MINUTES - Council - 19830718MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 AT 8:00P.M. Present Were: Mayor Richard Illingworth and Councillors Richard Barker, Evelyn Buck, Len Ostick, Martin Paivio, Earl Stewart, Norm Stewart and John West. Councillor Tim Jones absent due to illness. Councillor Norm Stewart introduced Mr. Walter Kirchmair and his wife. Mr. Kirchmair is a Councillor from Altenberg, Austria. Mayor Illingworth welcomed them to the Council meeting and presented them with mementos of the Town. N. Stewart: West: Resolved that due to the numerous requests for Delegation Status, that the "One Speaker" Policy be strictly adhered to. CARRIED CONFLICT OF INTEREST Councillor J. West declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Accounts paid to Home Hardware, Village Sports and Mr. C. Enterprises due to a monetary interest, and did not take part in the consideration of or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. Councillor M. Paivio declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Council in Committee Report # 76 -Item # 6 (Pic-A-Deli Restaurant) due to contractual obligation, and did not take part in the consideration of or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any to influence the voting on such question. CONFIRMATION.OF.MtNUTES West: Paivio: Resolved that the Minutes of the Council Meetings of June 20th, 1983 and July 11th, 1983 be adopted as printed and circulated. CARRIED PASSING OF ACCOUNTS E. Stewart: Barker: Resolved that the following accounts in the total amount of $2,111,003.76 details of which are on file with the Treasurer's office, be approved for payment and the mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. General Fire Department Works Department Parks Department Community Buildings: Factory Theatre McMahon Park Victoria Ha 11 Church St. Bldg. Band Shell Parks Building Community Centre: Building Leisure Services Water Canteen Accounts Paid Prior to Council CARRIED 215.12 244.10 19.88 261.34 194.10 34.43 3,835.41 1,321.69 $ 6,404.26 2,880.08 20,001.90 3,697.70 968.97 5,157.10 8,350.30 2,738.28 $2,160,805.17 COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 - 2 - PASSING OF ACCOUNTS (continued) West: Buck: CORRESPONDENCE Resolved that the following capital accounts in the total amount of $6,386.81 details of which are on file with the Treasurer's office, be approved for payment and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for same, and the Sea 1 of the Corporation be attached hereto. Parks Reserve Attridge Lumber Gormley Sand and Gravel Lloyd and Purcell Richmond Sod CARRIED $ 168.31 116.37 5,612.50 . 489.63 $6,386.81 14-1 W.J. Madder, Aurora, Ontario re: By-Law 2562-83 -Withdrawal of Objection (Information, Clerk to reply, C.E. Gowan) 14-2 John D. Gibbs, Aurora, Ontario re: By-Law 2562-83 -Withdrawal of Objection (Information, Clerk to reply, C.E. Gowan) 14-3 David W. Paisley, Live Stock Valuer re: Report of Live Stock Valuer-June 17, 1983 (Ref. Administration and Finance Committee) 14-4 Bryan Thomas and Associates Inc., Consulting Engineers re: Archerhill Investments Limited, Block 37, R.P. 2012 (Information) 14-5 Ministry of the Attorney General re: Mrs. Tina Opsteen, R.R. # 1, Milton (Information, Wm. Johnson, Clerk to reply) 14-6 Downtown Aurora Business Improvement Area re: Commercial Development Advisory Committee (Information, C.E. Gowan) 14-7 Corbett, Montgomery, Barristers and Solicitor re: Hazelburn Farm Subdivision (Ref. Council in Committee, Wm.G. Walker, K.B. Rodger) 14-8 Anderson Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers and Planners re: Watermain on Engelhard Drive (Information, Wm.G. Walker, K.B. Rodger) 14-9 Persechini's Easter Seal Run or Walk-a-thon re: Letter of Appreciation (Information) 14-10 The Regional Municipality of York -Engineering re: Highway Coarse Rock Salt and Winter Sand Requirements (Ref. Works Committee, Wm.G. Walker) 14-11 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Executive Committee Meeting - June 22, 1983 -Agenda (Information) 14-12 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: By-Law 2585-83 -Part Lot 84, Concession 1, EYS (Information, C.E. Gowan) COUNCIL MEETING ,,, MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 - 3 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 14-13 Aurora Chamber of Commerce re: New Executive -1983 (Information) 14-14 Artisans of York re: Waterworks Property -Yonge Street South (Information, Mayor Illingworth) 14-15 Bob McRoberts, Aurora, Ontario re: Waterworks Property -Yonge Street South (Information, Mayor Illingworth) 14-16 Homesearch Relocation Services re: Information on Aurora (Information, Clerk to reply) 14-17 Lambton County Tornado Relief Fund re: Request for Donations (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee) 14-18 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Contract Number 1036 - Reconstruction of Wells and Mosley Streets (Information, H. Borgdorff, Wm. Johnson) 14-19 Krys Stephens, Aurora, Ontario re: Waterworks Property -Yonge Street South (Ref. Economic Development Committee, Mayor Illingworth) 14-20 L.A.C.A.C. re: Minutes of May 17th, 1983 meeting (Information) 14-21 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Minutes of June 16th, 1983 (Information) 14-22 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Minutes of Various Meetings {Information) 14-23 Mark West Developments re: Permission to Erect Sales Pavilion (Information, Clerk to reply) 14-24 Ontario Municipal Board re: By-Law Number 2562-87 {Wimpey-Phase I} (Information, Wm. Johnson) 14-25 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Road Improvement - Advance Payment of Subsidy (Information, Wm.G. Walker, Wm. Johnson) 14-26 The York Region Board of Education re: By-Law 2585-83 -Town of Aurora (Information, C.E. Gowan) 14-27 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Representative-Mrs. Elizabeth Corner (Information) 14-28 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Executive Committee Minutes - June 22, 1983 (Information) 14-29 Howell, Fleming, Bark, .Rishor, White and Pakenham, Barristers and Solicitors re: Willows Estate Nursing Home, Yonge Street {Information, R.J. Harrington to reply) 14-30 Reid and Associates Limited re: Invoice -Services Rendered (Information, Wm. G. Walker) 14-31 A. Merkur and Sons Limited re: Proposed Sign for Mets Store (Information, R.J. Harrington) r .-... " i··-~- COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 - 4 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 14-32 Factory Equipment Limited re: Completion of Requested Plantings (Information, R.J. Harrington) 14-33 The Regional Municipality of York -Engineering re: By-Law Number 2588-83 -Heavy Traffic (Information, C.E. Gowan) 14-34 Town of Richmond Hill re: Notice of Application to the O.M.B. (Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 14-35 Robert A. Partyka, Barrister and Solicitor re: Deborah Fraser Purchase from Foran, Unit 15, Level 1, -Poplar Crescent (Information, J. Insley) 14-36 Reid and Associates Limited re: Invoice-Services Rendered (Information, Wm.G. Walker) 14-37 Aurora Residents' -Petition re: Noise Nuisance from Barking Dog (Information, J. Insley) 14-38 The Ontario Traffic Conference re: Distribution of O.T.C. Report (Ref. Public Safety Committee, Councillor T. Jones) 14-39 The Town of Richmond Hill re: Animal Control (Ref. Administration and Finance Committee) 14-40 Ontario Municipal Board re: Appointment for Hearing dated June 22, 1983 (McKenzie) (Information, K.B. Rodger, Wm. Johnson) 14-41 Aurora Quarrying re: Site Plan Agreement (Information, R.J. Harrington, Wm.G. Walker, Clerk to reply) 14-42 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Meeting-June 16th, 1983 (Information) 14-43 Lloyd and Purcell, O.L.S. re: Reference Plan 65R-6012, Reference Plan 65R-6064 (Information, K.B. Rodger) 14-44 Lloyd and Purcell Limited, O.L.S. re: Invoice# 4661 -Old Police Building (Information, K.B. Rodger, Councillor E. Stewart, Accounts Payable) 14-45 Association of Municipalities of Ontario re: Request for Nominations (Ref. Council in Committee) 14-46 The Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part of Lots 81 and 82, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing File 19T -81100 (Sa 1 pam) (Ref. Technical Committee) 14-47 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Background -June 13, 1983 (Information, Council Room) 14-48 The Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part of Lots 81 and 82, Mininistry of Municipal Affiars and Housing File 19T-81100 (Salpam) (Information) 14-49 Johnson, Sustronk, Weinstein and Associates re: Resumbissio~ of Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-79030 for Aurora Country Estates (Ref. Planning Committee, s. Seibert, R.J. Harrington, Wm. Johnson) '------- COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 - 5 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 14-50 The Regional ~1unicipality of York -Clerks re: Aurora Country Estates Limited (Information) 14-51 Cohen, Weissglas, Barristers and Solicitors re: Young purchase from Picture Homes Development -Trillium Drive (Information, R.J. Harrington to reply) 14-52 Wietzes Motors Limited re: Letter of Intention -239 Yonge Street South (Information, R.J. Harrington to reply) 14-53 Reid and Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers re: Town of Aurora, Weir Construction, Edward Street Fire Hall -Project Number 1032 (Information, K. McFarlane) 14-54 Newmarket Business Machines Limited re: Tax Bill Inquiry (Information, Clerk to reply, Wm. Johnson) 14-55 The Regional Municipality of York -Clerk's re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-81082 (Information, R.J. Harrington, Wm.G. Walker) 14-56 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk's re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-82044 (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 14-57 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: The Municipal Amendment Act (Ref. Council in Committee, R.J. Harrington) 14-58 Derkowski Payne Limited re: New Subdivision Application, Part of Lot 84, Concession I, E.Y.S. (Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 14-59 The York Region Board of Educatfon re: Air Conditioning System -Town Office (Information, K.B. Rodger, K. McFarlane) 14-60 Assessment Region Number 14 re: Roll Number 19-46-000-042-613-00-0002 (Ref. Administration and Finance Committee, Wm. Johnson) 14-61 The Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Lots 74 and 75, Concession 1, W.Y.S., Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing File 19T-83025 (Ref. Planning Committee, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, S. Seibert, S.G. Wilson, F.J. Horvath) 14-62 Downtown Aurora Business Improvement Area re: ~re~ (Information, Wm.G. Walker, K.B. Rodger) Parking Areas West of Yonge 14-63 Garfinkle, Biderman, Brown, Blustein and English, Barristers and Solicitors re: Investors mortgage loan to Cobblestone Corporation -16 Jarvis Avenue (Information, Clerk to reply) 14-64 Reid and Associates Limited re: Reconstruction of Wells and Mosley Streets -Project Number 1036 (Information, Wm.G. Walker) 14-65 Ze 1 don, Co 11 in, Barristers and So 1 i citors re: Carcone purchase from Ormstom -25 Haida Avenue (Information, Wm. Johnson to reply) L--~ COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 - 6 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 14-66 JBG Management Incorporated, Aurora, Ontario re: Ceby Management Limited- Aurora Resthaven -Appeal of a Decision of the Town of Aurora (Information, Wm.G. Walker, Solicitor, S. Seibert) 14-67 Minister of Revenue re: The Regional Assessment Commissioner et al. and Caisse Populaire de Hearst Limitee (February 8, 1983) (Information, Wm. Johnson) 14-68 The Regional Municipality of York -Engineering re: Town of Aurora, Aurora Colonnade Inc. -Watermain Connection (Information, Wm.G. Walker, P. Gleason) 14-69 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Land Management File T-04225, Part Lot 20, R.P. 166 (Township fo Whitchurch) Town of Aurora, Highway 11 (Ref. Works Committee, Clerk to reply) 14-70 Provincial Secretary for Social Development re: Community Celebration Grants (Ref. Council in Committee) 14-71 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Storm Water Management and Erosion Control Report -Golf Glen Terraces Limited, Subdivision 19T-81084 (Information, Wm.G. Walker, S. Seibert) 14-72 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Morrison Beatty Limited -Various Invoices (Information, K. McFarlane) 14-73 July First Committee re: Meeting Minutes -Wednesday, June 22nd, 1983 (Information) 14-74 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Background-June 20, 1983 (Information, Council Room) 14-75 C.U.P.E. Local 1359 re: Policy Grievance -Call Out Pay (Information, Clerk to reply) 14-76 Canadian Mental Health Association -Ontario Division re: Request for Contribution (Ref. Administration and Finance Committee) 14-77 Tripsed Investments Limited re: Road Closure and Land Exchange (Information, Wm. Johnson) 14~78 Goodman and Carr, Barristers and Solicitors re: Granada Investments Limited -Subdivision Number 19T-81087 (Brookland Avenue) (Information, Clerk to reply) 14-79 M & M Holdings Limited, Markham, Ontario re: Part 2, Reference Plan 65R-3342, Town of Aurora (Information, K. McFarlane, Councillor E. Stewart) 14-80 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Aurora purchase from Old Park Holdings Limited (Information, Wm. Johnson, K.B. Rodger) 14-81 D. Miklas and Associates, Consulting Engineers re: Aurora Highlands Subdivision, Plan M-2034, Town of Aurora (Information, Wm.G. Walker, R.J. Harrington) 14-82 Progressive Packaging Limited re: Letter of Credit SB5922/6313 (Information, K. McFarlane) L-.w '··-~ COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 - 7 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 14-83 Salpam Investments Limited re: Salpam Lands, Bathurst/Wellington-Aurora West Planning Area (Ref. Technical Committee, Planning Committee) 14-84 The Regional Municipality of York -Clerk re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-80064 (Toronto and North York Hunt Club) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, K.B. Rodger, S. Seibert) 14-85 The Regional Municipality of York -Clerk's re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-80018 (Wimpey) (Ref. Technical Committee, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, K.B. Rodger, S. Seibert, S.G. Wilson, F.J. Horvath) 14-86 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk's re: By-Law Number L-55-83-61 (Information, Wm. Johnson) 14-87 Yorkland Financial Corporation Limited and Isabel Ralph re: Application for Amendment to Zoning By-Law Number 2213-78 and Amendment to Official Plan -95 -99 Yonge Street South (Ref. Planning Committee, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert, Wm. Johnson, C.E. Gowan) 14-88 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce re: Letter of Credit (Bramalea Limited) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, R.J. Harrington, K. McFarlane) 14-89 The York Region Board of Education re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part of Lots 81 and 82, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing File 19T-81100 (Sal pam) (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 14-90 Ministry of Natural Resources re: Maple District Land Use Guidelines (Information) 14-91 Ministry of Government Services -Legal Branch re: P/F Bonphydarian Investments Limited-Grant of Easement over Part Lot 85, Cone. 1, Part 2, Ref. Plan 65R-48471 (Information, K.B. Rodger) 14-92 The Regional Municipality of York-Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Lot 84, Concession 1, Ministry of Housing File 19T-83027 (Gellany -Brookland Court) (Ref. Technical Committee, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, K.B. Rodger, K.B. Rodger, S.G. Wilson, F.J. Horvath) 14-93 The Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lot 32, R.P. 246, and Lot 79 and Part of Block 100, Plan M-2035, Town of Aurora, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing 19T-83008 (Granada -Phase VI) (Ref. Council in Committee, Technical Committee, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdor'ff, R.J. Harrington, K.B. Rodger, S. Seibert, S.G. Wilson, F .J. Horvath) 14-94 Chappell, Bushell and Stewart, Barristers and Solicitors re: Wietzes purchase from Speedy Auto Glass Limited (Information, Clerk to reply) 14-95 Ontario Ministry of Labour re: Notice-Preferential Hiring Rights in Business Relocations and Closures (Ref. Council in Committee) 14-96 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Minutes of the 24th Meeting - April 12, 1983 (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 - 8 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 14-97 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Minutes of Various Meetings (Information) 14-98 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-83008-s. Side of Kennedy Street, West of Highland Court {Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 14-99 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk's re: Amendment Number 18 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area ··~·· {Ref. Planning Committee, Technical Committee, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, Solicitor, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert, S.G. Wilson) 14-100 Bruce M. Ralph, Barrister, Solicitor and Notary re: Application for Construction of Commercial Plaza (Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 14-101 Bruce M. Ralph, Barrister, Solicitor and Notary re: East side of Yonge Street Aurora, Lots 163 and 165, Part 17, Plan 246 (Ref. Planning Committee, Solicitor, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 14-102 Bruce M. Ralph, Barrister, Solicitor and Notary re: Case Property, East Side of Yonge Street (Ref. Planning Committee, Solicitor, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 14-103 Bruce M. Ralph, Barrister, Solicitor and Notary re: Part Lot 17 and Lots 163, 164 and 165, Plan 246, East Side of Yonge Street, Aurora (Ref. Planning Committee, Solicitor, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 14-104 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk's re: Interim Official Plan of Aurora Planning Area (19-0P-0025-17(3}C) (Ref. Planning Committee, Technical Committee, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, Solicitor, S. Seibert, S.G. Wilson) · 14-105 Allan Warren, Aurora, Ontario re: Tax Status (Information, D. Wardle) 14-106 The York Region Board of Education re: By-Law 2582-83 (Mirkopoulos) · (Information, C.E. Gowan) 14-107 The York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: By-Law 2582-83 (Mirkopoulos) {Information, C.E. Gowan) 14-108 County of Northumberland re: Request for Endorsation of Resolution (TABLED) Buck: Resolved that this letter be received as information. Ostick: CARRIED 14-109 Kennel Inn re: List of Confinements -Update (Information, Wm. Johnson, K. McFarlane) 14-110 The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario re: Country House Restaurant -120 Yonge Street (Ref. Council in Committee) 14-111 The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario re: Pic-a-Deli Restaurant-141 Yonge Street (Ref. Council in Committee) 14-112 Truman and Jennings re: 41 and 43 Yonge Street North -Objection to By-Law 2213-78 (Information, S. Seibert, C.E. Gowan) r··· COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 - 9 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 14-113 Ottawa Public Library re: Request for Street Map (Information, Clerk to reply) 14-114 Aurora Public Library re: Library Services to the Sight Handicapped (Ref. Council in Committee) 14-115 Ministry of Natural Resources re: Maple District Land Use Guidelines (Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington) 14-116 Federal Business Development Bank re: Business Information Fair 1983 (Ref. Economic and Development Committee, Mayor Illingworth) 14-117 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Reconstruction of Vandorf Sideroad from Industrial Parkway (Information, Wm.G. Walker, Wm. Johnson) 14-118 Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville re: Animal Control (Ref. Administration and Finance Committee) 14-119 Lebovic Enterprises re: By-Law 2583-83 (Home Hardware) (Information, R.J. Harrington, C.E. Gowan) 14-120 Town of Richmond Hi 11 re: By-Law 111-83 (Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington) 14-121 Markborough Properties Limited re: File 19T-81082 -Proposed Street Names (Ref. Council in Committee) 14-122 Aurora Fire Department re: Activity Report -June 1983 (Ref. Public Safety Committee, K.B. Rodger) 14-123 The Regional Municipality of York -Engineering re: Traffic Safety Review ~,._,, Report -Town of Aurora (Ref. Public Safety Committee, C.E. Gowan, K.B. Rodger) 14-124 Township of Dummer re: Floatation Devices -Snowmobile Suits (Ref. Public Safety Committee-July 5th, 1983) 14-125 Earl Draper, Works Department re: Letter of Resignation (Information, Wm. Johnson, Wm.G. Walker, Clerk to reply) 14-126 Downtown Aurora Business Improvement Area re: Amendment to Present Sign By-Law (Ref. Council in Committee) 14-127 Toronto and District Square and Round Dance Association re: Square Dance Week in Canada-September 12 to September 17, 1983 (Ref. Council in Committee) 14-128 Aurora Public Library re: Ramp -Library/Trio Parking Lots (Ref. Council in Committee) 14-129 The Regional Municipality of York -Clerk's re: Land Division Committee (Ref. Council in Committee) 14-130 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Professional Engineering Services Rendered -Invoice Numbers 5984, 5992, 5993, 5994, 5995, 6005, 6006, 6012, 6013, 6015, 6017 and 6032 (TABltb; RtSOLOTIONS) 14-131 Assessment Review Board re: Notice of Decision -Hearing Number Y566 (Information, Wm. Johnson) 14-132 CN Rail re: Yonge Street Subway, Mi. 28.5, Newmarket Subdivision (Information, Wm.G. Walker, Clerk to reply) ,.~,--.~: l _ _, COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -10 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 14-133 Speedy Auto Glass re: 239 Yonge Street South, Aurora (Information, Clerk to reply, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert) 14-134 Reid and Associates Limited re: Reconstruction of Mosley Street, Larmont Street and Metcalfe Streets-Project Numbers 1037, 1038 and 1039 (Ref. Council in Committee, Public Works Committee, Wm.G. Walker, F.J. Horvath) 14-135 R.V. Anderson Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers and Planners re: Alliance Industrial -Phase I and Phase II (Information, Wm.G. Walker) 14-136 Anderson Associates Limited re: Vandorf Reconstruction -Project Number 1276 (Information, Wm.G. Walker) 14-137 Millward, D'Oliveira, Berman, Barristers and Solicitors re: Performance Bond-Elderberry Hills Subdivision (Information, Clerk to reply) 14-138 The City of London re: Ontario Traffic Conference -1983 Parking Workshop (Information, Council Room) 14-139 Ministry of Natural Resources re: Maple District Land Use Guidelines (Information, Council Room) 14-140 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Reconstruction of Wells Street and Metcalfe Street -Project Numbers 1039 and 1040 (Information, H. Borgdorff, Wm.G. Walker) 14-141 The Regional Municipality of York -Engineering re: Proposed Plans o~ Subdivision, File Numbers 19T-81100, 19T-80018 and 19T-80060, Bathurst Street (Y.R. 38) from Wellingston Street West to St. John Sideroad, and Wellington Street West east of Bathurst Street (Ref. Technical Committee, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, K.B. Rodger) 14-142 The Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part of Lot 84, Concession 1, EYS, Town of Aurora -19T-83027 (Gelleny) (Information) 14-143 The Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part of Lots 74 and 75, Cone. IW, Town of Aurora, Aurora Country Estates -19T-83025 (Aurora Country Estates) (Information) 14-144 The Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: Town of Aurora By-Law Number 2208-78 (Old Park Holding 19T-80047) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 14-145 The Regional Municipality of York -Clerk re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-82044 (Casey-Priestly) (Ref. Technical Committee, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert, S.G. Wilson, F.J. Horvath) 14-146 The Regional Municipality of York -Clerk re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-81082 (Markborough) (Ref. Technical Committee, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert, S.G. Wilson, F.J. Horvath) 14-147 The Regional Municipality of York -Clerk re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-82046 (Granada -Phase IV) (Ref. Technical Committee, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, K.B. Rodger, s. Seibert, F.J. Horvath) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -11 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 14-148 Mark West Developments re: Aurora Highlands Subdivision -Plan M-2045, Town of Aurora (Information, Wm.G. Walker, R.J. Harrington) 14-149 Salpam Investments Limited re: Salpam Lands-Aurora West (Ref. Technical Committee) 14-150 The York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Lots 74 and 75, Concession 1, W.Y.S., Town of Aurora, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing -File 19T-83025 (Aurora Country Estat~si (Information, S. Seibert, R.J. Harrington) 14-151 The York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part of Lots 81 and 82, Concession 1, W.Y.S., Town of Auror~, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing-File 19T-81100 (Salpam) (Information, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert) 14-152 Winemaker, Dorsey, Hartman and Todd, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public re: Registered Subdivision Agreement-Torres Valencia P.F. Redvers-5 Poplar Crescent, Unit 103, Level 1, YCC Number 2 (Information, Clerk to reply) 14-153 The Association of Municipalities of Ontario re: AMO Bulletin (Information, Clerk to reply) 14-154 The Association of Municipalities of Ontario re: Labour Relations Committee Meeting -June 3, 1983 (Information) 14-155 Smith, Lyons, Torrance, Stevenson and Mayer, Barristers and Solicitors re: Hazelburn Farms Inc. (Information) 14-156 Ontario Municipal Management Development Board re: Orientation Programs (Information, Clerk to reply) 14-157 H. Borgdorff Report re: Minutes of Site Meeting of June 20, 1983 - Reconstruction of Wells and Mosley Streets -Project Number 1036 (Information, K. McFarlane) 14-158 Margaret Lyons, Aurora, Ontario re: Land Severance -Ridge Road (Information, Clerk to reply) 14-159 H.T.G. Strawbridge, Aurora, Ontario re: Amendment Number 26 to Official Plan -By-Law Number 2576-83 (TABlEo~·oELEGAl!ONS) 14-160 Fraser and Beatty, Barristers and Solicitors re: Working Rights Agreement between Ministry of the Environment and Precision Small Parts Limited (Information, Clerk to reply, Wm.G. Walker, R.J. Harrington) 14-161 File Management Systems Division re: Micrographic Equipment (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee) 14-162 Alliance Building Corporation Limited re: Aurora Phase I (Allaura Boulevard) Industrial. Subdivision, Kleen-Way Construction Company Limited, Final Progress Payment Number 17 (Information, Wm.G. Walker, Clerk to reply) 14-163 C.E. Gowan memo to Mayor and Members of Council re: Tenders -Sanding and Painting of 15 Lamp Posts on Yonge Street (TAB[Eb;·RESO[UTlONS) ,,•,-,.M, COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -12 - CORRESPONDENCE {continued) 14-164 The York Region Board of Education re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Lots 74 and 75, Concession 1 W.Y.S., Town of Aurora, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing File 19T-83025 (Information, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert) 14-165 Unicef Ontario re: Request for Donations (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee, Economic Development Committee) 14-166 Charles Wrock, Barrister and Solicitor re: Clare Bolton -Application for Licence to Operate Li mosi ne Service (Ref. Council in Committee) 14-167 Downtown Aurora Business Improvement Area re: Board of Management (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee) 14-168 Lash, Johnston, Barristers and Solicitors re: Rayjac Management Limited, Banbury Court Subdivision (Information, Wm.G. Walker, K.B. Rodger) 14-169 Tacc Construction Company Limited re: MOE Project 1-016-95, Contract 29, Aurora Discharge Section -Part I (Information, Wm.G. Walker) 14-170 Metropolitan Toronto Technical Traffic Committee re: "Stop" Sign Policy (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 14-171 Go Transit re: Board Agenda -Friday, July 8th, 1983 (Information) 14-172 The Regional Municipality of York -Health re: York Region Community Services Directory 1983 (Information) 14-173 Blair F. Bevan, St. Catharines, Ontario re: Request for Employment {Information, Wm.G. Walker) 14-174 Ministry of the Environment re: News Release -June 23, 1983 {Information) 14-175 Ministry of Government Services re: P/F Holland River Inv. Ltd., Grant nr Easement over Part Lot 16, Plan 81 and Road Allowance Between Concession 1 and 2, E.Y.S., Town of Newmarket (Information, Wm. Johnson, K.B. Rodger) 14-176 Ministry of the Environment re: Environmental Assessment Act -Municipal Survey 14-177 (Information, Clerk to reply) Ministry of Tourism and Recreation Programs for Recreation, Sports and {Information, F.J. Horvath) re: 1983 -84 Planning and Capital Fitness 14-178 Betty Johnstone, Aurora, Ontario re: Parkette -Waterworks Property (Information, Councillor E. Stewart) 14-179 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Agenda -Executive Committee Meeting-July 7th, 1983 (Information) 14-180 The Town of Richmond Hill re: Town of Aurora By-Law Number 2582-83 (Mirkopoulos) (Information, C.E. Gowan) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -13 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 14-181 Ministry of Citizenship and Culture re 1984 Bicentennial Program (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, Mayor Illingworth, Councillor J. West) 14-182 Sid Britton, Aurora, Ontario re: Parkette -Waterworks Property (Information) 14-183 D. Miklas and Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers re: Aurora Highlands Subdivision, Plan M-2034 (Information, Wm.G. Walker) 14-184 Ministry of the Environment re: Environmental Assessment Act -Transit Survey (Information, Clerk to reply) 14-185 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Various Minutes of Committee Meetings (Information) 14-186 D. Miklas and Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers re: Aurora Highlands Subdivision Plan M-2035 (Information, Wm.G. Walker, R.J. Harrington) 14-187 Reynolds and Reynolds, Information Systems re: Introduction of Services (Information, Purchasing Co-Ordinator) 14-188 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Executive Committee Meeting- July 7, 1983 (Information) 14-189 Friendship Circle (Aurora Senior Citizens) re: Letter of Appreciation (Ref. Council in Committee) 14-190 Aurora Tigers Provincial Junior "A" Hockey Club re: Ice Time Rates (Ref. Council in Committee-July 11th, 1983) 14-191 Bruce M. Ralph, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary re: Application for By-Law Amendment to By-Law Number 2213 to Rezone Lots 163, 164 and 165, Plan 24~ and Part Lot 17 from Environmental Protection (TAB[tD; ·ot[EGAT!O~S) 14-192 Ontario Municipal Board re: Board's Order made June 19, 1983 (By-Law 2562-83 -Aurora West) (Information) 14-193 Rose Johnson, Norland, Ontario re: Letter of Appreciation -July 1st Celebrations (Ref. Council in Committee) 14-194 Stabile, Maniaci, Angeletti, Barristers and Solicitors re: 517014 Ontario Limited purchase of 35 -37 Yonge Street (Ref. Council in Committee) 14-195 Reid and Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers re: Development, Mary Street Extension to Wellington Street Number 1096 (Ref. Council in Committee) Industrial East -Project 14-196 Ministry of the Solicitor General re: Town of Aurora -Application for Pro vi nci a 1 Auto Extrication Grant (Ref. Council in Committee, Public Safety Committee, Wm. Johnson) 14-197 Township of King re: Data on Animal Control Contracts (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee) ;__"_, COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -14 - CORRESPONDENCE {continued) 14-198 Margaret McTaggart, Aurora, Ontario re: Replacement of Sod {Information, Wm.G. Walker to reply) 14-199 J.P. Jongeneel, Matjon Properties Limited re: By-Law 2582-83-June 20, 1983 (Information, C.E. Gowan, R.J. Harrington) 14-200 Addington Place, Inc. re: Applications for Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendments, Part Lot 73 and 74, Concession 1, W.Y.S. (TABL~b; bEL~GATIONS, K. McFarlane) 14-201 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Teasdale, Part Lots 74 and 75, Cone. 1, Town of Aurora {Information, Clerk to reply) 14-202 Bryan Thomas and Associates Inc., Consulting Engineers re: Archerhill Investments Limited, Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Block 37, R.P. 2012, O.P. Amendment# 26 (TABLED, DELEGATIONS) 14-203 John Dewar, Planning Consultant re: Rogers Estate and Sabi ston-Marko (Willow Farm) (TABLED,-bELEGATIONS) 14-204 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Vehicular Barrier -Murray Drive {South of Golf Links Drive) . (TABLED, UNFINISHED BUSIN~SS) 14-205 Reid and Associates Limited re: Town of Aurora, Orchard Heights Boulevard Watermain Connection -Project Number 1033 (TABLED,.RESOLUTIONS) 14-206 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Hallmark Financial Securities (TABLED, .RESOLUTIONS) 14-207 City of Toronto re: Extension of Daylight Saving Time {TABLED) N. Stewart: Buck: Resolved that this letter be received and a letter sent to the City of Toronto endorsing this resolution. CARRIED 14-208 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Tender Opening Results -Restoration of Banbury Court-Contract Number I.T. 1983-1 (TABLED, RESOLUTION, Solicitor) 14-209 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Final Progress Payment Number 17, Alliance Industrial Subdivision-Phase I (Allaura Boulevard) (TABLED; RESOLUTION, Wm. Johnson) 14-210 Aurora Soccer Club re: Property Being Offered for Lease (TABLED, Solicitor, F.J. Horvath) 14-211 Bryan Thomas and Associates Inc., Consulting Engineers re: Archerhill Investments Limited, Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Block 37, R.P. 2012, O.P. Amendment Number 26 (Information, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert, re: Letter# 14-202) 14-212 McPherson and Shugart, Barristers and Solicitors re: By-Law Number 2537-82 {Wellington Enterprises Limited) (TABLED, re: Delegation # 6) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -15 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) West: Resolved that the Clerk's Report be dealt with as outlined. Buck: CARRIED DELE:GA TIONS 1. Letter # 14-191. ~·Bruce M: Riilpli; Barrister; Solicitor, Notary re: Amendment to By-Law 2213 to Rezone Lots 163, 164 and 165, Plan 246 and Part Lot 17 from Environmental Protection Mr. Ralph appeared before Council requesting first and second reading of their by-law amending By-Law Number 2213. He distributed a letter to Council from the South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority which granted authority for their lands to be removed from the Environmental Protection. Council recommended that this application proceed through the proper channels and then be presented to Council for first and second readings. 2. letter#l4~200 ~ Addin2ton Place, Inc: re: App1icationfor Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendments, Part Lot 73 and 74, Concession 1, W.Y.S. Ms. Susan Plamondon, Barrister and Solicitor, appeared before Council on behalf of Addington Place, Inc. to request Council's consideration in their application for Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning By-Law. Ms. Plamondon stated that Addington Place, Inc. felt that this development would in no way disturb the rural character of the area and would indeed enhance it. Council recommended that this matter be discussed when the Planning Commitee Report # 77 was being heard. 3. Letter # ··14-202 ·-·· Br ·an· Thomas· re: Archerhill Investments Limited Mr. Mike Potasnyk appeared on behalf of Archerhill Investments Limited to requesting that D.P. Amendment# 26 be given third reading. Mr. Potasnyk outlined to Council that amendments had been made to lot sizes reducing the previously proposed 22 lots to 17 lots of a larger size. 4. Letter·#·l4~159-H:T.G •. Strawbridge; Aurora, Ontario re: Amendment Number 26 to Official Plan -By-Law Number 2576-83 Dr. Strawbridge appeared before Council to requesting that O.P. Amendment # 26 not be given third reading. Dr. Strawbridge outlined to Council that even with the proposed amendments to this application, that some of the lot sizes fell short of the required 2 acres. He requested that Council consider these facts and that the 2 acre lot size be adhered to. 5. Leiter # 14~203 ~ Jolin Dewar, Planriiri Consultant re: Ro ers E:state and Sabiston-Marko Willow Farm Mr. Brian Corbett, Solicitor, appeared on behalf of John Dewar, Planning Consultant. The Official Plan Amendment had not be recommended for approval and he requested that the developers be granted the opportunity to move ahead slowly. He also requested that copies of the three (3) reports mentioned (1978 report, August 8th report and June Technical report) be made available to the developers prior to future determinations. 6. Peter Gianotti and/or Tom Mi:Phersori re: Wording of By~Law 2537-82 Mr. Gianotti appeared before the Council and requested their consideration in allowing a change of wording within By-Law 2537-82. Apparently, due to time elements, coverage under the Ontario Housing Corporation Mandate was not possible and a change to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation had been requested. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -16 - DELEGATIONS (continued) 6. Peter.Gianotti.and/or Tom.McPnerson· re: Wordin Buck: West: continued Extensive discussion regarding parking allocation and percentage of subsidized housing continued. Resolved that this matter be referred to Unfinished Business. CARRIED REPORTS. OF .. COMMI TTtES Report·#·7s·~·Puolic Safety Committee ••• Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Public Safety. Committee was held on Tuesday, July 5th, 1983 at 7:00 p.m. in Committee Room 1. Present Were: Councillors Tim Jones and Martin Paivio, Fire Chief Stu Wilson and Citizen Members Carl Weissner. Regrets From: Councillor Norm Stewart and Citizen members Omar Khamissa and Ted Bessant. A. FOLLOW.UP FROM.JUNE.7TH; 1983.REPORT 1. Fire Regulating By~Law The Committee is still awaiting an agreement to be arranged between the full time firefighters prior to proceeding. 2. Model By~Law for ttie Physically Disabled The Committee is awaiting a meeting to be held, at which Aurora will be represented by the Deputy Clerk among a number of regional municipalities to discuss a common by-law for the physically disabled. 3. Fire and.Heat Detection -Town Owned Buildings This matter rests with the Town Clerk for further action. 4. Capital.Budget The Chairman reported that at this time there is not yet an identified, approved Capital Budget. 5. Parking Ramp ~Aurora Liorary/Trio Parking Lots This matter now rests with Council in Committee who have requested information from the Aurora Library Board. 6. Fire Hall Weir This project is almost complete. Once it has been approved by the engineer, the Leisure Services Department will be asked for assistance in maintaining the area as previously approved. B. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter# 12~172 ~ Parking on Wellington Street The Committee concurs with the request for no parking on the north side of Wellington, 150' either side of the parking lot entrance to the Administrative Centre and will include this recommendation in its Town Safety Report. ~~~~ COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -17 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 75 -Pub 1 i c Safety Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) B. CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 2. Letter #-13~67--·Town of Richmond Hill-re:· Parking-Policy This letter was referred to the Town Safety Report deliberations. 3. Letter # 13~68 ~James A; -Phillips ~ Stop sigri Request on Banff/Devins The Committee recommends that in early September shortly after school starts, this location have a traffic and pedestrian count conducted to see if it meets the Regional warrants for a multi-stop and that Mr. Phillips be so advised. 4. Letter# 13-78 ~City of North York re: Stop Sign Policyand Letter# 14~38 --~-Ontario--Traffic-Conference-re:--Stop--Si gil-Policy The Committee recommends that these letters be referred to the Town Safety Report del i_berati ons. 5. Letter# 111.:.124 ~Township" of Dummer re: Snowmobile Floatation Policy The Committee referred this matter to Council in Committee for its deliberation. C. MAYOR'S MEMOS 1. June 13th; 1983 re: Heffron TraffiC-Concerns The items addressed in the correspondence from Mr. Heffron are referred to in the draft Town Safety Report in the following manner: (a) From-Draft Report .:. Item 36 -The recommendations as outlined in the Mayor's memo May 19th, 1983, regarding reducing the speed to 40 k.p.h. from 81 Murray Drive to Davidson Road; "No Parking" on the east side of Murray Drive in front of Regency Acres School and; the extension of the "No Parking" area north to Seaton Drive and; extending the "No Parking" on the east side of Murray 30' either side of the crosswalk should be implemented. Action: include in revised by-1 aw and post accordingly. (b) From Draft-Report·~ item 37 -The hedge on the east side of Murray opposite the north boundary of the school should be cut back further, the fence should be examined for appropriate action. Action: Works Department staff to review and recommend improvements to be implemented with the appropriate residents. (c) From Draft Report-~-Item 38 -That the crossing guard at Murray Drive should be retained if warranted. If a guard is warranted, the location of the cross walk should be at walkway instead of the stop sign pending the pedestrian count and most popular route determined. 2. June 22nd, 1983 re: Vand6rf-Sideroad The Committee concurs with the Mayor's concern and recommends that the following recommendation be added to the Town Safety Report -"That the newly paved portion of Vandorf be posted at 60 k .p .h.". .-,>-'·'""~'''-'·V~·oc.o~~n>C<eC,,,,~<i<V•'"''-"""'-===<•<·'•-._o=,··••·•·•·•-~•·-~•-~~-~~---,--~.,._"<'>e<.-.=<>"'•'""'"'''-'"-'~''·""'=''n""""'·'"-'~~"''""'~'·-?~;·o·.c·••·•"~'-'~"-·~c-~"""''' ,.,.,, •··---''•'" •v~-·~--~----- COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -18 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 75 ~ Public Safety Committee·.~. Various Matters (continued) C. MAYOR'S MEMOS (continued) 3. J~n~-22~a;·1983-re:··co~if~s-o~t~~~G~~~~tf.St~e~t-T~affi~ In the correspondence referred to by the Mayor, most of the concerns appeared to be from an enforcement rather than a regulatory point of view. The signs both speed, parking and stops are in place at appropriate intervals but are not, according to Mr. Irvine, being observed. The Committee would recommend that the Clerk respond to Mr. Irvine requesting his assistance and the York Regional Police Department in reporting any parking infractions when they are occurring and that Mr. Irvine be advised that we will request the York Regional Police to establish radar traps between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. weekdays for a period of time. School buses travelling these roads are a necessity in the Committee's opinion to pick up children near home and truck use of these streets is governed by our heavy truck by-1 aw which can be acted upon when a complaint is registered and the proper authority can catch the offender in the act. D. ONFINISHEO BOSiNESS 1. Tow~ R~vt~w-6f"Safety·con~erns This item was deferred to a Special Public Safety Committee meeting scheduled for Monday, July 25th, 1983 at 7:00 p.m. Police Chief Crawford advised staff by phone that the York Regional Police do not have safety personnel to send out to review this type of matter, that he felt the Region's Traffic Department should assist. Mr. J. Ireland advised the Chairman that he was unable to attend the July 5th meeting but would attend the July 25th, for the purpose of reviewing regional road recommendations and offering his opinion on our other recommendations. Members of Council are most welcome to attend. E. OTHER-MATTERS 1. Mrs.·k. M~Farlane ·re: Haida/Aurora H~ights· Intersection Correspondence received from Mrs. McFarlane outlined the fence situation at Haida/Aurora Heights south-east side. As this matter has already been dealt with, with the owners of this fence agreeing to remove the coroer portion, the Committee recommends that the Works Department staff contact the owner to facilitate the removal of the corner fence portion. 2. Helm~ts In a memo to the Chairman, the chief recommends that we add on to our aerial truck purchase, an order for new fire helmets. These helmets were priced from three (3) different manufacturers ($1,992.87, $1,819.00 and $1,738.75 - tax included) with C.J. Hickey being the lowest. If purchased with the truck we do not have to pay tax --a further savings of $113.75, for a total purchase price of $1,625.00 for 25 helmets. These helmets will be mandatory by the end of 1985 and will have to be purchased at that time. The Committee would recommend that this item be added to the truck order and that this cost be included in the 1984 budget submission. COUNCIL MEETING ••• JULY 18th, 1983 -19 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 75 ~ Public Safety Committee~ ••• Various Matters (continued) E. OTHER~MATTER$ (continued) 3. ERB tnguest~Report As noted in the recommendations published by the local paper and notes from staff, the Committee recommends that, for reasons of safety and protection, all new and existing commercial and industrial businesses be required to have occupancy permits. A 1 ong with the occupancy permits, a separate form should be submitted annually by all businesses to indicate any and all hazardous materials in use in their buildings and where they are stored. Any industrial or commercial business using extremely hazardous materials should be asked to placard their buildings appropriately according to the accepted standards for signing. The Committee further recommends that the Clerk identify the most workable administrative process for handling this paperwork and report back to Council on September 14th, 1983. The Committee also discussed the emphasis given on additional firefighter requirements, in that they feel this was misleading and not directly pertinent to the case under investigation. 4. York~Guide-Fire Telephone~Numfiers The Committee noted that both the old fire telephone number and the new fire telephone number were given in different parts of the York Guide. 5. Roadside Maps~~·~ Status The Committee discussed the usefulness of the roadside maps that used to be located at the United Church and at Aurora Heights and Yonge. The Fire Department has frequent inquiries specifically related to directions to industries. The Committee would refer this information to the Economic Development Committee in the hope that some form of map or multi-arrow sign be posted in appropriate locations to show trucks where industries are located. Further it was felt that Vandorf Sideroad should be signed as a truck route at Yonge for incoming traffic. 6. Nei~h&ourhood ~it~h Sf~ns The Aurora Neighbourhood Watch group has had 30 signs donated to them from the Aurora Leos. Through the Chairman they have asked the Town's assistance in erecting these signs in specific locations around town. In checking with the Director of Public Works, the Town assisted with erecting the Block Parent signs and in the Director's opinion, it wouldn't be difficult to accommodate this request. Further, it would be even easier if these signs could be located on light posts. This is to be checked out with the Aurora Hydro. The Committee recommends that Town staff erect these signs at mutually agreed locations, preferably hydro poles if the Aurora Hydro approves. F. RECEtVEO~AS~tNFORMATtON 1. Letter# 12~215 -Aurora Fire Department re: Activity Report -May 2. Letter·# 13-39 -York Regional Fire Prevention Officer's Association 3. Letter'# 13-76 -Aurora Public Library re: Ramp 4. Letter #~ 14~122 -Aurora Fire Department re: Activity Report -June COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -20 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 75-Public Sarety Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. The next scheduled meeting is a Special Meeting to be held on Monday, July 25th, 1983 at 7:00p.m. in Committee Room 1. Item A.1 -A.5 Item A .6 West: Buck: Item A.6 Item B.1 - E .1 Item E .2 Item E.3 N. Stewart: E. Stewart: Item E .3 Item E.4 - F .4 Paivio: N. Stewart: CARRIED AMENDMENT Resolved that this matter be referred to the Director of Leisure Services and the Fire Chief and a report be made to Council. CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED AMENDED CARRIED AS AMENDED Resolved that this matter be tabled until the Official Coroner's Report is delivered. CARRIED AS AMENDED CARRIED CARRIED Resolved that Public Safety Committee Report# 75 dated July 5th, 1983 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED Report # 76 ~ CounCil in Committee Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of Council in Committee was held on Monday, July 11th, 1983 at 7:50p.m. in the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Mayor Illingworth and Councillors Barker, Buck, Jones, Ostick, Paivio, E. Stewart and West. Regrets From: Councillor N. Stewart acting as host for Soccer Team from Scotland. CONrLICT or-INTEREST Councillor M. Paivio declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Letter# 14-111 - The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario re: Pic-A-Deli Restaurant due to contractual obligation, and did not take part in the consideration of or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. Councillor Paivio in the Chair. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -21 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 76 -Council in Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) A. DELEGATIONS 1. Letter# 13-70-Clair Bolton re: Request for Livery Licence and Letter# 14-166 -Charles Wrock re: Request for Livery Licence Mr. C. Wrock, Solicitor, appeared before Council, representing Mr. C. Bolton and his application for licence to operate Limosine Service in Aurora. Mr. Wrock advised Council members that a survey taken by Mr. Bolton showed there was a need for this service and that Mr. Bolton had letters confirming the various establishments in Aurora that would use this service. Council in Committee recommends that a Staff report on the usage of taxi and limosine licence services now in service in Aurora be prepared for Council's consideration at the Council meeting scheduled for July 18th, 1983. B. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter # 13-61 -Canadian Forces Base Toronto re: Aurora Armouries and Letter # 14-134 -Reid and Associates re: Reconstruction of Mosley/Larmont/ Metcalfe Streets The Committee recommends that these letters be referred to the Public Works Committee for a report. 2. Letter# 14-7 -Corbett, Montgomery re: Hazelburn Farm Subdivision Council in Committee discussed this matter and recommend that if no word is received from the Receivership Company by July 30, 1983 regarding when the outstanding work is to be completed, the Town of Aurora will exercise their option under the Subdivision Agreement and the work be completed. 3. Letter# 14-45 -Association of Municipalities of Ontario· re: 1983 -84 AMO Board of Directors The Committee recommends that Mayor Richard Illingworth and Clerk-Administrator K.B. Rodger be nominated for the Board of Directors of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. 4. Letter #_14-57-Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Municipal Amendment Act The Committee recommends that this letter be referred to the Public Safety·· Committee, and Administration/Finance Committee for report. 5. Letter # 14-70 -Provincial Secretary for Social Development re: Community Celebration Grants Council in Committee recommends that this letter be referred to the Leisure Services Committee for a Report. Councillor West in the Chair. 6. Letter # 14-111 -The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario re: Pic-A-Deli Restaurant The Committee recommends that this letter be received. Councillor Paivio in the Chair. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -~ - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 76 -Council in Cmnmittee ••• Various Matters (continued) B. CORRESPO~bENCE (continued) 7. Letter# 14~121"~"Markoorou9n"Properties"Limitect""re:""Proposed street Names -Va 1 ha 11 a Court Counci 1 in Committee recommends that the street name for Roads A & B in the proposed Markborough Subdivision {19T-81082) be Valhalla Court. 8. Letter # 14~126 ~ Downtown Aurora Business Improvement Area re: Sign By-Law Council in Committee recommends that this letter be referred to the Chief Building Official for a report. 9. Mayor's Memo re:". Go Transit/Aurora Transit Fare Integration The Committee recommends that further information pertaining to the matter be obtained for discussion at the Council in Committee meeting scheduled for August 8th, 1983. 10. Mayor's Memo re:."Reform arict"Revision"of Conservation. Authorities in Ontario The Committee recommends that this Council endorse the A.M.O. recommendation and that a copy of the resolution be forwarded to A.M.O., Region of York, South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority and to the Minister of Natural Resources. 11. Wm:G; Walker memo to U~:"Rodger re: Wellirigton/Machell (A. Cameron) - Reimbursement of Portion of Water Leak Costs The Committee recommends that the report of the Director of Public Works re: Water Break -28 Wellington Street West be accepted and a payment in the amount of $354.00 be made to Mrs. Cameron. C. ONFINISHEb"BOSINESS 1. Letter#14~144 ~Aurora Public [iorilry re: liorary Services tothe Sight Handicapped The Committee recommends that the C.N.I.B. be advised that this Council feels there is sufficient coverage for the Blind under our own Library Services. 2. Report# n~ Item 4-PubliCWorJ<S committee arid Capital Suomission -1983 The Committee discussed the report pertaining to the Sweeper and flatbed truck and also the 1983 Capital Submission and recommends they be referred to the Administration and Finance Committee for report. 3. Report # 72 ~ Planning"Committee "re:" Estate Residential Development The Committee recommends that this matter be referred to Council in Committee meeting of August 8th, 1983 and that Council members be given copies of policy passed in 1978. 4. Private Day Care Council in Committee recommends that the Zoning By-Law be amended to permit "Day Care" in multi-family units other than apartments. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -~ - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 76 -Council in Committee Various Matters (continued) c. UNFINISHED.BOSINESS (continued) s. Po 1 ; cft ·statement··:.· Re 1 ease·· of· Reports The Committee recommends that this Pol icy be accepted. 6. Mayor's Memo :. Fei:teral Electoral.Bouridaries Council in Committee recommends that the Honourable Sinclair Stevens, M.P., be requested to support Aurora's proposal to have the name of the riding changed from Richmond Hill-Newmarket to the tradition a 1 "York North". 7. Informal caucus.Meeting The date for the informal caucus meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, August 24th, 1983. B. F;J; Horvath; Director of leisure Services re: Planters Council in Committee recommends that two (2) planters be placed at the Community Centre, two (2) planters be placed at the Temperance Street parkette and subject to the written authority of the United Church, two (2) planters be placed on Yonge Street at the United Church/Municipal Parking lot. 9. wm;G; Walker; Director ofPuolkWorks re:. Street Bellcties The Committee recommends that the four (4) benches be repaired, and the six (6) that are beyond repair be removed from the streets. 10. Tender -Old Police Building Council in Committee recommends·that the one Tender received for the Town owned land on Yonge Street South (Old Police Building) be rejected and the Clerk-Administrator be authorized to call Tenders, and award same, for the demolition of the building and the leveling of the property. D. NEw.BOSlNESS 1. Barricade ;. Murray DriVe The Committee recommends that the Director of Public Works be requested to submit his comments on the removing of this barricade for Council's consideration at the meeting of July 18th, 1983. 2. Aurora Tigers Letter-July 28;·1983. re: Rates -Aurora Tigers Hockey School The Committee recommends that no action be taken on this letter. 3. Appointment to.Ad.Hoc.Committee The Committee recommends that Mr. D. Bagshaw be appointed as the Citizen at Large member of the Commercial Development Advisory Board. E. RECEIVED. AS IN~DRMATION 1. letter·#.11;61-York Regional Police Force re: Markham By-Law Number 394-82 (Licensing and Regulation of Eating Establishments) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -~ - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 77 -Planning Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) A. DELEGATION: 1. ( i) Letters Mr. Bruce Ralph, Solicitor for the owners, appeared before the Committee to explain the proposed development of the site, consisting of one floor of 7,500 sq. ft. area commercial. The original application was for a second floor containing 8 apartments. A re-zoning wi 11 be required to remove the "E.P ." Zone (Environmental Protection), and a site plan agreement will also be required. The lands are designated E.P., superimposed over commercial, in the Town Official Plan. The Committee recommends the Town express a policy statement of principle that the lands may be developed as a commercial site, subject to the S.L.S.C.A. approval, Town of Aurora Site Plan approval, and a Re-zoning. (ii) Letters #14-102-West side of Yonge Street, Pt. Lot 51, RP #9, Part Lot 1 & 2, RP #246 (former R. Case property) B. REPORTS: Mr. Ralph withdrew his request to discuss the future development of this site. 1. Addin ton Place Inc.; Part Lots 73, 74, Con. 1, W.Y.S. Pro osed Subdivision -28 lots, tota area 62.5 acres. The Committee perused Mrs. Seibert's report and supports her recommendation that the proposal be denied as it does not conform with the policies of the Town Official Plan, Section 4.8, Part A and Section 4.8, Part G (vi) and (vii). A copy of this report is attached hereto. 2. David Lakie, Part Lot 23, Con. 2 E.Y.S.-Proposed Subdivision, 18 Lots, total area 20.3 acres. Mrs. Seibert's report was discussed by the Committee and the Committee supports her recommendation "since the proposal is preliminary at this stage, it is suggested that no decision be made on the proposal until the Town has determined a policy relating to the further regulation of Estate Residential Development". A copy of Mrs. Seibert's report is attached hereto. .... ··-· COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -~ - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 76·~·council in Committee ••• ·various Matters (continued) E. 2. 3 • 4. 5. 6. 7. Rt:CEl\ltO AS. INFORMAl! ON Letter·#·l4~93-Regional Planning Department re: Plan of Subdivision- Granada Phase VI Letter·#·l4-95-Ontario Ministry of Labour re: Preferential Hiring Rights in Business Relocations and Closures Letter #"14~110 -The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario re: Country House Restaurant Letter·#-14~127 -Toronto and District Square and Round Dance Association re: Sqaure Dance Week in Canada Letter_#.14~128-Aurora Public Library re: Ramp Mayor.Illingworth memo.to Council re: Aurora Arts and Culture Fund-1983 Item A.l -C.? CARRIED Item C .8 Buck: Paivio: E. Stewart: Buck: Item C .8 Item C .8 Item C.9 -E.? Paivio: Barker: AMENDMENT Resolved that the two (2) planters to be placed at the Community Centre instead be retained in the downtown area, one to be placed by the Toronto Domini on Bank, and the other to be p 1 aced at the foot of the stairway between the Natura 1 Foods Store and the 1 aw office of McPherson and Shugart. Written authority for the placement of these planters to be obtained. Resolved that this matter be deferred until locations are straightened out. AMENDMENT CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED DEFEATED Resolved that Council in Committee Report # 76 dated July 11th, 1983 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED Report # 77 -Pl anni rig Committee -\larious.Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: Meeting of the Planning Committee was held on Wednesday, July 6, 1983 in the Administrative Centre at 8:00 P.M. Present were: Councillor E. Buck, Chairperson; Councillor J. West; Councillor M. Paivio; Mrs. S. Seibert, Planner; Mr. R. J. Harrington, Secretary. Mr. West was present until 9:15P.M. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -~ - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 77 -Planning Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) 3. Donald E. Rogers Estate, and Sabiston-Marko, Part of Lot 85, Con. 1, W.Y.S. The Committee read Mrs. Seibert's report and supports her recommendation that as the proposal does not conform to the Town Official Plan it be denied for the following reasons: 1. The proposal is contrary to the Estate Residential Policies of the Official Plan in that it "forms an extension to a major urban area" Section 4 Part 8 G(i). 2. The physical scale of the development is large; there is a serious concern that the rural character of the area may be replaced by a predominant, builtup, urban appearance. Section 4, Part 8. 3. Goal #3 expresses the need "to maintain an identifiable and distinct community". Several objectives to achieve this are stated including the need to maintain an area of no urban scale development between the urban area of Aurora and the northern and southern boundary of the Town. The subject lands are currently designated "Rural" thereby implementing this objective. To redesignate the subject lands for 'Estate Residential' development is considered contrary to the Official Plan. A copy of Mrs. Seibert's report is attached hereto. 4. Industrial Potential of part of Lots 81, 82 & 83, Con. 1, E.Y .S. (Preliminary Report) The Committee discussed Mrs. Seibert's report and support her recommendation: 1. That the proposa 1 to redesignate the subject 1 ands for Industria 1 purposes is premature at this time. However, since there is very limited options for expansion of industrial land that the possibility of designating the lands for industrial in the future be maintained and to protect that option the rural land use category on the lands and surrounding be maintained. 2. That monitoring of construction of new industrial buildings be maintained and the Regional Engineering and Planning Departments be appraised on a yearly basis of the development status in the industrial areas including an indication of the number of acres of new development. 3. That the Regional Engineering Department in connection with the above, be asked to continue monitoring sewage flows within the industrial area to determine if the planned 3800 gallons per acre per day are being utilized. [ I t-::;:y·· COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -27 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 77 ~ Planning Committee .:. Various Matters (continued) 4. tnaustria1~Potentia1 81;~82~&~83,~Con. l,~E.Y.S. Preliminary Report 4. That some action be taken to utilize the 39-46 acres of undesignated industrial land in the former Old Park Holding Lands, in the areas intended for industrial parkway extension or other small infill areas. A copy of Mrs. Seibert's report is attached hereto.~ 5. . Proposed PlanofSubclivisi6n; Part Lots81; 82; Con: 1, w.Y.S. 11 Salpam 11 - 19T~81100 ~~Letter~#14~83. The Committee reviewed the applicant's request for some of the 50 foot lots being reduced to 40 feet of frontage, thus increasing the number in the subdivision from 301 to 321. Also, a site for Aurora Hydro is requested in this subdivision. The Committee supports Mrs. Seibert's recommendation: 11 It is recommended that the proposed revision to draft plan of subdivision 19T-81100 be approved and that the Commissioner of Planning of the Regional Municipality of York be advised of this recommendation. 'Condition No. 1 of Aurora Council's conditions of draft approval agreed to by Aurora Council on September 20, 1982 should be revised to read as follows: '1. Approval shall relate to a draft plan of subdivision prepared by Derkowski Payne Limited revised dated 83.06.07. 'That the following condition be added to the Region conditions of Draft Approva 1. 'That a site having dimensions of approximately 30m x 30m adjacent to Bathurst Street, parts of Lots 134 and 135 and located to the satisfaction of the Aurora Hydro Commission and the Town of Aurora be conveyed to the Aurora Hydro Commission free of cost and encumbrance •11 6. Pro~osed Plan of.Subcti~isi6n, Pirt Lots~71 & 72; Con. 1, w:Y.S. Bevark A61clings;~19T~80D28 The Committee adopted Mrs. Seibert's recommendations: 11 Subject to the applicant supplying an irrevocable letter of credit in the amount of the levies required, the proposed plan of subdivision 19T-80028 as revised be recommended to the Region of York for draft approval subject to the following conditions being met before final approval. 1. Approval shall relate to a draft plan of subdivision dated January 20, 1982 prepared by Town Planning Consultants Incorporated as red 1 i ne revised. 2. The road allowances included within this draft plan of subdivision shall be dedicated as public highways. 3. The road allowances included within this draft plan of subdivision shall be named to the satisfaction of the Town of Aurora and the Regional Planning Department. I"" '-- COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -28 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report·# 77·~ Planning Committee ~~~·various Matters (continued) 6. 4. Part Lots 71 & 12; Coil: 1; W.Y~s. Bevark Such easements as may be required for utility or drainage purposes shall be granted to the appropriate authority. 5. The owner shall enter into a subdivision agreement with the Town of Aurora agreeing to satisfy all conditions, financial and otherwise of the Town. 6. The owner shall agree in the subdivision agreement not to remove trees without the written approval of the Town of Aurora. 7. The owner shall pay 5% cash in lieu of parkland. B. The owner shall prepare a storm water management plan which is satisfactory to the Town of Aurora and the South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority. 9. The owner shall prepare a report which is satisfactory to the Town of Aurora and the South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority detailing the means whereby erosion and siltation and their effects will be minimized on the site during and after the construction period. 10. The owner shall before final approval prepare a master landscape plan which is satisfactory to the Town of Aurora, the South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority and the Public Health Branch of The Regional Municipality of York which will detail planting, grading, ponding and house, tile field, well and driveway locations. 11. All dead ends and open sides of road allowances created by this plan of subdivision shall be terminated in one foot reserves be conveyed to the municipality and held in trust by the municipality until required for future road allowances or the development of adjacent land." 7. Estate. Residential ·Guidelines The Committee recommends that the policies contained therein should be adhered to. Also, the Committee recommends these guidelines be discussed by Council in Committee on July 11, 1983. C. 01SCOSSION: 1. Site Plan Control·· (as regllested oy Coulldllcir M~ Paivio) 2. The Committee recommends Mrs. Seibert prepare "Site Plan Control Guidelines" for Council's consideration. Procedures ror Re~Zoni ng under tile New Planning ACt:. Errei:ti\te Aug. ·1; 1983; The Committee discussed the Ontario Regulations 404/83 received that day, for Public Notice for Zoning By-Laws; so that there will not be any delays to the processing of By-Law Amendments. The Committee recommends that the following interim policy be adopted by Council, for the circulation and notification of Zoning By-Laws: ["···· L~ COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -29 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report #.77 ~ Planning Committee Various Matters (continued) C. OISCOSSIOr'l: CONT'D 2. Procedures.for.Re~Z6nin9.under.the New P1annin9.Act:.Effective Aug. 1, 1982. (continued) (2) Notice under subsection (1) may be given, (a) by personal service or prepaid first class mail, to every owner of land, (i) in the area to which the proposed by-law would apply, and (ii) within 120 metres of the area to which the proposed by-law would apply, as shown on the last revised assessment roll of the municipality, at the address shown on the roll, but where the clerk of the municipality has received written notice of a change of ownership of land, notice shall be given only to the new owner at the address set out in the written notice; and (b) by posting a notice of the meeting, clearly visible and legible from a public highway or other place to which the public has access, at every separately assessed property in the area to which the proposed by-law would apply, or, where posting on the property is impractical, at a nearby location chosen by the Clerk. Now, under new Legislation, the Council must hold a public meeting before passing of a Zoning By-Law (Council has been doing so voluntarily) and, as an interim measure, it is recommended that the whole of Council hold the public meeting. It is further recommended that once the new Regulations and Guidelines have been thoroughly studied by staff and Council, permanent procedures be adopted. 3. Commerical Parking Standards The Committee discussed the Parking standards as proposed in the Core ~u~. It is, therefore, recommended that a By-Law be enacted adopting the 2.7m (8.9 ft) x 5.3m (17.4 ft) parking space, with driveway widths of 7.4 meters (24.3 ft) for 90 degree parking; 5.2 meters (17.01 ft) for 60 degree parking and 4.2 meters (13.8 ft) for 45 degree parking. These standards were discussed in relation to the Lawton Brothers' proposal. The Committee further recommends that landscaping installed by the owner, and maintained by the owner, be permitted on Town property in front of the Lawton Brothers' lands on Yonge Street South, adjacent to the Canadian Tire Store. A Shopper's Drug Supermarket is proposed for the site, also a restaurant, and small commercial area. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -30 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 77 ~Planning Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) D. RtCEI\IED FOR RECOMMENDATION: 1. Letter #13~12 -Dr. Strawbridge -re objection to Archerhill proposed development. 2. Letters #14~49; #14-61 Aurora Country Estate, 19T-79030, Part Lots 74 & 75, Con. 1, W.Y.S. The plan of Subdivision is being circulated in the approved Town manner. 3. Letters 14~58 -Derkowski-Payne Ltd. Planning re proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lot 84, Con. 1, E.Y.S.-John G. Young, owner. This application is being circulated in the approved Town manner. E. RE:CEIVED AS lf\lPORMATIOf\l: Letter #13~22 -re O.P. #21 (Piebrock) Letter #14-99 -re O.P. #18 (Dical) Letter # 14-104 -re O.P. #17 (3) (C) Lands abutting to the west of O.P. #20 Letter # 13-35 -re Revlis proposed Plan of Subdivision, objection by by Ralston Purina Canada Inc. from Region Clerk. Letter #'13~6 -objection by solicitors of Ralston Purina Canada Inc. to ''Revlis" Plan of Subdivision. The Committee recommends, as requested in said letter, that the solicitors be advised of any public meeting regarding the proposed subdivision, so as to have the , .. ~. opportunity to be represented. Letter.#14-34 -Richmond Hill re reducing requirements in "Rural Zone", easterly half of Lots 1-10, Con. III, (formerly Township of Whitchurch). Letter·# 13:51; -Ministry of Natural Resources -re delegating authority re "fl oodp lain management matters" to the Conservation Authorities. Letter #14~115 -Ministry of Natural Resources -re "Information Week" - June 27-June 30, 1983. Letter·#· 13~75 -Region re retail floor space survey. Letter·#·14:120-By-Law #111-83 -A By-Law to amend By-Law 189-78, as amended by By-Law #190-81 of the Town of Richmond Hill. This amendment substitutes the definition of "Pit Zone". It also recognizes an existing hot mix asphalt batching plant on the south side of Bloomington Road, and defines its boundaries and correct area, i.e. 8.3 acres. The By-Law amendment also requires a 1.5 meter buffer abutting the road allowance. The Committee recommends the Town of Aurora object to the 1.5 meter buffer and it be increased to 5 meters minimum width. ,=-. [' . 'L_..! rc~" I COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -31 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 77 ~-Planning Committee· ••• Various·Matters (continued) E. RECEIVED.AS.INFORMATION: CONT'D letter #"14~120-By-Law #111-83 -A By-Law to amend By-Law 189-78, as amended by By-Law #190-81 of the Town of Richmond Hill. (continued) This proposed buffer was requested by the Town of Aurora in December 1982. The Committee further recommends that Council deal with this recommendation at the July 11th meeting, as the last date for filing objection is July 14, 1983. The August Planning Meeting has been cancelled and the Committee recommends that any important planning-matters be included in the August 8th Council in Committee meeting. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M. Item A .1 Item B .1 -B.3 E. Stewart: Ostick: Item B .1 -B.3 Item B.4 - E Buck: Paivio: CARRIED AMENDMENT Resolved that these items be referred to the Policy Meeting scheduled for August 8th, 1983. CARRIED AS AMENDED CARRIED CARRIED Resolved that Planning Committee Report# 77 dated July 6th, 1983 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended. CARRIED Report # 79 ~ LeiSure Services Committee ... Vari 6us Matters The Committee respectfully submit the following: A meeting of the Leisure Services Advisory Committee was held on Wednesday, July 13th, 1983, at 7:30 p.m. at the Administrative Centre. Present were: Chairman John West, Councillor Evelyn Buck, Councillor Norm Stewart, Director of Leisure Services, Fred Horvath, Citizen Members, Doug Dakin, Barb Hooper, Jim Hayward, Betty Pedersen Klaus Wehrenberg, Richard Bagshaw AGENDA A. DELEGATIONS 1. iomen's.Information and.Reicource Centre (WIRC) Mrs. Anne Moore of the WIRC approached the Committee with regard to a Fall Fair at Fleury Park. The Fall Fair would include a corn roast, games, entertainment and a beer garden. Tentative date is September 17th, 1983 from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. '''-'·' :.._, __ .... COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -32 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report·#-79-Leisure Services Committee ~;~·various Matters (continued) A. 1. B. 1. OtLtGATIONS (continued) women's ·Information alld Rescouri:e Centre (wtRCJ (continued) It was recommended that the WIRC be allowed to stage their Fall Fair at Fleury Park. Dates and schedule will be finalized later. CORRESPONDENCE Aurora·· Pub 1 i c: · L; orar.Y The Committee discussed the future co-operation in programming between the Library and the Leisure Services Department. The Committee recommended that a Committee meet with the Library Board of three members and one Staff, to discuss programming, User groups etc. and report back to Committee. 2. Letter' #14~177 Ministry of lou riSm and Rei:reat ion .. re: Wi ntari o Grants The Committee received the information and asked that the Director of Leisure Services prepare a list of projects eligible at the next Leisure Services Advisory Committee meeting. 3. Leisure·services.Ai:tivit.Y Report The Committee reviewed the projects to date and recommended that this be sent to Council for their information. C. NEW BUSt NE:SS 1. Secretarial Position As discussed at Budget time, the. Committee recommended that the part time secretarial position be changed to full time status and that the appropriate Town's hiring procedures be followed. 2. Pl a.Y\lrourids The Committee were concerned about the increased attendance at the various parks and asks that the Director of Leisure Services evaluate the program and report to Council regarding the shortened program. 3. Canteen The Committee recommended that the Community Centre be allowed to operate a canteen at Town Park during Band Concerts. 4. canaaa·s·wonderlana 5. 6. The Committee recommended that arrangements be made to have a Aurora Day at the park with special group discount rates being applied. Tentative date for Aurora Day is Saturday, August 13th. Bicentenniat·committee It was recommended that all groups and clubs be invited to a meeting to help plan Aurora celebrate Ontario Bicentennial. The date of such a meeting will be decided later. lour of Brampton Councillor West will be preparing a report on the tour of Brampton which he will submit to Council for their information. )·~.) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -33 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 79-Leisure!ServicesCoriuilittee ••• Various Matters (continued) C. NtW BUS1N£SS (continued) 7. Arena Peasioility stud.Y The Committee have recommended that a meeting be set up between the Arena Study Team and this Committee to review the report and make appropriate presentation to Council. s. Valle.Yland Protection--re:-Letter·#-13~4a·~-klaus·wenrenoerg The Committee had a grave concern at the amount of land being retained for 1 i near park systems and potentia 1 trail systems in the Town. As stated in the Official Plan, "Wherever possible the valleylands should be developed as a walkway/path system for pedestrian and cyclists". The Committee felt that the Technical Committee should investi gate potential development concerns on unstable slopes, where slippage could result. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Item A .1 -B.3 CARRIED Item C .1 CARRIED Item C .2 -C.B CARR I ED West: Buck: Resolved that Leisure Services Committee Report# 79 dated July 13, 1983 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED Councillor West in the Chair. Report #-78-~ --Admi tii strati on-and-Finance-Committee-• :. -Various-Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Administration and Finance Committee was held Monday, July 11th, 1983 at 3:30 p.m. in the Civic Centre. Present were: Mayor Dick Illingworth, Councillor Earl Stewart and Clerk-Administrator Bud Rodger. Councillor John West sent regrets. A. CORR£SPONDENCt 1. Letter 12~171 ~ o: Wardle re Gary strollg Auto Body Mr. G. Strong appeared before Council in Committee on April 11th, 1983 to request consideration in allowing him to erect a prefab building on an industrial site. Council in Committee recommended that this matter be referred to the Economic Development Committee for further study and discussion with the owners. This matter is still under review by the Economic Development Committee. Staff have pointed out that they are having some difficulty collecting business taxes, and that some municipalities will not permit a move to a new building while taxes are outstanding on the former. The Committee does not believe that one action depends on the other and recommends that staff proceed with normal collection procedures. (·="- "'="' ' '-·~-../ COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -34 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 78 ~Administration and nnarice Committee : •• Various Matters (continued) A. 2. CORRESPONDENCE (continued) Letter 13:72 : lriternatiollal Institute MuniCipal Clerks re:. Canada/U.S. Dollar The Clerk-Administrator is a member of the International Institute of Municipal Clerks. Due to the number and quality of the technical reports received from the IIMC, such membership is considered to be most worthwhile. However, due to the difference between the Canadian and U.S. dollar, it is necessary ·that Canadian members send U.S. equivalents for their membership fees. The Committee recommends that membership in the IIMC be renewed for 1983/84 for $63.35 (Canadian) and the cost be charged to Account 1100-48 in the Clerk's Department. 3. Letter 14:3 -·Report of Live Stock Valuer 4. 5. On June 17th, 1983 the Live Stock Valuer examined nine chickens on the Gullo farm and found that they had been killed by dogs. The value of the chickens was set at $75.00 and the valuation call and expenses as $42.50. These charges cannot be charged back to the Province as in the case of wolves. The Committee recommends that the Town pay the charges of $75.00 and $42.50 and the cost be charged to the appropriate account. Letter 14:17 ~ Lamotori Count.\' re: tornado Relief Puna The Lambton County Tornado Relief Fund is attempting to raise $1,500,000 to meet the estimated uninsured loss of $3,000,000. The Committee regrets the loss of property but recommends no action be taken. Letter 14.:.so : iax Relief Credit Unions Due to a recent court ruling, credit unions have been exempted from business assessments in the P rovi nee of Ontario. The York Education a 1 and Aurora Community Credit Union Limited will not be required to pay business assessment in 1984. They have requested exemption for 1983 but have been advised by the Assessment Office that one possible avenue is to apply to the Town under Section 496(1) of the Municipal Act for a cancellation of taxes owing or a refund of taxes paid. It is also pointed out that if the Town refuses to cancel the tax owing or refund the taxes paid, the Credit Union could apply to the Divisional Court by originating notice under Section 50(1) of the Assessment Act. Such an application must be filed before December 31, 1983. The Committee reviewed the correspondence although no application has yet been received from the Credit Union. The Committee does not believe that this special exemption for Credit Unions is warranted, especially to a community type credit union which is in competition with trust companies and chartered banks who are required to pay business assessment. Therefore, the Committee recommends that if an application is received from the York Educational and Aurora Community Credit Union for cancellation of taxes owing or a refund of taxes paid, that such application be refused. The Committee also recommends that a letter be forwarded to the Minister of Revenue expressing Council's opposition to this special exemption of business assessment for credit unions. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -~ - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 78 .:. Admi iii st raH i.m arid Fi nani:e Committee ; •• Various Matters (continued) A. CORR~SPONDENCE (continued) 6. Letfer-14.:.7& -·canidiari-Mental.Health-Assoi:iation-Request for support The Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario Division, have requested support to provide people with emotional disorders the help they need in their communities. The Committee is aware of the excellent work of the Canadian Mental Health Association, but due to fiscal restraints does not recommend a grant from the Town of Aurora. 7. Letter 14.:.1&5 ~UNICEF Oritirio re~ .D6riatiori-6f Parkin~-Fines UNICEF Ontario are requesting all municipalities across Ontario to consider donating revenues from parking fines on any one day before Halloween towards UNICEF's work with children. In 1982 no parking tickets were issued on October 31st, and one ticket was paid on November 1st. The Committee recommends that no action be taken. s. Letter 14.:.1&7 .:. EllA re: Board of Management Council in Committee Report #20, item B-4, was adopted by Council on February 7th, 1983 appointing Mr. Hans Jacobs, Mr. Al Warren, Mr. Jamie Thompson and Mr. Mike Evans to the BIA Board of Management. Due to the resignation of Mr. Al Warren the BIA Board of Management has requested that Jackie Lederer, of Aurora Vacations, be appointed to the BIA Board of Management. The Committee recommends that Jackie Lederer be appointed to the BIA Board of Management to replace Mr. Al Warren. 9. Letter 14.:.161·.:. FMSD.re 3M Micrographic Equipment During Budget discussions it was agreed that the Clerk-Administrator obtain prices for micrographic equipment to reduce the space required for files in the Administrative building. File Management Systems Division have submitted an updated quotation on the 3M Micrographic equipment previously discussed. The Committee recommends approval of the proposal as outlined, subject to Council in Committee's concurrence during the discussion on the Capital Budget on July 11, 1983. B. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Letter·1o:11B·:·keririel Inri-re Rite Increase The 1982 rate with Kennel Inn was based on $2.35 per capita. A six percent increase has been requested, or an increase of 14 cents per capita. In report #60, item A-5, the Committee recommended that this item be deferred so that all conditions of the existing contract with Kennel Inn could be reviewed. In Report #67, Item B-1, the Committee recommended that staff be authorized to contact all adjacent municipalities for information as to the method of determining the rate for animal control and the amounts paid and report to the Administration and Finance Committee. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -36 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report .#.78-Administration-and-Finance Committee ~ •• Various Matters (continued) B. UNFINlSHtO.BUStNtSS (continued) 1. Letter-10~118·~-kennel.tnn.re Rate-Increase (continued) Replies were received from the Town of Newmarket (13-60); Town of Vaughan ( 13-77); Town of Richmond Hi 11 (14-39); and Town of Whi tchu rch-Stouffvi 11 e (14-118). Due to the different agreements and methods of operation, it was difficult to carry out a comparison. The Town of Richmond Hill advises that the Town "<:~wards its Animal Control Contract based on a tendered amount. Our tenders ask prospective bidders to quote their rates for a two-year period and there are no escalators built into the tender contract for population increases, assessment increases, or any other reasons." The Committee notes that the six percent increase is slightly above the five percent increase recommended by the province under its restraint program and recommends a five percent increase for 1983, The Committee further recommends a review and possible tender call for Animal Control services for 1984/1985. 2. capital B~d~et Referred to Council in Committee July 11, 1983 as per Council's resolution dated June 20, 1983. 3. Bank of Montreal Review ofServices and Compensation Reference is made to Report #67, item C-2, of the Committee which was approved by Council on June 6th, 1983. The Bank of Montreal recently carried out a review of the banking arrangements in effect with the Town of Aurora. The review consisted of compensation for services now used and also an overview of several ancillary services which may support the town's financial and administration system. The Committee recommended that the Bank of Montreal be advised that the Town is not wi 11 i ng to accept the new agreement as proposed, and if any changes are to be made in the existing agreement, all major Canadian chartered banks are to be invited to submit proposals. The Bank of Montreal has now advised that they are still going through a period of reorganization and agreed to carry on the existing agreement for a period of at least six months, and a further review wi 11 be carried out at that time. The Committee recommends that no change be made in banking arrangements until such time as the Bank of Montreal makes a new submission and it be considered further at that time. 4. Letter 13~69 ~York Region Board of Education Bus Stop on-Dunning Avenue Due to a citizen complaint, the Committee reviewed the circumstances and in Report #41, item 3, reported as follows: "The Committee recommends that arrangements be made with York Region School Board and/or the Principal of Dr. G.W. Williams Secondary School and Travelways for the westbound bus to loop around the entrance to the school so that the students can be picked up in front of the school before proceeding north on Cameron. In addition to answering the citizen's complaint, the Committee believes such routing will be safer for the students and will prevent the necessity of the bus stopping in a No Parking Zone.•• (""'•'"'- ~'-~---- COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -37 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 78 ~ Ai:hitirlistration arid Piriarice Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) B. 4. UNFINISRED.BUSINESS (continued) Letter 13~69 ~-York.Re9ion Board-or Education Bus-Stop on Dunning Avenue 1 continued 1 Board staff, the school principal and Travelways all agree that the circular drive, at start and dismissal time, is far too busy to allow the town bus to use effectively. The present route was adopted by Council to pro vi de bus service to the i ndust rial park. The Committee recommends that a meeting be arranged with Travelways to ascertain the frequency of passenger use in the industrial park area and to discuss alternative routes best suited to the needs of the public. 5. Travelwa.Ys/Town of Aurora Transit Agreement 1983 Report #34, item A-8 of the Committee, as adopted by Council on March 7, 1983, recommended as follows: "Due to the fluid condition of world gas prices, the Committee recommends that the 1983 agreement be accepted as proposed, with the condition that the fuel escalator clause be reviewed after three months from the signing of the agreement." The Committee recommends that Travelways be requested to carry out a passenger survey (see paragraph 4 above) and a representative of Travelways be invited to meet with the Administration and Finance Committee on August 8th, 1983. 6. Works-Staff Organizational-Structure·-Works-Committee Report #73 The Works Committee recommend that four part time positions be terminated and a Civil Technician (surveyor-draghtsman) be hired. On June 20th, 1983 Council amended the report as follows: "Resolved that this item be referred to the Admi ni strati on and Finance Committee for report and all pertinent information regarding the cost of engineering fees, technical fees, all town staff, CET, and associated fees be compiled for Council 's cons ide ration." Due to the absence of this information, the Committee recommends that this item be deferred to the next meeting of the Committee and the Director of Public Works be invited to attend. c. NEW-BUSINESS 1. Purchase of-commemorative-Horse-Snow Plate Reference is made to Committee Report #22, item 4, adopted by Council on February 7th, 1983 as follows: "It is therefore recommended that the Town authorize the Red House Studio the use of the copyright drawing as outlined and make whatever arrangements may be necessary with the Horse Show officials for this promotional activity." The Horse Show Commemorative Plate costs $20.00 each, tax included and with a shipping box supplied. One of the plates was ordered as a gift from the Town of Aurora to Provost John McCormack, Chairman of the Motherwell District Council during the recent visit of the Motherwell Soccer Club. ~ COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -38 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report #"78·~ Administration·and Finance Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) c. NEW.BOSINESS (continued) 1. Purchase of Commenorative.Aorse snow Plate (continued) The Committee recommends that the remaining eleven plates be purchased from the Horse Show for future civic presentations, as may be required, and the cost be charged to Account 1000-61. In addition, the Committee recommends that Councillor Earl Stewart investigate suitable Town Crest plaques with a local manufacturer as a possible civic presentation. 2. Review of 1983 Bud\let to June 3o; 1983 Total municipal revenues in the 1983 budget are shown as $4,086,702. Dividing this amount into 12 equal instalments indicates that the budget year to June 30 (6 months) is $2,043,354. Actual revenues to June 30 are $1,886,986 so that a variation of $156,368 is noted. However, several items, e.g. Supplementary Assessment, Federal Payments in Lieu and Provincial road grants have not yet been received so that the actual revenues should be close to the budget for the first six months. Total municipal expenditures in the 1983 budget are shown as $4,086,702. Dividing this amount into 12 equal instalments indicates that the Budget Year to June 30 is $2,043,354. Actual expenditures to June 30 are $1,650,671 so that a variation of $392,686 is noted. However, large payments for road construction are still forthcoming. As of June 30, $6,002,207 in taxes have been collected out of a total 1983 taxation levy of $9,673,860 or 62 percent. 1983 supplementary taxation totals $93,016 of which $42,099 has been collected to June 30 or 45%. Tax arrears outstanding as of December 31, 1982 totalled $766,028 of which $414,903, or 54 percent have been collected as of June 30. The Treasurer reports that if expenditures are held within normal limits, the year end picture augers well as of June 30. The Committee recommends that a further budget summary be prepared for October 31, 1983. 3. Proposea·suilget.Scliedule arid.Proceaure.for1983 Following comments made during the 1983 budget debate the Committee recommends the following: (a) Capital ·s:vear Budget Department Heads to prepare prior to October 31, 1983 and reviewed by appropriate committees prior to November 15, 1983, Committee of Department Heads by November 30, 1983 and by Council in Committee by December 31, 1983. (b) o~erattri\l.Budget Department Heads to prepare prior to·October 31, 1983 and reviewed by appropriate Committee prior to November 30, 1983, by Committee of Department Heads by December 31, 1983 and by Council in Committee prior to January 31, 1984. ~~-'""""'' COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -39 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report #'78 -Administration and Finance Committee .~. Various Matters (continued) c. NEW'BUSINESS (continued) 3. Proposed Budget scneaule'and'Procedure'for'1983 (continued) (c) Process Prior to October 1, 1983, Council will provide Department Heads and Committees with Budget guidelines. The department budget to .be prepared by the Department Head and reviewed by the Committee by the scheduled date. The Committee of Department Heads will assemble the budget, include estimated revenues, and endeavour to meet Council's guidelines. The draft budget will be submitted to Council in Committee by the scheduled date. 4. Report of AMCTO Conference Deputy Clerk Colleen Gowan reports that the recent AMCTO Conference included 29 workshops; such as Wrongfull Dismissal, Resolving Conflicts in your Municipal Office, Evaluation of Program, New Planning Act, How to Manage People More Effectively, Conflict of Interest, Tax Collection, Cash Flow and Investment Program Problems and Solutions and many more. Part of the Conference is covered under the Provincial Municipal Action '85 program and an application has been submitted. The Committee forwards this item as information. 5. Tax Payment Dates Due to complaints from citizens as to the due date for tax instalments coming at the end of the month, resulting in the loss of bank interest, the Treasurer was asked to review town policy. In 1983, the interim due dates were February 23, March 23 and April 27. The final due dates are June 29, July 29 and September 29. The Treasurer points out that under the Municipal Act, Council, by bylaw, may provide for the payment of taxes by any day or days to be named therein. He also notes that since 1973, the payments have been during the final days of the month, although in 1973, the interim levy was due in February, March and May, and the final levy was due July, September and October. Adjacent municipalities (Newmarket, Richmond Hill, Markham and Vaughan) all use the final days of the month for due dates. The Committee recommends that in 1984 the due dates be scheduled during the first days of the following month, rather than the current policy of the last days of the month. D. PENDING 1. Energy Conservation. Througfl. Transit Referred from Report 67 and to be included for discussion with Travelways' representative on August 8, 1983. 2. 3. 4. Civic Awards Presentation Review of Education Policy Review of Cost of Bell Toronto Lines The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. -Referred from Report 67 -Referred from Report 60 -Referred from Report 60. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -w - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 78-Administration and Finance Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) Item A.1 -A.3 Item A .4 CARRIED AMENDMENT Paivio: Ostick: Resolved that a sum of $500.00 be authorized and this item referred to the Treasurer to establish what account this amount is to be taken from. Recorded Vote -Municipal ·council ·of the Town of-Aurora·~ Report # 78 ~ Item # A.4 -Toronado Relief Fund -July 18th, 1983 Mayor Illingworth Councillor Barker Counci 11 or Buck Councillor Jones (Absent) Councillor Ostick Councillor Paivio Councillor E. Stewart Councillor N. Stewart Gouncillor West Item A .4 Item A.5 -D.4 CARRIED CARRIED Yea X X X X X -5- CARRIED AS AMENDED 5 - 3 Nay X X X -3- Illingworth: Resolved that Administration and Finance Committee Report # 78 dated E. Stewart: July 11th, 1983 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED RtSOLUTIONS 1. Pa.Yment ·of Accounts·~· Reid· and· Associates limited Ostick: Resolved that the following accounts of Reid and Associates Limited: E. Stewart: Project Invoice No. Amount Account Advisory Services 5984 $1,145.45 3100-38 (Retainer-May) Aurora Highlands 5992 168.05 Engineering Res. Aurora Orchards (Wimpey) 5993 321.96 Engineering Res. Traffic Signals -Yonge St. & Brookland Ave. 5994 318.04 3400-40 Bevark (Hunter's Hills) Subdivision 5995 173.58 Engineering Res. Golf Glen Terraces 6005 145.64 Engineering Res. Yonge St. -Orchard Heights Dr. Intersection 6006 405.65 3100-34 Wells Street Reconstruction (Wellington -Metcalfe) 6012 1,582.73 3360-40 Mosley Street Reconstruction (Victoria -Wells St.) 6013 1,035.72 3360-40 McDonald Drive Trunk Sewer 6015 1,995.33 Services Reserve Aurora Colonnade 6017 98.92 3100-38 Orchard Heights Trunk Watermai n 6032 98.92 Water Reserve $7,489.99 ••• in the total amount of $7,489.99 and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED t<'#'""~ COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -41 - RESOLUTIONS (continued) 2. sick~Ceave Accumulation ~ ~arl ·Draper Ostick: E. Stewart: Resolved that Earl Draper, Aurora Works Department employee, who retired on July 4, 1983, be paid his Sick Leave Accumulated Credits as follows: Total accumulated days 274 Pay Out per Union Agreement (50%) 137 days Total Cash Pay Out $10.258.86 and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 3. Tender Award~~ Al's Decorating and Carpet Service Ostick: E. Stewart: Resolved that, the tender for the sanding and painting of 15 lamp posts on Yonge Street be awarded to Al 's Decorating and Carpet Service in the amount of $1,425.00 and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 4. Payment certificate Number 2 (tiri111) ~ samario Construction limited E. Stewart: Barker: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of W.A. Gilchrist, C.E.T. of Reid and Associates Limited, Payment Certificate Number 2 (Final) for Project Number 1033 -Orchard Heights Boulevard, Watermain Connection, in the total amount of $11,250.22 be paid to Samario Construction Limited and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 5. F"i na l Progress Payment Number 17 ~ A T1 i ance Industrial SubdiVision E. Stewart: Barker: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Director of Public Works, Final Progress Payment Number 17 -Alliance Industrial Subdivision -Phase I (Allaura Boulevard) in the total amount of $3,748.00 on behalf of Alliance Building Corporation Limited be paid to Kleen-Way Construction Company Limited and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 6. Tender Award ~ Restoration of~ Banbury Court Barker: E. Stewart: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Director of Public Works, the Tender for Contract Number I.T.l983-1 (Restoration of Banbury Court) be awarded to Kipling Paving Company Limited in the amount of $13,920.16 and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 7. Authorization to Sign An~Agreement (Gary's~Auto Body) Buck: N. Stewart: Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign an Agreement between Gary Strong and the Town of Aurora. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -42 - RESOLUTIONS (continued) 8. Reduction of Letter of Credit -Precision Small Parts Ostick: E. Stewart: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Director of Public Works, the Letter of Credit for Precision Small Parts Limited in the amount of $100,000.00 be reduced to $50,000.00. CARRIED 9. Letter of Credit -William E. Coutts {Hallmark Cards) E. Stewart: Barker: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Director of Public Works, the Letter of Credit for William E. Coutts Company Limited {Hallmark Cards) be released. CARRIED 10. Authorization to Sign An Agreement (Alliance Park Soccer) West: Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign an Agreement Ostick: between the Town of Aurora and the Alliance Park Soccer Committee. CARRIED 11. Removal of Trees -Markborough Subdivision E. Stewart: Buck: Resolved that, Council concurs in the removal of trees on the attached sketch of the Markborough Plan of Subdivision as trees which cannot be saved, with the proposed construction of roads and houses, and until final construction plans for the Subdivision Agreement are finalized Markborough will do everything in its power to save and protect those trees which are not now marked for removal. CARRIED 12. Authorization to Sign a Subdivision Agreement (George Wimpey Canada Limited) Buck: N. Stewart: Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a Subdivision Agreement between the Town of Aurora and George Wimpey Canada Limited (agreement attached). CARRIED West: Barker: Resolved that the Hour of Adjournment be extended and the Agenda completed. CARRIED UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Report of By-Law Enforcement Officer re: Livery Licences The Council reviewed the report of the By-Law Enforcement Officer and discussed the application of Mr. Clair Bolton for a Livery Licence. Barker: Paivio: Resolved that the By-Law be amended and that one licence be granted to this individual. Recorded Vote -Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora -Unfinished Business - Item # 1 -Livery Licences -July 18th, 1983 Mayor Illingworth Councillor Barker Councillor Buck Councillor Jones {Absent) Councillor Ostick Councillor Paivio Councillor E. Stewart Councillor N. Stewart Councillor West DEFEATED Yea X X X X 4 ~ X X X X 4 , __ .,. ['<' i . I . L-· COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -43 - UNFINISHED BUSINESS 2. Letter # 14-23 -Mark West Developments re: Permission to Erect Sales Pavilion E. Stewart: West: Buck: Barker: Resolved that Mark West Developments be allowed to place a trailer at this site and that they post a bond of $500.00. CARRIED Resolved that the amount of the bond be increased to $750.00. DEFEATED 3. Letter #.14-204-Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Murray Drive (South of Golf Links Drive) Ostick: Resolved that the barrier be left up and the case be reviewed by the West: Director of Public Works in a month's time. CARRIED Buck: Resolved that this barrier be removed for weekends. Paivio: DEFEATED 4. By-Law.2537-82 -Wording of By-Law (Gianotti) E. Stewart: Buck: Resolved that the By-Law be amended and the words "Ontario Housing Corporation" be removed and replaced with "Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation". CARRIED 5. Aurora Soccer Club -Fence at Fleury Park West: E. Stewart: BY-LAWS West: Paivio: West: Barker: Resolved that a chain link fence be erected on a temporary basis from the creek bed westerly to the school fence with a gateway for pedestrian traffic. DEFEATED Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2594-83 -Being a Restricted Area (Zoning) By-Law (Lawton) Bill Number 2595-83 -Being a Restricted Area (Zoning) By-Law (Old Arena Site) ••• be read a First Time. CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2594-83-Being a Restricted Area (Zoning) By-Law (Lawton) Bill Number 2595-83 -Being a Restricted Area (Zoning) By-Law (Old Arena Site) ••• be read a Second Time. CARRIED r=,, COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -" - BY-LAWS (continued) West: Be It Hereby Resolved That: N. Stewart: West: Bill Number 2577-83 -Being a By-Law to renumber certain properties on Murray Drive in the Town of Aurora Bill Number 2589-83 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law Number 2213 a Restricted Area (Zoning) By-Law (Baker) ••• be read a Third Time. CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved That: N. Stewart: Bill Number 2576-83 -Being a By-Law to Adopt Amendment Number 26 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area (Archerhill) ••• be read a Third Time. DEFEATED By-Law Number 2596-83-Amendment to By-Law Number 2537-82 (Gianotti) Buck: Paivio: Resolved that the Rules of Procedure be waived and Bill Number 2596-83, now before the Council, be read a First and Second Time. CARRIED N. Stewart: Be It Hereby Resolved that Section 21 of By-Law Number 2270 be suspended and Bill Number 2596-83, now before the Council, be read a Third Time and Enacted and the Third Reading be taken as read. Barker: CARRIED NOliCI: 0~ MOTION 1. Councillor E. Stewart -New Form of Building Councillor E. Stewart brought to Council's attention, the request of an industry from England to locate in Aurora. This company manufactures industrial buildings that can be erected using only unskilled labour. They wish to locate in Aurora and erect a building of this type to both operate out of and use to demonstrate their product. NEW BUSINESS 1. Councillor Paivio re: Yonge Street Repair Work Councillor Paivio informed Council that some inconvenience to shop keepers had arisen due to repair work on Yonge Street. He requested that the contractor inform people involved when construction work is to be done in their vicinity. Councillor Paivio also requested that work not be carried out during peak traffic conditions. 2. July First Celebrations -Citizen of the Year Councillor Paivio informed Council that runners-up had been announced at the July First Ce 1 ebrat ions. He requested that, in future, .2!ll.t the winner be announced. 3. Town Policy Manual Council requested that a "Po 1 icy Manu a 1" be made a vail ab 1 e to them. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JULY 18th, 1983 -~ - NEW BUSINESS (continued) 4. Bank of Montreal Luncheon Mayor Illingworth announced that the dates selected for the annual Bank of Montreal Luncheon to be held at First Canadian Place were August 30th or 31st, 1983. After a poll of Council, August 31st, 1983 was established as the preferred date of this luncheon. ADJOURNMENT N. Stewart: Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 12:13 a.m. CARRIED P~4fl~J---Mayor . -V~ ·-·--~-· ,, ..... ·--·