedersen, Councillor Evelyn Buck AGENDA A. 1. 2. 3. 4. B. 1. CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED FOR INFORMATION Letter 23-28-Barry Raymond, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary re: Mike Felcher Investments re 109 Yonge Street S. Letter 23-37 -Ministry of Tourism and Recreation re: Recreation - A Changing Society's Economic Giant Letter 23-119 -Ministry of Tourism and Recreation re: Recreation Program Grants Letter 1-120 -Katimavik re: 1984 projects OTHER CORRESPONDENCE Letter 22-19 -Great Canadian Participaction Challenge It was recommended that we notify the City of Owen Sound the date of our Fitnic Day and our possible involvement with the challenge. 2. Letter 23-63 -Kiwanis Club of Aurora -Newmarket re: Waterworks property The Committee recommended that a meeting between the Rotary Club and Kiwanis Club be arranged to discuss the future plans of the park. 3. Letter 1-38 -York Region Board of Education re: Bicentennial Financial Ass1stance This was referred to the Bicentennial Sub-committee for a report. 4. Letter 1-111. -Aurora· Hell enics ·Athletic Social Club re: Alliance Park Lease The Chairman will advise the respective Clubs about the signing of the Lease. C. NEW BUSINESS 1. 1984 Department Memberships The Committee recommended that the Town of Aurora renew their membership in the following: Ontario Arenas Association Society of Directors of Municipal Recreation Ontario Parks Association $ 45.00 $125.00 $ 50.00 lc·--- L . ...-: COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1984 - 8 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) -~~--~--~---·······-- Report# 4-Leisure Services Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) C. NEW BUSINESS (continued) 2. Friendship Circle Lease -Church Street School It was recommended that the 1984 lease for the Friendship Circle be $500.00 and that Council provide a grant assistance to cover the square footage cost over and above the $500.00. 3. Volunteer Appreciation Week It was recommended that Staff investigate the possibility of having volunteer recognition and Civic Awards Appreciation at the same time. 4. Inventory Study Analyses of Natural Areas The Committee was quite concerned about the natural areas in Aurora, i.e. - Holland River Valley from Sheppards Bush to south boundary and would recommend that the Director of Leisure Services investigate possible Government assisted program in hiring a trained individual to compile the necessary information. 5. Tour of Garnet A. Williams Recreation Centre in Vaughan The Committee was advised and encouraged to attend the Recreation Centre Tour on Wednesday, February 1st, 1984, from 11:00 a.m. The Centre includes an arena, a swimming pool, fitness club, squash courts, and a day care centre. 6. Tree Dedication Guidelines The Committee recommended that park benches be included when recommending the tree dedication guidelines. 7. Future Meetings The fo 11 owing meetings have been arranged for Leisure Committee: Tuesday February 7th Tuesday March 6th Tuesday April 3rd Tuesday May 1st The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Item A.l AMENDMENT E. Stewart: Resolved that this item be N. Stewart: Committee for a further report. Item A.l Item A.2 -B.l Item B.2 CARRIED AS AMENDED CARRIED AMENDMENT CARRIED 7:30p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. referred to the Services Advisory Leisure Services West: E. Stewart: Resolved that this matter be referred to the next Council in Committee meeting for discussion purposes. CARRIED Item B.2 CARRIED AS AMENDED '--·-···-' COUNCIL MEETING,,, MONDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1984 - 9 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 4-Leisure Services Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) Item B .3 - B .4 CARRIED Item C .1 CARRIED N. Stewart: Resolved that the matter of "Memberships" be referred to the next Council in Committee meeting for discussion purposes and a Policy on "Memberships" be established. West: CARRIED Item C.2 -C.7 CARRIED West: N. Stewart: Resolved that Leisure Services Committee Report # 4 dated January lOth, 1984 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED Councillor West in the Chair, Report# 5 -Administration and Finance Committee ••• Various Matters A meeting of the Administration and Finance Committee was held at 3:00 p.m. on January 10, 1984 in the Administrative Centre. Present were: Mayor Dick Illingworth, Councillors Earl Stewart and John West. A. DELEGATIONS 1. R. J. Harrington re: Certification by the Ontario Building Officials Association The Ontario Building Officials Association has, for some time, been striving for recognition and credibility. A Certificate Program has now been finalized and in place, The program is based on a "credit system", relating to experience, education and participation. Council has been requested to consider assisting in the "Certification Fees". The Committee considered this request at a previous meeting (see item A. 9 of Report 119, December 5, 1983), and as some parts of the program, i.e. participation, required clarification, the Committee recommended that Mr. Harrington be invited to the next meeting of the Committee. Mr. Harrington advised that Certification at Level I requires 60 credits, of which a minimum of 25 credits is based on education (OBOA courses), and a minimum of five (5) units based on experience, The fee for certification is $50.00. Certification at Level II requires 100 credits of which a minimum of 50 credits is based on education, a minimum of 10 credits based on experience, and a minimum of 10 credit based on participation. Participation is defined as activity in the Ontario Building Officials Association. The fee for certification is $75,00. Staff Members of the Building Department are members of OBOA and will be applying for certification at either the Level I or Level II based on the number of credits obtained, The Committee recommends that the Town of Aurora pay 50 percent of the "Certification Fee", in accordance with the Optional Training clause of the Educational Policy. • ·~-• .. ,v·~~;.·.··~'-"<>•<••;,,,,~~''N•'-'N•'>"Y>'I·''-"-"·"·'"'''·'·'~'A',-,.-•-M••·:-..,--:-_..-..--;-.~·~:"'>"";>.~"'"'''•'-"~~~·,w&:<.'I;»'<,'0_'>;~~~1::713Y'''JS!"'-"£"'•"<('YfJ::M~'ifS;>~«U;~;cJP,""'·'·"<'-~<."•~~~~. -.~. ---:-:-<:--. -----~ .. ·-~·-·-·~~'-'-""'-'~-'"~~np,..__._,,~,,'C.'•""-<•"<-V~••~••-""'~'~~-----· :-;· · ....... COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1984 -10 - I REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 5-Administration and Finance Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) B. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter 23-69 -Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators re 1984 Membership An invoice in the amount of $100 from the Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators for 1984 Membership, Item 8 of Administration and Finance Committee Report #16 as approved by Council on January 17, 1983 is as follows: "The Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators is organization serving as a voice for municipal administrators same manner as the Federation of Canadian Municipalities municipal politicians. a national in much the speaks for "The Town of Aurora does not have its own membership in the FCM, and when required has used the Region of York membership. The Committee questions the value of national municipal organizations compared to provincial municipal associations. "Therefore the Committee recommends that the 1983 membership in the CAMA be approved in the total amount of $75.00 and the Clerk-Administrator prepare a cost/benefit analysis prior to consideration of the 1984 membership." In the absence of the cost/benefit analysis, the Committee recommends that membership in the CAMA not be renewed for 1984. 2. Letters 23-98 and 1-67 -Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers re: 1984 Membership for K.B. Rodger and c. Gowan. 3. Invoices have been received from the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers for 1984 memberships in the names of K.B. Rodger and c. Gowan in the amount of $110.00 each. The Committee recommends that 1984 membership in the AMCTO be approved for K.B. Rodger and C. Gowan in the total amount of $220.00 and the cost charged to the 1984 Budget, Account 1100-46. Letter 23-106 -Ontario Municipal Personnel Association re: 1984 Membership An invoice has been received from the Ontario Personnel Association for 1984 membership in the name of K.B. Rodger in the amount of $60.00. The Committee recommends that the 1984 Membership in the OMPA be approved for K.B. Rodger in the amount of $60.00 and the cost charged to the 1984 Budget, Account 1100-46. 4. Letter 23-120 -Minister of Revenue re Postponement of the Return of the Assessment Roll The Minister of Revenue advises that the Assessment Roll, which was to be returned to municipalities on December 20, 1983, has been postponed until February 15, 1984. Assessment notices will be mailed no later than January 9, 1984 and the final date for filing an appeal is March 7, 1984. It should be noted that property owners and tenants will receive an Assessment Notice only if information regarding their property or assessment was changed during the past year, if the assessment was appealed last year, or if the property has been reassessed under Section 63 of the Assessment Act. "·'·'~'"" ··'·"·~· '•'''-'"-'~'-'·='-'•'"""''l~"'!'~<-<-"<C•·'·'·'·'"'"''""""'•~--·-:--. -.. -.-."">·--::-;::~~·;"•=·'''"'"''A"•"">'-"'\&i..'.:)\.~"''0;;~>,.'\<.<;:<;<>-;,.~§&'J?.;i;;,·~;)%1;'WMW•';.i.'l0•~'i"f~''"'"-'«-~=-'·~~·••-;-;-----.~-... :-·----·;-·" "" ··"~•-r=O?:~":"\~""'·"~''""-"'·.<.<~ev-,c~===~.~.--· ,·; . : :~ COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1984 -11 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 5 -Administration and Finance Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) B. COR RESPONDENCE (continued) 4. Letter 23-120 -Minister of Revenue re Postponement of the Return of the Assessment Roll (continued) 5. An Open House will be held at the Administrative Centre, Aurora, from 1:00 to 9:00 p.m. on January 23 and 24, 1984, so the citizens may discuss their assessment with staff of the Regional Assessment Office. The Committee recommends that this letter be received as information. Letter 23-135 -York Taxi re: Additional Taxi Licences Aurora Taxi wrote to the Town in November, 1983 (Letter 22-2) requesting two additional taxi 1 icences, as they found "it difficult to service the Town with only five taxi 1 icences". This letter was referred to the Administration and Finance Committee. Item A.3 of Administration and Finance Committee Report #119 as approved by Council December 5, 1983 reviews sections of Bylaw 2345-80 and the Committee recommended "that a 1 etter be sent to York Taxi requesting comments before submitting a substantive recommendation to Council." Section 71 of Bylaw 2345-80 states: "A 1 imitation to the maximum number of taxi cabs to be 1 icensed for operation in the Town of Aurora shall be: (a) on enactment of this bylaw 12 cab licences. (b) or a ratio of 1 cab per 1,500 persons or major part thereof within the Town limits, and this formula will be used to determine the availability of future cab licences for the Town of Aurora." Currently, Aurora Taxi hold five (5) licences and York Taxi holds seven (7) licences. Based on the formula set by Bylaw 2345-80, the population of the Town of Aurora should exceed 18,000 before additional licences are required. York Taxi has advised the Administration and Finance Committee as follows: "If Council go along with Aurora Taxi's request, you would be limiting York Taxi's potential for growth. I feel that one cab per 1,500 persons is the correct formula for our town, but there are times when demand for taxis exceed this. If Council believes additional licences are required, I think that one should be issued to each company, to stay in line with the competitive nature of our business." After considerable discussion as to the pros and cons of limiting supply and demand of a controlled business such as the taxi business, and uncontrolled businesses such as convenience stores, restaurants, etc., the Committee recommends as follows: (a) Subsection (a) of Section 71 of Bylaw 2345-80 be amended to read: "on enactment of this bylaw 14 cab licences." (b) Subsection (b) to remain as is. (c) One additional cab licence to be issued to Aurora Taxi and one additional licence be issued to York Taxi. (d) Representatives of Aurora Taxi and York Taxi be invited to attend Council when this report is presented, as requested. '''-''"-'·'·'"'·'~•'-'""·"~<-'-''/-'-'·'-'"'-""'""#"-;'"''--'>·'.-<>~d~"-~·-•'M•·•M-~-:---. -. -~~~O'--.,'"l"'-"''·'-"-"-''•'>'C<~-"'G.'~';~M><:,::,;:<(}X.<"V''C'"'''''§"~?,i)<:'/.i(Q;>_:!;,;;;:,-;:<~•·>,•,y~,,;<.¥.,>''·""'>·•~-"'''"7;':''C'-.-. ~-,-:·~·:-.-.-.--~-~"M-~<~-".-'Nh'='"-'"-'•'f'7:0'f'·"''"'•'"'-'~'·"'·<'•'•'N"~""~~'~v•~~~- L~-' ··-~ _______ , ____ .,..._..,_ __ .. ~~-.. --------~--""------·.,·- COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1984 -12 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 5 -Administration and Finance Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) B. 6. 7. 8. CORRESPONDENCE (continued) Letter 1-6 -Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists re 1984 Membership Mr. William G. Walker, Director of Public Works, has submitted invoices from OACET for 1984 membership for William G. Walker and Duayne Taylor in the amount of $78.00 each. The Committee recommends that 1984 memberships be approved in OACET for William Walker and Duayne Taylor in the total amount of $156.00 and the cost be charged to the 1984 budget, Account 3000-46. Letter 1-40-American Public Works Association re: 1984 Membership Mr. William Walker has submitted an invoice for 1984 membership in the American Public Works Association in his name at a cost of $50.00 U.S. ($61.00 Canadian). Mr. Walker advises that the APWA are the most public works maintenance oriented organization available to the Town and recommends that membership be continued. The Committee recommends that 1984 membership be approved in the APWA for Mr. William Walker in the total amount of $61.00 and the cost charged to the 1984 Budget, Account 3000-46. Letter 1-61 -Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: 1984 Trans1t Capital Purchases The Town of Aurora submitted one 30' bus in the 1984-1988 five year capital forecast. Based on a review of proposed 1984 capital purchases, Ministry approval in principle is provided for the acquisition of the bus. The Committee recommends that MTC be advised that the 30' bus will not be required in 1984. 9. Letter 1-73 -Downtown Business Improvement Area re: 1984 Budget. The DB IA have submitted a budget for .1984 as fallows: Administration Promotion Streetscape Improvement Total $ 5,000 10,000 20,000 $35,000 =--== Subsection 10 of Section 217 of the Municipal Act states: "A Board of Management established under subsection (1) shall submit to the Council its estimates for the current year at the time and in the form prescribed by Council and may make requisitions upon the Council for all sums of money required to carry out its powers and duties, but nothing herein divests the Council of its authority with reference to rejecting such estimates in whole or in part or providing the money for the purposes of the Board of Management and when money is so provided by the Council, the Treasurer shall, upon the Certificate of the Board of Management, pay out such money to the Board of Management." The Committee therefore recommends: (a) That the DBIA 1984 Budget be approved as submitted. (b) That the Treasurer be authorized to make a special levy on members of the BIA on both the interim and regular tax bills. ---~~--~ --~--~-~~~~~~~~-~···~--~~~~-~~~=,.~,~M.•~~--~~.,·~-.,.,~--,----TT--•-••-·-·-----~-~~-~""""'·"""''""""<'•;,-,~,.~-U•"•~·,~o"'"'··~<o-•-••--•-·• . . COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1984 -13 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 5-Administration and Finance Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) B. CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 9. Letter 1-73 -Downtown Business Improvement Area (continued) re: 1984 Budget. (c) That the Treasurer be authorized to make payments to the Board of Management in six equal instalments, following the collection of the special levy. (d) That the DBIA be requested to advise their membership as to the 1984 Budget and the special levy. 10. Letter 1-78 -Strathy, Archibald and Seagram re: 1983 Statement of Account The legal fees of Strathy, Archibald and Seagram have submitted a detailed statement of account for services rendered over the year 1983. This statement does not include matters which have been ind iv i dually billed, which are generally connected with the sales and other transactions concerning the real estate being sold by the Town in the Industrial Park. The fees and disbursements included in the statement total $21,943.97. The Committee recommends as follows: (a) The 1983 Statement of Account be paid in the total amount of $21,943.97. (As of December 16, 1983, Account 1400-35 had a balance of $19,847.09.) (b) That the Clerk-Administrator be instructed to review the legal requirements of the Town of Aurora with a view to hiring a local lawyer for all or part of the town's legal requirements, and such review be completed and submitted to the Administration and Finance Committee by March 31, 1984. 11. Letter 1-97 -Mr. Bruce Spragg re: Appointment to the Committee of Adjustment or the Heritage Committee Mr. Spragg has requested that his name be considered when appointments are being made to the Committee of Adjustment or the Heritage Committee (LACAC). The Committee recommends that the Deputy Clerk prepare a list of all Committee appointments to be made in 1984 and submit to the Administration and Finance Committee by January 30, 1984. 12. Letter 1-119-Request by S.K. Jones, Purchasing Co-Ordinator for Enrolment in AMCT Course. Mr. S.K. Jones, Purchasing Co-Ordinator, has enrolled in the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers Course at Seneca College. Mr. Jones states "that by completing this program, I will enhance my understanding of the way in which a municipal government functions, and that will in turn enable me to perform my duties at a higher level." The course costs a total of $190.00 and a request has been submitted for financial assistance under the Town's educational policy. While the Committee encourages staff to increase their knowledge of local government, it does not feel that the Al~CT course is necessarily compatible with purchasing. Therefore, the Committee recommends that no action be taken as the AMCT course for the purchasing position does not meet the requirements of the Town's Educational Policy. ----------------------------·-·----~-~~=~·~-=·-~~------£•"-'"'=·===-"'"-'"'·"""''"'""-'"='=·~-"'-'"~~~~-~~~------------~--,-~----~------~----~-~·---_,,,.,f'="'''"'"''"'""""'""'',""'''·""""'"~-"'"~--- ··-·-' COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1984 -14 - REPORTS OF CDMM ITTEES (continued) Report# 5 -Administration and Finance Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Walkway-Bigwin Drive On May 16, 1983, the Clerk-Administrator wrote to the property owners adjacent to the former Separate School Walkway on Bigwin Drive. Item C.4 of Council in Committee Report 83 as approved by Council on August 15, 1983 is as follows: "Council in Committee recommends that a Registered Letter be forwarded to the two homeowners involved requesting a reply to our letter by September 15. 1983." On September 19, 1983, it was suggested that the property owners be provided with an opportunity to purchase the 10 foot easement in total, rather than 5 feet each. The Committee recommends that the Clerk-Administrator prepare a status report to the Administration and Finance Committee by January 30, 1984. 2. Status of Transfer of Lands -Scanlon Court Item 2 of Economic Development Report #1, as approved by Council on December 13, 1982 is as follows: "Following extensive ongoing negotiations precipitated by the Town of Aurora in May, 1981, to exchange Town owned property west of the Legion Hall for a property owned by Universal at the end of Scanlon Court, the Committee has received a letter from the President of Universal agreeing to the exchange at terms acceptable by the Committee. The Committee recommends that Council accept these terms and authorize the Clerk-Administrator to draw up the necessary documents and further that Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk-Administrator to sign these transfer documents." Item B.1 of Administration and Finance Committee Report #60 as adopted by Council on May 16, 1983 is as follows: "As this transfer of 1 and was to provide for future expansion for the Works Department, the Committee recommends that the remaining $89,275 be taken from the Capital Levy Reserve Fund." Item B.3 of Council in Committee Report #116 as adopted by Council on November 21, 1983 is as follows: "Council in Committee recommends that the Industrial Park Account be reimbursed as follows: $50,000 for the sale of land to Universal Insulations, and, $89,275 from the Capital Levy Reserve Account." Item B.4 of Council in Committee Report #92, as adopted by Council on September 19, 1983 is as follows: "K.B. Rodger, Clerk-Administrator, advised Council members that this matter should be cleared up in approximately 1-1/2 months." The Committee is concerned about the lengthy delay in the transfer of these lands and recommends: (a) That the financial arrangements as outlined above be reconfirmed for 1984. (b) That the Clerk-Administrator prepare a status report for the Administration and Finance Committee by January 30, 1984. i__.,." ·-,~ COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1984 -15 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 5-Administration and Finance Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (continued) 3. Status of Appraisal of Dunning and Edward An appraisal has been received for the realignment of the Dunning and Edward Intersection, as previously authorized by Council. The Committee recommends that the appra i sa 1 be referred to a future "in camera" session of Council in Committee, 'as it is a property matter. 4. Status of Sale of Land on Ridge Road Reference is made to item B.6 of Council in Committee Report# 92 as adopted by Council September 19, 1983 as follows: "The Committee recommends that the Cl erk-Admi ni strator be authorized to advertise this land in Toronto papers and also that the York Region Real Estate Board be advised that the Town has this property for sale." The Committee recommends that an estimated sale price be included as Revenue in the 1984 Budget, and further that the land be advertised for sale, as outlined above, in March, 1984. 5. Status of Review of Bell Telephone Lines Reference is made to item C.l of Administration and Finance Committee Report #60 which was approved by Council on May 16, 1983 as follows: "The Committee recommends that staff be requested to difference in cost between the 773 and the 889 1 ines and Canada be requested to carry out a "busy study". find out the al,so that Bell This study was deferred pending a trial period with the new Bell Switchboard equipment. The Committee recommends that the action as outlined in Report #60 be now carried out and a report submitted to the Administration and Finance Committee by February 13, 1984. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Association Memberships Reference is made to the individual association memberships previously authorized in this report. The Committee is concerned about the numbers and the cost of individual association memberships and recommends the following: (a) Each Department Head be requested to supply a complete list of all individual association memberships held by employees of that department which are paid for by the Town. (b) Staff be instructed to contact adjacent municipalities as to their policy as to the payment of individual association membership (for example, the Province of Ontario does not pay for individual association memberships). :'""''" COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1984 -16 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 5 -Administration and Finance Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) D. NEW BUSINESS (continued) 1. Association Memberships (continued) (c) The above information be forwarded to the Administration and Finance Committee by March 15, 1984. 2. 1983 Bylaw Enforcement Report Attached as Appendix "A" is the 1983 year-end report of the By-law Enforcement Officer which is self-explanatory. The Committee recommends as follows: (a) That the report be received as information. {b) That the Chief Building Official give consideration to including funds in the 1984 conventions and/or training account as requested by the Bylaw Enforcement Officer. 3. 1983 Building Permit Summary The following is a summary of building permits issued in 1983: January February March April May June July August September October November December 3 5 23 32 16 20 19 29 25 13 20 10 Residential $ 135,700 150,075 1,830,570 1,842,070 642,735 1,427,265 499,330 901,370 1,048,550 1,784,850 1,254,875 4,460,000 Commercial Industrial 6 $ 5 2 4 4 4 2 7 3 2 1 115,230 $ 5,923 18,400 10,178 175,950 2 81 ,247 6 23,000 1 68,100 - 3,500 1 5,000 3 140 287,500 583,010 4,600 900 6,550 Total 215 $15,977,390 40 $ 506,668 13 $882,560 The Committee recommends this be received as information. It should be noted that $90,000 was included in the 1983 Budget as revenue from Building permits. As of December 16, 1983, a total of $94,818.01 had been received. 4. Christmas Lights 1984 Reference is made to item B.? of Council in Committee Report #92, as adopted by Council on September 19, 1983 as follows: "It is recommended that a one(l) year contract be made between Classic Display Limited and the Town of Aurora covering Christmas decorations at a cost of $2,500 and further in 1984 this matter be discussed with the BIA to ascertain if they have any interest in Christmas Light decoration for the Town." -•--~•----··----~-~~•••-•• -·-·~v-••------~....'.---·--~-~~~~~=~~~-·=-~·L~·~·-·~··~~~~·£~>-·~=-====''-'""-==·~----·-----"'·~-"·~~-~~-~-''->'~=<>""''-="-'""''-''-'="""'<.'"'-"""'""'"""'"~~-----• '· ·---,,. F•V·«~ r l.~ COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1984 -17 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 5 -Administration and Finance Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) D. NEW BUSINESS (continued) 4. Christmas Lights 1984 (continued) "It is recommended that a one(l) year contract be made between Classic Display Limited and the Town of Aurora covering Christmas decorations at a cost of $2,500 and further in 1984 this matter be discussed with the BIA to ascertain if they have any interest in Christmas Light decoration for the Town. 11 The Committee recommends as follows: (a) That the Purchasing Co-Ordinator obtain designs and prices from available display companies on the estimated basis of a three-year contract, and a budget of up to $3,500 a year. (b) That Councillor t~artin Paivio discuss joint participation with the BIA Board of Management, and (c) The above information to be forwarded to the Administration and Finance Committee by ~~ay 30, 1984. 5. Council Remunerations The Treasurer has provided the following information pursuant to the provisions of Section 243(1) of the Municipal Act. Mayor D. Illingworth Councillor E. Buck Councillor R. Barker Councillor T. Jones Councillor L. Ostick Councillor M. Paivio Councillor E. Stewart Councillor N. Stewart Councillor J. West Remuneration $15,395.00 7,693.00 7,693.00 7,693.00 7,693.00 7,693.00 7,693.00 7,693.00 7,693.00 Expenses $ 1,086.15 $ 96.30 419.92 45.90 1,437.61 932.90 201.25 E. PENDING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Status of 1984 Budget Prepation Status of IMA Students Status of Nesbit Well Property Status of Town of Aurora Maps Status of Study of Xerox Machine Status of Reserve Fund Bylaws Proposed Amendments to Garbage Bylaw Review of Insurance Services Review of Auditing Services Deferred Compensation Plan Town Pol icy ~~anual Review of Car and Mileage Allowances Integration of GO and Local Transit Fares Status of Legislation re Property at Wellington East and Industry Street North The next meeting of the Committee will be at 3:30 p.m. on January 30th, 1984. Meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. Item A.l - B .11 CARRIED ~ """ '' " .,.,, -V"'' "Q,.i>.'i_<:,VJh"'-"><-»>'·'~'--"~-. -•. -.-----•.~.--•-•:------·-~~--·~='·~~"'-~"'-"'"-~""f"-'-'m'-"-'-<>C·>'.vf,>.''•'--''"'"-"'>~<~<'o>-~"--- .... -·----------'~~-~~-·------~•'' ' '~~~--~~4•=='""""""~=-<=•,.~""=-=~"""""~~~~~=~-~-~w.,~•~••-·•·;,~~-..... ....... ~•·-··•-··----"'------·-•----·-·---------------- COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1984 -18 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 5 -Administration and Finance Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) Item B.12 Jones: Pa i vi o: Item B.12 Item C.1 -E.14 Illingworth: E. Stewart: RESOLUTIONS AMENDMENT Resolved that upon successful completion of the course, Mr. Steven Jones be paid 50% 6f the cost of the course in accordance with the Optional Training Clause of the Education Policy. CARRIED CARRIED AS AMENDED CARRIED Resolved that Administration and Finance Committee Report # 5 dated January 10, 1984 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 1. Payment of Accounts -Reid and Associates Barker: Resolved that the following accounts of Reid and Associates Limited: Jones: Project Inv. No. Amount Account Advisory Services (Retainer -December) 9375 $ 227.08 3100-38 Sal pam-subdivision 9376 447.78 Engineering Res. Aurora Orchards (Wimpey) 9377 428.92 Engineering Res. Three Seasons Subdivision 9378 731.59 Engineering Res. Wells Street Reconstruction (Wellington -Metcalfe) 9379 1,079.33 3360-40 Wells Street Reconstruction (Metcalfe-Cousins) 9380 117.54 3100-40 McDonald Trunk Sewer 9381 300.24 Services Reserve Harrison Avenue Reconstruction 9382 1,430.29 3100-34 Town Industrial Park {Old Park Holdings) 9383 3,204.75 Indus. Park Acct. Intersection Improvements (Yonge/Industrial Pkwy. S.) 9384 248.38 3100-34 Gravity Sewer (Centre/St. John's Sdrd.) 9385 357.34 Services Reserve - Total $8,573.24 ••• in the total amount of $8,573.24 be paid and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 2. Resignation -Mr. Larry Keffer West: Jones: Resolved that, the resignation of Mr. Larry Keffer, as Community Centre Manager be accepted, with regret, effective January 12th, 1984. CARRIED ·~~---~---~~-~~~~-~,,-, .. _, "--'-~V•••"•"·""'" ' •·----.. "-c"C•••--•~'='"•""'-'-'''""'=<Q· ,-, '' ''V'~-YTI"'Y .,-,,-"'·WV'"'§'' y>:;.,;.;;:_-;<;>:<'i)::t;.OO:,='-'·""--,.·~"'~'-'~··~•";'"t~~-~~---·-·----•~=~•-~·'"'-"-',._•'"~V'~?·~·'-''•V•'->""-'•'•''"'-'~•<>'-'"''''""M~,..._, _____ . '"·,~ ~,_ _ __,..,.., ,~...:.:~-··---· --·-··~---~-'>T~>C··=<·=~~--=M•-~·-·~--~~~~-~·---· ---------•--•- COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1984 -19 - RESOLUTIONS (continued) 3. Transfer of Funds E. Stewart: N. Stewart: Resolved that the amount of $32,508.57 be transferred to the General Funds to cover the balance of the Non-Subsidized items on the road contracts from the Service Reserve. CARRIED 4. Advertisement-St. Andrew's College Invitational Hockey Tournament Book West: E. Stewart: Reso 1 ved that a 1/2 page advertisement, at a cost of $50.00, be taken out in the St. Andrews College Invitational Hockey Tournament Book. · CARRIED UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Letter # 2-32 -R. J. Harrington memo to Mayor and Members of Council re: Jones: West: Notice of Motion -Councillor Tim Jones -Letter # 1-161 re: Fire Chiefs' Assoc1at1on Resolut1on Reso 1 ved that this report be deferred unt i1 after the York Region Chief Building Officials monthly meeting on January 26, 1984. CARRIED 2. York Sanitation -1984 Contract West: Resolved that this matter be deferred until the February 1st, 1984 Jones: Council in Committee meeting. BY-LAWS West: Barker: West: Jones: West: Jones: West: Barker: CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved that: Bill Number 2639-84 -Being a By-Law to Repeal Certain Amendments to By-Law 2213-78, the Zoning By-Law of the Town of Aurora ••• be read a First Time. CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved that: Bill Number 2639-84 -Being a By-Law to Repeal Certain Amendments to By-Law 2213-78, the Zoning By-Law of the Town of Aurora • • • be read a Second Time. CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved that Section 21 of By-Law Number 2554-83 be suspended and Bill Number 2639-84, now before the Council, be read a Third Time and Enacted and the Third Reading be taken as read. CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved that: Bill Number 2636-84-Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law 2613-83, as amended, a By-Law to provide for the Regulation of Parking within the Town of Aurora Bill Number 2638-84 -Borrowing By-Law ••• be read a Third Time. CARRIED ---·--------------·-----~·~~~·~-·---~~--=~~~~~=~"'''==~-·.x,!<•'>''""'""'~~--. -----,~~--;--<"---~-~~~.v.~~~~=~"''-';'"''W'"''"'""'-"'"'""-'""""'="""'~-~-- -----·----~-····' -~------··'·~.:.~.::-·~~.:..:..--·---~-·-'•~"'"'-'==·~~--··-""-=--""'"""""'""•'>='<=•~·"~~·~,..,~,n---'"~·•"'•-----------·-••---- .''·''--··~ L_ COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1984 -20 - ADJOURNMENT West: Resolved that this meeting be adjourned at 10:08 p.m. CARRIED p-U(\.~)J~ Mayor ~-Clerk