MINUTES - Council - 19630603r·· ~----- ~-~,.,., ;.,~ .. > t_ . . j MINUTES OF THE 11TH MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD .IN THE COUNCIL CHAlVIBERS ON MONDAY JUNE 3RD AT 8,00 P,M, . MAYOR REEVE DEPUTY REEVE C OUNC ILL OR S DAVIS: STODDART: CORRESPONDENCE INCREASE IN WATER AND GAREAGE BILLING REVIS ION OF FIREMEN'11 S PAY PT. LOT 72, PLAN 246 JUNCTION OF TEMPEAANCE AND RANSOM STS. '•··--· w·--·----·-·•• -·--------··------~- .-....~--.... ...... ~ ................ . KEITH NISBET (IN lliE CHAIR) C,F, DAVIS W.H. STODDART CHILD, JONES, MANNING, MOFFAT, SINCLAIR, WILLIAMSON. "Resolved that the minutes of May 6th and 21st. be adopted as printed and circulated." Carrie.d. A letter from the Aurora Hydro Electric Commission proposing an increase in water and gar~age billing rates from 35 cents per account to 40 cents per account·. DAVIS: STODDART: "Resolved that this matter be referred to new business, " Carried. A letter from the Aurora Fire Department further to the letter of lVIarch 16th. in which the Fire Brigade requested a revision of the Chief's'and Firemen's pay remuneration, The Brigade requested this matter be expedi-ted without further delay, STODDART: MOFFET: "Resolved that this mr;~tter be referred to the Fire Committee, 11 Carried, A resolution from the Aurora Planning Board concern - ing Pt, Lot ?2, Plan 246, (Junction of Temperance and Ransom) Town of Aurora, CHILD: STODDART: !'.• "Resolved that this matter be referred to new business," Carried, '"'. 11TH REGULAR DELEGATIONS RETIREMENT OF MR.. WJIII. Sillill'IJERS SILVER. COINS TO FORMER MAYORS SILVER COINS TO D. GLASS R, SMITH, C. COPLAND ,.,,q' '' i' .:~ 1,;' i:, ::''1 ! ·-/' ~ '' -,' i ,(, f I' ' ' > : ; ~ ' : ' ; -' i ! '-, ,._ ' '-I ";-~ ·i . ,. ' i'' -2-June 3 1 1963. Mayor Nisbet presented a cheque to Mr ~ Wm, Summers, who has retired after being employed by the Town for approximately 30 years, Mr. D, Glass, Chairman of the Centennial Committee presented silver centennial coins to formeuMayors of Aurora, Those present were R. Linton, A. Bell, Dr. E •. Henderson, Dr. c. Rose, Mayor Nisbet made presentations to three permanent membe~s of the Cente~nial Committee who deserve a little recognition for the work they h13-ve done to date, The members were Don Gl~J.ss, Rod Smith, and Charles Copland. - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES "'-'"-.. FIRE DEPARTMENT STIPENDS INSPECTION OF YORK MANOR AND VIVIAN FOREST PRIME AND SAND REQUIREMENTS "----~----- Reeve Davis reported that :the Semi-Annual Account for the Fire Department stipends have been prepared and are ready for payment, DAVIS: CHILD: "Resolved that the Semi-Annual account of the Fire Department stipends for $5,243.75 be paid and the Seal of the Corporation be attached thereto," Carried. Reeve Davis extend to Council an invitation to attend the Inspection of York Manor and Vivian IDorest on Friday June 14th, 1963, Councillor Jones presented a report of the Works Committee re: Prime and Sand Requirements in which the Committee respectfully submit the following: "The Committee met and subsequent to a study of tenders received 1 recommend that the following purchases for l9b3 be authorized: ]filler Paving Ltd, approximately 12 1 550 gals asphalt prime at a price of $0,225 per gal, Baker's Sand and Gravel approximately 210 tons sand at a price of ,60 cents a ton. JONES: WILLIAMSON: "Re,llo),ved that the report of the Works Committee re; Prime and Sand require- ments be accepted," ,-,-' -, Carried, ·------------· -"~· · 11 TH REGULAR -3-June 3,1963, REPORTS OF COMMITTEES CROSS WALKS PROIVIOTION OF P.C, ANDREWS TO ACTING SERGEANT LETTER OF THANKS TO AURORA JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PAINTING OF OLD LIBRARY BUILDING ......__ ___ ···~·--·-~- Councillor Manning presented a report of the Police Committee in which the committee respectfully submit the following: "That P .c. Andrews be promoted to act as Acting Sergeant on a trial basis until the end of 1963 at his present salary schedule, That the Aurora Council enact by-laws creating pedestrian cross walks on Yonge Street, namely, at the south side of Mosley Street, at the south side of Aurora Heights Drive and at the south side of Dunning Avenue, It is further recommended that the Aurora Junior Chamber of Commerce be thanked for their interest in the subject of cross walks and that their co-operation in the making of the necessary markings on the pavement and erection of signs be requested, · It is further recommended that prior to the putting of such cross walks into operation tnat adequate public notice be given and if possible that school children Je taught the use of such cross walks, MANNING: SINCLAIR: "Resolved that the report of the Police Committee dated !Vlay 27, 1963 be approved," Carried, Council discussed the report of the Police Committee and passed the following motion: IVIANNING: CHILD: "Resolved that the Clerk be instructed to forward an appropriate letter to the Junior Chamber of Commerce re above report, 11 Carried, ' Councillor Williamson reported that three local painters have been asked to submit prices for the re-decorating of the old library building, c"~~. i 11TH REGULAR -4-June 3 1 1963. REPORTS OF CO l'/llVIITTEES LIGHTING ON MACPHERSON MOTORS PROPERTY FENCES ON TOWN PROPERTY CHILD: MOFFAT: . In discussing the approval of the Permit Application of Solar Electric for the erEction of steel poles and lighting on the Macpherson Motors property at the corner of Dunning Ave, and Yonge St. the Town Planning and Pe-~it Committee feels that these poles should be moved ·:ack to the property line, It was felt that there could be complications involving any liability should there be any accident, Also, to have them removed at a later date on 24 hours notice might be a little difficult and create further complications, It was also moved that the Building Inspector be advised accordingly, Councillor Moffat reported, that fences in Aurora Heights and Regency Acres were situated on Town property and that owners should be instructed by letter, to move them, UNFINISHED BUSINESS Councillor Jones reported that 222 fire hydrants in Town need repainting, Councillor Child suggested capping them with gold or yellow paint. JllAVIS: STODDART: "Resolved that the Town proceed with the repainting of all the fire hydrants in Town," Carried, ~---------------~~-----··~--~~~~- ( •"• <-.....---/· l _.. 11TH REGULAR BY-LAWS BY-LAW 1570 NEW BUSINESS AURORA HORSE SHOW INCREASE IN WATER AND GARBAGE COLLECTION RATES SINCLAIR: MANNING: ..;5-June 3 1 1963, "That leave be given to introduce a by-law for prohibiting or regulating the ringing of bells, the blowing of horns, shouting and unusual noises, or noises calculated to disturb the inhabitants and for prohibiting and abating public nuisances and that the same be now read a first time," The By-law was then read a first time, MOFFAT: STODDART: NISBET : l\1Al\fN ING : "That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the . Council resolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose," Carried, "That the second reading of the by-law be taken as read," Carried, SINCLAIR: "That the By-law now before the Council WILLIAMSON: be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law 1468 be suspended for that purpose," MOFFAT: MANNING: Carried, "That the third reading of the by-law be taken as road," Carried, The Mayor reminded council of the Aurora Horse Show to be hold, Saturday, June 8th, and hoped all Council members would be in attendance, STODDART: DAVIS: "Resolved that the Aurora Hydro· . Electric Commission request for an increase in the allowance for collecting water and garbage accounts to 40 cents per account be approved and the Seal of tho Corporation be attached he rete," Carried, ,,._ L_ r·~· .. " ,,, ~ 11TH REGULAR NEW BUSINESS PT. Lot 72, Plan 246. CENTENNIAL FLOAT _g~ /M-o-1~~. ]II!\.YORS Al\TD REEVES CONVENTION -6-June 3,1963. The letter from the Aurora Planning Board concerning Pt, Lot 72 Pl. 246, Town of Aurora, was th.en brought forward, Mayor Nisbet disclosed his interests in the above matter and vacated the chair, Reeve Davis then chaired the meeting General discussion followed: WILLIAMSON: "Resolved that this matter be referred CHILD: to the joint Planning Board -Council Meeting, Tuesday June 4, 1963," Carried, Councillor Moffat commented that the resolution · passed at last council meeting authorizing the Town to enter a float in the Centennial Parade was a little vague, and felt some guidance should be given as to expense, size, furnishings, etc, It was decided that the Committee discuss tha particulars of the float with H. Anderson, MANNING: DAVIS: "Resolved that the Centennial Committee be given precedence over all other activities for the use of the Town Park during Centennial week and that a letter be forwarded to the Centennial Committee to that effect," Carried, It was also suggested that all the Police Of~icers should be on duty during Centennial week, J:\IIANNING: DAVIS: "Resolved that the Mayor be authorized to attend the Annual conference of the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves at Pembroke,. Ontario, all expenses paid," Carried, ' . , ~., 11TH REGULAR NEW BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS FINANCE OFFICERS" CONVENTION TESTIMONIAL DINNER FOR REEVE DAVIS DAVIS: STODDART: -7-June 3,1963, WILLIAMSON: "Resolved that the Deputy Reeve CHILD: and the Clerk be authorized to attend the Finance Officers' Convention at Honey Harbour,O:nt," Carried, Reeve Davis, speaking on behalf of hims~lf and family thanked Council for the Testimonial DirL~er, honouring him as Warden of York County, Mr. Davis added, that he will always remember the occasion, and asked to be excused if he neglected to convey his thanks to those who assisted in making it a big succes~. "That the meeting adjourn", Carried. The meeting then adjourned, ~~ CLERK ",•> "' · .