MINUTES - Council - 19831121'-w-- MINUTES OF THE 21st COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 AT 8:00P.M. Present Were: Mayor Illingworth, and Councillors Evelyn Buck (8:35 p.m.), Len Ostick, Martin Paivio, Earl Stewart, Norm Stewart (8:30p.m.) and John West. Councillor Tim Jones on vacation. INTRODUCiiON OF NEW STAFF MEMBER Mayor Illingworth introduced Mr. Steven K. Jones, the Town's new Purchasing Co-Ordinator and his wife, Gail, to the members of Council. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Councillor West declared a conflict of interest in Accounts paid to Home Hardware due to monetary interest and did not take part in the consideration of or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES E. Stewart: West: Resolved that the Minutes of the Special Council Meeting of November 2nd, 1983 and the Council Meeting of November 7th, 1983 be adopted as printed and circulated. CARRIED PASSING OF ACCOUNTS West: Ostick: Resolved that the following Capital Accounts in the total amount of $229,901.54, details of which are on file with the Treasurer's Office, be approved for payment and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Alliance Deficiencies Reserve Kamlu Construction Kamlu Construction Capital Levy Reserve Aurora Copy Masters Municipal Building Reserve Silva Upholstering Parks Reserve Armitage Construction Paris Playground Equipment Paris Playground Equipment Vic Priestly Landscape Services Reserve Region of York John and Jean Long Sheelen Deficiencies Reserve Currie, Coopers and Lybrand Currie, Coopers and Lybrand General Asphalt Paving Waterworks Reserve Region of York Region of York CARRIED 3,659.80 2,21L90 5,871.70 4.19 4.19 538.15 538.15 1,752.00 3,311.68 191.28 1,291.00 6,545.96 39,504.75 . 708.00 40,212.75 15,000.00 30,235.00 24,375:oo 69,610.00 12,268.39 .94,805.40 107,073.79 r , ... ·,-.. -, !__~. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 - 2 - PASSING OF ACCOUNTS (continued) E. Stewart: Resolved that the following accounts in the total amount of $538,049.45, details of which are on file with the Treasurer's Office, be approved for payment and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Ostick: General Fire Department Works Department Parks Department Community Buildings: Factory Theatre McMahon Park Victoria Ha 11 Church Street Parks Building Community Centre: Building Canteen Leisure Service Water Accounts Paid Prior to Council CARRIED 94.13 129.76 64.89 1,209.79 306.46 8,072.26 1,165.92 $ 60,187.83 6,493.32 25,284.36 4,539.75 1,805.03 9,238.18 1,888.89 5,682.42 422,929.67 CORRESPONDENCE 21-1 Bryan Thomas and Associates Limited re: Ransom Road Subdivision, 19T-77017, Town of Aurora 21-2 21-3 (Information, Wm.G. Walker) The Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority 19T-83039, Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lot 11, Cone. (Information, S. Seibert, R.J. Harrington) re: File Number 3 (Pi ebrock) York Regional Land Division Committee Granada Investments Limited, Lots 86 - (Information) re: Application for Consent by 92 inclusive, Plan M-2035 21-4 Aurora Public Library re: D. Babcock Appointment to Library Board (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee) 21-5 Ministry of the Environment re: News Release -October 31, 1983 (Ref. Public Works Committee) 21-6 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Application for Consent by Liscar Construction Limited, Mark West Development Limited -File Number 20.83.A. (Information) 21-7 The Town of Richmond Hill re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lot 11, Concession 3 -Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing File 19T-83039 (Information, S. Seibert, R.J. Harrington, K.B. Rodger) 21-8 Ontario Good Roads Association re: Request for Resolutions and Proposal of Names for Recognition of Long Service in the Cause of Good Roads (Ref. Public Works Committee) r--· COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 - 3 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 21-9 Orkin, Jaffary, Barristers and Solicitors re: Official Plan Amendment- Restricted Area Appeal -Part Lots 71 and 72, Concession 1, WYS, 19T-80028, Hunter's Hi 11 s (Information) 21-10 Del lotto, Zorzi, Applebaum, Barristers and Solicitors re: Dominion Life Mortgage to Aurora Quarrying Limited, Part Lot 103, R. Plan 246, Part Lot 82, Cone. 1, Industrial Parkway (Information, Clerk to reply) 21-11 Bay-Tower Homes Company Limited re: Release of Letters of Credit (Information, Clerk to reply) 21-12 Ministry of the Environment re: Certificate of Approval (Water) - Markborough Properties Limited (Information) 21-13 Ministry of the Environment re: Certificate of Approval (Sewage) - Markborough Properties Limited (Information) 21-14 Aldershot Landscape Contractors Limited re: Tender-Supply and Planting of Trees (Information, s. Jones) 21-15 Assessment Region Number 14 re: Open House Information Forums -Town of Aurora (Information, Wm. Johnson) 21-16 Committee of Adjustment re: Submission A-2-83, Lot E, Plan 65R-3440 (Information, R.J. Harrington) 21-17 The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario re: Unicorn Restaurant - 2 Orchard Heights Boulevard, Units# 13 and 14 (Ref. Council in Committee) 21-18 The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario re: Texas Pit Restaurant -269 Yonge Street South (Ref. Council in Committee) 21-19 The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario re: Barrel Pizza Parlour and Spaghetti House Restaurant -265 Edward Street (Ref. Council in Committee) 21-20 Town of Vaughan re: Handicapped Transit Services (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee) 21-21 Gibson and Associates, Housing Research and Development re: Preparation of a Municipal Housing Statement (Ref. Council in Committee) 21-22 Gregg Lawless, Aurora, Ontario re: Town of Aurora Award (Ref. Council in Committee) 21-23 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Various Minutes (Information) 21-24 The Association of Kinsmen Clubs re: Message-of-Support (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee) 21-25 Peter Buxton, Newmarket, Ontario re: Accident -Yonge and Maple Streets (Information, Clerk to Acknowledge, Insurance Adjusters) L ... .-. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 - 4 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 21-26 565539 Ontario Limited re: Letter of Credit (Markwest Developments, Golf Glen Phase III) (Information, R.J. Harrington, Wm. G. Walker) 21-27 Councillors Tim Jones and Len Ostick memo to Mayor and members of Council re: Pine Ridge and meeting with Deputy Minister R. McDonald (Ref. Council in Committee) 21-28 Aurora Hydro re: Fabric Banners (Ref. Council in Committee) 21-29 Kennel Inn re: Disposal of Euthanized Animals (Ref. Council in Committee) 21-30 Town of Markham re: York Region Clerks' Committee (Ref. Council in Committee) 21-31 Ministry of Natural Resources re: Land Related Information Systems Seminar (Ref. Council in Committee) 21-32 William G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Professional Engineering Services Rendered (Invoice No. 9211, 9215, 9220, 9221, 9225, 9237, 9243, 9244, 9245, 9248, 9254 and 9263) (TABLED, RtSOLUTIONS) 21-33 Town of Whitchurch Stouffville re: Public Meeting Concerning a Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment (Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington) 21-34 Reid and Associates Limited re: Yonge/Murray Drive Advance Green Traffic Signal (Information, Treasurer) 21-35 Town of Whitchurch Stouffville re: Public Meeting Concerning a Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment (Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington) 21-36 Ministry of Revenue re: Tax Grants for Senior Citizens (Information, Treasurer) 21-37 Ontario Municipal Board re: Assessment Appeal (Krasna) (Information, Treasurer) 21-38 Town of Markham re: Transit Service for the Physically Disabled (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee) 21-39 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Ontario Building Code Seminar (Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington) 21-40 Aurora Diggers Girls Softball Association re: Status of Proposed Softball Diamond in Machell Park (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F. Horvath) 21-41 Aurora Mens Softball Association re: Ladies Softball Diamond (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F. Horvath) 21-42 William G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Professional Engineering Services Rendered (Invoice No. 8208, 8245, 8272 and 8302) (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) 21-43 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Ontario Building Code Seminar (Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington) {---~-~·' p-"-"'-'-'o COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 - 5 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 21-44 Aurora Public Library re: Handicapped Parking Designation at the Library (Ref. Council in Committee) 21-45 York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment (Granny's Tarts) (Information, C.E. Gowan) 21-46 York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment (Kovacs) (Information, C.E. Gowan) 21-47 McCarthy and McCarthy re: Responsibility of Granting Consents Under Section 52 on the Planning Act (1983) (Information, Clerk to Reply) 21-48 Regional Municipality of York -Health re: Appeal of O.P. Amendment No. 20 (Information) 21-49 Town of Richmond Hill re: Appeal of O.P. Amendment No. 20 (Information) 21-50 Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: Appeal of O.P. Amendment No. 20 (Information, K.B. Rodger) 21-51 Regional Municipality of York -Assessment re: 1983 Population Analysis (Information, Treaserer) 21-52 John Kovacs Aurora, Ontario re: 298 Wellington St. E. (Information, C.E. Gowan, s. Seibert) 21-53 Ontario Good Roads Association re: 1984 Convention (Ref. Public Works Committee) 21-54 Regional Municipality of York -Clerk's re: Submission of Tatone/Valsi Under Provisions of the Condominium Act and Planning Act (Information) 21-55 Montague Pound Associates Ltd. re: Application for Proposed O.P. Amendment -Avery/Boland/Corridor (Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington, C.E. Gowan, S. Seibert) 21-56 George Wimpey Canada Limited re: Application for Amendment to By-law 2213-78 (Aurora Orchard Phase II) (Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington, C.E. Gowan, S. Seibert) 21-57 Ballymore Farms (Limbasco Investments Limited) re: Application for Amendment to By-law 2213-78 (Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington, C.E. Gowan, S. Seibert) 21-58 Reid and Associated Limited re: 1984-85 Connecting Link Program (Information, K.B. Rodger, W.G. Walker) 21-59 Lakeview Estates Limited re: Draft Plan 19T-80060, Lakeview Estates (Information, W.G. Walker, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 21-60 University of Western Ontario re: Publication of "Restructuring an Ontario "----· County" (Information) 21-61 Ministry of the Environment re: Plan of Subdivision 19T-81082 (Markborough, Block "A") (Information, W.G. Walker, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert, H. Borgdorff, L. Allison) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 - 6 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 21-62 Regional Municipality of York-Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subdivison 19T-80060 (Lakeview Estates) (Ref. Technical Committe, W.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert, F. Horvath) 21-63 H. Borgdorff re: Summary of Technical Committee Meeting with Mr. M. Sherman and the Aurora Hydro (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert, W.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, F. Horvath, S.G. Wilson) 21-64 Macroplan Limited re: Amended Plan of Subdivison (Lakeview Estates Limited 19T-80060) (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert, W.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, F. Horvath, S.G. Wilson) 21-65 Claude Arcand re: Three Seasons Proposed Plan of Subdivison (Information, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert, W.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, Clerk to Reply) 21-66 Regional Municipality of York -Engineering re: Proposed Alterations to Town Administrative Centre Entrance (Ref. Public Works Committee, W.G. Walker, C.E. Gowan) 21-67 Regional Municipality of York -Assessment re: 1983 Notice/Roll/Tax Tape Enhancement (Information, K.B. Rodger, C.E. Gowan, Wm. Johnson) 21-68 Dr. G.W. Williams Secondary School re: 1984 Yearbook Advertisement (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee) 21-69 Alliance Building Corporation Limited re: Aurora Industrial Park Phase II, Invoice of R.V. Anderson and Associates Limited (Information, W.G. Walker) 21-70 R.V. Anderson and Associates Limited re: Accounts re: Alliance Industrial Subdivision (Information, W.G. Walker) 21-71 W.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Interim Payment Certificate No. 3 - Alliance Industrial Subdivison, Phase II (iABLED, RESOLUTIONS) 21-72 Morrison Beatty Limited re: Alliance Building Corporation (Information, Clerk to Reply) 21-73 Patrician Homes Limited re: Proposed Three Seasons Subdivision -Objection to Zoning By-law Amendment (Information, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert, W.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, L. Allison) 21-74 Bob and Shirley Montgomery, Aurora, Ontario re: Withdrawal of Objection to Zoning By-law Amendment (Three Seasons/Patrician) (Information, K.B. Rodger, C.E. Gowan, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert, Clerk to Reply) 21-75 Ministry of Citizenship and Culture re: BRIC Designated Property Grants Program (Information, K.B. Rodger, S. Seibert, Clerk to Reply) 21-76 Reid and Associates Limited re: Brookland Drive/Dunning Avenue, Traffic Control Signals Installation -Project Number 904 (Information, Wm. Johnson, S. Jones) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 - 7 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 21-77 Goodman and Carr, Barristers and Solicitors re: Subdivision 19T-80043, Granada Investments Limited (Information, Solicitor, Clerk to reply) 21-78 Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations re: Official Plans (Information, Clerk to reply) 21-79 The Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority re: File Number 19T-80028, Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lots 71 and 72, Con. 1 WYS (438615 Ontario Limited) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 21-80 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Eddie Tatone and Domenic Valsi, Lots 27, 31 and 33 (Information, Clerk to reply, R.J. Harrington) 21-81 The York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: Town of Aurora Amendment to Zoning By-Law Number 2213-78 (Information, S. Seibert, C.E. Gowan) 21-82 Campbell, Godfrey and Lewtas, Barristers and Solicitors re: Barbetta Purchase from Gerard and Helgard VanDerVeen of 11 Highland Court (Information, Clerk to reply) 21-83 The Regional Municipality of York -Planning Re: Propos€d Plan of Subdivision, Part of Lot 84, Con. 1, WYS (Lakeview Estates) (Information) 21-84 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk's re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-83008 (Granada) (Information) 21-85 Currie, Coopers and Lybrand, Management Consultants re: St. Andrew's Square, Asphalt Paving (Information, Wm. Johnson, Wm.G. Walker, R.J. Harrington) 21-86 The Regional Municipality of York -Clerk re: Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-83008 (Granada) (Ref. Technical Committee, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, K.B. Rodger, S. Seibert, S.G. Wilson) 21-87 Alberta Jenkins, Aurora, Ontario re: Sewer Clearing (Informattion, Wm.G. Walker, Clerk to reply) 21-88 Corrial Builders Inc. re: Scanlon Court and Industrial Parkway (Ref. Public Works Committee, Wm.G. Walker) 21-89 Reid and Associates Limited re: Invoice Number 9318 -Intersection Improvements Yonge/Vandorf (Information, Wm.G. Walker) 21-90 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Exchange of Lands (TABLED, C.E. Gowan) West: Resolved that this letter be received as information. Ostick: CARRIED ---~-•~»~-~~·~·~_,.,.;,~~:"'--~-m.-~------·----........C...:----~'-•'"'--~n•~~~~· ---·~------------ ('--·-·" -~--"""'" COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 - 8 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 21-91 Assessment Region Number 14 re: Assessment Notices -Fourth Supplementary Run (Information, Wm. Johnson, C.E. Gowan) 21-92 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Exchange of Lands (Information, Clerk to reply, Wm.G. Walker, R.J. Harrington, C.E. Gowan) 21-93 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Letter Number 20-105 -Sorley (Hiring Practices) (Information, Clerk to reply) 21-94 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Ontario Hot Mix Producers Association Asphalt Seminar-November 3rd, 1983 (Information) 21-95 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Amendment to Zoning By-Laws 2142-77 and 2213-78 (Information, C.E. Gowan, S. Seibert) 21-96 The York Region Board of Education re: Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-Laws 2142-77 and 2213-78 (Information, C.E. Gowan, s. Seibert) 21-97 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Plan of Subdivision 19T-80043, Part Lot 77, Cone. 1 WYS (Information, Wm.G. Walker, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 21-98 Aurora Downtown re: Conversion of Pine Ridge to a Detention Centre (Information) 21-99 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Final Payment Certificate Number 3 - Granular Base and Hot Mix Asphalt (Contract Number M.C. 1980-3) (TABlED; RtSOLOTtONS, Wm. Johnson) 21-100 John Preston, John Mallard, Wycliffe Association, Aurora, Ontario re: Request for Delegation Status (TABLED, 'OEltGATtONS) 21-101 Maureen Stephenson, Aurora, Ontario re: Pine Ridge Centre (Information) 21-102 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Application for Consent by Patricia and Hugh J. Moreland (Application Number 323.83.A) (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert, R.J. Harrington) 21-103 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Seminar -Ontario Building Code (Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington) 21-104 William H.C. Bailey, Barrister and Solicitor re: 14 Sandusky Crescent, Aurora (Information, Clerk to reply) 21-105 John and Marie Dandy, Oak Ridges, Ontario re: Pine Ridge Centre (Information) 21-106 John T. Mallard, Aurora, Ontario re: Pine Ridge Centre (Information) 21-107 Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Murphy, Aurora, Ontario re: Pine Ridge (Information) -~~~'·0 ~_,·~--~<...;.._~,,~~~'-,'~J..io''-"-'-~·~TnoO~-·--•---••--'-----•---·--'-·~-'--~-~~-"-~=·""-="-.~~--~-<~"'=~~-'W<o~~~--~~-~~T-0°T.T~T~--~~--•-••--•••-c------"""------· ----~~<T~---.·~-·,.- ··---~ '-·-· COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 - 9 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 21-108 Ontario Human Rights Commission re: Human Rights Day/Week (TAB[tO) Paivio: West: Resolved that December 10, 1983 be proclaimed Human Rights Day in the Town of Aurora. CARRIED 21-109 Ken Mcisaac, Aurora, Ontario re: Interest -Aurora Library Board (Ref. Administration and Finance Committee) 21-110 Anne Armstrong, Aurora, Ontario re: Pine Ridge (Information) 21-111 William Spencer, Aurora, Ontario re: Pine Ridge (Information) 21-112 Mr. and Mrs. C. Sauve, Oak Ridges, Ontario re: Pine Ridge (Information) 21-113 Douglas G. Higgins, Aurora, Ontario re: Pine Ridge (TAB[tb;·OElEGATIONS) 21-114 P. Cameron, Aurora, Ontario re: Pine Ridge (TABLED, DE[tGATIONS) 21-115 James E. Tilsley, Aurora, Ontario re: Pine Ridge (Information) 21-116 Lyn Haywood, Aurora,. Ontario re: (TABLtO; DELEGATIONS) Pine Ridge 21-117 Leggett, Peddle and Plamondon, Barrister and Solicitors re: Pine Ridge (TAB[tD, .DE[EGATIONS) 21-118 Aurora Village Co-Op re: Pine Ridge (TAB[tb, DE[EGATIONS) 21-119 House of Commons re: Extended Area Service for Aurora (Information) 21-120 Provincial Secretary for Justice re: Pine Ridge Centre (Information) E. Stewart: Resolved that the Clerk's Report be dealt with as outlined. Ostick: CARRIED Mayor Illingworth read a letter from the Honourable G. Walker, which had just been received, pertaining to the closing of Pine Ridge. DE[ EGA TIONS A request from a gentleman, who was not a resident of Aurora was received requesting Delegation Status. Ostick: E. Stewart: Resolved that only taxpayers in the Town of Aurora be granted Delegation Status. 1. CARRIED Letter# 21-100-John Preston, Jonn Mollard; Wyc1iffe Association re: Pine Ridge Mr. J. Preston appeared before Council to seek Council's support against the closing of Pine Ridge as a Development and Handicapped Institution and reopening it as a Youth Detention Centre. Mr. Preston suggested that the Town of Aurora and the concerned citizens fight the closing altogether. "-·~·-' ·'-··~ COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 -10 - DELEGATIONS (continued) 2. L~tte~-#-21:113 :·o~~glis G:-Hi~gi~s; Auro~~--~~~. ·pi~e-Ria~~ 3. Mr. Higgins appeared before Council on behalf of the residents of the Elderberry Trail area to advise of their concerns regarding the proposal of Pine Ridge being turned into a Youth Detention Centre. Mr. Higgins stated that this year it would be a Youth Detention Centre, next year a Prison. The devaluation of housing in Aurora and the fear of residents were other concerns expressed by Mr. Higgins. Mr. Higgins was also concerned regarding the civilian clothing the "inmates" would wear and when on escape, every teenager in Aurora becomes a suspect. The placing of the current residents still has not been resolved in a satisfactory way according to Mr. Higgins. Mr. Higgins questioned what would become of the residents who would not fit into group homes. Letter# 21~114--P.·c~meron; ·Au~~~i;·ontirio· re: ·Pine-Ria~e Mr. Cameron of Davidson Road in Aurora stated he could see nothing wrong with Pine Ridge remaining as it is now and requested Council to support the. facility remaining as a Development and Handicapped Institution. 4. Lett~r # 21~116 : L.Yn Hiyw6oa, Aurciri; Ont~ri~ re: Pin~ Ridge Ms. Haywood appeared before Council and presented a petition signed by residents in Aurora and other municipalities "against" the proposed Penal Institution being located in Aurora. Ms. Haywood also presented copies of a letter which had been sent to the Honourable G. Walker regarding the closing of Pine Ridge and its conversion to a "prison". 5. Letter# 21:117-Le~gett, Peadle-and Plamondon;·ea~risters a~d-So1icito~s re: Pine Ridge Mr. Leggett appeared and stated that the closing of Pine Ridge was an emotional matter and common sense should prevail. Mr. Leggett suggested that a more common sensical approach to the matter would be for the Town to offer an alternate site to the province for their detention centre. Pine Ridge as it presently exists represents one of the gateways to the Town of Aurora. Mr. Leggett stated he knew of a special interest group who would be prepared to finance the acquisition of the site for a private girls school. Mr. Leggett suggested that Council pass a resolution establishing a Committee for the purpose of determining the viability of an alternate site for the proposed detention centre. 6. Lett~r·#-21:118: Au~6~a Village ca:o~-re: Pine.Aia~e West: Mr. MacPhail, President of Aurora Village Co-Op stated his organization was against Pine Ridge being turned into a Youth Detention Centre due to its closeness to the Aurora Village Co-Op and they support the residents in their objections to the closing of Pine Ridge. E. Stewart: Resolved that the rules of procedure be waived and Dr. Mollard be granted Delegation Status. CARRIED 7. Dr. Mcillard re: Pin~ Ridge Dr. Mollard advised Council members that he had experience working in a penal institution and expressed concern over the break-outs that could occur. Dr. Mollard said it had been stated that the Dentention Centre would be escape-proof, he further stated that it had also been proven that no prison was escape-proof. -----,--~~"'"--~··•-<"->4•--"~---~~~---"-~~--~--~~~~~-~~~~--~-· ----· -----·----~-~~~---·-··--·-·--·-··-····-·---------~-----··· I __ _ COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 -11 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Councillor West in the Chair. Report # 113 ~Administration and Finance Committee ;;. Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Administration and Finance Committee was held at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, November 14, 1983, in the Administrative Centre. Present were: Mayor Dick Illingworth and Councillors John West and Earl Stewart. A. CORRE:SPONDE:NCE 1. letter 20~160 ~ kennel lnn re: lmpoundment Fees Kennel Inn has submitted an invoice for animals impounded on orders from the Health Department for quarantine. The invoice lists 4 cats for a sub total of $127.00 and 3 dogs for a sub-total of $126.00 for a total of $253.50. This is all confinements to date since the previous list June 27, 1983 (14-109 -Information). The agreement with Kennel Inn dated April 20, 1976 reads in part as follows: "The Corporation agrees: 1(b) to pay to the operator the fee of $2.50 per diem for any animal held in quarantine, in accordance with Clause 5(a) of this Agreement (the current quarantine fee is $2.50 per diem for cats and $3.00 per diem for dogs). "The Operator agrees: 5 (a) to provide special facilities for the quarantine of animals as may be ordered by the Medical Officer of Health for the Regional Municipality of York in accordance with the Ontario Regulations under the Public Health Act, R.S.O. 1970 or by any other person or persons having authority to order the quarantine of animals." Section 18 of Regulation 702 under the Public Health Act states: "(1) When a medical officer of health receives a notification under section 17 (when a person has been bitten by an animal), he shall, (a) cause the animal to be confined at the expense of the municipality in a place in which the animal is comfortable and, (b) isolate the animal from all other animals and from human beings." In view of the above regulation, the Committee has no option but to recommend payment of the Kennel Inn invoice in the total amount of $253.50. However, the Committee further recommends as follows: (a) That a resolution be prepared requesting an amendment to Section 18 of Regulation 702 so that the confinement will be at the expense of the animal's owner, when known, instead of the municipality, and (b) That the resolution, if adopted, be forwarded to the Ministry of Health and the Association of ~1unicipalities of Ontario. And further, the Committee recommends that the Agreement with Kennel Inn be updated. -----------------------------·---------------------·----- COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 -12 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 113-Administration and Finance Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) A. CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 2. Letter 21-4 ~ re: Appointment to-the Aurora Library Board Mr. Del Babcock's appointment to the Aurora Library Board terminates on November 30th, 1983, after over 40 years of dedicated service. As it is understood that more than one applicant is interested in the appointment, the Committee recommends that an advertisement be placed in the Aurora Banner requesting nominations. The Committee further recommends that a suitable presentation be made to Mr. Babcock in recognition of his long and faithful service. 3. Letter 21-24-The Association of kinsmen Clubs re: Financial-Support During the 1982-1983 Kin Year, the Kinsmen Club of Aurora joined together with more than 625 other clubs across Canada to contribute over $23 million to various communities. Once a year, Kinsmen Clubs across Canada ask these communities to help them. Each February on the anniversary of Kinsmen's founding, the Association produces a special issue of theirnational magazine -KIN Magazine-featuring "messages of support". While the Committee recognizes the excellent community work of the Kinsmen Clubs, it recommends no action be taken on the basis that any support should be local, rather than national, in nature. 4. Letter 21-68-Dr. G.W. Williams Secondary School re: Year Book The school is now in the early stages of producing the 1984 edition of the year book and request support. The Committee recommends that an advertisement be authorized as in previous years and the cost charged to the appropriate account. B. UNriNISHED BUSINESS 1. Letter 20-66 -Travelways re: Passenger Survey Reference is made to item A.l of Administration and Finance Committee Report 82 which was adopted by Council on August 15, 1983 as follows: "Following a lengthy discussion on all aspects of local transit the Committee recommends: (a) That Travelways carry out a passenger survey during the period September 15-30, 1983, following the return of students to school. (b) That Travelways carry out a route survey to include passenger stops, etc. It is understood that Travelways will still carry out "flag stops" where safety conditions warrant. (c) That Travelways include comments and suggestions as to "Energy Conservation through Transit", the use of a smaller bus, conversion to propane, etc. (d) That the Town of Aurora contact the Town of Pickering for additional information on GO Transit fare integration." Regarding (c) Travelways report as follows: ---·--~~------~-·~""-'-'-'-'"'---"-··--·~---·------~·~'-'------"~~~b~~-· ----~--~-~--~~----· ~-~-~. -~-~-~------------..... ----------~-··-~-------------------- •..._ __ ._..: COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 -13 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 113 -Adridnistrationand Finance Committee ••• Various Matters B. ONFI~lSHED BUSINESS 1. Letter 20~66. ~ lravelways re:. ·Passenger Survey "Tra ve lways currently operate approximately ten trans it systems throughout the Province of Ontario. All regular buses in these systems are powered by diesel fuel. We have found that because of the constant idling and numerous stops, that a diesel engine is more suitable. "Certainly, we would agree that if a new bus was purchased by the Town of Aurora, a smaller one would be adequate. "Therefore, based on the above facts it is our recommendation that should a new unit be purchased, it should be powered by diesel fuel, not propane." Regarding (a) Travelways report as follows: "Adults: Over the period of the survey (September 16 -September 30, 1983), 1,129 adults rode the bus representing 38.1 percent of the total. Main concentration occurs early in the morning and later at night with scattered ridership during the day. The people riding during the day would be mainly housewives going shopping, etc. "Students: Obviously, the main con cent ration occurs between the hours of 7:30-9:00 a.m. and 3:00-4:30 p.m. There are a few students riding during the day. They represent 31.5 percent of the total ridership (932 students). "Seniors: There were 712 seniors riding the bus over the period. This represents 24.0 percent of the total. They were on the bus mainly between the hours of 9-3:00 p.m. with few being on at the other times. "Children: We counted147 children making up 6.4 percent of the total. They were on the bus mainly during the hours of 9-5:00 p.m." Regarding (b) Travelways report as follows: "Currently, we don't pick anyone up on Edward Street from Yonge Street (Canada Law Book, Alladin, Aurora Scale, etc.) to Dunning Avenue. Therefore, have bus go north on Yonge Street from Yonge and Edward to Dunning Avenue. Then we would go east on Dunning and make a stop on the south side of Dunning Avenue, at G.W. Williams, thus eliminating the problems with the stop at Cameron and Dunning. We would then proceed east on Dunning to Edward Street and go north to Cousins, then west on Cousins to Gurnett (instead of Wells). We would then go north on Gurnett and run into Victoria and proceed with remainder of schedule. "The advantages and reasons are as follows: (1) Go north on Yonge possibly to get more people from the Plaza going north. (2) Go east on Dunning to Edward to change stop at G.W. Williams and to accommodate two or three regular people at this corner. ( 3) Go north on Gurnett rather than Wells to accommodate some seniors in an apartment building on Gurnett who are walking t" Wells and also to be closer to Yonge Street going north so people on Yonge Street who want to go north can do so by walking only one block east. (4) The remainder of the schedule in our opinion should not be changed in order to accommodate as many sections of the Town as possible." .-----~~~-"~"~""""'~~o~~v.~~--·-~~-~~-•--"--·'···~•'--'-'-·~~~~~~-"L~=~~~~~~' COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 -14 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ·--···-·----- Report# 113' -'Administration and Finance Committee ,;; Various Matters (continued) B. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (continued) 1. Letter 20~66. ~ ·rrave lways. re: . Passenger Survey. (continued) The Committee recommends as fo 11 ows: (a) When a new bus is required that consideration be given to a smaller, diesel operated vehicle. (b) No change be made in the number of trips per day. (c) That the route be changed as suggested effective January 1, 1984 and local bus schedules amended accordingly. (d) That the Committee continue to study GO Transit fare integration. 2. Aerial Ladder Truck re: 1984 Payment Reference is made to item B.1, Administration and Finance Report #34 which was adopted by Council on March 7, 1983 as follows: "The Committee recommends that the first payment of $76,743 be made on or about July 1, 1983 and payment be made from the Vehicle Replacement Reserve Account." "As the final payment is not required until at least March 1, 1984, the Committee further recommends that Council consider funds in the 1983 Budget for the Vehicle Replacement Reserve Account, or using a percentage of the current lot levy as a means of supplementing the Vehicle Replacement Reserve Account." The first payment of $76,743 has now been made, and the Committee considered options for payment of the balance of approximately $179,067. The Vehicle Replacement Reserve Account stands at $93,657.88 as of October 31, 1983. The Committee recommends that the Vehicle Replacement Reserve Account not be depleted to pay for the aerial ladder truck, and further, starting January, 1985 a sum of $50,000 be included in the Budget annually for the Vehicle Replacement Account. The Committee further recommends that the balance of approximately $179,067 for the aerial truck be paid as follows: $50,000 from the Vehicle Replacement Reserve Account $50,000 from the 1984 general mill rate $77,067 (or balance) from the Capital Levy Account 3. Review of Policy re Civic Awards Reference is made to item C.2 of Administration and Finance Committee Report 82 as approved by Council on August 15, 1983, which authorized the purchase of 500 Civic Award Medals and Ribbons from Re York Trophies at a total cost of $1,150 and further recommended "that the Administration and Finance Committee be authorized to prepare revised terms of reference possibly including Volunteer Appreciation Awards, for consideration of Council.'' The original purpose of the Civic Award was to "recognize individuals or those people who have represented Aurora on teams that have won either Ontario or Canadian Championships". The above referenced policy does not stipulate any residential requirements, and as a result there is often confusion as to whether an individual or a team member is eligible for the award. .. ---~-----~-~~~'"~·~· -···~"-'"'"'~'""''~~·--·-~~--··-·---···~·~·-.......... ......-...~.·-·····~~==< -.. ~~~~~~ ----~A" f''·"'~' COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 -15 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 113 ~ Ai!riliriistratiori arid Finance Committee ;,; Various Matters (continued) B. UNFINISHtO BOSINE$$ (continued) 3. Review.of Policy re.Civic Awards (continued) 4. Therefore, the Committee recommends as follows: (a) Team Sports The team must be reorganized as representing Aurora, e.g. Aurora Minor Hockey, Aurora Minor Baseball, etc., Aurora Tennis Club, and/or such Aurora educational institutions as G.W. Williams Secondary School, St. Andrew's College, etc. All Members of the team, plus coach and manager, regardless of residence are eligible for the award. Team must have won a recognized Ontario, Canadian or International Championship in a sporting event. (b) Individual Sports Individual must be a resident of the Town of Aurora, or have a business located within the Town limits. Individuals must have won a recognized Ontario, Canadian or International Championship in a sporting event. (c) Nominations Both teams and individuals must be nominated in writing, stating the competition won, and why they should be recognized. (d) Requests for Nominations A notice to be placed in the local press at least four (4) weeks prior to the date of the Civic Awards Presentation, and a letter be sent to all known organizations, etc., who may have eligible nominees. (e) Leisure Services Committee The Leisure Services Committee be delegated the responsibility of arranging the Civic Award Presentation and selecting teams and individuals to receive the award, as they are currently doing for the Bob Harmon Memorial Award and the Johnston Cultural Appreciation Award. (f) Volunteer Appreciation The question of volunteer appreciation be left to further consideration by the Leisure Services Committee. Review of Cost of Toronto Bell Lines Reference is made to item C.1 of Administration and Finance Committee Report 60 which was approved by Council on ~lay 16th, 1983 as follows: "The Committee recommends that staff be requested to find out the difference in cost between the 773 and the 889 lines and also that Bell Canada be requested to carry out a "busy" study." This study was deferred pending a trial period with the new Bell switchboard equipment. -·~-·--·~~---~~""'''~~-w•-~·-~-,.~·--·--·----~'---·-~.,._.~-~~~-.--~-=~-~-=-· ---~~=~~~~~T.T_, _ _,~----~-----------•-•""""'-'' ---~---7-~·--~-... -<_T_•~-~------- COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 -16 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report.# 113 ~ Administration and F'inani:e Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) 5. Aandi capped Transit Services Reference is made to item A.2 of Council in Committee Report 88 re Bus for Handicapped, which was adopted by Council on September 6, 1983 as follows: "Council in Committee recommends that this letter (15-221) be referred to the Administration and Finance Committee for study and report." Reference is also made to item B.4 of Administration and Finance Report #90 which was adopted by Council on October 17, 1983 as follows: "While the Committee agrees that such a bus would be an asset for the citizens of Aurora, it is concerned about the cost. The Committee therefore recommends that staff obtain information from other municipalities operating a bus for the handicapped, plus available grants, etc. Following receipt of the information, a report will be submitted to Council." The following information has been received: (a) Letters. 20~165. arid. 21~20-;.-iown. of. \lauiJnan "At the present time, the Town of Vaughan does not provide a municipal transit service for the handicapped. The only municipally funded service operating within Vaughan, is provided by the Richmond Hill Mobility Bus, under contract to Vaughan and operating only to the Villa Hospital on Bathurst Street. (b) Letter-20~I47·~·rown·or·Newmarket "We are enclosing a copy of our brochure outlining this service to our residents. Also enclosed is a letter from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications in respect to subsidy monies." The Newmarket Service is "A specialized, accessible, curb to curb transportation service, within the Town of Newmarket for any citizens· regardless of age, who cannot use or has difficulty using the regular Newmarket Transit system." The hours of operation are from 8:00a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday to Friday and a one-way trip is $1.00. Trips should be booked 24 hours in advance, MTC advise: With specific reference to the program for transportation services for physically disabled persons, to the extent possible the per capital ceilings have been modified in an attempt to permit the provision of services which relate to needs. Our recent analysis of service and financial characteristics indicates that the variation of cost per capita among different population groups is not as wide as was previously perceived. Consequently the revised per capita ceiling levels for the 1983 fiscal year have been categorized for four population groups and are as follows: Up to 100,000 $2.00 per capita ceiling (remainder not applicable) "Since expenditures associated with this type of service are expensive by nature, it is crucial that every effort be made to improve service productivity and cost effectiveness so that the needed services can be provided within the funds allocated." {''-'''' COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 -17 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report # 113 ~Administration and Pinance Committee ;.: Various Matters (continued) B. UNFtNtSREO.BUSINESS (continued) 5. Handicapped-Transit Services (continued) 6. (c) Letter 2o~154 ~ Town of Marknam "The Town of Markham does provide transit for the handicapped and I have therefore taken the liberty of forwarding your letter to the Transit Co-Ordinator of the Town of Markham to respond to your request for information on this subject." (Information not yet received) (d) Letter 20~173 and Letter 20:173 : Tawil of Ri climonc! Ri 11 "The operation of our "Mobility Bus" is overseen by an Advisory Committee which is made up of representatives from the community and services for the disabled." A total of 6,271 rides were provided in 1982 and the average cost per passenger was $6.12. The Committee recommends as follows: (a) That an effort be made by staff to ascertain the number of handicapped citizens of Aurora who may use the transit service if it was available. (b) A letter be sent to Mr. Murray English, Transit Office Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Downsview, Ontario, for information pertaining to transportation services for the handicapped. Review of Budget Operation Expenditures as of November 3, 1983 are as follows: sue! get Aetua 1 Balance Total: Legislative $1,367,138.00 $1,157,236,05 $ 209,901.95 Production 454,346.00 364,634.61 89,711.39 Transportation 1,632,648.00 1,430,280,66 202,367.34 En vi ronmenta 1 260,501.00 224,482.43 36,018.57 Parks 246,309.00 202,590.83 43,718.17 Planning and Zoning 125,760.00 82,060,54 43,699.46 $4,086.702.00 $3,461,285.12 $ 625,416.88 While none of the total budgets are overspent, several individual items within the budget are overspent or close to a deficit position. Therefore the Committee recommends that a letter be forwarded from the Clerk-Administrator to all Department Heads advising that only emergency items are to be purchased from the date of notification until December 31, 1983, and must be within budgetary limits. Transfers of funds from account to another account can only be done by authority of Council. -M·"•""'"''"''•'•'--'''"-"'•'-''..;4>X:Q0-~')'~'·1,'4'<"X•Wo>"·''"'·'•".'-->'~'"~~-~-·---.-. --. -. -. --""""""'''"'"'"'"''<">"''""''''''"':"•'"-<••.C•'""'»"""~"""""'"'<-''·"•"-"·'-•~=~----.·c~·•·~'"'''~' '' -·-"-----····--"~---~~~~·~~~~···-·-···--···---------· --~--··-··-------~-~-~----~~~--------------------------------------·----------------------~---- r-·- '----~· COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 -18 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 113 ~Administration and-~inance Committee· ••• Various-Matters (continued) B. 6. 7. UNriNIS~EO BUSINtSS (continued) Review of Budget-Operation (continued) The Committee further recommends that all Department Heads be advised that the approval of projects and budgetary funds for 1983 do not carry over into 1984, and must be resubmitted, unless Council approves the carry over of funds into a Reserve Account. Contra~t-Maintenan~e Letter 20-159 from the Treasurer re Contract Maintenance was referred to the Administration and Finance Committee. The Committee recommends that this letter be held until submissions received from other Department Heads and reviewed by Council in Committee. C. NtW BUSINESS 1. Proposed Po1i~y for Use of Photocopier: New photocopy equipment has been installed in both the Clerks and Treasury Departments as previously authorized by Council. It is noted that the photocopier is being used for printing of a large number of copies (50-100) whereas offset printing or use of the duplicator may be more economical. The Committee recommends that the Purchasing Agent prepare a policy for consideration by the Administration and Finance Committee as to cost per single photocopy; the maximum number of copies that may be economically copied; and alternatives to photocopying and costs. The Committee further recommends that consideration be given to a charge-back mechanism so that departments can be charged for the amount of photocopying and printing done on their behalf. 2. Requests-for Amendments-to Official Plan-and Zoning Bylaw With the additional workload under the new Planning Act, The Committee recommends that the Planning Committee develop a policy relating to the actual costs for amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw. The Committee further recommends that, if and when, the Region decentralizes the power of granting consent to Aurora, as requested, the Planning Committee prepare a policy relating to procedures and costs. 3. Deposit-for-water Meters The Committee were advised that a citizen had complained because the $100 deposit for a water meter was not refundable when the house was sold. Evidently, the deposit was not included in the sale price of the house, so that the deposit would carry over to the new owner. The Committee recommends that consideration be given to requiring subdividers to install water meters in all houses under construction and the practice of requiring a deposit be cancelled. The Committee further recommends that staff obtain descriptions and information as to the type and style of water meters available so that specifications can be prepared and approved which will require subdividers to install water meters satisfactory to the municipality. ----~ .. -~--~"---~.:..'...'. .... ----·-~--·-· --'·-~--·-· -·----.~----· -· -· ---·----~~-~-~~,-~~-<~~-~~---------·----------·---------·-·· '------- :·' --~~-: COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 -19·- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report # 113 .:. ACiriliriiStration and l'inance Committee ~. ~ Various Matters (continued) C. NtW.BUSlNES$ (continued) 4. 1984 Buaget Preparations Excerpts from a Statement to the Legislature by Ontario Treasurer Larry Grossman, on November 8, 1983: "In both the private and public sectors, wage and salary leadership must begin with the leaders. Senior corporate managers cannot expect their emp 1 oyees to accept non-i nfl ati onary wage sett 1 ements unless they, themselves, set an example by keeping their own salaries within acceptable limits. Elected officials including this Assembly, should do the same. In cases where there are previously voted salary increases or indemnities such as those involving some school trustees, they expect to use the mechanism they have in place to bring these increases back with the appropriate range. "While collective bargaining will be restored, we will ensure the continuation of restraint by placing clear limits on funding for all public sector wage increases during the coming year. Our grants and transfers to municipalities, school boards, universities and other publicly-funded institutions, as well as allocations for our own civil servants, will pro vi de for average compensation increases of up to 5 percent per group. "It is important to note that the 5 percent figure we have chosen for this program is not tied to current or anticipated rates of inflation. Rather, it represents an amount which we consider to be fair, reasonable and responsible given current economic conditions and the need for continued restraint. We have decided not to legislate rigid wage controls this year ••• real restraint can only be -and we believe will be -achieved through the resolve and commitment of all those involved in the bargaining process. "As the legislation requires, I will be advising the Board (Inflation Restraint Board) that the criterion against which it will assess compensation increases in the broadly defined public sector should be 5 percent. In making its assessment, the Board will consider increases in total compensation. That is, it will consider increases in wages, benefits and perequisites and the cost of providing merit increases and increments. "Members will recall that the Inflation Restraint Act prohibited merit increases for those earning more than $35,000. This provision was based on the Government's view that those with higher incomes and secure jobs were in a position to make a greater contribution in a period of restraint. Conversely, we allowed for increases above the 5 percent limit at the low end. The low income provision and the more restrictive treatment of high income persons were appropriate in the Inflation Restraint Act. Now that we are returning to collective bargaining, the distribution of wages in a settlement is a matter to be resolved by the parties. Any control program inevitably gives rise to certain problems. We believe the new program has the necessary flexibility to permit those to be addressed in collective bargaining." In view of the above, the Committee recommends that Council in Committee meet to consider salary guidelines for use in preparing the 1984 Budget and salary negotiations. D. PENDING 1. Status of transfer of lands on Scanlon Court 2. Status of appraisal of Dunning/Edward 3. Status of walkway on Bigwin 4. Status of sale of land on Ridge Road 5. Proposed amendments to Garbage Bylaw 6. Insurance Presentation 7. Auditing Services -~--·-~--------·---· ~· -· -· ·~· -~-~-------·---··-Lo...-·-·-·"-'-'·-----·~-·~=~~=·~· ~~~-,=-~~-~~~~~·~·-·~~~~-.. ~---~--·------·-··------~-----.. ------------·------------- --~ COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 -~ - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report #.113·~-Administration and.Finance Committee :.:·various·Matters (continued) D. PtNb!NG (continued) 8. Deferred Compensation Plan 9. Town Policy Manual 10. Car Allowance, etc. 11. Grant Policy 12. Integration of GO Transit Fares 13. Meeting with Town Employees Association (removed from Agenda on November 14 at Association's request) The meeting adjourned at 12:15 p.m. Item A.1 Item A .2 -D.13 DEFEATED CARRIED Illingworth: Resolved that Administration and Finance Committee Report # 113 E. Stewart: dated November 14th, 1983 be discussed item by item and accepted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED Mayor Illingworth in the Chair. Report.# ·114. ~.Economic Development Committee ; ; ; Vari 6us Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Economic Development Committee was held at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 15, 1983, in the Administrative Centre. Present were: Councillors Earl Stewart, Tim Jones and Richard Barker 1. Review of October 20th~·1983 Meeting (a) Appraisals of.Dunning/tdward Intersection Appraisals are being done and the Committee is awaiting a report. (b) Fence at Aurora Bear Alignment Property This matter was referred by Council to the Public Works Department for prices. (c) Oni~ersaT linds·~·scanlon C6~rt The Clerk is dealing with the land transfers and Council has been given details of the monies involved. (d) Henry St6ne.A9reement Referred to Council. (e) (f) Gravity-Sewer to st •. J6hns.Sider6ad Reid and Associates are dealing with this matter. On~sea·sewage.Al1ocation Mrs. Seibert is dealing with this. ---~-----··--···,~~-~"~-~.:..;v,;..,"'Y~~-~---~----~-c .. ·.,:.,_. __ ··--~-,--~--""""--'~--=~~-~=·=-~-~-~-"··==~---~·~·~-·--·~--~---·•-··----·~--------~·--'-·--·-·-··------------ COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 -21 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report #'114 ~·Economic Development Committee·:;;·various Matters (continued) 1. Review.of.October 20tn, 1983.Meeting (continued) (g) Intersection· ~·Yonge ana·vandorf.Sideroad Reid and Associates are working on this matter. (h) Hi story of Aurora Nothing further to report. 2. Statement of.Assets.and Liabilities of iown.Owned Industrial lands A copy of this statement is attached to this report. 3. Budget for EconomkDevelopment for 1984 The Committee reviewed last years budget and made recommendations for 1984. 4. Membersnip in tne Industrial Developers AssoCiation of Canada The IDAC have expanded their activities for 1984 which now includes new direct mailing to all IDAC members of all Federal policy papers and press releases dealing with all Federal government program> and announcements concerned with economic development policies and programs, manpower training programs and foreign investment review. The IDAC will also expand the Ontario based Resource Centre for the Economic Development profession in Canada. These are in addition to their regular services which include newsletters, bulletins, literature, awards, seminars and annual professional development meetings. The IDAC is recognized as the national association for the profession in Canada and works closely with both the Federal and Provincial governments. The annual membership fee is $245.00. The Committee recommends that Councillor Earl Stewart becomes a member of the IDAC for the year 1984, and the membership fee be included in the 1984 budget for Economic Development. The meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m. E. Stewart: Resolved that Economic Development Committee Report # 114 dated November 15, 1983 be discussed item by item and accepted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. West: CARRIED Report·# 115 ~Public Works-Committee ;;; ·various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Tuesday, November 8th, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. in Committee Room No.1 at the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Councillor L. Ostick, Councillor E. Stewart, Councillor R. Barker and Director of Public Works, Wm. Walker. ------~~~-~,---·~"-"' ,~.:.. .. ~--"""-~---~-~~· ~· -·~·-· --"-·-· ___ ...., __ ~-·----~---· -~~ .. --~-"""'-·"'"'"'---~·--"-~"'"''"'"~-~-·~-<.~··-~----------·-··----~~·-------·-··--~-···~~-··-~-·---~ .. ---~·--·~-- ··~·__... COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 -22 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report # 115 -Public Works Committee ••• Various Matters 1. Fencing Request, ·33 &·35· Jasper Drive ~ Mem6.fr6m.Director of Public Works The land abutting the rear of the above noted lots is confirmed to be in Town ownership. The committee do not recommend any fence work while the existing fence is serving it's purpose. 2. Replacement Street Sweeper Staff have inspected several units and have not as of yet found a satisfactory sweeper. It appears that a purchase will not be made until 1984. It is recommended that the $12,000.00 allocated for this .purpose be put into a reserve for next year. 3. Leaf Vacuum The present equipment used in the collection of leaves is approximately 15 years old. The intention was that a Vac-U-Sweep proposed in previous budgets would take on a primary role while the existing leaf vacuum would be placed in an auxiliary capacity. Council, as an economy measure, opted for a mechanical sweeper which is without vacuum capacity. As a result, a decrease in the level of service will take place in this area. When purchased, the leaf vacuum only had the old part of town to contend with, however, because of tree growth taking place within more recent subdivisions, our leaf collecting obligation has increased substantially. 4. Tailor's House Restaurant 5. 6. The Director of Public Works has prepared a report on this matter, a copy of which has been attached hereto. The Committee recommend Alternative No. 1. Fencing, Aurora Bear Alignment The Director of Public Works has prepared a report, said report being attached hereto. The Committee is making no recommendation. Correspondence The following letters were received as information: Letter No. 13-61 Letter No. 14-134 Letter No. 19-36 National Defence (Aurora Armories) Reid & Associates Limited (Reconstruction of Mosley, Larmont, Metcalfe Streets M.T.C. (Education Programs) The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Item 1 - 3 Item 4 Ostick: E. Stewart: Item 4 Item 5 West: Ostick: CARRIED AMENDMENT Resolved that this item be referred to the next Council in Committee and a report from the Clerk-Administrator be requested regarding this matter. CARRIED AS AMENDED AMENDMENT CARRIED Resolved that this matter be deferred and the advice of the Solicitor and Clerk-Administrator be obtained, as soon as possible, on the upgrading of the Property Standards By-Law to cover same. CARRIED ------~~-~~-~-~~~~-"~·~~-~-<--'·'•·-·-·--"-···~--·:.,___:_,_,_,.,_,_._.;.__,,. ___ ~-· -· -· ---w--*"'---··--•--~~--~••••---·-<~ .. -~-·-----•--------·-~· .. ~--. --~----···-------•------ --"· ~-- COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 -23 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report # 115 -Pub 1 i c Works Committee ••• Vari otis Matters (continued) Item 5 Item 6 Ostick: CARRIED AS AMENDED CARRIED E. Stewart: Resolved that Public Works Committee Report# 115 dated November 8th, 1983 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended CARRIED Report # 116 -Councll in Committee • ; • Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of Council in Committee was held on Wednesday, ~ovember 16, 1983 at 7:30 p.m. in the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Mayor Illingworth and Councillors Barker, Buck, Jones, Ostick, Paivio, E. Stewart, N. Stewart and West. Councillor West in the Chair. A. CORRESPONDENCE 1. re: Proposed Name for 45-9 The Committee recommends that the Developer be advised that Council would suggest the name "Baldwin Mills" for this development. 2. Letter # 20~163 -Aurora Village Co~Op re: ·complaint re: S/W Corner Henderson and Yonge Council in Committee recommends that the levelling and drainage of the property be undertaken by the Town of Aurora and charged back to the Owner of the property. The Aurora Village Co-Op be advised that the matter of rats on this property comes under the jurisdiction of the Region of York Health and Social Services, who should be advised of this problem. 3. Letter # 20-166 -South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority· re: Soil Conservation Display The Committee recommends that a letter be sent to the Aurora Library Board to see if they are interested in having this display at the Library for two (2) weeks. The Committee further recommends that this display be set up in the Administrative Centre for two (2) weeks in the Spring of 1984. 4. Letter# 21-21-Gibson and Associates, Housing Research and-Development re: Preparation of a Municipal Housing Statement The Committee recommends that this letter be received as it is premature at this time. 5. Letter # 21-28 -Aurora Hydro re: Fabric Banners Council in Committee discussed this matter and would recommend that the B.I.A. be advised that Council has no objections to the installation of these banners provided there is a wind cut in same and that they are put up by a licensed welder and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. -~--·~~-~·~·~,«·---~·-~------·----~------~--~~-----~ri~-·---~~-~~----~-~-~ -~ ----~----~---------------~· ---- ~,.-... COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 -24 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 116-Counci1 in Committee ••• ·various Matters (continued) A. CORRtSPONDENCE (continued) 6. Letter # 21-30 ~ Markham re: Yor"k Region C1erks I Committee Council in Committee recommends that the York Region Clerks' Committee be advised that the Town of Aurora supports the attendance of the Clerk and/or Deputy Clerk at their meetings. 7. Council's Condolences Mayor Illingworth expressed Council's condolences to the families of the late Mr. Tom Swindle and Mr. Charlie Teasdale. B. UN~INISHtD BUSINESS 1. Nisbet Well ~Referred from CounCil in Committee Report # 92~ Item Cl Council in Committee recommends that the abutting landowners be advised that the Town of Aurora have received inquiries regarding the sale of this property and are asking the abutting property owners if they wish to make an offer to purchase on this property. 2. Mayor's Memo -Land Division Committee The Committee recommends that this memo be referred to the Planning and Development Committee for report. 3. Universal Land.on Scanlon Court c. 1. Council in Committee recommends that the Industrial Park Account be reimbursed as follows: $50,000.00 for the Sale of Land to Universal Insulation and, $89,275.00 for Reserve Account. NEW BtJS1NtSS Winter Maintenance The Committee recommends that this item be referred to the Public Works Committee for study and report. 2. Membership on Commercial Development~Advisory Committee This item is to be referred back to the Economic Development Committee for study and report back to Council. 3. Law Enforcement Council in Committee discussed this matter and recommended that the Board of Commissioners of Police be requested to consider a third patrol area for Aurora. 4. Street Names The Committee recommends that the Historical Society and L.A.C.A.C. be requested to submit a list of old family names that would be suitable to use as street names. -------~-------~~'----'--·"-----·-~-···-.:.·-··-~=..:..·---·-·-· ----------'·--~--·'--~~--·~----~~-"~~--~~---·-··-----------~---------·----------------- COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 -25 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report # 116 ~ Council in Committee· •• : ·various Matters (continued) C. NEW BUSINtSS 5. Tree-Planting~ Banbury Court The Committee recommends that this item be referred to the Leisure Services Committee for consideration in 1984. D. RtCtiVto AS INFORMATION 1. Letter # 20-167 -Regional Clerk's Department re: The Big Sisters Walk-a-Thon 2. Letter# 21-17 -The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario re: Unicorn Rest au rant 3. Letter # 21-18 -The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario re: Texas Pit Restaurant 4. Letter# 21-19 -The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario re: Barrel Pizza Parlour 5. Letter # 21-22 -Gregg Lawless re: Town of Aurora Award -Letter of App reci at ion 6. Letter# 21-29 -Kennel Inn re: Animal Disposal 7. Mayor's Memo -Reserve Funds -Administration Report # 43, Item A.2 E. OTHER-MATTERS 1. Letters #·20:158 and #21~27 · re: Pine.Ridge·--Proposed Meetin~ ~ith Deputy Minister of Commnity and Social Services Council in Committee recommends that the original resolution stand until we have hear from the Honourable G. Walker. The Committee further recommends that the law firm of Orkin, Jaffary be advised of Council's decision. The Committee further recommends that residents be advised that individual letters must be sent to the Clerk when requesting delegation status. The meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m. Item A.1 -A.4 Item A.5 E. Stewart: Paivio: Item A.5 Item A .6 -E.1 West: E. Stewart: CARRIED AMENDMENT Resolved that the words "by a licenced welder and" be deleted from the fourth line of the Clause. CARRIED AS AMENDED CARRIED CARRIED Resolved that Counci 1 in Committee Report # 116 dated November 16th, 1983 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended. ---~---,-"""'"~-'~~·~~;~,~;.,;.~--~~--'-··-~--· ._:~·-•_._·_..:.;_:;.._:;. __ "~----·-·--·~-_..,..,..=~~m~."""""'~~·-····~,-~·-~-~-'-~~~~--~•-...... .----------------·· ·""."" COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 -26 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report#117-Committeeof Adjustment·.:: SuomissioilA~2-83(Van Oyl<) Copy of ·oeci 5 ion In respect of application (Form 1, Application for Minor Variance or for Permission, Submission A-2-83) by Mr. C. VanDyk, 9 Irwin Avenue, Aurora, Ontario, requesting relief from Town of Aurora By-Law 2213-78 (as amended) re: Plan 65R-3440, Lot E, Town of Aurora, as described in the subject application, the Committee of Adjustment, Town of Aurora, has this day issued the following Decision. Deci si ori: That approval is GRANTED to this application, subject to Conditions of Consent as follows. Conditions of.Coriserit: 1. That building commence within one year of this hearing date. Reasons for the Decision: 1. That there were no objections in writing or otherwise. Signed on this 9th day of November, 1983. Date of Submission to the applicant 11th day of November, 1983. Date of Notice of Last Date of Appeal of Decision 11th day of November, 1983. Last Date of Appeal of Decision 9th day of December, 1983. Buck: N. Stewart: Resolved that Committee of Adjustment Report # 117 dated November 11th, 1983 be received. CARRIED Report.# ·118 -.Lei sure Services Committee .• :; . Vari oiJs. Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Leisure Services Advisory Committee was held on Wednesday, November 9th, 1983, at the Administration Centre at 7:30 p.m. Present were: Councillor John West, Councillor Evelyn Buck, Director of Leisure Services Fred Horvath Citizen Members: Jim Hayward, Barb Hooper, Dave Bagshaw, Betty Pedersen, Doug Dakin Regrets: Councillor Norm Stewart, Klaus Wehrenberg AGENDA 1. Waterworks Building re: Letter It was recommended that the Leisure Services Advisory Committee be authorized to meet with the Rotary Club to discuss co-operation and possible projects which could improve the site. 2. Park.Projects 1984 After reviewing the park projects completed to date and which projects are yet to be completed, the Committees recommends that the following outstanding projects be completed. 1. Va1halla Park -park shelter, water drinking fountain park 11 ght $15,000.00 ,~-.'~"' r~·o'-vM, COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 -27 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report.# 118 ~ Leisure Services Committee ; • ; Vad ous Matters (continued) 2. Park Projects-1984 (continued) 2. 3. Corlfeilerati on· ParK -regrading of 1 and west of the creek, park shelter, water drinking fountain, footbridge, soccer field, softball field, tennis court, repairs CraddocK Park -regrading and seeding 4. P1eury~Mache11 Park -a five foot limestone walkway linking the Senior Citizens apartment to Wellington Street West with subsequent node areas $75,000.00 $10,000.00 $18,000.00 3. Portable Washrooms The Committee recommended that the Purchasing Co-ordinator investigate rental arrangements on portable privies for use in the parks in 1984. 4. Tour of Al1anda1e Sports-Complex A tour of the Allandale Sports Complex in Barrie has been scheduled for Council and the Leisure Services Advisory Committee for Saturday December 3rd, at 10:30 a.m. All members wishing to visit the complex are asked to contact the Director of Leisure Services in order that travel arrangements can be made. 5. BiCentennial-Program 6. A schedule of events celebrating Ontario's 1984 BiCentennial will be available at the next meeting of the Leisure Services Advisory Committee. Aurora-Heights Pub1ic School Supporters Association Letter-#20~140-re:· 16an for playground equipment It was recommended that this letter be deferred until the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation announces it acceptable projects for the 1984-1985 fiscal year. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Item 1 -2( 2) Item 2( 3) West: N. Stewart: Item 2(3) Item 2(4) - 6 West: Buck: CARRIED AMENDMENT Resolved that this item be referred to the next Council in Committee for further information. CARRIED CARRIED AS AMENDED CARRIED Resolved that Leisure Services Committee Report# 118 dated November 9th, 1983 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended.· CARRIED ---·----·~~-·---~.-.~-----------···--·-'·-·..:.~~~·--.. ,.,._o~~;.<.._,-· -· .~«<>=r~Y==.>=.-<,"»wo..'<>"'='-"""=>="="-"'='=~"~---'~-~--·--···--·----- l~- r~---·-- ' COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 -28 - RESOLUTIONS 1. Interim Payment Certificate # 3 ~ TX.CC. Construction Ostick: E. Stewart: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Director of Public Works, Interim Payment Certificate Number 3 for the Alliance Industrial Subdivision -Phase II in the amount of $38,628.03 be paid to T.A.C.C. Construction Company Limited upon receipt of a payment certificate duly signed by Mr. P.D. Misinchuk, Vice-President of Alliance Building Corporation and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 2. Payment of. Accounts.~ Reid and. Associates Limited Ostick: E. Stewart: Resolved that the following accounts of Reid and Associates Limited: Project Advisory Services (Retainer -September) Lakeview Estates Subdivision Salpam Subdivision Aurora Highlands Ph. III Traffic Signals -Yonge St. and Brookland Ave. Golf Glen Terraces Subdivision Wells St. Reconstruction (Wellington-Metcalfe) Metcalfe St. Reconstruction (Victoria-Berczy) Wells St. Reconstruction (Metcalfe-Cousins) McDonald Dr. Trunk Sewer Harrison Ave. Reconstruction (Victoria-Edward) Town Industrial Park (Old Park Holdings) Total Invoice ·Number 9211 9215 9220 9221 9225 9237 9243 9244 9245 9248 9254 9263 Amount Account $ 1,926.25 3100-38 201.84 Engineering Res. 940.68 Engineering Res. 126.16 Engineering Res. 274.12 3400-40 266.62 Engineering Res. 4,887.00 3360-40 1,215.91 3100-34 1,481.90 3100-34 342.51 Services Reserve 895.84 3100-34 2,152.76 Ind. Park Account $14,711.59 ••• in the total amount of $14,711.59 and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 3. Payment of Invoice ~ R. \1. AndersoilAssoi:i ates Limited , Ostick: E. Stewart: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Director of Public Works, Invoice Numbers 8208, 8245, 8272 and 8302 from R.V. Anderson Associates Limited for Professional Engineering Services Rendered (Alliance Building Corporation Obligations) in the total amount of $4,730.19 be paid and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED r-~• .. o--"-. ·-~~~:.-.,..,..c~~'--"-~m"~""~~~·~~-·=~=•='='""''"'''-'''"'"""~~-~=="'"''~··~~-M~...,_,_,~.---·---'~~------------~~~~~-------·· COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 -29 - RESOLUTIONS (continued) 4. 496A Court of Revision Tax.Write~Offs West: E. Stewart: Resolved that the following taxes be written off, details of which are on file in the Treasurer's Office, be approved and the Mayor issue orders on the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. 496A Court of Revisions 1983 Taxes (see attached) Total CARRIED $ 968.37 ·~;28 11;22 $3,257.59 5. Final Payment Certificate Number 3 ~ IU; Be ami sli ConstruCtion Ostick: E. Stewart: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Director of Public Works, Final Payment Certificate Number 3 for Contract Number M.C. 1980-3 (Granular Base and Hot Mix Asphalt) in the amount of $16,896.88 be paid to K.J. Beamish Construction Company Limited and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 6. Letter of.Credit Release·-Our.Lady.of.Grace Ostick: E. Stewart: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Director of Public Works, the Letter of Credit for the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corp. (Our Lady of Grace) be released. CARRIED 7. Letter of Credit ReduCtion -Sydney Dinning Ostick: E. Stewart: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Director of Public Works, the Letter of Credit for Sydney Dinning (Triplex- Spruce and Centre) be reduced from $3,500.00 to $1,200.00. CARRIED 8. Letter of Credit Re 1 ease -Lawtons Ostick: E. Stewart: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Director of Public Works, the Letter of Credit for Lawtons {241 Yonge Street South) be released. CARR I ED UNFINISAED.BUSiNESS 1. information Centre -Pine Ridge West: Buck: N. Stewart: West: Resolved that the Honourable J. Walker be requested to set up an Information Centre at the Administrative Centre between December 5th to 9th, 1983, to be staffed by a team of staff members who can answer all questions pertaining to Pine Ridge. The Information Centre is to be open day and evening hours. Be It Further Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to carry out Council's directions in this regard. CARRIED Resolved that the hour of Adjournment be extended and the Agenda completed. CARRIED -------~---·;:...::...:.,;__;,,.,,_,",~--------·'-_:___._,:; _ __.o----'.....:...C.'--'--~'"'"~w.;..~-"«~·~·~~~·=-"">=>=<.=n=~~---===··=~~~-~·•w~•o~;~·~~----·•--·--·•--·~---~------··--·-·-····---- "'" "'~-·· COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 -30 - BY-LAWS West: Ostick: West: Ostick: Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2621-83-Being a By-Law to Repeal By-Law 2294-79, a By-Law to adopt Amendment Number 11 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area Bill Number 2622-83 -Being a By-Law to approve the Transfer of an Easement in Favour of Aurora Hydro-Electric Commission Bill Number 2623-83 -Being a By-Law to approve the Sale of Certain Lands to William E. Coutts Company Limited for the Establishment and Carrying on of an Industrial Operation Bill Number 2624-83 -Being a By-Law to approve the Sale of Certain Lands to Tripsed Investments Limited for the Establishment and Carrying on of an Industrial Operation Bill Number 2625-83 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law 2613-83 a By-Law to Provide for the Regulation of Parking within the Town of Aurora Bill Number 2626-83 -Being a By-Law to Repeal By-Law 1919-71, a By-Law to control the Discharge of Sewage ••• be read a First Time. CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2621-83 -Being a By-Law to Repeal By-Law 2294-79, a By-Law to adopt Amendment. Number 11 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area Bill Number 2622-83 -Being a By-Law to approve the Transfer of an Easement in Favour of Aurora Hydro-Electric Commission Bill Number 2623-83 -Being a By-Law to approve the Sale of Certain Lands to William E. Coutts Company Limited for the Establishment and Carrying on of an Industrial Operation Bill Number 2624-83 -Being a By-Law to approve the Sale of Certain Lands to Tripsed Investments Limited for the Establishment and Carrying on of an Industrial Operation Bill Number 2625-83 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law 2613-83 a By-Law to Provide for the Regulation of Parking within the Town of Aurora Bill Number 2626-83 -Being a By-Law to Repeal By-Law 1919-71, a By-Law to control the Discharge of Sewage ••• be read a Second Time. CARRIED ·-----···~~-·---·---·-----~~---------------- <---~ COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 -31 - BY-LAWS West: Ostick: Be It Hereby Resolved that Section 21 of By-Law Number 2554-83 be suspended and Bill Numbers 2622-83, 2623-83 and 2624-83, now before the Council, be read a Third T1me and Enacted and the Third Reading be taken as read. CARRIED West: Be It Hereby Resolved That: Ostick: N. Stewart: Ostick: Bill Number 2615-83 -Being a By-Law to provide for the Establishment and Regulations of a Composite Fire Department in the Town of Aurora Bill Number 2616-83 -Being a By-Law to provide for an Interim Tax Levy in the year 1984 and in each succeeding year Bill Number 2617-83 -Being a By-Law to Amend Zoning By-Law Number 2213-78 (Priestly) Bill Number 2618-83 -Being a By-Law to Amend Zoning By-Law Number 2213-78 (Granada) Bill Number 2619-83 -Being a By-Law to Amend Zoning By-Law Number 2213-78 (Moreland) Bill Number 2620-83 -Being a By-Law to Prohibit the Fouling of Highways and to Regulate Vehicles Servicing Building Sites ... be read a Third Time. AMENDMENT Resolved that the Third Reading of By-Law Number 2615-83 be held over to the next Council meeting. CARRIED AS AMENDED NOTICE Or MOTION 1. Councillor Ostick -Changing Name or·[;A;C;A;c; Councillor Ostick gave a Notice of Motice regarding the changing of the name of L.A.C.A.C. to the Heritage Committee. NEWBOSINE:SS 1. we11 water Contamination K.B. Rodger, Clerk-Administrator, advised Council members that he had attended a meeting called by Dr. J. Hodgkinson, Assistant Medical Officer of Health regarding well water contamination to four (4) wells and chloride contamination to two (2) additional wells. Ministry of the Environment experts advised that the amount of contamination was not harmful to the residents. Waste Management Institute have expressed their co-operation in this matter but denied any liability for same. --·-~-·~--~--·_,_,;_.:...::_:,.;_..._ __ ;. __ ~.----·-· ·-·~~..:...:.~~~--'---~~-"=""'-· -·-·~·~=·~-~=·<'<·"·~~·"~"'"""'~·· COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1983 -32 - NEW BUSINESS (continued) 1. We 11 Water Contamination (continued) West: Further tests and monitoring are continuing and Public Health will continue to pursue proof of the source of the contamination and will set up and provide for delivery of bottled municipal water to the six (6) residents until a more permanent solution can be put in place. Paivio: Resolved that the Report of the Clerk-Administrator be received as information at this time. CARRIED ADJOURNMENT West: Resolved that the Meeting by adjourned at 11:17 p.m. N. Stewart: CARRIED (2.~A.~~__/ Mayor ~ Clerk