MINUTES - Council - 19830418'----~ MINUTES OF THE 9TH COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1983 AT 8:00P.M. Present Were: Mayor Richard Illingworth, Councillors Richard Barker, Evelyn Buck, Tim Jones, Len Ostick, Martin Paivio, Earl Stewart and Norm Stewart. Councillor John West absent due to business out-of-town. Mayor Illingworth advised Council members that Lambert Willson, a former Chairman of the Holland Valley Conservation (S.L.S.C.A.) had passed away. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Barker: Jones: Resolved that the Minutes of the Council Meetings of March 25th, 1983 and April 5th, 1983 be adopted as printed and circulated. CARRIED PASSING OF ACCOUNTS E. Stewart: Buck: E. Stewart: Ostick: Resolved that the following Capital Account in the total amount of $2,039.00, details of which are on file with the Treasurer's Office, be approved for payment and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Industrial Park Strathy, Archibald and Seagram CARRIED $2,039.00 Resolved that the following accounts in the total amount of $2,262,442.71, details of which are on file with the Treasurer's Office, be approved for payment and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. General Fire Department Works Department Parks Department Community Buildings: Community Centre: Recreation Water Factory Theatre McMahon Building Victoria Hall Church St. Building Parks Building Building Canteen Accounts Paid Prior to Council CARRIED 221.93 165.00 69.46 1,772.66 432.96 6,282.92 2,929.29 15,317.77 1,994.84 19,382.19 2,267.24 2,662.01 9,212.21 1,386.78 2,918.95 2,207,300.72 ~ ~···~· '·---) COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1983 - 2 - CORRESPONDENCE 9-1 Organization of Small Urban Municipalities re: 30th Annual Conference- May 5, 6 and 7, 1983 (Ref. Co unci 1 in Committee) 9-2 York Regional Housing Authority re: 57 Orchard Heights Boulevard 9-3 Ostick: (Ref. Council in Committee) Township of Georgina re: York Region School Boards -Wage Negotiations (TABLED) Resolved that this letter be received. E. Stewart: CARRIED 9-4 W. Roy Gordon, Barrister and Solicitor re: Ieraci property-27 Machell Avenue (Information, C.E. Gowan) 9-5 Aurora Residents -Petition re: Request for By-Law Regulating Business Hours -Deliveries (Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 9-6 Derkowski Payne Limited, Planning Consultants re: "Three Seasons" Zoning By-Law 2256-83 9-7 9-8 9-9 9-10 9-11 (Information) Yvonne Cattrall Aquatics re: Proposal for Leasing of Town Pool (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F. Horvath) Yvonne Cattrall Aquatics re: Leasing of Industrial Parcel of Land (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F. Horvath) South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Executive Committee Minutes - March 31, 1gs3 (Information) Girl Guides of Canada re: Letter of Appreciation -Grant (Information) Aurora Residents -Petition re: Support of Additional Ice Surface in Aurora (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F. Horvath) 9-12 The York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: Board's Requisition for Separate School Purposes for 1gs3 (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee, Wm. Johnson) 9-13 Al Dorman Insurance Brokers Limited re: Rural Ontario Municipal Association Insurance Program (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee, K.B. Rodger) 9-14 Downtown Aurora Business Association re: Purchase of Benches (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F. Horvath) 9-15 Corbett, Montgomery and Associates, Barristers and Solicitors re: The Aurora Colonnade -110 Yonge Street (Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington, K.B. Rodger) 9-16 Downtown Aurora Business Association re: Business Improvement Area (Ref. Public Works Committee, Wm.G. Walker) COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1983 - 3 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 9-17 The Regional Municipality of York -Engineering re: Contract Number 83-01, Bathurst Street from Wellington Street West to Mulock Drive and Mulock Drive from Bathurst Street Diversion to Yonge Street -Yonge Street/Mulock Drive Intersection (Information, Wm.G. Walker, S.G. Wilson, K.B. Rodger) 9-18 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Agenda -Conservation and Community Relations Advisory Board-April 17, 1983 (Information, Council Room) 9-19 Boy Scouts of Canada re: Request for Donations -Regional Conference - April 30th, 1983 (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee) 9-20 K.B. Rodger memo to Members of Council re: Under Co-Ed Programme (Ref. Council in Committee) 9-21 Mayor Dick Illingworth memo to Members of Council re: Yonge/Murray Drive Intersection (Ref. Council in Committee) 9-22 Newmarket and District Association for the Mentally Retarded re: Ministry's Five Year Plan (Ref. Council in Committee) 9-23 The Regional Municipality of York-Engineering re: Town of Aurora By-Law 2142-77, Part Lot 23, Concession 2 (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert, C.E. Gowan) 9-24 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Town of Aurora -Community Planning Study Grant# 1 -Core Area Study (Ref. Planning Committee, Wm. Johnson, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 9-25 Boy Scouts of Canada, 5th Aurora re: Flower Sale -April 12, 1983 (Ref. Council in Committee) 9-26 Ontario Waste Management Corporation re: Information Update (Information) 9~27 Kennel Inn re: Quarterly Report -January/February/March 1983 (Information) 9-28 McMillan, Binch, Barristers and Solicitors re: St. Andrew's Square-Part of Lot 1, Plan M-246 (Ref. Technical Committee, R.J. Harrington, Clerk to reply, S. Seibert) 9-29 Bevark Holdings Limited re: Cash Bond-Sheelen Investments Limited (Information, Clerk to reply, Wm.G. Walker, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 9-30 Toronto Recycling Action Committee re: Newsletter -March (Information) 9-31 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Background -March 28, 1983 (Information, Council Room) 9-32 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Background -March 21, 1983 (Information, Council Room) 9-33 Go Transit re: Board Agenda-April 8th, 1983 (Information) 9-34 Anson E. Gilbert, Aurora, Ontario re: Ritchie, Priestly-Casey, Gilbert, 157, 159 and 163 Yonge Street North (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert, R.J. Harrington) COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1983 - 4 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 9-35 Town of Aurora Employees Association re: Administration and Finance Committee Report Number 42 (Information, Clerk to reply) 9-36 Public Works Department re: Overtime-March 1983 (Ref. Works Committee) 9-37 Aurora Public Library re: Ontario Public Library System Consultation Paper (Information) '~~~~ 9-38 Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators re: Annual Conferences (Information) 9-39 F.C.M. Construction Limited re: Town of Aurora, McDonald Trunk Sewer- Project Number 1050 (Information, H. Borgdorff, Solicitor) 9-40 Bruce A. Brown Associates Limited re: Wellington West/Mill Street Intersection (Ref. Technical Committee, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, K.B. Rodger, S. Seibert) 9-41 Esso Petroleum Canada re: Ontario Motive Fuel Tax (Information, Wm. Johnson, Wm.G. Walker) 9-42 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: In-Plant Inspection Services, Pre-cast and pre-stressed Concrete Members (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff) 9-43 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: District Engineer (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff) 9-44 Aurora Fire Department re: Activity Report -March 1983 (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 9-45 Ministry of Tourism and Recreation re: Regulation 200 Grant (Information, Wm. Johnson) 9-46 Canada Safety Council re: Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (Information, S.G. Wilson) 9-47 The Wyatt Company re: Special Memorandum -"Recent Developments in Provincial Pension Legislation" (Information) 9-48 The Canadian Red Cross Society re: Annual Meeting -April 20, 1983 (Information) 9-49 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Executive Committee Meeting - April 15, 1983 (Information) 9-50 The Continental Insurance Companies re: Bond Status Inquiry (Information, Wm.G. Walker to reply) 9-51 R.V. Anderson Associates Limited re: Alliance Industrial, Phase II-Stage 2 -Watermain Contract ,. .. ," (Information, Wm.G. Walker, Wm. Johnson) 9-52 John Bousfield Associates Limited re: M. and J. Romano, Part Lot 11, Cone. 2 and Amendment 18 (Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 9-53 Samaria Construction Limited re: Closure of St. John's Sideroad (Information, Wm.G. Walker) COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1983 - 5 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 9-54 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: The Line Fences Act (Information, C.E. Gowan) 9-55 Rand Engineering Corporation re: Hazelburn Farms Incorporated (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff) 9-56 Ministry of Natural Resources re: Ontario Basic Mapping Program (Information, Clerk to reply) 9-57 The York Region Board of Education re: By-Laws 2403-80, 2557-83 and 2562-83, Town of Aurora (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 9-58 The York Region Board of Education re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Lot 83, Concession 1, W.Y.S., Ministry File Number 19T-80018 (Wimpey) (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 9-59 9-60 9-61 9-62 The Regional Municipality of York-Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lot 31, Registered Plan 248, Ministry File Number 19T-83008 (Granada) (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Proposed Amendment Number 18 to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area -File 19-0P-0025-18 (Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) Aurora Hydro re: Property on Scanlon Court (Information, Clerk to reply) R.V. Anderson Associates Limited re: Alliance Industrial -Phase I and Phase II (Information, Wm.G. Walker, Wm. Johnson) 9-63 Ministry of Municipal Affairs, and Housing re: Delegation of the Minister's Authority for Approval of Condominium Plans -Region of York (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert, C.E. Gowan) 9-64 Ministry of the Environment re: File Number 19T-82046, Town of Aurora, Granada Investments Limited (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 9-65 The Regional Municipality of York-Regional Clerk re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision l9T-81100 (Information, R.J. Harrington, K.B. Rodger, S. Seibert) 9-66 Markborough Properties Limited re: Conditions of Draft Plan Approval - File Number 19T-81082 (Information, Clerk to reply) 9-67 The Regional Municipality of York -Clerks re: Technical Report Number 382 (O.P.) -Amendment Number 24 (Information, Wm.G. Walker, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert, S.G. Wilson) 9-68 The Regional Municipality of York -Engineering re: Wellington Enterprises Limited-S/W Corner of Wellington and Mill Streets (Ref. Technical Committee, Planning Committee, Public Works ,,, Committee) 9-69 IBM re: Electric Typewriter Trade-Ins (Information) 9-70 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerks re: Section 16 of Ontario Regulation 890/80 (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert, C.E. Gowan) COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1983 - 6 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 9-71 Barry A. Brissenden, Barrister and Solicitor re: Margaret Lyons -Ridge Road -Part of Lot 73, Concession 1, WYS (Information, Clerk to reply, J. Bentley) 9-72 Legislative Assembly re: Task Force Study of Rural Municipalities in Ontario (Information, Council Room) 9-73 Bell Canada re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lot 32, Registered Plan 246, Ministry Number l9T-83008 (Information, Wm.G. Walker, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 9-74 F.J. Bolsby memo to R.J. Harrington re: Propane By-Law (Information) 9-75 Ministry of Labour re: H.ead Protection of Fire Fighters (Information, S.G. Wilson, K.B. Rodger) 9-76 Ontario Municipal Management Development Board re: Seminar --Effective Middle Management-June 15-17, 1983 (In format ion) 9-77 Ministry of Labour re: Head Protection of Fire Fighters (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 9-78 Illtyd Harris, Aurora, Ontario re: Request to Appear as a Delegation - Trees (TABLED, DELEGATIONS) 9-79 Blaney, Pasternak, Smela and Watson, Barristers and Solicitors re: Old Park Holdings Limited (TABLED, RESOLUTION) 9-80 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Professional Enginering Services Rendered-Invoice Numbers 8152, 8153 and Trow Limited Invoice Number GL1884/T3994-K (TABLED, RESOLUTION) 9-81 Aurora Public Library re: Request for Delegation Status (TABLED, DELEGATIONS) 9-82 F.J. Horvath memo to Mayor Illingworth re: Tender-McMahon Park, Tennis Court Lighting (TABLED, RESOLUTION) 9-83 D. Wardle memo to K.B. Rodger re: Appointment to Permanent Staff-Mrs. Margaret Bell (TABLED, RESOLUTION) 9-84 Mayor D. Illingworth memo to Members of Council re: Reyork Major Midgets (TABLED) Jones: Resolved that this request be denied. E. Stewart: CARRIED 9-85 The Regional Municipality of York-Planning re: Notes -Seminar March 23, 1983 at Newmarket Community Centre . (Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert, C.E. Gowan) 9-86 G.H. Macdonald, Aurora, Ontario re: Aurora Public Library-Proposed Budget Cutbacks (TABLED) COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1983 - 7 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 9-87 B. Thornton, Aurora, Ontario re: Proposed Library Cutbacks (TABLED) 9-88 Aurora Residents-Petition re: Aurora Public Library (Information) 9-89 Councillor J. West memo to Mayor and Members of Council re: Church Street School (TABLED) 9-90 Councillor J. West memo to Mayor and Members of Council re: Old Park Holdings Purchase (TABLED) Jones: Reso 1 ved that the Clerk's Report be de a 1t with as out 1 ined. E. Stewart: CARRIED DELEGATIONS 1. Letter # 9-78 -Illtyd Harris, Aurora, Ontario re: Request to Appear as a Delegat1on -Trees Mr. I. Harris appeared before Council to request a proclamation be issued, naming the last week in April, as "Plant a Tree Week" in Aurora. Mr. Harris stated he would pay for the proclamation. Mr. Harris stated that many of the trees now growing in Aurora is due to a former employee of the Town, Mr. J. Goulding, going out and obtaining the trees and planting same in Aurora, on his own time. Mr. Harris would like the proclamation to state it is placed in tribute to Mr. Goulding's work. E. Stewart: Resolved that the last week in April be proclaimed "Plant a Tree" week in Aurora, in tribute to Mr. Goulding. Jones: CARRIED 2. Letter# 9-81 -Aurora Public Library re: Request for Delegation Status Ms. S. Crawford appeared before the Council requesting Council to reconsider their request to have the Library Board cut their 1983 Budget by $6,700.00. Ms. Crawford read a prepared statement. Mayor Illingworth thanked Ms. Crawford for her presentation. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 46-Public Safety Committee ... Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Public Safety Committee was held on April 7th, 1983 at 7:00p.m. in Committee Room One. Present Were: Councillor Tim Jones, Councillor Martin Paivio, Fire Chief Stuart G. Wilson and Citizen Member Omar Khamissa. Regrets From: Councillor Norm Stewart (vacation) and Citizen Members Ted Bessant and Carl Weissner. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1983 - 8 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 46-Public Safety Committee ... Various Matters (continued) A. CHAIRMAN'S AGENDA 1. Follow-up from Meeting of March 1st, 1983: (a) (b) Budget The Chairman reported that the Budget was reviewed by Council with no major changes however it was to be reviewed by Department Heads one more time before going back to Council for approval with overall Town Budget. Fire Regulating By-Law This item was deferred until the full time staff contract is ratified. The Committee is asked to review the Chief's information. The Committee would recommend that the Clerk review this By-Law with the Chief and draft an appropriate By-Law for Committee review. (c) George/Kennedy Streets Intersection The Chairman reported that this area was being rated as per all the criteria for Stop signs required by the Region. The traffic count should be completed in two (2) weeks and the results are to be forwarded to Council in Committee. (d) Mark/Yonge Streets Intersection -Mayor's Memo dated February 22, 1983 (e) The Committee discussed this item after reviewing the sight and would recommend that the request for a left hand turning light from Yonge southbound on to Mark Street not be granted. Richardson Parking -Mayor's Memo dated February 24, 1983 The Chief reports that there is "No Parking" on Richardson from Murray to Child Drive, however, signs from Murray to Davis have been spaced erratically. It is recommended that this street be included for review when the Committee reviews the Town's parking and other road regulations in the Spring. 2. Henderson Drive -Mayor's Memo dated March 8, 1983 The Committee recommends that the parking situation on Henderson, particularly in the evenings when Factory Theatre is being used be included in the Town's parking and other road regulations review in the Spring. 3. Model By~Law for Parking -Physically Disabled -Mayor's Memo dated March 8, 1983 At Council in Committee's direction, the Safety Committee reviewed its stand on the creation of a Model By-Law for the Physically Disabled. The Committee would bring to Council's attention a recommendation of the City of Peterborough requesting that the A.M.O. be requested "to consider acceptance by municipalities in Ontario of the universal handicapped symbol for parking". This would in effect eliminate the need for a By-Law to designate who is handicapped. The Committee would go further and recommend that the A.M.O. be requested to consider acceptance by municipalities in Ontario of the universal disabled parking symbol until such time as the Province creates a provincially accepted permit for disabled drivers, issued simultaneously to a driver's permit for all disabled drivers in Ontario. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1983 - 9 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 46-Public Safety Committee ... Various Matters (continued) A. CHAIRMAN'S AGENDA (continued) 3. Model By-Law for Parking -Physically Disabled -Mayor's Memo dated March 8, 1983 (continued) The Committee does feel there is a need for alteration to our existing parking By-Law to allow for parking spaces to be specifically designated on all parking areas, private and municipal and would recommend that our planning staff and the Clerk be directed to prepare a recommendation to Council based on accepted standards used in other municipalities for designated parking for the disabled and that our parking By-Law be so updated. 4. Murray Drive School Crossing -Mayor's Memo dated March 4, 1983 The Committee recommends that the Works staff be directed to give us an opinion on the hedge and fence visability situation in the area of the mayor's concern and further that in that the Crossing Guard was put at this location because of increased traffic, because of construction and the Murray Drive extension, that the Guard be retained until such time as a change occurs in the construction or until Murray is completed. It is then recommended that a further traffic count and crossing usage count be done at appropriate times to evaluate the need. 5. S.L.S.C.A. Flood Warning Manual -Mayor's Memo dated March 7, 1983 The Fire Chief reports that he is currently assembling an Emergency Plan for the Town of Aurora. However, the Committee feels it might be beneficial if the Chief be forwarded a copy of the Authority's updated Flood Warning Manual, which the Mayor makes reference to, to work with if the Chief's plan is to include the referenced paragraphs in the Mayor's memo. 6. Town Review of Safety, Situations -Parking Speed Limits, etc. The Committee referred to a study prepared three (3) years ago by the Safety Committee recommending after a Town review, certain changes and updating in matters relating to speed limits, street lighting, parking restrictions, visibility obstructions and stop signing. It is the Committee's intention to update this review by way of three (3) teams made up of one (1) Councillor and one (1) citizen member, reviewing three (3) areas, driving the streets in each Town area to review the referenced items. This is to be completed by June 7th and recommendations are to be brought to Council through the following Safety Committee report. 7. Letter# 7-66-Volunteers Sale of Truck Body and Location of Bell The Committee would recommend that, after checking with the Works staff, the Volunteers be thanked for their consideration in offering the Town this truck body for sale, but as it is not required, they should sell it as they wish. The Committee would also recommend that they concur with the Volunteers request to mount the Fire Bell from the old station in a suitable location in front of Fire Station Number 1 and that the Volunteers submit drawings and a location be identified that is agreeable to the Town. A proper supporting arm for installation is also recommended. It is understood that there will be no expense to the Town except the suitable plaquing of this Bell. !·~~,,-., COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1983 -10 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 46-Public Safety Committee ... Various Matters (continued) A. CHAIRMAN'S AGENDA (continued) 8. St. Andrew's Court ParkinJ -Phone Complaint, Mr. Murray-Letter # 8-4, B. Armstrong and Letter# 8-4, S. Rul l1 With respect to both the complaints and the compliment reviewed, the Committee recommends no change from its original decision, primarily for safety reasons, fire truck access at all times and Winter Control. Both the Fire Chief and the Works Superintendent were consulted again and they would agree with this action. It is further recommended that the Clerk advise the parties involved. 9. Letter # 8-67 -Township of King The Township of King advises that they do not want Aurora to provide Fire Protection for the western portion of Bathurst Street bordering Aurora. 10. Temperance Street Complaint -Mrs. Mains The Chairman advised that he spoke with Mrs. Mains and explained why speed bumps are not possible for a public road. The Committee would recommend that the York Regional Pol ice be requested to set up radar in the area of Temperance, Kennedy and Reuben to control speeders. 11. Employers' Night The Chief requested that this item be referred to the Fall as the current workload of the men and those that would be involved in the proper planning of this activity does not allow for sufficient time to arrange. The Committee concurs and also sees more time beneficial in working cooperatively with others possibly the Chamber of Commerce in organizing this affair. 12. Highrise Safety Seminar -April 27th, 1983 The Committee recommends that the Fire Chief and the Fire Prevention Officer be authorized to attend this seminar at $50.00 per person in accordance with Council's policy. Money has been budgetted for this event. 13. Convention Stipends -Volunteers 14. As has been the practice in the past, the Committee recommends that the Volunteers receive $300.00 for their participation in the Ontario Firefighters Annual Convention in Fergus from July 29 to August 1st, 1983 (These monies have been budgetted for under Account 2000-48). Whitchurch-Stouffville Agreement -Request for Changes As a result of a number of fires in Whitchurch-Stouffville this year, the application of our contract agreement with them has incurred some fairly large billings. It is the opinion of the Committee that the Town cannot be responsible for the number of fires in Whitchurch-Stouffville and further that the Town cannot adjust turn out numbers in either manpower or vehicles per fire, that a response is a response. This is no different then turn out figures for Aurora each time a call is rung in. This is in response to Whitchurch-Stouffville requesting fewer men to respond to a fire thus reducing the billing. The Committee would recommend no adjustments in billing practices, that all billing should remain consistent with our current contract. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1983 -11 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 46-Public Safety Committee ... Various Matters (continued) A. CHAIRMAN'S AGENDA (continued) 15. Mutual Aid Muster -Wonderland -July 24, 1983 On the advice of the Fire Chief, the Committee would recommend that the Aerial Ladder Truck be taken to Wonderland on July 24th, a day set aside for Firefighters from all over Ontario to participate. This is in the hope of making fire departments aware that this vehicle is for sale. This recommendation is conditional on the stand-by availability of the Newmarket Aerial truck currently being discussed by our Chief and Newmarket's Chief. 16. Ministry of Labour -Helmet Regulations The Committee advised that new standards have been received for fire helmets. Although these standards won't be fully effective until 1986, updating will be recommended to begin with the 1984 budget submission. 17. Fire Route Signs It has been the practice of the Fire Department to purchase Fire Route Signs in bulk (100) for approximately $6.65 each and resell them to businesses, industries and those with access routes for about $15.00 each. Our current supply is low as we have sold almost 100 in two (2) years. It is recommended that an order be placed to replenish these signs and the Clerk be asked to identify the appropriate account for debiting and crediting. 18. Letter # 7-34 -Fire Activity Report for February and Letter # 9-44 -Fire Activity Report for March The Committee recommends that these reports be received. 19. Fire Call Information -Fire Chief To date we have had 80 general alarms which represent a total firefighter response of 1,532, giving us an average of 19.15 firefighters responding to each call. Total fire calls from December 1st, 1982 to date--we have had 127 calls in 129 days (1982 we had 103 calls -about a 23% increase). Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 3, 1983 at 7:00 p.m. in Committee Room One. Jones: Paivio: Resolved that Public Safety Committee Report# 46 dated April 7th, 1983 be discussed item by item and accepted and the Sea 1 of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED Report# 47-Council in Committee ... Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of Council in Committee was held on Monday, April 11, 1983 at 7:30p.m. in the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Mayor Illingworth and Councillors, Barker, Buck, Jones, Ostick, Paivio, E. Stewart, N. Stewart and West. Councillor L. Ostick in the Chair. '---··; COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1983 -u - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 47-Council in Committee ... Various Matters (continued) A. DELEGATIONS 1. Members of Aurora Library Board re: 1983 Budget 2. Mr. Branston, Chairman, Aurora Library Board, appeared before the Committee and presented the 1983 revised Library Budget. The Committee recommends that the Aurora Public Library Board revised 1983 Budget be received and referred to the Administration and Finance Committee for review along with overall Town Budget. Mr. G. Strong-Gary's Auto Body Mr. Strong, Gary's Auto Body, appeared before the Committee and requested their consideration in allowing him to erect a pre-fab building on an industrial site. After purchasing the pre-fab building and applying for a building permit, he was advised that this type of building was not permitted in Aurora. The Committee recommends that this matter be referred to the Economic Development Committee for further study and discussion with the owners. B. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter# 8-73 -Region of York Treasury Department re: 1983 Five Year Capital Expenditure Forecast Council in Committee recommends that the Region of York be advised that there wi 11 be "NIL" expenditures in the Town of Aurora under the Five Year Forecast. 2. Letter # 8-78 -Ministry of Government Services re: York/Durham Sewage System (Cousins to St. John's Sideroad section) The Committee discussed this matter and recommends that the Ministry of Government Services be advised that the Town of Aurora will accept their share of Mr. Stone's account, in the amount of $1,018.75. This is to be charged against the Industrial Park account and credited back to the Industrial Park Account. 3. Letter # 8-104 -Ontario Human Rights Commission re: Declaration of Management Policy Card The Committee recommends that copies of the "Declaration of Management Policy Card" be purchased and placed in all Town Department buildings. 4. Letter # 9-2 -York Regional Housing Authority re: Town Bus Complaint Council in Committee recommends that a letter be sent to the York Regional Housing Authority advising them that Travelways has confirmed to the Town office that no Bus Drivers on their staff have, entered the Senior Citizens building under the circumstances stated in their letter. 5. Letter# 9-20-K.B. Rodger memo to Council re: Under Co-Ed Programme After discussing this matter at length, Council in Committee recommends that the Town of Aurora approve of the Town's share of Programmes in the amount of $22,000.00. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1983 -13 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 47-Council in Committee ... Various Matters (continued) 6. Letter# 9-21 -Mayor Illingworth memo to Members of Council re: Yonge/Murray Drive Intersection The Committee recommends that the appropriate staff be directed to advise Council as to what is required and an estimate of cost of implementing an advanced green turning interval for northbound Yonge Street traffic from Murray Drive. This report to be received by the next Council in Committee scheduled for April 25th, 1983. 7. Letter# 9-22-Newmarket and District Association for the Mentally Retarded re: Five Year Plan The Committee recommends that the Association for the Mentally Retarded representative be invited to attend the next Council in Committee meeting scheduled for April 25, 1983. 8. Letter # 9-25 -5th Aurora Boy Scouts re: Flower Sale Council in Committee recommends that permission be granted to the 5th Aurora Scout Group to sell flowers in the Town of Aurora on April 12, 1983 with delivery on May 10-12, 1983. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Ontario Public Library Consultation Paper 2. The Committee recommends that Council members advise the Mayor of comments regarding this matter. Mayor Illingworth will present a report to Council in Committee on April 25, 1983. Hydro Poles on Yonge Street Council recommends the following: (a) That a letter be forwarded to Aurora Hydro requesting their co-operation in repainting the upper portion of the poles, with costs charged back to the Town (street lighting). or That invitational bids be requested to paint (i) the upper portion, and (ii) the entire pole. (b) That the BIA be requested to submit plans for the hanging baskets and information as to how they are to be installed and maintained. 3. Municipal Housing Study The Committee recommends that the Region of York request the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to undertake a Housing Needs Study in Aurora and further that the Region of York Council be asked to set up a Housing Authority in the Region. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Arena Feasibility Study The Committee recommends that this Study be presented to the Council meeting scheduled for May 30, 1983. ~-"-"·' COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1983 -14 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) ReiJort # 47 -Council in Committee Various Matters (continued) E. LETTERS RECEIVED AS INFORMATION 1. Letter# 8-91 -George Wimpey Canada Limited re: Wimpey Draft Plan-Part Lot 83, Cone. 1, WYS, Aurora 2. Letter# 8-102-Region of York Clerk's Department re: Yonge Street South Feeder Main 3. Letter# 9-1 -Organization of Small Urban Municipalities re: 30th Annual Conference The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Ostick: Buck: Resolved that Council in Committee Report # 47 dated April 11, 1983 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED Report# 48-Works Committee ... Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Works Committee was held on Tuesday, April 12th, 1983 at 7:00 p.m. in Committee Room No.1 at the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Councillor L. Ostick, Councillor E. Stewart, Councillor R. Barker and Town Superintendent Wm. Walker. 1. Referral from Council, April 5th, 1983: Letter No.8-107 Resident's Petition Bloomington Service Road (a) The Committee recommends that in view of financial constrictions, the maintenance of the Bloomington Service Road be at the current level of service. (b) In view of Council policy with respect to restricting the number of cul-de-sacs to a minimum that no consideration be given to changing the configuration of the Bloomington Service Road. (c) The Committee recommends that the stop signs at the Bloomington Service Road and Steeplechase Avenue be changed to give the through way to Steeplechase. 2. Letter No.8-86 (Manville Request For Approval As A Watermain Alternative) The Committee recommends that the Town Superintendent be given an opportunity to install and assess performance of this material on a small project before an approval is given. Manville Canada Inc. to be so advised. 3. Richardson Drive Sidewalk The Committee recommends that any sidewalk construction on Richardson Drive be treated as a local improvement project. 4. Letter No.9-16 B.I.A. Executive re: Request for Financial Assistance The Committee recommends that this letter be referred to the Administration and Finance Committee. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1983 -15 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 48-Works Committee ... Various Matters (continued) 5. Letters Received As In format ion: Letter No.5-20 Larmont Street Reconstruction (Parking -Aurora Armories) Letter No.5-66 Mosley Street Reconstruction (On Street Parking Estimate) Letter No.6-57 (M.T.C. -1983 Connecting Link Program) Letter No.7-05 Overtime Report-Public Works Department {February 1983) Letter No.7-06 Overtime Report -Public Works (Waterworks) Department (February 1983) Letter No.7 -67 Mosley Street Reconstruction (On Street Parking) Letter No .7-68 Mosley Street Reconstruction {On Street Parking) Letter No.S-20 Ontario Good Roads Association (Grader Operating Upgrading Program) Letter No.S-93 Request To Purchase Town Brush Chipper The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Ost ick: Stewart: Resolved that Works Committee Report # 78 dated April 12th, 1983 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED Report# 49-Planning Committee ... Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Planning Committee was held on Wednesday, April 6, 1983 in the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Councillor E. Buck, Chairperson; Councillor J. West; Councillor M. Paivio; Mrs. S. Seibert, Planner; Mr. R. J. Harrington, Secretary. A. DELEGATION: 1. Letters #8-71 & 9-6 -Zoning By-Law No. 2556-83, Three Seasons/Patrician Homes/Forsite Homes, Plan of Subdivision, Pt. Lot 82, Cone. 1, WYS Mr. A. Derkowski, Land Planning Consultant, and Mr. Luigi Orsi, Owner, appeared before the Committee to request some "yard" variations to the proposed zoning amendment. A thorough discussion followed, and the Committee recommends the following variations: 1. Front yard setback to be a minimum of 20 feet (By-Law requires 25 ft. minimum), 2. Exterior side yard to be a minimum of 16 feet (By-Law requires 19ft. minimum), 3. Interior side yard to be a minimum of 1.5 metres (4.92 ft.) on one side for a two-storey building and 1.2 metres {3.94 ft.) for a one-storey building. The other side in both cases must be .6 metres {2ft.). However, in order to ensure one large clear yard, the minimum distance between the buildings must be 1.8 metres (5.94 ft,). COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1983 -16 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) 1. Letters #8-71 & 9-6-Zoning By-Law No. 2556-83, Three Seasons/Patrician Homes/Forsite Homes, Plan of Subdivision, Pt. Lot 82, Cone. 1, WYS (cont1nued) In the case of a two-storey dwelling, this minimum is greater-2.1 metres (6.89 ft.) i.e. 0.6 m. + 1.5 m. The effect of these requirements is that in no case will one building be closer than 1.8 metres (6 feet) to another. B. OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENTS: 1. Official Plan Amendment No. 25, Aurora Country Estates, Part Lot 75, Cone. 1, WYS, Proposed Plan of Subdivision (abutting Henderson Drive) The Committee recommends the Official Plan Amendment be processed, the necessary By-Law be given two readings, and a date set for the Public Meeting. 2. Official Plan Amendment No. 26, Archerhill Investments Ltd., Block 37, R. Plan M-2012, Proposed Plan of Subdivision, N/W corner Bayview Avenue & Vandorf S1deroad The Committee recommends the Official Plan Amendment be processed, the necessary By-Law be given two readings, and a date set for the Public Meeting. C. RECEIVED FOR RECOMMENDATION: 1. Letter #6-7-Mr. & Mrs. S. Mirkopoulos, Lot 10, R.Plan 166, North side Old Bloom1ngton Road This item was referred back to the Planning Committee from the March 9th Planning Committee meeting. The Committee read Mrs. Seibert's Report and recommends its adoption. The main theme of the Report being that, as no more than one dwelling is permitted on one lot, the two existing dwellings, which seem to have legal non-conforming status, can be repaired and maintained in a safe condition, however, a permit to erect a new dwelling on the lot cannot be issued, notwithstanding the applicant~willingness to remove one existing dwelling. If Council so wishes, and the owner applies, a zoning amendment could be processed to allow the new dwelling, however, this could potentially set an undesirable precedent, since there are currently 20 lots along Old Bloom1ngton Road of a similar size and dimension. 2. Letter #7-14 -Ministry of Natural Resources re: Mineral Aggregate Resource Planning Policy The Committee recommends this matter be deferred to the May Planning Committee meeting. 1 3. Letter #8-52 -Ontario Municipal Board Hearing re: Town of Richmond Hill Official Plan This letter was received as information. D. LAND DIVISION: 1. Letters #7-11 & 7-12-Submissions No. 20.83.A & 21.83.A Liscar Construction Ltd./Mark West Development Ltd., Part Lot 3, R.Plan 38, N/W corner George & Kennedy Streets The Committee recommends support of the two applications, as they comply with the Town's Official Plan and Zoning By-Laws. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1983 -17 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 49 -Planning Committee Various Matters (continued) E. RECEIVED AS INFORMATION: 1. Letter #8-43 -South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Objection to Mr. D. Pr1estly erecting a garage at 40 Machell Avenue, Part Lot 17, R.Plan 36. 2. Letter #7-8 -Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lot 76, Cone. 1, EYS - Archerhill Investments Ltd. re: circulating of plans of Subdivision to Departments as per Council's approved system. The Committee recommends Aurora Cable T.V. will now receive a copy of all proposed Plans of Subdivisions. 3. Letter #7-42 -Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lot 31, R.Plan 246, Granada Investments Received as information, as the plan is presently being circulated in the usual manner. F. NEW PLANNING ACT Buck: Paivio: The Committee will be bringing forth recommendations for Council's consideration regarding the new Planning Act. The next Planning Committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 4, 1983 at 7:30 p.m. Resolved that the Planning Committee Report# 49 dated April 6, 1983 be discussed .item by item and accepted. CARRIED Councillor Ostick in the Chair. Report# 50-Administration and Finance Committee ... Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Administration and Finance Committee was held on Tuesday, April 12, 1983, at 3:00 p.m. in the Civic Centre. Present were: Mayor Dick Illingworth and Councillor Earl Stewart. Councillor John West sent regrets. A. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter 8-82: AMO re Discussion Paper on Municipal Cost Sharing and Unconditional Grants. On February 23, 1983, Municipal Affairs and Housing Minister Claude Bennett wrote to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and invited AMO's participation in reviewing the issues and developing a policy on municipal cost-sharing and unconditional grants to meet the needs of the 1980's. "If we expect to implement a new unconditional grants program", the Minister wrote, "or make progress towards a more rational cost-sharing system in the near future, it will be necessary for me to put the proposals forward into the provincial decision-making process by mid-June". AMO has accepted the task as presented by the Minister and will be undertaking a comprehensive review of the Discussion Paper and will prepare a response for the consideration of the Board of Directors in late May, and submission to the Minister in June. ~---·" COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1983 -18 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 50-Administration and Finance Committee ... Various Matters (continued) 1. Letter 8-82: AMOre Discussion Paper on Municipal Cost Sharing and Oncond1t1onal Grants. (cont1nued) The Committee recommends that this item be deferred until the AMO Report is received. 2. Letter 9-12: The York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: 1983 tax requisition The York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board advises that the residential assessment is $13,478,289 and the commercial assessment is $1,225,046. The requisition is $285,381. The Committee recommends that the Treasury Department acknowledge receipt of the letter and confirm the resulting mill rate. 3. Letter 9-13: Rural Ontario Municipal Association Insurance Programs Paul Dorman, of Al Dorman Insurance Brokers Ltd., advises that under the ROMA program, they are acting as broker for 102 municipalities and the municipalities are realizing savings with the co-operative approach to purchasing municipal insurance. The Committee received the information submitted and our existing policies through Frank Cowan Company Limited, and recommend no action this year as the premiums were lower this year, but that all insurance policies be reviewed by the Finance and Administration Committee prior to payment of the 1984 premiums. 4. Letter 9-19: Lakeland Region, Boy Scouts of Canada re: 1983 Conference The Lakeland Region requests donations (advertising items, giveaways, etc.) for their 1983 Regional Conference to be held in Newmarket on April 30. It is anticipated that over 500 Scouters from all over the region will attend. Reference is made to Administration and Finance Committee Report #22, item 7, which was adopted by Council on February 7th, 1983. In response to requests from community groups such as this, Council approved the purchase of July First buttons. Therefore, the Committee recommends that 500 July First buttons be donated to the Lakeland Region, Boy Scouts of Canada. B. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1 Letter 8-36: Workmen's Compensation Board re: Revised Amount of Coverage for Volunteer Forces The W.C.B. advises that effective July 1st, 1982, the earnings maximum for compensation was increased from $22,200 to $24,200 per person annually. Coverage for volunteer forces is now available from $11,789.00 to $24.200.00. Currently, our volunteer firefighters are covered for $22,200 per person annually and as the submission has been made for 1983, the Committee recommends that no action be taken this year and the coverage be reviewed prior to 1984. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1983 -19 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 50-Administration and Finance Committee ... Various Matters (continued) B. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (continued) 2. Letter 3-25: Energy Conservation Program This letter was referred to the Works Committee and in Report #40, it was recommended that the Administration and Finance Committee discuss whether or not to appoint an Energy Co-Ordinator. The Committee obtained further information from the Ministry of Energy and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) and it was learned that more than 175 municipalities have appointed energy co-ordinators. As a result of their activities, many municipalities have developed and implemented aggressive, in-house programs of energy conservation. The Ministry of Energy and AMO administer the Municipal Energy Conservation program. For a municipality to become involved, AMO requests a resolution from Council stating the municipality's commitment to energy conservation priorities and for Council to appoint an individual on staff or Council to act as a contact person to receive and disseminate information related to the program. Therefore the Committee recommends that an appropriate resolution be prepared and that Council appoint Fred Horvath, Director of Leisux:e Services, as municipal energy co-ordinator. C. NEW BUSINESS 1. General Ledger Computer Programs The Town Auditor recommended in December 1981, that three areas of the general ledger computer program be changed the next time computer programs are being updated. The Treasurer advises that the "Users' Group" have placed the general ledger as a top priority on their listing, and more information will be available when the study is completed. Therefore the Committee recommends no action at this time and the matter be reviewed when the "User's Group" study is complete. 2. Audit Statements The Town Auditor recommended in December 1981 that the bank statements be reconciled to the general ledger bank balance on a monthly basis. The Treasurer advises that action has been taken. Therefore, the Committee recommends that no action be taken. 3. Provincial Grants The Town Auditor noted on March 10, 1982 that some $5,550 in provincial grants had not been received in the capital fund, which have been outstanding since 1978 or prior. From the documentation available, the auditor could not determine whether the amounts were simply overaccrued in the beginning or represent grants which have lapsed. The auditor recommended at that time that the responsibility for initiating grant applications be clearly given to one individual, or to one individual in each area in which grants are available, and that the Deputy Treasurer co-ordinate all grants to ensure proper recording, follow-up and eventual receipt. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1983 -20 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 50 -Administration and Finance Committee ... Various Matters (continued) C. NEW BUSINESS (continued) 3. Provincial Grants (continued) The Treasurer advises that the grant applications arising from the period of the former purchasing agent were finally culminated and outstanding balances sorted out. The Committee recommends that one individual be appointed by the Clerk-Administrator to handle all grant applications and the Deputy Treasurer co-ordinate all grants as recommended by the Auditor. 4. Fixed Assets The Town Auditor recommended in December 1981 that fixed asset subledgers be established and that periodic comparisons be made on a test basis between these records and the fixed assets physically on hand. The Treasurer advises that over the years some attempts at evaluating certain classes of fixed assets has been attempted without a total compilation or recording of same. Therefore, the Committee recommends that the Clerk-Administrator arrange for a start to be made on an inventory of fixed assets as recommended by the Auditor. In addition, the Committee recommends that such inventory include all town owned buildings, with surveys if available. 5. 45th Annual Meeting -Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers, Toronto The 45th Annual Meeting of the AMCTO will be held in Toronto in July 1983, which will include the First Professional Development Institute. In addition, the AMCTO Education Committee has developed a 1-1/2 day "How to Seminar" immediately preceeding the annual meeting. An application has been received for the Deputy Clerk to attend the Annual Meeting and the "How To Seminar" at a total cost of $250.00 for registration. The Committee recommends that the Deputy Clerk be authorized to attend the AMCTO Annual Meeting and "How to Seminar" and the expenses be deducted from Code 1100-48 in the Clerk's Department. D. ITEMS PENDING 1. Letter 6-81: Tourism Development Program -Waiting for further information from the M1nistry of Tourism and Recreation. 2. Letter 7-9: Salary Classifications. Pending completion of budget. The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. Illingworth: E. Stewart: Resolved that Administration and Finance Committee Report # 50 dated April 12, 1983 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED L--·-·-• COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1983 -21 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 51-Administration and Finance Committee ... Budget The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Administration and Finance Committee was held on Tuesday, April 12, 1983, at 4:00 p.m. in the Civic Centre. Present were: Mayor Dick Illingworth, Councillor Earl Stewart and Councillor John West. 1. Background Council in Committee discussed Budget Guidelines on January 10, 1983 (item 13, Report # 15) and recommended to Council that all budgets be presented to the Administration and Finance Committee and then to Council in Committee. At the Council meeting on January 17, 1983, item 13 was amended to read that Budgets be submitted to Council in Committee for consideration. Council in Committee discussed Budget Guidelines on February 14, 1983 {item B.3, Report # 29) and recommended to Council that following individual review of departmental budgets, Council in Committee meet as a Budget Committee at 5:00 p.m. on March 22 and March 24, 1983. This recommendation was adopted by Co unci 1 on February 21. 1983. The 1983 Budget estimates as submitted by the departments and approved by the Committees totalled $2,894,307. or an increase of $673,124. (17%) over the 1982 tax levy of $2,221,183. The 1983 assessment increase gained allows for some $242,672. additional so that in order to maintain the same mill rates as 1982, a reduction in the tax levy of $430,452. {$673,124 less $242,672.) would be required. The Budget Committee reviewed the various departmental budgets with the department head on a line to line basis and recommended certain cuts in an effort to reduce the budget. It was realized that major cuts would have to be made if the Budget was to be reduced by about $300,000., or a three (3%) percent increase over 1982. Staff was instructed to review all budgets and to submit a revised Budget to the Administration and Finance Committee. Following this review, the total tax levy was $2,617,474. or an increase of $396,291. over the 1982 tax levy of $2,221,183. With the deduction of the 1982 increased assessment of $242,672., the actual increase was $153,619. or six (6%) percent over 1982. The Committee decided that this increase was still too high and it should be reduced by a further $50,000. to $100,000. for a tax increase of approximately three {3%) per cent. Detailed notes follow. The Committee wishes to express its appreciation to the department heads for their assistance and advice in helping to lower the budget. 2. Proposed 1983 Budget REVENUE (a) Municipal Taxation Municipal Purposes Share of Tel. & Tel. Local Improvements Supplementary 1982 BUDGET 2,221,183. 49,500. 915. 100,000. 2,371,598. 1983 BUDGET 2,502,838. 53,403. 915. 100,000. 2,657,156. PERCENT INCREASE (DECREASE) 12.0% COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1983 -22 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 51-Administration and Finance Committee ... Budget (continued) 2. Proposed 1983 Budget (continued) REVENUE (b) Payments In Lieu Canada Ont. Mun. Tax Assistance Ont. Mun. Act Hospital Ont. Ent. Hydro Ont. Ent. O.H.C. Ont. Ent. L.C.B.O. Other Mun i c i pa 1 Ent. 1982 BUDGET 16,000. 11,000. 3,801. 1,600. 13' 641. 4,000. 15,000. 8,000. 73,042. (c) Ontario Uncond it ion a 1 Grants General Support Resource Equalization Per Capita -Density (d) Ontario Specific Grants Roadways Transit Recreation (e) Other Revenue Licences (Marriage, etc.) Animal Tags Building Permits Other Revenue Prior Years Surplus, Sale of land (f) Rentals Victoria Hall South Community McMahon Park Church Street School Board of Education (g) Fees and Service Charges Fines Interest and Penalties Planning and Zoning Committee of Adjustment Office Fees Sewage Charges Transit Fees Fire Retainers and Calls Tax Certificates 170,640. 121,178. 48,687. 340,505. 480,000. 30,000. 6,000. 516,000. 4,000. 6,000. 90,000. 20,000. 228,584. 348,584. 3,100. 2,100. 1' 100. 8,200. 1,000. 15,500. 4,500. 70,000. 15,000. 1,000. 1,000. 16,000. 26,000. 7,000. 5,000. 145,500. 1983 BUDGET 17,000. 13,000. 3,593. 1,800. 17,352. 4,300. 14,000. 9,000. 80,045. 175,179. 121,263. 49,398. 345,840. 500,000. 37,500. 6,000. 543,500. 4,000. 6,000. 90,000. 20,000. (91,764.) 40,000. 68,236. 5,000. 2,700. 1,500. 9,225. 1,000. 19,425. 9,500. 120,000. 20,000. 1,000. 1,000. 16,000. 30,000. 10,000. 5,000. 212,500. PERCENT INCREASE (DECREASE) 9.6% 1.6% 5:~ (80.4%) zo.3"%" 46.0% 1----' COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1983 -23 - Report# 51-Administration and Finance Committee ... Budget (continued) 2. Proposed 1983 Budget (cant inued) (h) Other Income from Investments Transfer from Capital Acct. Transfer from Road Construction Total Municipal Revenue 1982 BUDGET 140,000. 100,000. 21+0,000. $4,050,729. === 1983 BUDGET 100,000. 60,000. Ioo, om.l. $4,086,702. = PERCENT INCREASE (DECREASE) (33.3%) .9% The Revenue side of the Budget is based on the best possible estimate of funds available from the sources indicated. However, it should be noted that the revenue shown under "Fees and Service Charges" may be over optimistic. The total estimated revenue, excluding taxation for municipal purposes, is considerably below that budgeted in 1982 due to a surplus and a transfer of funds, plus a deficit operation in 1982. The Committee recommends that the Revenue section of the Budget be adopted in the total amount of $4,086,702., including taxation for municipal purposes. EXPENDITURES (a) General Government Council Clerk's Department Treasury Department Municipal Building (b) Financial Workmen's Compensation Legal Fees Insurance and Insurance Reserve Election Debenture Charges Interest Charges -Bank Taxes Written Off -Net Transfer to Reserve Fund Museum Grant -Net Transfer Grants C. Centre Debt Charges C. Centre Deficit (1982) C. Centre Roof Repairs C. Centre Grant Leisure Services Grant Library Debt Charges Library Grant Library Capital 1982 BUDGET 90,594. 230,850. 185,052. 26,000. 532,496. 36,200. 20,000. 45,000. 20,000. 47,480. 9,000. 12,000. 10,000. 12,000. 8,000. 56,875. 83,678. 52,000. 95,520. 22,938. 265,222. 3,000. 798,913. 1983 BUDGET 98,410. 242,600. 207,100. 37,050. 585,160. 24,634. 20,000. 53,000. 47,630. 9,000. 20,000. 10,000. 12,000. 8,000. 56,340. 101,852. 7, 727. 101,718. 23,458. 296,836. 9,500. 801,695. REVISED 94,560. 241,350. 194,150. 26,050. 556,110. 24,634. 20,000. 53,000. 47,630. 9,000. 20,000. 10,000. 3,000. 8,000. 56,340. 101,852. 7,727. 34,608. 97,023. 23,458. 294,756. 811,028. PERCENT INCREASE (DECREASE) 4.4% 1.3% '-~-- ( ... ~ COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1983 -24 - Report# 51-Administration and Finance Committee ... Budget (continued) 2. Proposed 1983 Budget (continued) EXPENDITURES 1982 BUDGET 1983 BUDGET REVISED PERCENT INCREASE (DECREASE) (b) Financial (continued) Note 1: Note 2: Note 3: Note 4: Note 5: (c) Workmen's Compensation is the actual amount of the payment. The increase in the Insurance item is to add $8,000. to the Insurance Reserve. The increase in the Taxes Written off as recommended by Town Auditor. A grant in the amount of $34,608. is recommended for the Community Centre to cover the estimated 1983 deficit. The 1981 surplus of $15,458. for the Aurora Public Library Board was added to the 1982 Town grant of· $265,222. for a total grant of $280,680. The proposed 1983 grant of $294,756. is a five (5%) percent increase over the 1982 total grant. It should be noted that based on 1981 figures, the local support to the Aurora Library Board was $16.31 for a ranking of Number 2. Other York municipalities are: Vaughan $16.51 1 East Gwillimbury 4.07 18 Georgina 9.74 10 King 8.05 13 Markham 12.54 9 Newmarket 13.25 6 Richmond Hill 15.42 4 Whitchurch-Stouffville 9.29 11 Protection to Persons and Property Fire Department 271,195. 298,931. 297,831. Building Department 104,453. 115,307. 113,015. Animal and Pest Control 37,400. 43,500. 43,500. Note 1: Note 2: 413,048. 457,738. 454,346. Other equipment in the Fire Department budget was reduced from $30,000. to $20,000., deleting the Opticom equipment. Property improvement in the Fire Department budget was increased to $9,200. to cover the cost of the Weir as previously authorized by Council. 10.0% f""··>• COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1983 -25 - Report# 51-Administration and Finance Committee ... Budget (continued) 2. Proposed 1983 Budget (continued) EXPENDITURES 1982 BUDGET (d) Transportation Services Non-Subsidy Engineering Vehicle and Equipment Bridges and Culverts Roadside Mtce./Sewers Hardtop Mtce. Loosetop Mtce. Winter Control Safety Devices Roads and Streets Connecting Link Sidewalks Footbridges, Fencing Trans it School Guards Parking Lots Street Lighting Street Signs Rail Crossing Privilege Resource Recovery 265,250. 43,850. 115,172 0 14 '150 0 112,050. 69,125. 26,850. 56,050. 20,025. 444,543. 54,000. 37,500. 10,700. 126,808 0 5,850. 28,000. 87,500. 1,000. 30. 2,800. 1,521,253. 1983 BUDGET 273,543. 54,050 0 122,475. 11 '700 0 110,000. 87,500. 33,200. 94,000. 25,700. 734,150 0 52,250. 5,550 0 4,100. 133,400 0 7,450. 11,500 0 102,300. 1,600 0 30. r,S64 ,498. REVISED 272,163. 54,050 0 123,331. 13 '700 0 110,000 0 70,500. 33,200. 88,000. 25,700. 493,668. 63,750. 5,550 0 4,100. 133,400 0 8,250. 31 ,500 0 100,756. 1,000. 30. 1 ' 63z;-641J 0 Note 1: Engineering consulting fees increased $10,000. to $20,000. to more accurately meet actual costs. Note 2: Note 3: Note 4: Note 5: Vehicle supplies, vehicle repairs and equipment rental increased to more accur.ately meet actual cost. Equipment rental includes rental of Street Sweeper as previously authorized by Council. Bridge and Culverts increased by $2,000. to meet new culvert pol icy as previously authorized by Council. Winter Control increased to more accurately meet actual costs. The 1983 Capital Works Program includes the following projects: 1. Holdback Payment 1982 Resurfacing 2. Holdback Payment George Street 3. Vandorf Sideroad Restoration 4. Scanlon Court 5. Wells Street --Wellington to Metcalfe Restoration 6. Mosley Street --Wells to Victoria Total Gross Expenditure Less 1982 Holdbacks 16,900. 95,050. 60,000. 35,200. 370,000. 142,000. 719,150 0 ·~-~" Relocation of Utilities 90,282. 628,868. 50,000. 678,868. Water and Storm Sewer Separation cost (from Reserve Account) Add sal aries Total Net Cost MTC Subsidy 165,000 0 513,868. 15,000. 528,868. 243,000. 285,868. PERCENT INCREASE (DECREASE) 7~ /""''"•'"'" '-..-~o COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1983 -26 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 51-Administration and Finance Committee ... Budget (continued) 2. Proposed 1983 Budget (continued) EXPENDITURES 1982 BUDGET 1983 BUDGET (d) Transportation Services (continued) REVISED PERCENT INCREASE (DECREASE) If Scanlon Court is deleted for 1983 and planned for reconstruction at the same time as Industrial Parkway from Wellington to the Legion, a savings of $35,200. will result, bringing the total net cost to $493,668. so that the Town's portion does not exceed subsidy dollars. Note 6: Connecting Link increase due to the concrete curb and gutter spot improvement contract on Yonge Street and the added costs of the new signal installation at Batson Drive and Brookland Avenue. Note 7: School Guards increased due to the additional guards at Regency Acres Public School -Murray Drive. Note 8: Parking lots increased by $20,000. to improve parking lot on Temperance Street as part of Downtown improvement. (e) Environmental Service Sanitary Storm and Sewer Garbage Collection (f) Recreation and Cultural Parks Department Street Tree Maintenance Area Beautification 15,364. 209,455. 224,819. 145,248. 17,800. 4,225. 167,273. 23,556. 236,945. 260.501. 175,295. 21,400. 4,346. 201,041. 23,556. 236,945. 260,501. 164,835. 21,400. 1,946. 188,181. Note 1: Additional cost for Park Building due to roof repairs previously authorized by Council. (g) Community Buildings Old Waterworks Factory Theatre McMahon Park Victoria Hall Church Street School Band Shell Parks Building Carpenter (h) Planning and Zoning Planning L.A.C.A.C. Committee of Adjustment By-Law and Weed Control Economic Development Area Planning Services 500. 10,500. 2,900. 4,950. 19,200. 5,100. 3,650. 4,631. 51,431. 36,250. 5,440. 3,410. 17,866. 6,250. 58,300. 127,516. 4,800. 7,675. 3,250. 4,950. 26,900. 4,300. 9,550. 6,403. 67,828. 14,360. 4,950. 3,410. 20,340. 6,750. 61,500. 111,310. 300. 11,175. 3,250. 4,950. 19,900. 4,300. 9,550. 4,703. 58,128. 14,360. 5,450. 3,410. 20,340. 6,350. 61,500. 111,410. Note 1: The 1982 estimates for Planning includes the Downtown Study. 15:9% 12.5% 13.0% (11.3%) >--.• ...A· :'-"""~ COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1983 -27 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 51-Administration and Finance Committee ... Budget (continued) 2. Proposed 1983 Budget (continued) EXPENDITURES ( i) Other 1982 BUDGET 1983 BUDGET REVISED Unclassified and July 1st Canada/Ontario Employment 6,000. 8,000. 7,000. 7,350. 6,000. 8,000. 14,350. Transfer to Vehicle Reserve 207,980. - Total Expenditures $4,050,729. $4,357,771. $4,086,702. Note 1: ============ ============ Three (3) projects have been offered under the Canada/Ontario Employment Program to a total value of $98,240. of which $76,890. is recoverable, being a net cost to the Town of $21,350. Two projects involve Parks and could be charged to Parks Reserve Account. The Committee recommends the following: (a) That a grant of $34,608. be included in the Community Centre account to cover the estimated 1983 deficit. (b) That no change be made in the Library grant as the 1983 grant is five (5%) percent above the 1982 total grant (not including capital). (c) Scanlon Court be deleted from the 1983 capital works program and planned for reconstruction at the same time as Industrial Parkway north of Wellington Street to the Legion. (d) That MTC be advised that funds are not available for a 1983 Supplementary Program. (e) That the Road Maintenance estimates remain as submitted and the estimated revenue of $40,000. for the sale of the Town property on Ridge Road and a transfer of $60,000. from the Road Construction Reserve Fund be included with the Road maintenance estimate to cover the approximately $100,000. over MTC subsidy. (f) That COED projects, parks and creek improvement and wood trails for a net cost of $14,000. be charged to the Parks Reserve Fund. (g) That the COED street project for a net cost of $7,350. be co-ordinated with the Board of Management of the Business Improvement Area. (h) That the Expenditure Budget as amended in the total amount of $4,086,702. be adopted. PERCENT INCREASE (DECREASE) 139.2% .9% r~-~ ··~ "--~-· COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1983 -28 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 51 -Administration and Finance Committee ... Budget (continued) 2. Proposed 1983 Budget (continued) Resident i a 1 and Farm $120,767,369. 1983 1982 INCREASED RESULTING 1983 MILL RATES FOR TAXATION PURPOSES Taxable Assessment for 1983 General Purposes Commercia 1 and Industrial Business Total $25,745,545. $11,960,095. $158,473,009. Residential Commercial Mi 11 Rate Mill Rate 15.157 17.832 14.921 17.554 .236 .278 General Municipal Tax Levy Based on a Residential Assessment of $20,000 1983 1982 INCREASE $303.14 298.42 $ 4.72 Councillor Paivio left the Council Table before the vote. Illingworth: Resolved that Administration and Committee Report# 51 dated April E. Stewart: 12th, 1983 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED Mayor Illingworth in the Chair. Councillor Paivio returned to the Council Table. RESOLUTIONS 1. Old Park Holdings Limited -Land E. Stewart: Jones: Buck: N. Stewart: Buck: Paivio: Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to carry out Council's direction and sign all necessary papers for the purchase of lands owned by Old Park Holdings Limited, and known as Part 1, Plan 65R 4704, for Industrial purposes. AMENDED Resolved that this item be deferred until the Council in Committee meeting of April 25, 1983. DEFEATED Resolved that the cost of the land, $712,500.00, be included in the resolution. CARRIED AS AMENDED COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1983 -29 - RESOLUTIONS (continued) 2. Payment of Holdback -A.J. Diamond Buck: Paivio: Be It Hereby Resolved that as the Final Report for the Downtown Area Study has been received, from A.J. Diamond and Associates, that the holdback payment in the amount of $4,500.00 be paid and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 3. Region of York -Reconstruction of Bathurst Street Ostick: Jones: Resolved that the Clerk-Administrator be authorized to advise the Region of York that the Town of Aurora will pay their share of the cost of the work necessary to provide for signalization, channelization and illumination of the following three (3) intersections: Bathurst Street (Y.R. 38) -Aurora Heights Drive Subdivision 19T 81100 Bathurst Street (Y.R. 38) -Orchard Heights Drive Subdivision 19T 80018 Bathurst Street (Y.R. 38) -Collector Road from Subdivision 19T 80060 at an estimated cost of $85,000.00 and with the understanding that there will be further cost to the Town pertaining to this work. Such funds to come from the Subdivision levies. Be It Further Resolved that the Region of York be advised that the Town of Aurora will be responsible for the cost of the lowering of the road grade at the intersection of: Bathurst Street (Y.R. 38) -Orchard Heights Drive Subdivision 19T 80018 The Subdividers to be charged back the total cost of the work plus financing and administrative costs. CARRIED 4. Payment of Invoice-R.V. Anderson and Associates Limited Ostick: E. Stewart: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of v.\n.G. Walker, Town Superintendent, Invoice Numbers 8152 and 8153, for professional services rendered-Alliance Industrial Phase I and Phase II in the total amount of $1,072.88 be paid to R.V. Anderson and Associates and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 5. Payment of Invoice-Trow Limited Ostick: E. Stewart: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Town Superintendent, Invoice Number GL1884/T3994-K, for professional services rendered-Alliance Industrial Phase I and Phase II in the total amount of $574.46 be paid to Trow Limited and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED ;~-<····,,, l.-~~.- '-~~-' COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1983 -30 - RESOLUTIONS (continued) 6. Tender -McMahon Park Tennis Court Lighting -West Electric Contractors N. Stewart: Buck: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of F.J. Horvath, Director of Leisure Services, the tender for the Supply and Installation of Tennis Court Lighting at McMahon Park be awarded to West Electric Contractors in the amount of $13,495.00 and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. This amount to be taken from the Parks Reserve Account. CARRIED 7. Appointment to Permanent Staff -Mrs. Margaret Bell E. Stewart: N. Stewart: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Mr. Wm. Johnson, Treasurer, and upon the successful completion of her six months probationary period, Mrs. Margaret Bell be appointed to permanent staff with the Town of Aurora, effective May 3rd, 1983. CARRIED 8. Seminar -Highrise Fire Safety Buck: N. Stewart: Resolved that one (1) member of the Building Department be authorized to attend the Seminar in Scarborough on Highrise Fire Safety on April 27th, 1983, and that the Registration Fee of $60.00 be paid and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Entrance -Resthaven Nursing Home K.B. Rodger, Clerk-Administrator outlined to Council the concerns of the Town Superintendent, regarding the entrance to Resthaven Nursing Home. E. Stewart: Resolved that this matter be referred to the Technical Committee for a report, Ostick: BY-LAWS E. Stewart: Buck: Be It Further Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the Site Plan Agreement if outstanding matters are resolved. CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2575-83 -Being a By-Law to adopt Amendment Number 25 to the Official Plan of Aurora Planning Area (Aurora Country Estate) Bill Number 2576-83 -Being a By-Law to adopt Amendment Number 26 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area (Archerhill) ... read a First Time. CARRIED -·--·~-oo.-·•~-~~~·,_-.. ~·-'""-~n•--···-----·-~~~-----·--~~---~-~ .. ~·---·--•·•---------~---· • '""~....,J COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1983 -31 - BY-LAWS (continued) E. Stewart: Ostick: E. Stewart: Ostick: Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2575-83 -Being a By-Law to adopt Amendment Number 25 to the Official Plan of Aurora Planning Area (Aurora Country Estate) Bill Number 2576-83 -Being a By-Law to adopt Amendment Number 26 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area (Archerhill) ... read a Second Time. CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2556-83 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law Number 1863, A Restricted Area (Zoning) By-Law (Three Seasons) Bill Number 2573-83 -Being a By-Law to Authorize the Acquisition of Land for Municipal Purposes (Elderberry) ... be read a Third Time. CARRIED NOTICE OF MOTION 1. Councillor Ostick-Dog By-Law Councillor Ostick gave Notice of Motion regarding Town of Aurora By-Law 2215-78 (Dog). NEW BUSINESS 1. Public Meeting-By-Law Numbers 2575-83 and 2576-83 Councillor Buck advised that a Public Meeting will be held on Thursday, May 19, 1983 pertaining to By-Law Number 2575-83 (Aurora Country Estates) and By-Law Number 2576-83 (Archerhill). 2. Attendance at B. I. A. Conference Buck: N. Stewart: ADJOURNMENT Buck: Resolved that Councillor Martin Paivio be authorized to attend the B.I.A. Conference in London, Ontario, April 25 and 26, 1983 and the necessary expenses be allowed. CARRIED Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 10:46 p.m. CARRIED Mayor r2LJ A JMt;!---c7,. i '" WA1Y