MINUTES - Council - 19830117"'•---., ··~-~ MINUTES OF THE 3RD COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MONDAY, JANUARY 17TH, 1983 AT 8:00P.M. Present Were: Mayor Richard Illingworth, Councillors Richard Barker, Evelyn Buck, Tim Jones, Len Ostick, Martin Paivio, ~~rl Stewart, Norm Stewart and John West. Mayor Illingworth welcomed to the meeting, the 5th Aurora Girl Guides who are working on obtaining their citizenship badge. Mrs. L. Thompson, Leader of the Guides, thanked Council for allowing the Guides to attend the Council meeting. Mayor Illingworth introduced and welcomed citizens who have been appointed to the various Committees. " CONFLICT OF INTEREST Councillor West declared a possible of interest in accounts paid to Home Hardware and did not take part in the consideration of or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Paivio: Jones: Resolved that the Minutes of the Council Meeting of January 3rd, 1983 be adopted as printed and circulated. CARRIED PASSING OF ACCOUNTS West: Resolved that the following Capital accounts in the total amount of E. Stewart: $18,215.00 details of which are on file with the Treasurer's Office, be approved for payment and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Industrial Park Aurora Hydro-Electric Concord Supply Parks Reserve Henderson Recreation Equipment CARRIED $6,456.75 306.04 $6,762.79 $11,452.21 $11,452.21 West: Resolved that the following Capital Account be approved for payment in E. Stewart: the total amount of $11,250.00, details of which are on file with the Treasurer's Office, and the Mayor Issue orders on the Treasurer for same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. West: Paivio: Parks Reserve Gabions Crosscountry Ltd. $11,250.00 CARR I ED Resolved that the following capital account in the total amount of $110.00, details of which are on file with the Treasurer's Office, be approved for payment and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Engineering Reserve Linton, Leek and Monteith $110.00 CARRIED '"~~·~ COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1983 - 2 - PASSING OF ACCOUNTS (continued) West: Paivio: Resolved that the following accounts in the total amount of $111,934.30, details of which are on file with the Treasurer's Office be approved for payment and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. General Fire Department Works Department Parks Department Community Buildings: Community Centre: Recreation Water CORRESPONDENCE Factory Theatre McMahon Bldg. Victoria Hall Church Street Parks Building Building Canteen CARRIED 191.74 48.08 278.18 1,598.75 475.53 9,849.26 1,989.98 $42,204.10 2,912.88 33,916.01 11,033.72 1,492.28 12,839.24 2,808.64 3,727.43 3-1 Aurora and District Historical Society re: Salary of Museum Curator (Ref. Council in Committee, Wm. Johnson, Mayor Illingworth) 3-2 Aurora Fire Department re: Activity Report -December 1982 (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 3-3 Wm. Johnson, Treasurer re: Treasurer's Statement of Remuneration and Expenses paid in 1982 3-4 (Information) Ontario Safety League re: Annual Driver Award Banquet (Information, C.E. Gowan, Wm.G. Walker, F. Horvath) 3-5 Reid and Associates Limited re: Town of Aurora, Industrial Parkway- Project Number 947 (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) 3-6 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Canada Ontario Employment Development Program (Ref. Council in Committee) 3-7 The Regional Municipality of York-Engineering re: Proposed Plans of Subdivisions -File Numbers 19T-81100, 19T-80018 and 19T-80060, Bathurst Street (Y.R. 38) -Wellington Street West to St. John Sideroad (Ref. Council in Committee) 3-8 Works Department re: Overtime -December 1982 JRef. Works Committee) 3-9 Water Department re: Overtime -December 1982 (Ref. Works Committee) 3-10 York Regional Land Division Committee re: IEM Management Limited, Lot 8, Plan 30 -Dorothy J. and Forrest Fawcett, Lot 9, Plan 30 -File 382.82.A and 383.82.A (Information, Clerk to reply) COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1983 - 3 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 3-11 Ministry of Natural Resources re: Winter Experience 1982 -83 -MNR Program 4001 (Information, F. Horvath to reply) 3-12 Ontario Municipal Personnel Association re: Membership Fees -1983 (Ref. Administrative/Finance Committee) 3-13 The Regional Municipality of York-Health re: Rabies Control (Information) 3-14 Hallmark Cards re: Extended Area Service -Letter of Support {Information, Mayor Illingworth) 3-15 The Credit Bureau of Newmarket Limited re: Small Claims Court Executions ( Informt ion, Wm. Johnson) 3-16 Corbett, Montgomery and Associates, Barristers and Solicitors re: Aurora Colonnade Inc. (Ref. Planning Committee) 3-17 Wm. Benzies memo to R.J. Harrington re: Ontario Building Officials Association 1983 Courses (Ref. Administrative/Finance Committee) 3-18 Ontario Municipal Management Development Board re: 1983 Fee Schedule (Ref. Administrative/Finance Committee) 3-19 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Request for Performance Bond Reduction -Sharp Building (Lot 16, Allaura Boulevard) (Information) 3-20 York Sanitation re: New Rates for 1983 (Ref. Administrative/Finance Committee) 3-21 The Halifax Insurance Company re: Hulst Town Contracting Limited- Contract Maintenance Bond Number 9850677 (Information) 3-22 Ministry of the Environment re: Certificate of Approval (Water) -Booster Pumping-Station (Information) 3-23 The York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: Announcement of Appointments (Information) 3-24 Reid and Associates Limited re: Notice of Information Session (Information) 3-25 Association of Municipalities of Ontario re: December Issue of Network (Ref. Works Committee) 3-26 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Town of Aurora sale to Nolar Industries Limited, Part Lot 78, Cone. 1, Aurora (Information, C.E. Gowan to reply) 3-27 RAND Engineering Corporation re: Hazelburn Farm -Estate Residential Subdivision (Information, Wm.G. Walker) 3-28 Markborough Properties Limited re: Final Acceptance-Valhalla Heights (Information) COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1983 - 4 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 3-29 Shortill and Peddle, Barristers and Solicitors re: Wheelan Purchase from · Fernades -Part Lot 213, Plan M-57 Aurora -Designated as Parts 5 and 6 on Plan 65R-3078, 159 Spruce Street, Aurora (Information, R.J. Harrington to reply) 3-30 Malo and Pilley, Barristers and Solicitors re: Lot 16 Allaura Boulevard - Reduction of Security Deposit (Information, Clerk to reply, Wm.G. Walker) 3-31 R.V. Anderson Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers and Planners re: Vandorf Road in Aurora (Information, Wm.G. Walker) 3-32 Ontario Safety League re: 39th Annual Ontario Safety League's "Safe Driver Award" Banquet (Ref. Works Committee, Wm.G. Walker) 3-33 P. Poulin, Chairperson, L.A.C.A.C. re: L.A.C.A.C. Membership (Ref. Council in Committee) 3-34 The Regional Municipality of York-Planning re: Proposed Amendments to Parking Standards -By-Law 2213-78 -Recommended by Core Study (Ref. Council in Committee) 3-35 S. Seibert, Planner report to Council in Committee re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Lot 70, Concession 1, W.Y.S. Town of Richmond Hill -19T-77005 (Ref. Council in Committee) 3-36 Gary Fine, Aurora Heights Properties re: 120 Yonge Street North, Aurora, Ontario (Ref. Technical Committee) 3-37 Mrs. Shirly Van Dyk, Aurora, Ontario re: Rezoning By-Laws (Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 3-38 Travelways Transit Company Limited re: Friday Night Bus Run (Ref. Council in Committee-January 10, 1983) 3-39 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Professional Engineering Services Rendered (Invoice Number 5651, 5653, 5670, 5683, 5688, 5703, 5713, 5714, 5715, 5735, 5736, 5737, 5739, 574D, 5742, 5743, 5752, 5733 and 5754) (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) 3-40 Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church re: Subdivision Application (Information, S. Seibert) 3-41 The Regional Municipality of York -Clerk re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-81032 (Corridor) (Ref. Technical Committee) 3-42 The Regional Municipality of York -Clerk re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-81084 (Golf Glen) (Ref. Technical Committee) 3-43 The Regional Municipality of York -Engineering re: Five Year Forecast of Servicing Requirements -York/Durham Sewerage System -York Water System (Ref. Technical Committee) 3-44 R.J. Harrington letter to Mr. and Mrs. Bhowanie Benimadhu re: Proposed Site Plan Agreement -United Auto Body, 202 Edward Street, Aurora (Ref. Technical Committee) · -~<--~~ COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1983 - 5 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 3-45 Town of Clinton re: Resolution -Section 39 of the Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 31 (TABLED) E. Stewart: Resolved that this resolution be endorsed and the Town of Clinton be so West: advised. DEFEATED N. Stewart: Resolved that this resolution be received. West: CARRIED 3-46 Granada Investments Limited re: Application for Amendment to the Zoning By-Law (Ref. Planning Committee, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert, Wm. Johnson) 3-47 Toronto Area Industrial Development Board re: 54th Annual Meeting - January 25, 1983 Jones: Buck: (TABLED, Mayor Illingworth, Councillor E. Stewart) Resolved that Councillor Earl Stewart be authorized to attend and the necessary expenses be allowed. CARRIED 3-48 Reid and Associates Limited re: Town of Aurora, Reconstruction of Catherine and Spruce Streets -Project Number 866 (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS, Clerk to reply) 3-49 D.L. Custom, Markham, Ontario re: Extension of Agreement (TABLED) West: Barker: Resolved that D.L. Custom be granted an extension of their Agreement to build to June 1, 1984. CARRIED 3-50 Aurora Colonnade Inc. re: Application for Amendment to Zoning By-Law (Ref. Planning Committee, S. Seibert, R.J. Harrington, Wm. Johnson) 3-51 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Markborough Request for Reduction of Financial Securities/Certificate of Acceptance (Valhalla Subdivision Phases I and I I) Ostick: Jones: (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Town Superintendent, a Certificate of Acceptance (Valhalla Subdivision Phases I and II -Markborough) be accepted. CARRIED 3-52 Urban Development Institute/Ontario re: Workshop Series 1982 -1983 - Pulling the Plug on Land and Development Costs (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) N. Stewart: Resolved that any Councillor wishing to attend be authorized to do so West: and the necessary expenses be allowed. CARRIED West: Resolved that the Clerk's report be dealt with as outlined. Ostick: CARRIED '·~--~ COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1983 - 6 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 12-Planning Committee ... Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Planning Committee was held on Wednesday, January 5, 1983 in the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Councillor E. Buck, Chairperson; Councillor M. Paivio; Councillor E. Stewart; Councillor L. Ostick; Mayor R. Illingworth; Mrs. S. Seibert, Planner; Mr. R. J. Harrington, Secretary. Also Present: Mrs. Patsy Poulin and Mr. Leslie Oliver representing L.A.C.A.C. Absent: Councillor John West was out of the country on vacation. A. DELEGATION: 1. Aurora Colonnade Inc., 110 Yonge Street North (Owner-Mr. Ivan Daniels). Mr. Brian Corbett, Solicitor, and Mr. W. Azzalino, Architect, appeared before the Committee and explained the proposal: 1. First floor -General Commercial 2. 39 Rental Apartment units 3. 73 Condominium Apartment units The building would be 10 stories high, situated on 1.125 acres of land, fronting on Aurora Heights Drive and Yonge Street North. The property is presently designated Commercial in the Town's Official Plan, and zoned Commercial as per the Town's Zoning By-Laws. The Committee recommends the proposal be referred to the Town Technical Committee for a Report. B. REPORTS: 1. Boundary of Serviced Area Policy Statement. Mrs. Seibert explained the Report to the Committee, and also to the affected land owners in attendance. The Committee recommends the Report be adopted by Council, with the understanding that comments will be received from the affected land owners, and these may initiate changes to the Report. 2. Parking Standards for Downtown Core. The recommended modifications to the Town Parking Standards were discussed by the Committee, minor revisions will be made, and forwarded.for Council's consideration. 3. Carcone's Auto Recycling -Request to modify Legal Non-Conforming. Mrs. Seibert's Report was discussed by the Committee with Mr. Carcone present. The Committee recommends the Report be sent to Council for adoption. COUNCIL MEETING .•. MONDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1983 7 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 12 -Planning Committee Various Matters (continued) C. PLANS OF SUBDIVISION: 1. Rogers Estate and Sabiston-Marko Development, Part Lot 85, Cone. 1, WYS. The Committee recommends the Owner be advised that due to Council's policy re: Rural Population allocation of 1500 being surpassed, the application be held in abeyance until the Town of Aurora, the Region of York and the Province of Ontario solve the problem. 2. Granada Investments Limited, Blocks 4 and 6 to 11, R.Plan M-2036, Extention of lr1 ll1um Dr1ve and Cranberry Lane. The Committee recommends the Draft Plan of Subdivision be approved, subject to the Conditions as per Mrs. Seibert's Report. 3. Granada Investments Limited, Part Lot 79, Cone. 1 & Block 95, R.Plan M-2035, Murray Dr1ve and Kennedy Street. The Committee recommends the Draft Plan be approved, subject to the Conditions as per Mrs. Seibert's Report. 4. Letter #2-70-Town of Richmond Hill, Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Lot 70, The Committee recommends Mrs. Seibert prepare a Report for Council-in-Committee. 5. Letter #1-120 -Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville, Proposed Plan of Subdlv1s1on, Part Lot 16, Cone. 3. The Committee agrees with Mrs. Seibert '.s Report, that the proposed plan of subdivision will not adversely affect the Town of Aurora, and recommends the Commissioner of Planning for the Region of York be advised the Town of Aurora does not object to same. D. RE-ZONINGS: 1. Letter #20-49 -Cameron Wardlaw, Lots 7 to 10, Plan 461, 01 d Yonge Street, Luxury lownhouses. Mr. J. L. Mould explained the Owner's intention to erect 23 luxury townhouses on Lots 7,8,9 & 10, R.Plan 461, between Yonge Street and Old Yonge Street. Some interested neighbours were in attendance and expressed concerns regarding this proposal. Mr. Mould informed the Committee the Owner will be making a new submission which will also include the remainder of his holdings -Lots 5 & 6. 2. Letters #2-19 & 2-6 -Peter Ieraci, Lot 7, Plan 36, 27 Machell Avenue, Commercial. The Committee recommends the Re-zoning application be processed as the owner wishes to sell the lot to the Oshawa Wholesale, the adjacent owner. Mrs. Seibert will prepare the Re-zoning By-Law. 3. Letter #2-32 -Ritchie, Priestley-Casey, Gilbert, Part Lot 90, Plan 246, 157, 159, 163 Yonge Street North, Commerc1al ~ Re-zon1ng & Ottlclal Plan Amendment. The Committee recommends the owners be advised to submit to the Town the exact type of Commercial zoning they wish. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1983 - 8 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 12-Planning Committee ... Various Matters (continued) 4. North, Plaza The Committee discussed the proposal which had been made to Council, and recommended Mrs. Seibert prepare a Report specifically in relation to the Town's Official Plan and Zoning By-Law. 5. Letter #1-40 -Aurora Resthaven, to allow for addition and parking spaces. This Re-zoning application was previously dealt with by Council. 6. Report -Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Restricted Area By-Law No. 82-132. The Committee agrees with Mrs. Seibert's Report that the new By-Law will not adversely affect the Town of Aurora, and recommends the Clerk of Whitchurch-Stouffville be advised the Town of Aurora does not object to same. E. OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT: 1. Letter #19-11 -Official Plan Amendment No. 11, Aurora Country Estates, Part Lots 74 & 75, Cone. 1, WYS. The Committee recommends the Official Plan Amendment be withheld pending Council's approval of the Urban Services Boundary Report. F. OTHER BUSINESS: 1. Letter #1-105-Revlis Securities Limited re: Water Expansion Proposal. 2. Received as information. Letter #1-122 -Holland River Floodplain Mapping. Received as information, and the Committee recommends the Authority be advised that the Town of Aurora does presently have Floodplain policies in our Official Plan, and, therefore, no further policies are necessary. 3. Letter #2-115 -Ontario Neighbourhood Improvement Program 1983/1984. 4. Received as information. Letter #2-138 -Mr. R. H. of Subdivision a corner ot Kennedy The Committee recommends Mr. Rough be advised that the Town of Aurora approves of this Subdivision, but that a representative of the owner will be contacting him and the property owners who signed the petition, in an attempt to resolve any problems. 5. Letter #2-134 -William Benzies, Building Inspector & Property Standards Off1cer, perm1ss1on to attend Sem1nars. This memo was referred to the Administration Committee. G. RECEIVED AS INFORMATION: 1. Letter #18-51 -Miller Paving Limited, Rezoning. This item was previously dealt with by Council. 2. Letter #19-31 -Community Planning Study Grant. Previously dealt with by Council. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1983 - 9 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 12-Planning Committee ... Various Matters (continued) 6. RECEIVED AS INFORMATION: (continued) 3. Letters #18-124 & 2-64-P. J. Avery & Dr. Boland, Part Lots 76 & 77, Cone. 4. Letter #20-63 -Toronto & North York Hunt Club, Lot 73, Cone. 1. 5. Letter #18-49 -King Township By-Law No. 82-111. 6. Letter #20-41 -King Township By-Law No. 82-132. 7. Letter #1-112-Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville By-Law No. 82-115. 8. Letter #20-78-P. C. Hengen, 83 Yonge Street North. Received as information, but it is understood an amended re-zoning application will be forthcoming. 9. Letter #1-51 -Ministry of Consumer & Commercial Relations re: Propane re-tue Ill ng facilities. The Committee recommends Staff prepare a Report regarding this facility. H. LAND DIVISION: 1. Letters #2-82 & 2-83-Aptlication No. 382.82.A-IEM Management Limited, Lo 8, Plan 30, 37 George Street. -Application No. 383.82.A-F.W. & D.J. Fawcett, Lot 9, Plan 30, 33 George Street. The Committee recommends approval of these two applications, which will provide extra property for Ceby Management Ltd. (M. Binions, President), for the expansion to the Aurora Resthaven. By-Law Amendment'No. 2547-82 was recently passed by Council to facilitate this expansion. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. The next scheduled Planning Committee meeting will be held Wednesday, February 2, 1983 at 7:30 p.m. Item A.l Item B.l -B.2 Item B.3 Buck: West: Item B.3 Item C.l -C.2 Item C.3 Stewart: Ostick: CARRIED CARRIED AMENDED Resolved that this request be denied. CARRIED AS AMENDED CARRIED CARRIED AMENDED -Mr. D. Willis was in attendance. Resolved that Mr. Willis be allowed to speak. CARRIED AS AMENDED ,_ COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1983 -10 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 12 -Planning Committee Various Matters (continued) Item C.3 (continued) Mr. Willis advised Council members of the meeting held on January 13th, 1983 pertaining to the matter. Four (4} residents were in attendance. Mr. Will is stated he understood the concerns of the residents had been satisfied. Item C.3 CARRIED Item C.4 -H.1 CARRIED Buck: Paivio: Resolved that Planning Committee Report# 12 dated January 5, 1983 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended. CARRIED Report# 13-Public Safety Committee ... Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Public Safety Committee was held on Tuesday, January 4th, 1983 at 7:00 p.m. in Committee Room 1. Present Were: Councillors T. Jones, N. Stewart, M. Paivio, L. Ostick, Mayor D. Illingworth, Fire Chief S.G. Wilson, Deputy Fire Chief D. Patrick, Fire Prevention Officer F.J. Bolsby and citizen members D. Lougheed and T. Bessant. A. CHIEF'S AGENDA 1. Letter # 2-124 -Mayor's memo to Chairman re: Fire Station Weir 2. A permit has been received from the S.L.S.C.A. to proceed pending approval from the Ministry of Natural Resources. The Committee would recommend that H. Borgdorff, Town Engineer, be consulted as to updated cost and that this estimate be included in the 1983 Budget submission. Aerial Ladder Truck Chief Wilson has added some items to the original specifications. The specifications copy for Council review has been updated as of January 5th, 1q 0 3. 3. December Fire Report The Committee notes that, in December, we had another serious car accident at St. John's Sideroad and Yonge Street North. Two (2) people were taken to hospital with undetermined injuries. 4. Terms of Reference The Committee has received copies of the full-time staff terms of reference for their review. 5. Letter # 18-128 -Fire Investigation Courses at the Ontario Police College The Chief has not applied for any staff to attend these courses in preference to staff involvement at the Ontario Fire College Courses for 1983. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1983 -11 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 13-Public Safety Committee ... Various Matters (continued) 6. Letters # 19-10 and 19-95 -Outdoor Burning Not all correspondence was available at this time. The Chief was to pursue a third letter written by Mayor Timpson. The Committee discussed outdoor burning and would recommend that ariy fire that is to be lit outdoors as described in the Town's burning By-Law must have the proper approval from the Fire Department, obtainable during working hours, whether it be lit by the public or town staff. This policy should be made public by way of an information flyer with the new fire telephone number labels, door-to-door, as well as in a planned media release at appropriate times. 7. Letter# 2-53-Ministry of the Solicitor General re: Town of Aurora - Appl1cat1on for Prov1nc1al Auto Extr1cat1on Grant The Town of Aurora has qualified for a $632.00 outright grant for extrication equipment on hand and a further $368.00 upon proof of purchase of equipment to complete our kit .. The Committee recommends that the Town purchase a "Spredder" for auto access at an approximate price of $1,100.00. B. CHAIRMAN'S AGENDA 1. Mayor's Memo re: Employer's Night The Mayor described the merits of holding a gathering of existing and potential employers of volunteer firefighters for the purpose of a short demonstration and reception. The aim would be to strengthen the relationship and develop an understanding between the employer and employee firefighter and to hopefully encourage more employers to consider the importance and need for this service. The Committee would endorse this recommendation for implementation in May 1983. 2. Follow Up -Public Safety Report # 5 dated December 14th, 1982 (a) Fire and Heat Detection -Works Building and Other Town Buildings Having checked with the Building Department and verifying that the building officials, like the fire officials, recommend that a consultant be hired to prepare proper and approved plans for a fire and heat detection system for the Works Building, the Safety Committee recommends that a consultant be hired to determine the required specifications for tendering purposes for the Town's Works Building. It is further recommended that other Town buildings that are intended to be equipped this way be inspected at the same time. It is the staff's opinion that the following buildings, because of their use, should be protected: Factory Theatre Community Centre It is the staff's opinion that the following buildings, because of the investment protection value, should be protected: New Fire Hall Victoria Hall Old Fire Hall McMahon Building COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1983 -12 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 13-Public Safety Committee ... Various Matters (continued) 3. Letter # 2-58 -Canada Safety Council The Committee would recommend we continue to give an annual donation in the amount of $150.00 and that this be budgetted for in the 1983 Budget submission. 4. Letter # 2-118 -Model Parking By-Law for the Physically Disabled After discussion, the Committee identified two (2) prominent concerns: (a) That permits should be portable and not fixed to enable a physically disabled person to carry with them, regardless of whose vehicle they are transported in. (b) That the licensing authority should be universal and not left up to each municipality for definition and conditions. The Committee agrees with the concept, but feels further review is required and recommends that their concerns be forwarded, along with any other Councillor's concerns, to the A.M.O., who have taken a similar stand on this issue. 5. Identification of Safety and Fire Department Issues A base listing of issues that need to be dealt with was drafted by the Chairman and distributed to Committee members. Members were asked to add their items and return the list to the Chairman by January 24th, 1983 in order that a Master list can be formulated. It is the Committee's intention to priorize this listing at our meeting of February 1st, 1983. 6. Fire Telephone Status Cards and stickers have been ordered for our new number. A meeting is to be held between the Clerk and Bell Canada on January 5th, 1983, hopefully to finalize. Within one (1) week of final approval, the lines are expected to be ready for testing. 7. Letter# 20-76-Barbara Armstrong Interiors Limited re: Parking-St. Andrews Court Before arriving at a conclusion, the Committee would recommend that reports from Mr. Wm.G. Walker and Chief S.G. Wilson be prepared with regard to the parking situation on St. Andrews Court. 8. S. and B. Faudemer -Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Although the Committee appreciates the Faudemer proposal, for reasons of precedence --Fire Hall rental for commercial gain and similar concerns, the Committee cannot endorse this proposal. It is the opinion of the Committee that firefighting equipment should not be rented to private individuals. 9. Restricted No Parking Signs at Community Centre for Firefighters The Committee recommends that this item be checked out with the volunteers prior to making a recommendation. 10. Volunteer Firefighter -Brian Patrick Brian has satisfactorily completed his six (6) months probationary period and the Committee recommends that he be appointed to the permanent full time staff of the Fire Department as a Fourth Class Firefighter. '""' L----·· ,.--~"'" COUNCIL MEETING ..• MONDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1983 -13 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 13-Public Safety Committee ... Various Matters (continued) 11. Overnight Parking By~Law The Committee would like to emphasize to the Public the "No Parking" By-Law for more than three (3) continuous hours between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 6:00a.m. during the Winter Period. 12. Capital Reconstruction for 1983 -Mosley Street The Committee recommends that the parking situation on Mosley be reviewed by both the staff of the Fire and Works Departments with consideration to the amount of cars currently parking there, both residential and public hall uses and the defined road width that is planned for reconstruction. 13. Fire Regulating By-Law The Committee respectfully requests a status update on the proposed By-Law from the Clerk. The meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m. The next Safety Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 1st, 1983 at 7:00 p.m. in Committee Room 1. Item A.l -A. 7 Item B.l -B.2 Item B.3 -B.7 Item B .8 CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED AMENDED Buck: Resolved that Item 8 be referred back to the Committee for further E. Stewart: information and report back to Council. CARRIED AS AMENDED Item B.8 CARRIED Item B.9 -B.lO CARRIED Item B.ll AMENDED E. Stewart: Resolved that Item 11 be referred back to the Public Safety Committee Ostick: for further study. DEFEATED Item B.11 CARRIED Item B.12 -B.l3 CARRIED Jones: Resolved that Public Safety Committee Report# 13 dated January 4th, N. Stewart: 1983 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARR I ED ~~·-·~ COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1983 -14 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 17-Public Works Committee ... Various Matters The Committee respectfully submit the following: A meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Tuesday, January 11th, 1983 at 7:30p.m. at the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Councillor L. Ostick, Councillor E. Stewart, Councillor R. Barker and Town Superintendent W. Walker 1. Delegation Mr. Dwight Lawrence of Markborough Properties appeared before the committee regarding the reduction of financial securities and final acceptance of the Valhalla Subdivision, Phases I and II. The committee recommend that the existing financial securities be reduced to $20,000.00 to cover any remedial work with respect to lot drainage and grading and subject to receipt of "as constructed" plans and surveyor's certificate. It is also recommended that security of $16,000.00 be required for watermain construction at Yonge Street and Batson Drive subject to confirmation by the Technical Committee. The committee furthermore recommend that the Town Superintendent prepare a Certificate of Acceptance for Council's consideration to cover all works save and except lot grading and drainage. 2. Various Memberships The committee recommend that the following memberships be continued:· (1) American Public Works Association (2) Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (3) Roads and Transportation Association of Canada (4) Ontario Good Roads Association 3. Demolition of Old Police and Waterworks Building $ 61.00 $148.00 $178.00 $110.00 The committee recommend that in order to minimize the risk of damage to the existing cast iron watermain, the demolition be postponed until the frost is out of the ground. The building demolition will then be taken down to a point below anticipated future grade and the existing watermain will be given adequate cover in order to protect same from future damage. 4. Letter No. 2-65 -Sewer Construction, Machell Park This letter was received as information. 5. Letter No. 2-88 -Ontario Good Roads Association Convention This letter is drawn to Council's attention. It is recommended that any Councillor wishing to attend, may do so, and that the usual expenses be allowed. 6. Letter No. 1-200 -Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians & lechnolog1sts The committee discussed this matter and recommended that the resolution of the Town of Iroquois Falls be endorsed and that O.A.C.E.T.T. be so informed. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1983 -15 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 17 -Public Works Committee Various Matters (continued) 7. Letters Received As Information Number 1-05 Number 1-111 - Number 1-114 - Number 1-131 - Number 1-142 - Number 1-167 - Number 1-179 - Number 1-186 - Number 1-188 - Number 2-02 Number 2-39 Number 2-55 Number 2-140 - Number 3-8 Number 3-9 Number 18-66 - Number 18-67 - Number 19-65 - Number 20-31 - Item 1 CARRIED Item 2(1) CARRIED Item 2(2) - 7 CARRIED 1/2 Ton 1974 Pick-up, An Update Energy Canada Sewer Lateral -96 Tyler Street Debris, Yonge Street Propane Power (Civic Public Works Publication) Wells, Mosley, Larmont Reconstruction George Street Reconstruction (M.T.C.) Sim Complaint -Debris on Murray Drive Wells, Mosley, Larmont Reconstruction Public Works Overtime-November 1982 S.L.S.C.A. Questionnaire 1983 Capital Works Program Wells, Larmont, Mosley Reconstruction (Park Access) Public Works Overtime -December 1982 Public Works Overtime -December 1982 Ontario Good Roads Association -Long Service Recognition M.T.C. Educational Programs Public Works Overtime -September 1982 Public Works Overtime -October 1982 Ostick: Resolved that Public Works Committee Report # 17 dated January 11th, E. Stewart: 1983 be discussed item by item and accepted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED Councillor West in the Chair. Report# 14-Special Council in Committee ... Appointment to Committees The Committee respectfully submits the following: A special meeting of Council in Committee was held on Monday, January lOth, 1983 at 10:00 p.m. in the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Mayor R. Illingworth, Councillors R. Barker, E. Buck, T. Jones, L. Ostick, M. Paivio, E. Stewart and N. Stewart. Councillor J. West on vacation. The following matter was discussed: A. APPOINTMENT TO COMMITTEES 1. Aurora Committee of Adjustment -Three (3) Year Appointment The Committee recommends that Gerald Payne be appointed to the Aurora Committee of Adjustment for a term which will expire on November 30th, 1985 and continue until such time as his successor is appointed. 2. Leisure Services Committee -Two (2) Year Appointment The Committee recommends that the following persons be appointed to the Leisure Services Committee for a term which will expire on November 30th, 1984 and continue until such time as his/her successor is appointed: Mrs. Betty Pedersen Mr. J. Hayward Mrs. Barbara Hooper Mr. D. Bagshaw Mr. Klaus Wehrenberg Mr. D. Dakin ~---· COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1983 -16 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 14 -Special Council in Committee Appointment to Committees (cant 1 nueaJ 3. Aurora Public Library Board-Three (3) Year Appointment The Committee recommends that Mr. Tom Connor be appointed to the Aurora Public Library Board for a term which will expire on November 30th, 1985 and continue until such time as his successor is appointed. 4. Public Safety Committee -Two (2) Year Appointment The Committee recommends that Mr. C. Weisser and Mr. Omar Khamissa be appointed and Mr. Ted Bessant be reappointed to the Public Safety Committee for a term which will expire on November 30th, 1984 and will continue until such time as their successors ar! appointed. 5. Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee-Two (2) Year Appo1ntment The Committee recommends that Mr. Stephen McCasey, Mrs. J. Boyington, Mrs. D. McClure and Mr. G. Copely be reappointed and Mr. L. Oliver be appointed to the L.A.C.A.C. for a term which will expire on November 30th, 1984 and which will continue until such time as their successors are appointed. 6. South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority -Three (3) Year Appointment The Committee recommends that the Regional Municipality of York be requested to appoint Mrs. Susan Shaw as the Town of Aurora appointee to the South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority. The meeting adjourned at 10:58 p.m. Illingworth:Resolved that Special Council in Committee Report# 14 dated January E. Stewart: lOth, 1983 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED Report # 16 -Council in Committee Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Council in Committee was held on Monday, January lOth, 1983 at 7:30 p.m. in the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Mayor R. Illingworth, Councillors R. Barker, E. Buck, T. Jones, L. Ostick, M. Paivio, E. Stewart and N. Stewart. Councillor West on vacation. The following matters were discussed: 1. Aer i a 1 Ladder Truck Fire Chief Wilson outlined for the Committee the construction and type of aerial ladder truck he was requesting to be purchased for the Aurora Fire Department. The request being one (1) 1050 G.P.M. Triple Combination Class "A" pump with 100' telescopic aerial ladder with prepiped waterways and accessories. Council in Committee recommends that tenders be called for an Aerial Ladder Truck in accordance with the specifications submitted by Fire Chief Wilson. Said tender to state percentage of Canadian component. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1983 -17 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued} Report# 15 -Council in Committee ... Various Matters (continued} 2. -South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Roadside 1ng The Committee recommends that the Clerk-Administrator respond to the questions contained in this letter as per Town Policy and that the S.L.S.C.A. be advised that Council would be interested in meeting with them to discuss, in more detail, the feasibility of such a project. 3. Letter# 1-113 -F. Horvath memo to K.B. Rodger re: 1966 Dodge Fargo Van The Committee recommends that necessary repairs up to a value of $400.00 be approved for this van and the use of the van be determined at a later date. 4. Letter# 2-96 -Wm .. Johnson memo to the Administrative/Finance Committee re: User 1 s Group and Computer PI ann1 ng Update Council in Committee discussed this matter and recommends the expenditure of $5,000.00 to continue this program for one (1) year. 5. Letter # 2-139 -Ministry of the Environment re: Ontario Carbonated Soft Drink Container Regulabons -D1scuss1on Paper The Committee recommends that this letter be referred to the Works Committee for study and report. 6. Letter# 3-1 -Aurora and District Historical Society re: Town Grant - Salary of Museum Curator Council in Committee recommends that $12,000.00 operating grant be advanced to the Aurora Historical Society immediately. Mayor Illingworth will investigate the possibility of Regional Support for the Museum. 7. Letter# 3-6-Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Canada/Ontar1o Employment Development Program The Committee recommends that this matter be referred to the Technical Committee for a report to the Council in Committee scheduled for January 24, 1983. 8. Letter # 3-7 -Region of York Engineerin{ re: Bathurst Street -Proposed Plans of subdlVlSlons -Wei ilngton stree West to St. John Slderoad Council in Committee discussed this matter and recommends that the Clerk-Administrator be authorized to advise the Region of York that the Town of Aurora will pay their share of the cost of the work necessary to provide for signalization, channelization and illumination of the stated intersection; at a total estimated cost of $85,000.00, such funds to come from the Subdivision levies. The Clerk-Administrator is to advise the three (3} Subdividers that they will be charged back at the time of their subdivision the total cost of the work plus financing and administration costs. 9. Letter # 3-34 -S. Seibert memo to Planning Committee re: Proposed Aliiendments to Parklng Standards for All Commerc 1 a I Zones The Committee reviewed the report of S. Seibert, Regional Planner and recommended that part 1 be referred back to the Planning Committee for a further report. Council in Committee recommends acceptance of part 2 with an amendment to 2(e) as follows: Individual retail uses whose gross leasable floor area does not exceed 300 metres. 4.5 spaces for each 100 square metres. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1983 -18 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 15 -Council in Committee Various Matters (continued) 10. Letter # 19-105 -Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Field Study to Determ1ne How Warrants are met w1th Respect to the Need to Engage School Crossing Guards Council in Committee recommends that a crossing guard not be assigned to Laurentide Drive and Aurora Heights Drive. The Committee further recommends that the crossing guard be retained at Glass and Murray Drive at this time and further reconsidered prior to the next school year. 11. Letter # 3-35 -S. Seibert, Planner report to Council in Committee re: Proposed Plan of SubdlVlSlon, Lot /0, Concess1on 1, w.V.S., lawn of R1chmond H1ll -19T-77005 The Committee recommends acceptance of S. Seibert, Regional Planner's report dated January 6th, 1983 regarding the proposed plan of Subdivision -Town of Richmond Hill -19T-77005. 12. Boundary of Serviced Area Policy Statement The Committee recommends that this statement be tabled for 30 days to the Council in Committee of February 14th, 1983. 13. Budget Guidelines Council in Committee discussed Budget Guidelines and recommends that all budgets be presented to the Administrative/Finance Committee and then to Council in Committee. 14. Proposed Town Hall Meeting Council in Committee supports the concept of this idea and recommends that a date in May be proposed for the first meeting. 15. Town Bus -Friday Night Run The Committee recommends that this Bus run be terminated. 16. Town Crest Badges The Committee recommends that the selling price of these badges be as follows: Purchase of ten (10) or less Purchase of over ten (10) 17. Girl Guide Visit $1.50 each $1.40 each Mayor Illingworth advised Council members that the 5th Aurora Girl Guides will visit the Council meeting scheduled for January 17th, 1983. 18. Letters Received as In format ion The following letters and reports were received as information: Letter# 2-86 -L.L.B.O. re: Gabella Pizzeria and Restaurant -January 13, 1983 Report from Wm. Johnson, Treasurer re: U.I.C. 1983 Premium Increase Report from Wm. Johnson re: Tax Collection Experience Report from Mayor Illingworth re: O.M.B. Hearing -B.I.A. By-Law The meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1983 -19 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 15-Council in Committee ... Various Matters (continued) Item 1 - 8 CARRIED Item 9 AMENDED E. Stewart: Resolved that the words "Recommend by Core Study" be deleted from the Illingworth:Heading of Item 9. Item 9 Item 10 -12 Item 13 CARRIED CARRIED AMENDED CARRIED AS AMENDED Recorded Vote -Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora -Report # 15 -Council in Committee -Item# 13 -Budget Guidelines -January 17th, l983 Mayor Illingworth Councillor Barker Councillor Buck Councillor Jones Councillor Ostick Councillor Paivio Councillor E. Stewart Councillor N. Stewart Councillor West Yea X X X 3 DEFEATED 6 - 3 Nay X X X X X X 6 N. Stewart: Resolved that Budgets be 'submitted to Council in Committee for Paivio: consideration. Item 13 Item 14 -18 CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED AS AMENDED Illingworth:Resolved that Council in Committee Report # 15 dated January lOth, 1983 E. Stewart: be discussed item by item and accepted as amended and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED Report# 16-Administrative and Finance Committee ... Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Administrative and Finance Committee was held on January 10, 1983 at 3:30 p.m. in the Administration Centre. Present Were: Mayor D. Illingworth and Councillor E. Stewart. Councillor John West on vacation. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1983 -20 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 16 -Administrative and Finance Committee .•. Various Matters (continued) 1. Letter 14-102 -Technical Drafting Credit Obtained by S. Szeker Mr. Szeker completed a drafting course at Seneca College in April, 1982, but did not submit an application to Council in accordance with Policy 2.18.13, and did not meet the requirements for {a) Required Training; {b) Optional Training; nor 2.18.14 Other Training. Therefore the Committee recommends that no allowance be made to Mr. Szeker under the Educational Policy. However, Mr. Szeker has supplied several personal drafting tools (approximate value $56.00) which are being used by Works Department staff on a daily basis. Therefore the Committee recommends that the Works Superintendent arrange to purchase the equipment from Mr. Szeker at a price not to exceed the appropriate value, or arrange to purchase required new equipment, so that Mr. Szeker can retain possession of his personal equipment. 2. Letter 16-20 -St. John Ambulance Ontario Provincial Headquarters of St. John Ambulance have requested a contribution to help St. John Ambulance continue its work in Ontario. The Committee agrees that the charitable volunteer work of St. John Ambulance is worthwhile, but in keeping with the Committee's policy of supporting local organizations, rather than provincial or national groups, it cannot support the request. Therefore, the Committee recommends that no action be taken, but support be considered for a local organization as may be required at the time of the application. 3. Letter 2-3 -Year End Report -1982 Bylaw Enforcement The Committee received this report as information. However, one section of the report requested funds for attendance at a seminar or a course of training concerning the new Provincial Officers Act. Therefore the Committee recommends that this section of the report be dealt with by the appropriate Department Head in accordance with current policy. 4. Letter 2-4 -Banner Advertising re Historical Designation Dealt with in Report 10, Item 5 dated January 3, 1983. 5. Letter 2-24 and 2-25 -AMCTO-Annual Membership Fee K.B. Rodger and Colleen ow an Invoices have been received from the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO) in the total amount of $200.00 to pay full membership fees for Clerk Administrator Bud Rodger and Deputy Clerk Colleen Gowan for 1983. Therefore the Committee recommends the payment of membership fees in the total amount of $200.00. 6. Letters 20-83 and 2-36 -Staff Reclassifications Referred to Council in Committee for discussion January 10, 1983. 7. Letter 2-38-Canada/Ontario Job Creation Program Referred to Council in Committee for discussion January 10, 1983. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1983 -~ - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 16-Administrative and Finance Committee ... Various Matters (continued_ 8. Letter 2-102 -CAMA -1983 Membership The Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators is a national organization serving as a voice for municipal administrators in much the same manner as the Federation of Canadian Municipalities speaks for municipal politicians. The Town of Aurora does not have its own membership in the FCM, and when required has used the Region of York membership. The Committee questions the value of national municipal organizations compared to provincial municipal organizations. Therefore the Committee recommends that the 1983 membership in the CAMA be approved in the total amount of $75.00, and the Clerk-Administrator prepare a cost/benefit analysis prior to consideration of the 1984 membership. 9. Letter 2-104 -Consumer's Association of Canada re Bell Canada The Consumer's Association of Canada plans to intervene with the CRTC regarding Bell's proposal to reorganize which would have a significant effect on the rates charged by Bell Canada for its basic telephone service. CAC has requested previous supporters to support their petition. In April 1981, Council supported CAC in their efforts before the CRTC re Bell's 1981 rate increase application and made a donation in the amount of 14 per capita ($157.92). In July 1982, in regards to another application for a rate increase, Council approved the writing of a strongly worded letter to Bell Canada. The Committee recommends that Council write to CAC supporting their efforts and approve a donation of $100.00 to assist them in their work. 10. Letter 2-134 -East Central Ontario Seminar for Building Officials The Ontario Association of Property Standards Officer and the Ontario Building Officials are holding a two day seminar in Peterborough during the latter part of February 1983. The seminar includes discussion on many topics with which our building officials deal on a day to day basis, e.g. Ontario Building Code; Connected Dwellings; Electrical Problems in Old Houses; Plumbing Conversion, etc. Both areas of the seminar relate to the day-to-day work in property standards and building inspect ion. Therefore the Committee recommends that Mr. William Benzies be authorized to attend the above referenced seminar and the normal expenses be allowed. 11. Letter 3-12 -Ontario Municipal Personnel Association The Town of Aurora has been a member of the OMPA for several years and has received considerable worthwhile information regarding labour relations and negotiation. Therefore the Committee recommends that the Town renew its membership at a cost of $60.00. 12. Letter 3-17 -Ontario Building Officials Association 1983 Courses The OBOA sponsors several education courses in conjunction with the University of Western Ontario. Mr. William Benzies has successfuly completed the Basic Part 9 course previously, and would like to proceed and take the Advanced Part 3 course and/or the Law course. The Advanced Part 3 course costs $650.00 resident and $335.00 non-resident and is held March 20-25. The Law course costs $700.00 resident and $365.00 non-resident. Students are eligible for a $100.00 grant under the Provincial Municipal Action 85 program. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1983 -22 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Administrative and Finance Committee Report ... Various Matters 12. Letter 3-17 -Ontario Building Officials Association 1983 Courses (cont1nued) Therefore, the Committee recommends that Mr. Wi 11 i a.m Benz ies be authorized to attend either of the above referenced courses under the Optional Training section of the Education Policy. 13. Letter 3-18 -Ontario Municipal Management Development Board The Ontario Municipal Management Development Board was established in 1979 as a non-profit corporation representing 12 municipal professional associations, AMO, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and educational institutions. The OMMDB has been working to assist municipalities to improve their capacity for effective management. When the Board was first established, it was agreed that the Ministry would provide most of the initial funding for the Board, and that the proportion derived from municipal sources would be increased until it became the Board's main source of revenues. The Board feels it is now appropriate that the municipalities, as beneficiaries of the program, provide additional support. The fee schedule is $50.00 per municipality plus $1.00 per full-time employee. The cost to the Town of Aurora will be approximately $110.00. The Committee has learned that the Town has made little use of the services of the OMMDB due to the location and content of their seminars. Therefore the Committee recommends that no action be taken to support the OMMDB at this time. 14. Letter 3-20 -York San it at ion York Sanitation has advised that effective January 1st, 1983 the new rate for pick up and disposal of the residential wastes in the Town of Aurora will be $14.26 per capita. This represents an increase of $1.10 over 1982, based on a previously agreed formula using the CPI. Therefore the Committee recommends approval of the above referenced rate structure. 15. Farm Tax Rebate The Minister of Agriculture and Food has announced a restructured farm tax system to be fully implemented by the 1984 taxation year. Enabling legislation is to be introduced during the 1983 Spring Session. There are some 60 farms in Aurora that have one or more residential units thereon. Based on the information available, the proposed legislation should not only enrich our taxes, but provide prompt payment of taxes in order that the rebate may be gained. Therefore the Committee recommends this item be received as information. 16. 1982-1983 Chamber of Commerce Membership The Town of Aurora paid its 1982-1983 membership fee in the Aurora Chamber of Commerce in September 1982 (Report 73) and is entitled to three voting representatives. Luncheon meetings are held on the last Wednesday of each month and members and guests are welcome. The charge for the luncheon meeting is $7.oo·and payment will be the responsibility of the individual Council members. The Committee recommends that Mayor Dick Illingworth and Councillors Norm Stewart and Martin Paivio be appointed voting members of the Chamber, but other members of Council be encouraged to attend whenever possible. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1983 -23 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 16-Administrative and Finance Committee Report ... Various Matters (cont1nued) 17. New Business There have been occasions when alterations or small additions to existing buildings are held up due to current Council policy. A recent example is the addition to the Lawton building on Yonge Street South. The proposed addition met all building and zoning requirements, etc., but was delayed pending Council action. Therefore, the Committee recommends that the Technical Committee review the Town's current policy re Council approval of minor renovations or additions that meet all other requirements, and report to Council in Committee at a later date. Meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m. Item 1 -11 Item 12 CARRIED AMENDED Illingworth:Resolved that Mr. S. Douglas be authorized to attend this Course from E. Stewart: February 20 -25, 1983 and Mr. Wm. Benzies be authorized to attend the course March 20 to 25th, 1983, under the Optional Training Section of the Education Policy. Item 12 Item 13 -17 CARRIED AS AMENDED CARRIED CARRIED Illingworth:Resolved that Administrative and Finance Committee Report # 16 dated E. Stewart: January lOth, 1983 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED Mayor Illingworth in the Chair. RESOLUTIONS 1. Payment of Account -Lloyd and Purcell Limited Ostick: E. Stewart: Resolved that upon the recommendation of H. Borgdorff, Town En9ineer, Invoice Number 4527 for Project Number 947 (Industrial Parkway) in the total amount of $234.00 be paid to Lloyd and Purcell Limited, Ontario Land Surveyors and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 2. Council Policy-Conference Attendance N. Stewart: Whereas, the Policy of Council now in effect for Councillors requesting Jones: permission to attend conferences only requires the approval of the Mayor, Therefore Be It Resolved That, a new Policy be instituted as follows: A resolution to be presented requesting permission to attend a conference, stating the name of the conference, where conference is to be held and the duration of the conference, for Council's consideration. CARRIED i \_. __ COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1983 -24 - RESOLUTIONS (continued) 3. Watermain -Yonge Street South E. Stewart: Be It Resolved That: Ostick: 1. The Regional Municipality of York be requested to design and construct the 350 mm diameter extension of watermain on Yonge Street South from Henderson Drive to Edward Street as part of the Region's Watermain Contract, and charging the cost for same back to the Town of Aurora. 2. The Town of Aurora agrees to pay the entire cost of Watermain estimated to be $130,000.00 between Henderson Drive and Edward Street, when invoiced by the Region of York, and such invoice shall be paid from current Water Revenues of the Town of Aurora. CARRIED 4. Payment of Accounts -Reid and Associates Limited Ostick: Resolved that the following accounts of Reid and Associates Limited: E. Stewart: Project Wells Street Reconstruction (Wellington-Metcalfe) Larmont Street Reconstruction Mosley Street Reconstruction Advisory Services (Retainer -November) Extension of Industry St. N. Advisory Services (Retainer -October) Aurora Country Estate Subdiv. Reconstruction of Catherine and Spruce Traffic Signals -Yonge Street and Brookland Avenue Revlis Subdivision Gellany Subdivision Reconstruction of Catherine and Spruce Aurora Waterworks Study Traffic Signals -Yonge Street and Brookland Avenue Extension of Industry Street North Reconstruction of Centre & Wells Wells Street Reconstruction (Wellington-Metcalfe) Larmont Street Reconstruction Mosley Street Reconstruction Total Invoice # 5651 5653 5670 5683 5688 5703 5713 5714 5715 5735 5736 5737 5739 5740 5742 5743 5752 5753 5754 Amount $ 2,618.39 1,754.96 2,511.74 1,546.86 2,186.61 1,630.10 335 .11 829.92 382.62 140.62 169.86 552.02 771.07 413.20 628.03 396.59 2,162.11 1,204.77 2,059.39 $22,293.97 Account 3100-34 3100-34 3100-34 3100-38 Industrial Park Account 3100-38 Engineering Reserve 3360-40 3400-40 Engineering Reserve Engineering Reserve 3360-40 Engineering Reserve 3400-40 Industrial Park Account 3360-40 3100-34 3100-34 3100-34 in the total amount of $22,293.97 be paid and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ..• MONDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1983 -25 - RESOLUTIONS (continued) 5. M.T.C. Subsidy Request-Reconstruction of Catherine and Spruce Streets Ostick: Whereas, various items of the contract called for Catherine and Spruce E. Stewart: Streets exceeded the estimates and subsidy approval, BY-LAWS And Whereas, the Council approved and authorized the expenditures, Now Therefore Be It Resolved: 1. That the Council approve and adopt the cost overruns totalling $22,241.95 and Extra Work in the amount of $59,546.89, all as detailed in the attached explanatory report, and further that, 2. The M.T.C. be requested to approve those items for subsidy that are eligible as detailed and shown. CARRIED West: Be It Hereby Resolved That: E. Stewart: Bill Number 2538-82 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law Number 1863 a Restricted Area (Zoning) By-Law (Granada) Bill Number 2547-82 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law Number 1863 a Restricted Area (Zoning) By-Law (Aurora Resthaven) Bill Number 2548-82 -Being a By-Law to Appoint an Acting Head of Council Bill Number 2553-83 -Being a By-Law to Temporarily Close up and Stop Traffic on a Portion of Yonge Street in Aurora on Saturday, April 23, 1983 for the Lions Club Parade Bill Number 2555-83 -Borrowing By-Law ... be read a Third Time. CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2554-83 -Being a By-Law to Establish Rules and Regulations according to which the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora shall be governed and conducted ... be read a Third Time. DEFEATED Ostick: Resolved that Bill Number 2554-83 be deferred at this time. E. Stewart: CARRIED NEW BUSINESS 1. Rescheduling -Next Council in Committee Meeting West: Ostick: Mayor Illingworth requested Council's consideration in a change of date of the next Council in Committee meeting. Resolved that the next Council in Committee meeting be held on January 31st, 1983. CARRIED >~~~~~-~=·~·~~~---·--~--·~---------- COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1983 -26 - NEW BUSINESS (continued) 2. Mayor Information re: Closing of Pine Ridge Mayor Illingworth advised Council members he had met with the Mayors of other towns facing the closing of institutions similar to Pine Ridge. They will endeavour to meet with Mr. Drea, as soon as possible. 3. Councillor Buck -Concern Regarding Shooting in York Region. Councillor Buck expressed her concern regarding a shooting that had taken place in the south end of the Region. ADJOURNMENT West: Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 10:55 p.m. CARRIED Ql_y~---~~ Mayor~----~------~