MINUTES - Council - 19670605t_ .. ~~ ... ·': ::,.\· ! I I L~ .-,·~·~ ~ \;;; MINUTES OF THE 11th REGULAR f;J!I!:ETING OF COUNCIL HPJ.D IN THE COUNCIL CH1~'11BERS ON tJ!ONDAY JUNE 5, 1967 AT 8:90P.M. PRESENT ----------------------------- MAYOR c. F. DAVIS REEVE J. MUR.i<AY DEPUTY REEVE J. 'f!ILLIAl'YlSON COUNCILLORS BUCK, CORBETT, DAVIS, ILLINGWORTH, MILLER AND TRENT CONF:nti\1ATION' OF MINUTES l!IILLIPJ'J.!SOf\fT: 'Resolved that the minutes o:f TRENT: April 27 1 May 1 1 May 15 1 1967 be adopted a~ printed and circulated. CARRIED COR.'<ESPONDENCE L RE: GRANT FOR A letter from the Canada Department of Agriculture COWAUNITY CENTRE re: Grant for Community Centre. The Department has no current authority to make available financial assistance at this time. RE: CLAIM DOROTHY MILLER RE: BASEBALL SCREENS OFFICIAL PLAN TRENT: 'ResoLved that this. letter he ILLINGWORTH: received and filed. CARRIED A letter from Central Mutua1 Insurance Re Claim-Dorothy Miller. The insurance Company believes that Town ma;,u be held responsible for damages of approximately $400,00, WILLIAMSON: 'Resolved that this letter be ILLINGWORTH: referred to solicitor. CARRIED A letter from !FE. Heintzman re Baseball screens. in Fluery Park. Mayor Davis. read letter BUCK: TRENT: 'Resolved that this letter be received and filed. CARRIED A letter from the Town of Aurora Planning Board agreeing to a meeting between Council and the Planning Board, re Official Plan. Council in Committee to hold a meeting on Monday June 12, 1967 and then a meeting with Planning Board will be arranged. r :·-~-''''"' "··"'''~ 11th. REGULAR VrATER & SANITfJJRY SEWER SERVICE ROAD IMPROVEMENTS BODFISH DEEDS. COMi'!1ITTEE REPORTS -2-JUNE 5, 1967, A letter from the Aurora Public School Board re VJater and Sanitary Sewer Service to the Senior School Site, Wellington Street West, Board to pay actual costs. ILLINGWORTH: 'Resolve that a copy go to,Mr. WILLilll~SON: Lao~Gregor and letter be filed, Memo from J, D. Reid and Associates Limited re Road improvements on Al~onquin Cres. Estimate cost for complete reconstruction of the street would be in excess of $40,000. ILLINGWORTH: DAVISt Vi: ILLINGl¥0RTH: DAVIS, \;T: 'Resolved that the report from. J.D. Reid for total estimated cost of curb and gutter, sewers for approximately $40,000, be approved 'Resolved that we inform the Engineer that we agree in principal with c.urb and gutters, sewers and ask the Enginaer for a detailed and definite cost as soon as possible. CA:?..ciED Mr. T. Me Pherson returned the Bodfish Deeds approved as to form. MURRAY: 'Resolved that the 1Y;ayor and WILLIAi'JJSON: Clerk be authorized to sign the deeds. Ci'Jt.'UED Councillor J. Murray reported an electric breakdown over the weekend at the northend well, resulting in a water shortage. Will be back to normal today. MURRAY: 'Resolved that the Town be divided CORBETT: into two &ections at Kennedy Street North section to use garden hoses only on lionday, el'ednesday and Friday from 7-9P.M. South section to use garden hoses orr Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 7-9P.M. and both areas to use garden hoses on Sunday from 7-9-P.M, CARRIED \_ ':'''''"' ;.-.-:~ I f 1 11 REGULAR -3-.. JUNE 5, 1967 Deputy Reeve J. Williamson presented the following :v;erbal reports: Public School Board-Re; Senior Public School. There will be 75 1 of commercial frontage on Wellington Street West. Financial Statement for the Community Centre up to May :n, 1967 shows a surplus of $265.78. Re: Flooding of the property dir.ectly west of the Community Centre. Ia the work being done? Deputy Reeve iililliamson advised that the architect is behind on several items and a meeting will be arranged with him. As Cpntractor, Casey Construction. Company is. now a Limited Company, this to be referred to Solicitor for legal opinion on guarantee. WORKS COMIHTTEE The Works Committee met at 9:30 on Saturday 3 June 1967. Councillor Davis, Illingworth present with Councillor Miller in attendance. The following items were discussed. 1. EQUIPi\flENT It is recommended that 'll'emders: or . nvitational Bids Toe prepared for front end Loader, 5 ton truck, 2 Manual Sanders, 1 hopper sander and 1 Pump a per budget approval. Specifications to be prepared by Town Superintendent and Works Chairman. 2. 1960 MERCURY TRUCK It is recommended that action be taken to install a rebuilt motor in the 1960 Mercury Truck as per budget approved. 3 • CLEAN UP CENTENNIAL RJEEK It is recomended that the i'Jorks Department in conjuction with the Parks Department clean up Fluery Park as required during the Centennial Celebrations. 4. REPAIRING OF FENCES It is recommended that action be taken to repair the fence on Jasper Drive and Aurora Heights Bridge as suggested Toy the Town Superintendent, but that further consideration be given to the fence on Glass Drive Nest of Confederation Park, a; to possible realignment that will assist in protecting children's play area. 5. TREE R~~OVAL It is recollllllended that a price be obtained for removal of dead trees on Tyler Street. DAVIS, W: ILLINGWORTH: 'Resolved that the report of the Works Committee dated June 5 re several items be discuss.ed item by item and be accepted. Wherever possible, should use Tendering System and only use invitation bids for very specialized items. Clll""'h"UED ;,_-~f:?..~:.::.~-· \~,~~-< l_ ,.r-~-~=-~~~ \: \ ' 11th. REGULAR -4-JUNE 5 1 1967. 2. CARRIED 3. CAREUED 4. Fences along right of way and water courses are difficult to maintain and so is grass on play areas. Suggest a fence along frontage of Glass Drive. This would protect children and also divert children over on way to achoo1, CARRIED s. Tree is already down, very dangerous to two houses. Cfocf:IIED PARKS COMi\HTTEE The Parks CommitteP met at 7:00P.M. Monday 5 June 1967. All members in attendance the following items were discussed. 1 1 RAILWAY MUSEUNl (a) (b) 2. (a) Your Committee recommends that every action be taken to bring the King City Railway Station and the Collection of Railway Engines to the Town of Aurora. As it is felt that this is-; the o:pportunity of a lifetime and will create a Tourist Attraction based on our Historic Past. To implement this action your committee recommends: The appointment of a seven man Association, five to be appointed from the citizens of the Town and two from the Council of the Town of Aurora in aceordance with the respective statutes of the Province of Ontario, as attached to this report. To write a letter to Mr. Cream 1 of the Centennial Centre of Science and Technology, expressing the interest of the Municipality and requvsting a meeting with Representatives of the Aurora and York Railway Association to discussfue Acquitision of the Collection of Locomo~ives presently held by the Centennial Centre. MEETING lHTH RECRELTION CQLIJ[,1JTTEE Further.to Parks Committee Report dated 3 April 1967, the Parks Ch~~n met with Representatives.of the Recreation Com1aittee and the following items were dis.cussed: Parks Committee to be responsible for all equipment in the Parks, Tables,.._Benehes; Swinge Sand Box:, etc. and will be responsible f'Or taking in after the Season, maintenance during the Hinter See:son• end putting out prior to the Summer Season. ~ . - . •'> ...---:-"' -.:-.... ~- ' lith. REGULAR -s.-JUNE 5, 1967 (b) For a trial period, the Parks Committee will be respons.ible for marking the lines and preparing the Sports Field for all activities. The :;tecreation Committee to retain control over the light in the Town Park as previously authorized. (c) A meeting to be arranged batween t:w Tennis and Lawn · Bowling Club and to check on a previous agreement with the Tennis Club to replace the fence. (d) In view of the additional workload to be imposed on the Parks Formen ., your Committee Requests flat the Town Superintendent be advised that the Parks Foreman and any Staff assigned to Parks, are to be fully occupied on Parks ~Vorks and are not to be used for cutting weeds 1 Grass etc. onhe roadways and in other ar.eas that should be carried out by the Works Department. 3 • AURORA FILM COUNCIL Your Paries Committee is pleased to Co-operate with the Aurora Film Council for an out ... dom.• showing of movies in the Town Park, one evening per week (night to be mutually <greed) from approximately 10 to llC)1 clock. This.. film show will be provided without charge for the Citizens, of Aurora and their friends, and all that they are required to bring is their own garden chair. 4-. PROPERTY ON KENNEDY ST. WEST No action has been taken as yet regarding the property on Kennedy Street '<:lest, until a meeting can be arranged with the school Board to determine their future plans for the property south of the Swimming Pool a report will be submitted on. this proposal in the near future •. 5,.. FLUERY PP>RK The Centennial Committee in their letter dated I;lay 30, 1967 states in part: The Centennial Committee passed a resolution agreeing in principle with the Parks Committee report. Your Committee therefore recommends that action be taken as outlined in he report. 6. TRUCK FOR PfJtl.KS DEPJRTIY:IENT Referance is made to the approval of the Depart•aent of i\llunicipal Affiars dated May 23, 1967 for the purchase of. a truck for the Parks Department m.d funds t.o. be expended from he subdivisions capital reserv~ fund. Your Committee recommends that the Town Superintendent, Parks Foreman and Vice Chairman of the Parks Committee be. authorized to prepare specifications and torequest tenders of invitational bids for the truck in conjuction with the truck for the Works Department lnt that the colour of the Parks truck be green. ,f 11th. REGiiiLAi."'t -6-JUNE 5, 1967. 7. OTHER EQUIP~BNT Your Committee recommends that arrangements be made with the Town Superintendent that items of equipment be made available to the Parks Department during the normal work week so that it is not necessary to carry out many duties on week ends. ILLINGWORTH: 'Resolved that the report of the Parks Committee, dated June 5 1 1967 1 re several items be discussed item by item and TRENT: 1. ' -c.o 2·, 3, 4, s, 6. ?. accepted. Councillor Illingworth was impressed with public reaction. He suggested that the Association could solicit funds ~o defray the cost. He will submit a slate of names for the committee for next council meeting re 'Aurora and York Railway Association' is a tentative name. Cf,RiRIED CARRIED CARRIED CJ'l.>':tRIED CP.RRIED Councillor Illingworth said if equipment is available during the week, opportunity is to be given to the Parks to use ito CARJRIED• LIAISON COMAITTEE In accordance with Council's instructions, your Liaison Committee met with various Department Heads during the evening of May 2 1 1967, to discuss salary negotiations and otheP items pertaining to the general operations of the Department, insofar as. it pertained to personnal. Lll membere of Committee in attendance, Prior to detailed report of discussion with Department Heads and Individual recommendations,the following general po:iltts '.'rere discussed and recommendations are submitted for inclusion in a general policy to apply to all Depart~ent Head1!'. 1• . SALARY RANGE . ,, A definate s~lary range to be approved for each position with set annual increments until maximum is reached. This range is~ be based on be duties and responsibilities of the position and taking into consideration the salary paid in adjacent municipalities and local Industries etc.-for equivilant duty and responsibility. it should be realized that no position can be expected to. show annual increases '..,'-M.d" I I l 11 REGULA..~ -7-r JUNE 5 1 1967 for an indefinite pe~iod and that a maximum must be determined. However, due to IDSt of living and other economics factors it is recommended that the salary range listed hereunder be for the period 1 January, 1967 until 31 December, 1968 (2 year period) and be reviewed in light of economics conditions: at that time and every two years thereafter. The recommended salary range for two year period as outlined above are as follows: CLERK -To be determined after decision made on split of' duties. DEPUTY CLERK $5,200.-$6,700. with 5 annual increments of $300. TOWN SUPERINTENDENT $7,000-$8,500. with 5 annual increments: of $300e BUILDING INSPECTOR $4,900 -$6 1 400, with 5 annual increments of $300 1 CHIEF OF POLICE $7 1 000. $8,500 1 ,with ~annual increments of $300. 2, OVERTIME Nil ovePtime allowance. Basie salary to include overtime, if required. 3 1 • S'IATU/TO~ HOLIDLYS Normal statuatory holidays to be allowed, If duty requires attendance on a Statuatory Holiday, time off in lieu of holida~is to be tru<en. 4, ANNUAL VACATION After 1 year After 5 years A.fterl5 year.s 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeke 5, ATTENDANCE CREDITS (SICK LEAVE) Credit is to be granted on the basis of 1~ days per month to a maximum of 180 days. On retirement ar after a period of 20 years serv ce of· the last year worked. In the event of retirement prior to 20 years service and after 5 years oonsecetive service,.,payment shall be based on accumulated credits, ip to a total of 180 d~s. 6. PAY DEDUCTIONS -INSURLJIJCE ETC. 7'. Deductions for P.s.I. ' basts of the employee AGE -·· Hospitalization, etc. to be on the 50% -50% Town. t!McNo<''> Unless otherwise laid down, the retirement age to be 65 with possible year exte&o based on mutual eygreement until age 70. .. ~~-----~~~~-.--~. --. -~-~---~~-·--~-----~~~-------~ ~----------·~-. IL 11 REGULAR LIAISON CONTINUED -8- CAR ALLOWANCE -$300.00 JUNE 5, 1967 s., 9~ OTHER BENEFITS-No other benefits will~ply unless specific- ally detailed under Job Class.ifications. l. AMENDED MURiRAY: 'Review to be no longer than two years. WILLIAivlSON: CJJRRIED 2, CARRIED 3 •.. : ,. ,, MURRAY": DAVIS, C: 'Resolved that number of statuatory holidays .. to be deterrnined.at future. discussion. CARJHED 4. Ai\!IENDED ILLINGWORTH: 'Resolved that pro rata for under one BUCK: year. CAHRIED 5 0 CARRIED 6. Ju'YJf:i:NDED to read '2/3 P.s •. r •. and Hospital by Town and 1/3 by Employee CAJR.~IED 7. CARRIED 8~ \ AiiJENEED ILLINGWORTH: WILLIAMSON: 'Resolved that car allowances. to be based on .14¢ per mile up to maximum of $300.00 and accounts to be submitted monthly. CJlRRIED 9. OTHER BENEFITS - BUCK: 'Resolved that no other benefits will apply V/ILLIAi1~SON: · with the exception of telephone :for Chief of Police. MURRAY: CORBETT: TRENT: BUCK: DEFEATED 'Resolved that clause 9 be defeated. CJ\R!RIED 'Resolved to go into committee of the whole and discuss balance of report. DEFEATED ILLINGWORTH: 'Resolved that remainder of report be discussed DAVIS, W: in co~~1ttee after adjourTh~ent. CARRIED _-., ~---.. --~--·--""" ----·--·------------·- ·····-"~. ' \ ' -.,_ UTI1 'REGfltA'R -,. .. JUNE r;, 1%7 REPORT OF THE LIAISON COMMITTEE MEETING 1-IITH TOWJ\1 STAFF In accordance with Council's instructions your Liaison Committee met with various members of' the Town Staff on 1-Tednesday, 31 May and on Saturday 3 June ,1967. All members of the Committee in attendance. The following ~eneral recommendations are submitted for all Town Employees. 1. ANNUAL VACATION Less than 1 year AFTER 1 YFJill AFTER 5 YF,ARS AFTER 15 YEARS on a pro rate basis subject to the Labour Act. 2 1-IEEKS 3 1-IEEKS 4 TVEEKS 2. ATTENDANCE CREDIT Cremit is to be granted on the basis of 1~ days per month to a maximQm of 180 days. On retirement or after a period of 20 years of service, payment shall be made of not more than 180 days, based on the salary of the last year worked. In the event of retirement prior to 20 years service and after 5 years of consecutive service, payment shall be based on accumulated credit up to a total of 180 days. 3. PENSION FUND To be divided between the employee and the Town of Aurora on a 50 50 basis. 4. P.S.I. AND HOSPITALIZATION To be divided between the employee and the Town of Aurora on the basis of 2/3 by the Town and 1/3 by the Employee. 5 . GROUP INSURANCE That consideration be given to the function of a group insurance plan and that the Liaison Committee carry out a separate study on this and report. 6. HORK WEEK AND OVERTIME The normal work week is to be based on a 40 hour 1~eek. ~/here overtime is authorized, payment to be made on the basis of time and a half for all time worked in excess of 8 hours per day. 7. ~TATUTORY HOLIDAYS Normal Statutory holidays to be allowed. If duty requires attendance on a Statutory holiday, time off in lieu of holiday is to be taken. 8. AGE Unless otherwise laid down, the retirement age is to be 65 years of age with yearly extension based on mutual agreement until age 70. .,.,,.., 11TH REGULAR 10 -JUNE 5,1967 9. SALARY RA~!GE The followin~ salary ranges are recommended for the period 1 January, 1967- 31 December, 1968 and to be reviewed in the light of cost of living and economics conditions prior to 1 January 1969 and every 2 years thereafter. (a) CLERKS Clerks to be divided into three classifications and promoted from one grade to another based on experience, qualifications and an established vacancy in the respective department. Detailed Job Description to follow: CLERK GENERAL 3 Start $55.00 per week, with $5.00 increase every year for three years to $70.00 CLERK ACCOUNT 2 CLERK ADIHNISTRATIVE 2 Start $65.00 perweek, with $5.00 <..,--~-.:. 'increase every year for 3 years to $80.00 CLERK TREASURER 1 CLERK ADI4INISTRATIVE 1 Start $75.00 per week, with $5.00 increase every year for 3 years to $90.00 The yearly increase is not automatic but subject to reconnnendation of the Department Head. The present clerical staff are to be classified as to grade and time in grade by the Clekk Treasurer and the Finance Committee and salary to be effective January 1,1967. (b) FOREMAN In order to create a wage dffferential between general workers and department foreman. it is recommended that the basic rate for all foreman be $5,500. per annum, with merit increase of $300. per year as follows:. 1'0LLUTION CONTROL 5 YEAR TO A MAXIHUM OF $7,000. WORKS DEPARTMENT. AND WATER DEPARTMENT 4 YEARS TO A MAXIMUM OF $,6700. PARKS DEPARTMENT THREE YFARS TO A MAXIMUH OF $6,400 • . ln addition, your Committee recommends that the payment of Stand by Pay to Foreman and the duties assigned to foreman be clarified. Your Committee recommends that immediate action be taken to hire a water foreman as this position has been vacant for a considerable period of time, ~d that when hired the Water Foreman would stand weekends stand by duty with other Department Boremen and that every foremen would be on stand by duty one week end per month. The duty roster of foremen would be made available to Police and other agencies as required and the Duty Foreman would be responsible for calling out the stand by crew etc, as required. Normal stand-by at'bendance to be paid ,;hen foreman is required to stand-by. 11TH REGULAR -11-JUNE 5,1967 LIAISON COMMITTEE REPORT -TOiVN STA"FF (b) Your Committee also recommends that if Foremen are eequired to use their car for Town business that they be paid at the rate of 14 cents per mile up to a maximum of $300. per year and expense report submitted monthly. Your Committee also recommends that foreman be issued with work trousers, shirts and safety shoes as outlined in detail for members of Works Department. As no overtime allowance is authori~ed for foremen, it is recommended that arrange- ments be made to grant time off in lieu of overtime, as conditions permit. The salary for respective foremen is to be based on the rate approved by the Town Superintendent and respective Committee Chairman, tru,ing into consideration, time in position, qualificatons experience and ability. 10. WORKS DEPARTMENT Emp~oy~es of the Works Department are to be classificed as Grade 2, general with a starting rate of $2.25 per hour. After a probationary period of bmonths $2.35 per hour and after 12 months $2.45 per hour. Casual workers are to be paid at the rate of $2.25 per hour. A worker who is qualified on all equipment, or iB the opinion of the Town Superintendent and Works Committee is capable of assuming additional responsibility is to be promoted to Grade 1, lead hand at a rate of $2.60 per hour. As stated earlier, overtime will be paid at the rate of time and half after 8 hours per day. 'However, if a workers is called out for emergency duty between the hour of 12.00 midnight and 6.00 a.m. he will be paid at th~ rate of double time for those hours worked between 12.00 midnight and 6.00 a.m. Your Committee recommends that safety shoes be supplied to all foremen and members of the Works Department on a 50 -50 basis. Your Committee recommends that all foremen and members of the Works Department be supplied with 2 shirts and 2 trousers, per year at Town expense, and the Workers be responsible for normal cleaning and maintenance. The classification of the works and the grading grade 2, General to be decided by the Town Superintendent and Works Committee. The Wage increase to be effective 1 January,l967, normal overtime to be effective January 1,1967 and emergency call duty to be effective when approved. JANITOR ADDITIONAL STAFFF As the Pollution Control Centre is a 24 hour , 7 day a week operation and only 3 employee ~;lil!1JP10yees are assigned to this most important function, that an additional man be ,,,,'hired. That consideration be given to hiring an experienced welder-mach&nic for the Works Dept. 11TH REGULAR -IZ.- ~ JUNE 5,1967 LIAISON COMMITTEE REPORT TOWN STAFF ILLINGWORTH: "RESOLVED that the report of the Liaison Committee, dated June 6,1967, DAVIS:W: re Town Staff be discussed item by item and accepted, and that those sections dealing with salary be discussed prior to adjournment." ITEM ITEM ITEM ITEM ITEM ITEM ITEM ITEM I'rEM ITEM ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED CHANGED TO CARRIED CARRIED "WORK 1.JEEK IS NOT TO EXCEED A 40 HOUR WORK 1.JEEK 11 CARRIED. 1ST PARIIGRAPH TO INCLUDE " UP TO TWO YEARS" (a) THE WORD "WEEKI.¥'' TO BE INSERTED AFTER $5.00 FOREMAN" (b) TRENT: "Resolved TFI..AT THE PA..llAGRAPH STARTh3 "AS NO OVERTIME DAVIS. C. AND ENDING '!liTH AS CONDITIONS PERMIT" BE DELETED. CARRIED WORKDS DEPARTMENT TRENT: "RESOLVED THAT THE PARAGRAPH STARTING WITH "HOWEVER, IF A. WILLIAMSON: WORKER -·-AJITD ENDING WITH 6.00 A.M." BE DELETED~"' ITEM 11 ITEM 12 ITEM 13 CARRIED JANITOR -SECTION DEALING HITH THIS POSITION WAS DEL"'I'ED ~RIOR "'0 READING. ADDITIONAL STAFF -TO BE REFERRED TO THE PROOERTY C0Mr1ITTEE FOR CONSIDERATION. HIRING OF WELDER-MECFI.ANIC TO BE REFERRED TO THE WORKS CO~ITTEE FOR CONSIDERATION. THE LIAISON COMMITTEE REPORT, RE TO~IN STAFF CARRIED AS A11ENDED. i:. I~ - ! . , ,; ,: ; '_"...,_:,; '.fi<'-"·~1···: .• ~.i.<\.:¥.-:: < • ".·.~r::.: ~~·~·;. #,..·. • ·t.~~J.t:i •-': J·;-'"· ~~~ -·· ....... ~~.,.;;,_,,.; llTH REGULAR -13·-JUNE ~-1967 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES CONTI~TIIED ~~P~=X·~~~ITTEE LIBRARY ROOF Councillor Corbett presented a report of the Property Committee Tenders were called ~rom three rcofi•g companies, re the repairing o~ the Aurora Public Library Roo~. ? One Tender received ~rom the Sunshine Ro·.'finl'; Co. Ltd, at a price 0~ $240.00 The Committee there~ore recommends that· the tender o~ Sunshine Roffing Co. at a cost o~ $2 <o. 00 be accepted. CORBETT: DAVIS. C. :Resolved that the report o~ the Property Committee, dated June 5,1967, re repairing o~ Public Library Roof, at a cost of $240.00 be accepted and the Seal o~ the Corporation be attached hereto." CARRIED FIREMEN'S STIPENDS BUCK: TRENT: "Resolved that the Fir·c~En 's Stipends from Dec. 1.1966 to May 1.,1967, in the amount of $7,419.50 be paid, and that the Seal of the.Corporation he attached hereto." carried Ul-!FI~!IS!'mD BUSINESS ouncillor Buck APPbtN'.rMFJf\lT made a Notice of Motion to appoint an Arena Board. OF ARENA BOARD FLOODING CLAIMS SPECIAL COM!~ • APPOINTED RE GOLF GLEN SUBDIVISION NOTICE OF MOTION Deputy Re~lf.e ~lilliamson brought to Council's attention that the Boo.rd is to be appointed before September 1,1967 and approved by Council. Councillor Miller brought to Council's attention the recmmnendation of T.MCPherson , Solicitor, that action by Council be deferred ~or two ;reeks. Councillor Trent reported that the Committee, which was appointed to make recommendations re r.olf Glen Subdivision, was unable to come up with a report and they Councillor Trent recommended that the Consultants be hired ~or 112,000. Councillor Illingworth asked to be relieved of duties as Chairman of this Committee. Reeve Murray notified Council that he will Step up to Chairman Mayor Davis appointed Councillor W. Davis to this Committee. Councillor Buck made Notice of Motion to Hire Consultants Councillor Buck made Notice of Motion to Appoint an Arena Board. ... _4''<>: .,;,- 'K I ! I· 1"--I I I L. I I I' 11 REGULJl' 13A June 5,1967 U}!FINISHED. BUSINESS FLOOR OF ARENA Councillor Davis reported that the Arena B Floor was not up to BY LAHS: BY-J '\.H # 1737-67 requirements. Deputy Reeve Williamson informed Council that the Ccns~ltants assures Council that tpe floor will be satisfactory after being used for dancing and roller skating. ILLINGWORTH-"Resolved that during Aurora Centennial Week programs, WILLIAMSON: that all Military units, cadet c!ZJrps or other armed parties be given the Fredom of the Tmm and be permitted through the streets of Aurora with a_rums beating ana_ colours flying and bayonets fixed." WILLIASMON MURRAY W. DAVIS: MILLER: BUCK: CARRIED. Resolved that this meeting be adjourned" DEFEATED Resolved that the by-laws be read." CARRIED. Resolved that leave be given to introduce a By-law to appoint a Deputy Clerk, and that the same be now read a first time.'' CARRIED. The By-law was then read a first time. BUCK: CORBETT: DAVIS:1~: CORBETT: TRENT: W. DAVIS l\o!URRAY: TRENT: That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a Committee of the whole for that purpose. 'That the second reading of the by-law be taken as read. CARRIED. That the By law novr before the Council be raad a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law No. 1468 be suspended for that purpose." "REsolved that the third reading of the By-law be taken as rea<l.." CARRIED. '-··-·'-' I ·--.. ~--- 11 REGULAR BY-LA1~S 1 '738--67 BY LAW 1739-67 AGREEMENT \>liTH YORK SHNITATION MILLER: BUCK 14 -June 5,1967 Resolved that leave be given to introduce a By-law to A.ME~ID PRIOR SERVICE AGREEMENT, and that the same be now read a first time." CARRIED. The By law was then read a first time. TRENT. WILLIAMSON: DAVIS:C: TRENT: CORBETT: ILLING\>IORTH: MURRAY: \•T. DAVIS: MILLER BUCK: That the By law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a Committee of the whole for that purpose." Resolved that the second reading of the By--law be taken as read. j· CARRIED. "That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law number 1468 be suspended for that purpose." "That the third reading of the By-law be taken ·as read." c.l\..t··mJ:ED. That leave be given to introduce a By-law to enter into an Agreement with York Sanitation Co. Ltd. for the Collection , removal and disposal of ashes, garbage and other refuse and that the same be now read a first time." CARBIED. The By--law was then read a first time. '~~:.--' ·""" 11TH REGULAR BY LA¥18 CONTINUED BY LA',J 173 9-6 7 .JUNE 5,1967 -15 TEE~~: That the By-law now before the Council be read a WILLIAMSON: . second time and the Council reslove inself into caommittee of the whole for that purpose." ILLINGWORTJf' Resolved that the second readinp; be taken as read. TRE~TT: BUCK CORBETT: CARRIED. "That the By-lmr now before the Council be read a third time this d.ay and that Rule 22 of By-law no;r 1468 be suspended for that purpose." ILLDJGWORTH.. "That the third reading be taken as read.'' TRENT: CARRIED. CORBETT: Resolved that the meet in" ad,j ourn." TRENT: CARRIED. The meeting then ad,journed. MAYOR· CLERK ,;