MINUTES - Council - 19630708(~ t ·' -~~---~ MINUTES OF THE 13TH REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON MONDAY JULY 8TH ~9.63 AT 8,00 P,JY[, .................................. PRESENT: MAYOR REEVE DEPUTY REEVE COUNCILLORS KEITH NISBET (IN THE CHAIR) C,F, DAVIS W,H, STODDART CHILD 1 JONES 1 MANJ'JING, MOFFAT, SINCLAIR, WILLIAMSON, CORRESPONDENCE AMEND DOG :BY-LAW TO CONTROL BARKING OF DOGS D.itVIS: STODDART: "Eesolved that the minutes of June 3,10 and .17, 1963 be adopted as printed and c:j.rculated~" ' Carried, .. A letter from Mr. H1 P. Mat:thew<~,5 Algonquin Ores,, Aurora suggesting tne ··Town Dog Licencing By ... law be amended whereby anyone allowing their dog to become a public nuisance are liable to have the right ;to the renewaJ.· of such a licence cancelled, DAVIS: MANN"j:NG: "Resolved tl:l,at a letter be forwarded to IV!r, IVIa'N:thews advising that the Town of Aurora by ... law concerning dog control was enaci<ed acoording to the Proyincial Statutes and that said statutes do not :prov:i,de authority to amend such by-law a.s suggested," Carried. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES FIRE DEPARTMENT GRADING DONE EAST OF WENDERLEY DR, Reeve Davis advised that~ Fire Committee Report would be presented at the next regular meeting of Council, · · C.ouncillor Williamson reported that the area east of Wenderley Drive had been levelled a~d graded, ,,_,, __ ,, --,~-.-o-o c~ L~~ 13TH REGULAR -2-July 8 1 1963 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES GOLF GLEN TERRACES WLAYORS AND REEVES CONFERENCE Mayor Nisbet enquired if the Planning Board had approved of Golf Glen Terraces new plan of sub.- division, Councillor Child and Councillor Manning advised that a letter had gone forward requesting the subdivider to submit a new draft plan to the Planning Board, Mayor Nisbet reported on the Mayors and Reeves conference held recently in Pembroke, Ontario; advising that some 60 odd resolutions had been presented and that a complete set of material from the conference was available in the municipal office for perusal, UNFINISHED BUSINESS SANDING STREETS WATER RESTRICTIONS DUTCH ELm DISEASE Reeve Davis stated that he a11d the l\'layor had request- ed the streets be sanded for the day of the parade and enquired whose decision it was not to sand the streets, adding that the oil caused quite a mess with marchers shoes etc, Councillor J 0 nes advised that the streets were sanded and had been sanded over a second time although not on the day of the Jlfl.:::"'l.dO since he had not heard of any request to do so, · Maypr Nisbet stated that the water restrictions had been lifted and that the water supply waa holding quite well, :Concerning complaints re rusty water felt an effort should be made to open 3 or 4 hydrants at once in order that a whole section may be flushed at one time, Councillor Jones stated he had examined 7 or 8 elms at the pollu tion control centre but could not see anything wrong with them other than the leaves were curled, It was decided that samples of certain elm trees be forwarded to the Department of Lands and Forests for examination, 13TH REGULAR BY-LAWS 'f·.r·· i .. '<-- ( -3-JULY 8,1963 SINCLAIR: "Resolved that leave be given to ' WILLIAMSON: introduce a by-law to authorize the entering into an agreement with York Sanitation Company Limited for the Collection, Removal, and disposal of ashes, garbage and other refuse and that the same be now read a first time. " Carried The By-law was then read a first time. STODDART: mOFFAT: "That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a committee of the \\hole for that purpose." Carried. Councillor Sinclair; in the chair, explained that the agreement before Council had been discussed minutely by a Committee of the Whole meeting and had been drafted along the lines all had agreed upon and further that York §anitation Company were thoroughly satisfied with this agreement. Councillor Sinclair read the contents of the Agreement. The By-law was then read a second time. CHILD: DAVIS: DAVIS: MAJTNING: • "That the by-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law no. 1468 be suspended for that purpose." "R~solved that the third reading of the By-law be taken as read." Carried. The present rate structure of Town garbage collection charges was discussed as it was felt that the present rates should be reviewed and if any increase warranted,. due to increase in costs, then new rates be derived and recommended effective as of January 1, 1964. /. i L /"~-· l~- 13TH REGULAR NEW BUSINESS BAND SHELL INSURANCE BANNER COVERAGE CENTENNIA1 WEEK CENTENNIAL WEEK COTTAGE TOWN PARK -4-JULY 8 1 1963 Councillor Williamson enquired if the new band shell was covered ~insurance in case of fire. Deputy Reeve Stoddart advised it was not but would be looked into. WILLIAMSON: "Resolved that the editor of the Aurora STODDART: Banner be complimented for the excellent coverage given the Centennial Week Celebrations and for the comprehensive book covering the history of Aurora. Cariied Mayor Nisbet added that all press Should be complimented. Reeve Davis stated everyone should be complimented for their costumes and the Centennial Committee for an excellent job, Also that thousands of people were present to see the steam train and that some 1,500 to 1 1 600 tickets for the train ride were sold. Mayor Nisbet stated it was a real team effort and the people of Aurora have lasting reminders in the new library,. flag pole, band shell, etc. DAVIS: CHILD: "Resolved that a letter of congratulations go forward to ~~. Don Glass, chairman and members of the Aurora Centennial Committee commending them for a job well done," Carried, Mayor Nisbet advised that the cottage at the Town Park might be purchased reasonably since the winner accepted the cash prize. Councillor Child stated he knew of some one who might be interested and would contact him. Councillor Moffat felt the Town might construct a small building where the cottage stood for future use Should monies for this purpose ever be available, ~ . -~--~-~'"-"'"-~·'"~"'?'"'',...·"• •,•.• .. •s<x .• •.c-"""·'""'-•-·-- I ''-···// L' ' / l~/ 13TH REGULAR NEW BUSINESS GillLS FIPE BAND FROM BELFST IRELAND GARDEN PARTY TREES SUJ\IilViER COUNCIL MEETINGS COMlVIITTEE MEETINGS -5-JULY 8 1 ].,963, Mayor Nisbet advised he had written a letter to the Lord Mayor of Belfast regarding the Girls Pipe Band's wonderful performance, Councillor Moffat remarked that lVJr, & lVJrs, J, Henry made a great contribution yesterday through the garden party held on their property, Councillor Moffat stated that due to the prolonged dry spell 1 . the newly planted trees required watering and enquired of the Fire Committee ~f the fireman might water the trees on Murray Dr,, in the Park and on Aurora Heights Dr. Reeve Davis said he would contact the Fire Chief in this matter. DAVIS: STODDART: ;uo "Resolved that the next meqular meeting of Council be held on July 22 1 1963 and further that only one meeting of Council be held in the middle of August unless business warrants other meetings~ Carried, The following committee meetings were scheduled: WORKS CO]Ill\liiTTEE- 7, 00 P ,J\Ii,-JV!onday July 15", 1963 RE: Water and Sidewalks PLANNING COMMITTEE 7.30 P,J\Ii,-'l'uesday, July 16, 1963 RE: Zoning By-law, DAVIS: "Resolved that the meeting adjourn," MANNING: Carried; The meeting then adjourned, ;A ..... ~ d~::1.· ........ . CLERK DEPUTY ClERK MAYOR