MINUTES - Council - 19830405, __ . MINUTES OF THE 8TH COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, TUESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1983 AT 8:00P.M. Present Were: Mayor Richard Illingworth, Councillors Richard Barker, Evelyn Buck (8:15p.m.), Tim Jones, Len Ostick {8:10p.m.), Earl Stewart and John West. Councillor N. Stewart on vacation. Councillor M. Paivio absent due to illness in the family. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Jones: Barker: Resolved that the Minutes of the Council Meeting of March 21st, 1983 be adopted as printed and circulated. CARRIED CORRESPONDENCE 8-1 The Town of Lindsay re: Removal of Parking Meters (Information, Wm.G. Walker to reply) 8-2 University of Ottawa re: Local Government Forum 1983 (Information) 8-3 Artisans of York re: Fourth Annual Spring Show and Sale {Information) 8-4 Barbara Armstrong Interiors Limited re: Letter of Appreciation-St. Andrews Court Parking Situation (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 8-5 The Corporation of the Town of Simcoe re: 30th Annual Conference of the Organization of Small Urban Municipalities of Ontario -May 5, 6 and 7, 1983 (Ref. Council in Committee, C.E. Gowan) 8-6 The Regional Municipality of York -Legal Department re: Expropriation - Widening of Bayview Avenue and St. John Sideroad (Information) 8-7 Fargo Properties Limited re: St. Andrew's Village (Information, Councillor E. Stewart) 8-8 A.J. Diamond Planners Limited re: Aurora Downtown Planning {Information, S. Seibert, Wm. Johnson) 8-9 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Agenda -Water Management Advisory Board Meeting -March 17th, 1983 (In format ion) 8-10 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Executive Committee Agenda - March 18th, 1983 (Information) 8-11 Bassel, Sullivan and Leake, Barristers and Solicitors re: Aurora ats Furzecott (Information, Wm.G. Walker) 8-12 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: T.R. Files 83-1 to 83-6, 83-8 to 83-12 (Information, Wm. Johnson) 8-13 City of Mississauga re: Central East Regional Games for the Physically Disabled (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee) COUNCIL MEETING ... TUESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1983 - 2 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 8-14 Scotiabank re: Granada Investments Limited -Letter of Guarantee (Information) 8-15 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce re: Letter of Credit -Bevark Holdings Limited (Information, Wm.G.Walker, R.J. Harrington) 8-16 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Water Management Advisory Board Meeting -March 17th, 1983 (Information) 8-17 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Executive Committee -Minutes -March 18, 1983 (In format ion) 8-18 Mrs. Sandra Milley, Aurora, Ontario re: Support of Indoor Pool Proposal (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F.J. Horvath) 8-19 CN Rail re: Notice of Change of Address (Information, Wm. Johnson, Mayor D. Illingworth) 8-20 Ontario Good Roads Association re: Grader Operating Upgrading Programme (Ref. Public Works Committee) 8-21 Laventhol and Horwath, Management Consultants re: Letter of Introduction of Consulting Services Offered (In format ion) 8-22 G. Robert Eady, Barrister and Solicitor re: Parker sale to Tidmarsh/Murgu -57 Jasper Drive (Information, Clerk to reply) 8-23 Suncor -Sunoco Group re: Car Wash and Self-Serve Gas Bar -Yonge Street and Orchard Heights Boulevard (Ref. Council in Committee, Councillor E. Stewart) 8-24 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Minutes of 80th Meeting - December 23, 1982 (Information, R.J. Harrington) 8-25 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Minutes of 2nd Meeting -January 6' 1983 (Information, R.J. Harrington) 8-26 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Minutes of 1st Meeting -January 4, 1983 (Information, R.J. Harrington) 8-27 Ministry of the Environment re: Town of Aurora, Southern Water Storage Reservoir (Ref. Council in Committee) 8-28 Lash, Johnston, Barristers and Solicitors re: CEBY Management Limited purchase from Fawcett -33 George Street (Information, Clerk to reply) 8-29 Lash, Johnston, Barristers and Solicitors re: CEBY Management Limited purchase from Fawcett -33 George Street (Information, Clerk to reply) 8-30 Chris Smith and Associates Developments Inc. re: Aurora Village Co-Op (Information, R.J. Harrington) COUNCIL MEETING ... TUESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1983 - 3 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 8-31 Craftwood Construction Co. Ltd. re: Payment for Insurance Claims -71 George Street · (Information, D. Taylor) 8-32 July First Committee memo to Mayor and Members of Council re: 1983 Allocation for July First Committee (Ref. Council in Committee) 8-33 Craftwood Construction Co. Ltd. re: Insurance Claims -George Street Reconstruction (Information, Wm.G. Walker, K.B. Rodger) 8-34 Legislative Assembly re: Mini-Cabinet/Social Evening -April 27th, 1983 (Ref. Council in Committee) 8-35 Rotary Club of Aurora re: Beer and Wine Tent -June 11th and 12th (Ref. Council in Committee) 8-36 The Workmen's Compensation Board re: Revised Amount of Coverage - Volunteer Forces (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee) 8-37 Big Sisters of York re: Request to Hold Tag Day (Ref. Council in Committee) 8-38 Addington Place, Inc. Concession 1, West of (Information, re: Proposed Development -Part Lots 73, 74 and 75, Yonge Street Council -March 21st, 1983) 8-39 The Regional Municipality of York-Health re: Aurora "Industrial Show• - April 13th, 1983 (Information, Councillor E. Stewart) 8-40 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Professional Engineering Services Rendered (Invoice Numbers 5829, 5833, 5836, 5837, 5839, 5841, 5858, 5859, 5865 and 5871) {TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) 8-41 Canadian Cancer Society re: Month of April -Cancer Month (Ref. Council in Committee) 8-42 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Lake Simcoe Display (Ref. Council in Committee) 8-43 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Proposed Construction, Part Lot 17, R.P. 36 (Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington) 8-44 Ontario Industrial Development Council Incorporated re: Scholarship - Seminar B of IDAC Water Course -Councillor E. Stewart (Ref. Economic Development Committee) 8-45 The York Region Board of Education re: Fencing for Soccer (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F.J. Horvath) 8-46 Rotary Club of Aurora re: Request to Fire Department to Hold Bear and Wint Tent -June 11th and 12th, 1983 · (Information, Fire Chief S.G. Wilson) 8-47 J.P. Jongeneel, President, Matjon Properties Limited re: Lot-Old Bloomington Road east of Steeplechase (Information, Wm.G. Walker) 8-48 The York Region Board of Education re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lot 31, R.P. 246 -Ministry of Municipal Affairs File 19T-83008 (Ref. Technical Committee) '"-··~,.; COUNCIL MEETING ... TUESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1983 - 4 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 8-49 Patrick C. Hengen, Barrister and Solicitor re: Noakes sale to Storie and Kimmel -139 Wells Street (Ref. Council in Committee) 8-50 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Environmentally Significant Areas Study -S.L.S.C.A. (Ref. Council in Committee) 8-51 William J. Milks and Associates Limited re: Seminar -Reduced Manpower and Financial Resources (Information) 8-52 The Town of Richmond Hill re: Ontario Municipal Board Hearing-April 18th, 1983 (Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8-53 M.A. Eustace and Associates, Barristers and Solicitors re: Aurora Steel Services Limited (Information, Councillor Stewart replied) 8-54 Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Board re: Disability Elimination Period (Information, Payroll) 8-55 The Banff Centre, School of Management re: Municipal Management Development Seminar -May 1 -13, 1983 8-56 (Information) Marshall, Macklin, Monaghan Limited re: 19T-79049(R), Greater Realcorp Properties (Information, Clerk to reply) Draft Plan of Subdivision of Canada Inc. (In Receivership) 8-57 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Background-March 7, 1983 (Information, Council Room) 8-58 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerks re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-81100 (Salpam) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8-59 Ministry of the Environment re: File Number 19T-82055, Town of Aurora - Granada Investments (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8-60 Ministry of the Environment re: Town of Aurora, Southern Water Storage Reservoir (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff) 8-61 Cumming-Cockburn and Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers re: Brookland Court, Town of Aurora (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8-62 Aurora Heights Property re: 120 Yonge Street North Property (Information, Wm.G. Walker, R.J. Harrington to reply) 8-63 H. Borgdorff memo to K.B. Rodger re: Property Purchase of Right-of-Way- Dunning/Edward Intersection (Information, Clerk to reply) COUNCIL MEETING ... TUESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1983 - 5 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 8-64 Barrel Pizza Parlour and Spaghetti House re: Mobile Sign (TABLED, R.J. Harrington to report) West: Resolved that the By-Law regarding Mobile Signs be enforced. E. Stewart: CARRIED Ostick: E. Stewart: Resolved that Staff be requested to review the Permanent Sign By-Law and make any recommendations for modification or improvement of same. CARRIED 8-65 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Eddie Tatone and Domenic Valsi, in Trust, Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 of a proposed reference plan, being Part 6, Plan 65R-3453, Town of Aurora (Information, K.B. Rodger) 8-66 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Expropriation for Widening of St. John Sideroad and Bayview Avenue (Information, Wm.G. Walker) 8-67 Township of King re: Fire Protection -King City (Ref. Public Safety Committee, S.G. Wilson) 8-68 The Regional Municipality of York-Engineering re: Relocation of Engelhard Drive, Town of Aurora (Information) 8-69 Bell Canada re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision -Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing File 19T-81082 (Information, R.J. Harrington, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, S. Seibert) 8-70 The Regional Municipality of York -Engineering re: 1983 Water Operating Estimates (Information, Wm.G. Walker, Wm. Johnson) 8-71 Derkowski Payne Limited re: Zoning By-Law 2556-83 (Three Seasons Subdivision) (Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 8-72 The York Region Board of Education re: Administration Building Insurance (Information, Wm. Johnson) 8-73 The Regional Municipality of York -Treasury re: 1983 Five Year Capital Expenditure Forecast (Information, Wm. Johnson) 8-74 S. Rulli, Aurora, Ontario re: Parking-St. Andrew's Court (Ref. Public Safety Committee, C.E. Gowan) 8-75 Aurora High School re: Work Experience Program -1983 (Information, Clerk to reply) 8-76 Reid and Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers Developments Limited Subdivision, Part of Lots 76 W.Y.S. -Project Number 825 (Information, Wm.G. Walker, S. Seibert) re: Corridor and 77, Concession 1, 8-77 Ministry of Natural Resources re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Block A, R.P. M-57, Town of Aurora (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) COUNCIL MEETING ... TUESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1983 - 6 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued} 8-78 Ministry of Government Services re: Ministry of the Environment, York/Durham Sewage System -Cousins Drive to St. John Sideroad (Ref. Council in Committee, April 11th, 1983, Councillor E. Stewart) 8-79 George Wimpey Canada Limited re: Revision to Wimpey Draft Plan 19T-81100 and Salpam Draft Plan 19T-81100 (Ref. Technical Committee, Wm.G. Walker, S. Seibert, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington) 8-80 OMERS re: Update -January 1983 (Information) 8-81 Rhonda Sanders, Aurora, Ontario re: Indoor Swimming Pool Proposal (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, F. Horvath) 8-82 Association of Municipalities of Ontario re: Discussion Paper on Municipal Cost Sharing and Unconditional Grants (Ref. Administration/Finance Committee) 8-83 Samaria Construction Limited re: Contract Documents-Project Number 1033, Orchard Heights Boulevard Watermain Connection (Information, K. McFarlane) 8-84 Strathy, ARchibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Town of Aurora and Cardiff Investments Limited sale of Part 2, Plan 65R-3352 and purchase of Part 3, Plan 65R-3800, Town of Aurora 8-85 Coopers Heights (Information, K. McFarlane, Councillor E. Stewart) and Lybrand Limited re: Sheelen Investments Limited-2 Orchard Boulevard (Information, Clerk to reply} 8-86 Manville Canada Incorporated re: P.V.C. Watermain Piping (Ref. Public Works Committee, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff) 8-87 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: George Wimpey Canada Inc. - Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lot 83, Cone. 1 W.Y.S., Ministry File Number 19T-80018 (Information, K.B. Rodger, H. Borgdorff) 8-88 Garfinkle, Biderman, Brown and Blustein, Barristers and Solicitors re: Hazelburn Farm Inc. -Subdivision Agreement (Information, K.B. Rodger, R.J. Harrington) 8-89 Garfinkle, Biderman, Brown and Blustein, Barristers and Solicitors re: Hazelburn Farm Inc. Sale to Cobblestone (Wycliffe), Lots 8, 22 and 36 (Information, R.J. Harrington, K.B. Rodger) 8-90 Reid and Associates Limited re: Town of Aurora-Weir Construction (Information) 8-91 George Wimpey Canada Limited re: Wimpey Draft Plan 9T80018, Part of Lot 83, Concession 1, W.Y.S., Town of Aurora (Ref. Council in Committee, K.B. Rodger} 8-92 M.A. Eustace and Associates, Barristers and Solicitors re: Aurora Steel Services Limited (Ref. Special Council -March 25, 1983, Councillor E. Stewart) \_,.....; COUNCIL MEETING ... TUESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1983 - 7 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 8-93 Speers Tree Service re: Chipper -Works Yard (Ref. Public Works Committee, Wm.G. Walker) 8-94 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: By-Law Number 2403-80 (Lackie) (Information, C.E. Gowan, R.J. Harrington) 8-95 Reid and Associates Limited re: Town of Aurora, York-Durham Sewage System, Aurora Section, Project Number 965 (Information, Council Room) 8-96 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Executive Committee Meeting - March 31, 1983 (Information) 8-97 G. Sinclair, Aurora, Ontario re: Loss of Spruce Tree -52 Fairway Drive (Information, Insurance Adjusters) 8-98 Sid Britton, Aurora, Ontario re: Feasibility Study-Arena Facilities (Ref. Leisure Services Committee) 8-99 The Regional Municipality of York-Engineering re: Reconstruction of Bathurst Street from Aurora Road to Mulock Drive West: Jones: (TABLED) Resolved that a $40,000.00 Letter of Credit be deposited with the Region of York Treasury Department covering the Town's share of the cost of the necessary work at the three (3) proposed intersections along Bathurst Street from Aurora Road to Mulock Drive. CARRIED 8-100 R.J. Harrington memo to Mayor and Members of Council re: Mobile Sign at St. Andrew's Square (Sheelen Investments Limited) (TABLED to Council in Committee Report # 44) 8-101 R.J. Harrington memo to Mayor and Members of Council re: Letter # 8-23 - Sunoco Inc. -Site Plan Agreement, Building Permit, Demolition Permit, S/W corner of Orchard Heights Boulevard and Yonge Street North (TABLED to Council in Committee Report# 44) 8-102 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerks re: Watermain Extension on Yonge Street South between Henderson and Edward (Ref. Council in Committee, K.B. Rodger) 8-103 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: King's Highway Connecting Link Maintenance Funds-1983-84 Fiscal Year (Ref. Public Works Committee, Wm.G. Walker) 8-104 Ontario Human Rights Commission re: Declaration of Management Policy Card (Ref. Council in Committee) 8-105 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Notice that Decision is Final and Binding (Fawcett) (Information, R.J. Harrington) 8-106 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Notice that Decision is Final and Binding (!EM) (Information, R.J. Harrington) 8-107 Aurora Resident's Petition re: Old Bloomington Road (TABLED, DELEGATIONS) Jones: Resolved that the Clerk's Report be dealt with as outlined. West: CARRIED ,........___ COUNCIL MEETING ... TUESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1983 - 8 - DELEGATIONS West: Ostick: Resolved that the 72 hour Notice of Meeting be waived and the Delegation be heard. CARRIED 1. Letter # 8-107 -Aurora Resident's Petition re: Old Bloomington Road A Mr. Gresser presented a petition signed by all but two (2) residents of Old Bloomington Road. The residents are requesting a chip and spray program for the Old Bloomington Road. E. Stewart: Resolved that this matter be referred to the Public Works Committee for study and report. Jones: Barker: West: CARRIED Resolved that the Public Works Committee and staff be requested to make recommendations regarding the implications of closing both ends of the road and having one entrance exist in the middle. CARRIED REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Councillor West in the Chair. Report# 43-Administration and Finance Committee ... Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Administration and Finance Committee was held on Monday, March 28, 1983 at 4:30 p.m. in the Civic Centre. Present were: Mayor Dick Illingworth, and Councillors Earl Stewart and John West. Councillor Len Ostick was in attendance. A. CORRESPONDENCE: 1. Letter 7-88 re: H. Donald Hamilton re: 1983 Taxes Mr. Hamilton claims that he did not receive his interim tax bill through Canada Post, and was only aware that tax bills had been distributed when he received a notice' with respect to the first instalment, with a penalty charge of $4.81. A check of Mr. Hamilton's previous tax record reveals that for the past 35 years, all taxes have been paid on or before the due date. In view of this record, the Committee recommends that the penalty charge of $4.81 be waived. The Committee further recommends that a citiZen with a clean tax record for at least 10 years, be given the benefit of the doubt, and the tax penalty waived, if non-delivery of the tax bill by Canada Post is claimed. 2. Letter 8-13 re: City of Mississauga re Central East Regional -Games for the Physically Disabled The City of Mississauga is hosting the Central East Regional Games for the Physically Disabled, and have requested municipalities to assist in the diffusion of some of the costs that the athletes will bear. The Organizing Committee is seeking financial support from local service clubs and community groups as well as from municipalities included within the Central East Region. It is anticipated that municipal grants in the neighbourhood of $500.00 each would allow the organizing committee to successfully conduct the games. "-~--·~d" COUNCIL MEETING ... TUESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1983 - 9 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 43-Administration and Finance Committee Report# 43 ... Various Matters (continued) A. CORRESPONDENCE: (continued) 2. Letter # 8-13 re: City of Mississauga re: Central East Regional Games for the Phys1cally D1sabled (cont1nued) In view of budgetary restraints, the Committee recommends that no action be taken. B. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Letter 3-25 -"Network" - A Joint AMO/Ministry of Energy Municipal Energy Con serv at ion Program Public Works Committee Report #40, item 8 is as follows: "The Committee recommends that the Administration and Finance Committee discuss whether or not to appoint an Energy Co-ordinator." While the Committee realizes that the conservation of energy is a worthwhile objective, it is concerned about the costs involved with the appointment of an Energy Co-ordinator at this time. Additional information will be obtained from AMO and/or the Ministry of Energy and a subsequent report submitted. The Committee recommends that this item be received as information this time. 2. Auditor's Report: Reserve Funds The Town Auditor submitted the following report on December 5, 1980: " ( i ) Following our year end audit of reserve funds last March, we asked your staff to obtain copies of the authorizing bylaws for each reserve fund. To date, we have found six reserve funds supported by appropriate bylaws, the Park Reserve Fund is mandatory under the Planning Act, but the remaining seven reserve funds apparently are not constituted. The funds are: -Transformer Account - Investment Levy -in trust -Capital Levy -Aurora Arts and Cultural Fund -Aurora Services Reserve (fund) -Municipal Building -Recreation Development "(ii) In addition, bylaw 1648-65 establishes a Working Capital Reserve Fund, and under paragraph 3 states "the moneys raised ... shall be paid into a special account. Technically, this bylaw has been contravened since inception as the ''fund'' has never been established under paragraph 3. In practice, we believe that the Town has adopted the current approach of establishing a "reserve" for working capital rather than a "reserve fund". COUNCIL MEETING ... TUESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1983 -10 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 43 -Administration and Finance Committee ... ·Various Matters (continued) B. UNFINISHED BUS I NESS (continued) 2. Auditor's Report: Reserve Funds ''(iii) With legislative restrictions on the use of reserve funds having been removed over the last two·years, the trend is towards establishing larger, general purpose reserve funds with Council having more flexibility in their use." On March 10, 1982, in a subsequent report, the Auditor noted that the seven bylaws had not yet been legally constituted by proper bylaws. He added; "During 1981, Council by resolution, established a reserve fund for Hydro 1 evies; however, this has not been fi na 1 i zed as yet by a bylaw. In another case, a reserve fund name and presumably its purpose was changed without formal document at ion". The Treasurer advises that the establishing of Reserves and Reserve Funds by bylaw of Council is mandatory. He states, "The consolidation of general type reserve funds doesn't serve much purpose other than to reduce the number of bank statements, and they may lose their identity . I prefer individual funds so that interest earnings may be credited and all activities and standing of each fund is readily discernable. "Bylaw 1648-65 was enacted by Council to establish a Working Capital Reserve, but unfortunately at that time the heading inadvertently read Working Capital-Reserve Fund. Our financial statements have always reflected "reserve for working capital" on the balance sheet. I agree that steps be undertaken to correct this matter". The Committee recommends that the appropriate bylaws be prepared and/or amended as required to ensure that each reserve fund is legally constituted as recommended by the Auditor. 3. Auditor's Report: Payroll The Town Auditor submitted a report on March 3, 1980 on the payroll function. His report included the following: "(i) Clerical and computer time would be further saved if the payro 11 were prepared bi-weekly rather than week 1 y". "(ii) During our examination, we noted that the Treasurer or the Deputy Treasurer are the sole signing officers for payroll cheques. As this appears to be in contravention of your banking bylaw, we recommend that the bylaw be updated." The Treasurer submitted a recommendation on September 13, 1979, that consideration be given to paying bi-weekly instead of weekly, and noted the saving of the payroll clerk's time (12 hours a week); computer operating time (4 hours per week) and paper supplies (approximately $300.00 a year in 1978 dollars). The Treasurer also advises that bylaw 1554-63 should be updated. '--·~···' , ___ _ COUNCIL MEETING ... TUESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1983 -11 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 43-Administration and Finance Committee ... Various Matters (continued) B. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (continued) 3. Auditor's Report: Payroll (continued) The Committee recommends as follows: (a) That bylaw 1554-63 be updated as required. (b) That the Clerk-Administrator consider bi-weekly pay cheques when carrying out 1983 negotiations, and also that the Employees Association be asked for comments. A subsequent report will be submitted for Council's action on this item. The meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m. Illingworth: E. Stewart: Resolved that the Administration and Finance Committee Report # 43 dated March 28, 1983 be discussed item by item and accepted. Mayor Illingworth in the Chair. Report # 44 -Council in Committee CARRIED Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of Council in Committee was held on Monday, March 28th, 1983 at 7:30 p.m. in the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Mayor Illingworth and Councillors Barker, Buck, Jones, Ostick, Paivio, E. Stewart and West. Regrets From: Councillor N. Stewart on vacation. Councillor Earl Stewart in the Chair. A. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter# 7-89 -Queen's York Rangers re: Vehicle Storage Compound at the Armoury The Committee discussed this request and recommends that a representative from Base Construction Engineering, Toronto, be requested to attend a Council in Committee meeting to discuss this matter and any options to it. 2. Letter # 8-23 -Sunoco Group re: Car Wash and Self-Serve Gas Bar - Yonge/Orchard He1ghts Council in Committee recommends that a report be requested from Staff regarding any implications if permits are cancelled now and then reapplied for. 3. Letter# 8-32 -July First Committee re: 1983 Allocation The Committee recommends that a resolution be prepared authorizing the requests of the July First Committee for Council's consideration. 4. Letter # 8-35 -Rotary Club of Aurora re: Beer and Wine Tent -Aurora Horse Show Council in Committee recommends that a resolution be prepared in this regard, for Council's consideration. COUNCIL MEETING ... TUESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1983 -12 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 44-Council in Committee ... Various Matters (continued) A. CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 5. Letter # 8-37 -Big Sisters of York re: Big Sisters of York Tag Day The Committee recommends that permission be granted to hold their Annual Tag Day in Aurora on May 6th and 7th, 1983. 6. Letter # 8-41 -Canadian Cancer Society re: Cancer Month Council in Committee recommends that the month of April be proclaimed "Cancer Month" in the Town of Aurora and that the Cancer Flag be flown at the Administrative Centre. 7. Letter# 8-42-South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Lake Simcoe Display The Committee discussed this matter and would recommend that permission be given to have this display set up at the Community Centre. The date to be arranged with the Director of Leisure Services. 8. Letter# 8-49-Patrick C. Hengen, Barrister and Solicitor re: Encroachment of Building -139 Wells Street Council in Committee recommends that the encroachment be recognized and a Special Council meeting be held later this evening to authorize the recognition. 9. Letter # 8-50 -South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: B. Environmentally Significant Areas Study-S.L.S.C.A. The Committee recommends that this letter be referred to the Planning Committee for Study and report. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. New Planning Act The Committee discussed this matter and recommends that it be referred to staff for a report. A special Council in Committee meeting to be scheduled to consider this matter. 2. Vandorf Sideroad Closing -Highway 404 Council in Committee recommends that a meeting with the staff of the Ministry of Transportation and Communication and the Region of York Engineering Department to discuss this matter be arranged. 3. Reports (a) Downtown Core Study The Committee recommends that this Report be received and one (1) copy be sent to each of the following: B.I.A. Committee Aurora Chamber of Commerce L.A.C.A.C. Aurora Public Library Aurora Historical Society Regional Planning If additional copies are required by these organizations, or other interested parties, they may be purchased from the Town at $8.75 per copy. ~~~.-d COUNCIL MEETING ... TUESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1983 -13 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 44 -Council in Committee Various Matters (continued) B. UNFINISHED BUSINESS {continued) 3. Reports (continued) (a) (b) Downtown Core Study (cant inued) The above organizations to be advised that a Council in Committee meeting is to be held to discuss this report on May 9, 1983 and would request that any comments they have on this report be forwarded to the Clerk-Administrator by May 5th, 1983. Holland River Valley Report The Committee recommends that this report be received and disucssed at the Council in Committee meeting scheduled for April 25th, 1983. Copies of this report are to be sent to the Region of York Planning Department, South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority and the Aurora Public Library. 4. Groundwater Investigation -Region of York Mayor Illingworth advised that the Groundwater Investigation Study being done by the Region of York is on the Yonge Street "Aquafier" and a report would be submitted to Council in April of 1983. 5. Portable Signs -St. Andrew's Mall The Committee recommends that this request be referred to the Building Inspector for a report. 6. Demolition-Old Police Building Council in Committee recommends that the demolition of the Old Police Building be proceeded with as soon as possible. C. NEW BUSINESS 1. Release of Reports Council in Committee recommends that a Pol icy Statement be drawn up for Council's consideration regarding the release of study reports. 2. Model Parking By-Law for Physically Disabled The Committee recommends that this matter be referred to the Public Safety Committee for recommendation to Council. 3. Proclamation -Save Pine Ridge Week Mayor Illingworth advised that he had received a request to have Council proclaim the week of May 9 to 14, 1983 as "Save Pine Ridge" Week. After discussing this matter, the Committee recommends that this request be deferred for two (2) weeks and further information be obtained from the York Central Mentally Retarded Association. D. LETTERS RECEIVED AS INFORMATION 1. Letter# 8-5 -The Corporation of the Town of Simcoe re: 30th Annual Conference of the Organization of Small Urban Municipalities of Ontario- May 5 -7, 1983 COUNCIL MEETING ... TUESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1983 -14 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 44-Council in Committee ... Various Matters D. LETTERS RECEIVED AS INFORMATION 2. Letter# 8-27 -Ministry of the Environment re: Town of Aurora, Southern Water Storage Reservoir 3. Letter # 8-34 -Legislative Assembly re: Mini-Cabinet/Social Evening - April 27th, 1983 The meeting adjourned at 9:10p.m. Item A.1 Item A.2 E. Stewart: Barker: Item A.2 Item A .3 -A.9 Item B.1 West: Barker: Item B.1 Item B.2 -B.4 Item B.5 West: Jones: Item B.5 Item B.6 -D.3 West: E. Stewart: CARRIED AMENDED Resolved that upon the presentation of a new Letter of Credit to the Town of Aurora, Building Permits be reissued at $23.00 per permit for a period of one (1) year, and the Site Plan Agreement be extended for a period of one (1) year to May 31, 1984. CARRIED CARRIED AMENDED CARRIED AS AMENDED Resolved that item B.1 be deleted and a new clause B.1 added to read as follows: "The Committee recommends that this matter be referred to the Planning Committee for report". CARRIED CARRIED AMENDED CARRIED AS AMENDED Resolved that each premises be allowed to apply for a one (1) time - 30 day Mobile Sign Permit. CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED AS AMENDED Resolved that the Council in Committee Report# 44 dated March 28th, 1983 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ... TUESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1983 -15 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES {continued) Report# 45-Economic Development Committee ... Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Economic Development Committee was held on March 23, 1983 at 7:00 p.m. in the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Councillor E. Stewart and T. Jones. Regrets From: Councillor R. Barker. 1. Review of February 15th Meeting {a) Old Police Building No report as yet from the Solicitor. (b) Old Park Holdings Property A meeting with the solicitor for the group was held on March 9th in the Mayor's Office. It was the opinion of the Solicitor that Old Park could not accept the Town's offer for their lands. (c) Dunning Avenue Intersection Still working on the costs involved and hope to have a report soon. {d) Economic Development Seminar The grant from the Ontario Government in the amount of $400.00 has been awarded to the University of Waterloo to allow Councillor Stewart to attend the three {3) day seminar in Hamilton in September. (e) O.I.D.C. Summer Meeting June 23 -24 A meeting with Mr. Jim Mepham, Director of the O.I.D.C. was held on March 16th. He would like to have a draft of the program for the O.I.D.C. meeting in Mississauga on April 7th. (f) Aurora Industrial Show 1983 April 13th is the date of this year's show to be held at the Canadian Roller Rink. One Hundred and Fifty {150) people have indicated their intention to attend and forty (40) displays have been booked. Guest speaker, Mr. Ken Fisher, from the Ministry of Industry and Trade will speak on "Buy Canadian". The Ministry will enter a booth with two (2) representatives on hand to answer questions. 2. Regional Industrial Show -May 5, 1983 in Vaughan The Committee discussed participating in this show and agreed to enter a display. 3. Property Maintenance Standards By-Law The Committee is concerned that the condition of some properties on the Industrial Parkway need to be improved, and would recommend to Council that a meeting of the Committee responsible for this matter be called as soon as possible. The meeting adjourned at 8:45p.m. COUNCIL MEETING ... TUESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1983 -16 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 45-Economic Development Committee ... Various Matters (continued) E. Stewart: Jones: RESOLUTIONS Resolved that the Economic Development Committee Report # 45 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED 1. Ministry of Agriculture and Food -Livestock Valuer Fees West: Buck: Whereas, the Dog Licencing and Livestock and Poultry Protection Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 123, Section 19, authorizes municipalities to make application to the Province for reimbursement for any livestock killed or injured by wolves. And Whereas, the Dog Licencing and Livestock and Poultry Protection Act, states that the municipalty shall appoint one or more persons as valuers of livestock and poultry for the purpose of this Act, And Whereas, the fees charged by the valuator for his investigation are not reimbursed to the municipality by the Province under this act, And Whereas, the amount charged by the valuers have increased considerably in the past years, 1. Now Therefore Be It Resolved That, the Provincial Ministry of Agriculture and Food be requested to have the legislation changed so that the fee charged by the valuator for his investigation under the Dog Licencing and Livestock and Poultry Protection Act is also included in the Provincial payment to the municipality, 2. That this Resolution be forwarded to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, and further that copies be forwarded to the area municipalities in the Region of York for endorsement. CARRIED 2. July First Committee-Allocation of Funds Buck: E. Stewart: Resolved that the sum of $2,000.00 be allocated to the July First Committee for 1983 Festivities. And Be It Further Resolved that any profit over $2,000.00 be placed in a Separate Account for the disbursement of future July First Committees. CARRIED 3. Aurora Rotary Club -Request to Hold a Beer and Wine Tent -Aurora Horse S~w E. Stewart: Ostick: Resolved that the Council of the Town of Aurora endorse the request of the Aurora Rotary Club regarding the operating of a Beer and Win Tent on Saturday and Sunday, June 11th and 12th, at the Aurora Hors Show being held in Machell Park providing all the requirements of the Liquor Control Board of Ontario are met. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ... TUESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1983 -17 - RESOLUTIONS {continued) 4. Civic Awards Presentation West: Whereas, the Civic awards presentations are held to recognize those Buck: individuals or those people who have represented Aurora on Teams that have won either Ontario or Canadian Championships, Now Therefore Be It Resolved That, the Civic Awards Presentation be held in the Aurora Community Centre on May 18th, 1983 and the Clerk-Administrator be authorized to place the appropriate ad in The Banner requesting nominations for this award. The funding of the function to be taken from Account Number 1000-21 -Council -Presentation. CARRIED 5. Payment of Accounts -Reid and Associates Ostick: Resolved that the following accounts of Reid and Associates Limited: E. Stewart: Project Invoice No. Amount Account Advisory Services 5829 $1,665.28 3100-38 (Retainer -February) Revlis Subdivision 5833 148.38 Engineering Res. Extension of Industry Street North 5836 206.88 Ind. Park Acct. Aurora Orchards {Wimpey) 5837 223.04 Engineering Res. Aurora Country Estates 5839 432.76 Engineering Res. Traffic Signals -Yonge Street and Brookland 5841 185.37 3400-40 Fire Hall Weir and Pond Construction 5858 1,118.05 Fire Department Orchard Heights Trunk Watermain 5859 179.12 Engineering Res. McDonald Drive Trunk Sewer 5865 2,210.06 Services Reserve Aurora Waterworks Study 5871 148.38 Engineering Res. Total $6,517.32 ... in the total amount of $6,517.32 be paid and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 6. Letter of Credit -Anton Werth (Tony's Auto) Ostick: E. Stewart: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Town Superintendent, the Letter of Credit of Anton Werth (Tony's Auto) be reduced from $14,000.00 to $6,300.00. CARRIED 7. Letter of Credit -Bernardi Antiques Ostick: E. Stewart: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Town Superintendent, the Letter of Credit for Bernardi Antiques be reduced from $12,000.00 to $10,000.00. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ... TUESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1983 -18 - UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. St. John's Sideroad Project West: E. Stewart: Resolved that an extension to April 30, 1983 be allowed Samario Company for the closing of the St. John's Sideroad for construction purposes. West: Jones: BY-LAWS West: Barker: West: Barker: West: Ostick: CARRIED Resolved that the Town Superintendent be instructed to monitor the construction work being carried on at the St. John's Sid.eroad each day and to carry out any necessary maintenance to the road to keep· it passable. Cost of such maintenance to be billed back to Samario Construction. CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2573-83 -Being a By-Law to Authorize the Acquisition of Land for Municipal Purposes (Elderberry) ... be read a First Time. CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2573-83-Being a By-Law to Authorize the Acquisition of Land for Municipal Purposes (Elderberry) ... be read a Second Time. CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2568-83 -Being a By-Law to amend By-Law 1867-69, as amended, being a By-Law for the Regulation of Traffic (Aurora Heights Drive) Bill Number 2569-83 -Being a By-Law to temporarily close up and stop Traffic on a Portion of Yonge Street (Highway 11) in the Town of Aurora on July 1st, 1983 for the purpose of a Parade Bill Number 2572-83-Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law Number 1863 as amended by By-Law Number 2538-82 a Restricted Area (Zoning) By-Law (Granada -Brookland) ... be read a Third Time. CARRIED NEW BUSINESS 1. Closing of Yonge Street -Lions Parade The Clerk-Administrator authorized the advising of all businesses on Yonge Street, regarding the closing of the road for the Lions Parade on Saturday, April 23, 1983. -------~----hl•-'""-"'"---~· ... ---·--~~ COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURNMENT West: ---------·--·~-· --·--·-· TUESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1983 -19 - Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 9:25 p.m. CARRIED ~~ Mayor \J • Clerk , __