MINUTES - Council - 19671002('" I l ..... - •·I ,;.,. .. ~ ........... MINUTES OF THE 18th, REGULAR MEETING OF COUJilCIL, HELD !N '!'HE C~ CH.AMlllmS ON MONDAY OCTOBER 2, 1967 AT 8.00 P.M. PRESENT MAYOR REEVE C OUJIWILLORS visitors. CONFlRMATIO~l OF MINUTES CORRESPONDE~TCE -SENIOR PUBLIC $CHOOL -"SOD 'l'ffiU!ING CEREMONY" ELECTORAL DISTRICTS CONSUMERS" GAS COMMITTEE OF JlUlJUSTMENTS 1 WHITCHURCH TOWNSHIP C, F. DAVIS D. J. MURRAY BUCK, CORBETT, DAVIS, ILLINGWORTH, MILLER and TRE~!T. Mayor Dav:i:s introduced Mr. K. B. Rodger to the Council and MURRAY: ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that the m:lmutes of August 20th, September 5th. and 18th. 1967 be adopted as printed and circulated." A letter from Mr. Wilson of the Aurora Public School Board inviting the Mayor and members of Council to attend a "Sod Turning Ceremony" at the Senior Public School Site, Wellington St. \vest on Wednesday, October 4th, 1967 at 2.30 P.M. MURRAY: ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that the letter be accepted and filed." CARRIED A letter from Mr. Conroy Dawson, Planning Consultant, County of:-;tork encloSin(J' co1)ie~ o"!: York County '~o:ps shCn·riil.:, both the Provincial and Federal electoral districts. ILLINGivORTH: TRENT: "Resolved that a letter of thanks be sent to Mr. Da•~son and the maps to be held in the Clerk's Office for Council's use." CARRIED A letter from J. C. McCarthy, Consumers' Gas advising that no changes are proposed "in the present level of rates now being charged to Cons1uners of Natural Gas in Aurora. BUCK: DAVIS ,ol: "Resolved that the letter be received and fii.ed.11 CARRIED A letter from Mr. T. Keer, Secretary, Committee of Adjustment for Whitchurch Township giving notice of hearing for October 12, 1967 at 7.30 P.M. at Gormley, for the Application for consent by Mrs. George Q.uantz to convey e. parcel of ,land approximately 200' x 400' to be used as commercial site •. This is part of lot 84, Con. 1 (E/S of Yonge st. North) ILLING\WRTH: DAVIS,W: "Resolved that a representative of Council be present at the hearing." CARRIED I~ : ~~ ' '"-~ 18th. REGULAR PLANNING BOARD RAILWAY MUSEUM ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION ~i R EMEMBEBANCE DAY THEATRE AURORA SHOPPD!G CENTRE '~~~~· ~·~~.~· ~------ 2 OCTOBER 2, 1967 A letter from Mr. Hill, of the Planning Board enclosing the Board's reports on three subdivisions, Golf Glen Terrares, Springburn West Ltd. and Cherry Constructions. ILLINGWORTH: CORBETT: "Resolved that these re1;>orts be held over to a Special Meeting of Council on Tuesday, October lOth. 1967 at 8.00 P.M. CARRIED A letter from the Canadian National Railwavs advising the Town that the King Station is no longer available. Two letters from the Ontario Municipal Board giving notice for a hearing on October 23, 1967 and asking if the Town wishes to go ahead with the hearing. BUCK: MILLER: "Resolved that the date of the O.M.B. hearing be confirmed. CARRIED A letter from the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 385, informing that their annual Remberance Day Service will be held on Sunday, November 5th, 1967 starting at 1.45 P.M. at the High School. The Legion requests perraission to hold a church parade, subject to the approval of the Police Department, and for financial assistance for the cost of the Service forms and a memorial wreath, and that the Town proclaim the week of Nov. 4th. to Nov. 11th. as Poppy Week. The Legion would also like to hold a "mile of pennies" at Yonge St. and Hellington St. \~est. ILLINGWORTH: MURRAY: "Resolved that all the requests of the Legion be approved, subject to the Police Department approval of the parade. CARRIED A letter from A. Merkur and Sons Ltd. re the proposed establishment of a movie theatre in the Aurora Shopping Centre and a request to purchase the adjoining land to the north from the Town. BUCK: DAVIS,W: "Resolved that this be referred to the Planning Committee for ·study." CARRIED r---~·--~,,.,~,"-""'~"'""''~~·--~--~~--~· ----~~···---~~- [ -....,.---' 18th. REGUALR BICYCLE RELAY RACE AURORA AND DISTRICT HIGH S CHOOL BOARD ACTION LH!E FIRE CHIEF DELEGATIONS 3 OCTOBER 2, 1967 A 16tt9r from Mr. Popple, Director of Recreation for the Town of Newmarket outlining the route of the race and the pit stops. Reeve Murray stated that he will make the necessary arrange- ments. A letter from Mr. B~~er, Business Administrator, Aurora and District High School Board enclosing a resolution passed by the Board that they be notified of any subdivision which has been approved and no action has been taken, also the number of single family dwelling and apartments which may be approved within the next six months. ILLING'IJORTH: BUCK: "Resolved that the letter be acknowledged and in future the '1oa,ro. is to be achrig'"' Ol" all agreements." CARRIED A letter from "Action Line" of the Telegram, re the complaint of Hrs. Wanda Costello, 45 Brookland Ave. Aurora, about a faulty chimney. ILLINGV/ORTH: DAVIS,W: CARRIED "Resolved that the letter be acknowledged and that a study is being made an ans;rer will be forthcoming. ' A letter signed by fifteen members of the Aurora Fire Brigade requesting that Fire Chief Harry Jones be allo;red to continue as Fire Chief for the year 1968. BUCK: DAVIS,W: "Resolved that a letter be sent to the Fire Brigade that the Council regrets that it can not comply 1<ith the wish of the Fire Birgade and that a copy of the By law dealing with the compulsory retirement age of Fire Department personnel. CARRIED Mayor Davis presented a letter of petition signed by many of the residents on Mary Street who are opposed to the erection of the Humane Society's Animal Shelter on Industry Street. Mr. Joe Van Rooyen, 14 Mary Street, acted for the delegation and he pres'anted the views and objections as the spokesman of the residents who signed the petition. MURRAY: ILLINGHORTH: "Resolved that the Services Committee meet with the Humane Society and the residents on Mary St. to discuss this fully." CARRIED ·-"~''-"'"=~'"~~·,;~.·~=-~~·~·'"'--~~~M.=-.~~~~-~~-. '"'-==--~~-~~~=~~~-~~~~·~~---~ ------------------------ !'" '····"'·' ; , ~ \-' 18th. REGULAR 4 OCTOBER 2, 1967 Mayor Davis reported that Hr. Eric Almond of 85 Child Drive had asked him if he could speak as a delegation. BUCK: DAVIS ,vi: "Resolved that 11:!:-. Almond be htOa:r-d as a delegation and that the 72 hour notice be waived.' CARRIED , Hr. Almond stated that he ••ished to thank Mayor Davis for his assistance and f~r personally visitins Mr. Almond on Saturday to see the problem with the wafer supply. Since Monday, the water has been bad.ly discoloured and has-stained the family's clothing each tiue the <rater <ras used for <rashing. ~!r. Almond stated that he has had the problem of discoloured <rater supply on and off for two years and wanted to know <rhat the To•~ proposes to do to correct this matter. Mr. Almond produced some samples of stained clothing and a sample of the water. Reeve Murray reported the Ontario Wa~er Resources CommiBsion still do not know the chemical nature or the source of the material in the water supply. When they have determined this, then the proper filtration system can be installed." TRENT: MILLER: "Resolved that this matter be referred to the Water Committee for study and that a report of the action to be taken is to be submitted to Council. Mayor Davis stated that the \-later Committee is to include in its study the procedure of flushing the water majns. COMMITTEE REPORTS REEVE MURRAY IN THE CHAIR FINANCE COMMITTEE A meeting <ras held on 1-Jednesday , September 27, lo67. The Committee recommends tha a grant of $200.00 be made to the Aurora Jaycees. DAVIS,C: ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that the report of the Finance Committee, dated October 2, 1967, regrant the the Aurora Jaycees in the amount of $200.00 .. be accepted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. 11 CARRIED Nayor Davis exnlained that this is a token grant and he regrets that it could not have been greater, but a grant to the Aurora Jaycees <ras not included in the budget. --·~n•·~-<=.~~~~,.~.....,-~,.;.(.,.,;.;;.;,;.,_"=~,;,.;..,.....:.._..,__,__,·,_~~.~ ----- i t 18th • REGULAR 5 OCTOBER 2, 1067 FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT ON MILL STREET PROPERTY A meeting was held on l?ednesday, September 27, 1967. The Committee recommends that the Town of Aurora sell the Mill Street property to Mrs. Hortowi t ze at the appraised_ value of ~5, 000.00 DAVIS,C: ILLINGHORTH: HAYOR DAVIS Hl THE CHAIR HATER C0~1MITTEE "Resolved that the report of the l"inance Committee dated Octob~r 2, 1967, re Mill Street Property be accepted.'' CARRIED Reeve Murray presented a verbal report that the paintinl!, of the inside of the Hater Tm;er at the south·-end of Tmm has been completed and filling of the tank will start at 10.00 P.M. tonight. The water in the mains will be stirred up because of this filling operation and will nrobably cause discolouration of the water in several areas of the Town. The filling of the tank should be completed by Tuesday evening. PARKS COMMITTEE Councillor Illingworth, Davis and Trent attended a meeting of the Snecial Committee on Hednesday, September 20, 1967, re~ardin'l the fence in the Town Park Town Superintendent McGregor 1ms in attendance. - A letter from the Aurora Public School. Board was read to the effect that the Board "Request further consideration to have a fence erected around the Hells Street Park in the interest of the safety of Children using the park as a playground area." Previous discussions have been held with the president of the Aurora Horse Sho;J who has repeated their need for a fence to control crowds attending the Horse Show and a means to tie the horses bet11een events. The president has requested an early decision due to the need to reconsider a Centennial Project if the fence is not approved. Your Committee has endeavoured to review the situation from all possible angles, bearing in mind the desires of many citizens for an open park, 11hich we understand was the intention of the oril!,inal donor, the School Board's concern for the safety of the School children and the horse sho11 and other organizations need for a fence area for their activities. ·----··~~·-·~·~·•""'""",./-~~•>=-~=:.-~,~--· • ~ '<..=,.=<=;.-, ~ .-~~=T..z-~--=~• -~----~---· ....; ____ ,_. l I lBt.h. REGULAR 6 OCTOBER 2-, 1967 Othe~ than for the safety of the School Children the only reQuirement for a fence area is possibly t~<ice a. year, the Lions Carnival e.no_ the Horse sho;r. As the Chief of Police has advised that there has not been an increase of Traffic Safety problem since the fence was removed, your committee believes that the concern of the School Board may be overstressed, therefore, your committee does not recommend the erection of a fence as proposed by the Horse S ho~< Association, and as 1<as previously in use. However, your committee believe that some type of a barrier should be erected a round the southern half of the ])a.rk to protect the children in the plavground area and the baseball diamond. This barrier should be of the type used in High Park, Pioneer Village and many other parks. It maintains the open vie1; of the Park and still acts as a detriment for children to run across the road from the Park Area. It could also be used during the Horse sh01< to tie the Horses. The Barrier is a type of Cedar. fence. similar to the old type hitching rall, that is a cedar post about 3-3 1/2 feet hi~h erected horizontal on two posts firmly implated in the ground. The post could he stripped and coated to presllime their natural colour. There would be a space of approximately 6 feet between the section of barrier. For a trial, it is recommended only the southern half of the park be considered and the Park Co~mittee submit recommendations for flower beds, entrance gates etc. for the Northern half. The barrier would be situated outside the row of trees, and when the ground was properly levelled and prepared, would act as a barrier to prevent automobiles from driving on to the park area. During horse show and other activities a snow fence could be erected inside the barrier, and could be supported by the trees and temporary posts. Your committee believe that the type of a barrier will satisfy all requirements and still maintain the natural beauty of the park • Your Committee recommends as follows: The Council consider the recommendations of the committee and if approved in principle a copy of this renort be for><arded to the Horse show Association, School Board and other interested organizations for their comment. Such comment to be submitted at the next Council !1eetinp;. nLINGHORTF: TRENT: SERVICES COMMITTEE "Resolved that the report of the Special Committee re Fence in To'Wn Park, dated today October 2, 1967 be accepted. CJI.ERIED A meeting of the Services C01mnittee was held on Hednesday • September 27, 1967 at 8. 00 P .11. in the Council Chambers. The following clubs and. Associations were represented at the meeting. Aurora ~rack and Field, Civitans, Lions, Police Association, Jaycees, Soccer, Aurora Minor Ball. The Heeting ><as called to discuss a Labour Day ';leekend "Field Day" -~~~~~"·~·-.-~.<>bb,-;...,.:,:....Lh~= ·-~~~~~~~~~~~-~~ • ~ + -,__ """'~~-~~----~~--·-------- '-·---: '--~-- ... , .. lBth. RI:GULAH 1 OCTOBER 2, 1967 Th~ Representative~ ~~re ent~usiastic about the idea ~nd all agreed thAt events should be held on the three day3 of the Labour day weekend. The ;;reek-enCl. could be started off "'ith a parade and all participants in the events would be in the parade. The follm<ing tournaments were sug.o;estea: Track and Field., Soccer, Baseball, Lacross, Rugger, Tennis, Judo, Swimming, Police Tug-Of-Har, Girls. Field Hockey a.nd trophies ;;ould be awarded in each class of events. The Sea Cadets, Army Cadets and Boy Scouts etc. could put on disrlays. A committee is to be formed at the next meeting. 'l'he Recreation Committee, Parks Committee, Community Centre Board, Rotary Club and Lep:ion 1o10uld be reC[Uested to attend along with anybody else interested in this project. During the course of the discussion there were several items brought forward that all agreed should be considered. 1. 2. 3. 4. Condition of the Track at the High School Lights for Fleury Park Grass Track around Soccer field at Fleury Park Fencing of the creek in Fleury Park The weekend could be ended with a party for all the participants and 'spectators perhaps a barbe<J.Ue. The meeting then adjourned. MILLER: BUCK: Resolved that the report of the Services Committee, dated October 2, 1967 re Lab0ur Day Heekend "Field Day" be accepted. CARRIED Councillor Illin~orth stated that to his knowledge the track at the High School is up to the High School· Board to maintain. !9rovision >ras made for a grass track at Fleury Park and would only have to be marked. SERVICES COMMITTEE Councillor Hiller presented a verbal report that the fees charged to the residents of Aurora for garbage collection, are for once a week collection, except for the summer months, and that notices are to be sent out with the Rydro Bills. APPOU!Tli!E~'TS TO THE COMMUNITY CF!ITHE BOARD ILLING\VORTH: DAVIS,H: 'Resolved. tZ1at the report be deferred for two weeks until the Chairman of the Community Centre Board is present. DEF:B:ATED -"' ~~~~~~~----"=·~•·~~-=~""'""""'-'""'"""~'"~"'-~ ... ~,_~ ... <"•"' ·"-.-.-" '·~·-' I - ,....._.., 18th. REGULAR TREi\'T: MILLER: MORRAY: TRENT: 8 OCTOBER 2, 1967 ·'Resolved that the report be change(', to read a report of the Committee. in the Hhole 1<ith Deputy Reeve 1/illiamson in the Chair. CARRIED ''Resolved that the report be presented vith the last paragraph deleted. CARRIED A meeting of the Council in Committee vas helrl on Tuesday, September 19, 1967 at B. 00 P .'l. in the Council Chambers. All of the members of the Council vere present. The meeting ,,.,.a,s to the nev Conmunitv Centre Board. people be appointed to the Board: F. Caruso Bo J:-Iookings P. Knovles H. O'Neil S. Patrick ';!URRAY: TREnT: called to finalize the selection of members The Cow~ittee recommends that the following "Pesolved that the report of the Council in Committee, dated O~tober 2 ,. 1967 RE< Appointments to the New Community Centre Board, be accepted. Councillor Illingworth asked for a recorded vote. RECORDED VOTE MAYOR REEVE DEPUTY REEVE COUNCILLOR COUNCILLOR COUNCILLOR COUNCILLOR COUNCILLOR COUNCILLOR C. F. DAVIS D. J, MURRAY J, UILLIAMSON E. BUCK C. CORBETT H. DAVIS R, ILLD!GWORTH P. MILLER \v. TREHT MOTION CARRIED ' YEA X X ABG~l'lT X X X X X NAY X The Striking Committee is to ,-neet this >reek and is to reconmend the appointment of t>ro members of Council. --~~'==~=..--=""=•<•"'=;,u.~Oci-!.~~~o--v.~~~-'-L----· -· -··-·~• -! "" =~ == ~ ~.---------·~~~~~-----~------- --.. ~-· ~ 1eth. REGULAR 9 OCTOBrR 2, 1967 . U'lFINI8'1ED BUSINESS FFNCE IN l>ARKUTG LOT AT REAR OF MUNICIPAL OFFICE Al>POINTNENTS OF MR. K.B. RODGER AND lffi. ~.J. .JOHNSON FIRF 1" REVEI'JTimT 1:JEEK CASFY C OJ\TSTRUCTION CO. RE: COH~"lJNITY CENTRE PROCEEDS FR0'1 THF; SALE OP MIT,L ST. l"RO"ERTY Councillor Davis reported. that the fence alon." Mr. Black's property has been damaged by cars due to the 1·rooden bumpers not be in" fastened dmm. The Forks Department is to repair the fence and peg the bumpers into position BUCK: MURRAY: ILLINGHOR'f'H: DAVIS,H: BUCK! TRENT: ILLIFGFORTH: DAVIS~C: TRENT: ILLING\~ORTH: •;Resolved that the Council sit past the hour of 11.00 P.H. for fifteen minutes.·' CARRIBD "Resolved that the ap)JroPriate 'ly -law be prepared to appoint Mr. K. B. Rod"er as Clerk and Hr. Tf. Johnson as Treasurer and that the Bv-laws be submitted. at the next Regular Meeting; of Council. CARRIED "Resolved that an advertisement be placed in the Local paper to proclaim the week of October eth. to 14th. lo67, Fire Prevention T..Jeek. ~- CARRIED "R esolved that the account of Casey Construction Co. payment certificate number 11 (Final) in the amount of ~24,800.00 be pair, and the Seal of the Corporation 11e attached hereto." DEFEATED "Resolved that a ':ly-law be prePared to obtain the monies from the sale of the land on '1ill Street, formerl~r knmm as the '-lill Street Park, to be used to purchase other lands sui table for a Park vi thin that area Bounded by 1ifellin,o;ton St. Hest on the north boundary, Yonge St. South on the F:ast boundary and Kennedv St. T·I. on the South boundary and the Tmm limi is on the T1Yest boundary. Further that the Clerk contact the Ontario Municipal Board to obtain permission to proceeCI. vi th this action and anyone concerned. CARRIED ,.:y~""~~~-~,.....,.~ ... ,~-~,·~·-· ~~·-· -·...:~~ ""'_,,.,.,;.,,' '"'= == -..,-... ~.""' ------------- I ~--" : I <....__......., : ! ; ....... ~-' ,:_ I ~ 1 ~ ~ , ,f\ l·%h. REGULAR l'ARKING FOREHT CRE8. 10. OC'l'OJlF.R 2, 1967. Recently a four vear old bo;r was struck by a. car on For8ht Cres. and r<><Oe.ived serious facial injuries requiring plastic surger~.r. There are a ~reat manv cars parked on both sides of street causinq, a traffic hazara .. There are homes with more than one family, causino: a glut- of children in that area which can •t handle it. There are homes <ri th more than one car, and some Hi th three and four cars. I would strongly recomBend that the Police Department be requested to make a stuil.:v of Foreht Cres. and if Fo Parkin~ Sifl:nS are needed then "" shoulo. have them put up as soon as possible. I would also recommend that our Building Insl_)ector be asked to check into the t1;o fanilv d;rellin~;s and if our 11y la;r is being contravened then appropriate steps be taken to rectifY the situation. MILLFR: TRENT: "Resolved that the Police Denart!llent study. the par kino; on Foreht Cres, ani! that No Parking si~ns be erected at their <l.irection and the Buililing Inspector is to study if the single fa.milv dw·elling by-law is being abused. Councillor Illingworth stated that ;re have no control By-law ~overning the nQmber of occupants and reco!llmended that the motion be amended to read "that steps be taken to ascertain how many peoDle are in each home on the street." CARRIED ILLING'--IOR'rH: "Resolved that the meeting be adjourned. "~~ MAYvt; -£1+