MINUTES - Council - 19810202' MINUTES OF THE 4TH COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd, 1981 AT 8:00P.M. Present Were: Mayor Timpson, Councillors Buck, Jones, Ochalski, Ostick, Pedersen, Stewart, Stoddart and West. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES: Stewart: Be It Hereby Resolved That the Minutes of January 12th, 1981 and Pedersen: January 26th, 1981 be adopted as printed and circulated. CARRIED CORRESPONDENCE: 4-1 R.J. Wilson, 88 University Avenue, Toronto re: Letter of Introduction - Municipal Manpower Management and Labour Relations (Information) 4-2 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: By-Law # 2414-81 -Lot 10, R.P. 68, Town of Aurora -No Objection (Ref. Planning and Development Committee, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. S. Seibert) 4-3 Concord Supply Limited, Maple, Ontario re: Distribution of products for Construction and Maintenance of Waterworks and Sewer Projects (Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mrs. C.A. Allen) 4-4 R.E. Winter and Associates Limited re: York Regional Land Division File Number 336-80-A, Dical Investments, Leslie Street Severance-REWAL File Number 5614X2 (Information, Clerk to reply) 4-5 Regional Municipality of York -Clerks re: Aurora By-Law Number 2411-80 (Information, Mrs. C.E. Gowan) 4-6 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Flood Warning Manual (Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Fire Chief S.G. Wilson, Mr. N. Weller) 4-7 Consumers' Gas re: Reuben Street and Temperance Street, Town of Aurora (Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. H. Borgdorff) 4-8 Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs re: Parking By-Law (Ref. Public Safety Committee, Solicitor, Mr. K.B. Rodger) 4-9 Ontario Sewer and Watermain Contractors Association re: 1981 Convention- February 10 -12 (Ref. Works Committee, Mr. Wm.G. Walker) 4-10 Bassel, Sullivan and Leake, Barristers and Solicitors re: Aurora ats Salamanchuk (Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker to reply, Mrs. C.A. Allen) 4-11 Government of Ontario, Office of The Registrar General re: The Division Registrar's Monthly Statement (Information, Mrs. C.E. Gowan) 4-12 Ontario Good Roads Association re: 1981 Good Roads Convention (Ref. Works Committee, Mr. Wm.G. Walker) 4-13 Urban Development Institute re: Workshop Series 1980 -1981 -January 28th, 1981 (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Council Room) 4-14 Ministry of Revenue re: Retail Sales Tax Information for Municipalities and their Local Boards (Information, Mrs. C.A. Allen) /'"""' COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd, 1981 -2- CORRESPONDENCE: (continued) 4-15 Alan Trimble, 101 Temperance Street, Aurora re: Snow Removal By-Law (Ref. Works Committee, Public Safety Committee, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mr. J. Insley, Clerk to reply) 4-16 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram re: The Corporation of the Town of Aurora sale to Nolar Industries Limited, Part Lot 78, Cone. 1, Town of Aurora (Ref. Economic Development Committee, Mr. Wm. Johnson) 4-17 Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: L. Milligan Construction Limited and Gorizzan Holdings Limited c.o.b. as Lyndon Heights Estates (Aurora) -Parcel Plan 1, Section M-2002 {Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. H. Borgdorff, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Clerk to reply) 4-18 Government of Ontario, Legislative Assembly re: Bill 209 -An Act to revise and extend Protection of Human Rights in Ontario (Ref. Council in Committee, Mr. K.B. Rodger) 4-19 Cosman Insurance Adjusters Limited re: Motor Vehicle Accident-John w. Hussey and/or Commodore Systems Limited {Information, Mrs. C.A. Allen, Mr. Wm. Johnson, Mr. Wm.G. Walker) 4-20 Speciality Chemicals Limited, Scarborough, Ontario re: Industrial Parkway name change to Earl Stewart Parkway (Information, Clerk to reply) 4-21 The York County Board of Education re: Proposed Amendment Number 18 to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area -File Number 19-0P-0025-18 (Ref. Planning and Development Committee, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. S. Seibert) 4-22 Ministry of the Solicitor General -O.F.M. re: Approval of Hotel Drawings and Specifications -Upstairs Restaurant (Hotel Aurora) {Information, Fire Department, Fire Chief S.G. Wilson, Mr. R.J. Harrington) 4-23 Aurora High School re: Work-Study Program {Information, Mrs. P. Ferguson) West: Resolved that this letter be referred to the Administration Committee. Pedersen: CARRIED 4-24 Reid and Associates Limited re: Crossing over CN Tracks, Valhallah Heights Subdivision to Extension of Industrial Parkway (Ref. Council in Committee, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mr. K.B. Rodger, Mrs. s. Seibert, Fire Chief S.G. Wilson, Mr. N. Weller) 4-25 Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance re: Community Services Contribution Program {Information) 4-26 Regional Municipality of York -Engineering re: Recreational Uses - Regional Reservoir -Orchard Heights Boulevard {Public Safety Committee, Leisure Services Committee, Mrs. P. Ferguson, Mr. N. Weller, Clerk to reply) 4-27 Canada Safety Council re: Year End Report (Ref. Public Safety Committee) 4-28 Government of Ontario-Premier William G. Davis re: Board of Industrial Leadership and Development (BILD) strategic program (Information, Councillor E. Stewart) 4-29 Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario re: Membership Fees for 1981 for Sandra Jenkinson (Ref. Administration Committee) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd, 1981 -3- CORRESPONDENCE: (continued) 4-30 Aurora Public Library re: Aurora Public Library Board-Proposed 1981 Budget (Ref. Administration Committee, Mr. Wm. Johnson) 4-31 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: 1981 Subsidy Allocation (Ref. Works Committee, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. Wm. Johnson, Mr. H. Borgdorff) 4-32 Assessment Review Court re: Adjustment of 1981 Taxes -84 Yonge Street South and 50 Yonge Street South (Information, Mr. Wm. Johnson) 4-33 Ryerson Polytechnical Institute re: Survey of Emergency Preparedness by Ms. Jean Faulds, planning student (Information, Clerk to reply) 4-34 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Minutes of the 2nd Meeting - January 6, 1981 (Information) 4-35 York Regional Land Division Committee re: Minutes of the 3rd Meeting - January 8, 1981 (Ref. Planning and Development Committee, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. s. Seibert) 4-36 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Water Management Advisory Board Minutes -January 22, 1981 (Ref. Leisure Services Committee, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mr. N. Weller, Mrs. P. Ferguson) 4-37 Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Annual return for payment of Transit Subsidy (Information, Mrs. C.A. Allen, Mr. Wm. Johnson) 4-38 Patricia Horn, St. Andrews College, Aurora re: Application for South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority (Information, Clerk to reply) 4-39 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: Reuben Street Reconstruction -Town of Aurora (Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mr. N. Weller) 4-40 Ontario Industrial Development Council Incorporated re: Ontario Scholarships for IDAC/Waterloo Courses Again in 1981 (Ref. Economic Development Committee) 4-41 The Council for Canadian Unity re: Canada Week -June 25 -July 1st (Ref. July 1st Committee, Councillor J. Ochalski, Mrs. C.A. Allen) 4-42 Martin and Downs Circus re: 1981 Touring Tent Circus Itinerary (Information, Fire Department) 4-43 Barry Davy, Barrie, Ontario re: Application for a Employment (Information, Clerk to reply) 4-44 Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Town of Aurora 1981 Capital Works Program (Ref. Works Committee, Mr. K.B. Rodger) 4-45 Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part Lot 77, Concession 1, Town of Aurora, Ministry of Housing File 19T-80043 (Ref. Planning and Development Committee, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. s. Seibert to reply) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd, 1981 -4- CORRESPONDENCE: (continued) 4-46 Regional Municipality of York -Planning re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Lots 71 & 72, Cone. 1, W.Y.S., Town of Aurora, Ministry of Housing File 19T-80028 (Ref. Technical Committee, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. s. Seibert to reply) 4-47 Regional Municipality of York -Planning Department re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Lot 73, Concession 2, Town of Aurora, Ministry of Housing File 19T-80064 (Information, Mrs. s. Seibert to reply, Mr. R.J. Harrington) 4-48 Lawlor and Leclaire, Barristers and Solicitors re: Commission# A-9-80 (Ref. Committee of Adjustment, Mr. R.J. Harrington) 4-49 John P. Gorman, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public re: Property Damage to William Furzecott and Gertrude Furzecott-4 Morning Crescent, Aurora, Ontario (Information, Mrs. C.A. Allen, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. H. Borgdorff) 4-50 Merv Orrs, Class "A" Driver Services re: Brochure on Seminar (Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker) 4-51 Regional Municipality of Niagara -Personnel Department re: Weiler Report (Reforming Workers Compensation in Ontario) (Information) 4-52 Save-On Car and Truck Rentals Limited re: Letter of Introduction (Information, Mrs. C.A. Allen, Mr. Wm.G. Walker) 4-53 Steven J. Babor re: Application for Employment (Information, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Clerk to reply) 4-54 Reid and Associates Limited re: Town of Aurora, Industrial Parkway Extension -Project Number 782 (TABLED, RESOLUTION, Mr. Wm. Johnson, Mr. Wm.G. Walker) 4-55 Canadian Parks/Recreation Association re: Membership Fees for 1981 (TABLED, RESOLUTION) 4-56 Binnington, Smith and Thompson, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public re: Proposed Severance Application of Keith Jennings regarding Part Lot 79, Concession 1, Town of Aurora -500 Kennedy Street West -Application # 253.80.A (Information, Mr. S. Seibert, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Clerk to reply) 4-57 Don Bouffard (per J. Bouffard), 12 Wiles Court, Aurora re: Damage to Property by Works Department Equipment (Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Clerk to reply) 4-58 South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority re: 1981 Inaugural Meeting - February 5th, 1981 (Information) 4-59 Bank of Montreal re: Irrevocable Letter of Credit Number 2949-200 - Ventrella Realty-$30,000.00 (Information, Mr. Wm.G. Walker, Mr. R.J. Harrington) 4-60 Paul S. Darlaston, 41 Harrison Drive, Aurora re: Application for Appointment to Public Safety Advisory or South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority (Information, Mayor to reply) 4-61 IBM Canada Limited re: Announcement of New Location-Don Mills Road and Leslie Street (Information, Mrs. C.A. Allen) COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd, 1981 -~ CORRESPONDENCE: (continued) 4-62 Mr. and Mrs. J.G. McCullough, 55 Catherine Avenue, Aurora re: Catherine Avenue Reconstruction (TABLED, DELEGATIONS) 4-63 Ontario Municipal Board re: By-Law# 2374-80 -File # R81246 -Restricted Area (Information, Mr. Wm. Johnson, Solicitor, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. s. Seibert, Clerk to reply) 4-64 George M. Condoyannis, Toronto, Ontario re: Building Alterations - Exception of By-Law-3 Wellington Street East (TABLED, Ref. Planning and Development Committee, Mr. Wm. Johnson, Mr. R.J. Harrington, Mrs. S. Seibert) 4-65 Aurora Taxi Limited re: Taxi Licence Number 60 (Ref. Administration Commmittee, By-Law Enforcement, Mr. R.J. Harrington) 4-66 Esmond L. Clark, Agent for George Condoyannis re: Commercial Property, South-east Corner Yonge and Wellington Streets, Aurora (TABLED, DELEGATIONS) 4-67 Strathy, Arch i ba 1 d and Seagram, Barristers and So 1 i ci tors re: Consumers' Gas vs The Town of Aurora (TABLED) 4-68 Ontario Municipal Electric Association re: Canada Post Corporation Bill (C-42) (TABLED) West: Resolved that the Clerk's Report be dealt with as outlined. Jones: CARRIED DELEGATIONS: 1. Letter# 4-62 -Mr. and Mrs. J.G. McCullough re: Catherine Avenue Reconstruction Mr. G. McCullough representing residential Catherine Avenue, appeared before the Committee to outline to the new members of Council their concern over the width planned for Catherine Avenue 'when it is reconstructed. Mr. McCullough requested all Council members consideration in having the width of Catherine Avenue kept to 26 feet. 2. Letter # 4-66 -Esmond L. Clark, Agent for George Condoyannis re: Commercial Property -South-east Corner Yonge and Wellington Streets Mr. Clarke, representing G.M. Condoyannis, appeared before Council and requested that a By-Law be enacted rezoning the land at 3 Wellington Street East from C-2 (Commercial) to C-2-1 (Commercial-Residential). Pedersen: Resolved that this matter be referred to the Planning and Development Committee for Report. Buck: CARRIED - '-· COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd, 1981 -6- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: Report # 19 -Works Committee ••• 1981 Capital Construction Program The Committee respectfully submit the following. A special meeting of the Works Committee was held on Wednesday, January 28th, 1981 at 4:00 p.m. in Committee Room# 1 at the Administrative Centre the purpose of which was to discuss the 1981 Capital Construction Program. Present Were: Councillor T. Jones, Councillor E. Stewart, Councillor L. Ostick, Town Superintendent Wm.G. Walker and Town Engineer H. Borgdorff. After some discussion of the various project alternatives contained within a memo to the Cl erk-Admi ni strator dated January 26th, 1981, the Committee respect fully recommend that the following program be approved by Council: Completion of the following carry-over projects at an estimated cost of 27,500 subsidy dollars. Project Ransom-Temperance Nisbet, Stoddart, and Corbett Berczy, Mosley, and Larmont 1980 Resurfacing Project, M.C. 1980-3 Subsidy Dollars 12,000 5,000 2,000 8,500 Construction of the following projects at the approximate cost of 157,700 subsidy dollars. Project Catherine Street (underground services only) Centre Street (underground services only) Vandorf Sideroad (Engelhard Dr.-Industrial Pkwy.) Kemano Road (Resurfacing) Tecumseh Drive (Resurfacing) Wenderly Drive (Resurfacing) Iber Court (Resurfacing) Amendment to Works Committee Report # 19 Subsidy Dollars 46,000 42,000 26,000 15,500 16,000 8,300 3,900 Jones: Stewart: Resolved that Staff be authorized to prepare and call Tenders for the projects mentioned in Works Committee Report # 19. Jones: Stewart: CARRIED Resolved that the Works Committee Report# 19 dated January 28th, 1981 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended. CARRIED Report# 20 -Leisure Services Committee ••• Hotel Aurora Parking Councillor J. Ochalski declared a possible Conflict of Interest on Report# 20 and refrained from discussion or voting thereon. The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Leisure Services Committee was held on Saturday, January 31st, 1981 at 11:00 a.m. in the Administration Centre. Present Were: Councillor J. West, Chairman and Councillor B. Pedersen. Councillor J. Ochalski did not attend, due to a possible Conflict of Interest. \,~-- COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd, 1981 -7- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: (continued) Report# 20-Leisure Services Committee ••• Hotel Aurora Parking (continued) Hotel Aurora Parking 1. The Committee would recommend to Council that the request from Hotel Aurora regarding parking facilities for 50 cars on Park Land not be granted. West: Pedersen: RESOLUTIONS: Resolved that the Leisure Services Committee Report # 20 dated January 31st, 1981 be discussed and accepted. CARRIED 1. Canadian Parks/Recreation Association -Membership Fees 1981 West: Ochalski: Resolved that Membership in the Canadian Parks/Recreation Association be taken at a cost of $85.00 and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 2. Reid and Associates Limited-Industrial Parkway Extension Project Number 782 Jones: Resolved that, subject to Ministry of Transportation and Communications Ostick: approval, the amount of $123,816.76, over run on the Industrial Parkway Extension be paid to Fernview Construction Limited and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Be It Further Resolved that, Council request the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to approve the increased expenditures in the amount of $123,816.76, under the Fernview Construction Contract -Industrial Parkway Extension -Project 782. CARRIED UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Letter# 3-117-Liquor Control Board re: Smokey's Deli Restaurant, 141 Yonge Street South, Aurora West: Stoddart: Resolved that this letter be deferred and the By-Law Enforcement Officer be requested to report on same. CARRIED 2. Letter# 3-118 -Government of Ontario, Legislative Assembly re: Bill 209 -An Act to Revise and Extend Protection of Human Rights in Ontario Osti ck: Resolved that this letter be received. Pedersen: CARRIED 3. Letter # 3-119 -Kennel Inn re: Quarterly Report for October/November/December, 1980 Jones: Resolved that this letter be received as information. Buck: CARRIED 4. Letter # 3-130 -Ministry of Transportation and Communications re: Aggregate Sources List for Contract 80-80 Jones: Stewart: Resolved that Council concur with the arrangements as set out in the Ministry of Transportation and Communications' letter of January 19, 1981. CARRIED '~ 'I '~/ \ ' , __ _ COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd, 1981 -~ UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (continued) 5. Letter# 4-24-Reid and Associates Limited re: Crossing over CN Tracks, Valhallah Heights Subdivison to Extension of Industrial Parkway Pedersen: Stewart: Resolved that the Engineer be authorized to proceed with applications for approval of a vehicle level crossing, on lots 25 and 26, Plan M-57, as outlined in the Reid and Associates' letter dated January 22, 1981. Be It Further Resolved That signs be posted on lots 25 and 26 advising of same. CARRIED 6. Letter # 4-67 -Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors re: Consumers' Gas vs The Town of Aurora Councillor Stoddart declared a possible Conflict of Interest and refrained from discussion or voting thereon. Stewart: Resolved that this decision not be appealed. Ostick: CARRIED 7. Letters# 1-121 and# 2-34-Cosman Insurance Adjusters Limited re: Accident -February 12, 1980 Stewart: Jones: Resolved that the Town of Aurora accept $800.00 out of court settlement for this accident without prejudice. CARRIED 8. Hiring of Consultant -Holland River Study Pedersen: West: Resolved that a Consultant be hired to carry out a preliminary study on the Holland River Park, provided a Wintario Grant is available. Be It Further Resolved That the Town's share of this stuqy be taken from the Parks Reserve Fund. CARRIED 9. Cousins Property Stewart: Pedersen: Resolved that as this property is zoned Industrial and sewage capacity has been already allocated, that the subdivision be allowed to proceed. CARRIED 10. Parking By-Laws West: Pedersen: Resolved that the Clerk-Administrator be directed to prepare a By-Law, making the owner of a vehicle responsible for parking offences, and same be presented to the next meeting of Council for three (3) readings. CARRIED NEW BUSINESS: 1. Councillor Buck requested a report on Town vehicles being allowed to be taken home overnight by employees living out of Town. 2. Councillor Buck requested that the By-Law Enforcement Officer investigate a complaint from a citizen regarding garbage being dumped at Bercy and Metcalfe. --.~---~·~~·"'---·~--------------- \ ) ·~ COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd, 1981 -9- NEW BUSINESS: (continued) 3. Mayor Timpson informed Council members that Councillor Stewart and himself had attended a meeting ca 11 ed by Premier Davis outlining "Building Ontario in the 1980's". 4. Letter from Ontario Municipal Electric Association re: Canada Post Corporation -Bill (C-42) West: Whereas, Bill C-42 (Amendment to the Canada Post Corporation Bill) Buck: gives the exclusive privilege to Canada Post to deliver "letters". BY-LAWS: West: Jones: And Whereas, it has been reported that "letters" will be defined so that it would be illegal for public utilities to have their own employees deliver utility bills and other notices. Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Government of Canada be requested to amend the legislation so that utilities may have the privilege of selecting a method of delivery that best serves the consumer by allowing utilities to have their own employees, or other contracted delivery services, deliver utility bills and other notices. CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill No. 2416-81 -being a By-Law to amend By-Law# 206g-76 as amended by By-Law # 2225-78 being a By-Law empowering Municipalities to pass By-Laws regulating Building Permits and prescribing the necessary fees. Bill No. 2417-81 -being .a By-Law to amend By-Law # 1452, as amended by By-Law# 2411-80 being a By-Law designating through highways in the Town of Aurora. (Wenderly) ••• be read a First Time. CARRIED West: Be It Hereby Resolved That: Stoddart: Bill No. 2416-81 -being a By-Law to amend By-Law# 2069-76 as amended by By-Law # 2225-78 being a By-Law empowering Municipalities to pass By-Laws regulating Building Permits and prescribing the necessary fees. Bill No. 2417-81 -being a By-Law to amend By-Law# 1452, as amended by By-Law # 2411-80 being a By-Law designating through highways in the Town of Aurora. (Wenderly) ••• be read a Second Time. CARRIED West: Be It Hereby Resolved that Section 21 of By-Law 2270-78 be suspended Ochalski: and Bill Number 2417-81, now before the Council, be read a Third Time and Enacted and the Third Reading be taken as read. CARRIED ADJOURNMENT: Buck: Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 10:05 p.m. MAYOR CLERK