MINUTES - Council - 19631202,.,_, __ ··"{--·: .. MINUTES OF-THE 21ST REGULAR :MEETING OF QOiJNCIL HELJYIN'--THE-------'-~ ---CHAlVIBERS ON MOlf.DAY DECEMEE~ 2,_ -~9-~3. -~T ~N-00 _P.M. _ _ -----,._------.. PRESENT MAYOR REEVE DEPUTY REEVE COUNCILLORS D./lVIS: STODDART: CORRESPONDENCE ,, BuS SUPJ>OiT ~- Bl;IS LINES Plj]T,~t;lON .,..,-.~~--·" ~-B1&We"''·"'"'" n"Jiitoa··" ~~~--.....,.... _____ _ KEITH NISBET C.F, DAVIS W,H, STODDART CHILD, JONES, MANNING, MOFFAT ,WILLIAMSON, "Resolved that the minutes of November 4, 11, and 18th, be adopted as printed and circulated," Carried, Town of Richmond Hill requesting Council to consider a resolution asking the Federal Govern- ment to amend the Criminal Code in respect to the fund raising mthods of accredited Service Clubs, -- DAVIS: "Resolved that this resolution be- STODDART: endorsed and the local member of Parliament be advised of the endorse- ment," carried, Aurora Board of Trade stating the Board•s policy is to support any new business venture that improves business possibilities, DAVIS: "Resolved that this letter be filed," STODDART: Carrie a,, From Mr, & Mrs, H~ Matthews, Mr$,M. Jones Patricia 0, Timms, bearing approximately 350 signatures requesting a referendum vote on a subsidy for the Aurora Bus Line. DAVIS: JONES: "Resolved that this matter be held 01(er until atter the -delegatidns hcwe bE!I(lU heard\." Carri€!"., ~ ' ·~ .... I~~ "~"'"'"""=-==·'== ----~~~-------r 21ST REGULAR -2-December 2,1963. DELEGATIONS ·~ ---~- '-~=-=c-c-~·--~·--·-· ···.-~,=~,,..,-.,...,,__~= l!llr. Wm. Bailey l."ep:N~e-anting Miss White aske:d for a decision from Council on the application f'or a franchise and subsidy and reported that the bus serv.ice had suspended operation until some indication of yes or no, l!llr, Bailey requested the question be voted on at the election December 7th, 1963, Mayor Nisbet advised Mr. Bailey that as this would be a vote on a money by-law and require a new Voter• s List · ·. which would take some time to prepare and the necessary advertisement published for 3 weeks, he had not approached Council early enough to have the vote at the same time as the municipal elections.. Council has not received the Services committee report as Chairman Sinclair is sick, Further information of Miss Whi te,t e financial position is required before council can make a decision and a report from the Committee would be forwarded when received, CouD.cillor Child stated it had to be proven that the taxpayers wanted this service and all. the facts would have to be known so they can make a decision. James lVlurro.y requested permission to say a few words and Mayor Nisbet asked if it was Council's wish to allow this, JONES: "Resolved that James Murray be allowed to speo.k lVIA.li!NING: and that Rule 9 (b) of By-law No, '\468 be suspend-· ed for that purpose." Carried li'fr. Murray said the bus service had come to a halt o.nd as a business man he was concerned now that rough weather was here, and especially at the Christmas season and asked if there was some way a compramise •ould be arranged to keep the bus running without granting a franchise at the present time, Mo,J!o:r' Nisbet stO.ted Council co.."l.• t give any money without o: by-Ib.w vote .I maybe the Board of Trade could help out and be knew se'\fe±'al persons have offered to help Miss White. Reeve Davis stated he had always been sympathetic to haYing a bus service and that Aurora needs a bus service but what financial arrangements can be made would have to be ~t.ed; ...... .. ......... ~~-·· .......... ""~___] i 21ST REGULAR -3-December 2~~963. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES FIREMEN" S CALLS Reeve Davis presnted the firemen's account and stated he had checked same and noted there was not as many calls as last year. DAVIS: "Resolved that the-Firemen's stipends for the last CHILD: six months in 1963, in the amount of *)4 1 253.,25 1 be paid and the seal of the corporation be attached hereto," CHRISTMAS FOWL :GARBAGE COMPLAINTS Carried, STODDARD: "Resolved that Christmas Fowl be purchased DAVIS: by the Clerk for all Town Employees and the same be purchased from "Knowles Butcher Shop" providing that the price is competntive, and the seal of the corpor~­ tion be atta.ched hereto," Carried, Mrs, Moffa.t reported ta.king up the garbage complaints with York Sanitation a.nd wns assured they would be looked o.f'ter, .UNFINISHED BUS;J:NESS INCREASE IN FIRE~IIEN"S RATE TOUR STERLING DRUG Hl~;GRESS OF NEW .:WELL Reeve Dnvis reported on the request of the firemen for o.n increa.se in their rnte, DAVIS: CHI: D: "Resolved tha.t the firemen's request for an increase of ~1.00 per call be referred and recommended to the 1964 Council, contin- gent on Whitchurch a.nd King Townships agreeing to the increa.se," Ca.rried, 1myor Nisbet reported a. tour of Sterling Drug had been a.rra.nged for Council members o.t 2.30 p,m, Wednesday December 4th a.nd the fina.l event of the Cente~~io.l Yenr is the Board of Trade dinner.on Tuesda.y evening December 3rd, Councillor rl!a.nning asked town engineer Murra.y of the progress a.t the new test well. Mr, Murra.y sta.ted some equipment has been set up, l ·---. ---~--------~-----~-------.. -------- 21ST REGULAR -4-December 2 1 1963 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES WAIJ'ER SHUT OFF BY-LAWS # 1586 C01\fNJ~CTING LHK_ .... _ AGREJ!:JII[ENT NEW BUSINESS PARKING SIGN VOUCHERS APPOINTMJi'...NT R'!]:ABB.ORA DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD '----------------------- Mayor Nisbet enquired if the water had been shut off anywhere in town over the week-end, The Engineer replied, no, the 14" main was shut down at four locations and the south end of the Town was serviced from the tank and the 6 11 main, He received complete co-operation and suggested the :people be thanked, the pressure was even highJr than normal. Councillor Jones reported receiving a call from a lady living on Stoddard Drive without water, When Jack Browning checked he found an air lock in the :pipes dus to not :properly opening them. MOFFAT: "That the by-law now before the Council be STODDART: rend a third time •" Carried, 'l;OO{~ • The Third reading of the By-law be taken as read, Councillor Williamson stated that a :parking sign si •1~ similar to this munici:palitie~1 signs was :posted at the rear of the ~~owles Butcher sho:p, MOFFAT: ·• :DAVIS: "Resolved the. usual gift of $10,00 voucher be given to each family on relief in Town." Carried. Mayor Nisbet stated that appointment· of a member of the Aurora District High School Board would be before Council on December 16th .• 1963. '"" r ·; I ;l i ___ _ 21ST REGULAR NEW BUSINESS APPOINTMENT TO HOLLAi'!D VALLEY CON,SERVATION AUTHORITY ::r:ro:DDAR '! .. DAVIS: ·-?-Deoomb~ 2.196.) .Jn<><>il~?<>d that C .• OSBORNE be re-a-ppoint -ed the Aur~~~ re~aent~t~ve to the Hollo.nd Vo.lley Clonserva.tion Authority," Co.rried, Councillor Child enquired if there was any way to advise :people who.t to do when using crosswalks; He had observed a womo.n using the former crossi.-:tgs o.t the south corner of Mosley in mistake for the ~cw oross~olks ~~the north corner, Councillor M~~ning replied tho.t signs o.nd overhead lights ha.ve,been order~. Mayor Nisbet stated this matter is being looked o.fter by the Police Committee and asked 6ounoillor Manning to hurry them up, STODDART: "That the meeting adjourn, 11 DAVIS: Co.rried, The meeting adjourned. /} \... ·i !o ·-1,; N . ,:1••······-·······--#.···-············· / .,j ------~ ' ,:f -~ . ·: ~ J j/!-d~/.· ... 1-'41../ •• · .• ·~tAA.t:h. .. ~r; ··-,••······· CLERK .. · . "' MAYOR . '!>-