MINUTES - Council - 19820621'-.,. __ . ··~-~: MINUTES OF THE 12TH COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MONDAY, JUNE 21ST, 1982 AT 8:00P.M. Present Were: Mayor Timpson, Councillors Buck, Jones, Ochalski, Ostick, Pedersen, Stewart, Stoddart and West. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Mayor Timpson declared a possible conflict of interest in accounts paid to the York Region Board of Education and did not take part in the consideration of or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. rouncillor Pedersen declared a possible conflict of interest in accounts paid to ranada Law Book and did not take part in the consideration of or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. Councillor West declared a possible conflict of interest in accounts paid to Home Hardware and did not take part in the consideration of or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Ochalski: Resolved that the Minutes of the Council Meeting of June 7th, 1982 be Stoddart: adopted as printed and circulated. CARRIED PASSING OF ACCOUNTS Councillor West in the Chair. Pedersen: Resolved that the accounts of the York Region Board of Education be Stewart: paid. CARRIED Mayor Timpson in the Chair. Stewart: Jones: Resolved that the following accounts in the total amount of $459;790.20 details of which are on file with the Treasurer's Office, be approved for payment and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. General Works Department Fire Department Parks Department Community Buildings: Factory Th. McMahon Pk. Vic. Hall Church St. Band Shell Community Centre: Building Canteen Leisure Services Water Accounts Paid Prior to Council CARRIED 114.83 154.70 37.58 579.20 16.77 6,802.40 245.40 $ 15,852.36 15,271.84 1,454.47 1,551.34 9n 7 08 7,047.80 6,882.15 5,041.20 $405,785.96 :-~~-·' COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JUNE 21st, 1982 - 2 - PASSING OF ACCOUNTS (continued) West: Resolved that the following capital accounts in the total amount of Pedersen: $14,137.74, details of which are on file with the Treasurer's Office, be approved for payment and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Parks Reserve Bayshore Concrete Products Powell Contracting L imi.ted West Electrical Contractors Industrial Park Account Lloyd and Purcell Limited CORRESPONDENCE CARRIED $ 202.00 553.70 11,963.04 $12,718.74 $ 1,419.00 $ 1,419.00 12-1 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Various Fencing Estimates -Lots 25 and 26, Valhalla Subdivision (TABLED, UNFINISHED BUSINESS -June 7th, 1982) 12-2 Ministry of Natural Resources re: Open House -June 22, 1982 (Information, Council) 12-3 George Wimpey Canada Limited re: Wimpey Draft Plan 19T-80018, Part Lot 83, Concession 1, W.Y.S. (Ref. Technical Committee, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, K.B. Rodger, S. Seibert, F. Horvath) 12-4 Big Sisters of York re: Letter of Appreciation (Information) 12-5 Ministry of Natural Resources re: Revised Plan of Subdivision -Greater Real Corp (Information, S. Seibert, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington) 12-6 Linton, Leek and Monteith, Barristers, Solicitors and Notaries re: Mr. and Mrs. Lumsden (Information, H. Borgdorff, P. Gleason, Clerk to reply) 12-7 Ontario Municipal Board re: Board's Order made May 28, 1982 (I.G.A.) (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert, C.E. Gowan), 12-8 Aurora Hydro re: Mrs. Lapchuk-13 Sunray Place (Information, Clerk to reply) 12-9 Aurora and District Historical Society re: Hillary House (Ref. Administration Committee, Clerk to reply) 12-10 Ministry of Citizenship and Culture re: Wintario Capital Grants Program (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, Wm. Johnson, F. Horvath) 12-11 Association of Municipalities of Ontario re: 1982 Annual AMO Conference (Ref. Council in Committee) ··~--·' COUNCIL MEETING •.. MONDAY, JUNE 21st, 1982 - 3 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 12-12 McPherson and Shugart, Barristers and Solicitors re: Hugh Cousins - Industrial Subdivision (Information, Clerk to reply, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 12-13 Canada Safety Council re: Ethylene Oxide (EtO) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, S.G. Wilson, F. Horvath) 12-14 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Design of Transit. Route Guides - A Handbook for the Transit Manager (Information, C.E. Gowan, Transit Co-Ordinator) 12-15 Peto MacCallum Limited re: Laboratory Testing-Aurora Highlands Subdivision (Information, Wm.G. Walker) 12-16 The Regional Municipality of York-Engineering re: Highway Coarse Rock Salt and Winter Sand Requirements (Information, Wm.G. Walker to reply) 12-17 R.K. Brown, 100 Wells Street re: Wells Street (Ref. Public Safetv ~ommittee, Clerk to reply) 12-18 Lorraine and Denys Rouselle, Aurora, Ontario re: Fencing of Lot -Batson Drive (Information, Clerk to reply) 12-19 The Regional Municipality of York -Clerk re: Technical Report Number 346, Proposed Amendment Number 21 to Interim O.P. (Ref. Planning and Development Committee, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert, K. B. Rodger) 12-20 Linton, Leek and Monteith, Barristers, Solicitors and Notaries re: Frances Hayes -May 5th, 1982 (Information, Clerk to reply, C.E. Gowan) 12-21 The Regional Municipality of York -Clerk's re: Number of Members elected to Boards of Education (Information, Wm. Johnson, Clerk to reply) 12-22 The Regional Municipality of York -Clerk's re: Dates of Meetings for Months of July and August (Information) 12-23 Mrs. Gladys Thorp, 62 Seaton Drive, Aurora re: Bus Route (Ref. Administration Committee, C.E. Gowan) 12-24 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce re: Irrevocable Letter of Credit ( Bevark) (Information ~lerk to reply) 12-25 Office of the Registrar General re: Home Births (Information, C.E. Gowan) 12-26 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Request for Owners Names (Information, Clerk to reply, R.J. Harrington) 12-27 Ernesto Fuda, 177 Orchard Heights Drive, Aurora re: Widening of Driveway (Information, Wm.G. Walker, K.B. Rodger to reply) 12-28 Royal Bank of Canada re: Amendment to Standby Credit-Allaura Investments (Information, R.J. Harrington, Wm.G. Walker) 12-29 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Application for Consent by Fairway Heights Investments Limited (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JUNE 21st, 1982 -4 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 12-30 Aurora Fire Department re: Activity Report for the Month of May 1982 (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 12-31 Chris Smith and Associates Developments Inc. re: Aurora Village ~-Opffrtiw (Ref. Technical Committee, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, K.B. Rodger, S. Seibert, S.G. Wilson) 12-32 The Regional Municipality of York -Health and Social Services re: Purchase of Private Home Day Care -77 Yonge Street South (Information, R.J. Harrington to reply, S.G. Wilson) 12-33 Process Consultants Canada Limited re: Amendment to Draft Plan for Reduced Road Allowance (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 12-34 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk's re: By-Law Number W-56-82-44- Charges for the supply of Water (Information, Wm. Johnson, Wm.G. Walker) 12-35 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Background Report -May 31, 1982 (Information) 12-36 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Revised Draft Plan of Subdivision (Greater Real Corp -File Number 19T-79049) (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 12-37 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Municipal Transportation -Road Directive A-2 Contributions to Municipal Road Improvements (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff) 12-38 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Executive Committee Meeting - June 8, 1982 (Information, F. Horvath) 12-39 S.G. Wilson memo to K.B. Rodger re: Firefighters Stipends -December 1st, 1982 to May 31st, 1982 (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 12-40 Works Department re: Overtime -May 1982 (Ref. Works Committee) 12-41 Public Works Canada re: Adjustment to Grant in Lieu of Taxes (Information, Wm. Johnson) 12-42 Association of Municipalities of Ontario re: Legislative and Resolutions Committee meeting on Thursday, June 17th, 1982 (Information) 12-43 Ontario Ministry of Labour re: Notice of Review of Drawings (Information, R.J. Harrington) 12-44 Ivy League Group re: By-Law 2500-82 (Information, R.J. Harrington, C.E. Gowan) 12-45 Association of Municipalities of Ontario re: 1982 Ontario Budget: Impact on Municipal Government (TABLED, Council) Pedersen: Resolved that this letter be received as information at this time. West: CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JUNE 21st, 1982 - 5 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 12-46 The Regional Municipality of York -Clerk re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-80018 (Wimpey) (Ref. Technical Committee, Planning and Development Committee, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, F. Horvath, K.B. Rodger, S. Seibert) 12-47 Team 73, Landscape Architects re: Landscape Treatment of Island (Information, F. Horvath, K.B. Rodger) 12-48 Shortill and Peddle, Barristers and Solicitors re: Unit 40, St. Andrews Vi 11 age Square (Ref. Planning and Development Committee, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 12-49 Precision Small Parts Limited re: Deposit Cheque on Land being Purchased (Information, Wm. Johnson, Clerk to reply) 12-50 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Letter # 11-111 -L.J. Double Request for Sanitary Sewer Connection -68 Temperance Street) (Information, Clerk to reply) 12-51 Aurora Residents -Petition re: Section 39 of By-Law 2500-82 (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 12-52 The Regional Municipality of York -Engineering re: Water Supply System (Information, Wm.G. Walker, Councillor J. West, Councillor T. Jones) 12-53 Cam-Kent Developments Limited re: Registered Plan 246-Ransom Court (Information, Clerk to reply, R.J. Harrington) 12-54 The Secretary of State of Canada re: Approval of Grant -July First Celebrations (Ref. July First Committee, Wm. Johnson) 12-55 The Regional Municipality of York -Clerks re: Status of Private Home Day-Care (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 12-56 Markborough Properties Limited re: Proposed Draft Plans, Rezoning and Official Plan Amendment (Ref. Technical Committee, Planning and Development Committee, S. Seibert, R.J. Harrington, Clerk to reply) 12-57 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: King's Highway Connecting Link Program (Information, Wm.G. Walker, C.E. Gowan) 12-58 Ontario Municipal Board re: Board's Order Made May 28, 1982 (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 12-59 The Regional Municipality of York-Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision-Lot 76, Concession 1 E.Y.S.-M.O.H. File 19T-82039 (Ref. Planning and Development Committee, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 12-60 National Cancer Institute of Canada re: Letter of Appreciation (Information) · 12-61 The Bank of Nova Scotia re: Granada Investments Limited -Letter of Guarantee (Information, R.J. Harrington, Wm.G. Walker, S. Seibert) 12-62 The Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: Agenda -Wednesday, JUne 16, 1982 (Information) '·----" COUNCIL MEETING •.. MONDAY, JUNE 21st, 1982 - 6 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 12-63 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Executive Committee Minutes - June 8, 1982 (Information, R.J. Harrington, F. Horvath) 12-64 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk's re: Amendment Number 23 (Golf Glen) to O.P. -M.O.H. File 19-0P-0025-23 (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 12-65 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk's re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-80060 (High City) (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff) 12-66 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk's re: Amendment Number 22 (Tortorici) to O.P. -M.O.H. File 19-0P-0025-22 (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 12-67 The Regional Municipality of York -Engineering re· ngenda -Tuesday, June 15, 1982 (Information) 12-68 York University re: Workshop Seminars and Short Courses (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 12-69 Ontario Municipal Board re: Board's Order dated June 4, 1982 (Information, P. Gleason, Wm.G. Walker) 12-70 Matjon Properties Limited re: Subdivision M-70 (Ref. Council in Committee, Wm.G. Walker to replv) 12-71 Matjon Properties Limited re: Subdivision M-70-Hunters Glen "Driveway Aprons" (Ref. Council in Committee) 12-72 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Aggregate Sources List for Contract 82-74 (Ref. Technical Committee, Council in Committee) 12-73 Elmlea Farms re: Payment of Taxes (Information, Wm. Johnson) 12-74 Centre Court Recreation Facilities re: Resurfacing Aurora Community Tennis Club (Ref. Leisure Services Committee) 12-75 The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario re: Hotel Aurora (Information) 12-76 Ontario Land Corporation re: Aurora 1/67 -Phase II -19T-79016 (Information, Clerk to reply, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 12-77 A. Merkur and Sons Limited re: Aurora Arts and Cultural Fund (Information, Wm. Johnson) 12-78 Minister of State, Department of Finance Canada re: Suspension of Duty on Imported Books (Information) 12-79 Aurora Public Library re: Letter of Appreciation (Ref. Council in Committee) 12-80 The York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: Town of Aurora By-Law 2496-82 (Sunoco) (Information, R.J. Harrington, C.E. Gowan) COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JUNE 21st, 1982 - 7 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 12-81 Aurora Public Library re: Request for Support -Government Funding (Ref. Council in Committee) 12-82 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Construct Asphalt Sidewalk including Grading, Landscaping and Limestone Foundation Material (Ref. Council in Committee) 12-83 Shiff, Gross, Barristers and Solicitors re: Walker purchase from Mark West Developments (Information, R.J. Harrington to reply) 12-84 Go Transit re: Board Agenda-Friday, .lune 11th, 1982 (Information) 12-85 Crabtree and Crabtree, Barristers and Solicitors re: Blaine purchase from Weston -122 Spruce Street (Information, Clerk to reply) 12-86 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Letter # 12-52 -Regional Response to Water Quality Problems (Ref. Works Committee, Councillor Jones, Councillor West, Mayor Timpson) 12-87 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Proposed Amendment 18 to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area (Dical) -File 19-0P-0025-18 (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 12-88 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce re: Letter of Credit-Travelways Limited (Information, Clerk to reply) 12-89 Association of Municipalities of Ontario re: AMO Response to the 1982 Ontario Budget (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) Pedersen: Resolved that this letter be received as information at this time. West: CARRIED 12-90 Currie, Coopers and Lybrand, Management Consultants re: EDP REcruiting (Information) 12-91 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Town of Aurora sale to Precision Small Parts (Information) 12-92 Suncor, Sunoco Group re: South-west Corner of Yonge Street and Orchard Heights Boulevard (Information, R.J. Harrington, Wm.G. Walker) 12-93 Suncor, Sunoco Group re: South-west Corner of Yonge Street and Orchard Heights Boulevard (Information, R.J. Harrington, J. Insley) 12-94 Henry Piebrock, Toronto, Ontario re: Technical Report Number 346 (OP) - Proposed OP Amendment Number 21 (Ref. Planning and Development Committee, S. Seibert, R.J. Harrington) 12-95 Linton, Leek and Montheith, Barristers, Solicitors and Notaries re: Michael Murrell (Information, R.J. Harrington, J. Insley, Solicitor) 12-96 Markborough Properties Limited re: Proposed Draft Plans-Rezoning and Official Plan Amendments (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 12-97 Ministry of the Environment re: File Number 19T-82013, Revlis Properties Limited (Ref. Planning and Development Committee, Wm.G. Walker, Wm. Johnson, R.J. Harrington, Councillor Stewart, S. Seibert) COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JUNE 21st, 1982 - 8 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 12-98 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Recommended Water Account Adjustment (Refund) -Mrs. Frei -70 Tyler Street (Information, Wm. Johnson) 12-99 Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville re: Notice of Application to the O.M.B. (Ref. Planning and Development Committee, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 12-100 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Municipal Action '85 (Information) 12-101 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Background Report-June 7, 1982 (Information, Council Room) 12-102 The Regional Municipality of York -Clerk's re: Provincial Funding of Downtown Core Study (Ref. Planning and Development Committee, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 12-103 Ontario Land Corporation re: Aurora H.O.M.E. 1/67, Phase II (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff) 12-104 Mayor Timpson memo to All Members of Council re: Upgrading of Hydro System and Street Lighting in Golf Glen (TABLED, NEW BUSINESS) 12-105 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Interim Payment Certificate Number 2 -Reconstruction of Ross Street (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) 12-106 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Interim Payment Certificate Number 2 -St. John's Sideroad Culvert (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) West: Resolved that the Clerk's Report be dealt with as outlined. Stewart: CARRIED REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 56-Public Safety Committee ... Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Public Safety Committee was held on Thursday, June 3rd, 1982 at 7:30 p.m. in the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Councillors Ostick, Stoddart and Ochalski, Fire Chief Wilson, Deputy Fire Chief Patrick and Fire Prevention Officer Bolsby. 1. Memo from Fire Chief regarding Additional Emergency Phone Line Bell Canada, which had indicated that an additional line would be available in May, have now informed the Chief that because of a strike in one of their sections, no date can be given. July or "ugust are mentioned as possibilities. The Committee recommends that this matter be taken up with Bell Canada at as high a level as possible to obtain a line, as soon as possible. It is suggested that the Clerk-Administrator take the necessary action. COUNCIL MEETING •.. MONDAY, JUNE 21st, 1982 - 9 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 56 -Public Safety Committee .•. Various Matters (continued) 2. Hazard Eva 1 uat ion Seminar The Committee recommends that one (1) volunteer and one (1) full time firefighter attend this course from July 9th to 11th, at a cost of $30.00 per person. Mileage expenses for one (1) car to be allowed. 3. Memo from Fire Chief regarding P.O.C. Detectors in Day Nurseries The Committee recommends that the Property Maintenance By-Law be amended as suggested in the attached memo. 4. Fire Protection Agreements -Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville and the Township of King The Committee recommends that the agreements with the above noted towns be amended as follows: Revised Rates Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Retainer Fee Each Vehicle Township of King Retainer Fee Each Vehicle $3,000.00 per annum $ 200.00 per hour or part thereof for first hour $ 100.00 per hour or part thereof for each subsequent hour $12 .00 per hour or part thereof per man $1,000.00 per annum $ 200.00 per hour or part thereof for first hour $ 100.00 per hour or part thereof for each subsequent hour $12.00 per hour or part thereof per man 5. Parking Restrictions Item 1 - 3 Item 4 Buck: Jones: Item 4 Item 5 The Committee recommends that the Parking By-Law be amended to prohibit parking: (a) on the east side of Sandusky Crescent, (b) on the west side of Spruce Street, north of south end of Odin Crescent to Batson Drive, (c) on the north side of Cousins Drive, east of Edward Street CARRIED AMENDED Resolved that Item 4 be referred back to the Public Safety rommittee with authorization to meet with representatives of the Fire Committees of the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville and the Township of King to discuss Fire Protection Agreements. CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED AS AMENDED Ostick: Resolved that the Public Safety Report# 56 dated June 3rd, 1982 be Stoddart: discussed item by item and accepted as amended and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JUNE 21st, 1982 -10 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 57-Works Committee ... Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Works Committee was held on Monday, June 14th; 1982, at 7:00 p.m. in the Economic Development Office at the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Councillor T. Jones, Councillor E. Stewart, Councillor L. Ostick, Town Consultant Henry Borgdorff and Town Superintendent Wm.G. Walker. 1. Letter# 6-20-Sewer Lateral Problem-42 Collins Crescent-Invoices Number 2675 and 2710 The Committee has decided to reserve decision on this matter until further information is received from the Works Department Foremen, a meeting for which has been set for Tuesday, June 22nd, 1982 at 5:00 p.m. 2. 1983 Capital Works Budget The Committee discussed this matter with respect to design undertakings and actual 1983 construction projects and have instructed that the Town Consultant and Town Superintendent prepare a report outlining the Committee's recommendation. Said report has been attached hereto. 3. Letter# 10-118 -Fencing Request -39 Jasper Drive The Committee have instructed the Town Superintendent to prepare a report on same for the next regularly scheduled Works Committee meeting. 4. Construction of a Weir and All Other Associated Work at the Town Fire Hall Due to outstanding Works Department committments, the Committee would recommend that the Town Superintendent negotiate a satisfactory arrangement with Reid and Associates to undertake the design, tendering and project supervision of said work. 5. Letters Received as Information Letter # 12-40 - Letter # 10-95 - Letter # 10-51 and Letter # 10-52 - Letter # 10-57 - Works -Waterworks Overtime Report (May) Wells Street Reconstruction (Mr. Brown-100 Wells Street) Works -Waterworks Overtime Report (April) Reconstruction of Ross Street (Region of York) The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Jones: Stewart: Resolved that the Works Committee Report # 57 dated June 14th, 1982 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED Report# 58-Leisure Services Committee ... Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Leisure Services Committee was held on Wednesday, June 9th, 1982 at 7:30 p.m. at the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Councillor John West, Councillor Betty Pedersen, Councillor Jan Ochalski, Director of Leisure Services Fred Horvath Citizen Members Jim Hayward, Klaus Wehrenberg Regrets: Susan Shaw, Doug MacPherson, Vi vi an Seaman Absent: Joan Osborne COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JUNE 21st, 1982 -11 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued} Report# 58-Leisure Services Committee ... Various Matters (continued) A. CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED FOR INFORMATION 1. Letter 11-9 -South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Park Improvement, Confederation Park 2. Letter 12-10-Ministry of Citizenship & Culture re: Wintario Capital Grants Program B. OTHER CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter 7-88-Go Travel Limited re: Bench for Yonge Street/Wellington Street Bus Stop Referred to Administration Committee. 2. Letter 10-12 -Mrs. James Bradley re: Erosion and Weed Problem It is recommended that this matter be referred to the Fleury Park walkway project being considered now by the Landscape Architect. 3. Letter # 11-14-Mrs. Sandra Kirkby re: Fence between Community Centre and Public School It is recommended that the Staff inform Mrs. Kirkby of the Town policy regarding fence cost sharing. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. City of Peterborough The Peterborough Parks and Recreation Committee have extended an invitation to the Leisure Services Advisory Committee to tour their recreational facilities on Saturday, June 26th, 1982. Departure from the Community Centre is at 8:30 a.m. 2. Wintario Grants -Public Meeting The Wintario meeting for all groups and Associations will be held on Thursday June 24th, 1982 at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Centre Auditorium. 3. Holland River Valley Study Five (5) interviews are scheduled for Tuesday, June 15, 1982. 4. Second Ice Surface Feasibility Study Three (3) interviews are scheduled for Monday, June 14, 1982 5. McMahon Park Tennis Courts The Committee recommends that the Town pay $7,500 to Centre Court Facilities for the resurfacing of the courts and that the Aurora Community Tennis Club be invoiced for their agreed portion of the costs. A Community Centres grant of $2,500.00 has been approved by the Ministry to defray this expense. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Appreciation Award The Committee recommends the establishment of a Cultural Appreciation Award to be presented annually. The existing Bob Harmon Memorial Award would be given as a sign of recognition for outstanding contributions in the athletic/sports fields. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JUNE 21st, 1982 -12 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 58-Leisure Services Committee ... Various Matters (continued) D. NEW BUSINESS (continued) 1. Appreciation Award (continued) The suggested new award would be appropriately named, and specific guidelines for both awards will be drafted for nomination purposes. Further details will be submitted to Council at a later date. 2. Proposed Lease of Land Representatives of soccer organizations in the municipality have proposed entering into an agreement to lease from the Town of Aurora, Block 33, Plan M-2012 of the Alliance properties located on the Vandorf Road. As lessees, they are prepared to bear the expense of improving the land and preparing the site for soccer use. Any agreement could not be prepared until after the completion of the Arena Feasibility Study. The Committee recommends that staff be authorized to draft a suitable agreement and/or lease and to ensure all of the necessary legal requirements are specified to the satisfaction of both parties. It is understood that no construction and maintenance costs would be borne by the Town of Aurora. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. The next meeting of the Leisure Services Committee will be held on Wednesday, July 7th, 1982, at 7:30 p.m. at the Administrative Centre. West: Resolved that the Leisure Services rommittee Report # 58 dated June Pedersen: 9th, 1982 be discussed item by item and accepted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED Councillor West in the Chair. Report# 59-Administration Committee .•. Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Administration Committee was called at 3:00p.m. on Monday, June 14th, 1982 at 3:00p.m. in the Mayor's office. Those in attendance were Mayor George D. Timpson and Councillor Earl Stewart. Councillor John West sent his regrets. 1. Fire Department Van The Committee recommends that the Fire Chief be authorized to obtain invitational quotations for one van to be purchased as per the attached specifications. The Committee recommends that the funding to provide this vehicle be authorized for payment from the Vehicle Replacement Fund. 2. Letter 12-9 -Mr. John Mcintyre, Chairman, Museum Committee The Committee recommends that the request to allow Hillary House to be considered tax exempt while continuing to be used as a place of residence, be denied. 3. Letter 7-88 -Request for Installation of Bench at 9 Yonge Street North The Committee recommends that authorization be given for the purchase of a bench at an approximate cost of $ 150.00 to be installed outside the premises of 9 Yonge Street North in close proximity to the GO bus stop. The Committee advises that this stop is frequently used by senior citizens and that it would provide a further convenience for our seniors. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JUNE 21st, 1982 -13 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 59-Administration Committee ... Various Matters (continued) 4. Improvement of Henderson Drive The Committee recommends that $7,500 from the Road Construction Reserve be authorized for the purchase of materials to bring about an improvement in the general condition of Henderson Drive between Lee Gate and Bathurst Street. 5. Letters Received as Information Item 1 Buck: Jones: Item 1 Item 2 - 5 Letter 11-110 -Leader of the Opposition -Province of Ontario Letter 12-23 -Mrs. Gladys Thorp re Bus Route AMENDED Resolved that a Siren Light Bar, at a cost of $1,100.00 be purchased for the new Fire Department Van. CARRIED AS AMENDED CARRIED CARRIED Timpson: Resolved that the Administration Committee Report # 59 dated June 14th, 1982 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Stewart: CARRIED Mayor Timpson in the Chair. Report# 60-Planning and Development Committee ... Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Planning and Development Committee was held on Monday, June 14, 1982 in the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Councillor B. Pedersen, Chairperson; Councillor J. West; Councillor E. Buck; Mrs. S. Seibert, Planner; Ms. L. McMaster, Secretary. A. OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENTS, REZONING APPLICATIONS & DRAFT PLANS OF SUBDIVISION: 1. Letter #11-47 -Archerhill Investments Ltd, Block 37, R.Plan M-2012, northwest corner Bayview Avenue & Vandorf Sideroad. The Committee discussed the proposed Plan of Subdivision, which is located at the north west quandrant of the intersection of Bayview Avenue and Vandorf Sideroad. The list of conditions which were included in the approval of the original Plan of Subdivision, dated February 10, 1978, is hereby enclosed. Item No. 3 in such report required that the future use designation on. Blocks A and C, (Block C being the subject lands), be changed from "Future Development" to "Rural". The Committee concurs that there was no previous commitment from the Town to develop the lands as residential and also that the rural population as allocated by the Region has been surpassed. Therefore, the Committee recommends that the proposal be denied. ·~-····- COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JUNE 21st, 1982 -14 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 60-Planning and Development Committee .•. Various Matters (continued) 2. Letter #12-56 -Markborough Properties Limited, Block A, Plan M-57 & Part Lot 90, Plan 246 The Committee perused the revised Plan and recommends approval in principle, subject to requested revisions in road width and turning circles, to the satisfaction of the Works Superintendent. It is also recommended that the Official Plan Amendment be processed, along with the subsequent rezoning. It was brought to the attention of the Committee that the homeowners of Lots 189, 190, 192, 193 & 194 on Plan M-57, which back onto the subject property, are very concerned with the problem of the swale and poor drainage at the rear of their lots. As a result of this problem, the homeowners are unable to fence their property, resulting in theft, etc. The Committee recommends that Markborough be asked to get in touch with the Town and the homeowners involved and rectify this problem of the swale as soon as possible so that fencing, etc., may be completed for security reasons. 3. Letter #12-19 -Technical Report, Region of York, Official Plan Amendment No. 21, Bridlewood Estates, Owner -Mr. Henry Piebrock The Committee reviewed the Region of York Technical Report No. 346 (O.P.) in regards to Official Plan Amendment 21 for the 16 lot Estate Residential Subdivision at the north east corner of Bloomington Sideroad and Leslie Street. The Region has recommended that the Official Plan Amendment not be approved for the following reason: "This and other similar proposed Official Plan Amendments will result in a gradual spread of urbanization across the southern part of Aurora, which is contrary to Regional policy and which will result in the need for an otherwise unnecessary expansion of municipal services." The Committee felt that the proposal of the 16 lot subdivision would not result in a spread of urbanization, nor the need for expansion of municipal services. especially as there are other residential properties in the vicinity. The Committee, therefore, recommends that the Region be asked to approve Official Plan Amendment No. 21. · 4. Official Plan Amendment No. 11, Aurora Country Estates The Committee reviewed a report prepared by S. Seibert in regards to potential population which would be generated by the development proposals currently under consideration by the Town. It was determined that the population is approximately 1500 under the 2001 population target established by Regional Council for Aurora. Therefore, this matter would not affect the subject proposal of subdivision. The Committee did, however, feel that if partial servicing took place, i.e. municipal water and septic tanks, that it would present a problem in the future, as the property adjacent to it is fully serviced. The Committee recommends that the Owners be advised that consideration be given to fully serviced lots on the site, with the appropriate redesign of the Plan, and a revision to the Official Plan Amendment. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JUNE 21st, 1982 -15 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 60-Planning and Development Committee ... Various Matters (continued) 5. Proposed RezoninT/Severance, Mr. Walter Routledge, southeast corner Vandorf Sideroad and Les ie Street. The Committee perused Mrs. Seibert's report in regards to the proposed severance, and recommends that the matter be held in abeyance until the pre-engineering study has been completed by the Region in regards to the re-alignment of Leslie Street. It was also suggested that the Owner obtain the necessary approvals or permits as required by the Conservation Authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources. 6. Salpam Investments Limited, Revised Draft Plan of Subdivision, l9T-81100, Part Lots 81 & 82, Cone. 1, WYS The Committee reviewed the Revised Plan of the subject property and recommends that approval in principle be given. Mrs. Seibert was asked to prepare the necessary conditions of approval for such Plan. B. LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE: 1. Mr. John G. Yount, Part Lot 84, Cone. 1, EYS, Yonge Street North - Application No. 46.82.A The Committee recommends that the Town support such application, however, suggest that it be held in abeyance until the necessary By-' aw to rezone the property has been given two readings, and the Public Meeting held. 2. Fairway Heights Investments Ltd., Lots 21, 22 & 23, Plan M-2012, Industrial Parkway-Application No. 168.82.A The Committee recommends that the Town support such application. C. OTHER BUSINESS: 1. Letter #11-68 -Mr. & Mrs. Mirkopoulos, Lot 10, Plan 166, Old Bloomington Ro~ The owners of the property are planning to build a new dwelling on the subject lot and wish to retain the existing dwelling as servants quarters. The Committee recommends that the Owners be advised that the By-Laws of the Town only permit one dwelling per lot, therefore, the retention of the existing dwelling would not be permitted. It will also be necessary for the Owners to enter into an Agreement with the Town and the necessary By-Law amendment be processed. D. RECEIVED AS INFORMATION: 1. Letter #12-48-Shortill & Peddle re: Unit 40, St. Andrews Square. 2. Letter #12-46 -Region of York Clerk's Department re: George Wimpey Canada Limited, Draft Plan Approval. The next Planning and Development Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 12, 1982 at 7:30 p.m. r ._.,_,., COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JUNE 21st, 1982 -16 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEE (continued) Report# 60-Planning and Development Committee ... Various Matters (continued) Item A.1 AMENDED Pedersen: Resolved that Item A.1 be referred back to the Planning and Development West: Committee for further discussion. CARRIED AS AMENDED Item A.1 CARRIED Item A.2 -D.2 CARRIED Pedersen: Resolved that the Planning and Development Committee Report # 60 dated West: June 14th, 1982 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended. CARRIED Councillor West in the Chair. Report # 61 -Council in Committee Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of Council in Committee was held on Wednesday, June 16th, 1982 at 8:10 p.m. in the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Mayor Timpson, Councillors Buck, Jones, Ochalski, Ostick, Pedersen, Stoddart and West. Councillor Stewart sent his regrets. Conflict of Interest Councillor Jones declared a possible conflict of interest in Item# 4, and did not take part in the consideration of or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. 1. Letter# 11-124 -Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: 1982 Ontario Employment Incentive Program Council in Committee recommends that Staff be directed to make an application to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for a grant under the Ontario Employment Incentive Program. Work that could be done under this program would be a new roof for Factory Theatre, park beautification and stream improvement. 2. Letter # 11-126 -H. Borgdorff memo to K.B. Rodger re: Replacement of Sect10n of 8" D1ameter Waterma1n w1th 12" D1ameter on Orchard Heights Boulevard and across Yonge Street The Committee discussed this matter, and would recommend that Reid and Associates be authorized to prepare the necessary documents for the upgrading of the replacement of 8" diameter watermain with a 12" diameter watermain on Orchard Heights Drive and Yonge Street North. 3. Letter# 12-11 -Association of Municipalities of Ontario re: 1982 AMO Annual Conference -August 22 -25, 1982 The Committee recommended that this letter be received as information at this time. COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JUNE 21st, 1982 -17 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES {continued) Report# 61-Council in Committee ... Various Matters (continued) 4. Letters# 12-70 and# 12-71-Matjon Properties Limited re: Hunters Glen- Subdivision M-70 The Committee recommends that these letters be referred to the next Council in Committee meeting and Mr. Jongeneel be so advised. 5. Letter# 12-72 -Ministry of Transportation and Communications -Regional Geotechnical Section re: Aggregate Sources List for Construction of Highway 404 Council in Committee discussed this matter and recommends that the Town of Aurora concur with the Ministry of Transportation and Communications regarding the possible use of Pit# 2 (Wayside). The Committee further recommends that the Vandorf Road via Leslie be used as the hauling route. Upon the completion of the contract, complete restoration of the site will be done bv the Contractor. Council in Committee further recommends that if a commercial pit is to be used, the haul route be Bloomington Road to Woodbine. 6. Summer Schedule of Council Meetings Council in Committee-July 14, 1982 Council in Committee -August 11th, 1982 Council -July 19th, 1982 Council -August 16th, 1982 An advertisement notifying the public of the dates of meetings is to be placed in the local newspaper. 7. Sign-St. Andrew's Mall Council in Committee recommends that the sign as presented for this Mall be accepted. The meeting adjourned at 9:14 p.m. Item 1 - 3 CARRIED Item 4 CARRIED Item 5 CARRIED - 7 Timpson: Resolved that the Council in Committee Report # 61 dated June 16th, Pedersen: 1982 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARR I ED Mayor Timpson in the Chair. RESOLUTIONS 1. Mayor and Clerk Authorization to Sign an Agreement -Checkerboard Farms Stewart: Jones: Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign an Agreement between Checkerboard Foods Ltd. and the Town of Aurora. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JUNE 21st, 1982 -18 - RESOLUTIONS (continued) 2. Mayor and Clerk Authorization to Sign an Agreement -Sunoco Inc. Stewart: Jones: Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign an Agreement between Sunoco Inc. and the Town of Aurora. CARRIED 3. Taxes to be Written Off Stewart: Jones: Resolved that the following taxes and penalties in the amount of $5,778.47 be approved for write-off and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 4. Court of Revisions for the Year 1982 Stewart: Jones: Resolved that the following 496A Court of Revisions for the year 1982 in the amount of $15,208.81 and Penalties of $17.94, total $15,226.75 be approved for write-off and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 5. Holland River Valley Study West: Resolved that the Town of Aurora engage the firm of du Toit Associates Pedersen: Ltd. to conduct the Holland River Valley Planning Study at a cost of $13,400.00. CARRIED 6. Second Ice Surface Feasibility Study West: Resolved that the Town of Aurora engage the firm of du Toit Associates Pedersen: Ltd. to conduct the feasibility study for increased Arena facilities at a cost of $13,300.00. CARRIED 7. Church Street School Lease Agreement West: Whereas, the Ontario Heritage Foundation require an easement agreement Pedersen: on the architectural and aesthetic exterior facade of the Church Street School building, and other such matters of mutual agreement relating to the preservation and accepting of grant monies for such building, Now Therefore Be It Resolved That: 1. Council does hereby approve of the wording of the attached lease agreement for the Church Street School; 2. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authori'zed to sign the lease agreement and other forms and documentation to complete this matter. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ... MONDAY, JUNE 21st, 1982 -19 - RESOLUTIONS (continued) 8. Payment Certificate Number 2-Lucy Construction Limited Jones: Stewart: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Town Superintendent, Interim Payment Certificate Number 2 for Contract Number M.G. 1982-1 -Reconstruction of Ross Street in the amount of $53,542.52, be paid to Lucy Construction Limited and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 9. Payment Certificate Number 2 -Craftwood Construction Limited Jones: Stewart: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Town Superintendent, Interim Payment Certificate Number 2 for Contract Number 902 -St. John's Sideroad Culvert in the amount of $39,880.25 be paid to Craftwood Construction Company Limited and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 10. Serv-A-Station Maintenance Limited Ostick: Resolved that, final payment in the amount of $4,092.47 which completes Jones: the Town committment in full to Serv-A-Station Maintenance Limited under the authority of Town Purchase Order Number 0695 be authorized for payment and further that, Council in processing such payment confirm that invoices 48763 and 48764 returned by the Town Superintendent which were properly denied, was work which was necessary to properly complete their contract to a satisfactory acceptance in the opinion of the Town Superintendent. CARRIED 11. Mayor and Clerk Authorization to Sign an Agreement -Swan Theatre and Theatre Aurora West: Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign an Agreement Pedersen: between the Town of Aurora and Theatre Aurora and Swan Theatre. -CARRIED UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Letter# 12-82 -Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Construct Asphalt S1dewalk 1nclud1ng Grad1ng, Landscaping and Limestone Foundation Material Jones: Resolved that the recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Town Superintendent, West: be accepted and Lucy Construction be awarded the Invitational Tender in the amount of $2,295.00 for the reconstruction of. the Jasper Drive walkway and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED BY-LAWS West: Be It Hereby Resolved That: Ochalski: Bill Number 2518-82 -Being a By-Law of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora to appoint Fence Viewers for the Corporation of the Town of Aurora ..• be read a First Time. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING •.. MONDAY, JUNE 21st, 1982 -20 - BY-LAWS (continued) West: Be It Hereby Resolved That: Ochal ski: Bill Number 2518-82-Being a By-Law of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora to appoint Fence Viewers for the Corporation of the Town of Aurora ... be read a Second Time. CARRIED West: Be It Hereby Resolved that Section .21 of By-Law 2270-78 be suspended Buck: and Bill Number 2518-82, now before the Council, be read a Third Time and Enacte.d and the Third Reading be taken as read. CARRIED West: Be It Hereby Resolved That: Buck: Bill Number 2517-82 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law 2073-76 as amended by By-Law Number 2152-77 a Restricted Area (Zoning) By-Law ... be read a Third Time. CARRIED NEW BUSINESS 1. Letter # 12-104 -Mayor Timpson memo to Members of Council re: Upgrading of Hydro System and Street Lighting in Golf Glen Buck: Resolved that the Aurora Hydro Electric Commission be authorized to West: proceed with underground wiring~ in Golf Glen, utilizing the existing luminaires. CARRIED 2. Impact Study for Section 86 Reassessment Pedersen: Resolved that the Minister of Revenue be requested to undertake an West: Impact Study under Section 86 for the Town of Aurora. CARRIED 3. 1982 Revised LACAC Budget West: Resolved that the Revised 1982 L.A.C.A.C. Budget in the amount of Pedersen: $5,300.00 be approved and that the additional $1,940.00 be obtained by reducing the amount approved for the Vehicle Reserve Fund from $210,060.00 to $208,120.00. Be It Further Resolved That the amount of $208,120.00 be authorized for transfer to the Vehicle Reserve Fund as funding becomes available. CARRIED 4. Mayor Timpson -Information to Council Mayor Timpson advised Council members of the following: (a) Core Study-Tuesday, June 22, 1982 at 7:00 p.m. (b) Swan Theatre Opening -Tuesday, June 22, 1982 (c) Public Meeting -Wednesday, June 23, 1982 at 7:00 p.m. (d) York County Night at Fort York Armories -Wednesday, June 23, 1982 at 9:00 p.m. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, JUNE 21st, 1982 -21 - ADJOURNMENT Pedersen: Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 10:58 p.m. CARRIED L 9?7~ /[fi II l'rf/'-/.1 Mayor--~ --u-----------, Clerk --~