MINUTES - Council - 19820301MINUTES OF THE 5TH COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MONDAY, MARCH 1st, 1982 AT 8:00 P.M. Present Were: M~or Timpson, Councillors Buck, Jones, Ochalski, Ostick, Pedersen, Stewart, Stoddart and West. Mayor Timpson extended a welcome to the lOth Aurora Group of Girl Guides. PRESENTATION Mayor Timpson presented a Certificate to Wm. Benzies, Building Inspector on his completing the Basic Building Officials Course. M~or Timpson commended Mr. Benzies for taking his time and effort required to obtain his certificate so he would be better qualified to car~ out his duties. Mr. Benzies also was congratulated for the fine work he is doing as a Building Inspector. Mr. Benzies thanked the Mayor for his kind words. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Ost i ck: Buck: Resolved that the Minutes of February 15th, 1982 and February 24th, 1982 be adopted as printed and circulated. CARRIED CORRE SP ONDE NCE 5-l Ministry of Natural Resources re: Ontario Basic Mapping Program (1:2000 scale) (Ref. Technical Committee) 5-2 Newmarket Stingrays Swim Club re: Annual Swimathom Campaign (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, Mr. F. Horvath) 5-3 Semple, Gooder Roofing Limited re: Factory Theatre, Henderson Road, Aurora (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, Mr. F. Horvath) 5-4 Smith and Thompson Associates, Barristers and Solicitors re: Hodgins sale to Ers -12 Avondale Crescent (Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Clerk to reply) 5-5 Ministry of the Environment re: Training Courses in Noise Control and Acoustics Technology (Information) 5-6 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 1981 (Information) 5-7 Aiken, Capp, Barristers and Solicitors re: Letter of Credit -Traffic Lights-Aurora Plaza (Information, Clerk to reply) 5-8 Ministry of Culture and Recreation -Heritage Administration Branch re: Former Church Street School (Information, Mr. Wm. Johnson, Councillor J. West, Mr. F. Horvath, Clerk to reply) 5-9 Reid and Associates Limited re: Yonge, Henderson, Allaura Intersection Traffic Signals, Project Number 905 (Information, Mr. Wm. Johnson, Mr. Wm.G. Walker) I -~~ COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MARCH 1st, 1982 - 2 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 5-10 Reid and Associates Limited re: Town of Aurora, Traffic Control Signals, Yonge Street, Henderson Drive, Allaura Boulevard -Project Number 905 (Information) 5-11 Aurora High School re: Work Study Program (Information, Clerk to reply, M:rs. C.E. Gowan) 5-12 Ministry of the Environment re: Lake Simcoe Environmental Management Strategy and Lake Simcoe Environmental Management Strategy Studies (Information) 5-13 Town of Newmarket re: Bell Canada Extended Area Service (Information, Mrs. C.E. Gowan) 5-14 Ontario Municipal Board re: Town of Aurora By-Law 2442-81 (Information, Mrs. C.E. Gowan) 5-15 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Minutes of the lOth Meeting - Tuesday, February 9, 1982 (Information) 5-16 Jeannette Chiasson, Allardville, N.B. re: Town Pin (Information, Clerk to reply) 5-17 Dale and Company Limited re: General Insurance (Ref. Administration Committee, Mr. K.B. Rodger) 5-18 Marg MacDonald, 82 Yonge Street North, Suite # 402 re: Reimbursement of Monies (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington to reply) 5-19 Committee of Adjustment re: Submission A-3-82, K. Pecenkovski, 20 Allaura Boulevard, Town of Aurora (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington) 5-20 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Minutes of the 9th Meeting - Thursday, January 28, 1982 (Information) 5-21 Recycling Council of Ontario re: Accounts Due for Newspaper Recycling (Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. Wm. Johnson) 5-22 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Minutes of the 8th Meeting - Tuesday, January 26, 1982 (Information) 5-23 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Minutes of the 7th Meeting - Tuesday, January 19, 1982 (Information) 5-24 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Town of Aurora -St. John's Sideroad Culvert (Information, Mr. Wm. Johnson, Mr. H. Borgdorff, Mr. Wm.G. Walker) 5-25 Ministry of the Environment re: Landscape Ontario -Ontario Golf Superintendents' Association and Pesticides Control Section -Pesticides Symposium -March 15, 1982 (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, Mr. F. Horvath) 5-26 H.T.G. Strawbridge, Aurora, Ontario re: Permit-Residential Trailer, Colyton Farm, Part Lot 77, Concession 1, E.Y.S., R.R. # 2, Aurora (Ref. Council in Committee, Mr. R.J. Harrington) 5-27 Ministry of Culture and Recreation re: Temporary Replacement of Architectural Conservation Officer (Information, Mr. F. Horvath, Mr. K.B. Rodger) ..... ~--' COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MARCH 1st, 1982 - 3 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 5-28 Aurora Public Library re: List of Values of Exhibits (Information) 5-29 Identicard Limited re: Increase in Pricing (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington) 5-30 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Agenda -Wednesday, February 24, 1982 (Information) 5-31 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Application Number 395.81.A - Alphonse Wm, and Gertrude M. Garbens (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington) 5-32 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Application for Consent-File Number 448.81.A (John and Gerda Vander Schaaf) (Information, Mr. H. Borgdorff) 5-33 Canada Safety Council re: Pledge Card -1982 (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 5-34 Hallmark Cards re: Transportation Survey (Information, Mrs. C.E. Gowan) 5-35 William Hodgson, M.P.P. -York North re: Lights -Yonge Street and Orchard Heights Drive (Information) 5-36 Committee of Adjustment re: Submission A-1-82, Lot 42, Plan 517, Mr. and Mrs. D. Patrick, 19 Boulding Drive, Town of Aurora (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington) 5-37 Bassel, Sullivan and Leake, Barristers and Solicitors re: Aurora ats Furzecott (Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Clerk to reply, Solicitor) 5-38 Marion Lougheed, 6 Huron Court, Aurora re: Aurora Girl Guides -request to attend Council meeting (Information, Clerk to reply) 5-39 Mrs. G.D. Petri and Mrs. c. Newall, Aurora re: Request to connect to Sewer Line (Ref. Technical Committee, Works Committee, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. H. Borgdorff) 5-40 Cosman Insurance Adjusters Limited re: Basement Flood -137 Kenedy Street West (Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker) 5-41 Urban Development Institute re: Energy and Development Workshop# 6 (Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. R.J. Harrington) 5-42 The Window Door Store re: Car Parking (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington) 5-43 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: By-Law 2478-82 -By-Law to Amend By-Law # 986 (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. S. Seibert) 5-44 Bell Canada re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision Lots 71, 72, Concession 1, W.Y.S., Town of Aurora, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing File 19T-80028 (Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. H. Borgdorff, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. s. Seibert) ~--·-< _, COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MARCH 1st, 1982 - 4 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 5-45 Shortill and Peddle, Barristers and Solicitors re: Henry and Elizabeth Campfens -160 Batson Drive 5-46 (Ref. Administration Committee, Mr. Wm. Johnson) The Regional Municipality of York re: Plan of Subdivision 19T-77043, Part Lot Aurora (Information, Mrs. S. Seibert, Mr. Revlis Securities Limited, Proposed 84, Concession 1 E.Y.S., Town of R.J. Harrington) 5-47 McPherson and Shugart, Barristers and Solicitors re: Part Lot 43, Plan 246, Town of Aurora -Dixon (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. S. Seibert) 5-48 Bussin and Bussin, Barristers and Solicitors re: Hotel Aurora (Infor;mation, Clerk to reply, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Fire Chief S.G. Wilson) 5-49 Ontario Ministry of Labour re: Reconstruction of Ross Street -Contract Number MC-1982-1 -File T-56-81 (Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker) 5-50 Ontario Ministry of Labour re: Reconstruction of George Street -Contract Number MC-1982-3-File T-55-81 (Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker) 5-51 The Regional Municipality of York -Treasury re: 1982 Five Year Capital Expenditure Forecast (Ref. Technical Committee, Mr. Wm. Johnson) 5-52 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: 1982 Provincial Transfer Payments to Municipalities (Information, Mr. Wm. Johnson to reply} 5-53 Aurora Public Library re: Use of Computer (Ref. Administration Committee) 5-54 Mr. Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Employment Status -Lorraine Hadaway (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS, Council, Mrs. C.E. Gowan) 5-55 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Relocation of Bell Canada Plan- George Street Reconstruction (Ref. Council in Committee) 5-56 Tony's Auto Repair (Aurora) Limited re: Construction of Centre Street (Information, Mr. H. Borgdorff, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Clerk to reply) 5-57 Ontario Hydro re: Debenture Issue-Aurora Hydro-Electric Commission for Capital Expenditures in 1982 (Information, Mr. Wm. Johnson, Aurora Hydro) 5-58 Evans and Evans, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries re: Morgan purchase from St. Andrews Square Sales Company -Unit 1, St. Andrews Condominium (Ref. Technical Committee, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Building Inspector to reply} 5-59 Corbett, Montgomery and Associates, Barristers and Solicitors re: Hazelburn Farm Subdivision (Ref. Technical Committee, Clerk to reply) 5-60 Jack M. Elms, 15 Avondale Crescent, Aurora re: Parking Problem -Mark ~~~ (Ref. Public Safety Committee) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MARCH 1st, 1982 - 5 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 5-61 Harries, Houser, Barristers and Solicitors re: Marko mortgage to Worthmore Investments Limited (Information, Clerk to reply) 5-62 Mr. and Mrs. L. Klauke, 132 Glass Drive, Aurora re: Removal of Tree (Ref. Council in Committee, Mr. N. Weller) 5-63 Jacqueline Stuart, Toronto, Ontario re: Aurora History (TABLED) West: Resolved that this letter be received. Pedersen: CARRIED 5-64 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Proposed Amendment Number 21 to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area (Information, Mrs. C.E. Gowan) 5-65 Ontario Good Roads Association re: 1982 "T.J. Mahony" Road School (Ref. Works Committee, Mr. Wm.G. Walker) 5-66 Ontario Good Roads Association re: 1982 "C.S. Anderson" Road School (Ref. Works Committee, Mr. Wm.G. Walker) 5-67 Mitchell, Pound and Braddock Limited re: Three Seasons Developments Limited (Ref. Cou neil in Committee) 5-68 Reid and Associates Limited re: Town of Aurora, Traffic Controls Signals, Murray Drive and Yonge Street-Project Number 912 (Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker) 5-69 Cumming-Cockburn and Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers re: Revlis Securities Limited, Proposed Subdivision, Part of Lot 84, Concession 1 E.Y.S. (Ref. Planning and Development Committee, Mrs. s. Seibert, Mr. Wm. Johnson, Mr. R.J. Harrington) 5-70 Reid and Associates Limited re: Town of Aurora, Industrial Parkway North Extension through Lots 84 and 85 -Project Number 1008 (Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker) 5-71 Reid and Associates Limited re: Town of Aurora, Connecting Link Program- Highway Number 11 -Yonge Street-Project Number 12 (Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Clerk to reply) 5-72 The Regional Municipality of York re: Development Application Notices (Ref. Planning and Development Committee, Mr. R.J. Harrington) · 5-73 The Regional Municipality of York re: By-Law 2213-78-Town of Aurora (Information) 5-74 Ontario Ministry of Labour re: CUPE Local 1359 (Information, Mr. K.B. Rodger, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. F. Horvath) 5-75 Reid and Associates Limited re: York-Durham Sewage System, Aurora Pumping Station, Contract Number 36, MOE Project 1-0106-76, File Number 965 (Information) 5-76 Go Transit re: Telephone Information Service for Municipal Properties (Information) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MARCH 1st, 1982 - 6 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 5-77 Susan Schofield, 22 Machell Avenue, Aurora re: Retaining Wall -Creek (Information, Clerk to reply, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. F. Horvath) 5-78 The Regional Municipality of York -Clerk re: Revlis Securities Limited (Information, Mrs. S. Seibert) 5-79 The Regional Municipality of York-Clerks re: Steering Committee for the Commercial Core Study {Information, Mrs. s. Seibert) 5-80 Scotiabank re: Letters of Guarantee -Granada Investments Limited {Information, Clerk to reply, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. R.J. Harrington) 5-81 Goodman and Carr, Barristers and Solicitors re: Granada Investments Limited sale to Olga Deralas {Information, Mr. Wm. Johnson, Assessment Department) 5-82 Ministry of the Environment re: Old Park Holdings Limited -File Number 19T -80047 (Ref. Technical Committee, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. H. Borgdorff, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mr. K.B. Rodger, Mrs. S. Seibert) 5-83 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Executive Committee Minutes -February 17, 1982 {Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington) 5-84 Maple Leaf Forestry Service re: Letter of Introduction {Information, Mrs. S. Seibert) 5-85 Aurora Ladies Softball League re: Request for Diamond Time (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, Mr. F. Horvath) 5-86 Reid and Associates Limited re: Invoice -Professional Engineering Services (Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. Wm. Johnson) 5-87 J.D. Barnes Limited, Surveyors re: 10 White Prints -O.L.C. Subdivision {Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. K.B. Rodger) 5-88 The Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lot 78, Concession 1, W.Y.S. (Ref. Technical Committee) 5-89 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision (Bevark), Lots 71, 72, Concession 1 W.Y.S., File Number 19T-80028 (Ref. Technical Committee, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. H. Borgdorff, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. S. Seibert) 5-90 George Brown College re: The Occupational Health and Safety Act -Seminar (Ref. Administration Committee) 5-91 Stuart Barfitt and Jack Bentley, Aurora re: Application for Amendment to Zoning By-Law Number 1863 and 2213-78 (Ref. Planning and Development Committee, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. S. Seibert) 5-92 Mrs. B. Cordell, 41 Mosley Street, Aurora re: July First Committee (Information, Council) 5-93 H. Donald Hamilton, P.Eng, 137 Kennedy Street West re: Flood -September 5th, 1981 (Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Clerk to reply) 5-94 Ontario Municipal Personnel Association re: 1982 Spring Conference and Workshop -March 31, April 1 and 2, 1982 (Information) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MARCH 1st, 1982 - 7 - CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 5-95 Evans and Evans, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries re: Morgan purchase from St. Andrews Square Sales Company, Unit# 1, St. Andrews Condominium (Ref. Techni ca 1 Committee, Mr. R. J. Harrington) 5-96 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Supply and Installation of a Flashing Red Warning Device -St. John's Sideroad -Highway Number 11 Intersection (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 5-97 Committee of Adjustment re: Submission A-4-82, Picture Homes, Registered Plan M2035, Plan 1, Town of Aurora (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. S. Seibert, Clerk to reply) 5-98 The York County Board of Education re: Notice regarding picking up of Agendas (I nf ormation) 5-99 Mrs. L. Sparks, 196 Cameron Avenue, Aurora re: Parking Problems (Ref. Public Safety Committee, Clerk acknowledge and referred) 5-100 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Highway 11 and St. John's Si deroad (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 5-101 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: 1982 Municipal Dfrectory (Information, Mrs. C.E. Gowan) 5-102 The Regional Municipality of York-Planning re: Draft Plan Revision 19T-81032, Part Lots 76 and 77, Concession 1, W.Y.S., Town of Aurora, Region File AS46. 01.43 (Ref. Technical Committee, Clerk to reply) 5-103 Holmes Electric, Gormley re: Job Quotation-Fire Alarm Quote (Ref. Department Heads Meeting, Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. i K. B. Rodger) 1.....~ . .-- !'~---,_,_, 5-104 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Professional Engineering Services Rendered -Invoices (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS, Mr. Johnson) West: Resolved that the Clerk's Report be dealt with as outlined. Stewart: CARRIED REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 26-Administration Committee ••• Various Matters Councillor Stewart in the Chair. A meeting of the Administration Committee was held on Tuesday, February 23rd, 1982 at 3:10 p.m. in the Mayor's Office. Present were: Mayor George D. Timpson, Councillor Earl Stewart, Councillor Jan Ochalski and Clerk-Administrator K.B. Rodger. Regrets were received from Councillor J. West. 1. Letter 4-100 -Aurora Agricultural Society The Committee recommends that the $500.00 prize money to sponsor the Town of Aurora Open Jumper Shield Stake of the Aurora and District Horse Show be approved. The Horse Show will be held Thursday, June lOth through Sunday, June 13th, this year. \.._., . ..- ~~ ~~- COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MARCH 1st, 1982 - 8 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 26 -Administration Committee Various Matters (continued) 2. Letter 5-45 -Shortill and Peddle 3. 4. 5. The Committee recommends that the tax penalty in the total amount of $4.60 be written off as the tax notices were sent to the wrong party and this caused the delay in payment of taxes. The tax notices were sent to the last owner as indicated on the assessment rolls. Aurora Public Library -1982 Wintario Grant The Committee recommends that the Town of Aurora approve of contributing $3,000.00 of the 1982 Municipal budget toward the proposed purchases of certain Canadian manufactured items under the Wintario Library program. Because the Provincial fiscal year ends on March 31st, 1982, it is possible for the Library Board to make application and obtain a Wintario Grant in the previous fiscal year without eliminating itself from consideration later on in 1982 or in early 1983 for another grant under this program. The Committee advises that the original request had been in the amount of $4,500.00 and that the reduction to $3,000.00 is made possible through the generous donation from Bertha Andrews, sister of the late Marjory Andrews, who has donated the family piano to the Library. Bus Shelter -East Side Victoria Street The Committee recommends that a bus shelter be purchased at an approximate cost of $1,300.00 to be placed on the east side of Victoria Street in a location accessible to both the Aurora Public Library and Church Street School. The Committee further recommends that application be made for Ministry of Transportation and Communications subsidy so that any subsidization of the cost for the bus shelter can be obtained, if such a subsidy is available. Tax Penalties The Committee recommends that effective May 1st, 1982 the tax penalty on outstanding taxes current and arrears, be increased to 18% per year as permitted by The Municipal Act. The Committee further recommends that authorization be given for the introduction of the appropriate bill to give effect to this recommendation. 6. Appointment to Aurora Public Library Board The Committee recommends that Mr. Philip Gebhardt be appointed to the Aurora Public Library Board to complete the unexpired term of Mr. Sid H. Britton which was to expire on November 30th, 1984 and continue either until he is reappointed or a successor be appointed. 7. Letters Received as Information Letter 5-17 -Dale and Company Limited re: General Insurance Item 1 CARRIED - 4 Item 5 AMENDED Timpson: Resolved that this item be referred back to the Administration Pedersen: Committee for futher information. Item 5 Item 6 - 7 CARRIED AS AMENDED CARRIED CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MARCH 1st, 1982 - 9 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 26-Administration Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) Timpson: Resolved that the Administration Committee Report# 26 dated February 23rd, 1982 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. West: CARRIED Report# 27-Council in Committee Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Council in Committee was held on Wednesday, February 24th, 1982, at 7:00 p.m. in the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Councillors Buck, Jones, Ochalski, Ostick, Pedersen, Stewart, Stoddart and West. Mayor Timpson was attending a Budget meeting of the South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority. Deputy Mayor West in the Chair. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Councillor Stewart declared a possible conflict of interest in Item B.9 -Sanitary Sewer -Kennedy Street West, and did not take part in the consideration of or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. A. PRESENTATION Fire Chief Wilson and Fire Prevention Officer Bolsby showed a slide presentation on fires and the outcome of same and stated that with smoke detectors in the buildings, lives could have been saved and property damage would not have been so high. They requested an amendment to the Property Standards By-Law to make it mandatory that every building in Aurora have at least one (1) smoke detector on the premises. Deputy Mayor West thanked the firefighters for their attendance at this meeting and requested all Council members to read over the material given them and this matter will again be discussed at the Council in Committee meeting of March lOth, 1982. B. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter# 4-102 -The Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lot 38, Concession 1 W.Y.S., Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing File 19T80018 The following street names are proposed for the Wimpey Subdivision: 1. Whispering Pine Trail 6. Copland Trail 2. Meadowood 7. Fielding Drive 3. Va 11 ey Court 8. Moffat Drive 4. Mendy's Forrest 9. Ti mbert rail 5. Pineneedle Drive 10. Lanewood Drive 2. Letter # 5-26 -H. T.G. Strawbridge, Aurora, Ontario re: Permit - Resident1al Trailer, Colyton Farm, R.R. # 2, Aurora The Committee recommends that H.T. Strawbridge be granted a three (3) month extension to live in the trailer situated on their property. '---·-· \..~··· COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MARCH 1st, 1982 -10 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 27 -Council in Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) 3. Letter # 5-55 -Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Relocation of Bell Canada Plan -George Street Reconstruction Council in Committee recommends that we accept the Town Superintendent's report and the Bell Canada lines on George Street be located underground at a cost of $2,000.00. 4. Letter # 5-62 -Mr. and Mrs. L. Kauke, 132 Glass Drive re: Removal of Tree The Committee recommends that this tree be removed. 5. Letter# 5-67 -Mitchell, Pound and Braddock Limited re: Three Seasons Developments Limited Council in Committee recommends that the street names for the proposed Subdivision be as follows: 1. 2. Autumn Way April Gardens 3. 4. Crawford Rose Drive Baycroft Crescent 6. Street Names -Proposed Ontario Land Corporation Subdivision The Committee recommends that the street name in the O.L.C. Subdivision be Simmons Crescent. 7. Fire Chief S.G. Wilson memo re: Aerial Ladder Council in Committee discussed this matter and recommends that inspection tests be carried out on the aerial ladder at a total cost of $1,300.00, so that the exact cost of repairs needed will be known. 8. Technical Committee Report -Three Seasons re: Residents' Meeting The Clerk-Administrator outlined the results of Three Seasons and residents in the area. larger frontages on some of the lots and six planted to act as a buffer between the lots. consideration is the Commercial block. from a meeting with the owners The Subdivider has agreed to (6') foot high trees to be The only matter still under The Committee recommends that the report of the Technical Committee dated February 3rd, 1982 be accepted and that the Technical Committee be requested to report on whether a suitable alternate site for the Commercial area can be found. As some residents in existing development expressed concern with the development of a walkway through a linear park system and concern of what protection fences or provisions could be utilized in flood plain lands adjacent to private homeowners lands, it is recommended that ReThink Incorporated be engaged to advise and recommend appropriate measures in a joint meeting with concerned residents and Town staff when spring weather is suitable for viewing. 9. Highland Court Area Sanitary Sewers Mr. K.B. Rodger, Clerk-Administrator, advised Committee members that a meeting of the Technical Committee had been held to discuss the placing of sanitary sewers in the Kennedy Street West -Highland Court area. Council in Committee recommends that more accurate information be obtained to allow this work to proceed under Local Improvement, and that a meeting be held with the residents to discuss this information and if residents wish, the Clerk provide a form of petition for Council's consideration. r~-·'--···, COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MARCH 1st, 1982 -11 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 27 -Council in Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) Item A Item B.l -B.3 Item B. 4 Buck: West: Item B.4 Item B. 5 -B. 7 Item B. 8 -B. 9 West: Stewart: CARRIED CARRIED AMENDED Resolved that the words "from public property" be added after the word removed. CARRIED AS AME NDED CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED Resolved that the Council in Committee Report # 27 dated February 24th, 1982 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended. CARRIED Report # 28 -Works Committee ••• Various Matters The Committee respectfully submit the following: A meeting of the Works Committee was held on Thursday, February 25, 1982 at 7:00 p.m. in Committee Room No.1 at the Administrative Centre. '···· Present were: Councillor T. Jones, Councillor E. Stewart, Councillor L. Ostick .... ____. ... and Town Superintendent Wm. Walker. 1. Sewer Lateral Problem-105 Yonge St. N. (McDowell) Due to the uncertainty of the ownership of a large willow tree which once stood on the northeast corner of the Mark Street Yonge Street intersection, and due to the uncertainty as to whether or not said tree was responsible for the root infestation of the McDowell sewer lateral, the Committee would recommend that Council approve of the Town contributing 50% towards the replacement of said lateral to a maximum of $231.50. 2. Status Of 1982 Capital Works Program 3. 4. The Town Superintendent updated the Committee on the status of the Town's Capital Works Program. The Ross Street tender closes March 26, 1982, with George Street and the Vandorf Sideroad scheduled to follow in monthly intervals. Capital Sidewalk Program The Committee would recommend that a sidewalk be constructed on Tecumseh Drive (east side) from Aurora Heights Public School to Aurora Heights Drive at an approximate cost of $8,500.00. The Committee would furthermore recommend that said expenditure be considered capital and outside the normal Works Department budget. Smoke and Heat Detection System -Works Department Building The Committee would recommend that the Town Superintendent be given authority to proceed with the installation of fire detection equipment in the Works Department facility at a maximum cost of $7,500.00. '-··-· r . COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MARCH 1st, 1982 -12 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 28 -Works Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) 5. Letters Received As Information Letter # 3-71 -(Driveway-14 Hill Drive) Letter # 4-1 -(Employment and Immigration Canada) Letter # 4-7 -(Sewer Lateral Problem -67 Catherine Avenue) Letter# 4-6 -(Miller Paving Limited -Maintenance Bond) Letter # 4-5 -(Open House Session -1982 Capital Works Program) Letter # 4-70 -(Works and Waterworks Overtime Reports -January 1982) Letter# 5-39 -(Request For Town Servicing-Highland Court and Kennedy Street West) Letter # 5-60 -(Street Parking Concern -Mark Street) Letter# 5-66-(Ontario Good Roads Association-C.S. Anderson School) Letter # 5-68 -(Traffic Control Signals -Murray Drive and Yonge Street) The meeting adjourned at 8:12p.m. Item 1 -2 CARRIED Item 3 Amended Pedersen: Resolved that this matter be referred to Administration Committee for Jones: Budget discussion. Item 3 Item 4 -5 Jones: Stewart: CARRIED AS AMENDED CARRIED CARRIED Resolved that the Works Committee Report # 28 dated February 25th, 1982 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED Report # 29 -Committee of Adjustment ••• Submission A-2-82 (Checkerboard Farms) CopY of Decision: In respect of application (Form 1, Application for Minor Variance or for permission, Submission A-2-82) by Checkerboard Farms, Old Yonge Street, Aurora, Ontario, requesting relief from Town of Aurora By-Law Number 1863 (as amended) re: Part Lot 86, Plan 246, Town of Aurora, as described in the subject application, the Committee of Adjustment, Town of Aurora, has this day issued the following Decision. Decision: That approval is GRANTED to this application, subject to Conditions of Consent as fo 11 ows. Conditions of Consent: 1. Project to be commenced within one year of Decision. 2. That windows in the south and east side shall be opaque. Reasons for Granting the Decision: 1. Does not encroach beyond existing non-conforming uses. 2. Does not provide further processing capability. 3. Position of addition is most appropriate for product flow (least interruption). t"'' COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MARCH 1st, 1982 -13 - REPORT OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 29-Committee of Adjustment ••• Submission A-2-82 (Checkerboard Farms) Signed on this 18th day of February, 1982. Date of Submission to the Applicant: 19th day of February, 1982. Date of Notice of Last Date of Appeal of Decision: 19th day of February, 1982. Last Date of Appeal of Decision: 11th Day of March, 1982. Pedersen: Resolved that Committee of Adjustment Report# 29 (Submission A-2-82 - Stewart: Checkerboard Farms) dated February 19th, 1982 be received. CARRIED RESOLUTIONS 1. Appointment to Permanent Staff -Mrs. Lorraine Hadaway Jones: Stewart: Resolved that upon the recommendation of Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Town Superintendent, and upon successful completion of her six (6) months probationary period, Mrs. Lorraine Hadaway be appointed to permanent staff with the Town of Aurora. CARRIED 2. Public Transportation Expenditures -M. T.C. Jones: Stewart: Resolved that the Town of Aurora petition the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for expenditures made for Public Transportation during the year 1981. CARRIED 3. Payment of Accounts -Reid and Associates Limited Jones: Stewart: Resolved that the following accounts of Reid and Associates Limited: Project Invoice No. Amount Account Advisory Services (January) 5325 $ 2,368.57 3100-38 Aurora Orchards (Wimpey) 5329 638.03 Engineering Reserve Sanitary Sewers for Secondary Engineering Plan 5331 1,673.56 Reserve Reconstruction of Catherine and Spruce Streets 5332 1,338.55 3360-40 Aurora Waterworks Study 5334 370.08 Engineering Reserve St. John's Sideroad Culvert 5335 305.60 3360-40 Traffic Signals -Yonge Street and Brookland Drive 5336 177.64 3400-40 Yonge Street -Murray Drive Intersection 5337 3,668.40 3100-34 Extension of Industry Street Industrial North 5338 353.58 Pk. Acct. Reconstruction of Centre and Wells Streets 5340 6,009.45 3360-40 Industry Street North Design (Centre Street -Legion) 5342 1,889.61 3100-34 Yonge Street -Orchard Heights Drive Intersection 5344 _1_,_ 105.33 3100-34 TOTAL $21,898.45 ••• in the total amount of $21,898.45 be paid and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED -~"'· L~,--< COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MARCH 1st, 1982 -14 - RESOLUTIONS (continued) 4. George Wimpey Canada Limited Subdivision Pedersen: Resolved that, the draft plan of subdivision 19T80018, George Wimpey West: Canada Limited be red line revised to alter the 3.24 hectare (8.0 acre) school site which is no longer required by the York County Board of Education to a park site as shown on the draft plan of subdivision dated July 7th, 1981. And Be It Further Resolved that Council does request this change in the plan, and that the Region of York be so advised. And Further that clauses 10 -13 inclusive of the draft conditions recommended by Council previously in July 1981 be withdrawn. CARRIED 5. , Water Booster Pumping Station Jones: Stewart: Be It Hereby Resolved That: 1. The Regional Municipality of York be requested to design, acquire any appropriate land necessary, and construct a water booster pumping station of firm capacity of 54 L/sec., together with ancillary works and connecting watermain from the existing water supply system, all to supply proposed new development on the west side of Aurora, being an extension of the existing water supply service area. 2. The Town of Aurora agrees to pay the entire cost of the project estimated to be $310,000.00. 3. The estimated cost of $310,000.00 will be paid from current revenue. CARRIED 6. Water Storage Facility Jones: Stewart: Be It Hereby Resolved That: 1. The Regional Municipality of York be requested to design, acquire any appropirate land necessary, and construct a water storage facility of effective volume 3640 m3, including all ancillary works and connecting watermain to the proposed west zone booster pumping station and with connecting watermain up to and along Bathurst Street between the junctions of Orchard Heights Boulevard extension and Henderson Drive, all to serve the proposed new water pressure zone on the west side of Aurora. 2. The Town of Aurora agrees to pay the entire cost of the project estimated to be $1,700,000.00. 3. The estimated cost of $1,700,000.00 will be paid from current revenue. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MARCH 1st, 1982 -15 - RESOLUTIONS (continued) 7. Water Storage Faci 1 ity Jones: Stewart: Be It Hereby Resolved That: 1. The Regional Municipality of York be requested to design, acquire any appropriate land necessary, and construct a water storage facility of effective volume 7000 m3, including all ancillary works and connection to the Town's water distribution system, to serve the existing distribution area pressure zone. 2. The Town of Aurora agrees to pay the entire cost of the project estimated to be $1,600,000.00. 3. The estimated cost of $1,600,000.00 will be paid by issuance of debentures, payable over a period not exceeding twenty years. 4. It is proposed to raise a portion of the above amount by levy on a defined area in the Town of Aurora, and a portion from current revenue. CARRIED UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. July First Committee Budget Mayor Timpson advised Council members that a Budget would be prepared for the July 1st Committee. BY-LAWS West: Pedersen: West: Pedersen: Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bi 11 Number 2487-82 -Being a By-Law to amend Schedule "A" of By-Law Number 2170-79 Water Rate By-Law, as amended • • • • be read a First Time. CARRIED Be It Hereby Reso 1 ved That: Bi 11 Number 2487-82 -Being a By-Law to amend Schedule "A" of By-Law Number 2170-79 Water Rate By-Law, as amended • ••• be read a Second Time. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, MARCH 1st, 1982 -16 - BY-LAWS (continued) West: Jones: Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2420-81 -Being a By-Law to Change the Name of Certain Streets in the Town of Aurora Bill Number 2483-82-Being a By-Law to amend By-Law Number 1863 a Restricted Area By-Law (Bates) Bill Number 2484-82-Being a By-Law to amend By-Law Number 2213-78 a Restricted Area By-Law (Bates) Bill Number 2485-82 -Being a By-Law to amend By-Law Number 2213-78 being a Restricted Area ByLaw (Metrus) Bill Number 2486-82 -Being a By-Law to amend By-Law Number 2142-77 a Restricted Area By-Law (Hazelburn) ••• be read a Third Time. CARRIED ADJ OU RNME NT West: Resolved that the meeting be adjourned by 9:40 p.m. CARRIED / 7J.L -~t ----Mayor tf 7