MINUTES - Council - 19650315i:· '·-·~~ MINUTES OF THE 6TH REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON MONDAY MARCH 15TH 1965 AT 8.00 p.m. . BRESENT MAYOR REEVE DEPUTY llREVE COUNCILLORS, C.F. DAVIS (IN THE CHAIR) S.G. PATRICK R. SIMMONS CORBETT, DAVIS, ILLINGWORTH, MURRAY, TRENT, WILLIAMSON Mayor Davis officially welcomed new Councillor ~~. Trent on behalf of members of Council. Cq>uncillor Trent thanked Council for the appointment apd expressed his appreciation that he was called upon to se~ve. ACCOUNTS POLICE ACCOUNTS WILLIAMSON: DAVJlS, W. Aurora Automotive Ltd. Aurora Banner Publishing Co. Aurora Hydro-Electric Comm. Aurora Janitor Service Banner Printing Bell Telephone Co. Budd Studios Carwell Co. Central Office Supplies Continuous Forms E.J. Farr Motors Ltd. T.K. Fice L. Fowler's )'!ssp Service Grand and Toy Ltd "Resolved that the f()].lowing accounts be. paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal Of the. Corporation be attached hereto." Carl.'ied. Batteries an~ Fusees Envelopes Service Cleaning service Letterheads Service Staff phones photo supplies 108.82 33.31 Ontario Weekly reports, annual regulations service , Police officers manual Office and photo supplies and typewriter serlic.e Traffic tickets Cruiser rental -Jan. & Feb. Fuses and service call Cru:tser washes, gas, oil, de-icer Supplementary reports 38.33 15.72 61.67 78.00 50.02 142.13 6.48 56.50 :j.ll.21 . 45.28 340.00 4.02 31.92 120,05 ·-~-~ ~TH REGULAR ~OLICE ACCO~!TS CONTINUED Henry's Auto Electric Co. Oak-Hart Manufacturing Ltd. Row's Custom Gun Shop George W. Scully STone Straw Corp. Toronto Camera Industrial Sales Hilson· Hardware Year Book Committee (High School) Petty Cash Court r.rime TOTAL =~= Assessory installed Micro switches Anmtuni tion Fingerprint supplies Paper for telex Photo supplies Keys, brush .and scraper Advertisement Jan. 14th to Feb. 17th. February March 15,1965 2.70 12.01 27.81 12.15 30.90 53.29 1.34 8.00 57.92 162.50 $1,469.95 FIRE ACCOUNTS SIMMONS: ~That the following accounts be paid, that the ILLINGWORTH: Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto." Aurora Automotive Ltd. Aurora Hydro-Electric Carom. Bell Tele~pbDB Co. Canadian Assoc. of Fire Chiefs Canadian Dust Control N. Cook Southwoods B.A. Toronto Fuels Ltd. 1>/ilson Hardware TOTAL Sealed beams Service Ser'l'ice Carried. Annual membership dues Clealdng supplies Uniform, shirts, gloves, shoes Ga~oline and oil Fuel oil cotd Qhisel 6.08 18.55 50.23 20.00 3.20 121.99 24.87 61.06 .82 $306.80 ,_,_.:_.--~ pTH REGULAR GENERAL ACCOIDITS PATRICK: SIMMONS: Aurora Banner Publishing Co. Aurora Greenhouses Ltd. Aurora Recreation Comm. Bell Telephone Co. Boosey and Hawkes Ltd. Carswell Co. Central Office Supplies Ltd. Department of Health Gift and Greeting Studio 3 M. Co. J .C. Moore Ontario Building Official Assoc. Helen I. Reid Taylors Fuels J.F. Willis TOTAL WAGE ACCOUNTS PATRICK: SIMMONS: -3-March 15,1965 "That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto." Carried, Letterheads Dog notice Advert. Mise. advert. Presentations Ice time. January Clerk Assessor Bldg. Insp. Band expenses 103.81 ~ 11.20 19.60 83.81 17.32 10.12 Annual regulations service Council Minute books, correction fluid, typewriter service Insulin Office supplies Photo-stat machine rental Topographical sheets and base maps -Bldg, Insp. Annual membership (BLdg. Insp.) List of Land Transfers Gasoline Orinase tablets (Insulin) 134.61 47.10 591.50 111.25 6.01 15.00 61.25 6.51 9.41 30.72 29.20 10.00 4.00 446.30 12.50 $1,525.46 "That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto." Carried. ,.·,··~·-· 5TI! REGULAR WORKS ACCOUNTS MURRAY: CORBETT: Armitage Construction Co. Ken Arnold Aurora Automotive Ltd. ~ Aurora Hydro Electric Comm. Aurora Lawn Mower Service Aurora Tank and \velding Ltd, Bell Telephone Co. Binion Hotors J. H. Chpaman J~·.nadian Salt Co. Gunningham and Hill Ltd. Ivan Daniels Domtar Chemicals Ltd. Drummer's Haulage L. Fowler'.s Esso Station R.F. Fry and Assoc. Gift and Greeting Studio Red Gordon's Garage Gormley Sand and Gravel Ltd. L. Graves International Harvester Hiner Rubber Co. Model Builders Ltd. P, CrJO. Services Stiver Bros. Toronto Fuels Ltd. G. Van Dorp Ltd \Varren Bituminous Ltd. Wilson Hard1?are TOTAL -4-Harch 15,1965. "That the following accounts bepaid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer fort he same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto." Carried. Truck rental Bolts & Nuts for grader 54.00 2.00 Replace rubber on truck doors Belt, batteries, de-icer, wiper blade and arm, filter Service Street sewers Chain saw Propane Service 17.01 52.60 Repair power take off-truck # 3 Welding liose and steam jenny and drilling ~nhole cover Highway corse salt Steel sewer rods Tractor repairs Sifto coarse salt Truck rental (snow) Tractor tire repair Loader rental (snowl Office supplies Truck repairs and lubrication Vlinter sand and sand fill (sewer) Backhoe rental (sewer) Grader ignition cables Hip rubber boots Rental air compressor (sewer) Pest control Calcium chloride Fuel oil Truck rental (snow) Cold mix asphalt Flashlights, flashing light, shovels, saw blades 56.oc 5.50 53.89 69 .fil 230 .oo 1~". or· 23.22 2.00 10.75 593.19 23.01 8.77 637.75 49.50 1.50 145.00 4.01 73.94 227.20 65.00 3.15 22.40 28.00 12.00 16.50 94.72 65.25 7l.G~ 29.!Jl _$2,643.34 """'"~ '·--·--'-' 9TH REGULAR -5-!-larch 15 ,1965 WATER WORKS ACCOUNTS PATRICK: "That the following accounts be paid, that the SIMMONS: Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto." Aurora Automotive Ltd. Aurora Hydro-Electric Co. Bell Telephone Co. Harol.d Billing Binion Motors Ltd. Byron Jackson Canadian Wholesale Plumbing Ltd. J. Chapman Gift and Greeting Suudio Gormley Sand and Gravel Harry Graham Grinnell Co. Stan Hughes Model Builders Neptune Meters Ltd. Oak-Hart Manufactures Ltd. Toronto Fuels Ltd. Wilson Hardware TOTAL WELFARE ACCOUNTS DAVIS, W: WILLIAMSON: Tools Service Billing Service Carried 689.96 450.00 Installing meter Service 1/2 ton truck Coupling insert Galv. pipe Drilling and tapping O:f"fice supplies Sand and gravel Delivery charges Pipe and fittings Hoisting north end pump Air compressor rental Gaskets Blueprints Fuel oil -Water Works Bldg. Misc. supplies 20.75 1,139.96 12.57 3.50 1.66 9.80 2.42 10.52 2.58 22.05 2.00 148.99 48.00 28.00 7.35 1.37 65.16 2.89 $1,529.57 "That the :rolJ,owing accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of" the Corporation be attached hereto." Carried. 100 % recoverable other municipalities $1,1~7.95 $1,514.12 80% recovera~le Province o:r Ontario Charge Backs NET COST $302.82 $138.96 $441.78 ,~,1 ,,.-,-,., 6':!'H REGULA:R POLLUTION CONTROL CENTRE:: ACCO~!TS Aurora Automotive Ltd. Aurora Hydro-Electric Comm. Bell Telephone Co. Canadian Dust Control Ltd. ,J. H, Chapman Davis Garage H. Graham Napier -Reid Ltd. S-tan Taylor Toronto Fuels Ltd. G.i:L Hard SUB TOTA:L PROPERTY UPKEEP ACCOUNTS CORBETT: MURRAY: Aurora Hydro--Electric Comm. Leslie Appliance Service Mary's FruitS Store H.G. Morley T.H. Oliver Toronto Fuels Ltd. SUB TOTA:L POLLUTION CONTROL CENTRE ACCOUNTS PROPE-RTY UPKEEP ACCOUNTS TOTA:L '~-~-~ -6 -March 15,1965 Bearings for pumps Service Service Cleaning supplies ~~eld baffles and gu ssets in tank truck Truck lubrication Delivery service Parts for barminutor Rubber boots and insoles Fuel oil Work on pump shaft 36.32 412.68 13.22 3.00 47.73 9.95 2.00 36.81 4. 7l~ 156.70 5.00 $728.15 "That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto." Carried. Service Street lighting 44.68 1,196.16 Electrical changes in municipal 1,240.84 bldg. 91.51 26.46 243.00 5.50 97 .92c Cleaning supplies Alterations-Municipal office Furnace repairs (Victoria Hall) Fuel "il $ 728. 15 $1,70~. 4.§_ $2,l33. 46 $1,705.31 6TH REGUIJ\.R f!ORHFSPONDENC:E]. SALVATIOE ARMY APPEAL MON·J:H -MAY 1965 SPEED 15 M.P.H. IN SCHOOL ZONES FIVE YEA-H FORECAST ASSESSMENT ftYPEAL - =1= March 15,1965 From the Sal-.:ation Army requesting that the month of May be proclaimed the Salvation Army Centenary Yea~ Red Shield Appeal Month. SIMMOPS: "Resolved that we approve the requests." PATRICK: Carried From ,J .A. Miller, llunicipal Clerk of New Toronto, requesting support of a resolution asking the Provincial Government to lmrer the speed limit to 15 m.p.h. adjacent to schools. Councillor Murray asked that this letter be considered l).n~ler !?New Business 11 ." From the Ontario !-lunicipal Board advising a ne1.J five year capital expendiuure forecast must be submitted to increase an established quota. 1•/ILLIAMSON: "Resolved that chis letter be brought up _ ILLING\-IORTH: under "New Business." Carried. AURORA HIGHIJ\.ND GOLF CLUB Mayor Davis read the decision of the Ontario Municipal Board in favor of the Town on the appeal by the Town Against the decision of His Honour Judge Timmins with respect to the 1963 assessment of the Aurora Highland Golf Club, who had claimed they were not liable for business assessment. Councillor Murray and Mayor Davis congratulated Town Solicitor McPherson and Clerk Johnson on their preparation and presentation of • the Town's case. MURRAY: ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that this decision of the Ontario Municip$1 Board be accepted with gratificiation." Carried. 6TH REGULAR DELEAGIONS PROPOSFD APPOINTHENT OF A RECR~TION AND AGRUCULTURE CO~'IJVIUNITY CENTRE COMMITTEE AND I!ICORPORATION THEREOF -8 -March 15,1965 Mr. Alf. Bolsby, Chairman, ARena Board and Town Solicitor McPherson appeared to explain a proposed by-law "To s<·t up a Committee to obtain funds and erect a Community Centre Complex"and the appointment of members of the "Aurora Recreational and Agricultural Community 6entre Committee, which >rould be incorporated and thereby limit the liability of the members and provide for income tax e:x:emp+. donation,;. Mr. Bolsby said 4 or 5 properties were being considered including the town (Vanek) property . The Coro~ittee needs engineering advice and asked for an amount up to $500,.00. Mayor Davis ccslce~. >rho >rould have final say in >rhere the Arena is going to be built and, the price. Mr. HcPherson replied that the town council will have complete control as all gr~nts must be paid to the To>m Treasurer .ri·t;h ·.special co_+_.··_+_ ections in a special commtmi ty building fund accou."lt of tcnm treasury. Mr. Bolsby said the Committee should'~e given reasonalhle latitud<C to examine sites and ''ror1otp-publicity bees, etc. and o:1ly normal exp~nditures would be under the control of the Committee similar to the preseont Arena Board. He said that Stayner, Beaver Balley and Richmond Hill have non=• profit Corporations subject to the restrictions of th~ Municipality. In reply to a question Mr. Bolsby said they <-Jere considering possilhly 28 acres so as to include all activities. ILLING1-iORTH: DAVIS: SIMMONS: HILLIAMSON: "Resolved that this matter be held over until the by-law is considered.'' Carried. "Resolved that a sum of up to $500.00 be granted for engineering purposes, if necessary." Carried. 6TH REGULAR 9 March 15,1965 REPORTS . OF COMMITTEES Reeve Patrick in the Chair l. V.O.N. SERVICES NOT APPROVED 2 • AMUBLAJI!CE SER~ICE SBUBSIDY NOT APPROVED 3. PENSION PLAJ\1 COMPULf'CRY FOR ALL EMPLOYEES APPOINT COUNCILLOR W.TRENT TO COMMITTTEES COUNCIL IN COMMITTEE Mayor Davis presented a report of Council in Committee in which the Committee respectfully submit the following: Members of Council met on Monday, March 8,1965 to discuss 1965 Budget estimates and matters relating thereto. It was duly recommended that the following items be so dealtt with. l. That the proposal of the Victoria Order of Nurses to extend their services to Aurora at an estimated cost of $2,500.00 to $3,000.00 per annum be not approved at this time and further that this matter is still under investigation. 2. That the re~uest of Mr. R. Wilson and Mr. R. Twinney, representing the Newmarket Reliable Ambulance Service concerning a subsidy in the amount of $50.00 per week from the Town of Auro~a be not approved at this time. 3. It is recommended that effective April 1,1965, all To•~ employees will be re~uired to participate as ~embers in the Ontario Munireipal Retirement System as a part of their employment re~uirements. DAVIS: PATRICK: "Resolved that the report of the Council in Comn;:vo.~e dated March 15,1965 be approved." Carried. Mayor Davis presented a report of the Striking Committee in which the Committee respectfully ·submit the follm~ing: The Committee met on Monday March 15,1965 at 7.00 p.m. to.' discuss the necessary changes in Committees of Council. The Committee hereby recommend that: Councillor William Trent to be appointed to the following Committees of Council! PARKS COMMITTF..E 1-IORKS COMMITTEE SERVICES BY-LAWS CHAIRMAN VICE CHAIRMAN A.1ID that the Deputy Reeve's name be deleted. from the 1-lorks Committee MEMBER MEMBER 1965 BOARD RE:'JRESE~1TATIVES ARENA BOA..llD SECOND MEMBER DAVIS: anMMmrs: "Resolved that the report of the Striking Committe0 datEld March 15 ,1965 be approved." Carried. . --~··-:·_;;1 .'(, ;.;..:. ; ~ :: •. :.~ '' -~~~' ... ~ ..... )': :~·'· ..... _...,__......._ __ .. ~----'•--------------------"·--.4-·----•---------- '. u< I 6TH REGULAR -10-march 15 ,1965 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES CONTINUED MAYOR DAVIS IN THE CHAIR l. COMI'UTTEE OF ADJUSTI1ENT APPOINTMENT HELD OVER 2. REPORT TO COME ON SAURO SUB-DIVISION 3. :W RE?ORT FROM i'lill • DOl-/SON 4 . REPORT TO COME ON BY-LAE # 1620. MORE H0!-1ES IN GOLF GLEN Councillor Illingworth gave a verbal report: l. That no further action has been taken re Committee of Adjustment until a possible reconsideration of the Planning Act is decided by the Minister. 2. Re -the Sauro Subdivision. The Works Department and the Building Inspector will ~~• to-gether and submit a report 3. No report yet from Mr. Dawson, Commissioner of Planning, York County, who is studyin~ the Zoning By-law,~ and Town maps • 4. Mr. Jubb has discussed the H .. ght of Buildings by--law l<ith the Department of Hunicipal Affairs and will submit a report. ILLE!G\ifORTH: DAVIS, VI: aResol ved that the Zoning by-lm;, enacted by the 1964 Tmm of Aurora Council, be repealed and be re-introducea when the Zoning By-law and the Official Plan be co-related to meet the approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs." Carried. Councillor . Illingworth stated that 5 more Building Permits have been issued for Golf Glen Terraces homes. '-··~:"·. •v...,__-_,, 6TH REGULAR -11-March 15,1965 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES CONTINUED WORKS DEPARTMENT '-IAGE SCALE Councillor l~urray present . report of the Works committee in which the Committee respectfully submit the following: The Works Committee met on Thursday March 11,1oG~· all members present plus. he Mayor and Reeve: The vi age Scale of the men working for the Works Department, who are employed on the hourly scale was thoroughly discussed • l. 1-le of the Committee recommend the following wages for the present employees, rectroactive to January lst.l965. {l) That all men now receiving $1.67 be raised to $1.75 ,per hour. (2) That the adams grader operator , while operating the grader be raised from $1.79 to $1.85 At all other times he shall receive only his regular rate of pay. This grader rate of pay shall not app~y to an operator who is serving an apprenticeship on the operation of the gradee, * The increase operator pay shall only apply to an operator who has satisfied the Committee that he is a qualified ope1atpr 2. vie also recommend that the Wage scale for the w.,rks Depart- ment be as follows: NE\>1 MAN $1.60 AFTER 6 MONTHS $1.65 AFTER l YEAR $1.70 AFTER 18 MONTHS $1.75 The Committee at this time haven't any recommendation to make in regard to the salaried personnal of tile ~forks Department. Th:i.s Committee met on February 4th and at that time we recommended 'that the Works employees be interviewed by the personnal committee as of yet this hasn't happended, and we strongly request that this be done as soon as possible. · ') 6TH REGULAR = 12 = March 15,1965. REPORT OF COHMITTEES CONTINUED WORKS DEPARTMENT HAGE SCAIE * UNFINISHED BUSINESS FLOODING COMPLAINT DAXLIGHT SAVING en'· IE -lU'RIL 24th. ARENA SALVAGE CURLING EFFORTS BY-LAvJS PURCHASE OF PT LOT 2 PL:\,'1! 68 PATRICK: . ILLING\>IORTH MURRAY: SIHMONS: "Resolved that this paragraph be amended to read: The increase operator pay shall only apply to an operator, who has been recommended by the Tmm Superintendent to the Works Committee, that he is a q_ualif'ied operator." CARRIED "Resol,Eed that the · ·report of the Works Committee dated March 15 ,1965 re 'llage Scale of' Hourly employees be approved, subject to the amendment." Carried. Mayor Davis asked if the matter ref'erreed to in a letter f'rom 54 Davidson Road had been looked after. Councillor Murray replied , yes. Councillor Williamson stated Toronto has adopted Daylight Saving Time as requested by the Railways -April 24th. l1ayor Davis said we would have a report f'or the Arena Insurance Co. next week. Councillor Illingworth said Aurora did not do too '"ell at the County Bonspiel. DAVIS: W: WILLIAMSON: "That leave be given to introduce a by-law to Apt~rize the purchase of Part Lot 2, Plan 68, on the west side o~ Victoria St. in the Town of' Aurora and that the same be now read a first time." Carried. The by-law was then read a f'irst time. CORBETT: TRENT: PATRICK: SIMMONS: "That the by-law before the Council be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself' into a Committee of' the whole f'or that purpose." "That the second readl.ing of the by-law be taken M read.11 Carried. "'-"-~-- '· 6TH REGULAR BY-LAWS CONTINUED BY-LAH # 1634-65 ACTION COMMITTEE BY-LAH # 1635-65 ' I -1'3-March 15,1965. WILLIAMSON: DAVIS, W. PATRICK: SIMMONS: DAVIS: W ILLING1-70RTH "That: the by-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law no. 1468 be suspended for that purpsse." "That the third reading of the by-law be taken as read." Carried. "That leavebe given to introduce a by-law to "APppoint member s of an "Action Coi'IJllittee" and that the same be now read a first time." Carried The by-law was then read a first time. "TILLIAMSON : DAVIS.;, W WILLIAMSON" IliiLINGHORTH: '"'That the by-law now before the Council be read fl.· . .$ec.ond: time and that the Council resolve itself into a. committ.<:,lof th2 whole for that purpO's e. w' . "Resolved that the by-law be replacing the word "or" with so that the line will read: and his appointee". l amended by the word "anc." Mayor C.F. Davis Mayor Davis then appointed Councillor John Henderson Duff Hilliamson and'asked that his name be added. The scond reading was then carried. CORBETT: MURRAY: PATRICK: "That the by-law D:ow before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law no. 14~8 be suspended for that purpose." ILLING\~ORTH"That the third reading of the by-law be taken as read." Carried. 6TH REGULAR BY-LAWS 1638-65 .. NEH BUSINESS SPEED LIMIT AT SCHOOLS -14-March 15,1965 DAVIS: WILLIA111SON: "That leave be given to int1Joduce a by--law to set up a committee to obtain fUnds and er2ct a Community Centre and that the same be nov reac\ a first time." Carried The by--law was then read a first time. WILLIAlV!SON.,: "That the by-law now before the Council be read DAVIS , H. a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a committee of the whole fDr that purpos ec' • " DAVIS: C "Resolved that Councillor .John Henderson Duff ILLINGWORTH: Williamson's name be added." Carried -The second reading was then carried. Councillor Illingworth asked that the 3rd reading be held over and the matter be referred to the Fact Finding Committee for a report • Council considered the resolution from New Toronto re limit of 15.m.p.h. adjacent to schools. speed DAVIS: li: PATRICK: "Resolved that we endorse this resolution whole heartedly. Amendment to the motion: ILL~NGWORTH: "Resolved that this matter be referred to the PATRICK: Police Committee for discussi~ns with the Police Officials." " Voting on the amending motion NOT CARRIED. The original motion was then carried. 6Ti' REGULAR NE1-! BUSINESS 5 year FORECAST ARENA CAMPAIGN DINNER POLICE ACT AMENDMENTS REGENCY ACRES PUBLIC SCHOOL BOYS CHOIR ·-15· March 15,1965 Council considered a letter from the Ontario M1mic:!.;:oaJ. Board re a new five year capital expenditure forecast. Mayor Davis said this would be required by a possible debenture issue for a new Arena and would be discussed at the budget meeting We&nesday night. ILLINGWORTH: SIMMONS: "Resolved that this matter be referred to a Committee of Council for a report." Carried. Mayor Davis reminded council members that Friday March 19th is "kick off" night at a dinner to start the Arena Building Campaign. Councillor Illingworth said the new amendments made to the Police Act will give the Police Commission authority to set standards for clothing, equipment , and personal and control of all Police matters. They would compel a municipality of 10,000 to set up a Police Commission and thereby move the power of local control from elected to appointed members. ILLINGWORTH: WILLIAMSON: "Resolved that a letterof protest be set sent to Premier Robarts, the Attorney General and our local Provincial member and a copy to the Mayors and Reeves Association. Carried. Councillor Illingworth said the Regency Acres. School Boys Choir will broadcast on c.B.C. on 23 stations across Canada and had won lst. prize at the Kiwanis Eestival. ILLINGWORTH: PATRICK: "Resolved that a letter be forwarded to the Public School Board offering our congratulations to these boy!J." Carried. I l_ 6'L'H REGULAR -16-March 15,1965. FEW .BUSINESS :'\ED t;;{s·, G-,.;. IN SAFE KEEPING Councillor Illingworth stated that normally a retired flag would be put in a Church but in view of the circumstances that the Red En,sign had been presented ADJOillN The meeting then adjourned. ~·~~ MAYOR to the Town by Councillor Murray in honour of his father it should be returned to him. ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that the Red Ent;sign be returned HILLIA!IfSON: to Councillor Murray in trust for safe keeping on behalf of the Town and the flag flown on the 'rown Hall be presented to PATRICK: HILLIAHSON: the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 385, for safe keeping. 11 "That the meeting adjourn." Carried.