MINUTES - Council - 19671204-,._ .ll!D!UTES OF THE 22nd. REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL, HELD IN THE COUNCIL l::HAMBERS ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1967 AT 8,00 P.M. PRESENT MAYOR REEVE DEPUTY REEVE COUNCILLORS CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES CORRESPONDENCE SE\~AGE TREATMENT PLANT CONVERSION CHERRY CONSTRUCTION OFFICIAL PLAN C. F. DAVIS D. J. MURRAY J. WILLIAMSON BUCK, CORBETT, DAVIS, ILLINGWORTH, MILLER AND TRENT WILLIAMSON: CORBETT: "Resolved that the minutes of November 6th, 13th. 20th, and 27th. be adopted as printed and circulated. CA.'lRIED A letter from Mr. A. Armstrong, of Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation confirming Government approval for a loan for the conversion of the Sewage Treatment Plant. CORBETT: MURRAY: "Resolved that the letter be received and filed. " CARRIED A letter from David Hill, Planning Board, stating that the proposed development by Cherry Construction Co. Ltd; (File Tl8502) is premature ana their reasons for reaching this decision. l.f!LLIAMSON: MURRAY: "Resolved that the letter be received and filed." CARRIED A letter from Mrs. P, lvait of the bepartment of Municipal Affairs informing the Council that the Minist.er approved the qfficial Plan for the Town of Aurora, with modifications •. ILLUTG).fORTH:. TRENT: "Resolved that this letter be tabled until the next regular meeting of CounciL 11 CARRIED ~;, ;;-~'·:, 2 2nd. REGULAR STREET LIGHTS EDWARD ST. o.w.R.c. AURORA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TORONTO & YORK ROADS COMMISSION -2-DECEMBER 4, 1967 A letter from Mr. H, Smallwood of the Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd. thanking the Town for the prompt attention to their request for street lights on Edward St. ILLINGWORTH: CORBETT: "Resolved that a copy of this letter be sent to the Aurora Hydro Electric Commitsion and the letter be received and filed, CARRIED A letter from Mr. G. A. Missingham of the Ontario •rater Resources Commission Re: the 15 inch by-pass from the Sanitary Sewer at Glass Drive and Holman Crescent." BUCK: MILLER: "Resolved that the letter be received and filed. " CARRIED Councillor Buck reported that to her knowledge there has not been any further problems >r.lth flooding in the area. A letter from A. ,T. Smalley of the Aurora Chamber of Commerce informing Council that one of their projects in 1968, that they· are contemplating is the preparation and printing of a descriptive folder for the Town of Aurora. They asked that the Council appoint a representative to meet with them at a later date. Reeve Murray reported that the Industrial Commission is aware of this project and that the Commission would like to help the Chamber of Commerce. Mayor Davis appointed the Finance Committee and the Industrial Commission to meet with the Aurora Chamber of Commerce. A letter from A. J. Rettie, of the Toronto & York Roads Commission acknowled.ging the letter from the To~m in regards to road names in the County of York and in particular Aurora Road (Wellington St.) BUCK: DAVIS,\~: "Resolved that the letter be received and filed." CARRIED ~--,_; 22nd. REGULAR TRAFFIC LIGHTS YONGE & AURORA HTS. DRIVE O.lv.R.C. lvATER SUPPLY :SNO\v REMOVAL COMMUNITY CENTRE -3-DECEMBER 4, 1967 A letter from Mr. M.S. Stevens, Ontario Department of Transport, re: the Town's request for traffic lights at the intersection of Aurora Heights Drive and Yonge St. The Department will make the study as soon as possible.'' BUCK: DAVIS,\i: HILLIAMSON : ILLINGHORTH: "Resolved that the letter be received and filed." AMENDMENT "And a copy is to be forwarded to the Police Committee. CA.RRIED A letter from Mr. G.A. Missingham, 0.\•T.R.C. provid.ing a brief interim report on their study of the Town's water supply and that a full report should be ready by February 1968. Reeve Murray reported that the Hater Committee had authorized J.D. Reid, Town Engineer, to make a pilot study and that a prelimimary report should be ready next week and to see how far Council would like him to proceed. To date, the O.W.R.C. has completed eleven tests on the water supply using different combinations of che~icals and methods and will probably be testing until Christmas. ILLING\.JORTH: HILLIAMSON: "Resolved that the letter be referred to the 1\fater Committee." CARRIED A letter from Mr. E. Bastson for the Community Centre Board enquiring as to the possibility of an arrangement for the \forks Department to clear the snow from the parking lot at the Community Centre, BUCK: TRENT: "Resolved that a copy of the letter be referred to the Horks Committee, and a report be submitted to· Council." CARRIJm L 2 2nd. REGULAR RESTRICTED ARFA BY-LAW YORK COUNTY HEALTH UNIT RAILWAY MUSEUM WHITE STRIP AGREEMENT -4-DECEMBER 4, 1967 A letter from Mr. T. McPherson in regards to the Restricted Area By-law for Block A, Golf Glen, and a meeting between the parties involved. ILLINGWORTH: DAVIS,W: "Resolved. that the recommendations of the Town Solicitor be accepted and that Mr. Dawson be req_uested to attend the meeting when it is called." CARRIED A letter from Mr. S.T. Rumble, York County Health Unit, that it is being considered to clese the Aurora Unit. ILLINGWORTH: WILLIAMSON: "Resolved that a committee of the Council meet with the York County Health Unit to discuss this matter." CARRIED A letter from Mr. Crean, The Centre of Science and Technology, enclosing a copy of a letter from Mr. Auld of the Department of Tourism and Information, to Mr. D.F. Cameron, Janus J'-luseum Consultants Ltd. ILLINGHORTH: HILLIAMSON: "Resolved that this letter be held for a later discussion and filed." CARRIED A letter from.Mr. R.E. Walker, Solicitor for White Strip Construction Co. Ltd. , that his clients have no control over Block "A" of Sunnybrook Subdivision. Mr. Walker, spoke on his letter that it is his under- standing that Verjam Development may look after Block ITA". - ILLINGWORTH: MURRAY: "Resolved that this Council take the required action to enter into an agree- ment >rith Hhite Strip Construction Co. Ltd. as per the Agreement dated August 29, 1967." CARRIED 2 2nd. REGULAR lVl!ITE STRIP Borm YORK COUNTY HOSPITAL ANNUAL REPORT AURORA ORCHARDS HOUSING SURVEY -5-DECEMBER 4, 1967 A letter from Mr. T. McPherson recol!'.mending a 100 :per cent bond from White Strip Construction Co. Ltd. for the above-ground services and a 50 per cent bond for the underground services. \fuite Strip Construction require a letter from the Town stating that a 50% Bond ($43,000.00) will be satisfactory. ILLINGI<ORTH ' MURRAY: "Resolved that the recommendations of the Town Solicitor be accepted." CARRIED A letter from Mr. Len Rosenberg reporting on his year's activities in association with York County Hospital as Secretary of the Board. Mayor Davis stated that he >fished to compliment Mr. Rosenberg on his report. WILLIAMSON: ILLINGivORTH: "Resolved that a copy of Mr. Rosenbergs report be given to the press and that he be re-appointed for next year." CARRIED A letter from Wimpey Homes Limited stating that they have recently purchased Aurora Orchards and requesting a meeting with Council or the appropriate Committee. ILLINGHORTH: CORBETT: "Resolved that a copy of the letter be sent to the Planning Board and that the Board arrange a meeting with the Developer as soon as :possible." CARRIED A letter from Miss N.J. Conquergood, of the Ontario Housing Corporation informing the Council that a report on the need and demand for rent-geared-to-income housing will be presented to Council on Monday, December 18, 1967. WILLIAHSON: MURRAY: "Resolved that the letter be received and filed and that this matter be :put on the agenda for Monday, December 18th. Council Heeting." CARRIED l!.-·:~ .J;, -·"0·- 22nd REGULAR ORSI APARTMENTS, CRADDOCK FARM POLICE -6-DECEMBER 4, 1967 A letter from Mr. Illtyd Harris, 32 Mark St. re the proposed development on the Craddock Farm and a memorandtun from Mr. Rod.ger, Clerk. ILLINGI-IORTH: BUCK: "Resolved that the letter be received and filed." CARRIED A report from Ti/illiam J. Langman, Chief of Police requesting a policy and repairs to the Police Cells; recommendations for particular staff promotions: and interpretations of t.m paragraphs of the Police Agree- ment with the Aurora Police Association. HILLIAMSON: BUCK: "Resolved that this report be referred to the Police Committee and that the Corr~ittee submit their recommendations to Council. 11 CARRIED A letter from Harry Jones, Fire Chief I would like to take this opportunity to thank all 11embers of the Town Council and Office Staff,. and all others who took part in making the Harry Jones Night, a night that my good \>life and I shall always remember. The beautiful chair >rill always be a constant reminder of the wonderful evening spent ;Tith you and all our friends. I have enjoyed T<orking with the Fire Department, and have always had very good co-operation from my Officers and men of the Fire Department. Also the Town geuei~s and Office Staff. CI.~'<"\C.I\ I :b..op,.. that my successor will receive the same Co-operation from his Council and members of the Fire Department. \Vishing you all the very best in the years to come. ILLING1?0RTH: CORBETT: HARRY JONES. "Resolved that Harrv Jones' letter of thanks be received ~nd filed." CARRIED -···--·.-..... _. ~ . -. ·•· ... -~ .. ··· ····--· --.. -- 22nd. REGULAR EASEMENT BILLINGS WELL PROPERTY -7-DECEMBER 4, 1967 u. • A memorandtm from J. D. Re1d Subject: South Shopping Plaza, Theatre Access. Mr. Merkur, the Owner ·of the above noted Plaza has requested access through the Billings Well property to accommodate rear service to a proposed theatre. The following comments are made with a view to assisting the Planning Committee in forming a decision on this matter. 1. The Billings Well property (66 feet by 165 feet) is in need of upgrading for appearances sake at least. 2. A 25 foot easement consisting of the most northerly 25 feet parallel to the north property line would satisfy Mr. Merkur's requirements. 3. To construct the roadway including pavement and fill complete with sodding and a 30 inch diameter storm sewer to enclose the drainage course here would cost approximately $12,000. 00. 4. The above construction and vehicular access will not affect the continued use of the wells. 5. To grant a 25 foot easement <rould affect the value of the property should the ~<ells be abandoned and this property become saleable. Recommendations: That the easement be .o:ranted sub,ject to improvements and road construction in the amount of :li12,000.00 all to Town standards. This easement be contingent upon the construction of a theatre as decribed by Mr. 11erkur. WILLI/.MSO!I: BUCK: "Resolved that we accept the recommendations of the To~<n Engineer and that the Town Solicitor be directed to draw up an agreement with Mr. Merkur for the easeme.nt and that Minutes of Council dealing with the Planning Committee Report also be given to the Solicitor. 11 en/(. a ""::> . 2 2nd. REGULAR \·IATERWORKS BY-LAW 1759 BAN CORA DEVELOPMENT LIMITED -8- A memorandum from J. D. Reid Subject: \vaterworl's By-law lfl 759 DECEMBER 4, 1967 Clause 3 of the above noted By-Law deals with the replacement of water and se1<er connections. It is our understanding that any repairs or maintenance of existing sewer and vrater connections to the property line are the responsibility of the Municipality and other than flagrant mis-use there is no charge to the property o;mer for normal maintenance. It would follo;r then if replacement of a sanitary or 1mter service connection 1-1as necessary that there vrould be no charge to the property 01mer pro.;i.ding it 1<as not an enlargement of an existing water or sewer connection. Any application for an increase in size would be interpreted as a new servic·2. A particular condition that does arise occasionally on water services is 1·rhere a property mmer is experiencing low pressure due to a galvanized service and we 1-rould recommend replacement of the existing galvanized service at no charge providing the property owner undertakes to replace any galvanized pipe on his property that 1muld. be contributing to the low pressure. Generally we feel that Clr.use 3 should be deleted from the By-la;r and that the work superintendent should be instructed to conform with a policy consistent ,,rith the above. ILLINmiORTH: WILLIAMSON: "Resolved that vre accept the recommendations of the Town Engineer and delete clause 3 of the By-Law." CARRIED ,.. I.\ • A memoran<J.an from J, D. Reld Subject: Proposed Shopping Centre. Bancora Development Ltd. General Servicing Requirements We have examined the proposed servicing plans for the above noted project with a vim< to co-relating the future servicing of north Yonge Street ;rith the proposed plan in in order to avoid duplicating services for the north area as a whole. SAl'liTARV SEifflRS : ---· The proposed. sanitary se1<ers consist of a gravity se1ver follo;ring the to1< of the hill on the Aurora Orchards property traversing Aurora Heights park and directly to the 2 2nd. REGULAR BAN CORA DEVELOPMENT CONT'T -9-DECEMBER 4, 1967. p1mping station located at the sewage treatment plant. This venture in our opinion could be undertaken with the follm-ring conditions applied for future: servicing of the north area of Yonge Street. (a) A pumping station would be required near the intersection of Orchard Bbrd. and Yonge St. (b) A gravity se,.rer includine connections on Yonge St. north and south of th2 pumping station. (c) A force main from the pumping station along Orchard Blvd. discharging into the proposed gravity sewElr here. He do not wish to convey thflt this scheme is the best arrangement for servicing the north Yonge St. properties but it is a reasonable solution considering the urgency for approvals of this shopping centre. Likely the sizes of the gavi ty sewer shmm will have to be increased to accomodate the extra area to be serviced. May 1re suggest approval sub,i ect to final plans being prepared for the 1;hole of the area. It would appear that the best method of underta_king the 1mrk on Yonge St. would be in con,juction with the connecting link road improvements. WATER SERVICES: An 8" ;ratermain should be constructed from Yonf'e St. along Orchard Blvd. to the rear limit of the shopping centre area. The water ;rould be metered at one point with rates established to include fire protection services. STORM SEHERS : The Storm Sewers sho1m on the plans are adequate. VEHICULAR ACCESS: The .Plaza parldnp; area would be serviceS. with an access from Orchard Blvd. road allowance plus one additional access off Yonge St. ROADS: Complete development of Orchards Blvd. abutting the property. The 1vork would inclucle curb, gutter, side;-ralk, asphalt surface including storm sewers. ., r 22nd. REGULAR BANCORA DEVELOPMENT CONT'D QUEEN'S YORK RANGERS 'BLOCK A' SUNJI!YBROOK ,..... B Y-LAT>JS 171>8-67 WHITE STRIP AGREEMENT -10-DECEMBER 4, 1967 The problem of eliminating the 2 small bridges on north Yonge St. and the diversion of the creek is an integral part of this planning arrangement and it would be our intent to report separately on this item. TRENT: ILLINGVIORTH : "Resolved that this report be referred to the Planning Committee for a report for the next regular meeting of Council." CARRIED A letter from Major C ,T'f. Bridgeford .. Commanding Officer, Queen's York Rangers Cadet Corps requesting financial assistance towards the purchase of flags for the Cadet Corps. ILLH!G\-IORTH: DAVIS Ttl: ILLING\iORTH: DAVIS. vl· "Resolved that this be referred to the Finance Committee. CARRIED "Resolved that a letter be sent to Mr. Kelnor requesting that he meet with the Planning Committee of this Council concerning Block "A" of Sunnybrook." CARRIED Councillor Hiller in the Chair MILLER: TRE!IT: T!TILLIJ\1-ISON: DAVIS,H: "That the By-lm; now before the Council be read a third time this day. 11 CARRIED "That the third reading be taken as read." CARRIED 22nd. REGULAR -11-DECEMBER 4, 1967 REPORTS OF COiJ!t,liT'l'EES APARTMENT TOWN HOUSES WELLINGTON ST. 1-JEST Reeve Murray in the Chair Mayor Davis presented a report of the Council in ConL'11i ttee in which the Committee respectfully submit the follmring: Council in Committee met on 'fue.sday, November 28, 1967. Present were: Mayor C. F. Davis) Reeve D.J. Murray~ Deputy Reeve J, 1•/illiamson, Councillor E. Buck, Councillor C. Corbett, Councillor H. Davis, Councillor R. Illin,o;worth Councillor P. Miller Councillor T-1 Trent. AGmiDA__ The proposed construction of apartments and Tmrn Houses, '<ellington St. Vi est, Aurora as sub'11itted by Mr. Mario Priola; report of the Aurora Planning Board presented at a regular '11eeting of Council held on Monday, October 16, 1967 ·. and consideration of an economic feasibility study requested by Council nursuant to a resolution enacted October 16 .. 1967. HISTORY September apartment Hr. Mario Priola su.bmi tted_ a plan to Cou.11cil on 5 1967 for the proposed. construction of some 196 units and. 102 Tmm House Units on land. located on the South Side of Wellim;ton St. 1,/est lying westerly of the present Senior Public School site. This proposal 1vas submitted by Council to the Aurora Planning Board on September 5, 19f7 for their advice concerning this type of Development. Plannino-Board dulv reported back to Council a.s follows in part: "Council enacts a resolution on October 16. 1967 that a study of Economic and Advisibility Factors be prepared for their consideration. 11 co·--·-~L D! COMMITTEE: A detailed stuCl.y and investigation of all material available ;ras undertaken: All aspects concerning this proposal ;ras considered at length and subseq_uent to due examination of this sub,ject from all angles the folloving conclusions have been ascertained: CONCLUSIONS . . at . . L Rental accommod.at1on lS 0 a cr1 t1cal stage of shortage in Aurora and it is worthy of note that manv young families although unable to provide the monies required for a down payment on a house nor meet the minimum salary requirements are quite able to bear the usually high monthly rental char<ses of a:p-e,rtments ancl Tm-m Houses .• 22nd. REGULAR · AP.IU~TMENT TO~lN HOUSES CONT'D -12-DECEHBER h 1967 2. The experience of other munici~alities indicate that apartments present no ail.d.itional tax burden on the r-atepayers; Town Houses appear not so favourable. 3. Assessment increases must be gained to meet the ever gro1-ring expenditure demands of each year; Industrial Development if it is to be gained must have access to housing facilities for its employees and to a minor extent the same applies to Com1~ercial entities. 4. Our changing living conditions advocate the neec1 of a varied type of accomodation be constructed as o~posed to only single family type d<relling. There is no doubt that a regional type of local Government contem- plated. for the future i?:i.ll e.ffect our Planning; Ho1;ever we must content ourselves <rith a conscientious and earnest endeavour to ensure complete stability under our existing framework of operation. 5. The actural agreement authorizing the enactment of any such proposal is of the utmost importance. Co.snizance must be taken of nu_merous items such as -PlanninR:, Engineering Education and. Financial Arrangements. RECOW1ENDATIONS: l. Council concurs in principle i·rith the said proposed construction as submitted by Mr. Mario Priola provided the pro,ject be undertaken in hro phases viz: FIRST PHASE -The construction of anartments only and upon their completion consideration 1wuld be allo,,red. SECOND PHASE -The construction of town houses and pr apartments provided of course that an appro:priate subdivision agreement may be entered into between the Tmm and Developer. 2. That a By-law be enacted immediately for the Ontario Municipal Board ap:proval designating the vacant area. lying West of the creek, south of Wellino;ton St. Hest and to the Hesterl:v Tmm Limite, as a "High Rise Area" and amending By-lav Number 1051 to provide that apartments in this designated area may be constructed to a height of ninety feet. L--'.- ';I 2 2nd. REGULAR APARTMENT TOHN HOUSES CONT'D VARIOUS ITEMS -13-DECE!1BER t~, 1967 3. The report, when approved by the Council, is to be forrN"arded to the Planning Board and. they are to meet with the Developer for Planning Pur1JOSes. DAVIS,T1T: ILLH!G\VORTH: CLAUSE 1 CLAUSE 2 ILLING\<TORTH: DAVIS,C: DAVIS C" HILLIAMSON: "Resolved that the report be discussed clause by clause. CARRIED AMEND BY liDDING "AND/OR APARTMENTS" CARRIED CARRIED Amend by adding CLAUSE 3: The report, when approved by the Council, is to be forwarded to the Planning Board and they are to meet ><ith the Developer for Planning purposes. C.ARRIED "Resolved that the report of the Council in Committee, d:'l.ted December 4, 1967 re: Apartment -To1m Houses, vi ellington St. \Jest, be accepted as amended." CARRIED Mayor Davis presentee" a report of the Finance Corrunittee in ><hich the Committee respectfully submit the following: \HLLIAMSON: ::LLING1i10RTH: "Resolved that the last two lines be deleted from the report." CARRIED The Finance Corrunittee met on Monday, November 27th, 1967 at 7°30 P.M. to consider Several Items referred by Council for report. 1. Flood claim in an amount of $333.00 for Mr. Dan Row, Yonge St. North. It is understood the flooding conditions existing at this location >fill be rectified when the re- construction of Yonge St. is completed. In the meantime this area is declgred an emergency spot for immediate attention during rainfall by the Harks Dept. Your Committee recommends: . ___ ;.._ -"" 22nd. REGULAR VARIOUS ITEMS CONT'D 1 -14-DECEJifBER 4, 1967 (a) That consideration be allow·ed for the construction of a wall type curb in front of Mr. Row 1 s house and shop to provide a temporary measure and (b) That the flood claim of $333.00 be approved for payment. 2. The matter of engaging a firm of Hunicipal Insurance Consultants was d.uly considered. Your committee recommends that Hr. H.E. Hartley an Indepcmdent Insurance Consulttant, (copy of his services record and items to be undertaken attached) be engaged to prepare an independent record covering a review of all the Tm·m' s Insurance with appropriate recommendations contained therein. It is understood the fee for this survey is based on the following: (a) If you do not elect to tender (b) If you elect to tender :IJ4oo.oo ~1,000.00 or your first year's premiun saving~ 'based on existine; amounts and coverage. The cost of this survey to be included in the budget estimates for 1968. 3. Collection of Garbage disposal charges added to the 1968 taxes. Your Committee reviewed this matter and recommend. the present system of billing remain unchanged due to the fact that: Should garbage collection charges be added to taxes: 1. There would be no reduction in the monthly water & garbage billing charge of .40 cents. 2. Tax bills may only be for•.re.rded to mmers and therefore tenants. who now receive a bill, would not be taxed. 3. Estimating next year's population at 11 .,000 x $4.05 per person p;arbage collection ratG equals $44,550.00 to be raised by taxes. This would increase the Mill Rate some 2 3/l~ mills on actual tax))ayers onlv. DAVIS,C: \HLLIAJYfSON: "Resolved the.t the report of the Finance Committee, dat.ed November 27 ,. 1967, re Several Items be accepted, and the Seal of the Corporation be-att~ched hereto. 11 CARRIED rPO 22nd. REGULAR -15-DECEMBER 4 1967 Mayor Davis in the Chair Reeve Murray reported. that the i-,Jorks Department is in the process of draining all of the hydrants in Tmm. Reeve Murray reported that the Town Solicitor is making progress in the negotiations, for the extension of Industry Street, with Mr. :·"'J'· Mr. ,Tubb and I have been in touch with the developers who are still quite interested in purchasing the Petlovany Property and proceeding ;ri th their plans. RAILWAY MUSEUM Mayor Davis asked. the Members of the Council Hhat action they wished to take on the letter from Mr. Crean (a) It appears that the sale of the Petlovany Prouerty is assured and this Hould leave the RailHay Huseum proposal Hi thout a site 1<i th the pending industrial sale. and (b) I cannot think of another alternate site Hhich 1<ould suit the project and be reasonable in cost to mal<e the proposal sound and economically feasable, and (c) That since there is a lack of support from the total crumnunity involvement aspect and a split opinion in Council on the furthering of the proposal, and (d) That '"e should not hold up the collection of the Centennial Centre o:f Science & 'l'echnology, thc'>refore ILLINGHORTH: li!JLLIAHSOJIT: "Resolved that a letter ec sent to the Centennial Centre of Science and Technology, that since the site is no longer available, and _ o. plobi 8 ci te •ill not be held in the torseeable future 9 that we withdraw our request for the collection." Councillor Davis requested a recorded Vote C. F. DAVIS J. D. HURRAY J. \oiiLLIAMSOH E. BUCK C. CORBETT 1'1. DAVIS R. ILLINGHORTri P. HILLER \f. TREJ'!T This motion 1<as carried by a vote of 7 to 2 YEA NAY X X X " A X X X X X 22nd. REGULAR RAIL HAY MUSEUM CONT'D -16-DECEMBER 4, 1967 IHLLIAMSON: "Resolved that •·re do not hold a plebinci te BUCK: for the establishment of a Raib<ay Museum." CARRIED Councillor Illing;rorth requested that a letter be sent to the members of the Railway Museum, explaining that because of the pending sale of the property and that no other land is available this action had to be taken anil. we uish to thank the Committee for everything that they have done. TREE REMOVAL Robert Draper: Harry Coma: Councillor Davis presented a rc;port of the' Horlts Committee in which the ConLmi ttee respectfully submit the following: The 1·/orks Committee met on: November ll, 1967 to discuss several items. One item that should be discussed by Council being the tenders for tree removal. Corporation & Private Trees $ ll,357.00 Corporation & Private Tr:::ii!s 3)-: ,125. 00 York Logging Co: Corporation trees Private Trees Sl5,54o.oo 6,685.00 22,225.00 Richmond Hill Tree Service: Corporation Trees Private Trees $13,344.00 4,137.00 17,481.00 The lo;,est tender being from Robert Draper for the sum of $11,357.00 -- As there is no money in the budget for this, it should be a decision of CounciL DAVIS ,1v: ILLINGI-IORTH: "Resolved that the report of the Works ConLmi ttee dated December )+, 1967 be accepted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto and the tender of Robert Draper in the amount of $ll,357.00 be accepted." CARRIED 22nd. REGULAR -17-DECEMBER 4, 1967 UNFINISHED BUSINESS BOXING DAY BY-LAW 1670 SNOF REMOVAL ON S IDE\vALKS BY-LA\'TS BUCK: TRE~!T: "Resolved that the Firemen's Stipends from June 1st, 1967 to November 30th, 1967, in the amount of $4,500.25 be paid, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto." CAF.RIFD ILLING'·!ORTH: "Resolved that Tw;sday·, December 26th, 1967 TRENT: be declared "Boxing Day" in the Tmm of \JILLIAMSON ILLINGFORTH: Aurora." CARFIED "Resolved that a Committee be SGt up to revi<Sw the Parking By-la<T 1670-66 >.Ji th reference to 11 No Parking on Certain St.n Section 5 of By-l~w · 1670. and that their report be made to Council in December 1967 so that any amenct'llent to the By-law 1676 can be made before the year end." CARRIED Mayor Davis stated that there is a Parking Committee a.nd Councillor Davis is the Chairman. Deputy Reeve Hilliamson requested that a notice be placed in the newspaper advising the residents of Aurora that sidewalks must be shovelled. clear of snow in accord.a!'lce with the By-law. ILLHTG!fTORTJl: "Resolved that the Council sit past the hour of eleven o'clock for fifteen minutes. CA."?RIED Councillor Miller in the Chair BY-LA\iJ l 766--67 HILLER: BUCK: "-That leave be p.;i ven to introduce a By-law to amend By-law #1051 to permit the erection of multiple-family dwellings on Part of Lot 28, Plan 246, and that the same be now read a first time.u CARRIJ':D ,., ..• _,,, 22nd. REGULAR BY-LAH 1 {66-67 CONT'D "' TRENT: DAVIS.H: MURRAY: IHLLI.IU.lSON: ILLElGviORTH: CORBETT: 1HLLIA-MSON : DAVIS \•1: -18-DECEMBER 4, 1967 "That the By:.. lew nmr before the Coun ci:J. be read a second time and that the Council res.olve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. That the second reading as a~emde~ be taken as read. n CARRIED "That the By-1m< now before the Council be reB,d a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law No. 11+68 be suspeno.ed for that purpose." CARRIED "That the third reading be :haken as read." CARRIED ILLINGHORTH: "Resolved that the meeting be adjourned." CARRIED "" ',·, l~-,,)cij (;, ~ MAYUH , C'Li/l"'& __ f~ ----