MINUTES - Council - 19671106I ' j MINUTES OF THE 20th. REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1967 at 8.00 P.M. PRESENT MAYOR DEPUTY REEVE COUNCILLORS CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES CORRESPONDENCE SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT ANNEXATION OF PART OF WHITCHURCH CANINE CONTROL ····~-········ -'····~·· ··-·---· C. F. DAVIS J. WILLIAMSON BUCK, CORBETT, DAVIS , ILLINGWORTH, '1ILLER & TRENT WILLIAMSON: TRENT: "Resolved that the minutes of October 16th 2nd, 12th, 23rd. and 30th. be adopted as printed and circulated.~ CARRIED Formal Board Order from the Ontario Municipal Board for the approval of the conversion of the existing sewage treatment plant. DAVIS,W: WILLIAI'1SON : "Resolved that the Onj{ario Municipal Board's Order be rece'i ved and filed. CARRIED Formal Board Order from the Ontario Municipal Board for the approval of the annexation of part of 1-lhitchurch Township. ILLING\-IORTH: WILLIAMSON: "Resolved that the Ontario Municipal Board's Order be received and filed. CARRIED ~1£ A letter from Mr. T. Hughes of the Ontario Humane Society advising the Council that arrangements have been made to commence patrolling the Town of Aurora, effective November 1st. 1967. A uniformed Animal Warden will commence duties on that date using a vehicle marked in such a way that the public will recognize its t:unction. ILLINGI<IORTH: MILLER: "Resolved that the letter be received and filed and that an advertisement be placed in the local newspaper in regards to this service and the telephone number to call. CARRIED ~~ I i ' ' I ·j ·1 I i ·~--~-"" ..._._,_.;., '--' 20th, REGULAR TOWN BAND HISTORIC RAIL\>TAY MUSEUM CIVITAN CLUB DAY CARE CENTRE cjO~~~~~-' 2 NOVEMBER 6 , 1967 A letter from the Aurora Recreation Committee recommending to the Town Council that the financial support to the present Aurora Town Band be withdrawn for 1968. ILLINGHORTH: BUCK: "Resolved that the letter from the Aurora Recreation Committee be held in obeyance until the Finance Committee meets with the Recreation Committee and the Mayor is to call the meeting. · CARRIED A letter from the Ontario Municipal Board advising the Council that there is no transcript of the hearing available since the proceedings were not recorded. ILLINmTORTH: TRENT: "Resolved that a letter be sent to the O.M.B. requesting copies of the notes that may have been taken. " CARRIED A letter from Mr. H.G. Angevine of the Aurora Civitan Club advising the Council that the Civitan Club of Aurora is offering Christmas cakes to the public to help the Club carry on their community work. WILLIAHSON: DAVIS,W: "Resolved that the letter be received and filed." CARRIED .A letter from the Canadian Mental Health Association offering the support of the Association for the establishment of a day care centre. BUCK: DAVIS ,1-T: "Resolved that copies of this letter be forwarded to the Services Committee." CARRIED I --~-~"~-~--~~ --~~--------~---~--~-~----~-~ ~--~--~--------------------- ~---------·· • 2 Oth. REGULAR 3 NOVEMBER 6, 1967 REPORTS FINANCE COMMITTEE Members Mayor Davis and Deputy Reeve Williamson met on Hednesday, October 25, 1967 and discussed several items. The Committee Recommends: l. 2 • 3 • The enlargement of our present electronic data processing system for the year 1968 to include budget appropriations and balance available, the present E.D.P. cost average ~90.00 per month; The enlargement cost is estimated to increase the monthly charge to $160.00. The additional information could be arranged on a quarterly basis only. Presentation of accounts to Council for payment; revert to previous system, whereby each Committee Chairman has attached to his motion the pertinent invoices and purchase orders pertaining thereto. The System was altered in 1965 to assist in the Computer Accounting Change over; this is no longer a requisite. That a request be made of the Bell Telephone Company to prepare a proposal to install a Switchboard; This proposal for Council's perusal. The present monthly telephone accounts now appear to warrant this investigation. Item l. Item 2. Item 3. DAVIS,C: WILTJIAMSON: AGREED AGREED AGREED "Resolved that the report of the Finar -·.c Committee dated November 1, 1967, re Several Items be accepted, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto." CARRIED .PLANNING COMMITTEE Deputy Reeve Williamson presented a verbal report that the excavating has b~started for the A. & P. store at the corner of Aurora Heights Drive and Yonge Street. Also, many of the buil<Iings between Yonge Street and Machell Ave. have been o.emolished for the new IGA. store and the present store will be used for storage. Members of the Planning Committee, Deputy Reeve Hilliamson and Councillor Davis together with A. E. Jubb Building Inspector and ,J.D. Reid, Town Engineer, met on 1hursday November 2, 1967 at 7. 00 P.M. to discuss Several Items. 1 • Request of Hr. A. Herkur for an easement over the Billing' :LVI ell property to provide an entrance to the proposed Theatre. l!!r. J.D. Reid,estimates ~:hat it -will cost $12,000.00 to construct the road, enclose the Creek Building and to protect' the "ell. ~·----·-~·~· ! ~....:-- i I ·---~.·~-~~-------·--A-~---~-~~-~~~- 2 Oth REGULAR 4 NOVEMBER 6, 1967 PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT CO~~'D The Committee recommends that an easement be granted to Mr. Merkur Contingent on his completing the. required work and also that he undertakes definite construction of the Theatre and that e·ither Mr. Merkur pays the $12,000.00 and we do the work or he does the work to Town Standards in which case J.D. Reid is to supply the typed specifications. 2. Proposed Apartments at the South Corner of the Craddock Farm. The apartments would be at the rear of the houses on Mark Street. A small pumping station would have to be built at the Owner's expense and the owner 1vould be responsible to look after the Pumping Station. The agreement must also include the provision for local improvement charges on. an. area base s for future services and the PumpinR: Station would be done avTay with a.t that time. Provisions must also be made for the future extension of Spruce St. North and therefore the projected extension road allovrance must be left clear of any buildings , etc . The Committee recommends that a Policy be adopted to prohibit any further Building in this low lying area until services are installed and made available. 3. J.D. Reid 1 s report on Phase 2 of Sunny brook Subdivision «as discussed. (a) The lots that are undersize would have to be approved by the Committee of Adjustment before being built on. (b) The Committee agrees with J.D. Reid's recommendations for the soddfng from the street line to the curbs. (c) The CoJ!l.m.i ttee feels that the decision on >rhether or not to insist on paved drive>ra:vs is up to the Council. (d) The Committee is satisfied with. the design of the Storm Sewers. (e) The Committee recommends that the Town's Solicitor prepare an agreement with 1fhite Strip Construction provided that the Council approved J. D. Reid's report. 4. PHASE 2 of GOLF GLEN SUBDIVISION The plans for this subdivision are being held up until a decision is reached on the Parkland and the school site. Under the Subdivision control By-law, 2.1 Acres for Parkland is required and the amount shown on the plans is not enough. ,_.---L~-~ =---·-· ~ ' ... _ ... 20th. REGULAR 5 NOVEMBER 6, 1967 PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT CONT'D ITEM l ITEM 2 ITEM 3 ITEM 4 Councillor Davis brought to Council's attention that this will be a mutual entrance with the small plaza on Yonge Street and Mr. Merkur is agreeable to this. ALL AGREED TRENT: "Resolved that item 2 be deferred for a special ILLINGI<ORTH: meeting to discuas this further." CARRIED (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) AGREED AGREED AGREED AGREED AGREED JIDD "AS Jl.1'1ENDED" WILLIAMSOU: DAVIS,W: "Resolved that the report of the Planning Committee, dated Nove~ber 6, 1967, be accepted, as amended." CMRIED COMMU}liTY. CENTRE BOARD DEPUTY REEVE WILLIAMSON PRESENTED THE REPORT REVE~TUE Commenced operation in March of 1967 and the months of March and April reflected substantial recejpts due to the play off series. Canteen Sales have he1d un well and the auditorium has been rented five days a week for Magistrates Court. EXPENSES (l) Wages of the Acting Manager and Maintenance staff were charged from January lst. 1967 although no off setting revenue was obtained till March. Maintenance w·ages have resulted in the largest single item of expenses to October 31st. This was due to many hours of over- time occasioned and this matter has recently been resolved by changing maintenance employees from an hourly rate to an annual salary. To commence the operation of an entity requires extraneous expenses in the outset that should be non-recurring. The insurance premium of $6,208.49 due in March is an annual premi1un and only 8/l2ths; should be reflected at the end of October. Therefore the deficit shown at October 31, 1967 of $8,493.54 may be reflected as: ,-~-~---~~~----~-~-· ~-----~.-~~ -------~~--·--~ <~-~-i 2oth. REGULAR 6 C OMMUNITY CENTRE COMPLEX REPORT CONT 'D 8/12ths. Insurance Premium -balance Capital Items -Meter Installationa -Hydro Service conversion Net Deficit October 31, 1967 = $4,1~30.56 $2,069.85 335.00 1,658.13 $4,062.98 NOVEMBER 6, 1967 It has been suggested that the year end of the Centre be April 3Oth. as :pposed to December 31st. in order that a full year's experience may be reflected in the financial report. However, the laws of the Province provide that the municipality and all local boards must operate on a calendar year basis. As of November 1st. 1967 the Books of Accounts were revised to out- line more detail and specific distributions of Revenue and Enpenditure. Any item not possible to distribute on a usage basis will be proportioned on a square foot basis. This will allow a legitimate cost factcr involved in the operation of canteen, auditorium, and Arena area itself. Once a cost per hour has been established, the net profit and loss of each individual operation will be readily ascertainable. ASSETS AURORA CO~~liTY CE~~RE COMPLEX AS OF OCTOBER 31. 1967 BANK CASH ON HAND ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ffi9,720.36 300.00 2,085.00 $12,105.36 LIABILITIES ACCOU~~S PAYABLE DUE TO TOW?! :1i2,209.37 18,389.53 $20,598.90 DEFICIT $8,493.54 1o/ILLIAMSON: " Resol veo. that the Financial Report ILLINGWORTH: of the Community Centre, be discussed and accepted. Y CARRIED Mayor Davis reported that a meeting of the new Community Centre Board will be held on Thursday, November 9, 1967. ~--· I "·~-_j ·------------------------~---- 2 Oth. REGULAR 7 NOVEiffiER 6, 1967 WORKS COMMIT'l'EE COUNCILLOR DAVIS PRESENTED THE REPORT SEWER A!lil WATER CONNECTION CHARGES A study has been made of the average cost of installing sewer and water service connections to the property lines in several parts of the Tovm. It is the Coruaittee's recommendation that the rate to be charged for s ervi ,ce connections should be: Standard \-later Service .$140. 00 Standard Sm·rer Connection $140.00 Both Services Together $250.00 Oversize services would be charged at the actue.l cost of installation, with the minimum rate being $140.00 for a water connection and $140.00 for a s ewer connection. RepJ.acement services would be charged at the same rate as for new services. DAVIS,~/: ILL:::FGWORTH: "Resolved that the report of the Horks Committee dated November 6, 1967 re: Sewer and 1>/ater Connection charges be approved and that the necessaY:y amending By-law be prepared." CARRIED LIAISON COMMITTi<cE COUNCILLOR ILLINGWORTH PRESENTED THE REPORT POLICY RE SUBSIDY OF FURTHER EDUCATION FOR TO~ EMPLOYEES In accordance with Council's minutes of 18, September 1967 in which a report of the Police Committee regarding the encouragement of further education for Town Employees was forwarded to the Liaison Committee for study. The Liaison Committee met on Thursday 2, November 1967 at 7.30 P.M. all Members in attendance. Your Committee feels that while every effort should be made to encourage Town Employees to further their education the interest and action should be initiated by the Employee; There are so many courses available, all of which might be of benefit to the Employee, but only a selected few might be of benefit to the Employee's Department of the Town. Rather than set a firm policy at this time your Coramittee is of the opinion that course of study should be considered on an individual basis until more knowledge is available, as to the number of Employees that may participate and the types of educational courses in vrhich they are interested. Therefore Your Committee recommends the follmring: -----------------~-~--· -~· ~---:.==>=~-~~-' -----~--~~----~~--~~~~ '····--·-- 2Oth. REGULAR 8 NOVEI'ffiER 6 , 1967 LIAISON COMMITTEE REPORT CONT'D 1. 2. 3 • 4. A Policy to subsidize further education for Te>m Employees is premature at this time. Town Employees who plan to attend a Training Course is to submit the details of such course. through his D.epartment Head to respective Committee for consideration prior to 1 September yearly. On receipt of such application, Department Head and Committee 1fill consider Course as to suitability and forward with their recommendation to the Liaison Committee. The Liaison Conrrnittee to review all applications and submit . recommendations to Council for Approval. ILLINGHORTH: DAVIS,W: "Resolved that the Report of the Liaison Com.>ni ttee dated l'fovember 6 .· 1967, re Policy re Subsidy of Further Education for Town Employees, be accepted." CARRIED PARKS COMMITTEE COUNCILLOR ILLINGWORTH PRESENTED THE REPORT SEVERAL ITEMS A Parks Committee Meeting 1-ras scheduled for 8.00 P.M. on Thursday, 2 November, 1967 and notice of meeting mailed to all concerned. The Parks Chairman, Parks Foreman and Hrs. Joan Buchanan of the Recreation Committee 1fere in attendance. The following i terns '>ere discussed. 1. SLEIGH RIDES IN FLUERY PARK ~n oraer co encourage family use of the Perks during the winter, it has been proposed that horse drawn sleigh rides be arranged for Sunday Afternoons in Fluery Park. similar to those carried out in Pioneer Village, where 1000 -1200 people participate. Two teams of horses and sleigh are available and although no firm financial arrangements have been discussed, it is understood that a flat rate is most desireable. As the 01fner of the teams does not carry public liability insurance, this item would have to be considered. It is proposed that the sleigh load at the Community Centre and travel down the east side of the Park along the southern boundary and back up the ,;est side, taking advantage of the various bends, and it is estimated the trip would be approximately one mile. On approval in principle by Council, it is recommended that represent- atives of the Recreation Committee, Parks Committee and Community Centre Board meet to discuss the proposal in detail. I I ·--~w"--"~"-b<"""-="-·-·-· ,·~~......;...·-· -·---~~-~~~-~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~ -· --------------·-----·-··---------------- 2 Oth REGULAR 9 NOVEMBER 6, 1967 PARKS COMMITTEE REPORT CO~TT'D 2. RINK IN TO\®f PARK Minutes of Council's meeting of 5 September 1967 include an amendment t:· a ·parks Committee report that two outdoor rinks to be considered in each area, one for hockey and one for pleasure skating and that the possibility of hiring school crossing guards be considered for supervision purposes. In view of the action taken in North York and other municipalities where the maintenance of out door rinks have been discontinued because of the expense that the subject of out door rinks in Aurora be re-considered. It is proposed that only one out door rink be considered for Aurora and that it be located in the Town Park, with coloured lights, a change house a canteen, bonfires etc. which will encourage family participation. It is felt that it will be moreadvanteous to have one good rink than several poor rinks. Hhile costs figures are not available, i.t is estimated that an out- door rink costs approximately $1,000.00 each for maintenance cost, labour etc. -.:~ :o:''cy E~ix rinks the co.st will be n.pproximr~tely $6,000.00 plu-s supervision c·: -~~rt It is recommended that the Parks Committee maintain and operate one rink in the Town Park for family participation and that a letter be written to the various service clubs requesting their participation in equipping a portable chan~>;e house and canteen. It is also recommended that a letter be written to the Fire Chief requesting permission to light a bonfire in the park whenever a sufficient number of people are present. 3 • CARNIVAL NIGHT IN TOWN PARK In order to encourage family and community participation, similar to that carried out during Centennial Year, it is nroposed that a 1-linter Carnia:al be staged in the Town Park on Saturday, 6 January or Sunday 7, January 1968. During the Christmas vacation, it i~ proposed that the various schools and other organiza~ions, or sections of the Co~munity Sculpture out of snow in the Town Park and that a prize be given for the best snow sculpture. It is also that a sno>r Q.ueen be selected for the carnival. With the cG-Bperation of York Sanitation and the Fire Department, it is proposed that all Christmas trees be collected and deposited in the Tmm Park for a moaster bon-fire to conclude the Carnival. It is understood that "A" Squadron of the Queens York Rangers could provide field kitchens for hot chocolate and hot d.ogs. On approval in principle by Council it is recommended that this project be turned over to the Centennial Committee for co-ordination as a 1-Tind-up to our Centennial Year. . ---·~ ~--~=~-~""'""~..-....,.~·-""' '"'" --------~----------- 20th. REGULAR 10 NOVEMBER 6, 1967 PARKS COMMITTEE REPORT CONT'D 4. SKI SCHOOL -FLUF~Y PARK It is recommended that a ski-school be conducted by the Recreation Committee every Saturday in Fluery Park and the tobaggan slide be reserved for this purpose for t;ro hours. After the departure of Mrs. Buchanan, the following items were discussed. 5. LETTERS OF TFJ\NKS It is recommended that a letter of: thanks be written to Mr. Jack Hoods and Doctor A.ltl. Boland on behalf of the Parks Committee for donating approximately 200 trees for the Parks and Nemorial Park. 6 . m:;,, OF SNOHMOBILES A Town By-la1v prohibits the use of mechanized vehicles in Town Park and it is recommended that this include sn01vmobiles, During the latter part of the Last winter it was noted that snowmobiles were being operated in a dangerous manner, especially as it pertained to children playing in the area. It is recommended that signs be posted in all parks and the Police Department be advised, and that an advertis ment of the By-law be published in the local press. It is further recommended that until such time as a firm decision is made regarding the Petroveny property, that it be set aside for snowmobiles. IDperators be advised that the Holland Valley Conservation Authority allows snomnobiles to use the Bradford Park area for $1.00 per day. 7. AREA ALONG CREEK BANKS The area along the creek banks within the T01m, although not a part of the Parks system is causing concern. The area on the east side of Edward Street_ betlieen Cousins and Royal road., is of special concern because of its untidy and unsanitary condition. It is recommended that a check be made as to the ownership of this and other areas bordering on the creek so that corrective action may be taken. 8. SHIMMING POOL PARK It is recommended that a meeting of the Parks Committee and the School Board be convened to descuss and make recommendations as to an a~reement for the development of the Swimming Pool Park area. Minutes of Council of 31 July, 1967 referred to the Plannin~; Committee a letter from Mrs. C. Taylor re property on Kennedy Street. It is requested that the Planning Committee submit their report as soon as possible. ~~~-u~·-~~-~' 20th. REGULAR 11 NOVEMBER 6, 1967 PARKS COMMITTEE REPORT CONT'D 9. PARKS WORKSHOP On Saturday, 4 November the Parks Chairman and the Property Chairman met at the Parks workshop to discuss ways and means to use part of the Quanset for storage of parts for the conversion of the pollution control centre. It is reconnnended that the large pipes and motors belonging to the vlater or vlorks Department be moved to the Horks Department, so that the west side of the Quanset )lut can be used by the Engineer for the storage of equipment. ITFJ4 1 ITEM 2 ITEM 3 ITEM 4 ITEM 5 ITEM 6 ITEM 7 H'EM 8 ITEM 9 CARRIED The Parks Committee is to study.this clause further to see if provision can be made for the out-door rinks in the other parks. CARRIED CARRIED CARRP:D CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED AME1)J]) -DELETS the words " to the T·lorks Department" ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that the report of the Parks CommHtee, dated November 6, 1967, re Several Items, be discussed item by item and accepted. As Amended. TRENT: (MOTION) CARRIED POLICE COMMITTEE COUNCILLOR TRENT PRESENTED THE REPORT That the application of Robert Gritten, R. R. # 1, Lefroy, 0'1tario for a Cab Drivers License be approved. TRENT: WILLIAMSON: "Resolved that the report of the Police Committee, dated November 6, 1967 re Cab Driver's License for R.O. Gritten, R. R. # 1, Lefroy, Ontario, be accepted. CARRIED --~~~""~~-·-~='"'-~ ......... ~· ~~-~·~~--·--------------------- 20th. REGULAR 12 NOVEMBER 6, 1967 POLICE COMMITTEE l. Letter From Police Dispatchers Asking For Uniforms. The Committee received a request from the Police Dispatchers for a uniform composed of Blazer with Crest, Shirts, Skirts or Blouses. The Committee recommend that they be allm;ed to investigate this proposal a little further before they make their recommendations to Council. 2 . LETTER FROM THE SPINNING ~JHEEL. Upon recommendation by the Police Department the Committee agree 3 that the "No Parking" signs as placed on the West Side of Yonge Street be 1 eft in Place. The Committee would also like to point out that new Businesses in Town are required to provide parking with entrances and exits. It has also been brought to the attention of the Committee that the complaintant does not pay business tax. The Committee recommend that a letter be sant from this Council explaining that there have 1>een very few complaints and that due to increased traffic the "No Parking" Signs are necessary. CLAUSE 1 2 CARRIED CARRIED TRENT: BUCK: 11 Resol ved that the report of the Police Committee cl.ated October 25, 1967 re Various Items, be accepted. CARRIED UNFINISHED BUSI~TESS MUD ON SIDEWALK BROOKLAND DRIVE TRAFFIC LIGHTS YONGE AND AURORA HTS. Councillor Miller reported that there is still a problem with soil eroding off the lot on Brookland Drive, behind the Liquor Control Board, onto the sidewalks. MILLER: BUCK: ILLINGWORTH: TRENT: "Resolved that the Works Department be authorized to clean up the side"alk and boulevard "henever required and to bill the owners. CARRIED "Resolved that a letter be sent to the D.epartment of Transport that, due to the increase and anticipatea. increase in traffic from Aurora Heights Drive onto Yonge St. traffic lights be installed at the intersection of Aurora Heights Drive and Yonge St. CARRIED ·-·~-·~==-;·=··"'"~~~ = = ~---=---------------------~-----~ ----· i r · 1 •.•.. ' 2Oth. REGULAR HEAVY LOADS BOY SCOUTS RE: CLUB HOUSE COMMUNITY CENTRE PARKING LOT UNFINISHED BUSINESS 13 ILLINGWORTH: WILLIA.MSON: NOVEMBER 6, 1967 "Resolved that the Police Committee make a study of the effects of heavy loads, lugs and wheel studs on the roads in the To;m." CARRIED Councillor Illingworth requested that the Parks Corrunittee be authorized to meet with the building Connnittee of the 4th and 5th. Aurora Scout Troops to discuss further the possibile construction of a Scout Club House in the Park in Regency Acres. The To;m Council, in 1963 gave approval for the construction of this building. \1UoLIA.MSON: TRENT: ILLINGHORTH: 1-IILLIAMSON: "Resolved that the Town Superintendent be authorized to scarify the parking lot at the Corrununity Centre, remove the cement blocks, tile the parking lot and remark the parking spaces. CARRIED "Resolved that one special Council Meeting be set aside for unfinished business. CARRIED Councillor Trent gave Notice of Motion that he will bring in a resolution to set aside the proceeds from the sale of the Mill Street property for a park. GOLF GLEN HOMES BUCK: MILLER: "Resolved that the Buildinl': Inspector be instructed to inform the builder what is required to be repaired in order to bring the houses in Golf Glen up to the National Building Code and the BuilCing By-ls.I<S of the Tmm. CARRIED Mayor Davis reported that Hr. Gil Sheppard is leaving the Newmarket Era and he expressed the Best 1•!ishes of the Council, to 11r. Sheppard, on his nevr position. WILLIAMSON: ILLINGHORTH: TRENT: ~~-MA~~ . ' L <i "Resolved that a letter be sent to Mr. Sheppard expressing the Council's thanks for his pcfl t endeavours and coverage of the Towns civic affairs and vrishing him the best. CAR HIED "Resolv<=d that the meeting be adjourned. CAHRIED ~g, tJ.wL CL<:RK ("