MINUTES - Council - 19811116·--""""' i i ~ MINUTES OF THE 21ST COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16th, 1981 AT 8:00 P.M. Present Were: Mayor Timpson, Councillors Buck, Jones, Ochalski, Ostick, Pedersen, Stewart and West. Councillor Stoddart on vacation. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Mayor Timpson declared a possible conflict of interest in accounts paid to the York County Board of Education and did not take part in the consideration of or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. Councillor Jones declared a possible conflict of interest in accounts paid to the City of North York and did not take part in the consideration of or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. Councillor Stewart declared a possible conflict of interest in By-Law Number 2467-81 and did not take part in the consideration of or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. PRESENTATION Mayor Timpson introduced Mr. D. Merkur, owner of the South End Plaza to make a presentation to the Historical Society. Mr. Merkur and his family make a donation of $1,000.00 each year to the Town. This money, through the Arts and Culture Fund, is then given to various organizations in Aurora to help carry out their various undertakings. Mr. Merkur made a presentation to Mrs. D. McClure, President and Mr. North, Treasurer, of the Aurora Historical Society, of a cheque in the amount of $1,800.00. This money will be used for display cases, shelving, etc., in the new museum located in Church Street School. PASSING OF ACCOUNTS Councillor West in the Chair. Pedersen: Stewart: West: Pedersen: Resolved that the accounts be paid to the York County Board of Education. CARRIED Resolved that the following capital accounts in the total amount of $3,505.74 details of which are on file with the Treasurer's Office, be approved for payment and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Municipal Building Aurora Hydro Parks Reserve Don Sedgwick Haulage Milton Limestone Industrial Park Miller Paving Strathy, Archibald and Seagram CARR I ED $ 56. 96 $ 56.96 $ 261.00 729.70 $ 990.70 $ 168.00 2,290.08 $2,458.08 COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16th, 1981 -2- PASSING OF ACCOUNTS (continued) West: Stewart: Resolved that the following accounts in the total amount of $429,473.14 details of which are on file with the Treasurer's office, be approved for payment and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. General Works Department Fire Department Parks Department Community Buildings: Hist. Soc. Factory Th. McMahon Bldg. Victoria Hall Church St. Band Shell Parks Bldg. Community Centre: Building Recreation Water Canteen Accounts Paid Prior to Council CARRIED CORRESPONDENCE 12.00 70.97 57.97 14.04 1,367.55 152.68 36.22 8,768.84 4,022.56 21-1 Ontario Land Corporation re: Aurora 1/67, Phase II (Ref. Technical Committee) $ 9,039.61 36,250.60 5,095.12 4,440.24 1, 711.43 12,791.40 1 ,429. 08 3,560.38 355,155.28 21-2 Reid and Associates Limited re: Record of Transmittal -Comments regarding Andrew Brodie Sewer Report (Ref. Technical Committee, Mr. Wm.G. Walker) 21-3 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Amendment Number 19 to the O.P. for the Aurora Planning Area (Rupert) (Information, Mrs. s. Seibert, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Library, Mrs. C.E. Gowan, Land Division Committee, Committee of Adjustment) 21-4 IBM Canada Limited re: Customer Satisfaction Survey (Information, Clerk to reply) 21-5 The Regional Municipality of York -Clerks re: Clause 24 of Report Number 16 -Housing and Population Monitoring Report (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. S. Seibert, Council Room) 21-6 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Water Management Advisory Board -Agenda -November 5th, 1981 (Information) 21-7 Ministry of Culture and Recreation re: C.R.C.A. Application (Information, Mr. F. Horvath, Grants Co-Ordinator) 21-8 Ministry of Natural Resources re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision-File Number 19T-81087 (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. s. Seibert) ,~""'"~" .,_) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16th, 1981 -3- CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 21-9 Schneider and Stevens, Engineer and Architect re: Community Centre Facilities (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, Mr. F. Horvath) 21-10 The Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lot 84, Concession 1, Town of Aurora-19T-77043 (Ref. Technical Committee, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. s. Seibert, Clerk to reply) 21-11 The Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: Area Municipal Zoning By-Laws (Information, Mrs. C.E. Gowan, Clerk to reply) 21-12 The Regional Municipality of York -Engineering re: Agenda-Tuesday, November 3, 1981 (Information) 21-13 The Regional Municipality of York -Clerks re: By-Law Numbers 2452-81 and 2453-81 (Information, Mrs. C.E. Gowan) 21-14 Ontario Recycling Information Centre re: Conference -"Recycling in the 80's: Opportunities for Ontario" (Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker) 21-15 Reid and Associates Limited re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Block A, R.P. M-57, M.O.H. File Number 19T-81082 -Project Number 636 (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. S. Seibert) 21-16 Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario re: Fall Meeting -The Guild Inn -Tuesday, November 19, 1981 (Information, Mrs. C.E. Gowan) 21-17 Leonard Smoire, New York, New York re: Request for Bus Schedule (Information, Clerk to reply) 21-18 The Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: Agenda, Wednesday, November 4th, 1981 (Information) 21-19 The Town of Richmond Hill re: Teela Market Survey (Information, Mr. Wm. Johnson to reply) 21-20 The Regional Municipality of York -Clerks re: Proposed Amendment Number 17 to the Interim Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. s. Seibert) 21-21 The Regional Municipality of York -Clerks re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-81036 (Information, Mrs. s. Seibert, Mr. R.J. Harrington) 21-22 The York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: Town of Aurora By-Law 2442-81 (Yellow Brick House) (Information, Mrs. s. Seibert, Mr. R.J. Harrington) 21-23 Canadian Word Processing Supply Company re: Increase in Pricing (Information, Purchasing Co-Ordinator) 21-24 Kathy Merriman, Waterloo, Ontario re: Letter of Appreciation (Information) 21-25 Grant, Grant and Fraser, Barristers and Solicitors re: 92 Poplar Crescent, Unit 78, Level 1, York North Condominium Plan Number 2 (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington to reply) '--~"" COUNCIL MEETING ••• NOVEMBER 16, 1981 -4- CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 21-26 Ministry of Culture and Recreation re: O.A.A. December meeting and Leisure Services Committee (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, Mr. F. Horvath) 21-27 Martha Todd, 48 Henderson Drive re: Tax Penalty (Ref. Administration Committee, Mr. Wm. Johnson, Clerk to reply) 21-28 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Application for Consent by Gullo EnterRrises Limited (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. S. Seibert) 21-29 The Regional Municipality of York -Health and Social Services re: Agenda -Wednesday, November 4th, 1981 (Information) 21-30 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Notice of Correction-Libby Stanek-Rupert and Jack Rupert (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. S. Seibert) 21-31 Aurora Fire Department re: Activity Report for the Month of October, 1981 (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 21-32 Fire Chief S.G. Wilson memo to Councillor L. Ostick re: Resignation - Captain Ron Tulloch (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 21-33 The Regional Municipality of York -Clerks re: Stop-up of Sections of Connaught Avenue and Ross Street (Information, Mrs. C.E. Gowan) 21-34 MIE Limited, Consulting Engineers re: Gateway Plaza Proposed Culvert Extension-124 Wellington Street West (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. H. Borgdorff) 21-35 Ministry of Community and Social Services re: Form 1 Notice of Request of Hearing (Information) 21-36 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Land Severance Planning Guidelines (Information, Mr. R.J .• Harrington, Mrs. s. Seibert) 21-37 A.E. LePage re: 138 Yonge Street South, Aurora (Ref. Planning and Development Committee, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. s. Seibert) 21-38 S.G. Wilson and A.D. Taylor memo to K.B. Rodger re: Pond Construction at rear of Fire Hall (Ref. Council in Committee) 21-39 The Great-West Life Assurance Company re: Request for Permission to use "Aurora -Canada's Birthday Town" Logo (Ref. Council in Committee) 21-40 Markborough Properties Limited re: Block A of Valhalla Heights project (Ref. Technical Committee, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. H. Borgdorff, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mr. K.B. Rodger, Mrs. s. Seibert) 21-41 The Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lot 82, Concession 1. Town of Aurora, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing File 19T-79014R-Three Seasons (Ref. Technical Committee) '~~--' COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16th, 1981 -5- CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 21-42 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Copy -MIE Limited -Gateway Plaza (Ref. Technical Committee) 21-43 Reid and Associates Limited re: Town of Aurora, Harriman Trunk Sewer- Project Number 849 (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) 21-44 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Performance Bond Status -Various Loctions (Information, Mrs. K. McFarlane, Mr. K.B. Rodger) 21-45 Aurora Diggers Girls Softball Association re: Improvements to Town Park (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, Mr. F. Horvath) 21-46 Evans and Evans, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries re: DiRocco purchase from Markwest Developments Limited, Lot 19, Plan M-2034, Golf Links Drive (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington) 21-47 Ministry of Culture and Recreation re: Community Recreation Centres Act, 1974 -Project: Improvements to Town Park (Information, Mr. F. Horvath, Grants Co-Ordinator) 21-48 Nicolina Ieraci, Davis Drive, Newmarket re: Application for Zoning Amendment (Ref. Planning and Development Committee, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mr. s. Seibert) 21-49 Marchland Holdings Limited, c/o The Oshawa Group Limited re: Application for Amendment to Zoning (Ref. Planning and Development Committee, Mrs. S. Seibert, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mr. Wm. Johnson) 21-50 Model Builders (Aurora) Limited re: Your P.O. # 00032, June 1981, Church Street School Renovations (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS, Councillor J. West, Mr. F. Horvath, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mr. B. Benzies, Mr. Wm. Johnson) 21-51 Frank Cowan Company Limited re: Town of Aurora Fire Damage Resource Recovery Bins -July 1981 (Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Purchasing Co-Ordinator, Mr. Wm. Johnson) 21-52 York Regional Housing Authority re: Market Value Assessment (TABLED, Council) West: Buck: Resolved that Mayor Timpson arrange a date with Mr. G. Wright for this meeting. CARRIED 21-53 Aurora Mens Softball Association re: Improvements to the Town Park (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, Mr. F. Horvath) 21-54 Michael Murrell, Gateway Plaza, Aurora re: Amusement Machine By-Law (Ref. Council in Committee) 21-55 J.M. Insley and Wm. Benzies memo to K.B. Rodger re: Application for a Place of Amusement-Michael John Murrell (Ref. Council in Committee) 21-56 J.M. Insley and Wm. Benzies memo to K.B. Rodger re: Application for a Place of Amusement -Arnold D. Bobkin (Ref. Council in Committee) COUNCIL MEETING ••• NOVEMBER 16th, 1981 -6- CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 21-57 A.D. Taylor memo to Councillor L. Ostick re: Field Study for the Provision of a Traffic Guard at the Intersection of Mark and Spruce Streets (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 21-58 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Names and Address of Property Owners to be Notified of Public Hearing (Information, Clerk to reply) 21-59 Canada Permanent Trust Company re: Proposal for Rezoning an Existing Residential Property to Commercial Zoning-104 Wellington Street (TABLED, DELEGATIONS) 21-60 Aurora Tigers Provincial Junior "A" Hockey Club re: Hockey School (Ref. Leisure Services Committee) 21-61 H. Borgdorff memo to K.B. Rodger re: Reconstruction of Berczy, Mosley and Larmont Streets -Project Number 781 (Information, Solicitor, Clerk to reply) 21-62 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Servicing of an Industrial Lot (Dashwood Industries) (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) 21-63 R. Andrews, 75 Cousins Drive, Aurora re: Construction of Pond behind the Fire Hall (Information, Clerk to reply) West: Resolved that the Clerk's Report be dealt with as outlined. Buck: CARRIED DELEGATIONS 1. Letter # 21-59 -Canada Permanent Trust Company (Evelyn Hunter) re: 104 Wellington Street Jones: Mrs. Hunter appeared before Council to seek Council's consideration, in the rezoning of the property at 104 Wellington Street East so a convenience store could be located at this location. Pedersen: Resolved that the subject matter of this deputation be referred to the Planning and Development Committee meeting scheduled for December 14, 1981 for consideration and a report back to Council. CARRIED REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 127 -Leisure Services Advisory Committee ••• Various Matters Mayor Timpson introduced and welcomed William Trent, a former Councillor. Mayor Timpson stated that Mr. Trent was at the meeting in connection with item D.5 of the Leisure Services Report pertaining to the Aurora Boy Scouts. The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Leisure Services Advisory Committee was held on Wednesday, November 4th, 1981 at 7:30 p.m. at the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Councillor J. West, Councillor B. Pedersen, Councillor J. Ochalski, F. Horvath, Director of Leisure Services, and citizen members J. Hayward, J. Osborne and S. Shaw. Mr. K. Wehrenberg and Mr. D. McPherson sent their regrets. I I l-~- L_, COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16th, 1981 -7- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued} Report# 127-Leisure Services Advisory Committee ••• Various Matters (continued} A. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter # 18-90 -Junior "A" Tigers Request for Meeting B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Committee was informed of the revised contract as a result of the meeting. LETTERS RECEIVED AS INFORMATION Letter # 19-9 -F. Horvath memo to K.B. Rodger re: Pedestrian Underpass of C.N.R. to Valhalla Heights Letter# 19-41 -Holland River Valley Park Conceptual Site Plan Study Letter # 19-46 -Ministry of Culture and Recreation -Community Programs Letter # 19-80 -Notice of York Region Games Meeting Letter # 21-26 -Ministry of Culture and Recreation -Field Representatives confirmation of attendance on December 9th, 1981 Leisure Services Advisory Committee meeting. C. OLD BUSINESS 1. Aurora Majorettes This item was referred to the next meeting. 2. Artisans of York re: Rental of Church Street School It was recommended that: ( i ) (ii) ( i i i ) (iv) (v) the Town of Aurora install a sub-floor and insulate the outside walls and the Artisans of York will pay the costs over a two (2} year period to a maximum of $1,500.00. that the rent be fixed at $300.00 per year to December 31st, 1982, and at that time be reviewed. The rent to be paid semi-annually. be allowed storage in the west quadrant of the building at a rate of $15.00 per year. the Artisans would be responsible for providing four (4) workshops to the Leisure Services Department at no charge. They will be credited $25.00 a workshop towards the rent. and a contract to be signed. 3. Policy on Renting Community Buildings 4. 5. The Director of Leisure Services was requested to compile necessary data on the operation of the community buildings in order to recommend policies on rent at the next meeting. Operation of Committee The Director of Leisure Services was requested to prepare a timetable of leisure events that relates to the operation of the Committee. Park Shelter Councillor West and the Director of Leisure Services will investigate the Sheppard's Bush pavillion and some of the nearby Provincial Authorities pavillions for the next meeting for discussion. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16th, 1981 -8- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 127 -Leisure Services Advisory Committee (continued) 6. Department Logo The Committee recommends that the Artisans of York be asked to consider holding a competition for the creation of a Leisure Services Department Logo at the July celebrations. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Youth Centre The report by citizen member Joan Osbourne was received and referred to the next scheduled meeting of the Leisure Services Advisory Committee. 2. Update on Projects The Committee received for information. 3. Project Priorities for 1982 The Committee referred this to the next meeting of the Leisure Services Advisory Committee. Each Committee member will submit their priorized list to the Director of Leisure Services by December 1st, 1981. 4. Citizen Members Meeting The Committee has referred the content of that meeting until the members can get together again and redefine their recommendations. 5. Boy Scouts of Canada re: Church Street School It was recommended that the Boy Scouts of Canada be allowed rental space in the south-east office of Church Street School at a rate of $100.00/month, paid semi-annually. The Committee further recommended that the lease be on a short term basis with six months notification if either party wishes to terminate the signed agreement. Additional storage space will be rented to the Boy Scouts to meet their needs. 6. Church Street School The Committee recommends that estimates be obtained for fire retardent carpeting for the first floor east side area including main office, south-east corner. If estimates are below $2,500.00, work to be carried out. This area to be a non-smoking area. 7. Final Cost -Church Street School Estimated Cost Contract Price Extra Authorized by Council Ontario Heritage Grant Community Recreation Centres Grant Cost to Town The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. 134,966.00 18,290.40 $35,000.00 20,074.00 $155,446.10 $153,256.40 55,074.00 $ 98,182.40 ---------·~------·--------------------·-~---- COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16th, 1981 -9- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report # 127 -Leisure Services Advisory Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) Item A.l -C.2 (iv) CARRIED AMENDED Item C.2 (v) West: Pedersen: Resolved that Item C.2 (v) be amended to read -" A contract be drawn up to cover the rental of Church Street School by the Artisans of York and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign same". CARRIED AS AMENDED Item C.2 (v) CARRIED Item C.3 -D.4 Item D.5 CARRIED AMENDED West: Pedersen: Resolved that Item D. 5 be amended to read -" A contract be drawn up to cover the rental of Church Street School by the Boy Scouts of Canada and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign same". CARRIED AS AMENDED Item D.5 CARRIED Item D.6 -D.7 CARRIED West: Pedersen: Resolved that the Leisure Services Advisory Committee Report# 127 dated November 4th, 1981 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended. CARRIED Report # 129 -Planning and Development Committee ••• Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Planning and Development Committee was held on Monday, November 9th, 1981 in the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Councillor B. Pedersen, Chairman, Councillor J. West, Councillor E. Buck, Mrs. s. Seibert, Planner, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Secretary and Dr. Les Oliver representing L.A.C.A.C. A. LETTERS RECEIVED AND COMMENTED ON: 1. Town of Aurora -Commercial Area (i) Review of Goals and Objectives Res ectin the Core Area of the Town of Aurora, (ii Commercial Land Use Report 1981, and (iii) Site Opportunities and Constraints, as contained in the "Selected Sites Study" prepared for L.A.C.A.C. by the Region of York Planning Department The Committee considered the three (3) reports, and upon reviewing the "Goals and Objectives Respecting the Core Area of the Town", recognized that the central business district comprises the entire Yonge Street commercial area, not just the area from Reuben to Irwin, as per the Town's Official Plan. This area in the Official Plan should be more appropriately defined as the "Historic Commercial District". It is recommended that a,Master Plan be prepared for the entire commercial area, with special emphasis on the "Historic Commercial District". ~-1 I COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16th, 1981 -10- Report # 129_=-_Pl anni ng and Deve 1 opment Committee ... Various Matters (continued) A. LETTERS RECEIVED AND COMMENTED ON: (continued) 1. Town of Aurora -Commercial Area (continued) 2. 3. It is further recommended that Mrs. Seibert prepare the terms of reference for the Master Plan. It is also recommended an Advisory Committee be set up with representation from the Town, L.A.C.A.C. and the business community and to review the terms of reference and act as a Steering Committee throughout the preparation of the Plan. The Committee would also recommend the Old Waterworks Building remain in public ownership until the Master Plan is completed. Letters # 20-52 and 20-10 -159 Yonge Street North Aurora Limited, Herman A. Crowe, President The Committee discussed the proposal of establishing a group home for children and young people with physical, emotional or developmental handicaps. It was agreed that the request be denied, as the Committee felt the location was not appropriate for such use. Subdivision, Part Lots 11 and 12, Cone. 2, Dical InvestmenC[imited The latest submission is still under review by Town Staff in regard to conformity with the Official Plan Amendment# 18, and the changes made in the road pattern. The Region of York will be so advised. 4. Letter# 19-58-Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lot 79, Cone. 1, W.Y.S., Town of Aurora, 19T-79049, Greater Real Corporation As the Town has not received a formal application for a Plan of Subdivision, the Committee recommends the Region be advised to close the file. 5. Letters# 19-38, # 20-32, # 20-56 and# 21-37 -A.E. LePage Limited re: 138 Yonge Street South, Aurora The Committee recommends that the owners be advised that the Town does not support a veterinarian use at this location, but would support a "C-2" zone with all the permitted uses. 6. Plan of Subdivision, Part Lot 81, Cone. 1, E.Y.s., R Three Seasons Homes B. 1. 2. The Committee recommends the Region of York be advised that the Town is still processing the Plan of Subdivision. The Financial Letter of Credit has yet to be posted by the owner, and the objections from the local residents relating to the size of the abutting lots, and the location of the Commercial Block are still to be resolved. COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT Submission A-5-81, R.P. 9, Part Lot 20 -58 Temperance Street (Mr. Dennis Barrett -owner) Staff have replied affirmatively to this submission which was heard on Wednesday, November 4, 1981. Submission A-8-81, Part Lot 79, Cone. I, w.Y.S. -500 Kennedy Street West (Mr. Keith Jennings -owner) Staff have replied affirmatively to this submission which was heard on Wednesday, November 4, 1981. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16th, 1981 -11- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 129 -Planning and Development Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) c. Objections to Zoning By-Law# 2213-78; Mr. John Mcintyre -Waterworks lane to Cousins Drive, East Side of Yonge Street The objector proposes an R-5 Zone with a provision to include R-5-1, etc., as permitted in Official Plan Amendment # 10. The Town Zoning By-Law # 2213-78 shows the lands as RA-3. The Committee recommends the Old Waterworks Building be put in a "Holding Zone" until the Commercial Master Plan is completed. The Committee also recommends the affected land owners be notified of the recommended Zoning change from RA-3 to "R-5", as requested. D. LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE 1. Libby Stanek Rupert and Jack Rupert, Part Lot 76, Cone. I, W.Y.S., North Side Hendersen Drive -Applications # 362.81.A and # 363.81.A The Committee recommends approval of the two (2) severances, with the following as conditions of approval: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Lot Levy and Development fee of $1,695.00 for each application. 5% of the value of the subject land as cash-in lieu of parkland dedication, for each application. Hydro lot levy of $1,500.00 per hectare, for each application. A cash contribution to the municipality towards the upgrading of Henderson Drive. Dedication by the owner to the municipality, at no cost to the Town, and free of all encumbrances, a strip of land across the frontage of each lot of sufficient width, to allow for a 50 foot road allowance from the centre line on the north side of the existing road. This will comply with the Town's requirement for a planned 100' road allowance. The location of the driveway for each lot will be subject to Town approval during Site Plan processing when the subject lots are developed. The meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. The next Planning and Development Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, December 14, 1981 at 7:30 p.m. Item A.1 -B.2 Item C Pedersen: West: Item C Item D Pedersen: West: CARRIED AMENDED Resolved that Item C be deferred until all property owners concerned have been notified regarding this proposed rezoning of the area. A meeting with the owners of property in this area will be called for December 14th, 1981 at 7:00 p.m. CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED AS AMENDED Resolved that the Planning and Development Committee Report# 129 dated November 9th, 1981 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended. CARRIED (''" l ~,.. __ .; COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16th, 1981 -12- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 130 -Public Safety Committee ••• Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Public Safety Advisory Committee was held on Thursday, November 5th, 1981 at 7:30p.m. in the Administration Centre. Present Were: Councillors L. Ostick, E. Stoddart and J. Ochalski, and Citizen members D. Lougheed and D. Oates. Mr. Bessant sent his regrets. 1. Fire Department By-Law The proposed amended Fire Department By-Law was discussed clause by clause. The By-Law will be reviewed by the Cl erk-Admi ni strator and the Committee chairman prior to submission to Council. 2. Parking -Royal Road Complaints from residents are received regularly about the behaviour of people parking while attending the Graystone's. The Committee doubt whether the increased parking fines will help the situation. The Police Department will be consulted before any recommendation is made. 3. Letter# 14-185 -Crossing Guard -Mark Street and Spruce Street The Works Department have carried out a field study at this intersection in accordance with the criteria obtained from the Regional Director of Transportation. The attached results show that a crossing guard is not warranted at this time. The Committee recommends that this report be accepted. 4. Letter # 19-61 -School Bus Loading on Mosley Street at Wells Street The Committee have some reservations about recommending the introduction of a school bus loading zone. This will be discussed with the School Principal before a recommendation is made. 5. Letter # 19-69 -Regional Fire Training School The Committee recommends continued support of this training programme. 6. Dispatch System Ostick: At present there is only one Aurora phone line for emergency calls to the Newmarket Dispatch System. The Committee recommends that a second line be installed. For technical reasons, this will involve a change in the emergency phone number. It is further recommended that the Fire Chief report on the suggested timing of the change to ensure sufficient publicity of the new number prior to its taking effect. Ochalski: Resolved that the Public Safety Committee Report# 130 dated November 5th, 1981 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED ~----~~.........,.~·-n-"'M>~.-~·~"~~~·---~·--·~---·'-'·-----·------·-------- ···-"'"'' :-··--, COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16th, 1981 -13- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 131 -Council in Committee ••• Various Matters Councillor West in the Chair. The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Council in Committee was held on Wednesday, November 11th, 1981, at 7:05 p.m. in the Administration Centre. Present Were: Mayor George D. Timpson, Councillors Buck (7:40p.m.), Jones, Ochalski, Ostick, Pedersen, Stewart and West. Councillor Stoddart on vacation. A. DELEGATIONS: 1. Mr. Ian McClung, Assessment Commissioner Mr. McClung, Assessment Commissioner appeared before Committee to explain the assessment upon which taxation is based and the difference between rural or urban serviced lots. After lengthy discussion at Council in Committee, appreciation was expressed to Mr. McClung for his attendance. 2. Letter # 21-38 -Staff Report re: Pond Construction at Rear of Fire Hall 3. Fire Chief S. Wilson and Mr. D. Taylor appeared before the Committee to answer any questions regarding the construction of a pond at the rear of the Fire Hall. Committee recommends that the report and recommendation submitted by Fire Chief s. Wilson and Mr. D. Taylor be adopted. Letter# 21-54 and #21-55-Amusement Licence Application The request made by Mr. Michael Murrell to have the Amusement Licencing By-Law amended to allow 100 square feet per machine instead of 150 square feet per machine was discussed at length. Council in Committee would recommend that this request be denied. B. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter # 20-66 -Mr. Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Performance Bond Status -York Springs Services Council in Committee recommends that this recommendation be accepted. 2. Letter # 20-72 -94th R.C. (Air) C. Squadron, Newmarket re: Request to hold Air Cadet Tag Days Council in Committee recommends that the request of the 94th R.C. (Air) C Squadron to hold Air Cadet Tag Days on April 22, 23 and 24, 1982 be granted. 3. Letter # 20-85 -Miss Janice Yoshiki re: Letter of Thanks Council in Committee recommends that this letter be received. 4. Letter # 20-86 -Ontario Hydro re: Notice of Public Meeting re: Transmission System Expansion Program Council in Committee recommends that this letter be received. ---------------------------- COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16th, 1981 -14- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 131 -Council in Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) 5. Letter# 20-87 -Regional Municipality of York -Clerk's Department re: Report Number 18 of the Engineering Committee "Municipal Transportation Energy Advisory Committee" Council in Committee recommends that this letter be received. 6. Letter# 20-88-Regional Municipality of York-Clerk's Department re: Report Number 18 of the Engineering Committee "South Central York Servicing Scheme Five Year Forecast" Council in Committee recommends that this letter be received. 7. Letter# 21-39 -Harold w. Graham re: Request to use Town Logo As.Council has already authorized Chamber of Commerce use of this logo it was recommended that Mr. Graham be granted permission to use the logo on Aurora Chamber of Commerce Group Insurance brochures. 8. Letter# 21-56-John Insley re: Short Report on Amusement Licence Application Committee would recommend that this letter be received as information. 9. Mayor's Report re: Cast 1 e Doa n Council in Committee would recommend that this report be adopted. The following recommendations were made: 1. The Town of Aurora accept the offer of the donation of Castle Dean by the present owner and then immediately transfer the ownership to Company "X". 2. The designation of the Castle Dean in accordance with The Ontario Heritage Act, 1974, not be commenced until such time as the building is at its new location. 3. The future owner, Company "X", provide a legal undertaking either to the Town of Aurora or to the Roman Catholic Church that the said company will remove the building from its present site prior to April 30, 1982, or such other date as may be agreed to by the par-ties concerned, and further provide a performance bond or irrevocable letter of credit to be used in the event that the building is not removed from its present site by April 30, 1982. 4. The Town of Aurora agree, if required, to facilitate matters concerning zoning for the future site of the Castle Dean Building in its adaptive re-use. 5. The Town of Aurora agree to commence an Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning By-Law Amendment to provide "Institutional" designation on the new lands to be acquired by the Church, on the basis that it is the 1 and being designated for future buildings, and not the present buildings on the land. 6. The Town of Aurora grant permission, if required, for the storage, on fenced Town property, of the parts of the Castle Dean building should dismantling be necessary, for a period not to exceed one year. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16th, 1981 -15- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 131 -Council in Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) B. CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 10. Technical Committee Report re: Golf Glen Terraces -Block A, Former School Site Mr. K.B. Rodger, Clerk-Administrator reported to Committee that there is no basic problem with the road layout in principle and, recommends the Official Plan amendment be prepared for consideration. Council in Committee would recommend that the recommendations of the Technical Committee be accepted and that staff be directed to proceed with the preparation of the Official Plan amendment. C. NEW BUSINESS 1. History of Aurora Councillor Stewart announced that he had received the final draft of the History of Aurora as prepared by Miss J. Stuart, and that it was available for Members of Council to peruse. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Item A.l -B.6 Item B.7 Item B.8 -c. 1 Timpson: Stewart: CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED Resolved that the Council in Committee Report# 131 dated November 11th, 1981 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED Report # 132 -Administration Committee ••• Various Matters Councillor West in the Chair. The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Administration Committee was held on Tuesday, November lOth, 1981 at 3:00p.m. in the Mayor's Office. Present Were: Mayor George D. Timpson, Councillor E. Stewart and Councillor J. Ochalski. 1. Letter # 21-27 -Martha Todd Request to Write-Off Tax Penalty The Committee recommends that this request to write-off the tax penalty of $12.16 be denied because it is of the opinion that the taxpayer had the responsibility to follow through on the advice of her lawyer regarding settlement of outstanding taxes. The Committee also is of the opinion that the Town of Aurora in its operation is not to blame in any way for the late payment of this tax bill, nor is any other level of government in its operations. COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16th, 1981 -16- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (continued) Report# 132 -Administration Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) 2. Central Ontario .Travel Authority --Request to Advertise The Committee recommends that an advertisement on behalf of the Town of Aurora at a total cost of $300.00 be authorized and that such expenditure be charged to the Economic Development Committee Advertising budget. 3. 1982 Town of Aurora Budget Deadlines Item 1 Item 2 - 3 The Committee recommends the following deadlines be adopted as target dates for the preparation and approval of the 1982 Town of Aurora municipal budget: Now to January 15th, 1982 January 15th, 1982 January 18th to January 22nd January 25th to February 26th February 27th, 1982 March 1st to March 12th March 15th, 1982 Date to be Announced CARRIED CARRIED Department Heads prepare budget and appropriate supporting material. Department Heads submit budget to Treasury Department so that Department estimates may be entered on the computer. Department Head Committee review of overall budget. Standing Committees review budgets within Committee jurisdiction. Committee chairman to submit Committee decisions regarding Departmental budgets to Treasurer for updating on ·computer. Review of complete budget by Admi ni strati on Committee. Discussion of budget by all Members of Council and approval to follow. Special meeting of Council, if necessary, to approve of 1982 Town of Aurora municipal budget. Timpson: Resolved that the Administration Committee Report # 132 dated November lOth, 1981 be discussed item by item and accepted and the Stewart: Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED \_.__., ~·--' COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16th, 1981 -17- RESOLUTIONS 1. Payment of Invoice -Lloyd and Purcell Limited Jones: Stewart: Resolved that Invoice Number 4231 from Lloyd and Purcell Limited in the total amount of $913.99, for the Harriman Trunk Sewer -Project Number 849, be paid and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 2. Mayor and Clerk Authorization to Sign Agreement (Val Caron) Stewart: Jones: Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign an Agreement between Val Caron Developments Limited and the Town of Aurora. CARRIED 3. Servicing of an Industrial Lot -Peter Scott Contracting Limited Jones: Stewart: Resolved that upon the recommendation of Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Town Superintendent, Peter Scott Contracting Limited be authorized to service an industrial lot (Dashwood Industries) in the amount of $5,655.00, to be taken from the Industrial Park Account and the Seal of the Corporation attached hereto. CARRIED 4. Tender for Tree Removal West: Ochalski: Resolved that the Tender of Weller Tree Services for removal of trees from public property in the amount of $2,940.50 be accepted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 5. Tender for Snow Plowing Jones: Stewart: Resolved that the Tender of Martin Van Lierop for the Snow Ploughing of Parking Lots at the rates outlined below: Type of Equipment Tandem Truck Tractor c/w front end loader (8' Width) Four Wheel Drive (6' Width) Quantity 1 2 2 r \, Rate Per Hour $28.00 $35.00 $28.00 ••• be accepted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 6. Petition for Interim Payment under the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act Jones: Stewart: Resolved that a Petition for Interim Payment under the Public· Transportation and Highway Improvement Act on the Expenditures made in the year 1981 in the amount of $742,068.70 be submitted to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. · CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16th, 1981 -18- RESOLUTIONS (continued) 7. Ontario Basic Mapping Program West: Whereas the Town of Aurora has examined the background provisions of Buck: the Ontario Basic Mapping Program, • And Whereas the Town is seriously interested in participating in the Ontario program and working together with the Ministry of Natural Resources to establish, store and update topographic, and cadastral mapping, Therefore Be It Resolved that the Council of the Town of Aurora express by this resolution its desire to participate in this integrated mapping project and further that the Clerk Administrator be authorized to advise the Manager of the Ontario Basic Mapping Program of the Ministry of Natural Resources of our urgent desire to participate. CARRIED 8. Appointment of Charles W. Lloyd-Official Contact -Ontario Basic Mapping Program West: Resolved, that in conjunction with Council's resolution expressing Buck: interest in the Ontario Basic Mapping Program and grants available to produce a preliminary data sheet example. of a co-ordinated and integrated map: BY-LAWS 1. That this Council, on the recommendation of the Technical Committee does hereby appoint CHARLES w. LLOYD, O.L.S. as the agent and official contact for the mapping project. CARRIED West: Be It Hereby Resolved That: Ochalski: Bill Number 2463-81 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law Number 1867 (Penalty Provision of Parking and Traffic By-Law) Bill Number 2464-81 -Being a By-Law to Prohibit Parking (Golf Links Drive) Bill Number 2465-81 -Being a By-Law to Adopt Amendment Number 23 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area (Golf Glen Terraces) Bill Number 2466-81 -Being a By-Law to amend By-Law Number 1863 (Ieraci) Bill Number 2467-81 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law Number 1863 (I.G.A.) Bill Number 2468-81 -Being a By-Law to amend By-Law Number 2319-79 being a By-Law to prohibit unauthorized parking of motor vehicles on private property or on property of the Town where parking by the public is not authorized • • • • be read a First Time. CARRIED --·---··~~ .... ·~'"""''~_..;.,~"""'".,-~~~-··~-A--<---•..._,."---'-"'~ ........... -~~~=·=~=o=~----M~- '-...._ •. ~ COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16th, 1981 -19- BY-LAWS (continued) West: Be It Hereby Resolved That: Jones: West: Ostick: West: Ostick: ADJOURNMENT Bill Number 2463-81 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law Number 1867 (Penalty Provision of Parking and Traffic By-Law) Bill Number 2464-81 -Being a By-Law to Prohibit Parking (Golf Links Drive) Bill Number 2465-81 -Being a By-Law to Adopt Amendment Number 23 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area (Golf Glen Terraces) Bill Number 2466-81 -Being a By-Law to amend By-Law Number 1863 (Ieraci) Bill Number 2467-81 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law Number 1863 (I.G.A.) Bill Number 2468-81 -Being a By-Law to amend By-Law Number 2319-79 being a By-Law to prohibit unauthorized parking of motor vehicles on private property or on property of the Town where parking by the public is not authorized • ••• be read a Second Time. CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved that Section 21 of By-Law 2270-78 be suspended and Bill Numbers 2463-81, 2464-81 and 2468-81, now before the Council, be read a Third Time and Enacted and the Third Reading be taken as read. CARRIED Bill Number 2459-81 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law to Provide an 1982 Interim Tax Levy and the Collection Thereof Bill Number 2383-80 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law Number 2213-78 (Rupert) ••• be read a Third Time. CARRIED West: Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Lfl V-~ Mayor ~----~ Clerk