MINUTES - Council - 19631104I , I I :,.-" ,, ~~ 1!~! ·.-;:: r: j.;, ·'' MINUT~S OF THE 20TH REGULAR MEETING Of COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAllffiERS ON MONDAY NO~.~R :1TH., 1~63( AT 8 .•. .QO P.M. PRESENT MAYOR REEVE DEPUTY REEVE COUNCILLORS MINUTES CO~RESPONp~QE J;t:$: .MR. H. MATTHEWS ]),:ETTER ,, KEITH· NISBET (IN THE CHAIR) C.F. DAVIS W ,H.· STODDART JONES, MANNING, MOFFAT, SINCLAIR, WILLIAMSON Councillor Manning brought to council-'s at.tention an error in t}),e minutes of October 21St. in which he secon,d.ed the motion re iristructinns to the Eng:l,neer concerning the new well, not Councillor Child as printed in the minutes, Councillor Sinclair stated that. he regretted being included in the group, who voted ".aye" re Town Sewage Facilities, as printed in the minutes of October 21st., butt since has been corrected, DAVIS: STODDART.: "Resolved that the minutes of' October 8th,21st, 28th 1 be ado:Pted as printed and circula,ted, subject to the foregoing ame,ndments." Carried. North York Humane Society, assuring council that a copy of the letter from 1\l!r', M!;l.tthews, will be placed b~for.e their Board of Directors at its next meeting.,. DAVIS: "Resolved that this letter be filed." STODDART: Carried. Councillor Moffat suggested a letter be forwarded to Mr. Matthews advising him of their intention, ~~· I . ' 20TH REGULAR CORRESPONDENCE INCREASING DOG FEES REMEMBRANCE DAY PARADE flUGGESTED IMPROVEMENTS FOR TOWN ----"--.T~.,--_--~.-.---~~---···~~~~ -2-November 4,1963 37 KNOVffiES CRES. 1 signed by 4 residents 1 object- ing to Mr. Matthews suggestion of increasing dog fees; DAVIS: "Resolved that the letter be referred to l'IIOFFAT: next years council" Carried. Aurora Legion, inviting members of'Council to the Remembrance Day Service and Parade, and requesting the l'/layor.to lay the wreath on behalf of the Town of Aurora, and the use of the wooden saluting base. DAVIS: "Resolved that the l~tter be filed, and STODDART: acknowledged stating that as many as possible will attend." Carried, Mr, John l'lloore, 2.3 l'llurray Dr •. , enclosing suggestions, which might improve the progress and well being of the Town, l'IIOFFAT: "Resolved that Mr, l'/loore be ·~1"-anked for STODDART: his letter, and asked if he is available for an interview in the near future. Also , a copy of the letter be forwarded to the Board of Trade." Carried, 20TH REGULAR DELEGATIONS JAYCEES RE: CROSSWALKS BUS FRAI'l"CHI SE -3-November 4 1 1963 In attendance were a number of Jaycees, Their spokesman and delegate was lVJ:r, Peter Miller, who presented to council a brief concerning the cross- walks currently being implemented by the Town, The Jaycees were convinced that markings for the cross- walks were not sufficient, and felt that overhead lighting and signs at all entrances to Town were necessary to complete the program, Included in their brief was a proposal in which they would purchase all the necessary maDerial and conduct the program, providing the Town is responsible for the man-hours. To help curtail expenses the Jaycees will campaign by selling light bulbs using the slogan '"buy a light to light o. light," JONES: MOFFAT: "Resolved that the program to install cross walks as presented by the Jaycees be approved," Carried, ~~second delegate was r~. Wm. Bailey, speaking on .be:ualf of Miss White and her bus service, lVJ:r, Bailey distributed to council a statement of .Miss Vfuites income.and expenses for a 10 month period, The statement indicated that Miss White· woulq be unable to continue without some assistance and therefore Mr •. Bailey asked for two things: 1. 10 year franchise 2, an..YJ.ual subsidy of $2 1 000. Mayor Nisbet stated that Council will have to receive some Indication that a bus service is definitely needed, STODDART: "Resolved that this matter be referred WILLIAMSON: to the Services Committee for further study," Carried, \ , _____ , 20TH REGULAR -4-November 4,1963 ' REPORTS OF COWlliUTTEES FIRE AGREEMENT TOWN INSURANCE Mayor Nisbet reported that the townships of King and Vfuitchurch have promised to set a date for a meeting to discuss the fire agreement, Deputy Reeve Stoddart presented a report of the Fina..YJ.ce Committee in which the committee respeci;7 fully submit the following: The Finance Committee met on Monday, October 28th with all members of Council present, The report of Parkes, McVittie and §haw was read and discussed in some detail, After discussion in regard tosharing of premium s it was resolved the the offer of a reduction on premiums of approximately $300,00 be accepted and the sharing of premiums be discontinued, It was pointed out that there is library insurance and arena insurance including the insurance of the schools has been carried through other agents and the premiums are not shared, It was decided that the Surety Bond Coverage be left as at present, It is further recommended that this current years coverage October 1,1963-September 30 1 1964, be carried by the Parkes, McVittie and Shaw Agency but that the 1964 Council ask for tenders for all Town Insurance and that steps be taken at least three months before the anniversary date, All of which is respectfully submitted, STODDART: MOFFAT: "Resolved that report of the Finane e Committee dated November 4,1963 re Town Insurance, be accepted," Carried, ---,-~---,-.,.-.-----,-_., •. ., -• -~-.-~~-..~-•==·."=:" .. -. .. --·----~0= • -··~ ••••~•. -=o=,=oc.='"""""-'"='·"~Y~'~,.-...-, ·-~~~'' ,,,,,.,,,,,,,,~,.~·.c•c•.•~~,~.-- ~--- ·,-~> 20TH REGULAR -5-NovemQer 4,1963, REPORTS OF COMMITTEES PARKS BOARD AND PARKS COMMITTEE l'.lEETING POLICE MATTERS Councillor Moffat informed council' of the meeting· of Parks Board and Parks Committee, on Wedne~day, November 6th, at 8.00 p.m. Councillor Manning reported .that the Police Committee met lastMonday to discuss police administration with Chief Langman. Mr~ Manning stated that there was some vandalisim on Halloween, and charges will be laid against several individuals who ruined the new flagpl'le, BOWLING ALLEY Mayor Nisbet reported the new bowling alley is now NOW OPENED officially open, and urged Bll of Council to make a 1oint of seeing it. Also, that overlooked during BANK OF MONTREAL Centennial was tho fact that the Bf'lnk of Montreal 75TH BIRTHDAY has been established in Town for 75 years, and suggested a letter of congratulations go forth. DAVIS: "Resolved that a letter of congratulations STODDART: be forwarded to the Bank of Montreal." Carri<'ld, Mayor Nisbet added that leaders of both sides in plebisite vote should be compl8mintod for the excellent camp~ign, UNFINISHED BUSINESS CULTURE AND CITIZENSHIP PRICE OF OIL Mayor Nisbet reported two items: 1. Dr. Fowler was unable to meet with Council to~night for discussion pertaining to Culture and Citizenshii), 2. Tho price for oil in Newmarket and Richmond Hill is 1¢ per gallon lower than'in Aurora, and should find out why. ~~~~~~-~~~~---~~~~~ ... c... ·••~·-- 20TH REGULAR -6-November ~,1963, UNFINISHED BUSINESS BRUSH LEFT ON VICTORIA ST. BROKEN TREES REGENCY ACRES BY-LAWS I 1580 Councillor Jones reported that a pile of brush on Victoria St. is not being picked up by the garbage man and the owner should be advised to remove it. WILLIAl'IISON: •·r.:esolved that Mr, vVin, Stephens be JONES: instructed by letter to remove the brush in front of l~is house," Carried, Councillor Moffat was sorry to report that three trees had been broken off in Regency Acres, but, since have been replaced, MANNING: "That leave be given to introuuce a by-law JONES: to Authorize the entering into of an Agreement with Golf Glen ·Terraces Limited ·r2garding a proposed sub-division, and that the same be now road a first time~" Carried, Tho By-law was then read a first time, MOFFAT: "That tho by-law now before the Council be STODDART: read a seoond time and that the Council resolve itself into a committee of tho Whole for that purpose," DAVIS: MOFFAT: "That the second reading of the by-law be taken as read," Carried WILLIJ\J\mONn "That the by-law now before tho Council SINCLAIR: be read a third time this day a:ud· ·that Rule 22 of By-law No, 1468 be suspended for that purpose," · DAVIS: "That the third reading of tho by-law be STODDART: taken as read ,n Carried, ·' 20TH REGULAR -7-November 4,1963, NEW BUSINESS PROBL11'l\'IS RE: BY LAWS # 1o5r& # 1246 STATEMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS Councillor Manning reported that :problems arising from by-laws if 1051, and _1246 , were discussed at the joint meeting'of Committee of Adjustment and Permits Committee Tuesday, October 29.1963. MANNING: MOFFAT: "Resolved that the letters of recommendation from the Committee of Adjustment and Building Inspector be referred to the Town Solicitor 0 f'-r his comnents re: a new amending by-law to cover side yard rer1uirements to be· consistent with side yards in other locations, and t,, correspond with C,M.H,C, requirements," Carried, Reeve Davis stated that he intends to step up and run for Mayor. Deputy Reeve Stoddart stated that his intention is to also step up and run for Reeve, Councillor Moffat stated she would like to complete the circle and run for Deputy-Reeve, Councillors Manning, Sinclair, Williamson, expressed their intentions to run for office another year, Councillor Jones was the only council member :present to not commit and express his intentions, Mayor Nisbet wished everyone well in the coming electi.on., ···' ,'··· ~- ~--· . ., ' .. ~:!··· i. :.. ' ........ __ • ''·· -_ ...... . ...... . -·~-.. . • :· L.~~---------~-.. -------~- .. ~-----~-------~-.. -----------~-- --·---~· 20TH REGULAR NJ!:W WELJ, DAVIS: STODDART: . ,, -o- f November 4,1963, Mayor Nisbet expressed the need for a new well in Town and urged Council to move that a test drilling commence immediately, WILLIAri!SON: MANNING: "Resolved that steps be taken to test drill a new well and that International Water Supply Co be asked to submit a Elst!l:mate for the cost of drilling and Ie.t~r berequasted to advrmc e·:.a firm- prica on the construction of a new well~' Carried, JYfr, Uurray expressed his views concerning a new well and reported that Mr, Johnson will be in Aurora shortly to add his rec·ommendations, Councillor Sinclair urged Councillor Jones to express an affirmative decision in running for office for another year, · "That the meeting adjourn" Carried The meeting adjourned, ~ .. MAYOR CLERK ~~~~~~-~~~~~~-~n· •••••~·-•~~~·