MINUTES - Council - 19810519r~- '-.,__,.) ,~-,~~", (""] ,\ : I I MINUTES OF THE 11TH MEETING HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 1981 at 8:00p.m. Present Were: Mayor Timpson, Councillors Buck, Jones, Ochalski, Pedersen, Stewart, Stoddart and West. Councillor Ostick absent due to illness. Mayor Timpson declared a possible Conflict of Interest in accounts payable to the York County Board of Education and refrained from discussion or voting thereon. Councillor Jones declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Item# 5 of Council in Committee Report # 65 and refrained from discussion or voting thereon. Councillor Pedersen declared a possible Conflict of Interest in accounts payable to Canada Law Book and refrained from discussion or voting thereon. PASSING OF ACCOUNTS: West: Resolved that the accounts in the total amount of $909,275.53 details Stoddart: of which are on file with the Treasurer's Office, be approved for payment and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. General Works Department Fire Department Parks Department Community Buildings: Hist. Soc. McMahon Factory Th. Church St. Vic. Hall Parks Bldg. Bank Shell Community Centre: Building Canteen Recreation Water Accounts Paid Prior to Council CARRIED CORRESPONDENCE: 215.40 202.43 246.02 499.40 108.31 162.09 96.24 9 ,391. 96 1,993.90 $ 9,794.72 13,032.17 1,043.43 197.33 1,529.89 11,385.86 701.45 3,743.75 867' 846.93 11-1 Reid and Associates Limited re: Town of Aurora, Yonge, Dunning, Golf Links Intersection, Yonge, Brookland Intersection-Traffic Control Signals - Project Number 904 11-2 • (Information, Clerk to reply) George and Gary Fine, Toronto, Ontario re: (TABLED, Ref. Council in Committee, Mr. Seibert) 120 Yonge Street North R.J. Harrington, Mrs. s. ,..,.-----. COUNCIL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 1981 -2- CORRESPONDENCE: (continued) 11-3 Kennel Inn re: Animals Impounded by order of the Health Department (Information, Mr. Wm. Johnson) 11-4 Works Department re: Overtime Report -March 1981 (Ref. Works Committee) 11-5 Water Department re: Overtime Report ~ March 1981 (Ref. Works Committee) 11-6 Browndale (Ontario) re: 5 Tyler Street, Aurora (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington to reply) 11-7 ReThink Incorporated re: Submission -Director of Leisure Services (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, Council, Councillor J. West) 11-8 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Civil Technician Vacancy -Works Department (Information, Mr. K.B. Rodger) 11-9 Works Department re: Overtime Report -April 1981 (Ref. Works Committee) 11-10 Water Department re: Overtime Report -April 1981 (Ref. Works Committee). 11-11 Regional Municipality of York-Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part of Lot 80, Cone. 1, E.Y.S., Town of Aurora 19T-80047 (Ref. Technical Committee) 11-12 Goodman and Carr, Barristers and Solicitors re: Granada Investments Limited-Aurora Highlands Subdivision (Information, Clerk to reply, Solicitor) 11-13 Regional Municipality of York -Clerk's re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-79016 (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. S. Seibert) 11-14 Reid and Associates Limited re: Invoices -Professional Engineering Services Rendered (Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. Wm. Johnson) 11-15 Regional Municipality of York -Engineering re: Proposed Pedestrian Crossover at Mark Street and Spruce Street -File # 35.05.03 11-16 (Ref. Public Safety Committee, Mr. Wm.G. Walker) Process Consultants Canada Limited re: 7 and 8, R. Plan M-57 -Bay Tower Homes (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Valhalla Heights Company Limited Mr. Wm.G. Walker) Subdivision, Lots 11-17 McPherson and Shugart, Barristers and Solicitors re: Block "B", Plan M-42, Henry Sadler (Ref. Planning and Development Committee, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. s. Seibert) 11-18 McPherson and Shugart, Barristers and Solicitors re: Block A, Plan M-42 - Domenico Tortorici and Warren Jackson (Ref. Planning and Development Committee, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. s. ,--, Seibert) 11-19 The Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay re: List of Ontario Municipal Safety Personnel (Information, Clerk to reply) (' ' '--·--' COUNCIL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 1981 -3- CORRESPONDENCE: (continued) 11-20 Ministry of Culture and Recreation re: Community Recreation Centres Act, 1974, Proposed Renovations at Church Street School (Information, Mrs. C.A. Allen, Councillor J. West) 11-21 Ontario Municipal Board re: Appointment for Hearing -Dical Investments Limited (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. S. Seibert, Mr. K.B. Rodger) 11-22 York Regional Police Force re: Request for Meeting to Discuss Policing Community (Information, Mayor George D. Timpson) 11-23 City of Pembroke re: Firefighter's Arbitration-1981 (Information, Clerk to reply) 11-24 Town of Markham Public Libraries re: Public Libraries Program Review (TABLED, Council, Mr. Wm. Johnson) Jones: Resolved that this letter be received as information at this time. Stewart: CARRIED 11-25 Regional Municipality of York -Planning Committee re: Agenda -Wednesday, May 6th, 1981 (Information) 11-26 Regional Municipality of York -Health and Social Services re: Agenda - Wednesday, May 6th, 1981 (Information) 11-27 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Ronald C. and Doreen Reesor, Part of Lot 1, Registered Plan 102 -File Number 97.81.A (Information, Clerk to reply) 11-28 Regional Municipality of York -Engineering re: Agenda -Tuesday, May 5th, 1981 (Information) 11-29 Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs re: Chief Administrative Officer System in Ontario (Information, Clerk to reply) 11-30 Caroline and Christopher, Barristers and Solicitors re: Rees Sale to Wray, 43 Poplar Crescent, Unit# 28, Aurora (Information, Clerk to reply, Mr. Wm. Johnson) 11-31 Township of Georgian Bay re: Hydro Generating Stations on the Musquash River and Go Home Lake (TABLED) West: Resolved that this letter be received. Buck: CARRIED 11-32 Ontario Municipal Board re: By-Law# 2374-80 Approval (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. S. Seibert, Library, Committee of Adjustment, Land Division Committee, Mrs. C.E. Gowan) 11-33 Con-Drain Company Limited, Concord, Ontario re: A.B.S. Plastic Pipe Demonstration-May 14th, 1981 at Le Pare Restaurant (Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker) 11-34 Ministry of Housing -Plans Administration re: Proposed Amendment 18 to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area -File Number 19-0P-0025-18 (Information, Mrs. S. Seibert, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. H. Borgdorff, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. C.E. Gowan, Fire Chief S.G. Wilson) ;''•'-·. COUNCIL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 1981 -4- CORRESPONDENCE: (continued) 11-35 The York Region Roman Catholic Separate School re: Allaura Investments Limited (Information, Mr. Wm. Johnson) 11-36 The Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company of Canada re: Community Centre Inspection , (Information, Mrs. C.A. Allen, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mr. L. Keffer, Fire Chief S.G. Wilson) 11-37 Sue and Richard Isaacson, 135 Kennedy Street West, Aurora re: Slater Estate vs Town of Aurora Fire Department (Information, Fire Chief. S.G. Wilson, Mrs. C.A. Allen) 11-38 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Town of Aurora, Centre Street and Wells Street (Ref. Works Committee, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. H. Borgdorff) 11-39 Ministry of Labour re: Reconstruction of Temperance Street and Ransom Street (Information, Mr. W.G. Walker) 11-40 York Regional Police Force re: Request for Four Paid Duty Officers for Beer Garden at the Aurora Community Centre (Ref. July First Committee, Mrs. C.E. Gowan, Mrs. C.A. Allen, Mr. Wm. Johnson) 11-41 Aurora Public Library re: Memo to N. Weller regarding Landscaping of library (Information, Mr. N. Weller) 11-42 Lloyd and Purcell Limited, Ontario Land Surveyors re: Part 7 on Reference Plan 65 R 3800 (Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. H. Borgdorff, Mr. R.J. Harrington) 11-43 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Ross Street Reconstruction- Preliminary Comments (Information, Clerk to reply) 11-44 Mr. George Bark, 126 Temperance Street, Aurora re: Corrective measures on Parking Lot Area (Ref. Works Committee, Mr. Wm.G. Walker) 11-45 C.A. Allen memo to K.B. Rodger re: Fire Hall Furniture (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 11-46 Mike Hlinka, Barrister and Solicitor re: Edward James Shirley, 73 Kennedy Street being Lot 37, Plan 246 (Ref. Technical Committee, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. H. Borgdorff, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Clerk to reply) 11-47 Go Transit re: Go Transit's New Ticket Agency and Bus Stop Sign Locations (TABLED, Mrs. C.A. Allen) Buck: Resolved that this letter be received. West: CARRIED r/~ 11-48 S.G. Wilson memo to Councillor L. Ostick re: Attendance of Mr. Arthur Bellar at George Brown College (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 11-49 S.G. Wilson memo to K.B. Rodger re: Mr. Charles Cowie Jr. -Exam for 3rd Class Firefighter (Ref. Public Safety Committee, Mr. K.B. Rodger) r·· COUNCIL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 1981 -5- CORRESPONDENCE: (continued) 11-50 Regional Municipality of York re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lot 76 and 77, Cone. 1, W.Y.S., Corridor Developments Limited, Ministry of Housing File 19T-81032 (Information} 11-51 McPherson and Shugart, Barristers and Solicitors re: Part Lot 23, Concession 2 -David Lakie (Information, Clerk to reply, Mrs. C.E. Gowan) 11-52 The Corporation of the Town of Milton re: Newspaper Article on Library Services (Ref. Council in Committee, Mayor George D. Timpson) 11-53 Reid and Associates Limited re: Town of Aurora Construction of Industrial Parkway North -Extension of Industry Street North -Project Number 947 (Information) 11-54 Lloyd and Purcell Limited, Ontario Land Surveyors re: Plan of Lot 77 and Part of Lot 78, Aurora (Information) 11-55 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Application to Construct Lots 9 -11, 163 -165, Plan 246, Town of Aurora (Liani Investments) (Ref. Technical Committee, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. H. Borgdorff, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mr. K.B. Rodger, ~Irs. s. Seibert) 11-56 Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: Proposed Official Plan Amendment, Part of Lot 76, Concession 1, W.Y.S. (Rupert) (Information, Mrs. C.E. Gowan) 11-57 Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subidivison, Part Lots 74 and 75, Concession 1, Town of Aurora, Ministry of HOusing File 19T-81036 (Information) 11-58 The York County Board of Education re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Lots 76 and 77, Concession 1 W.Y.S., Town of Aurora, Ministry of Housing File# 19T-81032 (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. s. Seibert) 11-59 The York County Board of Education re Proposed Amendment Number 16 to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area -File Number 19 OP 0025 16 (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. s. Seibert, Mrs. C. E. Gowan) 11-60 Aurora Fire Department re: Activity Report -April 1981 (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 11-61 Richard Harison, South Aurora Homeowners' Association re: O.M.B. File R81246 -Application by the Town of Aurora for Approval of Restricted Area By-Law # 2374-80 (Ref. Planning and Development Committee, Solicitor, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. H. Borgdorff, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mr. K.B. Rodger, Mrs. S. Seibert) 11-62 Robert Noble, Town of Aurora re: Letter of Resignation (Information, Council, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. L. Keffer, Mr. N. Weller) 11-63 Pat Ferguson, Leisure Services Co-Ordinator re: Letter of Resignation (Information, Council) 11-64 Gary Gilbert, W.J.B. Cocker, 180 Kennedy Street West, Aurora re: Proposed Subdivision, Kennedy Street West, Part Lot 29, Plan 246 (Ref. Planning and Development Committee, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. S. Seibert) COUNCIL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 1981 -6~ CORRESPONDENCE: (continued) 11-65 Ministry of Housing re: Aurora 1/67, Phase II, O.M.B. Approval of By-Law 2321-79 (Cassar Drive Subdivision) (Information, Solicitor, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. H. Borgdorff, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. s. Seibert) 11-66 Consumers' Gas re: E.B.R.O. 381 and 381 - 1 (Information) 11-67 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Executive Committee Meeting - Tuesday, May 12, 1981 (Information, Mr. N. Weller, Mayor George D. Timpson) 11-68 Aurora Public Library re: List of Values of Exhibits (Information, Mrs. C.A. Allen) 11-69 Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: Town of Aurora By-Law# 2213-78 (Ref. Technical Committee, Clerk to reply, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. H. Borgdorff, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. S. Seibert) 11-70 Imperial Oil Limited re: Posted Price Adjustment (Information, Mrs. C.A. Allen, Mr. Wm. Johnson, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. N. Weller) 11-71 Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lots 81 and 82, Cone. 1 WYS, Town of Aurora, Ministry of Housing File 19T-7goo2 (Ref. Planning and Development Committee, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. s. Seibert) 11-72 Committee of Adjustment re: Submission A-3-81, Plan 68, Part Lots 17 and /"' 18, 89 Metcalfe Street, Clair and Janice Whetham, Town of Aurora r·' ' (Information, Clerk to reply, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. s. Seibert) 11-73 H. Borgdorff memo to K.B. Rodger re: Liani Investments, Construction Application, Lots 9-11, 163-165, Plan 246, Town of Aurora (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. s. Seibert) 11-74 Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology re: Revised program- Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (Information) 11-75 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Restricted Area By-Law 2374-80 (Information) 11-76 Jacqueline Stuart, Toronto, Ontario re: Amalgamation of the Old and New Aurora Histories (Ref. Economic Development Committee) 11-77 Committee of Adjustment re: Submission A-4-81, Plan 107, Lot 17, 58 Wellington Street East, Elaine Stocks, Town of Aurora (Information, Clerk to reply, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. S. Seibert) 11-78 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: The Corporation of the Town of Aurora sale to Ventrella (Ref. Economic Development Committee, Mr. Wm. Johnson, Councillor E. Stewart) 11-79 Institute of Edible Oil Foods re: Amendment to the Ontario Oleomargarine Act (TABLED) Pedersen: Resolved that this letter be received. West: CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 1981 -7- CORRESPONDENCE: (continued) 11-80 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Tree Cutting By-Laws (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. S. Seibert, Mr. N. Weller) 11-81 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Municipal Roads Program Work Order-Installation of Traffic Control -Yonge Street at Henderson Drive and Allaura Boulevard · (Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. H. Borgdorff) (~-11-82 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Change of Street Name -93 \~ Ross Street, Aurora (Information, Mrs. C.E. Gowan) 11-83 Ontario Municipal Personnel Association re: Bargaining Guidelines-1982 (Information, Clerk to reply) 11-84 Aurora Public Library re: Title on Financial Statement (Information, Mr. Wm. Johnson) 11-85 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Fernview Construction Insurance Certificate -Industria 1 Parkway (Information, Mrs. C.A. Allen, Mr. H. Borgdorff, Solicitor) 11-86 Cosman Insurance Adjusters Limited re: William and Gertrude Furzecott vs The Corporation of the Town of Aurora (Information, Mrs. C.A. Allen, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. H. Borgdorff) 11-87 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Advance Payment of Subsidy (Information, Mr. Wm. Johnson, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. H. Borgdorff) 11-88 Revenue Canada re: Demand on Third Parties (Information, Solicitor, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. H. Borgdorff, Mrs. C.A. Allen) 11-89 The York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: Town of Aurora By-Law Number 2385-80 (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. S. Seibert) 11-90 The York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: Proposed Amendment Number 16 to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area - Ministry of Housing File 19-0P-0025-16 (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. S. Seibert) 11-91 The York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: Wilson Cabinet Design Limited (Information, Mr. Wm. Johnson, Assessment Department) 11-92 The York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Lots 76 and 77, Cone. 1 WYS, Town of Aurora, Ministry of Housing File 19T-81032 (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mr. s. Seibert) 11-93 The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario re: Aurora Highlands Golf Club, 192 Yonge Street South, Aurora, Ontario-Licence Number 040331 (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Fire Chief S.G. Wilson) 11-94 Regional Municipality of York -Engineering re: Sewage Flows (Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. H. Borgdorff) 11-95 Factory Mutual Engineering re: Waterflow Test -Aladdin Industries Incorporated (Ref. Economic Development Committee, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. H. Borgdorff, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Fire Chief S.G. Wilson) r- COUNCIL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 1981 -8- CORRESPONDENCE: (continued) 11-96 Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lots 74 and 75, Concession lE, Town of Aurora -Ministry of Housing File 19T-81036 (Ref. Technical Committee, Planning and Development Committee, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. H. Borgdorff, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. s. Seibert, Fire Chief S.G. Wilson) 11-97 Ministry of Housing re: Newsletter (Information) 11-98 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Water Management Advisory Board Meeting-May 7, 1981 (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, Mr. N. Weller) 11-99 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Executive Committee Meeting Minutes -April 30, 1981 (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. s. Seibert) 11-100 Ministry of Revenue re: Amendment Number 3 -S.A. S. '78 User's Manual (Information, Mr. Wm. Johnson) 11-101 Councillor J. West memo toN. Weller re: Cleaning of Factory Theatre (Information, Mr. N. Weller) 11-102 ReThink Incorporation re: Invoice for Professional Fees and Expenses (Information, Mr. Wm. Johnson) 11-103 Hastings County Flood Relief Fund re: Request for Donations (Ref. Administration Committee) 11-104 Anne Campbell, Aurora Scottish Country Dance Club re: Application for a Grant (Ref. Administration Committee) 11-105 Aurora Hydro re: Entrance Lighting -Wycliffe Estates (Ref. Council in Committee, Mr. Wm.G. Walker) 11-106 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Water Management Advisory Board Minutes -May 7, 1981 (Information, Mr. K.B. Rodger) 11-107 Markborough Properties Limited re: Rezoning Application, Block A, Plan M-57 (Ref. Planning and Development Committee, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mr. K.B. Rodger) 11-108 Sterling Drugs Limited re: Fire Extingusher Demonstrations (Information, Fire Department) 11-109 Regional Municipality of York -Health and Social Services re: Purchase of Private Home Day Care from Mrs. Libby Blair-106 Spruce Street (Ref. Planning and Development Committee, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Fire Chief S.G. Wilson) 11-110 John Deere Limited, Grimsby, Ontario re: Letter of Appreciation (Information, Mr. N. Weller) 11-111 Cosman Insurance Adjusters Limited re: Claims regarding potholes (Information, Mrs. C.A. Allen) 11-112 Mrs. L. Kelner, 66 Collier Street, Toronto re: Authorization to Post Sign -"Trespasser to Property Act" (Information, Mrs. C.E. Gowan) 11-113 George Wimpey Canada Limited re: Part of Lot 83, Cone. I, W.Y.S., Aurora (Information, Mrs. C.E. Gowan) COUNCIL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 1981 -9- CORRESPONDENCE: (continued) 11-114 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: 1981 Supplementary Subsidy Allocation (Ref. Works Committee, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. K.B. Rodger) 11-115 Aurora Radiator Service re: Amalgamation with Rowland's Radiator Service, Newmarket, Ontario (Information, Mrs. C.A. Allen, Mr. Wm.G. Walker) r· 11-116 Steinberg and Steinberg, Barristers and So 1 i c itors re: Bank of Montreal Third Mortgage from Speller-101 Poplar Crescent, Unit# 62, Aurora (Information, Mr. D. Shields, Mr. R.J. Harrington) ',. _ __.. 11-117 Ministry of the Environment re: "Cottage Country -An Environmental Manual for the Cottager" (Information, Council Room) 11-118 Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs re: Redemption Certificate -High City Holdings Limited (Information, Mr. Wm. Johnson) 11-119 Reid and Associates Limited re: Town of Aurora, Industrial Parkway, Extension of Industry Street North -Project Number 947 (Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker) 11-120 Regional Municipality of York-Administrative Committee re: Agenda - Wednesday, May 13, 1981 (Information) 11-121 Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington) Proposed Amendment # 18 to "Dical" 11-122 John Deere Limited, Grimsby, Ontario re: Letter of Appreciation (Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker) 11-123 Family and Children's Services re: Prospect of Operating Group Homes (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington to reply, Mrs. s. Seibert) 11-124 Aurora Hydro re: Supply of Electrical Energy (Ref. Technical Committee, Clerk to reply, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. H. Borgdorff, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. s. Seibert) 11-125 J.E. Hirst, 2 Morning Crescent, Aurora re: Damage to Vehicle (Information, Mrs. C.A. Allen, Mr. Wm.G. Walker) 11-126 N. Weller memo to K.B. Rodger re: Deficiencies Markborough Properties, Park and School Site (Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. H. Borgdorff, Mr. R.J. Harrington) 11-127 Goodman and Carr, Barristers and Solicitors re: Canadian Management Holdings Limited purchase from Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (by way of Power of Sale), Block B, Plan M-1500, Aurora (Information, Mr. Wm. Johnson, By-Law Department, Clerk to reply) 11-128 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Town of Aurora sale to Aurora Quarrying Limited-Part Lot 103, Concession 1, Aurora (Information, Councillor E. Stewart, Mr. Wm. Johnson) 11-129 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Vita Par Cour Course - Sheppards Bush Conservation Area (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, Mrs. P. Ferguson, Mr. N. Weller, Mrs. C.A. Allen) 11-130 Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario re: Founding Conference of the New Municipal Association (Ref. Council in Committee) COUNCIL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 1981 -10- CORRESPONDENCE: (continued) 11-131 Goodman and Carr, Barristers and Solicitors re: Holdings Limited purchase from Canadian Imperial Power of Sale), Block B, Plan M-1500, Aurora (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Clerk to Canadian Management Bank of Commerce (by way of reply) 11-132 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Performance Bond Realease -Dr. Williams (~ (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Fire Chief S.G. Wilson) \, .. _-' / --· 11-133 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Employment Status -Mr. Duayne Taylor (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) 11-134 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Employment Status -Mr. Mike Ireland (TABLED, RESOLUTIONS) West: Resolved that the Clerk's Report be dealt with as outlined. Jones: CARRIED REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: Report# 56-Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee ••• Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee was held on April 22nd, 1981 at 7:30 p.m. in the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Councillor L. Ostick, P. Poulin, L. Oliver, P. Bennett, S. McCasey and J. Boyington. Councillor E. Buck sent her regrets. 1. Correspondence Committee member Paul Bennett tendered his letter of resignation from the Committee. He is moving from Aurora. Correspondence was received from Richmond Hill L.A.C.A.C. inviting Aurora L.A.C.A.C. to an informal meeting of the various L.A.C.A.C.s in York Region to be held in the Municipal Offices in Richmond Hill. This invitation was discussed. Correspondence was received from the Ministry of Culture and Recreation replying to the Committee's request for funding regarding Experience 81 student. 2. Committee Membership Councillor L. Ostick agreed to arrange for the replacement of Committee member Paul Bennett. 3. Budget Allocation Dr. L. Oliver submitted the Proposed Plan of L.A.C.A.C. 1981 to be presented to Council. follows: Action and Budget for The budget figures are as ,- \,~_/ ·~·· COUNCIL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 1981 -11- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: (continued) 56 -Local Architectural Conservation Advisor Committee ••• Various continued) 3. Budget Allocation Total Annual Budget Held over from 1980 the proposed study of commercial sites at an approved cost of equivalent to a total allocation of The Proposed Plan and Budget include the following: 1. Basic Research Program 2. Publication and Promotion Program 3. Production of Promotion Materials for the redevelopment of selected sites in the commercial core 4. Committee Operating Costs Total of Proposed Budget $3,000.00 $2,500.00 $5.500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $2,500.00 $ 500.00 $4,000.00 Councillor L. Ostick proposed that the Plaquing Program be omitted from the 1981 budget and that the Committee explore other ways of funding this program. The Committee discussed applying to the Aurora Arts and Culture Fund for a $500.00 grant in aid of a Plaquing Program. The possibility of a future joint venture with the Aurora and District Historical Society re: plaquing was discussed. 4. New Initiatives for 1981 Dr. Oliver reported on correspondence with Heritage Canada dealing with the application for participation in its Main Street Program. The Committee discussed the proposed "Theme" mall to be constructed on north Yonge Street, and suggested that an "Early Ontario" style might be considered. 5. Research and Designation S. McCasey reported on the progress of the Experience 81 Student Program. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. The next L.A.C.A.C. meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 8th, 1981 at 8:00 p.m. in the Administration Centre. Buck: Resolved that the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee Pedersen: Report# 56 dated April 22nd, 1981 be discussed item by item and accepted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED r- COUNCIL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 1981 -12- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: (continued) Report # 57 -Leisure Services Committee ••• Tennis Club Lease The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Leisure Services Committee was held on April 23rd, 1981 at 3:00 p.m. in Committee Room Number 1. Present Were: Councillor J. West, Community Centre Manager L. Keffer, Tennis Club President K. Tonner and Treasurer L. Owram. Three items were agreed on for the Town and Club approval. 1. A rental increase of $300.00 for a total rent of $800.00 per annum. 2. A meeting to be held in September to draw up a formal agreement and guidelines for the future. 3. A meeting to be held with Leisure Services Committee and Pat Ferguson, Recreation Co-Ordinator regarding the feasibility of the Town and Tennis Club joining in cost sharing of a Tennis Pro. It was agreed to arrange this within the week and to report back to the club on the outcome of that meeting. West: Pedersen: Resolved that the Leisure Services Committee Report# 57 dated April 23rd, 1981 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED Report # 58 -Leisure Services Committee ••• Building Renovations The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Leisure Services Committee was held at Factory Theatre on April 25th, 1981 at 10:00 a.m. Present Were: Councillor John West, Councillor Betty Pedersen, Councillor Jan Ochalski and Larry Keffer. Also in attendance were Mike Heptinstall, Dick Harding, Ken Lloyd, Eileen Mitchell. After some discussion, it was decided to ask staff to prepare a report on estimates for the following items: 1. To strip existing flat roof, install hard styrofoam insulation up to R.28+, to re-lay flat roof and gravel as per usual procedure. 2. To estimate cost of new sloped roof with asphalt shingles, roof vents and insulation up to R.28+ with eaves to extend past roof line to 16" with eavestrough and downpipe. 3. (a) Cost of building an addition to south-east corner with basement approximately 20' X 25' with flat roof, or (b) cover with slope roof as above. 4. To install siding approximately l/3 from roof line to cover existing steel windows. To remove existing siding on front and west side, close up two (2) windows, i nsta 11 one (1) new window in centre, recover front and side with siding. 5. To build a new vestibule in front of existing entrance 8' in length with new entrance doors facing east. (~-, ) COUNCIL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 1981 -13- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: (continued) Report # 58 -Leisure Services Committee ••• Building Renovations (continued) 6. To estimate own forces to excavate the rear of the building, which was an addition, to replace weeping tile and drain to west in stream course, mark future drain location, install chickenwire to end of weeping tile, cover weeping tile in clear limestone as per Ontario Building Code and infill and level. 7. To estimate cost of installing four (4) ceiling fans to be connected to rheostats. 8. To have thermostat and furnace checked for output and efficiency. It was agreed that the latter could be looked into as part of normal maintenance. Items number 3, 5 and 7 would be the responsibility of the Theatre group. When the estimates are available, it was agreed that the group would meet to discuss further the feasibilities of doing some work this year. A discussion ensued regarding the cleaning of Factory Theatre, it was agreed that the terms of the lease regarding cleaning would come into effect as per section 2F. It was futher stated that it was hoped that the Theatre group would be able to take over the building as per section 8. The Committee recommends that the Purchasing Co-Ordinator with the co-operation of the Building Department be authorized to establish the estimates regarding the above work. The meeting adjourned at 12:02 p.m. West: Pedersen: Resolved that the Leisure Services Committee Report# 58 dated April 25th, 1981 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED Report# 59 -Leisure Services Committee ••• Tennis The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Leisure Services Committee was held on Thursday, April 30th, 1981 at the Community Centre at 7:30 p.m. Present Were: Councillor J. West, Recreation Co-Ordinator P. Ferguson and Citizen Member V. Seaman. 1. After considerable discussion, it was agreed that the Town and Tennis Club would share the cost of a Tennis Instructor, 50% each to a maximum of $2,500.00. 2. The cost of lessons would be: 3. Adults Children $1.75 per lesson $1.25 per lesson The Town would receive 504 from each lesson. Any private lessons that the instructor would give with the Town's permission, the Town would receive 25% of the total amount. 4. The Town would do all registration for the tennis lessons which would be on a Friday evening and Saturday morning, date to be arranged. The Aurora Tennis Club would be asked to assist in these registrations. COUNCIL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 1981 -14- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: (continued) Report # 59 -Leisure Services Committee ••• Tennis (continued) 5. The Town would advertise the lessons. 6. The Chairman of the Leisure Services Committee would meet with the Tennis Instructor before a final agreement was made. 7. The Tennis Club is to advise the Leisure Services Committee Chairman if all the terms above are acceptable to them. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. West: Pedersen: Resolved that the Leisure Services Committee Report # 59 dated April 30th, 1981 be discussed item by item and accepted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED Report# 60-Leisure Services Committee ••• Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Leisure Services Committee was held on Wednesday, May 6th, 1981 at 7:30 p.m. in Committee Room Number 1. Present Were: Councillors J. West, B. Pedersen and J. Ochalski, Parks Foreman N. Weller, Citizen members B. McLenithan, s. Shaw, V. Seaman, J. Hayward. Absent were Citizen members P. Cooper-Veer and J. Osbourne. 1. Victoria Hall Conversion The Committee received a report from the Parks Foreman, regarding the cost of converting Victoria Hall from oil to gas, also noting the Administration Report on obtaining cost for electricity. The Parks Foreman had consulted with the Aurora Hydro and was informed that unless we insulated the Hall, electricity would be costly. The Committee recommends that a comparable estimate for the conversion to gas be obtained and would recommend to Council that it be completed before the Fall and also to see if a Federal grant would be available for same. 2. Tree -Administration Centre The Committee recommends that a tree being donated by N. Weller be moved to a location at the Administration Centre be authorized. The cost would be $300.00 for the removal and planting by Hall Tree Removal. 3. Ontario Parks Conference The Committee recommends that the Parks Foreman be allowed to attend the Ontario Parks Conference, July 29th, 1981 to August 1st, 1981 in Windsor, Ontario and all necessary allowances be made in accordance with the policy of Council. 4. Resignation of Recreation Co-Ordinator The Committee recommends that Council authorize the hiring of a mature person to be responsible for supervision of Recreation Programmes i.e. - Tennis Courts, Swimming Pool, Summer Playgrounds, etc. The position would be for a period of three (3) months from June 1st to September 1st, 1981 only. COUNCIL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 1981 -15- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: (continued) Report# 60-Leisure Services Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) 5. Downtown Core Planters 6. The Committee recommends that six (6) planters be purchased at a cost of approximately $996.00 for floral planting and be situated between Tyler and Wellington Street. This would be considered a pilot project and if acceptable to the public, further purchases would be considered next year. Construction of Portable Goals The Committee recommends to Council that the purchase of materials for construction of six (6) small portable goals for minor soccer at the cost of $900.00 be given and that the Committee expresses their appreciation to Minor Soccer for the donation of $200.00 towards the cost. 7. Separate Hydro Services -Lawn Bowling and Tennis Club The Committee recommends that prices be obtained to separate the Hydro Services in the Lawn Bowling and Tennis Club area, by an electrician. Unfinished Business 1. The Committee was reminded of the tour of buildings, reset for Saturday, May 9th, 1981 at 9:00 a.m. New Business 1. The Committee recommends that the Girl Guides be allowed to hold their annual picnic in Fleury Park on June 1st, 1981 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. Item #1 Buck: Stewart: Items #2 -#7 AMENDED Resolved that this item be referred to the Administration Committee for Report. CARRIED AS AMENDED Carried Unfinished Business: Item # 1 Carried New Business: Item # 1 Carried West: Resolved that the Leisure Services Committee Report# 60 dated May 6th, Pedersen: 1981 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. ~-,, CARRIED Date: Name: Address: Property: 61 -York Reqional Land Division Committee ••• Application 50.81.A in the Valle April 7, 1981 Village in the Valley Limited and The Wycliffe Group Limited 1867 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario M4S 1Y5 Part Lot 72, Concession 1, Town of Aurora \ \ \ ' \ /-~, r·-...,. COUNCIL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 1981 -16- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: (continued) Committee ••• APPlication 50.81.A In the matter of Subsection 3 of Section 42 of The Planning Act (R.S.O. 1970, c.349) as amended, and ·In the matter of an application by Village in the Valley Limited and The Wycliffe Group Limited, for consent to convey the subject land marked "A" on a sketch attached as Appendix Number 1. Before: R.E. Preston (Chairman), w. Bales, J.D. Brookes, G.R. Gregory, J.S. Hicks, Mrs. J. Paton, L.T. Wainwright, being a quorum of the Land Division Committee on Tuesday, April 7, 1981. Victor Lind of Bramalea Limited appeared at the Hearing. The owners seek consent to convey the subject land marked "A" on the attached sketch, for residential purposes, to the owner of land abutting on the west, to be taken into the same title. No additional lot would be created by this application. The owners would retain the land marked "B", for residential purposes. Both the subject land and the land to be retained are vacant. The application was heard in conjunction with Application Number 49.81.A by Thomas Patrick Shields Watts. In reaching a decision, the Committee had regard to all of the matters set out in subsection 4 of section 33 of The Planning Act and to the written and oral submissions and comments made at the Hearing. On the basis of the evidence before it, the Committee concludes the proposal conforms to the Official Plan and the Zoning Bylaw. The Committee is satisfied the proposal is compatible with the established pattern of development in the area and the conveyance will not be detrimental to the public interest. The Committee is further satisfied the shape and dimensions of the resulting lots are adequate and the lots are suitable for the intended purposes. In the opinion of the Committee, a plan of subdivision approved under section 33 of The Planning Act is not required in this instance. It is, therefore, the decision of the Land Division Committee that consent be GRANTED to Application Number 50.81.A, upon fulfilment of the following conditions: 1. Payment of an Administration Fee of $100.00, to the Town of Aurora; 2. Submission to the Secretary-Treasurer, of a fully executed deed, in duplicate, conveying the subject land only to the owner of land abutting on the west, reportedly, Thomas Patrick Shields Watts; 3. Submission to the Secretary-Treasurer, of three white prints of a deposited Plan of Reference of the subject land which conforms substantially with the application as submitted. 4. Fulfilment of Conditions 1, 2 and 3 not later than March 8, 1981. SUBSECTION 2 OR 4 OF SECTION 29 OF THE PLANNING ACT, AS THE CASE MAY BE, APPLIES TO ANY SUBSEQUENT CONVEYANCE OR TRANSACTION OF OR IN RELATION TO THE LAND THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS CONSENT. NOTE: A certificate pursrtant to subsection 20 of section 42 of The Planning Act cannot be given until all conditions of consent have been fulfilled (subsection 12 of section 29 of The Planning Act (R.s.o. 1970, c.349) as amended). Pedersen: Resolved that York Regional Land Division Committee Report # 61 dated West: May 6th, 1981 be received. CARRIED ~-- COUNCIL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 1981 -17- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: (continued) Report# 62-York Regional Land Division Committee ••• Application 49.81.A (Watts) Date: Name: Address: Property: April 7, 1981 Thomas Patrick Shields Watts 43 Steeplechase Avenue, Aurora, Ontario L4G 3G8 Part Lot 11, Plan M-1582, Town of Aurora In the matter of Subsection 3 of Section 42 of The Planning Act (R.S.O. 1970, C.349) as amended, and In the matter of an application by Thomas Patrick Shields Watts, for consent to convey the subject land marked "A" on a sketch attached as Appendix Number 1. Before: R.E. Preston (Chairman), w. Bales, J.D. Brookes, G.R. Gregory, J.S. Hicks, Mrs. J. Paton, L.T. Wainwright, being a quorum of the Land Division Committee on Tuesday, April 7, 1981. Victor Lind of Bramalea Limited appeared at the Hearing. The owner seeks consent to convey the subject land marked "A" on the attached sketch, for residential purposes, to the owners of land abutting on the east, to be taken into the same title. No additional lot would be created by this application. The owner 11ould retain the land marked "B", for residential purposes. The subject land is vacant. There is an existing dwelling located on the land to be retained. The application was heard in conjunction with Application Number 50.81.A by Village in the Valley Limited and The Wycliffe Group Limited. In reaching a decision, the Committee had regard to all of the matters set out in subsection 4 of section 33 of The Planning Act and to the written and oral submissions and comments made at the Hearing. On the basis of the evidence before it, the Committee concludes the proposal conforms to the Official Plan and the Zoning By-Law. The Committee is satisfied the proposal is compatible with the established pattern of development in the area and the conveyance will not be detrimental to the public interest. The Committee is further satisfied the shape and dimensions of the resulting lots are adequate and the lots are suitable for the intended purposes. In the opinion of the Committee, a plan of subdivision approved under section 33 of The Planning Act is not required in this instance. It is, therefore, the decision of the Land Division Committee that consent be GRANTED to Application Number 49.81.A, upon fulfilment of the following conditions: 1. Payment of an Administration Fee of $100.00, to the Town of Aurora; 2. Submission to the Secretary-Treasurer, of a fully executed deed, in duplicate, conveying the subject land only to the owners of land abutting on the east, reportedly, Village in the Valley Limited and The Wycliffe Group Limited; 3. Submission to the Secretary-Treasurer, of three white prints of a deposited Plan of Reference of the subject land which conforms substantially with the application as submitted; 4. Fulfilment of Conditions 1, 2 and 3 not later than March 8, 1981. SUBSECTION 2 OR 4 OF SECTION 29 OF THE PLANNING ACT AS THE CASE MAY BE, APPLIES TO ANY SUBSEQUENT CONVEYANCE OR TRANSACTION OF OR IN RELATION TO THE LAND THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS CONSENT. NOTE: A Certificate pursuant to subsection 20 of section 42 of The Planning Act cannot be given until all conditions of consent have been fulfilled (subsection 12 of section 29 of The Planning Act (R.S.O. 1970, c.349) as amended). Pedersen: Resolved that York Regional Land Division Committee Report # 62 dated West: May 6th, 1981 be received. CARRIED COUNCJL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 1981 -18- REPORTS OF COMMI.TTEES: (cant i nued) Report# 63 -Administration Committee ••• Various Matters Councillor Stewart in the Chair. The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Administration Committee was held Monday, May 11th, 1981 at 3:00 p.m. in the Mayor's Office. Present Were: Mayor George D. Timpson and Councillor John West. Councillor Earl Stewart sent his regrets. 1. Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario -Annual Conference The Committee recommends that the Clerk-Administrator and the Deputy Clerk be authorized to attend the 1981 A.M.C.T.O. Conference in Toronto-June 21st through June 24th, 1981. The Committee further recommends that the Clerk-Administrator and the Deputy Clerk arrange their schedule of attendance at the conference so that the Town Office is not without at least one of their services within the office for at least a portion of each working day. The Committee further recommends that the usual expenses, in accordance with the policy of Council, be authorized. 2. Tax Penalties to be Written Off 3. (a) 19 Glenview Drive, Aurora The Committee recommends that the tax penalty in the amount of $6.48 be written off. (b) 31 Mark Street, Aurora The Committee recommends that the tax penalty in the amount of $5.67 be written off. B.D. Gilbert Insurance Agency Limited The Committee recommends that the 1981 premium for insurance held by Frank Cowan Company Limited as per the various policies of the Town, be paid in the amount of $46,683.00. 4. Letter# 11-103-Hastings County Flood Relief Fund The Committee advises that the City of Belleville, the Village of Tweed, and the Townships of Thurlow, Hungerford and Elzevir-Grimsthorpe were declared an official disaster area by the Provincial Cabinet as a result of severe flooding in late February, 1981. Therefore, the Committee recommends that a donation of $500.00 be made to assist the residents of that area. 5. St. Andrew's College Year Book Advertising The Committee recommends that a one half (1/2) page ad at a cost of $90.00 be placed in the 1981 Annual Year Book published by St. Andrew's College. Timpson: Resolved that the Adminfstration Committee Report # 63 dated May 11th, 1981 be discussed item by item and accepted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. West: CARRIED /~--,.._. \ ---~- (-, \ COUNCIL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 1981 -19- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: (continued) Report # 64 -Planning and Development Committee ••• Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Planning and Development Committee was held on Monday, May 11th, 1981 at 7:30 p.m. in the Administration Centre. Present Were: Councillor B. Pedersen, Chairman, Councillor J. West, Mrs. S. Seibert, Planner, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Secretary. Councillor E. Buck sent her regrets. A. Delegations 1. Letter# 10-57-Block "B", R.P. M-1500, Henderson Drive, (4 acres) Catholic Community Services -Planned Housing Project Mr. Frank Folz, Executive Director, explained briefly the history of the Catholic Community Services, and introduced Mr, Chris Smith, Architect and Planner who outlined the co-operative housing theme. Mr. John Van Stone, Architect, then elaborated on the project consisting of 122 units, of 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms. The units facing north will consist of five (5) stories, the ones facing west will be four ( 4) stories, and the ones facing south will be three (3) stories, which will surround a landscaped courtyard. The Committee was impressed by the presentation and recommends the project when all information has been submitted, be forwarded to the Town Technical Committee for a Site Plan Agreement, which will then be presented to Council as soon as possible. B. Letters Received and Commented On 1. 2. Letter# 10-113 -W.R. Case Property, South-west Corner of Orchard Heights and Yonge Street North The Committee recommends Mr. Case appear at the next Planning and Development meeting on June 8th, 1981 to relate any progress on the proposed use as discussed at the Council meeting of May 4th, 1981. The use would be a gas bar and car wash. Any development, of course, would be subject to the South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority approval, and a rezoning. Letter# 9-16-Gateway Plaza Investments Limited-Wellington Street West The Committee was concerned about the future "Gas Bar", as proposed, but realized that By-Law# 1863, and By-Law# 2213-78 permits this use. It was then recommended that the Town Technical Committee process the requested Site Plan Agreement. 3. Letter# 10-26 -D. Miklas and Associates, Consulting Engineers re: 4. Issuing 50 Building Permits for Granada Subdivision prior to Installing of Sanitary Sewers Previously dealt with at a Council Meeting. Letter # 10-76 -Mr. J. Kovacs -Owner of Property -15 Acres, North Site - Wellington Street East, Plan # 231 -Reguest Re-zoning from Rural to "R-2" or "R-3" The Committee recommends the request be denied, as an Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning would be necessary. This recommendation is consistent with the reply to the owner's request as contained in his objection to the zoning By-Law# 2213-78. All the objections to the Restricted Area By-Law are attached to this report. Part of the lands are within the "Fill and Construction Area" as shown on the S.L.S.C.A. mapping. r"" -,-,_. (' i COUNCIL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 1981 -20- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: (continued) Report# 64 -Planning and Development Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) 5. 6. 7. owner), part lots 74 and 75, Cone. I, E.Y.S. The Zoning By-Law application will be held in abeyance until the appropriate time. The Subdivision application is presently being circulated to Town staff in the usual manner. Letter# 11-64 -Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Kennedy Street West, Mr. Gary Gilbert and Dr. W.J. Cocker -owners, Part Lot 29, Registered Plan # 246 The Committee reviewed the proposal with Gary Gilbert, one of the owners and would recommend approval in principle. The owners will be submitting a formal Subdivision proposal to the Town. The proposed subdivision will consist of 11 new residential lots, ranging in size from 7,000 square feet area to 10,000 square feet. Frontage will be a minimum of 60 feet to 100 feet. The two owner's dwellings will remain on lots 1 and 13 of the subdivision. Referral from Council Meetinq of Ma 1981 re: Section 16.1 "First D-ensTfvAoa-rtment Resi denti a 1 Zone" of -New-R-estricted Area Bv-Law # 2213-78 The Council requested clarification of this Section regarding one apartment building per lot. The Committee recommends that this section remain as circulated in the By-law "one apartment building per lot". This recommendation is on the advice of the Town solicitor, at the time the By-Law was being drafted. C. Committee of Adjustment 1. Letter# 9-47-Submission# A-2-81, Lot 27, Registered Plan# 31, 72 Cousins Drive -Muriel Alice Graham -owner The Committee recommends the Town support the sideyard variances as requested. The dwelling and garage have been situated on the property for some time. D. Land Division 1. Submission 135.81.A -Robert Brandon -owner, Part Lots 3 and 4, Registered Plan # 68, Wellington Street East, South Side 2. The proposal is to sever a lot to erect a single family dwelling or a duplex thereon. The land to be conveyed and the land to be retained have only sufficient frontages and areas to permit a single family dwelling, i.e. 19.81 metres frontage {64.9 feet) and 613 square metres area (6,596 square feet). By-Law# 2213-78 requires a minimum lot frontage of 20 metres {65.6 feet) and 650 square metres area {6,995 square feet) for a duplex. The Committee, therefore, recommends approval of this severance on the condition that the dwelling to be retained is converted to a single family dwelling, and a single family dwelling is erected on the lot to be severed. Submission 130.81.A-Elaine N. Stocks, Lot 17, Registered Plan# 107, Corner of Wells Street and Centre Street The Committee perused the application and as the dimensions and areas in the text of the application did not coincide with the plot plan, it was recommended that the application be returned to the owner to clarify same. The lot to be severed would be undersized in relation to the Town Zoning By-Law, and therefore, a variance would be necessary, or the newly created severance line moved to allow more area. !'--~--\ ,, ' i I .I COUNCIL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 1981 -21- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: (continued) Report# 64-Planning and Development Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) E. 1. 2. 3. Letters Received As Information Letter # 10-10 -Region of York -Clerk, Mr. Robert Vernon re: Amended conditions of draft approval for Granada Investments Subdivision. Letter# 10-7 -Appeal by Mr. Richard Harrison on Behalf of South Aurora Homeowners' Association-O.M.B decision for O.H.C. Phase II. Letter# 10-15 -Municipal Law Enforcement Officers Convention There is no money in the 1981 budget for this convention. F. Objections to the New Restricted Area By-Law# 2213-78 1. The Committee completed reviewing the objections, and all the objections with recommendations and explanatory notes are attached to this report. 2. Industry Street, North and South Zoning A discussion took place respecting the proposed zoning to be applied to the area of Industry Street east of the Canadian National Railway tracks which has been developed for residential purposes but zoned Industrial for some twelve (12) years (since By-Law 1863 was approved). Mr. D. Tomlinson of 181 Centre Crescent objected to the industrial zoning proposed, particularly that no protection is offered from noise, outdoor storage, screening landscaping, etc. Sue Seibert, Planner, made a presentation respecting existing uses and the assessment breakdown in the area of concern. The breakdown is as follows: North of Wellington, East of C.N.R. LAND USE Residential Industrial Vacant 58.3 % 22.2 % 19.4 % South of Wellington, East of C.N.R. LAND USE Residential Industrial Vacant 33.3 % 43.3 % 23.3 % West of Railway Tracks LAND USE Residential Industrial Vacant 58.8 % 29.4 % ll.8 % West of Railway Tracks, South LAND USE Residential Industrial Vacant 31.8 % 45.5 % 22.7 % ASSESSMENT 34.5 % 44.4 % 21.1 % ASSESSMENT 18.3 % 64.3 % 17.4 % ASSESSMENT 31.8 % 61.1 % 7.1 % ASSESSMENT 5.3 % 89.2 % 5.5 % ('' , __ COUNCIL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 1981 -22- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: {continued) Report # 64 -Planning and Development Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) F. 2. Industry Street, North and South Zoning (continued) Total Study Area Residential Industrial Vacant 43.0 % 36.3 % 20.7% 17.8 % 69.9 % 12.4 % Since no concern has been expressed about the area west of the railway tracks, the Committee felt that no By-Law change should be contemplated west of the railway tracks. In the area east of the tracks the greatest concern expressed was with interference with residential living not with the industrial zone. The Committee therefore recommends that the area be zoned so as to limit the uses to those new industries which are compatible with residential uses. It is recommended that the M-1 zone in an altered form to specifically provide that the various existing industries are permitted uses be applied to the area as shown on the attached schedule. The Zone provisions would read: M 1 -2 Uses Permitted: any manufacturing or industrial undertaking that is conducted and wholly contained within an enclosed building and is not obnoxious or hazardous by reason of sound, odour, inflamability, dust, fumes or smoke and which shall not be detrimental in appearance or effect to surrounding uses and shall include light metal products plants, printing establishments, warehousing offices incidental to an industrial use and light service shops. any manufacturing use which presently exists within the area defined whether or not the use is conducted and wholly contained within an enclosed building. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. The next Planning and Development Committee meeting will be Monday, June 8th, 1981 at 7:30 p.m. Item #A.l Carried Item #B.l -#B.3 Carried Item #B.4 AMENDED Pedersen: Resolved that a period be placed after the word denied in the first West: line and the rest of the sentence be deleted. Item #B.5 -#B.7 Carried Item #C.l Carried Item #D.l -#D.2 Carried Item #E.l -#E.3 Carried Item #F.l Carried CARRIED AS AMENDED (' (~~~ I '-..... --' ,~,, COUNCIL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 1981 -23- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: (continued) Report # 64 -Planning and Development Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) Item #F.2 AMENDED Pedersen: Resolved that Item #F.2 be referred back to the Planning and Development Committee for further study and report. West: CARRIED AS AMENDED Pedersen: Resolved that the Planning and Development Committee Report# 64 dated West: May 11th, 1981 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended. CARRIED Report # 65 -Council in Committee ••• Various Matters Councillor West in the Chair. The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Council in Committee was held on Wednesday, May 13th, 1981 at 7:00 p.m. in the Administration Centre. Present Were: Mayor George D. Timpson, Councillors Buck (7:20p.m.), Jones, Ochalski, Ostick, Stewart, Stoddart and West. A. 1. Councillor Pedersen sent her regrets. Delegations Letter # 11-2 -George and Gary Fine, Toronto, Ontario re: 120 Yonge Street North Mr. G. Fine appeared before the Committee and requested the Committee's consideration in the issuing of an occupancy permit for an auto body shop at his property at 120 Yonge Street North. Mr. Fine was advised that as the body shop use for this property had lapsed, no occupancy permit could be issued. Mr. Fine was advised that he could request a rezoning for his property. The Committee recommends that the request for an auto body shop occupancy permit be denied. B. Correspondence 1. Letter# 10-69 -Region of York -Planning Department re: Aurora Country Estates, Proposed Amendment Number 11 to fficial Plan for the Aurora Planning Area -Ministry of Housing File OPC-0025-11 2. The Committee recommends that the Region of York be advised that the Town of Aurora has agreed to pay 1/3 of the cost of the proposed Region of York Study on the water supply. When this information is available, Council in Committee will then advise on Amendment# 11. Region of York re: Sisman, Proposed Amendment Number 7 to Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area, Ministry of Housing File OPC-0025-7 The Committee recommends that the Region of York be requested to close their file on Amendment # 7. '-...._._. f"''\ ·~ .. - COUNCIL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 19Sl -24- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: (continued) Report # 65 -Council in Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) 3. Letter# 10-87-Paul w. Bennett, 61 Mark Street, Aurora re: Resignation from L.A.C.A.C. and Resignation of Mrs. P. Veer from the Leisure Services Committee Council in Committee recommends that the resignation of Mr. P. Bennett, from the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee and Mrs. P. Veer from the Leisure Services Advisory Committee be accepted and the Mayor be authorized to write these two people letters of appreciation for their work on the Committees. Council in Committee recommends that the file of applications for membership on the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee and the Leisure Services Advisory Committee be reviewed and a report be made to the next Committee meeting. 4. Letter# 10-114 -Big Sisters of York re: Change of Date for Tag Day -May 9th, 1981 to June 6th, 1981 Council in Committee recommends that Big Sisters of York be authorized to change the date of their tag day to June 6th, 1981. Councillor Jones declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Letter# 11-105 and refrained from discussion or voting thereon. 5. Letter # 11-105 -Aurora Hydro re: Entrance Lighting -Wycliffe Estates The Committee discussed this matter at length and recommends that Aurora Hydro be authorized to install the lights at the entrances to Wycliffe Estates as outlined in letter of May 7th, 1981 at a cost of $3,876.00. Council in Committee would further recommend that the Aurora Hydro be requested to install one light on Yonge Street South so that the entrances to the Willow Nursing Home and Pineridge would be illuminated. The Aurora Hydro to be advised that the light must conform to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications standards. The cost of these lights to come from the Capital Levy Account. 6. Mr. K. Keefe -Auctioneer Councillor Stewart advised Committee members that Mr. Keefe requested permission to locate his Auction Centre on the Industrial Parkway. The Committee recommends that Mr. Keefe be authorized to locate in Unit # 4 of the Industrial Building owned by Cardiff Construction Company Limited. The purpose would be mainly for warehousing with an ancillary use of public auctions, with a stipulation that no Auction is to be held Monday to Friday during the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 7. Banners -Aurora Agricultural Society Horse Show Council in Committee recommends that the Aurora Agricultural Society be granted permission to have banners placed across Yonge Street advertising the Aurora Horse Show. The Aurora Hydro would be putting the banners up. COUNCIL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 1981 -25- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: (continued) Report # 65 -Council in Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) 8. Revised Lot Levies Council in Committee discussed this matter at length and in that the policy of Council and the Official Plan states that new development requirng future services should pay the equivalent cost to those services presently utilized or enjoyed by the present population. Committee recommends the establishment of a revised lot levy schedule composed of the following: Hard and soft services -(all Town) Water Development (urban or serviced) Sanitary Sewers (urban serviced) Residential Unit -Single Detached - Industrial per Lot/Acre and the necessary By-Law be prepared. c. Letters Received as Information $3,256.00 $2 '930. 00 Letter# 10-103 -Ministry of Transportation and Communication re: Highway 11 and Hunters Glen Road Illumination Letter# 10-105 -Region of York -Clerk's re: Consultants -Groundwater Hydrogeology Letter# 10-108-Region of York -Clerk's re: Water and Sewage Charges, Area Municipalities Letter # 11-52 -The Corporation of the Town of Milton re: Newspaper Article on Library Services Letter # 11-130 -Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario re: Timpson: Stewart: Founding Conference of the New Municipal Association Resolved that the Council in Committee Report # 65 dated May 13th, 1981 be discussed item by item and accepted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED Report# 66 -Public Safety Advisory Committee ••• Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Public Safety Advisory Committee was held on Thursday, April 14th, 1981 at the Aurora Fire Hall at 7:30 p.m. Present Were: Councillor L. Ostick, Councillor J. Ochalski, Citizen members D. Lougheed and D. Oates, Deputy Fire Chief D. Patrick and Fire Prevention Officer F. Bolsby. A. Delegations 1. Mr. Rough -Stop Signs -Kennedy Street West Mr. Rough repeated his request for stop signs at Kennedy and Temperance, Kennedy and George Street, Kennedy and Highland Court and Kennedy and Macdonald Drive. After a lengthy discussion two (2) members of the Committee were prepared to recommend stop signs at George Street and Kennedy Street. One member and the Chairman were opposed. There was a consensus among the Committee that an investigation and traffic count would be acceptable. r··- /.-~.\ COUNCIL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 1981 -26- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: (continued) Report # 66 -Public Safety Advisory Committee ••• Various Matters (continued) B. 1. 2. Other Business Parking -Wells Street and Mosley Street The Committee recommends that the parking curbstones on the south-east corner of the intersection in the Town Park be moved closer to the Wells Street pavement and that parking be prohibited on the east side of Wells Street from the school gate north to the intersection. Parking By-Law The Committee recommends that the Parking By-Law be amended to include a clause restricting parking to four (4) hours unless otherwise signed. 3. 1981 Street Lighting Improvements The Committee will consider this at its June meeting and will invite Aurora Hydro representatives to attend. 4. Letter # 11-15 -Pedestrian Crossing -Mark Street and Spruce Street The Committee recommends that the advice of the Regional Engineering Department be accepted and the crossing not be installed. 5. Membership in the National Fire Protection Association The Committee recommends that membership in the National Fire Protection Association be continued and that the fee of $72.50 be paid. 6. Letter # 11-48 -S.G. Wilson memo to Councillor L. Ostick re: Attendance of Mr. Arthur Bellar at George Brown College The Committee recommends that Mr. Arthur Bellar be reimbursed, the fees for the driver training course at George Brown College upon successful completion. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. The next meeting of the Safety Advisory Committee will be held in July at the call of the Chairman. The next meeting of the Safety Committee will be held on Thursday, June 11th, 1981. Item #A.1 AMENDED Stoddart: Resolved that Item #A.1 be referred back to the Public Safety Committee West: for further study and report. CARRIED AS AMENDED Item #B.1 -#B.6 Carried Stoddart: Resolved that the Public Safety Advisory Committee Report# 66 dated Ochalski: May 14th, 1981 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 1981 -27- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: (continued) Report # 67 -Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee ••• Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee was held on May 8th, 1981 at 7:30 p.m. in the Administrative Centre. Present Were: Councillor L. Ostick, P. Poulin, L. Oliver, D. McCasey, J. Boyington, A. Roze, w. Morgan and S. Seibert. Councillor E. Buck sent her regrets. 1. Correspondence Correspondence was received from H. Weinberg, Commissioner, Planning Department, Regional Municipality of York regarding "The Production of Development Guidelines for the Redevelopment of Selected Sites in the Commercia 1 Core". Correspondence was received from the Ministry of Culture and Recreation regarding Experience '81 program stating that the Committee is eligible for funding for a student grant. 2. The Production of Development Guidelines for the Redevelopment of Selected Sites in the Commercial Core Mr. A. Roze of York Regional Planning Department assisted by Mr. w. Morgan, also of that department outlined to the Committee the Work Task Schedule for "The Production of Deve 1 opment Guide 1 i nes for the Redevelopment of Se 1 ected Sites in the Commercial Core". The meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. The next L.A.C.A.C. meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 20th, 1981 at 8:00 p.m. in the Administrative Centre. Buck: Pedersen: RESOLUTIONS: Resolved that the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee Report# 67 dated May 8th, 1981 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED 1. Councillor Stewart Authorization to Attend O.I.D. Conference West: Ochalski: Resolved that Councillor E. Stewart be authorized to attend the Ontario Industrial Development (O.I.D.) Conference, to be held in Collingwood, Ontario on June 25th and 26th, 1981, and the necessary expenses be authorized and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 2. Contract with York Sanitation Stoddart: Resolved that the Town of Aurora enter into a contract with York Buck: Sanitation Company Limited for garbage collection, retroactive to January 1, 1981. The cost to be $11.95 per capita for 1981 with an escalation clause for 1982, with the increase to be 90% of the C.P.r. Transportation costs and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Be It Further Reso 1 ved that an Agreement be prepared and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign same. CARRIED (···---. COUNCIL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 1981 -28- RESOLUTIONS: (continued) 3. Authorization for Mayor and Clerk to Sign Site Plan Agreement -Sisman's Realty Incorporated Stewart: Jones: Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the Site Plan Agreement between the Town of Aurora and Sisman's Realty Inc. CARRIED 4. Authorization for Mayor and Clerk to Sign Site Plan Agreement -K.P. Bronze Company Limited Stewart: Jones: Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the Site Plan Agreement between the Town of Aurora and K.P. Bronze Company Limited. (Kiro and Nadezda Pecenkovski} CARRIED 5. Authorization for Mayor and Clerk to Sign Site Plan Agreement -Puccini's Auto Service Limited Stewart: Jones: Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the Site Plan Agreement between the Town of Aurora and Puccinis Auto Service Limited. CARRIED 6. Authorization for Ma or and Clerk to Si n Site Plan A reement -250213 Holdin s Limited Trio Restaurant Stewart: Jones: Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the Site Plan Agreement between the Town of Aurora and 25013 Holdings Limited (Trio Restaurant). CARRIED 7. Mayor Timpson Authorization to attend A.M.O. Conference West: Resolved that George D. Timpson be authorized to attend the A.M.O. Ochalski: Board of Directors meeting to be held in Owen Sound, May 29 and 30, 1981 and the usual expenses, in accordance with the policy of Council be authorized and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 8. Authorization to Purchase Equipment for Treasury Department Pedersen: Resolved that the Purchasing Co-Ordinator be authorized to purchase the Buck: following equipment for the Treasury Department: One (1) Four (4) Drawer Legal Filing Cabinet and One (1} High Back Drafting Stool (plus Ontario Sales Tax) $171.43 $111.00 These purchases to be made from Renaissance Office Supplies and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto, and that the necessary funds be taken from the Administration Equipment Reserve fund. CARRIED -------------------·------------''''" ---------------------------------------------------····----....... ------·--------.. -----~-~---- ("'. -~--- COUNCIL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 1981 -29- RESOLUTIONS: (continued) 9. Appointment to Permanent Staff Jones: Stewart: Resolved that, upon completion of their six month probationary periods and upon the recommendation of the Town Superintendent, Mr. Duayne Taylor and Mr. Mike Ireland be appointed to the permanent staff of the Town of Aurora. CARRIED 10. Performance Bond Release -Dr. Williams Jones: Stewart: Resolved that upon the recommendation of Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Town Superintendent, the Performance Bond of Dr. Williams in the amount of $6,000.00 be released. CARRIED 11. Church Street School West: Whereas, Tenders for the renovations of Church Street School were Pedersen: opened on Tuesday, May 19th, 1981 at 1:00 p.m., And Whereas, two (2) Tenders were received as follows: Model Builders (Aurora) Limited A.V. Tenant (Rexdale) $134,966.26 $145,425.00 Now Therefore, Be It Resolved That the Tender of Model Builders (Aurora) Limited in the amount of $134,966.26, plus the replacing, where needed, of fascia and soffit, including painting at $43.05 per foot (maximum $12,484.50), and plus flat roof decking, where needed at $1.10 per foot (maximum $1,610.00), plus reshingling of two remaining roof areas ($6,395.40), be accepted subject to Grants being obtained from Ontario Heritage and the Ministry of Culture and Recreation, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. This money to come from the Capital Levy Account. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 1981 -30- RESOLUTIONS: (continued) 12. Payment of Accounts -Reid and Associates Limited West: Resolved that the fo ll owing accounts of Reid and Associates Limited: Pedersen: Project Invoice No. Retainer 4986 Corridor Developments Sub. 4994 Improvements to Existing Trunk Sewers -s.w. Quadrant 4995 Reconstruction of Catherine and Spruce Streets 4997 Traffic Signals -Yonge Street and Brookland Drive 4999 Traffic Signals -Yonge Street and Allaura Boulevard 5000 Extension of Industry 5002 Street North Reconstruction of Centre and Wells Streets 5004 Amount Account $2,762.11 3100-38 181.16 Engineering Reserve Engineering 352.33 Reserve 1,095.29 3360-40 3400-40 or 1,350.27 3100-34 386.76 3400-40 1,494.47 Industrial Park Account 1,042.24 3360-40 ••• in the total amount of $8,664.63 be paid and the Seal of the Corporation attached hereto. CARRIED UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Crossing Guard -Mark Street and Spruce Street Pedersen: Resolved that the Public Safety Committee be authorized to investigate Jones: and report on the feasibility of hiring a school crossing guard for Mark and Spruce Streets to start September 1, 1981. CARRIED BY-LAWS: West: Be It Hereby Resolved That: Ochalski: Bill No. 2434-81 -Being a By-Law to adopt the estimates of all sums required during the year for general purposes, net regional levy and education requirements; and to strike the rate of taxation for the year 1981. Bill No. 2435-81 -Being a By-Law to amend By-Law Number 1863 being a restricted area (zoning) By-Law (Antique Store - Bernardi) Bill No. 2436-81 -Being a By-Law to amend By-Law Number 2213-78 being a restricted area (zoning) By-Law (Bernardi) Bill No. 2437-81 -Being a By-Law to amend By-Law Number 1863 being a restricted area (Zoning) By-Law (Theme Mall) ••• be read a First Time. CARRIED '-._ _ _.-J /-" I ' ' \__-_./ COUNCIL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 1981 -31- BY-LAWS: (continued) West: Be It Hereby Resolved That: Ochalski: Bill No. 2434-81 -Being a By-Law to adopt the estimates of all sums required during the year for general purposes, net regional levy and education requirements; and to strike the rate of taxation for the year 1981. Bill No. 2435-81 -Being a By-Law to amend By-Law Number 1863 being a restricted area (zoning) By-Law (Antique Store - Bernardi) Bill No. 2436-81 -Being a By-Law to amend By-Law Number 2213-78 being a restricted area (zoning) By-Law (Bernardi) Bill No. 2437-81 -Being a By-Law to amend By-Law Number 1863 being a restricted area (Zoning) By-Law (Theme Mall) ••• be read a Second Time. CARRIED West: Be It Hereby Resolved that Section 21 of By-Law 2270-78 be suspended Ochalski: and Bill Number 2434-81, now before the Council, be read a Third Time and Enacted and the Third Reading be taken as read. CARRIED West: Be It Hereby Resolved That: Ochalski: Bill No. 2404-80 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law Number 2213-78 a restricted area (Zoning By-Law) (Lackie) Bill No. 2431-81 -Being a By-Law to amend By-Law# 1452 as amended. Being a By-Law designating through highways in the Town of Aurora. Bill No. 2432-81 -Being a By-Law to amend Schedule "A" of By-Law Number 2170-79 Water Rate By-Law, as amended • ••• be read a Third Time. CARRIED NEW BUSINESS: 1. Councillor Ochalski was wished a Happy Birthday by Council members. 2. Dr. L. Oliver advised Council members, through Councillor Stoddart, that members of L.A.C.A.C. and members of Downtown Businessmen were going to Perth on May 30, 1981 to view their downtown core area where changes had been made. Council members were invited to attend. The Council meeting was deferred to Council in Committee in Camera at 10:20 p.m. The Council meeting resumed at 10:45 p.m. Stewart: Jones: Resolved that the Offer to Purchase of Torcan Chemical Limited - 3 acres of Industrial land, be accepted subject to the concurrence of the Solicitor of the legal wording of the Agreement, Be It Further Resolved That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the Agreement. CARRIED '""•••------• •·~---••• •w••••••• .. -•• """""""""""'""""- r'v"-..\ 1 "-----' ( "'-,._/, r·----..., I \ I \,._._-/ COUNCIL MEETING ••• TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 1981 -32- ADJOURNMENT: Jones: Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 10:50 p.m. Mayor Clerk