MINUTES - Council - 19820405MINUTES OF THE 7TH COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MONDAY, APRIL 5TH, 1982 AT 8:00P.M. Present Were: Mayor Timpson, Councillors Buck, Jones, Ochalski, Ostick, Pedersen, Stewart, Stoddart and West. West: Jones: Resolved that Mrs. Poulin and Mr. s. McCasey representing the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee and Mr. A. Warren, representing the Business and Professional Association be given delegation status. CARRIED CONFLICT OF INTEREST Councillor Stewart declared a possible conflict of interest in By-Law Number 2466-81 (Ieraci) and did not take part in the consideration of or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Ochalski: Resolved that the Minutes of the Council Meeting of March 15th, 1982 Ostick: and the Special Council Meeting of April 1st, 1982, be adopted as printed and circulated. CARRIED CORRESPONDENCE 7-1 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Amendment Number 17 to Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area -File Number 19-0P-0025-17 (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 7-2 Go Transit re: Board Agenda -March 12th, 1982 (Information) 7-3 The Regional Municipality of York-Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lot 84, Cone. 1, W.Y.S., Town of Aurora, M.O.H. File Number 19T-80060 (High City Holdings) (Information, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert) 7-4 Ministry of Agriculture and Food re: Dog Licensing and Live Stock and Poultry Protection Act and Regulations (Information, C.E. Gowan) 7-5 Ministry of Revenue re: Assessment Data Users Meeting -March 17th, 1982 (Information, Wm. Johnson) 7-6 Reid and Associates Limited re: Town of Aurora, Traffic Control Signals, Yonge/Murray/Edward -Project 912, Yonge/Orchard Heights/Batson -Project 1005 (Information, Wm.G. Walker) 7-7 Reid and Associates Limited re: Town of Aurora, Traffic Control Signals, Yonge/Murray/Edward -Project 912, Yonge/Orchard Heights/Batson -Project 1005 (Information) 7-8 Reid and Associates Limited re: Engineering Services -Water Works Study (Information, Wm.G. Walker, Wm. Johnson) 7-9 The Regional Municipality of York -Engineering Committee re: Agenda - Tuesday, March 16th, 1982 · (Information) """'"" COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 5th, 1982 - 2 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 7-10 The Regional Municipality of York -Planning Committee re: Agenda - Wednesday, March 17th, 1982 (Information) 7-11 Boy Scouts of Canada re: Lease Agreement -Church Street School (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, Clerk to reply, F. Horvath, C.E. Gowan) 7-12 The Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part of Lots 81 and 82, Cone. 1, W.Y.S., Town of Aurora - 19T-81100 revised (Salpam) (Ref. Technical Committee) 7-13 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Background Report (Information, Council Room) 7-14 Reid and Associates Limited re: Town of Aurora, Yonge/Orchard Heights/Batson Intersection -Project Number 1005 (Information, Wm.G. Walker) 7-15 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Water Management Advisory Board Meeting -March 18th, 1982 (Information) 7-16 The Regional Municipality of York re: Sheelen Investments Limited (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert) 7-17 Ministry of Housing re: Experience '82 Program -Downtown and Community Improvement Projects (Ref. Planning and Development Committee, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert) 7-18 Reid and Associates Limited re: Town of Aurora, Industrial Parkway North Extension, through lots 84 and 85, Cone. 1, EYS -Project 1008 (Information, Wm. Johnson, Wm.G. Walker, Councillor Stewart) 7-19 Aurora (79) Taxi re: Taxi By-Law -York Taxi (Ref. Administration Committee, Clerk to reply) 7-20 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk's Department re: Steering Committee for the Commercial Core Study (Information, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert) 7-21 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Town of Aurora, Highway 11 Connecting Link (Information, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff) 7-22 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerk's Department re: Consolidated Hearings Act, 1981 (Information) 7-23 A. Merkur and Sons Limited re: Town of Aurora Zoning By-Law 2213-78 (Information, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 7-24 Fraser and Beatty, Barristers and Solicitors re: Conveyance for Accommodation Road (Information, Clerk to reply, Solicitor) 7-25 The Regional Municipality of York -Engineering re: Zone Painting -1982 (Information, Wm.G. Walker to reply) 7-26 Linton, Leek and Monteith, Barristers, Solicitors and Notaries re: Mr. and Mrs. Lumsden (Information, Solicitor, Clerk to reply) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 5th, 1982 - 3 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 7-27 The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario re: Hotel Aurora, 136 Yonge Street North (Information, R.J. Harrington, S.G. Wilson) 7-28 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce re: Letter of Credit-Puccini's Auto Services Limited (Information, Wm.G. Walker, K. MacFarlane) 7-29 George Wimpey Canada Limited re: Rezoning Application for Wimpey Draft Plan-19T-80018, Part of Lot 83, Concession 1, W.Y.S., (Aurora Orchards Subdi vision) (Information, s. Seibert, Wm. Johnson, R.J. Harrington) 7-30 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Executive Committee Meeting - March 23, 1982 -Agenda (Information) 7-31 Aurora, Bathurst and Wellington Streets Joint Venture re: Aurora West (19T~81100 ~ Salpam) (Ref. Technical Committee, S. Seibert, Wm.G. Walker, H. Borgdorff, R,J. Harrington, K.B. Rodger) 7-32 Spiro·and Wisebrod, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries re: Green and Upton ·Purchase from ERS (Hodgins) -12 Avondale Crescent (Information, R.J. Harrington to reply) 7-33 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Ontario Home Renewal Program (Information, R.J. Harrington) 7-34 Goodman and Carr, Barristers and Solicitors re: Granada Investments Limited-Elsie Adair (Information, Clerk to reply) 7-35 The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario re: Tailor's House Restaurant-38 Wellington Street East (Information, R.J. Harrington, S.G. Wilson) 7-36 Wm.G. Walker letter to Town Planning Consultants Inc. re: Proposed Residential Development, Orchard Heights Boulevard, Sheelen Investments Limited (Information, R.J. Harrington, s. Seibert) 7-37 Organization of Small Urban Municipalities re: Annual Conference - Collingwood, Ontario -May 6 to 8, 1982 (TABLED) West: Resolved that this letter be received as information. Pedersen: CARRIED 7-38 T.O. Hallman, Waterloo, Ontario re: Douglas Puddicombe -Grievance (Information, Union, Wm.G. Walker, K.B. Rodger) 7-39 The Regional Municipality of York -Clerk re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-80047 (Old Park Holdings) (Ref. Technical Committee, R.J. Harrington, S. Seibert) 7-40 Frank Cowan Company Limited re: Vandalism Town Sign-October 31, 1981 (Information, Wm. Johnson, Insurance Claims) 7-41 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Professional Engineering Services Rendered-Invoice Number 5357, 5361, 5362, 5365, 5366, 5369, 5371, 5372 and 5373) (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) '--" COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 5th, 1982 - 4 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 7-42 Bell Canada re: Statement of Gross Receipts of Bell Canada (Information, Wm. Johnson) 7-43 Government of Canada, Minister of Communications re: Bell Canada's Extended Area Services (Ref. Council in Committee) 7-44 Helpmate Information re: Volunteer Week -April 18 to 24, 1982 (TABLED) Pedersen: Resolved that the week of April 18 to 24, 1982 be declared "Volunteer .West: Week" in the Town of Aurora. CARRIED 7-45 Ministry of Natural Resources re: Preparation to Deal with Flood Emergencies (Information) 7-46 Wm.G. Walker letter to Employment and Immigration Canada re: Mr. Douglas Puddicombe File (Information, D. Thomson) 7-47 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Background (Information, Council Room) 7-48 Ministry of the Environment re: EA Update (Ref. Technical Committee) 7-49 Aurora Volunteer Fire Brigade re: Group Life Insurance Plan (Information, Clerk to reply) 7-50 A.s. MacDonald, 57 Spruce Street, Aurora re: Zoning Change -53 Spruce Street (Information, Clerk to reply} 7-51 s. Seibert memo to Councillor B. Pedersen re: Downtown Planning Study (Information, K.B. Rodger) 7-52 Bank of Montreal re: Picture Homes and/or Picture Homes Development Inc. - Letter of Credit (Information, R.J. Harrington) 7-53 The York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: Board's Requisitions for Separate School Purposes for 1982 (Information) 7-54 The Dr. G.W. Williams Secondary School re: Co-Operative Training and Work Experience Program -May 3 to May 14, 1982 (Information, C.E. Gowan to reply) 7-55 IndCom Engineering Limited, Richmond Hill, Ontario re: Letter of Introduction (Information) 7-56 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: 1981 Transit Subsidy Allocation(s) Supplementary (Information, H. Borgdorff, Wm. Johnson, Wm.G. Walker, C.E. Gowan) 7-57 Vezeu Real Estate Limited re: Air Conditioners (Information, F. Horvath} 7-58 Ainley and Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers and Planners re: Brochure (Information) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 5th, 1982 - 5 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 7-59 C.M. Watson, 18 Hill Drive, Aurora re: Damage to Vehicle (Information, Insurance, Wm.G. Walker) 7-60 Cassar, Collins, Barrow, Chartered Accountants re: By-Law for Retention of Records -Aurora Hydro El ectri.c Commission (Ref. Council in Committee) 7-61 Shortill and Peddle, Barristers and Solicitors re: St. Andrews Village Square, Unit 40 (Ref. Planning and Development Committee, R.J. Harrington to reply) 7-62 Ministry of Natural Resources re: Proposed Amendment Number 23 to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area (Information, R.J. Harrington) 7-63 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Highway 11 at St. John's Side road Stoddart: Pedersen: (TABLED) Resolved that Mayor Timpson be authorized to meet with the Minister to bring forth Council's concern regarding the intersection at Yonge Street and the St. John's Sideroad and to seek the Minister's co-operation in having traffic lights placed at this location. CARR I ED 7-64 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: News Release (Ref. Planning and Development Committee, R.J. Harrington) 7-65 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Contract Management Handbook (Information, Wm.G. Walker) 7-66 Ontario Good Roads Association re: Grader Operator Upgrading Program (Ref. Works Committee, Wm.G. Walker) 7-67 Committee of Adjustment re: Submission A-1-82, Lot 41, Plan 517, 19 Boulding Drive, Mr. and Mrs. D. Patrick (Information, R.J. Harrington) 7-68 Committee of Adjustment re: Submission A-2-82, Checkerboard Farms, Old Yonge Street (Information, R.J. Harrington) 7-69 Precision Small Parts Limited, Thornhill, Ontario re: Application for a Site Plan Agreement (Ref. Planning and Development Committee, Technical Committee) 7-70 Sunoco Incorporated, Toronto, Ontario re: Application for a Site Plan Agreement (Ref. Planning and Development Committee, Technical Committee) 7-71 Federal Business Development Bank re: Time Management Seminar -March 32, 1982 -Hotel Aurora (Information, Wm.G. Walker, R.J. Harrington, S.G. Wilson) 7-72 Mr. A. Woolley, Aurora Collectible Gallery re: Mobile Sign Permit Extension (Ref. Council in Committee) • r•·o,,., ;.._,._,_~..-· COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 5th, 1982 -6 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 7-73 A. Merkur and Sons Limited re: Aurora Arts and Cultural Fund (Information, Mayor George D. Timpson) 7-74 Town of Oakville, L.A.C.A.C. re: Communications '82 (Information) 7-75 Charles Teasdale, R.R. # 2, Aurora re: Request for Hook-up for Water (Information, Wm.G. Walker to reply) 7-76 The Regional Municipality of York -Health and Social Services re: Changes in Welfare Field Staff Areas (Information, Mayor George D. Timpson, K.B. Rodger) 7-77 Canada Employment Centre for Students re: Hire a Student Program (Information, F. Horvath, Wm.G. Walker) 7-78 York Regional Land Division Committee re: John and Gerda Vander Schaaf- Application Number 448.81.A (Information, H. Borgdorff) 7-79 The Financial Post re: Industrial Parks (Information, Councillor E. Stewart) 7-80 The York County Board of Education re: 1982 Municipal Levies for School Purposes (Ref. Administration Committee) 7-81 Beverley Simms, 33 Algonquin Crescent, Aurora re: Request for Girl Guides to attend Cou neil meeting (Information, C.E. Gowan to reply) 7-82 Bruce A. Brown Associates Limited re: Mixed use development, Mill Street and Wellington Street West, Aurora (Information, R.J. Harrington to reply, S. Seibert) 7-83 Ministry of Culture and Recreation re: Regulation 200 Grant (Information, Wm. Johnson to reply) 7-84 Corporation of the City of Stratford re: Non-Union Administrative Employee's Salaries and Benefits (Information, Clerk to reply) 7-85 G. Henderson, Kitchener, Ontario re: Request for Information on Aurora (Information, Clerk to reply) 7-86 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Water Management Advisory Board Meeting -March 18, 1982 (Information) 7-87 Municipal Transportation Energy Advisory Committee re: Municipal Transportation Energy Seminars (Ref. Administration Committee) 7-88 Go Travel Limited, Aurora, Ontario re: Request for Bench at Go Bus Stop - 9 Yonge Street North (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, K. MacFarlane) 7-89 The Royal Bank of Canada re: Part Lot 16, Plan 9 #30-005 and 31-277 (Evans) (Information, Treasury to reply) 7-90 The York County Board of Education re: By-Law 2483-82, Town of Aurora (Information, C.E. Gowan) 7-91 The York County Board of Education re: By-Law 2486-82, Town of Aurora (Information, C.E. Gowan) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 5th, 1982 - 7 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 7-92 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Minutes of January 15, 1982 OUTA-MTC Advisory Committee (Information) 7-93 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Ontario's Driver Certification Program (Ref. Public Safety Committee, Works Committee) 7-94 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Discharging Firearms during Maplefest -April 3rd -4th, 1982 (Ref. Council in Committee) 7-95 Aurora Minor Lacrosse Association r: Second Lacrosse Tournament -June 19th or June 26th, 1982 (Ref. Administration Committee, F. Horvath) 7-96 The English Springer Spaniel Club of Ontario re: Request for Permission to use Sheppard's Bush Conservation Area (Information, F. Horvath) 7-97 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: 1982 Supplementary Petition -Form MR-A-15 (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) 7-98 Wm. Benzies memo to R.J. Harrington and K.B. Rodger re: Ontario Association of Property Standards Officers Inc. (Ref. Administration Committee, K.B. Rodger) 7-99 The Regional Municipality of York -Engineering re: Tender for Supply of Gasoline, Diesel Fuel, Fuel Oils and Lubricants (Information, Wm.G. Walker to reply) 7-100 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: By-Law 2483-82, Lot 10, R.P. 67, Town of Aurora (Information, C.E. Gowan) 7-101 House of Commons re: Extended Area Service Plans (Ref. Council in Committee) 7-102 The Regional Municipality of York -Health re: Rabies Control (Information) 7-103 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Interim Payments for the 1982 unconditional General Per Capita Grants (Information, Wm. Johnson, K.B. Rodger) 7-104 Ministry of Revenue re: Amendment Number 5 to User's Manual (Information, Wm. Johnson) 7-105 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Tender Closing -March 26, 1982, Reconstruction of Ross Street (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) 7-106 Aurora Fire Department re: Activity Report-March 1982 (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 7-107 Parks and Recreation Federation of Ontario re: Submission on the New Planning Act Concerning Parkland Conveyance Requirements (Ref. Council in Committee, Planning and Development Committee, K.B. '--~ Rodger) 7-108 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Part of Lots 77 and 78, Cone. 1, Part of Lots 186 and 187, Plan 246 designated as Parts 2 and 3 on Plan 65R-4328 being 255 Industrial Parkway (Val Caron Developments Limited) (Information, R.J. Harrington) 7-109 Reid and Associates Limited re: Town of Aurora, Traffic Lights Installation, Yonge Street and Golf Links Drive-Project Number 904 (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS, Wm. Johnson, H. Borgdorff) L-~·· COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 5th, 1982 - 8 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 7-110 Westview Golf Club Limited re: South East Corner of Vandorf Sideroad and Leslie Street (Ref. Technical Committee, Planning and Development Committee, R.J. Harrington, K.B. Rodger) 7-111 Community Action Research Associates re: Request for Copy of Budget for 1981 and 1977 (Information, Wm. Johnson to reply) 7-112 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Executive Committee Minutes - March 23, 1982 (Information) 7-113 The Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: Draft By-Laws -J.G. Yonge/W.R. Case (Sunoco) -Stuart Barfit and Jack Bentley (TABLED, BY-LAWS) 7-114 F. Horvath memo to K.B. Rodger re: David Best (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) 7-115 Jones: West: Boy Scouts of Canada, 5th Aurora Group re: conduct Annual Flower Sale -April 23 to May (TABLED) Request for Permission to 3' 1982 Resolved that the 5th Aurora Group be granted permission to hold their Annual Flower Sale in Aurora April 23 to May 3, 1982. CARRIED 7-116 Big Sisters of York re: Request for Permission to Hold Annual Tag Day on Saturday, May 1, 1982 (TABLED) West: Stewart: Resolved that Big Sisters of York be granted permission to hold a Tag Day in Aurora-May 1, 1982. CARRIED West: Resolved that the Clerk's Report be dealt with as outlined. Stewart: CARRIED DELEGATIONS 1. Mr. F. Reid, Auditor re: 1981 Financial Statements Jones: Mr F. Reid, Auditor, appeared before Council to present the 1981 Financial Report. Mr. Reid stated it was a document Council could be proud of and it reflects sound financial planning. Stewart: Resolved that the 1981 Financial Report as presented by F. Reid of Cossar, Collins, Barrow be accepted. CARRIED 2. Mr. S. McCasey -L.A.C.A.C. Mr. s. McCasey, representing L.A.C.A.C., appeared before Council to request that Council reconsider their decision to cut the L.A.C.A.C. Budget by 50%. Mr. McCasey was advised by Mayor Timpson that Mrs. Poulin had agreed to Council's decision in this regard as items in the L.A.C.A.C. Budget were covered in the Planning and Development Budget. West: Resolved that the 1982 L.A.C.A.C. Budget remain as is, the L.A.C.A.C. Pedersen: to submit a Cost Analysis and the list of properties they are considering to undertake in their study, to the Core Area Committee who will then report to Council. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 5th, 1982 - 9 - DELEGATIONS (continued) 3. Mr. Al Warren -Business and Professional Association Mr. Al Warren, representing the Business and Professional Association advised Council that the Association had decided on an Improvement area as follows: Wellington Street East to Victoria Street Wellington Street West to Mill Street Yonge Street North to Irwin Avenue, and Yonge Street South to Reuben Street and requested Council's consideration on this decision. Pedersen: Stoddart: Resolved that a By-Law be prepared for Council's consideration and it is suggested that the By-Law be given three readings at the next Council meeting. CARRIED 4. Mr. R. Forhan -Regional Chairman re: Regional Activities during Past Year Mr. R. Forhan, Regional Chairman, appeared before Council to present an outline of the 1982 Regional Budget which Regional Council will be considering in the next two (2) weeks. Mr. Forhan also gave a brief outline of the comparison of Taxable Assessments for 1981 and 1982. Mr. Forhan advised that Mr. John Scott has been appointed the Regional Information Officer and would be happy to assist any municipality in anyway he could. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES i"'''' Councillor West in the Chair. i l_"~ Report # 34 -Economic Development Committee ... Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Economic Development Committee was held on Thursday, March 18, 1982, at 7:30 p.m. in the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Councillor E. Stewart, Chairman, Councillor Tim Jones and Councillor Elinora Stoddart. 1. Review of January 21, 1982 Meeting (a) Old Police Building No written report as yet but the Town Solicitor has been working on title problems. (b) Development of Downtown Core (B.I.A.) Al Warren, President of the Downtown Business Association reported that response is favourable and hopes to come to Council in April. (c) Extension of Industrial Parkway north to St. John's Sideroad Agreements with owners of the two properties i nvo 1 ved have been made re: actual location of road allowance and permissions to construct the York Durham sewer force main and water line have been given. Details regarding when and who will construct the roadway have not yet been completed. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 5th, 1982 -10 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 34-Economic Development Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) 1. Review of January 21, 1982 Meeting (continued) (d) Advertising Advertising of the Industrial lots has run in the Globe for seven (7) days and a second week of 1" -one column wide ads has been authorized. Several calls have been received and are being followed up by personal interviews with prospects. (e) History of Aurora The search for someone with local knowledge and background to rewrite the history of Aurora has produced no result to date. The Committee would welcome any suggestions from Council on this matter. (f) Hosting of O.I.D.C. -June 1983 Meeting Acceptance of Aurora's offer to host the Summer 1983 meeting has been received and June 23rd and 24th, 1983 are the dates designated by the O.I.D.C. Board of Directors. The Committee would appreciate any suggestions or assistance the Council or any Local Organization could offer so that this event can be properly publicized and supported. Mayor Timpson in the Chair. 2. Industrial Show The third "Aurora Industrial Show" was held Tuesday, March 16th, 1982, at the Aurora Legion Hall. Twenty-two industries displayed their products and ninety people enjoyed a roast beef dinner. John Blanchard, Director of the Industrial Branch of the newly formed Ministry of Industry and Trade was the guest speaker and Mayor George Timpson also said a few words to those present. Councillors Elinora Stoddart and Earl Stewart were in attendance. 3. Future Industrial Lands Aurora has an allocation of 504 acres of Industrial land and there are presently about 85 acres unsold to industry. The Committee would recommend that Council request the long range Planning Committee of the Regional Planning Department to consider the present Industrial servicing area and also consider designation of more industrial lands on private services. 4. Lack of Apartments The Committee discussed the shortage of apartment rental units and agreed to contact several developers to encourage them to consider Aurora in their future apartment development plans. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Stewart: Resolved that the Economic Development Committee Report# 34 dated Stiddart: March 18th, 1982 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 5th, 1982 -11 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Date: Name: -York Regional Land Division Committee ••• Application Number 429.81.A March 2, 1982 Barbara Armstrong Address: Box 27, Wellington Street West, Aurora, Ontario L4G 3P5 Part Lot 1, Registered Plan 102 Property: Town of Aurora In the Matter of Subsection 49(3) of The Planning Act (R.s.o. 1980 c.379) as amended, and In the Matter of an application by Barbara Armstrong for consent to convey the subject land marked "A" on a sketch attached as Appendix Number 1. Before: R.E. Preston (Chairman), W. Bales, J.D. Brookes, J.S. Hicks, Mrs. J. Paton, B. Tucciarone being a quorum of the Land Division Committee on Tuesday, March 2, 1982. Gerry Copley appeared on behalf of the owner. The owner proposes to convey the subject land marked "A" on the attached sketch for urban residential purposes, and retain the land marked "B" for urban residential purposes. The subject land is vacant. There is an existing dwelling, a frame shed and a garage located on the land to be retained. The garage will be moved. The Committee accepts an amendment to the application to convey the easterly 109.68 feet containing an existing dwelling, garage and shed, instead of as originally submitted, without further notice to affected property owners and agencies. In reaching a decision, the Committee had regard to all of the matters set out in subsection 4 of section 36 of The Planning Act and to the written and oral submissions and comments made at the Hearing. The Committee notes that Council has passed By-Law 2478-82 to facilitate the conveyance, and the use of the resulting lots for the intended purposes. The By-Law has not yet been approved by the Ontario Municipal Board or come in to force under the provisions of Section 39(26) of The Planning Act. On the basis of the evidence before it, the Committee concludes the proposal conforms to the Official Plan and will conform to the Zoning By-Law if amending By-Law 2478-82 is approved by the Municipal Board or comes in to force under the provisions of Section 39(26) of The Act, and variances are authorized by the Committee of Adjustment regarding the front and westerly sideyards as may be required. The Committee is satisfied the proposal is compatible with the established pattern of development in the areas and the conveyance will not be detrimental to the public interest. The Committee is further satisfied the shape and dimensions of the resulting lots are adequate and the lots are suitable for the intended purposes. In the opinion of the Committee, a plan of subdivision approved under section 36 of The Planning Act is not required in this instance. It is therefore, the decision of the Land Division Committee that consent be GRANTED to Application Number 429.81.A, as amended, upon fulfilment of the following conditions: 1. Payment of a Lot Levy of $1,695.00, to the Town of Aurora; 2. Payment of a Park Levy, to the Town of Aurora, in lieu of the deeding of land for park purposes, said levy not to exceed 5% of the appraised market value of the subject land only; ("···-·~· COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 5th, 1982 -12 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) NOTE: Division Committee ... Application Number 429.8l.A 3. Submission to the Secretary-Treasurer; of: (a) Ontario Municipal Board approval of By-Law 2478-82 or certification from the Municipal Clerk that under the provisions of section 39(26) of The Planning Act, the By-Law is now in full force and effect; (b) A copy of the By-Law as approved; 4. Submission to the Secretary-Treasurer, of written confirmation, by the Municipality, that the existing garage has been moved to conform to the By-Law, or has been demolished, and that all debris has been removed to the satisfaction of the Municipality; 5. Payment of a Hydro Lot Levy of $1,500.00, per hectare, to the Town of Aurora, with regard to the subject land only; 6. Submission to the Secretary-Treasurer, of written confirmation, by the Municipality, that variances have been authorized without successful appeal, regarding the front and west sideyards of the existing dwelling, as may be required; 7. Submission to the Secretary-Treasurer, of written advice by the Regional Health Department that the matters set out in its letter dated January 19, 1982 and attached hereto as Appendix Number 2 have been satisfactorily fulfilled; 8. Submission to the Secretary-Treasurer, of written confirmation by the South LaKe Simcoe Conservation Authority that satisfactory arrangements have been made between the Authority and the owner with respect to development of the subject land; 9. Submission to the Secretary-Treasurer, of a copy of a registered deed of conveyance of a parcel of land 3 metres in width across the frontage of the subject land only, to the Regional Municipality of York, without cost, and free of encumbrances; 10. Payment of a Development Charge of $350.00, to the Regional Municipality of York; 11. Submission to the Secretary-Treasurer, of a fully executed deed, in duplicate, conveying the subject land as amended; 12. Submission to the Secretary-Treasurer, of three white prints of a deposited Plan of Reference of the owner's entire land, which conforms substantially with the application as amended, and which shows the distances of all remaining buildings and structures from adjacent lot boundaries and the line of severance; 13. Fulfilment of Conditions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 not later than January 24, 1983. A Certificate pursuant to subsection 21 of section 49 of The Planning Act cannot be given until all conditions of consent have been fulfilled \SUbsection 24 of section 29 of The Planning Act (R.s.o. 1980, c.379) as amended. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 5th, 1982 -13 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) -York Regional Land Division Committee ••• APPlication Number 429.81.A contfnued Pedersen: Resolved that the York Regional Land Division Committee Report# 35 (Armstrong) dated March 22, 1982 be received. West: CARR I ED Report# 36-Works Committee ••• Various Matters The Committee respectfully submit the following: A meeting of the Works Committee was held on Monday, March 22nd, 1982 at 7:00 p.m. in Committee Room No.1 at the Administrative Centre. Present were: Councillor T. Jones, Councillor E. Stewart, Councillor L. Ostick and Town Superintendent Wm. Walker. 1. Additional Summer Staff Requirements As a result of recent amendments to the Ontario Fire Code, the Town Superintendent has requested that an additional summer student be hired to assist in hydrant flow determination, hydrant painting, colour coding and numbering. The Committee are supportive of the Town Superintendent's request for.same. 2. 1982 Capital Works Programme and 1982 Supplementary Petition The Town Superintendent is in the process of preparing Form OB-MR-28 (breakdown of how our construction and maintenance allocations are being spent) as well as the Town's request for supplementary allocation of subsidy monies ($193,000.00 for Industry Street Reconstruction -Centre Street to Legion Building, as well as, completion of the St. John's Sideroad Culvert). Said request for supplementary funds will require Council's authorization by way of resolution. 3. Bullen Request For Compensation -Sewer Lateral Rodding Costs Being that Mrs. Bullen did not contact the Works Department for assistance prior to engaging the services of a private contractor, the Committee would recommend that the request for compensation be denied in accordance with existing Town policy. 4. Water Meters The Committee have requested that the Town Superintendent prepare a report for the April 14th Council-in-Committee meeting outlining available water meter reading system alternatives complete with compatible meters for each system. In addition, the Works Committee would recommend that the installation of an approved water meter be required at the time the home is constructed as opposed to the Town's present policy of assessing a per unit water r~ter charge at the subdivision agreement stage. 5. Letters Received As Information Letter No. 6-142 Letter No. 6-144 Bell Canada -George Street Reconstruction Overtime Reports -Works and Waterworks -February 1982 The meeting adjourned at 7:55p.m. Jones: Stewart: Resolved that the Works Committee Report # 36 dated March 22nd, 1982 be discussed !tern by item and accepted. CARRIED ,,,,..,..,"'; ! L~~~" ~" .... ,, .. , i COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 5th, 1982 -14 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 37 -Public Safety Advisory Committee ••• Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Public Safety Advisory Committee was held on Tuesday, March 30th, 1982 at 7:30 p.m. in the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Councillors Ostick, Stoddart and Ochalski. Citizen members Lougheed and Oates, and Fire Chief Wilson, Deputy Fire Chief Patrick. Regrets From: T. Bessant A. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter # 7-93 -Ontario Drivers Certification Program The Chief reported that a member of the Brigade was qualified and would be registered to instruct and to issue certificates of driving competence. This will be a considerable advantage to the Brigade in facilitating driver training. 2. Letter # 5-99 -Parking -Cameron Avenue The Committee recommends that no action be taken. 3. Letter # 5-96 -Memo from Wm.G. Walker re: Flashin Red Warnin St. John s Sideroad and Hi hwa 11 Intersection Cost Estimate 4. The Committee recommends that no action be taken, at least until the report from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications is received. Letter # 5-33 -Canada Safety Council (Balance Sheet) The Committee recommends that the Town continue its support and donate $100.00 (same as 1981). B. OTHER BUSINESS 1. Aerial Ladder Truck Response Statistics The Committee received as information, the attached list of calls answered by the Aerial Ladder Truck. 2. Bus Stops -Local Bus Service 3. A complaint was received from a person using the Town bus who wished to alight at Yonge and Batson on the east side of Yonge. Because of the problem of crossing to the center of the road to make the turn on to Orchard Heights, the bus refuses to stop at the east curb near the intersection. After making the turn, the bus travels to the next stop west before stopping for passengers to alight. One lady has already been injured returning across Yonge Street. The Committee recommends that a bus stop be instituted south of Batson Drive at the closest safest distance and that the bus route be reviewed after the installation of traffic signals. First Aid and C.P.R. Courses The Fire Department is sponsoring First Aid and C.P.R. courses this Spring and at the conclusion, all the Brigade will be qualified. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 5th, 1982 -15 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 37-Public Safety Advisory Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) 4. Promotion to Captain -c. Cowie, Jr. The Committee received as information, a memo from the Chief announcing the promotion of c. Cowie, Jr., to the rank of Captain in the Volunteer Brigade. 5. Installation of Additional Emergency Telephone Line Bell Canada have confirmed that everything is on schedule for the installation of the additional emergency phone line. This will involve a change of number which will be publicized. The old number will be retained in service for up to one {1) year. 6. Volunteer vs. Full Time Survey Results Twelve (12) complete replies were received to the questionnaire sent to other departments. Discussion began on this, making any recommendation was deferred to the April meeting. The meeting adjourned at 9:20p.m. The next meeting of the Public Safety Committee will be held on Thursday, May 6th, 1982. Item A.1 CARRIED Item A.2 AMENDED Pedersen: Resolved that Item A.2 be referred back to the Committee. Jones: Item A. 2 Item A.3 Pedersen: Jones: Item A.3 Item A.4 Item B.1 Item B.2 Pedersen: Jones: Item B.2 Item B.3 -B.6 Ostick: Stoddart: CARRIED AS AMENDED CARRIED AMENDED Resolved that Item A.3 be referred to the next Council in Committee meeting. CARRIED AS AMENDED CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED AMENDED Resolved that Item B.2 be referred to the Administration Committee. CARRIED AS AMENDED CARRIED CARRIED Resolved that the Public Safety Committee Report # 37 dated March 30th, 1982 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED <...-,.....J ·-~ COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 5th, 1982 -16 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued} Councillor West in the Chair. Report # 38 -Council in Committee ••• Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of Council in Committee was held on Wednesday, March 31st, 1982 at 7:00 p.m. in the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Mayor George D. Timpson, Councillors Buck, Jones, Ochalski, Ostick, Pedersen, Stewart, Stoddart and West. Also in attendance were Wm. Johnson, Treasurer, D. Wardle, Deputy-Treasurer, S.G. Wilson, Fire Chief, R.J. Harrington, Chief Building Official, F. Horvath, Director of Leisure Services, Wm.G. ·Walker, Town Superintendent. The following matters were discussed: 1. 1982 Proposed Budget Mayor Timpson outlined the meetings held by the various Committees with Department Heads and by the Administration Committee to come up with the proposed budget now before Council in Committee. Mayor Timpson advised there is a zero mill rate increase in this budget. Council in Committee discussed the budget at length and recommended that the proposed purchase of a 3/4 ton truck and a one (1) way plow referred to in the Capital Works Budget, be referred to the Administration Committee for a report to Council. 2. Letter# 6-153 -Aurora Public Library re: Directional Signs on Yonge Street The Committee recommends that the Aurora Library Board be granted permission to erect directional signals on Yonge Street at Church Street to indicate the Library's location. 3. Letter# 7-43 -Government of Canada, Minister of Communications re: Bell Canada's Extended Area Services The Committee recommends that this letter be received at this time. 4. Letter# 7-60-Cossar, Collins, Barrow, Chartered Accountant re: By-Law for Retention of Records -Aurora Hydro Electric Commission Council in Committee recommends that a By-Law for the Retention of Records for Aurora Hydro Electric Commission be prepared and presented to Council for consideration. 5. Letter# 7-72 -Mr. A. Woolley, Aurora Collectible Gallery re: Mobile Sign Permit Extension The Committee recommends that the Aurora Collectible Gallery be granted a one (1) month extension for their Mobile Sign Permit. The meeting adjourned at 12:00 p.m. Timpson: Stewart: Resolved that the Council in Committee Report# 38 dated March 31st, 1982 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 5th, 1982 -17 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Councillor West in the Chair. Report # 39 -Administration Committee ••• Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Administration Committee was held at 3:30 p.m. on Monday, March 29th, 1982 in the Mayor's Office. Present were: Mayor George D. Timpson, Councillor John West, (4:00 p.m.), Councillor Earl Stewart, Councillor Jan Ochalski and Mr. Fred Reid, Town Auditor. 1. Audit Committee Report The Committee received the Auditor's Report for the fiscal year 1981 and discussed various aspects of the Report with the Auditor. The Auditor had no recommendations to make regarding the financial management of the Town and pointed out that the Town of Aurora is in very healthy financial condition. The Committee recommends that the audited financial statements for 1981 and the Auditor's Report be adopted. The Administration Committee recessed from its role of the Audit Committee at 4:00 p.m. and commenced deliberations as the Administration Committee of Council. 2. Letter 6-166 -Aurora Horticultural Society -1982 Grant The Committee recommends that the work of the Horticultural Society be supported and that Council authorize a grant in the amount of $300.00 be paid to the Aurora Horticultural Society and charged to the line 1400-87 in the 1982 Municipal Budget. 3. Letter 6-175 -International Institute of Municipal Clerks -1982 Membership The Committee recommends that the Membership fee in the amount of $45.00 (U.S.) be paid to the International Institute of Municipal Clerks on behalf of Mr. K.B. Rodger, Clerk-Administrator. 4. Letters Received as Information Letter 7-19 -Aurora (79) Taxi Letter 7-80-York Region Board of Education Letter 7-87 -Municipal Transportation Energy Advisory Committee Seminars Timpson: Stewart: Resolved that the Administration Committee Report# 39 dated March 29th, 1982 be discussed item by item and accepted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 5th, 1982 -18 - RESOLUTIONS 1. Payment of Accounts -Reid and Associates Jones: Stewart: Resolved that the following accounts of Reid and Associates Limited: Project Invoice No. Advisory Services (Retainer, February) 5357 Sanitary Sewers for Secondary Plan 5361 Reconstruction of Catherine & Spruce Sts. 5362 Aurora Waterworks Study 5365 Yonge Street-Murray Dr. Intersection 5366 Reconstruction of Centre and Wells Streets 5369 Industry St. N. Design (Centre Street -Legion) 5371 Yonge Street -Orchard Heights Dr. Intersection 5372 Industrial Parkway North Extension 5373 TOTAL Amount $ 2,998.18 8,185.08 313.33 215.48 2,498.37 376.28 481.84 1 ,440. 29 8,498.88 $25,007.73 Account 3100-38 Services Reserve 3360-40 Water 3100-34 3360-40 3100-34 3100-34 Industrial Park Acct. ••• be paid in the total amount of $25,007.73 and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 2. Holding of July First Celebrations Ochalski: Resolved that the Town of Aurora hereby authorize the holding of July Stoddart: First festivities at the Community Centre in the Town of Aurora. CARRIED 3. Financial Guarantee-Puccini's Auto Service Jones: Stewart: Resolved that upon the recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Town Superintendent, the Financial Guarantee held by the Town of Aurora for Puccini's Auto Service be reduced to $3,500.00. CARR I ED 4. Insurance Certificate -Lucy Construction Company Jones: Stewart: Resolved that upon the recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Town Superintendent, the Insurance Certificate held by the Town of Aurora for Lucy Construction Company be released. CARRIED /'···-"' , __ COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 5th, 1982 -19 - RESOLUTIONS (continued) 5. Appointment of Emergency Planning Co-Ordinator West: Stewart: Whereas, peace time disasters are emergencies defined as situations or the threat of impending situations, abnormally affecting the lives and property of our society, which by their nature or magnitude require a controlled and co-ordinated response by a number of agencies, both governmental and private, And Whereas, whenever a disaster occurs, which affects the lives and property of citizens, the initial and prime responsibility for providing immediate assistance rests with the local municipal government; Now, Therefore Be It Resolved, that Fire Chief Stuart G. Wilson is hereby appointed as Emergency Planning Co-Ordinator for any peace time disaster affecting the Town of Aurora, And Further That, Fire Chief Wilson is hereby authorized and directed to design a plan for the Town of Aurora that will ensure the Co-Ordination of municipal, regional and volunteer services in an emergency to bring the situation under control as soon as possible. CARRIED 6. Financial Guarantee -Sandbury Building Corporation Jones: Stewart: Resolved that upon the recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Town Superintendent, the Financial Guarantee held by the Town of Aurora for Sandbury Building Corporation (Valhalla Phase II) be reduced from $12,000. to $5,000. CARRIED 7. Proposed Expenditures for Highway Improvements -1982 Jones: Resolved that the Town of Aurora petition the Ministry of West: Transportation and Communications for the proposed expenditures for Highway Improvement for the year 1982 in the amount of $464,500.00. CARRIED 8. Supplementary Allocation of Subsidy Moneys -MTC Jones: Stewart: Resolved that the Town of Aurora petition the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for supplementary allocation of subsidy moneys for the year 1982 in the total amount of $193,000.00. CARRIED 9. Payment of Invoice -Stacey Electric Company Limited Jones: Stewart: Resolved that Invoice Number 8021 for Project Number 904 -Traffic Lights Installation -Yonge Street and Golf Links Drive, being the final payment in the total amount of $656.20, be paid to Stacey Electric Company Limited and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 10. Acceptance of Tender-Lucy Construction Limited Jones: Stewart: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Town Superintendent, the tender for Contract Number M.C. 1982-1 - Reconstruction of Ross Street be awarded to Lucy Construction Limited in the amount of $72,539.00 be accepted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 5th, 1982 -20 - RESOLUTIONS (continued} 11. Appointment to Permanent Staff -Mr. Robert Philp Jones: Stewart: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Town Superintendent, and upon satisfactory completion of his six (6} months probationary period, that Mr. Robert Philp be appointed to permanent staff with the Town of Aurora. CARRIED 12. Appointment to Permanent Staff -Mr. David Best West: Pedersen: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of F. Horvath, Director of Leisure Services, and upon satisfactory completion of his six (6} months probationary period, that Mr. David Best be appointed to permanent staff with the Town of Aurora. CARRIED 13. 1982 Municipal Budget West: Pedersen: Be It Hereby Resolved That the 1982 Town of Aurora Municipal Budget, as recommended to Council in Committee on March 31st, 1982, by the Administration Committee, be adopted, subject to the following amendments being made: i} LACAC Budget to total $3,500. rather than $3,360. ii} Leisure Services Expenditures Budget Account 6300-44 -Postage to read $0 rather than $700. iii) Clerk's Department Budget Account 1100-44 -Postage to read $5,700. rather than $5,000. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 14. Payment Certificate Number 2 -Rono Construction Company Jones: Stewart: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Reid and Associates, Payment Certificate Number 2 for Project Number 849 -Harriman Trunk Sewer, in the total amount of $95,714.64 be paid to Rono Construction Company Limited and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 15. Mayor and Clerk Authorization to Sign -Ontario Land Corporation Pedersen: West: Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the O.L.C. Subdivision Agreement for Phase 2. CARRIED 16. Planners' Report -Three Seasons Pedersen: Resolved that the Planners' Report dated March 30, 1982, for Three Seasons, be approved in principal. West: CARRIED 17. Planners' Report -Mark borough Pedersen: Resolved that the Planners' Report dated March 29, 1982, for Mark borough Block "A" be accepted. West: CARRIED UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Public Meeting -By-Laws 2494-82 and 2496-82 Public Meeting regarding By-Laws 2494-82-Bentley-Barfitt and 2496-82- Sunoco, to be held on April 22, 1982 in the Community Centre Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 5th, 1982 BY-LAWS West: Stoddart: -21 - Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2489-82 -Being a By-Law to Temporarily Close up and Stop Traffic on a Portion of Yonge Street (Highway 11} in the Town of Aurora on July 1st, 1982 for the Purpose of a Parade Bi 11 Number 2490-82 -Being a By-Law to provide for interest to be added to tax arrears Bill Number 2492-82 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law Number 2345-80, being a By-Law for the Licensing, Regulating and Governing of Taxi Cab Brokers, Owners and Drivers of Taxi Cabs and the establishing of the Rates and Fares to be charged by the Owners or Drivers of Cabs for the Conveyance of Passengers with the Town of Aurora. Bill Number 2493-82 -Being a By-Law for the Aurora Hydro Electric Commission to Establish a Schedule for the Retention and Destruction of Records Bill Number 2494-82 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law Number 1863 a Restricted Area By-Law (Bentley-Barfitt) Bill Number 2495-82-Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law Number 2213-78 a Restricted Area By-Law (Bentley-Barfitt) Bill Number 2496-82 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law Number 1863 a Restricted Area By-Law (Sunoco) Bill Number 2497-82 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law Number 2213-78 a Restricted Area By-Law {Sunoco) Bill Number 2498-82 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law 1867 -Regulation of Traffic • • • be read a First Time. CARRIED West: Be It Hereby Resolved That: Ochalski: Bill Number 2489-82 -Being a By-Law to Temporarily Close up and Stop Traffic on a Portion of Yonge Street (Highway 11} in the Town of Aurora on July 1st, 1982 for the Purpose of a Parade Bill Number 2490-82 -Being a By-Law to provide for interest to be added to tax arrears Bill Number 2493-82 -Being a By-Law for the Aurora Hydro Electric Commission to Establish a Schedule for the Retention and Destruction of Records Bill Number 2494-82 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law Number 1863 a Restricted Area By-Law (Bentley-Barfitt) Bill Number 2495-82 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law Number 2213-78 a Restricted Area By-Law (Bentley-Barfitt) Bill Number 2496-82 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law Number 1863 a Restricted Area By-Law {Sunoco) Bill Number 2497-82 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law Number 2213-78 a Restricted Area By-Law (Sunoco) Bill Number 2498-82 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law 1867 -Regulation of Traffic ••• be read a Second Time. CARRIED 1 .. ~ ~--~·· COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, APRIL 5th, 1982 -22 - BY-LAWS (continued) West: Be It Hereby Resolved That: Stoddart: Bill Number 2492-82 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law Number 2345-80, being a By-Law for the Licensing, Regulating and Governing of Taxi Cab Brokers, Owners and Drivers of Taxi Cabs and the establishing of the Rates and Fares to be charged by the Owners or Drivers of Cabs for the Conveyance of Passengers with the Town of Aurora • ••• be read a Second Time. CARRIED West: Be It Hereby Resolved that Section 21 of By-Law 2270-78 be suspended Ochalski: and Bill Numbers 2489-82 and 2493-82, now before the Council, be read a Third Time and Enacted and the Third Reading be taken as read. CARRIED NEW BUSINESS 1. Mayor Information to Council Mayor Timpson advised Council members of the following: (a) April 6th, 1982 -Game 4 -Aurora Juvenile Hockey. (b) May 26th, 1982 -Civic Awards Night ADJOURNMENT West: Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 10:48 p.m. £0.4 Mayor u crerk