MINUTES - Council - 196704031 '·\ ~ ··r I ·1 ''"·''''' MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AURORA HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHi'J1lBERS ON-MONDAYs APRIL 3,-1967 AT 8:00 P.M. ----------------- PRESENT MAYOR C. F.mWIS (IN THE CHAIR) REEVE J • MURRAY DEPUTY REEVE J • WILLIAMSON COUNCILLORS BUCK, CORBETT, DAVIS, ILLINGlf/OR'IH, MILLER AND TRENT. CONFIRMATION'OF MINUTES WILLUiit&OIV: CORBETT• ., ,. COR.'tESPONDENCE "Resolve that the minutes a:ff February 27, March 6, March .l3, March 20 t> and March 28 t 1967 tie adoptad as printed and circulated." CARRIED A letter from Conaolidated.Building Corporation re probable aale prices irr the proposed Aurora Orchards Subdivision. ILLING'iVORTH: "Resolved that :t.his l.atter ··TRENT:· · be tabl-ed -:for Council 1's study and brought forward when an opinion is received from the Planning Board., CARRIED A letter from Cnnadlan National Tel~ communications re the quality o:r· Municipal Debenture Messages. CORBETT: "Resolved that the letter ViiLLIAMSONs be received and filed., - C.AR.'liED A letter from Thomas. D. Manningre a right-of-way to the lands of the John Bodfish Estate. WILLIAMSON: ILLINGtVOR'lH : "Resolved that Mr. Manning lie requested to; appear as a delegation at the next meeting of Council. CARRIED L~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~---~---~~--~-~--~---- • I I 7Ut Regular -2-April 3 1 1967. A letter £rom. the Canadian Mental Health Association requesting permission to carry on :fund raising in the week of May 1st. to May 7th • . WILLIAMSON: DAVIS, W: "Resolved that be granted. CARRIED permission A letter from the Ontario Municipal Board amending their annexation order· to read parts o:f lots 76 an:d 77:. This letter is: to be filed. A letter fr-.oo Mr. Frank J. Wims offering to purch ase Town owned property :fronting on &;urnett st. immediately north of ll8 Gurnett. ILLINGWORTH: DAVIS, IV: "Resolved that the letter be referred to the Planning Committee for study and report. on. the feasibility o:f the sale of this: property • AMENDMENT WILLIAMSON: "~esolved that ownership a£ ---·----------~-·~·-·--·· BUCK: this property be retained by the Town of Aurora. AMENDMENT CARRIED Letter :from the Township of King and Whitchurch re a joint. meeting with Aurora Council. WILLIAMSON: "Resolved that the date of ILLINGWORTH: April 27 1 be s:et for this meeting subject tothe approval o£ King Township. CJIR.'UED A letter"from the Department o£ Municipal Affairs re the w. Cli££ord Clark Memorial Lecture, April 10, 1967• Any Councillor wishing to attend this: lecture is to advise the Clerk. / /'' ___ , __ _ 71!1 Regular -3-April 3, 1967. A letter from the City a:f Windsor re a resolution on motor vehicle licences. MURRAY: DAVIS, W: "Resolved that the letter be received and filed. CARRIED A letter from the Aurora Planning Board re minutes and 1967 Budget. ILLINGF!ORTH: "Resolved that the l'IILLIAMISON: paragraph on the budget be dealt with under Committee Repor1s. CP.RRIED A letter from the Engineer J. D.. Reid re: a pilot s:tudy on Aurora Water by the O •. w.R •. C. MURRAY: "Resolved that a letter be ILLINGWORTH: sent to the Ontario Water Resources Commission thanking them for their assi~tance in this regard'. CARRIED COP&~ITTEE REPORTS Due to recent.: ciiB:cussions in Council and in the local press, the Community Centre Board submit the following report regarding first a:ici facilities in the CollDlunity Centre. As Council Members: realize, the Contractor was requested tJ authorize the use of the arena portion of the building so: that SIDme use would be made of the building prior to the end of the season. As a result, other sections of the building were left in a semi-completed condition and this applied t.othe roolll designated as: the Fira:t J.id Room. The room is now avai1able for us:e and through the kindness. of the Civitan Club, a grant of $300.00 has been. made available to c.omple:t:ely autfi t this: room. In order that speciali:&ed knowledge would be obtained in obtaining the prope~ Wquipment, the st. John~s; Ambulance were requested to prepane the list of equipment. This has been. rece.iv.e:cl r~,~-T~-~~-·~~~-··~··· ··i '! I 1 .1 7lll Regular l. -4-April 3 1 1967. and pass:e.d tu the Ci vi tan Club and it is: anticipated that a .fully-equipped Firat· Aid Room will be available in the immediate .future.,. However, C~uncil Members and Citizens o.f the Town should realize that even with a .fUlly- equipped First Aid Room, only injuries o£ a minor nature can. be treated. For more serious: injuries:, such as recently happened at the Centre, medical att:ention is required. As the occasion when a youf!g_ lady broke her leg_1 5 Doctors were contacted and they either would not· or could not came to. the Centre 1 or a more recent occ:asion, Doctors were agairr eontc.eted with negative results. The prompt action of the Newmarket Ambulance service is worthy o.f Commendation. For all activities, when large crowds g_ather 1 accidents may be expected. While it is: agreed that possibly due to premature opening of the Centre, the First Aid Room was not readily available, your Board can assure you that every consideration has been given and will be given to the Welfare o.r· the participants and users of the Community Centre. WILLI.I'.i\4SON: "Resolved that the repor:t of ILLINGIIJORTH: the Community Centre Board, dated April 3, 1967, re First Aid Room, be Accepted. CARRIED A copy of a letter and site plan .from Rocabore Developments Ltd. the original had been mailed direct to the Planning Board. The Committee feels that this was done in error and it should have been presented directly to Council as this is a dUly r-e-gis:tered site. Further more ~unci! has control of the connecting link and can control entrances unto. and exits' off Yonge St. We recommend that all further dealings with this company on this, parti·cular site be handled by the Planning Committee of Council. ~ ' '- ·--- "'--<-•---' ?ill Regull.\r' -5-April 3 1 1967. .. '-~:a.. 2. J.n. l'lpplicntion from J. Bernard to demolish the old house at 24 ;'Jellingtecn W. end e-rect a 4 Flex at an estimated cost of $45 1 000.00 without the land. The lot area is 10 1 164 sq. ft. The building will cover 1848 sq. ft. As this more than complies with our By-Law 1051 Approval is recommended. 3. Request from Ivan Daniels to erect an. Automatic Cm-Wash at the rear of his present building. As presented the Committee can see no unforseen obstacles and subject to no unforseen circumstances would recommend approval. 4. A letter from Jack Reid and Associates re a Draft Agreement with the Texaco Oil Co. to extend their station on the corner of Ransom and Young St. This agreement was approved in principle. 5. 1. letter from Earl Stewart, Real Estate re locating a Building supply Business on part Lot 4 1 Plan 246 t,urora. No objection from the Committee. UNFINISHED BUSINESS J! (a) Minutes of Council Nov. 1, 1965, re conversation of large house to other iiesidential uses. The Committee feels that as this is tbe only way some Senior Clitiz.ens would be able augument their limited income taxes and cost of living are certainly not going to decrease, changes should be permitted providing the house retains its reputability. (b) Minutes of Council of February 14, 1966. page 6, re Public School site in Golf Glen and Springburn West Subdivision. The SubdiYision Plan$ have been referred t the Planning Board nnd no action can be taken by the Committee until the decision of the Planning Board has been received. (c) Minutes of Council of February 21, 1966, page 1 re petition from owners in Golf Glen re control of building until zoning By-Law was enacted. Seeing that lnst years Committee did nothing about this and the O.Yll.,B. took action , it is felt that this matter is now closed. 7th Regular ··-·k·- ------------- ~6-April 3, 1967, (d) Minutes of Council of April 25, 1966 Page 2: re definitions of living quarters, Since this was truned over to last years Planning Committee on April 25, 1966 for action which is still pending this years.' Committee would like to study if further. (e) Minutes of Council of February 28, 1966 page 18: re Joint Industrial Commission King, Whitchurch and Lurora. Your Committee feels circumstances being what they are at the moment this. matter should be turned over to the Industrial Committee. (:f) Minutes of Council 18 1'..pril, 1966, Page 2, re Dodie St. Extension. This matter is now in the hands of the Committee of Adjustment for Finalization, 7. llnnexation We recommend that the Town Planning Consultant appear beff>re this Committee nt no cost to the Town, if possible to explain why Council 1 s wishes were not carried out with regard to the location of Boundries of the Land we were seeking to annex from Whitchurch Township, 8, Your Committee recommend to Council that the Planning Board be requested to provide a breakdown of their budget for 1967, 9, ~erry Construction Co, re Subdivision at N.E. Corner of Town. This was re:ferred to the P!~nning Board, WILLIAt'\dSON: IYlUR~.::f.~.Y : ~-- That the 11<l:pol1i o.f.''the Planning -committee dtrt~·~~ r,l<trch' 23rd. be discusse-d--item by item nnd approved as amended,-·-:-· . ~ ··--·"" 1. ILLINGWORTH: l'Reso!ved theJ.t the report be WILLV.MSON: amended to add" and. that the Committee in their consideration check that there was a right-of-way of thirty feet on the east side of the creek retained". f:lilENDrENT CL.'0LCf lED CLAUSE ONE CARRIED J',S i\.i\1ENDED ·=·"=·""""-==-~--~--~.,-,.---.. , ... "'---==···,_.,.,...,_ ,,..----~~--------------------------------- l 7ih Regular -7-April 3, 1967. 2o CAP..t'( lED 3, C,t'ffi:a][ED 4. CLRRIED 5. Cf:JLUED 6~ (a) (b) Cli.RRIED AU!ENDED ILLINGWORTH: \HLLIAi\1SON: "Resolved that a letter go to the Planning Board requesting a report not only on the school site, but on the plan itself. lJtlENDMENT CAR.'UED Ci'JGIED AS 1"JilENDED (c) CARRIED (d) CA'TUED (e) Cl\_,?.RIED (f) AMENDIISNT ILLINGWORTH: Resolved that a TRENT: member o.f the Planning Committee attend the Committee o.f Adjustment hearing to represent tJ.is Council and protect it.s interesits. f<111ENDMENT CAc1RIED CARRIED AS AMENDED. 7. CJ!RRIED 8. CP.R!.~IED 9 • CARRIED REPORT OF A~ENDMENT CAR1IED ----------------------_ ~-•-"'-"-----" -·----'~"""=~••" ·o"'"" --.-.-,o-r=-=•-"-~~·---· ! 7 rH REGULAR AGREEMENT BETHEEN TOWN OF AURORA AND MESSRS. NISBET 72 HOUR NOTICE BE WAIVED RE DELEGATION TRAFFIC AREA OF COMMUNITY CENTRE -8-APRIL 3,1967 Deputy Reeve Williamson introduced a proposed agreement between the Town of .~urora and Messrs. Nisbet re the deeding over of a road allowance. l-IILLIANSON: MURRAY: MURRAY: ILLINGHORTH: "Resolved that his agreement be signed by the Mayor and Town Clerk, said Agreement to be registered and the Seal of the Corporation be attached thereto." CARRIED "Resolved that the 72 hour notice be waived and that Mr. Wilson be heard as a delegation." CARRIED. Mr. Wil"oon appeared re traffic conditions and parking in the area of the Community Centre. The questions raised will be dealt with at a meeting on Saturday morning Police Comm. COMMITTEE REPORTS CONTINUED 1967 BUDGET \.JORKS DEPT. Councillor Davis presented a report of the l~orks Committeec.: The following requirements of estimated amounts are herewith sub- mitted to ensure the carryimg out of a complete and essential works program for the year 1967: 1. STREET CLFJUTING EXPENSE 2. SIDEl.JALKS AND REPAIRS 3. ROADS, BRIDGES AND CULVERTS SUBSIDIZF1'LE CONSTRUCTION 25,000 $3,000. 5,500. * SUBSIDIZEABLE MAINTENANCE 60,000_ 85,000. 4. T?.UCK AND TRACTOR h!AIFTENA~'CE EXPE.1-1SE : g ,000. 5 • TRF:Jc REM!l17 AL 4 , 000 • TOTAL $118,500. 6. Yurchasing of the following equipment (a) ONE -FIVE TON DUMP TRUCK 8,000. (b} ONE RUBBER TIRED LOADER 26,000. (c) ONE PUMP WITH 2" HOSE 375. (d) 'lll.JO MANUAL SANDING HO.PPEilS ( ¢45. EACH) 1,290.. (e) O.NE HO.PPER SANDER 2 ,279. (f) O.NE NEW MOTO.R FO.R ~960. MERCURY INSLUDING INSTALL. 655. (g) O.NE 1 TON TRUCK (PREVIO.USLY APPROVED BY CO.UNCIL) 2, 00.0. TOTAL $40,599,_ * NON SUBSIZEABLE EXPENDITURE $15.0.00. \'"' .-z-1. ,;_ 1 llJ ~~~~------~----·• .-,-. ··------·· -···•~·~"-'"'-~-"'-';-',"."-"'"''·~·"·;:ooo..,-.-=-.-.=-,--·~-~--""-~-- !' ,------········~~-··-·· ········------ -'-·-~ ITH REGULAR 9 -APRIL 3,1961 COMMITrEE REPORTS CONTINUED WORKS COMMITTEE 1961 BUDGET PARKS COMHITTEE RAILROAD MUSEUM ------~--~~--·- It is recommended that the cost of the loader and five ton dump truck be shared between the Works and \•Tater Works Dept • on a ratio or 50·50. This would reduce the above total by $11,000.00 Salaries and Wages of Employees under the Works Department jurisdiction are still under consideration and a further report will be forthcoming. DAVIS:W: MURRAY: "Resolved that the report of the Works Committee concerning 1961 Budget estimate requirements be referred to the Finance Committee for due consideration and furtherance, and that copies be made available to all members of Council." CARRIED. Councillor Illingworth presented a report of the Parks Committee The Parks Committee met at 10.00 a.m. Saturday, April 1,1961 with all members present. Councillor Corbett and Parkskeeper Norman Weller were in attendance. This meeting was called to hear a proposal from Mr. Jack Moor~ ,e. resident of Aurora, and who is an official of the Metropolitan Toronto Tourist and Convention Bureau. Mr. Moore stated that one of the best ways to improve the economy of the Town, without adding an additional burd~n 1 to the schools, services, etc. is the tourist trade. One dollar spent to promote tourism normally returns one thousand dollars to the general economy. A Town that does not have a natural tourist attraction, can sometime build an attraction that will draw people, especially if the attraction can be tied into the history of the area and examples of this are the automobile muse~~ in eshawa and the agricultural museum in Milton. Mr. Moore advised that it is possible for the Town of Aurora to acquire an attraction that would tie in with it · history of being the terminal for the first railway in upper Canada, a railroad museum coniisting Cf various engines, coaches and other historical items. Your Committee feels that this proposal has considerable merit and would prove of economic value to the Town. A project of this magnitude will require considerable investigation and study, therefore, Your committee recommends that the Parks Committe~ plus such other personnel as may be required, be authorized to investigate and study the feasibility of this proposal and report its findings and recommendations to Council. ILLINGWORTH: !l'RE.l'i!T: "Resolved that the report of the Parks Committee, dated April 3,1961 be railroad musuem be accepted." CARRIED ~~~~~---~--.·-~-~ oco-cc,==:~~z:-,-, ·:c.o-.-.\\:o:~c::-~·-o"'""~"''"""'-~•~ ,--~------------------------- ',.""'' .... '! 7TH REGULAR -10 -APRIL 3,1967 REPORTS OF COMMITTEE Councillor Illingworth presented a report of bhe Parks Comm. PARKS COMMITTEE The Parks Committee met at 10.00 a.m. Saturday, April 1,1967, to discuss the 1967 Budget and other items, with all members present. SEVERAL ITEMS Councillor Corbett and Parkskeeper Norman Weller were in attendnace. The folLwing items were discussed; 1. CARE AND RESPONSIBILITY OF EQ.UIPHE!'J! Your Committee feels that Park benches, picnic tables, and other equipment maintained in the Parks should be the responsibility of the Parks Committee. It is realized that for many years the Recreation Committee has carried out this responsibility in a very capable and efficient manner. However, due to changes in staff, it may no longer be possible for the recreation committee to carry out this function, and the winter time duties of the Parkskeeper included these duties. In general, it is the feeling of the Committee that the Parks Committee provide the facilities and equipment and the Recreation Committee and the citizens at large be encouraged to make use of the facilities and equipment. It is the intention of the Committee that this proposal be dicussed with th Receeation Committee, but for budget purposes, certain expenditures have been included in the Parks Budget. Your Committee also recommends that the Q.uanset Hut, located near the Pollution Control Centre, be dsignated as Parks Department storage and workhouse. Firm recommendations will be made following meeting with Recreation Committee. 2. REMOVAL OF TREES FROM McMAHON PARK Your Committee recommends that a check be made with the Works Dept. regarding the removal of diseased elm trees from McMahon Park. 3. :?.I-LAW L644-65 This by-law prohibites the use of all motorized vehicles from being in or upon any highway , boulevard, park, park lot, garden, or other place set apart for ornament or embellisment or public recreation where signs are ond isplay prohibiting s~-~· Your Committee recommends that immediate action be taken to erect the required signs, so as to protect parklands, particularlyat this time of the year. In addition, this By-law will apply to the use of skidoos in public d parks during the winter seasnns, but this 1 _.1 aspect will be dealt with more fully at a later date. '"-~-----··· 7TH REGULAR -11 -APRIL 3,1967 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES CONTINU~ PARKS COMMITTEE 4. CONTROL OF USE OF PARKS 1fhile the use of Town Parks by all citizens is to be encourage during this particular period, severe damage can be done to the Parks. Therefore, your Committee recommends that organized activities be not allowed in Park Areas, without the written autnority of the Parks Committee, until ground conditions are such that permanent damage will not be caused. Your Committee also recommends that a letter be •;ritten to the Aurora School Boards requesting their co-operation during this period. 5. MEMBERSHIP IN PARKS ASSOCIATION Your Committee reco~~ends that the Town of Aurora join the Ontario Parks Association. 6. THE CONSERVATION COUNCIL OF ONTARIO Your Committee has authorized Councillor Trent and Norman Weller to attend "A'' conference on Parks and OUtdoor recreation " tobe held at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, On april 17 & 18,1967 and normal expense allowance to be issued. 7 . MEETINGS 1HTH VARTIOUS ORGANIZATIONS USING PARKS Your Committee ~planto hold joint meetings with all organizations using the Parks so that maximum benefit and use can be maintained. 8. S.II\LARY FOR PARKSKEEPER Your Commit~ee recommends that the Parkskeeper be paid on a parity with the other foremen on the Town Staff and that the Liaison Comm. carry out a suudy regarding mutually agreeable arrangmeents for overtime, extra duties, etc , for supervisory staff and submit their findings and recommendations to Council. 9. BUDGET The Parks Budget will be submitted as a separate report. ILLINGHORTH: TRENT: 1. 2. 3. 4. r. 6. 7. 8. CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED AMENDMENT "Resolved that the report of the Parks Committee, dated April 3,1967, re several items be discussed each item separately, and accepted." BUCK: 1ITLLIAMSON: "Resolved that the first part of the first sentence of this clause be _ deleted. AlV!ENDMENT CARRIED REPORT CARRIED AS AM~NCFO. --------~~------------·--··--·~--·-.-------- I , 7TH REGULAR -12 -APRIL 3,1967 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES CONTINUED PARKS COMMITTEE 1967 BUDGET COUNCILLOR Illingworth presented a report of the Parks Committee: The Parks Committee submit the follm•ing budget for 1967. 1. CAPITAL ITFMS Parks Truck Tractor Lawn Mower Spray Equipment Space Heater and tank Refridge containers Fertilizer spreader \>/heel barrow 1" Hose 1 Nozzle 2. OPERATING ITEMS Fertilizer Heed Killer Grass Seed Paint Signs Box Plants Repair Bleachers Tree removal and replacements Sod Outdoor Rinks Continf!;ency Experimental Conventions, Memberships 3. ~ Parkskeeper (approx.) Part Time 4. SUMNARY CAPITAL OPERATING WAGES TOTAL TOTAL $ 3500. 3150. 150. 300 75. 100. 30. 41. 140. 26. $7512. 800. 30. 300. 350. 100. 100. 175. 200 200. 500. 500. 100. 250. $3605 ,OQ_ 5200.00 2000.00 $7200.00 $7,512.00 3,605.00 7,200.00 ~18,317.00 ILLINGWORTH: MILLER: "Resolved that the 1967 Budget of the Parks Committee be referred to the Finance Committee." CARRIED. ----------------------~----------~ _,~-----------~----~----,-·------·"·=·~~_,_., \... ..•.• ...; 7TH REGULAR - 1 3 April 3,1967 COMMITTEE REPORTS CONTINUED POLICE COMMITTEE PAY PROCEDURES Councillor Trent presented a report of the Police Committee: The Committee Recmmmend as follows: 1. That a resolution of this Council be sent to the Ontario Police Commission requesting that the Commission consider setting standards for promotion and promotion examinations for municipal police forces throughout the province. 2. That effective immediately the following pay procedures be adopted: (a) Pay cheques for all members of the Police Dept. will be issued only at the Police Office. (b) Pay cheques for all members of the Police Dept. will be picked up by the Chief of Police or his designee between the hours of 11.00 a.m. and noon each Friday Morning, or on the preceding Thursday if Friday is a statutory holiday. (c) Payment of service pay, pay in lieu of overtime, and pay .. for a statutory holidays will be made in accordance with the following schedule: (i) One -half to be paid during the first week of June in each ye?.r. (ii) One -· half to be paid durio~r the first week of December in each year. (d) Variation from this precedure may be made only on the~ recommendation of the Chief of Police and with the concurrance of the Police Committee. TRENT: BUCK: "Resolved that the renort of the Police Committe re several items , dated march-30,1967 be accepted." CARRIED. -------------~~-----------------~----~---- I 7TH REGULAR -l!J-April 3,1967 REPORT OF C0MM!TTES CONTINUED POLICE COMMITTEE REPORT CO}~RACT NEGOTIATIONS AND 1967 POLICE BUDGET The Police Committee met to review the committee's offer to the Aurora Police Assoc. and the 1967 Police Budget. The meeting was attended also by Mayor Davis, Reeve Murray, and Councillors Miller and \{. Davis. • The Committee Recommends as follows: 1. That an agreement be entered into with the Aurora Police Assoc. for the~ years 1967 .. 68 based on the 1966 agreement with the follow·ing amendments. POLICE OFFICERS 1. SALARIES It is agreed that the members of the police force of the Town of Aurora shall be paid according to the following schedule RANK Sergeant Patrol Sergeant 1st. Class Constable 2n. Class Constable 3rd. Class Constable Probationary Constable 2.PLAIN CLOTHES ALLOWANCE Unchanged. 3. VACATION PAY .:!:.,967_ 1968 $6,800. $7,200. 6,650. 7,050. 6,500. 6,900. 6,200. 6,600. 5,900. 6,300. 5,100. 5,500. It is further agreed that members of the Police Force shall be entitled to vacation with pay as provided in the hours of work and vacation with pay act up to one year of service. Two weeks annual vacation with pay after one year and up to and including four years of service, three weeks annual vacation with pay after five years and up to and including fourteen years of service, and four weeks annual vacation with pay after fifteen years of service, but in no case shall more than one leave be granted in any one calendar year. 4. HOURS OF WORK Unchanged. 5. PROMOTIONS (a) Same as present clause 5 (b) It is further agreed that wherever possible, having regard to the qualifications, ability , and seniority of the members, the Chief of Police, subject to the approval of Council, shall recommend promotions from within the ranks. (c) When a member is promoted to a rank higher than that of a first class constable he shall serve a probationary period of rsixmonths. During the six months probationary period the member shall be paid at the prevailing rate for the rank to which he has been appointed. At the conclusion of the six months probationaryperiod either the promotion shall be confirmed by Council on the recommenation of the Police Chief or 1! in the opinion .. of the Chief of Police the member did not satisfactorily complete his six months probationary period, the member shall automatically revert to his 11revious ./" rank. , ..•. , ""--"~~-=··"-~-~~~~~~~ '·-··--' i 'i 7TH REGULAR -15 April 3,1967 REPORT OF POLICE COMMITTEE CONTINUED 6. SICK PAY :r Each member of the Police force shall be entitled to be credited with one and one half (1\) days per month as sick-time credit and is entitled to accumulate sick-time credit to a maximum of 180 days. In the event that a member retires or leaves the force after five ye~rs continuous service, he shall be entitled to receive payment for the accumulated credits he may have, based upon his salary during the last year worked, but in no case shall he be entitled to payment for more than 180 days. In the event a member of the Police Force dies before his retirement a lump sum settlement shall be made to his estate of the sick-time standing to his credit at the time of his death up to a maximum of 180 days. 7. SERVICE PAY Each member of the Police Force shall receive, in appreciation of long service, and annual sertice pay award based on the following schedule: (a) After five (5) years of service (b) After ten (10) years of service (c) After fifteen (15) years of service (d) After twenty (20) years of service (e) Rfter Twenty-Five (25) years of service 8. OVERTIME Sames as present agreement. 9. HOLIDAYfl $ 52.00 104.00 156.00 208.00 260.00 These shall be ten statutory holidays for which Police Officers shall receive holiday pay. The Statu· .tory Holidays are as follows; 1. NEW YEARS DAY 2. GOOD FRIDAY 3. EASTER MONDAY 4. DOMINION DAY 5. CIVIV HOLIDAY 10. COlffiT TIME Same as present agreement. 11. TELEPHONES 6. LABOlffi DAY 'J THANKSGIVING DAY 8. CHRISTMAS DAY 9. BOXING DAY 10 ' ONE OTHER DAY TO BE CHOSEN BY THE MEMBER SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CHIEF OF POLICE. One half-(\) of the cost of each member's basic telephone service charge, exclusive of any long distance charges, shall be paid by the Town. 12. PENSION FUND The Town shall pay 2/3 of the cost of O.M.E.R.S. for each member and the member shall pay the remaining 1/3 of the cost. The Town and each member pay equal amounts to the Canada Pension Plan. ----------------·-·· ·····-------· -~~ --~--~~-----·--------------- -----------------------------------· ___ ·__; ' 7TH REGULAR lo -April 3,1967 REPORT OF POLICE COMMITTEE CONTINUED 13. USE OF PRIVATE AUTOMOBILES Same as :present agreement. 14. SPECIAL L~VE Same as present agreement. 1). LUNCH TIME (a) Each member shall be allm;ed forty (40) minutes for lunch, subject to the exigencies of the service. (b) When outside the municipality on duty, each member shall be allowed a meal allo•mnce of up to $2.50 per meal, and such allowance shall be paid to the member forthwith upon submission of the proper claim sheet. UNIFORMS New uniforms, including tunics, hats, trousers, shirts, ties, . 0loves, and shoes shall be issued each yaar. Overcoats, raincoats, pea jackets and rubber overshoes , will be issued as required. 17. P. S. I. HOSPITALIZATION AND GROUP INSURANCE Two thirds (2/3) of the P.S.I.Premiums, Ontario Hospital Premiums, and group insurance shall be paid by the Town of Aurora and One Third (1/3) shall be paid by the members. 18. IN SERVICE TRAINING EXPENSES (NEHl Any member required to attend any police training program will receive $20.00 per week, to cover out-of-pocket expenses and shall have all other expenses for books, equipment, etc. paid by the Town. 19. SHIFT RESPONSIBILITY (NEH)_ Any Constable acting as officer in charge of a shift shall be paid $1.00 per day over and above his normal rate of pay for such responsibility. 20. ASSOCIATION ACTIVITY (NEH}_ Any member acting as an official delegate of the York North Police Association shall be allowed sufficient time off to attend the Police Association of Ontario Annual Convention and quarterly Board meetings, such time off to be granted without loss of pay. 21. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE Same as present Clause 18. 22. TERM . This agreement shall enure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their assigns and shall cover the period from January 1,1967 to December 31,1968. 7TH REGULAR -i7 -April 3,1967 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES CONTINUED POLICE CO.MMITTEE 23. CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES The Bargaining Committee of the Police Association has also represented the civilian employees of the Police Department in negotiations with the Police Committee and the Council of the Town of Aurora and the Following terms @f work have been agreed to. 24. SALARIES 15)67 1968 SECRF~RY $4,200 $4,700 DESPATCHER, GRADE 1 4,000. 4,400. DESPATCHER, GRADE 2 3,700. 4,100. DESPATCHER, GRADE 3 3,500. 3,900. 25. PROMOTION Same e· present Clause 21, Plus New Clause 5 (b) and (c). 26. Same as present clause 22. ~7. SPECIAL ALLOWANCE Same as present clause 23. 28. LUNCH TIME Same as present clause 24 29. OVERTIME Same as present Clause 26. TRENT: BUm<:: :Resolved that the report of the Police Committee, dated March 30,1967 re contract negotiations and 1967 Police Budget be accepted." ····~·~···~··~~··~·~·~·····--····~~~~ I .I """'"\' .__ .. 7TH REGULAR -18 -April 3,1967 REPORTS OF COMt{[TTEES CONTIN~ POLICE COMMITTEE A recorded vote was taken on the resolution MAYOR C.F. DAVIS REEVE D.J .MURRAY DEPUTY REKVE J. ~~LLIAMSON COUNCILLOR E. BUCK COL~JCILLOR C.CORBETT COUNCILLOR W. DAVIS COUNCILLOR R.ILLINGHORTH COUNCILLOR P.MILLER COUNCILLOR 1'1. TRENT lif. YEA X X X X NAY X X X X X MURRAY: "Resolved that the report I distributed to each member of Council. CORBETT: DEFEATED BUCK: "Resolved that the meeting continue to deal with_ unfinished business." MILLER: CARRIED. ~-------~--~~----~~--~---~---·------------~-....... --------- --·~-~__,_.""_~,~~"""''~~-~·~"'"'" _______________ _ \• 7!.b Regular 19 -/;pril 3, 1967. UNFINISHED BUSINESS ADJOURN TRENT: VJhereas By-Law 1'728-67~ Restricting BUCK: parking on the North sicle of imrora Eeits :Jrive, from Yonge Street to Laurentide, has been~proved by the Deputy l'Jiinister of Transport. Therefore be it resolved that the Clerk notify the ·;i'orks Superintendent to place the necessary signs. BUCK: ILLINGiJORTH: ILLING\70RTH: r!ILLI.i\MSON: DAVIS, ~·J: ILLINGWORTH CORBETT: HILLIAMSON: "Resolved that the Town Engineer be aske::l t look into and study this situation and make a report to Council to solve this matter in the future. Ci.\iRCUED ::Resolved thst the Building Inspector be instructed to tell the contractor at the new Federal Building to clean up Centre St. sidewalks or he will be charged under the By-Law. C.fu"miED "Resolved that the Department of Highways of Onbrio be requested, to approve the following transfers. Within the aproved limits of 1966 normal S.W-Law No. 1677-66 and 1697-66. $3,306.00 from Bridge and Culvert Constructuon to Bridge & Culvert Maintenance. "Resolved that the meeting adjourn." CARRIED The meeting then adjourned. -~---_1~ MAYOR CLERK ··-~-----·-~---~·=·=~·~~~--~-~~~---~="''''"''-"'"'~-;;·;,-;~-,;-,7=·"-~---<""-''' ·-,-,•"""'""'''"',"=-'"'"=··--