MINUTES - Council - 19640106cj .·!· '· .,.. ·,!,·" Mil"rt:i'J.'li!S OF TH'lil INAU\:1-tt!!A.L 1\ILEEtt':rnG OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AURORA HELD IN nr:E COUNCIL CHAllmER ON MONDAY JANUARY 6TH. -~964. AID 7~1.0 P.M~ -· ·-·--·--· ·-·-· .. ~~· .. ... ___ ...,.._--........,....,.__. r~'--~ . .I LJ PRESENT 1 ].IIAYOR REEVE DEPUTY REEVE COUJm ILLORS C,F, DAVIS W,H, STODDART J. MOFFAT CHILD, JONES, MANNING, PATRICK, SI!VJJWONS 1 WILLIAMSON, Present were wives of members of the qouncil, representatives of the Ministerial Association, former Mayors, representatives of Service Organizations and other guests. PRO.GRAM OF OPENING MEETING GOD SAVE THE QUEEN PRAYER OF DEDICATION OATH OF OFFICE OPENING ADDR;ESS REVEREND B. E NEWNHAM WILLIAM JOHNSON -TOWN CLERK MAYOR CLARENCE Fe DAVIS INTRODUCTION OF TOWN COUNCIL AND REPRESENTATIVES OF BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND OTHERS, BUSINESS CHILD: WILLIAMS0:'1": "Resolved that th:e Ma.yor .,. Reeve and Deputy Reeve be appointed the 1964 Striking Committee," Carried. ·---.-,-,--..,o~·-;";0:-;-;,co:-:-• :·:·C".---:=<:.<=:._ ·--·_,._,.,_ .•.• ~A· ·-··-~--~-... ······---··--·-·· u I I I I ('I "-" BY ... LAWS STODDART: MOFFAT MOFFAT: STODDART: DAVIS: STOADDART: STODDART: MOFFAT: JONES: CBILD WILliAMSON: JONES: - 2 - "That leave be given to in"troduce a By,..law to Temporary Borrow the sum of Four Bundred Thousand Dollars, and that the same be now read a first time." Carried, The By-law was then read a first time. "That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose." "That tb.e second reading of the by-law be taken as read, .. Carr:l,.ed, "That the By-law now bafor~ the Counc:l.l be read a third time this rlay and that RUle 22 of By-law No, 1468 be su;:~~nded for that purpose.-" ·--.. ,. "That the third reading of the by-law be taken as read," Carried, "That the meeting adjourn". Ca.rrieQ., The meeting then adjourned, -&·~~- ···~··!·•·········'···~·-·····-·· MAYOR ~ J : . r.; . . ..::~ " ., •• ,. t;-· -!,: ·-~- , ..• ,:. ,. r· • 1<"·4" 'A ~-L,- "'ii\ ' \ ~·~. -.-,' . ,_.,-(' ' ·., .. <: :;, ' (', L,....--~-=-=~~--='.'0', ''''"70'-,..,-"""'" ~"''=T,"O, '' o >-'""'' •• •••"'•"7",......,..,-,~, ~=~=· '"~---··-·-=-·-·--~------~·~-~~--