MINUTES - Council - 19671218.. ,,,, '--·~-- ' .:Cl!NUTES OF THE 23rd. REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL, HELD HT THE COUNCIL ~HAMBERS ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1967 AT 8.00·P.M. PRESENT MAYOR REEVE DEPUTY REEVE COUNCILLORS ACCOUNTS CORRESPONDENCE DELEGATIONS ONTARIO HOUSING C ORPORATION C. F. DAVIS D. J. HJ:2RAY J. WILLIAMSON BUCK, CORBETT, DAVIS , ILLING\>TORTH, MILLER AND TRENT The accounts were approved as printed and circulated MILLER: ILLINGI-IORTH: "Resolved that the correspondence be set aside until after the delegations are heard." CARRIED Miss. Nancy Conquergood, Ontario Housing Corporation presented the report on the need and demand for rental housing in Aurora. The results of the survey show a need for seven senior citizens units consisting of four bachelor apart- ments and three one bedroom apartments and for ten low- income· family units consisting of two two bedroom units, six three bedroom units, one four bedroom unit and one five bedroom unit. MURRAY: ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that Ontario Housing Corporation be requested to provide rental housing accomodation for families on a geared-to- income basis in the To•Nn of Aurora, such accomodation to comprise 2 tt\.ro · >;edromn 6 three. bedroom, 1 four bedroom and 1 five- bedroom units, as indicated by the survey of need and effective demand dated December, 1967. The Corporation of the Municipality of Aurora hereby undertakes and agrees to contribute 7 l/2% of any annual loss arising out of the operation of the said family housing. CARRIED "-~-~ } 23rd. REGULAR ONTARIO HOUSING CONT'D PARKING BAN ON YONGE STREET MURRAY: ILLINGHORTH: 2 DECEMBER 18, 1967 ) "Resolved that Ontario Housing Corporation be requested to provide rental housing . accomodation on a geared-to-income basis. for senior citizens in the Town of Aurora, such rental housing accommodation to comprise 4 bachelor units and 3 one-bedroom units, as indicated in the survey of need and effective demand dated December, 1967. The Corporation of the Municipality of Aurora hereby undertakes and agrees to waive all claims for grants in. lieu of taxes in excess of Twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per unit per annum in relation to the said senior citizens housing. CARRIED Mayor Davis read the letter from the merchants on Yonfle Street, requesting the removal of the No Parking Signs. Mr. Don Glass presented a verbal brief for the merchants and business people on Yonge St. South, requesting that the No Parking signs be removed. He stated that apparently this By-law is enforced on Yonge St. from !~osley St. to Binions Motors and submitted the following points: l. To allo;r parking in only one section of Yono:e §t. is discrimination. 2. Traffic would not be impeded by parking. 3. The signs are at bad angles, thusly causing confusion. 4. ~Te have noticed a serious loss in business. 5. If the Police enforce the By-law riflidly, we will have a further loss in business. 6. There is too much space provided for the bus stops .. 'Therefore, ve feel that these parking restrictions are not servinfl any useful purpose. 23rd. REGULAR PARKING BA~l ON YONGE ST. C Ol!T 'D 3 DECEMBER 18, 1967 Mayor Davis requested Councillor 'navis to submit the Parking Committee's report. Councillor Davis presented the report of the parking Committee in which the Committee respectfully submit the following: The Parking Committee met on Saturday, December 16, 1967 to look into and report back to Council on the No Parking Si,···s on Yonp.:e St. In a.'.'·.·.c "'.~:·,ce at the meeting Here Reeve Murray and Councillor Trent of the Committee, Councillor Corbett Constable Lougheed and Councillor Walt Davis, Chairman of the Committee. The question ;ras asked, •;ho gave orders for the signs to be placed on Yonge. St. S. Constable Lougheed Traffic Officer, of the Police Department, told the Committee that he was instructed by the Chief to proceed with the signing of Yonge St. according to the by-law. Councillor Trent, Chairman of the Police Committee stated he gave no orders to ' ewe the South part of Yon~>:e St. signed. Councillor Trerit stated however.that he ~ave orders to have the No Parking Signs at the bus stops reinstalled, as their removal Has not authorized bv Council. As the Parking Cormni ttee 1<as not instructed to carry out an inquiry on this subject, this is all we have to report on it. l. The first ne1;ly erected No Parking Signs to be discussed <;ere in the area from Mosley to Church Sts. Your Committee recommends thu no parking signs between 30 from the South of Mosley to 30 ft. of the North of Church St. be removed. ~+ .L v o However, taking into consideration the off set of the inter- section of Mosley, Yonge and Tyler, the Committee r+e,sommenf:; th~· Town Solicitor advise Council on the legality~be~cr~ ~~e2 ~~gns are removed to within 30 ft. of Hosley l!ltreet. 2. In regards to the no parkin~>: zone at the bus stops, your committee recommends the no parking signs be removed and that the bus stop sign remain. Your Cooonittee feels that the n~~ber of buses stoppi~g and the length of time stopped, does not warrent the signing off of 80 ft. of ~ood parking area at each stop. (Hest Side included) '-----' 2 3rd. EEGTJLAR PARKING BAN ON YONGE STREET CONT'D 4 DECEMBER lB, 1967 3. Your Committee recomnends the signs from Church St. South to Kennedy St. remain as is. Reeve Murray had to leave the meeting half ;ray through to attend to other business. Councillors Corbett, Trent and Davis, along with Constable Lougheed went out and viewed the area to the South. 4. Your Committee recommends the no parking signs on the Vlest Side of Yonge from 30 ft. South of Kennedy to the Highland Golf Course be removed. After a lengthly discussion Constable Lougheed recommended that if "'e allm<ed parking in this area, it should be on the Hest side. 5. All parkins allowed along Yonge St. shouJ.d be s',gncd 1Jiith a 1 hour limit and a by-la;r be prepared if necessary. 6. Your Committee feels that with further study and co- operation other areas could. be relic··-~ of no parking. 7. Your Committee recommends that parking by-laws be revieored every two years by the Police Department and recommendations be referred to Council for their conc'.deration and action. 8. Your Committee recommends that all orders for sign erection and removal be by Council and orders be sent out through the Clerk's Office in writ>ing to the appropriate Department. For information, the Committee viewed Edward St. and the Corner of Edward and Harrison. DAVIS,\/: TRENT: ILLINGWORTH: MILLER: "Resolved that the report and recommendatiocw of the Parking Committee be discussed aml approvcrl. item by item and instruc' cons r;o out in ;rriting through the Clerk's Office to the appropriate Department o: Departments to be carried out immediately AMENDMENT "Resolved that the By-law be repealed and all No Parkin,;, sicsns be removed. AMEND~iffiNT TO A!vfENDMENT -·-<>~r~•~~"""-•===-~~-~--~~-----~"~~-~-~~--K-~~"---~~~··"---~~·~~-~~----~~ '-··-' 2 3rd. m;;rmLAF PARKING BAN ON YOnJE ST. CONT'D PROPOSED APARTMENT OPSI DEV. RE: CRADDOCK FARM .Q2]lRESPOi'lDENCE MPWR HOCKEY A SSOCIATIO>T HILLIAMSON: BUCK: 5 DECEMBER 18, 1967 "The.t s.ll of the Flo Parking signs on Yonge Street South, from '1osley St. to Dunning Ave. except on the hill from the Police Station entrance to Reuben St. be removed or covered iw~ediately and one hour parking sip.:ns be considered. 11 CARRIED Mr. F.arl Stel..rart acted as spokesman for Hr. Orsi. Hr. Stewart explained that Mr. OrJi has a pronosal ani'. is >rillin!( to ,,rork •,rith the Town. He is negotiating to nurchase 150 acres includ.ing the Craddock Property for an industrial pro,i ect. Mr. Ste1<art stated hm;ever that his client is concerned over the delay in receiving an answer to his propos•=d apartment development on Yonge St. nc:'oh of Mark Street. The letter that he received fror> the Planning Board, he felt, 1ms not clear as to ~<hat information they vi shed him to nrovide or ~<hat their dcoision ioTOUld he. The letter he had 1-ras a copy of a letter sent to the Council, MILLER: TRENT: "Resol veo. that the letter from the Planninll: Board, re: the proposed apartments , be read to the Council. CARRIED !~r. Stewart explained that his clients still do not knmr what ·~;~~i8 Planninp.:-Board. ,.,rant of them. ILLING\?ORTH: TRENT: "Resolved that a letter be sent to the Planning .Board. stating that there vras insufficiJ;~t information in their letter and vil]/ s'lfnW a letter as soon as possible to Mr, Stewart, ,,;ith a copy to Council, stating their directions ancl. exactly <<hat information the Planning Board ~<ants the Developer to provicl.e them ~<ith. CARRIED A letter from the Aurora and Dintrict Minor Hockey Association enclosing their financial statement for the 1966-67 seasol'. together with their aucl.i tors report and bank statement as of !-lay 31, 1967 and nlso conj.es of their 1067--68 budget. ILLINGT-!ORTH : JY!URRAY: '1Resolved that this letter be referred to the Finance Committee. CARRIED .- r"•~--" '·-·--' L • .-_., 23rd. REGULAR CORRESPmiDENCE CO'lT' D. CENTE~1 NIAL MEDAL BLOCK nAn SU!"~!YBROOK ONTARIO HUMANE SOCIETY COFVEYANCE OF PT. LOT 27, PLAN 246 6 DECEMBER 18, 1967 A letter from 1,.r. r .. ~. Mcintyre~ Sec:rGtar:v of The Cabinet , Ontario~ req_uesting the nominR.tion of tvm citizens deservine of reco,g;nition of valuable service to Canada. ILLI:~GT,•TOBTH: HURRAY: "Resolved. that this letter b" d.iscussed after the Council Heeting j_s ad.iourned - tonight. C_!I,_R-qiED A l<?tter from nr. Stitt of Kelner and Cooner. re.: Block "A 11 1 '\·JeJ.lin~ton St. \-Jest, Phase 2 of Sun~yb~oolr: ~ requesting a meetinfl with the Planning Co'!l.'1ittee. TRENT: ILLING\,JORTH ~ "Resolvecl that the Planning Committee meet l·ri th Hr. r-~elne~r. n CAHRIED A letter from Mr. T. Hughes, advising the Council of their arranr-~ements for the 1968. operation. l:1ILLER: BUCK: DAVIS,H: MILLER: "Resolved that the letter be received. and filed .. " CARRIED "Resolved. that a letter be sent to the Hu.mane SocietY corrJ:J.endinfS them for the fine service that they are proviclin,~ for Aurora. CAPRI ED A letter from the C'01m of Aurora Committee of Ad.justroent re: hearing of application for conveyance of Part of Lot 27, Plan 21;6 to llrs. Dorothy Rosenber<t, B on December 15, 196, . 'JrJ\ . Roe.cl. '=~~ ~ '-·--···' 2 3rd. REGULAR 7 D"SCmffiPR 18, 1967 CORRESPONDENCE CONT'D BODFISH PROPERTY NO PARKING YONGE ST. S. ONTARIO HOUSING C ORPORATIOII LETTER FROM CHIEF OF POLICE HUI~ANE SOCIETY REPORT A letter from Mr. T. Manning, Gnclosing a deed for an easement over the bed and banks of the stream on the John C. Bodfish Property, Harriman Road. A letter from the Holland Valley Conservation Authority re: Bodfish Property. II1LD'GV!OR'rH: TtliJJLIAMSO~!: "Resolved that these letters be tabled until a subsequent meeting is held "ith the Holland VallGy Conservation Authority." C.I\1-,RIED A letter from Miss Snrague, l3q Yonge St. South re: the ~!o Parking on YonR:e St. South ILLHIGVIORTH : \ULLIAMSOl'T: "Resolved that the letter be received and filed and that Miss. Sprague be advised of the action taken." CARRIED A letter from Hr. T. S. l4cConnell, Legal Division, Ontario Housing Cor"90:ration inform.inr Council that as of December 5, 1967 , the 0. H. C. is the registered m-mers of Sprinp;- burn \Vest Subdivision. MURRAY· ILLDIG1'10RTH : "Resolved that this letter be received and filed until a later date." CARRIED A letter from Hilliam Langman, Chief of Police re: Police Chief's reply to Aurora Police Association Grievance Committee. ''Tayor Davis stated that this letter is to be held until tl:le Police Committee's report is discussed. Ontario Humane Society's report for November 1967 of Animal Control operations in the To1m of Aurora. N!ILUER: BUCK: "Resol vecl that the report be received and filed." CARRIED '-·-····" 2 3rd. REGULAR GARBAGE COLLECTION \•! IMPF.JI: H O~'IES LTD. CREEK, EDlvARD ST. t-TI~?TJ!:R CARNIVAL YORT( COUNTY HEALTH UNI'V 8 DECEMBER 18, 1967 A letter from IV(r. Anton Beck, ·31.> 8"9ruce St. re: Garbage Collection. IUIFG\vORTH: ~1ILLER: "ResoJ.ved that authorization be o;i ven to the Services Comniytee to send letters to all householders with the hy.dro hills." CAl'<RIED A letter from the Planning Board informing Council that a meeting will be held on .J~.nuarv 9 ,. 1968 to. meet with representatives from T·Jirrrpey H.omes Limited. MURRAY: \·TILLIA'!SON: nResolved that the letter be received and filed. 71 CARRIED A lette:>e from Mrs. 1,{. Dittman. 170 Ed"arcl St. thanking the Council and Forks Department for the action in cleaning up the creek bank. MILLER: DAVIS ~T~: :'Resolved. that this letter be received T_.rith thanks and fil.ed . and a. couy be for"arded to the \.Jerks Commi tice. 11 •· CARRHD A letter from the Aurora Centennial Committee re: Hinter Carnival-Draft ProgralJl. Purning of Christman Trees in Town Park, Judging of Snovr Sculptures~ and Pirev;rorks. Councillor MilL~r informed Council that t1>1o radio stations ancl a T.V. station have been co!Otacted. Yorl< Sanitation >rill not be able to l?ick up Christmas 'l'ress for use in the To'>m Park. ILLING1,!0RTE ·· !JIREI'ir;:t: "Resolved that collies o·e tloe letter be for,arded to tloe Forks Police,. Parks ?orem.an) and other departments mentioned in the letter and that action be taken. The \olorks Department are airected to pick up the Christmas Trees on ,January 4 or 5 and that an ad. be placed in thG local new·spaper." CARRIED A letter from M.M. La>r, H,D., D.P.H. Deputy Medical Officer of !leal th informing Council of a meeting on lilednesday, December 20, 196"{. Deputv Reeve Hilliamson and Councillors Buck and Davis stated that they 1<oulit attend with Mayor DA.vis. ,, ·--~-· 2 3rd. REGULAR APARTM!cWrs , WELLINGTON ST. 1-IFST RECRK!l.TION COMMITTEE: ICF TU.1E FLOODING: 1957 A GRERTviEl\TI}.l K~'i'TNEDY ST. WFRT 9 -DECEMBER 18, 1967 A-letter :from Mr. Conroy Do1··rson .· Yorlc County Planning re: meeting to discuss pro])osed maximum height amendment - t;Jellin;::ton St. iilest, ILLINGHORTI!: BUCK: "Resolved that this letter be tabled and discussed with the letter dated November 27, from T. ~'!cPherson. CARRIED A letter from the Recreation Col'llllittce Fith costs of ice time for Octo·oer e.nrJ_ Novem.Oer ~ HILLER: BUC!(: 0 :R8:solved that the letter he received ancl. fi1ed.B CARRIF.D A letter from Stiver, Vale~ Pep:9iatt, ancl Brrin~ton ~ Solicitors, re: Clair:~ of damage from flooding~ Donald and :-.'(A.rjorie Burrou~hs .· h5 Glass Drive. HILLBR: BUCK: "'lesol ved that this claim be forwarded to the Tovm v s Insurance Co:rn~any." CARRIBD A letter from the Aurora Public School Board, re: 1957 A;C-reement incl udin&: costs of the children from 'Cennedy St. King Tmmship, attending Aurora public schools and opinions of the Ontario De:pa:rtment of Education and the solicitor for the )"1.1unici}_)al T,Jorld. Councillor Illimyorth stated: Reference is made to Minutes of Council, dated !.iTovember 20, 1967 ,, (Page 3) and to Ninutes of Council dated October 30, 1967 (Prtge 5) regarding the 1957 A,q;reement with the Tmmship of King. Just to find out the legal status of the agreement, as sup;;,ested by the OY.B .• may clarify the situation, but it certainly ;rill not sol vc it. There; is only one ;ray to solve this problem and that is to annex the lands in question from King Tmmshi]) as rGcommended in the 1957 Agreement and I quote: "This Agreement is to extenrl to such time or times until the lands in vrhich the said part of T~ennedy Street-'~ 1 ying in the Tovm.ship of Kin,~ and the said 30 foot strip of' the said road allmrance betFeen lots 75 and 76, Concessi.:m 1, Tmmship of King, are annexed to the Corporation of' the Town of Aurora." 23rd. REGULAR 1957 A GREEiviElTT KENNEDY ST. CONT'D PROPOSED ORSI D EVELOPHENT 10 -DFCEMBER lG, 1967 Nmr tha.t the Council of the To>mship of King are back in Office it is felt that immediate action should be taken to meet "'i th them regarding this proposed annexation. ILLii~GHORTI_f ~ TR~l)TT: " Resolved that the Mayor arrange a meeting bet>reen the Council of the To>mship of King and the To'm of Aurora at a mutually a,c.rreeable time and place, at the earliest possible date, to discuss possible annexation of certain lands lyin~ 1vest and south of tbe Town of A.urora and the"t such meeting be held in Committee, with a w-ritten r~:;nort of the meeting submitted to Council. f'l -_. CAFRIED A re-port from the P1annin,q BoEtrO on the pronosecl Apartment project on Yonr-z:e St. North of ~i.s.rk StreGt. The"t req_uire further information from the lJuilder before they can maJ:\:e a O.ecision. A memorandum from rc B. Rodger Clerk re: Orsi Development. Councillor IllingHorth state<l that this matter has been acted upon vrhen Hr. 8te1~rart a:p:?eared as a C.elep:;at ion. Mayor Davis staten_ that Mr. Harris~ Mark Street is to receive a copy of the report .froll'. the Plr.nninr:; Board. COMX.HTTEE RP.PORTS COMMITTEE OF THE \THOLE REEVE HURHAY IN 'JCFE CHAIR Nayor Davis presentef!_ a report of the Committee of the Hhole in "hich the> CoPlTil.ttee res])ectfullv submit the following: CoPlmittee of the l\lhole report foll01;rinr:; a joint meeting of the Municipal Cound.l, the Representatives of the 1\urora Recreation Co:mrn.ittee and Aurora Com_munity Centre Cormlex Board. PllES~~-AT 'i'}l_J:S ~F_'C_ING_ COm1CIL !'IEltBBRS "~ayor Davis" Reeve Murray~ Deputy Reeve 1:1illia'!lson, Councillors Buck, Corbett , Illingvrorth, Miller~ and Trent. RECREA'.riON COI,'Il'.HTTEE COMtillHITY CENTRE 130!\RD 3ill Dinsmore:. }1rs. C, ~:3honiker ~ Larry Keffer a.nd Don Glass Bob Hookinp,:s~ S. Patrick, F. Caruso~ P. Knowles, and ~.Jr. E ~ Batson. '--~--- 23rd. REGULA.R C0~,1J:-HTTEE OF THE 'illlOLE CONT'D 11 DECEM8l':R 2·1, 1967 It might be noted that some membm·s attended in more than one capacity. AI;£:_0 PRES~N':l: VJEA1[__ Mr. 1-7!1. Johnson Treasurer of thr~ To~m of Aurora an(!_ Treasurer of the Col!l..muni ty Centre Complex Board. Hr. K. B. RoClger ~ Clerk of the To1-rn and Nr. ~. Duncan De-puty -·Clerk. The meetinn: <.ms called to discuss the uossihle division of duties so as to have a Communi t:r Centr(; '_;-1anaf(er and a Recreation Director or to arrive at a satisfactory solution. The l•ilayor called the meeting to order at 8.00 P.H. and outlined the ~urpose of the meeting. The Chairman of the Recrea.tion Comr1i ttee :vJr .. "I·Tm. Dinsmore presented the brief on behalf of the Recreation Committee. :.J:r. ;l). Patrie]';: Vice Chairman~ and spokes!fl.an on behalf of the Conmmni tv Centre Complex Board. presented the opinions of the Conununi ty Centre Boa:rr-1. ~ An informal discussion then took place 1.<Ti th each member present ex:pressin~ their vie1vs on the situation, e.forementioned. From the Council stanclpoint the f.1e:r1bers eJ.:1;)ressed the Ol?inion ~. in majoritv, that they basically support tl1e sepaeation of the jobs so ccs to h.c.ve t"o distinct positions end that they felt one man cannot serve two bosses. The members of the Recreation Corrnnittee e:xpressed the opinion in general~ that thev felt that it 1ms quite important that the Recreation be allowed to continue to use the Community "'acilities in the Community Centre Building for their various pro~:r.a.mmes and that this i·ras part of the reason 1-rhy they <rishec1 that the job be not split into t·Ho distinct positions. STJI.·IT·.1ARY In the ,g;eneral expression of o-pinion from all nersons present the.followin(l: observationo were ma.de; 1. IJ:'ha.t the time requireC" for a full time Co·mmunit~r Centre Com"t)lex Manager 1·rould be filled in selline: the Community Centre? s idle time~ and that the Recreation Committe woulcl. be allowed the use of the Centres facilities on a paying basis. 2. It was intimatec1 that the Recreation Cow .. mi ttee 1vould find it necessary to ask for an increased grant from the Municiual Cotmcil to cover the costs incurred for the rental fees char<;ed for the various uses in the Community Centre. 2 3rd. REGULAR COMMITTEE 01' THE \vHOLE CONT'D 12 DlWEMBFR 18, 1967 3. ·~~he t?;eneral opinion of the Recreation Cornrni ttee vras that they will require some assurance that they may have the continued use of the facilities of the Co1mnuni ty Centre. This seems assured_ in the Com.i"l1Unity Centre Board f·.';.embers statement that they feel that one w·ould have to ': "1ke a middle line in lookin~ after the P-;eneral Co:m...-rnuni tv Centre interest in sel1ing idle tiBe and if it iVas a paying proposition e.g. (Recrc··'~ion Committee pe.ying for the use of the facilities) that the~' would also at the same time be able to look after the recrc tion interests. h. The question '"as ra.ised, as to vhether the To;m 11as in a position to a.fforCI. t1,...0 com)?entent men to carry out the split positions (e.p;. Community Centre Complex Manap;er and a Recreation Director) . The g;eneral oninion from the majority was .x:oressed that thev should ha ····8 tHo l?Ositions and manap;ers for each ancl that the Financial aspects fo the improved operations would merit the costs. 5. Mr. Villi am Johnson explained the grants available for a full ti!lle Recreation Director and. that there vas a grant available for a full time arena r1an.a.q:er under the Communi tv Centres Act, 191'il, as e.mended.. The Community Centre Board presented a summary that it vras their feel inc; that for the ConmmnEy Centre Complex to be as near as possible operational] self supporting that they must be paici. for the use of the faci.lities from each and every ~;roup. It was moved by Deputy Reeve Hilliamson -Seconded bv ~ouncillor Illingworth "That a Committee be formed of two representatives of Counc:c:L, T'i·lO Representatives from the Community Centre Board_ and t"tto Representatives from the Recreation Corr.Jni ttee to study this matter and make a report." The Motion was lateJ." w·ithclra-r,.m. 6. It 1·ras agreed that it would be the !~unicipal Council's responsibility to split the positions, if the decision 1vas recommended and it ~orould be the Municipal Council r s final responsibility to hire a Community Centre Board Mana'. c:r and a Fe creation Director upon the recommendations of the individual Board or Committee. 23rd. REGULAR CO,ID'JliTTBr; OF 7TI"B:: 1HTOLE CONT'D WATER COWITTTEE 13 DriCEHBF.R lB 1967 l.~ayor Davis sug('ested the.t a report be made to Council for Honday night De~ember 18 ,. 1967 the Neetinp; ad,journed at 9. 00 p. ~~T. 7. That this report be for information purposes only. BUCK: MILLFTI: ILLIFGT.,!OR'11E: TRE1\TT: DAVIS,C: HILLIANSm': ILLING1,rORTH: BUCK: "Resolved that 11e sit past the .hour of 11.00 o'clock until such time as the Connnittee Reports ancl By-laws have been presented." C/\.RRIED n:9.esol vecl that the report be amended by adding paragraph 7 -This report is for information purnoses on1v." CARRHD ''Resolved th8.t the reJ?Ort of the Corrnni ttee of the \</hole , ilate<l. December 11 , 1967 rc: Joint ~-~e~"!ti11"' of r;oun cil . r,~prHSel1ta.t.i ves of the Aurora Recreation Co:romittee and Aurora Comnnmit;• Centre Complex Board be accept eel.:: as amended. 11 CARRIED "Move that a survey be taken o:!' adjacent and other municipalities in the po"l)ulation range of 10,000 to 20,000 as to the operation of their Recreation~ Community Centre and Parks.n CARRIED )layor Davis state a. that the Clerk is to take the survey. MAYOR DAVIR IN 'EE'\ CHAIR Reeve .?<ifurrav presented a report of the \Yater Committee in which the Committee respectfully submit the follo'·Ting: The Connnittee met at 2.00 P.M. T·lednesday, December '13, 1967 A 11 Hembers present plus the Engineer J. ReicL After discussinf\ the Hater \{orks, the Col!l1l1ittee bring the following observations end recommendations to Council. 2 3rd. REf1ULAR llf DECEMBER 18, 1967 11]"ATER COM?1ITTEJi: RRPOHT CONT 1 D \vATER SUPPLY !llJ.I . .!"l_UJ'OJ3A-"'i:r.:s_,_ iJJid&':'. Well ,n -8" diameter >rell rated at 500 imp-gallons rer minute is a good >rell end gives good service. The high lift rump dra>ring water from the vell is presently being pur[l.:oed directly into tbe water main distribution system. The only c?J:·mge the >rater vorks Committee >rill rrobably be recommending to Council in 1968 re~>;arcUng this well 1<ill rrobablv be the c hanP-;e over to a lo'f..;r lift pu.mp to discharae dire~tly into the 33 ~000 gallon reservoir. The reason for the lo1·T lift pump is because the Committee >rill be recommendin~ to Council various other revisions to the overall water- works system of which double pu.mping 1<ill be a basic requirement. The reason for plmpin.g into the 33. 000 gallon reservoir is c onsid.ered by Your Corr.mittee to be more desirable as this method permits the carbon dioxide <2;ases ;rhich are present in the 1orater to escape. The Aurora Hts. well II 2 1o1hich is the 16" x 1211 o.iameter well is presently being pu,nped by 2 10 hp. -800 imo. r;al. ptm-p and 5 25 lrp. -· 500 imp. gal. per minute l)Ulll)) which hath act in unison when the demand for vater reaches a rnaximurn ~ however on days of avera.ge Ctemand usually one puml) operates at a time. This >rell is 16" for the first 100' and 1211 diameter for the remaining 200' of its depth. 'rhe existing set U'[l is quite good and. ensures that the >rell 1'ill not be over pumped thus sucking up silt and sand with the -r.,.r ater ~ The '·rater Horks Committee of Council considers that in view of the some what unstable condition of this well that. a . steady pumping rate waul d be more desirable the;n intermittent num1)in,o: because the possibility of back surge of vater in the ivell couJ.d conceivahly upset the present equibibrimn of st.able condition ><hich exists at present. It is the consensus of opinions that this well can he safel:' pu.mped to e;ive a p<cennial yield of 1400 IGh1 witbout minim~ silt and sand. The ,,rater bearing aquifer O<hich is at a clepth of 275' to 320' b elov the ground surface can in our opinion supply all the >rater needs of the To1m. \~le have been assured that one a.fl_ditional vell can be develot;>ecl on the Aurora Hts. area 1o1hich will give a pe>n'oial vielrl of 1000 gals. per minute. .. 2 3rd. REGULAR 15 DFr"E!,ffi-rr:R 12., 1967 WATER CO~IIT~0EE REPOHT COPT' D T1ased on the present 1vells # 1 and ff2 vrhich 1·.re suggest can be r<evised to yield a total of: 1900 IGM. or 2.7 million .o;al. of water per dav,, and additional storage capa.city to reduce shoc}.t J.oad on the system in maximum t.temand IJGriods ~ Your Comrri ttee will be considerin.r.t improvement recommendations to Council to ro.ake the Auro:ra :\ts. vrell t.he main Town supply. With the c1evelopr.YI.ent of a future vrell ;· this e.rea Hill De capable of supplying from 2500 to 3000 IHP. imls. per minute about 4. 0 ,,_illion c;als. per d.ay from 3 vells, the :Tesbi tt 3 Billings and \Vatervorks vrells ." Your Comm.i ttee is of the Ol:Jinion that the relatively smal1 amount of ivatel" produced by these 1.:r ells Cl.oes not Justify the expenditure of any larR:e wlount of ...,_onies. :f! A1'ER TRENlMEHT ~'he ,.,,_ter produced. is cocll".~on to all deep wells in the area, in that it is of o:oo~. "hact.eriolop:ical quality, but vith a relatively high iron content and fairl,r hip:h hardness concentration. As a result a discoloration and. ho..rd vater is experienced. by the vTater consumers. The C onnnittee is a"are that Council vill have to consider some form of water treatment and the fina,ncial ability of the Corn.munity to assur:1e the additional costs in the future~ Your 8ommittee is e~uaiting a report of a complete vrater analys:i_s and stu.Cl.y and. upon receipt of sarn.e ,.rill possibly be considering some type of interim "at.er treatment. to Council for its consideration. ~S'l'Q.~. EJevated tanks which serve as water storaqe and also act to keep a constant ve..ter pressure in the water 111ain netvrork is under revie,.r by the H/\f Committee. Ho>rever this type of storage is fairly costly, therefore -....n~ are conaidering the possibility of ground reservoir sto:rage 1-Thich will probably permit la.r.q;er volumes of water stora~e at the scm~e cost and. als.o serve as retention facilities for a future \·'later Treatment Plant" THE 1·./ATBR DIS'l'RIBUTIOr: SYSTt;M Hay we c1irect Councils attention to the ~<all nap of the distribution system, of the total len~Stll of the 'faterrna.in nebrork of 2 9. 0 miles or about 153.000 lineal :feet. ... about 28 ,000 feet or approximately 18:% consists of 4" diAmeter watermains and about 75,000 lineal .feet. or about 4 8% is ~" diameter, this is a.pproxiroately 6(,~ or 2/3 of the total network "~;.rhich is considered unsuitable for carrinP.; any relatively large amount of ~orater o I suggest that this is a contributing factor in the -problem. of supplying various areas of the ToT,Jn during peak demand periods o To 0 ttain a better vrater circu.lation~ iml?roved ;_)ressures and better distribution~ the Hater lt/orks Committee proposes to study and submit. some long term futur<e water- main v-mrks recommendations to Council. 11rhich ,.Jill establish an~. eventual P-;rid of feeder and sub trunk feeder mains . ·~ ••.. ~- 2 3rcL REGULAR HATER C0)1MITTEE REPORlJ., C O~TT 1 D 16 DECEMSER lR, 1967 ~o briefly sumnarize -the ·8asic T)roblems of 1. r.,Ta.ter Su-pply -;;vhich thouah p:r.esentl v adequate 'vill require expansion if develo-pment and. grovth in the Town is to" continue. 2. vlater (:)uality -some form of traatl'lent is necessary to provio.e a better quality of water. the problem is to select the most sui table method Hhich Hill be 1'1i thin the Tmm financial ability. 3. STORAGE 'Chis is presentl v inBdequi te to supply the peek dArrianO.s and. ~rovide emergency supply source~ Your Committee will recommenrl a site location and tvpe of storage i·rithin the coming year. :~! .. i~:.~T~--T"ISTR~BUTIQJ!: Along vri th trunk and sub trunk feed.er mains a prof!ram of upr;rading of the present anpurtances such as bvdrants ~ standarization of re~)lacement valves J pum"9S etc. will be presentEd to Council for consideration as a general polic·yo As of j\Tovember 30th, 1967 the follmdng fP.cts are outlined. ltle.ter Reserve Fund. of 1:50,000.00 has earned %2,ll03.00 in interest on short term investments. In addition long term bond.s purchased he.s earned. $L 565.00 interest in the first year o:f repaJT'j"l.ent . Current operations at November 30th. 1967 indicated revenues from Hater rates, penal ties charged~ ·Hater service connections and interest earned fu'l'ount to $106,247.00. Current eRpend.i tures dUring the same neriod. amount to $10!1, 8l;3. 00. The main expenditures a~e: Hages and Allo1van.c~s ~-'Taintenance snpplies and charges Paintin~ elevated tank Paver Annual debt. charges $ 18,1rS7.00 9,770.00 10,115.00 9,885.00 36.345.00 In addition the \Vater Horks this year contributed towards the cost of the ne" 20 ton loader a.nd ne1'1 truck purchased bv the Horks Department. Main expenditures have nm< occured and revenues produced durin<>: the month of December ;rill reflect a surplus in current operations at tl1e vear end. 2 3rd. REGULAR \·TATER C Q!l.f:I~ITTEE REPORT CONT'D 17 DECE!·.ffiER 18, 1967 The long term bonds purchased althoup:l-) providing a good investment at 6% intr~rest rate may be sol<i at 8.ny given time to e.dc1 monies to the reserve fund for future develop:ment of our ifater supplv system. J\'llTRR!\Y ~ CORBETT' !RTRRAY • CORBV.~T~ "Resolved that the report of thP. i·Tater Committee ~.ated December 18, 1967 re: T.Tater Supply, r,Tater Treatment ·Hater Storao,:e .. an(l Hater Distribution Syste7!l he accepted, 11 CARRIED 11 Re.sol ved that thr:> rrown l~n,qineer prepr.:l..re specifications~ an~ ask "for tenders on im:9roved rnnnpinp.: on the fiTo. 2 r,!ell at /l TT ·; , t. D · ...... ..~.-t · n !·\.1 lrora .~.e1r;n s .: ump1.n? ~ .... a lon~ CARRIED P LJ\Fi'HI_I!G CO:rvry:1ITTE~ D e:puty Reeve 1/.!illin:.1:son :9resentec~ a renort of the "Planning Cornni ttee in -r..rhich the Comm.i ttee respeCtfully sub:r:-dt the following· The Conmlittee met at 7.00 u.m. ;1ednesday ,. Decemb·or lith. to discuss several i terns. All members were pr.,sent as well as '·c!r .J.D. Reid s. ncl. l1:r. A. Juiib the ~P Oi·Tn Buildin,g Inspector l. A request 1?as presented bv the Buildinfl Inspector from Dr. A. Crmre \·rho wished to purche.se 8. 50 ft. strip of land from. ~ir. F. Bub. Nr .. Tubb was i nstructe~. to advise li!r. Crowe that he 1vould have to o;ppl v to the Cormrd.ttee of Adjustment. 2. The Re}!ort of the ~rmm P.ngineer c-:!.ated November 21 .. 1967 re prouosed shor>p-- i no.: centre by Ba.ncora Development :Ltcl. 1-rhich hac1 lJeen referreCt back to the Planning Co?111tittee for clarification of paragraphs 1 and .l.t "t:·ras d.iscussed ;;vith Mr. Reid Hho statecl.: (a.) a pu;·nP.ing station vas not necessarv for this pro,iect to be carried out., but .he recormneno.cd that in ·. the near future a uumpin.>; station be built to look after future development of the land on both sides of Yonp.;e St" (b) \'lith re,.ard to the access to the Plaza narking area from Yonge St. this matter had been discussed. with the Dept. of IliP"h~>re.ys and 'i?hen Yon.r,r,e St. is widendd , feader_· lanes ,.rouJ.C. be provideiL 3. Mr. Jubb presented. a report re trouble to ma1:ing re-pairs to Dr. Costello~ s house. Hr. Lutes n;as ha•.rina vri th req,ard Copy is attached to this report. ·--·-·~,~ ~~'-""' 2 3rd. REGULAR PL .NNING COMMITTEE REPORT CONT'D ITEM 1 ITEi1 2 (a) (b) ITEM 3 ILLINGHORTH : \HLLIA};ISON: WILLIAMSON: HURRAY: 18 C.4RRIED CARRIED CARRIED DECEMBER 18, 196'7 "RE,solved that the report be amended by add.inl!, to Item 3 ., that a letter be sent to C1r. Costello advising him that unless the ;rork specified by the Building Inspector is allmrecl to be done., that the members of Council fc'!el that they have done all they ca.11 and have fulfilled their obligation." CARRIED "Resolved that the report of the Planning Committee, dated December 6, 196'7 be discussed item by item and accepted as axnended. n Councillor Miller requested a recorded vote on the Motion YEA NAY MAYOR C.l'. DAVIS X RE:EVE D. ,T. ~IDRRAY X DEPUTY REEVE J. IHLLLI\J>IJSOH X COUNCILLOR E. BUCK X COUWCILLOR C. CORBETT X COUNCILLOR ~/. DAVIS X COUNCILLOR R. ILLING\iORTH X COUNCILLOR P. MILLER X COUJITCILLOR ~~. TREN'r X ILLING\WRTH: HILLIAMSON: "Resolved that the Town Engineer be instructed to prepare draft plans for a pumpinn; station at the north end of Aurora to service both sides of Yonge St. The plans are to include oversized sewel' pipes from the proposed plaza to the existing pumping station, and report to Council.11 CARRIED •ll• 2 3rd. REGULA.'l 19 D~CEMRER lB, 1967 PARKS CO:f\1MITTEE SEVERAL ITEI$ Councillor Illingworth presented a report of the Parks Committee in vrhich the Com.>nittee respectfully submit the follo>rinfl;. The Parks Corrrrni ttee met on December 5, 1967 with all members present. Mayor Davis) Councillor Corbett and Parks Foreman N. 1!Jeller in attendance. The follovring items t·rere discussed. J.. l'ENCE IJ.IT TOHN PARK F1irtl~r to -:"li;.,utes -of Council dated November 13th. l96T (pa .. ge 5 ) the Parks Chairman attended a meeting of the Aurora 'lorse Shmr Directors, on Thursday Novem1x:r 30, 1967 to outline in detail the tY}Jc of fence -propos eO. for the To>rn Park. The rail type· fence. even thou'\h it vras erected. 3 1/2 ft. a. bove grout' .. would not satisfy the req_uirem•ents of the i-:orse. :'.'how Directors , it would still be too 1m;-for the tethering of horses., especially the h ea>ry horse section. After further discussion the follot·rin,t;_r, saggestions were mutue.lly 8.greed. to, and vrere to be sulmitted to the Parks Committee for consideration. (a) The north shoulder of Metcalfe St. be levelled and gra<1ed from the p ~wed surface to the boundary of the Pe.rks ,. so thD.t the horse--ve.ns vrould be parked anc1 horses tied to the vans. This 1-rould also provide tL parking lot for baseball and other pB,rk n.cti"Tities. (o) The Town Harks Dept. erect " sno" fence o.round the Perimeter of the Park, on the outside of the trees for the Lion's Co.rnivaJ. ;·<ay 24. 1968 o,nd sno·,r fences to be left up for the horse shm-r on .Jun'" 8, 1968, -;rith the f ollr.:·•·ring chn.nges. 11he sno"':v fence on M·2tcu.lfe St. -'co be removecl a.nd the fence on Hells St. and Larmont St be extcnded southerly to the edge of the paved surface. This >roulcl allO\? the heavy horses section to tether their horses to the vD.ns and have easy access to the park. The horse show woulil be responsible for controlling the entrance of spectators to the :park from Metcalfe St. (c) That arrangement be made to r-estrict through tre.ffic on c1etcalfe St. b et1feen Hells St. and Larmont St. for the day of the Horse ShO\f, 1fi th the exception of emergency vehicles and loce.l residents. The above recommendations "ere sub!llittecl. to the Parks Connnitt2e and f.o.vourably received. In addition the follm;-ing recommendations are submitted. ( d) That the Hrorks Depo.rtment gre.de and level the area betvreen the Paved " .. .. surface and the pD.rk on Hells St. Larroont St . a.nd Mosley St. as time and available labour and material permits. This vras submitted previously by tl'e Pa.rks Committee but no action taken. '·-,--' '~-·-' 23rd. REGULAR -20 DECEMBER 19, 1967 PARKS COMMITTEE REPORT CONT'D (e) That a price be obtained for the erection of a rail type fence around the South-East corner on the :_r,H?drt as a safety precaution Lc1.~ the chilrJ.ren using the play-are'l.. (:f) The remainder of the ]Y'\rk be left unfenced. (g) That the P.bove listed recom.'rrEmdations if accepted, be forwarded to the :,i:orse Show Associntion and the AurorP. Public School Bo8.rd. 2. SJ'fiDY OF ARTIFICIAL _ _QU'l'__,J:_Q.OR RI1lKfL. The possibili tv of havin~ g,n artifical outdoor rink in the Tovm Park. was consi~,ereo.. It ;ms fP.lt that this rink if built, should be adjacent to the band shell nL,o that the paved surface would be e.vP.ilnble for other uses during the other seasons of the' yee.r. The CotDmittee is to obt:1in ad.ditional inform:1tion and prices rrnd. study further. No action reguired at this time. 3. AURORA 1•li!lTER ...Q!ill!HVAL Hr. Bud Gilbert and Mr Horm:1n Stewart attended this portion of the meeting to dir;cuss plr..ns for the pro-posed. Aurora 1-linter Carnival. A separate report will be me1de regarding this event. ILLINGWORTH: TRENT: 11 Resol ved that the report of the P9.rks Committee clc~ted decem bey· 18, 1967 be accevted and that th'" recommendations (a) to (g) of paro.gr2.ph l be discussed item. by iterr1. c;J.PRIED Council continued in session p.'3.st the hour of l2o 1 clock~ midnight. S PECIAL COHHITTEE RE TOHN BAND Councillor Illingworth -presented. a report of the Specinl Committee in "hich the Committee respectfully submit the folloving: In accorrknce ;ri th minutes of Council dated. November 20, 1967 ( Pao;e 8), Councillor Illing1<orth, Trent nncl Miller met with a Committee of the Tmm Band on Tuesday December 5 1967. Hcwor Davis 1ms in attendence. A general discussion took place regnrding the operation of the Band during the past years C1nd especic.lly aurin'!, the pc.st three years since the Band 1ms transferred from direct Council control to the Recreation Committee. 2. That th0 BP,nd. has and in many c·;.ses that over the years many through their membership to Aurora kept going mainly through the loyalty, interest the financial participation of the Be1nd Hembers, and. young people le11rned to play and appreciate musL: in the Band:l and in some cases have brought creO.i-'"' 2 3rd. REGULAR 2] DECEMBER 19, 1967 SPECIAL COMMITTEE -RF: TO'.J:l'T BAND CONT'D 3. That the band is invited to participate in events and received more appreciation, publicity and support in 2.reas other than the Town of Auro:cr:... 4. That the hor'l.le in the Band is and rumours that lvcve been circulated high in spite recently. of t.he many stories 5. That the Band should not "be considered a part of Recreation. Your Committee is of the opinion that the Town of Aurora shoulcl. have a Tovn Band, and that if a Band is ;rorth having, it is worth bein,o; supported, with suitable' uniforms, other equipment ani! above all interest. Your Committee there fore recommends tha follm·ling. (a) That the present Town Band continue its operation, but under a Committee of Council, rather than the Recreation Committee. (b) That terms of reference be prepared. in con,junction with the Band C ormni ttee to. J.efin~ the duties~ res:ponsibilities and general operation of the Band. That the operation of thG Bc.nd be reviewed one year folloving the adoption of the te:cm of r2ferc;nce. SLEIGH RIDES ILLINmTORTH : MILLER: "Resol vea. that the report of the Special Collh'llittee, dated Dece!'lber 18, 1967, re Tovn Band be accepted:~!! CARRIED ILLUJGHORTH: "Re.so1vcd that the Services Committee is to TREN~! be responsible~ £'or the Town Band. n M'JPRAY: BUCK: DBF~~ATED "Fe solved that the Town Band come unc1Gr the supervision of the Parks Conunittee." CARRIED Councillor Illing>rorth presented a letter from the Aurora Recreation Committee who hn,ve arranged. 1>'i th M. J. Hickson, R. R. I! 2, Aurora for slcin;h rides in Fleury Park on Sunday:. Janu2..r.y 7, weather and snow conditions permitting. I '--- 2 3rd. REGULAR 22 DECEMBER 19, 1967 POLICE COM!IliTTEE -CONTRACT Councillor Trent presented !1 report of the Police Committee in 1<hich the Committee respectfully submit the following: Thco Committee met on Deccembcr 12th. at 8.00 P.M. and discussed the above letter. The Committee pointed out that since there has been no authorization by the Aurora Council to make P. C. Le<lis an acting Superior Officer we fail to see 1<here there is a grievcnce against the Aurora Council. He 1<ould f)Ir·-ch>cr point out that :if the Chief of Police feels he wishes to appoint someone to the position of Superior Officer :for a shift that it is his perogative. It should be pointed out to the Association that their contract is bet1;een the Corporation of the To"rl o:f Aurora and the Association and e.s far e.s ""', The Council, are concerned 1<e do not :feel the Corporation of the To"rl of Aurora has breached the Contract. The Committee recOJn.'llend that e. letter be forw·arded by the Clerk, to the Chief of Police a.nd the Secretary of the Aurora Police Association outlining our decision on this matter. THENT: BUCK; 11 Resol ved that the report of the Police Committee re letter from the Chief of Police dated December 7, 1967, be accepted. 11 The Council felt that this 1<as strictly a problem for the Committee and not for Council. Councillor Trent presented a report of the Police Committee in which the Committee respectfully submits the follmring: POLICE COMMITTEE RE: SEVERAI, ITEMS Due to a motion in Council that the Police Committee study and report to Council their findings in regards to vehicle load limits, studded tires and control, the Committee met December 12th. at 8.00 P.M. to discuss the above items. First the Committee >mulc1 like to convey their thanks to C.H. Duncan, Deputy Clerk for his assistance in obtaining the necessary information for the; Conrrnittee. A letter 1<as sent to the Department of Higlmays on the 27 of November asking about studded tires • A reply 11as received on November 30 as follo1<s: (See attached) Since the To1-.'11 of Aurora by-lmvs regarding vehicles are subsequent to the high1<ay and traffic act, 1<e see no need for action by the Aurora Council. HALF LOADS DURING MARCH & APRIL On March 31, 1959 the Council of the To"rl of Aurora passed By-La1< #1403, a by-la1or regulating the 1<eight of load of Commercial vehicle other than public vehicl .. ;s. ·--~--1 "-'0~-~ 23rd. REGULAR POLICE C OivlMITTEE REPORT RE: SEVERAL ITEMS CONT'D 2. 3. 23 DECEl.ffiER 19, 1967 This By-lm< provides that the provisions of subsections four, five and six of the Highvay Traffic Act, Sec. thirty six (Nm< section 5~·, R.S.O. -1960) be declared in force in respect of highvays vi thin the Municipal Corporation of tbe Tovn of Aurora. This by-lm< is still in effect and valid. On· April 2, 1962, a letter vas received in Council from the Department of Municipal Affairs advising the Tovn of Aurora that the Department· of Transport states it is not necessary that this L:unicipality pass n By-Law for the purpose of restricting the weight of loads as such requirements is statutory. The Com!nittee recommend that By-La•N' # 1403 be retained as the above statement is an interpretation of the Highway Traffic Act and me,y not have been tested in court. Further the Committee ;rould point out the likelyhood of having to enforce the load restrictions is slim because a heccV'J load during Mr"rch and April >rould probably have to originate in Aurora since the roads leading to Aurora are under half-load limits during those months. CONTROL OF CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES: -.• The question ,.;ras passed "Can we stop construction vehicles from using our present roads to gain access to ne\f construction sites.11 The Connnittce would lilte to point out to Council that in all previous Subdivision Agreements the Town has reta.ined a one foot reserve at the end of each street. Consequently if Council decides to restrain heavy construction vehicles from using public throughfares to gain access to the new or extended subdivisions the Council can have erected a barrier.' to stop vehicles from crossing the one foot reserves. Ul'IIFORl·IS FOR DISPATCHERS: The Committee's interpretation of this provision of the contract o.llmrs for smocks to be provided. The Committee recommend that the Clerk be instructed to contact Canadian Linen Suppl)' and Sunshine Uniforms vith a viev of obtaining such services for the Police Dispatchers. Also that a letter be sent by the Clerk to Chief of Police Langman informing Him of Council's decision so that the Chief might inform the Police Association of Council's decisions. 4. ROAD SAFETY \vOJ:iKSHOP: The Honourable Eri-rin Haskett, Minister of Highvrays has sent invitations to a number of Council Members asking them to attend meetings on January l,th, 5th. and 6th. at the Inn On The Park in Don Mills, Ontario. The Committee vould recommend that those receiving invitations be alloved to attend on behalf of the Aurora Coancll. (At 14¢ per mile.) ·..._ _ _,_ 23rd. REGULAR POLICE REPORT C ONT'D RE: SEVERAL ITEMS NmT CRUISER POLICY ITEM 1 ITEM 2 ITEM 3 ITEM !; TRE~'Yi': BUCK: 24 DECEMBER 19, 1967 Ci-i.RRIED CARRIED CARRIED ILLING\vORTH: "Resolved that item 4 be amended TREN~': CARRIFJ) by adding: And each delegate who attends is to receive 14¢ per mile.a "That the Police Committee report, dated December 18th. 1967, be adopted, as amended, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto" n CARRIED Councillor Trent presented a report of the Police Committee in which the Committee respectfully submits the following: Due to a meeting between Mr. M. Binions, of Binions Motors ancl the Chairman of the Police Committee, the Committee feel they must bring to the attention of the Council the necessity of having the new cruiser serviced and attended to by the Supplier. The reason for this is to ta._l<:e full advantage of the varranty supplied by the Manufacturer. The Committee feel a letter should be sent by the Clerk to the Police Chief outlining Council's Policy in regard. to this matter. 'rRENT: BUCK: "' "solved that the report of the Police Committee dated December 18,1967 re l\Je>r Cruiser for Department be accepted." CARRIED Councillor Trent presented a report of the Police Committee in 1<hich the Committee respectfully submit the following: The Corrmlittee met at 8.00 P,M. December 12 in the Aurora Council Chambers. Councillors Buck and Trent were present. The letter asks "Are Prisioners in our care to be treated as hl..unanely as possible?" 11 If so uould Council consider instructing the Property Committee as follows: ~~-7~~--~~-·'"~~~<-Th""--"·~-----'---- 23rd. REGULAR 25 DECEMBEH 19, 1967 • POLICE COMMITTEE REPORT HE: POLICY A. Remove a pipe in the cells. The Committee have at one time observed this pipe. It is in the South \-lest corner of the cell about 10' off the floor. The Committee again would requ,,,·t that this pipe be removed immediately and. that the Clerk be instructed to see that this is done. B. Remove horizontal bars from door and improve locks on the door. The Committee recommend that the Property Committee investigate and include in their budget the necessary monies to do the necessary alterations. C. Install three cell b';_ocks, toilets and drinking fountain. The Committee feel the Property Committee .~houlcl find out when the old post office building might become available. Also whether there -,rill be room for acconm!Odation of Prieioners on those premises. Also the Property Committee should include the possible" cost of the above installations as recommended~ in thEiir -budget ~?F 1963. i/ D. Foa..rn rubber coverings for :the cots for ?.risvners to sleep on. The Committee cannot support this recommendation. Though it would be more confortable for the Prisoners; it is our understanding that Prisoners on occasion become quite destructive and would not hesitate to destroy the mat+ • •· :c:s. E. Install closed circuit television: The COl'lll'littee vould recommend that the Clerk be instructed to contact several companies in this Business and obtain approximate prices for Council's consideration. F. Paint the cells, have compressor shut clo>m when cell is occupied: The Committee would refer the painting of the cells to the Property Committee to be included in their budget, taking into account the availability of the old post office building. The Chief's letter also asked rather than the foregoing vould Council consider housing Prisoners in Ne1vmarket. The Conuni ttee referring to past experience feels it is mo;" desirc.ble to house our ovn prisoners. 2, The Comrnittee has discussed clause 2 and 4 of the Chief's letter. These clauses recommend that P.C. Don Lewis be promoted to the rank of Patrol Sgt. and that P. C. M. E. HcClenney be promoted to plain clothesman. The Connnittee are not aware of a rank known as "Plain Clothesman. 11 \ole assume the Chief of Police means Detective. It should be pointed out that it is within the Chief 1 s power to order an Officer to report for duty in plainclothes and that the Contract provides compensation for this kind of duty. :----· • .. _ .. .-: 2 3rd. REGULAR POLICE C 0~11-!ITTEE REPORT RE: POLICY CONT'D 3. 26 DECEMBER 19, 1967 The Committee wish to draw to Council's attention that should these recommendations of advancement be implemented, the Aurora Police Force ''ould be composed of 5 Officers and 6 Constables. Earlier this year the Council rejected the promotion of Officers for several reasons, one being that until the Ontario Police CommL·Jion set up some form of examination to test the recommended Officer's ability that no action be taken. AGREEidENT: The Chief asked for clarificr.tion of the Contract bet><een the Tmm of Aurora and the Police Association re A. "Does service pay include or not include past service ><ith another force? B. Is plainclothes allo<rance to be considered whilst a man attends Police Training in view of paragraph 18 of the Contract. It is the Police Conmi ttee 's opinion that Council takes the Police Contract too lightly. The Conmi ttee would like Lv recorrnnend the follo-r,fing A. In keeping with Council's Policy, that the Solicitor be instructed to dra>< up any Contract with the Association so that there are no loose ends or misinterpretations. B. That the Police Chief be instructed to attend the negotiations so that he <rill be better informed ><hen the final Contract is signed. C. As pointed out in (a) that no loose ends be left in a Contract, thi.s means that all conditions be spel t out. and nothing le":t as being understood. Such as happened in regards to a claim for car mil<·''c?;e t.o attend Aylmer or the previously mentioned questions. It is the Committee's understanding· that time spent in the employ of the To'iTn of Aurora and not for time spent with any previous force. that Service pay is first agreed upon by length of Employment It is also understood by the Committee for that period from <rhen this item <ras a previous Council emd not for the full by the To'iTn of Aurora. D. It is the Police Committee's understanding that this paragraph <ras to compensate Officers ><hen they ><ere instructed to report for duty. It is further felt by the Committee that the Officers could report to classes in their uniforms rather than their civilian clothes. He the Committee recommend that the Clerk be instructed to contact the Police Chief and point out that Council, if Council deciiles, do not compensate for Civilian clothing <rhile Officers attend school. ., 2 3rd. REGULAR POLICE COMMITTEE REPORT RE: POLICY CONT'D 27 DECEMBER 19, 1967 Paragraph 18 1<as meant to supply sunning shoes, gym suits and associated equipment necessary for the course, if required. The Committee recorJmend that a letter from the Clerk to the Police Chief be draughted setting out all Council's decisions in the foregoing matters. ITEM 1 ITEH 2 ITEM 3 A B c I'rEi'! 4 TRENT: BUCK: ILLINGVIORTH: "Resolved that Ibc:m 1, sections· TRENT: A to F ~ be referred to the Property Committee. CARRIED CARHIED CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED "Resolved. that the Police Committee report, dated December 18, 1967 re: Letter from the Police Chief dated December l, 1967, and re Policy and interpretation of Contract, be accepted as amended." CARRIED MURRAY: "Resolved that since it is now l. 05A.M., HILLIAi'lSON: that the meeting be. adjourned." DEFEAJED P HOPERTY C0)11JHTTEE Councillor Corbett presented a report of the Property C orami ttee in vhich the Conm1i ttee respectfully submit the following: SElvAGE THEAT11ENT PLANT ~'he nev extension to our present facilities is well under 1<ay und. progressing quite favourably. The current operational costs to November 30th. 1967 are running close to budget and should show a year end result within our estimates. Chemicals and chlorine, pm-rer and wages are the largest single expenditure items incurred. Repairs to pumps and related equipment during 1967 is nominal and down considerably over past years. r~·-~"' '~ 23rd. REGULAR SEWAGE TREATME!lT PLANT CONT'D -----------~-------~--------------------- 28 DECEMBER 19, 1967 During the past ten years the total cost of operation has risen only some $10,000.00; the increase in labour accounts for this increase while material and power costs have remained · quite stable. Se,,rer expense indicates it ;rill be over at the year end because of numerous sewer breaks that are costly to repair. UPKEEP OF TOHN PROPERTY - These expenditures are well Yri thin budget estimates. 0 utfitting the traffic court, repairs town buildings, supplies and 1<ages are the major expense items. FIRE COMMITTEE FIRE RA'TES CORBETT: DAVIS,C: "Resolved that in accordance with By-Lm< Number 1757-67, being a construction By-law to authorize the conversion of the existing 1.0 MGD. contact stablization activated .sludge plan;t, 'l'he Hayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the Agreement, dated November 28, 1967, between Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation and the Corporation of the Tmm of Aurora for the financing of the portion of the total project under part VI B of the National Housing Act under Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation File Number 525-STP-5. CAR'HIED Councillor Buck presented a verbal report that the Fire Committee met with the Committees from King and 1·fui tchurch Tovmships to discuss the ne1-r proposed fire rates. The Committees of King and Hhitchurch had to report back to their Councils. The Committee from King had informed them that possibly King Township may form its mm Fire Department. SERVICES COMMITTEE HELFARE Councillor Miller presented a report of the Services Committee in which the Committee respectfully submit the following: The approximate total cost of Welfare issued by the Town of Aurora for the year 1967 will be $44,200.00 and an approximate cost of $13,300.00 to the Town. There was a monthly average of 25 cases of General Assistance, and a monthly average of 3 cases of Supplementary Aid. 23rd. REGULAR· WELFARE CONT'D ,__. 29• -DECEMBER 19, 1967 The General Welfare Act 1967 and Regulations became effective on September 1, 1967 and there were several changes made under the new Act which affected the costs of welfare to the Town arid to the Province of Ontario. 1. Chargebacks to other municipalities were abolished except for Nursing Home Care recipients. The chart on the monthly cases shows an increase in the number of recipients of Nursing Home Care from one case in each of the months from February to September and six cases in October. Under the new Regulations, a nursing home may bill the Municipality responsible for the patient directly instead of charging the municipality in which the nursing home is located and that municipality then charging the costs back to the municipality responsible and most of the nursing homes started doing this as of October 1, resulting in the above increase in direct cases. There are still two cases that are being charged back to Aurora. 2. The montly pre-added budget for General .Sssistance was increased under the new Act by as much as 38 per cent in some cases and an average increase of approximately 30 per cent above the rates in the 1965 RegUlations. 3. A new category was added in the 1967 Regulations, "Special Assistance", for the provision of drugs, travel and transport- ation, funerals and burials, dental services, optical services, prosthetic appliances including eye-glasses, vocational training and retraining. WELFARE ISSUED JANUARY 1st. TO NOVEMBER 30, 1967 Cost to Aurora $12,083.95 Recoverable from Province of Ontario . $ 26 ,625 .12 Recoverable from Other Municipalities $ 1,308.77 Total Costs Recoverable Total lofelfa!'e Issued 27,933.89 $40,017.84 ....... -- ·-~-.-=....,..r-=-~·· --~ ~--------~·~------~k-----------~-~-~-- 23rd. REGULAR GARBAGE SERVICE were: 30 DECEMBER 19, 1967 As at November 30th. 1967 the revenues and expenditures Revenue Expenditures $32,706.57 $29,175.00 It is er'-t;ima-ted that as at December 3: t. 1967 revenues will equal $35,706.00 and expenditures $33,387.00. This >fill leave a surplus of $2,319.00 less a small amount charged for administration expenses. Early in 1968 when final figures are known it will be possible to prepare an accurate forecast for that year. MILLER: BUCK: "Resolved that the report of the Services Committee be accepted.~ ILLINGltiORTH: ANENIJIIIENT: "'.Chat the report be tabled and DAVIS ,w: copies be circulated to members of Council. 11 MILLER: BUCK: CARRIED "Resolved that a gift voucher of $10. 00 be given to each family and $5.00 gift voucher to each single person receiving Welfare Assistance in the Town of Aurora, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. 11 CARRIED UNFINISHED BUSINESS BY-LAWS BY ... LAW # 1760 ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that the two items of unfinished Ml.--'.,: business listed on the agenda be deferred until a later meeting. " MI LLEH: BUCK: CARRIED "That leave be given to introduce a B0c-law to authorize the issue of a debenture in the principal amount of $957,000.00 for public school purpose and that the same be now read a fi t time. 11 CARRIED ····~. \:: r·~~~ 23rd. REGULAR BY-LAW # 1760 CONT'D BY-LAW # 1765 DAVIS,W: TRENT: 31 DECEMBER 19, 1967 "That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a Committee of the lfuole for that purpose." CARRIED WILLIAMSON: "That the second reading be taken as read." DAVIS,C: CORBETT: ILLINGHORTH: CARRIED "That the B:T-law n01r before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-lav No. 1468 be suspended for that purpr " CARRIED 1VILLIAMSON: "That the third reading be taken as read." ILLINGVIORTH: MILLER: BUCK: TRENT: DAVIS,W: CARRIED "That leave be given to introduce a By-law to authorize the borro;ring of $4 ., 092. 54 from Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation and to provide repayment thereof and that the same be now read a first time." CARRIED "That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole for that purpose.,. CARRIED MURRAY: "That the second reading be taken as read." ILLINGWORTH: ILLINGWORTH: CORBETT: CARRIED "That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 68 of By-lavr No 1468 be suspended for that purpose." CARRIED DAVIS,·,/: "That the third reading be taken as read." WILLIAMSON: CARRIED \__ 2 3rd. REGULAR BY-LAW # 1767 BY-LAW # 1764 !<liLLER: BUCK: 32 DECEMBER 19, 1967 "That leave be given to introduce a By-law ·to a.nmmd number 1611~-64 being a by-la>r to authorize participation in the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System and that the same be no1>r read a first time. CARRIED ~IILLIAMSON: That the By-la>r no>r before the Council be read TRENT: a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a com.>ni ttee of the >Thole for that purpose." TRENT: CORBETT: ILLING~IORTH: CORBETT: CARRIED "That the second reading be taken as read." CARRIED That the By-la>r no>r before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law No. 1468 be suspended for that purpose." CARRIED WILLIAJ'.1SON: That the third reading be talcen as read." TRENT: ~-1ILLER: BUCK: TRENT: DAVIS,W: DAVIS,.C: TRENT: CARRIED "'rhat leave be given to introduce a By-la>r to appoint a Trustee to the Aurora and District High School Board and that the sa>ne be now read a first time." CARRIED That the By-lmr now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a committee of the >Thole for that purpose. CARRIED That the name of J'.1r. E. J. Eveleigh be inserted into into the blank space. CARRIED WILLIAMSON: That the second read 1.:::;g be taken as read. DAVIS,W: CARRIED c· L_ ·~,,-~· I I \_; 23rd. REGULAR BY-LAW # 1764 CONT'D BY-LAW # 1759 TAX C ,. ~JFJ~RENCE --------~----------·--------- ILLINGHORTH: MURRAY: 33 DECEMBER 19, 1967 That the By-la" no;r before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-la<r No. 1468 be suspended for that purpose. CARRIED HILL:·· :~·!SON,: That the third reading be taken as read. DAVIS,W: MII,LER: BUCK: TRENT: DAVIS,.H: CARRIED 11 \\'hereas on November 13, 1967 Councillor Illin~orth moved and Reeve Murray seconded that By-lmr No. 1'759, t\) fix the charges for se<rer and water connections, be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a committee of the "hole for that purpose; And "here as on December 4, 1967 Council agreed to delete the clause cor· rning the cost of replacement services; Therefore be it resolved that this By-law be furthe>r considered in committee of the whole." CARRIED That the By-law no" before the Council be read a third time. CARRIED HILLIAMSON: 'rhat the third reading be taken as read. DAVIS ,\'1: TRENT: ILLINGHORTH: MURRAY: CARRIED 11 Whereas a special ':ax Conference~ jointly :8pon«o·re.d by Canadian Tax Foundation and Bureau o!· Municipal Research, is held at the Rc. ~1 York Hotel, in Toronto from January 12th. to -,nuary 13th. 1968 and whereas there appears to be subject matter to be disucssed, of general interest to the members of the Aurora Council. Therefore be it resolved that any members of the Aurora Council <rho wish to attend, the Clerk ar the Deputy Clerk and Treasurer be authorized to attend and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED "Resolved that the meeting be adjourned (TI!C: l :57 A.M.) CARRIED '-~~-_z MAYOR ~ ~~4----